MaryRefugeOfSouls – Article Link: A Catholic Approach to Helping Victims of Sex Trafficking Heal from Trauma, along with Heaven’s Messages about the Need to Protect the Innocence of Children – JESUS CHRIST: “The sins most prolific and wounding to My Heart of Love today are those sins against chastity, life and innocence. If all the sins of every generation were combined, the sins of this generation would still outnumber them.”

July 25, 2023

Blessings beloved ones,

I would like to invite you to read this very informative article about how you as a layperson can become more involved on this very important issue, child trafficking and human slavery, from a Catholic perspective, especially, at the local diocesan level.

‘Sound of Freedom’ Offers Opportunity to Highlight a Catholic Approach to Helping Victims of Sex Trafficking Heal From Trauma

In this blog post, I am also including several messages from Holy Love Ministries where Heaven addresses the need to protect the innocence of children, along with a prayer from Jesus.

Thank you for your compassionate and caring heart.
Because “God’s children are not for sale”.

I love you,
A Soul


June 22, 2001
Friday Rosary Service
Jesus Christ

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother is holding the Rosary of the Unborn. She says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Tonight, my brothers and sisters, My Mother weeps for the crimes against the innocents. Continue to pray against abortion and against every crime perpetrated against an innocent child. My brothers and sisters, resolve tonight to begin the Journey into Our United Hearts, for this is the choice for life.”

“The United Hearts Blessing was given.”

July 5, 2002
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus Christ

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. It is the Divine and Perfect Will of My Eternal Father that I come to you today in order to increase, unite and strengthen the Remnant Faithful. From this day forward all My Public Messages to you will be under the title: Divine Love Speaks To The Remnant Faithful. It is this Remnant that perseveres in the Tradition of Faith despite all obstacles.”

“I come, My brothers and sisters, to bring you into the richness of My Sacred Heart. I desire to share with you the bitter grievances of My Heart. I ask that you reflect upon these grievances and assuage My Heart with your love–your Holy Love.”

“First and foremost, I grieve for the loss of innocence in the world. Because of modern communications and travel, this loss of the virtue of chastity is more widespread than ever before. Innocent little children are used and exploited by a pleasure-seeking segment of the population.”

“Closely adjoined to this grievance is the taking of innocent lives through artificial birth control and abortion. Artificial contraception is most often just another form of abortion. The innocent lives I give are destroyed before they can flourish in the womb. Couples prefer the pleasure, but not the new life.”

“I also grieve for the worship of false idols by so many. The gods of money, power and unnatural sins of the flesh have consumed the heart of the world.”

“I come to you today to ask you, not only to soothe My aching Heart, but the Heart of My Mother who suffers intimately along with Me. The only solution for all of these grievances of My Heart is Holy Love; for Holy Love alone can heal all wounds.”

“I desire the welfare of your souls which can only come to you through love. Therefore, I call you into the spectrum of Holy Love which is holiness and salvation itself. This alone is the solution to man’s desensitization towards God and His Commandments. Holy Love dictates an end to terror in the womb and in the world. Holy Love calls all humanity to unite and to step into the First Chamber of Our United Hearts. Outside of Holy Love, you are not living in harmony with God’s Divine Will.”

“I am blessing you today with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

July 6, 2002
Saturday MSHL Rosary Service
Jesus Christ

“I come as Jesus, born Incarnate to address My remnant faithful.”

“My brothers and sisters, some hearts question the message that was given yesterday on the 5th of the month. They question why I would place the destruction of innocence and chastity in young ones ahead of abortion. Babies who are aborted receive a baptism of blood and they always choose the light when they see it and are saved. But the innocent children whose chastity and purity is destroyed by others often receive spiritual harm and some, because of the crimes perpetrated against them, choose damnation when they do come to Me later in life; and this is why it is a greater abomination to Me than even abortion itself.”

“Here you see, My brothers and sisters, the soul is of the utmost importance; and so, that is why I urge you to pray against pornography and any kind of molestation of the young.”

“Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

September 7, 2002
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. Please realize in the depths of your heart that all sin proceeds from a proud heart. Pride is a disordered self-love. The soul chooses sin because he loves the sin more than God and neighbor. Sin is self-serving, you see.”

“The sins most prolific and wounding to My Heart of Love today are those sins against chastity, life and innocence. If all the sins of every generation were combined, the sins of this generation would still outnumber them. But My Love is patient and full of Mercy. I smile with favor upon My Remnant Faithful. They alone withstand My Wrath and hold back My Arm of Justice with the help of My Mother.”

“The Holy Mass and the Holy Rosary together hold a great impact on the Scale of Justice. Devotion to Our United Hearts is third in this order of power against evil. The spirituality of the Chambers of Our United Hearts is great enough to pull the world back onto the path of righteousness.”

“Therefore, along with the Rosary of the Unborn, propagate the little Chaplet of the United Hearts which will serve to lead many into the depths of these Chambers.”

“I will bless you.”

May 29, 2003
St. Teresa of Avila

St. Theresa of Avila comes. She says: “Praise be to Jesus. I have come to help you understand that each present moment is unique in its graces, crosses and opportunities. Every present moment offers victory over self-love or defeat at the hands of too much self-love. Every present moment is sealed forever – never to return – never to be re-lived – never to offer the same set of opportunities – never to bring the same graces in the same circumstances.”

“Every present moment a soul chooses his own perdition. Every present moment a distraught and misled mother chooses to abort. Every present moment a crime against innocence occurs. Every present moment the Church suffers still greater weakness through loss of a vocation, compromise of some basic tenet of faith or deceitfulness in the challenge of truthful administrative decisions.”

“So you see, when each present moment is sealed, it is sealed forever with the kiss of Holy Love – never to return, but only to be judged according to each one’s response to Holy Love in the passing moment.”

July 5, 2004
Monthly Message to All People and Every Nation
Jesus Christ

Jesus and Blessed Mother are here with Their Hearts exposed. Blessed Mother says: “Praise be to Jesus.”

Jesus: “I am your Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come to help the world understand that true freedom does not come to you through wealth, fame or power. True freedom comes to the hearts of those who seek to do the Will of My Father.”

“Some see freedom as the right to choose certain sins such as abortion or homosexuality. This is Satan’s attempt to twist the truth. He has fooled many into compromising their own salvation. Millions are slaves to sins that are an abomination in My Eyes. Lust is not the same as love and self-love is the enemy of Holy Love. Self-love in its extremes convinces the soul that sin is his right. Indeed, it is a choice, but a choice for evil over good.”

“Today, the innocence of childhood is violated like unripened fruit plucked from a tree and consumed by the voracious appetite of sin. Innocence is no longer cherished or safeguarded, but has become the victim of sinful appetites. This is what forms deep in the heart of souls and whole nations. It is a call for My Justice.”

“My brothers and sisters, many do not recognize the evil that lies all around them for there is a fog of spiritual confusion over good and evil. But the time approaches when the conscience of the world will be aroused–then the difference between good and evil will be distinct. Pray that you make the right choices during these times.”

“We’re blessing you with the Blessing of Our United Hearts.”

October 9, 2006
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I have come to give to the world a prayer to protect the innocence of the world at large. Satan has made it his goal to destroy innocence at an early age, thus claiming more and more souls for himself. The prayer is to My Image of Divine Childhood.”

“Divine Child Jesus, we come to You asking Your protection over the innocence of the world. Place all children in Your little Divine Heart.”

“Protect their eyes so that they do not see anything that would destroy their innocence. Protect their ears that they would not hear anything that would take away innocence. Fill their hearts with Holy Love, dear Divine Child. Extend their years of innocence by merit of Your protection. Amen.”

September 12, 2010
Jesus Christ

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I tell you solemnly, those in leadership roles, whether public or private, secular or religious, have more to answer for when they face eternal judgment. I do not condone the misuse of authority for the sake of money, power or control or concern for reputation. I do not condone the scandalizing of innocence.”

“In these Messages, you are given the path I call you upon. Follow it.”