June 2023 Messages – Sons and Daughters of the LAMB – Jesus Christ – “Believe, many will perish because of their sinfulness and lack of repentance… I want you to pray for these lost souls, please make them part of your daily acts in the Divine Will, so they can have a chance of salvation. This act of love will glorify God and prepare them an entrance into the Kingdom if they accept God.”

Sons and Daughters of the LAMB
of the Immaculate Conception,
Apostolate of Mercy

(Source: https://www.daughtersofthelamb.com/i-am-with-you-always-messages-from-jesus)


Friday, June 2, 2023

“Now, dear child, listen to Me: in this house of Nazareth, the Kingdom of the Divine Will was formed in your Mama and in the Humanity of my Son, to make of It a gift for the human family, when they would dispose themselves to receive the good of this Kingdom.” (From the Writings of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta – The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will – Day 25)

The foundation of the church is given to each soul at the moment they are conceived in their mother’s womb. This gift comes with a great grace, it is alive within the soul. The process of Baptism initiates or confirms this gift to the soul by the power of the Holy Spirit. Once the soul is initiated it becomes alive and working in the Spirit of God. This means all creation of humanity is given the foundation of the church. This was implemented to generate the family as the core of living in My Will, as the recipients of My Catholic Church, its teachings, its beliefs and the faith it is the very foundation that the family stands upon. That is why your families are under attack by satan and its evil agenda to destroy humanity. Not a single soul will be lost if all would submit to the foundation of the family in My Will. The great example that I have given humanity is the Holy Family of Nazareth, My Mother, Saint Joseph and I, for we are the greatest examples of living in the Will of God. One must adapt and submit to the Will of God in order to be sustained in the fullness of My grace – the Divine Will.

You see once a soul is lost it needs to find a way back to God and resolve its failings and sinfulness by the act of confession with true contrition for its sins. You must prevail in all your acts for the family to preserve this foundation. You have this ability to bring forth the True Church, through your acts as the family is being formed and nurtured by God, with the Catholic faith and its teachings all within the Divine Will of God. You will understand more as you read Luisa’s writings on the Holy Family of Nazareth. The writings of the Saints and the teachers of the church are the path to holiness. Remember you are as much as you receive to prepare your entrance into Heaven. Treasure the writings of the Saints and church teachers. Do not seek vain glory, humble yourselves before Me. The lasting effect for man will be his redemption and acceptance into Heaven.

I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

No message given on Friday, June 9, 2023.

Friday, June 16, 2023

Jeremiah 20:11 But the LORD is with me, like a mighty champion: my persecutors will stumble, they will not prevail. In their failure they will be put to utter shame, to lasting, unforgettable confusion.

Today My word comes to you from the heavens, I have told you before that My words come to the Heart of the soul receiving them, believe.

You will witness much death and destruction. A great light will come from the sky, the heavens will be lit up and you will witness destruction on earth. This light comes from man’s evil intention to destroy humanity. I have spoken to you before on this and now it will come to pass. I tell you My daughter DO NOT FEAR, for My arms of mercy are open wide for humanity and I will help those who will perish because of this evil.

Sons and Daughters of the Lamb pray for this to be mitigated and even stopped. Pray in your rounds and fusing these souls in My Sacred Heart. This great gift I have given you will save mankind from war, chastisements and even destruction. The Divine Will can make all things new by your acts with Me and through Me. Do not doubt your gift! The measure of faith one has in the Divine Will is endless, all things can be accomplished in My Divine Will.

Now the church will have a period of neglect by the leaders in your church because of their stance on secular/cultural views. But I will bring your leaders back to their proper faith formation when the church is purified. Many of the church leaders will be reprimanded and they will have to choose Me or the world. In the end your church will be purified, but much smaller. This period of cultural revolution will only be a short period of time.

I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

Mother Mary speaks: Children how can one love God but not their neighbor? If you truly love your God then you would love your neighbor, even one that is not of your beliefs. Pray My children for these souls who are involved in this cultural revolution that they may see and recognize God as their Redeemer and healer, for they need many prayers. Thank you, My Sons and Daughters of the Lamb of My Immaculate Conception, for you have brought Me great joy by your attendance and prayer at your retreat. Many graces have been given to you and your families for your effort to love, to pray and to serve God. I give you My blessings, for you are all within My heart.

Your Mother Mary​ +

Friday, June 23, 2023

1 Corinthians 2:9 “What eye has not seen, and ear has not heard, and what has not entered the human heart, what God has prepared for those who love him…”

Dear children, BE NOT AFRAID, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS. I come to you today to bring you peace. I am here with you to assure you that I have taken care of all your needs. This means no fear and to trust My plan for each one of you. The measure of faith given in these times of stress will get you through all trials. You are My faithful children and I love you all.

Begin praying the Rosary of Desire from your heart, fusing all families into My Holy Divine Will. This will mitigate much suffering of families that have given themselves over to the ways of the world and not to God. They will be tested and purified as gold is in the fire. These families are living with in the worldly ideologies of evil men. Do not put yourselves to the test by allowing the temptations of the world to take you away from Me your God. I love you and want you to know of My great love for every one of you that I have created. This means total abandonment to Me with much prayer and sacrifice on your part in serving God. I will help all those who wish to be helped, and this involves your YES to Me and NO to the ways of the world.

These places I have chosen to be places of My Love rest within the hearts of the souls who will truly walk in My Divine Will and to be examples of My Mercy for all. Children, please prepare a place for Me in your hearts if you have not done so already. Be vigilant, for what is about to take place will be a surprise to many and those who will be surprised and devastated are the souls living for the world and not for God their Creator. Be at peace.

I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

Click to open the Rosary of Desire (3 Pages PDF):

Friday, June 30, 2023

Revelation 19:9 Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who have been called to the wedding feast of the Lamb.”

Today child My words come to you from the Heart of Christ.

Be prepared children for I come to save humanity. My Mother is with you, place yourself within Her Heart just as the martyrs of the church have done, giving Her permission to use you as She Wills to save souls. She is the Mother of the Church, I AM HER SON AND WE ARE ONE. Be patient with all that you are going through on a daily basis for the gift of patience and your trust in Me will get you through another day. My Mother has given you many graces and these graces are your weapon against satan, for these graces will aid you in your trials.

The marriage supper of the Lamb is here now, I wait for each one of you to be united to Me so we will accomplish all things for the Glory of the Father. Do not fear this world, for you will be given reprieve to aid you when carrying your cross through each trial you endure. Disaster strikes at the feet of many who continue to live in a world full of sin. Believe, many will perish because of their sinfulness and lack of repentance. The souls who refuse Me will be led astray by their own ruin. I want you to pray for these lost souls, please make them part of your daily acts in the Divine Will, so they can have a chance of salvation. This act of love will glorify God and prepare them an entrance into the Kingdom if they accept God.

The world has become a very dark place, but soon this world will be made new again to glorify God and become an eternal paradise of peace, love and mercy all within My Holy and Divine Will. My Children just one act in My Will will bring hope to all of humanity with My Kingdom to come. Pray for peace, pray for My love to enter the hearts of those who serve the enemy, and pray for the Kingdom of the Divine Will to come upon the earth and become a pure act of love for all humanity.

I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +