Two Interesting Videos about Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) – From Two Prominent Catholic Voices, Father James Altman and John-Henry Westen (LifeSiteNews) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

September 2023
Month of Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows

Here are two very recent and very interesting videos from Father James Altman and John-Henry Westen (LifeSiteNews) involving their possible shift in their views regarding Pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) as a legitimate pope.

Also see my commentary where I put forth my thoughts on this papal matter:

MAY 1, 2023 – PUBLIC STATEMENT – Believing in Heaven’s messages given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy (Book of Truth), and the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI about his papal resignation, his holy pontificate, and his holy death by martyrdom, given to a very pious cloistered nun in Colombia – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

YouTube Video: John-Henry Westen Show – A Startling New Take On The Prophecy Of Our Lady of Akita (19:18 minutes)

YouTube Video: Father James Altman – Bergoglio is not the Pope (27:47 minutes)