Prophet John Leary – JESUS CHRIST – “You may need your cell phones after the Warning and during the six weeks of the Conversion time to help convert your family to be true believers in Me. There will not be any evil influence during the Conversion time, so you will not be blocked in any conversion efforts. After the six weeks of Conversion you need to get rid of your cell phones, computers, and monitors to avoid looking at the eyes of the Antichrist.” – August 23-29, 2023 Update


Tuesday, August 29, 2023: (Beheading of St. John the Baptist)

Jesus said: “My people, in the coming tribulation of the Antichrist, you will again see some martyrs who will be beheaded for refusing to follow worldly gods, and they will obey God instead of obeying man. How many people will have the strength to be a martyr for obeying God instead of man? In life you will suffer pain and hardships, but call on Me and I will give you the strength to endure all of your trials in life. Trust in Me to lead you to heaven despite all of your earthly trials and disappointments.”

Monday, August 28, 2023: (St. Augustine)

Jesus said: “My people, I desire that My people pray every day for the saving of souls, especially in your own families. For those people, who have not read of St. Augustine, he had a troubled life in his early years when he was not following Me. It was his mother, St. Monica, who prayed persistently for thirty years until he was converted to the faith. This is a strong lesson in persistent prayer when St. Monica prayed patiently for her son. Some souls require prayer and fasting to be converted. In some cases it takes years of dedicated prayer to bring someone to Me. Do not give up on any soul because I hear your prayers and your intentions. Your wife prayed over forty years for her father’s conversion which happened as he died. It is your persistence and confidence in praying for souls that is well worth your long endurance to keep praying for conversions. Your prayers will not go unanswered as I see the holy intention in your hearts to save difficult souls who are being misled by worldly distractions. Trust in Me so you can convert your family’s souls during the six weeks of Conversion after the Warning.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this sword as a sign of the coming persecution of Christians. The evil ones are setting up detention center death camps for the people who refuse to take vaccine shots, and for those who will not take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. With this next pandemic virus, your officials will make a decree that everyone has to have a vaccine shot, and if you do not have proof of your shot, they will take you to the death camps. After the digital dollar is in place, you will soon see another decree that everyone will need to take the computer chip in the body. Before these evil ones will threaten your lives, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion. So refuse to take any vaccine shot, and refuse to take the mark of the beast under any circumstance. I will give you an inner locution that it is time to come to My refuges. I told you to leave your homes within 20 minutes so the evil ones do not force shots or the mark of the beast on you. Trust in My angel protection at My refuges, but be prepared to come quickly to My refuges when soon your lives could be threatened.”

Sunday, August 27, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, because My apostles were going to spread My Word, it is important that they know who I AM. I asked My apostles who I AM and St. Peter answered: ‘Thou art the Christ, the Son of the Living God.’ I am the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. I then said to St. Peter: ‘You are the rock on whom I will build My Church, and I give you the keys to My Church and the fires of hell will not prevail over My Church.’ It is by these words that I started My Church with St. Peter as the first Pope. You have seen how much My Church has remained throughout the years, since I was on the earth. I love My Church and I have protected My faithful despite many attacks against it. I ask My people to be faithful to Me by attending Sunday Mass and worshiping only Me according to My Third Commandment. You have seen the closing of My churches during the Covid years, but you were able to offer Mass on your internet programs. I am warning you that you will see My churches closed again with the next pandemic virus, and you may not see them opened again as you will soon be experiencing the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Have no fear because I will call you to My refuges before your lives will be endangered. At My refuges you will have faithful priests to offer daily Mass and My angels will cover you with an invisible shield so the evil ones will not see you. I will be with you throughout the tribulation with My Real Presence. A priest or My angels will give you daily Holy Communion.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen My crucifix and some statues that are oiling as a sign of My Presence. This is holy oil that comes from the blessing of holy people. St. Sharbel was a monk who lived like a hermit, and his body is incorrupt to show the sanctity of his mission on earth. Treasure the oil from his casket and give thanks for all the healing of people through his intercession. You are very familiar with Maureen Marrolly and how wherever she went crucifixes would oil by itself in her presence. You received many vials of oil that were collected from her oiling statues. These are healing oils that should be respected as holy oils that you should share with your friends and relatives for any healing intentions. Give thanks and praise to Me for giving you these healing oils to help your people.”

Saturday, August 26, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, do not let pride control your lives, but live humbly in My service. Do not seek to be famous among your peers, but give thanks to Me for all the good things I accomplish through you. Do not seek to be rich in wealth, but only work with what you have to bring up your children in faith in Me. Help your children as a good father in providing for their spiritual and physical needs. Bring your children to Sunday Mass and give them good example by bringing them to monthly Confession. See that they receive My sacraments of Baptism, Penance, Holy Communion, Confirmation, and later to get married in the Church. Be a good grandfather of any grandchildren by encouraging the parents to baptize their children. You are responsible for the souls of your children and your grandchildren, so pray to help save their souls, and be a good example of Christian living to lead them to Me in heaven.”

Friday, August 25, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I read you the two Great Commandments in the Gospel. The first is to love God with your whole heart, your whole soul, and your whole mind. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself. By following these Commandments, you will be on the right road to heaven. I am Love Itself and I call you to be like Me in loving Me and everyone else. In the vision you saw people coming to Confession to have their sins cleansed by Me through the priest’s absolution, and I will restore My sanctifying grace to your soul. It is important to come to Confession at least once a month. I know you are all weak to sin, but I can forgive your sins and you can seek My forgiveness. Keep close to Me in your daily Mass and Adoration, even if you have to receive Me in Spiritual Communion.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing a spinning fan which is My sign to you of the coming Warning. When I bring My Warning on My people, you will see a brief darkness followed by two suns in the sky. Everyone on earth at the same time will have their Warning experience which is a life review of your whole life. You will pass over your forgiven sins, but you will vividly remember all of your unforgiven sins. You will witness how everyone around you was affected by your actions. This is why the more often you come to Confession, the less sins you will experience in your Warning. After your life review, you will experience a mini-judgment to either heaven, hell, or purgatory. You will also experience being at your destination and physically feel what it would be like to be there. This will be a wake-up call for many people, but you will have no excuse for where you will be sent, because everything you did was approved by your free will. People, who go to hell or see a hell experience, have caused themselves to be sent to that place by their sins and neglect to ask Me for their forgiveness. In the Conversion time after the Warning, you will have a chance to come to Confession to have your souls cleansed. Many people will see how much their sins offend Me and they will understand how necessary it is to come to Me for Confession. My priest sons will be busy all of the time in the confessional. You may need to bring the priest food and water because they will be in demand. Remember the more often you receive messages on My Warning, the closer it will be for it to come. Keep praying your rosaries so your family members will have true faith in Me to be a believer so they can enter My refuges.

Thursday, August 24, 2023: (St. Bartholomew, apostle)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I was calling My apostles to be with Me for three years of My public ministry of healing and evangelizing souls for My Kingdom. Today, I am gathering My apostles of the end times to be prepared at their refuges for the less than 3½ years of the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You will first see My Warning followed by the six weeks of Conversion that will not have any evil influence. After the six weeks, My faithful need to get rid of all of your internet devices as cell phones, computers, and monitors so you do not look at the eyes of the Antichrist. If you look at his eyes, he could cause you to worship him. I will be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges so you will be protected from viruses and wars by My angels. At My refuges I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. You will also have a consecrated Host in a monstrance so your people can adore Me around the hours of the clock. Have no fear because My angels will put an invisible shield over you so people will not see you. All of My believers will have a cross on their foreheads by My angels, and your refuge angel will prevent any non-believers from entering your refuge. You will remain within the grounds of your refuge throughout the whole tribulation. Trust in My protection because I will bring you into My Era of Peace once I defeat the evil ones, and I will renew the earth.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you many messages on this subject of when to stop using your cell phones. I am repeating what I told you before in case there may be some confusion on this subject. You may need your cell phones after the Warning and during the six weeks of the Conversion time to help convert your family to be true believers in Me. There will not be any evil influence during the Conversion time, so you will not be blocked in any conversion efforts. After the six weeks of Conversion you need to get rid of your cell phones, computers, and monitors to avoid looking at the eyes of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will bring My Warning and My six weeks of Conversion before you see your lives threatened by a new virus and an expansion of war. After this Conversion time, I will soon call My people to My refuges for My angel protection. I gave you a message, My son, that nuclear weapons will fall on some of your cities, just as some others have seen. My angels will put a shield over My refuges that will protect you from bombs and viruses. I am calling My faithful to My refuges so the evil ones will not harm you, though some may die of martyrdom.”

Jesus said: “My people, My refuges will require having some food, water, and fuels, so I can multiply them for your needs. It is up to My refuge builders to stock up on some food as I called you to make one more trip to the stores before the shelves could be empty, or you may need the mark of the beast to buy any food. My refuge builders have a heavy responsibility to have a water source as a water well, some bedding, some means to heat and cool your house, and an access to a latrine. They also will need to organize your jobs so you will have your needs satisfied. You will also need to have a Perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament with people praying at all times.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have asked you to stop planning any more talks after October 1st. You have seen other people receive messages about October that has confirmed My warning. You could see some serious events begin slowly and your media may not report all of the evil that is going on. But be prepared to come to My refuges when I will give you an inner locution. When you are warned, you need to grab what you can and leave your house within twenty minutes. This is so the evil ones cannot force the mark of the beast on you. At My refuges you will be healed of any illness when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky.”

Jesus said: “My son, every time you have had a practice refuge run, you learned some things that you could do better. You will not use electricity unless you have solar power. You will use your well water and your pull-up lights at night. You will use your stored food to make your meals, as I want you to make soups from your dried vegetables, meats, and pasta for at least two meals. I will be there to multiply what you need during the tribulation, but this refuge life will be a test for your survival, as you will all help with the jobs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have given messages to My refuge leaders on how they are to carry out My plans to run your refuges. You remember, My son, how I encouraged you to have a water well put in your ground. Since you were given an inheritance, I also encouraged you to get some on grid solar panels on the second floor roof. You later added a smaller solar system off grid on the first floor roof so you could remove the snow and have year around electricity. I also had you prepare for Mass with an altar, hosts, wine, vestments, and Mass books. I am thankful you carried out all of My directions immediately after I gave them. Trust in Me and My angels to provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My son, having Perpetual Adoration at every refuge is needed not only for your prayers, but having My Real Presence among you will enable your faith in allowing My miracles of multiplying your food, water, and fuels. Your altar and Mass preparations will also enable you to have daily Holy Communion at the Mass. You can see how it is important to have spiritual and physical preparations for all of your refuges.”

Wednesday, August 23, 2023: (St. Rose of Lima)

Jesus said: “My people, there are no gray areas or a third choice in loving Me, but you are either with My love on the right side, or you are living in the territory of the devil on the left side. This vision is very clear that there are only two choices for all eternity. In the Parable of the owner of a vineyard, you see My generosity in giving the same wage to those who only worked one hour compared to those people who worked the whole day. This message is not about the fairness of money, but it represents how I am willing to save every soul from hell, even if that person comes to Me on their death bed. You do not want to see any soul lost in hell, but evangelize people before their last hour, so they do not risk falling into hell by missing My call. You only have one life to be with Me, so take advantage of My generosity and seek to have your sins forgiven in Confession, and then come to receive the glory of your Master in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you in previous messages that you will see a lot more persecution of Christians as you get closer to the tribulation. You could see another lock down with another pandemic virus that will close your churches again. You will also see divisions in the Church over a coming Mass that will not have the proper words of Consecration. It will be a difficult time for My daily Mass people. You will be criticized for not following the new health protocols. Your money could be taken away when they try to implement the digital dollar. Refuse to take any new vaccine for any reason because it could kill you. Refuse to take the mark of the beast for any reason as well. When your lives are threatened, I will call you to My refuges. You will see My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion come first. Then you will be called to My refuges and you will remain there throughout the tribulation. Your priest will give you a proper Mass and daily Holy Communion. Once you are at My refuges, the new virus and the war will be brought down on the earth by the Antichrist. Have no fear because at My refuges, you will be protected by My angels from any virus and any war. You will have My multiplied food, water, and fuels for your survival. I will be with you every day in your Perpetual Adoration.”

August 28, 2023 – Important Prophecies – Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “Beloved ones of My Divine Son (Jesus), TIME IS PASSING WITHOUT YOUR PERCEIVING IT. Everything is happening in the blink of an eye… Reforms are coming in the Church of My Son which will shock the world. Many of My children will be confused by this.”


AUGUST 28, 2023

Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart:


Children, you are loved, very loved by this Mother. I see you every moment, I anticipate your works and action in order to invite you to live rightly, then each person makes their decision.

Beloved ones of My Divine Son, TIME IS PASSING WITHOUT YOUR PERCEIVING IT. Everything is happening in the blink of an eye, even though My children are too immersed in material things and those of the world to realize that everything has been changed: look at the weather, the sun, nature, violence…

Illnesses due to solar storms (2) will affect you until you experience what will be a geomagnetic storm following a coronal mass ejection that will lead to the failure of so many electronic inventions. This will cause serious fires, so you must be prepared to be without electric power.


Reforms are coming in the Church (3) of My Son which will shock the world. Many of My children will be confused by this.


Persevere, resist, be strong and trust in Divine Protection.

Beloved children, without forgetting the wave of illness (4) that you lived through, I must tell you that you will be tested again, not by the Will of God, but by human wills. Have what I have recommended to you so that you would have relief during illnesses (5).

Beloved children, in the depths of the Earth, as the tectonic plates rub against each other, some deeper than those you know, they cause loud noises and make the marine animals leave where they live in search of survival.

Pray, My children, pray concerning what is happening that is not God’s Will.

Pray, My children, pray for one another.

Pray, My children, pray for America: the earth will move.

Pray, My children, pray: in Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina, Peru and Brazil there will be earthquakes of great intensity.

Pray, My children, pray for Spain, which will be attacked; France will be invaded, Russia will suffer and Ukraine will be surprised.

Prayer elevates the soul (cf. Rom. 8:26-27); prayer with the heart prepares human beings for eternal adoration of the Most Holy Trinity in Heaven.

I bless you with all My Love.

Mother Mary


(1) Downloadable booklet about the Queen and Mother of the End Times (PDF):

(2) About solar activity:

(3) About prophecies for the Church:

(4) About diseases:

(5) About medicinal plants given by Heaven:


Brothers and sisters,

In the face of so much human turmoil, I invite you to consecrate ourselves to the Queen and Mother of the End Times on the celebration of her fifth anniversary.


Queen and Mother of the End Times,
I am Your child. Receive me, I entrust my life to You
an place my will in Your Hands,
all that I have and all that I am,
my aspirations, desires and projects.
Remove from me the attachment to material things
so that I may seek the possessions
which are not seen, because they are spiritual.

I consecrate my life to You today, Queen and Mother,
I give myself freely to Your protection,
in these difficult moments in which I live,
be the Ark causing me to remain afloat
without being shipwrecked in the midst of purification.
May the Rays of Your Hands illuminate my mind,
my thoughts and my memories so that they may be healed,
my pains so that I may offer them
and my falls so that You may lift me up.
Enlighten my heart so that it would not compete with my faith,
but so that the one would enlighten the light of the other.

I consecrate myself to You and I give myself to You
in the freedom of the children of God.


August 28, 2023 – MUST-SEE Video Interview – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) – Prophet John Leary and wife, Carol – Refuge Preparation and No Travel After October 2023 – MaryRefugeOfSouls

August 28, 2023 – MUST-SEE Video Interview – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) – Prophet John Leary and wife, Carol – Refuge Preparation and No Travel After October 2023 (50:24 minutes)

About Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN)
My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).

Here are links to the latest TTEN interview of John and Carol Leary on various media platforms:

TTEN website:

TTEN website (All John Leary interviews):

BitChute Interview:

Spotify Podcast:

YouTube Video: TTEN Interview: John and Carol Leary (50:24 minutes)

August 21, 2023 – Teachings from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to Luz de Maria – “One human being with improper thoughts is enough to cause evil to all those around them. A single creature of good changes the world and those whom they touch in their life.”


AUGUST 21, 2023

Brothers and sisters,

I see sweet Jesus in the majesty proper to His Divinity and He says to me:

My beloved,
How I rejoice over human beings who decide to convert and do not waver in that decision, given the urgency of being firm, strong and determined to be blessed by Me!

Going through the process of conversion, my children leave behind them foul-smelling chunks of meat that they carry with them, and without realizing it, they continue to be spiritually blind and proud, futile. Humanity is full of such people and it is urgent that they have the strength to see themselves as they are, with their personal defects, and not to look at those of others.

Blockages exist which, by dint of repetition, become heavy stones; attached to the body like spores, they make you suffer from false wisdom, from appearances that are temporary and typical of “wolves in sheep’s clothing” (Mt. 7:15).

Look at the times and how you are placing your feet on the ground:

Are you standing firm? Do you feel the ground firmly, My children?
Will this firmness last?

See your brothers and sisters who are tasting the bitterness of pain and the force of nature.

I call you to embark upon the Path of Truth, but
of humble Truth…
of Truth that loves…
of Truth that gives itself…
of Truth that does not want everything for itself….
of Truth that knows the way of a true child of Mine, on whom I work with a chisel in order to sculpt them.

My children, without the gentleness of the Truth and without the discretion of the Truth, you will only manage to impose yourselves by force… Will you be loved or rejected? And what have I sent you to do? I have sent you to be fraternal and to be keepers of The Commandments.

You confuse raising your voice in front of your brothers and sisters with demonstrating strength, power or wisdom. In this way you obtain the opposite effect and are rejected.

The majority of My children suffer persecution by those who do not love Me and persecution of their own making. Not only are My children persecuted, but they will be more so, since My Divine Love within human beings makes the enemy of the soul vomit, trapping them through base instincts and the pride that is the master of fallen souls.

You have persecutors and do not know it:

Envy is a bad companion and a great persecutor of persons themselves….
The ignorance of a proud person is their great persecutor…
Foolishness is a fierce persecutor of oneself…
A lack of understanding towards one’s brothers and sisters comes back to a person and their own square meter.
Some spiritual obstacles have repercussions for oneself and spread out towards one’s fellow men.

My Jesus shows me a person who is almost motionless to the extent that they turn in on themselves and refuse to yield, capriciously refusing to accept Divine Requests for internal change – a transformation that has to start by looking at yourself and realizing that you are not what Our Lord expects from a good child.

Then He says to me:

My Beloved,

Humanity is headed towards severe suffering; evil prevails and My children reject the good.

One human being with improper thoughts is enough to cause evil to all those around them. A single creature of good changes the world and those whom they touch in their life.

Tell them, My daughter, that the elements will scourge humanity in general and that you must prepare yourselves by helping one another. Tell them that having a heart of stone causes you to be conformed to the evil oppressor of the soul, to harden and even to be in great danger of joining the Devil.

Suffering is fast approaching: so many countries will suffer that one country will not be able to help others: it will not be the right moment for them to do so.

Europe, a cradle of great human achievements, will cease to be so, given what awaits it: the seizure of countries and invasion imposed by force. There will come a time when borders will not concern movement from one country to another, but the transfer of prisoners of war. My children will be shocked at what they will experience, at the evil that will emerge from human beings in times of crucial decisions.

A brief silence… and my beloved Lord Jesus Christ continues:


I am sending My dearly beloved Angel of Peace, not so that human beings should expect to be saved without personal merit or think that He will come to change their works and actions, because change within you should have already taken place. He rather comes to give My Word to those who thirst for Me, to those who desire to convert in the midst of the dominion of the Antichrist, with the angelic humility of one who, being prepared by My Mother, is My Mother’s treasure for these times.

My Angel of Peace is an angel because he is a faithful messenger of My Word, which he knows to perfection, and he is the one who has been appointed by My House to teach you the Law of Love.

Beloved children, do not fear: My Guardian Angels are protecting and will protect you. Be exemplary children and you will receive the best reward: My House as an inheritance.

May My blessings be within each person the balm that draws you to Me.

Giving Me a blessing extended to all, He said to me:

I bless you all, My beloved ones.

Your Jesus


EWTN News: Miracle Video! Blessed Virgin Mary Statue Untouched by Maui (Hawaii) Wildfires! — MaryRefugeOfSouls

Incredible Video! Only Maria Lanakila (Our Lady of Victory) Catholic Church Remains Standing! Miraculously Untouched by Maui (Hawaii) Wildfires! – MaryRefugeOfSouls

YouTube Video: EWTN News Nightly: Virgin Mary Statue Untouched by Maui Wildfires (6:51 minutes)

Mary, Our Lady of Medjugorje – Monthly Message To The World (Marija) – August 25, 2023

Monthly Message To The World (Marija)


AUGUST 25, 2023

“Dear children! In this time of grace, I am calling you to prayer with the heart. May your hearts, little children, be raised in prayer towards Heaven, so that your heart may feel the God of love who heals you and loves you with immeasurable love. That is why I am with you, to lead you on the way of conversion of heart. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Prophet John Leary – JESUS CHRIST – “My people, for refuges that are prepared to have Mass, it would be a good plan to invite any priests to come to your refuge who are willing to stay during the tribulation” – August 15-22, 2023 Update


Tuesday, August 22, 2023: (Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

I could see the Blessed Mother with a crown and she was bending down to place what looked like a glimmering rug down to prepare for Jesus’ coming in victory after the end of the tribulation. I saw Jesus standing in all of His glory about to come. The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are about to suffer more trials of a new virus and a war that could use nuclear weapons. My Son, Jesus, will be calling you to His refuges before these deadly things will be brought down on the earth. After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, you will stay at your refuges before the Antichrist will start the tribulation by declaring himself. Have no fear because after the Antichrist’s brief reign, my Son will come in His victory over the evil ones. You will rejoice when He brings you into His Era of Peace. Today is a special day that I bless the Queenship Publishing people for all of their work in bringing their books to the faithful, so I thank them.”

Monday, August 21, 2023: (St. Pius X)

Jesus said: “My people, just like the young rich man in the Gospel, many people do not want to give up their wealth because they need money to pay their bills and buy their food. You may make donations to the church and charities, but it is usually paid from your excess wealth. I know you need some money to pay for things, but do not strive for more money than you need. So do not make money your god, but depend on Me for your needs. It was the Israelites, who worshiped their Baals instead of Me, that were punished for their idol worship. As a punishment I allowed their enemies to overwhelm them. America is being taken over by your enemies in the one world people, and they are taking away your freedoms as punishment for your sins.”

I could see a petri dish with a new virus that I could see under a microscope. Jesus said: “My people, I am confirming a previous message on 8-2-23 that you received when the evil one world people will bring a new virus that will be ten times more deadly than the Covid virus. I will call My people to My refuges before this new virus is released on the people. You will see another shutdown forced on your people with closed churches. Just as with the Covid virus, your authorities will mandate taking a new vaccine in order to have a job. Refuse to take this new vaccine or any flu shot because this new vaccine could kill you. These same people will limit your travel, and you will be detained at a death camp detention center if you are found without proof of your vaccine shot. When you look upon My luminous cross at your refuge, I will heal My faithful from any deadly virus. This is another reason why I do not want you traveling to any more talks after October 1st. These evil ones want to reduce the population with the deadly virus and the deadly vaccine shots. Refuse to wear masks and refuse to get tested for such a new virus because these things could be contaminated with the virus. My angels will put an invisible shield over My refuges so the evil ones will not see you. Once I call you to My refuges, you will remain there throughout the less than three and one-half years of the tribulation. Some government people are already being advised of this coming new virus and vaccine for the fall. Be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you with an inner locution. I love My faithful and I will protect you from this new virus.”

Sunday, August 20, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I hear all of your prayers and I answer them in My way and in My time. I healed the Canaanite woman’s daughter because of her great faith. In the vision you saw Me healing a great number of people waiting in line. I love all of you and I am willing to heal your physical and spiritual problems. In the readings I am addressing all peoples, including the Gentiles as well as the lost sheep of Israel. Your deacon talked about three elements of prayer with deep faith that I can heal you, persistence in asking for your intentions, and humility in respecting My answering of your prayers. Trust in Me that I know your pain and your troubles, and I will help you in My time when you ask. When you have been healed of a major illness, you need to give witness of your healing in thanksgiving for answering your request for a healing.”

Saturday, August 19, 2023: (St. John Eudes)

Jeanne Marie said: “My dear Al, I am happy to be here for you on the anniversary of my death. I love you so much, and I am waiting to see you again in heaven. In the first reading Joshua said: ‘For me and my family, we will serve the Lord.’ So we both are serving the Lord the best we can. Take courage my love, for I am your angel in heaven watching over you every day.”

(Nocturnal Adoration) Jesus said: “My people, I thank all of you for your prayer service in worshiping My Blessed Sacrament. In the vision you saw several comfortable chairs around a table. Do not get too comfortable with the things of this world because they are all temporary, and they will pass away. Focus more on Me because your soul and I are eternal, and you will live forever in your soul. So choose to be with Me in heaven, and not with the devil in hell. I love all of My faithful, and I am leading you on the right path to heaven.”

Friday, August 18, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, at times you are too wrapped up in your earthly activities, and you need to slow down and give some time to Me. When you make time for Me, I can give you My peace to assure you that I will take care of your problems, so you will have no worries. When you live in full trust of My leading you, you can be at peace all of the time. Just as I helped the Israelites in protecting them from their neighbors, so I offer this same protection for My faithful at My refuges during the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. So peace be with you in all you do for Me, and life will be so much easier because you are trusting in Me in all parts of your life.”

Jesus said: “My son, you did some research to find a cheap ($200) twelve person tent with 180 sq ft. and you looked at some metal sheds which cost about four times as much. This would be a place to store any food that people could bring to your refuge. The tent would only be temporary, but you can do more research for something that fits your needs.”

Thursday, August 17, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I showed the people My protection after Moses died, when Joshua prophesied the Jordan River would stop flowing so the Israelites could cross on dry land. This was a sign similar to when Moses prayed to split the Red Sea for the Israelites to cross on dry ground. In the Gospel I gave a parable about forgiving debts when someone pleads for more time to pay back the debt. Forgiveness should come from the heart, even as I forgive your sins in Confession. I even told you to settle any grievance with your neighbor before you come to the altar to worship before Me. I love all of you so much, and I ask you to love Me and to love your neighbor as yourself.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to explain to people why they need to come to the safety of a refuge. The refuge is a safe place where I will protect My believers from the evil ones who want to kill My people. A time is coming when the Antichrist will be allowed less than 3½ years to reign over the world. The evil ones hate Me and My believers to the point that they want to kill you. It is your refuge angel, who will protect you. This angel is powerful and the angel will not allow any non-believers to enter your refuge. Tell the people a time is coming when you will need to live independent from the outside world. This means you need to have your own water, your own food, and your own fuels, beds, and latrines. I have instructed you, My son, in how to prepare and use what you will need. If the tribulation of the Antichrist lasts longer than a year, then in faith I will multiply your preparations so you can all survive on the food and water I will multiply. Trust in Me that you will have daily Holy Communion from a priest or My angels. I will be separating the good believers in Me at My refuges, and the non-believers will suffer My punishments. So choose to be with Me through the Warning, the six weeks of Conversion, and through the tribulation of the Antichrist, and you will have your reward when I will bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Wednesday, August 16, 2023: (St. Stephen of Hungary)

Jesus said: “My son, I had you prepare to have Mass at your Chapel with wine and unconsecrated hosts. You also have an altar with candles, books, and vestments for Mass. You have song books and Bibles for the people at your refuge. You also have spiritual kits with rosaries, scapulars, and prayer sheets. You are seeing the need for spiritual preparations along with your physical preparations. Your Perpetual Adoration with a consecrated Host in a monstrance is important for every refuge as you will have people adoring Me at all hours of the day. It is My Real Presence that will enable Me to multiply your spiritual and physical needs. Trust in Me to protect you from harm and provide for your survival by multiplying your water, food, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know people want to help your refuge by bringing some of their food to your refuge. Your problem is protecting it from thieves and from extreme cold and heat. This would be a temporary holding place. You might research a shall shed or a large tent. Being able to lock it would mean it needs strong walls. I will have My angels protect any shelter for storing your food.”

Tuesday, August 15, 2023: (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you are seeing me in the Guadalupe Miracle that you can visit in Mexico City, Mexico. I am truly the woman dressed in the sun in the Book of Revelation (12:1-6). I gave my fiat to accept St. Gabriel’s message to be the Mother of my Son, Jesus. It is this picture of my pregnancy that converted the Indian people. You also saw a miracle of a lighted fetus of Jesus over the Guadalupe image when your Supreme Court struck down your abortion ruling of Rowe vs. Wade. I am the Blessed Mother of all the Americas and of the Church. I gave my Magnificat in today’s Gospel. I have been made Blessed and today you celebrate my Assumption into heaven. I am an example to all of my children in my obedience to God and my humility in His service. Continue to pray my rosaries and wear your brown scapular, and Our Lord will see that you are brought to heaven one day.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, it has been awhile since you had one of your practice refuge runs at your refuge. (12-12-21) I would like you to have one more practice run before October 1st because you may need to remember how to plan not only for 24 hrs., but for months and possibly years. You need to practice using your dried foods for making a good kettle of soup that will last for two meals. You can make some bread with your flour, yeast, and your Camp Chef oven. Use your well water and your rechargeable battery operated pull up lights at night. Have everything in working order before you start. Clear out your beds and use your pillows and blankets.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for acting quickly on your last food run for your refuge. You need protein in eggs and meat to have a balanced diet. You will see in your planning how to get your refuge prepared to feed people and provide heat in the winter. Try running your water well for a week, and use your solar power to run your water pump at least in the daylight. I want you, My son, to have everything ready to receive people for bedding and food for at least two meals a day.”

Jesus said: “My son, there is a reason that I told you not to go traveling after October 1st. You can travel short trips to the stores and Mass as long as your lives are not in danger. People have been asking you if traveling after October 1st is for everyone. If I call you to My refuges by October 1st, yes it is for everyone. I would recommend staying near your homes for October, or if you see serious events, you will not want to make any long trips. I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, if you are going to a refuge, you could help by bringing some of your food storage that you could load into your car quickly, once I give you notice it is time to come to a refuge. Remember to call on Me to have your guardian angel lead you to the nearest refuge by following the angel’s flame. You will have an invisible shield over you as you come to your refuge. Remember not to bring any cell phone or internet device to your refuge because they will not work. I will be protecting My faithful on the way to your refuge and My angels will protect you at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, for refuges that are prepared to have Mass, it would be a good plan to invite any priests to come to your refuge who are willing to stay during the tribulation. A priest can give you daily Holy Communion at Mass and they can confess your sins. You will need to provide bedding and meals for your priest. Use a consecrated Host in a monstrance for your Perpetual Adoration. Even if your refuge does not have a priest, I will have My angels provide daily Holy Communion for everyone at your refuge. Trust in Me to multiply your water, food, and fuels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will need some good planning in how you are to be able to feed people, provide bedding, and washing dishes and clothes. You will be using sponge baths to conserve your water usage. The more people you have, the harder it will be to assign jobs. Remember you will be praying a lot more and you will be working with each other to provide your daily needs. You are not alone because My angels and I will be helping you with all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want to assure you that once you reach My refuges, you will be protected from viruses, bombs, and even you will be protected from My Comet of Chastisement. You will have daily Holy Communion so I will be with you every day. Your food, water, and fuels will not run out because I will replace what you use in your containers. At the end of the tribulation, I will cleanse the earth of all the demons and the evil people. After this cleansing, I will raise My faithful up into the air so I can renew the earth into another Garden of Eden. After this renewal is completed, I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace when you will live long lives with younger bodies. Rejoice that you will be rewarded for remaining faithful to your Lord in all of My requests.”

August 14, 2023 – Message from Saint Michael Archangel to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – “Living Tabernacles” with Chaplet Prayer

NOTE (By a soul):
Please understand that this message from Saint Michael Archangel does not indicate that all people who are reading it have become Living Tabernacles. There are only a few people in the world who have become Living Tabernacles so far, but for those who have become one, Saint Michael is confirming the spiritual transformation with God. You will know that you have become a Living Tabernacle, because you will have a mystical visitation from the Most Holy Trinity telling you that you have achieved this rare spiritual feat — the Sixth Chamber — the constant heightened indwelling of the Holy Spirit within your soul — the highest degree of Unitive Love between yourself and Almighty God. So, please do not assume that you have achieved this spiritual state simply by reading this message. You will not be told of this spiritual transformation by a heavenly message or by another mystic, but you will be directly told this by God Himself.



AUGUST 14, 2023



Today my Jesus LIVES WITHIN HIS FAITHFUL REMNANT that will illuminate the darkness of the World, the Holy Spirit will flow within each of them giving the World the Light of these, being instruments of LOVE and PEACE for all the Nations.

From those few Living Tabernacles, the Face of the Earth will be Renewed, the Hearts have already been taken, the Sons of Light have already been chosen, to carry out their Eschatological Missions.


THIS GREAT EVENT AND A GREAT LIGHT WILL ILLUMINATE THE DARKNESS OF THE WORLD TO SUFFOCATE THE EVIL AND WILL BE THE DAY OF THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE, when these Living Tabernacles will be filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit where with His Power they will give the necessary Light to begin the GREAT JUBILEE AND THE GREAT PENTECOST where the Holy Spirit will come down and quench EVERY REPENTANT SOUL, to give the Strength to pass the Great Tribulation and be the Light in the darkness.

Do not fear My Army, the Living Tabernacles that have been taken by the Holy Spirit, will begin from today to develop their GIFTS, there are some of you that have NOT yet been taken, LET US PRAY FOR THAT INTENTION and so that, converted into the Living Tabernacles, be Light and Salt of the World, I give you my Armor so that with it you can carry out your Mission, in this End of Times.





You will say this Chaplet, until the day of your transformation into Living Tabernacles, which will NOT necessarily be at the Warning, it may be much earlier, so prepare for it.


V: I, as the Precursor of the New Humanity, ask the Holy Spirit to come to my Heart and transform it into a CLEAN and PURE heart, free from all hatred and resentment, ready for my Lord Jesus Christ to dwell in it.

R: By the Merits of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ, We Ask the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit for a Pure and Renewed Heart, Amen (Repeat it 10 times)


You will say this Chaplet, until the Holy Spirit reveals to you that you have been transformed into Living Tabernacles and it is then when the Light that each one of you gives, will begin to overshadow the darkness of the World and thus between lights of Blue, Red and Yellow colors the World will overflow with Light and explode transforming the Old Creation into the New Jerusalem, Therefore, I ask you to prepare yourselves for this Great Event of Universal nature, since the People of ALL PEOPLE, RACE AND NATION, WILL BE TRANSFORMED INTO THE LIGHT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IN LIVING TABERNACLES READY TO LIGHT THE DARKNESS OF THE WORLD.

Apostolate of the Green Scapular – JESUS CHRIST – “[There] will be an attack on a major city in your nation (USA) that can be prevented by prayers” – August 22, 2023


(Source: )

AUGUST 22, 2023, TUESDAY @ 9:41 P.M.

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: My dear little one, it is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore your Holy Eternal Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes little one, I your Divine Savior Jesus, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak dearest Savior, for you sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My dear little one, I have called you this night to speak to you about an impending trial that is nearly upon your nation. There will be a terror attack on your nation and I am asking all my Apostles to begin praying against this future attack from those who aim to harm innocent citizens of your nation.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. May I ask please, is this in the form of a bomb or missile or explosion?

Jesus: My little one, this will be an attack on a major city in your nation that can be prevented by prayers. May I turn to my beloved Apostles to pray immediately to stop this evil attack so that it can be mitigated or thwarted all together?

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus. We can pray and pray it doesn’t happen. What is the time frame my dear Lord?

Jesus: In the Fall months.

Anna Marie: Ok, dear Jesus. We can pray hard to prevent it from taking place Sweet Jesus. All Apostles love this country and do not want any harm to come to it.

Jesus: Yes little one, this is why I AM asking for prayers now to prevent it.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus. We will.

Jesus: That is all dear one.

Anna Marie: Yes Sweet Jesus. Thank you Jesus for coming and speaking. We all love you Jesus.

Jesus: I love my precious Apostles too. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Mercy.


Please Note: Fall begins September 23, 2023 thru December 20, 2023.

Thank you for your compassion and prayers – Follow-up on Hurricane Hilary – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Feast of the Queenship of Holy Mary

Blessings dearest ones,

I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, would like to thank everyone who prayed for the well-being and safety of myself, my family, and for those who follow this blog and were in the direct path of Hurricane (Tropical Storm) Hilary, as she made landfall in the Northern Baja California / Southern California region. We never experience such extreme storms and your heartfelt prayers were certainly the decisive factor for us experiencing a miracle. Although certain areas did flood, the situation could have been much worse, as I really feel that all of us dodged a major catastrophe. There was also a 5.1 earthquake in the middle of the storm and there was no structural damage at the epicenter. This was shocking (in a good way). I am still waiting to hear back from some refuge owners, but so far, the Lord has been Merciful towards His people. Myself, I know that the holy angels sheltered us, as it felt like our home was in a protected corridor that had very light rain and gentle winds. It was amazing.

Beloved ones, thank you for your compassion and your prayers. We are all grateful for your love and spiritual support.

God bless,
A Soul

Urgent Prayer Petition for Southern California – Hurricane Hilary – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Saturday, August 19, 2023
Month dedicated to Papa God

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

My heart goes out to everyone living in Southern California, as Hurricane Hilary approaches. It is expected to become a Tropical Storm before it hits landfall, but this is a region that never experiences hurricanes or tropical storms, nor the massive flash floods which seems to be on the forecast.

Dearest ones, I live in this region that is populated with over 23 million people. I sincerely ask for your prayers of protection for Southern California, as well as the neighboring states.

I know that we are deserving of punishment. I know that in the eyes of God that this region is likely very sinful, harboring Hollywood and all its liberalism and perversity, etc. But despite this, there are also many good people who live here, whom I believe protect this region — by their love of God — from ultimately falling into the ocean. There are many people who love their families, friends, and neighbors, deciding to establish refuges for the greater whole. Although a minority, conservative and traditional people do exist here. I know, because I have been blessed to know them and to pray with them.

Brothers and sisters, it would mean so much to me and those who live in Southern California and also are followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, if you could kindly pray for us all in this uncertainty. The Lord Is so Merciful and So Good. I am hoping for a miracle.

I thank you in advance for your heartfelt prayers for all of us.

Finally, for those who live in this region, I remind you to turn on your emergency alert system on your cell phones. Below is a video with the latest storm advisory as well as an explanation of the different types of emergency notifications possible. Please be familiar with them.

I love you all.
God bless,
a soul



Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace.+ God became man,+ and the Word was made flesh.+

Christ was born of a Virgin.+ Christ suffered.+ Christ was crucified.+ Christ died.+ Christ rose from the dead.+

Christ ascended into Heaven.+ Christ conquers.+ Christ reigns.+ Christ orders.+ May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning.+

Christ went through their midst in Peace,+ and the word was made flesh.+ Christ is with us with Mary.+

Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the Generation of Juda, the Root David, has won.+

Holy God!+ Holy Powerful God!+ Holy Immortal God!+ Have mercy on us. Amen!

YouTube Video: LiveNOW from FOX: Hurricane Hilary: FLASH Flood alerts activated for California, dangerous conditions warning (7:25 minutes)

Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “Going from aberration to aberration, from sacrilege to sacrilege, from fall to fall, humanity is coming closer to experiencing its own purification… Be assured that you are in the final stretch of the fulfillment of My Prophecies.” – August 13, 2023


AUGUST 13, 2023

Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, I bless you, I love you: you are My children.




I call you to take the initiative, as children of My Divine Son, to pray in unity, in faith and in abandonment to the Father’s Will.

Humanity, dominated by everything that reaches the unconscious, finds itself overcome by a system that has one goal, which is having power over moral values in order to undermine every human being.

Going from aberration to aberration, from sacrilege to sacrilege, from fall to fall, humanity is coming closer to experiencing its own purification.

In the midst of diseases (1), of new regulations concerning travel from one country to another, in continual strife and attacks between countries, war is gathering strength and will explode.

Pray, My children, pray, you see war as being far off, yet it is not far off.

Pray, My children, pray for France; pray for Africa, it is necessary!

Pray, My children, pray for the Middle East, prayer is necessary.

Pray, My children, pray for humanity.

Dearly beloved of My Immaculate Heart, the Third World War (2) will occur due to the rebellion, humanity’s lack of conversion and the rejection of My Divine Son.

Be assured that you are in the final stretch of the fulfillment of My Prophecies.

Without waiting, without delay, convert now, My children.

Darkness is covering the Earth, extinguishing minds, hardening hearts, raising voices against My Divine Son, dividing family members and distancing them from God.

This darkness is the darkness of the Devil – he has come to some of My children first, seized them, frozen their feelings, emptied them of love and flooded them with interests of all kinds. (3)

MY BELOVED ANGEL OF PEACE (4) WILL COME TO THE HELP OF THOSE WHO ASK HIM TO OVERTHROW THE DEVIL, to remove him from human beings who live with hearts of stone flooded by materialistic interests and ones foreign to living according to the Will of My Divine Son.

This spiritual darkness progresses alongside discouragement and deception, finding an echo in people who lack God.

Ask in prayer for the coming of the beloved Angel of Peace.

Ask in prayer for yourselves, Faithful Remnant.

Repent, make reparation, pray!

I bless you with My Love.


Mother Mary


(1) About diseases:

(2) About the Third World War:

(3) About the traps of the Devil:

(4) About the Angel of Peace:

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – August 9-14, 2023 Update


Monday, August 14, 2023: (St. Maximillian Kolbe)

Jesus said: “My people, I died on the cross to save mankind’s souls from their sins as a sacrifice in taking your place for any punishment due for your sins. This is the same love that St. Maximillian had for his fellow prisoners in the death camps of Auschwitz, Germany. He offered his life in place of another prisoner who was about to be executed. In Nagasaki, Japan St. Maximillian started a missionary with his friars that later in World War II was protected from the effects of an atomic bomb that killed thousands of people. You, My son, saw a recent movie that depicted this explosion that wiped out a good share of this city. It is unfortunate how your wars have killed many people, and this nuclear bombing was so terrible in its destruction. Now you could be facing more destruction in a coming World War III that could involve more atomic bombs being used. Pray for all of the people who are suffering from wars.”

(Vigil of the Assumption) The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am thankful to my Son, Jesus, that he did not want my body corrupted after my death. He did the honor of taking me up into heaven. Now, I can pray for all of you from heaven. In the Gospel I was called Blessed for bringing my Son, Jesus, into this world by the power of the Holy Spirit. My Son said: ‘Blessed are those people who hear My Word and keep it in their actions.’ The two of us are joined as one as you celebrate the feast of my Assumption.”

Sunday, August 13, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, after I fed the 5,000 people with the multiplied bread and fish, I retreated to the mountain to pray. My apostles got in a boat to travel back home across the sea, but a storm arose and they were afraid of the waves. I came to them walking on the water, and they thought I was a ghost. I told them not to be afraid, and I called St. Peter to come to Me. St. Peter walked on the water in faith, but he faltered and I had to rescue him. The sea calmed down as we got into the boat. This is a lesson to all of you, so when you are in trouble, you can call on Me and I will rescue you also. So when you are stepping out in faith, do not be disturbed by any problem because I give you strength to endure your trials. By My miracles My apostles said: ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’ (Matt. 14:33) So it is with My miracles today, you can see how I am leading you to the protection of My refuges for your safety throughout the coming tribulation. I have given you instructions how to prepare your refuges, and you will see more miracles, as I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. Have no fear, but trust in My protection as I protected My apostles.”

Saturday, August 12, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you are called to love Me with your whole heart, your whole mind, and your whole soul. All of My believers have an invisible cross placed on their foreheads by My angels. I love all of you so much as you, My son, felt My Presence strongly in your soul. I am with you always, but sometimes I give you a double portion of My Spirit, and you are humbled to receive Me. In the Gospel My apostles were not able to heal a possessed boy. (Matt. 18:14-20) I told My apostles that sometimes there are strong demons or legions of demons that can possess people, and this requires prayer and fasting to cast out the demons. I am more powerful than the demons, and at My Word, they obey and leave the person I healed. Let this be a lesson to you to call on My power in My Name to heal people, and release them from their demons. Do not just rely on your own power, but always call on My Name and the Holy Spirit to heal people. I love My faithful, but you must have faith, even the size of a mustard seed to heal people. Trust in My love and My healing power to help you through life, and to help you in evangelizing souls to believe in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have created all of you out of My love for you, and I made you all in My Image. I have given you free will to love Me or not because I do not force My love on you, and I desire that you come to love Me by your own choice. You have been gifted with life, but you will have to make an accounting of how you spent your time at your judgment. I should be the center of your lives, and you can follow My agenda every day. It is how you spend your time that will determine your eternal destination at your judgment. Be careful not to fill up your day with frivolous activities that leave no time for Me. You need to welcome Me with your morning prayer and morning Mass if possible. Only those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood, will have eternal salvation. You can pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet around 3:00 p.m. and leave some time at night for Adoration and your night prayers. By making Me a part of your daily activities, I will see that your love for Me is sincere in your actions. You can consecrate all of your activities up to Me. At some point in the month, you need to take some time to make a good Confession, so you can keep a clean soul in union with your love for Me. You also need to give a good example of your prayer life to your children and your friends. By your daily prayers and good deeds you are on the right road to heaven.”

Friday, August 11, 2023: (St. Clare)

Jesus said: “My people, I love all of you so much and I draw you close to Me so I can be a part of your daily life. When you give your life over to My service, I call you to help your neighbor through My love. You reach out to spread My Word of faith to try and help save as many souls from hell as you can. I call you to go the extra mile to help people in their spiritual and physical needs. St. Clare is a good example to follow as she gave up her wealthy status to join women in the Poor Clares. You may not form an order, but you can share your prayers and good works with others in need. Comfort those people who are sick or have lost family members. These are all works of mercy that I call you to show your good fruits from your faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am glad to see you followed My instructions to make one more trip to buy some freeze dried food for your refuge. (from 7-31-23 message) There are some people who are buying food for refuges, but very few are seeing the need to get three months of food as I have asked many times. You may also want to buy some more protein foods as dried eggs and meats as you did before. You know I can multiply your food, but you need to have a variety of protein foods that I can multiply. Order this as soon as you can because it will take some time to deliver it. It is My refuge builders who need to order some extra food before it may not be available for long. Be prepared at your refuges to assign jobs to the people who I will send to your refuge. My angels will protect you from harm, and they will help Me as I multiply your water, food, and fuels. Be ready also to have a monstrance to hold a consecrated Host because you will need to set up your Perpetual Adoration. It will be your faith by which I can multiply things that will make it happen. It will be My Real Presence in the Host that will be active to provide for your needs. You will have deer for meat when they drop dead in your camp just like the quail came to My people at night in the desert.”

Thursday, August 10, 2023: (St. Lawrence)

Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles if the grain of wheat dies in the ground, it can produce a fruit of more wheat. It is the same with My faithful. If you die to self, you can follow My Word and produce a great harvest of good deeds, and you can help save souls by your evangelization. Give of yourself to help your neighbor in need with your donations and your prayers, for I love a cheerful giver. St. Lawrence offered the true treasure of the Church with the poor, the blind, and the lame to the authorities. For this they killed him as a martyr for the Church on a gridiron. You remember when he said: ‘Turn me over, I am done on this side.’”

Prayer Group:

St. Meridia said: “I am Meridia and I stand before God as His servant. Some people may not know me, but I am the angel of this prayer group, and I am also the angel who is protecting this refuge. I will put a shield of invisible protection over this refuge, and I will not allow any non-believers to enter these grounds during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you could see another pandemic virus that would cause the authorities to shutdown My churches. You could also see a time when a new Mass will be forced on you that will not have the proper words of Consecration, meaning I will not be Present in the Host. You will need to come to places where a faithful priest will offer a Consecration with the proper words.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know some refuges have been damaged from storms, but I want My refuge builders to call on Me and My angels to protect your refuges from damage. Call on your refuge angel and pray your storm prayer for protection from storm damage. Trust in Me and My angel power to protect your refuges and to repair any damaged refuges.”

Sr. Wilhelmina said: “My dear children, I thank all of the pilgrims who visited my incorrupt body because I know you had to travel a long distance. I give you my blessing by Jesus to all of you here tonight for the intentions of all the souls in your families.”

Jesus said: “My son, people are wondering why I have asked you not to schedule any more travel talks after October 1st. You could see some violence in wars, a coming new pandemic virus, a mandated digital dollar, and a mandated mark of the beast. These events could start during this October. This is why you should not leave the grounds of your refuge when I call people to My refuges. This is a warning and a preparation for some serious events.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are right to go one last time to get another set of boxes of six cans of dried food and other foods. I have warned people to get three months of food for each household member. This may be your last opportunity to get your food stocked up. Make some room in your basement for this food. You may need to use your food even before My call to your refuges. This could be due to closed stores, or the trucks may not be able to bring food to your stores. You may even have problems getting food at your stores without the proper documents that you will not seek.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that you are now living in the pre-tribulation time. You are about to see some major events that could scare some people, and you could even see things that could threaten your lives. I have had a good number of refuge builders volunteer to answer My call to set up their own refuge that will protect My people from the Antichrist and the evil people. My angels will lead people to My refuges when I call you with an inner locution. Angels will also protect you with shields of invisibility on your way to My refuges and when you are at My refuges. You will have all of your needs provided by My multiplication of your water, food, and fuels. After the tribulation, I will remove the evil ones off the earth, and I will renew the earth, and bring you into My Era of Peace.”

Wednesday, August 9, 2023: (St. Teresa Benedicta of the Cross)

Jesus said: “My people, when Israel sent out scouts to survey the Promised Land, the scouts saw giants and fortified cities. These scouts tried to discourage the people from fighting the giants. After forty days of surveying the land, I punished the people forty years for their lack of trust in Me to conquer those people who occupied the Promised Land. You saw in a vision how I enabled David to kill the giant Goliath with My help. So trust in My power to do the impossible for My faithful. This means I will protect My faithful at My refuges during the tribulation. In the Gospel a Canaanite woman had her daughter healed from a demon because of her great faith that I could heal her daughter. I came to first convert the lost sheep of Israel, but then I died for all of mankind’s sins so you all are offered salvation, even the Gentiles. St. Paul was helpful in spreading My Word among the Gentiles to convert them to faith in Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I call you to come to My refuges, it would be easiest to drive your car, if you leave your home within twenty minutes. You will be following the flame of your guardian angel to the nearest refuge. Your angel will put an invisible shield over your car. If you are much later than twenty minutes, or your car is not working from an EMP, or you are out of gas, I warned you before to have some good bicycles and a pump to keep your tires inflated. This would be your backup transportation to My refuges. Your guardian angel would put an invisible shield over you on your bike. You still have the bikes that I asked you to buy. Once you are at a refuge, you do not need to travel, and you will not leave your refuge grounds. My angels will see that you reach a refuge safely, even if you have to walk to one. Trust in Me to protect you, but you need to be at a refuge to separate the good people from the evil ones.”

Apostolate of the Green Scapular – JESUS CHRIST – “Be in peace in all you do. Never allow anger to infest in your heart… Work on your ANGER and PRIDE now, so that the demons will have no power or control over you” – plus Organizational Chart for Refuges – July 15, 2023


JULY 15, 2023, SATURDAY @ 4:22 P.M.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, are you calling me?

Jesus: Yes my dear one.

Anna Marie: My sweet Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: It is I, your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: My dear Savior, may I ask please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal and Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my dearest one. I your Divine Savior Jesus will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak dear Jesus, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: Please let me speak on the Retreat you plan to offer.

Anna Marie: Yes, Jesus.

Jesus: I will be present there and so will my Mother. Please open the day with my Heavenly Father’s Novena [God the Father of All Mankind] of Prayers and this will bring all the Angels and Saints to come a long to give great glory to my Father.

Anna Marie: Yes, dear Jesus. Can I put a copy of the Novena in all the packets? (Novena on our home page.)

Jesus: Yes, please do so.

Anna Marie: OK, my Lord.

Jesus: There will be great spiritual healing taking place, that will include yours, my dear little one.

Anna Marie: Thank you so much sweet Jesus, you know I need healing in all areas.

Jesus: Yes, be in peace – my Father knows what to give you.

Anna Marie: Yes, Jesus.

Jesus: I will for you to share with all the Refuge owners this message.

Jesus: (to retreat attendees)

“My dear ones, I know you have heeded my call to prepare your land as a Refuge for my children when the time comes. Continue preparing and trusting in My will for each of you owners. Be in peace at all times and do not worry about who will or will not be sent to you. I have chosen many that are not present here today, that will be sent to you by the Holy Will of My Heavenly Father because they will bless and complete your needs at the Refuge. Without these others coming to stay at your own Refuge, they would be martyred by those who serve the evil one. You will know who is coming even if I must give you his or her name before he or she arrives.”

“Prepare your Refuging Charts and Chain of Command Structures as is necessary with your current knowledge of how you have already prepared. You can share the Chart with others, along with your resources or knowledge. Not all Refuges will be set up alike. All must be prepared in accordance to your particular location and size.”

“Be in peace in all you do. Never allow anger to infest in your heart but try to forgive everyone who speaks ill to you or hurts your feelings in any way. If you cannot learn to love your neighbor now, you will have the greatest difficulty loving your neighbor when the Tribulations are taking place and no one can leave their Refuge. Work on your ANGER and PRIDE now, so that the demons will have no power or control over you. Spend time in quiet prayer with me, maybe in Adoration, praying my Mother’s Holy Rosary and even in silence so my Spirit, the Holy Spirit, can speak to each of you in preparation of these last days before my return.”

“Now be in peace today and tomorrow. Accept the healings and Holy Gifts I have bestowed upon each of you today and live in my Divine Love, my Holy Will. Your Savior, Jesus of the Most Blessed Sacrament and Precious Blood.”

Jesus: My daughter, please see that all who are attending do receive a copy of this message. You do not need to make it public until after the Retreat.

Anna Marie: Yes my dear Lord. Thank you Jesus.

End of Message

Please Note:

(1) Jesus asked Anna Marie to offer a private one-day, Healing Retreat in Pennsylvania. She held the Retreat on Sunday, August 6, 2023, for the Refuge owners of that area.

(2) We have added a copy of the Organizational Chart or Chain of Command Structure on the pdf below, so everyone can use it as a reference to build their own structure for organizing their Refuge.

(PDF – Message with Chart):

(PDF – Chart Only for Refuges):

Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 2023 – Mary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg – “There is too much emphasis placed on futuristic events. This distraction allows turmoil and fear.”

Mary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World through Gianna Talone – Sullivan
Feast of the Assumption, August 15, 2023


My dear little children, praised be Jesus!
Little ones, God’s Love is endless, and He is merciful.
You are preoccupied with many issues, and you are not focusing on Jesus.
There is too much emphasis placed on futuristic events. This distraction allows turmoil and fear.
Focus on Jesus and Trust in Him. Be the Eucharistic Jesus.
Everything else will fall into place at the proper time.
I love you, little ones.
The Covenant of the Two Hearts is always with you.
I bless you in the Name of Jesus. Peace.
Thank you for responding to my call.


Statement – Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – End Times: When will the Abomination of Desolation happen in the Roman Catholic Church? – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

August 12, 2023
Month dedicated to Papa God

Blessings dearest ones,

I have been asked an important question about the abomination of desolation and the timing of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). So, I am going to answer the question publicly as it profoundly affects people’s preparations for the future. And I want especially the priests and consecrated religious who follow my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, to know the answer.

The abomination of desolation will take effect when the consecration prayers for the Most Holy Eucharist are changed by the Catholic hierarchy in the Holy Mass. This means the bread and wine will no longer host (become) the Real Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, because the priests will no longer be using the correct words given by Jesus at the Last Supper for this great miracle to take place on the altars. So, it will be an invalid Mass and no transubstantiation will take place through the priest.

Here are the proper words of consecration for the Most Holy Eucharist:

The Tridentine Mass uses these words: “For this is my body . . . For this is the chalice of my blood of the new and eternal covenant: the mystery of faith: which shall be shed for you and for many unto the remission of sins.”

The Novus Ordo phrases it this way: “This is my body, which will be given up for you . . . This is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all [Latin, “for many”] so that sins may be forgiven. Do this in memory of me.”

Brothers and sisters, it is my understanding that the travesty of the abomination of desolation will happen BEFORE the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) takes place. This is why I did my recent post titled, “Guidance For Priests”, because all holy priests, as well as consecrated religious, need to start preparing now how they will conduct themselves regarding their vocations. According to private revelation, all priests will be asked to attend special retreats by the hierarchy where they will be coerced into accepting the revised consecration prayers. Almost half of all priests will resist the changes and be automatically excommunicated on the day the abomination of desolation is implemented in the Catholic Church. And many of the faithful and priests will be attending Holy Mass in underground churches (homes) due to widespread persecution.

These are all events that will supposedly happen BEFORE the Great Warning. And according to private revelation, at the Great Warning, the hierarchy and priests who implemented these changes in the Catholic Church will stand before Papa God’s wrath as He questions them why they did this to His Divine Son. This holy encounter will NOT bode well for any of them.

So, there are several steps that I suggest people do to prepare for this coming travesty.

Firstly, everyone needs to pray foremost for their diocesan bishops and local parish priests to stay faithful to God in their vocations.

Secondly, the Faithful Remnant should consider ways that they might be able to help their parish priests when the church goes underground.

Thirdly, under the prompting of the Holy Spirit, please share my blog post, “Guidance For Priests” with the priests you know (see link below). It may save their vocation and save their soul. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you know when you should discuss this topic with your priest. Today may not be the appropriate moment, but bookmark the article, as one day you will need it for them.

Fourth, under the prompting of the Holy Spirit, please share these prophecies with any consecrated religious that you may know. Again, you may save their vocations and religious community, and most importantly, save their souls. Allow the Holy Spirit to help you know the appropriate moment to do so.

Five, due to the future Christian persecution and lack of holy priests, you may no longer be able to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) from Holy Mother Church. So, all the faithful need to be prepared to stay in a state of grace.

I, “a soul”, recommend TWO METHODS that can be used to stay in a state of grace. I will be sharing more information in the future about these Two Methods, but for now, I briefly share them.

1) For those who believe in Heaven’s messages found in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), Our Lord, Jesus Christ, imparted a Plenary Indulgence for Absolution of Sin using a special 7-Day Prayer. More information can be found on this blog page:

2) Alternatively, I highly suggest that people purchase the “Cross of Forgiveness” that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, imparted to mystic, Marie-Julie Jahenny. The Cross of Forgiveness is meant to be used during the Great Persecution when there is lack of holy priests for Sacramental Confession in the End Times. You simply kiss or touch reverently the Cross of Forgiveness for absolution of sin. The Cross of Forgiveness does not need to be blessed by a priest beforehand. (NOTE, the Cross of Forgiveness IS NOT the Pardon Crucifix — they are two different Sacramentals — do not be confused). Here are some vendors:

Cross of Forgiveness (Cross of Pardon):
Cross of Forgiveness (Cross of Pardon):
Cross of Forgiveness:
Cross of Forgiveness:
Cross of Forgiveness:

And finally, I want to remind Catholics that the seven sacraments are valid in the Eastern Catholic Rites and the Orthodox Church. So, during the Great Persecution when the abomination of desolation takes place in the Roman Catholic Church, you may be able to attend these churches for Holy Mass and Sacramental Confession (so long as the Consecration Prayers for the Blessed Sacrament have not been altered by them as well, etc.).

God bless everyone who reads this article on my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls.

United in Christ’s Love,
A Soul


GUIDANCE FOR PRIESTS – ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION – GOD THE FATHER / JESUS CHRIST – “How they will weep when those sacred servants, in their hundreds of thousands, will be excommunicated… I ask my beloved Priest sons to begin looking into others areas of the Catholic Rites… Then pray and discern into what Rite they feel they are being called into… YES! I will permit any of my Catholic Priests to obtain orders from the Orthodox Churches if they are no longer able to recite my Holy Consecration Prayers in their Diocese because the Bishops or Cardinals have demanded them to use the new false prayers of consecration” – Messages Compiled by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls



Monday, September 11, 2017

Jesus said: “My people, the division in My Church will start before the Warning experience comes. I am concerned that many of My faithful could be deceived by a schismatic church that will be teaching heresies and New Age doctrines. My faithful remnant will split away from this schismatic church. When you see heresies about hell is not eternal, or when the priests say you can receive Holy Communion without Confession of sexual sins, then you need to leave that church. When the priest does not use the proper words of Consecration, I will not be present in that Host, and leave that church. You need to have a copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church by St. John Paul II. This contains all the proper teachings of My Church, so you can discern any heresies being taught in your churches. Eventually, you will not find a proper teaching church, and you will need to come to your homes or prayer groups for a proper Mass from a faithful priest. As the persecution of My faithful endangers your lives, then I will have your guardian angels lead you to My refuges that will be protected by My angels of the refuges. Do not be deceived by clergy who do not teach My proper Word, or who teach heresies, or New Age teachings. My faithful need to be alert to what is taught in the churches. In the end times I will allow the evil ones to take over the churches, but My faithful will be led to My refuges. Trust in Me to be with you in daily Holy Communion at My refuges. This message is to be put out so My faithful are not deceived.”

Tuesday, September 12, 2017
(Most Holy Name of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, you have just heard Pope Francis give out a new Canon Law that would allow bishops to make changes in the liturgy of the Mass to go into effect on October 1st. I gave you a message about the same time that said when you see changes made to the words of Consecration, then you need to leave that church. Once the words of Consecration are changed from what I gave My apostles, then I will no longer be Present in that Host and Wine. It is very important to keep this tradition of My words of Consecration. This change will be about the time that you will need to come to home Masses, and eventually Masses at My refuges. These changes are more signs that My Warning is coming soon, and the tribulation will follow after. Put your trust and hope in Me that I will never leave you. You will receive daily Holy Communion at My refuges, and you will adore Me in My Real Presence as well.”

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Jesus said: “My son, I am calling you and My other faithful to defend the faith, and reach out to evangelize souls wherever you are sent. I know you are praying to save all the souls of your family, and you have been persistent in praying for them. You could speak out to warn them that they do not have much time left, and they need to see My Light and get close to Me before the Warning comes. Today’s Gospel of going to help someone who is astray, reminds you of your experience with a priest who mentioned three times in his homily that hell was not eternal. You went back to see why he said this, and he said that God’s mercy is greater than hell’s punishment. He also said hell would eventually disappear with all the souls. I pointed you to the Catechism of the Catholic Church where it says that hell is eternal, and I told you to show this to the priest. At another time St. Michael the archangel explained to you that before man was created, he placed Satan and the demons into hell for all eternity. You told the priest again and showed him the Catechism quote, but he refused to change his story. You then were told in a message to go to a higher authority, and you reported this heresy to the local bishop of the Church. My faithful need to speak out against all heresies, no matter who says them. You first go to your brother or sister to correct them one on one, and if they refuse to change, then you go to a higher authority in the Church. This is your duty, and you will save your soul for correcting people. If your brother listens and changes his thinking, then you have won him over to save his soul. If he does not convert, then he will answer to My justice, and he could be lost. Pray for him to change so his soul could be saved. This heresy of hell is not eternal, has some great consequences, because there would be no punishment for sin, and there would have been no need for My death to save your souls from your sins. This heresy is serious, and do not ever believe that hell is not eternal, because hell will always be eternal for those judged to hell.”

Incredible Video! Only Maria Lanakila (Our Lady of Victory) Catholic Church Remains Standing! Miraculously Untouched by Maui (Hawaii) Wildfires! – MaryRefugeOfSouls

(August 2023) Official Description: The Maria Lanakila Catholic Church, Our Lady of Victory Remains Standing! A small act of mercy has come to light in Maui where Lahaina Church has been spared the devastation that has razed the rest of the historic town to the ground.

Incredible Video! Only Maria Lanakila Church Remains! Miraculously Untouched by Maui Wildfires! (6:06 minutes)

August 7, 2023 – God the Father to Luz de Maria – “You follow so many false ideologies that, without truly coming to love Me, you become lukewarm and question Me after having abandoned Me… I will not allow man to destroy what I have created!… I will allow My Daughter, Mary Most Holy, to appear in the Basilicas of the whole world…”

I believe that the statement of God the Father that Our Holy Mother, Mary, will appear at all Basilicas in the world is referring to the Final Marian Apparition that takes place at the worst moment of the nuclear war after the Great Warning and six and a half weeks reprieve from evil have already passed on earth. The Final Marian Apparition is NOT the Miracle of Garabandal and is NOT the Third Secret of Medjugorje. I wrote a commentary about these three divine interventions that I invite followers of MaryRefugeOfSouls to read:

MAY 7, 2023 – SPECIAL STATEMENT: The Great Miracle and Great Sign of Garabandal, The Third Secret of Medjugorje Revealed: The Miraculous Sign, AND The Final Marian Apparition: The Royal Crowning of the Blessed Virgin Mary – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


AUGUST 7, 2023

Beloved children, I bless you as a Loving Father.


I rejoice when you work and act in My Will; from the least of My children to the most exceptional children of Mine, you are protected by Me.

My Protection is maintained for each one of you. I have given you all free will in order that you would use it and choose the good, yet you have not done so, due to pride or ignorance.

I see with pain how you have not come to understand the Infinite Love, the limitless gift you have received from My House in sending My Son to die for each one of you.




Not all worship Me and the few who worship Me are tireless bearers of faith who will be persecuted for preaching with Truth.

You have continued with the madness of death at your own hands, and it will be humanity without My Protection that will come to initiate the greatest tragedy by sowing terror, atrocities and genocides, until My Hand stops you with a fierce chastisement.

You blame Me for what happens to you…

You call Me when you need Me to solve your problems and I come again and again with My Infinite Mercy, helping you, but when you come out from the place where you had been sinking, you forget Me, and that is when I allow you to experience loneliness and sadness, so that you would amend your life of sin.


You follow so many false ideologies that, without truly coming to love Me, you become lukewarm and question Me after having abandoned Me.

Humanity is suffering and will suffer, this being the choice of what you have allowed and what you desire: to live on your own. I have allowed you to live in your own way, but I must stop this human madness…


As the usurpers of My Will find themselves in decision-making positions, humanity is living in insecurity, being overshadowed by the Devil, who walks, breathes and is welcomed with great festivals of sin.

My Hand is so gentle that you do not feel it, and at the same time it executes My Designs with truthfulness, but prepare yourselves, My children, so that you would save yourselves out of love for Me.

I will allow My Daughter, Mary Most Holy, to appear in the Basilicas of the whole world. My children worry when they learn that there are no Basilicas in their villages, but only far away from where they live. They quickly forget that where there is faith and where I am worshipped in spirit and truth as the Father of Humanity, My Love performs the greatest miracles through My Love for humanity.

Do not fear famines…
Do not fear war…
Do not fear persecutions…
Do not fear new ideologies…


I bless your hearts so that they might encounter hearts of flesh.

Stand firm at all times, for many things must come to pass for the good of the human race.

I love humanity.

Your Father


August 3, 2023 – Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria – “They will impose a single religion, people will turn against one another over the single religion and persecutions will even come within families… Stay Alert! You are heading towards the fulfillment of grave and great events already known to you through the Revelations.”


AUGUST 3, 2023

Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:


The Devil is constantly striving to lead you astray and is presenting you with a world that is always the same, putting on a mask so that you would not see the Truth, but a distorted moment of reality.

The peoples will rise up against their rulers and revolts will become more constant; violence will become customary. (1)

Man is becoming entrenched in evil and chaos is coming. Religion will be undermined and society dulled.


Spain, France, England, Germany and Poland will be attacked; they will be betrayed, not by foreigners, but by those to whom those nations have given shelter.

Freedom has been reduced to an idea so that man would resign himself to not having freedom, to not thinking and not acting, but to letting other brothers decide about his life.

This time is turning like the blades of a windmill, without being seen; just as the wind keeps the blades in motion, so it is at the moment. The wind of evil keeps evil minds in constant motion, with evil constantly acting upon humanity.

Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:


You must be closer to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and Our Queen and Mother so that the Divine Hand would sustain you and the Love of Our Queen and Mother draw you to the Open Side (Jn 19:34) of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.


Be love so that love would strengthen you and keep you within the works and actions of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray: the sun will become aggressive towards man, changing Earth’s climate. (3)

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray: technology is in danger due to the sun.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray: humanity is in danger due to the advancement of those who hold power.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, keep the faith (II Cor. 5:7) at all times. Being creatures of faith causes My Legions’ protection for you to be maintained.

CONVERT, be beloved children of Our Queen and Mother, who is guiding the Angel of Peace before his appearance in defense of mankind.


I bless you, beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

St. Michael the Archangel


(1) About social and racial conflicts:

(2) About persecutions:

(3) About extreme solar activity:

Prophet John Leary – JESUS CHRIST – “Some of your large cities could face a nuclear bomb attack… I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges before such punishment will fall on America… My people, I am warning you that the evil one world people will be spreading another pandemic virus that will be worse than the Covid virus… I will be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges so you will be protected by My angels from any virus, bombs, or My Comet of Chastisement… I am not giving you the timing of the war or the virus, but you need to be at My refuge before these things happen.” August 2-8, 2023 Update


Tuesday, August 8, 2023: (St. Dominic)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Numbers you read how Aaron and Miriam were against Moses for marrying a Cushite woman. As a punishment Miriam was turned into a leper, but she was gradually healed. Do not question My plans that come from My prophets, because I am calling on them to reveal My words to guide you. In the Gospel I was walking on water to My apostles who were tossed about in a boat in a storm. I told My apostles not to be fearful because it was I coming to them. Then I called St. Peter to come to Me. So he began to walk on water, but his faith faltered when he saw how fierce the storm was. He began to sink, but I rescued him, and I brought him into the boat, as the storm stopped. So do not be afraid to reach out to do impossible things with My help, when I call you to do something. I will be there to strengthen you in all of My requests. So trust in Me always, no matter what storms or difficulties you endure in life.”

Monday, August 7, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are experiencing a beautiful monastery with the nuns singing so well in Gower, Mo. I love the monastic life where dedicated men and women are living to pray and adore Me in My Blessed Sacrament. The Israelites insulted Me when they complained about eating the manna that I gave them. But they were punished by the seraph serpents that bit and killed some of them. Moses raised a bronze serpent on a pole and those people, who looked on it, were healed of their snakebite. Today, My faithful and worthy people can receive Me in the consecrated Host as My new Manna. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can have Me with you at every reception of Holy Communion at daily Mass. You can also come to Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament in My tabernacle or in My monstrance. Take time to show your love for Me every day at Mass and Adoration at night. I also thank you for praying your four rosaries and your Divine Mercy Chaplet for My Blessed Mother’s intentions, and for poor souls living, and poor souls in purgatory. The more you pray to Me, the more you are making up for all of the souls who ignore Me or reject Me. Do everything you can to share My love with others, and reach out to help convert souls by your evangelization.”

Sunday, August 6, 2023: (Feast of the Transfiguration)

Jesus said: “My people, I was showing My glorified Body to My three apostles to strengthen them and to give a preview of My Resurrection. Your priest gave a great homily in speaking of how I ask people to carry their cross through life for My greater glory. He spoke also of suffering which all of you must suffer in your human and fallen condition that you inherited from Adam. You are weak to sickness and pain in your body, but you can offer up your suffering for souls who need saving on earth, and for helping the souls in purgatory. You all suffer things in this life, but you are joining your suffering with My suffering on the cross. You also are weak spiritually to sin and temptations. But I have given you Confession to have your sins forgiven and cleansed from your soul. Remember to make a good Confession at least monthly. It was My death on the cross and My Most Precious Blood that cleanses your sins from your soul. In your vision you saw My Holy Face as on the Shroud of Turin that was in front of My tabernacle. Then you saw the radiance of My glorified Body. Most of all you heard My heavenly Father speak: ‘This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am well pleased, listen to Him.’ I do whatever the Father tells Me, and I call everyone to follow His Commandments so you are listening to God the Father and My Word as well. Remember how I asked you to strive for perfection as your heavenly Father is perfect. So come share My love with everyone as I lead you on the right path to be with Me in heaven.”

Saturday, August 5, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, St. John the Baptist proclaimed My coming, but he was beheaded by Herod. I kept preaching the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand by My very Presence as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. You are seeing a decision in life to either follow Me in love to heaven, or you will follow the devil to hell. These are your only two choices. It will be how you live your life that will determine your eternal destination. I will judge you in how you loved Me and how you loved your neighbor. I call on you to come to frequent Confession so you can confess your sins to Me in the priest. Be sorry for you sins with a contrite heart, and ask for My forgiveness of your sins. Then try to follow My Commandments of love the best you can. Also come to Me in prayer and daily Mass, for those people, who eat My Body and drink My Blood worthily, will have eternal life in heaven. You saw the loudspeaker in your vision, so I am calling all of My believers to share your gift of faith with everyone you meet. Share My love with everyone, and let them hear My Word so they will have an opportunity to save their souls from hell, and be with Me forever in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, Russia is sending drones to try and bomb Ukranian cities. In return the Ukraine is also sending drones to bomb Russian cities as well. Beware, My people, because you could see this war expanding into other European countries. America is supporting the Ukraine and you could see Russia retaliate by not allowing grain ships to leave the Ukranian ports. This could cause food shortages in the countries that the Ukraine ships the grain to. America needs to be prepared for more retaliation against your cities because your drones are being sent by Ukraine to destroy buildings in Moscow. Pray for the war to stop, or it could lead to World War III. I told you I would call you to My refuges before any war or pandemic virus could harm you.”

Friday, August 4, 2023: (St. John Vianney)

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen heavy rain at your home, and now they are having heavy rains here in St. Louis, Mo. Your travels took you through flash floods in California, and a heavy rain at your friend’s house in Pueblo, Colorado. This is the third place for flooding. Pray for these people who have flooded basements that need pumping out. Your weather has been unusual with heavy rainstorms in many places all over your country. You have green grass all over. Thank the people who are driving you around. You know I have My angels watching over you both.”

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read about the feast days of Israel that were established in the Book of Leviticus. In My Church also, My apostles have dedicated special feast days of Christmas and Easter. You have the Advent Season, the Lenten Season, the Easter Season, and the many Sundays after Pentecost. In the Gospel you read how My people of Nazareth could not believe how I had powers of miracles, and I spoke publicly in parables. Because of their lack of faith, I could not perform any miracles there. In another time I told the people of Nazareth that I was fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy that I read. They could not believe that I am the Messiah, and they wanted to kill Me for blasphemy. I walked through their midst, even though I was telling them the truth of My Divinity. Today, you are celebrating the feast day of St. John Vianney who is the patron of parish priests as the Cure of Ars. Be thankful for every priest who has offered Mass for you, and they have given you My Body and Blood in the consecrated Host.”

Thursday, August 3, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I have called My refuge builders to make wells of water in the ground, and cisterns or barrels to store the water. If you do not have a well, then store water in barrels or large containers so I can multiply it. You cannot live without water. Be prepared for the winter so your water is protected from freezing. If your water is stored outside, leave space for ice to expand in your containers. You can have water off your roofs that you can store for washing. All refuge wells will continue to flow and be drinkable without poison. Be grateful that I am providing you water as I did for the Israelites in the desert.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, when you carry Me in a monstrance around a Planned Parenthood building, you are calling on Me to protect the unborn from the doctors who are aborting My babies in the womb. As you pray your rosaries in front of the Planned Parenthood buildings on Saturdays, I am also Present with you fighting to save My little ones. Even if you cannot be there, I am sending My angels in your place to pray. These abortion doctors will pay a heavy price for accepting their blood money for killing My babies.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the one world people who are trying various means to reduce the population. These evil ones support abortion, euthanasia, sterilization, and wars that are directed toward killing people. Pray to stop these things and viruses that are part of the devil’s plan to kill My people. These evil supporters of the death culture will also pay a heavy price for their reducing the population.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is an increasing evil on the earth where Christians will be persecuted for believing in Me. Christians will be more under attack as you approach the tribulation time. I will even call you to My refuges so the evil ones cannot kill you. A new Mass will be brought into the Church that will not have the proper words of Consecration. This will be the abomination of desolation when I will no longer be Present at such non-Masses, when the proper words of Consecration are omitted. You will need to come to My refuges where My faithful priests will offer proper Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, this war in the Ukraine with Russia could expand to other parts of Europe. Russia has threatened to use nuclear weapons if they are not successful in defeating the Ukraine. Some of our large cities could face a nuclear bomb attack which I have shown you, My son, and I showed others. You know of how terrible it was for Japan to suffer thousands who were killed and more from radiation. I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges before such punishment will fall on America.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned in My messages that I will give My believers an inner locution when I will call you to My refuges of protection. When I call you to My refuges, you must leave your house within twenty minutes with your backpack. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Your angel will put an invisible shield over you so people cannot see you. Once you come to My refuges, you can look on My luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed of any sickness or pain. Trust in My angel protection at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, preparing a refuge is a heavy responsibility to provide living quarters, beds, food, and fuels to help My faithful survive the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. You have been given many instructions in setting up My refuges. You need water from a well or stored water in barrels that I will multiply. You will use your food and fuels to prepare soups and bake bread for two meals a day. You will need wood, propane, kerosene, and other fuels for cooking meals and heating your houses in the winter. My angels will shield you from the evil ones, and I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. You will set up a Perpetual Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament throughout the less than three and one half years of the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, living at My refuges will require cooperation for all of you to do your assigned jobs of cooking, washing, assigning beds and hours of Adoration. It will be your strong faith in My miracles that will allow Me to multiply your food, water, fuels, and other needs. Trust in Me to help you in coming to My refuges and to carry out your individual assignments that will provide for your survival. You will have refuge builders assign jobs according to your skills. At the end of the tribulation, I will cleanse the earth of all evil and I will renew the earth. Then I will bring you into My Era of Peace when you will live a long time. Be thankful that I am separating My faithful away from the evil ones. I will only bring destruction on the evil ones after I have separated you at My refuges of protection.”

Wednesday, August 2, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, before the Antichrist declares himself and starts the tribulation, I will call all of My faithful to My refuges where My angels will protect you. Once you are called to My refuges by My interior locution, you will not leave the grounds of your refuge for the entire tribulation of less than three and one half years. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels throughout the tribulation. Once the tribulation begins, you will look upon My luminous cross in the sky, and you will be healed of all sickness and pains. You will be shielded from viruses, bombs, and even My Comet of Chastisement by My angels. Just as you practiced your refuge runs, so you will be living together at My refuges for your survival. Those refuges, who have prepared for Mass, will have a priest for daily Mass. All of My refuge people will receive daily Holy Communion either from a priest or from My angels. You will use a consecrated Host in a monstrance for Perpetual Adoration and assign hours for people around the clock so someone is worshiping Me all of the time. Rejoice that I will protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning you that the evil one world people will be spreading another pandemic virus that will be worse than the Covid virus, and it will be a man-made virus. The evil ones will again try to force people with a mandate to take another RNA vaccine that could eventually kill you. So do not take a flu shot or any vaccine shot for this new virus. I will be calling My faithful to the safety of My refuges so you will be protected by My angels from any virus, bombs, or My Comet of Chastisement. This virus is part of the reason you will not be traveling any more. I am not giving you the timing of the war or the virus, but you need to be at My refuge before these things happen. You can look upon My luminous cross to be healed from any new virus. Trust in Me to call you to My refuges for your protection when your lives are in danger.”