Urgent Prayer Petition for Southern California – Hurricane Hilary – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Saturday, August 19, 2023
Month dedicated to Papa God

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

My heart goes out to everyone living in Southern California, as Hurricane Hilary approaches. It is expected to become a Tropical Storm before it hits landfall, but this is a region that never experiences hurricanes or tropical storms, nor the massive flash floods which seems to be on the forecast.

Dearest ones, I live in this region that is populated with over 23 million people. I sincerely ask for your prayers of protection for Southern California, as well as the neighboring states.

I know that we are deserving of punishment. I know that in the eyes of God that this region is likely very sinful, harboring Hollywood and all its liberalism and perversity, etc. But despite this, there are also many good people who live here, whom I believe protect this region — by their love of God — from ultimately falling into the ocean. There are many people who love their families, friends, and neighbors, deciding to establish refuges for the greater whole. Although a minority, conservative and traditional people do exist here. I know, because I have been blessed to know them and to pray with them.

Brothers and sisters, it would mean so much to me and those who live in Southern California and also are followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, if you could kindly pray for us all in this uncertainty. The Lord Is so Merciful and So Good. I am hoping for a miracle.

I thank you in advance for your heartfelt prayers for all of us.

Finally, for those who live in this region, I remind you to turn on your emergency alert system on your cell phones. Below is a video with the latest storm advisory as well as an explanation of the different types of emergency notifications possible. Please be familiar with them.

I love you all.
God bless,
a soul



Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace.+ God became man,+ and the Word was made flesh.+

Christ was born of a Virgin.+ Christ suffered.+ Christ was crucified.+ Christ died.+ Christ rose from the dead.+

Christ ascended into Heaven.+ Christ conquers.+ Christ reigns.+ Christ orders.+ May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning.+

Christ went through their midst in Peace,+ and the word was made flesh.+ Christ is with us with Mary.+

Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the Generation of Juda, the Root David, has won.+

Holy God!+ Holy Powerful God!+ Holy Immortal God!+ Have mercy on us. Amen!

YouTube Video: LiveNOW from FOX: Hurricane Hilary: FLASH Flood alerts activated for California, dangerous conditions warning (7:25 minutes)