ESSENTIAL DOCUMENT ONE (Handbook of God the Father): Summary One: How To Prepare For Harbinger Week, The Great Earthquake, And The Great Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) – MaryRefugeOfSouls


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(Volume 1, Chapters 1-7, 10, 14-15 – Abbreviated)

Given by Almighty God to ‘A Soul’, April 2023

Original Source:
Your Instruction Manual: Harbinger Week (Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness)
By A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls

Introductory Note:
In extreme emergency conditions, one leader should be chosen and wholeheartedly followed within the household who will provide clear, precise, easy to understand directions on what to do. The leader should endeavor to memorize the sequence and instructions below, as well as be generally familiar with the contents of the original Handbook and Appendix, including prayers.


1.1 Background: First sign – Everyone in the world will hear about a large celestial object (Comet; 2 Suns). Many people will believe that the world is ending and that the Final Judgment and Return of Our Lord Jesus Christ is imminent. Shortly thereafter, mankind will witness a large Illuminated Cross in the sky for 7 Days and 7 Nights (called, “Harbinger Week”). At Night, there will be seen a blood moon. Due to the heat from our Sun becoming extinguished, it will become very cold on earth for that temporary time. The Great Warning will occur on the 7th Day (Night). You will all have the opportunity to attend LATER Sacramental Confession, Baptism, etc., AFTER the Great Warning has concluded on earth.

1.2 During this time, do NOT panic!

1.3 All travel and outside preparations must be completed on the first days of diminished daylight. The limited daylight in the first days MUST be used for your loved ones to travel to places of safety — one family home — so that your extended families and loved ones can be together to help each other and prepare for the coming Great Warning.

1.4 If people pray daily, the holy angels will make certain miracles possible, such as the continuing usage of phones, internet, and some electrical devices. If people have faith, people may also be able to travel in cars without adequate fuel by the strength of prayer and God’s Merciful Love. (See Summary: List of Essential Prayers).

1.5 Wearing blessed sacramentals, holy medals, crucifixes, and scapulars, will be critical during this week. By grace, the blessed objects will help to calm down many people and protect them.

1.6 CHILDREN who are SEVEN YEARS OLD AND YOUNGER will be especially PROTECTED by the usage of holy objects. Put a blessed medal of Saint Benedict on each of the young children and anoint them in the Sign of the Cross with the Holy Oil of Saint Joseph and holy water DAILY during that week. If you lack the Oil of Saint Joseph, you may use other blessed oils. (See Volume 3, Appendix for the Recipe: Oil of Saint Joseph or the websites.)

1.7 Do not go outside of your home during the dark hours of nighttime; only in the partial daylight hours in the first days.

1.8 During the partly lighted hours at the beginning of the week, secure your animals / large pets with extra food and water in garages, barns or outside (not inside homes) and do not worry about them. Pray daily: the holy angels will tend to their needs. Recommended: Put either blessed Saint Benedict medals or blessed Saint Francis of Assisi medals on pets or their dwelling sheds / containers. (See Summary One: List of Essential Prayers).

1.9 NO ONE should go to public buildings, like a church, EVEN FOR CONFESSION, until after the Great Warning is completed. For if you do so, you will be in grave danger of disappearing due to the demons released on the earth. (See Holy Bible: Gospel of Saint Matthew, Chapter 24, Verses 39-41)

1.10 Exception: God needs people to trust in Him – God wants first responders, such as policemen, firemen, emergency helpers, etc., to continue to go to their jobs. God also wants people in the critical helping and medical fields to go to their jobs. They should pray daily: The Breastplate of Saint Patrick (modified) and the Flame of Love Hail Mary (modified) for angelic protection. (See Summary One: List of Essential Prayers).

1.11 People need to prepare their (human) food, water supplies, and medicine so they will have access to them in the interior rooms of their homes in which they will be dwelling. You may be unable to fully use your kitchen to prepare meals, because you may not have access to gas or electricity for some duration of this week. These necessities can be multiplied in prayer by God. If people pray daily, God will make it possible through the holy angels for refrigerators and freezers to be supernaturally sustained. (See Summary One: List of Essential Prayers)

1.12 Make plans to handle disposal of human waste properly during those dark days.

1.13 While daylight still exists, in your homes and dwelling spaces, you MUST block your view of the outside by covering all your exterior windows and exterior doors. Use thick curtains, window blinds, blankets, dark bedsheets, dark cloths, dark fabrics, black plastic trash bags, cardboard, newspapers, etc., to cover all your exterior windows and exterior doors so you cannot see the Wrath of God. Do not block ventilation of fireplaces / wood stoves, which will be used for heat.

1.14 If possible, people should stay in interior rooms or inner areas that do not have exterior windows or exterior doors. Do the best you can with the dwelling space in your homes and properties.

1.15 You should pray THREE TIMES A DAY (i.e., at midnight, 8 am and 4 pm) the Perimeter of Protection Prayer. This important prayer will protect people from demonic influence, both outside and inside, because many homes and properties are infested now with cursed objects and congested with demons due to sinful behavior. (See Summary One: List of Essential Prayers).

1.16 If possible, you should do a general life confession with a priest NOW, then keep up with frequent sacramental confessions thereafter, so that you will not have a sense of panic when you should no longer confess to a priest during the Harbinger Week before the Great Warning. Remember, for a general life confession, you may be re-confessing many sins you have already confessed. However, this ‘re-confession’ does mitigate any expiation needed for sins during your lifetime and reduces your temporal sentence in purgatory. (See the Essential Document – Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning; or Volume 3, Appendix, for additional information on confessing your sins.)

1.17 During the Harbinger Week before the Great Warning: First, you should confess your sins directly to Papa God by examining how you have fallen short in your life in keeping the Divine Law (Ten Commandments). You can prepare a possible ‘life confession’ to read out loud ahead of time. You should repent of all your sins by pleading the Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ for Him to save you by covering you in His Most Precious Blood. (See the Essential Document – Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning; or Volume 3, Appendix, for additional information on confessing your sins.) (See Summary One: List of Essential Prayers.)

1.18 Second, you should pray the 7-Day Absolution Plenary Indulgence Prayer (Crusade Prayer 24) given by the Triune God to Maria Divine Mercy, for the total forgiveness of your sins. This specific prayer should be prayed each day that the Illuminated Cross is in the sky. In this way, you will be spiritually prepared for the Great Warning, which will take place on the 7th Day (Night) of the Cross in the sky. (See the Essential Document – Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning; or Volume 3, Appendix, for additional information on confessing your sins.) (See Summary One: List of Essential Prayers.)

1.19 Technology has been corrupted by evil. People must stop using all technology once satan and the evil spirits are released from hell after the six and a half weeks reprieve from the Great Warning! Also, people should limit technology use during the Harbinger Week. It will interact with all the cursed objects in your home. The Perimeter of Protection Prayer will combat the increased exposure of this demonic noise. (See Summary One: List of Essential Prayers).

1.20 Try to clear your home of cursed objects. Rebuke, wrap them up and get them out of the house and property (do this NOW, if possible). There is a list of many such identifiable objects that exorcists have found and a rebuking prayer included in the Appendix (Volume 3). This will help diminish the horrific demonic noise that will saturate the air during the Harbinger Week.

1.21 YOU MUST NOT be outside during the nighttime hours when the darkness arrives on earth. DO NOT OPEN DOORS OR WINDOWS. Outside, under the cover of darkness, satan and all the evil spirits will be APPEARING IN BODILY FORM as Jesus, Mary, Saints, deceased loved ones, etc., as well as MIMICKING their voices to try to convince people to follow them to hell. hell will be attempting to also gain access inside homes by rattling windows and door knobs. Under the cover of darkness, people will hear outside the sounds of hell, like howling, shrieking, scratching, pounding, breaking, and other demonic sounds. These acts and sounds of hell will make many people afraid. REMEMBER: evil spirits will NOT be able to enter homes unless people allow them inside.

1.22 People should use either blessed 100% beeswax candles, or blessed candles from Holy Mass, such as Candlemas or Easter vigil services, etc. Once lit, these candles will be miraculously sustained and will not be extinguished in the coming darkness. The best preparation is to have on-hand a blessed Purple Scapular. God will honor and uphold His divine promises that anyplace where the Purple Scapular is displayed, or any person who wears the Purple Scapular, will be fully protected during the chastisements. Wherever and however the Purple Scapular is used, this blessed sacramental will miraculously provide LIGHT so people can see in the darkness of the End Times.

1.23 Do not doubt God’s Perfect Mercy upon you and your cherished loved ones. God WILL provide — even miraculously — if need be, so you can all take care of one another properly. Do not be troubled in this way for yourselves or if you are a caregiver for others. Simply pray for divine guidance and divine help.


2.1 Background: There will be a very Great Earthquake that will last for thirty (30) minutes shortly before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens to all of mankind. The Great Earthquake will occur at an unknown time on the 7th Day (Night) of the Harbinger Week of the Illuminated Cross in the sky. The Great Earthquake will be very massive, very violent, and will be universally felt by everyone throughout the entire earth.

2.2 Instructions for Preparation below MUST BE FOLLOWED EXACTLY by you and all of your loved ones, so you might all survive the Great Earthquake:

2.3 Firstly, you should have a well-stocked first-aid kit on hand for the aftermath of this earthquake.

2.4 God has indicated that wherever your cherished loved ones are living, staying or located, you should put a blessed Brown Scapular (Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel), a blessed representation of the Holy Family — Jesus, Mary, and Joseph — and a blessed representation of Saint Michael Archangel — in their bedroom, nursing home setting, or hospital room, etc. Do this now – you do not need to wait until the onset of the Harbinger Week.

2.5 On the 7th Day (Night), adults should try to PUT TO BED the YOUNGER CHILDREN — those who are SEVEN YEARS OLD AND YOUNGER. Then Saint Michael Archangel and the guardian angels will induce a very deep, peaceful sleep over the younger children. If there are any younger children, aged seven years old and younger, that are still awake when the Great Earthquake starts, then you MUST tell them all to sit down on their buttocks, directly on the floor, and they MUST all close their eyes. The holy angels will see that they will NOT wake up at all during the Great Earthquake. NOTE: NO CHILD aged seven years old and younger will experience a life review or any aspect of the Great Warning, as such younger children are innocent in God’s Eyes.

2.6 Next, if there are any babies that have not been put to bed yet when the Great Earthquake begins, then you must hold the babies closely to your chest for the entire thirty-minute duration of the Great Earthquake. DO NOT WORRY about the babies, because their guardian angels will quickly induce them into a deep and peaceful sleep.

2.7 When the Great Earthquake starts, EVERYONE — AGED EIGHT YEARS OLD AND OLDER — OF SOUND MIND AND SOUND PHYSICAL BODY — MUST SIT DOWN on their buttocks, DIRECTLY ON THE FLOOR. Or if people are having difficulty, they can LAY FLAT on the floor, like in a sleeping position (you may use pillows, which can be blessed).

2.8 At the start of the Great Earthquake, once children are secured and you are positioned directly on the floor, either sitting or laying down, then you MUST CLOSE YOUR EYES!

2.9 CLOSING YOUR EYES is very important and very necessary, because the Great Earthquake will be very violent and it is going to affect your inner equilibrium. You MUST KEEP YOUR EYES CLOSED for the entire duration of the THIRTY MINUTES.

2.10 KEEPING YOUR EYES SHUT is a complete ACT OF TRUST and ACT OF OBEDIENCE in God, so you MUST NOT ignore this divine order. It is also an Act of Faith, an Act of Hope, and an Act of Love in God. If you open your eyes, you will witness the Wrath of God and IT WILL NOT GO WELL FOR YOU. Remember the Holy Bible, what happened to Lot’s wife who disobeyed the divine instruction from the messenger of God? (Holy Bible: Book of Genesis, Chapter 19).

2.11 If you have sleeping masks or blindfolds, use them! Buy them NOW for your entire family. If possible, have the masks, blindfolds, and pillow cases blessed. If not, you can anoint them yourself with holy oil or holy water just prior to the Great Earthquake.

2.12 To add complexity, satan and his devils will still be on the surface of the earth during the Great Earthquake and will be tempting everyone to open their eyes. YES, you will hear sounds of objects and property falling all around you, which will make you think that your homes are falling apart. YES, you will hear screaming all around you, which will make you think that your loved ones are in pain, hurt and are dying. YES, you will even hear the tearful cries of the younger children and even of the baby crying that you are holding in your arms, which will make you think that all the precious babes, the wee ones, are in pain, hurt and are dying. THIS IS ALL A LIE. DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES.

2.13 Recognize opening your eyes would accomplish NOTHING, because there is NOTHING you will be capable of doing to help anyone or fix anything during the Great Earthquake, which will be so massive, so comprehensive, so universal, and so violent. No matter what you hear and no matter how difficult it is to sit or stay down or lay flat on the floor throughout all the violent shaking, you MUST NOT OPEN YOUR EYES.

2.14 God desires people to PRAY OUT LOUD, which will help you stay calm and stay focused, because you will hear the voices of your loved ones and you will know that God is taking care of them throughout the Great Earthquake. Possible prayers include the Hail Mary or the Our Father. You could SING out loud the Divine Mercy Chaplet or worship and praise songs, because that might be easier to do and will help to pass the time better during the Great Earthquake.

2.15 After the thirty (30) minutes of shaking is over and the Great Earthquake is finished, DO NOT OPEN YOUR EYES. Instead, you MUST SLOWLY COUNT from the number 1 to 30 OUT LOUD.

2.16 God needs everyone to count slowly out loud for approximately thirty (30) seconds. This should be done for Two Reasons: first, so you will hear and recognize that your loved ones are safe and still around you even though your eyes are still closed while your physical senses are calming down; and second, due to your inner equilibrium — the inner balance that your physical body naturally maintains — has to be corrected in your system, so the verbal counting with your eyes closed will help your body to regain its natural composure.

2.17 People have expressed deep concerns about being able to adequately comply with the instructions provided herein. There may be lesser felt earthquakes to prepare people in the lead up to the Great Earthquake. If people pray daily to God in the lead up to the 7th Day (Night) of the Harbinger Week, they will receive an inner locution (interior voice) telling them one hour in advance that the Great Earthquake will be taking place. So, they will have one hour notice to put to bed the younger children (seven years old and younger) and to prepare themselves for the physical shock. But, this special grace will not be automatically given by God. It must be prayed for in faith. You can include this special intention with your daily prayers now. (See Summary One: List of Essential Prayers).

2.18 After the Great Earthquake has ended, there will be a profound silence over all the earth. When you are able to finally open your eyes, you will be astonished to see that everything interiorly enclosed in your homes has been protected by God. Your homes, animals and property will still be fully standing on their foundations, because God has protected them from collapsing or falling apart. Elsewhere on the earth, there will be much widespread devastation and much loss of human lives. The Great Earthquake will have utterly flattened vast areas and regions of homes and property throughout the earth.


3.1 After the Great Earthquake, you MUST continue to stay in the protected interior rooms and living spaces of your homes. Staying inside is VITALLY NECESSARY. You MUST NOT look outside. You MUST continue to keep COVERED the exterior windows and exterior doors of your homes, because the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will be happening very soon; and YES, you MUST NOT look at the Wrath of God that is taking place outside.

3.2 When the large celestial body (comet) is at its closest point to the planet earth, is the moment when the Great Warning will happen universally to all of mankind still left living on earth. You will know that the Great Warning is about to happen, because the sounds outside your homes will become very loud and will be quite awful to hear. The Wrath of God will be taking place, sounding like a very violent and very severe tempest or thunderstorm is taking place outside. It will be hailing fire balls. Then, very quickly once you hear the terrible commotion start, the Great Warning will happen.

3.3 You should pray a short prayer for Divine Mercy for yourself and everyone still living who will be undergoing the Great Warning. (See recommended prayers to memorize in the Summary One: List of Essential Prayers).

3.4 Have several pillows, several face towels, and several bottles of water nearby, available for the immediate aftermath of the Great Warning. Over 85% of the world population is in a state of mortal sin. This means that the vast majority of people will experience the horrific sufferings of hell or deep purgatory as part of their life review. So, most people will be severely traumatized by their life reviews during the Great Warning.

3.5 These individuals will need to be calmed down, because they will NOT understand that they are back on earth as they will be reliving the nightmare of hell and deep purgatory repeatedly in their psyche. These people will need to be repeatedly reassured that God gave them a second chance to amend their sinful lives by choosing JESUS.

3.6 Many people will benefit by simply being held and hugged by their loved ones, and even rocked in the arms of their loved ones as lullabies are sung to them like infants. People will need to be told how very precious, very special, and very valuable that they are to God and that Papa God will totally forgive their sins by accepting JESUS as their Lord and Savior.

3.7 WARNING ABOUT AN EVIL DEED FROM HELL: hell intends to “spiritually poison” many of the souls who experience hell and decide for God, just before these souls are returned finally to their physical bodies for their second chance to amend their earthly lives after the Great Warning. This “spiritual poisoning” may prove fatal, meaning people may physically die if they are not treated right away.

3.8 The spiritual poisoning may feel like a very bad, very awful stomachache that quickly worsens over time, or a very odd, very strange, very awful, worsening sensation targeting some part or extremity of their physical body.

3.9 People MUST vomit so that the spiritual poison — which may appear as an actual physical object (known as a “malefice”) — may be removed from their bodies.

3.10 Some people may be unable to properly vomit, because the spiritual poison will be latched onto them with spiritual hooks and spiritual clasps, that are very difficult to break. Here is the REMEDY for the spiritual poison. People must receive a SPIRITUAL COMMUNION, asking God to heal, deliver, and cure them from this evil deed done to them.

3.11 You should say: “Lord, please CURE me with this Spiritual Communion”.

3.12 Then, open your mouth and stick out your tongue (so your guardian angel may put invisibly a Sacred Host on your tongue); then close your mouth and swallow, saying, “Amen”. You WILL be fully cured by God from the spiritual poisoning.

3.13 Optional: People may say the following prayer as an Act of Spiritual Communion. However, it may be very difficult to say, because the spiritual poison may be too fast-acting:
“My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen.”

3.14 NOTE: If people can vomit out the malefice, you should NOT directly touch either the vomit or the malefice. You will need to pray first to God for protection through His holy angels so they will place a force field around you. Then, you will need to clean up the vomit and malefice using a thick cloth or thick fabric.

3.15 If possible, it is best to dispose of them by flushing the contents down the toilet taking care NOT to flush the thick cloth or thick fabric with them. Then, you will need to dispose separately the thick cloth or thick fabric by double wrapping it in heavy-duty trash bags that will need to be BURIED off your land (if possible) later when you are able to finally step outside. CAUTION: The malefice will be hot to the touch and it will be toxic upon contact with people’s skin. PRAY FOR ANGELIC HELP!! BE VERY CAREFUL!!

3.16 Any person who reconciles himself with JESUS afterwards will be directly healed by God from the trauma of witnessing hell or deep purgatory. To be reconciled back with God — after the Great Warning has passed — the person either needs to be Baptized into Holy Mother Church (Catholic or Orthodox), or seek Sacramental Confession with a priest, or the person needs to pray the 7-Day Absolution Plenary Indulgence Prayer. (See the Essential Document – Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning or Essential Document – Instructions: How To Become A Christian for more information and instructions, as well as Summary One: List of Essential Prayers.).

3.17 After the Great Warning has happened on earth, people will need to remain within their homes for 3 Days with the exterior windows and exterior doors still covered. People will need to continue saying the Protection of Perimeter Prayer every eight hours. Both acts are needed so the outside ventilation of your home stays supernaturally blocked by God. This is NECESSARY because the Comet of the Great Warning will have made contact with the earth, causing large gaseous clouds to be scattered throughout the atmosphere. This pollution will be TOXIC, so it is important that people stay indoors until the poisonous gases dissipate and are no longer a threat.

3.18 In the coastal areas, people will also need to stay indoors until the threat of tsunamis / tidal waves caused by the Great Earthquake has ended. This threat will last at least for several hours.

3.19 People should pray to God, through the intercession of Saint Joseph and Saint Michael Archangel, for direction on when they can step finally outside. The holy angels will help people who pray in this situation of uncertainty.

3.20 The churches and parishes will also NOT be ready to handle right away the masses of people who will be needing Holy Baptism and Sacramental Confession once the Great Warning has passed. Since the vast majority of mankind will have witnessed hell (over 85%) and deep purgatory (about 10%), most people will be too traumatized, disturbed, and distraught, to venture out immediately for help to the churches and parishes. That is why God desires extended families and loved ones to be together, so they can help one another cope and calm down in the period of days just after the Great Earthquake and Great Warning have happened. God does NOT want anyone to be isolated, alone, panicking, and afraid, trying to make it through by himself or herself, through these future great events.


Due to the Great Warning as the Great Act of Divine Mercy, God will still be listening to people’s prayers even at that hellish moment. The KEY to saving your soul from hell is to NEVER DESPAIR. This is because once you start to despair, you will begin to lose hope and when you lose hope in God while in hell, that is an IRRECOVERABLE mistake as your soul will become TRAPPED in hell forever. You MUST CRY OUT TO JESUS TO SAVE YOU from hell during the limited duration of time that the Great Warning is happening.

4.2 Simply put, here are the words you MUST say: JESUS SAVE ME! Or, you MUST say the Holy Name: JESUS! You MUST say (or pray mentally) either JESUS SAVE ME! or JESUS! repeatedly until God hears your cries in hell.

4.3 YOU MUST NEVER DENY GOD OR JESUS IF YOU ARE SHOWN HELL during the experience of the Great Warning. Papa God and His Divine Son, Jesus Christ, will hear your pleas for help and God will still rescue your soul at that point. God will send a holy angel to rescue you. NEVER listen to the devil who may try to trap you in hell by offering help. NEVER say ‘yes’ to the devil for anything. You must keep crying out, JESUS SAVE ME! Then the holy angel will come and take you out of hell.

4.4 You will NOT need to say anything to the holy angel. Just keep repeating the Holy Name of JESUS and the holy angel will defend your soul and escort you out of hell. This is very important, because the devils may try to appear as angels of light to trick people to follow them deeper into hell to trap them forever. The only way to protect oneself from being demonically deceived is to repeat the Holy Name of JESUS until a real holy angel escorts you out the gates of hell. Just keep calling upon JESUS until you are rescued completely out of hell during the Great Warning.

4.5 God will either put your soul into purgatory (so, you will be eventually reunited with God in Heaven in the afterlife); or God will send your soul back into your physical body for a SECOND CHANCE at living on earth. People who have been given a second chance on earth must AMEND THEIR LIVES by seeking forgiveness (absolution) of their sins and MUST RADICALLY CONVERT themselves to living the Truth of the GOSPEL — the “Good News” of the Holy Teachings of Our Lord and Our Savior Jesus Christ.

4.6 DESCRIPTION: Purgatory is both a state of spiritual well-being, as well as a physical location within the earth. It consists of many spiritual levels that cater to the purification of different types of sins that can be found on someone’s soul. The deepest levels of purgatory are very close to hell, which is within the center of the earth, and the suffering may be very similar to that in hell, including the continual purification by spiritual fire. However, all souls in purgatory are able to endure the fire, because they do have the absolute consolation of knowing that one day they will be released into Heaven.

4.7 Pray in advance for divine healing — physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and spiritual — to take place by God at the moment of the Great Warning. NO ONE needs to wait to be fully healed later at the refuges set aside by God for the Great Tribulation (Apocalypse, Book of Revelation). You can, in fact, be completely healed earlier by God during the Great Warning. But, you must be like the persistent widow in the Holy Bible, by persevering in prayer, asking Our Lord to remember your faithfulness and fully healing you from your sufferings at the Great Warning.

4.8 People can ask God to send “love notes” or “love grams” on behalf of themselves to their loved ones who are far from God and also people that they seek forgiveness from due to past misbehavior and past sins. So, all of these people can know that someone cares about them and that God loves them. In turn, they will be spiritually strengthened by this knowledge that they will choose God during the Great Warning.

4.9 Basically, to do a love note or love gram, you should start with a heartfelt prayer for the person’s welfare. Then speak out loud about all the things that you want him to know — to help in his conversion. Finally, you should conclude the love note or love gram with a short prayer of thanksgiving, asking God to deliver your love note or love gram at an appropriate time during the Great Warning, or whenever the person is dying, at his moment of death. You may do love notes or love grams for individuals, as well as groups of people, such as classmates, co-workers, neighbors, etc.

4.10 During the Great Warning, God will be correcting many “irregular” relationships between romantic couples (defined as a traditional romantic relationship between a man and a woman). “Irregular” is defined as people who engage in fornication (sexual relations outside holy marriage), who are divorced and in romantic relationships, or who are not married sacramentally by Holy Mother Church, etc. These romantic couples will be given the uniquely rare opportunity to repent for their mistakes and sins, as they will be asked by Papa God and His Divine Son, Jesus Christ, if they desire to be sacramentally married by God during the Great Warning. God is striving to keep families together, especially protecting the children involved, because Holy Mother Church will be incapable of meeting the overwhelming demand for sacramental marriage after the Great Warning.

4.11 Concerning mRNA vaccines (see Volume 1 for further information): Although the Essence of God can be restored through Sacramental Confession, Holy Baptism, or the 7-Day Absolution Plenary Indulgence Prayer, etc., there are two ways that a person’s physical DNA will be restored to a normal state by God. First, a person may ask God to restore his DNA during the Great Warning. The person should pray at least once beforehand for God to miraculously heal him in this way. Or second, the person may either look at the Luminous Cross or drink the healing waters made available at each refuge in the End Times.

4.12 Tattoo Removal By God: Tattoos are a form of self-mutilation and are offensive to God, Who is Our Creator. If any tattooed person would like God to remove his tattoos during the Great Warning, God will do so in the Holy Name of His Divine Son, Jesus Christ. The tattooed person simply needs to pray at least once beforehand, giving his free will permission for Jesus to remove the tattoo and restore His physical likeness in God.

4.13 Tattoos will also be removed by washing the skin with the healing waters available at the refuges prepared for God’s people during the Great Tribulation. No person with tattoos will be permitted into the refuges without this purification with the healing waters.

4.14 After the Great Warning, if a person still has a tattoo that needs to be removed by God, he should say the following prayer daily until he flees to a refuge, unless an exorcist priest can permanently bless the skin beforehand. This prayer should also be prayed daily during the Harbinger Week for protection from evil spirits dragging the person to hell. A person can also recite this prayer provisionally if he intends to be baptized in the future.

4.15 Prayer for Deactivation of Tattoos (Should be prayed daily, unless an exorcist priest can permanently bless the skin): “In the Holy Name of Jesus, through the authority of natural law and my Baptism, through the merits of the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of God Lord Jesus and His sending of the Holy Spirit, I remove this tattoo and break and I sever all connections between this tattoo and the Evil One and his associates. I ask you, Heavenly Father, to drive out any demons that may have attached themselves to me because of this tattoo and to purify the ink that was used to make it. I ask you to break all connections between the image and any demons that may have attached themselves to me because of the tattoo. In the Name of Jesus, I void any claims or rights that demons may claim to me due to any magical images, symbols, or writing incorporated into the tattoo. And through the Sign of the Cross (make the sign of the cross over the tattoo. Use exorcised oil if possible), I consecrate myself to our Lord Jesus Christ through the Immaculate hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”

4.16 NOT all the people who will die during these future great events will be condemned to hell. God will be using these great events to bring many people finally home to Him. This will include elderly people who have completed their life missions and are ready to go home to God, people who are suffering many hardships in life or are gravely ill, and people whom God is receiving earlier as they may not be spiritually strong enough to endure the Great Tribulation under the reign of the antichrist (Apocalypse, Book of Revelation), etc.

4.17 People should be prepared with the tools and equipment to bury the many dead persons after the Great Warning. Since the morgues will be unable to accommodate the large numbers of the dead, the dead will need to be buried where they are found. If possible, the dead should be blessed by a priest, or the laity may say the “prayers for the dead” found in Holy Mother Church for the final rest of the repose of the souls in the afterlife. (The “prayers for the dead” can be found under the Appendix, Volume 3).

4.18 After the Great Warning, there will be NO DOUBT that the Roman Catholic Church is the authentic religion of God and truest form of Christianity on earth. Everyone will understand that the Roman Catholic Church was established by Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ almost 2,000 years as an offshoot of ancient Judaism, and the Catholic faith has been sustained supernaturally by the Holy Spirit, in apostolic succession, from the first Pope, Saint Peter the Apostle, until Pope Benedict XVI, the last, legitimate pope in our modern era. People will understand that following the Teachings of Christianity found in the Roman Catholic Church is the ORDINARY MEANS for salvation; and that people must be reconciled to Almighty God through Holy Baptism and Sacramental Confession through His Holy Catholic Church.

4.19 First Point, faithful believers of the Orthodox Church will be “grandfathered” into full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, since the Great Schism between the Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church will be universally healed due to the Great Warning. Holy Baptism and Sacramental Confession received by an Orthodox priest are seen as lawful and valid by Almighty God.

4.20 Second Point, in some places in the world, there may exist only a (Protestant) Christian Church. After the Great Warning, there will no longer be any man-made divisions within Christianity on earth, because everyone will recognize the Roman Catholic Church as the authentic religion of God. In order to reconcile oneself with God, a person either needs to be Baptized by water by another faithful person OR if the person has been already Baptized by water at some moment in one’s past, then the person should confess his sins out loud and pray the 7-Day Absolution Plenary Indulgence Prayer. A person should accept all the tenets of the Apostles Creed. (See the Essential Document – Instructions: How To Become A Christian or Volume 3, Appendix, for more information and instructions about the Apostles Creed and Holy Baptism. Also see Summary One: List of Essential Prayers.)

4.21 Third Point, after the Great Warning, there will no longer exist any man-made division between Christianity and Judaism. All faithful believers of Papa God will recognize, acknowledge, accept, and believe in His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as the Jewish Messiah. In order for a Jew to become a Christian, he simply needs to be Baptized by water by another faithful person. A person should accept all the tenets of the Apostles Creed. This Extraordinary Act of Salvation will be accepted by Almighty God, if a Catholic or Orthodox priest is unavailable for the ordinary Sacrament of Baptism. (See the Essential Document – Instructions: How To Become A Christian or Volume 3, Appendix, for more information and instructions about the Apostles Creed and Holy Baptism.)

4.22 Fourth Point, if a person lives in an area or region in the world where there are no Christian believers, a person can STILL BECOME a Christian by accepting JESUS CHRIST as his Lord and his Savior. Therefore, in order to become a Christian, he simply needs to be Baptized by water by another faithful person. A person should accept all the tenets of the Apostles Creed. God will also accept those who due to persecution or other extraordinary situations cannot be baptized right away. (See the Essential Document – Instructions: How To Become A Christian or Volume 3, Appendix, for more information and instructions about the Apostles Creed and Holy Baptism.)

4.23 Here is a simple instruction on how to pray for people who have never prayed before to God. In the aftermath of the Great Warning, many people will be frightened and confused over how to change their lives around after spending so much of their lifetime estranged from the True God. People will be struggling over what to do and how to learn the faith. Use this most perfect prayer as the foundation of your new-found life in God. No matter what challenges and fears you face, just remember and say these four words as many times as you need to throughout your daily life. Everything you need will be given to you by Almighty God by repeating these four words out loud from your heart. The most perfect prayer is: “JESUS, I love You!”

4.24 If people do not have the blessed sacramentals, such as the religious images, medals, scapulars, holy water, blessed candles, etc., that I recommend…Beloved ones, do the best you can do. Trust in Your God.

4.25 FINAL NOTE: Every person who does return to their lives on earth after his life review, will have been WARNED by God during the Great Warning: (1) NOT to worship the antichrist; (2) NOT to take the mark of the beast (embedded physical microchip) that results in his eternal damnation; and (3) that God is preparing to call His faithful people to safe havens (refuges) throughout the world, so they can to be fully protected from martyrdom and the hellish agenda of satan and the antichrist during the Great Tribulation. The importance of these warnings from God is that people should NEVER DENY their belief in God and His Divine Son, Jesus Christ, even when confronted with possible death like martyrdom, because belief in Jesus is the sole basis of people’s eternal salvation in God.

4.26 Do not be afraid, dear ones. Accept God’s Peace in your hearts and let Him guide you now. Papa God Is a Good God and a Good Father. He will help you and He will provide for you. Be open to His Divine Provision in whatever way it manifests in your life. Your Father will NOT disappoint you.


5.1 The prayer, “Breaking the Strongholds of Witchcraft,” should be prayed at least once by everyone in the aftermath of the Great Warning, in order to break all curses that have been revealed to each person during his mystical encounter of the Great Warning. That way, tormenting evil spirits will not return to cause further suffering once the six and a half weeks reprieve has ended. Please see Essential Document: Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Breaking Curses or Volume 3, Appendix.

5.2 If you have been demonically oppressed or demonically possessed, you will not suffer at the hands of devils during the six and a half weeks reprieve of the Great Warning. However, the devils will return to torment you if you have not sought a proper deliverance from God. You may pray for deliverance by God during the Great Warning, which you should pray at least once for God’s help before the mystical event takes place. Otherwise, please use the deliverance prayers found in Volume 3, Appendix, both beforehand and in the aftermath of the Great Warning.


(1) QUESTION: What will trigger the Great Earthquake?

It is my understanding that it will be triggered by a very large comet, that is mostly metallic in nature that magnetically pulls on other celestial objects passing by it in space.

(2) QUESTION: How big (magnitude) will the Great Earthquake be?

It will be worse than any known earthquake recorded in human history (greater than 9.5 magnitude). It will be universally felt throughout the entire earth. There WILL be lesser strength earthquakes leading up to the Great Earthquake; and there MAY be aftershocks. There will also be a threat of tsunami / tidal waves lasting several hours in the aftermath.

(3) QUESTION: What will the Great Earthquake feel like?

Earthquakes typically start with a sudden jolt, then depending on how close it is to the epicenter, it can be a very violent, jarring choppy movement or a more rolling movement. Even people who have been in earthquakes before, will have some difficulty managing during the Great Earthquake. I have endured many earthquakes. For those unfamiliar with earthquakes, the shaking sensation can be very frightful. Examples of how an earthquake might feel like include:

  • Trying to stand on a surfboard that is being rocked out of control on top of very violent waves
  • Trying to sit down in a small rowboat being violently tossed in a very choppy ocean during a storm
  • Trying to sit with no seatbelt in a flying plane experiencing turbulence during a thunderstorm
    Other examples might include:
  • Being caught in a tsunami / tidal wave, unable to plant your feet and tumbling under
  • Being tossed about in a tornado / hurricane / typhoon

(4) QUESTION: Is it really necessary to keep ones’ eyes shut during the Great Earthquake?

God’s Wrath will not be limited to only outdoors, but it will be inside, too, during the Great Earthquake. This earthquake will be very violent — worse than any roller coaster. The shaking will also be very unpredictable, meaning that you will NOT be able to control or focus your eyesight on anything. It will harm your ability to think, because your eyesight will be totally messed up.

No human can survive a 30 minute earthquake with their eyes open. They would totally lose their inner equilibrium — likely, permanently — and would suffer by violent vomiting, massive migraines, and would lose their ability to focus their eyesight like experiencing double vision, but much worse.

God is telling people to sit or lay down during the entire 30 minutes of the Great Earthquake, otherwise, they would lose their balance and hurt themselves accidentally. I also recommend holding onto a pillow so your hands have something to grip and not flail around.

Closed eyes will make everyone calmer. You never walk or run in an earthquake. Instead, you duck and you cover yourself from shaking and falling objects and the sharp sounds of the earth splitting around you. After the earth quietens, the slow counting (30 seconds) is what will be necessary to regain your equilibrium and recover your senses.

Note: A dear friend and nurse who has also experienced many earthquakes, has shared with me that oftentimes, after spending a long day at sea on a boat, it takes awhile to regain one’s proper balance once you are back on dry land. Sometimes, it might take half an hour. Other times, your equilibrium is still off when you get to sleep at night. I share this, because while I hope everyone will regain their complete equilibrium after 30 seconds, that is totally dependent upon God’s grace. Realistically, the Great Earthquake will be a very shocking trauma for people that might temporarily take awhile to fully regain one’s bearings. I do not know how long the interval of time will be between the Great Earthquake and the Great Warning.

(5) QUESTION: I have older children, eight years old and up, and I am concerned about their ability to keep their eyes shut for 30 minutes. Is it really necessary for older children to keep their eyes closed during the Great Earthquake?

ABSOLUTELY YES! The older children are responsible for their obedience towards God’s instruction, just as they are responsible for their sinful behavior before God due to reaching the age of reason and they will witness during the Great Warning. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that all people use eye masks or blindfolds during the Great Earthquake. I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND that people pray daily for the special grace that God will give themselves and their loved ones, including older children, a ONE HOUR ADVANCE NOTICE before the Great Earthquake happens on earth. (See Summary One: List of Essential Prayers).



(Volume 1, Chapters 1-7, 10, 14-15 – Abbreviated)

Given by Almighty God to ‘A Soul’, April 2023

Original Source:
Your Instruction Manual: Harbinger Week (Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great
Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness)
By A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls

ESSENTIAL PRAYERS: FORGIVENESS OF SINS (Also see Volume 3, Appendix or Essential Document – Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning or Essential Document – Instructions: How To Become A Christian)


“Holy Name of JESUS CHRIST, cover me in Your Most Precious Blood, save me and the whole world!”

7-DAY ABSOLUTION PLENARY INDULGENCE PRAYER (Must be said for seven consecutive days):

“O My Jesus, You are the Light of the earth. You are the Flame that touches all souls Your Mercy and Love knows no bounds. We are not worthy of the Sacrifice You made by Your death on the Cross. Yet, we know that Your Love for us is greater than the love we hold for You. Grant us, O Lord, the Gift of Humility, so that we are deserving of Your New Kingdom. Fill us with the Holy Spirit, so we can march forth and lead Your army to proclaim the Truth of Your Holy Word and prepare our brothers and sisters for the Glory of Your Second Coming on earth. We honor You; We praise You. We offer ourselves, our sorrows, our sufferings as a gift to You to save souls. We love You, Jesus. Have Mercy on all Your children, wherever they may be. AMEN.”


“Please guide me towards the light and goodness of your great mercy and forgive me for my sins. Jesus, I beg for mercy for all those who reject you and who are in most need of your help. AMEN.”


(November 22, 2011) From the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy): Crusade Prayer # 8: The Confession: I, JESUS, your King and Saviour, now present My prayer for Confession. This prayer should be said to plead for clemency for the forgiveness of sin during and after The Warning:

“Dearest Jesus, I ask Your pardon for all my sins and for the hurt and injury I have caused to others. I humbly pray for the graces to avoid offending You again and to offer penance according to Your Most Holy Will. I plead for the forgiveness of any future offence which I may partake in and which will cause You pain and suffering. Take me with You into the New Era of Peace so that I may become part of Your family for eternity. I love You, Jesus. I need You. I honour You and everything You stand for. Help me, Jesus, so that I may be worthy to enter Your Kingdom. AMEN”


NOTE: You need to say these prayers with faith and in a state of grace (or, sincerely seeking the Lord’s forgiveness of sins using the 7-Day Absolution Plenary Indulgence Prayer). You can recite these prayers NOW in gratitude to God and for His protection.


Prayer from Our Lord Jesus Christ for protection of property, homes, body and soul, and everything we eat, drink, breath or touch (November 2, 2014).

“Oh, Divine and Eternal Father through the Most Precious Blood of Your Divine Son, Jesus, we ask You to remove anything that is not from You that is in our food, our water, our air, the medicines in this household, our bodies and souls, the buildings and houses where we live, and the property around us and replace it with the pureness that was in the Garden of Eden before Adam and Eve sinned. Thank you Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and we give You thanks for this blessing. AMEN.”


“I, as a child of God the Father, ask that He protect me, under His Righteous Hands from radiation, which has been scattered through the air and with all my faith, I ask that He protect me from ALL evil and under the Protective Mantle of the Virgin, I place my being and under it, I am protected from all radioactivity, which will not be able to cause me physical harm, because I am under the Mantle of My Beloved Mother. AMEN.”


“I, as a child of God the Father, ask Him to send down His Manna from Heaven to feed me in times of need, I ask Him to multiply this bread to feed this Community or Family with the Power of the Holy Spirit, I ask my Father God to multiply this food for our sustenance every day. AMEN.”

MIRACLE PRAYER (Daily and as needed):

“LORD, please sustain all our electronic appliances and our communications systems during the week of the Great Warning, as well as during the six and a half weeks aftermath, so we may continue to function while we gather our families and evangelize our loved ones, children, brothers and sisters. JESUS, we trust in You, AMEN.”


“LORD, in great hope, faith, and trust in You, we humbly beg for the miracle of forewarning one hour in advance of the Great Earthquake. We ask this special grace for ourselves, our families, and our loved ones gathered here. Please bless us and protect us in Your Most Precious Blood. AMEN.”


“I adjure all you evil spirits, in the name of the spotless Lamb of God, Jesus of Nazareth to depart from here. I cast you out, every unclean spirit, every phantom, every encroachment of the devil. Yield then to God! You are vanquished in your citadel, all you vile demons. The most Sovereign Queen of Heaven, the glorious and ever Virgin Mary, through her immaculate purity drives you out; before her countenance you must flee. Give way, you evil spirits, to the Queen of Heaven. She is destined by Almighty God to crush your head with her heel.”

“In Thy Name, Lord Jesus Christ, we pray that Thou wouldst cover us, our families, and all of our possessions with Thy love and Thy Most Precious Blood and surround us with Thy heavenly angels, saints and the mantle of Our Blessed Mother.”

“Lord Jesus Christ, in Thy love and mercy establish a perimeter of protection around myself and all our loved ones, those who pray for us and their loved ones. May the Holy Angels guard us and all our possessions, establishing a perimeter of protection around us, rendering us immune from any kind of demonic influence. I ask that no demonic bondage, door, demonic entity, portal, astral projection, or disembodied spirit may enter the space of 100 yards in all directions of us. I ask that any demons within this vicinity or any that should try to enter here be rendered deaf, dumb and blind; that Thou would strip them of all weapons, armor, power, illusions, and authority; that Thou would bind, rebuke and disable them from communicating or interacting with each other in any way. Remove them, sending them directly to the foot of Thy Cross.”

“Jesus, Son of the Most High, I ask this in Thy Glorious and Most Holy Name. AMEN.”


“LORD, in Your Merciful Goodness, please send your holy angels to guard, tend, and care for our animals and pets in our time of need. JESUS, we trust in You! AMEN.”



GOD THE FATHER: “Rise now and accept My Seal, The Seal of The Living God. Recite this Crusade Prayer (33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.”

“O My God, My Loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, My Beloved Father. I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. I love You, Dear Father. I console You in these times, Dear Father. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. AMEN.”


JESUS CHRIST: “Sister, I am Jesus, born Incarnate. I have come bearing this promise. Recite this prayer with the consecration to Divine Love daily, and you will receive an angel by your side to assist you in faithfulness to the consecration.”

“Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus Christ, and Holy Spirit of God, I come before You as I have consecrated my body and soul to Divine Love. I ask Your assistance in living out this consecration in every present moment. Help me to surrender to every cross, and to recognize and respond to every precious grace You place in my life. Through my consecration to Divine Love, I beg Your assistance in annihilating my own will and living in Your Divine Will. AMEN.”

“My Jesus, Divine Love Itself, I consecrate myself completely to You. In and through this consecration I unite my soul to Divine Love, understanding that in so doing I will be a martyr of love. I choose to seek only Your good pleasure in the present moment, Jesus. Thus, I surrender to You my health, my appearance, and even my own comforts. Through this surrender I pray that Divine Love will be victorious in every heart. Enfolded within this consecration to Your Divine Love, sweet Jesus, find my ‘yes’ to the Divine Will of God in every moment and with every breath. I seek nothing that You would not have me seek. I love no person, place, or thing beyond Your Will for Me. I embrace every cross You permit and cherish every grace You provide. AMEN.”



“Immaculate Heart of Mary, humbly, I ask that You take my heart into the Flame of Holy Love, that is the Spiritual Refuge of all mankind. Do not look upon my faults and failings, but allow these iniquities to be burned away by this purifying Flame. Through Holy Love, help me to be sanctified in the present moment, and in so doing, give to You, dear Mother, my every thought, word, and action. Take me and use me according to Your great pleasure. Allow me to be Your instrument in the world, all for the greater glory of God and towards Your victorious reign. AMEN.”


“Mary, my Mother, my Fortress — Refuge of Holy Love — sanctify this home through Holy Love. Open each heart that dwells herein to holiness. Lead us along the path of Holy Love. Be victorious over any evil, whether it be an unknown force within these walls, a seductive habit, or some voluntary attachment we have chosen ourselves. Make this home a sanctuary of Holy Love. AMEN.”


“Sacred and United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, You are one in purpose as You desire the salvation, holiness, and sanctity of each soul. We consecrate our family to You seeking Your victory both in our hearts and in the world. We acknowledge the perfection of Your mercy in the past, the abundance of Your provision in the future, and the supreme sovereignty of the Father’s Divine Will in this present moment. We desire to be part of Your triumphant reign beginning in this present moment through our ‘yes’ to Holy and Divine Love. We wish, with the help of Your grace, to live out this consecration through every future moment. Thus we will be united in triumph with You, dear United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. AMEN.”


“Holy and Sacred United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, we consecrate our marriage to You today in this present moment. Through this consecration, we will dedicate our hearts to Your victory. United in You we seek Your protection and provision. Increase our love for You and for each other with every breath we take. Regally clothe our hearts in the Divine Will of the Eternal Father. Help us to increase in holiness in and through Your United Hearts. AMEN.”


“Dear United Hearts of Jesus and Mary, I love You very much. I want to give You this present moment and all the future moments of my life. I always want to please You. I give You my heart today and always, and pray You will unite it to Your United Hearts. Place in my heart, dear Jesus and Mary, the desire to help sinners turn to You. AMEN.”



“I [state full name] bind myself today to a strong virtue, an invocation of the Trinity. I believe in a Threeness, with confession of a Oneness in the Creator of the Universe. I bind myself today to the virtue of Christ’s birth with His baptism, to the virtue of His crucifixion with His burial, to the virtue of His resurrection with His ascension, to the virtue of His coming to the Judgment of Doom.”

“I bind myself today to the virtue of ranks of Cherubim, in obedience of Angels, in service of Archangels, in hope of resurrection for reward, in prayers of Patriarchs, in preaching of Apostles, in faiths of Confessors, in innocence of Holy Virgins, in deeds of righteous men.”

“I bind myself today to the virtue of Heaven, in light of Sun, in brightness of Snow, in splendour of Fire, in speed of Lightning, in swiftness of Wind, in depth of Sea, in stability of Earth, in compactness of Rock. I bind myself today to God’s Virtue to pilot me, God’s might to uphold me, God’s wisdom to guide me, God’s eye to look before me, God’s ear to hear me, God’s Word to speak to me, God’s hand to guard me, God’s way to lie before me, God’s shield to protect me, God’s host to secure me, against snares of demons, against seductions of vices, against lusts of nature, against everyone who wishes ill to me, afar and anear, alone and in a multitude.”

“So I invoke all these virtues for me, against every cruel, merciless power which may come, against my body and my soul, against incantations of false prophets, against black laws of heathenry, against false laws of heretics, against craft of idolatry, against spells of women and smiths and druids, against every knowledge that defiles men’s souls.”

“Christ protect me today, against poison, against burning, against drowning, against death-wound, until a multitude of rewards come to me! Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me, Christ in me! Christ below me, Christ above me! Christ at my right, Christ at my left! Christ in breadth, Christ in length, Christ in height! Christ in the heart of everyone who thinks of me, Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me, Christ in every eye that sees me, Christ in every ear that hears me!”

“I bind myself today to a strong virtue, an invocation of the Trinity. I believe in a Threeness with confession of a Oneness, in the Creator of the universe. Salvation is the Lord’s, salvation is the Lord’s, salvation is Christ’s. May Thy salvation, O Lord, be always with us. AMEN.”


“Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with Thee, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, spread the effect of grace of Thy Flame of Love over all of humanity, now and at the hour of our death. Saint Joseph, earthly father of Jesus, pray for us. Friends of the Crucified Jesus, pray for us. JESUS, I trust in You! AMEN.”

~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Prayer for Deactivation of Tattoos (Should be prayed daily, unless an exorcist priest can permanently bless the skin):

“In the Holy Name of Jesus, through the authority of natural law and my Baptism, through the merits of the Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of God Lord Jesus and His sending of the Holy Spirit, I remove this tattoo and break and I sever all connections between this tattoo and the Evil One and his associates. I ask you, Heavenly Father, to drive out any demons that may have attached themselves to me because of this tattoo and to purify the ink that was used to make it. I ask you to break all connections between the image and any demons that may have attached themselves to me because of the tattoo. In the Name of Jesus, I void any claims or rights that demons may claim to me due to any magical images, symbols, or writing incorporated into the tattoo. And through the Sign of the Cross (make the sign of the cross over the tattoo. Use exorcised oil if possible), I consecrate myself to our Lord Jesus Christ through the Immaculate hands of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”