Please Tell People That Our Lord, Jesus Christ, Will Heal Them If They Have Faith During The Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) This Fall 2020 – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, want to re-share on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, a commentary that I wrote back in July to help people prepare for the forthcoming Warning (Illumination of Conscience) this Fall Season 2020.

PREPARE FOR THE WARNING – Top Priority Four – Pray to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to be Fully Healed During the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

I know that many of the Faithful Remnant are suffering now. Whether it be physical diseases, physical disabilities, mental illnesses, or some type of addictive behavior. I want as many people to know that the Lord has promised to heal people during the Warning if they have faith that He can and will heal them.

The KEY is that a person needs to ask Our Lord to be healed. Which means that they need to start praying now for the Lord to perform the miraculous in their lives at the Warning. This is truly a REAL opportunity to be healed from your suffering in advance of the exodus to the refuges (where people will be healed by the Lord through the Luminous Cross or healing waters).

As I write this, I want people to know that this is not a joke or a deception. But, an honest and true chance to be healed by God from whatever you are suffering from in your life. The Warning will be happening this Fall 2020. I do not want anyone to miss this unique opportunity to be alleviated of all your sufferings.

Besides my two chronic illnesses, I am asking the Lord to heal me of my poor vision (I would be blind without my glasses), my poor hearing (I should probably wear a hearing aide but I do not), and my poor teeth. So, see, you can ask the Lord to heal you of anything that you suffer from — both major and minor sufferings. Just present to Him your needs in daily prayer and have faith that He will act on your behalf at the Warning.

Also, this is a chance for people who are suffering from addictions to be fully healed. So many addictions have attached to them strong demons who act to keep you as slaves to the sin. And I am talking about all types of addictions — not just alcohol, drugs, or pornography — but even addictions like computer and cell phone usage, gaming, etc. As well as sexual mis-behaviors that you might be struggling to overcome, etc.

After the Warning happens, the holy angels are going to restrain all demons from interfering with people’s free will for six weeks. So, if you suffer from anything that has demons attached it, you can be fully healed and can be fully delivered by the Lord. This is your unique opportunity to be totally freed from slavery to your sins. So, grab a-hold of the Lord and do not let Him go!

God bless.
I love you,
–a soul


Helpful Information for Those Preparing for the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) This Fall 2020 – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Spiritual Warfare Prayers:

Catholic Healing Prayers:

Send Free Prayer Requests To Our Lady in Lourdes, Fatima, Medjugorje, Garabandal, and Holy Love Ministries

VISIT: ‘My Sacred Shelter’ to place free prayer requests, as well as for more intensive prayer and fasting for your special intentions.


Jesus and Mary Speak To Those Suffering Depression and Considering Suicide

Dear beloved blog followers,

I know that the Christmas season can be a particularly poignant time for those suffering from depression. Many people even contemplate suicide, because their suffering is so great and they have lost hope in life.

For me, I have found that reading heavenly messages on a regular basis to be very healing and therapeutic. Why? Because simply knowing that God exists and that He intimately cares about you gives people hope in life for something better. That circumstances can change in life for the better if we hope and trust in Him, because all things are possible to God.

And so, I want to share with you the particular webpages on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, for those who may need a little heavenly hope to encourage them to keep on going in life. I hope that reading these heavenly messages from Our Lord and Our Lady will give inner peace to many people as they experience God’s Love and Mercy for them.

God bless!

Jesus Calls All Those Who Suffer And Have Lost Hope In Life

Our Lady Speaks To Those Who Have Little Love In Their Life

Invitation To Become A Child Of Mary

Our Lady – Mary – Speaks To The Mother Of An Aborted Child

Jesus And Mary Speak To Those With Same-Sex Attraction (Homosexuality)

Jesus And Mary Speak To Those Suffering From Addiction

Jesus And Mary Speak To Those Suffering Addiction To Pornography

Jesus And Mary Speak About Abuse (Child, Family, Elderly, Spousal)

God the Father – “I tell you, solemnly, I wish to remove all suffering from the world”

Video: Why Does God Allow Suffering? – Answers To Life’s Toughest Questions

Commentary: Seeking Forgiveness – By a soul

Is There A God? Does God Exist? Who Is Jesus Christ? What Is The Gospel? (Videos And Resources)

Also see, these free downloadable and printable PDF booklets from Direction For Our Times – Jesus Christ, The Returning King:

Volume Six: Heaven Speaks To Families

“Jesus Speaks To You (All Sinners)”
“Heaven Speaks About Depression”
“Heaven Speaks To Those Considering Suicide”
“Heaven Speaks To Those Who Experience Tragedy”
“Heaven Speaks About Addictions”
“Heaven Speaks About Abortion”
“Heaven Speaks About Divorce”
“Heaven Speaks To Those Who Are Dying”
“Heaven Speaks To Those Who Struggle To Forgive”
“Heaven Speaks To Those Who Suffer From Financial Need”
“Heaven Speaks About Stress”

Invitation To Visit Homepage of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove –

Invitation To Visit Homepage of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove:

While I have several loyal daily visitors to my blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, as well as several people visit who find my blog through Google searches, etc., I have several more people who simply read my blog postings through the Reader or follow by email each day. Well, I want to thank you all for reading the heavenly messages each day and I want to personally invite you all to visit the homepage of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove ( every once and a while, as I have tons of resources for you, especially, if you are interested in prophecy, heavenly messages from Jesus and Mary, or the Catholic faith.

I am constantly adding new content that you might want to explore by looking at the different pages of the actual blog website. This is content that you cannot simply view through the Reader or by email each day.

Here is blog content that I want to share with you all:

Are you interested in learning more about the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) of Garabandal? I have heavenly messages from different sources and videos for you! See this page: The Warning – Illumination Of Conscience

Are you a Catholic priest interested in prophecy or know a Catholic priest? I have a page especially for priests where I have gathered heavenly messages from different chosen messengers in which Jesus and Mary speak specifically to Christian ministers and priests. See this page: The Warning – Jesus Christ Speaks To Priests

Are you interested in the Book of Truth and Maria Divine Mercy? I have several resources (prayers/messages/prophecy summaries/preparation guides) gathered on this page for you: The Book Of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy

Are you interested in the Book of Truth and Maria Divine Mercy in a different language? I also have links on the homepage of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove to websites in multiple languages. For example, Chinese, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, etc.

Do you follow the daily messages from Holy Love Ministry and speak another language? Did you know that there are dedicated websites on the Holy Love messages in French, Polish, Spanish, and Korean? I have links on the homepage to these websites. I also have links to Holy Love messages translated in multiple languages, such as German, Greek, Dutch, Croatian, Ukranian, etc.

Are you interested in the refuges spoken about in Catholic prophecy? See this blog page: Information On Refuges During The Great Tribulation

Are you interested in Catholic prophecy in general? I have many links on the homepage of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove for you to explore. For example, I have links to excellent sources of information on Our Lady of Good Success in English, French, Italian, and Spanish. I have several links on Catholic revelation on the poor souls in Purgatory and on the many Saints of the Catholic Church and their mystical gifts. I even have links for you to read for free the entire book of the Mystical City of God (Blessed Mary Agreda) and the Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ (St. Anne Catherine Emmerich)!

Did you know that the oldest known miracle (2000 years) actually occurs in the Orthodox Church? It happens every Holy Week and it is known as the “Miracle Holy Light of Jerusalem”. I have a link to this miracle and other fascinating miracles on the homepage. Reading about them will increase your faith in God.

Are you interested in reading a good and wholesome Christian book? I also have links on the homepage to several different Catholic publishers that are traditional and orthodox. No New Age or weird stuff.

Do you know someone who is dying? Did you know that Jesus dictated a Holy Hour Preparation for those who are dying to Servant of God, Maria Valtora (Poem of the Man-God)? You can print it out from my blog. I also have links to two free eBooklets that have heavenly messages specifically for those who are dying and also for those who fear purgatory. These resources can be found on this blog page: A Holy Hour With Jesus – Spiritual Preparation For Death

Do you know someone who is dying but unsure of Jesus? Jesus has dictated a special prayer for him or her to say in their final days. Here is the blog page so you can print it out: Jesus Christ – Prayer For The Dying – For Those Facing Death

Are you suffering from a particular challenge in your life or know someone who needs help? See these blog pages for advice from Jesus and Mary:

Mary’s Words of Advice – Messages

Jesus Christ – I Will Forgive Atheists, I Give You My Mercy

Jesus Christ – I Will Forgive Satanists, I Give You My Mercy

Our Lady – Mary – Speaks To The Mother Of An Aborted Child

Reasons To Choose Life For Your Unborn Baby – Be Pro-Life

Jesus And Mary Speak To Those With Same-Sex Attraction (Homosexuality)

Jesus And Mary Speak To Those Suffering Addiction To Pornography

Jesus And Mary Speak To Those Suffering From Drug Addiction

Heaven Speaks To Victims Of Clerical Abuse

Jesus Christ Speaks To Prisoners

Finally, I have written several commentaries on Catholic revelation that you might be interested in reading. Here are a few of them:

Why it is Okay for All People to Ask the Blessed Virgin Mary to Intercede for Them

The Warning and Its Aftermath – The Suffering of Purgatory as Penance for Sin

Understanding Divine Justice and the Spiritual Realities of Abortion

God bless!