July 9, 2023 – My Movie Review about ‘Sound of Freedom’ – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Sunday, July 9, 2023
Month dedicated to the Most Precious Blood of JESUS

My Movie Review: ‘Sound of Freedom’

I, “a soul” of MaryRefugeOfSouls, was able to watch the film, ‘Sound of Freedom’, yesterday in the movie theater and I want to give my honest thoughts about the film for those who are ‘on the fence’ about watching it. It is an amazing movie and I do not want people to be afraid of seeing it, because the subject matter — child trafficking — is a very deep and very emotional topic to be exposed to. However, I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that every person watch this film. This movie explores a very difficult topic in a brilliant manner, paving the way to more open and needed public discussion, which will hopefully result in the end of this modern day slavery in our country and around the world. It is definitely a movie that lingers with you days later as your psyche reflects upon and copes with what you have seen. It is also a movie that every parent should watch, because knowledge is empowering, especially, in this subject matter. In reading the many comments regarding the film, this is a movie that makes many grown men — that never show their emotions — makes them publicly cry. This is also a movie that many elderly persons in their late 80s — who have not been to the cinema theater in decades — come out to watch because they want to be supportive of this important cause for children.

Firstly, I want people to know that in the film, you never see the child actors being harmed or abused in any way. The producers worked really hard to protect the innocence of the children acting in the film. The parents of all the children involved were on set throughout the production. In truth, while the children may have known the film was about kidnapping, the children did not know the nature of the child trafficking involving sexual abuse. Also, the scenes are “suggestive” about any child abuse, leaving it to the viewers’ imagination what might be happening next by fading out and cutting away at those “suggestive” parts. You never hear cries for help or screaming during those fade out scenes. I am being very detailed in telling you all this, because I know that people’s concerns about what they may be exposed to may detract people from viewing this film. I also want people to know this, because while the abuse scenes are merely suggestive, it still might affect people who are sensitive or who may have been traumatized in their past at the hands of others.

I want to share with you all that I never saw the movie Mel Gibson’s ‘Passion of the Christ’ starring Jim Caviezel, because I knew that I would be too traumatized by all the lifelike violence of witnessing a dramatization of the Crucifixion. In contrast, the ‘Sound of Freedom’ was not at all at the level of brutality that I imagine the ‘Passion of the Christ’ to be. I could handle the ‘Sound of Freedom’ and I would be willing to watch it again if I knew of others who would like to see it with me. Also, I know that they have a script for another movie if this first one proves successful and honestly, I would have no problem watching a sequel or series of movies on this topic, because the script, directing and acting are so well done. I think that this is a very serious topic that must be heard and addressed by the people and our leaders. So, I definitely want to continue to be supportive of this important movement to protect the children.

The acting is superb. Jim Caviezel has very expressive eyes which convey a lot of his interior emotions as he portrays the main character, Tim Ballard. There was one scene in particular that Jim does that really stayed with me. It is a scene that Jim actually ad-libs — he actually adds a line that was not part of the original script — which is the bible verse where Jesus warns that it would be better to be drowned by a millstone tied around one’s neck rather than to hurt a child (“little one”). It is a very powerful moment when Jim says it. However, the actor that I was really impressed by was Bill Camp who plays the supporting character, Vampiro. I will not spoil it for anyone, but he is really, very good, and I think the director and producer chose excellent actors for the various parts, including the monstrous villains.

Overall, I agree with other critics that the ‘Sound of Freedom’ is a masterpiece. I say this, because child trafficking is a very hard subject to tackle for a movie and it is really a make or break thing. All the elements of the movie have to come together perfectly, otherwise, it will fall flat on its face, be panned, and have no credibility at all. But, the ‘Sound of Freedom’ fully delivers on all accounts and because this topic is so difficult and divisive to present adequately cinematically, this movie really is a masterpiece and deserves to be called that.

However, whereas many people are stating this movie is a 10 out of 10, honestly, I can only give the ‘Sound of Freedom’ a 9.5 out of 10. Although I will say that I feel bad that I cannot give it a perfect score. Why only a 9.5? It is because the producers billed this movie as being based on the real life of former federal agent, Tim Ballard, when in reality, it is more “inspired by” rather than being based on a “literal” story of events in Tim’s life fighting child trafficking. So, it is definitely not a dramatized documentary, as many scenes are fictional. I was actually very relieved to know this, as towards the end, there is a violent scene involving an altercation with a drug kingpin and its outcome is a bit troubling to me if it had really happened in real life. So, I am very happy to know that those scenes were completely fictionalized by the scriptwriters. However, I think it would have been much better if the producers advertised the film as a dramatization inspired by Tim’s life rather than saying it is based on true life events in Tim’s life. I understand that they do not want to downplay the gravity of child trafficking but at the same time, I felt that scene was a “negative” tarnishing the otherwise wholesome, brave reputation of Tim Ballard who truly is a hero and man of godly integrity.

In conclusion, I want to share with you the bible verse that is engraved on the necklace that Tim Ballard actually received from a child whom he rescued from human trafficking. In the movie you see the necklace given to Tim but the viewers are not told which bible verse it is. It is actually a bible verse that incorporates his first name and is very prophetic as to the mission that he would be undertaking in the future by starting a worldwide organization to fight child trafficking. Here is the scripture:

1 Timothy 6:11
“But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.”

God bless,
A Soul

Footnote: For those living in the USA and Canada who would like to watch this movie but cannot afford a movie ticket, Angel Studios actually has a program where you can claim FREE MOVIE TICKETS. All that they ask is that you write a positive movie review on the various movie critic websites if you found the film noteworthy. Here is more information about the program as I know many people are living under tight budgets due to the down economy. So, I hope that you will take advantage of the ticket offer which is a great opportunity for those in need:

Read related:
‘Sound of Freedom’ Real Story: What Is True in the Movie? (includes film spoilers)
