July 18, 2023 – Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “My Words are urgent! A halt is necessary before humanity’s rebellion brings the severest of My Prophecies upon itself. What lamentation, what pain this generation will suffer!”


JULY 18, 2023

Beloved children,


My Words are urgent!
A halt is necessary before humanity’s rebellion brings the severest of My Prophecies upon itself.
What lamentation, what pain this generation will suffer!


The sickening mud of sin is spreading throughout the Earth, but this mud will not touch those faithful to My Divine Son. St. Michael the Archangel and His Legions keep evil away from those who are worshippers of My Divine Son.

Great volcanoes will give off gases that will not allow sunlight to reach the Earth, and cold not previously experienced by the human race will penetrate the skin: cold similar to that of the soul without God. Prepare yourselves!

Pray, children, pray, Spain will endure the insurrection of its people due to contagious violence.

Pray, children, pray, Mexico will suffer, its soil will be strongly shaken. Guatemala will suffer.

Pray, children, pray, Europe is in grave danger.


Beloved children, all heartfelt repentance is welcomed by My Divine Son, who receives you in His merciful Arms.

THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY IS TRAGIC, but united in fraternity it will change and the peace you have desired so much will come, handing the Earth to the Creator for His Glory and the Salvation of the human soul.


In the chuches where the Sacraments are lived out correctly and especially where the Eucharist is celebrated, our Sacred Hearts will be seen.

May My Blessing on each person be the balm that will sustain you in the faith.

Mother Mary



Brothers and sisters,

Our Blessed Mother made me see so much pain and at the same time so much joy in those who do not lose faith.

Spiritual effort bears fruit of Eternal Life. Harvest time is coming and the good fruits will be taken to be guarded, and these will initiate a people of peace in whom God will be constantly adored.

Brothers and sisters, pay attention, for the Father’s House will bring us what is necessary at present in order to not lose Eternal Salvation at a time when humanity is satisfied with the crumbs that fall from the table and which fall to the ground.

Onward, brothers and sisters, Eternal Life awaits us!



(Prayer inspired to Luz de Maria, 18.07.2023)

Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Immaculate Heart of Our Queen and Mother,
with reverence I come in supplication
and trusting in such august Hearts.

I come before your Presence
in order to beseech that this consecration
of my home and of all those who live in it would be accepted.

Sacred Hearts of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and of Our Queen and Mother, before such infinite mercy,
I make reparation and I love, I love and make reparation so that this home
might be freed from every power foreign to the Will of God.

May it be freed from all envy, from all hidden power of evil, from all evil seduction
towards those of us who make up this family.

Sacred Hearts, we consecrate to you all our actions,
deeds and works, our desires and our wishes,
so that under your guidance, this home might entirely
belong to such beloved Hearts.

We beseech you to embrace the hearts, minds, thought and will of the
members of this family, so that in serving you,
we would find happiness and peace.


Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – July 12-18, 2023 Update


Tuesday, July 18, 2023: (St. Camilus de Lellis)

Jesus said: “My son, I know you have been suffering with your cough for several days, and you have had little sleep because of your coughing. Expect to suffer problems with your health from time to time. You finally were able to get to the doctor for your medicine, so your symptoms should subside. Remember when you are suffering to offer up your pain for poor sinners and the souls in purgatory. Remember how much pain I had to suffer and be crucified on the cross. My people, get used to pain because the evil ones will be torturing and even killing My faithful as martyrs. Satan and the demons hate anything to do with religion and Me, so they will be harassing Christians more and more until you are forced to come to My protection at My refuges. So do not be downcast when you are tested in any way, but put your trust in Me and I will protect you with My angels.”

Monday, July 17, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles if they love their relatives more than Me, then they are not worthy of Me. I also said if people do not take up their cross and follow Me, they are not worthy of Me. I am your Creator and I love all of you so much. It is understood that I should be first in your life, and I should even be the center of your life. You all have to make this decision to love Me or not, because I do not force My love on you. My faithful desire to be with Me at Mass and in prayer every day. If I am truly the first love of your life, then you need to show Me your love in your actions every day. The weaker people may only say how they love Me on Sunday, and forget any love on the weekdays. My faithful need to bring My love and joy to all of My people so they can witness how much I love them, and they need to love Me every day. Even more, My faithful need to help convert as many souls to the faith as they can. I am love and I want to share My love with everyone, just as My faithful need to share My love with everyone as well.”

Sunday, July 16, 2023:

Our Lady of Fatima said: “My dear son, I know you are suffering from this sickness, but do not be disturbed because I am bringing your concern to my Son, Jesus. He listens to My pleas as you know, and He will heal you enough so you can make it home tomorrow. I am concerned for all of my sick children both in body and soul. Your priest is offering Confession, so take advantage of his absolution of your sins. I thank all of you who have made a personal commitment to do my Son’s Will. You are giving your free will choice to follow Jesus in whatever He asks of you. It is your love and obedience to my Son that will bring all of the faithful to my Son in heaven. I also thank all of my children for praying your four daily rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet. I know how important it is for you to come to daily Mass and Holy Communion. Father talked to you also about wearing my brown scapular with all of the promises that you will be saved in heaven if you wear it all of the time. Thank you for all that you do to help people, as you know saving souls is my Son’s greatest desire.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is getting late to store your three months of food. You may have to buy your canned food instead of the dried food that takes longer to order. The one world people want to control your money and your food. Their first plan is to force the digital dollar on you, so they will try to control what you can buy. You will have trouble with your bank account, if you do not follow their agenda. If they cancel your bank account, then you will have to rely on the three months of food you were supposed to buy. If your lives are threatened, you can pray in faith to Me, and I will multiply what food you have, even before coming to My refuges. The second plan will be an attempt to force the mark of the beast on everyone, but do not take this mark. When this mark is mandated, then My people will be called to My refuges, and your guardian angel will make you invisible as you are led by a flame to the nearest refuge. My angels will protect you and provide for your needs at My refuges. Those people, who take the mark of the beast and worship the beast, will choose to be cast into hell as their punishment. So follow My directions to love Me and obey My laws, and you will find a place waiting for you in heaven. Be a wise virgin and follow Me to heaven. Do not be a foolish virgin who is lost in hell.”

Saturday, July 15, 2023: (Mass of Dedication of 2nd Monastery)

Jesus said: “My people, your priest has blessed this beautiful monastery, and you also celebrated Mass on this day of dedication. I love all of your people who made this possible with their donations and work. This building and the work here is truly in preparation for the priests of the Era of Peace. You are blessed to see the final completion of this second monastery. Saturday is a day to celebrate My Blessed Mother’s Presence. The strong rain you received from heaven represents the tears of My Blessed Mother who is crying over the many souls who have turned away from Me. Keep praying your rosaries to help save the souls of your family, especially during the six weeks of Conversion after the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am warning you of a coming famine, that could be caused by the one world people as they are using GMO food to replace your organic food. Once you are eating GMO food, then your people will start getting sick with no cures for your sickness. They are already making artificial meat that will not provide enough protein for your muscles. The GMO crops are taking over your good organic crops because of the cross pollination. Try to eat more organic food so your body is not contaminated with so much artificial food. When you buy your three months of food, try to get organic dried food to help your body repair itself from the GMO food. The GMO food will weaken your body because it does not know how to process hybrid food. This GMO food will not give you the proper nutrition you need to have a healthy body. Pray for your people to see the errors of your GMO food that it is slowly poisoning your people.”

Friday, July 14, 2023: (St. Kateri Tekakwitha)

Jesus said: “My people, there was a great famine all over the land, so Jacob brought his whole family to Goshen in Egypt. Joseph was overseer and he gave grain to his family and the people of Egypt. Later, another Pharaoh took the throne and Joseph could no longer help his family. The Egyptians enslaved the Jews in building their cities. But I raised up Moses as the Deliverer, and by miracle plagues they broke the Pharaoh’s resolve, and the Jews were set free. To this day the Jews treasure the Passover that brought death to all of the first born of Egypt. The Jews were told to put lamb’s blood on their doorposts and lintels so the angel of death would pass over their people. I protected My people again at the Red Sea when the Pharaoh’s army was drowned. Just as Moses became the Deliverer to free his people from the bondage of slavery, so I also became a Deliverer of My people when I broke the bonds of sins and death. I gave My Blood sacrifice on the cross to heal the souls who accept Me into their lives. You have seen how I take evil things and I turn them into saving graces. See how I brought My plan of salvation history through the time I was on the earth.”
N.B. From a friend who had a message from Jesus on the accident with the many motorcycles that injured or may have killed some people. Jesus said: “I have blessed all the people who were in the motorcycle accident this day. Thank you My children John and Carol for praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet for them. Many graces were poured out on these people with your prayers.”

Thursday, July 13, 2023: (St. Henry)

Jesus said: “My people, it was coincidental that last night you watched the Chosen movie that was exactly about this Gospel of when I sent My apostles out two by two to prepare the people for My talk. I gave them the power to heal the sick so they could witness healings in My Name. When they returned, they all had great healing accounts wherever they traveled. They were thankful to help bring the faith of My Word in converting people to have faith in Me. When you have deep faith, you can heal people as well.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, this ‘Sound of Freedom’ movie was made five years ago, and it is finally being seen. The subject of trafficking young children is appalling that these evil people are able to kidnap young children and force them into sex slaves for money. When the children were set free, they were singing with joy, which is the ‘Sound’ in the title. Give thanks to Me and the people who are trying to set the children free from their bondage.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may be aware of witch covens and various places where these evil ones meet. Many US Presidents and billionaires come to worship Satanic cults in California. Some of these people sell their souls for fame and fortune. These one world people worship Satan and they are behind running your country. These evil ones pay for their crimes with suicide in the end. Keep praying for My faithful people who have to do battle with these evil ones to help save souls from the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the peak of the sunspot activity that is causing these lights to travel further south than normal. You are also seeing eclipses of the sun over various parts of your country. These celestial signs are emphasizing that you are in the end times as the tribulation time approaches. Pray for My protection from the Antichrist and the demons who are testing My people. Call on Me and I will have My angels protect you at My refuges. The evil time will pass, and I will reward My faithful in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you celebrate the 13th of these months when My Blessed Mother visited the three children at Fatima, Portugal. My Blessed Mother encourages you to pray her rosary and wear her brown scapular. These are your weapons to battle the evil in your day. I did not leave you orphans, but you must pray your daily rosaries to fight the evil in your world. You have statues of My Blessed Mother to remind you of how she brings Me to you every day.”

Jesus said: “My people, do not fear the evil ones because My angels and I are at your side to protect you. I give you Your guardian angels and My graces to overcome any fears of the demons. You know I can do the impossible and I can restrain the evil angels. So pray for the strength to overcome all of the attempts of the evil ones to steal souls. I give My people all of the weapons of the rosary to fight the demons. When you have Me with you, the demons will run away. Trust in My power that is greater than all of the demons.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I will win this Battle of Armageddon as I will have My angels join My faithful to battle the demons and the evil people. So have no fear of the evil ones because you are with Me on the winning side. The evil ones cannot stand My Light and My power, so when you join Me, you will see My victory. Lift up your eyes because your salvation and redemption is at hand. You will rejoice with Me in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living in the pre-tribulation days and you are being called to go out and evangelize the people so you can make them believers in Me. You will see the Warning and the six weeks of the Conversion time. During these six weeks, you will have one last chance to help convert your family into believers. If they do not convert their earthly lives, they could be lost in hell. So pray and work at a fever pitch to save your family’s souls, so they will have a cross on their foreheads that will allow them into My refuges. I love all of you and I do not want to lose one soul to hell. Pray that your family will accept Me into their hearts and souls so they can be saved from hell. They must accept Me by their own free will if they want to be saved.”

Wednesday, July 12, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, this account of Joseph in Egypt showed the wisdom of My plan that he interpreted the dream of the Pharaoh. When he saw the coming seven years of famine, Joseph made plans to store extra amounts of grain during the seven years of plenty. Then when the famine came, Joseph dispensed the rations of grain to the people of Egypt, his family, and even other parts of the world. This is a lesson for your people today, because I have been warning you to have three months of food ready for each member of your household. You will again see empty shelves in your stores, or you will not have the mark of the beast to buy food. Your food will be more valuable than your gold or money. You also are preparing My refuges when you will need My angel protection, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for the coming three and one-half years of the tribulation of the Antichrist. You have been preparing for My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion before the brief reign of the Antichrist. My faithful will be protected from the evil ones, starvation, and My Comet of Chastisement. I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones into hell, and I will reward My faithful in My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, for now I am only allowing Satan and the demons to go so far. You are looking at a battle of My faithful with the demon inspired one world people. I told My apostles that if they had the faith the size of a mustard seed, they could move mountains. It is one thing to believe in Me and obey My laws. It is another higher power to have faith that I can perform miracles to help convert souls to be believers. When you have a strong belief that I can do impossible things, then you will see how I allow miracles to happen. When you pray and fast for things that will save souls, you definitely have My attention. It is better to pray for conversions than to pray for constant miracles. I allow certain miracles when it is My Will to grant them. Some conversions require much fasting and prayer. The person also has to make a free will decision to follow Me because I do not force people to love Me. So pray for Me to increase your faith in Me so you can accomplish good works for Me in other souls. Trust in Me and the power of My angels because I will win all of the battles in the end against all of the demons and the evil people.”