The Two Witnesses – Messages

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The Two Witnesses


As revealed to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy

The Book of Truth

Saturday, March 31, 2012 @ 11:00

“My dearest beloved daughter, you must remain brave throughout your suffering and not allow fear to enter your heart.”

“In union, truly with Me, your suffering coincides with the week, which commemorates My death on the Cross.”

“This is not a coincidence. For the suffering that you and other such chosen souls endure, during this week, will save millions of souls from the fires of Hell.”

“Just as I endured pain, torture and death, to save mankind from eternal damnation, so too, do victim souls save other souls, so that they can be given the Gift of Eternal Life.”

“No matter how difficult and frightening this suffering is, always remember the Gift to humanity that it represents.”

“Children, as Holy Week commences, please meditate on My Passion on the Cross.”

“Not just on the suffering, but on the Gift of freedom that it offers the whole of humanity.”

“Not one soul, including the cruel and hardened sinner, influenced by Satan, will be excluded from My Mercy.”

“The Mercy, which has been made possible, because of the Gift My beloved Father gave the world.”

“When He sent Me, His one and only Son, He made the biggest Sacrifice of all.”

“This Sacrifice, proof of His ardent Love for all of His children, has meant that it is possible to destroy Satan once and for all.”

“Because of the free will, given to humanity by My Father, each man will be given the choice.”

“You will either be for My Father or against Him.”

“You will choose either the Paradise of Eternal Life or the horror of Hell.”

“Satan, as his days are almost at an end will not sit back, while My new miracles will be presented to the world at this time.”

“Not only will he attack those dark souls, in order to tempt them into further darkness and closer to his domain, he will target devout Christians.”

“The miracles I speak of are firstly, My communications through you, My daughter. My Voice is being heard and conversion is multiplying.”

“Millions of souls are now being claimed by Me, through these Messages.”

“The other miracles include the great Gift of My Mercy I bring into the world shortly, when The Warning takes place.”

“For the first time, every single man, woman and child will be given the proof, that not only does God, the Father, Exist, but that I, Jesus Christ, His only Son, also Exists.”

“This means that all those religions, including the Jewish people, My chosen people from whom I came, will realise the Truth.”

“The miracle of global conversion will infuriate Satan, who will not give up even at that stage. Those poor souls, already in terrible sin, will find it very difficult to pull away from him.”

“Other miracles will include global events, which will involve ecological wonders, which will be given by My Father, out of His Love for His Two Witnesses, the Christians and the Jews.”

“Power will be given to these two Faiths when they are being persecuted.”

“Their enemies will suffer as they inflict terrible punishment on them.”

“And then there will be My Second Coming, the greatest miracle since My Resurrection.”

“This will be the Day I come to Judge the living and the dead.”

“This is the Day I come to gather My family so that we become one.”

“This will be the beginning of My Reign, as Heaven and Earth merge, to become one for 1,000 years.”

“At this time, all will live by the Divine Will of My Father.”

Your beloved Jesus

Sunday, April 15, 2012 @ 19:16

“My dearly beloved daughter, I realise that some of these Messages do not make sense to you, but you must trust in Me and know that I must reveal the contents of the Book of Revelation, so that souls know what to expect in these times.”

“To those of little faith, but who accept My Word, given to you through this prophet, know that your humility and desire, born of a pure love for Me, has brought you closer to My Sacred Heart.”

“You are My Remnant Church. You are the Church, referred to in the Book of Revelation.”

“You are the product of the woman who gave birth to a male and who was cast out into the desert, where you will be isolated, yet united as one, to proclaim My Holy Word and preach the True Gospels.”

“The woman gives birth to My True Church, My loyal flock, who will not be misled by the false prophet.”

“You, My Church, will be cast aside into the desert for 1,260 days, where you will take refuge. But with the Gift of the Holy Spirit, you will be fed with the Fruits of My Love.”

“It will be the loyal members of My Christian churches, including My sacred servants and those of My followers who reject the false prophet, who will have to keep My Church together.”

“You will have to honour Me in secret, because the Mass will change beyond recognition, under the rule of the false prophet.”

“You are My true followers and all the Graces of Heaven are being poured over your precious souls.”

“How I love you children and how you ease My suffering. But how much pain is in My Heart because of those of My followers who will refuse to listen to Me. They will be drawn in a web by the false prophet, into the darkness and I cannot save them.”

“By their own will they will slap Me on the Face.”

“My Remnant Church will need to spread the Word to My other children, including those who do not know Me at all.”

“You, My Remnant Church, will need to proclaim My Prophecies and My Holy Word to those, who are not Christian or who do not know the Ten Commandments.”

“Your job will be to ensure that the Holy Bible is read and understood.”

“It will be up to you, to inform the world of the full meaning of the Seals contained in the Book of Revelation, which I will reveal to Maria Divine Mercy.”

The Two Witnesses in the Book of Revelation:

“You, My followers, are one of the two witnesses referred to in the Book of Revelation and who will be protected from the Heavens.”

“My Word, given to you, My Remnant Church, may be cast aside as a corpse, but My Word will never die.”

“The Jews will be the second of the two witnesses.”

“The two lamps are My Christian churches, the traditional True Church, and those followers of Mine who will be cast aside by the false prophet.”

“The two olive trees are the Old Jerusalem Israel and the New Israel.”

“They, the Jews, will know that I Am the Messiah at last and their preaching of the Truth will also be cast aside and thrown out by the false prophet and the antichrist, to rot like a corpse. Again, this chosen race will not die.”

“Both will feel defeated, but this will not be the case, for you will form, along with all other religions, the One True Church – the New Jerusalem which will rise from the ashes.”

“You will survive the terrible evil monarchy, which will arise under the dual leadership of the false prophet and the antichrist, both of whom will be cast into the lake of fire that is Hell.”

“This persecution will not last long and you will be given great strength and protection.”

“Help will be given to you and many leaders will arise amongst you to guide you through this period.”

“Many of you will become saints in My New Paradise and, having helped build My Remnant Church on Earth, will reign with Me in the New Heaven and Earth, which will emerge at My Second Coming.”

“Those of you who are not with Me, will be given a very short time to choose.”

“You will either be for the false prophet and against Me or you will be for Me.”

“Choose the first and your soul will be stolen by the deceiver. Harsh as this sounds, it is the Truth.”

“Proof of My Presence will be given to all of God’s children during The Warning.”

“Pray that you will accept the Truth then, that it is I, your beloved Jesus, who calls to you from Heaven to open your eyes so that you can see and so that you will listen, so that you can hear before it is too late.”

Your beloved Jesus

Sunday, June 10, 2012 @ 15:30

“My dearly beloved daughter I call on all My followers to show courage at this time.”

“This is not the time to fall down and weep. It is the time to fight for your salvation.”

“I call on all Christian Churches, My clergy and all those who have devoted their lives to Me, their Jesus, to hear My pleas.”

“Never forsake the truth of My teachings.”

“Never forsake Me.”

“Never forsake My Church. For I am the Church.”

“Never forsake My Body, for I am the Bread of life.”

“Never accept the lies, soon to be implanted among you, to displace My Church on earth.”

“It is time to prepare.”

“Soon you will be made to swallow a new religion which will be manmade.”

“Soon you will be force fed what will seem like the Holy Eucharist but it will not be My Body.”

“It will become empty, barren and will yield no real life.”

“The only Holy Eucharist that exists is the way in which My Presence is made known in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it is now.”

“Never deviate from this even if you are forced to do so by the heathen who will take over My Christian Churches.”

“They will desecrate My Churches and turn them into nothing more than places of entertainment and social outlets.”

“You must always follow the steps I taught My Apostles at the Last Supper.”

“Now you must ensure that all is in place before the attack begins.”

“For soon you will find it impossible to follow a false doctrine imposed on you by the abomination that lies ahead.”

“The False Prophet will not only take over the Catholic Church he will dictate over all Christian Churches which he will merge as one.”

“But it will not be I, Jesus Christ, that the New Temple will be built upon. It will be a temple, to replace the Holy See, to honour the beast.”

“Heed now My words for you will soon see the Truth.”

“To those brave enough to stand up to this persecution of your faith you must plan now.”

“To those who do not have the strength to fight the reign of the antichrist and the false prophet drop down on your knees now and beg Me to help you.”

“I will guide you through My new leaders who will spring up among you led by My Two Witnesses.”

“Enoch and Elijah, present in My Christian Churches on earth and the House of Israel, will influence the preachings of the Gospels all over the world soon.”

“Nothing will stop the teaching of the Truth.”

“This time will be difficult but rise and follow My Army on earth and more souls will be saved. Do not forsake the flock that I have given over to you to lead.”

“Fear not because only by following My Path to Eternal Life can you be saved.”

“Follow the path of the False Prophet and not only will you become lost to Me but you will lead innocent souls towards the pathway to Hell.”

“Be brave My sacred servants.”

“Accept that the time for My return is imminent. You do not have time to waste.”

Your Jesus

Monday, June 11, 2012 @ 16:30

“My dearly beloved daughter very soon now those souls inflamed by the Power of the Holy Spirit, because of these Messages, will gather as one in all nations.”

“They will join together in unison to proclaim My Word so that every lost soul can be grasped from the clutches of the beast.”

“My Remnant Church will gather quickly and grow through the world and prayer will knit them together as one Holy Church.”

“I will send help to each of My two Churches, My Two Witnesses on earth. Then they will rise and with courage proclaim the Truth in every corner of the world.”

“My Voice, will peal like thunder and those who truly love Me will not fail to recognise Me.”

“The graces of the Holy Spirit will fire the souls of My soldiers and they will march forth and help Me save humanity.”

“Rejoice My Army for you are blessed to have been chosen for this glorious task.”

“Through your love for Me, your Divine Saviour, you will help save your poor brothers and sisters from being lost to the evil one.”

“Come now My followers and allow me to lead you through the dense and thorny jungle into the Light of My New Kingdom on earth.”

“Never fear My Hand as I now lead you fearlessly into the battle against the antichrist.”

“Remember this is a war which will be won by My Remnant Church on earth.”

“Also remember that the number of souls which can be salvaged will depend on the strength of your Faith, your generosity of spirit and your willingness to suffer in My Holy Name.”

“I love you.”

“I bless you.”

“I give you the graces you need now to pick up your armour and march to Eternal Life.”

Your Beloved Jesus

Sunday, July 21, 2013 @ 18:05

“My dearly beloved daughter, I have an important Message for the world, including those who believe in Me, those who don’t, those who may not believe in My Father, as well as those who do not accept that all things come from Me.”

“When the beast plotted against Me, he created a diabolical plan for the end times, which is designed to fool the world with the greatest lie, in order that he can take them with him into the fires of Hell.”

“Know that I have already revealed to the world this plan, but there is one secret that needs to be revealed, so that you understand the Truth. As with any battle, the enemy takes up position and this is usually planned very carefully, so that it is done in secret, lest the target knows where his enemies stand.”

“In this, the final battle for souls, Satan and his cohorts have taken up position against God’s two witnesses. This has taken many years to orchestrate, but God’s children must know who the two witnesses are first, before they understand how the plan has been devised.”

“The enemy has now taken up position in My Church. He does this as the enemy hidden inside a Trojan horse. The enemy – and remember there are many and they all pay homage to the beast – has also taken root in the Middle East. The real target is Israel, home to the second witness.”

“The two witnesses are the Christians and the House of Israel. Christianity is the first target, because it came from Me. Israel is the second target, because I was born a Jew and it is the land of the chosen people of God – home to Jerusalem.”

“It is no accident that Satan wants to destroy these two, because he hates them and, by wiping out all traces of them, he is making the greatest statement – that he is above God. How these two witnesses will suffer in the Name of God. They will not die, but will appear to be bereft of all life.”

“The Sacraments will be the first to be destroyed, then the Mass, then the Bible and all traces of God’s Words. During these times, many will fight to proclaim the Word of God. It will be during these times that My Graces will be poured everywhere, through the Power of the Holy Spirit, so that God is never forgotten.”

The antichrist

“Very soon the antichrist will make himself known as the man of peace, who will create the most ambitious peace plan in the Middle East.”

“They are preparing the antichrist now, for his grand entrance. Meanwhile, the diabolical plan to deceive the innocents, by teaching them lies in My Name, continues. To those of you who will not accept the Truth, know that these times are upon you. If you cannot accept the Truth now, if you truly love Me, then I will give you the Graces to discern.”

“So many cannot see this wicked plan, so carefully concealed, but, which is unfolding before your eyes, as foretold. Holy Scripture never lies. My Word is the Truth. The Truth is your lifeline towards salvation. If you accept the lies, given to you in My Church, by those who do not come in My Name, then you will fall into great darkness and you will be devoured by such wickedness, that should you partake in such occult practices – presented to you in My Name – you will be lost to Me.”

“Very soon, when the false peace is created, plans will commence to annihilate the Jews. While the beast savages Israel, the false prophet will discard My Presence and deceive not just Catholics, but all Christians, all religions, in order to idolize the beast under the guise of the One World Religion.”

“If this Message strikes fear in your souls, then know that it is My intention not to hide anything from you, which could destroy you. All that is important is that you remain true to My Teachings and pray for My Protection. When you surrender to Me, your Jesus and ask Me to guide you, all will be well.”

“I will keep you within My Protection – all those of you, who do not deviate from the Truth.”

Your Jesus

Monday, August 19, 2013 @ 18:28

“My children everywhere – you must listen to me, your beloved Mother, at this time of sorrow. I call especially on those of you who have a great devotion to me, the Mother of God, as I comfort you at this time of great apostasy. You must accept this Intervention from Heaven with good grace and be thankful that because of the great Love of my beloved Father, that you have been given this great Gift.”

“When you believe that the grave wave of paganism, which will soon engulf my Son’s Church, all over the world, is beyond your endurance, then you must ask for my intercession. Whatever happens, when you remain faithful to my Son, although every attempt will be made to distract you, all will be well. Never feel that it is hopeless, for the great Glory of my Son and the Will of God will soon be revealed.”

“No matter how many in the Church are led into grave error, the Word of God will spread like wildfire. The two witnesses to the Word of God – the true Christian Church and the House of Israel will stand the test of time. Fire will pour from their mouths in the form of the Holy Spirit.”

“In time, after the abomination of desolation has been revealed, those loyal to the Truth will rise and theirs will be the Kingdom of Christ. Lies will always be found out, though in the beginning, those of you who have been filled with the Gift of the Holy Spirit will suffer so much when you witness the terrible desecration in my Son’s Churches. The Truth will be seen and all of those who were misled in the beginning will, eventually, understand the evil, which will have been laid down before you.”

“You must only trust in my Son during this torturous journey, where you will be treated like a criminal for insisting on staying true to the Word of God. Please remember my Son’s Own journey to Calvary. Accept this cross, with love and dignity, as you are greatly pleasing to my Son when you carry His burden. Through your sacrifice and suffering, He will redeem the most unworthy of souls and then He will be able to unite all of God’s children.”

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Saturday, August 24, 2013 @ 23:15

“My dearly beloved daughter, you and all those who have been blessed with the Truth, must know that the wrath of Satan is increasing against this Mission. His daring interference has meant that he has now manifested physically before you, for the third time. He groans in pain, but cannot withstand My Light, which is present within you. You must gain the strength you need, through the recital of the Holy Rosary, in order to prevent him from attacking you. Oh, if souls could witness what I permit you to endure for the sake of this Mission, they would faint with shock.”

“Those who insult Me during My preparation to save souls, will be cast aside as this battle intensifies, before the antichrist is presented to the world. When you become obedient and question nothing, which I demand of you, I can save more of you and pluck you from the grip of deceit, which will be planted within your minds by the evil one.”

“Don’t you trust Me to protect you? Don’t you know that when you accept the Graces I give, to help you withstand the pain of rejection, that they are meaningless if the receiving soul has reservations or doubts? I cannot fill you with the strength, the courage and the Gift of the Holy Spirit, if you cower and hide. You must be open to My Call, My Love, My Gifts.”

“The Seals contained within the Book of Revelation have already opened. Now that they have opened, fire will fight fire. As the fire of hatred erupts, when the beast prepares himself, fire will be poured over the Earth by My Father. This war will not just be a spiritual one. The Earth will be rocked, split and the fire will burn it, as My Father inflicts punishments, so that He can delay the actions of the evil group.”

“My Father’s Power is to be feared by those who follow, blindly, the lies, which are inflicted upon the world by the evil one. He will retaliate for every wicked act carried out by any of you – knowingly or unknowingly – when you pay homage to the enemy of God. The Power given to My Two Witnesses – the Christian Church and the House of Israel – will mean that fire will pour from their mouths, as they spread the Flames of the Holy Spirit. This fire will also be cast down upon the enemies of the Earth and those who persecute these Two Witnesses. Do not underestimate the battle for souls, for it will be a terrifying one for those who deny the Word of God. Those who uphold it, will be protected, so that their proclamation of the Truth can be given to those who have no idea what has befallen humanity.”

“This is why you must accept My Graces, to give you the strength you need to fight in My Army, so that I can bring an end to the wickedness.”

Your Jesus

Friday, February 21, 2014 @ 18:00

“My dearly beloved daughter, man is a vulnerable and weak creature, but he is a child of God. Because of a deep ingrained sense of preservation, man will do everything that he needs to do in order to survive. In times of great physical suffering the shards of strength within him will become more pronounced. Great strength will usually be seen in the weak, the hungry, the physically afflicted, the persecuted and those who suffer at the hands of bigots. It is the weakest amongst you, who will become the strongest and those who think they are the strongest will become the weakest.”

“I Am dividing the weak, the meek, the humble and the righteous, from those who exalt themselves and who pay lip service to My Teachings, but who curse others in their hearts. I Am now separating the wheat from the chaff and because of this, every man’s faith will be tested, until he or she is taken to the brink. I include all of those who do not believe in God, those who reject the True God and those who have given their hearts over to My enemy – the evil one. Every soul will be given equal status before Me and every Grace will be given to those who do not embrace Me at this time.”

“The world will be tested by the state of the love each person has for others, which is a true reflection and measurement of their love for God. Your time is limited and to enable you to endure this journey of penance, you must accept that God’s prophets simply declare His Will, only so that you will become His in flesh and in spirit. Do not resist the Hand of God. Rejoice, because the trials, which are being permitted by My Father, will bring about a great unification of His Two Witnesses on Earth – the Christians and the Jews – and from these two will yield a great conversion. When God permits the persecution of the Christians and the Jews, it is for good reason. Because of what they will have to endure, much conversion will result and billions of people will see the Glory of God, with one clear mind, where no confusion will mar their joy, when they finally recognise the Truth. “

“The time for the Truth to be seen for what it is, including the good and the bad, is close. And then nothing will hurt you again. There will be no more separation from God. Love will finally conquer all. Love is God and His Reign is for eternity. There will be no more hatred, for it will be dead.”

Your Jesus

Monday, February 24, 2014 @ 16:00

“My dearly beloved daughter, My enemies are not contained within the hierarchy of false religions. Many such souls know no better and they will accept Me when I make Myself known to them. It is those who will mastermind the greatest apostasy, from within the ranks of My Own Church on Earth, who are the most dangerous of all.”

“Not all, who come dressed as My servants, are of Me, but know this. My Hour is close and just prior to My Second Coming, the plague of apostasy will descend and devour My Church on Earth. Just as those wolves in sheep’s clothing, fool the world into believing that the House of God accepts any faith, including those which deny Me, Jesus Christ, they will convince you that this abomination will be the greatest evangelization the world will have ever seen. And in its wake will incur the Wrath of God. While the world and all its religions will be sucked into this new, false church, the way will be prepared for them to proudly groom the man of lawlessness.”

“While those of you who remain alert to My Warning and those who will defiantly hold true to My Word suffer, I will also give you the strength to endure this sorrowful event. Those imposters, who will have wangled their way into My Church, will have deceived many and they will continue to deceive millions, including all Christian faiths, as well as those who do not honour Me at all. All of these deceivers will spread heresy and in time, they will form one religion for the world. No other faith will be tolerated, other than the new false doctrine – the doctrine from Hell. Christians and Jews will be the two faiths from which the Remnant will be formed.”

“When My Prophecies bring tears to your eyes, know that because I bless you, through this Mission, with nerves of steel and an iron determination, you will remain loyal to Me, your Jesus.”

“You, My Two Witnesses on Earth, must stand your ground. Resist any temptation to turn away from Me and persist in your love for Me at all times. My Remnant Church will be formed, both outside of this Mission, as well as from within it. Those of you who reject this Mission now, but who genuinely love Me, you too will be drawn into My Remnant Army on Earth. On the day that this happens, you will have realized that the Book of Truth was, indeed, a Gift from Heaven to help you in your final journey to My Kingdom and Eternal Life. Only then will you rejoice and be fearless, because you will have all the confidence needed to bring glory to God.”

Your Jesus

Tuesday, March 11, 2014 @ 20:39

“My dear child, when I gave birth to my Son, this meant that I not only delivered the Son of man, the Saviour of the world, but also brought about a new beginning. The world was redeemed by the birth of my precious Son and mankind was given a very special Gift. This Gift was rejected, but humanity still benefits today, because so many have accepted the Truth.”

“The birth of my Son heralded the birth of His Church on Earth, as both were borne of me, a mere handmaid of the Lord. It will be me, the woman clothed with the sun, who will be banished by the serpent, along with my Son’s Church, into the desert. Every trace of me, the Mother of God, will be wiped out. Apparitions, which are attributed to me, will be ridiculed and people will be instructed, by the enemies in my Son’s Church, to reject all credence associated with them. Then, my Son’s Church will be discarded, along with those who are true followers of Christ. The Holy Masses will cease and while all of this is going on, the serpent will scatter his servants and they will claim their seats in every Christian church. Such will be the magnitude of this takeover that many people, true believers, will be so astonished that they will be too frightened to stand up and object to the desecration they will have to witness, for fear of their lives.”

“During this time, my Son’s Remnant will gather in every nation, the world over, and lead the lost and the bewildered, during this terrible period of infestation. This Army will be given great power over evil, which will be witnessed in what once were the Churches of my Son. They will, by the Power of the Holy Spirit, preach the Truth – the True Gospels – the True Word, given to the world in the Holy Bible. The Bible will be challenged openly, by imposters in Christian churches and they will question every Teaching, which warns of the danger of sin. They will twist its contents and they will present a new red book with the head of a goat embedded within its cover, hidden inside the symbol of the cross.”

“To the outside world of unbelievers, this will appear to be a revolution and one, which will fascinate them and appeal to those who reject the Existence of God. Great celebrations will begin in many nations. They will welcome the celebration of freedom, from all moral obligations, in the name of global unity and a celebration of human rights.”

“The Light of my Son’s Presence will be held high, like a beacon, by those who will lead my Son’s Remnant Army. This Light will continue to draw souls, everywhere, despite the spread of paganism across all churches, of every creed, with the exception of the two witnesses – the Christians and the Jews, who remain true to God’s Will.”

“Then, when the Great Day dawns and after the three terrible days of darkness are over, a great Light will appear over the Earth. This Light will surround my Son and the sun, which will be at its greatest strength, will descend over the world – both at the same time. Not one person will fail to witness this supernatural spectacle. The roar of the announcement will be heard by all through every form of communication known to man. Therefore, all will anticipate a great event, but they will not know the time, the hour or the date. And then those, whose names are listed in the Book of the Living, will be gathered.”

“Pray, pray, pray that the world will not reject the preparation, which is needed before humanity can see the Light of my Son’s Face.”

Your beloved Mother

Mother of Salvation

Thursday, January 29, 2015 @ 21:30

“My dearly beloved daughter, it will be the Roman Catholics and the Jews who will face the greatest opposition in the times ahead. They will suffer discrimination, opposition and hatred as the apostasy strangles humanity. Their voices will be silenced as falsities devour the minds of God’s children when the evil one deceives the world into rejecting the Word of God.”

“These two witnesses will continue to proclaim the Truth through those amongst them who are strong enough to spread the Fire of the Holy Spirit until the Great Day of the Lord descends upon humanity. The spirits of Enoch and Elijah will flood their souls and they will cause outrage when they bear testament to God, the Truth and the Life, which billions will reject. As foretold, these two witnesses will be opposed and fought against but woe to the man who tries to destroy them for God will punish His enemies to allow these two to keep the flame of His Love alive in a world, which will be covered with the darkness of apostasy.”

“Enoch and Elijah will not be present in human form but know this. They will be present in the spirit of these two witnesses and it will be through their suffering that God will redeem those who are blind to the Truth.”

“Never fear the Truth, fear only those who are filled with such hatred for Me, Jesus Christ, that they will stoop to every wicked act in order to keep these two witnesses silent. But, they will have no impact for the Fire of the Holy Spirit will pour from their mouths like a sword and cut into the hearts of those who are in the greatest need of God’s Mercy. Then, when the time comes, these two religions will be banned and those who dare to practice them openly will be accused of committing a crime. Burnt to the ground the Temples will become mounds of ashes and the world will delight in the destruction of God’s Faithful and celebrate their demise.”

“After that, the sound of God’s Voice will be heard in every corner of the world and out of the ashes will arise the New Beginning, the New Jerusalem a new pure world without sin.”

Your Jesus