July 2023 Messages – Sons and Daughters of the LAMB – JESUS – “[S]cientific engineers who have created soulless beings in an attempt to carry out an agenda of taking over the world, the New World Order agenda… These beings created in labs carry the mark of the evil one, satan and his minions… Secrets of the past will soon be revealed to humanity… It is the elites and certain church hierarchies who have chosen to suppress these truths over time… The hidden archives of the Vatican will be opened… Prophecy in the church will be revealed in the writings of the saints, for many of these writings were held by the church to suppress the knowledge and deeper understanding of the Catholic faith”

Sons and Daughters of the LAMB
of the Immaculate Conception,
Apostolate of Mercy

(Source: https://www.daughtersofthelamb.com/i-am-with-you-always-messages-from-jesus)


Friday, July 7, 2023

Psalm 19:2 The heavens declare the glory of God; the firmament proclaims the works of his hands.

I am with you always, as you see this child walking on the seashore you see Me as well, I am there holding the hand of a child, for this child represents all My children. The moment I am giving you My hand to walk with Me is the moment you are saying yes to My Will. Be still and listen to the beat of your heart and then imagine My heart beating one with yours in unison as I am with you, as I walk with you and as I do all My acts with you in My Will. Prepare yourself in these acts, contemplating My Will in you.

No other time in history is it as important as now to prepare for the coming of My Kingdom in the Divine Will. This is the season for My harvest of souls to walk with Me in My Will, to save all mankind. Prepare and you will be able to sustain yourself with My grace for the coming of the Kingdom. This Kingdom will be birthed-forth and involves birthing pains in a time of preparation for this new birth, where souls will be made new again in My Will. Humanity will change, for a new earth will come forth with pure intentions and a steadfast strength of renewal and restoration for My church and for the earth. Place yourself in My Will so I can form you to be instruments in building the Kingdom of My Divine Will.

My Mother’s heart is one with Mine, united hearts, and this is a gift to the soul who unites their heart with My Mother. A soul who is united to My Mother’s heart can be molded into a saint with Her grace. The saints all had true devotion to My Mother, for She formed each one of them into another Jesus for mankind to have examples to follow. She wants all Her children to be saints, just say ‘YES’ to Her and She will form you into a saint in My Will. Place yourself at Her disposal to direct you and teach you the way to My Will and you will become another little newborn saint like Luisa. This means giving your Will to My Mother.

​I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

Friday, July 14, 2023

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God…

I am with you children, My Mother is with you, We are here for you. Be not afraid, walk in peace knowing We are here for you. On this day I ask you to pray for unity of the family, prayers for My children who have lost their way, they are scattered like sheep without a shepherd. This means they have no one to gather them in and lead them. Your churches need to feed My sheep spiritually and nurture them. I give My children love but they need shepherds to bring them to the faith. Faith is part of one’s life in the church, for without your faith you are lost, a lost sheep without a shepherd. Man cannot live without God; this would be total destruction to the soul and that is why you have the breakdown of the family with moral decline in society today. This generation lacks faith, its teachings and leadership of My shepherds.

If faith thrives so does the soul thrive in family and society and belief in God, allowing interaction with the Creator in daily life. What life does a soul have without God and without faith? The life of the soul would be lost. You need Me to show you the way, give Me your will by allowing Me permission to teach you the truth, the life of the faith. This act will bring forth My Will in your life.

I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

Friday, July 21, 2023

2 Thessalonians 1:9 They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of His might…

Now is the time I have spoken of for many years. I have given you messages about the endtimes and the things leading up to these times. And I say to you know that you are living in these endtimes. What is the endtimes? It is a time in which man has become God and cannot conceive or comprehend that God exists, for they see themselves as their own creation, acting within their own sinfulness, giving themselves the glory and in their self-proclaimed power they are destroying mankind and themselves.

You see man cannot become man without God’s hand of creation, only God can create the human person, not man. We, the Trinitarian God of love, have become obsolete in the world of man, so few are willing to accept God as their Creator and yet man says they are righteous but refuse to accept the truth. My truth is what brings forth the grace of God in the hearts of man. Do not think I am a false truth, I AM GOD, CREATOR, REDEEMER, AND SANCTIFIER. I created all mankind that lives and breathes in My Will, not a creature or being that does not have a soul. Yes, there are some who say they are human but are not. These are creatures that have been developed, created, and manipulated by scientific engineers who have created soulless beings in an attempt to carry out an agenda of taking over the world, the New World Order agenda. These beings are all around you, created as transhuman and they have managed to integrate their way into society. These beings created in labs carry the mark of the evil one, satan and his minions – the beast is here and is within your society walking amongst you.

My children this may be a lot for you to believe and understand but remember satan comes in many forms. This evil agenda is in your schools, churches, government agencies and even in your families unbeknownst to you. This My children is an abomination to God and must be completely destroyed. I will strike these demonic beings that have infiltrated the human race from the earth, cleanse and purify My earth once more. Prepare and live the life I have called you to live for Me in My Will. No fear Children for I carry you in My Heart and have given you My Mother, a great weapon to fight against this new world satanic order. My Mother carries you within Her Immaculate Heart and She will Triumph. I love you, My children.

I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

Friday, July 28, 2023

Luke 12:2 There is nothing concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known.

This morning My daughter the world begins another new day. Prayer in the morning hours is important for all My children because this prepares your day with Me. I want all My children to take time out to pray each morning offering their acts of the day to Me. This will suffice in helping others who struggle and suffer in their daily lives. These morning hours of prayer are very important taking the time to relinquish your negative thoughts and give me your positive prayers from the heart, for these acts will mitigate much sufferings. The Divine Will can change all of humanity, all you have to do is act in My Will.

Secrets of the past will soon be revealed to humanity. These secrets have been hidden from the world, because man chose to conceal these ancient discoveries, documents and many written entries from the past for their own power. It is the elites and certain church hierarchies who have chosen to suppress these truths over time, but soon this will be made known to mankind. The hidden archives of the Vatican will be opened to My people, and you will see what knowledge was taken from your sight. Those of privilege could not allow the human race to have the knowledge that they have obtained, for they wanted total control of the world. I say to you these secrets will be revealed and all will learn the truth. Trust My Children – New beginnings in My Church and new beginnings for the world to come. Prophecy in the church will be revealed in the writings of the saints, for many of these writings were held by the church to suppress the knowledge and deeper understanding of the Catholic faith and you will learn much more about your Catholic faith when these writings are released.

Now is the time of the Great Awakening of mankind. My church is the only true church, it is Heaven and Earth united in My Will. Mary, the Mother of all mankind is with you call on Her for the grace to know the truth and the truth will be revealed to you. Pray and discern all things.

I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

ALSO SEE (For Your Discernment):

Very Important Prayer Requests for the Future Vitality of All Refuges and Overall Success of Medjugorje – Special Commentary By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls