January 10, 2024 – Latest Update about Handbook of God the Father and Six Essential Documents (translation project) – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

January 10, 2024
Dedicated to the Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

In this blog post, I want to give you all the latest update on the special project of Papa God: The Handbook of God the Father, including the Six Essential Documents, etc.

First of all, thank you very much to everyone who is downloading and sharing with others the Six Essential Documents in English. I appreciate everyone’s interest in reading and acting upon the important instructions from Heaven regarding the Harbinger Week, the Great Earthquake, the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), and the Refuges.

For those who still want to download the Six Essential Documents in English, please see this blog post on the new website, Handbook.faith , for both the Zip file and the individual document links:

Bookmark Me: Free PDF: Handbook of God the Father: Original English Version – The Six Essential Documents – Handbook.faith

I also want people to know that I will be publishing the text of each of the Six Essential Documents in separate email posts on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, as well as on separate webpages on the new site, Handbook.faith . I am doing this for two reasons. One, people might like to share the contents of the Six Essential Documents in an email format; and two, this will enable people to instantaneously translate online the Six Essential Documents using Google Translate with their internet browser. To accomplish both these tasks, it will take me up to three weeks to build the new webpages and to send out the blog posts. So, please bear with me as I work on this for all of you.

Meanwhile, let me also update you all on the translation project for the Six Essential Documents. Currently, the following languages are in the works for official downloadable PDF translations:

Arabic, Dutch, Filipino (Tagalog), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish

However, I am very much interested in having the Six Essential Documents (about 90 pages) translated into more languages. So, if you know a written language besides English and are interested in helping others, please reach out to me about volunteering. Please fill out this form: https://handbook.faith/contact/

Of note, I am particularly interested in having both the Six Essential Documents (about 90 pages) and the larger tome, the Handbook of God the Father, Volumes 1-3 (over 800 pages) translated into Portuguese. So please contact me if you might be able to translate the writings into Portuguese. I would love to hear from you!

In this post, I am also including a YouTube tutorial video link on how to translate the PDF documents from English to other languages using Google Translate. If you have a computer, you can translate English documents into over 130+ languages using the free online application, Google Translate. So please watch this video for these important instructions (you can find other helpful tutorials on YouTube, too):

How to Translate a PDF Document Using Google Translate

Also, beloved ones, I will be sending out information about a cheap online copy shop for followers who have a USA address. Please be on the lookout for the post if you are interested in printing out the Six Essential Documents, or the Handbook of God the Father which will be released in the future.

In particular, my goal is to release as free PDF downloads the complete Handbook of God the Father at the end of the month of January 2024 — if God-willing, I experience no delays. The Handbook consists of Three Volumes, totaling over 800 pages. Currently, Volume 2 is entirely finished, with Volumes 1 and 3 still undergoing a little bit of editing and proofreading. Towards the end of the month, I intend to publish the Table of Contents, so people can have an idea as to what the complete Handbook discusses. I think some people will be surprised by its contents just based on the chapter and subchapter titles. In sum, there are 30 Chapters, as well as Two Special Commentaries and a very extensive Appendix with 37 Exhibits, etc.

Thank you, everyone, for your kind support and your needed prayers for this special project of Papa God. God bless.

In Christ’s Love,
A Soul