January 24, 2024 – Latest Progress for the Release of the Handbook of God the Father, including the Translation Project and forthcoming Table of Contents – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

January 24, 2024
For the Greater Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

In this blog post, I want to give the latest update on the progress of the Six Essential Documents and the Handbook of God the Father, which are based upon private revelations given to me by Our Lord Jesus Christ concerning the Harbinger Week (7 Days of the Cross in the Sky), the Great Earthquake, the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), Refuges, and other important topics about the End Times.

Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has downloaded the Six Essential Documents derived from the Handbook of God the Father. I know that many of you have been spreading the links, especially to the Zip file, as well as introducing the new site: Handbook.faith to others and I am extremely grateful to all of you for doing this.

Truly, if there is ever anything that needs to go viral around the world, it is the Six Essential Documents. Here is the link again for those who need the free PDF downloads:

Bookmark Me: Free PDF: Handbook of God the Father: Original English Version – The Six Essential Documents – Handbook.faith

Secondly, I am still looking for translation volunteers for the Six Essential Documents (about 90 pages). Very few people have volunteered which makes me a bit sad. I want you to know that even if you have never formally translated a document before, as long as your heart is right with God, the Holy Spirit can do amazing things through the time and effort you put into volunteering. Potentially thousands, perhaps, millions of people will be blessed by your translation work. I am interested in having the Six Essential Documents translated into as many languages as possible. I need especially 1 or 2 volunteers for Portuguese for both the documents and the larger Handbook of God the Father (about 800 pages).

I give you the example of myself. I started this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, in April 2015, because Jesus was asking for volunteers through Maria Divine Mercy that the Book of Truth be placed on blogs. I prayed about it for a month and answered the call to volunteer. I knew nothing about blogs, website design, or programming. I simply began through the simple grace of the Holy Spirit to teach myself how to do everything. However, I also decided that if I was going to make the time and effort to do a blog, I wanted to include other prophetic voices that I believed in. And from that one personal decision to volunteer made 9 years ago, I have had almost 5 million views to this website, MaryRefugeOfSouls, which has affected countless people worldwide. And my website has been successful totally by word of mouth as I have never paid for any advertising. I truly believe that the Blessed Mother Mary personally chooses every person who visits my blog and signs up as a follower.

So, if you have the skill set to translate, please pray about volunteering and reach out to me. By the grace of God, you will impact and bless many people, including the greatest of sinners and those who are furthest from God. Here is the contact me form: https://handbook.faith/contact/ (Note: I already have volunteers for Arabic, Dutch, Filipino (Tagalog), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish).

Thirdly, the Holy Spirit has given me some guidance about how to release the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father. So let me explain how it is going to work.

Volume 2 is completely finished and ready for release. It has been reviewed by two proofreaders and one translator.

Volume 3 is almost done. The text has been reviewed by two proofreaders, however, it is still going through translation to catch any last minute issues with the English edition. I am also working on some formatting and pagination matters. It will be finished very soon.

Volume 1 is still being ‘polished’ (Papa God’s word choice). For the most part, the text has been reviewed by two proofreaders, but it has not been touched yet by the translator. The third step is critical to catch any final editing problems.

The Holy Spirit has indicated that I should release Volumes 2 and 3 on my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and the new website, Handbook.faith , at the end of January 2024 (latest, first days of February). However, God wants me to delay the release of Volume 1 until the end of February 2024, so it can be properly reviewed by the translator. Note: The Six Essential Documents are based on the text of Volume 1 and the Appendix of Volume 3.

Beloved ones, there is a very special reason why God wants me to release first Volumes 2 and 3 ahead of Volume 1. It is because Holy Mother Church is reeling in major crisis and splintering right now, and there is critical information found in both Volumes 2 and 3 that will help the Faithful Remnant understand the current Church situation and save people’s souls.

So, the Holy Spirit has instructed me to do the following:

(1) A few days from now, I am going to publish in a blog post the very detailed Table of Contents for Volumes 2 and 3. That way, everyone can read it thoroughly, because there is some shocking material that the Handbook will discuss. You will be able to get an idea of it by the titles and subtitles within the Table of Contents.

(2) After people have had a chance to review the Table of Contents, I am going to post a special commentary about a couple of chapters found in Volume 2 and some related materials in the Appendix of Volume 3. The commentary will be very important because it will help people figure out why Holy Mother Church is falling apart but it will also give hope for the future. However, once the prophecies are revealed, it will be very divisive. It will force people to have to choose which side that they want to be on — God’s or the world’s.

(3) Then I will release Volumes 2 and 3 at the end of the month of January 2024 (latest, first days of February), so people can read for themselves the prophecies and discern the truth.

(4) Finally, Volume 1 and the complete Zip file for the Handbook of God the Father will be released later at the end of February 2024.

So, those are my tentative plans for publishing the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father on both my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and the sister site, Handbook.faith . Hopefully, I will be able to keep this tight schedule as I have a lot of projects and writings that I am working on now until mid-February.

Note: The Six Essential Documents and the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father will be made available entirely free as PDF downloads in the original English and translated into as many languages as possible (which is entirely dependent on volunteers). All writings will be made available to freely read on webpages of the sister site, Handbook.faith , so people can use Google Translate to read everything in more than 130 languages.

Please, beloved ones, if you could continue to kindly pray for the success of the Six Essential Documents and the Handbook of God the Father, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you to everyone and their interest in these important writings.

God bless,
A Soul

P.S. So far, I have only published the text by email and on webpages for Essential Documents 1 and 2. I will continue to endeavor towards having the text of the four remaining essential documents published by email on MaryRefugeOfSouls and on webpages on the sister site, Handbook.faith , within the next 2-3 weeks. It simply takes me time to do this type of work. In the meantime, all Six Essential Documents are freely available now to download and read as PDFs on the sister site, https://Handbook.faith