Very Important Prayer Requests for the Future Vitality of All Refuges and Overall Success of Medjugorje – Special Commentary By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

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July 28, 2023
Month of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus

Blessings dearest ones,

Firstly, I want to share with everyone that I have been quite busy since April (Holy Week) 2023. I am working on a special project for Papa God that I hope to release soon on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. I cannot reveal the subject of this special project yet, but I can share that it is very important and will have far-reaching implications, impacting all people living today. I ask for prayers for this special project and I thank everyone in advance for your spiritual support.

Secondly, recently, in the course of working on my special project, the Holy Spirit impressed upon me certain thoughts regarding the future vitality of the refuges that all the good children of God will be living at during the reign of the antichrist. And I feel called to speak to you all about these thoughts and to ask everyone who follows this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, for a very important intention to remember in their daily prayers.

Now, if you have been following the heavenly messages on this blog, especially, to mystic, Luz de Maria, you may have picked up on the fact that there will be a technological “blackout” in humanity’s future. This massive blackout will be devastating for much of mankind. This is due to so much of modern life being dependent on technology and a functional worldwide electrical grid.

Beloved ones, I must tell you that there are elites running the world in shadow governments that parallel actual governments in many countries. These shadow governments run illicit operations and are secretly funded by over-bloated defense budgets in many countries that are not properly held accountable by our political leaders. Moreover, these shadow governments engage in top secret defense operations involving advanced “exotic” technology gathered from cooperating with demons. Specifically, the demons pose as extraterrestrial beings (aliens) with benevolent intentions towards mankind. These demons represent themselves as alien “saviors” who have come to help mankind take the next step of its “evolution” as part of an intergalactic and interstellar community. And the demons swap advanced exotic technologies in exchange for the free will cooperation of the elites who set up economic and political systems for the eventual worldwide enslavement of all humanity under the antichrist.

I know that what I have written here may seem fantastical, incredible, and unbelievable to some readers. But what may sound like a “conspiracy theory”, sadly, is the reality of the global situation. I am not going to debate it or go into great details about this, as the only reason that I point this out, is because I want to speak about advanced exotic technology that the elites possess and we — the good children of God — do not have access to. I share with you all that during the future technological blackout — when all the power sources and electrical grid goes down — it is these exotic alien-derived technologies that the antichrist will use to control and manipulate people utilizing the mark of the beast (embedded physical microchip). The mark of the beast will dictate the “haves” and the “have-nots”, as only those with the mark of the beast will have access to food and water, but also access to the exotic technologies that will power and heat homes and continue to fuel the world economy.

Beloved ones, one of the many advanced exotic technologies that the elites possess from the demons is “cold fusion” technology.

Cold fusion technology is NOT nuclear fission technology.

Cold fusion technology generates thousands of times more energy than nuclear-derived fission technology. Cold fusion is similar to the process of how our Sun generates light and warmth for earth. In cold fusion, through a series of reactions, hydrogen is fused together to create helium and energy is generated as a byproduct. Cold fusion is very safe — being totally non-threatening to humans, animals, and nature — and takes place at room temperature. It costs almost nothing to make being at the fraction of the costs of generating comparable nuclear fission energy. It costs mere pennies to power homes because it uses hydrogen — the most abundant element in the universe and is found in water molecules.

In contrast, nuclear fission technology that mankind currently uses for nuclear power plants and atomic bombs is highly dangerous and highly lethal. Nuclear fission technology, which man created, occurs when uranium or plutonium explodes at critical mass that perpetuates a chain reaction. Nuclear fission technology also destroys the environment for many generations due to toxic radioactive byproducts.

The promising development of cold fusion technology is in its infancy among the common scientific community. However, among those in the illicit defense black-ops projects, the elites (with the help of demons) have perfected the development of cold fusion for their sinister reasons for mastery over the world population. And this development is tragic, because cold fusion technology is a clean, safe, and essentially free source of unlimited energy that holds the desirable promise of potentially lifting up billions of people out of severe famine and extreme poverty throughout the world. But those who suppress advanced cold fusion technology are the same evil men who have deep pockets with global financial interests in maintaining a worldwide war-driven economic infrastructure based on fossil fuels and other commodities, that would utterly collapse if cold fusion became widely known and utilized by all of mankind. Sadly, it is a positive paradigm shift that the elites do not want to happen on earth unless it is very carefully manipulated by them under control of the antichrist.

Now, dearest ones, I want to share with you why I am writing this commentary. It has been pressed upon my heart that the children of God need to earnestly pray to Papa God and Jesus to give cold fusion technology to all the refuges. That this is a very important intention that needs to be prayed for daily by all refuge owners and all those who hope to live in safety at the refuges someday during the Great Tribulation (Apocalypse). For God to bless all refuges so they will have their energy needs met to run their refrigerators, freezers, ovens, sewing machines, etc., and the ability to power lights, heat water, and generate heat during wintertime and use cooling systems during summertime. Cold fusion technology would also make possible tractor-driven farming, etc. Finally, cold fusion technology is totally self-contained, meaning, refuges can have all their energy needs met while being totally independent from each other and remaining off-the-grid. It is not dependent on variable resources like sunlight or fossil fuels. For example, a cup of water could provide enough energy to power a modern residential home for a year.

Note, have you ever wondered how the elevators will run in the future skyscraper that the holy angels will build to accommodate the 5,000 people on the refuge land of Prophet John Leary and his wife? It is certainly conceivable that it will function by using cold fusion technology(!).

Also, as I have been writing this commentary, the Holy Spirit pressed upon my heart another prayer intention.

I believe that many of you may be familiar with the Caritas Community in Alabama (USA). They run the largest Medjugorje apostolate in the world and the most comprehensive website dedicated to the Medjugorje apparitions of Our Holy Mother. They also broadcast regular radio shows promoting the monthly message of Our Holy Mother. Caritas has also built an impressive technological infrastructure on their two properties so that they can be at the forefront of sharing globally the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje when they are revealed.

Beloved ones, we need to pray for the success of the worldwide mission of Caritas and that Papa God will grant them all the advanced technologies needed for the success of their Medjugorje ministry.

For example, devoted followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, know that once the six and a half weeks reprieve after the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has ended, that everyone must get rid of all internet connected technology, including computers, televisions, cell phones, and other devices, etc. This is because ALL TECHNOLOGY will be used by the antichrist for enslavement and worldwide domination once satan and all the demons are released when hell becomes unlocked again.

However, I have always known that Caritas has a critical mission when it comes to delivering the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje at their future appointed unveiling, especially, the first three Secrets which involve special “warnings” for the entire world. I have also known that one of the six Medjugorje visionaries will continue to receive heavenly messages for the whole world after the Great Warning has happened. Finally, I have also known that Caritas would be acting somehow as a “headquarters” for disseminating heavenly messages from other chosen messengers and other developments of the Divine Plan throughout the refuge network. However, until now, I just did not understand how everything regarding Caritas would come together according to God’s Supreme Will.

Dearest ones, I know that this will sound like science-fiction from Star Trek or Star Wars, but truly, there exists advanced exotic technology that involves cloaking objects and sound wave transmissions, as well as advanced “jamming” technology that can hide the originating source of communicative devices. I share this, because it is really important that we pray that Papa God and Jesus will provide these technologies to Caritas for the overall success of the Divine Plan. That way, Caritas can continue to share their radio broadcasts throughout the refuge network during the Great Tribulation, including the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. That way, Caritas can also continue to broadcast their programs to the outside world, especially, the first three “warning” Secrets to undecided people still caught in the crosshairs of the battle for souls and whose souls can still be salvaged by God. All of this being done for the Glory of God totally undetected by the antichrist, satan, and hell to their greater frustration.

Brothers and sisters, I hope that you are excited about these technological possibilities and will sincerely pray for them as part of your daily intentions. Refuge life will be very hard but utilizing cold fusion technology can certainly improve the standard of living from being most difficult. And having access to other advanced technologies can certainly advance the Divine Plan so the maximum number of souls will be saved by the Grace of God.

Finally, as people may have questions, I want to address why it is necessary that we must pray for these blessed gifts from God. For people may say that surely God would provide everything that we need to survive at the refuges?

Yes and no. Beloved ones, we want to not only survive, but thrive living at the refuges. Faith and trust in God, as well as free will, are all key components for thriving at the refuges. Our first parents, Adam and Eve, desired to be like God and to possess all the accompanying gifts but without the help of their Creator in their lives. That will be the situation of the world seeking these advanced exotic technologies under the regime of the antichrist and persuasion of satan and hell.

Such a perverse mentality is not for the children of God. Salvation is meant to be a loving partnership between the creature and the Creator. We must also never take God for granted. Regarding prayer, Sacred Scriptures teaches us that we must be like the persistent widow with our intentions, both deliberate and earnest, so that God will grant our most ardent hopes and desires.

In conclusion, I believe that I have been blessed by the Holy Spirit with these inspirational thoughts for all of us at this particular moment as we are ever-closer to the time of the refuges and Great Tribulation (Apocalypse). I firmly believe that God and Heaven desires to bestow these precious gifts to His faithful children if only we ask for them. Because, trust me, these are not topics that I usually think about and honestly, I am not smart enough to even think this way about God’s Merciful Love and His Generosity towards us. It is beyond my mental capacity to think that BIG about things. God, on the other hand, I have realized always thinks on a massively, grandiose scale and He Is always into the details.

I love you,
a soul

P.S. I have included a few basic resources below about advanced exotic technologies for those who want to learn more. And because I am a musically-inclined person, I have also included a music video to a song that I hope people will enjoy. It is called, “Believe For It”, sung by American Gospel singer, CeCe Winans, and popular Brazilian Christian worship singer, Gabriela Rocha. I hope that it inspires people to pray for these intentions. God bless.


Cold Fusion Information:

Article: Engineered Metamaterials Can Trick Light and Sound into Mind-Bending Behavior

YouTube Video: Brief Introduction to Cold Fusion (6 minutes)