July 22, 2023 – Very Important Instructions starting the Month of August – Message from Saint Michael Archangel to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – Includes Note by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

July 29, 2023

Blessings dearest ones,

Below is the latest heavenly message to Latin-American mystic, Lorena, that has been released by her spiritual director. The English translation may be a little rough. I use two volunteer translators for Lorena’s messages who try their best, but due to time constraints and other factors, sometimes, I am not able to cross-check the translations. So, if you have any questions, please refer to the original Spanish message. I am including links so you can download this message in both languages. This message is a set of instructions especially for those who desire to be part of the Great Marian Army, including those aspiring to be FirstFruits.

Also, there are links to the additional prayers in English mentioned in the message. Note, the Chaplet of the 9 Angelic Choirs is also called the Chaplet of Saint Michael Archangel and can be found in the blue Pieta prayerbook. You can also find some of these prayers on YouTube, so you can pray along to a recording. I even found a sung version on YouTube of the Most Precious Blood Chaplet, which is the original way the Chaplet was given to mystic, Barnabas Nwoye, by Heaven and is the preferred way to do the Chaplet. Also, the image included in this blog post is of the Agonizing Cross of Jesus given to mystic, Barnabas Nwoye, which is mentioned in this message to Lorena. You may download the image to pray before if you do not have the actual physically-made cross to use.

Finally, I have added a heavenly message at Holy Love Ministries regarding fasting at the end of the heavenly message given to Lorena. It is not part of the original message released by her spiritual director. However, I am including the words of Our Blessed Mother Mary, because I know that many people will feel daunted by Saint Michael’s request for an extended fast on bread and water. I do not want people to become discouraged and give up their aspirations to be part of the Great Marian Army and a FirstFruit. So, I hope Our Holy Mother’s words will help you regarding the fasting request.

God bless,
a soul

Chaplet of the 9 Angelic Choirs (Chaplet of Saint Michael Archangel):

Chaplet of the Most Precious Blood (mystic, Barnabas Nwoye):

Gethsemane Hour Prayers (follow the shorter version for the 15 consecutive days) (mystic, Barnabas Nwoye):

Two Fiat Prayers can be found in this previous heavenly message:

DOWNLOAD this heavenly message in English (4 pages):

DOWNLOAD this heavenly message in the original Spanish (3 pages):


I, Saint Michael the Archangel, Prince of the Heavenly Militia and Leader of my Militant Army, come to prepare the Army of my Lord as its leader so that you may have ALL THE WEAPONS GIVEN BY HEAVEN TO HIS ARMY THROUGH ME ready for Battle AND FROM ALL HEAVEN.

You have been given instructions for the Battle that is about to begin on the entire Face of the Earth, the Children of Light are being greatly attacked in their physical and spiritual forces, so that you become destabilized and fall into sin and lose your strength and your Missions. That is why I recommend you to pray the CHAPLET OF THE 9 ANGELIC CHOIRS every day as protection against these forces, against these strong attacks, which are the last ones because after these if you succeed, you will be given your Gifts for the Battle, the strongest for this one. That is why it is of Extreme Importance to pass this test of fire since after this one, you will be prepared to receive the Infusion of the Holy Spirit in your Lives and your last Weapons for the Battle. For that reason I ask of you – PRAYER, PENANCE AND FASTING -, BUT ABOVE ALL BEFORE THE LAST ATTACKS OF THE ADVERSARY, YOU WILL RESORT TO ME AND I WILL COME TO YOUR HELP.

The Final Line of the Army is being formed with its Commanders and Captains in front. I have already chosen some of you for important positions within my Army a long time ago, but there are more important positions to fill. Those who pass this Trial of Fire, to which you are being attacked, I will give you the Fortitude and the Temperance to Captain my Army. For that reason I will give you these guidelines to follow:


(3) PSALM 91

This will serve as PROTECTION AGAINST THE ENEMY that attacks my Army and to deserve a position of leadership within my Army.

When the storm of Heavy Attacks that most of you are having has passed, you will do the following:











Message from God the Father May 16, 2017: This Sealing Prayer will protect your entire being, even your families and relatives away from Me; Blood and Generational Inheritances are very strong, both for curses and for blessings, that is why this Prayer of Sealing and Protection is very important, Shema Israel, before my Just Wrath falls with all rigor on Earth, I want to protect My Beloved People with this Prayer:

SHEMA ISRAEL – Prayer of Sealing

I, unworthy son of the Father at this End of Time, claim to belong to the Lineage of David, and for being heir to the Kingdom of Heaven, and belonging to the Holy People of Israel, I cry from within my heart the Protection of the Living God and Seal my Mind, Body and Soul, family and relatives and all my belongings at the feet of the Holy Cross of Jesus.

With the Power of His Blood I cover myself from any threat to my physical and spiritual integrity. I claim to be the Father’s son and therefore worthy of all His Protection; I hide myself in the Wounds of the Son, I anoint myself with the Power of the Holy Spirit, and shelter myself in the safest and warmest place in the world, the Womb of my beloved Queen Mother of all Heaven. With the Power that all of them confer upon me, I am Sealed and Protected at this End of Time, both I and my descendants and by the bonds of blood all of my family are with this prayer we are all sealed and protected. The Angel of Justice will preserve our homes because as People of God we will be recognized before the DIVINE JUSTICE. We take Refuge in the Righteous Hands of the Father, giving our FIAT to the Holy Trinity, and we will wait Sealed and Protected that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will come to Judge the Nations. Amen.

With this Prayer you will be recognized as My children and My Beloved People; Pray it every day, the forces of evil are very strong and only by being protected will you be able to face them. I want this Sealing Prayer to reach all My children scattered throughout the World, before My Wrath is totally unleashed on Earth.

ADDED NOTE (By A Soul) Regarding Fasting:

Holy Love Ministries
October 5, 1997

Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says:

“Praise be Jesus. My daughter, I have come to help you realize your best effort during this week of prayer and fasting. Any sacrifice needs to be offered from a heart of love. This is the foundation which makes it most worthy. Do not offer up anything out of dread, but from motivation of Holy Love.”

“While it is very good and acceptable to fast on bread and water, it is not good to try this if you are ill or if such a fast would threaten your health. The best fast is to fast from your own will. Your will is self love. I have given you these guidelines. Surrender being in the spot light, having your own way, doing as you choose when you choose it. Make yourself little.”

“Let this week be a challenge to you – not a challenge beyond your capabilities, but a challenge which leads you to the fulfillment of your capabilities. Such an effort will bring you My blessing.”

Very Important Prayer Requests for the Future Vitality of All Refuges and Overall Success of Medjugorje – Special Commentary By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Download this PDF commentary (5 pages) to share with others:

July 28, 2023
Month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Blessings dearest ones,

Firstly, I want to share with everyone that I have been quite busy since April (Holy Week) 2023. I am working on a special project for Papa God that I hope to release soon on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. I cannot reveal the subject of this special project yet, but I can share that it is very important and will have far-reaching implications, impacting all people living today. I ask for prayers for this special project and I thank everyone in advance for your spiritual support.

Secondly, recently, in the course of working on my special project, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me certain thoughts regarding the future vitality of the refuges that all the good children of God will be living at during the reign of the antichrist. And I feel called to speak to you all about these thoughts and to ask everyone who follows this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, for a very important intention to remember in their daily prayers.

Now, if you have been following the heavenly messages on this blog, especially, to mystic, Luz de Maria, you may have picked up on the fact that there will be a technological “blackout” in humanity’s future. This massive blackout will be devastating for much of mankind. This is due to so much of modern life being dependent on technology and a functional worldwide electrical grid.

Beloved ones, I must tell you that there are elites running the world in shadow governments that parallel actual governments in many countries. These shadow governments run illicit operations and are secretly funded by over-bloated defense budgets in many countries that are not properly held accountable by our political leaders. Moreover, these shadow governments engage in top secret defense operations involving advanced “exotic” technology gathered from cooperating with demons. Specifically, the demons pose as extraterrestrial beings (aliens) with benevolent intentions towards mankind. These demons represent themselves as alien “saviors” who have come to help mankind take the next step of its “evolution” as part of an intergalactic and interstellar community. And the demons swap advanced exotic technologies in exchange for the free will cooperation of the elites who set up economic and political systems for the eventual worldwide enslavement of all humanity under the antichrist.

I know that what I have written here may seem fantastical, incredible, and unbelievable to some readers. But what may sound like a “conspiracy theory”, sadly, is the reality of the global situation. I am not going to debate it or go into great details about this, as the only reason that I point this out, is because I want to speak about advanced exotic technology that the elites possess and we — the good children of God — do not have access to. I share with you all that during the future technological blackout — when all the power sources and electrical grid goes down — it is these exotic alien-derived technologies that the antichrist will use to control and manipulate people utilizing the mark of the beast (embedded physical microchip). The mark of the beast will dictate the “haves” and the “have-nots”, as only those with the mark of the beast will have access to food and water, but also access to the exotic technologies that will power and heat homes and continue to fuel the world economy.

Beloved ones, one of the many advanced exotic technologies that the elites possess from the demons is “cold fusion” technology.

Cold fusion technology is NOT nuclear fission technology.

Cold fusion technology generates thousands of times more energy than nuclear-derived fission technology. Cold fusion is similar to the process of how our Sun generates light and warmth for earth. In cold fusion, through a series of reactions, hydrogen is fused together to create helium and energy is generated as a byproduct. Cold fusion is very safe — being totally non-threatening to humans, animals, and nature — and takes place at room temperature. It costs almost nothing to make being at the fraction of the costs of generating comparable nuclear fission energy. It costs mere pennies to power homes because it uses hydrogen — the most abundant element in the universe and is found in water molecules.

In contrast, nuclear fission technology that mankind currently uses for nuclear power plants and atomic bombs is highly dangerous and highly lethal. Nuclear fission technology, which man created, occurs when uranium or plutonium explodes at critical mass that perpetuates a chain reaction. Nuclear fission technology also destroys the environment for many generations due to toxic radioactive byproducts.

The promising development of cold fusion technology is in its infancy among the common scientific community. However, among those in the illicit defense black-ops projects, the elites (with the help of demons) have perfected the development of cold fusion for their sinister reasons for mastery over the world population. And this development is tragic, because cold fusion technology is a clean, safe, and essentially free source of unlimited energy that holds the desirable promise of potentially lifting up billions of people out of severe famine and extreme poverty throughout the world. But those who suppress advanced cold fusion technology are the same evil men who have deep pockets with global financial interests in maintaining a worldwide war-driven economic infrastructure based on fossil fuels and other commodities, that would utterly collapse if cold fusion became widely known and utilized by all of mankind. Sadly, it is a positive paradigm shift that the elites do not want to happen on earth unless it is very carefully manipulated by them under control of the antichrist.

Now, dearest ones, I want to share with you why I am writing this commentary. It has been pressed upon my heart that the children of God need to earnestly pray to Papa God and Jesus to give cold fusion technology to all the refuges. That this is a very important intention that needs to be prayed for daily by all refuge owners and all those who hope to live in safety at the refuges someday during the Great Tribulation (Apocalypse). For God to bless all refuges so they will have their energy needs met to run their refrigerators, freezers, ovens, sewing machines, etc., and the ability to power lights, heat water, and generate heat during wintertime and use cooling systems during summertime. Cold fusion technology would also make possible tractor-driven farming, etc. Finally, cold fusion technology is totally self-contained, meaning, refuges can have all their energy needs met while being totally independent from each other and remaining off-the-grid. It is not dependent on variable resources like sunlight or fossil fuels. For example, a cup of water could provide enough energy to power a modern residential home for a year.

Note, have you ever wondered how the elevators will run in the future skyscraper that the holy angels will build to accommodate the 5,000 people on the refuge land of Prophet John Leary and his wife? It is certainly conceivable that it will function by using cold fusion technology(!).

Also, as I have been writing this commentary, the Holy Spirit pressed upon my heart another prayer intention.

I believe that many of you may be familiar with the Caritas Community in Alabama (USA). They run the largest Medjugorje apostolate in the world and the most comprehensive website dedicated to the Medjugorje apparitions of Our Holy Mother. They also broadcast regular radio shows promoting the monthly message of Our Holy Mother. Caritas has also built an impressive technological infrastructure on their two properties so that they can be at the forefront of sharing globally the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje when they are revealed.

Beloved ones, we need to pray for the success of the worldwide mission of Caritas and that Papa God will grant them all the advanced technologies needed for the success of their Medjugorje ministry.

For example, devoted followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, know that once the six and a half weeks reprieve after the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has ended, that everyone must get rid of all internet connected technology, including computers, televisions, cell phones, and other devices, etc. This is because ALL TECHNOLOGY will be used by the antichrist for enslavement and worldwide domination once satan and all the demons are released when hell becomes unlocked again.

However, I have always known that Caritas has a critical mission when it comes to delivering the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje at their future appointed unveiling, especially, the first three Secrets which involve special “warnings” for the entire world. I have also known that one of the six Medjugorje visionaries will continue to receive heavenly messages for the whole world after the Great Warning has happened. Finally, I have also known that Caritas would be acting somehow as a “headquarters” for disseminating heavenly messages from other chosen messengers and other developments of the Divine Plan throughout the refuge network. However, until now, I just did not understand how everything regarding Caritas would come together according to God’s Supreme Will.

Dearest ones, I know that this will sound like science-fiction from Star Trek or Star Wars, but truly, there exists advanced exotic technology that involves cloaking objects and sound wave transmissions, as well as advanced “jamming” technology that can hide the originating source of communicative devices. I share this, because it is really important that we pray that Papa God and Jesus will provide these technologies to Caritas for the overall success of the Divine Plan. That way, Caritas can continue to share their radio broadcasts throughout the refuge network during the Great Tribulation, including the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. That way, Caritas can also continue to broadcast their programs to the outside world, especially, the first three “warning” Secrets to undecided people still caught in the crosshairs of the battle for souls and whose souls can still be salvaged by God. All of this being done for the Glory of God totally undetected by the antichrist, satan, and hell to their greater frustration.

Brothers and sisters, I hope that you are excited about these technological possibilities and will sincerely pray for them as part of your daily intentions. Refuge life will be very hard but utilizing cold fusion technology can certainly improve the standard of living from being most difficult. And having access to other advanced technologies can certainly advance the Divine Plan so the maximum number of souls will be saved by the Grace of God.

Finally, as people may have questions, I want to address why it is necessary that we must pray for these blessed gifts from God. For people may say that surely God would provide everything that we need to survive at the refuges?

Yes and no. Beloved ones, we want to not only survive, but thrive living at the refuges. Faith and trust in God, as well as free will, are all key components for thriving at the refuges. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, desired to be like God and to possess all the accompanying gifts but without the help of their Creator in their lives. That will be the situation of the world seeking these advanced exotic technologies under the regime of the antichrist and persuasion of satan and hell.

Such a perverse mentality is not for the children of God. Salvation is meant to be a loving partnership between the creature and the Creator. We must also never take God for granted. Regarding prayer, Sacred Scriptures teaches us that we must be like the persistent widow with our intentions, both deliberate and earnest, so that God will grant our most ardent hopes and desires.

In conclusion, I believe that I have been blessed by the Holy Spirit with these inspirational thoughts for all of us at this particular moment as we are ever-closer to the time of the refuges and Great Tribulation (Apocalypse). I firmly believe that God and Heaven desires to bestow these precious gifts to His faithful children if only we ask for them. Because, trust me, these are not topics that I usually think about and honestly, I am not smart enough to even think this way about God’s Merciful Love and His Generosity towards us. It is beyond my mental capacity to think that BIG about things. God, on the other hand, I have realized always thinks on a massively, grandiose scale and He Is always into the details.

I love you,
a soul

P.S. I have included a few basic resources below about advanced exotic technologies for those who want to learn more. And because I am a musically-inclined person, I have also included a music video to a song that I hope people will enjoy. It is called, “Believe For It”, sung by American Gospel singer, CeCe Winans, and popular Brazilian Christian worship singer, Gabriela Rocha. I hope that it inspires people to pray for these intentions. God bless.


Cold Fusion Information: https://lenr-canr.org/

Article: Engineered Metamaterials Can Trick Light and Sound into Mind-Bending Behavior

YouTube Video: Brief Introduction to Cold Fusion (6 minutes)


Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – July 19-25, 2023 Update


Tuesday, July 25, 2023: (St. James)

Jesus said: “My son, you are suffering from a sickness that makes it difficult to sleep at night with your coughing. It is good that you are offering this up for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory. You have also seen some injustices in how some people have taken advantage of your wife. You have to endure many of your every day trials, and in some cases you may be persecuted for following My laws. Whatever you will be asked to suffer, call on Me to help you get through your trials. At the end of your life and that of others, I will reward your efforts in My Era of Peace and in heaven.”

Monday, July 24, 2023: (St. Sharbel Makhlof)

Jesus said: “My people, when I was on the earth, the people were seeking signs and miracles. I was able to heal people as long as they had faith that I could heal them. I could not heal people in My own hometown because they did not have faith in My healing. In today’s Gospel (Matt 12:38-42) I told the people that Jonah and the people of Nineveh would condemn the evil of My day, but you have something greater than Jonah here in Me. The Queen of the South sought out King Solomon for wisdom, and she also condemns the evil people of My day, but you have something greater than King Solomon here in Me. Even today, you are seeing so much evil in your world that My justice is being called out to condemn it as well. You will see a brief reign of the Antichrist after My Warning and Conversion time. I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges during the tribulation. My angels will watch over you, as you have trust in My protection. After this short reign of evil, I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones. I will cleanse the earth of all evil, and I will renew the earth. Then I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. I will carry out what I have promised, so have no fear of these evil ones. You will not see them again, just as Moses said his people would not see the Egyptian soldiers again as well.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have been giving you messages about the coming Warning and the tribulation for thirty years, since 1993. I have given you two missions. The first mission is to prepare the people for the coming Warning and the six weeks of Conversion. The Warning is when you all will have a life review at the same time. You will have the illumination of your conscience that will show you a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell based on your life’s actions. You will want to confess your sins during the Conversion time. This six weeks is a chance to convert the souls of your family so they can be saved from hell. You have been given a second mission to prepare a refuge ark to help save souls with My angel protection. Others have prepared refuges as well. I will shield your refuge from bombs and the evil ones by the power of My angels. The evil ones will be destroyed and I will bring you and My faithful into My Era of Peace as your reward for following My laws and teaching the people about the end times.”

Sunday, July 23, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, today’s Gospel is about the wheat and an enemy in the devil who has planted his evil in people representing the weeds. The wheat represents the faithful, and the weeds represent the evil people. They both have free will to choose good or evil. While they are growing up during life, the faithful have an opportunity to try and convert the evil ones to the faith. The harvest is at the end of the lives of the people. Then I will have My angels separate the wheat into My barn of heaven, but the weeds or the evil ones will be cast into the flames of hell. This is similar to when My people are separated into My refuges of protection away from the evil ones. Then I will bring destruction down on the evil ones, and they will be burned up by My Comet of Chastisement. My faithful will be protected and brought into My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, July 22, 2023: (St. Mary Magdalene)

Jesus said: “My son, I gave you a glimpse of My empty tomb after My Resurrection. I was comforting St. Mary Magdalene because she was sobbing so much at My disappearance. Just as I comforted her, I am comforting all of My faithful whenever you call on Me. I love all of you so much, and I am with you always, especially in My Eucharist at every Mass. You know where to find Me, and I walk with you every day. So do not be down in your spirit, but lift up your eyes to Me, and show your love for Me in your prayers, Mass, and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. All of My followers should be joyful at all times because you are always with the One you love. Share My love with all of the people you meet, so they can experience My love as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the sun that has a nuclear furnace to provide light and warmth for the earth. There are atomic bombs more of fusion of hydrogen to helium in a series of reactions going off in the sun. The atomic bomb, that man created, is more about fission when uranium or plutonium explodes at critical mass that perpetuates a chain reaction. You have seen such bombs exploded over two cities in Japan to end World War II. Whole cities and many people were killed with the explosion and nuclear radiation. Such power is too terrible to use and much of the earth could be destroyed with a nuclear war. Once you have seen such an explosion, you pray that they are never used again. I want man to be at peace with each other, and not at constant war. I am love and I want people to love Me and each other without fighting. So pray for peace, even in the Ukraine, and do not even think of using tactical nuclear weapons.”

Friday, July 21, 2023: (St. Lawrence of Brindisi)

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the value of the lamb’s blood which allowed the Israelites to be spared from the angel of death, when the lamb’s blood was put on the doorposts and lintel of the house. Then the angel of death passed over that house. The first born of the Egyptians were slain by the angel of death. I am the Lamb of God and it is My Most Precious Blood that has been shed to save My people from their sins. I am a male and unblemished from sin, so I am the perfect sacrifice to atone for all of mankind’s sins. This Passover meal is the center of the Mass. Just as the Jews made the Passover as a perpetual institution, so the Mass is said every day as a Perpetual Institution for consecrating the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. I have My Real Presence with you when you worthily receive Me in Holy Communion. Take some time to be with Me in that moment of reception. You are with Me in every Mass and when you worship Me in Adoration of My Most Blessed Sacrament. Try to get to Mass and Adoration every day so you can always be with the Lord you love.”

(Mass intention for Jason) Jesus said: “My people, your Mass and your friend’s prayers have saved Jason from hell. He will be a long time in lower purgatory for his actions and trouble he caused his family. I have mercy on drug addicts because they have lost their way, and are in need of much help, both physically and spiritually. Keep offering up Masses and prayers for his soul.”

Thursday, July 20, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I want to draw a parallel between how I brought punishment down on the Egyptians, and how I will bring punishment down on the Masons and the one world people who are running your country. I brought severe plagues on the Egyptians because the Pharaoh would not let the Jews go and the Egyptians needed to stop putting hard tasks on the Jews as slaves. I even had My angel of death kill the first born of Egypt. Now, in America you are being enslaved by the Masons, the communists, and the rich one world people who are ruining your families, your churches, and your government. By controlling your elections and law enforcement, they are illegally controlling your lives and ruining your country with open borders, and overspending. You will see how they will take over your money, and they will try to mandate the mark of the beast on you, which you should not take. Anyone who takes the mark of the beast and worships the Antichrist will be lost in hell according to the Book of Revelation. Their persecution of My faithful will be so great, I will need to call My faithful remnant to the arks of My refuges where My angels will protect you. The evil ones are preparing the way for the Antichrist. You will suffer less than three and one half years of the tribulation after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion time. You are seeing some of My punishments in the weather and from the sun for your abortions and sexual abuses, especially of the children. After the tribulation I will send plagues of fire, scorpions, and other severe trials that will torture the evil ones and eventually kill them and send them to hell with My Comet of Chastisement. I will protect My faithful at My refuges during these trials. Once I cleanse the earth of all the evil ones and man’s damage to the earth, I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. You will see My justice on the evil ones, just as I brought My justice against the Egyptians.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you all were fortunate to be able to travel twelve hours one way to Amos, Quebec, Canada. You had meals in a nice tent and you had a nice ribbon cutting ceremony, and a later dedication Mass. You also had a tour of the rooms and a library. You had several meals over three days and many good sharing moments with your friends. Give thanks and praise to Me that Fr. Michel was able to find the funds and the workers to put up such a beautiful monastery.” N.B. This was a dedication of Fr. Michel’s second monastery.

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of a suicide and a baby who was smothered to death. So pray a Divine Mercy Chaplet for these cases, and the motorcycle people who were in a terrible accident. Many people are tested with sickness and chronic pains which you should pray for them. During life you need to be ready for some health problems, especially as you grow older. Trust in My healing prayers that you could get healed in faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, you heard from the whistle blowers who gave testimony about how none of the IRS or Dept. of Justice officials would bring any felony charges against Hunter Biden, even with agreement that crimes were committed when millions of dollars went to the Bidens from Russia, the Ukraine, and China. They spoke of a two tiered justice system when officials and their families can get away with treasonous crimes, and they do not go to jail. The Democrats claim Trump is not above the law in their made up crimes, but it is different for the Bidens who really did have real felonies and accepted treasonous donations from your enemies. Do not be concerned now if nothing is done, because these felons will pay for their crimes at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, your bank accounts, your food, and your electricity are being threatened by the one world people, the communists, and your Chinese spies. I love all of My people, and I have been warning you to have three months of food stocked up for a coming famine by the one world people. But how many people have actually bought food for this time? If people do not heed My words, some could go hungry. I will still have mercy on My faithful if you pray to multiply your food in faith. Be prepared to come to My refuges when you see the digital dollar and the mark of the beast mandated on you.”

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people are putting their evil plans together as they prepare to bring the Antichrist into full reign over the earth for less than three and one half years. Have no fear because after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, I will call My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called My refuge builders to set up My refuges as I will be separating the good people from the evil people before I will bring punishment on the earth. Only My faithful with a cross on their foreheads will be allowed by My angels to enter into My refuges. Now, all of My believers will have the angels place an invisible cross on their foreheads. The evil ones, who are not believers, will not be allowed to enter My refuges. The Antichrist and the demons will attack all those people who are not protected at a refuge. Fear not because My refuges will keep the good people safe, but the non-believers could be lost in hell. To be saved, people need to seek the forgiveness of their sins, and love your Lord in following My Commandments of love.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you a message that you will have your reward in My Era of Peace. You are eighty years old, so you are a good example that you will not die before the coming tribulation. You will be bi-locating with your wife to give support to all of My refuge people. My angels will lead you safely through the tribulation. You will see a great battle of the good people against the evil ones at Armageddon, and this will be My victory over the evil ones. Trust in My power that is much greater than all of the evil ones put together. I love My people, and I will see to your reward in My Era of Peace for enduring this coming tribulation.”

Wednesday, July 19, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, some people question why the Jews were the Chosen people, or why I was at first only preaching to the lost sheep of Israel. This is God’s plan for Me to come, and that should be enough of a reason. You are talking about salvation history from the Jews from Abraham and Moses with all of their covenants given to them by God. Later on St. Paul and others started preaching to the Gentiles, and the new converts did not have to follow some of the more stringent laws for the Jews. My Word of salvation is for everyone and it needs to be shouted from the rooftops. You know how I want all of My faithful believers to do what they can to evangelize souls so they can appreciate My love. Once you accept My Word, and show it in your actions, then you are on the right path to heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a lot of people who were called to set up refuges with food, water wells, and fuels for heating and cooking. The refuges are your arks for the tribulation. Just as Noah and his family were protected from the flood, My people will be called to My refuge arks where My angels will protect you from the evil people. The angels are guarding My refuges even now from the evil ones. There are some refuges who have had problems with storms, but before the tribulation comes, My angels will repair things and finish up any work that is needed. Trust in Me and My angels to help you, even when difficulties happen. Trust Me that your refuges will be ready for defending you from the Antichrist and the demons. My power is greater than the demons, so put your faith in My protection.”

July 27, 2023 – Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Blessed Virgin Mary – “There will be an attack on your financial systems that can cause a great and wide-spread ripple effect on many institutions in all states (USA)… I am asking my beloved children to pray now for this attack to be stopped”


(Source: https://greenscapular.org/web_folder/Adobe/Messages/2023%20Messages/Mother_7_27_23.pdf)

JULY 27, 2023, THURSDAY @ 12:09 P.M.

Anna Marie: My Lady, I hear you calling me. My Dearest Mother Mary, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. Grew up and was taken, tortured and crucified for all mankind’s sins. He descended to the dear, arose and ascended into Heaven where Jesus now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living and dead?

Mother Mary: Yes my dear one. I your Heavenly Mother Mary will now and will always bow down and adore my beloved Son, Jesus, who is the Christ. He was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. When he was a man, He preached His Father’s love to the world. He was taken, tortured and crucified for the salvation of sinners. He died, descended to the dead, arose and ascended into Heaven where my Son now sits at His Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead.

Anna Marie: Please speak sweet Holy Mother, your sinful servant is now listening.

Mother Mary: My little one, I know you are busy preparing much for my children, but be in absolute peace. My Son and I will be blessing you for your journey and watching over you.

Anna Marie: Thank you Mother.

Mother Mary: Now you must know a terrible event will soon take place in your nation. There will be an attack on your financial systems that can cause a great and wide-spread ripple effect on many institutions in all states. This can be mitigated and I am asking my beloved children to pray now for this attack to be stopped through their prayers. If my children only knew how many catastrophes have been prevented or mitigated because of their many prayers, they would rejoice because they love my Son and their neighbor too. I am asking you, as a Sorrowful Mother asks her precious children, please pray now that this attack is stopped before it takes place. I know our Heavenly Father and my Beloved Son will expose the ones who are attempting to instigate it.

Mother Mary: Pray now my beloved ones and be in peace. I love you all. Your Heavenly Mother, Queen of the Green Scapular.

Anna Marie: Dear Mother, no one knows you as Queen of the Green Scapular.

Mother Mary: One day they will all certainly know me this way.

Anna Marie: Thank you for coming and letting us know. Your Apostles will certainly pray hard. We all love you!


Queen of Peace Media and Belladream Films: Sneak Previews: The Great Warning Movie – Along with a Financial Appeal to help finish its Production – MaryRefugeOfSouls

TO SUPPORT THE MOVIE VISIT: https://thewarningmovie.com. IF YOU NEED ASSISTANCE WITH DONATING, PLEASE EMAIL: thewarning@belladreamfilms.com.

Belladream Films cannot complete this incredible, soul-saving movie, The Great Warning, without your help. It is critical to donate now before August 31, 2023. The directors and producers are doing their part, and God is counting on us to do ours!

YouTube Video: Queen of Peace Media: FIRST EVER SHOWN SNEAK PREVIEWS! THE GREAT WARNING MOVIE. Help needed immediately. (20:20 minutes)

July 23, 2023 – Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria – “Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I see at you looking for dates or chronologies of events to know if what has been announced in the Prophecies has been fulfilled or is near. Where is your faith? …What you have not considered is that the Most Holy Trinity can cancel a decree made known in a prophecy on account of the strong and firm prayer of some children of God”


JULY 23, 2023

Dearly beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:


I come in order to invite you to be creatures of faith and perpetual adorers of Jesus in the Sacrament; in this way, hearts of stone will succeed in allowing the Great Maker of life to shape them with a chisel, according to His Will.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I bring you great joy:


The Holy Spirit shows Himself with strength, even when a human being’s faith is like a mustard seed. When human beings have true faith is when the greatest miracles occur among the children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

SIGNS AND SIGNALS HAVE NOT KEPT YOU WAITING: everything that has been announced is progressing without stopping. Human free will causes great evil when it gives free rein to its arrogance.

You will wait for the Divine Will:

“and you shall hear of wars and rumors of wars. Beware! Do not be alarmed, for all this must come to pass; but it is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. But all this is only the beginning of the pains of labor.” (Mk. 13:7)

War is coming, and in his mad desire for power, man will use atomic energy. (1) Our King and Lord Jesus Christ will intervene to stop the war, thereby preventing man from raising his hand in order to put an end to the Earth.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I see at you looking for dates or chronologies of events to know if what has been announced in the Prophecies has been fulfilled or is near. Where is your faith?

WHEREVER YOU ARE, I BEG YOU TO CONTINUE WITHOUT FEAR OF WHAT MUST BE FULFILLED: IT IS NECESSARY! For your own sake, maintain your faith without living in fear. It is important that you increase your faith in order to be able to discern and not be confused, becoming lukewarm.

I see those who are searching for a chronology of the times; they seek to give meaning to the events of daily life in order to anticipate and feel safe in the light of the revelations and that which all of you experience as human beings and as part of the Mystical Body of Christ.

THE SIGNS AND SIGNALS ARE COMING TO FULFILLMENT WITHIN GOD’S WILL. WHAT YOU HAVE NOT CONSIDERED IS THAT THE MOST HOLY TRINITY CAN CANCEL A DECREE MADE KNOWN IN A PROPHECY on account of the strong and firm prayer of some children of God, who keep offering up their lived experience of the Eucharistic Celebration, receiving the Holy Eucharist in a state of grace and living each act or work in the constant practice of prayer.

Be attentive, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ!
Children of Our Queen and Mother, pay attention!


Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for the youth who still keep God in their hearts and hold to the Commandments of God’s Law; pray for the young people who walk without God in their hearts, that they would return to the fold.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray: famine will encompass more countries until it becomes general. This is not solely the result of nature, but of the man of power.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray and live out your prayer. Australia will suffer; France – oh France, she will be devastated!

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray, the water of the seas is stirred up, bringing sea creatures closer that are dangerous for humanity.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray; I am humanity’s Protector, I keep you all guarded so that evil would not touch you. Do your duty as true children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and of Our Queen and Mother; maintain unity in families, be protectors of children, handed over to evil by those who are obeying the Antichrist.

Keep holding the Hand of Our Queen and Mother; do not separate yourselves from Her who loves you.

Be certain that by keeping your faith firm (I Cor. 16:13), you will come to taste the true peace promised by the Most Holy Trinity for those who remain faithful.

Go forth, invoking your Guardian Angels: they constantly protect you.

Keep in mind the prayer of the Holy Rosary, pray it with your hearts.

I love you, people of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, I bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel


(1) Revelations concerning Nuclear energy:

MaryRefugeOfSouls – Article Link: A Catholic Approach to Helping Victims of Sex Trafficking Heal from Trauma, along with Heaven’s Messages about the Need to Protect the Innocence of Children – JESUS CHRIST: “The sins most prolific and wounding to My Heart of Love today are those sins against chastity, life and innocence. If all the sins of every generation were combined, the sins of this generation would still outnumber them.”

July 25, 2023

Blessings beloved ones,

I would like to invite you to read this very informative article about how you as a layperson can become more involved on this very important issue, child trafficking and human slavery, from a Catholic perspective, especially, at the local diocesan level.

‘Sound of Freedom’ Offers Opportunity to Highlight a Catholic Approach to Helping Victims of Sex Trafficking Heal From Trauma

In this blog post, I am also including several messages from Holy Love Ministries where Heaven addresses the need to protect the innocence of children, along with a prayer from Jesus.

Thank you for your compassionate and caring heart.
Because “God’s children are not for sale”.

I love you,
A Soul


June 22, 2001
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus Christ

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother is holding the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Tonight, my brothers and sisters, My Mother weeps for the crimes against the innocents. Continue to pray against abortion and against every crime perpetrated against an innocent child. My brothers and sisters, resolve tonight to begin the Journey into Our United Hearts, for this is the choice for life.”

“The United Hearts Blessing was given.”

July 5, 2002
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus Christ

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. It is the Divine and Perfect Will of My Eternal Father that I come to you today in order to increase, unite and strengthen the Remnant Faithful. From this day forward all My Public Messages to you will be under the title: Divine Love Speaks To The Remnant Faithful. It is this Remnant that perseveres in the Tradition of Faith despite all obstacles.”

“I come, My brothers and sisters, to bring you into the richness of My Sacred Heart. I desire to share with you the bitter grievances of My Heart. I ask that you reflect upon these grievances and assuage My Heart with your love–your Holy Love.”

“First and foremost, I grieve for the loss of innocence in the world. Because of modern communications and travel, this loss of the virtue of chastity is more widespread than ever before. Innocent little children are used and exploited by a pleasure-seeking segment of the population.”

“Closely adjoined to this grievance is the taking of innocent lives through artificial birth control and abortion. Artificial contraception is most often just another form of abortion. The innocent lives I give are destroyed before they can flourish in the womb. Couples prefer the pleasure, but not the new life.”

“I also grieve for the worship of false idols by so many. The gods of money, power and unnatural sins of the flesh have consumed the heart of the world.”

“I come to you today to ask you, not only to soothe My aching Heart, but the Heart of My Mother who suffers intimately along with Me. The only solution for all of these grievances of My Heart is Holy Love; for Holy Love alone can heal all wounds.”

“I desire the welfare of your souls which can only come to you through love. Therefore, I call you into the spectrum of Holy Love which is holiness and salvation itself. This alone is the solution to man’s desensitization towards God and His Commandments. Holy Love dictates an end to terror in the womb and in the world. Holy Love calls all humanity to unite and to step into the First Chamber of Our United Hearts. Outside of Holy Love, you are not living in harmony with God’s Divine Will.”

“I am blessing you today with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

July 6, 2002
Saturday MSHL Rosary Service
Jesus Christ

“I come as Jesus, born Incarnate to address My remnant faithful.”

“My brothers and sisters, some hearts question the message that was given yesterday on the 5th of the month. They question why I would place the destruction of innocence and chastity in young ones ahead of abortion. Babies who are aborted receive a baptism of blood and they always choose the light when they see it and are saved. But the innocent children whose chastity and purity is destroyed by others often receive spiritual harm and some, because of the crimes perpetrated against them, choose damnation when they do come to Me later in life; and this is why it is a greater abomination to Me than even abortion itself.”

“Here you see, My brothers and sisters, the soul is of the utmost importance; and so, that is why I urge you to pray against pornography and any kind of molestation of the young.”

“Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

September 7, 2002
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Please realize in the depths of your heart that all sin proceeds from a proud heart. Pride is a disordered self-love. The soul chooses sin because he loves the sin more than God and neighbor. Sin is self-serving, you see.”

“The sins most prolific and wounding to My Heart of Love today are those sins against chastity, life and innocence. If all the sins of every generation were combined, the sins of this generation would still outnumber them. But My Love is patient and full of Mercy. I smile with favor upon My Remnant Faithful. They alone withstand My Wrath and hold back My Arm of Justice with the help of My Mother.”

“The Holy Mass and the Holy Rosary together hold a great impact on the Scale of Justice. Devotion to Our United Hearts is third in this order of power against evil. The spirituality of the Chambers of Our United Hearts is great enough to pull the world back onto the path of righteousness.”

“Therefore, along with the Rosary of the Unborn, propagate the little Chaplet of the United Hearts which will serve to lead many into the depths of these Chambers.”

“I will bless you.”

May 29, 2003
St. Teresa of Avila

St. Theresa of Avila comes. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you understand that each present moment is unique in its graces, crosses and opportunities. Every present moment offers victory over self-love or defeat at the hands of too much self-love. Every present moment is sealed forever – never to return – never to be re-lived – never to offer the same set of opportunities – never to bring the same graces in the same circumstances.”

“Every present moment a soul chooses his own perdition. Every present moment a distraught and misled mother chooses to abort. Every present moment a crime against innocence occurs. Every present moment the Church suffers still greater weakness through loss of a vocation, compromise of some basic tenet of faith or deceitfulness in the challenge of truthful administrative decisions.”

“So you see, when each present moment is sealed, it is sealed forever with the kiss of Holy Love – never to return, but only to be judged according to each one’s response to Holy Love in the passing moment.”

July 5, 2004
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus Christ

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help the world understand that true freedom does not come to you through wealth, fame or power. True freedom comes to the hearts of those who seek to do the Will of My Father.”

“Some see freedom as the right to choose certain sins such as abortion or homosexuality. This is Satan’s attempt to twist the truth. He has fooled many into compromising their own salvation. Millions are slaves to sins that are an abomination in My Eyes. Lust is not the same as love and self-love is the enemy of Holy Love. Self-love in its extremes convinces the soul that sin is his right. Indeed, it is a choice, but a choice for evil over good.”

“Today, the innocence of childhood is violated like unripened fruit plucked from a tree and consumed by the voracious appetite of sin. Innocence is no longer cherished or safeguarded, but has become the victim of sinful appetites. This is what forms deep in the heart of souls and whole nations. It is a call for My Justice.”

“My brothers and sisters, many do not recognize the evil that lies all around them for there is a fog of spiritual confusion over good and evil. But the time approaches when the conscience of the world will be aroused–then the difference between good and evil will be distinct. Pray that you make the right choices during these times.”

“We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

October 9, 2006
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I have come to give to the world a prayer to protect the innocence of the world at large. Satan has made it his goal to destroy innocence at an early age, thus claiming more and more souls for himself. The prayer is to My Image of Divine Childhood.”

“Divine Child Jesus, we come to You asking Your protection over the innocence of the world. Place all children in Your little Divine Heart.”

“Protect their eyes so that they do not see anything that would destroy their innocence. Protect their ears that they would not hear anything that would take away innocence. Fill their hearts with Holy Love, dear Divine Child. Extend their years of innocence by merit of Your protection. Amen.”

September 12, 2010
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I tell you solemnly, those in leadership roles, whether public or private, secular or religious, have more to answer for when they face eternal judgment. I do not condone the misuse of authority for the sake of money, power or control or concern for reputation. I do not condone the scandalizing of innocence.”

“In these Messages, you are given the path I call you upon. Follow it.”

July 25, 2023 – Monthly Message To The World (Marija) – Mary, Our Lady of Medjugorje – “You, little children, be witnesses of love and peace for all peaceless hearts.”

Monthly Message To The World through visionary, Marija
July 25, 2023

“Dear children! In this time of grace, in which the Most High sends me to you to love you and guide you on the way of conversion, offer your prayers and sacrifices for all those who are far away and have not come to know God’s love. You, little children, be witnesses of love and peace for all peaceless hearts. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

July 2023 – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) Interview with Father Albert Haase OFM – Aspects of the Spiritual Life – Review by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

July 21, 2023

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

TTEN did a wonderful interview of a very holy priest, Father Albert Haase, that I would like to highlight in this blog post. Firstly, here is a brief biography of dear Father:

Ordained a Franciscan priest in 1983, Albert Haase, OFM, is a popular preacher, teacher, spiritual director and guest on talk radio shows. A former missionary to mainland China for more than eleven years, he is the award-winning author of fourteen books on popular spirituality and the presenter on five best-selling DVDs. He currently resides at San Miguel Friary in San Antonio TX. Visit his website: http://www.AlbertOFM.org

For me, I was not familiar with dear Father. But, now that I have watched this interview, there are so many books that he has authored that I want to read! The interview starts out with dear Father speaking about his missionary works through the Franciscan order to mainland China. Then, he speaks about how he got introduced to writing books on the spiritual life (15 total books so far) and the themes of many of his books sounded really intriguing. The remarkable aspect of dear Father’s writings is that he is a very good “bridge” writer, as he is able to find common ground with Protestant Christians thereby introducing them to Catholic spirituality. There is also a free program that dear Father did with a Protestant minister that sounded really interesting to watch and I plan to take advantage of. It is called, “At Home Retreat with the Lord’s Prayer” and can be found on YouTube.

As you watch the interview, it is very obvious that dear Father is a very joyful priest who takes his teachings very much to heart. There were several words of wisdom that I gleaned from his talk that I continue to ponder about the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mysteries of God, and advice on how to become a saint by living heroic virtue.

I hope that you will enjoy this TTEN interview as much as I did.

God bless,
a soul

About Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN)
My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).


Here are links to Father Albert Haase’s interview on various social media channels:

TTEN Interview website:

TTEN Interview website:

Spotify Podcast Interview:

YouTube Interview: Aspects Of Spiritual Life – Fr Albert Haase, OFM (50 minutes)

July 18, 2023 – Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “My Words are urgent! A halt is necessary before humanity’s rebellion brings the severest of My Prophecies upon itself. What lamentation, what pain this generation will suffer!”


JULY 18, 2023

Beloved children,


My Words are urgent!
A halt is necessary before humanity’s rebellion brings the severest of My Prophecies upon itself.
What lamentation, what pain this generation will suffer!


The sickening mud of sin is spreading throughout the Earth, but this mud will not touch those faithful to My Divine Son. St. Michael the Archangel and His Legions keep evil away from those who are worshippers of My Divine Son.

Great volcanoes will give off gases that will not allow sunlight to reach the Earth, and cold not previously experienced by the human race will penetrate the skin: cold similar to that of the soul without God. Prepare yourselves!

Pray, children, pray, Spain will endure the insurrection of its people due to contagious violence.

Pray, children, pray, Mexico will suffer, its soil will be strongly shaken. Guatemala will suffer.

Pray, children, pray, Europe is in grave danger.


Beloved children, all heartfelt repentance is welcomed by My Divine Son, who receives you in His merciful Arms.

THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY IS TRAGIC, but united in fraternity it will change and the peace you have desired so much will come, handing the Earth to the Creator for His Glory and the Salvation of the human soul.


In the chuches where the Sacraments are lived out correctly and especially where the Eucharist is celebrated, our Sacred Hearts will be seen.

May My Blessing on each person be the balm that will sustain you in the faith.

Mother Mary



Brothers and sisters,

Our Blessed Mother made me see so much pain and at the same time so much joy in those who do not lose faith.

Spiritual effort bears fruit of Eternal Life. Harvest time is coming and the good fruits will be taken to be guarded, and these will initiate a people of peace in whom God will be constantly adored.

Brothers and sisters, pay attention, for the Father’s House will bring us what is necessary at present in order to not lose Eternal Salvation at a time when humanity is satisfied with the crumbs that fall from the table and which fall to the ground.

Onward, brothers and sisters, Eternal Life awaits us!



(Prayer inspired to Luz de Maria, 18.07.2023)

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Immaculate Heart of Our Queen and Mother,
with reverence I come in supplication
and trusting in such august Hearts.

I come before your Presence
in order to beseech that this consecration
of my home and of all those who live in it would be accepted.

Sacred Hearts of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and of Our Queen and Mother, before such infinite mercy,
I make reparation and I love, I love and make reparation so that this home
might be freed from every power foreign to the Will of God.

May it be freed from all envy, from all hidden power of evil, from all evil seduction
towards those of us who make up this family.

Sacred Hearts, we consecrate to you all our actions,
deeds and works, our desires and our wishes,
so that under your guidance, this home might entirely
belong to such beloved Hearts.

We beseech you to embrace the hearts, minds, thought and will of the
members of this family, so that in serving you,
we would find happiness and peace.


Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – July 12-18, 2023 Update


Tuesday, July 18, 2023: (St. Camilus de Lellis)

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been suffering with your cough for several days, and you have had little sleep because of your coughing. Expect to suffer problems with your health from time to time. You finally were able to get to the doctor for your medicine, so your symptoms should subside. Remember when you are suffering to offer up your pain for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory. Remember how much pain I had to suffer and be crucified on the cross. My people, get used to pain because the evil ones will be torturing and even killing My faithful as martyrs. Satan and the demons hate anything to do with religion and Me, so they will be harassing Christians more and more until you are forced to come to My protection at My refuges. So do not be downcast when you are tested in any way, but put your trust in Me and I will protect you with My angels.”

Monday, July 17, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles if they love their relatives more than Me, then they are not worthy of Me. I also said if people do not take up their cross and follow Me, they are not worthy of Me. I am your Creator and I love all of you so much. It is understood that I should be first in your life, and I should even be the center of your life. You all have to make this decision to love Me or not, because I do not force My love on you. My faithful desire to be with Me at Mass and in prayer every day. If I am truly the first love of your life, then you need to show Me your love in your actions every day. The weaker people may only say how they love Me on Sunday, and forget any love on the weekdays. My faithful need to bring My love and joy to all of My people so they can witness how much I love them, and they need to love Me every day. Even more, My faithful need to help convert as many souls to the faith as they can. I am love and I want to share My love with everyone, just as My faithful need to share My love with everyone as well.”

Sunday, July 16, 2023:

Our Lady of Fatima said: “My dear son, I know you are suffering from this sickness, but do not be disturbed because I am bringing your concern to my Son, Jesus. He listens to My pleas as you know, and He will heal you enough so you can make it home tomorrow. I am concerned for all of my sick children both in body and soul. Your priest is offering Confession, so take advantage of his absolution of your sins. I thank all of you who have made a personal commitment to do my Son’s Will. You are giving your free will choice to follow Jesus in whatever He asks of you. It is your love and obedience to my Son that will bring all of the faithful to my Son in heaven. I also thank all of my children for praying your four daily rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet. I know how important it is for you to come to daily Mass and Holy Communion. Father talked to you also about wearing my brown scapular with all of the promises that you will be saved in heaven if you wear it all of the time. Thank you for all that you do to help people, as you know saving souls is my Son’s greatest desire.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is getting late to store your three months of food. You may have to buy your canned food instead of the dried food that takes longer to order. The one world people want to control your money and your food. Their first plan is to force the digital dollar on you, so they will try to control what you can buy. You will have trouble with your bank account, if you do not follow their agenda. If they cancel your bank account, then you will have to rely on the three months of food you were supposed to buy. If your lives are threatened, you can pray in faith to Me, and I will multiply what food you have, even before coming to My refuges. The second plan will be an attempt to force the mark of the beast on everyone, but do not take this mark. When this mark is mandated, then My people will be called to My refuges, and your guardian angel will make you invisible as you are led by a flame to the nearest refuge. My angels will protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges. Those people, who take the mark of the beast and worship the beast, will choose to be cast into hell as their punishment. So follow My directions to love Me and obey My laws, and you will find a place waiting for you in heaven. Be a wise virgin and follow Me to heaven. Do not be a foolish virgin who is lost in hell.”

Saturday, July 15, 2023: (Mass of Dedication of 2nd Monastery)

Jesus said: “My people, your priest has blessed this beautiful monastery, and you also celebrated Mass on this day of dedication. I love all of your people who made this possible with their donations and work. This building and the work here is truly in preparation for the priests of the Era of Peace. You are blessed to see the final completion of this second monastery. Saturday is a day to celebrate My Blessed Mother’s Presence. The strong rain you received from heaven represents the tears of My Blessed Mother who is crying over the many souls who have turned away from Me. Keep praying your rosaries to help save the souls of your family, especially during the six weeks of Conversion after the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am warning you of a coming famine, that could be caused by the one world people as they are using GMO food to replace your organic food. Once you are eating GMO food, then your people will start getting sick with no cures for your sickness. They are already making artificial meat that will not provide enough protein for your muscles. The GMO crops are taking over your good organic crops because of the cross pollination. Try to eat more organic food so your body is not contaminated with so much artificial food. When you buy your three months of food, try to get organic dried food to help your body repair itself from the GMO food. The GMO food will weaken your body because it does not know how to process hybrid food. This GMO food will not give you the proper nutrition you need to have a healthy body. Pray for your people to see the errors of your GMO food that it is slowly poisoning your people.”

Friday, July 14, 2023: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)

Jesus said: “My people, there was a great famine all over the land, so Jacob brought his whole family to Goshen in Egypt. Joseph was overseer and he gave grain to his family and the people of Egypt. Later, another Pharaoh took the throne and Joseph could no longer help his family. The Egyptians enslaved the Jews in building their cities. But I raised up Moses as the Deliverer, and by miracle plagues they broke the Pharaoh’s resolve, and the Jews were set free. To this day the Jews treasure the Passover that brought death to all of the first born of Egypt. The Jews were told to put lamb’s blood on their doorposts and lintels so the angel of death would pass over their people. I protected My people again at the Red Sea when the Pharaoh’s army was drowned. Just as Moses became the Deliverer to free his people from the bondage of slavery, so I also became a Deliverer of My people when I broke the bonds of sins and death. I gave My Blood sacrifice on the cross to heal the souls who accept Me into their lives. You have seen how I take evil things and I turn them into saving graces. See how I brought My plan of salvation history through the time I was on the earth.”
N.B. From a friend who had a message from Jesus on the accident with the many motorcycles that injured or may have killed some people. Jesus said: “I have blessed all the people who were in the motorcycle accident this day. Thank you My children John and Carol for praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for them. Many graces were poured out on these people with your prayers.”

Thursday, July 13, 2023: (St. Henry)

Jesus said: “My people, it was coincidental that last night you watched the Chosen movie that was exactly about this Gospel of when I sent My apostles out two by two to prepare the people for My talk. I gave them the power to heal the sick so they could witness healings in My Name. When they returned, they all had great healing accounts wherever they traveled. They were thankful to help bring the faith of My Word in converting people to have faith in Me. When you have deep faith, you can heal people as well.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, this ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie was made five years ago, and it is finally being seen. The subject of trafficking young children is appalling that these evil people are able to kidnap young children and force them into sex slaves for money. When the children were set free, they were singing with joy, which is the ‘Sound’ in the title. Give thanks to Me and the people who are trying to set the children free from their bondage.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware of witch covens and various places where these evil ones meet. Many US Presidents and billionaires come to worship Satanic cults in California. Some of these people sell their souls for fame and fortune. These one world people worship Satan and they are behind running your country. These evil ones pay for their crimes with suicide in the end. Keep praying for My faithful people who have to do battle with these evil ones to help save souls from the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the peak of the sunspot activity that is causing these lights to travel further south than normal. You are also seeing eclipses of the sun over various parts of your country. These celestial signs are emphasizing that you are in the end times as the tribulation time approaches. Pray for My protection from the Antichrist and the demons who are testing My people. Call on Me and I will have My angels protect you at My refuges. The evil time will pass, and I will reward My faithful in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you celebrate the 13th of these months when My Blessed Mother visited the three children at Fatima, Portugal. My Blessed Mother encourages you to pray her rosary and wear her brown scapular. These are your weapons to battle the evil in your day. I did not leave you orphans, but you must pray your daily rosaries to fight the evil in your world. You have statues of My Blessed Mother to remind you of how she brings Me to you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not fear the evil ones because My angels and I are at your side to protect you. I give you Your guardian angels and My graces to overcome any fears of the demons. You know I can do the impossible and I can restrain the evil angels. So pray for the strength to overcome all of the attempts of the evil ones to steal souls. I give My people all of the weapons of the rosary to fight the demons. When you have Me with you, the demons will run away. Trust in My power that is greater than all of the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I will win this Battle of Armageddon as I will have My angels join My faithful to battle the demons and the evil people. So have no fear of the evil ones because you are with Me on the winning side. The evil ones cannot stand My Light and My power, so when you join Me, you will see My victory. Lift up your eyes because your salvation and redemption is at hand. You will rejoice with Me in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in the pre-tribulation days and you are being called to go out and evangelize the people so you can make them believers in Me. You will see the Warning and the six weeks of the Conversion time. During these six weeks, you will have one last chance to help convert your family into believers. If they do not convert their earthly lives, they could be lost in hell. So pray and work at a fever pitch to save your family’s souls, so they will have a cross on their foreheads that will allow them into My refuges. I love all of you and I do not want to lose one soul to hell. Pray that your family will accept Me into their hearts and souls so they can be saved from hell. They must accept Me by their own free will if they want to be saved.”

Wednesday, July 12, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, this account of Joseph in Egypt showed the wisdom of My plan that he interpreted the dream of the Pharaoh. When he saw the coming seven years of famine, Joseph made plans to store extra amounts of grain during the seven years of plenty. Then when the famine came, Joseph dispensed the rations of grain to the people of Egypt, his family, and even other parts of the world. This is a lesson for your people today, because I have been warning you to have three months of food ready for each member of your household. You will again see empty shelves in your stores, or you will not have the mark of the beast to buy food. Your food will be more valuable than your gold or money. You also are preparing My refuges when you will need My angel protection, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for the coming three and one-half years of the tribulation of the Antichrist. You have been preparing for My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion before the brief reign of the Antichrist. My faithful will be protected from the evil ones, starvation, and My Comet of Chastisement. I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones into hell, and I will reward My faithful in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, for now I am only allowing Satan and the demons to go so far. You are looking at a battle of My faithful with the demon inspired one world people. I told My apostles that if they had the faith the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains. It is one thing to believe in Me and obey My laws. It is another higher power to have faith that I can perform miracles to help convert souls to be believers. When you have a strong belief that I can do impossible things, then you will see how I allow miracles to happen. When you pray and fast for things that will save souls, you definitely have My attention. It is better to pray for conversions than to pray for constant miracles. I allow certain miracles when it is My Will to grant them. Some conversions require much fasting and prayer. The person also has to make a free will decision to follow Me because I do not force people to love Me. So pray for Me to increase your faith in Me so you can accomplish good works for Me in other souls. Trust in Me and the power of My angels because I will win all of the battles in the end against all of the demons and the evil people.”

Two Important Prophecies – The Precursor Sign of the Global Rainbow Before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – Possibly Foretold by Our Lady of Garabandal – MaryRefugeOfSouls

July 18, 2023
Month dedicated to the Most Precious Blood of JESUS

Blessings beloved ones,

The following prophetic dream from a Brazilian nun comes through two very reputable Catholic prophecy sources: AfterTheWarning.com and YouTube channel: Mother and Refuge of the End Times. I have included a link below to the original English translation website and the original Brazilian Portuguese source is Lucas Gelasio who is a well-respected Brazilian Catholic prophecy researcher.

As I was reading this prophetic account, I asked Our Lord, Jesus Christ, if this nun’s dream was genuine and Jesus immediately confirmed its authenticity to me “a soul”. Also, Jesus reminded me of a related prophecy that was given to Catholic seer, Luz de Maria, back in 2017, which I recently rediscovered due to an important project that I am doing for Papa God. I did not understand the prophecy given to Luz de Maria, but now that I have discerned this nun’s dream (2023), both prophecies make sense together and seem to be speaking about the same event (global rainbow).

So, after the account of the Brazilian nun’s dream, I have included the excerpt of the prophecy given to Luz de Maria over 5 years ago for your discernment.

God bless,
a soul


Original English Source: https://casorosendi.com/2023/06/29/a-nuns-dream/

A few months ago a Northeastern [Brazil] nun contacted me, after talking to her superior. She [wanted to] ask me to help her discern if some phenomena occurring in her life was of divine origin.

I analyzed everything [she told me] carefully and it seemed to me in accordance with the criteria set by the Church. I asked for a personal confirmation and God responded right away. Here is her report.

Lucas Gelasio, Brazil.

A nun had a dream on the night of June 17…

In the dream, she was in the monastery, sitting, talking to two other sisters. One of them was startled and pointed to a tall window. Outside, where no one would reach, there was a young man about fifteen years old, dressed as an altar boy, with a red tunic and white surplice.

The nun stood up and, along with a sister, approached the window. Her friend asked, “Who are you?” He turned to the other nun and, with a fixed look, replied:

“– I come from Purgatory. I was an altar boy in life and came with God’s permission to reveal to you that there is a catastrophic event about to affect the world. It will cause great pains to all humanity. But do not be afraid, the Lord tells you that He is with you.”

“Before that event happens, there will be a huge rainbow, which will be seen around the world. It will be the sign announcing the tribulation but [it will also signal] the hope that the Lord is with you. This event is part of the end of times.”

Then she woke up. It was about ten minutes to midnight. Shocked, she began to pray and grabbed her Bible. She asked her guardian angel:

“If this dream is a truth that was revealed to me, I pray confirm it when you want, through the Word of God.”

Immediately and clearly, the answer came to her heart: “I confirm it, open [your Bible] now!” Obeying, she opened the Bible right on Matthew 24.

Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 24 (About Signs of the Times):

The revelation narrated here reminded me of the prophecy of Our Lady of Garabandal about a phenomenon in the sky that, according to the seer Conchita [Gonzalez], its name will start with the letter “A” and will be seen all over the world. [NOTE: The word for “rainbow” in Spanish —the language of the Garabandal seers— is “Arcoiris”. Hence the deduction by Mr. Gelasio.]


September 18, 2017

“I HAVE ALREADY DECLARED TO YOU THE URGENCY OF PREPARATION FACING THE PROXIMITY OF THE WARNING, IN WHICH EVERYONE WILL BE ALONE FACING THEIR OWN CONSCIENCE; THE ACTS AND WORKS OF YOUR LIFE WILL BE REVEALED, EVEN THOSE THAT YOU CANNOT REMEMBER. This personal purification is necessary for you to properly face the future development of Humanity. Not everyone will believe in Me after the Warning, although this will be My Great Act of Mercy for all Humanity.”


July 12, 2023 – Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to Luz de Maria – “As the end of the period of the “Pre-Warning” approaches, My people must remain vigilant regarding events…”


JULY 12, 2023

Dearly beloved children, receive My Blessing:


You must be keepers of My Law and constantly fight against the disordered appetites that lead you away from Me and towards perdition.

THE STRUGGLE IS A SPIRITUAL ONE, MY CHILDREN: even if you hear of disasters, of wars, of events of nature, the struggle is above all spiritual (1), concerning the opening of the door for the Antichrist, who pours his evil upon humanity, preparing his public appearance.

Beloved children, staying within My Will makes you firmer in faith, more determined to be Mine and not to give yourselves over to acting within evil.

Distinguish yourselves by being generous, charitable, kind, fraternal and by being creatures of communion, keeping My Law and the Sacraments, loving My Blessed Mother at all times.


I grieve at the unbelief in which many of My children are living. These unbelievers are springing up everywhere and taking hold of the thoughts of those who follow Me half-heartedly, in order to act in secret, undermining lukewarm faith.

Nourish yourselves on My Body and Blood and strengthen your Faith in My Word by knowing Sacred Scripture (cf. I Tim. 4:13).

My beloved ones:

YOU ARE GOING THROUGH SERIOUS TIMES! Starting from various points on Earth, people are preparing to cause the chaos of warfare at a moment’s notice.

As humanity, you need prayer (2), you need to grow spiritually and you must be humble in order to grow. The humble who know My Word are not surprised by the “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Mt. 7:15).

Pray, My children, pray for England: pain is coming.

Pray, My children, pray for Nicaragua, My Divine Heart suffers for this people of mine.

Pray, My children, pray for Spain: it will be shaken and its people will suffer due to the violence that will be unleashed.

Pray, My children, pray for Germany: violence is approaching.

Pray My children, pray, My Mother will not forsake you: She guides you to safe harbor. Continue to hold My Mother’s hand.

Beloved children, evil has entered into humanity, it has mingled with human beings who do not love Me and who reject My Blessed Mother. The product of this distancing of the human race from Me is the perversity in which you are living, the lack of morals and values in this generation.

Beloved children, UNITE IN PRAYER! You are heard in My House. Be fraternal and protect one another: in this way, you are stronger in the shelter of My Shadow.

MY BELOVED ENVOY, THE ANGEL OF PEACE (3), POSSESSES THE GIFTS AND VIRTUES OF MY SPIRIT. His word is firm, merciful and truthful. My children will come to him. My beloved Envoy is the essence of My Love, the essence of the love of My Beloved Mother.

Remain in My Peace. I bless you.

Your Jesus


(1) About spiritual combat:

(2) Prayer booklet “Let us pray with one heart” (PDF download):

(3) About the Angel of Peace:

July 7, 2023 – Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria – “The Angel of Peace is not an angel of the heavenly court. He is someone chosen, instructed and sent with words of peace that will come out of his mouth, with wisdom and spiritual power to face the antichrist. You will recognize him because he is love and his appearance will come after that of the antichrist so as not to be confused with him.”


JULY 7, 2023

Beloved children of the Most Holy Trinity


You received your world of blessings so that you would take care of it and make it fruitful (Genesis 1:28-30); instead, you have created destruction and chaos. You have used knowledge in order to create destruction in an unbridled race for power on Earth.


You received the world so that you would take care of it and nourish yourselves with its fruit, making it beautiful at the same time, but disobedience has been the cause of great contradictions due to human ambition. The land is sinking in various countries and the human race will continue to face such assaults.

Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:


Starting with France, the fire of destruction has begun, caused by the violence that the Devil has implanted within human beings. Invasions will spread, highly masked so as to hide their true reason. France will fall into the hands of those whom it has welcomed.

Spain will be overtaken by the same violence. There will be the utmost suffering in Barcelona, engulfed in flames by people who will destroy it. Spain will shake due to the hatred of those attacking it from within.

Italy will suffer in the same way, being attacked with great fury. Italy will be invaded by those who deny Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, holding to their watchword of erasing every visible trace of God’s Will.

Pray, children, a Heavenly Body is approaching the earth. (1)

Pray, children, pray: America will suffer due to the events in Europe.

Pray, children, pray: war has not disappeared – it is coming closer to you.

Pray, children, pray: humanity will bring out the worst of itself.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ,

Lift up your faith and continue to adore the “King of kings and Lord of lords” (Rev. 19:16); be firm in the faith and upright in your works and deeds.

BEAR IN MIND THAT THE ANGEL OF PEACE (2) IS NOT AN ANGEL OF THE HEAVENLY COURT. HE IS SOMEONE CHOSEN, INSTRUCTED AND SENT WITH WORDS OF PEACE THAT WILL COME OUT OF HIS MOUTH, WITH WISDOM AND SPIRITUAL POWER TO FACE THE ANTICHRIST. You will recognize him because he is love and his appearance will come after that of the Antichrist so as not to be confused with him.

The Father’s House will not leave His People on their own, which is why the Angel of Peace is someone who will work and act completely within God’s Will. Do not be afraid of him: fear the Antichrist and fear losing your soul.


Our Queen and Mother will show herself to humanity, but how many will venerate Her? Our Queen and Mother will be present in the world’s Basilicas and in humble, hidden chapels where human beings, in humility, worship the “King of kings and Lord of lords” in fullness.

With My Sword held high, I bless you.

St Michael the Archangel


(1) Danger from asteroids:

(2) About the Angel of Peace:

Prophet John Leary – Jesus Christ – “I have also told you when these evil ones want to take over, they will find a way to shut down your National Grid. They could shut you down by destroying your key substations, shutting off the main switches, or they could use nuclear bombs high in the sky to cause an EMP attack.” – July 4-11, 2023 Update


Tuesday, July 11, 2023: (St. Benedict)

Jesus said: “My people, this wrestling of Jacob with a man in the Scriptures, is hard to understand how Jacob could prevail. The angel was testing Jacob, but the angel did strike at his hip socket. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel which is still the name of the Jews’ country today. In the Gospel I cast out a demon from a possessed person, and the Pharisees thought I was a prince of demons. I explained to them that Satan’s kingdom could not stand if there was division among his demons. But I cast out demons by the Word of God, and this was a blessing and not a curse. I also told the people to have the harvest master send out more laborers to help convert the unbelievers. My faithful can also pray for more priestly vocations. You can also reach out with My grace and you could convert souls to believe in Me.”

Monday, July 10, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, your wife’s father saw the same Jacob’s ladder where he saw souls rising and descending. In the Gospel (Matt. 9:16-20) you are again seeing Me heal people. The woman with hemorrhages for twelve years had great faith that if she could just touch My tassel, she could be healed. She was healed by My mercy, but also because of her faith. I felt the healing go out to her, even though many people hemmed Me in close. The other healing was when I healed a daughter of a ruler. She had died and there was a great lamentation over her death. But with Me all things are possible. So I put out the mourners, and I raised the girl back to life. There was much celebration, even though I wanted this kept quiet.”
N.B. I also was healed from six months with a sciatica pain that I could not stand on my feet for more than ten minutes before I had to sit down. After praying for a healing, I too was grateful that Jesus healed Me overnight so I knew it was from the Lord.

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people, who want to take over your country, know that you are almost helpless when your electricity stops. I have also told you when these evil ones want to take over, they will find a way to shut down your National Grid. They could shut you down by destroying your key substations, shutting off the main switches, or they could use nuclear bombs high in the sky to cause an EMP attack. Without much food, many people could die of starvation as in a famine. I will protect your refuge solar systems during the tribulation from any EMP attack. I will also multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges. Trust in Me because My angels will provide for your needs for your survival throughout the coming tribulation. This coming eclipse and the aurora borealis will be major signs that the end time events will be starting soon.”

Sunday, July 9, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel (Matt. 11:25-36) I told the people how My yoke is easy and My burden is light. I call you to Myself to give you rest from the trials of life. You may know that a yoke is used to join two oxen together for plowing a field. This yoke is a means also of joining your spirit with Mine. By allowing Me to be the center of your lives, I can lead you through life with less effort of what to do. When you come to Me, you need to humble yourself to let Me do the leading. I love all of you so much, and I do not want you to wander off with worldly distractions. So keep your focus on Me, and I will put you on the right path to heaven.”

Saturday, July 8, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to be close to Me so you can see Me and get to know Me. By following Me in My footsteps, you can fulfill the spiritual mission I have for each person. I need to recognize you as a Christian, so you need to live a good Christian life so I and others know you are with Me. Just as Isaac blessed Jacob, so I want to give My people a blessing so you can spread My Word of love to everyone. In the Gospel I wanted My apostles to fast after I left them on earth. Fasting is a necessary help for your faith to be tested. By fasting you are controlling your body’s wants and you are more open to follow Me. So make it a desire for you to fast at least one day a week, just as you do during Lent.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been preparing for years for the end times to come. I have called many of My faithful to set up refuges where My people can come, and I will have My angels finish up any last minute refuge needs. I will call you at the proper time to come to My refuges. For those people, who do not have a refuge, they will call on Me, when I notify them, and I will have My angels put an invisible shield over them on their way to My refuges. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You are already in the pre-tribulation, so be watchful for My Warning experience and the six weeks of Conversion time.”

Friday, July 7, 2023: (First Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees questioned Me about why I ate with sinners and tax collectors. In reply I told them that the sick need a physician. Then I said how I have come to save sinners because the self-righteous do not need My help. For those people, who are listening for My call, like St. Matthew, I ask them to follow Me. St. Matthew immediately left his tax post to follow Me, and he held a dinner for Me and his friends. Those people, who follow the world or Satan, will not listen for My call, but those people, who are open to My Word, will listen and follow Me. These faithful listeners will heed My call and they will go forth to invite more people to be converted to the faith in Me. For many people are called to follow Me, but only a few listen for My call and act on it.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you compare the morals of today in the world with the morals of your youth, you can see how the devil has been able to change things because people have become spiritually lazy. In your grammar school you had to memorize parts of the Baltimore Catechism to help study your faith. You were taught by the nuns who always dressed in their habits. When you were taught morals, it had to come from My authority. This is when you learned that it is necessary to give your will and obedience over to Me, so you could follow My example. If you look at people today, many people do not see the necessity of coming to Mass every Sunday, even though this is My Third Commandment to give Me worship on Sunday. Many people remember the blue laws when it was expected not to work on Sunday. Your family life is now torn apart by divorce and gender talk. Even your Census shows less than 30% of your households have a wife and a husband. You also see couples living together without marriage, as they are living in the sin of fornication. You have seen prayer taken out of your schools and also the daily pledge of allegiance to your flag has been removed. Your schools are teaching a false history without God, and your students are being taught communist teachings. Your movies and television programs have become perverted with sex, bad language, and much violence. When you take Me out of your lives, you are seeing first hand how life in America has changed for the worse. Keep your lives focused on Me and imitate My life as you give your will over to Me, and let Me lead you on a holy life that will prepare you for heaven. Stay close to Me in your daily prayers and your daily Mass, no matter how people may criticize you for living a holy life.”

Thursday, July 6, 2023: (St. Maria Goretti)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading from Genesis (22:1-19) Abraham was tested to see if he was willing to follow My command to offer up his son, Isaac. Abraham was obedient to My word, and I had him hold back the knife from killing Isaac. Abraham then offered a sheep instead of his son. For this obedience to My word, Abraham would be the father of many nations and descendants. This took place on Mount Moriah where the Dome of the Rock stands today in Israel. The lesson is for all of you to obey My Word, and you will have your reward. Be faithful to all of My requests, for I know what is best for your soul. I put you on the right path to heaven as I show you the way.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many kidnappings of little children, as they are trafficking these little ones for sex and even for body parts. This abuse in some ways is even worse than abortion, since these children could be abused for many years by their handlers. Pray that your people can protect your children from being kidnapped or being tricked into being taken. These evil ones will have to answer to Me at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many thieves on the internet who hack into schools and other vulnerable people with their ransomware and they steal money when people want their files back. Whenever people are on the internet often, it is important that you backup your valuable data on several hard drives or thumb drives. Then if you are attacked with ransomware, you can replace your files without paying money to the hackers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some banks close because they were stuck with long time low interest Treasury bills or annuities with low interest rates that could not easily be sold. Some other people have been fortunate to get higher rate CDs that are at 5% or higher. The high rates of interest on loans is also causing problems for your government when they have to sell bonds at higher interest rates that causes more expense to finance your National Debt. There are even rumors that your Federal Reserve wants to still raise interest rates to try and stop inflation. Pray that your financial problems can be resolved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are quite naive that China hires spies to steal your technical secrets so they can enhance their industries without having to spend money for research. They also are spying on your military installations as you saw with their spy balloons over your country. You are at war financially with China, as well as you are in danger from their military takeovers, and threats to Taiwan. This means you should have less trade with your major enemy. Pray that your people will wake up to the threat they are to all parts of your life. You are dependent on China who makes your medicines, your food, and many other necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, your schools are a disgrace in how they are dumbing down your students. The teachers’ unions and the left have infiltrated their communist teachings into all of your schools. They have also put down many teachings about Me, and they replace My teaching with evil gender teachings and false history events. Many schools are breeding grounds for turning your children into communist thinkers. Pray and teach your children the true faith about Me and your true history of your country. You are in a battle for the minds and souls of your children.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many areas you are seeing fewer vocations to the priesthood. Your priests are much older and they are not being replaced when priests are dying. You need to have a better spiritual environment for young men to be drawn to the priesthood. The home schooled children have a better place to teach the faith. Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood and teach your children the true Catholic faith that many of you were taught in your youth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My people about the coming digital dollar being proposed by Biden’s Executive Order 14067. The one world people want to bring it in during July of this year. This is against all of your Constitution’s laws and it could be a great threat to your financial freedom. These evil ones want to control how you spend your money. If you do not go along with their agenda, they could even zero your bank accounts. If you have difficulty buying what you need at your stores, you will eventually have to come to My refuges for your survival. This is another reason to have at least three months of food on hand so you will have food if you cannot buy it at your stores. Trust in Me to provide for your food, water, and fuels when I will multiply what you need at My refuges. Fear not the evil ones because My angels will protect you from them.”

Wednesday, July 5, 2023: (St. Elizabeth of Portugal)

Jesus said: “My people, you are all equal human creations of Mine, and you are all made in My Image. So do not look down on any soul as less than you are. It is true that some people are rich and others are poor, but your money does not make one person greater than another. In heaven at your judgment, you are judged by the intentions of your actions, and not by how much wealth you have accumulated. So treat everyone equally as I treat each of you. Those people, who belittle others or enslave others, will have to pay for any injustice at their judgment. I take care of the rich as much as I take care of the poor. So My people should follow My example.”

(Marco intention for Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed stories and movies about the abuse of young children by pedophiles. You have heard My words in the Scriptures that those people who harm My little ones should have a millstone put around their necks and be thrown into the sea. These kidnappers then make the little ones into prostitutes for sex, and they make a lot of money on them. This is truly evil to traumatize and abuse the young children, but these evil ones will pay for their crimes.”
Marco moved up in purgatory with this Mass.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023: (Independence Day)

Jesus said: “My people, I have blessed America because you have honored Me in your documents. But today, you have evil ones running your government, and they only strive for power over your people. You definitely have communists and the one world people trying to take over every facet of your life. These evil leaders are following Satan, and they want to take away your freedoms. These communists are attacking your faith in My churches, your families, your schools, and they violate your original Constitution, especially with their open borders. Keep struggling to maintain your freedom with fair elections, and pray for My help to lead your people back to loving Me more.”

Jesus said: “My people, all the communists care about is getting the most votes for their people in any way they can, even if they have to cheat to win. The drop boxes were illegal and they encouraged stuffing the boxes with illegal votes at 2:00 a.m. in the morning. The left does not want signatures verified, again so they can have illegal immigrants, the dead, and prisoners vote illegally. There also was hacking into the Dominion voting machines over the internet to change the votes. The judges did not want to hear any cases of cheating out of fear for their lives, or they were paid to stay silent. If the communists are allowed to cheat at the ballot box and in other places, then they will take you over. The Dominion voting machines are being used in other countries to cheat at elections to keep the communists in power. Fear not My people, for I will protect you at My refuges from the evil ones. The evil ones will be killed and cast into hell at the end time. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. So trust in Me to treat everyone equally.”

Three Messages to locutionist, Jennifer – Jesus Christ – “I say to My people—defend and protect my little ones. As I have warned before, the blood of the innocent is upon the world because too many have failed to defend and protect them. Woe to those who seek to harm My children in their sinful lust.”

http://wordsfromjesus.com (under construction)


July 5, 2023

My Child, I come to you now with great urgency, for the world has entered into the time of warning. I do not speak of the time of My visitation, rather this is a time of warning that will usher in the period when all of humanity will be brought to its knees to see their souls as I see them. My child, those who fail to recognize this time—when evil is seeking to elevate itself yet is being simultaneously pierced by the light of truth—will find themselves like the foolish virgins. I tell My children with great urgency that it is time to repent. It is time to recognize the hour you are living in. I am a God of repetition. Mankind must turn away from evil and defend the truth. Those who turn away in ignorance will be as those who failed to heed the warnings of Noah.

I say to My people—defend and protect my little ones. As I have warned before, the blood of the innocent is upon the world because too many have failed to defend and protect them. Woe to those who seek to harm My children in their sinful lust. Woe to those who seek to manipulate My Creation, My plan. It is time, my children, to come to the fountain of My mercy. Those who fail to seek the ocean of My mercy will come to the harbor of My justice. Turn away turn away from darkness and seek the light, for I am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.

April 7, 2023

My child, who can I speak to? Who will listen to My voice, My words, when I am crying out? I have pleaded with My children, and yet, so many are far away that they do not recognize My voice that is intricately weaved into the soul of mankind.

I come to you in love, I come to you in warning that you must have greater vigilance at what is happening all around you. I tell My children it is time to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit so that you are able to discern all that comes in your path. My children, history is all around you while you are also living out Revelation. Take heed, take heed to the Gospel message and live it.

I have come to nurture and teach you as I am calling all of you to be counted amongst the saints in Heaven by living your life in witness and example. I tell My children that it is a time of reform. Come to the fountain of My Mercy and do not shackle yourself to your past errors, rather, embrace My Love, unite your suffering to Mine, and be My witness in this broken world. It is through your love, forgiveness, and obtaining the graces of heaven that will begin to heal this world. Recognize evil for what it is and do not take hold of it by complying out of fear. Do not allow the enemy to elevate himself through you, rather in greater humility you will defeat all of his deception. Go forth in prayer, go forth in adoration to your Heavenly Father, who through his Son, Jesus, gave you this life, this mission to one day be united with the Trinity for all eternity. Now go forth, for I Am Jesus and My mercy and justice will prevail.

April 7, 2023

My child, the great hour is approaching when many will be caught off guard! My Wounds are bleeding profusely and my only consolation is the prayers and acts of suffering My faithful offer to Me. The war that has been waged upon My little ones has become a plague upon the innocent. I can no longer hold back My Father’s just hand. I can no longer restrain the justice of My Father upon His people who refuse the mercy of His Son, for I am Jesus.

This earth is going to begin to rock and tremble. On the day of the earthquake that will begin to ripple all across the world, many will come to see that their ways were not pleasing to Me. Satan has infiltrated every home, every family, and every church. He and his companions have infiltrated every nation and many hearts that no longer recognize the truth. He has infiltrated the minds of My children by using fear in order to bring false comfort, false hope, and false peace.

The hour has come when those who have become the minions of his work will find themselves amongst those who have chosen the same path of darkness for all eternity.

My children, each and every soul is created in My Image and likeness. I Am the Bread of Life, the Prince of Peace, the Savior of the world and I Am Man, for I Am Jesus. What My Father ordained from the beginning will be in the end. When you deny what you were created as, you deny your Heavenly Father. The enemy seeks to destroy the woman because of her humility and obedience. The enemy seeks to destroy man because of his righteousness in the truth. My children, this world you have come to know is passing away. My Mother has been coming for some time to plead with her children to turn away from this world to seek out her son, to accept My Mercy, so that you can come home to your father. It is time, My children, to answer the call of your Mother. She has been sent to light the way in bringing her children back to her son. Come to Me in prayer, come to Me in Adoration, come to Me in Humility, for I have a place prepared for you that this world can never suffice. Now go forth My Children and be at peace, for My Mercy and Justice will prevail.

July 9, 2023 – My Movie Review about ‘Sound of Freedom’ – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Sunday, July 9, 2023
Month dedicated to the Most Precious Blood of JESUS

My Movie Review: ‘Sound of Freedom’

I, “a soul” of MaryRefugeOfSouls, was able to watch the film, ‘Sound of Freedom’, yesterday in the movie theater and I want to give my honest thoughts about the film for those who are ‘on the fence’ about watching it. It is an amazing movie and I do not want people to be afraid of seeing it, because the subject matter — child trafficking — is a very deep and very emotional topic to be exposed to. However, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that every person watch this film. This movie explores a very difficult topic in a brilliant manner, paving the way to more open and needed public discussion, which will hopefully result in the end of this modern day slavery in our country and around the world. It is definitely a movie that lingers with you days later as your psyche reflects upon and copes with what you have seen. It is also a movie that every parent should watch, because knowledge is empowering, especially, in this subject matter. In reading the many comments regarding the film, this is a movie that makes many grown men — that never show their emotions — makes them publicly cry. This is also a movie that many elderly persons in their late 80s — who have not been to the cinema theater in decades — come out to watch because they want to be supportive of this important cause for children.

Firstly, I want people to know that in the film, you never see the child actors being harmed or abused in any way. The producers worked really hard to protect the innocence of the children acting in the film. The parents of all the children involved were on set throughout the production. In truth, while the children may have known the film was about kidnapping, the children did not know the nature of the child trafficking involving sexual abuse. Also, the scenes are “suggestive” about any child abuse, leaving it to the viewers’ imagination what might be happening next by fading out and cutting away at those “suggestive” parts. You never hear cries for help or screaming during those fade out scenes. I am being very detailed in telling you all this, because I know that people’s concerns about what they may be exposed to may detract people from viewing this film. I also want people to know this, because while the abuse scenes are merely suggestive, it still might affect people who are sensitive or who may have been traumatized in their past at the hands of others.

I want to share with you all that I never saw the movie Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion of the Christ’ starring Jim Caviezel, because I knew that I would be too traumatized by all the lifelike violence of witnessing a dramatization of the Crucifixion. In contrast, the ‘Sound of Freedom’ was not at all at the level of brutality that I imagine the ‘Passion of the Christ’ to be. I could handle the ‘Sound of Freedom’ and I would be willing to watch it again if I knew of others who would like to see it with me. Also, I know that they have a script for another movie if this first one proves successful and honestly, I would have no problem watching a sequel or series of movies on this topic, because the script, directing and acting are so well done. I think that this is a very serious topic that must be heard and addressed by the people and our leaders. So, I definitely want to continue to be supportive of this important movement to protect the children.

The acting is superb. Jim Caviezel has very expressive eyes which convey a lot of his interior emotions as he portrays the main character, Tim Ballard. There was one scene in particular that Jim does that really stayed with me. It is a scene that Jim actually ad-libs — he actually adds a line that was not part of the original script — which is the bible verse where Jesus warns that it would be better to be drowned by a millstone tied around one’s neck rather than to hurt a child (“little one”). It is a very powerful moment when Jim says it. However, the actor that I was really impressed by was Bill Camp who plays the supporting character, Vampiro. I will not spoil it for anyone, but he is really, very good, and I think the director and producer chose excellent actors for the various parts, including the monstrous villains.

Overall, I agree with other critics that the ‘Sound of Freedom’ is a masterpiece. I say this, because child trafficking is a very hard subject to tackle for a movie and it is really a make or break thing. All the elements of the movie have to come together perfectly, otherwise, it will fall flat on its face, be panned, and have no credibility at all. But, the ‘Sound of Freedom’ fully delivers on all accounts and because this topic is so difficult and divisive to present adequately cinematically, this movie really is a masterpiece and deserves to be called that.

However, whereas many people are stating this movie is a 10 out of 10, honestly, I can only give the ‘Sound of Freedom’ a 9.5 out of 10. Although I will say that I feel bad that I cannot give it a perfect score. Why only a 9.5? It is because the producers billed this movie as being based on the real life of former federal agent, Tim Ballard, when in reality, it is more “inspired by” rather than being based on a “literal” story of events in Tim’s life fighting child trafficking. So, it is definitely not a dramatized documentary, as many scenes are fictional. I was actually very relieved to know this, as towards the end, there is a violent scene involving an altercation with a drug kingpin and its outcome is a bit troubling to me if it had really happened in real life. So, I am very happy to know that those scenes were completely fictionalized by the scriptwriters. However, I think it would have been much better if the producers advertised the film as a dramatization inspired by Tim’s life rather than saying it is based on true life events in Tim’s life. I understand that they do not want to downplay the gravity of child trafficking but at the same time, I felt that scene was a “negative” tarnishing the otherwise wholesome, brave reputation of Tim Ballard who truly is a hero and man of godly integrity.

In conclusion, I want to share with you the bible verse that is engraved on the necklace that Tim Ballard actually received from a child whom he rescued from human trafficking. In the movie you see the necklace given to Tim but the viewers are not told which bible verse it is. It is actually a bible verse that incorporates his first name and is very prophetic as to the mission that he would be undertaking in the future by starting a worldwide organization to fight child trafficking. Here is the scripture:

1 Timothy 6:11
“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.”

God bless,
A Soul

Footnote: For those living in the USA and Canada who would like to watch this movie but cannot afford a movie ticket, Angel Studios actually has a program where you can claim FREE MOVIE TICKETS. All that they ask is that you write a positive movie review on the various movie critic websites if you found the film noteworthy. Here is more information about the program as I know many people are living under tight budgets due to the down economy. So, I hope that you will take advantage of the ticket offer which is a great opportunity for those in need:

Read related:
‘Sound of Freedom’ Real Story: What Is True in the Movie? (includes film spoilers)


Prophet John Leary – JESUS CHRIST – “Some people are concerned that computers and artificial intelligence could get out of hand and control your lives… These electronic devices do not have a soul… Satan uses these electronic distractions as addictions to take you away from Me.” – June 28-July 4, 2023 Update


Tuesday, July 4, 2023: (Independence Day)

Jesus said: “My people, I have blessed America because you have honored Me in your documents. But today, you have evil ones running your government, and they only strive for power over your people. You definitely have communists and the one world people trying to take over every facet of your life. These evil leaders are following Satan, and they want to take away your freedoms. These communists are attacking your faith in My churches, your families, your schools, and they violate your original Constitution, especially with their open borders. Keep struggling to maintain your freedom with fair elections, and pray for My help to lead your people back to loving Me more.”

Monday, July 3, 2023: (St. Thomas, our 58th Wedding Anniversary)

Jesus said: “My son, you saw an empty casket in the vision for Gloria (Terry’s sister), but she has moved up in purgatory with this Mass for her intention. You and your wife are celebrating your 58th Wedding Anniversary, and you both are doing better with your legs. You both have been faithful laborers in the field for Me in evangelizing people for twenty-eight years, and I promised your reward in My Era of Peace. Continue to be a good example for your children and grandchildren. Your kids look up to you for their spiritual faith.”

Jesus said: “My son, some people are concerned that computers and artificial intelligence could get out of hand and control your lives. This is also My concern, and it is why I keep repeating My suggestion to avoid artificial intelligence and the use of virtual reality. These electronic devices do not have a soul, so My human people are much more valuable to Me, because I created all of you in My Image. Satan uses these electronic distractions as addictions to take you away from Me. So keep focused on Me in your prayers and Masses. I love all of you, and I am warning you to stay away from addicting devices. Love of Me and love of neighbor should be your daily concern, and do not let the electronic devices control you.”

Sunday, July 2, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, if you are to be one of My followers, you must take up your personal cross, and follow Me. During Lent you take up your cross as your personal mission to follow My Will and not your own. I love all of you so much and I do not leave you orphans. I am right by your side to help you carry your cross, and you can call on Me in your needs. Just as Simon helped Me to carry My cross, so I am here to help you through life’s trials and disappointments. Trust in Me every day to deal with your health, your finances, and your family. Be a good example in faith to all of your children and grandchildren.”

Saturday, July 1, 2023: (St. Junipero Serra)

Jesus said: “My people, you read in the first reading from Genesis how I brought Isaac into the world, even though Sarah was beyond her childbearing years. It may be impossible in the world for Sarah to have a baby in her old age, but everything is possible for Me. Now My faithful are entering the end times, and I will separate My people at My refuges from the evil ones, who will not be allowed into My refuges without a cross on their foreheads. Then My faithful will be protected at My refuges from bombs and comets. I will also multiply your food, water, and fuels. Again this may be impossible in the world, but all things are possible for Me. My faithful must have faith in Me to do these things, as I will have My angels protect you. You must have a strong faith like the faith of the Centurion who believed I could heal his servant from a distance. Have faith and trust in Me to bring My faithful into My Era of Peace, but I will do it because I have given My Word that this will happen, and it will be done.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard some rumors about a possible change of your paper money being converted over to a digital currency. It is disturbing if this will enable your government to track your purchases and control your life with social credits. You have not heard how quickly this will be implemented, but it could cause some violent protests. If this endangers your lives in any way, you may have to come to My refuges for your protection. Trust in Me to have My angels watch over you.”

Friday, June 30, 2023: (First Martyrs of the Church in Rome)

Jesus said: “My people, during the Roman occupation the emperors killed many Christians to try and stop the spread of Christianity. It was mentioned that the blood of martyrs is the seed of Christian converts. Throughout the years of the Church, you have seen many saints give up their lives in martyrdom rather than go against My love. My people, you will soon be entering the time of tribulation because you are already in the pre-tribulation. That means the evil ones are preparing for the takeover by the Antichrist. The Great Reset will start with the takeover of your money in the digital dollar. This will be followed by the mandated mark of the beast that you are not to take for any reason. This means after the Warning and the Conversion time, I will be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges, where My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Those faithful, who do not come to My refuges when I call them, could suffer martyrdom. So pray for your family to be believers in Me so they can be protected from the one world people, and be saved from hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I love you so much and I will not allow the evil ones to destroy My faithful remnant. No matter how much evil the Antichrist brings on the world, I will protect My faithful at My refuges. I am telling My faithful to believe in My love always because My angels will protect you, and My soldiers will win the final battle of Armageddon. You have been preparing your refuges for the end times, and you know I will bring My victory over sin and death. The evil ones will rule the world for a brief reign, but then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement and the evil ones will be killed and cast into hell. My faithful will be shielded at My refuges by My angels from the comet and all the evil bombs. After the earth is cleansed of evil, I will raise My faithful up into the air so I can renew the earth, and then I will bring you down into My Era of Peace as I promised you. So keep the faith and have hope in My victory so you can be with Me on earth and in heaven. Love Me and your neighbor, and you will have My reward for being faithful to My Commandments of love.”

Thursday, June 29, 2023: (St. Peter & St. Paul)

Jesus said: “My people, today you are celebrating the feast of the two great saints of My Church in St. Peter and St. Paul. You remember how St. Peter denied Me three times in the courtyard, even when I passed by him. Then after My Resurrection at Galilee, I asked St. Peter if he loved Me three times. According to your scholars I asked St. Peter the first two times in agape, or an unconditional love, and the last time as phileo or brotherly love. But St. Peter answered all three times with phileo or brotherly love. Then I told him to feed My lambs. St. Paul was stopped on his way to Damascus when a great light blinded him, and he fell off of his horse. I asked St. Paul why was he persecuting Me. Later, St. Paul was healed of his blindness, and he was converted to one of My great disciples, as he brought the Gentiles into My Church. Rejoice that you have been gifted with St. Peter, who became the first Pope. You have seen a succession of Popes who sat on the Chair of St. Peter in Rome. St. Paul also was a defender of My Church, especially with the Gentiles. Follow the teachings of these two great disciples of My Church.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, some Northern states are suffering from heavy smoke drifting down to you with the winds from Canada. Many outdoor activities have been cancelled, especially sports games. The smoke from the forest fires in Canada is a definite part of your polluted air, and it is causing a haze over some areas. This can be dangerous for people who have breathing difficulties, so they need to stay inside. Pray for your people that they are not adversely affected by the smoke from these fires.”

Jesus said: “My people, the smoke from these fires can affect your weather and it could make it cooler in some places. It can combine with water vapor to make a smog that could last for some time. There are some reports that these fires are out of control, so this smoke will continue during the summer. It would help if there were some attempts to get some water on these fires. Pray that these fires can burn out to stop the smoke from ruining your good air.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many people who are crowding your airports, but the storms are causing power outages and delays in your airplane flights. Pray that the lightning does not cause any problems with your flights, or driving to your destination. Some power outages may require removal of the tree limbs off the roads and the power lines. Pray your storm prayer to stop any serious damage to your homes. Pray and trust in My protection at your homes and even at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, for many years colleges have been helping minorities get favored treatment over people with better grade point averages. Applications for college entry should be given a fair choice instead of quotas for minorities. This will be a big change to try and make the Supreme Court decision to stop Affirmative Action work at your colleges who have favored more minorities that have poorer grade averages. You will see some strong reaction to this court decision.”

Jesus said: “My people, when your government spends much more money than they collect in taxes, there is a problem with your deficits, as well as an effect on inflation. It is this overspending of the Democrats that has caused an increase in inflation. It is your workers who have to pay higher prices for necessities, but their wages are not increasing as much as the rate of inflation. This is why families need more jobs to make up for this difference between price increases and wage increases. Pray for families to be able to buy what is needed.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are fewer homes for sale at a reasonable price. Some people have to bid as much as a hundred thousand dollars over the offering price to get a price accepted. There are also thousands of dollars charged for closing costs, as well as higher interest rates. This leaves many families incapable of affording their dream home. Pray that these expenses can come down so young families can afford to buy a home.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Ukraine war has killed thousands of soldiers and civilians, as well as there has been great damage to the cities in Ukraine. Several countries are donating military equipment to help the Ukraine fight Russia’s invasion. This country of the Ukraine was full of corruption and it is sometimes hard to support billions of dollars in weapons for a corrupt government. Your country cannot afford a continual drain on your money to pay for these military expenses. At some point it is better to support your own military than drain all of your own military munitions. Pray to stop such an ongoing war with no let up.”

Wednesday, June 28, 2023: (St. Irenaeus)

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you of false prophets and other heresies as Gnosticism that St. Irenaeus fought to stop. I told you that you will know the false people by their fruits. The evil ones teach heresies, so beware when you hear things that are not true, and do not follow such people. Stay with My teachings in My Gospels, and do not obey false teachings. Use the Catechism of the Catholic Church to discern if something is against Church teaching. You will be seeing the evil ones, as the Antichrist, who will try to deceive My faithful. Do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist because he could cause you to worship him. After the Warning and the Conversion time, you will need to get rid of all of your devices connected to the internet, because the Antichrist will control all of your communications. Be prepared to come to My refuges at the time of the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are given enough rain, you can grow many crops, like your farmers do. If you do not get sufficient rain then the farmers have to irrigate the land with water to grow crops. I gave you a parable about a good tree and a bad tree. You will always have good fruit from the good tree, such as a healthy apple tree. But a bad tree can only bring forth bad fruit. This is why I told you that you will know a good person when they bring forth good fruit or good deeds. An evil person will not have good deeds unless they are converted. They will bring forth bad fruit or bad deeds. This is how you can determine if a person is good or bad by their deeds. I want My faithful people to convert people to faith in Me, and this will be your good deed. You have to work to teach someone the faith, but if you are successful, you can bring a soul to love Me, and they will thank you. So I am sending My laborers out into the field of life so they can help people to believe in Me.”

Heads Up about watching ‘Sound of Freedom’ at AMC Theaters in the USA, as well as High Acclaim about the movie from other film directors / producers – MaryRefugeOfSouls

July 8, 2023

Heads Up:
AMC Theater chain may be trying to sabotage the showing of the ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie nationwide by turning off air conditioning only in the rooms which are featuring this film, claiming the units are ‘broken’ so they have an excuse to refund tickets automatically. They are also claiming broken down equipment so the movie cannot be projected onto the screen and doing last minute switching to smaller rooms so they have more excuses to refund tickets. People are complaining about this happening in multiple theaters in multiple states on social media (Tik Tok, Twitter, and Reddit).

This is so shameful!!!

Also in this blog post, I am including an excellent review by another film director/producer about the ‘Sound of Freedom’.

AMC Sabotages “Sound of Freedom” Movie -Turns off A/C Units nationwide (8:25 minutes)

Sound of Freedom is a Masterpiece! (4:25 minutes)