From the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) (2012) – Call for DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING on JANUARY 31st – MaryRefugeOfSouls



This Message was received by Maria Divine Mercy, after two separate apparitions of the Virgin Mary – one, which took place at midnight, January 29 and the second at 13:00 hours, on Monday, January 30, 2012, during which, the Virgin Mother appeared very sorrowful throughout.

(The Dates that Our Mother chooses are VERY IMPORTANT, that is why we must maintain them and continue carrying out the Prayers and Fasts that She asks us to do and be faithful children to Her Requests.)






I cry tears of sorrow for those poor people who have no idea how much pain and anguish their sins cause my Son.

The joy of the Gift, that my Son now brings the world, is tinged with sadness for those who cannot be saved, by their own choice.


Pray that no one will deny my Son’s Divine Mercy during or after The Warning. For every soul lost to such lies, is a soul that will be seized by the evil one. Spread conversion everywhere, children.

Accept that I am the Co-Redemptrix and Mediatrix, working closely with my beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to save all souls from eternal ruination.

My love for you, children, is very strong. I plead for Mercy for each soul, every second of the day, by begging my Father for clemency.

But, children, you must help by joining with me in prayer and sacrifice to help all of God’s children enter the gates of the New Paradise.

Your Heavenly Mother

January 29, 2024 – From the Handbook of God the Father (Volumes 2-3) – Special Commentary – Papal Prophecies – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


January 29, 2024
For the Greater Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

This is my follow-up commentary about the recent publication of the very detailed Table of Contents of Volumes 2 and 3 for the prophetic body of writings called, the Handbook of God the Father. In sum, there are Three Volumes (about 800 pages). Volumes 2 and 3 will be released as free PDF downloads on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and the sister site, , at the end of this month of January 2024 (latest, first days of February). Whereas, the release of Volume 1 will be delayed until the end of the month of February 2024.

There are two significant reasons why the Three Volumes are being published out of sequence. The first reason is related to proofreading by a translator as part of the final editing check for Volume 1; and the second reason is Volumes 2 and 3 are most needed now for the Remnant Church. Currently, Holy Mother Church is in major crisis and is splintering. Many of the Faithful Remnant are unsure as to what they are witnessing happen inside the Roman Catholic Church; and are experiencing confusion and a personal ‘crisis of faith’ that is causing them to lose hope and consider becoming apostate.

Beloved ones, God does not want people to lose hope in Him and He does not want His beloved children to fall away from the True Faith. That is why I am writing this important commentary which will prepare people to be able to read Volumes 2 and 3 with an open heart. In particular, I want to discuss Chapter 26 (Volume 2) and Exhibits 19-21 of the Appendix (Volume 3). Specifically, I want to talk about Pope Francis (Bergoglio), as well as the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI — private revelation about his holy death — that is included in the Appendix.

Here is the blog post for those who still need to review the very detailed Table of Contents for Volumes 2 and 3 of the Handbook of God the Father:

Children of Mary, please understand that Almighty God is fully, completely, and totally aware of what is happening today — the current state of affairs of the Roman Catholic Church. God is intimately involved in the affairs of His Holy Bride, the Church, and has not been caught ‘unaware’ by the current crisis of faith. He has been preparing the Faithful Remnant by the gift of prophecy given to certain prophetic voices throughout the years.

Children of Mary, please know that you are not going to understand the current faith crisis unless you accept generally modern-day Catholic prophecies; and you are not going to know how to approach the current faith crisis unless you accept what specifically Heaven has revealed to us. Because, guess what, satan is going to twist your mind in total confusion if you do not follow Heaven’s compass revealed to authentic chosen messengers.

I am going to say some things that are very shocking truths, but you must accept them in order for you to have clarity and peace of mind, as well as continuing confidence and hope in God’s Will and His Divine Plan. Note: This commentary compliments what is shared in Volumes 2 and 3, and actually expands upon what I did not have space in the books to reveal.

Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is an antipope. Pope Benedict XVI was the last, legitimate pope in apostolic succession to Saint Peter the Apostle, the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis is not a legitimate successor, because Pope Benedict XVI was coerced under duress to step down from the papacy in 2013. This coercion invalidated the legitimacy of the Conclave held in 2013, because the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI was not freely made in the Holy Eyes of God. Pope Benedict XVI died a martyr and the Petrine See is currently vacant with Heaven in charge. Pope Francis does not possess the heightened divine protection of legitimate popes when teaching Catholic doctrine and dogma or exercising any papal authority. Also, Pope Francis cannot be “retroactively” installed as Supreme Pontiff. That is not how a fair and just system of laws operates under God’s sovereignty. There needs to be a conclave held to elect a legitimate Vicar of Christ.

Beloved ones, Heaven has prepared people to believe in these divine truths through private revelation given to different chosen messengers. A major prophetic work called the Book of Truth given to Maria Divine Mercy by Heaven during the years, 2010 to 2015, revealed that a false shepherd would be illegitimately elected pope. That there would be an ‘impostor’ acting as pope once Pope Benedict XVI was forced to leave the papacy. The Book of Truth also revealed that Pope Benedict XVI would die as a martyr of the Catholic faith before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) occurs.

Now, critics may state that the papal prophecies concerning Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis did not happen in exactly the prophesied manner found in the Book of Truth. However, these critics do not understand how clever and highly intelligent the devil is to any human mind. Once Heaven revealed the papal prophecies, satan immediately went to work to discredit the Book of Truth and to change his devious methods of hell’s attack concerning the papacy. In fact, I was able to privately confirm these facts with Our Lord Jesus Christ in 2019.

Heaven confirmed publicly that the papal prophecies in the Book of Truth had been indeed altered by hell in a message given to Brazilian seer, Pedro Regis, from the Blessed Virgin Mary on June 29, 2018. In the message, Our Lady of Anguera said: “The evil deed of evil men will bring great spiritual harm to My poor children. The realization of the Second Plan will be more painful.” Note, the words, “Second Plan,” which indicates that a “First Plan” to harm the Roman Catholic Church was being set aside. It was the intentions of these specific words, “Second Plan”, used by Our Holy Mother, that Our Lord Jesus Christ confirmed with me in 2019 involved hell and the papacy. That satan altered his evil plans in respects to both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, after satan took notice of what Heaven stated in the Book of Truth. Jesus also privately reaffirmed with me in the same conversation in 2019 that Pope Francis is an impostor and that Pope Benedict XVI would die someday as a martyr of the Catholic faith.

So, that is the reality of the current crisis of faith being witnessed in Holy Mother Church. We have an impostor pretending to be a legitimate successor to the Chair of Saint Peter. The man known as Pope Francis (Bergoglio) needs to immediately repent of all his heresies and call for a conclave to be convened by the College of Cardinals so a legitimate Vicar of Christ can be elected. Only the Cardinals of appropriate voting age that were installed prior to the 2013 Conclave should have the right to participate in voting for a new Vicar of Christ.

Meanwhile, what are the faithful laity called to do? We must support our priestly leaders that recognize the divine truths that I have revealed in this commentary, so they may continue to uphold the Catholic faith and will put ‘pressure’ on those in charge within the Vatican to do the right thing by convening a conclave as soon as possible so the Holy Spirit may restore Holy Mother Church in all her glory.

The faithful laity must also pray for Pope Francis and all those that follow him as a false shepherd so they may all repent and be saved by God.

Beloved ones, I do not know what will happen to the immortal soul of Pope Francis. All I know is that he is on the broad path to hell and he needs to repent immediately otherwise he is at risk of damnation, either at his natural death or during his divine encounter with Jesus at the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Everyone needs to intercede for Divine Mercy for him and all those in allegiance with him.

Children of Mary, do not lose hope in God. God is forever in charge and He has a definite and awesome Divine Plan for His beloved people.

Children of Mary, if those leading the Roman Catholic Church fail to act in correcting their evil behaviors, have confidence and hope in Almighty God, because Papa God will move swiftly to fix this grievous state of affairs of heresy, apostasy, and schism.

As I revealed in Chapter 27 of Volume 2, Heaven intends to convene a Special Conclave and Great Ecumenical Council on earth in the aftermath of the Great Warning [1]. It will be held in the latter days of the six and a half weeks of reprieve when satan and the evil spirits will all be temporarily locked up in hell. So hell will be totally unable to harm or tamper with this monumental salvific event in the history of Holy Mother Church.

During the Special Conclave and Great Ecumenical Council, God will supernaturally reveal His choice for Vicar of Christ. He will be a Marian pope who has been prophesied in older private revelations as a holy priest son called, Peter the Roman. It is Peter the Roman who will finally fulfill the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary according to the directives of Our Lady of Fatima. At this Great Ecumenical Council, the Great Schism between the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, the Protestant Churches, and Judaism, will also be universally healed as all Christian and Jewish believers will recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of all mankind, and the true Jewish Messiah. Everyone will recognize the fullness of the teachings of Christianity held as the Deposit of the Faith in the Roman Catholic Church. There will be no separatists due to doctrine or dogma. All believers of Christ will be known as Catholic and will accept the leadership of the Supreme Pontiff, Peter the Roman.

Beloved ones, I reveal these important prophecies to you so you do not lose the faith nor lose hope in God. Simply put, God is fully aware of the current mess within Holy Mother Church and He intends to clean the mess up. So continue to hold steadfast to the Truth of the Gospel as supported by the True Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Continue to receive the holy sacraments, especially Confession and the Most Holy Eucharist, in its unaltered forms according to the teachings of the True Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Remain faithful Catholics and “fight” for the Truth of God within Holy Mother Church and in the world.

Love Jesus and everything that He stands for. Remain vigilant as His devoted disciples. God bless.

I love you,
A Soul

FOOTNOTE [1]: I know that some theologians, scholars and religious leaders may question how quickly a Great Ecumenical Council could be held on earth. This is because the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) took about 4 years and also the writing of the Official Catechism of the Catholic Church under Pope Saint John Paul II took more than 5 years to complete. However, please understand that I know more than I can publicly reveal about how Heaven intends to organize these proceedings. All I can say is that with Almighty God, “all things are possible”, and that everything that I have written about the Great Ecumenical Council will be accomplished under Heaven’s direction in a way that also respects the free will of the attendees and it will be very orderly and efficient. Please understand that God already knows that human beings have limitations but in God, He is not limited by anything incapable by human nature. The Great Ecumenical Council will happen and it will be an amazing feat and joint effort accomplished by Heaven and those who love God on earth. Amen.

Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) – An Important Prophecy – Involving Israel and the antichrist, European Union, Catholic Church, and Rise of Paganism – MaryRefugeOfSouls

The enemies of the Jews in all nations will gather together in unity to crush Israel
Friday, November 30th, 2012 @ 22:20

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for the prophecies foretold in the Old Testament regarding the fate of the Jews is to become evident shortly.

My chosen race will suffer

The Jews who rejected the Covenant of God, laid down by Moses, will suffer as they have done for centuries. Their power over the land of their forefathers will be taken and the only solution will be to sign a treaty where they will become slaves to the antichrist. My chosen race will suffer, just as I did, and little mercy will be shown to them.

The treatment of the Jews will be worse than that shown to them during the genocide, which took place in the Second World War.

It will be in Israel that the Tribulation will be seen, as foretold, clearly.

It will be because of Israel, that wars will escalate, when it will become difficult to determine who the real enemy will be.

The peace treaty will be signed soon afterwards and the man of peace will enter the world stage.

European Union will crush all traces of God

The beast with the ten horns, that is the European Union, will crush all traces of God.

Now is the time to prepare for their cruelty, which will be unprecedented, when it will come to the abolition of Christianity.

How proud they will be when the little one, hidden amongst them, will rise and boast of his power. They will applaud the appointed leader of a new church and his power will spread over the world.

This will develop quickly and to those sacred servants of Mine, who do not accept the Truth of this prophecy, you must know this.

Should you conform to the new laws of Rome, a city, which will be seized by the liar and servant of the antichrist, you will become a prisoner of this new regime. When you see the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist being amended and changed beyond recognition, know that this will be your chance to turn your back on this wicked regime.

My Church is infallible. It will remain infallible. If others, however, within My Church, rebel against My Teachings and change the Holy Sacraments they will be cast away from My Church. The new regime, not of God, will be fallible for it will not represent the Truth. Only My Teachings can be adhered to by Christians.

If you follow a man-made religion you cannot call yourself a Christian. Anyone who says that My Church is infallible is correct. Anyone who claims to belong to a new church, where My Teachings have been tampered with and where My Sacraments have been abolished, will be living a lie.

This will be a very difficult time for My sacred servants, for they must follow the Laws laid down by My Church. I say to you now that you must still do this. But, as soon as My Sacraments have been desecrated, only follow My True Church. By then only those servants who follow the Truth can claim to lead My people according to the instructions laid down by Me during My time on earth.

Rise of Paganism

The rise of paganism will sweep over the earth and in its wake a false sense of peace will be created. Then you will see the rise in the adulation of celebrities and a fanatical devotion to new age spiritualism and satanic worship, disguised as modern psychological therapy. This is where worship of oneself will be the most important trait to strive for.

Sexual immorality will increase as the Battle of Armageddon intensifies

Abortion and murder will be so common that many will become immune to any feeling of compassion for those who are vulnerable.

It will be during this time that My army will continue, undaunted, in their mission to save souls. Nothing will stop them and for every hour of their prayers I will mitigate much of this suffering in the world.

To the Jews I say this. You have suffered because of your failure to listen to the Word of God through the prophets. You, however, will finally accept the True Messiah soon. Then you, too, will join My Army as it marches towards victory against the antichrist.

You will suffer just as I did for this has been foretold. The House of David will have its day of victory on the day I will raise up the New Jerusalem out of the ashes. As My New Kingdom emerges the king of the pagan world and his servants will be turned into ashes.

My Promise to come to bring you to My Father’s Kingdom is close. To you I pledge My Love and My Loyalty, as your promised Messiah, promised to you so long ago. This is your inheritance. You did not reject Me, your Jesus when I was crucified. You rejected God.

I Am God. I Am the way for you to enter the New Paradise. Accept My Hand for I love you, I forgive you. You are My People and I Am coming for you.

Your Jesus


World War Prophecies – Jerusalem is satan’s target and Iran is his instrument of destruction – Compiled by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) – Relevant Heaven’s Messages Concerning The Holy Land and World War 3 (WWIII) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) – Relevant Heaven’s Messages Concerning The Holy Land and World War 3 (WWIII) – MaryRefugeOfSouls


Relevant heavenly messages regarding The Holy Land and WWIII

Thursday, March 8th, 2012 @ 19:52

My dearest daughter the world has awaited this moment for two thousand years.

Some with fear in their hearts, others with anticipation and wonder as to when this moment would come and now it has.

This is the time I send My end time prophet, you Maria, to finally present the Book of Truth which reveals the contents of the Book of Revelation.

I am the God for whom all of My children are crying out in these terrible times.

It is I to whom they, My distressed children, must call out for now.

I gather My family together at this time so that we can unite in the final battle to slay the dragon who has tormented the earth for so long.

Children do not be afraid. No harm will come to those who wear My Seal, the Seal of the Living God.

Satan and his fallen angels, who infest the world at this time, do not have the authority over those who have the mark of the Living God.

You must listen to Me children and accept My Seal for it will save not only your lives but your souls.

Recite the prayer to receive My Seal every day(*). (see end of this message)

Ensure that each member of your family and loved ones understand the significance of My Seal.

Your love for Me, your Heavenly Father, will be your saving grace and it will give you the strength that you need.

My Seal of protection is foretold as the second seal is broken.

The rider of the red horse is the avenging dark angel who will slay My children in the many wars to come. But he will pass over those of My children with the seal on their foreheads.

Prepare now for these wars are already happening and more are being planned in every corner of the earth and, especially, in the Middle East and in those lands upon which My precious Son, Jesus Christ, walked during His time on earth.

Your beloved Father
God the Most High

(*) Seal of Protection Prayer to God the Father (originally received by Maria Divine Mercy on 20 February 2012)

Recite this Crusade Prayer (33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.

“O My God, My loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to you my Beloved Father. I beg you to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to your service forever and ever. I love you Dear Father. I console you in these times Dear Father. I offer you the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of your dearly beloved Son in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all your children. Amen.”

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 @ 03:10

My dearest beloved, I must inform you that a Third World War is about to unfold in the world.

My tears flow this morning, as you can see.(*)

The Second Seal is about to unfold as foretold to John the Evangelist in the Book of Revelation.

It will start in Europe. Your banking system will be the cause and Germany, once again, will be involved in this tragedy, as it was on the last two occasions.

When it commences, much will be over saving the economy and catastrophe will affect Greece, with much fallout in France.

The Middle East will also be involved with Israel and Iran at war and Syria will play a serious part in the downfall of Egypt.

My daughter, I wake you to tell you this, not to frighten you, but to urge much prayer for Europe at this time.

Because of war and lack of money, much of the harvest will be lost and this will lead to the opening of the Third Seal, which means famine.

This is why I now urge all of God’s children to try to stockpile dried and non-perishable food to feed your families. It is important to grow your own harvest if possible.

Remember however, that prayer can mitigate much of this suffering. The effect of this war will be that My Catholic Church on Earth will be sucked into a one world church in the name of unification.

This unification, or false peace, will become a reality after the antichrist appears to create the false peace and a so-called end to the war. This peaceful pact will involve the Western world, until China and Russia become involved with world matters.

They will pose a threat to the ‘Beast with the Ten Horns’ – Europe, and will overcome them to introduce communism.

The ‘Red Dragon’, China, already gains a strong foothold in the world because of their control of the world’s finances. The Red Dragon and “The Bear” – which is Russia – do not love God. They are being led by the antichrist, who is from the East and who hides behind closed doors.

When these prophesies unfold the whole world will believe in these Messages. There will be no doubts then.

Please recite this Crusade Prayer, as it will help dilute the impact of these events.

Crusade Prayer (54) Prayer to the Father to dilute impact of World War 3

“O Heavenly Father, in the Name of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Who suffered greatly for the sins of mankind, please help us in these difficult times we face. Help us to survive the persecution being planned by greedy rulers and those who want to destroy Your Churches and Your children. We implore You, dear Father, to help feed our families and save the lives of those who will be forced into a war, against their will. We love You, dear Father. We beg You to help us in our time of need. Save us from the grip of the antichrist. Help us to survive his mark, the mark of the beast, by refusing to accept it. Help those who love You to remain true to Your Holy Word at all times so that You can bestow on us the Graces to survive in body and soul. Amen.”

My daughter, I realise that this news may come as a shock, but, remember that prayer and the Seal of the Living God Crusade Prayer number (33) will protect My followers, My Remnant Church. You, My children, will survive – although it will not be easy.

You will be bullied because of your Christianity, but you will never denounce Me or reject Me. For this, you will be given Gifts.

My Gift of the Seal of the Living God will render you invisible to your enemies. Recite it every day from now on. Keep it before you in your homes and have it blessed by a priest.

Begin your preparation soon, for the day of the fallout in Europe is not far away.

Your Jesus

(*) Note: When Maria was taking down this Message a wet tear rolled down the photo of Jesus in front of her.

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 @ 09:00

My child, please try to remain strong in this Work for my Son.

It is important that all those who believe in the Truth of the Holy Word, being given to the world at this time, to remain calm.

Your duty is to respond to my beloved Son’s instructions. Prayer and trust in my Son will bring about your salvation.

The Gift of the Seal of the Living God will be your biggest protection at a time of war or strife. By pledging allegiance to God the Father through the acceptance of this free Gift, you will remain free.

Never forget the power of prayer and how it can dilute the impact of such events.

Sadly, many of these events must come to pass, for they have been prophesised.

Children, I call on all those who revere me, your Blessed Mother, to understand that this is a calling from Heaven.

All my visionaries in the world will be instructed to pray in order to avert the dangers associated with a World War.

You must persevere in your suffering and offer it as a gift to God the Father.

My daily Rosary is important at this time no matter what Christian Church you belong to.

You must recite it, because it offers protection to those nations who say it daily, and in great numbers.

Pray, pray, pray for Europe at this time and turn to my Son and ask Him for the strength, courage and perseverance required to retain your trust in God.

Your beloved Mother
Queen of Heaven and Earth
Mother of Salvation

Friday, September 6th, 2013 @ 18:46

My dear child, I must, on the instructions of my Son, Jesus Christ, reveal that the wars, which will unfold now, in the Middle East, will herald the great battle, as a new, bitter world war will be declared.

How this breaks the Sacred Heart of my poor suffering Son. The hatred which infuses the hearts of those leaders, entrusted with the responsibility of running their countries by ordinary people, will spread. They will betray their own nations. Millions will be killed and many nations will be involved. You must know that the souls of those who will be murdered and who are innocent of any crime, will be saved by my Son.

The speed of these wars will escalate and no sooner will four parts of the world become involved than the Great War will be announced. Sadly, nuclear weapons will be used and many will suffer. It will be a frightening war, but it will not last long.

Pray, pray, pray for all the innocent souls and continue to recite my Most Holy Rosary three times a day, in order to ease the suffering which will result because of World War III.

Thank you, my child, for responding to my call. Know that there is great sadness in Heaven at this time and it is with a heavy heart that I bring you this difficult news.

Your Mother
Mother of Salvation


World War Prophecies – Jerusalem is satan’s target and Iran is his instrument of destruction – Compiled by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

October 11, 2023 – Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to Luz de Maria – “The specter of war is haunting the Middle East and haunting history. I invite you to pray in a special way this October 13th commemorating the revelations of My Mother in Fatima, where she asked for peace in the hearts of Her children… Prayer achieves miracles”


OCTOBER 11, 2023

(unofficial translation)

Beloved children:


My beloved ones, I invite you to pray that the enemies of human creatures, sent by the Devil, may find in each of My children the Faith, Hope, Love and Wisdom necessary to be bearers of My Love and that the demons may quickly depart.

At this time true Faith in My Precepts and being vigilant to accept that which is Mine and strongly reject that which is outside of My Truth, is imperative.

The specter of war is haunting the Middle East and haunting history.


Europe is suffering the consequences of this war, terror has been present and will continue to be present leading several countries to take security measures. My little children, some borders will close as we remain in a state of alert.


Terrorist acts are happening in some countries. My children must understand that evil is advancing on Earth, carrying in its hand an ancient sharp weapon, wearing a tunic that brings pain and suffering to My children.


Pray My children, pray for yourselves.

Pray My children, pray for the human creature to return to Me.

Pray My children, pray for those who do not believe and do not wish to accept reality.

Pray My children, pray for Spain, Italy and France.

Pray My children, pray for peace in humanity.

Pray My children, the disease advances and appears again, strengthen the body.

My children, these moments of uncertainty increase, watching in amazement as all that My House has revealed to you is being fulfilled.

The distancing of My children from My Side and from the Maternal Love of My Most Holy Mother hardens their hearts and leads them to perdition.


Be messengers of My Love, it is urgent that you come to Me promptly, without delay, so that you may save the soul. Be prayerful in your actions and deeds. Be the difference in this perverted humanity.

I bless you with My Love.

Your Jesus


RECOMMENDED PRAYERS (Added By A Soul; thank you, “K.C.”, for the suggestions):


Crusade Prayer (18) Stop the Anti-Christ and His Group:
“Oh, dear Jesus, save the world from the Anti-Christ. Protect us from the wicked snares of Satan. Save the last remnants of your church from evil. Give all your churches the strength and graces needed to defend ourselves against wars and persecution planned by Satan & his army of terrorists. Amen.”

Crusade Prayer (14) Prayer to God the Father for Protection Against Nuclear War:
“Oh, Almighty Father, God the Most High, please have mercy on all sinners. Open their hearts to accept salvation and to receive an abundance of graces. Hear my pleas for my own family and ensure that each one will find favour in your loving heart. Oh, Divine Heavenly Father, protect all your children on earth from any nuclear war or other acts which are being planned to destroy your children. Keep us all from harm and protect us. Enlighten us so we can open our eyes, hear and accept the truth of our salvation without any fear in our souls. Amen.”

Crusade Prayer (54) Prayer to the Heavenly Father to Dilute the Impact of World War III:
“O Heavenly Father, in the name of your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, who suffered greatly for the sins of mankind, please help us in these difficult times we face. Help us to survive the persecution being planned by greedy rulers and those who want to destroy your Churches and your children. We implore you Dear Father to help feed our families and save the lives of those who will be forced into a war against their will. We love you Dear Father. We beg you to help us in our time of need. Save us from the grip of the antichrist. Help us to survive his mark, the mark of the beast, by refusing to accept it. Help those who love you to remain true to Your Holy Word at all times so that You can bestow on us the graces to survive in body and soul. Amen.”

World War Prophecies – Jerusalem is satan’s target and Iran is his instrument of destruction – Compiled by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

This war between Israel and Hamas seems to be proceeding according to prophecy. Please know that satan’s goal has always been to destroy Jerusalem and he intends to use Iran as his instrument of destruction. satan is fixated on destroying and/or controlling Jerusalem, because of the biblical mandate that God has sworn that the ultimate peace of the world will come from Jerusalem. So, satan knows if he can win Jerusalem, he can potentially win the war between Heaven and hell over the earth.

Also note that prophecy indicates the antichrist will be the political peacemaker who stops the wars in the Middle East, which will become nuclear at some point. The antichrist will use his fame and notoriety as peacemaker to become the overall ruler of the world. The antichrist does not announce himself until after the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has already happened and the six and a half weeks Conversion period has passed.

This then begs the question, why does satan have the antichrist stop the nuclear war? As if satan wants the annihilation of nations, certainly, an all out nuclear war will accomplish this?

This is the crucial part that many people do not understand. satan has a worse war planned after the nuclear war is stopped. That war is Armageddon, which I will speak about in a separate post.

Meanwhile, below, are some older prophecies for people to consider regarding current world affairs. Also, I recommend reading this latest news article found on Hal Turner’s website about the Israeli war and its implications for the Middle East and Europe:

God bless.


Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on October 6th, 2021 (two years ago) at the prayer Cenacle in Marina di Grosseto:

My children, thank you for having responded to my call in your hearts. My children, pray, pray, pray very much for Jerusalem because it will be in tribulation. You have been chosen as soldiers of light to overthrow the darkness that surrounds you. I have already told you that everything would soon collapse, and again I say to you: when you hear and see brothers against brothers, warfare in the streets, more pandemics coming because of viruses, and when false democracy becomes dictatorship, behold, then the time of Jesus’s arrival will be near. My children, live out these messages that are coming by grace; be united and remember that the Word of God is One and forever — woe to those who will try to change the words that Jesus has left, for soon He will give back to you what you deserve, whether good or bad. Make provisions of water, food and medicines. Many graces will descend today in this place; bend your knees in prayer. I bless you now in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Pray for the victims that there will be because of an air disaster.


January 26, 2012
A World Made Vulnerable By Globalization


No one knows all that lies ahead, no king, no president, no rich man and no poor man. The future remains hidden to men. They can only experience the present and remember the past. The future always remains a mystery, hidden in God who sees the events.

Events Distorted By Sin

Yet, these events do not just pour out of God’s mind. They are not like the seasons of the year which he determined by creation. The events are subject to human freedom. They lie in the hands of men who choose to obey or disobey God. This is my teaching.

God sees events as they should happen, what would take place if men would live according to His word. Now, however, events are distorted by sin. They happen, but not in the way in which God originally intended. Much is determined by the free will of man.

The Father sees these distorted events of the twisted future. He sees the pits into which mankind will fall. He sees the agony which will be brought on by the destructive forces which man has created. He sees the path on which man is headed, a path which man himself cannot see. He sends me to speak of these future events so mankind has an opportunity of turning away, or, at least, to prepare for them. They will happen quickly, one after another. In fact, one event will cause the other. If one part of the building collapses, the other parts are weakened.


The events are all tied together. They are cleverly interconnected and mankind has no idea of the system which Satan has built, a system without safeguards or fire walls. Globalization has made mankind extremely vulnerable, with one event triggering another. This is the future, a series of events in which the two elements of shaky financial structures and destructive weapons interact and worsen one another. All of this is easy to see on the horizon, but no one calls on heaven for help. When will mankind receive my message? Your earth is in grave danger. Events lie in the near future. Heaven wants to help but you must call out “day and night”.

April 17, 2014
Against the One World Order


When did this begin, the moment when the course of world events no longer lies in the hands of mankind? Man has never been able to decide his own history. Unforeseen events have always happened but these did not affect what man could decide. Parts of the world remained in his control and the human race would reestablish a center of order and culture.

Before this century, there never existed a truly world-wide power. Various empires rose up that conquered parts of the world but much of human life was beyond their control. How the heavenly Father loves the diversity of nations and peoples! These guarantee the future of the human race. He wanted man to spread out, over the entire globe so no one person or one power could ever gain complete control. He guaranteed this at the tower of Babel with the multiplicity of languages.

Now, a one world order is emerging. Nations give up their uniqueness to enjoy a greater share in the world’s goods. The growing crisis will only hasten this process which Satan is ready to use. As the one world order begins, the heavenly Father’s plan for the diversity of the nations will be reversed. All will come together but not to celebrate the banquet of the Lamb. The world will become like an army, trapped with nowhere to go, an easy prey for its enemies.

These are powerful forces that already are causing profound changes. Satan’s crises will be used as proof and excuses that mankind must hurry – this path of one world order, one government, one currency. “Nations can no longer survive on their own”, they will say. “National currencies and natural interests must be sacrificed”.

I say all of this so the Church understands that these worldwide forces will sweep the Church itself into its stream. When will the Church understand? Only the Woman Clothed With the Sun can stop the creation of a one world order and bring about God’s original plan of diversity. Nations will flourish in their diversity as they truly help one another and allow each nation to retain its sovereignty.

God’s plan and the world’s plan are totally at odds. The world’s plan is Satan’s ploy. He wants a total, worldwide destruction which he can accomplish in one swoop if only he destroys God’s diversity. Only the Woman can thwart his plans.

April 18, 2014
Satan’s Leaders


A tunnel of darkness lies ahead which mankind must not enter. Oh, how Satan wants the world to enter his tunnel. It will seem like the perfect solution to all the crises and events.

The tunnel will be a leader whom Satan will raise up. I will explain his methods, which he is now using in the Ukraine and elsewhere.

First, he destabilizes a region. He causes unrest and protests. He causes sufferings and shortages that cause people to grow dissatisfied. When he brings a group or a people to this point, he leads on to the scene a leader whom he has prepared. Even though people have many reservations, they willingly accept this leader, believing that he will end their hardships.

The is the formula he used in Russia to raise up Putin and the formula which Putin uses to gain the Ukraine and other places.

Right now, the West does not experience hardships like the Ukraine. Satan’s powerful destabilizing action has not yet been fully released. However, events will begin, one after another, that will shake the West. Be assured, that Satan already has his leaders prepared to come forth. They are hidden now but, at the right moment, they will begin to proclaim themselves as the saviors. Each one in a different place on a different situation.

People will surrender their freedoms and will accept a leadership that they would easily have rejected in more stable moments. This was the path taken by Hitler and many others. People forfeited their independence and their human rights to gain a stability. Instead they entered Satan’s tunnel and could not turn back. Only in the future, will Satan’s greatest leader arise. He will not be national or regional. He will be international and worldwide. It will always be the same formula. Worldwide unrest and a leader who promises to be the solution, but is really Satan’s tunnel.

I want to avoid all of this. I spell this out so the whole world is enlightened. Do not give up your God-given rights. Do not be drawn into false alliances. Foster diversity. Stand alone. Refuse to accept unworthy leaders, no matter what they promise or no matter how desperate is the situation.

People rightly ask, “How can we resist? How can we not go along?” You need the Woman Clothed With the Sun to help you. I can change world events and I will do so for those who call on my name. It is easy to surrender and difficult to resist but a moment of victory comes when the battle has been won.

August 29, 2015
Jerusalem, Satan’s Target


All is clear to my sight. I see all the forces of evil that are placed on the Middle East. I see the weapons and the plans to use them. I see the leaders who are involved and the free decisions which they can make. I see their intellects and know exactly what they are plotting. Especially, I see that nothing is definite. Strategies shift. Unknown obstacles surface. Groups that were united enter into disputes. Not only is the Middle East in turmoil, but in even greater turmoil are all the forces behind the scenes.

The Middle East is a collection of diverse powers, some trying to bring stability and others trying to destroy. The future is very, very uncertain. So much depends on forces that gain momentum and try to sweep all the other groups along with them, upon the decisions made to join these forces or to try to destroy them. Who will eventually gain the upper hand? So much remains to be decided. So, I must speak.

The Middle East is Satan’s playground and he enjoys his games of destruction. One terrorist group destroys another and then it is destroyed. Smaller groups give way to larger ones. Yet all have the same DNA of violence, destruction, suffering and death. Winners become losers and all pass away leaving behind a legacy of satanic suffering.

In the middle of all this sits Israel. Do you not see the connection? All of Satan’s efforts are to destroy Israel and Jerusalem because the heavenly Father has His plans for Jerusalem. The Father decreed that the blood of his Divine Son should be shed in Jerusalem. The power of that blood still remains upon the Holy City. No other city in the world contains the redeeming blood of Jesus. No wonder Jerusalem is Satan’s target.

August 30, 2015
Iran – The Nation of the Lie


I spread before you all the evils of the Middle East so you might see what Satan has prepared and understand his plans. He will use the Middle East as his cauldron of fire. Just as the fire came from Babylon to destroy Jerusalem in the time of Jeremiah, the prophet, so the fire of the Middle East is being prepared by Satan to first destroy Israel and then to lift its eyes to the West.

All of this is already seen by the world. What the world does not see is the great evil in Iran, which will become the very center of Satan’s furnace.

Satan has used the terrorist groups to prepare for this moment when Iran takes center stage. Its resources are far greater than any terrorist organization. It does not need to establish a caliphate. It is already a formed nation with a large and stable group of people. It already has a place at the table of nations and has just signed a treaty that is totally to its own advantage. So, I must pull back the veil that covers Iran.

Satan’s plans have finally reached his goal. He has kept Iran hidden for years. While everyone focused on the terrorist activities, Iran was allowed to develop its nuclear weapons, fearful sources of unbelievable proportions.

When all of this is accomplished (and it is already happening), what will Iran do? Will she take her place among the peaceful nations, content that she has gained this status? Not at all. Iran is the country of the lie, of deception, of pride, and of boundless ambition. All of this is not hidden. Iran speaks openly of her intentions and the West does not believe her.

All of these mysteries I hold in my heart and reveal to the world so everyone will know of my total love for mankind and of the powers which God has given to me to bring about world peace. Your heavenly mother has spoken.

August 31, 2015
Final Words on Iran


There is no more to say. All the terror flowing from the Middle East has led to this goal of a nuclear Iran. Once that is established, the tables will shift and the cover of secrecy will come off.

Iran will boldly assert its new position. Efforts to curb its ambitions will prove fruitless (just as the efforts to curb its nuclear capability). Most important, Iran will give Russia a door to Middle East power, something it sought years ago in attacking Afghanistan.

There will be a linking of Russia with Iran, and although the relationship will not be smooth, they will be joined in their mutual hatred of Israel and the West. This linking up has already taken place. The nuclear capability of Iran will make it an even more dangerous relationship.

Closer and closer the world moves toward nuclear war. How often I have spoken about this evil, saying that nations could be annihilated.

Would not Iran suffer? Would there not be a response? Do not forget. Satan loves no one. He delights only in suffering. He has no friends, only instruments that he uses for his purposes.

Is there not a final word? Need I end on a note of destruction? The very fact that I speak is a note of hope. I portray what the future can be but does not have to be. I always end with the same gift of light. The heavenly Father has placed the gift of world peace in my Immaculate Heart. All must run there immediately. I will give you a special prayer, “O Mary, through your Immaculate Heart, give us world peace”. Your heavenly Mother loves each one of you.


This man will tell the world he is the Messiah and he will be applauded by many leading world figureheads
Friday, September 28th, 2012 @ 22:15

My dearly beloved daughter the great changes in the world, foretold in advance of My Second Coming, are about to unfold layer by layer.

The time for the imposters who will claim to come in My Name and to present themselves to the world is very close.

So many people will be fooled into believing these false prophets for they will announce themselves with great pomp.

But one among them will deceive many for he will present himself as the king, in a humble way, to convince people that he is I, Jesus Christ.

This man will tell the world he is the Messiah and he will be applauded by many leading world figureheads.

They will present him, first, as an extraordinary and compassionate political leader.

He will be seen as a talented peacemaker as I have told you. His airs and graces will display a mystical image, which will seem to be of divine origin.

His handsome good looks and his tantalising personality will appeal to the masses.

He is to be revealed to the world soon and his appearance will be sudden.

Those leaders, who will present him as a saviour, the man who will bring an end to war in the Middle East, are respected in many parts of the world. This is why this false messiah will be accepted so easily.

After some time his appeal will spread. The media will praise his diplomatic skills and his following will be large.

This is the man who will say he is the Messiah. He will tell everyone that he is Jesus Christ, who has come back to announce his second coming.

He is the antichrist.

Do not be fooled for one moment. I, Jesus Christ, came in the flesh the first time to save humanity. But know this. I will not come in the flesh this time. I will come, as a thief in the night. I will prepare the world, through these Messages, but I will not tell you the day or the hour for I do not know this.

Only My Father knows of the time.

I will announce My Second Coming before the sign of My arrival, which will appear in the skies all over the world.

Any man who claims to be Jesus Christ and who walks the earth as a man is a liar.

Run for he will bring untold misery and suffering. His deceit will lull souls into a false love of God. He will twist the Truth. Those who follow him are in great danger.


He will, by the power of the occult, perform what will be seen to be cures for people who are terminally ill
Sunday, December 30th, 2012 @ 17:50

My dearly beloved daughter, I wish to tell you that the changes, which will prepare the world for My Second Coming, are about to be seen by the whole world.

The wars in the Middle East will accelerate and be widespread. They will involve the West as well as the East. The turmoil will be halted by the man of peace, the beast, the antichrist. Many will, in time, believe that he is God, the Messiah; so much power will he seem to possess. His powers have been accorded to him by the father of evil, Satan.

He will, by the power of the occult, perform what will be seen to be cures for people who are terminally ill. They will be cured of their illnesses temporarily and people will believe that his powers will have come from Heaven. That he is I, Jesus Christ. They will believe that he comes to prepare the world for the New Era and that the Second Coming is taking place before them.

He will perform other miracles, but they will simply be an illusion. Some sacred servants of Mine will drop before him and adore him. Political leaders will publicly applaud him. He will be seen as the good and humble messiah and he will emulate all My traits. Sadly he will deceive many.

I beg you, My disciples, to warn people that I, Jesus Christ, will not come in the flesh. This cannot be. I have already come to earth in the flesh and this cannot happen a second time. When I come again it will be through the way in which I left and then the wicked will be banished and My New Paradise will replace the earth.

Do not be deceived. Be alert. I will continue to warn you about the antichrist and the lies he will present to the world. In this way, you can help Me save those poor souls who will follow him slavishly into the pits of hell.


GUIDANCE FOR PRIESTS – ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION – GOD THE FATHER / JESUS CHRIST – “How they will weep when those sacred servants, in their hundreds of thousands, will be excommunicated… I ask my beloved Priest sons to begin looking into others areas of the Catholic Rites… Then pray and discern into what Rite they feel they are being called into… YES! I will permit any of my Catholic Priests to obtain orders from the Orthodox Churches if they are no longer able to recite my Holy Consecration Prayers in their Diocese because the Bishops or Cardinals have demanded them to use the new false prayers of consecration” – Messages Compiled by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

August 7, 2023
Month dedicated to Papa God


I have compiled some heavenly messages that may be helpful for holy priests seeking guidance from Our Lord on what to do on the forthcoming “Abomination of Desolation”. Please bookmark and share this post whenever needed using your best discretion as I know some clergy are not accepting of private revelation. My hope for priests who read this post is that they will recognize the Voice of Our Lord and Our Savior, because I know that when the Catholic hierarchy begins to actively and openly promote the greatest of heresies, it may frighten a lot of holy men who never thought this grave evil would happen in their lifetime. So, I offer this post as a ray of light and glimmer of hope for these holy men so they profoundly realize that Heaven has a definite and mighty Divine Plan for these wicked days. As God has not been caught unaware, but in fact, God has been preparing for this fierce battle over the hearts, minds, and souls of the priesthood for centuries as He truly holds each of His priest-sons in His Almighty Hand.

God bless,
A Soul

PROPHECY SUMMARY: New Oath Of Allegiance Will Replace Holy Orders, Confirmation, And The Apostles Creed (Book Of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy)

JANUARY 16, 2023, TUESDAY @ 3:44 P.M.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, I hear you calling me. My Lord may I ask please? Are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: My beloved one, it is I your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Yes my beloved Savior, may I ask also? Will you bow down and adore your Holy Merciful Heavenly Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your Divine Savior will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak sweet Jesus for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My little one, I know you are at work placing my Holy Mother’s message on the web, but I wanted to also share with you the needs of my Church, my Bride. Please ask all my beloved Apostles to begin now making a holy Novena with a daily Rosary for protection of my faithful Priest sons. They will be tormented by the coming scourge which will begin taking place when my Words of Consecration are changed.

Jesus: I invite my Apostles to pray for all their Pastors and Associate Pastors serving in any Catholic Church because the day will come when the Cardinals, Bishops will demand all Priests to use the “new mass” words of consecration. They must not. These masses will be unholy and they must not give in to anyone demanding them to follow this false and deceptive mass.

Jesus: My Priest will suffer great turmoil and suffering when they witness my Holy Bride being destroyed. I ask my Apostles to begin this daily Rosary Novena today and not to stop. Pray, pray, pray for my beloved Church. Do not let a day pass without offering this Rosary Novena for all my beloved, obedient Priest. Some will be martyred in time. Others will leave the Priesthood.

Jesus: I ask my beloved Priest sons to begin looking into others areas of the Catholic Rites, there are many. Then pray and discern into what Rite they feel they are being called into. Seek me, I am always here for you my beloved sons. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Please Note:

The Catholic News Agency (CNA) at: reports that there currently 7 Rites which stem from the early Churches during the first century A.D. in large populated areas: Rome, Antioch (Syria) and Alexandria (Egypt). The Catechism lists these rites as: Latin, Byzantine, Alexandrian, Syriac, Armenian, Maronite, and Chaldean. At, Defenders of the Catholic Faith. They list 23 Liturgical Rites which are: Latin Rite, Roman Rite (called Roman Catholic Church), Maronite Catholic Church, the Greek Catholic Church, the Melkite Catholic Church, and more. The Eastern Rites and numerous.

JANUARY 26, 2023, THURSDAY @ 7:04 P.M.

Anna Marie: My Lord, are you calling me?

Jesus: Yes my dear one.

Anna Marie: My Lord may I ask, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: Dear one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: My dearest Savior, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal Holy Father who is the Alpha and Omega the Creator of all life, of all that is visible or invisible?

Jesus: Yes little one, I your Divine Savior will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak my sweet Heavenly Lord, for you sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My dear one, I have come to speak with you over the message I gave you recently.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus.

Jesus: You need not be concerned by what I have stated to you previously. You are asked to report my Words as I or my Mother have shared with you and you should not have any concerns.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. I choose only to be obedient to you my Holy Lord and to your Holy Mother.

Jesus: Yes dear one, and that is the reason for our visiting and speaking with you, your obedience.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus. My Lord, Fr. John did ask me to write down his question and to seek your answer. May I ask you if I can ask his question?

Jesus: Yes dear one, you may do so.

Anna Marie: Fr. John said: “Dear Jesus, can the Orthodox Churches be a refuge for Catholic Priests who wish to remain faithful to you in light of the false directives coming from the Vatican?”

Jesus: Please tell my beloved and chosen son, YES! I will permit any of my Catholic Priests to obtain orders from the Orthodox Churches if they are no longer able to recite my Holy Consecration Prayers in their Diocese because the Bishops or Cardinals have demanded them to use the new false prayers of consecration. I remain in my full Presence: my Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity when the correct and Holy Prayers of Consecration are said. I will not be present if the other Rites under the Vatican order has been changed. My Orthodox Priests offer a valid Mass and I have blessed these Orthodox Churches, knowing what would take place in this day and age. Do you not know I am a merciful Savior in all my Churches?

Jesus: Please be in peace and make certain this message is posted for all to read and pray about. I will do all I must to protect my beloved Priest sons, but I also ask my Apostles to remain faithful to my request of a holy Rosary novena for them daily. They will suffer greatly in the coming months, but I and my Holy Mother will be their comfort and solace. Now go dear one. Be in my peace and continue your work for me today. I am blessing you and Fr. John.

Anna Marie: Thank you dear sweet Jesus. All Apostles love you holy merciful Jesus.

God the Father: I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date
Monday, April 1st, 2013 @ 17:22

My dearest daughter, the Sacrifices made by Me, your beloved Father, on behalf of humanity are coming to an end.

Every attempt has been made, because of My Pure Love for My children, to save them from the evil of sin. In these times, the final battle to save all My children of every creed and race is now in the final stages.

Who amongst you will stand up for the Truth, when it has been given to you for so long? Who amongst you will accept My Holy Word as it is presented to you in My Book of Truth today? Those of you who scream at My prophet will be silenced, so that My children will be able to hear the sweet Voice of My beloved Son, as it draws souls into the safe haven, to prepare them for the New Paradise on earth.

I call on all of My children, the strong, the weak, the vulnerable, the ignorant and those stuffed with pride, who think that they know the Truth of the prophecies promised by Me over the centuries, to respond to this call from My Heavenly Kingdom.

I, your beloved Father, have set the day for The Warning at last. Only I know of this date. Only I know the date of the Great Day when My Son will return to claim the Kingdom I promised Him.

The day of The Warning, given to you as a great Gift, will divide humanity into two halves. The first half will accept My Son’s great Mercy. The other half will hide and run. They will believe that they will have the power to withstand God’s intervention to save them. What they do not know is that I will pursue them right up to the Last Day to save them from the final horror, from which there is no return.

My children, do not fear Me. It is because of My Love for you that I have permitted the final persecution when evil will make itself known in a way like never before.

All Christian Churches will be knocked down in spirit. Some will be demolished. The Catholic Church, above all others, will suffer the most, as it will now be contaminated from within its core.

This disease will be vicious, but the Church founded by My Son on earth will survive this evil, although much of it will be outside of Rome, because the Seat of Peter has been desecrated.

Rise up, all of you who swear allegiance to My Son. Stay together and pray that the infestation will not devour those souls who have given their lives up for My Son. Oh how they will be tempted by the new laws, which they will believe are dictated by Heaven, through the Seat of Rome. How their hearts will heave with sorrow when disorder erupts. How they will weep when those sacred servants, in their hundreds of thousands, will be excommunicated. Only then will they hold out their arms and call on My Son to guide them.

My Divinity will cover the world and gather all My children into My Son’s Kingdom. You must await this call and accept, with grateful hearts, these Gifts given to you as the weapons you need to fight against the wickedness, which will cover the earth in darkness.

The meek and humble of heart, who love Me, their Father, and those who accept the Divinity of My only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, will be gathered first. They, whose names are in the Book of the Living, will be called and will reign as leaders, along with the saints, amongst the twelve tribes of Israel.

Those of you with lukewarm souls will then be enlightened and your burden will be heavier. It will be through your prayers, that the others – those who hide from Me – will be taken under the roof of My Protection.

The beast, who cowers before Me, will not win the souls of those children of Mine that easily. Every Act of Mercy, every miracle, and every intervention will be granted by Me for the sake of My children.

Those who stand before Me and My children will suffer a terrible chastisement. Although I love all of My children, I will not hesitate to stop those amongst them who, if I allowed them, would take away My Kingdom, which I will fill with all My family.

Be wary of My Anger. For although it is contained and My Patience is great, I will cast upon the earth a great affliction, even if it means destroying much of it. Like a disease, which devours the human body, so too will the evil deeds of man against their brother, destroy the healthy cells. If this disease is not stopped and if I do not cut out, and cast away, the diseased flesh I cannot make the body whole again.

It will only be the whole, healthy Body of My Son’s Church on earth that can come to the door of My New Kingdom on earth. Those who have removed themselves from the temptation of rejecting My Son will find it easier to be made worthy to join as One Body, in union with My Son. They will be given eternal life and pain will be no more.


MAY 7, 2023 – SPECIAL STATEMENT: The Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal, The Third Secret of Medjugorje Revealed: The Miraculous Sign, AND The Final Marian Apparition: The Royal Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


MAY 7, 2023 – SPECIAL STATEMENT: The Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal, The Third Secret of Medjugorje Revealed: The Miraculous Sign, AND The Final Marian Apparition: The Royal Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

May 7, 2023
Month Dedicated to Our Holy Mother, Mary

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, of this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, would like to post the latest heavenly message to Catholic visionary, Luz de María de Bonilla, on May 3, 2023. However, because Our Holy Mother, Mary, speaks about an apparition involving herself, along with a description of a sign; I feel called to explain something significant in this special statement.

Dearest ones, in the May 3, 2023 message to Luz de Maria, Our Holy Mother is NOT speaking about the Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal. NOR is Our Holy Mother speaking about the Third Secret of Medjugorje, which is known to be some type of lasting, permanent, Miraculous Sign. No, Our Holy Mother is NOT speaking about either of these Two future Great Gracious Gifts from Almighty God.

Rather, in the May 3, 2023 message, Our Holy Mother is reminding us about a Divine Promise that Her Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, made to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, in the Book of Truth. In two separate messages in 2014, both Jesus and His Blessed Mother spoke about a Final Marian Apparition that would take place at all the Church-approved major Marian apparition sites in the world. That Final Marian Apparition, witnessed by many chosen souls, will be very similar to the Marian apparition, at Knock, Ireland (1879), which was a silent eschatological apparition lasting about two hours.

Likewise, the Final Marian Apparition, revealed to both Maria Divine Mercy and Luz de Maria, will be a silent eschatological depiction. The apparition will showcase the Royal Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary, by the Holy Spirit, under the Invocation of Queen and Mother of the End Times, Mother of Salvation. She will appear as The Woman, Our Lady of the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation, Chapter 12), with the Sun behind Her head, the Moon beneath Her feet, kissing reverently the Crucifix of a Golden Rosary in Her hands. The Crown of Thorns, entwined with Twelve Stars, will be placed upon Her head, recognizing Her role as Co-Redemptrix of mankind. This Final Marian Apparition will last several hours, so many chosen people will be able to witness it. However, there will be NO remaining lasting, supernatural Sign afterwards. So, it is just a very special, final Marian apparition to strengthen the faithful believers, at the gravest moments of the foretold future world war.

Regarding the Third Secret of Medjugorje, it involves a Great Miraculous Sign. It will be unveiled in the sky above Apparition Hill in Medjugorje, which is the place where the six Medjugorje visionaries first started receiving visions from Our Blessed Queen in June 1981. Note, Medjugorje is located in the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in southeastern Europe. We have also been given hints by the visionaries over the years about the Sign of Medjugorje – that the Miraculous Sign will be “permanent”, “beautiful”, and “indestructible”.

The description of the Great Sign of Medjugorje has already been revealed to the world. On November 23, 1991, both the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Holy Child Jesus provided a description of the Miraculous Sign to Australian visionary, Valentina Papagna. Then, almost 29 years later, Heaven gave permission for her to disclose the Divine Secret on the Solemnity of the Transfiguration in August 2020. The Third Secret of Medjugorje involves the Blessed Virgin Mary and Our Lord, Jesus Christ, beneath an Illuminated Cross. However, ONLY believers — those who truly convert their lives back to God — will have the special privilege of witnessing Jesus and His Holy Mother. Unbelievers — those with closed hearts — will only see the Illuminated Cross, perhaps, as a type of unusual astronomical event and nothing more. So, the Miraculous Sign of Medjugorje will be a Great Test of Faith for the whole world.

This unique grace associated with the Third Secret of Medjugorje (the special privilege given only to believers and not unbelievers of seeing the Blessed Mother and Jesus), is actually consistent with what Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, has remarked about the Sign of Medjugorje in different interviews. For example, Vicka has said these words:

— “I’ll just say this: whoever does not believe without a sign will not believe with a sign. And, I’ll tell you this too: woe to him who delays his conversion, waiting for the sign. I once told you that many would come, and perhaps, even kneel before the sign, but will, nonetheless, not believe. Be happy that you are not among them!”

— “I want to say about those people who will see it and not believe, the Madonna leaves everyone free to believe or not, but those are ones whose hearts are too closed. It’s the same thing as the Madonna said to us, ‘If one wants to go to Heaven, he will go to Heaven. If one wants to go to hell, he will go to hell.’ Those people who are far away from God and do not want to believe, they will not believe in the sign. For those who do not know God, but have good intentions and a desire to love, they will be benefited by the sign. But I think that those who do everything against God, they will run away from the sign. They will not believe.”

Vicka has also said that these are the words of the Blessed Mother about the Sign of Medjugorje:

—”She tells us not to wait for the sign on the mountain in order to convert, and in any event, ‘all the secrets that I have confided will be realized and also the visible sign will be made manifest. When the sign comes, for many it will already be too late.'”

Regarding the Miracle of Garabandal, the Garabandal visionaries have publicly stated that the Great Miracle will be, “the greatest Miracle ever performed in the world by Our Lord, Jesus Christ”. The visionary, Conchita Gonzalez, has been entrusted to reveal to the world, the date of the Great Miracle eight (8) days in advance of the supernatural event. It will take place in the sky above the village of Garabandal, Spain, as the surrounding mountainous terrain serves as a natural amphitheater. All the sick and disabled persons who witness the mystical event will be miraculously healed. Afterwards, a Great Sign will be miraculously left above the grove of trees, called the Pines, planted by the children in celebration of their First Communion, near the village. It is said that the Sign of Garabandal will be supernatural, indestructible, and permanent, lasting until the end of times.

Dearest ones, as many of you are aware, I know exactly what are the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. In January 2017, Saint Gabriel Archangel revealed these two Divine Secrets to me, and on Pentecost 2020, I learned further details concerning the Great Sign from the Most Holy Trinity. I actually wrote a recent commentary about the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal and how I believed that both great mystical events will happen during the six and a half weeks reprieve in the aftermath of the Great Warning of Garabandal, otherwise known as the Illumination of Conscience. This is because during the six and a half weeks reprieve, satan and all the evil spirits will be fully locked up in hell, unable to tempt or intervene in any way with mankind living on the surface of the earth. I also confirmed that “satan is terrified of the Sign” and that the Great Miracle will be viewable on televisions, computer screens, internet devices, etc, as it is taking place LIVE at Garabandal. I also confirmed that the Great Miracle and Great Sign will take place at other chosen major Marian apparition sites in the world, as revealed to Catholic visionary, Luz de Maria, in different past heavenly messages.

Well, after I wrote that special commentary, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, directly spoke to me with even more extensive details about the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. Jesus CONFIRMED that the Miracle of Garabandal will take place sometime during the six and a half weeks reprieve after the Great Warning. Moreover, Jesus revealed to me something significant that people should know about the Sign of Garabandal. Once the Great Miracle has concluded, there will be a short gap of time before people will witness the Great Sign. Exactly thirty (30) minutes after witnessing the Great Miracle, God will then finally send the Great Sign to the earth. People will notice a “cloud” descend from the sky towards the Pines. The cloud will be suspended above the Pines for a moment, then the cloud will disappear, and in its place, will be the everlasting, spectacular, supernatural Sign of Garabandal. God will also send the permanent Great Sign of Garabandal to the other chosen major Marian apparition sites — the predetermined divinely selected sites where the Great Miracle of Garabandal has been witnessed.

So, beloved ones, those are the things that I want to clarify for you all in this special statement. Almighty God will be providing many supernatural “helps” for His precious children living during the days of the Great Tribulation, taking place after the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has happened. In particular, there will be THREE SEPARATE, special, grace-filled, MIRACULOUS Great Gifts given by the Paternal Heart of Almighty God. In order to strengthen the faith for the lasting conversion of His precious children, and to help fulfill all of Heaven’s requests for the Great Transformation that must take place before the Glorious Era of Peace, the Universal Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, promised at Fatima, Portugal (1917), can begin on earth.

In sum, those THREE Great Gracious Gifts from Papa God are:

(1) The Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal;

(2) The Third Secret of Medjugorje Revealed: The Miraculous Sign; AND

(3) The Final Marian Apparition: The Royal Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as Co-Redemptrix, Queen and Mother of Salvation, the End Times.

God bless you, my dearest brothers and sisters in Christ.

In Christ’s Love,
a soul



“My Mother’s role as Co-Redemptrix will be well and truly understood at last”
Friday, January 24th, 2014 @ 20:19

My dearly beloved daughter, when My Mother makes one final appearance, at Marian apparition sites everywhere, you must know then that the world will turn and run to Me at last. It is through My beloved Mother that more souls are brought to Me. Her role has always been to serve Me for the good of man. And now, My Mother’s role, as Co-Redemptrix, will be well and truly understood at last.

I will give every soul the opportunity to witness My Powerful Intervention, so that I can convert them. Through conversion, I can save millions. The Promise of Salvation was made by Me and fulfilled by My death on the Cross. Now, I will gather the souls I will draw to Me through this Mission and spread the Truth of My Word everywhere.

Those who were never given the Truth will be presented with it for the very first time. Those who were given the Truth, but who have forgotten it will be reminded of My Promise. Those who do know the Truth, but who have changed it in order to suit their own desires, will be reminded that there can only be one Truth.

I bring humanity the Truth at a time when their minds are confused, their souls torn with doubt – but I will ease their fears. Only I, Jesus Christ, their Saviour has the Power to intervene like this. Only I have the Power to bring them peace and deliver them the salvation, which rightly belongs to them.

All the strands of this Mission are being drawn together to form a pattern. Then, when the various parts are linked and fitted together, like the pieces of a jigsaw, when all the pieces begin to merge, the final picture will become clear. Then you will find My Presence everywhere – all of which is linked to every authentic holy mission granted to the world by My Father, until finally the whole Truth will become clear to everyone.

My Father promised that He would reveal to the world the Truth, through the Book of Truth, as foretold to the prophets Daniel and John the Evangelist. My Father brings you the Truth at this time now, but He does it piece by piece, little by little until the final part makes up the whole. Only then will the Book of Truth make sense. Only then will the final hurdles be overcome, when the majority of humanity will sing and rejoice in anticipation of My Second Coming. Only when My Mission is completed will the Great Day be announced to the world.

Go in peace and know that when you place all your trust in Me, that I can complete the final part of My Father’s Covenant and take you into the Realm of His Almighty Kingdom.


“Mother of Salvation: These apparitions will begin this Spring, as my Son has instructed”
Friday, January 24th, 2014 @ 20:05

My dear child, let it be known that I will make one more appearance at all the Marian grottos, which were approved by my Son’s Church, over the centuries.

I will make myself known in Sacred sites, which will include Lourdes, Fatima, La Salette and Guadalupe. I will also appear at Garabandal. These apparitions will begin this Spring, just as my Son has instructed.

I will be seen, by chosen souls, with the sun behind my head. There will be twelve stars encircled and woven around the crown of thorns, which was worn by my Son during His Crucifixion, placed upon my head, as a sign for all to follow my example. My role is to lead all of God’s children along the Path of Truth and take them to my Son.

When these apparitions take place, there will be no doubt, especially amongst those who pay homage to me, that I speak the Truth when I say that soon the final Path, which will bring you to my Son, in these the end times, will be through the Book of Truth.

When you follow me, your Mother, I will take you and guide you towards my Son. My Son has promised many miracles, so that He can open your eyes to the prophecies He gave the world, through my own Mission. Many do not accept that I appeared at these special apparition sites and dismiss their importance in the salvation of souls.

When I appear one last time at these sites and present myself as the Mother of Salvation, you will know then that this Mission is my last and that all apparitions lead to this final one to bring the world the Salvation, which is the birthright of every single person.

Rejoice, for these days are close and when you hear of these things, then know that this prophecy, when fulfilled, could only have come from me, your beloved Mother, the Mother of Salvation, Mother of God.



MAY 3, 2023

You will look upon me in the firmament all over the earth!



The sign that I remain with the children of My Divine Son and so that they will not be confused is:


This apparition of Mine will be given when the war is at its worst.




NOTE (By a soul): It seems that Heaven indicated to release this information on August 6, 2020, Feast of the Transfiguration (almost 29 years later after the Secret was given to the chosen messenger, Valentina).

November 23, 1991

Preparation for the Sign to come from Heaven
(not previously published)

At eight o’clock this morning, when I said my prayers Blessed Mother Mary Most Holy and young Lord Jesus appeared to me.

They said, “We come to give you a message and to tell you that soon God will be giving a Sign to the whole world.”

Blessed Mother said, “This is the first Sign that we foretold in Medjugorje, for the whole world to see, and no one can deny it and say that it is not from God. No Science nor astronomers, no one can say that it is a planet or a star. It will be visible for the whole world to see it.”

She said, “Those who will come back to God, they will be very privileged to see Me and My Beloved Son, but I tell you also, for the ones who will not return to God, they will not see Me nor My Beloved Son. We will both stand beneath the Cross. Tell people to wake up from their sleep. There is not much time to sleep, only time to pray and pray.”

“Be prepared for when the Sign comes. This is a secret and is not to be revealed, only when Heaven decides to reveal it. Be ready and prepare,” Blessed Mother said.

Blessed Mother Mary and our Lord Jesus were both very sad when they were telling me this. Our Blessed Mother wants people to be ready, to go to confession, to be in a state of Grace before the Sign is revealed and appears.


Holy Week, April 2023 – Special Commentary – The Miracle of Garabandal and Other Personal Insights – My Visitation with Saint Gabriel Archangel in January 2017 – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


APRIL 26, 2019

My beloveds, not all is pain for My children:





APRIL 30, 2019

Divine Love has revealed to you Its great Mercy by means of the “Miracle for the Americas”: remain in peace, faith is indispensable. Our King and Lord Jesus Christ has given His Prophet the date for it in order to announce it beforehand, and so that those who can do so may go, since conditions will not be those of now, but faith must flourish in order to be healed, as must repentance of evils committed.

JULY 11, 2020

Do not fear, My children, you will know the GREAT MIRACLE; you will see the result of Faith fulfilled in San Sebastián de Garabandal, shared with My Sanctuary in Fatima, My Sanctuary of Guadalupe in Mexico, in Zaragoza in My Sanctuary of the Basilica del Pilar and those places where I have made myself present and where I truly continue to make myself present on Earth. I have asked My Son for the blessing of souls throughout the world, as the GREAT MIRACLE WILL BE SO THAT PEOPLE WOULD CONVERT.

My children will want to travel to these Sanctuaries, even if it will be difficult for them. Those who see it [the Great Miracle] and those who live it worthily within themselves will know that God protects them, and fear will leave these children of mine.

MAY 1, 2023 – PUBLIC STATEMENT – Believing in Heaven’s messages given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy (Book of Truth), and the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI about his papal resignation, his holy pontificate, and his holy death by martyrdom, given to a very pious cloistered nun in Colombia – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

NOTE (By A Soul):
This Public Statement is NOT the Very Important Special Commentary that I have been working on since Holy Week (April 2023). This is just a Public Statement that I decided to write, as I needed to take a break from the Very Important Special Commentary, and focus on addressing these two important private revelations that I feature on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. I continue to ask sincerely for prayers for all the writings that I will be releasing on my blog. God bless. In Christ’s Love, A Soul

Please know that this Public Statement is very lengthy with a lot of detailed content that people may be unfamiliar with. So, you may have to reread it a few times as it is a tough read. I do not present myself as an expert on these subjects, however, I do offer this writing as my complete response on these matters. Please know that I provide my thoughts and personal conclusions on these topics, so you can make your OWN DISCERNMENT. I am NOT trying to convince others to believe like me; I am just stating my beliefs and understanding of the facts, as I get asked this discernment question from time to time. But, I do hope that this writing will be a very helpful explanation concerning these two private mystical revelations and related controversies. Note, I may write in the future a related commentary on obedience to God and abuse of authority. May God bless you in your discernment. In Christ’s Love, A Soul

(Includes Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI):


May 1, 2023
Month dedicated to Mary, Our Holy Mother
Memorial of Saint Joseph the Worker

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

A very gentle soul, a convert to Catholicism and new follower of this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, has reached out to me, “a soul“, about her concerns on what she has been reading online about 7th messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, whose prophetic messages are gathered in the volumes called, the Book of Truth. She has expressed concerns about reading the heavenly messages, as the visionary and the volumes may be condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. So, I want to address her concerns, in this public statement, as perhaps, there many be others who are trying to discern the authenticity of the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth.

Also, as part of this public statement, I would like to include my thoughts about discerning the authenticity of the posthumous testimony of our dear holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, which was given to a very pious cloistered nun living in Colombia (Latin-America). I have been recently sharing this mystical account on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, which are the final words of our dearest holy father about his holy life, his holy pontificate (including relevant facts about his resignation), and his holy death.

So, here are my several thoughts about these two private revelations: (1) 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, and the Book of Truth; and (2) the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI given to a very pious cloistered nun.

Firstly, I want people to know that I have never read, or even looked at, the many negative websites that exist on the internet about Maria Divine Mercy. Sadly, she is perhaps the most vilified chosen messenger within Catholic prophetic circles. This is because her prophetic messages unmask and expose the freemasonry infiltration, within the priesthood and the highest echelons of the hierarchy inside the Catholic Church. And opponents are always quick to point out that the heavenly messages are “unapproved” by the hierarchy, which God did warn, ahead of time, may happen involving the body of messages given to Maria Divine Mercy. Note, I will fully explain why any possible “unapproval” is faulty, unreliable, and untrustworthy.

Honestly, I have never looked at any of the negative websites on the internet as I do NOT consider them helpful at all in trying to discern the Book of Truth. However, despite not directly reading them, I am very much aware that the many negative websites are very calumnious, making many false, inaccurate, and defamatory statements. I know that some of the websites are almost tabloid-like, in their slanderous gossip, as they ruin the good reputation of the poor woman, whom they claim to be Maria Divine Mercy.

Dearest ones, I want you to know that the actual identity of Maria Divine Mercy has always been unknown since her heavenly messages started in Fall 2010. From the very beginning, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, instructed her to remain “anonymous”, due to the very grave nature of the prophecies that God and His Holy Mother, Mary, would be imparting to her for the Catholic Church and the whole world. However, she never knew in advance what those prophecies would be about, but she listened to Our Lord and has been OBEDIENT ALWAYS to His instructions to remain anonymous AND to NOT PUBLICLY DEFEND herself against any calumnies, any slanderous gossip, and any public personal attacks made against herself. Which, honestly, I have always felt to be admirable of her. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gave her the alias of “Maria Divine Mercy”, which is in honor of the Holy Name of His Blessed Mother, Mary, and for the recognition of the universal need for God’s Divine Mercy in these End Times.

Beloved ones, I want to urge you NOT to read or look at the negative websites about Maria Divine Mercy or the Book of Truth. In this public statement, I will address the various concerns that you might have in reading her prophetic messages. I will share my personal thoughts in discerning and my involvement in promoting the Book of Truth. So, you will be equipped to make a better, more informed, more balanced decision in your own assessment in whether to believe in or not the heavenly messages given to Maria Divine Mercy.

Now, I must tell you all that the many negative websites are very disingenuous about Maria Divine Mercy. Because such websites are purported to be written and supported by “concerned” Christians, aiming to “do the right thing”, by exposing Maria Divine Mercy as a fraudster and charlatan. Such websites claim that the identity of Maria Divine Mercy is a certain woman in Ireland. The rationale for the claim is based on a single radio broadcast that the visionary did in the early days of her prophetic ministry, which was then “voice-identified”, likely by some type of spy ware technology, as belonging to the certain woman in Ireland.

Is the claim accurate that outs the identity of Maria Divine Mercy? I do not know and I do not care, as the public identity of Maria Divine Mercy is not, and has never been, necessary for me to know in order to properly discern her prophetic messages. It is simply not important to me at all.

In truth, everyone deserves the right to a good name and a good reputation, to be given the benefit of the doubt in any accused misbehavior, to be treated respectfully, and to not be destroyed publicly, by having themselves, their families, and their associates, dragged publicly in the mud, etc. On these negative websites, these “concerned” Christian brandy about disdainful and hurtful accusations, spewing much contempt and even hatred towards the certain woman claimed to be Maria Divine Mercy.

Beloved ones, ask yourselves, is such behavior shown by these “concerned” Christians by writing such negative articles, considered really virtuous and exemplary? Are these “concerned” Christians really showing Christ-like compassion for others? Are such “concerned” Christians really believable, worthy of any credibility?

Now, I began following the heavenly messages given to Maria Divine Mercy, very early on in her public ministry, in the early months in 2011. And I continued to follow the heavenly messages, belonging to a special fellowship group on Facebook, which was associated with her public website, until Our Lord, Jesus Christ, concluded, somewhat abruptly, her public ministry in March 2015.

Do you know why Our Lord, Jesus Christ, told Maria Divine Mercy to conclude her public ministry in 2015? Dearest ones, it was because there were several occultists — satanists — who had hacked into her public website, and started hijacking the heavenly messages, by changing the contents, including the language, tone, and words used, etc. So, Our Lord had Maria Divine Mercy conclude her public ministry, by closing down her public website. Our Lord re-oriented her online mission to be the public promotion of gathering the Remnant Faithful into global and regional prayer groups, calling them, Jesus to Mankind. Such prayer groups utilize the Heaven-inspired prayers, litanies, and devotions, given to Maria Divine Mercy, known as the Crusade of Prayers, and include the divinely given prayer, the Seal of the Living God, as biblically prophesied for the End Times (Book of Revelation, Chapter 7, verses 2-3).

Furthermore, in March 2015, before Maria Divine Mercy disbanded her different special fellowship groups on Facebook, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gave her a very important appeal for the Remnant Faithful. Our Lord instructed her to please ask those who were following the prophecies to create blogs on the internet to further promote the messages to the world. Our Lord made this special appeal, so the internal structural integrity of the many heavenly messages given in the Book of Truth could be maintained intact. This is because if there existed several copies in the different languages of the Book of Truth available on the internet, then it would become a lot more difficult to falsify the original messages by altering them, which would help to prevent the misrepresentation of God and His Holy Word.

Dearest ones, I share that historical fact with you for two reasons. One, I want you to know that it would not surprise me at all, if many of the negative websites about Maria Divine Mercy, are not authored by “concerned” Christians. Beloved ones, spiritual warfare is very real. So, yes, it would not surprise me at all if some of the negative websites are actually disguised, cursed sites maintained by occultists and satanists with a very wicked agenda and malicious vendetta against God and His precious people. So, again, I urge you to NOT visit such negative websites or actively share such negative content or links with others, for this important reason.

Second, I want you all to know that this website, my prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, is a direct fruit of the prophetic ministry of Maria Divine Mercy. In March 2015, after Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gave the important instruction to Maria Divine Mercy, to ask the Remnant Faithful to continue to share the Book of Truth through blogs on the internet, I took personally that divine solicitation to heart. So, after month-long intensive prayer, I discerned my mission to start this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly called, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove) in April 2015. Beloved ones, I downloaded all the original heavenly messages in the electronic format of the Book of Truth, including the prayer booklets and other related materials created by loyal volunteers of the divine mission, that were made available to members of the special fellowship group on Facebook. Then, I spent many hours during many months in the early days of my prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, uploading and posting every individual message separately to the website. So, all the prophetic messages of Maria Divine Mercy can be searched individually and read directly on this blog. Which, Praise God, I had very few blog followers in the early days, as I was trying to figure out how to do my website, literally, sending out tons of daily emails, as I was posting the several hundreds of messages found in the Book of Truth.

Beloved ones, so, let me explain what is the Book of Truth and why its messages are so controversial within Catholic prophetic circles. First, I want people to know that there are very important prophecies given by God found in Sacred Scriptures (Holy Bible) related to the divine mission of Maria Divine Mercy. In the Book of Truth, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, reveals that Maria Divine Mercy is the “7th Messenger”, prophesied within the sacred pages of the Apocalypse by Saint John the Apostle (Book of Revelation, Chapter 11, verse 15) (Note: Typical Holy Bible translations use instead the term, “angel”, which also means “messenger”). The Book of Truth was prophesied by the Prophet Daniel, and foreshadowed by the Prophet Isaiah, as it is intrinsically connected to the Book of Revelation. Specifically, in the Old Testament, the Prophet Daniel received visions about the Book of Truth, but he was not permitted to record those prophecies, as the “words are rolled up and sealed until the End Times” (See the Book of the Prophet Daniel, Chapter 10, verse 21, and Chapter 12, verse 9). The Prophet Daniel lived in the 6th Century, B.C., so the biblical prophecy about the future Book of Truth being unveiled by God in the End Times, is over 2,600 years old. This realization has much significance, because if one believes in the authenticity of the various messages from Heaven given to many different chosen messengers today, calling this particular period, the End Times; then clearly, this particular period is when God will finally unveil His prophetic Word in the Book of Truth that has been sealed for over 2,600 years.

Book of Truth: August 15, 2012
“My Father promised the world they would be given the Book of Truth at this time”.

Dearest ones, there are three main arguments that make Heaven’s messages found in the Book of Truth, and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, so controversial in Catholic prophetic circles. Those three arguments are: one, the messages expose the deep and widespread infiltration of freemasonry within the ranks of the clergy; two, the messages reveal that a man will not be canonically elected to the Chair of Saint Peter, who will be an “impostor” leading the Catholic Church, and in fact, this man will be known as the “false prophet” in the sacred pages of the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation, Chapter 13); and three, that there will be coming a day when the Remnant Faithful will be openly maligned and severely persecuted, practicing the True Christian Faith in the Underground Church. As the words of holy consecration prayed by the priests for the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Mass will be tampered by the false prophet, so transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Real Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will cease to be, resulting in the “abomination of desolation” in the visible Catholic Church. This will happen in order to make way for the antichrist to be installed as the head of Holy Mother Church and the world. (Note: The Most Holy Eucharist WILL continue to be made available by holy priests who retain the proper words of holy consecration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Underground Church).

(Note: The terminology, “abomination of desolation” is mentioned in various verses of Sacred Scriptures. However, not every Holy Bible translation correctly translates the original words as “abomination of desolation”, including some modern Catholic translations(!). Also, beware, as some online translated versions of the Holy Bible have been actually changed in the text from the printed versions(!). For example, the Doauy-Rheims Catholic Bible has changed text on many Holy Bible translation websites. I discovered this shocking horror when studying online different scripture verses related to teachings and definitions about sin, spiritual warfare, and the demonic in the Douay-Rheims Bible. So, it is best to use an older printed version of any Catholic Bible, as newer printed versions may also be subtly changed from the official translation without any notice. Footnote: The Book of Truth actually prophesies that official translations of the Holy Bible would be changed in the text unbeknownst to readers.)

Alright, so, let me give my personal input concerning these three main arguments against reading and believing the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, and why I reject all three arguments. First, I believe that the prophesies revealing the freemasonry infiltration within the established ranks of the clergy of the Catholic Church are clearly self-evident now. When the prophesies were originally given to Maria Divine Mercy, the messages were very shocking to read, as they are very descriptive of freemason, occult, satanic, and pagan worship inside the walls of consecrated churches, taking place on sacred altars used for the Blessed Sacrament. However, in the decade since they were first prophesied, such an actual freemasonry invasion within the Catholic Church is now openly acknowledged and publicly discussed. Several well-respected websites such as Church Militant, LifeSiteNews, and a host of other staunchly conservative, very traditional Catholic organizations and media outlets, have addressed this on-going concern. Especially, since unsightly, un-Godly, sacrilegious, paganistic practices and rituals are being witnessed more publicly within Catholic parishes and dioceses, even taking place at the highest levels of the Roman Curia of the Vatican, i.e., unforgettable, sacrilegious, “pachamama”-worship, etc.

Unfortunately, the Book of Truth includes other related, distressing prophecies. Which, honestly, rereading them, on hindsight, I can see how Heaven “softened” their delivery, as shocking as they were to read initially a decade ago. The messages are very descriptive about immorality — the grave moral degradation that would be witnessed in societies and within religious circles, as well as the amoral teachings and general perverse thinking among peoples. And, regarding the prophetic warnings yet to be fulfilled, the messages are very descriptive about the coming of the antichrist, his witty and clever intellect, his charming and charismatic personality, which will mask his purely evil, sadistic nature, his ruthless and brutal regime, and his wicked agenda straight from the very pit of hell. Finally, obviously, God warns about NEVER taking the coming mark of the beast, which is irreversible and irrevocable, resulting in eternal suffering and torment in hell (Book of Revelation, Chapter 13). Footnote: The Book of Truth even warned, in advance, about widespread vaccination programs against the populace to exert totalitarian control.

Now, I know that the main reason why the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, is rejected by many people is due to its controversial messages about the “false prophet”. Heaven revealed that our holy father, dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, was the last, true, legitimate pope of the Roman Catholic Church. The messages accurately prophesied, exactly one year in advance, the day of the forced resignation of dearest Pope Benedict XVI from the papal chair, and that the man coming after him, would be an “impostor”, not properly chosen by canon law to be the Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ. The heavenly messages reveal that dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, would be banished, ruling in exile, endeavoring to lead the Remnant Faithful to the best of his abilities. The heavenly messages even give small hints that dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, would become a holy martyr, dying before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happened to mankind.

Dearest ones, as many of you know, I posted recently the English translation of the posthumous testimony of dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, given as private revelation to a very pious cloistered nun in Colombia. And truthfully, when I first read the mystical account of our dearly beloved, holy father, about the facts surrounding his forced resignation, his life suffering in exile, and eventually, his death by holy martyrdom, his final words did not surprise me. Although I was deeply saddened a great deal by the confirmations of several rumors swirling for years over his papacy, his reign and his life in exile. The heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth prepared me to be open and receptive to hearing and accepting the posthumous testimony of our sweet, beloved, Pope Benedict XVI. Yes, the prophecies concerning Pope Benedict XVI were changed a bit in their actual fulfillment, but that is only because satan listens to authentic prophets and chosen messengers, too, and so, accordingly, hell will adapt its maneuvers, tactics, and strategies, etc. As, why would hell desire to give any glory to God, by fulfilling prophecy exactly as given by Heaven, even if it is regarding its already planned evil? Yes, hell desires to relish in its slavish mastery over mankind. But, hell also knows to stay hidden, secret and subtle in its evil exploits, lest the many unwitting, mindless slaves discover their real living condition in bondage, crying out for total and complete liberation from God.

Beloved ones, I must make this side-note, to say to you, that everything that dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, testifies in his posthumous revelation is bona fide, factual, and truthful. Yes, there were a few details that I was not aware of, but most of the written account… Honestly, the mystical revelation settled many private speculations that I had made and drawn conclusions over the years.

YES, I had heard the rumors about the political intervention by the USA to force the papal resignation of dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, in 2013. YES, I had heard about the frozen bank accounts of the Vatican Bank in the days of the papal resignation, as it was reported in the Italian news outlets that all the bank branches and ATMs were shut down at the Vatican and surrounding Rome. Note, this damaging secret about the Vatican Bank and the aggressive manipulation by foreign interests over its internal affairs, especially, over the papal resignation, and other unethical banking matters, needed to be publicly exposed. This is the reason why dearly beloved, Cardinal George Pell, was wrongly charged and convicted of fake clerical child sexual abuse in Australia, because the “overseers” could not blackmail him from trying to expose the banking cover-up. His wrongly-judged conviction was eventually overturned by the Australian court system. At the time, four different chosen messengers, whose heavenly messages that I promote on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, were revealing how he was wrongly accused and that he would be acquitted from all charges someday. Unfortunately, Cardinal Pell is deceased now, having strangely died of a heart attack, 10 days after Pope Benedict XVI’s untimely demise by holy martyrdom, which was revealed as involuntary euthanasia by lethal injection in the mystical account to the very pious Colombian nun. Tragically, Cardinal Pell suddenly died at a hospital in Rome, shortly after hip replacement surgery, where he was reported as awake, alert, lucid, and talking to hospital staff in recovery. (Note: The day after Cardinal Pell’s untimely death, a posthumous article attributed to him was published where he openly denounced the Vatican’s plans for its forthcoming ‘Synod on Synodality’ as a ‘toxic nightmare’ that is ‘couched in neo-Marxist jargon’. It has also been revealed posthumously that Cardinal Pell was the author of a similarly critical memorandum of the pontificate of Pope Francis and the future papal election due his stacking of voting-eligible liberal members in the College of Cardinals. The critical memorandum had circulated anonymously among the Cardinals last Lent Season 2022.)

(ADDITIONAL NOTE: In the posthumous testimony of Pope Benedict XVI, our holy father reveals that he wrote several important documents addressed to the Catholic Church and to the world. Copies of these confidential documents were secretly entrusted to his good friend, Catholic theologian, professor, and deacon, Giulio Colombi, with the understanding that he was to publish these documents after his imminent death and to give a copy to each member of the College of Cardinals, so that they in turn could make the right decisions and convene a lawful Conclave after his death. The original documents were supposed to be published three days after his death, however, they were burned by our holy father’s private secretary, Georg Gänswein, under orders by Pope Francis. Furthermore, our holy father’s good friend, Giulio Colombi, was unable to fulfill the request to publish the confidential documents, as he died on January 1, 2023, the day after Pope Benedict XVI’s death, the timing of which seems strangely coincidental to me.)

Furthermore, YES, I had known about all the Italian media coverage reporting about the personal butler, Paolo Gabriele, of dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, who had betrayed him by stealing his private papers, personal photographs, etc., in 2012, and about his general lack of trustworthiness, etc. I had surmised that this man might be capable of poisoning him and how speculation of this definite possibility might have caused Pope Benedict XVI, to be under severe duress, thinking he might be potentially murdered by his enemies at anytime. I have also speculated privately, that our dear holy father might have been coerced to resign, because he was threatened by blackmail with potentially “doctored” photographs with the homosexual lobby, perhaps, using the same private photographs that were stolen by his personal butler. I say this, because there is an active gay lobby and known homosexual circle within the clergy ranks in Rome and at the Vatican.

Also, I will share with you all, something very significant that happened to Father Nicholas Gruner. Father Gruner was known as a very prominent promoter of the Marian apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, and was spoken very highly by Our Blessed Mother, once, on the day he died, in the messages known as Locutions To The World that I feature on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Well, beloved ones, Father Gruner was very heavily marginalized and actively threatened by the thuggish, secret mafia, existing behind closed doors at the Vatican. I have seen videos exposing the murder attempts on his life. I have also seen videos showing official photographs by the Vatican that are verifiable as being altered and doctored related to Father Gruner by using modern imaging technology. For example, there exist private photographs taken of Father Gruner carrying images of Our Lady of Fatima, as the papal entourage was passing by on Vatican grounds. But, the official photographs showing such papal events were altered and doctored, so the presence of Father Gruner carrying images of Our Lady of Fatima was ERASED from the background crowd. This was shown extensively in a documentary, certified by imaging technology experts. So, YES, dearest ones, sorrowfully, it is very likely and highly probable that dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, was threatened with blackmail, using “compromising” photographs that were doctored of him with the gay lobby or even some type of scandalous clerical child sexual abuse, like Cardinal Pell. And so, in order to avoid a very great schism within the Roman Catholic Church, our dear holy father “resigned” under severe duress, resolving to serve Our Lord the best way he could, while in captive exile on Vatican grounds.

So, indeed, I was not surprised by the posthumous testimony by our dearly beloved, holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, where he confirms all my private speculations and suspicions about a potential blackmail and other mortal, bodily threats, so as to coerce, under duress, a papal resignation by him. Also, other more astute commentators, more knowledgeable about canon law and the Latin language than me, have extensively studied the text written and read out loud by our dear holy father, stating his papal resignation to the world. Now, please note, that our dear holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, was intellectually brilliant. Our holy father had a clear mastery, a near-perfect native linguistic fluency in the sacred language, Latin, of Holy Mother Church; and that our holy father, was the authoritative expert of all canon law and sacred doctrine and dogma in Holy Mother Church, having served, par excellence, in the highest ecclesiastical, commanding roles within the Roman Curia, the papal court that governs the Catholic Church, until he was finally chosen by Divine Will as the Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ.

Beloved ones, these more astute commentators have concluded that the papal resignation by our dear holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, was written in very sloppy Latin, with much ambiguity in both the words and sentence structure in the text. In the posthumous testimony, dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, confirms that he attempted to write the text, in such a way, to indicate that he was never resigning from the papal Chair of Saint Peter. He also confirms that is why he kept the important term of “Pope” as part of the honorary title accorded to him as “emeritus”. He also confirms that is why he continued to wear his white papal vestments, as part of his captive exile on the grounds of the Vatican. And he also confirms that he tried to give clues about the fact that he never truly resigned as our dearest holy father, within the pages of the few texts that he was permitted to write and to publish to the rest of the world. As our dear holy father silently cried, hoping in deep, heartfelt prayer, that his beloved children, those loyal to him, as the Vicar of Christ on earth, would know that he still deeply cared in pastoral love about them, as a tender and kind-hearted father always does.

Oh, dearest ones, in all these passing years, I can confirm to you all, that YES, the silent tears and dear heartfelt, poignant cries of our beloved, sweet, holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, were heard by the Remnant Faithful, who honored, cherished, and loved him. As, YES, I have read, in all these passing years, the many speculations by other more astute commentators, who remained loyal to our dearest holy father, about the deciphering of his clues hidden in plain sight. As they pondered and prayed about his health, his mental vitality, his well-being and his welfare, uplifting him in daily prayer for his continued strength and holy perseverance in our dear Catholic faith. That is also why, in the posthumous testimony, when our dearest holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, mentions how distraught he was, over the time that he was publicly snubbed by all the German Catholic cardinals and bishops that he was greeting on a visit to Berlin, Germany; it truly made my cry. As, honestly, I have seen the video where he was publicly snubbed. There was a long line of German cardinals and bishops, and as he walked slowly down the line, he would attempt to greet each of them, by extending his hand out in friendship. Beloved ones, no one, not a single German cardinal nor bishop, would grab his hand back for a handshake. It was so tragic, so distressing, so heartbreaking, to watch that video. In truth, I actually had to watch the video a few times, as I could not believe, at first, what my physical eyes were seeing. I was in so much incredulous disbelief, so much shock, witnessing our dearest holy father being so uncaringly, so coldly, publicly snubbed, by all these rude men who had vowed loyalty and fidelity to him, as pope. I really could not grasp how much he was despised and rejected by these rude men. At the time, I had debated by myself whether or not, I should share the video publicly on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, but I decided against it, because it was so heart wrenching to watch it.

Truly, it is also heart wrenching for me, to know that the man, known as “Pope Francis” (Bergoglio), is not only an “impostor” to the Holy Chair of Saint Peter, but, in fact, he has been identified by prophecy to be the “false prophet” mentioned in Sacred Scriptures (See Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, reinforced by the Book of Truth). It is biblically prophesied that the false prophet, will be a type of wolf in sheep’s clothing, meaning, a false shepherd (from the ranks of the Catholic priesthood) who will attempt to lead all the lambs (faithful believers) away from God, by preparing the way for the antichrist to take full leadership of God’s Church, which is the Roman Catholic Church, established by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, almost 2,000 years ago. In the Book of Truth, Our Lord has stated that the “antichrist is the greatest enemy of God to have ever walked upon the face of the earth”.

Dearest ones, YES, I had heard the rumors circulating about the very prideful and arrogant demeanor of Francis (Bergoglio), as he dominated over many people, behind closed doors at the Vatican, ruling with much disdainful contempt, in an almost tyrannical way. And YES, I do believe the private revelations supporting this rumor found in both the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) and, now, the recent posthumous testimony of dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, delivered by mystical revelation, about his final days in captive exile on the grounds of the Vatican. However, I have always prayed for Francis (Bergoglio) to turn away from his wickedness and all unrighteousness. And, in many past writings, I have strived always to give Francis (Bergoglio) the benefit of the doubt, so he could retain a respectful, public reputation. In my writings, I am not about tearing people down, but I focus all my efforts on lifting people up, so they can change, sincerely convert, and become the good person that God intended always for them to be. As NO human soul is ever conceived and born into this world, with a divinely intended destiny of hell. Truly, God creates every human soul with a GOOD purpose, a GOOD plan for their life, with the Ultimate Goal for eternal happiness and the deepest of friendships with God in Heaven. So, I have always encouraged people to be very generous with prayers of conversion for Francis (Bergoglio), hoping for the Goodness that God intended for him as a servant of God, to take place finally in his life. So, yes, it is distressing to know and tragic to witness the opposite manifesting in him and everything that he touches become rotten.

Regarding Francis (Bergoglio), I also want to state that although Our Lord, Jesus Christ, speaks many negative things about the false prophet to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy; at the same time, in the Book of Truth, Our Lord NEVER identifies who the false prophet is, by his personal name. I have read three times the multiple volumes of the several hundreds of pages found in the Book of Truth, so I can publicly testify that fact on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Never once does Our Lord reveal by his personal name, that Francis (Bergoglio) is, indeed, the false prophet. Rather, He provides many descriptions and prophecies in the Book of Truth to suggest this possibility. And, honestly, I have always thought that fact is very telling about the Goodness of God, His Divine Character, His Divine Love, His Divine Mercy, etc., regarding His Holy Intentions concerning Francis (Bergoglio). And it is very telling about how much God respects the gift of free will, along with the gift of discernment of spirits, that He provides to His precious children on earth. God does not force us, but He invites us to believe in His Holy Word. That is how one truly knows that the God that we serve is truly a Good God, a Good Father. Because, even though He delivers very harsh, very sobering realities in prophecies, as He must inform us, to put us on notice, to stay true to His Divine Character as a Perfectly Just Judge; He also balances the bad prophecies with His Perfect Love and His Perfect Mercy, so we may repent with the sincerest of hearts, as one witnesses the much respect God affords Francis (Bergoglio) by not naming him outright, in the holiest of intentions for his sincerest repentance, resulting in the fullness of his conversion.

Now, beloved ones, I will address the third argument that many people prop up for disbelieving the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, which is very much related to the second reason why people reject the heavenly messages due to the prophecies indicating Francis (Bergoglio) is the false prophet. Let me first remind you all with my words written earlier, describing the third argument why people reject the prophetic volumes: “[T]hree, that there will be coming a day when the Remnant Faithful will be openly maligned and severely persecuted, practicing the True Christian Faith in the Underground Church. As the words of holy consecration prayed by the priests for the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Mass will be tampered by the false prophet, so transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Real Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will cease to be, resulting in the “abomination of desolation” in the visible Catholic Church. This will happen in order to make way for the antichrist to be installed as the head of Holy Mother Church and the world.”

Now, many people reject the Book of Truth, because, recorded in Sacred Scriptures, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has promised, “the gates of hell shall never prevail against the church” (Gospel of Saint Matthew, Chapter 16, verse 18). However, let us unwrap and consider what truly Our Lord is revealing here about the divine promise for always protecting His Beloved Church, the Roman Catholic Church, on earth. What is really the Church here? Is it a physical place or a spiritual condition or a state of being? Dearest ones, foremost, the Church — the authentic faith — is the true mystical body of Christian believers who follow Jesus Christ and the Ten Commandments of His Eternal Father, Papa God, striving to live fully the Supreme Divine Will in their earthly lives. Here, the Church is really about the people — its faithful believers — and not about any physical structure or physical location on earth. In fact, Saint Anne-Catherine Emmerich, who has been called the greatest visionary by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, because she had the most comprehensive gift for mystical visions ever bestowed by God, once declared in her mystical writings, that the “Church” is, indeed, the reality of the mystical body of believers on earth. She wrote: “The Church is the only one, the Roman Catholic! And if there were left upon earth but one Catholic, he would be the one, universal Church, the Catholic Church, the Church of Jesus Christ against which the gates of hell shall never prevail.”

Now, the divine promise that “the gates of hell shall never prevail over the church”, was spoken over Saint Peter the Apostle, when Our Lord, Jesus Christ, was indicating that he would be the first Pope of the Catholic Church, the Vicar of Christ in Holy Mother Church. So, many people, both great and small throughout Church history, have conjectured that the holy father, the pope, can never fall in his visible, acting role of leading the Catholic Church. But, recall, Saint Anne-Catherine Emmerich, with her extensive mystical visions, who could see the entirety of salvation history, both in the past — starting with the Divine Fiat for All of Creation — and well into the future, including our present-day of the End Times and the Apocalypse — NEVER indicated that the leadership of the Catholic Church could never fall. In fact, she prophesied that there would come a time when there would be “two popes” — one legitimate and one illegitimate — and that the “Church” would always be divinely protected even if there was ONLY one Catholic person left, NOT that the one Catholic person left, who would be divinely protected, would be always the pope.

Dearest ones, if you read Sacred Scriptures thoughtfully and carefully, it is actually self-evident that there will come a future day when there will be a “false shepherd” who will attempt to lead Holy Mother Church. As the Book of Revelation (Chapter 13) states clearly that there will be a “false prophet” who will take visible reign in a fallen Christian Church. Also, there are many scripture verses that speak of the “abomination of desolation” happening in the End Times. Truly, if one believes that the prophesied, abomination of desolation, means the removal of the Real Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Eucharist; then, how can this prophesied tragedy come about without some type of false shepherd leading Holy Mother Church? Obviously, the holy words of Consecration for the Blessed Sacrament, the Most Holy Eucharist, cannot be changed and accepted by the rest of Holy Mother Church, unless such an act of sacrilegious desecration, is both approved, supported, and actively spread and encouraged, from the very top, the very head, the visible leader of the Catholic Church.

Moreover, many esteemed theologians and eminent scholars will claim that the papacy can never fall, because the pope is the “Restrainer” who holds back the “lawless one” (the antichrist) from taking full possession in Holy Mother Church, as mentioned in Sacred Scriptures (2nd Letter to the Thessalonians, Chapter 2). However, it has also been proposed that the “Restrainer” might be, instead, the Holy Spirit, or even Saint Michael Archangel, as the text is unclear and ambiguous about this mystery man. Oh, beloved ones, Heaven has finally revealed who this mysterious Restrainer is, according to private revelation given to a very holy, mystic priest. The Restrainer who has prevented the antichrist from gaining a foothold within Holy Mother Church, is Saint Joseph, the earthly father of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Saint Joseph, who is known as the “Terror of Demons”, and has been revealed by Heaven, to be the greatest Saint, above all other Saints and holy Angels, second only to the Heavenly Queen and Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore, this means that the Restrainer who has protected Holy Mother Church for the past 2,000 years, is NOT the holy father, the many Catholic leaders, acting in their papal role throughout the several centuries. The Restrainer is not the pope whom many people claim to believe, who holds back the antichrist.

Consequently, this means that Sacred Scriptures does not “guaranteed” that the pope can never fall in his acting leadership role of Holy Mother Church (according to 2nd Letter to the Thessalonians, Chapter 2). Indeed, any pope is merely a servant of God and an ambassador of Christ, chosen to live for a “short while” within a certain context of salvation history, who defends the Holy Christian Faith on earth to the best of his abilities. However, the Roman Catholic Church is ever-protected by supernatural means by Almighty God, Who determines solely its outcomes according to His Supreme Divine Will; and not by any fallen man, even a holy man chosen by the Divine Will to be the Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ. Thus, the solely needed divine protection of the Catholic Church has been universally entrusted to Saint Joseph, as its ever-constant defender, throughout the centuries, during the various periods of time that different men, both good and bad, have come and gone as holy father, the pope. And, indeed, Sacred Scriptures does reveal that one of those men, in the End Times, will choose to serve as a wilful servant of hell and an ambassador of satan, bringing about the prophesied “abomination of desolation”, with the final aim of fully destroying the Holy Christian Faith, and everyone and everything held dear in the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore, the pope is capable of falling and does fall finally in the last days of Holy Mother Church on earth.

Dearest ones, as you discern the authenticity of the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth, given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, I want you to consider this question. If this is the period of days known as the End Times, that is very close to the fulfillment of the Apocalypse that has been prophesied in Sacred Scriptures, then, beloved ones, does it not make sense that Almighty God would try to save and warn and prepare His elect, His chosen ones, for the severe difficulties and dire challenges that they will be facing? As, truly, Sacred Scriptures counsels, Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets” (Book of Prophet Amos, Chapter 3, verse 7).

Now, I am going to explain my rationale why any so-called “unapproval” by any member of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church about the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, is faulty, unreliable, and untrustworthy. And why faithful believers may be permitted to read, discern, accept, and follow the body of heavenly messages for themselves.

First, the very gentle soul who wrote me about the Book of Truth, was very concerned that people who believe its contents may be excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church. So, let me explain something important here. Recall, in Church history, there used to be a formal religious court, called the Inquisition, that used to put people on trial for various sacrilegious acts, including many acts of heresy, schism, and disobedience for undermining the Holy Catholic Church. However, not every person who has been accused, convicted, and even executed by the Inquisition, has truly been found “guilty” in the Holy Eyes of Almighty God. For example, there is the famous interrogation, trial, and execution, burned by the stake, of Saint Joan of Arc, who later has been recognized as a great heroine and Patroness Saint of both France and Europe. Also, the greatest Spanish mystic, Saint Teresa of Avila, at the end of her life, was accused and under investigation by the Inquisition, but she died, as God took her home to Heaven, before she could properly defend herself before a formal trial on earth.

The reason I speak about the Inquisition, is because it still exists, in some form, as that particular religious court function is performed by the oldest part of the Roman Curia at the Vatican, known today as, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is the body responsible for promulgating and defending Catholic doctrine. The Sacred Congregation is also the body responsible for investigating the private mystical revelations throughout the world, that are brought to its attention by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. The Sacred Congregation is also responsible for handling any processes and proceedings for formal excommunications, which are then approved by the holy father, the pope. And, as a side-note, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was the Prefect, head of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, for more than two decades until he was chosen to become the holy father in 2005, selecting the papal name of Pope Benedict XVI for his holy pontificate.

Now, I want people to know that Canon Law is very complex, especially, regarding the matter of formal excommunication in the Roman Catholic Church. There are actually two penalty types of formal excommunication possible according to the religious law that governs members of the Catholic Church. According to Canon Law 1314, they are: (1) the penalty of ferendae sententiae, which binds and is imposed after a party is found guilty from a religious proceeding or trial. A famous, historical example of this type of excommunication is shown by Saint Joan of Arc, who was later acquitted of her guilty conviction by the Catholic Church. And (2) the penalty of latae sententiae, which is incurred ipso facto (automatically), once the delict (violation of law) is committed. A common, modern-day example of this type of excommunication involves abortion. Once a Catholic woman commits an act of voluntary, wilful abortion, she is automatically excommunicated, in a state of mortal disgrace, and unable to receive the Holy Sacraments in the Catholic Church. However, in the special case of abortion, the excommunication may be lifted by either a local bishop, or if he has delegated authority in his diocese, by a parish priest in Sacramental Confession. But, otherwise, the penalty of excommunication must be typically removed by the hierarchy, the holy father, the Pope of the Catholic Church.

Now, there are many fine rules, processes, and proceedings, that must be carried out exactly, in order for the formal excommunication of any person to be considered valid and lawful in the Catholic Church. Especially, regarding the excommunication penalty by ferendae sententiae, as it involves a formal court proceeding or trial, where the defendant party is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Canon Law must be carefully followed, so as to avoid any miscarriage of justice and to avoid the appearance of having a kangaroo court that does not abide by any just standard of the rule for law. Simply put, a declaration of formal excommunication is very grave, so the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith does not simply cast such harsh judgments upon people, until all facts and all defenses for innocence under Canon Law, are considered by the religious court.

Alright, I want to especially address here the penalty of latae sententiae, which is automatic excommunication, that is imposed in certain situations upon members of the Roman Catholic Church. This type of excommunication does not involve a religious proceeding or trial, as it is a penalty immediately incurred upon committing certain types of grave immoral misbehavior. Here, I want to fully answer the question if people who believe in the visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, and the heavenly messages in the Book of Truth, are automatically excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church. Especially, as the heavenly messages infer and imply that Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is the false prophet of the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation, Chapter 13).

Alright, let’s examine the two relevant sections of Canon Law that opponents are indicating govern automatic excommunication of those individuals who believe in the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy:

Canon Law 1364 § 1 An apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.

Canon Law 751 Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.

Here, opponents are proposing that believers of the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, are “schismatic”, incurring automatic excommunication, because they are creating a schism by refusing to acknowledge and submit to the authority of Pope Francis (Begoglio) as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.

Beloved ones, the man known as Pope Francis (Bergoglio), who is acting as head of the Roman Catholic Church, is an IMPOSTOR, as he is NOT the legitimate Pope, the Vicar of Christ. As the posthumous testimony of Pope Benedict XVI has revealed, our dear holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, was the last, true, legitimate Pope, in apostolic succession from Saint Peter the Apostle, the first Pope, of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XVI NEVER abdicated his authority and power as Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ, as his “resignation” in 2013 was COERCED UNDER DURESS and the THREAT OF MURDER by corrupted infiltrators within the Holy See, the Vatican.

Dearest ones, such a coerced, forced “resignation” by Pope Benedict XVI, has NEVER been accepted as lawful in the Holy Eyes of Almighty God, Who Is Perfectly Just as Our Creator, the Divine Lawmaker. The coerced, forced “resignation” by Pope Benedict XVI was a “coup d’état” of the Holy See, by an well-organized freemasonry crime syndicate, called the St Gallen mafia, deeply embedded within the governance structure of the Roman Curia, the Vatican. The coup d’état then brought about an unlawfully convened Conclave by the College of Cardinals, that resulted in the illegal election of an illegitimate papal candidate, Pope Francis (Bergoglio), who had been groomed and preened for several years by the St Gallen mafia.

What is a “coup d’état” (or, “coup”)? A coup is a quick decisive action, often violent, that involves the illegal seizure of government, typically by assassination or forcible removal from office its top leaders. A coup involves the sudden overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group of people, usually, a small group of politicians or military generals, etc. Coup d’état is French for “stroke of the state” or “blow to the government.” In contrast, a “revolution” is an overthrow or repudiation and thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. A revolution involves a massive uprising of people, which may be violent or nonviolent in nature. A coup d’état is not a revolution, although they have the same political effect or outcome, the illegal replacement of those in governance and/or the governance system.

Now, I need to make a side-note to explain something significant and relevant here. Before Pope Benedict XVI was chosen to be the holy father in 2005, there were many prophecies swirling beforehand to different chosen messengers that the next pope after the holy death of saintly, Pope John Paul II, would be the “false prophet” of the Apocalypse. Obviously, that specific prophecy was postponed. As it was revealed to the visionary at Holy Love Ministries, that Papa God had great Mercy on the world and due to the ardent, heartfelt prayers of His faithful children, Papa God delayed its fulfillment by graciously enabling Pope Benedict XVI to be elected by the College of Cardinals. I share that fact, because in the aftermath of the 2005 Conclave, it has been revealed by anonymous testimony of different voting cardinals, that Francis (Bergoglio) was second runner-up, almost being installed as Vicar of Christ. This is significant to know, because Pope Benedict XVI knew the man who would likely be chosen as the next Vicar of Christ after his pontificate.

Also, I remind you all that Pope Benedict XVI, known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before becoming the Vicar of Christ, was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for more than two decades, which is the religious body responsible for investigating various private mystical revelation with the Roman Catholic Church. Moreover, I remind you as Cardinal Ratzinger, he was a very close advisor and very trusted friend to saintly, Pope John Paul II, as he helped him to put into place certain election rules for the next Papal Conclave that would take place after Pope John Paul II’s death. Certain election rules that would hopefully make it harder so there would NOT be any usurping of illegal power within the College of Cardinals. And finally, I remind you all that as Prefect of the Sacred Congregation and dearest confidant to saintly, Pope John Paul II, that Pope Benedict XVI (Cardinal Ratzinger) was one of a handful of people who knew the COMPLETE Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima (1917), both the revealed, publicized part and the hidden, unknown parts of the Third Secret.

Now, the reason these facts are significant and relevant, is because the imitate knowledge about the Third Secret of Fatima helped our dearly beloved holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, know what he needed to do regarding the murder and blackmail threats made against him in February 2013. As the Book of Truth to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, reveals partially to world the hidden part of the Third Secret of Fatima that only Pope Benedict XVI and a handful of people actually knew. The Book of Truth reveals that the Third Secret is about the secret freemasonry mafia gaining control of the Holy See in the End Times. Moreover, the Third Secret speaks about a scenario where there would be two popes — one legitimate and one illegitimate — in the End Times.

Now, I share these facts with you, dearest ones, because knowledge of the Third Secret of Fatima helped to guide both saintly, Pope John Paul II, and dearest Pope Benedict XVI, in their governance of the Holy See, the Vatican. So, they both knew that they needed to put into place certain checks and balances in the voting rules for the next Papal Conclave. They also knew that they needed to have rules in place, where there might be a future scenario of two acting popes, possibly caused through some type of “forced retirement”, etc. And finally, when dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, was confronted, facing murder and blackmail threats, he knew what needed to be done to keep the ongoing continuity of the Holy Christian Faith in Holy Mother Church. Pope Benedict XVI knew that it was acceptable to Heaven and the Divine Plan, that he “resign” publicly in 2013, entering into seclusion exiled on Vatican grounds, for the remainder of his holy pontificate on earth. That he would be the silent, suffering servant of God, in mystical union with Our Lord and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, Who truly suffered for all mankind on The Cross. The Third Secret of Fatima was the divine signpost pointing the way out for dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, to avoid potentially the Greatest Schism of the Roman Catholic Church in 2013; as well as an assassination attempt on his mortal life.

Beloved ones, not only was the 2013 Conclave unlawfully convened, it has been rumored that there was a prohibited canvassing of votes among the electing cardinals, as well as other improprieties and irregularities according to Canon Law. And so, the election and papal installment of Francis (Bergoglio) happened after only two days of voting by the cardinals. Now, please understand, everything, every papal decision, every hierarchical appointment, made by Francis (Bergoglio), acting as Vicar of Christ, is ILLEGITIMATE and UNLAWFUL in the Holy Eyes of Almighty God. Everything that Francis (Bergoglio) has decided and enacted, as the “great pretender”, since his installment as head of the Catholic Church in 2013, has NO LEGAL STANDING before Almighty God. Furthermore, the Catholic Church cannot “go back in time” by accepting an unlawfully convened past Conclave that elected an illegitimate pope, by retroactively declaring the papal choice as lawful and all his papal decisions lawful, simply because the legitimate pope of the Catholic Church has since died. That is NOT how any JUST, FAIR, and EQUITABLE legal system works in the world. Especially when the illegitimate successor may be the SOURCE of the governmental overthrow by coup d’état, and may be the CAUSE of the previous legitimate leader’s untimely demise. (As the posthumous testimony of Pope Benedict XVI indicates that Francis (Bergoglio) may be the one who ordered the “hit” ending his earthly life).

Therefore, since the holy passage of Pope Benedict XVI, on December 31, 2022, which has been revealed by private mystical revelation to be, in fact, a case of holy death by martyrdom, the holy Chair of Saint Peter of the Roman Catholic Church, has been EMPTY and VACANT. There is NO legitimate Supreme Pontiff, NO Vicar of Christ, that is currently seated in the holy Chair of Saint Peter. The Roman Catholic Church has NO POPE at this present time. Heaven IS currently directly guiding the Roman Catholic Church on earth, under the Almighty Leadership and Divine Kingship of Our Lord, JESUS CHRIST, Himself. That is why the confidential documents written by Pope Benedict XVI, that were supposed to be published after his death but were burned by his enemies, called for a Conclave to be convened by the College of Cardinals. This is because the papal chair is empty and vacant, so a legitimate Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ, must be chosen now, in order for the unceasing and uninterrupted continuity in the world of the Holy Christian Faith, established by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Holy Mother Church almost 2,000 years ago. NOTE: I will address this topic further in a future prophetic writing.

Hence, it is an ungrounded, unfounded, and baseless argument that believers of the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, are “schismatic”, incurring automatic excommunication, by the refusal to acknowledge and submit to the authority of Francis (Bergoglio) as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. Francis (Bergoglio) has NO lawful authority for faithful Catholics to submit to, as he is not canonically elected as the Vicar of Christ. He is an IMPOSTOR, improperly dressed in white papal vestments, posing for the role that he has NOT under Heaven and on earth.

Now, I will state that within the pages of the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, that God does foretell that there will be many formal excommunications happening in the future of the Catholic Church. Now, I may not recall this exactly, but I remember reading in a heavenly message that one day, the Book of Truth, will be placed on the Sacred Altar of the Church, and that 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, will be formally excommunicated in that manner by the Roman Catholic Church. And I do recall reading that there will come a future day, where almost half of all Catholic clergy in the world — about 200,000 holy men — will be formally excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church on the day that the “abomination of desolation” is formally instituted in Holy Mother Church. As almost half of the holy priesthood will choose to continue to serve Papa God and remain loyal to His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament of the Sacred Altar. So, about 200,000 holy priests will need to be protected by the Underground Church, when this prophecy is fulfilled. Obviously, though, none of these divine prophecies about formal excommunications have happened yet.

Likewise, the so-called “concerned” Christians, and other like-minded people, like to point out that the Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland, issued a Public Statement supposedly “condemning” the visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, and the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth. Here is the words from the Archdiocesan Statement released on April 16, 2014 (


“Requests for clarification have been coming to the Archdiocese of Dublin concerning the authenticity of alleged visions and messages received by a person who calls herself “Maria Divine Mercy” and who may live in the Archdiocese of Dublin. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin wishes to state that these messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology. These messages should not be promoted or made use of within Catholic Church associations.”

Dearest ones, I present the words of the Archdiocesan Statement to you all, so you may discern carefully for yourselves whether you would like to believe in or not the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth. However, for myself, this Archdiocesan Statement remains unconvincing and untrustworthy for two main reasons. First reason, unfortunately, today, there are many unholy priests, including many unholy Bishops and unholy Cardinals, that are unfaithful, unprincipled, and undependable in executing their vocational role and episcopate office within Holy Mother Church.

Sadly, many of these priestly men hold corrupted beliefs, showing an immoral character, witnessed by both their bad deeds and bad words, as well as their lack of courage and integrity to stand up of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, against the wicked counterculture that they are living in. And when I see such unholy men working actively against the beautiful traditions of our Catholic faith, by promoting a more secularist agenda within religious circles, it is heartbreaking. Just as Our Holy Mother, Mary, warned would take place in the future Church at Akita, Japan (1973). Our Lady stated: “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God.”

Dearest ones, this Archdiocesan Statement insists that “many of the texts [found in the Book of Truth] are in contradiction with Catholic theology”. Yet, for instance, if a person actually reads the Book of Truth, he or she will notice that there are moral condemnations on the mortal sins of homosexuality, gay “marriage”, and abortion. In contrast, it is these exact, same hot topics of homosexuality, gay “marriage”, and abortion that the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, has shown very disgraceful diocesan mismanagement, lack of leadership, and lack of moral character during his tenure in the episcopate (2004-2021). Early on, after he was installed as the Archbishop, Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, said that being gay should not prevent a man from becoming a Catholic priest. Quote: “You don’t write off a candidate for the priesthood simply because he is a gay man” (2005). And sadly, it just gets worse over the years, as his tenure as Archbishop of Dublin is replete with many failures in leadership. So many failures to lead against the wicked counterculture, both in gay unions and in abortion, which both became lawful in Ireland under his tenure, and were warned about in the Book of Truth to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy.

Sadly, Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, has a compromised Christian faith (we must pray for him). A compromised Christian faith, essentially being “lukewarm”, which Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has stated in Sacred Scriptures, that He will “vomit” such “lukewarm” unbelievers from His holy Mouth (Book of Revelation, Chapter 3, verse 16). And knowing that there are so many like-minded Catholic cardinals and bishops, who compromise their Christian faith, yet, people look up to them for guidance regarding Heaven’s messages given to different chosen messengers today… Honestly, I, “a soul”, question myself, wondering why should I put any faith and trust in these insincere shepherds, who are not acting in the best fatherly interests for tendering the flock entrusted to their care? Why should I put any faith and trust in these insincere shepherds for their supposedly “superior” discernment of Heaven’s messages today? When such insincere shepherds demonstrate no strong foundation in our Catholic faith, lacking any personal, basic understanding of authentic Catholic theology? Such insincere shepherds may be in a “teaching” role, as part of the episcopate, but they clearly are not “real” teachers according to the authentic doctrines and dogmas of our Holy Catholic Faith, taught by Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The second reason, that I reject the Archdiocesan Statement supposedly “condemning” the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, is because there was NO formal diocesan investigation into the authenticity of the heavenly messages. Again, there are formal steps, rules, processes, and proceedings, involved in doing a proper investigation of a chosen messenger and his or her body of heavenly messages within the Catholic Church. Simply put, a bishop cannot arbitrarily issue a public statement such as this, without a thorough official investigation, which typically warrants years of ongoing theological and background studies concerning the alleged messages, and includes many psychological, medical, and scientific tests on the supposed visionary. None of this was done, regarding the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy. Truly, we do not even know if the real identity of Maria Divine Mercy is the certain woman claimed to be living in the Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland. Thus, the Archbishop of Dublin may not even have the canonical authority to make such a far-reaching public statement stating its disapproval of the heavenly messages, that carries overarching jurisdictional authority among faithful believers in other Catholic dioceses. The Archdiocesan Statement is faulty, unreliable, unconvincing, and untrustworthy.

Beloved ones, I have presented here several of my personal reasons for believing in 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, and the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth. I have presented only a handful, the major reasons, that I find the visionary to be credible and worthy of belief and the heavenly messages itself to be worthy of your consideration and discernment. Including the many Heaven-inspired prayers, litanies, and devotions given to Maria Divine Mercy, that are very timely and urgently needed to fight against the many social evils targeted against Christians and God. Both today in these End Times, but also during the heightened wickedness that will be manifesting during the harsh days of the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse, under the coming brutal reign of the antichrist.

However, I want you all to know that although I am in favor of believing in 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, and the Book of Truth, at the same time, I recognize that the heavenly messages are not perfect in their delivery. Meaning, the heavenly messages are private mystical revelation. They are NOT to be held at the same level of credibility and worthiness as public revelation, as Sacred Scriptures, including the Gospel, as being “breathed” forth by Almighty God, where every word is both inspired and chosen by God, being perfectly recorded in the texts of the Holy Bible.

Dearest ones, I say this to you all, because I know that there are a few errors — NOT having to do Catholic theology — but having to do with certain prophetic statements allegedly attributed to Our Lord, Jesus Christ. For instance, in the Book of Truth, Our Lord supposedly states that the mission of having refuges is not of divine-origin or part of the Divine Plan in the End Times. However, I know that such a blanket statement cannot be coming from Our Lord, because refuges during the Great Tribulation IS a HUGE part of the Divine Plan. As the safe havens and refuges are part of the Great Exodus, in order to safely protect God’s precious children, the Remnant Faithful, from martyrdom under the antichrist and for them to be able to physically survive to the very end of the Apocalypse, so they may live in the Glorious Era of Peace (Book of Revelation, Chapter 20). I am also well-aware that satan and the devils of hell have the corrupted angelic powers to manipulate what people hear from others, including heavenly visitors. This is because human speech and human thought can be very slow, so words can be both changed, switched out, and spoken over, etc., by use of angelic powers. Personally, I have witnessed this spiritual gift of angelic power used both by the holy angels of Heaven and by the devils of hell, in my physical presence, in different battles of spiritual warfare, as well as the spiritual gift of mind confusion by both the holy angels and the devils. There are, in fact, many ways that human hearing, human thoughts, and human words, can be interfered with by angelic powers, both good and bad.

This is why, dearest ones, the gift of discernment of spirits is so critical to be developed by everyone, especially, when considering any body of heavenly messages. Because, even if you believe in the veracity and authenticity of a particular chosen messenger, it is still vitally necessary to discern each given heavenly message on its own merits, and to even further discern by each sentence and even by individual words in such messages. No person has perfect discernment of spirits, where he or she writes down perfectly given messages — verbatim — from Heaven, or receives perfectly divinely inspired thoughts to write down. Mistakes can and do crop up from time to time, as God is helping each chosen messenger to grow in their faith and trust and to develop their mystical gifts. Furthermore, God does NOT want people to believe that any body of heavenly messages or mystical writings, is ON PAR, with the Holy Bible or the Gospels, which are clearly, in their own OWN UNIQUE CLASS of divinely inspired writings for God’s precious children on earth.

Finally, it is important to recognize, as a person is discerning the heavenly messages in the Book of Truth, that prophecies CAN and DO CHANGE over time. Especially, in the past decade that the Book of Truth has been available for people to read and consider. As I have stated before, in other writings, prophecies can change for three reasons: one, the free will of mankind reacting to the given prophecies; two, the power of prayer, that allows God to use grace to change bad prophecies towards a better outcome; and three, the invisible machinations of hell among fallen mankind, who exert invisible control over willing minions, in order to manipulate behaviors towards their evil end goals. As hell certainly listens to Heaven-sent prophecies, and accordingly adjusts their evil agenda to achieve maximum damage under the cloak of hiddenness and darkness. So, yes, divinely given prophecies can and do change over time, therefore, people need to keep that principle in mind, especially, when discerning the veracity of any body of alleged heavenly messages. Understanding that principle also helps to keep people from becoming disappointed and falling away in disbelief, especially, when divinely given prophecies go unfulfilled or happen differently from expectations. As Papa God Is always making adjustments to His Divine Plan, so His overall objectives for salvation history are ultimately achieved.

Dearly beloved ones, I sincerely hope that this public statement about the two private revelations that I feature on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, will be helpful to you all. That this public statement will help you all to discern positively both the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy; as well as the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI given to a very pious cloistered nun living in Colombia. I also want you all to know that despite the lack of hierarchical approval regarding the Book of Truth, there are in fact many good, holy priests who believe in the body of heavenly messages. Some of them actively participate in the current ministry of Maria Divine Mercy, which involves supporting the online global and regional prayer groups, known as Jesus to Mankind, and the Crusade of Prayers. Moreover, I have a special webpage on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, that is dedicated to priests seeking more information about the Book of Truth, which has gotten several hundreds of document downloads, during this past decade, of the particular heavenly messages and divinely inspired prayers meant for the use by the clergy. So, yes, there are many good men within the ranks of the holy priesthood, who are becoming more and more aware of Heaven’s messages today, including the Book of Truth, which I consider to be a unique treasure for the Remnant Faithful. As its holy words show how much Papa God tenderly cherishes His precious children, letting us know how much He deeply cares about our spiritual, moral, and physical welfare on earth. May you be fully blessed in your discernment of spirits.

God bless you, my dearest brothers and sisters in Christ.

I love you,
A Soul

Of the prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls

UPDATE – Answered Question about the Seal of the Living God, Information about Refuges, and Certain Prayer Intentions – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

April 30, 2023
Dedicated to Our Holy Mother, Mary

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

So, I, “a soul”, of this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, have been asked a very important question about the Seal of the Living God, which has been mentioned in a recent heavenly message given to Latin-American mystic, Lorena, and has been given previously to other prophets, such as 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, among others.

The question is this. Can people pray so that others, such as their loved ones, can also receive the Seal of the Living God on their foreheads? So, that the members of their families and other loved ones will be divinely protected during the coming chastisements?

Beloved ones, the Seal of the Living God is a very special gift from God. It can only be received directly by a person, on a individual basis, from Almighty God. So, you cannot pray for others to receive the Seal of the Living God unknowingly and unwillingly. A person must pray, in full knowledge and in full belief, with complete freedom of choice, acting in their conscious volition (free will), to receive the Seal of the Living God from Almighty God.

That is why, God has indicated in prior heavenly messages, that most people will not receive the Seal of the Living God until AFTER the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has happened to mankind. Because, in order to receive the Seal of the Living God, people not only need to be fully converted and firm believers in God, such persons also need to be firm believers in God’s Word, including His prophetic messages in this End Times.

So, regarding those who refuse to pray for the Seal of the Living God now… God will direct the holy angels to ensure that the Seal of the Living God is engraved on the foreheads of the rest of God’s precious children — those who will finally make a conscious decision to receive the Seal — in the aftermath of the Great Warning. It will be the Seal of the Living God that people of goodwill will begin to see on others’ foreheads as they are traveling to the holy refuges. People of goodwill will be able to see the Seal of the Living God on all the saved souls, so they will instantly know the people that they can trust to help them and they will know the bad people that they need to avoid interacting with. Also, the Seal of the Living God will be visible on the foreheads of all the saved souls throughout the Great Tribulation and the various chastisements.

NOTE: Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has told me, “a soul”, recently that some people will be called to the refuges earlier than anticipated. Meaning, some people will be called by inner locution by God to the refuges sometime during the six and a half weeks reprieve that immediately takes place in the aftermath of the Warning (Illumination of Conscience). God has special reasons for starting the Exodus to the refuges early, as He wants people to gradually enter the safe havens in manageable groups for the refuge owners, BEFORE the gates of hell are re-opened. So, some people may be already living at a refuge BEFORE the Miracle of Garabandal takes place on earth, as the Miracle of Garabandal will happen in the latter days of the six and a half weeks reprieve in the aftermath of the Great Warning. However, such people will STILL BE ABLE to witness the Miracle of Garabandal on televisions, computer screens, internet devices, etc., as it is taking place LIVE on earth. As all people, including those living at refuges, will only need to remove ALL TECHNOLOGY once the six and a half weeks reprieve has finally ended and NOT beforehand. As remember, once the six and a half weeks reprieve has ended, the gates of hell will be reopened and satan, the antichrist, and all the evil spirits will be permitted to return to the surface of the earth. So, all technology will need to be removed at that point, as it will be used against humanity for wicked and evil purposes, including the mark of the beast (embedded physical microchip).

Now, that being said, I do want to encourage people to continue to pray that their family members and loved ones will be fully converted to God, with the requisite trust in God to believe in His Word, including His prophetic messages and instructions. And, in particular, you can pray that your families and loved ones will become open and receptive to receiving the Seal of the Living God, when they recognize and are presented the opportunity to do so by Almighty God. So, people can pray in hope for this intention to be honored in advance by God.

Alright, I also have a few prayer intentions to request.

Dearly beloved ones, I would like to ask for prayers for the very pious cloistered nun who recorded the posthumous testimony of Pope Benedict XVI, as well as her religious community in Colombia, and those associated with Radio Rosa Mystica in Colombia who broadcasted the private revelation to the Spanish-speaking world. I would also like to ask for prayers for all persons involved in the English translation of the posthumous testimony and in the spreading of the English translation to the rest of the world.

Unfortunately, dearly beloved ones, all such persons are being harshly criticized with much public backlash and even suffering severe persecution by Catholic authorities for giving public witness of the final words of our dearly beloved holy father, Pope Benedict XVI. So, I would like to request prayers so such persons can be comforted and protected by God for doing the right thing. Thank you very kindly for caring for all people involved.

Furthermore, dearly beloved ones, I am in the process of writing a very special commentary that discusses many prophetic matters, and may also help to shed further light on End Times events, including the matters surrounding the holy death of our dearly beloved holy father, Pope Benedict XVI. So, I kindly ask for prayers that I may be able to finalize this special commentary in a timely manner, hopefully, completing the writing sometime this week. I thank you all very much in advance.

And finally, as many of you may already be aware, this past weekend, a world satanic convention is taking place in Boston, Massachusetts (USA). Today (Sunday), is the last day of this very wicked and very evil convention. So, I would like to ask you, my dearly beloved followers, for special prayers today in atonement for this heinous crime against God. If you could offer up an extra Divine Mercy Chaplet today, as well as any other additional prayers and sacrificial offerings, especially, before the Blessed Sacrament, I know that Heaven would be especially grateful.

Beloved ones, again, thank you so much for your prayers and for reading and considering this update. God bless.

I love you,
a soul


April 12, 2023 – Saint Michael Archangel to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – Important Sealing Prayer – “These scorpions will have the purpose of tormenting them for their wickedness, this will happen to perverse men who do NOT carry the Seal of the Living God on their foreheads”

The Seal Of The Living God (Maria Divine Mercy – Book of Truth)


Information On Refuges During The Great Tribulation

Holy Week, April 2023 – Special Commentary – The Miracle of Garabandal and Other Personal Insights – My Visitation with Saint Gabriel Archangel in January 2017 – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

April 12, 2023 – Saint Michael Archangel to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – Important Sealing Prayer – “These scorpions will have the purpose of tormenting them for their wickedness, this will happen to perverse men who do NOT carry the Seal of the Living God on their foreheads”




Final Instructions for this Pentecost Sunday, May 28, 2023 – Message Given to mystic, Lorena, by Our Lord, JESUS CHRIST – “It is Important, that you prepare for this Pentecost, because you will receive great graces and gifts for your Final Missions.” – April 8, 2023


APRIL 12, 2023

The Apocalyptic Trumpets are about to sound, and the Justice Angels Commanded by me Saint Michael the Archangel will draw their Swords against the wicked men bringing to their Consciences and Bodies a pain like a scorpion sting that will hammer them day and night with the purpose of tormenting them for 5 months, these evil men will want to die, but will NOT be able to, they will beat their heads against the walls of despair.

These scorpions will have the purpose of tormenting them for their wickedness, this will happen to perverse men who do NOT carry the Seal of the Living God on their foreheads, for this reason you need to ask to be Sealed by my Angels, so that you can be immune to the intense pain that these scorpions will you.


I, Saint Michael the Archangel, will ask my Justice Angels NOT TO DRAW their Sword against you and to be protected by Myriads of Angels that I Command.

The Entire Heaven will protect you from ALL danger and your Seal on your foreheads will be the Symbol that you belong to God the Father and that evil will NOT be able to touch your Souls, the Sealed will be immune to the Second Death, she will NOT interfere in you.

For this reason, ask from TODAY onwards, to be Sealed in the following way:



At the end of saying this Prayer, you will pray an Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and a Glory Be and you will ask on behalf of your lives and surrender to Heaven to be Sealed, so you will be protected from ALL evil and will have a secure Eternal Life.

God the Father will send you to be Seal by means of an Angel and thus Sealed and Protected, you will be able to face the harsh test of the Tribulation.

We will be waiting for you at the Wedding of the Lamb.

I say goodbye with the War Cry,


Saint Michael Archangel

FOOTNOTE (By a soul):
Papa God asked me to add this footnote to this heavenly message. There have been other chosen messengers of God that have been provided similar instructions and prayers for the Seal of the Living God for the End Times. Most notably, 7th messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, in the Book of Truth, among other prophets, etc. Please understand that if you have been obedient in following previously given prayers from Heaven about how to receive the Seal of the Living God, that all those prior private revelations and God-given prayers are STILL VALID and so, you do not need to repeat its reception by praying this specific prayer given to mystic, Lorena. So, while reciting this specific prayer remains meritorious and is certainly grace-filled, it is OPTIONAL for those who have already received the Seal of the Living God through other prophetic means. JESUS, I trust in You, oh, Immaculate Mother, Mary, pray for us! God bless.

Radio Rosa Mystica (Colombia) – Second Mystical Vision Given To Very Pious Colombian Nun and 12-Page PDF Document of Posthumous Testimony of Dearly Beloved, Pope Benedict XVI – Note By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Monday, April 24, 2023
Dedicated to Our Holy Mother, Mary

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

In this blog post, I, “a soul”, have three items to present to you, my beloved followers of this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, for your consideration and discernment.

First, a very dearest friend with a heart of pure gold, has made a 12-page PDF document of the posthumous testimony of our dearly beloved Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI. The link is below so you may freely download the document for your personal use and to freely share with others. As many of you may recall, recently, I posted a link to the English translation of this private revelation given in Spanish to a very pious cloistered nun in a monastery in Colombia (Latin America). In the posthumous testimony, Pope Benedict XVI speaks about his holy life, his holy pontificate, and his holy death. And in particular, Pope Benedict XVI reaffirms that he was the last true, legitimate pope of our Holy Catholic Church, and how he wrote an encyclical letter declaring Our Holy Mother, Mary, the Advocate, Co-Redemptrix, and Mediatrix of All Grace, on the Solemnity of the Annunciation, March 25, 2022, as his final act as pope, which was burned later by his enemies. He unveils the deception concerning the man, known as Pope Francis (Bergoglio), and his true intentions and motivations regarding his reign over the Catholic Church. Finally, Pope Benedict XVI reveals how he died as a true Christian martyr in his final days of exile on the grounds of the Vatican.

Second, dearly beloved ones, I want to share with you all, a follow-up vision that this very pious cloistered nun received in Colombia. I graciously received this mystical account from the same dearest friend who has generously made the 12-page PDF of the posthumous testimony of Pope Benedict XVI for you all. You may read this mystical account further down this blog post.

And third, I am re-sharing a link of a Prophecy Summary that I originally made several years ago, in the early days of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. I invite you to read this prophecy summary, as it helps to explain the origin of the masonic temple / one world religion church that the very pious Colombian nun witnesses in her mystical vision concerning Pope Francis (Bergoglio). As it is my understanding that at some future moment, the Vatican will be engulfed in a huge fire, which I believe is a perfectly-just judgment of God, so the false prophet and the antichrist will not further desecrate the Chair of Saint Peter. And so, in its place, there will be a large one world religion church built in Rome, clad in many secret masonic and occult signs and symbols, etc. Such prophecies were revealed by God in the Book of Truth given to 7th messenger, Maria Divine Mercy. So, I provide the prophecy summary link below for those who are interested in reading it.

God bless,
a soul


April 2023 – Very Highly Important Private Revelation – Our Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI – His Holy Life, His Holy Pontificate, and His Holy Death – Accompanying Note By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Prophecy Summary – New Temple Will Be Built In Rome For The Beast (Book Of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy)

Translation: Transcript of Radio Rosa Mystica in Colombia
Nun in Colombia: the text of her 2nd vision after Pope Benedict XVI

The nun in Colombia the text of her 2nd vision.

“I saw myself entering a very large church and at the entrance there were three doors: A large central door and two side doors. I went to the church, which looked like a large basilica, dressed in my religious habit. Inside, there was a very unpleasant, foul, rotten smell and everything looked dirty. On the floor there was garbage, there were no images of saints, only the ceiling and the walls were beautifully painted, but I started to see frescoes on the wall about the end of time, where demons were taking the dying to hell,

Then I saw a crowd of people waiting to enter the confessional, but behind each person there was a demon preventing them from confessing their sins, however an angel invited them to confession while the demons whispered to them not to do so. Inside the confessional, the confessor was asleep.

I then walked to the main altar. I saw on the sides, two disused altars, abandoned, and when I arrived in front of the main altar, the smell was nauseating. I looked for the tabernacle with the Blessed Sacrament inside to adore it and it was not there. I looked for a place to sit to pray the rosary and there was no representation of the Blessed Virgin, at the bottom there was just a cross, without the crucified. Then I heard a bell to call the people to Mass and they arrived in a great tumult, there were many fasters dressed in bright colors, they were dancing as if in a festive atmosphere, others eating chewing gum and others smoking. They all reflected a state of inebriation, of all ages, arrogant women who sat in the choir, women who practiced abortion and wore tight pants and dressed vulgarly, then children entered, scantily dressed, then people whose gender could not be distinguished, all of them moved forward like lizards, there were also elderly women who entered with their dogs and cats, well perfumed.

I asked myself: Where am I?

Then I saw entering a bishop who wore a simple mitre, without decoration dressed in a crumpled habit, which looked like a bad rag, and behind him two priests who wore the clergyman but the clothes were some rags like a nightgown.

In the rectory there were naked girls dancing like butterflies, and the bishop and priests were happy to see them like that.

The altar was without a tablecloth, an old carved wooden altar, deteriorated.

The bishop was Bergoglio. He was very happy to see his women dancing at the altar. A big mountain of smoke came out behind him and I saw him change into an infernal being, his face became frightening and his eyes were black and shiny. He was very scary. He had a mischievous smile all the time. In the middle of the mass, some heavily dressed cardinals accompanied by several priests. They had a kind of thick hammer in their hands and they started to hit the walls and it was as if they wanted to destroy everything. There were many priests who entered through the three doors of the church. The cardinals who were present were telling them where to destroy. I was terrified. There was music in the background, as if it was a party. Their speech was confusing.

The nun saw all the priests with a hammer in hand, as the masters use in Freemasonry to lead the meeting.

The vision explains to us the agents of Freemasonry infiltrated in the Church.

Bergoglio continued the mass without worrying about what was happening. When he raised the sacred host, in front of the altar the abyss opened. There was a great crack in the ground and everything was swallowed up. A force of destruction engulfed the whole church, the half-naked girls in the church fell into this abyss, as well as all those who attended mass in that place. I began to hear screams from all sides. It was like an earthquake in the church, the doors and walls were shaking. The cardinals and priests with their gavels in their hands were falling into hell. The pews, the walls collapsed into the abyss. Everything had become confusion and terror. I saw that Bergoglio was petrified and the host came out of his hands and hung over the altar and Bergoglio went down alive into the abyss.

I was very afraid.

I looked at the host that was shining, full of light, and hanging in the air.
Christ will prevail on the altar itself and He will defeat Bergoglio with His holy presence as well as all the Masonic, homosexual, and pachamama-worshipping beings who have infiltrated the Church to destroy it.

Everything in the Church was destroyed, there was nothing left and the people all went down alive to the abyss that opened on the earth. After that, the great fissure opened on the earth closed noisily and it was like a click that was heard as when a door closes with a key.

I heard shouts, blasphemies and insults to God. Bergoglio’s voice, swallowed by hell, ceased to be heard. A complete silence … The only thing that shone was the sacred host that was above me and I was alone.

I was not touched by this great disaster of the abyss and I adored my Lord and I heard the voice of the Lord saying: My Church will be saved by the Eucharist and the Holy Rosary and the powers of hell will not prevail over it.”

The commentator of Radio Rosa Mystica in Colombia tells us that the nun had a vision of what was going to happen in the Church.

The Lord is going to swallow the whole pagan Church in hell and then it will blossom with the Eucharist.

November 21, 2022 – VERY IMPORTANT COMMENTARY – Explaining The Second Coming Of JESUS, The End Times, The Immaculate Conception, And The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


DOWNLOAD THIS COMMENTARY (PDF, 37 pages, revised-typo):

NOTE (By a soul):
This commentary is much longer than I planned or expected. However, the Holy Spirit kept nudging me to write down as much of my thoughts on this subject matter in order to help as many people as possible with one single writing. And so, I want to take a moment to thank with much heartfelt love my circle of dearest friends whom I have freely shared my inspirations, as without their support, this spiritual writing would be incomprehensible and underdeveloped in thought. Finally, I want to ask that people enter into prayer both before and while reading and discerning this commentary, which may require several re-readings to fully grasp. My hope is that many people will benefit from my words as I hope to provide clarity on the End Times and the Divine Plan. God bless. In Christ’s Love, a soul.

November 15-21, 2022
Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessings beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, want to explain what I mean by the words, “Second Coming of Jesus”. This is because when I write about the Second Coming in my commentaries, I am not referring to the Final Coming of Jesus at the end of time, at the end of the 1,000 years of the Era of Peace. The Final Coming is what I would call the Third Coming of Jesus.

So, what do I mean when I say, the Second Coming of Jesus?

Most theologians dance around this terminology because they do not want to be accused of heresy, of saying that Jesus will reign physically on earth for a thousand years. So, most theologians say there will be an intermediate or hidden coming of Jesus before the 1,000 years of the Era of Peace, then the Second Coming at the end.

However, the problem with dancing around terminology is that it confuses people. What does intermediate or hidden coming exactly mean? Most theologians are clueless because they do not study heavenly messages. And honestly, in heavenly messages, Our Lord, Jesus, has said that He does not have much time to work with theologians, because many of them try to intellectualize the faith too much. As they try to pigeonhole it too much into an intellectual framework, instead of taking the lead of the Holy Spirit. They have not fully developed their discernment of spirits, along with the virtues of patience and prudence in God’s Timing.

So, I want people to know when I use the words, Second Coming of Jesus, I am referring to the same event that others say is an intermediate or hidden coming of Jesus. Heaven is not afraid to call this event the Second Coming of Jesus in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy). Hence, I use the same terminology in my commentaries.

Now, I have written about this before, but this is very important so it bears repeating by me. I want to give an overall framework as to the events leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus. This is because people tend to be still confused about this, the sequence of events. They do not understand the overall mosaic of how all the pieces of the End Times prophecies come together. Note, I am not a biblical scholar, so I am not going to try to interpret the Book of Revelation to you. Rather, everything that I am going to share has been revealed in heavenly messages that I feature on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, or has been shared with me directly by Heaven.


The End Times And The Biblical Week

Firstly, I want to define what the terminology, “End Times”, means as it refers to today and modern, current events. The words, “End Times”, means that this is the designated period of time when satan is at the height of his powers and when evil has matured on earth. The End Times is the time when satan and hell will be definitively defeated and locked up for a 1,000 years until the final battle at the end of the Era of Peace.

Please understand that mankind’s time on earth can be broken up into blocks of time. These blocks of time equal 1,000 years each and correspond to days of the week. In Sacred Scriptures, a day equals 1,000 years to the Lord. Jesus has also said in heavenly messages that God renews the earth every 2,000 years, because evil grows so bad by that point, God has to directly intervene to correct the wayward direction of mankind back to the Divine Plan.

The world has been renewed by God twice so far since the Creation of mankind. We have the physical renewal at the end of the first 2,000 years at the time of the worldwide Flood of Noah. Then, we have the spiritual renewal of the Crucifixion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, at the end of the second block of time of 2,000 years after the Flood. Now, we are living in the third block of time of 2,000 years in which the world will be BOTH physically and spiritually renewed, because evil is at its worst.

Then, once the 6,000 years of evil on earth has concluded, mankind will enter into the great Era of Peace for the final 1,000 years of time. This 1,000 years will be the conclusion of the 7,000 years of the biblical week (7 days) to God and the fulfilment of the Lord’s Prayer for God’s Kingdom to come to earth. Then at the end of the Era of Peace, there will come the final battle between Good and evil, culminating into the General Resurrection and Final Coming of Jesus. At that point, then hell will be forever locked up and those good souls aligned with the Lord will enter into God’s Eternal Rest in the 8th Day of Creation, the Day of the Resurrection, which will last for eternity.

The Two Divine Fires

Before I go on to discuss the events of the End Times, this is actually a good point to discuss the Two Divine Fires. People tend to think that God is comprised of one Eternal, consuming Divine Fire. However, the reality of God’s Fires is a little more complex to understand.

God Is Eternal. He Is also an Eternal Divine Fire of Love and Mercy and Justice. God will always be the Divine Fire of Love and Mercy and Justice. It is His Divine makeup and Divine Character.

However, when satan and the evil angels fell out of grace, this resulted in God’s Divine Fire of His Wrath. This Divine Fire of His Wrath generated as a consequence of God’s moral Character – an aspect of His Divine Justice. Creation was altered, as the element of time in the universe became connected to the eternal state of evil.

This next fact is important for people to understand. The Divine Fire in hell IS NOT the same Divine Fire that exists in purgatory and in Heaven. The Divine Fire in hell is solely God’s Wrath – His Holy and Just Anger of (mortal) sin. Whereas, the Divine Fire of Heaven and in purgatory, is God’s Eternal Divine Fire of Love and Mercy and Justice.

Now, the reason I bring this distinction up, is because it helps to explain what will happen at the Final Coming of Jesus at the General Resurrection. All the evil souls, demons, and devils will be forever locked up in hell as God will separate His Divine Fire of His Wrath from Himself to accomplish this feat. The Divine Fire of His Wrath is based in time, yet, it is an eternal fire. Thus, hell will be forever locked into the element of time as all the occupants of hell will forever suffer over past moments of sin and regrets. Whereas those dwelling in the Divine Kingdom of God’s Will, live in the present moment constantly, in peace and holy love. This is known as the Eternal Now.

Meanwhile, the great time span (7,000 years) of God’s Redemptive Suffering for all of mankind’s sins will be concluded. In Their United Hearts, Jesus and His Holy Mother, Mary, will no longer shed tears of sorrow and blood over mankind’s sins. And while God’s Eternal Fire of Love and Mercy and Justice will always exist, as it is His Divine Nature, on the 8th Day of Creation, the Eternal Kingdom will subsist solely and abide in His Divine Love.

All will enter into Eternal Rest with God.
Love will reign supreme for all eternity.

In The Beginning: The Warning (Illumination Of Conscience)

Alright, so now, let me introduce my overall framework of End Time events leading up to the Second Coming of Jesus. Firstly, everything starts with The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). It is suggested that The Warning will happen during a brief nuclear war. The Warning will take place after 7 days and 7 nights of increasing darkness over the entire earth. The Cross of Jesus will be seen in the sky and the moon will be a deep, blood red color. The sun will be dimming until its light is fully extinguished. Then a massive earthquake will take place, caused by an asteroid in the sky, which then will be followed by The Great Warning. The Warning will be a life review encounter with the Lord and everyone will experience a taste of where he or she would end up if they had died at that moment – either Heaven, purgatory, or hell. It will be made known to people how they have kept or not followed God’s Law (Ten Commandments). Afterwards, people will return spiritually back into their physical bodies with the opportunity to convert and change their lives for a better eternal outcome.

Once The Warning has happened, there will be a brief span of time (six and a half weeks) of peace on earth. During this time, there will be no demons or devils on earth – they will all be temporarily locked up in hell, including satan. I also know that the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will take place during this timeframe of six and a half weeks. Note, the Miracle and Sign will take place at multiple locations – Marian apparition sites, on earth. Such locations will be announced in advance by visionary, Conchita of Garabandal, after The Warning. Also, according to Sacred Scriptures, the Ark of the Covenant will resurface during the End Times. So, personally, I believe that the Ark of the Covenant, along with the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments, will reappear during this pivotal time, to counter the mandatory mark of the beast (embedded microchip). (Note, I will write more about this unveiling of the Ark of the Covenant in a future commentary).

Also, I was told that the three remaining visionaries of Medjugorje who have only received the first 9 secrets, that during The Warning, they will receive the final 10th secret. I was also told that the final 10th secret of Medjugorje is the same event as the Great Chastisement of Garabandal. It is also my understanding that this event is the same as the 3 Days of Darkness, that takes place at the very end of the Great Tribulation.

Now, the reason I bring these facts up, is because during the six and a half week period after The Warning, both Conchita of Garabandal and all six visionaries of Medjugorje will be testifying about the prophesied Great Chastisement / 10th Secret of Medjugorje / 3 Days of Darkness. This is why the six visionaries of Medjugorje all have the 10th secret in common and why the Holy Mother Mary selected six visionaries at Medjugorje, not simply one visionary to announce the secrets and their dates. Because seven visionaries (Conchita of Garabandal and the six visionaries of Medjugorje) were seen as the ideal number of people to announce God’s Great Chastisement to the world. Note, only the description of the Great Chastisement will be revealed to the world, not the prophesied date for this event.

In addition, it was shared with me that the Fatima Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Catholic Church is necessary by God to mitigate the Great Chastisement. Note, I will explain in a future commentary why the Consecration done by Pope Francis on March 25, 2022, was not fully accepted by Heaven. Moreover, it has been prophesied that the Fatima Consecration will finally be accomplished by a future pope, whom I have discerned is one of the Two Witnesses of the Apocalypse in the Holy Bible.

Then, once the six and a half weeks for preparation and evangelization have concluded, those aligned with the Lord must get rid of all technology. This is because hell will be unlocked with satan, the devils and demons returning to the surface of the earth. At this point, the antichrist will be permitted to finally unveil himself to mankind. This is why it is so important to get rid of all technology, because the eyes of the antichrist are hypnotic, causing people to lose their salvation by making them worship satan.

Again, I do not know the sequence of the Apocalypse found in Sacred Scriptures. However, I do know that some of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje involve the use of nuclear weapons. This is important to know, because the nuclear war will resume soon after the six and a half weeks of peace have passed on earth. More importantly, the antichrist will be the “peacemaker” who negotiates to stop the nuclear war. It is through this act, that the antichrist will gain sufficient fame and notoriety worldwide, to be known to everyone. The antichrist will be of Islamic origin, making him widely accepted by Muslims. Then, the false prophet, who will be head of the Catholic Church, will lay the foundation for the antichrist to enter and take reign. This will be done by removing the Consecration Prayer of the Most Holy Eucharist (abomination of desolation mentioned in the Holy Bible), which protects the Church and the Mystical Body of believers in Christ on earth. Then, once the antichrist sits on the chair of Saint Peter, that day will begin the 1,260 days (42 months) countdown of the Apocalypse and the antichrist’s reign of terror over mankind.

GOD’s Divine Plan During The Apocalypse

Now, what most people do not realize is that God did not put much of His Divine Plan to counter the description of satan’s Apocalypse in Sacred Scriptures. This is because the Book of Revelation was written 2,000 years ago and God did not want satan and all of hell to know what God was planning to do in the End Times to defeat evil. Hence, most of the prophesies found in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), the prophesies of Garabandal and Medjugorje, etc., are not mentioned in the Holy Bible. God Is no fool. God did not want to give a heads up in advance to His arch enemy, satan. However, the prophecies of evil’s agenda for the End Times are written in the Holy Bible, as an universal warning to God’s children, so mankind could stay alert to satan and hell’s agenda throughout the centuries. So, people should not read the Book of Revelation, thinking that all the events – Good and evil – are fully accounted for and described in Sacred Scriptures.

That is why it is so important these days to read, discern, and to be accepting of the Holy Spirit’s inspirations through heavenly messages given to different chosen messengers. Otherwise, people will be befuddled and uncertain about what is truly happening in this End Times. Because people will not gain the bigger, overall picture of the End Times without resorting to modern day prophecies. According to Sacred Scriptures, God does not act without first revealing His Plans through His prophets. So, in order to fully understand what is taking place today, people need to be open to God speaking to them and to others about His Divine Plans. Because the more one knows about God’s Plans and future events, the less fearful the future will seem and the more prepared and trusting of God, people can be.

So, one major component while the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje and the Apocalypse are being unveiled and taking place on earth, are the existence of refuges that God has planned for His children to dwell so they will not suffer martyrdom at the hands of the antichrist. Concurrently, as the Apocalypse is happening, people will be called out from the world, in stages as events occur, to holy refuges where they will be protected. At the appropriate time, when people’s lives are in danger, they will be called by locution (an interior voice) by God, as part of a massive Exodus, to the safety of a nearby refuge. At these refuges, people will be fully protected from all evil, as they grow in holiness and in their spirituality in preparation for the Lord’s Return in the Second Coming.

Note, only those people who have converted to God and are striving to grow closer to God in His friendship will be called to the refuges. So, no evil people or people with bad intentions will be at the refuges. Also, lukewarmness is not an option. People must be fully aligned to God and sincere in their good intentions of living God’s Law (Ten Commandments) to be accepted into the refuges. The holy angels will protect the refuges, ensuring that no evil is present.

In addition, God is sending physical helpers to help people throughout the Apocalypse. After the antichrist has unveiled himself, God will send an Angel of Peace – who will take corporal form on earth and he will especially help those who are being martyred. Meanwhile, after The Warning, the Two Witnesses of Revelation and 144,000 Firstfruits will be present on earth to help guide and evangelize the masses of people seeking God.

The Two Witnesses and Firstfruits are human beings who will have been fully transformed (transfigured and glorified) during their Warning encounter. They are holy persons who are chosen by God due to their great love of Him and charity to others, to experience in advance, the gifts of the First Resurrection. Spiritually, their souls will dwell in the Highest Heaven – the Sixth Chamber in Holiness. They will possess all spiritual gifts and charisms of our original parents, Adam and Eve, before the Fall of mankind. For example, they will bi-locate, pass through material objects and closed doors, be telepathic, and possess infused knowledge, including being multilingual and knowing the Holy Bible by heart, etc. They will also be able to travel like spiritual beings, at the speed of thought. They will also wear white heavenly robes and ride white horses into battle. (Chapter 7 and 14, Book of Revelation).

Note, both the existence of the 144,000 Firstfruits and the Sign of Garabandal on earth, are meant to be a great inspiration for the rest of mankind, in order for people to be encouraged to persevere during the Great Tribulation. They are encouragement for people to look forward with anticipation the First Resurrection and the Second Coming of Jesus.

The 144,000 Firstfruits of the church militant will be directly captained by the Blessed Virgin Mary and St Michael Archangel. They will be accompanied by other holy persons, known as practicing soldiers of the church militant, into the battlefield against the forces of the antichrist. The practicing soldiers will be led by St Raphael Archangel and will assist with evangelizing the Gospel and have healing gifts. They will be attending to the sick and dying, as well as help rescue people, bringing them to the safety of the refuges. Meanwhile, the third group of the church militant will be the praying soldiers led by St Gabriel Archangel. They will be the backup support at the refuges, predominantly, involved in praying for graces for those on the battlefield and educating the masses of people in the Christian faith at the refuges.

Less is known about the Two Witnesses of the Apocalypse. I do know that they will be two extremely holy men, anointed in the spirits of St Elijah the Prophet and St Enoch of the Old Testament. Also, one of the men, will be a very holy priest-son who is fully dedicated to Our Holy Mother, Mary, under Her titles, Our Lady of Fatima and Our Lady of the Rosary. This holy priest-son will assume the role of vicar of the Christian Church on earth and will complete the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Also, according to heavenly messages, this priest-son will come from one of the 23 Eastern denominations of the Catholic Church (not the Latin rite). So, this priest-son will be fully familiar with both the eastern and western traditions and rites of the Universal Church (note, Catholic, means Universal).

Finally, towards the end of the Great Tribulation, there will be the martyrdom of the Two Witnesses of Revelation in the city of Jerusalem. Their martyrdom is featured in the Third Secret of Fatima. By their cruel martyrdom, the grip of the antichrist and satan over the Muslim people and Jerusalem will be destroyed, because people will witness the Truth of the Gospel and the Power of the Resurrection of Jesus by their selfless sacrifice. (Chapter 11, Book of Revelation).

Then, according to Sacred Scriptures, as God has Promised, the Resurrection of the Two Witnesses of Revelation will result in the recognition of the God of the Jews and the Christians. Peace will then spread from Jerusalem (known as the “City of Peace”) outward to the rest of the nations, as Jerusalem will become reestablished as the Eternal Seat of God’s Kingdom on earth (it will no longer be Rome, the Vatican).

Meanwhile, Good and evil will prepare for the Final Battle at Armageddon in which the antichrist and his forces will be fully destroyed. This will then be followed up quickly by the 3 Days of Darkness (Great Chastisement / 10th Secret of Medjugorje) on earth.

The Period Of The Renewal

The Good will be aware of the forthcoming 3 Days of Darkness several hours before its manifestation on earth, so they can prepare themselves in the refuges. During the 3 Days of Darkness, all natural laws will be suspended as the earth and the fallen universe will be physically and spiritually renewed. The gates of hell will be fully open on earth so the devils can collect all the evil people of the Great Tribulation to finally drag them into hell.

Then during the 3 Days of Darkness, hell will be fully locked up until the end of time, after the 1,000 years of the Era of Peace has concluded with one last battle between Good and evil at the very end before the General Resurrection. Note, the last battle at the end of the 1,000 years is meant for the future generations that were born during the Era of Peace who have never experienced the temptation of evil. This last battle is being permitted in keeping with God’s Divine Character of being Perfect Justice. So that all the generations of Adam and Eve have been equally tested as gold is refined in fire, in order to be found worthy of their heavenly reward.

Also, during the 3 Days of Darkness, the entire earth and the universe will be totally renewed, so that all resembles the Garden of Eden and the Heavens as God created all perfectly at its dawn of Creation.

Now, people need to understand something very important. The First Resurrection and Second Coming of Jesus do NOT immediately begin at the conclusion of the 3 Days of Darkness. Only Papa God knows the exact day and circumstances of His Son’s Return to earth. So, we know from the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) and other bodies of heavenly messages that there will be a brief span of time of less than a generation (likely less than 10 years), in which mankind will rebuild life on the perfect earth. This period of time is known as the Renewal and it is a distinct period of time from the Era of Peace.

During the Renewal, several things will be happening. Firstly, the Sun will be very luminous, becoming brighter every day until the Second Coming of Jesus. Secondly, mankind will finally rebuild the Third Temple in Jerusalem, to welcome the coming of the New Jerusalem on earth and the Return of Jesus. And, thirdly, all of mankind will be engaged in last touches of spiritually preparing for the First Resurrection. Part of this preparation involves spiritually praying for the poor souls in purgatory to finally enter Heaven. This is important because purgatory will be definitively closed (once in for all) at the First Resurrection / Second Coming of Jesus.

Moreover, all of mankind living on earth has to be spiritually prepared for entering the Sixth Chamber of holiness / Highest Heaven at the First Resurrection. The Firstfruits will have prepared the way for the masses of people, by lighting the way, as they will already be spiritually in the Sixth Chamber. So, people will be encouraged by this fact, as they finish their last spiritual touches before being transfigured / glorified by Jesus at the Second Coming.

One important note about the First Resurrection (Chapter 20, Book of Revelation). It only involves the good and holy people of God living on earth and the saints of Heaven and those poor souls in purgatory. The First Resurrection does NOT involve the evil people in hell. The evil people in hell will finally receive their human bodies at the General Resurrection at the conclusion of time, when everyone will know all aspects of the Divine Plan at the Final Coming of Jesus. It is actually a special blessing of God’s Will that He does NOT resurrect the evil people until the end of the Era of Peace in the General Resurrection, because having their physical bodies in hell actually will enhance their suffering. To my knowledge, only betrayer Judas Iscariot, the antichrist, and the false prophet will be suffering in their physical bodies throughout the 1,000 years of the Era of Peace. Note, according to private revelation, Judas Iscariot was dragged in body and soul into hell by satan after his suicide. This is why there is no burial site for Judas on the surface of the earth.

Meanwhile, after the First Resurrection, there will be 100 days of celebration for the Wedding Feast of The Lamb at the Second Coming of Jesus. Then, according to heavenly messages, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will spend three years in ministry on earth, expounding more fully the divine teachings at Holy Love Ministries. Thereafter, Jesus will return to Heaven and the glorious Era of Peace for 1,000 years will begin for mankind on the new earth.

The Era of Peace will be the complete return of a God-centered Creation: the New Heavens, the new universe and the new earth, based on the divine teachings of Jesus and His chosen Saints. In particular, the calendar and day will be Christ-centered while the universal symmetry of the Christ-centered teachings of St Francis of Assisi on Creation will be welcomed and lived among mankind.


The Immaculate Conception Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

Before I finish this commentary, I need to discuss the importance of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Immaculate Conception in the Divine Plan of God and salvation history of mankind. This is relevant to the Wedding Feast of The Lamb, which will take place at the Second Coming of Jesus.

On December 8, 1854, Pope Pius IX declared the Universal Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. It means that the Blessed Virgin Mary was conceived without sin in the womb of Her mother, in preparation for Her to become the Holy Mother of the Messiah, Jesus Christ, Who Is truly the Son of God and the Second Divine Person of the Most Holy Trinity (GOD). Specifically, the declaration stated “that the most Blessed Virgin Mary, from the first moment of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege from Almighty God and in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, was kept free of every stain of original sin.” This is a required article of faith for all Catholics, which other Christians are invited to believe.

So, what does this exactly mean, in application?

In ancient Jewish tradition, the ribs of a person is the same as a person’s spiritual heart. Thus, when Eve was created out of the rib of Adam, it is similar to saying that Eve was created out of Adam’s heart. In addition, according to private revelation, in the cavity where the rib of Adam was taken for Eve, God the Father placed all the spirits of mankind as Adam was to be the spiritual head of mankind.

However, in the Garden of Eden, at the moment that Eve called Adam to join her at the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and evil – when the Fall of Adam and Eve (Original Sin) was about to happen – it is written in private revelation that the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity (Jesus Christ) descended in His Spirit to earth. Next, He quickly grabbed the spirit of the Blessed Virgin Mary from Adam without his knowledge and brought her spirit to Heaven, thus, her spirit would not be tainted with Original Sin. Then, the spirit of the Blessed Virgin Mary was preserved in a special holy Tabernacle in Heaven until the fullness of time, when Her spirit could be finally joined with Her physical body and Her soul at the moment of Her Immaculate Conception in the womb of Her holy mother, St Anne.

Moreover, in private revelation, it has been revealed the Blessing of God given to Abraham as the spiritual Patriarch and Father of All Nations in the Holy Bible was an actual holy object that he would carry concealed near his ribs (spiritual heart). This holy object – the Blessing of God – was connected to the future conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. And so, when God wrestled Abraham’s grandson, Jacob, it is believed that this took place, so God could take back the holy object of the Blessing of Abraham to Heaven. Otherwise, the holy object would have been lost or destroyed as Jacob was to meet the next day with his twin brother, Esau, who was the firstborn son of Isaac, and whom the Blessing of God as his birthright was sold to Jacob for a bowl of lentils.

This holy object of the Blessing of God was finally returned to St Joachim, the father of the Blessed Virgin Mary, when he was praying privately in the Temple of Jerusalem. As both he and his wife, St Anne, had gone on pilgrimage to Jerusalem to pray for the blessing of a child, whom they promised to dedicate to the holy service of God. It was from this pilgrimage that indeed St Joachim and St Anne became blessed to conceive the Blessed Virgin Mary, just as the angel of God had revealed would happen to St Joachim in the Jewish Temple.

Next question, what is the significance of the Immaculate Conception?

Without the Immaculate Conception, the later blessed conception (Annunciation) of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, would not have been possible for the salvation of all mankind. This required the sinless womb of Our Holy Mother, Mary, as the first Holy Tabernacle for Our Lord, Jesus. Moreover, this required the sinless physical state of the Blessed Virgin Mary who was preserved from Original Sin and stayed sinless in life, because Jesus derived all of His sinless physical humanity, except His male gender, from His Holy Mother. (Note, I will write more about this fact in my future commentary about the Ark of the Covenant).

Now, what is important to understand is that the Blessed Virgin Mary is Above All creatures, Above All the rest of mankind and even the angels. As many saints have written, one prayer of the Blessed Virgin Mary is more powerful than all the prayers of the angels and mankind combined. And in heavenly messages, Our Holy Mother has said that even at the moment of Her Immaculate Conception, She loved God more than all the holy angels and saints combined.

Why is this?

The reason that the Blessed Virgin Mary was created to love God so much greater than all the angels and mankind, is because firstly and chiefly, God needed a humble servant whom would not disappoint Him for the Annunciation of Jesus to be made possible and to take place in the fullness of time. The Blessed Virgin Mary is the only Woman whom God the Father chose for Her womb to bless the unborn Child of His Divine Son. And to guarantee that the Woman would freely say, Yes, God created the Woman to be absolutely Perfect in all manners and ways. This meant that not only was She to be Immaculate (Sinless), the Woman had to be just like God in all Her perfection and virtues.

Yes, I dare to say this. The only difference between God and the Blessed Mother Mary is that She is a creature of God with an origin based in time. So, except for God being an Eternal Being, in every other way, the Blessed Virgin Mary Is Perfect like God. She possesses all the attributes of His Divine Character and His Divine Nature As a Holy Person.

The Blessed Virgin Mary is NOT God, but She is the closest creature that will ever be created in existence in All the Perfection of God Himself.

Thus, God could be assured that Our Holy Mother Mary would say Yes (Fiat) with Her free will at the Annunciation, so the salvation of mankind and redemption of Creation would be made manifest without doubt. God created a mirror of Himself in the Blessed Virgin Mary.

This secret of the Blessed Virgin Mary is so significant to know, because She is central to the Divine Plan, and most especially, for the success of God’s Will in this End Times. This revelation explains the rationale behind all apparitions of Jesus and Holy Mary as the Divine Plan has progressed throughout the centuries. God desires to recognize the glories of His Holy Mother and His Heavenly Queen among all His children on earth. Hence, Her Immaculate Heart can Triumph in the end with Her Son’s Most Sacred Heart, as all of mankind finally recognizes the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity with the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

GOD’s Secret Weapon To Defeat Evil

God has a Secret Weapon to defeat satan and all of hell. It is the Blessed Virgin Mary. This is a reality of God’s Plan that satan has been clueless for 2,000 years about his defeat in the End Times. Just as in a game of chess, the queen is all powerful like the king, Queen Mary is All Powerful like Papa God and His Son, Jesus. Moreover, in the game of chess, it is the queen who is most important in protecting the king from check-mate and does all the maneuvers for the success of the game. Likewise, Queen Mary has been entrusted with the Triumph of the Divine Plan and fulfilment of the Divine Kingdom on earth. So that the Divine and Immaculate Hearts can reign supreme in all hearts of mankind in the era to come, the 1,000 years of the Era of Peace.

This glorious secret of God’s Plan began to unfold in the 13th century when St Dominic de Guzmán was given the Rosary for people to pray for Holy Mary’s heavenly intercession. Then, in 1531, the apparitions of Our Lady of Guadalupe took place, foreshadowing the coming of the Apocalypse (Chapter 12, Book of Revelation), which tragically involves abortion and other egregious errors against the sanctity of life, etc. Then, devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus was revealed to St Mary Margaret of Alacoque, laying the foundation for the future revelations of the Immaculate Heart of Mary at Fatima, Portugal, and then eventually, the United Hearts at Holy Love Ministries.

Although Pope Pius IX did not declare the Universal Dogma of the Immaculate Conception until 1854, Heaven gave its approval ahead of this declaration in 1830 with the apparitions of Our Holy Mother to St Catherine Labouré for the Miraculous Medal. This medal, also known as the Medal of the Immaculate Conception, has engraved the words, “O Mary, conceived without sin”, thus proclaiming the validity of the Immaculate Conception 24 years in advance of the official declaration of the dogma by the Catholic Church. This medal, also became known as the Miraculous Medal, due to the prolific miracles associated with its devotion and belief in its engraved prayer. Then, as further confirmation by Heaven, the Blessed Mother Mary appeared to young, naive, pleasant girl, St Bernadette Soubirous, at Lourdes, France, revealing the profound theological concept, “I am the Immaculate Conception”. This apparition took place in 1858, four years after its official declaration was proclaimed by the pope, at a time when mostly only the clergy were aware of its dogmatic declaration and understood its theological significance.

Henceforth, with these apparitions involving the Immaculate Conception, the era of modern day apparitions of Jesus and Holy Mary was inaugurated. Such apparitions did not go unnoticed by satan. This is why the Blessed Mother warned the Church and mankind at La Salette, France, in 1846, of shocking and grave revelations of the coming Apocalypse, if God’s Law (Ten Commandments) continued to be ignored and not obeyed by mankind. Yet, the masses of mankind persisted in its grave sins. This then culminated into the October 13, 1884 vision of Pope Leo XIII where the pope saw Our Lord give permission to satan to try the Church and sinful mankind for a century. As a result, Pope Leo XIII penned the famous prayer to St Michael Archangel for protection of the Catholic Church and all mankind.

However, unbeknownst to satan, Our Lord planned further help for mankind in the form of His Holy Mother Mary, His Secret Weapon. Exactly, 33 years later, the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima resulted. At Fatima, Portugal, on July 13, 1917, the Blessed Virgin Mary promised through prayer of the Rosary and Consecration of Russia by the Catholic Church to Her Immaculate Heart, She would help to prevent an “annihilation of nations” and help to usher in a great Era of Peace for the entire world. Note, “annihilation of nations” later became understood to indicate a future nuclear war. Also, Holy Mother Mary revealed the chosen name of the future pope reigning during the next terrible world war and that a strange light would illuminate the sky warning of the world war if Her words were not heeded.

Then, as an universal seal of approval, God confirmed ALL the words and prophecies given by the Blessed Virgin Mary at Fatima, Portugal, as worthy of belief. On October 13, 1917, over 70,000 people gathered to witness a prophesied “Miracle of the Sun” dancing in the sky for 15 minutes. All present, including atheists, were converted, and it was written up in major newspapers, such as the New York Post.

Unfortunately, the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary failed to materialize as the Church hierarchy failed in obeying God’s commands through Holy Mother Mary. Hence, the prophecies of World War II became true under the pontificate of Pope Pius XII when the strange and unknown light was seen throughout Europe and as far west as Bermuda, the night of January 25, 1938. Less than a month later, Hitler marched the armies of Germany into Austria, starting WWII. Furthermore, at the conclusion of WWII, Russia emerged as a superpower in the world, as mankind awakened to a new reality of nuclear weapons and a Cold War fear of usage of such horrible weapons between political state foes.

Mary, Help Of All God’s Children

Nonetheless, God has continued to send help to mankind through His Holy Mother, Mary, alongside with His Divine Son, Our Savior, Jesus. In the 1930s, the devotion to God’s Divine Mercy was imparted to St Faustina Kowalski in anticipation of the many future hardships that would arise by the turn of the century and into the coming period of the Apocalypse. Later, the Flame of Love prayer became a part of the Hail Mary prayer and the Rosary, as a means of blinding satan and saving more souls. Furthermore, the Rosary of the Unborn was imparted at Holy Love Ministries to help accost the worldwide holocaust of abortion.

Meanwhile, the 1960s witnessed apparitions of Our Lady at Garabandal, Spain. Here, Our Blessed Mother revealed that God’s Cup of Wrath was overflowing and that mankind was severely negligent in its loving adoration of God the Son found in the Most Holy Eucharist – the Sacred Body and Most Precious Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ – as presented in Holy Mother Church. Our Holy Mother also announced the forthcoming Warning (Illumination of Conscience) for all mankind, and a great Miracle and great Sign for the conversion of all mankind back to God. And finally, Our Blessed Mother declared a future Great Chastisement if the whole of mankind did not return to following God’s Will and obeying God’s Law (Ten Commandments).

Unfortunately, these heavenly messages were barely noticed by mankind and resulted in little change of mankind’s errant and sinful behavior before God. Then, after the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II on May 13, 1981, it is believed that this great Marian pope prayed to Our Lady of Fatima for help for the entire human family.

This prayer of the saintly Pope John Paul II, as vicar (holy representative) of Christ on earth, on behalf of mankind, was heard by Heaven. As a month later, on the feast day of St John the Baptist, June 24, 1981, the apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje to six older child visionaries began in the Bosnia and Herzegovina region of the communist country of Yugoslavia.

Over 40 years later, these daily apparitions of Our Lady of Medjugorje continue to this day. The heavenly messages are meant to warn and prepare mankind for several divine interventions and chastisements for the entire world. In the form of Ten Secrets that will be unveiled to mankind, they culminate in the 10th Secret, which is a Great Chastisement for the entire world and mankind, which will result in the entire renewal of the physical and spiritual universe and the planet earth.

Meanwhile, other heavenly messages have been imparted by Heaven to further prepare and mitigate the effects of the coming Apocalypse. The most notable messages and prayers being given to 7th messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, as the Book of Truth. The gift of the Book of Truth in the End Times was prophesied by the Prophet Daniel in the Old Testament (Holy Bible) over 2,500 years ago. In the Book of Truth, Heaven prophesies the coming of the false prophet and antichrist of the Book of Revelation, along with other End Times prophecies, culminating in the Return of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Second Coming – an ever-Glorious Event that will happen in the lives of many people in this current generation.

Mary As Advocate, Co-Redemptress, And Mediatrix Of All Grace

Just as the Infant Child Jesus was a tiny gift unwrapped by His Holy Mother Mary at the Annunciation – who was acting on behalf of the entirety of mankind and his ultimate redemption; likewise, the tiny gift of Fatima – the recognition of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Her Immaculate Conception along with Her Immaculate Heart in the Divine Plan – was supposed to be unwrapped for the benefit of the entirety of mankind and his ultimate redemption, by the Consecration of Russia by the Catholic Church. Yet, the hierarchy of the Catholic Church – acting as a proxy for the rest of mankind – failed to properly do so. Had they done so, the history of the past bloody century of war, violence and grave misjudgments in sin would have been far different, for the better, and mankind would have already entered into the great Era of Peace. As a result, the sinful errors by all of mankind against the Ten Commandments, and pointed out by Our Lady of La Salette in 1846, continue to grow unabated for, accelerating in the world. Especially, in this century of time given over to satan and his greatest temptations of evil as mankind teeters on the cusp of the Apocalypse – its Great Tribulation and the unveiling of the antichrist, the son of satan, in all his diabolical terror and horrors.

Why is Our Mother Mary deserving of so much universal honor and respect? It is because She is Advocate, Co-Redemptress, and Mediatrix of All Grace of all mankind. Not only did Our Holy Mother cooperate in the Divine Plan at the Annunciation, She cooperated every moment of Her earthly life in fulfilling the Divine Will, as She continues to do so as Our Queen of Heaven and earth.

Holy Mary is the first Advocate, second only to Her Son, Jesus, before God the Father, in whom all Her prayers are answered for Her beloved children, all of mankind, given to Her at the Cross. Recall, the power of Her prayers and intentions are worth in merit more than all the angels and mankind combined. Holy Mary is also Co-Redemptress of the human family, as She suffered mystically all aspects of the Passion and Crucifixion of Her Divine Son, Jesus. This great act also merited Holy Mary to be called the best Advocate before God the Father, next only to Her Son. Finally, Holy Mary, as declared “full of grace” by the Angel of the Annunciation, is Mediatrix of All Grace, whom dispenses graces to mankind as God sees fit. She is given this title, honor, and role as God’s all-powerful Queen of His Divine Kingdom.

Thus, Immaculate Mary is the First Christian, Role Model and Example Par Excellence, for the rest of God’s children.

This is why it is tragic the denial of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church, acting on behalf of all mankind, the due universal honor and utmost respect of Our Holy Mother in the design of the Divine Plan, Her placement in mankind’s salvation history, and Her role within the Divine Kingdom. There is a fundamental lack of understanding of how great Our Queen truly is as a human person and creature of God.

Immaculate Mary is truly the Most Beloved Daughter of the First Person of the Most Holy Trinity, God the Father. Immaculate Mary is truly the Most Blessed Mother of the Divine Son, Jesus, the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity. Immaculate Mary is truly the Most Beloved Spouse of the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Most Holy Trinity. All of this is due to Her free will Yes (Fiat) at the Annunciation when Her Immaculate Heart became sealed for all-eternity to the Most Sacred and Divine Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity.


The Highest Heaven: The Sixth Chamber of Holiness

The Ultimate Goal that all of mankind should spiritually aspire towards achieving is the Sixth Chamber of Personal Holiness. This is the Highest Heaven as taught by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, at Holy Love Ministries. It is the result of the progressively deepening spiritual journey into the Chambers of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, that culminates into Unitive Love in the Paternal Heart of God the Father – Papa God. The First Chamber is purgative and involves the purifying Flame of Love found in the Immaculate Heart of Holy Mother Mary. Then, in the subsequent Chambers, the person – his soul – ventures deeper into unity with Jesus in His Most Sacred Heart, all the while becoming closer to Papa God and His Divine Love. Then, if successful, the soul gains eventual complete unity with the Divine Will of the Most Holy Trinity in Their United Hearts, either in this earthly life or in the afterlife.

Also, the heavenly teachings at Holy Love Ministries reveal that the first Three Chambers of the United Hearts in earthly life correspond to purgatory in the afterlife. This means, at a minimum, souls dwell at least spiritually in the Fourth Chamber in the afterlife, which is the minimum level of Heaven. Moreover, the Most Chaste Heart of St Joseph, the Foster Father of Jesus and earthly spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, acts as the “antechamber” to the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This means that St Joseph has a pivotal role in helping people – souls – in gaining entry into the Immaculate Heart of his beloved spouse, Mary, and in persevering within this spiritual journey in earthly life. For this reason, St Joseph is the second greatest Saint in all of Heaven. St Joseph, also known as the Terror of demons and Patron of a happy death, is also the Restrainer in Sacred Scriptures who has kept the antichrist from entering Holy Mother Church and being seated on the chair of St Peter. (Chapter 2, 2nd Letter to the Thessalonians)

The heavenly teachings of the spiritual journey at Holy Love Ministries are so significant for people to know about and follow, because they are the Precious Thoughts of God the Father for how His wayward children are to return to His Paternal Bosom and His Divine Will. This spiritual journey IS Heaven’s answer and antidote in response to the lost and hungry souls seeking God in the aftermath of The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). It is the ultimate spiritual roadmap to the greatest and highest treasure of eternal life, Unitive Love in Union with the Paternal Heart of Papa God.

The “ancient, yet salvific” teachings of the spiritual journey at Holy Love Ministries are also the foundation of the faith that Jesus is calling us to have in our hearts at His Second Coming. In Sacred Scriptures, Jesus asks us, if He will find faith when He returns to earth, in His Second Coming? As His Return is likened to a thief in the night. Jesus also provides the parable of the ten virgins waiting for the bridegroom in the night as an example of His Return.

Gospel of St Matthew
Chapter 25, Verses 1-13
The Parable of the Ten Virgins

25 “At that time the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Five of them were foolish and five were wise. 3 The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any oil with them. 4 The wise ones, however, took oil in jars along with their lamps. 5 The bridegroom was a long time in coming, and they all became drowsy and fell asleep. 6 “At midnight the cry rang out: ‘Here’s the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’ 7 “Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. 8 The foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’ 9 “‘No,’ they replied, ‘there may not be enough for both us and you. Instead, go to those who sell oil and buy some for yourselves.’ 10 “But while they were on their way to buy the oil, the bridegroom arrived. The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut. 11 “Later the others also came. ‘Lord, Lord,’ they said, ‘open the door for us!’ 12 “But he replied, ‘Truly I tell you, I don’t know you.’ 13 “Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour.

The parable of the ten virgins is based on ancient Jewish bridal tradition. As this parable is so significant to understand, I am including here a description of the ancient Jewish bridal customs, before I elaborate more fully on the parable’s meaning for today.

Tradition: Ancient Jewish Bridal Customs

In ancient times, the Hebrew father of the bridegroom would choose the son’s bride. The son would honor his father’s choice and the arrangement plans would begin. The terms of the wedding covenant (ketubah) were negotiated by the fathers of the bridegroom and the bride. The father of the bridegroom was expected to pay the bride price (mohar) to the bride’s family, along with bridal gifts (mattan). Once accepted, a cup of wine was shared to seal the marriage covenant. Henceforth, the couple was considered legally to be married, but without sexual union yet. The bride resided with her family until the time of the wedding ceremony.

While betrothed, the bridegroom would then begin to build the new home, usually on family property, for the couple. Usually, there would be an one-two year wait until the father of the bridegroom would be satisfied that the couple’s new home was “good enough”. Meantime, the couple would prepare to be called at any moment by the bridegroom’s father for the wedding ceremony. In particular, the bride would participate in a rite of immersion (mikvah), which is a ceremonial cleansing similar to baptism, in anticipation of being ready for the wedding.

Finally, when the father of the bridegroom decided that all was in order, he would have his servants start putting together the things needed. He would have the shofars (type of trumpet) blown, and send the word out that the wedding was about to happen. All of this would take place at night. And as customary, one of the bridegroom’s men would go ahead of the bridegroom, leading the way to the bride’s house, shouting, “Behold, the bridegroom comes”. While the father would say to his son, “Go and get your bride!”. Finally, when the bride would get the word, she would run to meet the bridegroom and together they would head for the wedding ceremony.

Next, there would be a short wedding ceremony. Then the bride and bridegroom would retire to the bridal chamber (chadar) that he had prepared, and the friend of the bridegroom, the best man, would stand by the door. When the marriage had been consummated, the bridegroom would shout in his joy and the best man would relay the good news to the guests. This then began a week long celebration by the guests and the first week of the couple being alone together in the bridal chamber.

Finally, the marriage banquet, also called the wedding feast or marriage festival, would be celebrated between the new couple with all their family and friends. At this feast, a second cup of wine (simcha) would be shared with the bride drinking after the bridegroom. Thus, the wedding covenant (ketubah) would be fully completed.

The Triumph: The Wedding Feast Of The Lamb

While the ancient Jewish bridal customs can be studied for many parallels in biblical Christianity and the events of the End Times, I want to focus on the moment when the bridegroom finally returns to call his beloved bride to be with him for the wedding ceremony and the accompanying feast are to finally take place. The moral of the parable of the ten virgins is that believers in God and followers of His Divine Son, Jesus, must be ready at every moment for the Return of Jesus, which will happen at the least expected moment in time. Moreover, preparation involves purifying oneself of sin by striving for greater holiness and deeper friendship in God. This involves incorporating the spiritual journey at Holy Love Ministries as a lifelong commitment of our personal holiness and conversion to God. As a result, our wedding garments – our souls – will become “pure white without blemish” so that, when the true Bridegroom, Jesus, returns for His beloved Bride, the Church, which means Christians (people of good will), we will be confident of our blessed salvation in Him, as He raises us up for full union with God.

This is precisely the heightened euphoria, elation and bliss the 144,000 Firstfruits will experience in their Warning (Illumination of Conscience) encounter with Our Lord. Having purified themselves of sin and selfishness through prayer, sacrifice and tears, they have been found worthy and deserving of full union with His Most Sacred Heart. Thus, as the first ones of the human family, God will elevate them spiritually to the Sixth Chamber of holiness, the Highest Heaven, as the prime example of what the rest of mankind is capable of achieving, too. They will also be transfigured and glorified with an immaculate physical body, which means there will no longer be a spiritual or physical barrier between their soul and full unity in their love of the Most Holy Trinity. The Holy Presence of the Holy Spirit will be so strong in them, each of the Firstfruits will be immaculate like the saints and holy angels in Heaven – they will be incapable of sinning anymore against God. They will experience the completeness of Unitive Love in God, similar to Adam and Eve BEFORE their unfortunate Fall into Original Sin in the Garden of Eden.

In the Book of Revelation (Chapter 21), it speaks of the Mystical City of God, the New Jerusalem. This Mystical City of God, the New Jerusalem, is the Bride of The Lamb, Our Lord, Jesus Christ. The Bride is the Mystical Body of Jesus, otherwise known as the Church, of which, the 144,000 Firstfruits are the first participants of this heavenly glory – complete unity in Unitive Love with the Most Holy Trinity. However, the rest of mankind who chooses to serve and obey the Lord will partake of this glory, too, at the First Resurrection / Second Coming of Jesus. It is then that all of mankind – all the good souls – will joyfully attend their invitation to the Wedding Feast of The Lamb, as Jesus weds His Mystical Bride, the Church. It will be a time of great jubilation for all those who love God.

Now, I would be remiss if I did not write about Our Holy Mother Mary here. As stated, Holy Mary is the First Christian, Role Model and Example Par Excellence, for the rest of God’s children. In private revelation, it has been revealed that Our Blessed Mother is also known as the Mystical City of God and the principal Holy Tabernacle of the New Jerusalem. Thus, it is with great gladness that God’s children will cheerfully seek to become living tabernacles, overflowing in love of the Most Holy Trinity, in imitation of Our Holy Mother Mary. This is why the song of the 144,000 Firstfruits will be an ode of love to Immaculate Mary, in sincere gratitude and deep love of Her Chief Example as First Disciple, Beloved Queen and Beloved Spouse of God.

Furthermore, it is with great joy that I am able to reveal this heavenly secret to mankind. At the Coronation of Our Blessed Mother Mary in Heaven, another unique, special, holy ceremony took place. It was the Royal Wedding Feast of Immaculate Mary and the Holy Spirit, Whom became Her Beloved Eternal Spouse at the Annunciation. The Royal Wedding Ceremony was presided by God the Father with Our Lord, the Divine Son, Jesus Christ, as Best Man to the Holy Spirit. Thus, God’s children will truly follow Our Blessed Mother in imitation of all heavenly matters, as we wed Her Divine Son, Jesus, at the Second Coming, just as Immaculate Mary wed the Holy Spirit at Her Coronation.

This IS the UNIVERSAL TRIUMPH of the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity with the Immaculate Heart of Mary.


In concluding words, as I prayed to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for permission to release this commentary on the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, my Jesus shared with me that Papa God willed for His beloved children to return to Him and His Paternal Bosom. With outstretched Arms, Papa Is calling each of His children to repent and pray in reparation for sin – theirs and the sins of others. Only in this way, can the universal Chastisement be alleviated for the entire world, mankind.

God loves each one of His children – mankind living on earth. Papa desires to help each one of us who are seeking for Him. Papa welcomes us as He asks that we turn to the Divine Light of His Son, Jesus Christ, found in the Catholic Church established by His Son. In this way, fortified by the Seven Sacraments, especially, the Most Holy Eucharist – The Living Body and Blood of His Son, Jesus – we will be able to run and complete the good race of our earthly lives, ending in the joy of Heaven and the beatific vision of God. I love you and I bless you. Papa.

Finally, as with all my commentaries, I do not claim perfect discernment. But, my hope ever-continues to be that I have faithfully written the words that my Beloved Lord has desired me to share with you all, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ. I pray that you all are blessed by this writing from my heart.

I love you,
a soul

REFERENCE (Sources of heavenly messages)


Rosary Visions of St Dominic de Guzmán (13th century)
Our Lady of Guadalupe (St Juan Diego) (1531)
Visions of St Mary Margaret of Alacoque (1647-1690)
Mystical City of God (Mary of Agreda) (1655-1660)
Writings of St Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort (1673-1716)
Visions of St Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824)
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal (St Catherine Labouré) (1830)
Our Lady of La Salette (1846)
Our Lady of Lourdes (St Bernadette Soubirous) (1858)
Vision of Pope Leo XIII (1884)
Our Lady of Fatima (1917)
Diary: Divine Mercy in My Soul (St Faustina Kowalski) (1925-1938)
Poem of the Man-God, Notebooks (Maria Valtorta) (1943-1951)
The Lady of All Nations (Ida Peerdeman) (1945-1959)
Spiritual Diary of Elizabeth Kindelmann (1960-1985)
Our Lady of Garabandal (1961-1965)
Our Lady of Medjugorje (1981-ongoing)
End Times Daily (Ned Dougherty) (1984-ongoing)
Holy Love Ministries (Maureen Sweeney-Kyle) (1985-ongoing)
Prophetess Christina Gallagher (1985-ongoing)
Our Lady of Emmitsburg (Gianna Talone Sullivan) (1989-ongoing)
Prophetess Luz de Maria (1991-ongoing)
Prophet John Leary (1993-ongoing)
Devotion to the Most Precious Blood (Barnabas Nwoye) (1995-ongoing)
Girl of My Will in Jesus (2001-ongoing)
Moving Heart Foundation (Chris Courtis) (2001-ongoing)
Messages of Fr Michel Rodrigue (2009-ongoing)
Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) (2011-2015)
Locutions To The World (2011-2015)
Children of the Renewal (2014-ongoing)
Latin-American Mystic, Lorena (2014-ongoing)
God’s Foot is on the World: Christ the King Millennium Era Begins
— (Fr Ignatius Mary Okoroji) (2020)


Ron Wyatt, discovery of the Ark of the Covenant

A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls

Video – JESUS CHRIST, Our Saviour, Gives Important Prayers and Preparation Instructions for During THE WARNING (Illumination of Conscience) – Compiled by a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings dear beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, am posting a new video to both my YouTube and Brighteon channels. The video has Important Prayers and Preparation Instructions given by God for during The Warning (Illumination of Conscience). The heavenly messages are to various chosen messengers.

Thank you for watching and sharing this video.

God bless,
a soul


JESUS CHRIST, Our Saviour, Gives Important Prayers and Instructions for During THE WARNING (42 pages / 42 frames) (PDF)

Video – JESUS CHRIST, Our Saviour, Gives Important Prayers and Instructions for During THE WARNING (11:18 minutes)


Video – The Warning – 7 Days And 7 Nights The Cross Of Jesus Christ Will Be Seen In The Sky (12:32 minutes)

MUST SEE VIDEO – PART ONE – Necessary Facts About The Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) of God (1O:35 minutes)

MUST SEE VIDEO PART TWO – What Happens Next – Aftermath Of The Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) (12:52 minutes)

Video – Important Prophecy from Jesus Christ About The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) (14:39 minutes)

Important Miracle Promise – Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to Luz de Maria – May 21, 2022

Note (By a soul): The promise of public apparitions of the Blessed Mother Mary (I believe) at all major shrines is similar to the (delayed) promise given by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to Maria Divine Mercy in the Book of Truth. See message January 24th, 2014. God bless.

Revelations Marianas (Luz de Maria)

MAY 21, 2022

My Beloved People:

Receive My Sacred Heart together with My Blessing.


All of Heaven stands before My children to help them, and you should not be afraid of what is coming, but should trust in My Protection. You must believe that you are not alone.

You are living within the Purification that is necessary at this time in order for My children to be saved.

The “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (cf. Mt 7:15) are engaged in carrying out the orders of the Antichrist, feeding the infernal dragon in order to make it grow by supporting immorality, the killing of the innocent and the destruction of the family through laws contrary to this beloved institution.


The banner of this generation is ignominy and immorality. Man has given his hand to the Devil, therefore the chastisements will not stop. These will be so severe that you cannot imagine them.

Humanity’s suffering is not far from you, but a twinkling of an eye away. Foolishly, you will continue to reject and deny the signs and signals until famine overtakes mankind, and lamentation, together with social revolts, will be throughout the earth.


My beloved People, diseases are progressing, one after another being sent to humanity to keep you frightened and constrained. This skin disease was foreseen for you: the diseases are not coming by themselves.

Pray, come to Me: I AM YOUR GOD (Jn 8:28).

My beloved People, it is not only pain that My People will experience.


Children, you are not alone, keep your Faith alive and firm. I AM YOUR GOD.

Pray My children, pray for Italy: it will suffer severely.

Pray, My children, pray, Japan will be strongly shaken.

Pray, My children, pray, My people will not be abandoned, no matter how severe the moment may be.

Pray, My children, pray, night will come in the twinkling of an eye.

My People, My Cross is a sign of Salvation and Redemption; carry it with you.


I bless you with My Love.

Your Jesus



Brothers and Sisters:

In this Call, Our Lord Jesus Christ restates to us our need to remain in the Divine Will.

In the face of so many purifications to come, which are no longer as far from humanity as before, our task is to keep ourselves on the path of conversion, continually searching for that personal encounter with Christ.

Our Lord makes it clear to us that diseases are continuing and that they do not appear naturally. At the same time, He repeats that He is with us, as well as Our Mother, so that we would remain strong and firm in the Faith.

My people, humanity’s suffering will be more severe for all; disease will continue and then the skin will harbor another disease.

Pray, People of God, pray without ceasing so that the human skin disease, when treated with the medicines of Heaven, might be quickly overcome.

The moment of purification is coming; disease will change its course, reappearing on the skin (*).

(*) The Most Holy Virgin Mary has indicated some plants that help with the treatment of skin diseases, namely: calendula, mugwort, nettle and geranium.

We are encouraged by the great blessing of receiving a Miracle of Maternal Love in the main sanctuaries in honor of Our Most Holy Mother in each country. Brothers and sisters, I invite you to inquire about the Marian Shrines in your own country. We once again find ourselves before Divine Mercy.

May my Sacramental Jesus be forever praised.
In Heaven and on Earth, may your Name be praised.

May my Sacramental Jesus be forever praised.
In Heaven and on Earth, may your Name be praised.

May my Sacramental Jesus be forever praised.
In Heaven and on Earth, may your Name be praised.


December 8, 2021 – A Very Important Commentary – Significant Revelations About The End Times – Concerning the Warning (Illumination of Conscience), the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, Refuges and Marian Shelters, and Spiritual Warfare during the Apocalypse – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


Concerning the Warning (Illumination of Conscience),
the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, Refuges and Marian Shelters,
and Spiritual Warfare during the Apocalypse

By a soul

(December 8, 2021, Dedicated for the Greater Glory of God and
to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Blessings beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, want to take this moment to explain further how divine knowledge will be shared once the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has happened to mankind and as we enter into the critical period of the refuges and Great Tribulation. Because I know that people can be feeling overwhelmed by the wealth of knowledge that Heaven has imparted to us in these End Times. So, I want to explain a little bit of how God’s Plan is going to work, so people do not feel overwhelmed and stressed out by trying to learn (cram) everything that Heaven has shared with us. Because a little bit of advanced knowledge can do a lot to help people better prepare for coming events and in managing their time better. So, let me begin…

Firstly, once the Warning has happened to all of mankind, the Lord is only giving us 6 weeks in the aftermath to gain all the helpful Godly knowledge that we can through internet-based sources. Then, once those 6 weeks have passed on earth, we must remove all internet-based technology and devices, such as cell phones, televisions, computers, etc., from our homes and from our access.

All internet-based technology and devices must be removed, because it is only during those 6 weeks immediately after the Warning has happened, that satan and all the demons of hell will be locked up in hell and they will NOT be able to interfere with mankind’s free will choices in any way. However, once those 6 weeks have passed, then satan and the demons of hell will be released and they will be given additional permission to use their enhanced demonic powers against mankind. Moreover, once those 6 weeks have passed, the antichrist — who is a demon incarnate — will be finally given permission to make his presence visibly known on earth, and he will be allowed to use powers given to him by satan against mankind. Some of those powers include seduction and hypnotism.

Honestly, I, “a soul”, can personally tell you all, that it is very difficult to fight satan’s seductive and hypnotic powers — even at a very low level intensity. I tell you all that at low levels such powers can make a person go instantly mad (crazy) and suicidal. So, I cannot even imagine how difficult that it would be to fight against such satanic powers at its greatest intensity through the antichrist. Moreover, I know that despite all my personal battles against satan during the past 18 years, the Lord has shared with me that they are incomparable to satan’s mind control powers through the mark of the beast (embedded physical microchip). So, I emphatically tell you all to NEVER take the mark of the beast. Because, truly, there is NO cure and NO healing for the mark of the beast — you will instantly become a lost (damned) soul. You will become instantly mentally lost — with your mind and your psyche becoming irrecoverable by God. Do NOT even consider it.

Now, people may ask me why God is permitting satan, all the demons of hell, and the antichrist, to use heightened demonic powers against mankind? My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God is giving all of mankind the (second) greatest act of His Divine Mercy besides the Crucifixion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for all of mankind’s sins. This greatest act of His Divine Mercy is the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) encounter in which all of mankind will experience a “mini-judgment” of where their soul stands spiritually at that exact moment before God. Normally, such a divine judgment only happens once a person has died and they do not get any chance to amend their sinful ways in their earthly life. Yet, during the Warning, much of mankind is going to get a second chance to return to life on earth and to change their errant behaviors so they are “right” with God and can merit Heaven.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you have been following the heavenly messages on my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, then shockingly but true, you will know that about 90% of mankind is spiritually in mortal sin and would go to hell if all of mankind died at this moment and were judged by Jesus. Yet, we also know from heavenly messages such as the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), that over 5 billion people living on earth will be saved through the act of the Warning. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, in order for mankind to merit such a great grace from God, we have to show collectively that we are worthy of such a profound grace of Divine Mercy. Once the Warning happens, the entire world will be forever changed. There will be no going back to yesterday and mankind’s blindness to his collective sins like abortion, sacrilege, etc. Truly, the more divine knowledge that you are given by God, the more that a person is held responsible to God for having that knowledge and behaving accordingly to it. Hence, once the Warning happens, all of mankind will be entering into the darkest period of the antichrist known as the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse. There will be no turning back of this chastisement on the entire world.

My dear brothers and sister in Christ, I want you to understand that when I first decided to create this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove), back in April 2015, I had no idea that it would grow to be what this website is today. I simply listened to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as I took each present moment as it came. Now, it is almost 7 years later, and even I can be overwhelmed by all the content that exists on this website (if I really consider what I have created). Yes, there is much information and heavenly messages to absorb and consider. And certainly, you could easily sit behind a computer and not read and discern everything that is on this website during 6 weeks, especially, if you are just coming to know about this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, in the aftermath of the Warning. Simply put, it is a lot.

However, I want people to generally know that God does NOT expect people to read and discern everything on this blog (blessed are those who have been with me since the beginning though — as we have grown and learned together!). But, what God is going to do for all the newcomers to this blog, especially, in the aftermath of the Warning, is IF people pray, the Holy Spirit will guide each person to the information and heavenly messages that they will need for their PARTICULAR circumstances and their PARTICULAR conversion and salvation. Thus, countless people will be touched and blessed however God uniquely wants them to be by the content on this blog. So, I do not want people to ever feel overwhelmed or stressed out that they must learn everything presented on this website. You have the ultimate partner in your conversion and He Is known as the Holy Spirit. Not only is the Holy Spirit your Advocate, He is also your Teacher and your Best Friend. The Holy Spirit will help you and you will not be ever alone in your learning of God and His Way and His Truth.

Now, I have mentioned this before, but I want to share this knowledge again, especially, for the newcomers, because these are things that I personally know from the Lord and is exclusive to those following this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Firstly, in January 2017, God shared with me what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal are. This means that only Garabandal visionary, Conchita, and myself, “a soul”, know exactly what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will be directly from Heaven. Moreover, for those who are curious, Heaven has confirmed that the knowledge given to me by Saint Gabriel Archangel back in January 2017 about the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal is CORRECT. This knowledge has been confirmed multiple times over a 3-year period by both Papa God and Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to FOUR different and independent chosen messengers of God who are known to me, “a soul”, and they do not know each other.

So, YES, I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, truly do know what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will be. Moreover, in March 2018, Jesus and His Blessed Mother commissioned me to write down what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal are and its divine significance. That way, there would be a written record in advance of the divine events happening for two reasons. One, so all of mankind could be informed of what they are although they may not be in physical attendance of witnessing the supernatural Miracle or viewing the divine Sign in person in the aftermath. Two, so none of mankind can claim that the Miracle or the Sign of Garabandal are something else or they have a different discernment, interpretation, meaning, or significance. I, alone, have been given permission by Heaven to record in writing what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will be and how knowledge of it is to be used to help mankind face its challenges once it has happened on earth.

And so, since being commissioned in March 2018, it took me almost three years to record the supernatural intervention due to much demonic interference and spiritual warfare. But, finally, in late Fall 2020, I finished the first TWO volumes titled, The Great Miracle of Garabandal. Both volumes are in English and have been translated into Spanish. However, only a small portion of the volumes addresses the significance of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. It is actually over 1,200 pages in length (both books), containing also some of my more important commentaries and important heavenly messages from different sources found on my blog. The books also include some writings by contributors for whom I am thankful as the Holy Spirit especially wanted them to include their personal insights to enhance the special significance of the volumes. As these two volumes are very special to God, the Blessed Mother, and Heaven.

Furthermore, I am finishing up a third volume which focuses on more advanced spirituality, building upon what has been shared in the first two volumes. I kindly ask for prayers so that I can finish this special project on-time ahead of the Warning, along with this third book being fully translated into Spanish. Thank you very kindly, dear friends.

Now, the reason that I am sharing about the existence of these three volumes, is because as much as I would love to have all the content on my blog packaged in a nice gift to give to everyone, that is not feasible. Moreover, I do not expect people to print out everything on my website as that is not realistic either. However, these three volumes will be essentially the “textbooks” to get everyone up to speed at the refuges on what God desires people to study about modern-day heavenly messages as they learn and grow in the Catholic faith. So, for everyone who comes “late” to learning about my blog, God has a definite plan to help people know of the importance of private revelation, especially, the messages at Holy Love Ministries, etc., in this End Times.

So, how will the Divine Plan unfold?

Well, first most, I want people to know that WHENEVER the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens on earth, the divine intervention of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal WILL HAPPEN within the 6 weeks aftermath of the Warning. This is because Papa God WILLS for all of mankind to come to full knowledge of what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal ARE and its greater significance for all of His beloved children. This means that the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal MUST HAPPEN during the 6 weeks when satan and all the demons of hell are locked up and they cannot interfere with mankind’s free will choices or the internet. Moreover, Papa God WILLS everyone to be able to read the PDFs of the three volumes immediately after the Miracle of Garabandal has happened on earth, so that mankind fully knows what it needs to do to regain God’s favor, such as the Fatima Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, etc. Additionally, Papa God WILLS all of mankind to see color photographs (images) of the remaining Sign of Garabandal, which I fully expect will be plastered all over the internet.

So, the date of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal WILL HAPPEN within the 6 weeks aftermath of the Warning encounter. And since Papa God Is the Only Person Who knows when the actual date of the Warning will take place, if free will human events make it necessary, the Blessed Mother will inform Garabandal visionary, Conchita, of any Miracle date changes during the Warning encounter. Because that is the ONLY TIME when Heaven can, and if necessary, will change the date of the Miracle of Garabandal, so Conchita can be fully confident and trust that the date change is of Heavenly-origin, and to make sure that the date happens WITHIN the 6 weeks aftermath of the Warning (when hell can NOT interfere at all).

Now, that being said, please do not feel that you have to print out the PDFS of the three volumes (over 1,800 pages), which will be made FREELY available to everyone to download after the Miracle of Garabandal has taken place. Again, Papa God has a very Comprehensive Divine Plan accounting for every fact and every detail. Physical copies of all three volumes will be made available to everyone in the world who wants a physical copy at the refuges. There exist a few physical copies of the volumes and God is going to multiply by prayer the physical copies so that eventually everyone living in the refuge network can have their own copies of the books. This is because God will permit limited travel between the different refuges for certain individuals, like good priests, chosen messengers, etc. Also, God will be instructing His chosen messengers of today to bring their own physical copies of the heavenly messages given to them to the refuges. So, there will be NO loss of divine knowledge at the refuges for those who are late-comers to private revelation. God will be providing for all those living at the refuges, so literally, everyone will be on the same page when it comes to the divine knowledge that God desires everyone to possess. This knowledge will also be in addition to all the other helpful Christian books and written works that God will be multiplying by prayer that have sustained Christianity for the past two thousand years. So, voracious readers be well-prepared for the days ahead.

Finally, I want to speak about the collection of heavenly messages given to Latin-American mystic, Lorena, which I recently released on the blog (in its original Spanish and translated English forms). I know that the PDFs are a lot of pages (over 500 pages) and have a lot of information about End Times events. However, I do not want people to become overwhelmed either by the reading of all these pages. Essentially, this is what I want people to gain in spiritual insights from this body of heavenly messages.

Firstly, if you are following the Holy Love messages, then you have the spiritual foundation that the Blessed Mother and the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are talking about people striving to become “Living Tabernacles” in the 6th Chamber of the United Hearts. So, while you might be learning a different approach as to how to reach the 6th Chamber, ultimately, this spiritual journey will not be wholly unfamiliar or totally unknown to you, because it is based upon the same teachings that Heaven has been providing us at Holy Love Ministries. So, yes, there might be different prayers used, etc., but the overall preparation is just a slightly different path on the same spiritual mountain that we are climbing to the Highest Heaven.

It is just like there are different religious Orders within Our Catholic faith — the Franciscans, Carmelities, Dominicans, etc. — that possess distinct teachings (unique charisms) that will attract people in different ways to adopt as part of their personal spirituality. Though distinct in the emphasis of their teachings, at the end of the day, we are all climbing the same Calvary to Jesus. Similarly, the Catholic faith can be compared to a Beautiful Prism with each angle, ray of light, representing together all the unique personal possibilities to journey home to Jesus.

So, please do not be overwhelmed with trying to discern and absorb all the information in the heavenly messages given to mystic, Lorena, from 2015-2021. The most important thing to understand is that God’s Divine Plan is so comprehensive that even if the substantial majority of people will be saved because they made it to the safety of the refuges and Marian shelters, Heaven is NOT going to abandon the rest of mankind to the antichrist and hell without a bitter fight over every soul left in the world. So, Heaven is going to fight its hardest to claim every soul who has not taken the mark of the beast.

So, what does this mean?

This means, whatever happens, if God calls you by inner locution to the safety of a refuge, as an adult, you are responsible only for yourself and any children dependent on you. Do not waste any of your allotted 20 minutes engaging in confusion, indecision, or arguments with any person. You just do what you have to do to take care of your children dependent upon you and you leave immediately for the refuge — even if you have to begin the journey by walking. Trust that the Lord will help you by sending a holy angel to bring you the rest of the way to the refuge. But, you must take the first steps to depart for the refuge even if it means by first walking.

Second, you must pray for any people left behind. (Please note, if you must leave behind a disabled or bed-ridden person, the holy angels will bring them to the same refuge that you are sent to — so do not worry about your loved ones if that is the situation when you are called to the refuges).

Now, why must you pray for any people left behind?

Well, sadly but honestly, the truth is that the eternal fate of some people will literally not be decided until they come face-to-face with a gun pointed at their heads and they have to make a last minute decision for God. So, you must pray because some of those people left behind might be your loved ones who will be faced with the decision of martyrdom or going to a detention camp because they stood firm by not receiving the mark of the beast. Never assume that any of your loved ones left behind will become lost (damned) souls. Denial, confusion, and delusion can be very strong when used by the enemy (the devil) to spiritually blind and manipulate control over people. Thus, for some people, they will only have their final wake-up call to God at the moment that their lives are in severe distress and in immediate physical (mortal) danger.

So, pray for any of your loved ones left behind that they are granted the grace of heightened clarity and final perseverance by the Holy Spirit. Do not abandon your loved ones left behind in the most important decision-making moments of their lives when they will truly need your loving prayers. Maintain your hope in God by continuing to love them with the sacrificial love that you have for them — offering up all the pains of your wounded and grief-struck heart knowing that you left them behind. God CAN AND WILL GIVE your loved ones the greatest and most profound “choice” graces in their final moments, because you continued to love them united with the SAME LOVE that Jesus carried their souls as He died on the Cross — the endless depth of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that always hurts due to its profound purity of the heart.

And secondly, we know from the heavenly messages given to mystic, Lorena, that God Is going to raise up a very specialized Marian “Army” that will be going directly into the battlefield of the world, in order for God to lay claim on every possible soul left behind in the world who does not succumb to the antichrist and the mark of the beast.

Who is this specialized Marian Army?

Firstly, please understand that everyone who is with God will be engaged in some type of spiritual warfare throughout the Great Tribulation. Forming the basic foundation, everyone who is safe at the refuges and the Marian shelters will be enlisted in this Marian Army as “praying” soldiers. Such praying soldiers will be under the direct leadership of Saint Gabriel Archangel and they will be devoted to praying for those soldiers — the “practitioners” and the “Firstfruits” who will be the two groups of specialized soldiers going directly into combat outside the safety of the refuge network, to evangelize those left behind in the world.

The “practitioners” of the Marian Army will possess special charisms and spiritual gifts like divine healing, etc. The practitioners will be back-up supports for the “Firstfruits” as they will be assisting them with preaching to the masses and helping those who are sick and dying. One of the strong traits of those who will be chosen as practitioners by God is that they love to help others, especially, those who are very ill and may be in their final moments of life. Practitioners will be under the leadership of Saint Raphael Archangel, who will teach and guide them in how to make and use different remedies to cure those with plagues, and will instruct them in the different methods of healing mankind — such as mentally, psychologically, etc. Practitioners will also be especially entrusted with helping those who are dying to make their final peace with God. They may also help bring scared people caught in the crossfires to the safety of the refuges throughout the Great Tribulation.

Meanwhile, the “Firstfruits” are the highest level of soldiers in the Marian Army. The Firstfruits will be under the direct leadership of the Two Witnesses of Revelation with the Blessed Mother Mary being the Captain of the entire Marian Army, in addition to Saint Michael Archangel and Saint Joseph being directly under Her leadership, who will also help the Two Witnesses and the Firstfruits. The Two Witnesses are two unknown people in the world who are descendants in the lineage of King David and are under the missionary inspiration of Old Testament Saints, Elijah the Prophet and Enoch. While the Firstfruits are the 144,000 sealed chosen ones by God, as indicated in the Book of Revelation, coming from all 4 cardinal corners of the world — all nationalities, races, and cultures — while they are also descendants of the original Twelve Tribes of Ancient Israel. Both the Two Witnesses and the Firstfruits will be the ones chosen to directly engage against the antichrist and his evil forces; and they will possess the special charism of being able to convert large crowds and masses of people by the preaching of the Gospel and the Word of God.

Now, the uniqueness about the Firstfruits (and the Two Witnesses) is that during the mystical experience of the Warning (Illumination of Conscience), all of them will be brought to Heaven and they will be given the spiritual insights that they need for their earthly missions to be successful — being directly told such information and plans by Papa God. They will be also totally healed in body, spirit, and soul, and will be given glorified “immaculate” bodies such as Adam and Eve possessed before their Fall at the dawn of creation of mankind. Likewise, they will be given all the spiritual gifts and charisms that Adam and Eve possessed before the Fall. This includes the gifts of being able to travel at the speed of thought and being able to communicate telepathically with one another and with all holy beings of God. This also means that they will possess all the infused knowledge that God wills for them, including knowing multiple languages and knowing all the inscribed words of the Holy Bible by heart, etc.

And, most importantly, the Firstfruits will all dwell spiritually in the 6th Chamber of the United Hearts, being known as “Living Tabernacles”, in which the Spirit of God will constantly dwell in them and He will never depart. This is why the 144,000 chosen ones will be known as the “Firstfruits”, because they will be the first of the human family to be specially selected by God, enjoying in advance the fruits of the First Resurrection, which will take place eventually for the rest of the Faithful Remnant and the saints of Heaven at the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ (once the Great Tribulation, Three Days of Darkness, and the Glorious Renewal of the Earth has happened, etc., sometime in the near distant future known only to Papa God).

Now, please understand, my dear brothers and sisters of Christ, that the mystical encounter of the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will be the leveling of the playing field among all people (to use an English colloquialism). So, not only will all of mankind experience individually a “mini-judgment” so that each person knows exactly where he or she stands spiritually before God; every person is going to know what God expects of them, including the specific mission that God wills for them if they choose to follow the Lord. So, everyone will know which type of soldier that they are as part of the overall Marian Army.

Moreover, it is not necessary that a person needs to be familiar with private revelation in the Catholic faith, or even that they must be familiar with the heavenly messages given to Lorena, etc., to be enlisted as a specialized soldier of the Marian Army. So long as they are a “good-willed” person in the Holy Sight of God, Papa God may select them as part of the 144,000 chosen ones known as the “Firstfruits” as their sacred mission in the Divine Plan; same as for being chosen as a “practitioner” who will accompany the Firstfruits in the battlefield of the world.

Also, being chosen as a Firstfruit does not necessarily mean that you must already spiritually be in the 6th Chamber of the United Hearts before the Warning takes place. Rather, if God has chosen you to be a Firstfruit, He will bridge any gap between your current spiritual state, raising you up to the 6th Chamber, during the Warning encounter. So, in these days leading up to the Warning, what is most important — especially, if you would like to be recognized by God as a specialized soldier of the Marian Army — is that you strive to be right with God. This means always being obedient to His Ten Commandments and working daily on your personal holiness — your present moment conversion and salvation in God.

Now, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I believe that this has been mentioned in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), but this fact has also been shared with me privately by Our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is the revelation: Papa God will NOT permit the antichrist to directly control the entire world. This is because if the antichrist were to completely rule and control the entire world (as satan desires), it would be SO HORRIFIC that none of mankind would be able to survive. However, it is my (personal) understanding that the antichrist will MOSTLY DOMINATE and the mark of the beast will be MOSTLY PREVALENT in countries that have Christian heritage and Christian roots, with the communistic, Islamic, and pagan nations being connected to the antichrist’s overarching control by political / economic / spiritual unions governed by very evil men (most likely, by demon incarnates like the antichrist himself).

I share this revelation with you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to emphasize why the Fatima Consecration of Russia is so important to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Because, although the antichrist and his evil henchmen will be allowed to make their physical presence fully known after the 6 weeks have passed once the Warning has taken place, the free will decisions of mankind do have a definite part in directing the coming depth and severity of the chastisements during the Great Tribulation. So, the Consecration of Russia will not be an useless or mere token consecration by the Catholic bishops, but will definitely impact and lead to positive changes towards world peace and ultimately result in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the End Times.

I also provide this revelation to you all to help explain how and why there will be specialized soldiers of the Marian Army — the practitioners and the Firstfruits — outside the refuge network, directly combating the antichrist and his evil henchmen on the battlefield of the world. Because Heaven and hell are going to wage the fiercest battles over the eternal fate of every soul that will take place spanning over neighborhoods, city blocks, county territories, entire provinces — every inch of this entire physical world. This will be known as the “War of Armageddon”, which will culminate in the latter stages on the likewise called Armageddon plains of Israel (see the Holy Bible).

It is also imperative for people to know this revelation, because I want to emphasize how vitally important it is to always pray for the survival of the country of the United States of America according to the Divine Will of Papa God. This is because the USA does play a critical prophetic role in bringing about world peace and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of the world according to the Divine Plan.

Yes, it is a certainty that refuges will be necessary for the survival of God’s people in my beloved country (USA). However, I want all peoples and, especially my beloved countrymen, to know that just as there will be always a righteous part from the entire body of Christianity — the Faithful Remnant — that God will recognize and call as His beloved children, protecting them always as His own (while the rest remain wicked); likewise, that is the same reality for the state of affairs for my beloved country, the USA. This means that free will choices of my fellow countrymen will determine the future political path of my country, internally and externally. Moreover, if it is still possible to have a politically “Righteous Remnant” of the USA survive intact during the Great Tribulation, then Papa God WILL, in fact, impart special graces to help that small political body of the USA to survive and thrive.

So, what does this mean for all of us?

This means that due to the free will of mankind, there may be significant parts of the USA, such as possible regions of conservative “red” states where people may be able to live more freely “unrestricted” without being confined by the physical boundaries of a refuge protected by holy angels. This reality has been suggested in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), hinted by in the heavenly messages given to Luz de Maria; and most particularly, spoken directly about in the heavenly messages given to Lorena. Labeled as “Marian shelters”, such places will be established by faithful households and communities during the Great Tribulation — under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit — which will be centered around a spiritual focal point, a designated Church or holy ground, where the Most Holy Eucharist can be protected and adored constantly, day and night.

This future reality where the USA may be divided politically into separate regions of control between good and evil forces — which might mirror conservatively known “red” areas and liberal “blue” areas of my beloved country — has been also suggested in heavenly messages given to Prophet John Leary. In particular, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has indicated that He will “slow down” the “flow” — the numbers of people coming in groups to each physical refuge so that they are manageable — basically, so the refuge owners will not be overwhelmed (shocked) all at once by large crowds of faithful.

Furthermore, this political reality in which physical regions will be divided up and controlled by good and evil forces during the Great Tribulation will exist potentially in other countries besides the USA. So, once the Warning has happened, I want to encourage all peoples living in different countries and nations besides the USA to work together with your fellow countrymen to bring Christianity to your lands. Never give up to the antichrist and his evil forces your spiritual inheritance revealed to you as a beloved child of Papa God, which includes your future eternal destiny as a citizen of Heaven. Remain always faithful to God and He will remain always faithful to you.

In conclusion to this lengthy commentary, Papa God Is permitting me, “a soul”, to share with all of you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ and my beloved followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, THREE very profound revelations about the End Times. These three very important revelations are concerning the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, and also the Third Secret of Fatima. So, let me kindly address them…

As I shared earlier, there exists two volumes written by me called, The Great Miracle of Garabandal, which contains a part that explains in advance what the Miracle of Garabandal will be and its significance. I state also in one sentence that there is a “surprise” that is not mentioned within the pages of the first two books.

I am not permitted to speak publicly about what the exact surprise is, but Papa God is allowing me to share certain aspects about the surprise now, which honestly, involves “several” related surprises — not simply “one” that was not revealed in the first two volumes. So, the first aspect is this. If you have the opportunity to witness first-hand the Miracle of Garabandal — which will take place by divine intervention at a few different locations in the world — at certain major Marian shrines, not only in Garabandal, Spain — then, I want you all to know that YES, it will be indeed worthwhile to be physically present to personally witness the Miracle of Garabandal as it is taking place on earth.

Papa God desires as many people to witness in person the Miracle of Garabandal because there is such a marvelous aspect to it. Truly, the Miracle will be the greatest moment of your earthly life and you will never regret all the effort and personal challenges that you overcome to be physically present to witness it. The Sign of Garabandal will have an eternal “imprint” of the marvelous aspect. However, despite the everlasting grace of the “imprint”, the marvelous aspect is such an once-in-a-lifetime memory that people will wish that they were part of seeing it first-hand.

Truly, the Miracle of Garabandal will be a rare moment in which God will unveil the Most Hidden Secret of Heaven — unlocking the Greatest Mystery of why the Most Holy Trinity decreed all of Creation and the existence of mankind. All of those physically present will be profoundly touched and will fully understand their unique purpose, their unique role, and their unique place in the Divine Plan and Divine Heart of God. Most importantly, tears of joy and tears of gratitude will result as those physically present will come to know the profound depths of Divine Love that kept Our Lord and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, nailed to The Cross. As everyone will intimately understand in their hearts that the entire history of salvation is a profoundly great love affair between God and His beloved children.

In addition, Papa God Is permitting me to share another “surprise aspect” about the Sign of Garabandal that is not revealed in the first two volumes, but which I do share a bit about in the third volume that I am writing now. The veiled surprise is this. There is a special “key” that is part of the Sign of Garabandal that Heaven will use to “unlock” the identities of the Two Witnesses of Revelation to the world. So, in the third volume, I reveal the supernatural key within the Sign, its significance, and the divine intervention that the Blessed Mother has chosen as the lock.

Now, do I know all the details about the Two Witnesses of Revelation, like their hidden identities, when they will be revealed to the world, and about their sacred mission entrusted to them by Papa God?

NO, I do not. However, this is the final and third revelation that Papa God is permitting me to share with you all, my dear brothers and sisters of Christ. This is also a revelation exclusively given to me, “a soul”, by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, that I am sharing with you now, as my beloved followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. It is about the part of the Third Secret of Fatima, which was revealed by the Vatican in the year of 2000.

Here is the exclusive revelation. So many people have interpreted that “a bishop dressed in white” whom the three child visionaries “had the impression that it was the Holy Father” in the 1917 vision of the Third Secret of Fatima is either Pope Benedict XVI or Pope Francis, etc. Sorry, those discernments are wrong. Rather, the bishop clothed in white is one of the Lord’s Two Witnesses of the Apocalypse. He is a Catholic priest totally unknown to the world who has been predestined before the foundation of Creation to serve as leader — ‘Holy Father’ — of the Faithful Remnant in this End Times. Moreover, the reason that the three child visionaries saw “something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it” is because there are two of them — Two Witnesses of Revelation, although only one of them will be recognized in the acting role as the ‘Holy Father’.

Finally, the vision of the Third Secret of Fatima revealed in the year of 2000 is a prophetic representation of how the Two Witnesses of Revelation will be martyred in Jerusalem. As recorded in the Holy Bible, they will be killed by the antichrist towards the end of the Great Tribulation, then resurrected three and a half days later and assumed into Heaven before the astonished world of onlookers. Furthermore, the martyrdom and resurrection of the Two Witnesses will signal the imminent ending for the hellish reign of terror unleashed by the antichrist and satan on earth. As Jerusalem will be set free at last to embrace its eternal mission and sacred destiny as the divine origin for everlasting world peace. The New Jerusalem will result and by which God will rule from the New Heavens all the nations on the New Earth by the truths of the Gospel — the Good News of Jesus Christ — in the New Millennium of the Era of Peace. As the long awaited for answer of the complete fulfillment of the Lord’s Prayer — the full actualization of the Divine Will and Divine Kingdom will be made fully manifest in the New Heavens and New Earth in the times soon to come. Alleluia and Amen!

May all of you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, be ever-abundantly blessed by all of these words. God bless you all.

I love you,
–a soul


MaryRefugeOfSouls – PDF Download: English Collection (Lorena’s Messages, 2015-2021) – The Way To Follow – Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: Colección en español (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) – El camino a seguir – Ejército de San Miguel Arcángel

November 2021 – Real Ghost Stories – Revelation About the Afterlife – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


By a soul

(November 2021, Feast Month for the poor souls in Purgatory)

This past November 2nd (All Holy Souls), Papa God gave me a very special gift. I was given the special grace of being able to clear ghosts from a far distance. This is unique, because, usually, to be able to help ghosts move on into the afterlife, you have to be in the presence of the ghost or have some type of connection to the ghost. But, for a longtime, I have been including the ghosts generally in my prayer intentions during Holy Mass; and so, I believe that Papa recognized my ardent desire to help these very poor souls move on to God. So, this past All Holy Souls, Papa God allowed me to pray for the Holy Light to embrace many ghosts on the feast day. And I know that Papa God was very well-pleased by all the ghosts that transitioned on.

A few days later, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, came to visit me. Jesus spoke to me about the forthcoming Mega-Tsunami and He asked me if I would pray on a weekly basis to clear all the ghosts, especially, those ghosts who are inhabiting the danger zones of the Mega-Tsunami and would get displaced by the catastrophe. Jesus also asked me to pray that the future number of ghosts would be mitigated, especially, in the aftermath of the Tsunami. So, I agreed to do this with my weekly prayer group. Meantime, I made sure that I would especially pray for the ghosts every time that I attended Holy Mass.

So, in this commentary, I want to share some observations that I have made during this month of especially helping the ghosts move on in the afterlife. As they might prove beneficial for others to know.

Firstly, there are a lot of ghosts roaming the surface of the earth. The number is far greater than people realize. In the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), Jesus said in one message that there are souls in Purgatory and who do not know it. And when I first read that remark by Jesus, I thought it was strange, because do not all souls get immediately judged upon death by Him? How could they not know that they were judged to Purgatory? But, now, I understand who those poor souls are – they are the ghosts who are trapped on the surface of the earth as they missed their chance go into the Holy Light to meet Jesus for their particular judgment. Such ghosts missed their chance, because they were either too traumatized or confused about their deaths – they failed to understand that they needed to enter the Holy Light to move on. Meanwhile, the Holy Light can only stay open for so long, before it recedes, as God respects the free will choice of the ghosts to stay in familiar places (attachments to earth). At that point, the ghosts can no longer pray for themselves. So, the only way to open the Holy Light again for the ghosts is for a living soul to pray for the Holy Light to open to them. Similar to how only living souls on earth can pray for the poor souls in Purgatory to advance more quickly to Heaven.

Well, I have realized that it is a very sorrowful matter for Papa God and Jesus – the existence of so many ghosts roaming on the surface of the earth. That is why Jesus asked me to pray in particular for all the ghosts that will get displaced due to the Mega-Tsunami. Jesus cares about all His people, including the ghosts. All ghosts are destined for Heaven, but many of them do not know this fact. Sorrowfully, for satan, the existence of ghosts suits his sadistic nature, as he and his demons torment ghosts making many of them think that they are lost souls in hell. And because Holy Mother Church does not really recognize the existence of ghosts, the number of them is quite large these days – being built up over the centuries.

On my 4th major ghost release, Papa God gave me a special grace. I was participating in Holy Mass on EWTN and I was praying for the ghosts to enter the Holy Light during the Consecration of the Holy Eucharist. Then, I asked Jesus if He could keep the Holy Light open longer during Holy Communion so more ghosts could enter the Divine Light. Jesus said YES, then He gave me the special grace of having an auditory vision. An auditory vision is like having a true mystical vision, but you only hear the sounds of the vision. I have had them before, so I am familiar with them, with this auditory vision being the fifth one that I have experienced from God.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I was praying silently with my eyes closed, as the auditory vision began. I heard the ghosts speak to me just before they each entered the Holy Light. At first, the ghosts said things like, “I’ve been a ghost since 1846,” or “I’ve been a ghost for 500 years,” etc. And I thought to myself, wow, that is a lot of time to be a ghost…

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, what happened next was incredible…

As I got used to the dates, then, the ghosts started saying, “I’ve been a ghost for 2,000 years…” Over and over, the ghosts said, “I’ve been a ghost for 2,000 years,” as they individually entered the Divine Light at Holy Mass. I was shocked. And then, a few ghosts would occasionally say, “I’ve been a ghost since the time of Christ,” which meant that they were a person who knew personally of Jesus from that region of Israel and he or she had died sometime after His public ministry had concluded on earth.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, knowing that I was helping ghosts into the Holy Light that had been earth-bound for 2,000 years has been absolutely stunning. I had that auditory vision at my 4th major ghost release. I have done several more ghost releases since that 4th occasion – but my dear brothers and sisters – I am still helping ghosts that have been trapped earth-bound for 2,000 years(!). This is why I know that the number of ghosts roaming the surface of the earth is so much larger than people can imagine. It is huge.

Meanwhile, I would like to also share with you all what happened during my first ghost release with my prayer group. Firstly, I want you all to know that ghosts are a lot smarter and funnier than the living souls on earth, especially me. Beforehand, my dear friend and I drove around the local cemeteries to invite any ghosts ready to enter into the Holy Light to come to the ghost release. So, we ended up with a lot of local ghosts tailgating our car and, at one point, Saint Michael Archangel said to all the ghosts to “hang-tight” as they were getting all giddy and excited at attending the ghost release.

So, I asked the ghosts, if they had any special intention that they wanted me to pray for them to Papa God. And, in one unanimous voice, they all said, “a short purgatory.” Which, of course, made me feel dumb. It reminded me of the time that I asked Saint Gabriel Archangel what his job was besides announcing messages to people and he said to me, “miracle-worker.” Seriously, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I feel so dumb sometimes at my lack of being able to figure out things on my own. I miss the obvious…

As all the ghosts were so happy at being invited to the ghost release, they did something very cute while we were in the car. They all began to sing the cartoon song for “Caspar the friendly ghost,” which made me laugh as I told my dear friend. It was like we were all attending a true “ghost-buster” party. Finally, we arrived at the place and we all ate a quick dinner while being watched by all the ghosts. I apologized to the ghosts that we were not able to offer them any food, but I promised them that they would get something better to eat in Heaven. (Later, this incident made me recall how Our Lord, Jesus Christ, ate fish to prove to the Apostles that He was not a ghost but had resurrected in His Glorified Body).

At last, my prayer group was able to do the ghost release, which included the complete Holy Rosary (all 4 Mysteries) and we prayed using the Flame of Love Hail Mary. When we got to the 5th Luminous Mystery (the Holy Eucharist), Saint Joseph announced to me that he had arrived under his title, ‘Terror of Demons’, and I was like OK, as I did not quite understand what was going to happen… Then I understood that at the 1st Sorrowful Mystery (Agony in the Garden), the Holy Light (Tunnel) was starting to descend from Heaven to earth. However, it was at the 3rd Sorrowful Mystery (Crowning of Thorns) that there began to be some trouble. hell started to wage war against all the holy angels that were protecting all the ghosts that would be entering the Holy Light. And honestly, I thought to myself, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, what truly is the point here? hell was waging a futile battle here as the Holy Light was not going to stop descending to earth and all the ghosts knew that they needed to enter the Tunnel. Sometimes, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, hell just acts plain stupid. Then, at the 4th Sorrowful Mystery (Carrying of the Cross), the battle between Heaven and hell got even more intense as satan was raging mad. Until, at the 5th Sorrowful Mystery (the Crucifixion) after my prayer group recited one Flame of Love Hail Mary, the Holy Light was finally completely opened and all the ghosts were able to move on in the afterlife to Jesus.

After we finished the Sorrowful Mysteries, my prayer group took a short break, so I could talk to Papa God about what was happening. Papa indicated to me that all the ghosts had entered the Holy Light by the 4th or 5th Flame of Love Hail Mary and that the vast majority of them had merited to enter directly into Heaven (bypassing any additional time in Purgatory). Papa also shared with me that in all the places where the ghosts had vacated on earth, He allowed a “blanket of peace” to descend over those areas, as many of them were cleansed of demonic activity. Finally, as my prayer group was reciting the last Glorious Mysteries, all the ghosts and poor souls from Purgatory that had been helped to Heaven by the Flame of Love Hail Marys that we just said, joined our prayer group in praising God through reciting the Holy Rosary. Afterwards, everyone who had participated in the prayer group felt a certain exhilarating feeling – a spiritual “high” from helping so many souls move on into Heaven. It was wonderful!

I have learned many things since I have begun to help the ghosts in earnest to transition on in the afterlife. One of things that I have learned is about the eternal value of friendship. Recently, I was helping a blog follower of MaryRefugeOfSouls with demonic activity taking place on her property. I found out that someone had died tragically on the property a few years back and so, I asked Papa God to allow that person if she was a ghost, to enter the Holy Light at our next ghost release. Papa God permitted this to happen and the demonic activity dropped to almost null on the property. However, a week later, while I was corresponding with the property owner, the ghost that I helped enter Heaven began to speak to me in my soul. Papa God allowed her to tell me that there was another unknown ghost – a man – on the property who also needed help to enter the Holy Light. They had befriended each other in the afterlife and had been tormented by the demons for many years thinking that they were lost souls in hell. However, when the second ghost saw his friend go into the Holy Light, it planted the seed of hope in his heart that he was not a damned soul but that he was a saved soul and so, now, he was desperate to be with Jesus, too. So, immediately, as soon as I heard the news, I prayed for the holy angels to protect the second ghost from the demons – which the holy angels did so – until I could pray for the Holy Light to descend for him at the next Holy Mass that I attended.

That ghost story really impressed upon me how important it is for those living on earth to help both the poor souls in Purgatory and the earth-bound ghosts to move on in the afterlife. I really thought it was amazing how the two people became friends while they were ghosts in the afterlife, and how they must have helped each other so much from the demons that often attacked them. I thought about the purity and goodness of their hearts. It made me recall a real story that a dear friend of mine who does monthly ghost releases shared with me. The ghost release took place on a particular property that was near the site of a major civil war battle. A northern army colonel – a ghost – waited back with the 30 or so soldiers underneath his rank (we understood by this that in Heaven, Purgatory and hell, all hierarchies of rank etc, are maintained, thus, both northern and southern soldiers followed this good colonel) and were loyal to him – who were also ghosts – went first into the Holy Light before the colonel himself finally went up into the Holy Light to meet Jesus. And when I heard that story, it made me think of what a good-willed and righteous man that colonel must be to have a sense of honor, duty, and integrity, to his men, that he served them both in life and in death. Again, another example of the purity and goodness of our hearts that remains within us once we have died and have shed our fallen physical bodies. Moreover, an example how in death, it no longer mattered the divisions that mankind uses to divide people in earthly life, as the only side that mattered in eternity, is being on the right side of Jesus!

It is interesting, but I discussed with my dear friend who also does ghost releases, about the situation regarding ghosts that refuse to enter the Holy Light. She had encountered one ghost who had refused to move on in the afterlife, because he had suffered an injustice during his earthly life – being swindled in a debt by a dishonest property owner and the ghost demanded restitution. However, the original dishonest property owner had long since died and the property had changed ownership multiple times since that time. So, the ghost had an unreasonable attachment that made him earth-bound that he was unwilling to let go. And, obviously, this ghost did not understand what he was missing by refusing to enter the Holy Light to move onto Heaven. Moreover, my dear friend had a recent experience where she had encountered nine ghosts during a visit to a local cemetery, and while she had invited all the ghosts to come to the monthly ghost release, ultimately, only two of the ghosts attended. This meant that seven ghosts had declined because they were not “ready” (emotionally and mentally) to move on in the afterlife to join Jesus. So, I discussed with my dear friend what God might possibly do to help such ghosts who possessed such profound familiar attachments that made them earth-bound. How God might help such ghosts to be finally ready for Heaven before the Second Coming.

As revealed in the private revelations given to Saint Anne Catherine Emmerich, after the Crucifixion, when Our Lord, Jesus Christ, descended to the dead, Papa God had His Divine Son spiritually circle the earth three times – mystically renewing the surface of the earth and all of nature 2,000 years ago. Furthermore, it is my understanding that when Jesus did this spiritual renewal, He presented Himself to all the roaming ghosts at that time for their particular judgment, so there were no lingering spirits left earth-bound at His First Coming. This is re-enforced by the personal fact that I have not encountered any ghosts that have been earth-bound longer than 2,000 years.

Thus, it is my understanding that during the Three Days of Darkness, when the entire earth will be physically renewed by God after the Great Tribulation in preparation for the Second Coming, that Papa God will send His Divine Son, Jesus, to collect all the remaining ghosts still roaming on the surface of the earth. This is because all the familiar impediments that are causing the ghosts to be attached to the former earth will be removed. So, Jesus will have to come to rescue His beloved people – the ghosts – as it will be a necessity for all of them to have their particular judgment at that time in order to bring about the New Heavens and New Earth. Furthermore, I believe that once each of the ghosts truly sees Our Lord, Jesus, as He really Is God, they will no longer have any objections to moving into the Holy Light to Heaven.

I base this fact on that I know once ghosts see Jesus as He truly Is, they immediately recognize Him as God and His all-encompassing Divine Love for them; hence, they no longer have any hesitation at joining Him. For example, one time, I was praying before the Holy Tabernacle and I knew that there were several ghosts with me who were waiting to be released later at Holy Mass. Then, at a certain moment, a gentleman came to check on the integrity of the Blessed Sacrament. And when he bowed and opened the door to the Holy Tabernacle, I heard 3 or 4 ghosts instantly say, “I am sorry” for their sins, as the ghosts immediately recognized Jesus in the Consecrated Host. So, for those few ghosts, they were already spiritually ready to go with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament so as to join Him fully in Heaven. They did not need to wait until Holy Mass. This is reminiscent of the Biblical story of the two disheartened disciples who were traveling to Emmaus and did not recognize Jesus in His Glorified Body after the Resurrection until the moment of the breaking of the Bread – they recognized Jesus as Lord instantly in the Consecrated Host. Thus, I believe that any last remaining ghosts roaming on the surface of the earth will finally go home to Heaven when the Three Days of Darkness takes place. It just makes sense that Jesus will come during that renewal period to take home to Papa God any lingering ghosts attached to the former earth as they will instantly want to be with Him once they witness His Divine Love face-to-face.

In conclusion, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I hope that this commentary about real life ghost stories has been informative and enlightening for many of you. I am constantly learning more about the afterlife as I interact more with Heaven and engage more with ghosts. All of which I learn is very fascinating to know about God and His Creation. God bless.

I love you,
—a soul


Information and Instructions – How To Do A Ghost Release – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Prayer Group Meeting Protocols and Prayers for Protection of the Holy Innocents – MaryRefugeOfSouls

NEW VIDEO – URGENT PROPHECY ALERT – Prepare for Mega Tsunami – La Palma Volcano – Given to “A Soul” on September 27, 2021 – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Important Commentary – Prepare Your Home Refuge For The Coming Mega-Tsunami – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

God Is Preparing Refuges All Over the World During the Great Tribulation – God Will Also Protect All Refuges Established By His People in the Danger Zone of the Mega-Tsunami, Including Island Nations in the Atlantic Ocean – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Very Important Message – Jesus Christ to Anna Marie – “My Angels will be present at the Refuges, but not all of my children will be in a Refuge – So please consider how you are to prepare and protect your food, water, family members when evil carnage has enveloped your land”

UPDATED (11/10/21):
Home Protection Kit Instructions/Sacramentals List (PDF)

Apostolate of the Green Scapular


SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2021 @ 8:06 P.M.

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My Lord are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: My dear little one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus for coming. My Lord may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal Holy Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my beloved one, I your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak my Divine Lord God and Redeemer, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My dear one, I have come tonight to speak of many issues that pertain to your country that will affect all my children. The vile exploitation of the Birth Control Measure that your wicked Leaders will now spread throughout the world, will not go unpunished by my Father. This is why I spoke of My Father’s Wrath.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, your children hate abortion, they hate for our government Leaders doing this too. Will we all, including your devout children, be required to pay for their actions?

Jesus: Yes, it will be so. Only my good and faithful servants who are preparing and are ready to move into the Refuges or those who have a Refuge already prepared will be saved from my Father’s Wrath. No one outside of my “Personal Protection” will be able to escape what is coming.

Anna Marie: My Lord, you have asked me to make and mail out your Home Protection Kits for anyone who wanted YOUR protection from evil and carnage or destruction of their land. Does that constitute your “Personal Protection?”

Jesus: Yes, as I have told you before, for anyone who has placed four blessed Green Scapulars inside their home, in the four corners; I will protect their homes and for anyone who has placed a blessed Home Protection Kit with four blessed canisters in the four corners of their yard or land, I will shield and protect their land.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus. Thank you for allowing your obedient loving Apostles to remain protected under your watchful and merciful Heart.

Jesus: My dear one.

Anna Marie: Yes sweet Jesus.

Jesus: Be in peace. The days are coming when many will be starving for food and who cannot find clean drinking water. These will be the days of great crimes, like murder. I know many children do not have or own fire arms, yet they must consider by what means they will take to protect themselves and their family members.

Jesus: Desperate people will behave like ruthless murderers if necessary, when they are hungry or thirsty. I am asking all my beloved Apostles to create a protection strategy for themselves and for their family members. My Angels will be present at the Refuges, but not all of my children will be in a Refuge. So please consider how you are to prepare and protect your food, water, family members when evil carnage has enveloped your land. This will be so in other countries as well. So all must consider and create a plan for their protection.

Jesus: My beloved ones, during the Chastisement no one knows specifically what to expect, what each person will need to endure. Yet I ask again that you trust in me! Pray, pray and pray more. Turn to the Holy Spirit who will inspire you through my graces and His in order to prepare for my Father’s Wrath. My Mother will also guide you to help you prepare all that will be needed.

Jesus: Now I ask you all, my beloved Apostles, to place a piece of bread in a plastic zip lock bag and you can double the bag if you wish. Place an unopened bottle of water on your Home Altar with the piece of bread. On Christmas, I will again come to bless your bread and water so that you and your household will not run out of food or water during the Great Tribulation, just as my servant Elijah instructed the widow. Allow your bread and water to remain on your Home Altar and for anyone who wills to place more bread and water on their Home Altar so they can give it away to another family, I will bless them with most holy graces because of their charity for others. Do not removed your bread or water from your Home Altar, this will be the source of where my graces will overflow into your homes and over your family members. If your bread molds, then pray and ask me what in your home is evil and needs to be removed. I will tell you what items are evil. Remove these items from your home and you may place another bread in a zip lock bag and see if it molds. If it molds once more, contact Anna Marie and let her know via email.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus, I will do my best to help everyone. My Lord do you will that I place extras on my Home Altar too in case others require me to send them?

Jesus: Yes, please do. Prepare 20 more this year my dear one and I will come to bless them all.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus, I will Jesus. I love you dear Jesus.

Jesus: My dear one, that is all. I love you and all my Apostles around the world. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.



See this blog page to download a copy of the Seal of the Living God in English, Latin, or your native language:

The Seal Of The Living God

(Maria Divine Mercy)

Excerpt: Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 @ 03:10

My Remnant Church, you My children, will survive although it will not be easy. You will be bullied because of your Christianity but you will never denounce Me or reject Me. For this you will be given Gifts. My Gift of the Seal of the Living God will render you invisible to your enemies. Recite it every day from now on. Keep it before you in your homes and have it Blessed by a priest.


Excerpt: Friday, June 1st, 2012 @ 20:15

Rules, many of them, will mean that you will become prisoners. The key to your cell, which keeps you under their control, will be the Mark of the Beast. 666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination. Once embedded it will poison, not only your mind and soul, but your body. For it will cause a plague designed to wipe out much of the world’s population. You must not accept the Mark. Instead I will instruct you what to do. Many will accept the Mark because they will feel helpless. The Seal of the Living God, My Crusade Prayer (33) is your lifeline. When you receive My Seal of Protection, given to you by My Eternal Father, you will not have to accept the Mark. You will not be touched. Your home will not be seen, searched or a target for it will be rendered invisible in the eyes of Satan’s army. You will need to keep food hidden which will last a few years. You will need to grow your own crops, store your own water and keep all Holy objects around you. My Remnant Church will grow and spread out and you will be given shelter if it is needed.


Excerpt: Monday, August 5th, 2013 @ 13:05

This war, to uphold the Word of God, will mean that those priests, who do remain true to Him, will have to seek refuge. To do this you must start preparing and find such places where you will be able to offer the Holy Mass and provide the Sacraments to God’s children. I, the Mother of Salvation, will protect such refuges and by the placement of the Seal of the Living God, given to the world by My Father, on the inside walls, they will remain invisible to the enemies of God.


Preparation for The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – Wrath of God – Instructions for Children – Seven (7) Years Old and Younger – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Click below for a free downloadable PDF copy (5 pages) of these instructions (includes recipe for holy oil of Saint Joseph):




COMMENT (By a soul):

  • 7 Days and 7 Nights before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens to mankind, the Cross of Jesus Christ will be seen in the skies as a pre-warning for people to prepare their souls;
  • On the day of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), there will be a great physical-spiritual earthquake worldwide, then a profound silence will ensure before this great event happens to mankind;
  • The Lord does not want His people to witness His Holy Wrath during the Great Warning. The faithful should remain inside, with their doors and windows covered with cardboard and blankets; and have a first aid kit ready;
  • Please see the following prophecies/instructions for the children seven years old and younger:


“Prepare for The Warning, the Illumination of Conscience”
Friday, January 28th, 2011 @ 00:15


Mystical Event to be experienced by all over 7 years of age

Don’t feel hurt when people dismiss these Messages, My daughter. Just be thankful that they are being given this Gift. They will understand the Truth of this prophecy, when after this Mystical Event, which will be experienced by all of My children over seven years of age, everywhere throughout the world, takes place. Those who live after this event will be more cautious about the contents of this sacred Book. They will find it difficult to ignore, even if their faith is weak; others who don’t want to know the Truth still need to be reminded of the contents of this Work.


Public Message
June 30, 2020
After the Divine Mercy Chaplet

‘How to advise parents about the Great Warning. Message for parents.’


Yes, it is a concerning matter.

This will happen for children who are over the age of seven. This time of My coming will be the place I set for My children.

However My little ones will be asleep. They will not be aware of this, that everybody will go through (The Great Warning). I look after My innocent children. They already have a place in My Kingdom. This means that this Warning is not necessary for their souls.

I want parents to protect their offspring from the dangers of this world.

This is My wording. Till this time pray.

I would like to bless all My children from birth to adulthood.

In The Name Of The Father and The Son and The Holy Spirit.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE WARNING (Illumination of Conscience)
Message given to Lorena on July 26, 2016


Hours before the Warning, which will be very obvious to know when it will happen; because the Cross of Christ will appear in the sky days before, the faithful must be able to go about making preparations.

Cover doors and windows with cardboard and blankets, have a first aid kit on hand.

Children under the age of seven will not experience the Illumination of Conscience, however, they will live through the (great) earthquake and will be alone when everything happens. Put on them a medal of Saint Benedict, a little holy oil of Saint Joseph and holy water, and if you can make them sleep, I (Saint Michael Archangel) will induce them to a deep sleep so that they do not see the Wrath of God. Those little angels are also part of My Militant Army and I will protect them. They, with their pure hearts, are an oblation to God and that aroma of innocence and purity pleases my Lord very much.


How to Prepare the Healing Oil of Saint Joseph (PDF)

Praise God!!! Our Lord Jesus Christ to Prophet John Leary – Special Grace for Children Under Seven Years Old – Will Be Made Invisible and Not Martyred

New Video – The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – 7 Days And 7 Nights The Cross Of Jesus Christ Will Be Seen In The Sky – MaryRefugeOfSouls

The Preceding Signs To The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – 7 Days and 7 Nights The Cross of Our Savior Will Be Seen in the Sky – MaryRefugeOfSouls

August 23, 2021 – Italian Newspaper Headlines – Article Link – RUMOR: Pope Francis to RESIGN in December 2021 due to Health Troubles – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Please see this article link:

AUGUST 23, 2021 – RUMOR: Pope Francis to RESIGN in December; Health Trouble


Bergoglio has Alzheimer’s — From Rome