September 2023 – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) Interview – “How To Live In God’s Divine Will” with Mother Gabrielle Marie – MaryRefugeOfSouls

September 22, 2023
Month of Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows

Blessings beloved ones,

I am excited to share with you all the latest TTEN interview. It is excellent!!

Dr. Gianna Talone-Sullivan interviews Mother Gabrielle Marie, a very holy nun, of the Benedictine Daughters Of Divine Will ( This interview is a great introduction into the writings and prayerlife of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. I learned many new things and it also reinforced what I already knew about praying in the Divine Will. Truly, this is one of the best TTEN interviews so far, as everyone needs to know how to live in the Divine Will as we look forward to living in the Kingdom of the Divine Will in the Era of Peace.

I hope that you all enjoy learning more. God bless!

In Jesus and Mary,
a soul

FOR CHILDREN: Divine Will DROP BOOKS: Based on the writings of Luisa Piccarreta:


About Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN)
My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).

Here are links to the latest TTEN interview of dear Mother on various media platforms:

TTEN website:

BitChute Interview:

Spotify Podcast:

YouTube Interview: How To Live In God’s Divine Will – Mother Gabrielle Marie (51:25 minutes)