Who Is Jesus Christ? Is Jesus The Lord – Son Of God? Watch For Free: The JESUS Film – Movie

Blessings beloved ones,

Many people do not realize this, but the “JESUS Film” is uploaded to this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, for people to watch for free in different languages. It is 127 minutes. Here are links to the movie:

Who Is Jesus Christ? Is Jesus The Lord – Son Of God?
WATCH: The Jesus Film – Movie
(English, American Sign Language)
(Spanish, Portuguese)
(Hebrew, Russian, Hindi)
(Arabic, Farsi, Indonesian, Turkish)
(Chinese-Mandarin, Japanese, Korean, Thai)

Also, if you do not see your language on this blog, you can download the video for free which has been translated into 1803 languages on this website:


Update: To make it easier to find, here is the link to the movie in English on the website. On the same webpage, you will be able to find the other languages:


God bless!
I love you,
–a soul

2019 Two Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ and His Father, to Christina Gallagher

Messages of Our Lady Queen of Peace
Through Christina Gallagher

Message received by Christina Gallagher 16 and 25 July 2019

Jesus spoke to Christina:

“Christina, My little one, I desire that you write and relate what I tell you to the people of the world.

People of the world, I have called you to protection and guidance in Truth and Mercy for many years. I called you through the Immaculate Heart of My Mother also and She has pleaded with Me for Mercy for you, but to no avail.

You are being seduced by the devil and throughout the world he is hailed high, raising all of his evil desires into your hearts.

My Mercy is coming to a close as you no longer ask for or want My Mercy. My Hand descends upon the world of sin and darkness through evil being fulfilled in so many hearts: you reject Truth and Life, love does not exist in your hearts, your hearts are closed to Truth and Life in Me, your Lord God.

What you experience regarding the weather changes is not climate change and scientists will explain away much as My Hand descends upon your world. So many have become the godless man and unto him will be given his just reward.

My Church has all but abandoned Me, My sacraments are withdrawn more and more, truth is denied to My people but woe to the man who has done such wrongs – better he was never born.

For those of you who have come here today out of curiosity, you will not be aware of the enormity of evil that surrounds you, waiting to seduce you at every moment. The only way you will have wisdom to understand is to pray, receive the sacraments, unburden yourself of sin and ask forgiveness from Me. Desire to be covered by My Light and filled with My Life. Live in and by Truth. Only in that way can you be protected. Cast fear from you.

How so many of you have cast such sufferings upon My little one! You have believed the deceiver in his lies about her and from one to another you kept finding a greater deception to draw upon her. But to you I say how wicked you have become! You could only receive such wickedness from the devil and it is to him you surrender your life. I tell you, wake up because your earthly life has but limited time for you to make amends to Me.

My people, pray for wisdom because you do not understand Truth. You have been led away from Truth by many of those who are meant to preach it.

Trust in Me. You will see many dangers and horrible disasters come to your world – all of which you have drawn upon yourselves through sin as My Hand approaches the earth.

Turn away from sin. Live the Ten Commandments of your God and Saviour.”

After a brief pause, Jesus added,

“How My Heart sorrows for the many in the world who lack Truth in their hearts. How My Heart grieves to see the innocence of My little children being destroyed and the young being deceived through false teaching about their identity and sexuality. How My Heart is pierced at the spread of abortion, the devil’s weapon against life. How My Mother’s words to you are daily being fulfilled as so many youth, through lack of prayer and loss of faith wander in confusion, are destroyed by drugs and succumb to suicide.

How your leaders allow greater powers to dictate to them, to take over and lead your countries but only to destroy them. There is corruption everywhere, the world is led by and through corruption. The world is now entering the peak, the cusp of its own corruption.

Later Jesus spoke to Christina as follows:

“My little one, I desire you listen to what I tell you. There is much change coming to your world. It is about to experience the depth of its sin and drink of its wounds brought about by sin. The world has disowned Me, its Creator and Redeemer. How I have called and pleaded with you to listen and turn away from sin. There are many leaders of the world who exercise their power according to him who is darkness and they are drawing destruction upon the world while the people of the world remain blind to this and doubt the truth that I call you to. My people, how can you be so foolish? I call you to see and recognise the depth of sin the world has drawn down upon itself. The elements reject the depths of this darkness. The earth vomits from its bowels as it rebukes humanity’s sin and depraved behaviour and to hear man of perdition say, ‘God would not do this to us!’. No, you do it by your own destructive deeds. Hatred is in every heart, jealousy grows, greed knows no bounds as the flesh craves for more of its fulfilment, not of Life, Light or Truth but rather of the flesh- from the world’s fruits. The destructive angels of darkness are everywhere. I look upon the Immaculate Heart of My Mother as She pleads for you, for mercy but the time of mercy is drawing to a close. It seems you no longer need mercy.

The continent of America will have much to endure for its denial of Me. War is fast approaching its shores.

(As Jesus subsequently showed Christina what is coming to America, He added “War that is nuclear, diseases, earthquakes… and also to other parts of the world”)

O you foolish man! So many godless and full of pride. Soon I will shepherd My flock Myself!

He who has drawn souls away from My Mother’s House, him I will disown for his pride and deception have led him far from Me. To him, as he has drawn many from Me in the weakness of his flesh and filled with pride, I say ‘Woe unto you. You are like the one who returned without any talents’.

My little one, how you have borne the scars of the deception that travelled throughout the world but the lies and deception spread about you is like a sweet incense before Me.

Be not afraid of those who seem great in the world. Your surrender to Me -its greatness will last forever.

I bless you in My Father, I Jesus His Son and the Holy Spirit.

Message received by Christina Gallagher
April 25, 2019

“My daughter, I call you to write. I call you through Jesus My Son for We are one. I have called you, My daughter, My little one. You are chosen to be the messenger of truth. I desire you relay truth to My people throughout the world. Many bear not truth but lies and deception that fill many hearts. In that way they permit truth in them to be destroyed. Give this message to all My people of truth who bear life in Jesus My Son.

My people, hear now, I call you. I am He who is and will be forever. Hear Me, your Lord God. The deceiver is robbing many souls and seducing them into the cesspool of death. My shepherds – how they grieve Me! They have allowed the flock to be scattered and so many of them have become lost in the darkness of him who desires their souls. Woe unto the man who opens his life to become one in darkness.

Remember the parable Jesus tells about the talents.*

I, your Lord God must prepare you who have ears to hear and eyes to see. Do not be still, let truth flow from you: Life in Jesus demands it of you. Time is becoming short before the world will witness a darkness and suppression from a power beyond the world, a power of antiChrist. He has deceived many people, soon he will deceive most people, even the elect. There is great unrest, unrest the world cannot see, Agreements have been made and papers signed for the final destruction of the world. The final battle of the deceiver draws close and so many people merry in sin of the darkest kind. There is no repentance because they have become one in and with death. To many there is no way to return. (Such souls are permanently lost because in their freedom they do not desire the Mercy of God).

My messenger of truth, I have drawn from you much. I have heard you cry out to Me. Be still as I bless you for all your endurance for the souls I thirst for – but in vain for many. Many have made their choice for death. So many will not serve truth or life but they embrace death through the seduction of the devil, the flesh and the world. Time draws close for the deceiver to wield his power over the world. So, so many will be caught in his power as way is made for antiChrist, yes anti of Me and of life. …

(A most serious message regarding the Catholic Church was given here. It is on record and will be made available when appropriate.)

The deceiver wields only death. Look around you, see his power of falsity. It is everywhere, darkness and sin excused as righteous. The deceiver says, ‘Partake. See, it’s good!’ Look around you. There you can see it.

My people, so few want to know Me. They welcome into their heart, life and soul – death. It is their free will. Speak of the man in the Gospel parable who has a need to go back and bury his dead because there are many turning to bury their already dead: mankind has become one in darkness and refuses to put their hand to the plough and to remain steadfast. They could receive wisdom from Me in goodness but in their free will they choose everything of the world and the flesh and refuse Life of Me through Jesus My Son.

My call has become a mockery. It is easy for the man of perdition to unite with the devil in lies to destroy and block truth. Such a man I do not know because he welcomes falsity but falsity will not save him as he nears Hades. There his suffering will start.

My people, open your hearts to truth as your time draws close to your choice of life or death.

There are plans in place for all I have given you.

The one-world government is with you, its dictatorship will lead only to your suppression, destruction and death eternal.

The one-world bank, can you not see its development to suppress your worldly goods, which will lead to hunger cries everywhere and result in diseases afflicting the bodies of all and the people with no wisdom where to turn. My messenger of truth, you will be one of a very small number who will have that knowledge – if they permit your life to continue.

And the one-world church will yield its freedom into the hands of him who will destroy through what will be the mark of the beast. How so many will run freely for it with hearts full of joy, in boastfulness. I tell you the time draws close to its fulfilment.

World war 3, it is in its readiness.

I bless you, my messenger of truth, through the Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus in union in the Holy Ghost. Amen. Amen.”

*The Parable of the Talents referred to by the Lord in His message:

“For it is as if a man, going on a journey, summoned his slaves and entrusted his property to them; to one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one, to each according to his ability. Then he went away. The one who had received the five talents went off at once and traded with them, and made five more talents. In the same way, the one who had the two talents made two more talents. But the one who had received the one talent went off and dug a hole in the ground and hid his master’s money. After a long time the master of those slaves came and settled accounts with them. Then the one who had received the five talents came forward, bringing five more talents, saying, “Master, you handed over to me five talents; see, I have made five more talents.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” And the one with the two talents also came forward, saying, “Master, you handed over to me two talents; see, I have made two more talents.” His master said to him, “Well done, good and trustworthy slave; you have been trustworthy in a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; enter into the joy of your master.” Then the one who had received the one talent also came forward, saying, “Master, I knew that you were a harsh man, reaping where you did not sow, and gathering where you did not scatter seed; so I was afraid, and I went and hid your talent in the ground. Here you have what is yours.” But his master replied, “You wicked and lazy slave! You knew, did you, that I reap where I did not sow, and gather where I did not scatter? Then you ought to have invested my money with bankers, and on my return I would have received what was my own with interest. So take the talent from him, and give it to the one with the ten talents. For to all those who have, more will be given, and they will have an abundance; but from those who have nothing, even what they will have will be taken away. As for this worthless slave, throw him into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”

(When asked how the parable of the talents relates to this message, Christina explained the understanding which was given to her, as follows. She said that God expects all those who have received His gifts of conversion and healing through this mission of Our Lady Queen of Peace to proclaim the truth of what was given them. In this way they do not hide the talents but use them to give glory to God and thus draw others to hear the truth of His call through Our Lady’s message. How many medically upheld miraculous healings as well as spiritual conversions have been hidden, unacknowledged or no longer proclaimed! Clearly, Our Lord will call each one to account.)

Messages from Jesus Christ To The Little Prophet – “I may be a jealous God but I am a God of peace – People should look upon me with love – My love can surround this world”

First Public Message
September 9, 2019 2:39pm

My child I AM Jesus born incarnate.

Oh my little one, I AM happy (Jesus smiling). I AM pleased. My words are spreading and you and your husband have made this possible.

I may be a jealous God but I am a God of peace. People should look upon me with love. My love can surround this world.

I AM coming soon. I AM coming in the form of Jesus and I will judge you. Each and everyone of you will know how much you have offended me. It’s about time you all prepared your souls.

If you are Catholic you must go back to my sacraments. I await everyday for your arrival in my house. I can wait. You must receive me in the Blessed Sacrament but I want you to have my blessing and forgiveness in the confessional box before this very special place of my love. ‘My love’ being the body of Christ. It is my offering to you all. I suffered for my children. Please believe the words I place in my prophet’s mouth.

(Quietly) I thank you for receiving me each day.

The Little Prophet: I thank you Jesus for giving me the gift of your body each day.


My voice changed into a horrible sneering voice. The Devil told me he can give me whatever I want. Money, fame, and lots of money to spend on what I like to stop doing this. I felt Jesus intervene in my head. I told Satan to go in Jesus name and I then came out of it .

40 mins after and unexpectedly Jesus spoke again:

Jesus Christ: Make reparation for the sins of others.

Second Public Message

I AM Jesus born incarnate.

Jesus Christ: Yes the devil wants you distracted, be not afraid of him. He has no hold over you.

I am the living God.

Christ Child Shrine Messages 8/8/19 to 8/12/19 – “My Warning shall come out of My Love and Mercy for My children, for I wish for all My children to live in perfect peace and come into communion with Me”

Christ Child Shrine Messages

August 8, 2019

My little one, tell all My children to have joy. Living in the Presence of your God will fill you with joy. God, your Father, sent His Son to earth to give each one joy. When Mary was told that She would have a Son by the power of the Holy Spirit, did She say, “My spirit rejoices in God, my Savior”. When She ran to Elizabeth to tell her the news, St. John jumped with joy in Her womb because Mary carried Jesus to him. When Jesus was born, everyone had joy, the shepherds, the Angels, the Kings, Joseph and Mary. Why do you sing Joy to the World, the Lord Has Come? Joy, My child, is love. I understand the evil in your world; the sickness, suffering, persecution, that all My children are living through. But nothing can separate you from the love of Christ. To spread joy to others, you receive the light of Christ and others will want to be with you. Joy is love, joy is strength, joy is prayer, and knowing someday you will possess the Kingdom waiting for you. Sometimes, it is so hard to be joyful. Sorrow in life can take the joy away. But, when you accept your cross and still have joy, you know you have the hope of Eternal Life and happiness. Then, you will radiate joy daily because you know Jesus loved you each so very much. He gave His life so your sins could all be forgiven, so you could be in My Kingdom to come and have joy forever. I love and bless each one of you, in the name of your Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

August 9, 2019

My dear one, pray and tell My children, being on earth is a great gift from your God, but it cannot compare to your true home in Heaven. Live in perfect union with God and go to your Father every day and offer everything in perfect union with Him. Your world is passing very quickly. Life is short and sometimes very bitter. When you suffer trials, you must rise above them and offer everything to your Jesus as He gave His life for you. Meditate on your lives and repair past damage. Love where you failed to love. Ask and pray to God your Father to send His blessings where you have failed to love. Pray for blessings on every person whoever came into your presence, from the moment you were created to the present day. Pray for everyone. We are all children of God. Invoke the Holy Spirit to help you know what to do each hour of your life. You have no idea of what you have done until you see yourself as I do. Give to God all sufferings and all good actions, so not a day is wasted and you will be ready. Ask yourself, what would Jesus do? Start practicing loving as I love you. See goodness in others. Love is wishing everyone the best. Love is putting others first. Love will heal you through the Spirit. I want you touching others with My love. Allow Me to take over your heart. Time is short. Give up all attachments to the world and trust Me. Follow Me and let Me lead you into unity with Me. I bless you, in the name of your Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

August 10, 2019

Little one, My faithful ones know, soon, My Hand must fall and there shall be no warning. Cities in your country are corrupt and your world is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. I had to destroy that city. Why have so many turned their back on Me? Your country will fall from sin. Soon, I shall shake the earth as never before. Ask My true believers to bend their knee in prayer for the devastation in your country shall be great. I am a loving God. The ones that seek Me and ask forgiveness will not be turned away. Pray that more of My children will give up the sinful way they live and come back to Me. I must take action, for most continue their lives of sin without even caring. I must chastise the world. The punishment from Heaven is imminent. You must pray and do penance. Your Holy Mother came to earth at Fatima and warned the world that many nations would disappear from the face of the earth, and still, many do not care. A terrible darkness has descended over the world and never have so many of God’s children lost their faith. Pray, My faithful ones, pray. I am always with you to bring you through the darkest times that are so evil. I love and bless you, in the name of your Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

August 11, 2019

My little one, you had so much joy at Mass today. When My faithful ones attend Mass, they understand how very beautiful it is and know the true meaning of the Holy Mass. It is really Heaven on Earth and yet so many come to Mass and do not see the supernatural miracles that unfold before them. When you are blessed to attend a true Mass, you are surrounded by Holy Saints and Angels. At each Holy Mass, I give Myself to each one. I cannot wait for you to come into Communion with Me. When My faithful ones come lovingly to Communion, we become part of one another. When you recite the Apostles Creed, it is who you are and what you believe in. Do you know when you come to receive Me in the Blessed Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, you are doing the same as My Apostles at My Last Supper; they were blessed to attend and so are you. Realize what a gift it is to attend a Holy Mass. Come to Confession, be sorry for your sins, and receive Me with a pure heart and soul. I hear you when you say the Our Father. You ask for My Kingdom to Come and My Will to be Done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Know I hear you, and by your faith and love, you shall help usher in My Kingdom, a New Heaven and Earth, where as a loving Father, My Will shall be done and My Kingdom shall come. I love and bless each one, for I am your Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

August 12, 2019

My dear one, life on earth is a test. Each and every day My children encounter trials and tribulations. Most worry and tend to become upset and forget to come to Me in prayer. Each one on earth was given a special Angel. You are now living in the times your Holy Mother gave the predictions at Fatima would come, if the world would not change and give up sin. Each day, you can see the Battle of Good and Evil and evil has increased everywhere. But, remember, St. Michael and His Angels are fighting against the dragon, and the battle was won by the death of your Savior on His Holy Cross for each one of you who choose to give up sin. My Warning shall come soon, for every father must discipline his children. My Warning shall come out of My Love and Mercy for My children, for I wish for all My children to live in perfect peace and come into communion with Me. I must cleanse each child and cleanse the world of all evil. Come to the Sacrament of Confession. Prepare, My little ones. Out of love, I will let each one see themselves as I do and then each one will be given the choice to accept My Will for them and come to Me or reject Me and follow their sinful ways. I call each one to have Eternal Life together in a New Heaven and Earth, where as a loving Father, My Will shall be done and My Kingdom shall come. I love and bless each one, for I am your Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

God the Father – “Children, you will gradually feel the effects of My Patriarchal Blessing which I imparted to you yesterday – I can tell you, the world is not the same as it was before My Blessing”

Holy Love Ministry

August 5, 2019
Feast of Dedication of Basilica of St. Mary Major
Blessed Mother’s True Birthday

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, you will gradually feel the effects of My Patriarchal Blessing which I imparted to you yesterday.* You may notice certain difficulties in your life being resolved. Some health problems may be relieved all together or lessened. Relationships may be healed. All of this is My Will.”

“I am thankful that My Invitation to come here was so well received. Many angels were present also, as a result of people sending their guardian angels in their stead. I can tell you, the world is not the same as it was before My Blessing.”

“Now that the Mission** is consecrated to My Divine Will, you will see it catapulted to new levels of understanding and acceptance. My Blessing will continue in lives and in the world.”

* At the apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine on the Feast of God the Father and His Divine Will – this year, August 4, 2019. To understand the significance of God the Father’s Patriarchal Blessing please see:
** The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read Psalm 23+

The LORD is my shepherd, I shall not want;
he makes me lie down in green pastures.
He leads me beside still waters;
he restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I fear no evil;
for thou art with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil,
my cup overflows.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD
for ever.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Feast of God the Father and His Divine Will – Special Message – August 4, 2019 – “When Satan’s plans are revealed, you will be amazed at the intricacies of his plans”

Holy Love Ministry

August 4, 2019
Feast of God the Father and His Divine Will

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Once again, I see a Great Flame that I (Maureen) have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“I am the Eternal Now – Creator of night and day – Creator of every grace and every present moment. I have for centuries anticipated the present moment of My Patriarchal Blessing.”*

“I come with My Hands filled with gifts – each gift individually wrapped for each soul. Each soul will receive what he needs to come deeper into My Paternal Heart. I am a generous God. I give what is best and correct what is lacking in each heart which is filled with faith.”

“I am the Father of all Ages. These days in which you live are unprecedented in evil activity in the world. Satan hides undetected behind titles and positions of authority. The majority of My children do not look for him. They do not recognize his agenda, which is always souls. Many unwittingly cooperate with his plans. Still others have joined forces with him intentionally.”

“Learn to recognize evil in forms of entertainment, dress codes, relationships and in priorities. That which is not of Me is against Me. Anything or anyone that discourages prayer is Satan’s instrument. I do not look at worldly importance, but at the simplistic love in the heart. Such a heart readily accepts the Truth of My Commandments and obeys them.”

“The future of the world depends upon each soul’s ability to recognize Satan and to uncover his plans. I am using some very prominent people in this country** now to do just that. Believe Me when I tell you, I can no longer stand by watching Satan’s tactics. I must act! When Satan’s plans are revealed, you will be amazed at the intricacies of his plans.”

“I welcome with open Arms all who come here.*** Most especially, I place deep in My Paternal Heart those who cling to the Tradition of Faith. You are My Remnant. It is you that I count on to carry the True Faith forward into future generations.”

“You do not see, as I do, the nefarious ways Satan insinuates his way into Truth. Before you know it, Truth has been transformed into an unrecognizable state that mankind has been fooled into accepting. I continue to speak here to saturate the heart of the world with the Truth of these times – My Love and My Mercy.”

“My prayer intention today is the same as it is every day in every present moment – that all people and every nation unite under obedience to My Commandments. Only then will I be placed back in My rightful place in dominion over the whole world. Pray for this.”

“My Words to you today will fall on some hearts who are open to the Truth. Some hearts will crack open and change to accept the Truth. Other hearts will remain staunchly stubborn and sealed in error. I come to influence free-will choices and bring more hearts along the path of righteousness.”

“I created each of you so that you could earn your salvation. I await the day I can bring you into Heaven with Me.”

Maureen says: “I see a large Hand extended over all the people in the United Hearts Field.”

God the Father says:

“Today, I can tell you that, from the beginning of time, I have ordained this Mission**** to be present in the world during these latter times – this Mission to My Divine Will. I know what each one needs and I know what each one wants, but perhaps should not have. Continue to pray for My needs, which is the conversion of all hearts and thus the conversion of the world. Today, I am consecrating this Mission to My Divine Will. I’m extending My Patriarchal Blessing.”

* To understand the significance of God the Father’s Patriarchal Blessing please see:
** U.S.A.
*** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
**** The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

A Few Reminders for August 2019 – MaryRefugeOfHolyLove

Blessings dearly beloved followers,

I want to remind everyone who is unable to attend in person Our Heavenly Father’s Feast Day at Holy Love Ministries in Ohio, to send your guardian angel on your behalf today, Sunday, August 4th. That way, you can be blessed in a special way by Papa God. The apparition time is at 3pm Eastern Daylight Time, however, the prayer service begins at 2:30pm. So, I suggest praying for your guardian angel to be sent around 2pm or so.

Here is also the video link, if you would like to watch online the prayer service.


Also, a few more reminders. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is blessing again our bread and water on this Tuesday, August 6, 2019, for the Feast of the Transfiguration. This is an important blessing to not run out of food or water for the coming famine. Here is the message, if you would like to read it:

Jesus Christ to Anna Marie – “Place a piece of bread and bottle of water on your home altars and I will bless them so you will not starve or thirst to death” – Feast of Transfiguration, Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Finally, Anna Marie of the Green Scapular (https://www.greenscapular.org), has made this announcement about the next healing conference:

“Our California Healing Conference will take place in March 2020 and will be announced this month. Jesus said He will bless the Month of March in California. We are praying the quakes stop!”

May everyone be blessed this weekend in the Holy Name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ!

a soul

Feast of the United Hearts – June 30, 2019 – Jesus Christ – “My brothers and sisters, you must return to prayer as a solution for the woes of the world – Our United Hearts remain more powerful than any agenda of Satan”

Holy Love Ministry

June 30, 2019
Feast of the United Hearts
3:00 P.M. Service

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

First, I (Maureen) see the Image of the United Hearts. Then, it fades away and Jesus and Blessed Mother are here* with Their Hearts exposed.

Jesus says:

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

Blessed Mother says:

“Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, Jesus, Who is always the gentleman, allows Me to speak first today. The reason Heaven continues to contact earth here is there is a whole generation that needs to be reconciled with the Truth. Few there are who recognize that this earthly existence is granted each soul as a means of earning the soul’s eternal reward. Much effort is spent on making a comfortable secure life in this world, but it is all temporary. The real purpose of human life is to know God and to love Him above all else. This is not even a goal in this modern generation.”

“It is so necessary that Heaven continues to speak here in order to draw people back into the Truth of why they were created in the first place. We do not come to cure the symptoms of disordered self-love, but the disease. The symptoms are all around you. It is the blindness of the direction man is taking that is the disease.”

Jesus says:

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“My brothers and sisters, within the confines of Our United Hearts lie all the secrets of life. All of creation is under Our domain. While man searches out solutions, it is all here under the umbrella of My Father’s Will. Therefore, it behooves man to come deeper into Our United Hearts – to be privy to the Divine solutions and realities of his everyday life.”

“My Justice rests heavily upon all those who do not consider the Divine aspect of every problem and situation in life. Where will your heart be in your last breath? Will it be united in My Father’s Divine Will?”

“The world holds no problem that Our Hearts are not aware of. There is no force of nature – no scandal – no disease – no evil that escapes Our view. We desire to guide the good around all evil designs that lie hidden in hearts. Choose to seek Our help.”

“Those who seek in nefarious ways to overthrow Christian ideals in this country** will face defeat. The upheavals of controversies will backfire. The search for the Truth will be victorious. Your country will, once again, be stabilized upon that which it was founded – trust in God.”

“Our Hearts are Omnipresent. Nothing is concealed in the recesses of hearts or in the heart of the world from Us. I tell you that many areas of discord around the world will take on new meaning. Some will be reconciled with the Truth. Others will continue to threaten world peace and to change the complexion of attempted peaceful overtures. World trade will have to be committed to prayer.”

“Look for peace where there has been no peace and strife where there has been no strife. Make the borders of your nation and of your hearts secure.”

“Please understand the economy of your country mirrors the stability of your government. There are outside, foreign entities eager to weaken the United States. One tactic being employed is to attack your President,*** thus causing confusion in the rank and file. A weakened government cripples the economy and the nation.”

“My brothers and sisters, you must return to prayer as a solution for the woes of the world. Our United Hearts remain more powerful than any agenda of Satan. We are All-Grace, All-Mercy and All-Love. Knowing what lies ahead in the future is not the solution to earth’s woes. Dependency on prayer is.”

“Make amends to Our United Hearts. We are so wounded by the errors in the hearts of man.”

“Today, I impart this promise to you – everywhere the Image of Our United Hearts is displayed and reverenced, I will bless. Today, We’re taking all petitions into Our Hearts. Some will be answered in unusual ways.”

“We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** U.S.A.
*** President Donald J. Trump.

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to Valentina Papagna – “Tell the girl that I Am not a doormat, nor Am I an object to be used to open a door – That offends Me very much”

Heavenly Messages
As Given to Seer, Valentina Papagna

June 3, 2019

Honour My Sacred Heart

After Holy Mass, I prayed the Divine Praises in front of the Tabernacle.

Lord Jesus said, “Tell people to honour My Sacred Heart that is so gravely offended by just about every sin that is committed in the world. Pray and offer Me sacrifice to console Me and to atone for the sins.”

Lord Jesus have mercy on humanity.

June 20, 2019

The Keyring

During Holy Mass, I was kneeling, and in front of me, I noticed a young lady with a set of keys placed next to her on the pew. On the keyring was a St Benedict Cross. While admiring the St Benedict Cross, I said to our Lord, “Oh my Crucified Jesus, I love You.”

Our Lord responded immediately, “Tell the girl that I Am not a doormat, nor Am I an object to be used to open a door. That offends Me very much. Tell her to wear Me around her neck and give Me honour and respect, and then I will protect her and bless her. I suffered enough for all of you!”

June 22, 2019

Do not Hide Me

One day I was travelling on a bus. The bus was full of people. I noticed that some of the people were staring at the gold Crucifix attached to the gold chain that I was wearing around my neck. I felt a bit uncomfortable, so I hid the Crucifix in my blouse.

As soon as I did this, Jesus said, “Don’t you hide Me! Let people see you wearing My Cross. You should be very proud and privileged that you wear My Holy Cross and that you belong to Me. Keep Me always visible so that people can see Me, and maybe they will learn something from you.”

Special Message – Divine Mercy Sunday – God the Father – “My children, I speak to you, today, as your Eternal Father from the majesty of My Throne in Heaven”

Holy Love Ministry

April 28, 2019
Divine Mercy Sunday – 3:00 P.M. Service

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Once again, I see a Great Flame that I (Maureen) have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“I am the Creator of the Universe. I made the sky, the seas and all of earth. It is by My Hand man is created and exists. I hold in place the stars, the planets and all of earth. I come, today, to remind mankind that he is called to be obedient unto Me. Every sin is a transgression of Holy Love. If you do not love your fellowman perfectly, you do not love Me perfectly. Sin no more!”

“The Arm of My Justice grows heavy. It is by the prayers and sacrifices of My Remnant Faithful that it is restrained. If you pray for peace, first and foremost your prayers must rise from a peaceful heart. The duplicitous heart does not lend itself to peace. Be single-hearted. I am on the side of the single-hearted and am able to lead them most readily.”

“The clouds in the sky obstruct My sunlight. The sin in your hearts obstructs My Grace.”

“There is a great bear of a nation in the east that cannot be trusted. Its tentacles reach far and wide. The Free World holds no secrets that this nation is not privy to by illicit means.”

“My children, I speak to you, today, as your Eternal Father from the majesty of My Throne in Heaven. Choose wisely the leaders you decide to follow, the affections of your hearts and what occupies your every present moment. Do not be united under any One World Leader. Be united in Holy Love under My Leadership. In that way, you will not support any evil collusion – many of which abound around the world today.”

“I speak to you, today, to draw all people into My Merciful Heart. My Mercy comes to you only by means of a repentant heart. I do not impose My Divine Mercy upon mankind. I offer it. These days, man is not solicitous of My Mercy, but lives as though he will never be judged. I charge all religious leaders to correct consciences as to the great need to pursue My Mercy.”

“It is only by the hand of My Mercy the world still exists. It is My Mercy which perpetuates the days of man’s existence and well-being. Live as though you are dependent upon My Mercy. Show Me how much you love Me. Return to obedience of, and respect for, My Commandments.”

“My children, remain united in My Divine Will for you, as it is always in your best interests to do so. I am in Heaven and on earth in My Omnipotence and My Omnipresence. My Voice is great and at the same time small and quiet. My Grace abounds and is always with you. Choose to cooperate with Me.”

“Today, as many gather to celebrate My Mercy, I remind all people and all nations to come into My Divine Will through Love – Holy Love. No one is saved outside of My Divine Will which is Holy Love – always Love. First love Me – and then one another. There is no other path.”

Maureen says: “God the Father’s Hand is extended over the people.

He says:

“I am Lord of Heaven and Earth, your Eternal Father Who formed you in the womb, fed you and nourished you, and brought you here*, today.”

“I place My Hand over all of your hearts. You will not be the same after today. Change your hearts to resemble Holy Love. I am listening to your petitions now. Surrender your will to My Divine Will, My children.”

“I’m imparting to you now, My Patriarchal Blessing.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

The Answer To All Disease, War and Calamities – God the Father – “This is the singular solution you seek, O man of earth!”

(Baby Noah miscarried at 12 weeks)

Holy Love Ministry

October 10, 2007

I (Maureen) see a great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“I am the Eternal Now. I am He Who coaxes every bud to bloom in the Spring. I am He Who nourishes the crops in the Summer. I am He Who blesses the harvest in the Fall, Who colors the leaves in their radiant glory and guides each one to the ground as they fall. I am He Who forms the pattern of each and every snowflake in the Winter.”

“It is I, your Eternal Father, Who forms new life at conception, human life bearing a spirit and a soul, life that is destined to share eternity with Me in Heaven. Only I can form life in the womb. When man destroys My creation, he shows disrespect for My creation and disrespect for Me. Moral degeneration is the bad fruit of disharmony with My Divine Will. This disharmony breeds disease, war and calamities.”

“So I am telling you once again, restore respect for life in your hearts and you will have peace and prosperity. This is the singular solution you seek, O man of earth! You cannot negotiate this issue, just as you cannot negotiate peace. Do not be fooled by the enemy of your soul to believe otherwise.”

“I am your Eternal Father.”

Also see related heavenly message, etc.:
Blessed Virgin Mary – “This is my promise – If the world repents of this one sin, I will hold back the chastisements of God and there will be a springtime without a winter”

‘Free Offer’ – Rosary of the Unborn Finger Card – Holy Love Ministry

Also see related blog webpages:
Reasons To Choose Life For Your Unborn Baby – Be Pro-Life

Our Lady – Mary – Speaks To The Mother Of An Aborted Child

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – January 1, 2019 Update

Prophet John Leary

Tuesday, January 1, 2019
(Solemnity of Mary)

Blessed Mother said: “My dear son, I hear all of your prayers for your family members. Some of them have a high price, and they need deliverance prayers, as your long form of the St. Michael prayer. Try to remember this prayer every night, because they definitely need persistent prayers, and you are the only ones praying for them. Souls can be saved, but you need to be persistent for the hard cases. I am thankful that you pray to Me and Jesus every day. Your prayer life is a good example to others. You know how important it is to be linked to us in love because we can help you with your intentions. I give them to Jesus, and He always listens to His Blessed Mother. Try to encourage others to pray daily, and come to Mass when possible. For you, who receives messages from us, it is a necessity to keep your gifts. Continue in your missions of sharing our messages, and preparing your refuge. Now, you need to plan your next practice run, and start your new DVD.”

Monday, December 31, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, this vision has two meanings for the end of the year. As with St. John’s beginning when he spoke of Me as the Word, you are all waiting for My return, or your death, whichever comes first. You still are busy saving souls, but your waiting is also cause to have a pure soul with frequent Confession. The other sign of waiting are the poor souls in purgatory, who are anxious to be with Me in heaven, and get out of the punishment of purgatory. Souls in purgatory do suffer not having My love, but they are promised one day to be with Me in heaven. Some souls in lower purgatory even suffer flames, a little as in hell. This is a true burning all over their soul bodies. This is also why I ask you to pray for the souls in purgatory, and have Masses offered for those souls who you know. You could even have Masses said for yourself in your will to help those in your family to remember your soul. The souls, who have been separated from their bodies, want you to have pictures of them, so you can remember to pray for them to get out of purgatory.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that America would suffer much from natural disasters. In the vision you are seeing a large tsunami wave come against your East coast. This could flood many of your coastal cities, and it could be more damaging than a power outage. Your prayers could minimize the damage, but America will be seeing more devastation, as your storms will continue to intensify. Prepare to move inland if such a wave comes. This is why I have warned My faithful not to live near rivers or oceans. Be prepared to leave for My refuges when your lives are threatened.”

Sunday, December 30, 2018
(Holy Family Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, the dark clouds over your families are a sign of how your morals have deteriorated. Many families are divorced or separated, and only a third of your households have a husband and wife present. Many of your couples do not get married, but they live together in fornication. An even lower number get married in the Church. Because of all of your abortions, sexual sins, and birth control, this is why there is a dark cloud over your households. The parents have become lax in training their children with good morals, teaching them their prayers, and coming to Sunday Mass and Confession. Without good examples, now you see why the children live immorally. My Warning will wake up all sinners, but they still have to choose to love Me in order to be saved. Give your children good examples both physically and spiritually. A time is coming when I will separate the good people from the evil people. My faithful will come to My refuges, but the evil and lukewarm people will be cast into hell. Follow Me in My Commandments, if you want to come to heaven.”

Saturday, December 29, 2018
(St. Thomas Becket)

Jesus said: “My people, you know this world has evil people in it that are controlled by the devil. All of My teachings about love of God and love of neighbor are contrary to the way the worldly think. This is why people in authority persecute anyone who is against their way of life. In the last few days you saw St. Stephen stoned to death, the babies in Bethlehem were killed, and now St. Thomas Becket was killed in England. You will encounter evil people in your country, and shortly you will see all Christians being persecuted, and you will need to come to My refuges to avoid being killed. Pray for your persecutors and follow My laws of love.”

Jesus said: “My people, you see in the vision how many people come to large stadiums to watch football games, but how many of these people are willing to attend Sunday Mass? Your Mass attendance is slowly dropping and the young people are not attending Mass much. Your demographics show more older people and older priests are coming to Mass. Your people are more interested in entertainment and comforts, than taking time to come to Mass. Even fewer are coming to frequent Confession. The Antichrist will take advantage of this large stadium mentality. When mandatory chips in the body are in place, the Antichrist will call his subjects to these stadiums, and he will control their minds by hypnotism through the chips in the body. I am calling My faithful not to take any chip in the body, even if you are martyred for not taking it. When the evil ones announce mandatory chips in the body are necessary for buying and selling, then My faithful need to come to My refuges of protection. Those people, who take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be condemned to hell. I will protect My faithful from the evil ones at My refuges throughout the whole tribulation.”

Friday, December 28, 2018
(The Holy Innocents)

Jesus said: “My people, these babies, who were killed in Bethlehem by Herod, have a special small mansion in heaven because they are considered martyrs for Me. When we escaped to Egypt, these babies took My place to satisfy the wrath of King Herod, who did not want anyone to threaten his throne. You have a lot of ruthless leaders throughout history, who have killed their own people for fighting against them. You are fortunate to have your current President who protects his people from the deep state evil ones. On this feast you also are reminded of all the innocent unborn babies who are being slaughtered by the pro-abortion elements of your society. Those people, who struggle to allow the legalization of abortion are working for the devil, and they will have a heavy price to pay at their judgments. Pray to convert these evil ones, and pray to stop your abortions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you for the coming Warning, but people have not been preparing with frequent Confession as I told you to do. If you do not cleanse your soul, more people will be seeing experiences deep in purgatory. Many of My faithful know enough to come to Confession, but they are spiritually lazy. You are coming down to the last moments before My Warning, yet you do not see the need to cleanse your souls. You need to mark a particular Saturday on your calendar so you can remember to come to Confession. Do not plan anything on that afternoon. If you allow the evil one to fill up your Saturdays with events, then you will not have time for your Confession. It is only with a clean soul that you can avoid any hell or deep purgatory experiences at your Warning. You need to be ready for the Warning, because evil events will happen quickly after the six weeks of conversion. Continue your good prayer life every day as well.”

Thursday, December 27, 2018
(St. John the Apostle & Evangelist)

Jesus said: “My son, you have just celebrated My birth, and now this Gospel is celebrating My Resurrection. In one sense, you are seeing the purpose of My coming in Bethlehem, which is My sacrifice on the cross for all the sins of mankind. When you celebrate and give witness to My Resurrection, you are joining in My victory over sin and death. My Resurrection is a preview of all of you at the judgment, when those people, who are worthy, will be joined again with a glorified body. You will be made whole again as I intended. In your vision of St. John’s place of burial, you also remember how he acknowledged that you are carrying on his preaching about the end times. Continue to go out to all the nations and spread the Good News of My Resurrection, and the salvation for all souls who accept Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, in a previous message I asked you to pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet to help save some souls who died in the Indonesian tsunami. You saw the Indonesian people praying for those who died in this tragedy. This is just one more natural disaster that is happening all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many occasions for having a Mass outside, especially during the summer. You just celebrated My birth at Christmas, and you have a beautiful crib scene in front of your altar in this chapel. You have been with your family in sharing gifts, and it is good to see your relatives who live far away. Even a week’s stay went quickly while you had them at your house. You will see them again when you come to your March for Life.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have called you to go and speak where you are invited, wherever you are led. I am pleased with all of your talks, and all the effort you took to visit many people with My messages. The people, who invited you, paid for your travel expenses, and they provided your meals and a place to stay. Give praise and thanks to Me for helping you in this mission.”

Jesus said: “My people, adoption of children is a special option in your Right to Life effort, where pregnant mothers could give life to their children instead of having an abortion. In the movie, ‘Instant Family’, you saw a married couple decide to adopt three siblings, and one of them was a teenager. They went through some trials before they could trust each other, but it had a happy ending with a new family. At the end of the movie they showed several adopted families. Many orphans are striving to have someone adopt them, and it can be a joy to bring up a young child that is desperate for love and a place to belong.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to try and get another job when you find yourself unemployed. It is proper for family members to do what they can to help their own members until they can find another job. It is more difficult when the unemployed person has loan commitments on homes and cars. Your other members could chip in to help the one in need. You can also offer your prayers for the unemployed person to find another job. This unemployed person should thank anyone who is willing to help.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate that your Bishop comes every year to support this cause for saving the aborted babies. Your pictures gave witness of your Rochester, N.Y. support of this cause as a family Diocese. You are preparing to make this trip again to take a stand against abortion in your country. You can see how strongly the pro-abortion people are in fighting this cause, when they tried every way to block Judge Bret Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court. Pray to stop abortion in America.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph was given a warning in a dream to take the Holy Family to Egypt, to avoid Herod’s attempt to have Me killed. Unfortunately, all the boys under two years old were killed in Bethlehem. You have even seen the holocaust in World War II where millions of Jews were killed by Hitler. Now, you are seeing another holocaust of the killing of unborn babies by abortion. Your country’s Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion is why I am allowing many natural disasters to punish your country for all the killing of My babies. Continue to pray to stop abortion in your daily prayers.”

Wednesday, December 26, 2018
(St. Stephen)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Stephen was brave and dedicated to Me, even when his life was at stake. He was the first martyr after My Resurrection. My faithful will also be suffering from the persecution of the evil ones, who do not want to hear about Me. I will give you what to say whenever people try to put you down for My sake. The Holy Spirit will speak through you. You may suffer to witness about Me now, but later you will be vindicated in My Era of Peace. So do not be fearful of the coming tribulation, because I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges. There will be some people who will die as martyrs for My sake, but all those, who will die, will be raised up in My Era of Peace. Trust in My protection, and you will be rewarded in the Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, many conflicts with spouses or people living together comes from anger that leads to swearing and physical abuse. If you truly love and respect someone, you would not resort to verbal or physical abuse. There may be disagreements or differences of opinion, but it is better to make compromises, than resort to violence. Spouses and couples need to pray together so you can show your love for Me, and those people around you. You need to pray for each other as well. Families at peace can accomplish more spiritual good works when you keep close to Me. Call on My help in all that you do.”

Tuesday, December 25, 2018
(Christmas Day)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My birth as a baby in a stable. Then you saw how Herod wanted to kill Me, but St. Joseph was warned in a dream to flee with us into Egypt. Herod killed the innocent baby boys of Bethlehem in an attempt to kill Me. You also are seeing the many abortions of babies in the womb. This is why you are receiving a punishment of disasters because of your ruthless killing of My babies. In the vision you also could be praying your Divine Mercy Chaplets for all the people in Indonesia who were killed by a recent tsunami. You will be seeing more disasters from earthquakes and volcanoes, so prepare your souls for what is to come.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you many times that the Warning would happen most likely during the football season, which is between September and February of a following year. This is why you saw a football in the vision, which is another indication that the Warning is very close. After the Warning happens, the tribulation will follow close behind. You are seeing many end time signs, so I am warning My faithful to have their backpacks ready to leave for My refuges. My refuge builders have finished their preparations, and they are ready to receive My faithful, once I give the word. Repent of your sins, and get your souls ready for My Warning.”

Monday, December 24, 2018
(Christmas Eve)

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Light of the world, and My Light overcomes the darkness of evil. In the vision of the lighthouse, it is My Light that leads you to Me and avoids the rocks or temptations of the evil ones. It was My Star that led the Magi to My place of birth in Bethlehem. They gave Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which were kingly gifts. They were directed not to return to Herod. My birth is a fulfillment of the Scriptures that I would be born of a virgin. Give praise and glory to Me on Christmas, even as My angels constantly sing My praises.”

Sunday, December 23, 2018
(Fourth Sunday of Advent)

Jesus said: “My people, this stage is representing how you lived your life in public, and now you are facing your judgment before Me, for what you did in life. The roulette table means I want you to love Me and follow Me without gambling on your eternal destination. When you love Me and adore Me, you are assured of a place in heaven. When you love Me, you must love your neighbor as well, and you also need to repent of your sins. I came on the earth out of love for all of you, so I could die on the cross for all of your sins. So do not fear the evil ones because you can cleanse your souls in Confession if you fall into sin. I love all of you so much and I come to you as a baby in Bethlehem. Sing praise to Me as the angels do.”

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, you had a few warm days, and now you are back into the winter cold. Many of your families are traveling to meet your relatives for Christmas. You remember how difficult it was for our family that we had to travel away from our friends on the first Christmas. There are some now who will be facing difficult weather conditions to visit their parents’ home. Pray for everyone’s safe journey. It is always good news to be all together a few times each year, but especially on My birthday. Remember to keep My Name in Christmas, and to greet people with ‘Merry Christmas.’

Jesus said: “My people, you may think the evil ones are controlling things, but I only allow them to have limited influence over My people. I do not fear them, and My faithful should not fear them either, because you have Me protecting you. A time is coming when I will bring My final victory over the evil ones, who I will cast into hell. Then I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. So bear with the trials of your life for now, because you will soon be at My Era of Peace with no more evil. Only those people who love Me and do My Will, will have their reward in My Era of Peace.”

Friday, December 21, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, you are so blessed that I came down from heaven to be among you as a God-man to share all of your troubles, pains, and sufferings of human life. I have made all of you in My Image that you can choose to love Me or not by your own free will. As you prepare for Christmas, think about the miracle of My Incarnation that I love all of you so much, that I became a God-man so one day I could sacrifice Myself for your sins. In My teachings in My public life, I brought you My loving ways, so I could fulfill the Commandments of love of God and love of neighbor. By My life on earth I have given you a way to live according to My Will, as all of creation is in harmony with My Will. Give praise and thanks to Me for coming to you on Christmas, and for all I do for you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a vision of drops of blood that I shed for all of mankind, when I was climbing Mount Calvary on My way to My crucifixion. You may have to endure some suffering in this life, but it is not nearly as harsh as My crucifixion. You can join your suffering with Mine, and you will gain some graces for your judgment. Many people shy away from pain and suffering, and you reach for pain pills when it is needed. Even when you pray and do good works, the devil attacks you to try and discourage you from doing good. Move forward according to your own will, and do not be distracted by the things of the world. I love all of you, and you can call on My angels and graces to support you in times of trouble and stress.”

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in Isaiah how Ahaz gave a sign that a virgin shall conceive a son and call Him Emmanuel. Then in the Gospel of St. Luke you are seeing this prophecy fulfilled, when St. Gabriel told My Blessed Mother that she would conceive a son by the Holy Spirit and His Name would be called Jesus. Then My Blessed Mother gave her fiat in saying let it be done to me according to your word. This is when I came to earth in the womb of My Blessed Mother. The whole world and the souls in sheol rejoiced that the Messiah would soon be born to eventually suffer the cross for their sins. After My death and Resurrection, the gates of heaven were opened to all worthy souls. All of the people of today are also promised heaven if they seek My forgiveness, and give their fiat to accept Me in love. So prepare yourselves to receive Me at Christmas with a clean soul from Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times you need to clean out the dust in your heat ducts, and also remove any blockages in your arteries to the heart. Your soul can gather darkness from your venial sins. This is why you need to come to monthly Confession to clean out your sins to give you a clean soul. This is also a good preparation for My coming at Christmas. You want to have a clean soul when you receive Me in Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to follow in My footsteps as you try to imitate My way of life. You need to focus on doing My Will instead of following your own will. It is not easy to look beyond all the distractions and pleasures of this world. I am calling all of My faithful to follow Me on the narrow road to heaven. Call on your guardian angels to help you every day to keep your focus on Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a beautiful Adoration chapel where you could visit Me when it is convenient for you. Many times My tabernacle sits alone with very few people coming to visit Me and keep Me company. I am the Creator of this world, and you need to acknowledge Me with your love. Even tonight I thank you for your prayers, and your presence to adore Me. I also thank you every night you pray to Me in your Adoration DVD. This being close to Me, lets Me know you are sincerely in love with Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank you for acknowledging Me in your Advent candles as you light them every night. This is a good tradition to remember each of the four weeks of Advent. You are preparing your Christmas gifts to share with your family and friends. You could also thank those people who bring your newspaper, or your mailman for their year long service for you. You can pray for your priests and share with them for all the daily Masses they offer for you. These are all kindnesses you could do for those people who help you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, at times I come knocking on the door of your soul so you could let Me in to share My love with you. If you truly love Me, you need to show Me in your daily prayers, and your Holy Communion at daily Mass. You can also perform good works for people when you see them in need of your help and your skills. You can also pray for your family and friends to help them in their spiritual lives. Thank you for all the ways you show your love for Me and all those people in your life.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you saw someone drowning in cold water, you would want to throw them a life preserver and pull them out of the water quickly before they drown or freeze. In the same way you can see people drowning in their sins or their addictions. You should quickly encourage them to Confession, or you could pray deliverance prayers to help save their souls. Some souls, who are away from Me, have a high price on their soul. It may require a long time of constant prayer to bring them back to Me. Do not give up on any soul.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen ambulances taking people to the emergency room to provide life saving help to save that life. In a spiritual emergency, you may have to get a priest quickly to give the last rites to a dying person. I allow deathbed conversions, but people need to come to Me sooner, and not wait until the last moment. If you want to come to heaven, you need to repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness in Confession at least once a month. You all are mortal and will die one day. So keep your soul clean, so you are ready every day, in case you come to your judgment suddenly. I love all of you, and I do not want to lose any soul to the evil one.”

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you read how Samson and St. John the Baptist had miraculous births by their mothers who conceived in their old age. Zachariah was made mute by St. Gabriel for not believing the angel’s message. His mouth was loosened when St. John the Baptist was being named. By these miracles, the people knew that this child would have a special mission. St. John the Baptist was the herald in the desert to announce My coming. All of these accounts show you My plan of salvation for all of mankind. My Blessed Mother also had a miraculous birth of Myself, but it was by the Holy Spirit that she conceived Me. Truly you can see how the Blessed Trinity can do the impossible.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read the accounts of My birth in a stable because My parents could not find room at the inns with any privacy. I was born and placed in a manger where the animals ate their food. This was a humble setting in Bethlehem. We traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem which was difficult to travel in My day with a donkey. Later in life, I traveled on a colt into Jerusalem with palms celebrating My coming. Give praise and thanks to God that I came as a God-man so I could sacrifice My life for all the sins of mankind.”

God the Father – “The Remnant supports traditional marriage and does not accept compromise in gender identification”

Holy Love Ministry

January 3, 2019

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, let us begin this New Year with a renewed commitment to unity in the Truth of My Commandments. This commitment is the foundation of My Remnant Faithful. The unity of My Remnant is a unity of hearts – hearts that are guided by the Truth of My Commandments.”

“The Remnant does not seek to redefine the Truth or to compose new doctrine which appeases sin. The Remnant supports traditional marriage and does not accept compromise in gender identification. These are standards of Truth according to My Commandments. Any attempt at challenging the Truth, tempts My Wrath. So, then, you can imagine how close the world is to My Wrath. Indeed, society teeters on the brink of the satisfaction of My Justice.”

“It is important that the Remnant Faithful continue to defend the Truth. You, dear Remnant, hold at bay, My Justice.”

Read Philippians 2:1-2+

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any incentive of love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.

Read Ephesians 2:19-22+

So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone, in whom the whole structure is joined together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord; in whom you also are built into it for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Also see:

Jesus And Mary Speak To Those With Same-Sex Attraction (Homosexuality)

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria – “Glory to God in Heaven and on earth Peace to men of good will”

Revelaciones Marianas

DECEMBER 24, 2018

Beloved children of God:

Finding myself enraptured in the love radiated by the Divine Child in the Manger of the “King of Kings and Lord of Lords,” (Rev. 19.16; I Tim 6:15) the Angelic Choirs sing what Creation, in a respectful silence of adoration, does not say:



I see the Divine Word being fulfilled and before all creation, the defenseless Man-God is protected by all the Angels of God. PREPARE THE WAY, THE SAVIOR HAS COME!

The Savior, until the end of time, will permanently keep calling His children so that they accept being saved and so that His Sacrifice is not in vain.

Humanity has been purified because of its lack of obedience and humility … How difficult it is for man to see his own mistakes and recognize the Love of loves in his brothers and sisters!


O Man!, eyes clouded by the darkness of pride and stubbornness are an obstacle preventing the drops of Divine Love from clarifying the vision of those who never find satisfaction for their reasoning, for their intellect, and these stone hearts will be forcefully polished.

The Great Maker does not want any of His children to be lost, therefore what is given to the simple and humble of heart is not given to the learned, because some will never come to recognize the Light of God in a humble creature, but the humble will indeed recognize the one who, like them, bears the Good News. People – look, do not close your ears, for night is falling!


That approaches which will maintain the heart of man as if in darkness without being darkness, and in confusion out of fear of recognizing how finite man is. Man prefers to remain isolated out of fear of confessing his need for God in his life, he refuses to be instructed out of fear of accepting what is of God.


How limited is the man who expands without any breadth where he ought not to and, without limits, crosses over where he ought not to, coming spiritually to a halt while being capable of transcending more of what his eyes can see!

How much I would like to see man rising up in his spirit and scaling the heights of true Wisdom proceeding from the Holy Spirit, without halting the growth for which he should long, believing in Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, of what is visible and invisible!

O Man, see the one who has come to save you! Do not close the door to Him, carry faith forward and ascend, but say: “I believe in God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth …” Say it, confess it with your words that the Word was not made, the Word already existed from the beginning. Do not forget that in the beginning God made Heaven and Earth through the Word that was with God, that was God … (cf. I John 1,1).

God made man did not come to man as a sinner – no! – but He did come to save the sinner who wishes to make amends and to be saved.


Every prayer is light, every prayer is charity, every prayer is brotherhood.
Every amen is light, every amen is a yes, every amen is love.
Every Mass celebrated worthily and every Communion worthily received, spreads throughout creation.

Salvation is for all Humanity and every act in favor of that knowledge is light that spreads, repairs, and is an act before the Celestial Throne in favor of people of good will who intercede for their brothers and sisters.


Do not hold back, people of good will, do not hold back, and confess in words: “I believe in God Almighty, Creator of Heaven and Earth…”


Pray, people of goodwill, the earth shakes and the People of God pray and cry out, make reparation and act, love with Divine Love in the unity of the Sacred Hearts.

May you be blessed for your works,

St. Michael the Archangel


God the Father – “Children, let us begin this New Year (2019) by having heartfelt confidence that prayer can change things”

Holy Love Ministry

January 2, 2019

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, let us begin this New Year by having heartfelt confidence that prayer can change things. Therefore, do not be so concerned for the way things are in the present. Focus on the good that the strength of your prayers can do. Discouragement weakens your prayers.”

“In the New Jerusalem, My Victory will be complete – then souls will see the good their prayers have accomplished. They will fully understand the force of free-will decisions. I embrace your best efforts and your weakest efforts. I lend strength to embellish your weakest prayers. Have faith the size of a mustard seed.”

Read Matthew 17:20b+

“For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.”

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Next Public Apparition at Holy Love Ministries – Divine Mercy Sunday, April 28, 2019 – God the Father will impart His Patriarchal Blessing

Holy Love Prayer Services Schedule
(NOTE: All prayer services will be live-streamed on the internet: http://holyloveministries.yourstreamlive.com/)

Holy Love Ministry

December 30, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“My daughter,* I come to you today, My faithful instrument, to inform you that on the Feast of Divine Mercy,** I will be there in the Field of the United Hearts.*** It is during Jesus’ Apparition I will impart My Patriarchal Blessing.**** My Son will tell you when this happens. Many will feel the effects. I look forward to sharing My Most Powerful Blessing with all present.”

* Visionary – Maureen Sweeney Kyle.
** Sunday, April 28, 2019, during the 3PM Ecumenical Prayer Service.
*** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
**** To understand the significance of the Patriarchal Blessing please refer to the Messages of August 7, 18, 22, 23, 24 and October 9, 2017, as well as, August 11, 2018. The Patriarchal Blessing has only been imparted three times to date – August 6 and October 7, 2017, as well as, August 5, 2018.


For Pilgrimage Information:

If you live in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, or Maryland, pilgrimages are organized to Holy Love Ministries in Ohio by Angels of Maranatha. See their website for more information: http://www.angelsofmaranatha.org

Shrine Information:
A Pilgrim’s Guide to Maranatha Spring & Shrine (76 pages)
A Children’s Guide to Blessed Mother’s Shrine of Holy Love (28 pages)

For further consideration:
Book Review – Intimate Messages From Heaven – The Story Of Holy Love Ministries – By Wayne Weible

Beautiful Audio Testimony of Wayne Weible on Our Lady of Medjugorje and Holy Love Ministry

God the Father – “I offer you this encouragement today in My Divine Love – I am always listening to your heart”

Holy Love Ministry

December 29, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“I have come to help you better understand certain events in the life of the Ministry.* The perseverance you have had in establishing this Ministry has been remarkable in itself. Please be reminded that My Son was misunderstood by the powers that be, as has this Mission.** It was for much the same reasons – fear of loss of power – fear of loss of influence over important people.”

“You have had to move so many times just to find a place to assemble and pray as misinformation followed you – even moved ahead of you – instigated by powerful sources. But, now we are here.*** The graces attendant to this site are remarkable – unprecedented. I call you to rejoice in God’s goodness. Pray for those who misled many about the spiritual favors granted here. They continue to do so. They – in so doing – deny the power of Heaven. Pray that their consciences are convicted before it is too late. They will not receive a favorable judgment because of important titles in the world, but will be held accountable for ways their influence was used.”

“This Mission, and all it stands for, is about the salvation of souls. It is on earth to strengthen the Church upon earth – not to compete with it.”

“Now, I speak to those who mourn the way of their children. You may be disappointed as to the choices they have made in life, especially if they do not accept responsibility for their own salvation. I see all the errors in the hearts of so, so many of My children. They cause grief to the Mournful Heart of My Son – sorrow to the Heart of the Holy Mother.**** Yet, they are not forgotten by Heaven. Continue to pray for those you know and even those you do not know.”

“I offer you this encouragement today in My Divine Love. I am always listening to your heart.”

* The ecumenical Ministry of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
*** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
**** Blessed Virgin Mary.

Read Wisdom of Solomon 6:1-9+

Listen therefore, O kings, and understand;
learn, O judges of the ends of the earth.

Give ear, you that rule over multitudes,
and boast of many nations.

For your dominion was given you from the Lord,
and your sovereignty from the Most High,
who will search out your works and inquire into your plans.

Because as servants of his kingdom you did not rule rightly,
nor keep the law,
nor walk according to the purpose of God,

he will come upon you terribly and swiftly,
because severe judgment falls on those in high places.

For the lowliest man may be pardoned in mercy,
but mighty men will be mightily tested.

For the Lord of all will not stand in awe of any one,
nor show deference to greatness;
because he himself made both small and great,
and he takes thought for all alike.

But a strict inquiry is in store for the mighty.

To you then, O monarchs, my words are directed,
that you may learn wisdom and not transgress.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

BLOG POST: Holy Love Ministries – Maranatha Spring and Shrine – North Ridgeville, Ohio, USA – Overview and Invitation

Also see:
Prayer For The Gift Of Protection For Children And Young People (Book of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy)

Our Lady – Mary – Speaks To Parents Worried About Their Children

Also see, this free downloadable and printable PDF booklet from Direction For Our Times:
“Heaven Speaks To Parents Who Worry About Their Children’s Salvation”

Holy Love Ministries e-Booklet – Conversations with Divine Love – Messages from Jesus Christ

COMMENT (By a soul):
My favorite Holy Love booklet is “Conversations with Divine Love.”  I have read it multiple times and each time, I gleam something different.  The messages from Jesus are very beautiful and touch the heart.  If you have never read it before, I would like to invite you to do so.  Here is a link to the PDF e-booklet: http://www.holylove.org/files/med_1191952424.pdf  Also, here are some messages from the booklet to pique your interest.  God bless!

August 22, 2000
Conversation with Divine Love

“I have come to welcome you. I am Divine Love—Jesus, born Incarnate. I have offered My Heart as an open wound of love to heal the wounds of humanity. And so each one who comes after Me through the Chambers of My Heart must also offer their hearts for the conversion of the world through love. This Message—this spiritual journey—is one that demands surrender of self-will. It is not enough to believe. Belief in Holy and Divine Love demands surrender.”

“I cherish the heart that is so inclined. Such a heart receives the fullness of My grace. This means, My messenger, that the heart that sincerely tries to surrender his own will receives all the grace he needs from Me to succeed. Thus I am able to restore and replenish his soul from moment to moment. Purgatory is overflowing with souls who believe in these Messages but did not respond. Also amongst the numbers in purgatory are those who have rash judged My Mother’s apparitions in the world without investigating them justly. We must pray for such as these.”

“The Chambers of My Heart can only lead to sanctity. I long for souls to enter and pursue perfection—union with the Divine Will. Before I return you will witness how this Message impacts the Church and society.”

September 12, 2000
Conversation with Divine Love

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Child, I have long awaited your arrival. Not only at this chapel, but at the place you are now spiritually. Come into the light that surrounds My Wounds and embraces My Most Sacred Heart. It is My call to you. I have revealed to you, as to no other, the innermost Chambers of My Heart. While the world knew the stages of spirituality, now I have revealed the way to pursue each one. Now the whole of humanity can know My Heart. Do not hesitate to spread this word of Our United Hearts and the Chambers everywhere. If they reject the Message, they reject Me.”

Maureen: “Jesus is there anything we can do, any prayer we can say, or people we can contact to spread this more?”

“Do not fear, My child, the door slamming in your face. That is pride. If you fear rejection and therefore do not spread this Message, it means you love your reputation more than you love Me. And you never know, some doors may open wide that you thought would hit you in the nose.”

“We move forward one soul at a time. I know you don’t like math (He smiles), but one and one make two. Small efforts mount and add up. Be certain of it. The world cannot place a price on a soul. The world cannot comprehend eternity. This is evidence of the great abyss that has been fixed between man and Creator through free will. But the Chambers of My Heart stand open now and ready to bridge the gap between Heaven and earth.”

“All that remains is for humanity to choose it. Pray then for hearts to choose these Sacred Chambers. I await them.”

“The incredible light that you now see streaming from My Wounds will some day enlighten every heart and convict every conscience. Then hearts will hunger for holiness instead of scorning it. Spiritual appetites will crave union with the Divine Will of My Father. Values will change and this spirituality will be sought after.”

“It is then that the end will be the beginning.”

March 26, 2005
Conversation with Divine Love
(Holy Saturday)

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“After My death on the Cross, I descended to a place which was neither Hell nor Purgatory—a place where many awaited Me—the patriarchs—Moses, My foster father Joseph, to name a few. Before I released them to enter the glory of Heaven, I charged each one of them to pray for My Love and Mercy to be made known in these last days.”

“I bid them pray for the Divine Mercy Revelation and for the Confraternity of the United Hearts—the two vehicles of My Divine Love and Divine Mercy. I made them understand that these vehicles of My Love and Mercy would convert and save a multitude before My return. Then I sent them to Heaven.”

God the Father – “I will lift your hearts to the heights of Heaven if you trust Me through Holy Love”

Holy Love Ministry

December 28, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, I am all Truth and I am in all Truth. Charge your hearts with what I am telling you. Sacrifices and prayers are only as worthy as they are in support of the Truth. The Truth has its boundaries in Holy Love.”

“This being said, allow your lives to be defined by Holy Love. The enemy is constantly searching out inroads to eat away at the Holy Love in your hearts. Discouragement and confusion are two of his hallmarks, as is disunity. Those who do not embrace Holy Love are very often evil instruments in the world. This is why you have political issues which are really moral issues.”

“Entrust your hearts to Holy Love. Then I will be a part of your every problem and every decision. I will support you in every attack and hold your problems in My Heart, never abandoning you. You will witness the inner workings of grace and find new ways to believe. I will lift your hearts to the heights of Heaven if you trust Me through Holy Love.”

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7,13+

Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. . . So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Read Psalm 4:5+

Offer right sacrifices, and put your trust in the LORD.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Blog Post: What Is Holy Love? Holy Love Is…

Angel of the Lord to Valentina Papagna – “Console the Lord and proclaim His Holy Word to people – He wants to love and to bless everyone this Christmas”

Heavenly Messages
As Given to Seer, Valentina Papagna

December 5, 2018

The Nativity of the Holy Family

After I had just finished my evening prayers, I had a most beautiful vision of the Nativity of the Holy Family.

In the darkness of the night a most brilliant light, and radiance surrounded the stable, which was a large open cave. The silvery brightness from the light of the star was so intense that it was as though the star from the heavens had descended and shone directly above the cave. Everything was so bright.

Sitting in the middle of the stable was Mary the Mother of Baby Jesus, holding Baby Jesus on her lap. She was dressed in a most beautiful red tunic with a white mantilla that extended to her elbows. I could see how her hair was beautifully twisted around her head. Baby Jesus was all in white. I could see St Joseph kneeling beside them. Multitudes of shining bright angels surrounded them, praising and adoring the newly born King. Around the stable, facing Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus, I could also see many shepherds, kneeling in adoration. The holy shepherds were wearing garments of a combination of white and brown shades.

In front of the stable, I could see many lambs and sheep. The little lambs came up close to Baby Jesus. They were sleeping peacefully and gently resting their little heads on top of each other, as though they were resting their heads on the softest pillow. Their wool was so long and beautiful.

On the other side, behind blessed Mother, I could see lying on the ground an ox and also a donkey. This donkey was the one that carried Blessed Mother and accompanied St Joseph to Bethlehem.

As it was so cold in the stable, the animals surrounded the Holy Family to keep them warm. Everything looked so beautiful and colourful and real.

So many angels were present, and I could see them prostrating before our Lord Jesus. Then they raised their heads to Heaven and, all in harmony, started to sing the divine canticle:

“Gloria Gloria Gloria”

“Gloria in Excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis”

So that I would understand what they were singing the angels said aloud, “Glory to God in the Highest and Peace to people of goodwill.”

The Blessed Mother, most holy, was very joyful and smiling.

This scene took my breath away. I was praising the newly born King and the Holy Family of Bethlehem.

I said, “My little Jesus, may You be praised and loved by everyone in the world.”

December 7, 2018

My Child, Be Generous

I was making a sandwich to take to a friend when suddenly our Lord Jesus was present. He was watching me as I was selecting the sandwich fillings and carefully started placing them on the slices of bread.

I had lettuce, tomato, some cheese, and some ham and I was thinking, how am I going to layer these fillings without them falling out all over the place? So I thought, maybe I should put fewer fillings in the sandwich.

As I was doing this our Lord was watching me and said, “My child, be generous! If you are generous to others, I will be generous to you.”

Our Lord is teaching us not to be stingy with what we give to others, and in what we do for others. Our Lord rewards and watches everything we do.

December 8, 2018

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception

It was late in the evening, and I had just finished praying. In addition to my usual evening prayers, I also repeated the special prayers for the Hour of Grace for the World, which I had prayed today between noon and one o’clock. This devotion requires that during this hour we begin by praying Psalm 51, three times followed by other prayers of choice. Many divine and bodily graces are received when praying this devotion on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

Suddenly, I could hear many footsteps in the house. At first, I thought it was my grandson, as he would sometimes go to the kitchen for an evening snack. I called out to him, but he did not answer. So I assumed that he was asleep.

Worried and anxious, I immediately sat up in bed and listened to determine from which direction the footsteps were coming. They came very close, coming from just outside my bedroom, in the hallway.

I then became frightened and started to panic. I began to wonder, who are all those people walking around in my house?

Suddenly, a most brilliant golden light swept through my entire room. I watched in amazement as my room instantly became full of people and angels. They were all very cheerful. I had received a heavenly visitation.

Amongst the visitors, I could see our Lord Jesus, Blessed Mother, St Joseph, St Padre Pio, St Therese of the Child Jesus and many other saints and angels. I would say there were about twenty saints, and many, many angels. Blessed Mother looked so beautiful, dressed in pure white, as today was the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Her spouse St Joseph was quite tall with short hair. He was clothed in a blue-brown coloured garment on which was woven a most decorative golden embroidery, signifying royalty.

Slightly nervous, I asked the visitors, “Did you come to get me?” I was sure that this was the reason they were in my room.

They were all smiling and said, “No, we didn’t come to get you. We have just come to visit you. In Heaven we all agreed and said, let us go and visit Valentina and give her a surprise and cheer her up. We love you, and we are your best friends, and that is why we have come.”

As soon as they all came into my room, Lord Jesus, dressed in a beautiful red garment, walked right up to me and stood beside my bed. In my heart, I sensed Him saying, “Fear not!”

Our Lord then picked up the Holy Bible, which was lying on my bedside table, and started turning the pages to read some passages. In the meantime, St Padre Pio, who is a very powerful Saint in Heaven, came up close to me. He was so happy. He was wearing a beautiful white and gold chasuble over his brown habit.

St Padre Pio said, “Valentina, we know you have a lot of suffering, and that is why we have come to visit you, to give you encouragement. You have many enemies, but fear not, nobody can harm you. We all pray for you in Heaven. Proclaim the Word of God to people. Tell them to repent and to believe in God. It is good for their soul and their salvation. You must tell them that.”

Everybody in the room was happily talking. I felt immense joy at having so many special Heavenly guests.

Our Lord Jesus, holding the open Bible turned to me and showed me what He would like me to read. He started to read a passage from Holy Scripture which was about Himself, while He was here on Earth preaching to people. He specifically said that I should read from St Peter, St Matthew, St Luke, and St John. Our Lord said, “You will learn a lot from these readings, they are good teachings for this time.” I was like a little student next to our Lord.

Thank you, my Lord, Mother Mary, St Joseph, and all the angels and saints, for coming to visit me, little nothing.

Our Lord said, “Each time you put yourself down, you humble yourself.”

December 9, 2018

Attendance at Prayer Group

Today I was invited to attend a prayer group.

During the Rosary Prayer, Blessed Mother and Lord Jesus both kept appearing to me.

They smiled and said, “We are very pleased when you, dear children gather in prayer groups and you share in a lot of prayers for others who don’t pray and who don’t believe. You console us. These people are of very good faith and they please us very much.”

Thank You, Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother for all the graces received today.

December 14, 2018

Lord Jesus looking for people to love Him

This morning, while I was praying, our Lord Jesus appeared. Two angels, who looked identical, accompanied Him. They were both tall and wearing long, silvery tunics.

Our Lord Jesus didn’t speak; however the two angels did speak and said, “Tell people to prepare well spiritually, for the coming and celebrating of the most holy of all holiest times for the Saviour to be born for all of humanity. He is coming to be born on this earth, the blue planet, given to Him by God the Father.”

Then both angels said, “Do you know that right now, He is going around the world to find people to love Him. But He only finds a few who truly love Him. Most of humanity deny Him and don’t believe in Him. Console the Lord and proclaim His Holy Word to people. He wants to love and to bless everyone this Christmas.”

Our Lord was listening to what the angels were telling me. He was standing beside me, and then three times gently caressed my cheek.

I was so peaceful and happy, but at the same time sad in my heart for the Lord Jesus that He has to come to the world, to beg people to believe in Him and to love Him. How many graces we lose, for not accepting Him and for not believing in Him?