Important News (February 29, 2024) – Two Videos – Russia (Putin) threatens Nuclear War against the West – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings beloved ones,

In case you have not heard, Russian President Vladimir Putin delivered his annual state of the union address to the Russian Parliament and Russian nation on Thursday, February 29th. It was the first annual state of the union speech in which Western news outlets were invited to attend. During the speech, Putin put the Western countries (NATO) on notice by threatening nuclear war if Western troops are sent into Ukraine.

Although the West may not be taking the threat seriously with very little serious media coverage and public discourse, there is one person that is taking the threat seriously: Papa God.

On February 28, 2024, God the Father gave an urgent message to Latin American mystic, Lorena, asking the Faithful Remnant to spend the next two weeks in intensive prayer in order to save as many souls as possible during the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Specifically, God the Father said:

“… THE WARNING WILL COME SOONER THAN PLANNED, because I CANNOT SUPPORT SIN and I must not put at risk the Pious and Good Souls who prostrate themselves every day before My Presence to give Me Glory… THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCES IS ALREADY COMING TO HUMANITY! …”

Here is a link to the complete heavenly message which has instructions on how to do the prayers:

Also, below are two videos that I want to encourage people to watch. The first video is news coverage on Putin’s speech and the second video explores what would happen if there was a nuclear war between Russia and USA. I highly recommend the war simulation video.

God bless,
A Soul

Official Video Description:

Vladimir Putin has warned NATO countries they risk nuclear war if they send troops to Ukraine. The Russian leader has been delivering his annual state of the nation address two weeks ahead a presidential election that he’s expected to win. Little-to-no opposition stands in his way. Putin told Russians in his speech that he’d be stationing more soldiers in Russia’s West, close to new NATO members Finland and Sweden.

Putin’s nuclear warning came after France’s president refused to rule out the possibility of Western nations sending troops to Ukraine. This was later rejected by the US and Germany.

YouTube Video – Putin threatens nuclear war if the West sends troops to Ukraine I DW News (8:18 minutes)

YouTube Video – Nuclear War Simulation Between Russia and USA (4:08 minutes)