January 7, 2024 (Epiphany) – Jesus Christ – “When the three Kings looked into my eyes, the Holy Spirit anointed them with the Gift of “Love of God”, and so they were the very first Christians whom my Father called… Their lives were changed forever on that cold morning…”


(Source: https://greenscapular.org/web_folder/Adobe/Messages/2024%20Messages/JESUS_01_07_24.pdf )

JANUARY 7, 2024, SUNDAY @ 7:39 A.M.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, are you calling me?

Jesus: Yes my little one, I your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, am calling you.

Anna Marie: My dearest Jesus, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore your Heavenly Father who is the Alpha and the Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes dear one, I your Divine Savior Jesus will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and the Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: My Divine Savior Jesus, please speak for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My dear little one, I have come to speak with you regarding the continued threat over your nation.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.

Jesus: There are other rogue and wicked nations who pose a great threat over your nation. These wicked nations have already stolen from and destroyed the balance of peace and joy of life in their own nations. Now they want to take and destroy the people of your nation. I have prevented this attack before my Father and have asked my Holy Divine Father to prevent this terror attack on your nation for the time being.

Anna Marie: Thank you dear Jesus. Praise you dear Jesus.

Jesus: Continue to pray my beloved Apostles. Your prayers have and will continue to make a difference in the welfare of your citizens and the state of affairs your country is in. Through prayer, all things can be mitigated. Through prayer, you can hold back the Almighty Hand of Wrath that my Father has prepared for your sinful nation. Through prayer, you can convert the most wicked of souls on earth. Through prayer, you will see the Heavenly Kingdom where I will welcome you because of your prayers.

Jesus: Today we celebrate the Epiphany, when the three Wise Men came to bring me their gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. My Father sent them out from their native land, to search for me. They did, all three came at the same time to greet me, the newborn King. When the three Kings looked into my eyes, the Holy Spirit anointed them with the Gift of “Love of God”, and so they were the very first Christians whom my Father called. The three Wise Men continued to research all which was spoken of me, from all the prophets, even how I was to die. Their lives were changed forever on that cold morning when the Wise Men came to adore their new King and received instead the Gift of Spiritual Conversion.

Jesus: My beloved Apostles, continue to pray for your loved ones who have fallen away from holy Mother Church. Pray for your loved ones to return to me, to receive the holy Gift of Conversion, but never give up hope or stop praying for them. Through your holy prayers, you can save humankind from their darkness of wicked people and spirits. No one and no thing is above my Holy Eternal Merciful Father. So do not fear evil, pray to me, your Savior to help you rid your life of evil.

Jesus: My dear one, can you please see that this message is made public today?

Anna Marie: Yes sweet Jesus, I will.

Jesus: Thank you my little one. Be in peace. I am with you always.

Anna Marie: Thank you dear Jesus. Thank you so much my dearest Jesus for coming and speaking. We love you dear Jesus, all Apostles around the world love you Jesus.

Jesus: And I too love all my Apostles around the world. I send out my grace and blessings to all who are celebrating this most holy day revealed by my Father in Heaven. Your loving and Divine Savior, Jesus of Mercy.

End of Message

Please Note: “The Three Kings, or Magi, are mentioned only in the Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12. Few details are given about these men in the Bible, and most of our ideas about them actually come from tradition or speculation. Scripture does not say how many wise men were there, but it is generally assumed there were three since they brought three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.” Quoted from Jack Zavada, Updated on October 8, 2019 and posted on: http://www.LearnReligions.com

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – December 20-26, 2023 Update


Tuesday, December 26, 2023: (St. Stephen)

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that these people killed St. Stephen who was one of the first deacons to be martyred for having faith in Me. There are many saints over the years who were martyred rather than deny their faith in Me. You may not die a martyr’s death, but you can be a dry martyr as you have to suffer through the taunts and verbal abuse for believing in Me. Stand firm in your faith and proclaim the Kingdom of God is at hand. Pray for endurance in this world of evil people, and trust that the Holy Spirit will give you the words to defend yourself from the evil ones.”

Monday, December 25, 2023: (Christmas Day)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother could not find a private room at an inn, so they accepted to stay in a stable with the animals. The choirs of angels sang the Gloria to the shepherds, and they were told of My birth in the stable. The Magi followed My star to Bethlehem and they presented Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. After St. Joseph’s warning in a dream by an angel, he led the Holy Family to the safety of Egypt, away from Herod who wanted to kill Me. Rejoice as you share My peace on earth, even amidst your wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Israel continuing to bomb Gaza, and it is destroying the buildings and some tunnels. Israel is losing some soldiers, but by their bombing, they are killing more Hamas people in this war. There are many tunnels, so it is hard to see what progress Israel is making. Many Palestinians are dying from the bombing. Hamas does not want to give up the hostages unless Israel stops the war. As long as Israel is making progress against Hamas, they will continue to carry on the war. Pray that peace will come to Gaza and the Ukraine.”

Sunday, December 24, 2023: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)

Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you as you are about to celebrate My birth on Christmas. All the angels were singing the Gloria for the shepherds in the field. My star was leading the Magi to My birth in Bethlehem, as they brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for a king. Rejoice with My angels and heaven, as I was incarnated as a God-man. Bring your gift of love and your soul before Me like the Magi did. You share gifts with each other and you share yourself with Me as you give Me thanks and praise for all that I do for you. I bless all of you, and I give you good health, and healing for the sick when you call on Me in prayer.”

(10:00 p.m. Mass of the Nativity) Jesus said: “My son, you have been to the very spot marked by a star in the cave at Bethlehem where I was born. Even after I was born, St. Joseph was warned in a dream by an angel that he had to quickly take the Blessed Mother and Me to Egypt to avoid Herod from killing Me. I was protected from the evil ones so I could have My three years of ministry with My apostles. I was crucified by the Jews, but I confounded their leaders when I resurrected from the dead. Rejoice on this Christmas celebration which was the start of My bringing salvation to all souls who accept Me in faith.”

Saturday, December 23, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the last few days before Christmas in celebrating My birth in Bethlehem. St. John the Baptist truly is My messenger who proclaimed My Word and he prepared the way for Me. He encouraged the people to repent and be baptized. Baptism is the beginning of your life of faith in Me. Many of you are rushing about to buy gifts for your family and friends. You could also give some donations to the poor. You, My son, are also a messenger to prepare My people for My Second Coming. You also are preparing your refuge to receive the faithful I will send to you. My angels will protect you from the evil ones and you will have your needs multiplied throughout the tribulation. Be prepared in your soul to greet Me at Christmas by coming to Confession to repent of your sins.”

Friday, December 22, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, when you think of Christmas, you think of giving gifts to your family and friends. It should also be a time to give thanks to Me for all the gifts I have given you during your life. In addition to My physical gifts, I give you many spiritual gifts of grace every time you receive My sacraments. You also need to thank Me for your good health and providing the means to pay for what you need for your survival. When the evil ones will be allowed a short takeover during the tribulation, I will give My followers more gifts of My angel protection at My refuges. You will need gifts of My multiplication of your needs. So be at peace this Christmas and thank Me for all I do for you. By your prayers and good works and following My Commandments, you will have the best gift of all in being welcomed into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how your electric grid is vulnerable to various attacks. Even the Chinese hackers have been attacking your infrastructure in water, sewage, and electrical lines. If your transformers were damaged in a widespread area, it would take a long time to replace them. It is the long term power outages that could threaten your people with a possible famine. You remember well when you had an ice storm in 1991 and this shutdown your electricity for eleven days. Be prepared to have alternative heating means in place of your natural gas heaters. Having lights would be needed at night. If you do have such a catastrophic loss of electricity, pray that I will help you through it.”

Thursday, December 21, 2023: (Intention for Robert Bello, deceased)

Jesus said: “My people, this magnifying glass has two meanings, one for Robert Bello, and the other for My Blessed Mother. For Robert it means looking deeply into his life on earth in what he did during that time. Pray for his soul. The second meaning is for My Blessed Mother when she said: ‘My soul doth magnify the Lord.’ (Luke 1:46-55) This was given when My Blessed Mother went to help Elizabeth with her pregnancy in Ein Karem. This was the beginning of My Blessed Mother’s Magnificat. She does not have many words in the Bible, but these words showed how our two hearts are joined together as one. This scene is called the ‘Visitation’ as in the Second Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries. You pray this every day.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you may have seen a manual loom that is used to make rugs. I am showing you this beautiful loom as an example of how I weave your lives to use your skills to carry out your individual missions. You all have various skills that are used to provide for the needs of your society. You all are called to love Me and your neighbor. You can show your love for Me by helping your neighbor in their needs, such as helping by working at a food shelf. You share food with the poor and you work at soup kitchens to distribute the food to them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen accidental fires where candles or heaters can cause fires. You saw some houses that were burned out while you were on your walk. It is sad to see someone lose their home to a fire. It is not easy to start all over seeking another home or rebuilding on the same lot. Pray for people who have lost their homes to fire or weather damage. You could even shelter some people temporarily until they could find a home.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a sharing of gifts on Christmas eve and also a family dinner. It takes some work to cook things and prepare the meal. Give appreciation to all those people who are preparing the many dishes for your dinner. Thank people also for their kind gifts that you share. You can also give bouquets of prayers for all of your relatives. You can offer your prayers for people when you come before My crib at your Nativity scene. I love all of you and this is why I came on the earth as an infant so I could later offer My life in sacrifice to bring salvation to all souls who accept Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing to celebrate My feast of Christmas and that of the Solemnity of My Blessed Mother on New Year’s Day. I want My people to be prepared for any possible terrorist attack, and to pray if possible, that your prayers could stop it. Pray for those people who are sick with Covid or any flu symptoms. Pray for peace in Israel and the Ukraine.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see the evil intent of the Hamas and Iran backers who have the desire to kill the Jews. It is the killing of 1400 innocent Jews by Hamas terrorists that has triggered this war. It is Iran who is training and funding this uprising against Israel. In the Ukraine you are seeing a Russian invasion and an ongoing war as Russia is trying to restore its former empire. Russia has even more intentions of taking back parts of Europe. Your country is providing arms for both of these wars, but keep praying for peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the left Democrats are using all of their tricks and lies to try and prevent Trump from being elected President. They have harassed Trump with made up cases in the courts and now the Democrat controlled Colorado Supreme Court is trying to remove Trump from the primary ballot. This is a true threat to your democracy of the people who deserve the right to elect your leaders. With prayers you could see a correction for this injustice to your candidates.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a dangerous military build up in China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia that is threatening your country and the world’s freedoms. Your current government is not ready for fighting multiple wars. You need a build up of your defenses that are not getting ready for the next Pearl Harbor. You see China threatening to take Taiwan by force as they send planes and ships to harass Taiwan. Be prepared for more coming wars and a possible nuclear attack on your electric grid. Pray for My angels to help protect My faithful during the coming tribulation at My refuges.”

Wednesday, December 20, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to My Blessed Mother. She gave her fiat ‘yes’ to the Angel, and later the Holy Spirit overshadowed her as I was conceived in her womb. This feast is celebrated on March 25th, nine months before Christmas. You, My son, were fortunate to visit the grotto in the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth where Gabriel gave the words of the Hail Mary prayer. You also visited a cave in Bethlehem where a star on the ground indicates where I was born on the first Christmas. Rejoice as you are seeing the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ahaz who said a sign is given that a virgin will have a son, and He will be called Emmanuel.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are so afraid of Trump winning the election for President that they are making up charges in four cases to try and put him in jail. But none of these cases hold much truth. The Fourteenth Amendment does not apply unless Trump is convicted of being an insurrectionist. As such the ruling of the Colorado Court is not proper in a Primary election. It is the people’s right to vote for a candidate, and it should not be up to the court to remove candidates from the ballot. This would set a disastrous precedent to allow courts to ban candidates from an election. This may be a case to be settled by your National Supreme Court. Pray that justice should be upheld in your elections.”

Christmas Eve (Midnight) 2023 – Beautiful Message of the Divine Child Jesus to visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan


Message from the Child Jesus
To Gianna Talone-Sullivan
December 24, 2023-December 25, 2023

My annual visitation of the Child Jesus happened at midnight on December 24, 2023

He was very happy. Smiling and eyes sparkling with life. He said:

I love you. I am happy to be “reborn” in you. All the sufferings I endured from the wood of the cradle to the wood of the cross disappear when I am embraced, loved, and adored. I invite all people to be the Light of the world, fused within My Love. Darkness disappears and the Son shines.

December 25, 2023 – Mary, Our Lady of Medjugorje – Two Christmas Messages


December 25, 2023

The apparition to Jakov Colo began at 2:20 pm and lasted 6 minutes. Our Lady came with little Jesus in her arms. Through Jakov, Our Lady gave the following message:

“Dear children, today with my Son in my arms, I desire to call all of you to pray to the little Jesus for the healing of your heart. Children, often in your hearts sin rules which destroys your life and you can not feel God’s presence. That is why, on this day of grace, when grace is spreading throughout the whole world, surrender your life and your heart to the Lord, so that the Lord may heal them with His grace. Only with pure hearts will you be able to experience the birth of Jesus anew in you, and the light of His birth will illuminate your life. I bless you with my motherly blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

The following is Our Lady’s latest 25th message given through Marija:

December 25, 2023

“Dear children! I am carrying my Son Jesus to you to fill your hearts with peace, because He is peace. Little children, seek Jesus in the silence of your heart that He be born anew. The world needs Jesus, therefore seek Him through prayer, because He gives Himself daily to each of you.”

Today Our Lady came solemnly dressed with little Jesus in her arms. Jesus extended His hand in a sign of blessing as Our Lady prayed over us in Aramaic.

December 22, 2023 – Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “Soften your hearts and look into the Eyes of this Child (JESUS), so that He might flood you with His Peace and His Love.”


22 DECEMBER 2023

Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:

These are times when difficulties are increasing and My Children are learning to be stronger.

Beloved children:






Soften your hearts and look into the Eyes of this Child, so that He might flood you with His Peace and His Love.

In Heaven, St. Michael the Archangel, His Legions and the Heavenly Choirs sing:

“Glory to God in Heaven and peace on earth to those who love the Lord.” (Lk. 2,14)

Make a resolution to silence the voice of your thoughts, which sometimes leads you away from My Divine Son, and in inner silence, discern what you know, what I have revealed to you at all times, so that you would have a foundation for a faith that must grow constantly.

Beloved children, you live at a time when evil has resolved to destroy families (1) and to implant within the human race the desire to carry out the insinuations of the Devil, in order to bring forward the coming of the Antichrist, causing humanity to fight – “people against people, nation against nation” (Mt. 24, 7)

This is a time, children of My Divine Son, a time when a single spark can erupt and war spread throughout the Earth. Be aware that war brings with it desolation, loss of human life and the most fateful scenario that humanity can imagine.

I call you to be on the side of love, of peace, to be among those who pray the Holy Rosary with their hearts, to participate in constant reparation, to accompany My Divine Son in the Tabernacle, to participate in the Eucharistic Celebration and receive My Divine Son properly prepared.

I call you to partake of goodness, charity, kindness and humility, a characteristic of the children of My Divine Son.

Beloved children, it is not going through all the revelations that makes you more knowledgeable regarding what is to come, but examining, studying, understanding every word of a revelation. Yes – this gives you knowledge, yes – this gives you discernment and leads you to understand that which, through revelation by Divine Will, is said to you in advance.

Humanity will shudder at the news of the death of someone who is internationally-known, causing worldwide consternation.

See the force of nature advancing mercilessly upon humanity.

Bear in mind, My children, that what is happening at this time is part of the Plan of the Evil One; work and act without falling into the snares of evil. Resist temptation, live attached to The Commandments, fulfil the Sacraments (2) and Works of Mercy (Mt. 25, 35-36).

Beloved children, dedicate every moment to working and acting in order to glorify My Divine Child.


With love.

Mother Mary


(1) Revelations concerning the family:

(2) On the Commandments and Sacraments:

(3) Downloadable booklet on the Nativity of the Divine Child:

Do you know the Savior of the world, Jesus Christ? Discover Him today – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Is There A God? Does God Exist? Who Is Jesus Christ? What Is The Gospel? (Videos And Resources)

By Dr James Allan Francis, 1926. One Solitary Life:

He was born in an obscure village
The child of a peasant woman
He grew up in another obscure village
Where He worked in a carpenter shop
Until He was thirty when public opinion turned against Him.

He never wrote a book
He never held an office
He never went to college
He never visited a big city
He never travelled more than two hundred miles
From the place where he was born
He did none of the things
Usually associated with greatness
He had no credentials but Himself

He was only thirty three

His friends ran away
One of them denied Him
He was turned over to his enemies
And went through the mockery of a trial
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves
While dying, His executioners gambled for His clothing
The only property He had on earth

When He was dead
He was laid in a borrowed grave
Through the pity of a friend

Nineteen centuries have come and gone
And today Jesus is the central figure of the human race
And the leader of mankind’s progress
All the armies that have ever marched
All the navies that have ever sailed
All the parliaments that have ever sat
All the kings that ever reigned put together
Have not affected the life of mankind on earth
As powerfully as that one solitary life.

By Lyle C. Rollings III – prose poem (2007):

The Greatest Man in History…
Jesus: had no servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He did not live in a castle, yet they called Him Lord, He ruled no nations, yet they called Him King, committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today.

YouTube Music Video: Send A Star by Kerrie Roberts (3:51 minutes)

“Send a Star” is a heart felt reminder that you are never alone, told within the folds of the story of Christmas. Jesus is real. The story is true. You are loved and seen and heard, and His love will shine on you no matter what. https://youtu.be/zENDpn6i0-Q

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – December 13-19, 2023 Update


Tuesday, December 19, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, Zachariah was old in age and he did not have faith in the words of the Angel Gabriel that Elizabeth would have a son. So Gabriel struck Zachariah so he could not speak. Elizabeth indeed did have a son, St. John the Baptist, despite her old age. For nothing is impossible for Me. My Blessed Mother went to help her kinswoman as Elizabeth had a late pregnancy. Zachariah regained his speech once St. John was born and named. St. John the Baptist had a mission to prepare the people for My coming. St. John urged the people to repent and be baptized in the Jordan River.”

Monday, December 18, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, an angel was sent to St. Joseph in a dream to tell him it was by the power of the Holy Spirit that the Blessed Mother conceived Me. This changed St. Joseph’s plans because the angel told him to take his wife into his home. So St. Joseph did what the angel had told him. Thus My Blessed Mother could be the virgin who conceived Me and later gave birth to Me on Christmas. I am the first born Son, unblemished by sin, and I saved My people from their sins. This week of the Octave of Christmas is a special time in My Church Year as you prepare for the Christmas Season. Rejoice that I came on the earth to sacrifice My life for all the sins of mankind.”

Jesus said: “My people, just as you saw people hiding in an attic, so My faithful will be hiding at their refuges. But the angels will put a shield of invisibility over My refuges so no one can see you. Refuge life will be more difficult than people think. I will be protecting My refuges from the evil ones, but your refuge builders will need to provide for your needs. I will help My faithful by multiplying their food, water, and fuels. You will need to trust in Me to provide for your survival.”

Sunday, December 17, 2023: (Third Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sun.)

Jesus said: “My son, you are well aware of where I was baptized by St. John the Baptist because you traveled to Israel at the Jordan River. The Gospel is all about St. John the Baptist, who prepared My way and he was My cousin. Isaiah foretold his coming: (Isa 40:3) ‘The voice of one crying in the desert, ‘Make ready the way of the Lord, make straight his paths.’ You, My son, are also helping to prepare My way for My Second Coming. I have given you messages to trust in My protection of My faithful at My refuges throughout the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. After My victory over the evil ones, they will be cast into hell. Then I will raise up My faithful and bring you into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Saturday, December 16, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, the Jewish people were prepared for Elijah’s return. They even left an empty place for him at the Seder Supper. St. John the Baptist prepared My way in the desert, but he was beheaded by Herod. You have a short week for the Fourth Sunday of Advent because Christmas falls on the Monday of that week. You are a short time from My Feast day on Christmas, so be prepared in your soul. Just as you approach the shortest day on December 21st, you start to see the longer days after Christmas as My Light will increase.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of the multiplication of the bread and fish is a sign of the consecrated Manna that I give you in Holy Communion. The priest consecrates the Hosts so you can share in My Real Presence. When you come to Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in the monstrance, you are giving Me praise and thanks for My gift to you. In Holy Communion you do not always have much time to be with Me. When you make a Holy Hour adoring My Blessed Sacrament, you have more time to appreciate My being with you. You give Me praise and read your Nocturnal prayers in front of Me in the monstrance. I love you so much to come and visit with Me in your Holy Hour.”

Friday, December 15, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing in the vision of a tornado how you will be drawn to Me for your life review in your Warning experience. You will come through this tunnel very fast and this could frighten some people. Your best preparation for the Warning is to come to frequent Confession so you will have less unforgiven sins. You will all experience the destination of your mini-judgment so you can see how I look at your life. After the Warning you will have six weeks of Conversion in a time without any evil influence. You will have an opportunity to digest your own Warning, and then you could help your family to be true believers in Me. My faithful will be prepared to come to My refuges after the six weeks of Conversion. I will call My faithful to My refuges with My inner locution. At My refuges you will be protected from the Antichrist and the evil ones, and you will have My angels provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, Biden is ruining your country with his open border policy. It is about time that the Speaker of the House is not going to give any more money to the Ukraine until something is done to stop the invasion of millions of illegal immigrants in the South. Your Congress should have been fighting your open border years ago. You are seeing so much damage by your open border. It is long overdue to fight to close your border. Biden should be impeached and removed from office for the treason of taking money from China, Russia, and the Ukraine. Biden and his people are violating your Constitution and your border laws in allowing anyone to enter without any restrictions. Pray that all of this treason can be brought to justice.”

Thursday, December 14, 2023: (St. John of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My son, you remember well when Fr. Klem, your first spiritual director, talked about St. John of the Cross in reference to your gift of messages from Me. Fr. Klem said your gift could be from Me, the devil, or your imagination. You have had so many confirmations and miracles over the years to prove to you and others that these messages have come from Me. You must admit that your memory could not produce all of the thoughts that I give you, and the Holy Spirit enables you to write these visions and messages down. This is a grace that I have given you with a mission to prepare My faithful for the coming tribulation in My refuges. I also have given you a second mission to prepare your own refuge with all of the preparations that I have instructed you to get in order to provide for the needs of the people who I will direct to your refuge. You realize My miracles and angels will be with you when St. Joseph will build a high rise building and church for 5,000 people. When you see this carried out, the people will be true believers in My miracles.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, St. Joseph told you he would build a high rise building and a large church for 5,000 people. You are being graced to see this coming church and the big tabernacle in the middle of the altar. Give praise and thanks to Me and St. Joseph who will build these buildings in one day in your backyard. It may take up some of the land of your neighbors.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is unfortunate that Hamas fighters are hiding behind their own people. The war between Israel and Hamas is destroying many buildings, even as Israel is trying to root out Hamas from their many tunnels. Many Palestinians are being killed as collateral damage in this war. Some food is being delivered, but it is not enough to feed all of the people. Pray that this war could be concluded.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Republicans want aid money to stop the illegal immigrants from coming into your country in the Southern and the Northern borders before they send any more money to the Ukraine. The House of Representatives is refusing any aid to the Ukraine unless the borders are fixed in your country. This open border by Biden is destroying your country, and it needs to be closed. Pray that some help will be given to close your borders.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is good that you come to visit your family members for the holidays of Christmas and New Year’s Day. You exchange gifts and have family dinners. It is good to keep in touch with out of town relatives, even if it is by Christmas cards. You can even have Zoom calls to join your families when it is expensive to travel far. I love all of My people, and you need to share your love with your family and friends.”

Jesus said: “My son, you rarely get to see your daughter, Jeanette, but now they are only five hours away in Pennsylvania instead of eight hours when they lived in Virginia. It is a joy to have your whole family come together. You need to travel to their house at another time. Pray for your family’s safe travel as you long to see them.”

Jesus said: “My people, both a pandemic virus and the digital dollar are all a part of the Great Reset that is about to be forced on your people. You will also see a coming persecution of Christians because the evil ones are in league with the devil and the Antichrist. You will see the Warning and a Conversion time come before the Antichrist declares himself. I will warn My faithful when it is time to come to the safety of My refuges. You, My son, have been preparing your refuge to accept people coming to your refuge so they can have beds, food, water, and fuels. You have fuels for heating and cooking. Trust in My angels to protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, all of your solar generators, solar panels, and lamps have been delivered to your refuge. You are testing them now to see how long the batteries could operate when running your lights at night. You need to practice using your new solar panels to see how long it would take to recharge your batteries. You can keep them charged up with your current house electricity so they are ready to light your newly purchased lamps. Your new lights give much better light than your pull-up lanterns that do not last long. Trust in Me and My angels to provide for all of your needs during the coming tribulation.”

Wednesday, December 13, 2023: (St. Lucy)

Jesus said: “My people, the martyrs for the faith have a high place in heaven. Even those faithful, who have a dry martyrdom, are suffering from oppression because they do not want to deny Me against your modern world and its fame and riches. Seek first the Kingdom of God and all that you need will be given to you. You will see the Antichrist and his evil followers will persecute My true Church, but I will protect My faithful in hiding at My refuges. My angels will protect you and provide for your needs. My refuge builders will be healed by My angels, and they will finish up their preparations so they can receive My believers. Trust in Me to lead you all on the right path to heaven, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen how Chinese hackers are trying to stop your infrastructure needed to defend Taiwan. You have already heard of many attacks on your infrastructure from Chinese hackers. You could see several atomic bombs exploded in the upper atmosphere that could destroy your grid and stop your vehicles. You have also seen several sabotage attacks on critical substations that could take down parts of your grid. You have seen tornadoes, hurricanes, and floods that have caused power outages. Even strong sun flares can interfere with your communications. When you see the Great Reset takeover come, then people in control could shutdown your grid to immobilize your people. This is why you have put up an on-grid solar system and an off-grid solar system to provide electricity when the grid goes down. You also have several solar generators with batteries and solar panels to provide lights at night, especially in the winter. It is difficult to see at night without lights, so lighting at night is crucial. You have read several accounts that if your National Grid was down for a year, that you could see 90% of your population die from starvation. So trust in Me to call you to My refuges so you can have food, water, and your fuels multiplied, and My angels will protect you from the evil ones.”

Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Blessed Virgin Mary – “My Son (Jesus) and I will visit all homes this Christmas to bless your bread and water, holy Sacramentals and pictures of your family members.” – December 14, 2023


(Source: https://greenscapular.org/web_folder/Adobe/Messages/2023%20Messages/Mother_12_14_23.pdf )

DECEMBER 14, 2023, THURSDAY @ 12:00 A.M.

Anna Marie: My Heavenly Mother, I hear you calling me. My beloved Mother Mary, may I ask you please, will you bow down and adore your beloved Son, Jesus of Nazareth, who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. As a man, He was tortured and crucified for all mankind’s sins. He descended to the dear, arose and then ascended into Heaven where Jesus now sits at His Heavenly Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead?

Mother Mary: Yes my dear one, I your Heavenly Mother Mary will now and will always bow down to my most beloved Son, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God and Father. Who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth and as an adult, He was taken and tortured, then He was crucified for the salvation of all sinners. He descended to the dead, arose and ascended into Heaven where my beloved Son now sits at His Holy Heavenly Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead.

Anna Marie: Please speak my most holy Mother, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Mother Mary: My dear one, I see that you are again working late, please do your best to complete your prayers tonight too. Your prayers are greatly needed in your world today and through them, many souls are being saved from damnation. This is true for all my Apostles who pray vigorously for the salvation of sinners either through prayers, Masses, sacrifices and sufferings. All these prayers in any form are indeed saving souls. Please do remember to say them daily.

Anna Marie: Yes sweetest Mother.

Mother Mary: Be in peace and joy. My Son and I will visit all homes this Christmas to bless your bread and water, holy Sacramentals and pictures of your family members.

Anna Marie: Thank you dearest sweet Holy Mother.

Mother Mary: Much is about to begin in your world soon. Be prepared as best you can. Trust in my Son’s love for you, all my children, and for those whom you love too, especially all your adult children who have left the Church through sin and despair. Many will soon return to their upbringing in the Church even while my Son’s “Holy Bride” is being destroyed from within. Pray my beloved ones. Pray for your Holy Church as she too is being crucified by her sinful shepherds.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Mother, we will pray and continue to pray.

Mother Mary: My little one, please see that this message is posted tomorrow, Thursday.

Anna Marie: Yes Dearest Mother. I love you Dearest holy Mother.

Mother Mary: Yes, and I love you too my beloved one.

Anna Marie: All Apostles love you Dearest Mother.

Mother Mary: Please let them know I love each of them with my Maternal Immaculate Heart too. Your Heavenly Mother, Mother of Mercy.


Words From Jesus – “When it appears as though every good and faithful priest, cardinal, and bishop has been stripped of their vestments—their clerics removed for their willingness to defend the true teachings of my church—they too are victims of my passion… There are many buildings that sing hymns of praise but there is only one true church where my presence is and will always remain.” – December 7, 2023



December 7th, 2023 – 1:55 PM

My child, I tell my children when you see the sign coming forth from Jerusalem, know that my church has entered into my passion. When it appears as though every good and faithful priest, cardinal, and bishop has been stripped of their vestments—their clerics removed for their willingness to defend the true teachings of my church—they too are victims of my passion. My children, evil has accelerated all around this world.

I am not a God of symbols but a God that by great acts of love and mercy sends signs to warn my children, to encourage my people that I am present in all things. My children, the rainbow is not a symbol of pride, it is a sign sent by my Father that he would not punish mankind by flooding the earth by water. It is time to take heed to the signs around you. It is time to sit in silence before the manger awaiting the celebration of my birth. It is there in silence that you will hear my voice and understand the mission you have been sent to do.

Come, my children, and do not allow the world to hinder my plans for you. Mend your broken relationships with your family and pray to my most Holy Family for the grace to heal what has been wounded.

I see your hearts, my children, for the truth of what is in your heart can never be concealed from me. There are many buildings that sing hymns of praise but there is only one true church where my presence is and will always remain. No force of evil can obstruct this because my passion, death and resurrection resides in every tabernacle of the world fully present body, blood, soul and divinity. Salvation for mankind has been obtained.

My children, come to me in the Blessed Sacrament. It is there that you are like the wise men coming to adore the king, for I am Jesus and my mercy and justice will prevail.

December 7, 2023 – Apostolate of the Green Scapular – JESUS CHRIST – “I wish you to listen to me carefully. There is an attack planned against your nation (USA) and more prayers will be required in order to mitigate this evil attack… Ask my beloved Apostles to do more, to pray more, to sacrifice more before Christmas.”


(Source: https://greenscapular.org/web_folder/Adobe/Messages/2023%20Messages/Jesus_12_7_23.pdf )

DECEMBER 7, 2023, THURSDAY @ 8:37 P.M.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, I hear you calling me. My Merciful Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: My dear little one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: My sweet Jesus, may I ask you please…will you bow down and adore your Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your Divine Savior will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak sweet Holy Jesus, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My little one, I know you have had a struggling day today. But try to remain in peace. Not all days will be easy as you have witnessed throughout this day.

Jesus: I wish you to listen to me carefully. There is an attack planned against your nation and more prayers will be required in order to mitigate this evil attack. I have been requesting more prayers and as the day approaches, I must ask for more prayers. Ask my beloved Apostles to do more, to pray more, to sacrifice more before Christmas.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.

Jesus: Please pray for all Christians around the world who will be persecuted. Because they love me. I want and need more prayers to help reveal the plots of satan and his emissaries who are working through wicked leaders to destroy Christmas and all Christians.

Jesus: Turn to me my little ones, I will not leave or abandon you! Surrender yourselves into my love and tender hands so I may guide you throughout the coming persecution. You will receive the graces you require to endure whatever takes place.

Jesus: Now go my little one, ensure this message is posted tomorrow.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus, I will.

Jesus: Get your rest now, you need some sleep. Your loving and Divine Savior, Jesus of compassion and mercy.


Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Jesus Christ – “Soon the Apocalypse Scriptures will be a part of your every day. The wrath of my Father will not be quelched until every Word in the Scriptures are fulfilled.” – December 2, 2023


(Source: https://greenscapular.org/web_folder/Adobe/Messages/2023%20Messages/Jesus_12_2_23.pdf )

DECEMBER 2, 2023, SATURDAY @ 6:35 P.M.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, I hear you calling me. My Heavenly Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: My dear one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Yes dearest Jesus, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore your Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my little one, I your Divine Savior, Jesus of Mercy, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak sweet Divine Lord Jesus, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My dear one, I know you are busy cleaning this night, but please don’t forget your prayers.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Lord, I will not.

Jesus: Much is about to begin and your prayers are needed to help mitigate the trauma which will occur in your nation tonight and through the rest of the Advent Season, leading up to my Birth on Christmas Day.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.

Jesus: Evil is everywhere, in every area of my children’s lives. Only through committed prayers will my beloved children be able to endure such diabolical attacks. This is another reason I have asked for photographs of your family members to be placed on your Home Altars.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.

Jesus: Soon the Apocalypse Scriptures will be a part of your every day. The wrath of my Father will not be quelched until every Word in the Scriptures are fulfilled.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.

Jesus: Be in peace, my beloved ones. I AM always here watching over you and leading you in all you do. Many will perish, but be in peace when many are removed from the earth because they have passed away. Your constant prayers for your loved ones will save them from damnation. Please trust in my love for you and my love for them. If their names have been written on my Holy Mother’s blessed Green Scapular, then be assured that she will stand with your loved ones before the Throne of my Father, pleading for his or her eternal soul.

Jesus: Now go dear one, finish your chores and say your prayers. You can post this message tomorrow on the first day of Advent. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Divine Mercy.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus! All Apostles around the world love you sweet Jesus. Praise your Holy Name and Praise you Dearest Savior.

Jesus: I love you too little one and all my beloved Apostles around the world.


Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – November 22-28, 2023 Update


Tuesday, November 28, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, this is the last week of the Church Year, and you are reading the end time Gospels. In the Book of Revelation and St. Luke’s Gospel, it speaks about nations fighting with each other, as in the Ukraine and Israel. It also speaks of famine, earthquakes, and pestilence, as in your Covid virus. It speaks of wonders appearing in the skies. One wonder will be the luminous cross in the sky over My refuges. Just like when Moses raised the bronze serpent on a pole and people were healed of their snake bites, so people at My refuges will look on the luminous cross in the sky and they will be healed of any ailments. Another wonder in the sky, will be when I come on the clouds to judge humanity. The evil ones will be cast into hell and My faithful will be brought into My Era of Peace and later into heaven.”

Monday, November 27, 2023: (Laura Capione Funeral Mass)

Jesus said: “My people, Laura was able to live ninety-two years and she had a full life working at her various jobs providing food with different businesses and churches. She provided for her family with her husband. She had many grandchildren and great grandchildren. She prayed her rosary and she was a faithful person giving good example to her relatives. She will spend a short time in purgatory and I am preparing her place in heaven. Pray for her soul and have Mass said for her in addition to today’s Mass. She was a loving person and she will be rewarded for her good works and cooking.”

Jesus said: “My people, this Sunday starts the Advent Season and you already have your Christmas tree up and your manger scene in your chapel. Advent goes quickly in about four weeks until Christmas Day. You also have your manger scene outside on your porch. Many people are out buying gifts for their family and friends. You also are getting your Christmas cards together before you mail them out. The gifts are nice to share, but remember it is My birth that is most important. I am the baby King, but Herod wanted to kill Me, since he thought I was a threat to his crown. Many Christians have died for their faith, but I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Sunday, November 26, 2023: (Christ the King)

Jesus said: “My people, this is My feast day that ends the Church Year. You were blessed to feel a small Presence in heaven. This is your future home, and you had a glimpse to feel what it will be like. I love all of you, and you need to pray for your families that they are believers and are ready to come to My refuges. Pray for their souls that they can be saved to share heaven with Me. You read in the Gospel how I will come in glory to separate My sheep on the right from the goats on the left. For you saw Me hungry and you fed Me. You gave Me clothes when I needed them. You gave Me water when I was thirsty. Because you did this for the least of My people, you did it for Me, and I thank you.”

Saturday, November 25, 2023: (St. Catherine of Alexandria)

Jesus said: “My people, when leaders felt threatened by Christian believers, who would not follow their orders, then they killed them as martyrs for the faith. When the Antichrist takes over, he will seek out Christians to kill them, but fear not because I will lead My faithful to the safety of My refuges. My angels will shield you with an invisible shield and the evil ones will not see you. I will also multiply your buildings, food, water, and fuels so My faithful will survive the tribulation. Rejoice when I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people wait for this time of year to buy things on sale for the day after Thanksgiving. It is the desire to satisfy your craving for something new that draws people to the stores. Once you finally acquire what you sought, taking possession soon loses its appeal until you want to buy some other new thing. Everything you buy in time becomes obsolete, so you have to replace it. This is true of all material things because they soon pass away. This is why I encourage you to seek what is eternal with Me because I always give you what is needed, and I satisfy your soul with My love and My Real Presence in My consecrated Host.”

Friday, November 24, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, you saw in the vision a large church, much like St. Joseph will build for you and the people who come to your refuge as a sanctuary of protection by My angels. In the Gospel reading you saw how I turned over the tables with their money, where the vendors were selling animals for sacrifice. It is mercy I desire and not sacrifice. You have Masonic elements in My Church that I desire to cleanse as well. There will come a time when My faithful will need to come to My refuges for a proper Mass. You will have Perpetual Adoration at My refuges to feed your soul. Be grateful that I will protect My faithful during the whole tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, I want you to run your well water, and during the day, test your off-grid solar system that it can run the water pump. Check your batteries that are working your lanterns and see that they are fully charged. Buy a few extra lamps and some extra LED light bulbs. This provides your water and light at night. Check to see if your solar system will run your refrigerator. Have your kerosene and your burner available if your power goes out. You need to be ready for a power outage of a long duration. By being ready you can provide for the needs of at least forty people as I have asked you before. Use your LED bulbs in your lights so your power will last longer. I love all of you, but you will be working to keep your people warm and fed with water and food.”

Thursday, November 23, 2023: (Thanksgiving Day, Bl Miguel Pro)

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much that I died for all of you on the cross to offer everyone My salvation of your souls. All you need to do is to accept My gift so your soul can be saved from hell. By believing in Me and following My Commandments, you will be on the right path to heaven. I have given you all that you need in this life to survive, and I have prepared a place for you in heaven in your next life. Your soul rejoices to be with Me every time you receive Me into your soul with Holy Communion at Mass. You need to thank Me for all of the gifts I have given you. I thank you for your ‘yes’ to carry out the missions I have set before you. Share your love with Me and your neighbor as yourself. Wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving and remember to pray your grace before you eat your turkey dinner.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is another sign for the Children of the Light who I will protect during the coming tribulation. It is sad to watch how the devil is testing the children of the world with temporary riches and fame. Those people, who love Me and repent of their sins, are My Children of the Light. Follow Me and you will have your reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven. Remember to focus on My heavenly things that are eternal, and do not be distracted by the earthly things that are passing away.”

Wednesday, November 22, 2023: (St. Cecilia)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Maccabees you read how seven sons were killed because they would not eat pork. They were killed in front of the mother as she encouraged them to die instead of defiling their Mosaic law. The woman was also killed because of her strong faith. In today’s feast day of St. Cecilia she was also a martyr who was beheaded for her faith. She is the patron for musicians. It takes a strong faith to stand up to kings and leaders who want to kill you for being true to My laws. You may be tested with possible martyrdom when the one world people want to force you to take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist. Some faithful may be martyred if they are captured. But when your lives are in danger, I will call you to the safety of My refuges, so have no fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, the people on the news claimed this incident was not a terrorist attack, but these reporters were trying to calm people’s minds. Based on what the cameras saw of the incident, this was not an ordinary accident. The fire was even called an explosion at first. The news people seemed to be covering up what really happened. Even after an investigation of this incident, you probably will not be told the real story. This incident was serious enough to close down all of the four bridges in the area. This is another reason that your open borders can be a security risk where you could be allowing terrorists to enter your country. Pray that your open borders could be closed.”

Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Jesus Christ – “I want you to make sure to leave an image of your children, grandchildren and family members on your Home Altars too. I will give your family pictures, that represent your loved ones, a very special blessing to ensure they will be converted back to my loving Sacred Heart before they die.” – November 30, 2023


(Source: https://greenscapular.org/web_folder/Adobe/Messages/2023%20Messages/Jesus_11_30_23.pdf )

NOVEMBER 30, 2023, THURSDAY @ 2:57 P.M.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, are you calling me?

Jesus: Yes dear little one, I your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, a calling you.

Anna Marie: My dearest Divine Lord, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your Holy God, Jesus of Divine Mercy, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak sweet Jesus, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My dear one, I see you are having a busy day and I thank you for working for my Heavenly Mother Mary today. Many of my beloved children are suffering greatly due to sin and evil that is present in the world today. They need hope, they need to know that I will come and rescue them from the darkness of this world and in their lives. Yet they need to pray too.

Jesus: Through praying, they can vanquish evil in their own lives. Through their prayers, even the most helpless situation can be turned around and they will see the grace of my Heavenly Eternal Father restore and fulfill their personal needs. Prayer and trusting in their Divine Lord will always be the answer to everything that consumes their sorrows.

Jesus: Tell my beloved ones, I their Savior HAVE NOT forsaken them, but by my Father’s Holy “Will” their prayers will be answered according to HIS WILL in time and this means in the Lord’s perfect time. No one is perfect but my Father in Heaven is perfect, so do not doubt His love, do not despair, do not sink in bitterness or desolation but have HOPE! Hope that I and my compassionate Heavenly Mother will come and save you from all darkness.

Jesus: Be in peace and prepare for my returning to your homes to bless your Altars. You may place all holy Sacramentals on your Home Altar, like your Bibles, Rosaries, prayer cards and I want you to make sure to leave an image of your children, grandchildren and family members on your Home Altars too. I will give your family pictures, that represent your loved ones, a very special blessing to ensure they will be converted back to my loving Sacred Heart before they die. Know one knows the hour or moment when their life will be taken, when a person will answer to my Father; the sins they had committed during life. It is for this reason, that I will place a special interceding grace upon them and ensure they will repent before they take their last breathe of life.

Jesus: Be in peace my beloved ones, be in great joy my beloved Apostles. You have been obedient and compassionate Prayer Warriors and I tell each of you now, your reward will be great in Heaven! Your Divine and Merciful Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: My dear sweet Lord, how can we truly prepare ourselves to receive you as our Savior for Christmas? How can we prepare our hearts, our homes to welcome YOU as our Most Holy Baby Jesus in a manger in Bethlehem?

Jesus: My little one, prepare yourselves by attending Sacramental Confession and remain in a State of Grace. Ask my Apostles to recite all the Novena’s you will place on your Green Scapular website. Remember to pray my Mother’s Holy Rosary this month in December daily and to pray the Joyful Mysteries. In this way, all can contemplate the love my Father has for each of you. How my Mother loved you too and said, “Yes” to being the Mother of her Divine Son. Saint Joseph did so much for my Mother and I. Give thanks to St. Joseph for the hidden care and tenderness he showed my Mother during her long, arduous travels to Bethlehem, and at the time of my birth. Then fleeing Bethlehem to save me and my Mother. Prepare yourself in prayer. Rejoice for my Father’s perfect plan for your redemption and salvation from Hell!

Jesus: I love you all, my precious little ones. My Mother loves you too. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Divine Mercy.

End of Message


November 6, 2023 – Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Our Lord Jesus Christ – “Prepare your homes for my coming again at Christmas to bless my children’s bread and water…”

Mystical Revelation: Excerpts from “An Unpublished Manuscript on Purgatory” – Compiled by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Source: An Unpublished Manuscript on Purgatory

This pamphlet, describing alleged conversations between a nun and a soul in Purgatory, brings to light many aspects of the mysterious purification souls undergo before entering Heaven. It serves as an excellent reminder to serve God in all we do and to pray unceasingly for the poor souls in Purgatory.

The Reparation Society of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Inc., December 26, 1967


March 25, 1874. I am now in the second Purgatory. Since my death, I have been in the first, where one endures such great suffering. We also suffer in the second, but not nearly as much as in the first. Always try to be a help to your superior. Do not speak often. Wait until you are questioned before you answer.

May 1874. I have been in the second Purgatory since the Feast of the Annunciation. On that day I saw the Blessed Virgin for the first time. In the first stage, we never saw her. The sight of her encourages us and this beloved Mother speaks to us of Heaven. While we see her, our sufferings are greatly diminished.

Oh, how I desire to go to Heaven! What a martyrdom we suffer once we have seen God!

… You do well to pray to St. Michael and to urge others to do so. One is indeed happy at the hour of death when he has had confidence in some of the saints. They will be his protectors before God in that terrible moment.

… Yes, I suffer very much, but my greatest torment is not seeing God. It is a continuous martyrdom. It makes me suffer more than does the fire of Purgatory. If later on you love God as He wants you to, you will experience a little of the pining, which makes one long to be united to the object of one’s love, to Jesus.

Yes, we sometimes see St. Joseph, but not as often as we do the Blessed Virgin.

You must become indifferent to everything except what is for God. Thus you will reach the height of perfection to which Jesus calls you.

… The Purgatory of religious is much longer and more rigorous than that of people in the world, because religious abuse special graces. Many nuns are abandoned in Purgatory, by their own fault, of course, for nobody ever remembers them.

… Make it a practice to live in the presence of God with a pure intention. God seeks devoted souls who will love Him for His own sake. These are very few. He wants you to be one of His true friends. Many think they love God, but they love Him for their own sakes.

We do not see God in Purgatory. That would make it Heaven. When a soul seeks God, and out of pure love desires nothing else, He never lets that soul be deceived.

… No, I do not see God when He is exposed (in the Holy Eucharist), yet I am conscious of His presence like you are with the eyes of faith. Our faith, however, is very different from yours. We know what God is. Always walk in the presence of God. Tell Him everything. Talk to Him as you would talk to a friend. Guard your interior life carefully.

In order to prepare well for Holy Communion, you must love God not only before and after receiving Him but always and at all times. God desires you to think only of Him. Mortify your mind, your eyes, your tongue; that will be far more agreeable to God than corporal penances. These (corporal penances) all too often proceed from one’s own will. You must treat God as your Father, as a dear friend, as a beloved spouse. You must pour out all the tenderness of your heart on Jesus alone and on Him wholly and entirely. During all eternity you will sing of His infinite mercy in your regard. You must love Jesus so much that He may be able to find in your heart an agreeable resting place, where He may be able, as it were, to console Himself for the many offences He receives everywhere. You must love Him for indifferent and cowardly souls but above all for yourself.

May 18, 1875. How small is the number of fervent religious who really have the spirit of their vocation — about one in fifty! You must at all costs be among the privileged ones.

… You grieve God when you do not think of Him. The union between you is like that between friends. Among friends, often one is preferred to all others. One understands us better and from him we keep no secret. If that friend noticed that we paid no attention to him, did not speak to him, or even cast a glance his way to show him that he is still our special friend, he would feel intense pain. Thus it is with God as far as you are concerned. He certainly has a great love for many of His friends, but I have told you many times, that even though you are not deserving of it as are so many others, yet He loves you in a special way. For this reason your indifference causes Him all the more pain. He awaits only a return of your inner love of heart, so that He may fill it with graces. All that you do affects Him most intimately. He loves you for thinking of Him. Despite your many occupations, He must be first in your thoughts. Whenever you have to speak to people on business, you should first glance towards Him. He has a right to this. He is the Master and may act as He pleases.

December 12, 1875. You should practice perpetual adoration in your heart at all times, not only when you go to chapel. You must also accustom yourself to make frequent spiritual communions. You will derive abundant and most salutary fruits from this, provided that you dispose yourself properly.

… You must prepare a dwelling place for Jesus in your heart so that later, as I have told you, He may come and rest there. You must also prepare, as well as possible, for Holy Communion. Try to think about it the evening before but especially when you awake in the morning. You must not only prepare an abode for Jesus, but also invite Him to stay with you. There would be no point in preparing a beautiful room for a guest, were you not to invite him to enter. So invite Jesus often by your desires, and above all, by your love for Him. You should become so recollected that you do not lose sight of the presence of Jesus, even when otherwise most occupied. To achieve this, watch constantly over your interior life.

December 13th. Never seek to please anyone by your actions, but God only. It is for Him that you must do everything. Let there be no human respect, or ever growing weary . . . He will grant anything you request of Him. Yes, it is true that you are very miserable. Humble yourself and know that Jesus does not always give His graces to the most holy.

Prepare yourself with great care for Holy Communion, Confession and the Divine Office, in a word, for anything that tends to unite you more closely to Our Lord. Many others must find it more difficult than you to see Jesus always present in their heart. After all the graces He has given you, you should have no difficulty in being recollected. I have already told you that God is searching the world over for souls that love Him with childlike affection, full of tender respect, truthfully and from the heart. He finds few such souls, fewer than you would suspect. Souls belittle the Heart of God. They look upon Jesus as too difficult to approach and thus their love for Him remains cold. Their respect for Him has degenerated into a kind of indifference. I know that all souls are not capable of understanding this love which Our Lord yearns for. Jesus has made Himself better known to you and wants you to make up for this indifference and coldness in others. Ask Him to enlarge your heart that it may be capable of greater love. By the love and respectful familiarity with which Jesus allows you to treat Him, you can make up for that which is not granted all to understand. Do this but, above all, love much. Never grow weary in your work. Begin again each day as if you had so far done nothing. This continual renouncement of one’s will and comfort and one’s own opinions is a long martyrdom, but it is most pleasing to God. God wants you to be something special, not as regards your exterior, but in your inner soul. He asks of you a union with Himself, so great that you never lose sight of Him, even amidst your most absorbing occupations.

Retreat in August 1878. Great sinners who were indifferent towards God, and religious who were not what they should have been are in the lowest stage of Purgatory. While they are there, the prayers offered up for them are not applied to them. Because they have ignored God during their life, He now in His turn leaves them abandoned in order that they may repair their neglectful and worthless lives. While on earth one truly cannot picture or imagine what God really is, but we (in Purgatory) know and understand Him for what He is, because our souls are freed from all the ties that fettered them and prevented them from realizing the holiness and majesty of God, and His great mercy. We are martyrs, consumed as it were by love. An irresistible force draws us towards God who is our center, but at the same time another force thrusts us back to our place of expiation.

We are in the state of being unable to satisfy our longings. Oh, what a suffering that is, but we desire it and there is no murmuring against God here. We desire only what God wants. You on earth, however, cannot possibly understand what we have to endure. I am much relieved as I am no longer in the fire. I have now only the insatiable desire to see God, a suffering cruel enough indeed, but I feel that the end of my exile is at hand and that I am soon to leave this place where I long for God with all my heart. I know it well, I feel more at ease, but I cannot tell you the day or the hour of my release. God alone knows that. It may be that I have still many years of longing for Heaven. Continue to pray; I will repay you later on, though I do pray a great deal for you now.

Oh, how great is the mercy of God in your regard! Who can understand it? Why does Jesus act thus towards you? Why does He love you more than many others? Why has He still many greater graces to bestow on you? Is it because you deserve them? No, you even deserve them less than many others, but it is His will to act thus towards you and He is the Master of His rewards. Be very grateful. Remain always in spirit at His Divine feet and let Him act as He will. Watch well over your interior. Be very exact in finding what pleases your Jesus. Have neither eyes nor heart, nor love except for Him. Always consult Him before your smallest act. Abandon yourself wholly to His good pleasure and then be at peace. All that I have told you will be accomplished. Do not put any obstacles in the way. It is Jesus who wishes it thus.

Those who are lost are lost because they willed it, because to arrive at damnation they must have refused thousands of graces and good inspirations that God gave them, hence it is their own fault.

1879, Retreat in September. We see St. Michael as we see the angels. He has no body. He comes to get the souls that have finished their purification. It is he who conducts them to Heaven. He is among the Seraphim as Monsignor said. He is the highest angel in Heaven. Our own Guardian Angels come to see us but St. Michael is far more beautiful than they are. As to the Blessed Virgin, we see her in the body. She comes to Purgatory on her feasts and she goes back to Heaven with many souls. While she is with us we do not suffer. St. Michael accompanies her. When he comes alone, we suffer as usual. When I spoke to you of the great and the second Purgatory, it was to try to make you understand that there are different stages in Purgatory. Thus I call that stage of Purgatory great or worst where the most guilty souls are, and where I stayed for two years without being able to give a sign of the torments I was suffering. The year when you heard me groaning, when I began to speak to you, I was still in the same place.

In the second Purgatory, which is still Purgatory but very different from the first, one suffers a great deal, but less than in the great place of expiation. Then there is a third stage, which is the Purgatory of desire, where there is no fire. The souls who did not desire Heaven ardently enough, who did not love God sufficiently are there. It is there that I am at this moment. Further, in these three parts of Purgatory, there are many degrees of variation. Little by little, as the soul becomes purified, her sufferings are changed.

August 13th… What is the best way of honoring St. Michael?

The best and most efficacious way of glorifying him in Heaven and honoring him on earth is to spread devotion to the souls in Purgatory, and to make known the great mission he fulfills towards these suffering souls. It is he who is entrusted by God to lead the souls to the place of expiation and to bring them to their eternal home after purification. Each time a soul arrives to increase the number of the elect, God is glorified, and this glory in some way communicates itself also to the celestial minister. It is an honor for him to present to Our Lord the souls that will sing their thanks and His mercies through all eternity. I could never make you understand the intense love which the Heavenly Archangel has for his Divine Master, and the love which God in His turn has for St. Michael. Neither can I convey to you a true idea of the love and pity St. Michael has for us. He encourages us in our sufferings by speaking to us of Heaven.

Tell the Father that if he wishes to please St. Michael, he will most earnestly recommend devotion to the souls in Purgatory. People in the world do not think of it. When they have lost their relatives or friends, they say a few prayers, weep for a few days and that is the end of it. The souls are henceforth abandoned. It is true that they merit this, for while they were on earth they neglected the dead. The Divine Judge deals with us in this world according to our actions in the former. Those who have forgotten the holy souls are forgotten in their turn. This is only fair. Perhaps if they had been reminded to pray for the dead and had been told a little about Purgatory, they might have acted differently. When God allows it, we can communicate directly with St. Michael in the way that spirits communicate.

How do they celebrate the feast of St. Michael in Purgatory?

On that day St. Michael comes to Purgatory and returns to Heaven with a great number of souls, especially with those who had been devout to him in life.

What glory does St. Michael receive from his feast day on earth?

When the feast of a saint is celebrated on earth, he receives an increase of accidental glory in Heaven, even if he is not actually remembered on earth. He receives a special recompense in memory of some particular act of heroic virtue, or of some increase of glory, which he procured for God at a given time. This reward consists in an increase of accidental glory joined to the happiness which the memory of his work on earth causes him. The accidental glory which the Archangel receives is far above that of the other saints, because this glory is proportioned to the greatness of the merit of the recipient and also to the value of the action which merits the reward…

… I can tell you about the different degrees of Purgatory because I have passed through them. In the great Purgatory there are several stages. In the lowest and most painful, like a temporary hell, are the sinners who have committed terrible crimes during life and whose death surprised them in that state. It was almost a miracle that they were saved, and often by the prayers of holy parents or other pious persons. Sometimes they did not even have time to confess their sins and the world thought them lost, but God, whose mercy is infinite, gave them at the moment of death the contrition necessary for their salvation on account of one or more good actions which they performed during life. For such souls, Purgatory is terrible. It is a real hell with this difference, that in hell they curse God, whereas we bless Him and thank Him for having saved us.

Next to these come the souls, who though they did not commit great crimes like the others, were indifferent to God. They did not fulfill their Easter duties and were also converted at the point of death. Perhaps they were unable to receive Holy Communion. They are in Purgatory for the long years of indifference. They suffer unheard of pains and are abandoned either without prayers or if they are said for them, they are not allowed to profit by them. There are in this stage of Purgatory religious of both sexes, who were tepid, neglectful of their duties, indifferent towards Jesus, also priests who did not exercise their sacred ministry with the reverence due to the Sovereign Majesty and who did not instill the love of God sufficiently into the souls confided to their care. I was in this stage of Purgatory.

In the second Purgatory are the souls of those who died with venial sins not fully expiated before death, or with mortal sins that have been forgiven but for which they have not made entire satisfaction to the Divine Justice. In this part of Purgatory, there are also different degrees according to the merits of each soul. Thus the Purgatory of the consecrated souls or of those who have received more abundant graces, is longer and far more painful than that of ordinary people of the world.

Lastly, there is the Purgatory of desire which is called the Threshold. Very few escape this. To avoid it altogether, one must ardently desire Heaven and the vision of God. That is rare, rarer than people think, because even pious people are afraid of God and have not, therefore, a sufficiently strong desire of going to Heaven. This Purgatory has its very painful martyrdom like the others. The deprivation of the sight of our loving Jesus adds to the intense suffering.

… Those in Heaven for whom prayers are said on earth can apply those prayers to the souls they wish to benefit. It is a very consoling thought for those in the other world to know that their relatives and friends on earth do not forget them, even though they have no further need of prayers. In return, they are not ungrateful.

Tell me what happens during the agony and after. Does the soul find itself in light or darkness? Under what form is the sentence pronounced?

I had no agony as you know, but I can tell you this, that at the last decisive moment, the devil lets loose all his rage against the one that is dying. God permits souls to go through these last trials in order to increase their merits. Souls that are strong and generous, in order that they may have a more glorious place in Heaven, have often had, at the end of their lives and in the moment of death, terrible combats with the angel of darkness. You have been witness to this. But they always come out victorious. God never allows a soul that has been devoted to Him during life to perish at the last moment. Those souls who have loved the Blessed Virgin and invoked her all their lives receive from her many graces in their last struggles. It is the same for those who have been really devout to St. Joseph, to St. Michael, or to any of the saints. I have already said one is glad to have an intercessor with God in those dreadful moments. Some souls die quite tranquilly without experiencing any of those trials. God has His designs in everything. He does or permits all for the good of each particular soul.

How can I describe what happens after the agony? It is impossible really to understand it unless one has passed through it. When the soul leaves the body it is as if it were lost in or, if I may say so, surrounded by God. It finds itself in such a bewildering light that in the twinkling of an eye it sees its whole life spread out, and at this sight, it sees what it deserves, and this same light pronounces its sentence. The soul does not see God but is annihilated in His presence. If the soul is guilty as I was and, therefore, deserves to go to Purgatory, it is so crushed by the weight of the faults that still remain to be blotted out, that it hurls itself into Purgatory. It is only then that one understands God and His love for souls and what a terrible evil sin is in the eyes of the Divine Majesty. St. Michael is present when the soul leaves the body. I saw him only, and he is the only one that every soul sees. (Later) I also saw my Guardian Angel. From this you can understand why it is said, “St. Michael conducts souls to Purgatory”, for a soul is not taken, but he is there at the carrying out of each sentence. All that happens in this other world is a mystery for yours.

Does All Souls’ Day and its octave bring great joy to Purgatory and many releases?

On All Souls’ Day many souls leave the place of expiation and go to Heaven. Also, by a special grace of God on that day only, all the suffering souls, without exception, have a share in the public prayers of the Church, even those who are in the great Purgatory. Still the relief of each soul is in proportion to its merits. Some receive more, some less, but all feel the benefit of this extraordinary grace. Many of the suffering souls receive this one help only in all the long years they pass here and this by the justice of God. It is not, however, on All Souls’ Day that the most go to Heaven. It is on Christmas night.

Are many Protestants saved?

By the mercy of God a certain number of Protestants are saved, but their Purgatory is for many long and rigorous. It is true they have not abused grace like many Catholics, but neither have they had the marvelous graces of the sacraments and the other helps of the true religion, thus their expiation in Purgatory is prolonged.

… I receive far more relief from one of your actions done in union with Jesus, than from a vocal prayer, because what is it that God hears? He hears all that is done with an interior spirit. The more closely a soul is united with God the more readily does He grant all it asks. A soul intimately united with Jesus is the mistress of His Heart. Strive then after this union which Jesus has desired to have with you for so long. You want to please Him? Well, this is the only way.

January 1880. On Christmas night, thousands of souls leave their place of expiation for Heaven, but many remain, and I am of their number. You sometimes say to me that the perfecting of a soul is a long process and you are also astonished that after so many prayers, I am so long deprived of the sight of God. Alas, the perfecting of a soul does not take any less time in Purgatory than upon earth. There are a number of souls, but they are very few, who have only a few venial sins to expiate. These do not stay long in Purgatory. A few well-said prayers, a few sacrifices soon deliver them. But when there are souls like mine — and that is nearly all whose lives have been so empty and who paid little or no attention to their salvation — then their whole life has to be begun over again in this place of expiation. The soul has to perfect itself all over again, and love and desire Him, whom it did not love sufficiently on earth. This is the reason why the deliverance of some souls is delayed. God has given me a very great grace in allowing me to ask for prayers. I did not deserve it, but without this I would have remained like most of those here, for years and years more.

… As for the plenary indulgences, I may as well tell you that few, very few people gain them entirely. There has to be such a wonderful disposition of heart and will that it is rare, much rarer than you think it is, to have the entire remission of one’s faults. In Purgatory, we receive only the indulgences applied to us by way of suffrage, as God permits according to our dispositions.

It is true that we have no inclination to sin, but we are no longer in the reign of Mercy but under that of Divine Justice, so that we receive only what God wants us to have. When a soul is near the object of its desires, namely Heaven, it may be delivered and admitted to eternal joy by the efficacy of one plenary indulgence well gained, or even gained only in half and applied to its intentions, but for other souls it is not so. They have often during life despised or made little use of indulgences, and God who is always just, rewards them according to their works. They gain something, as it pleases God, but hardly ever the full benefit of the indulgence.

August 1880. There are numbers of useless actions, many days entirely futile, without any love for Jesus or purity of intention. They are all lost since they have no value for Heaven.

You do not direct your intention with the purity that God wills. For instance, instead of offering up your actions vaguely, you could do so with much more fruit, if you only made your intention more definite. When you take your meals for example, say, “O my Jesus nourish my soul with your Divine Grace while I nourish my body.” When you wash your face and hands say, “My Jesus, purify my soul as I am purifying my body,” and so on, for each of your actions. Accustom yourself to be always speaking heart to heart with Jesus, and let Him be the mainspring of all you do or say. Do you understand me?

… While you are still on earth, it is impossible to understand what God demands of a soul expiating its sins in Purgatory. You are under the impression that many prayers, well said, will place a soul almost at once in possession of eternal happiness. It is nothing of the kind. Who can fathom the judgments of God? Who can understand how pure a soul must be before He admits it to share His eternal happiness? Alas, if people only knew, if they would only consider it while still on earth, what different lives they would lead!

Seriously reflect how many venial sins one who is careless about her eternal salvation commits in one day. How many minutes does she offer up to God? Does she think of Him seriously at all? Well, there are 365 days in one year, and if there are many such years, that person dies charged with a multitude of venial sins which have not been blotted out because she has not even thought of them.

When such a soul appears before God to be judged there is scarcely a spark of love left in that soul when she comes to render an account of her life to Him who demands it back from her. Such all but sterile lives have to be begun all over again, when they reach this place of expiation. Lives lived without love for God will have to be atoned for here in Purgatory with intense sufferings. Whilst on earth, they did not profit by the mercy of God, but lived merely for the sake of the body. Now to regain their first splendor, they have to make satisfaction to the last farthing. That is what happens to indifferent souls. For souls of greater guilt, it is far worse.

Try to love God now so much that you will not have to come here in order to learn how to love Him through sufferings which are without merit. The sufferings and trials on earth are meritorious, therefore, do not lose one of them — but above all, love. Love wipes out many faults and makes one avoid them so as not to give pain to the One we love. That is why a soul that really loves Jesus is constantly on its guard to avoid everything that would grieve His Divine Heart. There are many souls in Purgatory depending on you to deliver them from this place of suffering. Pray with all your heart for them.

November 2, 1890 — A Remembrance. This is the last Benediction of the month of the Rosary.

I am going to try to make you understand, as far as you can upon earth, what Heaven is like. There are ever new feasts which succeed each other without interruption. There is happiness, always new and such, it would seem, as has never been enjoyed. It is a torrent of joy which flows unceasingly over the elect. Heaven is above all and beyond all — GOD: God loved, God relished, God delighted in; in one word, it is to be satisfied with God without ever being satisfied!

The more a soul loves God on earth, the higher she advances in perfection, the more she will love and understand God in Heaven.

Jesus is the true joy upon earth and the eternal felicity of Heaven.

October 4, 2023 – Apostolate of the Green Scapular – JESUS CHRIST – “Prepare my children, do not be afraid but do prepare as best as possible. Much will happen during the next three months… The attacks (against the USA) will begin this month and increase in intensity the closer we get to Christmas… Prepare yourself now for the closing of your food stores”


(Source:https://greenscapular.org/web_folder/Adobe/Messages/2023%20Messages/Jesus_10_4_23.pdf )

OCTOBER 4, 2023, WEDNESDAY @ 7:01 A.M.

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. Dear Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: My dear one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Dear sweet Jesus, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal and Holy Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my dear little one, I your Divine Savior Jesus, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak dear Jesus, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My little one, I have called you this morning to prepare you for very serious attacks that will be made on your country before the end of the year.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.

Jesus: Prepare yourself now for the closing of your food stores.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.

Jesus: The attacks will begin this month and increase in intensity the closer we get to Christmas.

Anna Marie: My Lord, what can we do about it?

Jesus: Prepare my children, do not be afraid but do prepare as best as possible. Much will happen during the next three months that will either prepare you for the Great Tribulations or you will be required to turn to other sources of assistance that will certainly demand a price for giving you food and water. That will be the Mark of the Beast, which you have been warned against for many, many years. Seek me, seek my help and I will lead you through the Tribulations as I have said before to my Remnant Church. Prepare now while you have the smallest window of opportunity still open, to supply your food and water needs.

Jesus: My children, do not be afraid. Do not fear anyone. Do not worry of what you are to do, but remain in my peace. I will guide you in all you do. I will guide you and your family members too. Do not panic but trust in my love for you all.

Jesus: The time has come when my Father will rectify the sins of Adam and Eve. The time for the Restoration of the Heavenly Kingdom coming down upon the earth so God and man can live in perfect and abiding love, in joy and peace. It is time now when my Father will separate the Sheep from the Goats and the evil ones will be cast into the Lake of Fire for eternity.

Jesus: Now go my dear one. Make certain you post this message this day.

Anna Marie: Yes my Holy Lord. I will do as you command. Your unworthy servant, Anna Marie.

Jesus: Be in peace dear one, I am blessing you today.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus.

Jesus: Your Divine Savior, Jesus of the Sacred Heart of Mercy.


Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria – “In commemorating the Birth of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, every human being may place their whole physical and spiritual being before this Divine Child…” – Dec 23, 2022


DECEMBER 23, 2022

Beloved People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:

I am sent by the Most Holy Trinity to reach the heart of all humanity who, as God’s People, must save souls.


Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, humanity continues living in a chaos of unstoppable violence that spreads from one person to another, sometimes consenting to it without knowing why, but merely in order to imitate their brothers’ behavior.

THIS IS THE INTENTION OF THE POWERFUL: to see to it that the human race would self-destruct in terms of morality, society, spirituality, food and economics, so that, due to such a weight of inappropriate acts, human beings would renounce the Most Holy Trinity, Our Queen and Mother, and despise everything that reminds them of the Divine, blaming God for everything that happens.


It is human beings who have given free rein to their human will, going down various wrong paths that have led them to this moment.

People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:


Pray, pray for Mexico: it will suffer due to nature.

Pray, pray, pray without stopping for Brazil: your brothers and sisters need your prayers.

Pray, pray for strength for all humanity.

Pray, pray for Europe: you urgently need to pray for Europe – it will suffer due to nature and man himself.

You have a rocky road ahead of you…
A single religion will impose itself on humanity, which easily surrenders to innovations.

Human creatures forget that the Cross of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ is impregnated with the Salvation of every human being, and that it is only on the path of Truth and repentance that you can find Salvation.


You are on a path filled with every temptation, with the snares of evil, with the insinuations of evil, and evil knows that this is the time for it to take its spoils of souls… YOU MUST BE STRONG AND FIRM SO AS NOT TO FALL.

Children of God, remain attentive and do not be careless, because from one moment to the next there may be a conflict planned in advance. Without exposing yourselves in the midst of the strife, each one of you should keep calm and stay where you are until you find a safe opportunity to leave, if you must do so. My Legions are attentively awaiting your calls to come in haste, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.


Each one of you knows that Divine Protection is over humanity. Divine Mercy is infinite: ask Our King and Lord Jesus Christ for it to penetrate within you, and give Him permission to make of each one of you a new creature, so that you would succeed in overcoming the many trials that humanity has brought upon itself.


My Legions are caring for each one of you. I bless and protect you with My Sword held high.

St. Michael the Archangel


Blessed Virgin Mary – “Children, I wish so much each of you could have knelt with Joseph and Myself next to the manger.” – Dec 28, 2022


December 28, 2022
4th Day within the Octave of Christmas(1)
Blessed Virgin Mary

Blessed Virgin Mary says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

“Children, I wish so much each of you could have knelt with Joseph and Myself next to the manger. There was pure peace, perfect self-detachment in that little stable as we shared the present moment together with My Newborn Son.(2) No worldly concern robbed us of our peace. There was no more cold or foul smells. The small space was filled with a warm light and a pleasant, yet unfamiliar fragrance. There was no inner urging to be somewhere else or to take care of other situations or problems. Such an environment is unimaginable in the world today.”

“Children, the more you fill your hearts with worldly concerns, the more easily you give in to sin. Do not fill your hearts with lack of trust in the Lord’s Provision. His Will for you is perfect and always resolves every situation perfectly.”

Read Romans 8:28+

We know that in everything God works for good with those who love him, who are called according to his purpose.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by Blessed Virgin Mary. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

(1) See ‘The Octave of Christmas’ by clicking here: https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/octave-christmas/

(2) Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

God the Father – “Pray for the needs of the poor who are so appreciative of your smallest efforts.” – Dec 26, 2022


December 26, 2022
2nd Day within the Octave of Christmas(1)
God The Father

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, if you are joyful and at peace today it is because you based your celebration of Christmas on Jesus’ Birth. Sometimes, you try so hard to please others and you are unsuccessful. My Son(2) and I reciprocate all your efforts to please Us by placing joy and peace in your hearts. Concentrate upon Our Joy and Acceptance of your loving efforts and you will be at peace as you will be of good will. Pray for the needs of the poor who are so appreciative of your smallest efforts.”

Read Luke 2:13-14+

And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men with whom he is pleased!”

Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

(1) See ‘The Octave of Christmas’ by clicking here: https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/octave-christmas/

(2) For a PDF of the handout: ‘WHAT IS HOLY LOVE’, please see: https://www.holylove.org/What_is_Holy_Love