June 24, 2024 – Prepare for the Coming Battle (By John Martinez) – Two Heavenly Messages with Commentary and Teaching


(Source: https://afterthewarning.com/messages-from-heaven/john-martinez/2024/june/24/prepare-for-the-coming-battle/ )

Note: These heavenly messages and accompanying articles have been very slightly edited for clarity (spell check) and to correct bible verses by A Soul. Please see the original source if you would like to read the unedited version. God bless.

Prepare for the Coming Battle

By John Martinez
June 24, 2024

God the Father: My son, I am very proud of your commitment to Me at the beginning of your journey as my messenger and the duties that I gave the same to my servant Ezekiel, Samuel and other Prophets. The world and the sin of my children is not decreasing but is expanding beyond all the sin since the beginning of my Creation. It is the greed, power, and the destruction of my Church that Satan has infiltrated and oversee all the preposterous changes coming down from the Vatican. No one is exempt in Rome. It starts at the top. The darkness will get worst. The sin of mankind is greater than at the time of my servant Noah. Satan has entangled the mind and heart of my people as never before in the history of My Creation. Man has set his own destruction and the completion of what has been written by my Prophets and Saints are now being fulfilled. The apostolate (apostasy?) started since the Vatican II Council. The WOKE [aka: Communist] movement has taken over the minds and souls of many of clergy who have lost the Grace they received at their ordination. Beware and discern all things coming out of Rome. It is not I, but Satan and the Antichrist who have entanglement of My Church.

I am sending a Warning of Mercy and Justice to all.

Sin is beyond redemption. I am allowing Nature to bring destruction and changes to all the lands of my Creation. Nature is bringing chaos and destruction to all the world. You will see the eruption of Volcanoes under the sea many existing in areas throughout the planet, tsunamis where they are least expected, and in I have allowed hurricanes, and famine to destroy many areas of this earth. Fire and lightning from the sky will cause millions of forests to be set on fire and strong unnatural winds will spread this atrocity throughout the earth. Floods and droughts will rise in areas where they have not taken place.

A food shortage has already begun and will continue to deteriorate. A CABAL, the one world government, and the Antichrist are behind everything that is taking place but mostly the sin of mankind is the cause. The Biden Administration, in league with the United Nations (CABAL), are behind all the chaos that you are witnessing. These so-called rich billionaires are playing a great part in what is occurring, using the gifts I have given them. This is the Elites’ Strategy in their War on Food. But in the end, all their money will turn to dust and they will also be in lines with the poor seeking food.

[Personal message given here.]

All major cities in the United States have groups of terrorists that will bring destruction to your Nation. Biden, who pretends to be a good Catholic, will suffer for the chaos and infliction that is coming upon mankind. He and the evil demonic followers that are behind the scenes will cause this chastisement throughout the world. He is a false leader in power and is not in control of his position. Biden and his demonic minions are in control of your government. He is a puppet committed to destroying this Nation and make the path for wars, famine, and the short reign of the Antichrist.

Food shortage have already started. Many of your food suppliers are being destroyed so that all will be subject to the CABAL, “The New World Order”. Lucifer, the Antichrist, and the Beast are in control of the CABAL.

Poultry farms, meat plants and other food suppliers are being destroyed by the planned evil strategy of the “CABAL- New World Order”. They have taking control of water rights from private citizens and confiscated lands from their owners. They will lead this nation as never before in the history of this Nation.

World War III has already begun. This is not controlled by one man yet, but by the evil servants of Lucifer. Biden has stopped helping my Israel from defending themselves and has given more attention to the war in Ukraine. The CABAL has secretly planned what will take place world-wide. Europe and all free nations will suffer the same as the United States Congress and the United Nations push to support Ukraine and lure and orchestrate and create war with Russia and China. Their sinister plan is to create war with Russia, and the United States will suffer severely and catastrophically. Their plan is to create war in all of America by inviting foreign military soldiers to attack this nation. The reason for this plan is when this takes place, and it will happen, Biden will declare Marshal Law and try to stop the coming Presidential election.

My devoted saintly children have already started my Remnant Church. I am bringing my chosen leaders and anointed warriors to stand tall and be like St. Michael the Archangel. The Laity will play a crucial and necessary task I have for them. I am always with you. My Angels will be at your side, but Satan will try to keep this from taking place. He will fail.

My people suffer because of their lack of knowledge and the hidden spiritual world of evil plan of lucifer and his demonic servants and slaves.

Our Lady of Guadalupe:

Juanito. I am so proud of you as you called upon me to keep from going blind with acid in your eyes. I have always been with you and am very happy with your love and commitment to My Son Jesus.

The future of this world is in the hands and prayers of my little children. As I have spoken in several of my apparitions, my children will not listen and are stubborn. Thousands have visited Me in Medjugorje and other apparition sites and are being called to support and lay the foundation for my Remnant Church.

Many that visit my Son at Adoration will start receiving messages. God the Father has anointed them with all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is for the preparation for the war that is to come to all humanity. Satan knows that his time on earth is coming to an end. His mission, from the beginning, is to be like God. He is a deceiver, a counterfeit, and a liar. He wants all my children to spend eternity with him in hell.

My warriors will have a KNOWING and instructions as to what God is seeking and anointing them with all Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit as was given to the Apostles and Disciples at Pentecost.

You will receive many visitors and communication throughout the world. I will help establish the means to reach everyone that is seeking answers and direction from God the Father. Many will be taught as to how to prepare for this coming Spiritual Warfare. My Army of God will be well prepared.

I seek and desire all of you to join me in praying the Chaplet of Devine Mercy and my Holy Rosary every day at 3:00 pm regardless of your place on earth. I love you and I want to lessen the suffering of my children. We must all come together and join each other in prayer, love and trust in God. I need you to visit the Blessed Sacrament and spend time with my Son. He will listen to you and answer your prayers. I am asking for your help as your loving Mother.

I always say to my beautiful children to pray, do not stop praying. The message from God the Father will come to pass. The only way to make it lesser is through the Holy Spirit and I your beloved Mother. It will not be easy. Not everyone on earth will be spared.

My saintly children will be guided to the Refuges that we have already prepared. Don’t lose Hope. Put your complete Faith, Love and Trust in Almighty God. As God the Father shared to all who follow my Son Jesus Christ will be protected.

“Jesus, I trust in You”.

The Spiritual War

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. With all of these take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

“Always pray in the Spirit in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints. Pray also for me, so that when I speak, a message may be given to me to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it boldly, as I must speak.”

Personal Comment and Teaching
– By John Martinez Jr.

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon… Revelation 12:7

When St. Michael witnessed this rebellion against God, he was filled with righteous outrage on behalf of His Creator and is believed to have cried out: “Who is like God?” Hence his Hebrew name, Mikhaʾel, which means Who is like God? It’s a rhetorical cry—one that means, “No one is like God!”

Saying Serviam! is a fast and effective way to remember the One we serve. It also reorientates us to follow God’s will, especially in moments of temptation, just as St. Michael the Archangel did. (Serviam is a Latin word that translates to “I will serve.)

Trying to understand spiritual warfare from a theological viewpoint demands a recognition of the ongoing struggle between good and evil that we encounter daily. We are aware through Sacred Scripture that our lives are situated within a much larger cosmic battle, one that is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. It is important that we approach this matter with both seriousness and balance to avoid the extremes of overemphasis, which may contribute too much to the influence of demons, or underemphasis, which might neglect the spiritual forces at work.

The prayer to St Michael was the ending prayer that was part of our Holy Mass. It was beautiful and powerful. It was taken out as part of the Mass after the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. I personally believe that this was one of the greatest mistakes made at this Council. Why remove the Prayer of the Protector of our Holy Catholic Apostolic Mass? This is “Spiritual Warfare”.

Saint Michael the Archangel is the defender of the Church and chief opponent of Satan and assists people at the hour of death. St. Michael has several duties: to continue to wage battle against Satan and the other fallen angels, to save the souls of the faithful from the power of Satan especially at the hour of death, to protect the People of God, and to lead the souls of the departed from this life and present them to our Lord for the judgment, and at the end of time, for the final judgment.

When I was first introduced to St. Michael the Archangel, he was standing next to Jesus, and they were discussing something about me. I could not understand what they were saying to each other. Jesus gave a small bowl of oil and told St Michael to anoint me. As I was kneeling, I felt his thumb on my forehead and my head went backwards as he touches me. His thumb was large almost 12 inches and I felt the pressure of his Thumb. Since then, he has always been at my side with several warrior angels. I was introduced to another angel whose name is Ariel the Archangel whom I did not know of his existence. God the Father appointed him to always be with me.

Ariel the Archangel is called Angel of wisdom. He is commonly portrayed carrying a book or a scroll which symbolize wisdom. The name “Ariel” is derived from the Hebrew אוּרִיאֵל and means “God is my light.” Also known as an Archangel Uriel. He is among those at the head of the company of angels. He is a personification of the Divine Fire that hails from heaven. Fire also serves as a reminder for the descent of the Holy Spirit during the time of Pentecost. As the angel of wisdom the name Ariel is derived from Hebrew origins, meaning “lion of God,” and appears in several Bible passages. It should be noted that some texts and scholars use Ariel as a version of Uriel, which has a different meaning, the light of God. He reports directly to God the Father.

During a locution with Our Blessed Mother during the time She was teaching me of God’s spiritual realm and to understand the reason I had been chosen by God the Father. We were walking through a valley that seemed abandoned and the color of this valley was subdue and everything was the color Gray. As I was looking around, I saw thousands of gray statues just sitting and doing nothing. Maybe millions?

I asked Our Lady why all these statues.

Our Blessed Mother replied: My son, these are all Angels of God waiting for God’s children to ask God for help. They are waiting to deliver The Lords gift, but His children are too busy to seek God and ask for His blessings and reply to their petitions. God loves His children so much that He gave my Son to deliver them from the entanglement that Lucifer is causing to all His beloved children. They are waiting to deliver the messages from God. People do not pray enough or seek the help of their Father.

In the book of Job, God gives Satan permission to send trials and afflictions upon Job, because God knew that Job would prove himself to be a faithful servant. Even during the immense suffering of losing his children, his wealth, and his health, Job was still confident in God’s promise to save him, and he prayed with a faith that testifies to a deep trust in the Lord.

How do we prepare ourselves for the Spiritual Battle with Evil

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16 “Be holy, because I am holy”. It is a command from God to his people to sanctify themselves and reflect his holiness in all they do. The holiness of God is also praised by the angels in Isaiah 6:35.

Additional comment:

I believe that almost 80% of the world population do not believe that as we breathe every second that we live in Two Worlds. The natural and the supernatural. Evil is around every person on earth, but at the same time Good is also around you. Many of us think with our Brain and others think with their heart.

The Supernatural: Satan has assigned a demon or various demons on every living person on this earth, but God Our Father has given everyone a “Good Guardian Angel” to keep us from harm and evil. Each of us either walks with goodness in our heart or evil in our minds. This supernatural battle between Good and evil started at the Garden of Eden. Today we can see on the News, Television, Newspaper and many other evil events takin place all over the world and especially in the United States. We can see the state of evil taking place world-wide and especially in our Country. Wars, rumors of wars, murders, suicides, abortion and the murder of our innocent babies and much more: Anger, hate, abduction and trafficking, the Cartel, drug trafficking FAKE NEWS supported by evil individuals controlled by demonic entities, witchcraft, satanic worship by many of our leaders and those placed in power by the Antichrist, especially politicians and liberal individuals who are committed to serving Lucifer and the rich try to suppress the less fortunate, trafficking of young children and women, politicians seducing the people all over especially in the United States. The list of evil can go on forever. This is no joke it is happening now and we are into World War III. What are we doing to stop this chaos when people call evil good and good evil. NOW ANSWER THIS: Who is causing this to take place….. Lucifer, satan, the anti-Christ, people, men and women consecrated to Lucifer and are possessed with power and the New World Order that was started over 500 Years ago with the evil Masonic Masons and other Entities of the same nature. Why are so many turning to Satan as their god.

Many of the followers of evil have built underground Bunkers to save themselves and their families. They will all be destroyed like a box of matches. It is God that they have turned their backs too. Remember the Titanic.

WOKE Movement:

God’s creation of man was Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve. Evil has spearheaded this anti-American doctrine and has reverse the natural way of life to all people in the United States and the world. Biden and his minions behind the scenes have remove our beautiful American Flag and have replace it with the rainbow Flag of Woke. Doctors in Texas and other States that support this movement have been caught doing sex changes on children without their knowledge or consent. The more the word “woke” is invoked, the more elusive it seems to become. Since the right began to use it as a war cry, many progressives have argued that the word is empty, merely a way to attack people of color, feminists, and members of LGBTQ communities without being directly offensive. All these members or deviants should be transported to Muslim counties as Biden and his minions have transported illegal aliens across our American Southern Borders and they will receive a great welcoming as they support Hamas that has taken place. This only part of the Satan and his demonic followers are doing to this country and the world. There is much more that is taken place and the reason that God in His Mercy and Justice will bring Justice to all that are part of sin and evil that they have embraced. This is a small example as to why it has been said that we are worst than the inhabitants of the earth during the time of Noah. God told Noah the earth will never be destroyed by water but by Fire. Now we have an idea what will happen very soon to all evil inhabitants of the earth today.

I needed to share the above to let you know that we are all living in End Times and World War III has started. No one will escape what is coming to this world, but only those that have cried out to God for His Mercy and forgiveness. The world can be saved if we humble ourselves and have a sincere repentance to God. He will welcome all into his Kingdom and eternal happiness in Heaven. This no joke and is not a Disney or Sci-Fi movie. It is happening and has already started. No human being can stop it.

Faithful sons and daughters of God.

It is not easy to write what I am being shown but the TRUTH must be known

  1. We all must all have Faith, Trust and Love Almighty God. He must come first in all the things we do. Secular and spiritual.
  2. We are called to sincerely repent all our sin and ask for God’s Mercy and His forgiveness. We cannot play with God.
  3. We must trust God unconditionally and listen to the spiritual direction He is leading us.
  4. We need to ask forgiveness from anyone we have hurt starting with our family.
  5. We must visit the Blessed Sacrament and go to Confession at least once a (month?).
  6. We need to pray the Rosary and the Devine Mercy Chaplet at least once a day preferably at 3:00 pm. Some are called to Fast others to different spiritual things. Novenas to the Sacred Heart of Jeus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are very important.
  7. If you have a family eat and pray together. Have fun, smile enjoy your family.
  8. Build a small little Chapel at home with a small table, Crucifix, one white candle. Spend at least one hour in prayer or reading scripture before your little altar. Place a small statue of our Blessed Mother and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
  9. Try and find a holy priest who believes in the holy spirituality of God.
  10. Find friends that are like minded and pray together. Form a small Prayer Group at your home or Parish.

I will give further information on my next Article.

· “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1

· “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

· “I [Jesus] came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:1

What does scripture tell us as to how to fight Satan/Lucifer and his evil demons?

  1. James 4:7” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
  2. Romans 16:20 “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”
  3. Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”
  4. 1 Peter 5:8 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
  5. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”
  6. Colossians 2:15 “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.”
  7. 2 Timothy 2:3 “Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”
  8. 1 John 4:4 “You are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
  9. Jude 1:9 “But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”
  10. Matthew 16:23 “But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”
  11. Revelation 2:10 “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
  12. Matthew 6:13 “And let us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”

The Rosary as our defense

The primary message of Our Lady, given to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa (Akita, Japan), was similar in content to the apparitions at Fatima. The messages focused on praying the Rosary and doing penance for the sins of humanity to secure peace for the world.

She also revealed a troubling message similar to Our Lady of Fatima, explaining a period of trial that the Church would endure.

“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres … churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord … Pray the prayers of the Rosary very much. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved.”

Blessing and place your Faith, Love and Trust in Almighty God.

John Martinez

What is CABAL
One World Order
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many believe the world is secretly ruled by Freemasons, witches or Satanists; It is known underneath the myriad events we see on the surface of the world lurks a single sinister group. It is known that secret cabal of powerful individuals, spanning various industries and ideologies, works behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage, and control information flow. It is composed of almost all leaders of governments and the United Nations. Many believe cabal underneath the myriad events we see on the surface of the world lurks a single sinister group. The identity of this group may change: Some believe the world is secretly ruled by Freemasons, witches or Satanists; especially the work of Lucifer and all his demonic human followers. They are the creators of the “The One World Government.” The destruction of the Country of Israel and the Holy Roman Apostolic Catholic Church is their main objective.

June 1, 2024 – End Times Daily (Ned Dougherty) – Mary, Our Lady of America – “The evil one is attempting to gain final and complete control over planet Earth, and the evil one must be stopped now! Where will you be in this battle of the End Times?”



(Source: https://endtimesdaily.com/a-message-to-the-people-of-the-united-states-of-america-our-lady-of-america-june-1-2024/ )

June 1, 2024 – Our Lady of America

St Rosalie’s Campus, Hampton Bays, NY @ 12:00 pm


I come to you today as Your Lady of America, for I wish to convey to you the importance of your understanding that I have been gifted through the Father in Heaven and His Son Jesus Christ to bestow upon America the Blessings of the Heavenly Realms in recognizing that the Father in Heaven specifically designated that the Unted States of America would become a source of inspiration to the Peoples of the World to recognize that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights of the United States of America have been inspired in their passage by the Father in Heaven who at the time directly intervened in the affairs of mankind to infuse within humanity a plan of living in a righteous nation that owes its very existence to the Father in Heaven.

For the Father in Heaven intended that the United States of America would be a beacon of hope to the Peoples of the World to recognize that the Father in Heaven and the Heavenly Realms – which is your home – do exist to oversee your activities here on Earth.

Now, more than ever before, it must be evident to you that the evil one and his works also do exist and that as you have recently seen in your own political affairs the evil one is exercising draconian controls over many of you who have become minions of the evil one – of satan, lucifer, and all of the demons who have been cast into hell.

Stop now and think!

Is it not obvious to you that the hand of the Father in Heaven has been guiding certain of your leaders while the evil one remains in control of others who have recently seized control of your Federal government in a corrupt and stolen election? And now those very evil minions of lucifer and satan are attempting to destroy the works of the Father to finally reduce the nationality and sovereignty of your nation to a feudal state of the Marxists, communists, and radicals who are now in control of your nation.

I have been warning all of you – time and time again – in these Messages from Heaven that the evil in your world is self-evident, and the minions of satan who are channeling this evil are the Global Elitists who are the servants of lucifer who are hell-bent to destroy the democratic principles of the Republic of the United States of America so that they can surreptitiously crown lucifer as the ruler of the whole world.

Alas! They shall not prevail! Thanks be to God!

There will be an intervention in the affairs of mankind from the Heavenly Realms that will separate the chaff – the followers of Satan – from the wheat – the Powerful Prayer Warriors of the Father in Heaven. Satan and his minions will be defeated in the end. But your cooperation in acting for the Father in Heaven is essential to assure that all that is good becomes the victor over all of humanity to assure that the evil of the world will be cast with finality into the pits of hell!

So be it! Thanks be to God!

Know your place in humanity and take up arms and pray powerfully that Good prevails with finality over the evil of the world. Your Father in Heaven; His Son the Redeemer, Jesus Christ; Your Heavenly Mother and all the Angels and the Saints command you in these times to become the Powerful Prayer Warriors you are intended to be.

For this is the Final Battle! This is the Final Hour!

Are you going to rise to your proper place in the future of humanity here on Earth or will you ignore what is evident now?

The evil one is attempting to gain final and complete control over planet Earth, and the evil one must be stopped now!

Where will you be in this battle of the End Times?

Message ended 12:23pm

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – “My people, I am warning people to compare what comes out of the Synod with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Follow My words of Scripture and you do not have to believe any errors that you hear.” – May 22-28, 2024 Update


Tuesday, May 28, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, I am warning people to compare what comes out of the Synod with the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Follow My words of Scripture and you do not have to believe any errors that you hear. Pray that My people will be led on the right path to heaven.”

Monday, May 27, 2024: (St. Augustine of Canterbury, Memorial Day)

Jesus said: “My people, you came into this world with nothing and you will leave this world with nothing. In other words you cannot take your wealth beyond the grave. It is difficult for a rich man to detach himself from his wealth, just as the rich man went away sad when I asked him to give his wealth over to the poor. Wealth is fleeting and it can be lost or stolen. The real wealth in this world is when someone is rich in My many graces. I have asked you many times to seek first the Kingdom of heaven and you will be given what is needed in life. It is better to search to be the best Christian that you can be than to seek to be rich in money and possessions.

Your soldiers were willing to offer their very lives to protect your freedoms from tyrant governments. Today, you honor their lives for their sacrifices. It is sad that you see the evil ones who want to kill people in wars, abortions, and euthanasia. Even some people follow the devil in reducing the population with diseases and deadly vaccines. Seek a world of My peace and love, instead of war and hate.”

Sunday, May 26, 2024: (The Most Holy Trinity Sunday)

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to tell you that the understanding of the Blessed Trinity is a Mystery that humans do not have the intelligence to understand. You can only take Us Three Persons in One God on faith alone. You can know something about each Person of God, but We love all of Our creations, especially man and woman who We have made in Our Image with free will. We give you the Commandments to love Us and your neighbor as yourself. Follow Our ways on a path to heaven. Be willing to cleanse your souls of sin with Confession at least monthly. Keep close to Us in Our sacraments and strive to evangelize souls so they can be saved in Our love. Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything that you need will be given to you.”

Saturday, May 25, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, war between people is an evil thing brought on by Satan and the demons who are stirring up trouble. War spends a lot of money on weapons, but it is the killing of lives that is the ultimate price for these evil deeds. You have seen tyrant governments over the years and how soldiers had to fight to protect your freedom. This Memorial Weekend reminds you of your past wars and your ongoing wars in Israel and the Ukraine.

Yet you have communist agitators teaching your children to hate your country that soldiers lost their lives to make you free. There are many evil forces in your governments being controlled by the one world elites. They are preparing to control the world for the Antichrist’s takeover in the tribulation. Be prepared to come to My refuges for My protection. I will destroy these evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. I will protect My faithful and bring you into My victory in My Era of Peace, so trust in Me always.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Truth of My Word in the Bible will set you free from all the evil earthly voices. When you hear My words of love and My desire for your obedience to following My ways instead of man’s ways, then you are seeing the difference between the ways of heaven and the ways of worldly people. It is My words that soften hearts and fill your minds with real Truth. The devil and evil people can only offer you lies and false riches that put you on a path to hell. I show you the path to heaven through love of Me and love of neighbor. Yet when I speak, there are few who want to listen and abide by My words. The best example you can give to someone, is to be a Christian who is imitating My ways. This in the end will give you peace in your heart and soul instead of hate and violence of the world.”

Friday, May 24, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, marriage is such an important institution because it is an extension of My creation through the gift of love between a man and a woman. The family is the core of your society, and I describe My relationship with My Church as My bride as in marriage. In heaven everything is about love and true peace. So it is in true love that a marriage exists with a loving wife and a loving husband. By being kind and merciful, all marriages should be happy places. If there is true love, then there is no need for divorce. Some divorce happens over abuse, either physical or verbal. But marriage is meant to have children and live together until death separates them. My son, you will be married this year for fifty-nine years, and you are an example to others that couples can stay married for life. Continue showing your love for each other and for all those in your family.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Biden people do not want anything left to chance that somehow Trump could win the next election. One possibility could be a red flag operation that could take down your electric grid. This would enable Biden to declare a martial law and say other countries caused the power outage. But this would stop the election and would give Biden total dictatorial power. The one world people want to allow the Antichrist’s takeover as soon as possible because Trump could delay their plans. Once America is taken over and joined into the North American Union of Canada, America, and Mexico, you would see the beginning of this world takeover in the tribulation. I have told you, when the lives of My faithful are in danger, I would bring My Warning sooner. I will be protecting My faithful at My refuges no matter when the Antichrist will declare himself.”

Thursday, May 23, 2024:

Jesus said: “My son, this large chandelier in an Adoration chapel is a sign that I want all of My refuges to have a reserved space or a chapel if possible. This will be needed so you can have around the clock Adoration with one or two people worshiping Me at every hour. I will provide a priest for daily Mass and a consecrated Host for your monstrance. If you do not have a priest, I will have My angels bring you daily Holy Communion and a consecrated Host for your monstrance. It will be your faith in My Real Presence in the consecrated Host that will enable Me and My angels to multiply your food, water, fuels, and buildings to support the people who come to My refuges during the tribulation. Be ready to come to My refuges when I will give you My inner locution that it is time to leave your homes for My refuges.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you how Satan is stirring up wars and divisions among the people of the world. The companies, who are making weapons for both the Israel and Ukraine wars, are being manipulated by Biden in controlling what weapons can go to Israel. You are seeing divisions in families where there are many single parent families. Your open borders are allowing drug cartels to kill your young people with fentanyl. You will be seeing more weather destruction in America with your tornadoes and hurricanes as a punishment for your sins of abortion. Turn to Me for help in your daily prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing high prices for houses along with high interest rates that is pricing many couples out of buying a house. The supply of houses is low and it is an auction for people bidding high prices for what is available. Pray for your inflation and interest rates to go down to help young couples.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how Biden is already acting like a dictator with no regard for obeying your border laws, and not following your Constitution or the Supreme Court. Now he is weaponizing the Justice Department with lawyers to harass anybody who is opposing him. The rich people in your society are doing well, but a good share of your people are struggling to make ends meet with high prices of everything. Pray that you can change your government to one that helps all of the people without total control of your rights.”

Jesus said: “My people, you truly have seen some damage with your many tornadoes. The HAARP machine can make tornadoes worse. Your weather people are predicting a more active hurricane season than normal because of a La Nina in the Pacific Ocean. You also are seeing active solar flares from the sun that could threaten your communications. Pray for less damage from your weather, but you are being tested for your sexual and abortion sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, certain churches are having problems with demographics in their church attendance. This means you are seeing less young people coming to Sunday Mass. Without Me in their lives, they are seeing further family troubles. Give your younger people a good example by coming to Sunday Mass, and let them see your prayerful life has helped you through the years. Pray that your young people can come closer to Me, so I can help them with My love.”

Jesus said: “My people, your young people are being brain washed with socialism and even communist principles in your schools and colleges. You have seen anti-war protesters and agitators causing disturbances in your schools and colleges. You also are seeing how drugs and vaping are affecting your young people. Pray that your society can be turned more to Me than the things Satan is causing.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the one world people are planning their Great Reset on the world that will use the digital dollar and the mark of the beast to control you. I have been calling on My refuge builders to set up My refuges that will protect My people from the demons and evil people. I have mentioned several times that those faithful who do not come to the safety of My refuges, could be risking death or martyrdom from the Antichrist and his helpers. Trust in Me by being ready to come to My refuges once I send you My inner locution that it is time to come to the refuges. After the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, I will be calling you to My refuges so you will be protected by Me and My angels. Leave your homes within twenty minutes as your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to My refuges. Have no fear because your angel will put an invisible shield over you. Call on My help always.”

Wednesday, May 22 2024: (St. Rita)

Jesus said: “My son, you know now that you should include praying for good health in your rosary intentions. You do not realize how important your health is until you are sick. In the first reading of St. James, you realize that life comes to you one day at a time, so be content to deal with the troubles of today. Do not let future troubles concern yourself because today has enough trials of its own. In the Gospel I told My apostles that those people, who are spreading My Word, are not against us but for us. So do not stop them from evangelizing people. Pray for more people to assist you in evangelizing the people, so they can have the richness of My faith and My love.”

(Funeral Mass for Marlene Marino) Jesus said: “My son, you are seeing Marlene standing by her casket as she loves all of you so much that she had to give you her personal farewell. She blessed all of you, for Jesus has accepted her into His kingdom of heaven. You are the first ones to be blessed by her from heaven. She suffered from her cancer, but she had her purgatory on earth. She had nine years without her soul mate husband. She shared her love with all of her children and grandchildren. You all knew her in how loving she was to all of you. My son, you knew her sister, Fran, and knowing Fran, is like knowing Marlene whom you did not know too well. Fr. Tony gave a beautiful image of Marlene being dropped off from a ship to enter heaven.”

January 2024 – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) Interview – Catholic author, Ted Flynn, and his new book about the Marian apparitions at Garabandal, Spain (1st of 2-Part Series) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Another fantastic TTEN interview! This time, the first part of a two part series with Catholic author, Ten Flynn, about his new book on the Marian apparitions at Garabandal, Spain, and its societal and cultural implications for today. A great discussion! God bless.

About Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN)
My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).


Here are links to the latest TTEN interview of Ted Flynn on various media platforms:

TTEN website:

TTEN website:

BitChute Interview:

Podcast Interview:

YouTube Video: TTEN Interview: Garabandal Divine Reset Ted Flynn Series 1 (49:26 minutes)

Important Message – January 1, 2024 – End Times Daily – Saint Michael Archangel – A Warning to the People of the United States of America – “Now you are in a countdown: You have two years left to gain control of your nation by replacing satan and his minions with patriotic citizens and Powerful Prayer Warriors”



(Source: https://endtimesdaily.com/january-1-2024-a-warning-to-the-people-of-the-united-states-of-america-you-have-only-two-years-left-to-save-your-nation/ )

JANUARY 1, 2024 – A WARNING TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! You have only two years left to save your nation!

St Rosalie’s Parish Campus, Hampton Bays, New York @11:15 am

St Michael Archangel

Lo and Behold! I am Michael the Archangel, Defender of the Sovereign Nation of the United States of America. This is a Warning to all of you who call yourselves the patriotic defenders of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America!

I warned you several years ago in a Message from Heaven that you have only five years left to save your nation. Now you are in a countdown: You have only two years left to save your nation!

However, you have only one year left to gain control of your nation through your elections, which are now controlled by satan and his minions. By 2030, in order to achieve their goals on schedule, satan and his minions must continue to retain control of your elections which they have so fraudulently and successfully done in recent years – robbing you of your lawfully chosen leaders and replacing them with minions of satan.

You have two years left to gain control of your nation by replacing satan and his minions with patriotic citizens and Powerful Prayer Warriors. If you are not successful, in two years on the 250th Anniversary of your founding as a republic, your nation will topple and be dissolved. Then, the sovereignty of your nation will no longer exist!

You have two years to right the wrongs that your enemies have caused you, or satan and his minions will usher in the demonically inspired new world order by 2030 further enslaving all of humanity.

You have two years now to save your nation! Those among you who are truly Powerful Prayer Warriors have been vigilantly aware of the demonic plan and many of you are doing God’s work to defend your nation and its sovereignty, but there are many among the citizens of the United States of America, who have fallen asleep and are oblivious to the plan of satan to destroy your nation. Sadly, you know many of these sleeping sheep – many of them are your own family members and friends!

There is little time left to awaken those who are asleep and who have deliberately, unknowingly, or unwittingly adopted many of the attributes of the satanic plan through anarchism, socialism, and communism. Many of your brothers and sisters have been brainwashed leading many of your citizens to blindly accept the current affairs in your government, your corporations, your institutions, your educational systems, and your media and entertainment cartels, and to accept the ‘woke’ religion of the satanic new world order. These are the ‘useful idiots’ of satan who have not been able to move on from their political affiliations of their youth or their parents’ generation and who have not been able – through critical thinking – to determine that the so-called democratic values of their youth have been replaced by communist, socialist, and Marxist dictates.

You have little time left as Powerful Prayer Warriors to reach out to your family members and friends who are asleep in this demonic snare and awaken them to the reality that this is the ultimate struggle of Good versus Evil and to convince them that their “woke” agenda is not, in reality, an awakening to truth but to a further slumber in the brainwashing trap of the evil one and his minions.

You have two years now to counter-charge against the demonic forces who are attempting to divide you by charges of racism and religious prejudice. This is satan’s plan to keep you divided so that your nation will topple ushering in the demonic new world order that has already gained much of the power and control over your nation.

You have two years to wake up America! Or the future of your nation is doomed to oblivion, just as it has been planned by satan to strip the nationality and sovereignty of the United States of America, a nation that has been created and inspired by the Father in Heaven to be a shining example to the rest of the world.

You have two years to expose and defeat the Global Elites’ Climate Change propaganda. When the Father in Heaven gave man dominion over Earth, he did not convey such authority to satan and his minions who are now using the Climate Change hoax as a means of instilling fear into all of God’s people to enforce further power and control over all of you.

You have two years to sound the alarm and prevent the Global Elites from their plan to transform all of humanity into high-tech cyborgs implanted with microchips designed to control your body, mind, and soul. The Global Elites in their arrogance and pomposity are letting you know through their controlled media sources that it is their plan to transform humanity into soulless cyborgs.

Your course of action against satan’s minions will not be easy. The global elites are planning to further disrupt patriotic citizens by creating more chaos and confusion through banking and financial crises; continued election interference; additional planned pandemics; climate-manipulated droughts and famines; cyber-attacks on your infrastructure; and most destructively, more global wars, including but not limited to the use of biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons, and the assassination of your leaders who oppose the global elites. Know that your real enemy – the global elites – do not value the human life of God’s children!

Pay attention to what satan’s minions are saying, and what they are predicting by 2030. You know who they are! For in their arrogance and pomposity, they are now bragging of their intentions to control all of humanity through their satanic power.

If satan’s minions – the global elites – are not defeated in their plans in the next several years, humanity will be challenged by satan in ways that will require the Father in Heaven to intervene in the affairs of mankind. This is where the Father in Heaven through your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ has drawn a line in the sand against satan and his minions. Woe to those who attempt to cross that line to challenge the Father’s plan for humanity! And woe to all of humanity when the intervention takes place!

You have two years! The clock is ticking, and time is running out! Time is running out!

Time is running out!

Message ended @ 12:00 pm

December 12, 2023 – Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “Little children, with its spiritual indifference, humanity is prey to the depravity that the Devil presents to you… You know so much intellectually, but you do not practice what you learn.”


DECEMBER 12, 2023

Dearly beloved children, I bless you with My Motherly Love.

Little children,



Evil is darkening the minds, hardening the hearts of unbelieving humanity, of those who are lukewarm, of My children who have a weak faith and above all, of those who do not love their brothers and sisters.


Little children, with its spiritual indifference, humanity is prey to the depravity that the Devil presents to you.

I call My children of Mexico to be spiritually reborn from the ashes, so that prayer might be heard, and so that in this way each person in this beautiful country might be an intercessor, so that they may minimize the events of nature, especially the earthquakes that await this nation and the violence of the volcanoes.

Little children, humanity is inflamed; you have not reflected on the fact that Satan’s henchmen roam the Earth, grafting the poison of rebellion, revenge, stubbornness and lies into the hearts of the human race so that sometimes you fall, as if into quicksand, and My children sink spiritually.

Humanity will go into various war zones, thereby spreading pain among the peoples.

Attention, My beloved children of Europe! Be attentive, because the cold has arrived and with it, the fear of revolutions, which, after being internal, will turn into wars between countries.

PRAYER WORKS MIRACLES, but if you do not go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation and receive My Divine Son in the Eucharist, it will be more difficult for you to follow the path of love at all times.

You know so much intellectually, but you do not practice what you learn, neglecting to approach and grow beside My Divine Son and by My side.


The onslaughts of nature will be fiercer and famine will continue its course across the Earth; some countries will take others by force in order to take away the goods they possess.

Little children, communism is advancing and Europe will witness it when humanity watches in astonishment as Italy is taken by surprise.

Beloved little children, reflect on your works and behavior; pray, be love and make reparation for those who do not make reparation.


I bless you, little children.
I love you with My Motherly Love.

Mother Mary


(1) On the Virgin of Guadalupe:

December 2, 2023 – Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria – “Beloved children, what has been prophesied by My Mother is being fulfilled, and yet you are not preparing yourselves spiritually. Faced with chaos, the human race will lose its sense of precaution and prevention, carrying out unimaginable and irrational acts. Act with prudence: the Antichrist smiles when he gains ground in souls.”


DECEMBER 2, 2023

Dearly beloved children:



I have given My Word so that you would decide to convert and thus save your souls (cf. Jn. 8:28). I call you so that each of you would come to Me: aware, converted and convinced that I Am Who I Am.

There are so many who remain in darkness because of not recognizing the enemy of the soul and allowing him to make you his slaves, so that you would contribute to removing Me from My Altars in My Churches, as well as My Mother.

My Beloved, solar flares (1) will cause serious damage, not only to communications and lighting, but also to tectonic faults, the climate, altering them and causing serious social problems.


My children, highly contaminated water will cause damage due to the carelessness of each one of you and radioactive waste that endangers human life.

Look up: the signs will not be long in coming, the trumpets of My Angels travel across the Earth with the announcement of new and serious conflicts between countries, of serious atmospheric phenomena that will force your brothers and sisters to change the places where they live.

Pray, My children, pray for Argentina: chaos is approaching.

Pray, My children, pray, volcanoes (2) will become active, causing the loss of many human lives.

Pray, My children, I commend you to protect children.

Pray children, pray for Europe, it will suffer to the core due to communism (3); it has not disappeared, but rather will cause people to suffer.

Beloved children, what has been prophesied by My Mother (4) is being fulfilled, and yet you are not preparing yourselves spiritually. Faced with chaos, the human race will lose its sense of precaution and prevention, carrying out unimaginable and irrational acts.

Act with prudence: the Antichrist smiles when he gains ground in souls.

Be authentic, love your neighbor and renew your heart so that the tares (Mt.13:24-43) that you have within you would be cast out, and so that you would have a soft heart.


I bless your senses (5) so that you would have them fully prepared to follow Me and to grow spiritually, being reasonable with respect to My Calls.

Pray, children, pray with your heart.

I bless you.

Your Jesus


(1) About solar activity:

(2) Volcanic activity:

(3) Communism:

(4) The fulfillment of prophecies:

(5) About the senses:

Prophet John Leary – Jesus Christ – “I have also told you when these evil ones want to take over, they will find a way to shut down your National Grid. They could shut you down by destroying your key substations, shutting off the main switches, or they could use nuclear bombs high in the sky to cause an EMP attack.” – July 4-11, 2023 Update


Tuesday, July 11, 2023: (St. Benedict)

Jesus said: “My people, this wrestling of Jacob with a man in the Scriptures, is hard to understand how Jacob could prevail. The angel was testing Jacob, but the angel did strike at his hip socket. Jacob’s name was changed to Israel which is still the name of the Jews’ country today. In the Gospel I cast out a demon from a possessed person, and the Pharisees thought I was a prince of demons. I explained to them that Satan’s kingdom could not stand if there was division among his demons. But I cast out demons by the Word of God, and this was a blessing and not a curse. I also told the people to have the harvest master send out more laborers to help convert the unbelievers. My faithful can also pray for more priestly vocations. You can also reach out with My grace and you could convert souls to believe in Me.”

Monday, July 10, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, your wife’s father saw the same Jacob’s ladder where he saw souls rising and descending. In the Gospel (Matt. 9:16-20) you are again seeing Me heal people. The woman with hemorrhages for twelve years had great faith that if she could just touch My tassel, she could be healed. She was healed by My mercy, but also because of her faith. I felt the healing go out to her, even though many people hemmed Me in close. The other healing was when I healed a daughter of a ruler. She had died and there was a great lamentation over her death. But with Me all things are possible. So I put out the mourners, and I raised the girl back to life. There was much celebration, even though I wanted this kept quiet.”
N.B. I also was healed from six months with a sciatica pain that I could not stand on my feet for more than ten minutes before I had to sit down. After praying for a healing, I too was grateful that Jesus healed Me overnight so I knew it was from the Lord.

Jesus said: “My people, the evil one world people, who want to take over your country, know that you are almost helpless when your electricity stops. I have also told you when these evil ones want to take over, they will find a way to shut down your National Grid. They could shut you down by destroying your key substations, shutting off the main switches, or they could use nuclear bombs high in the sky to cause an EMP attack. Without much food, many people could die of starvation as in a famine. I will protect your refuge solar systems during the tribulation from any EMP attack. I will also multiply your food, water, and fuels at your refuges. Trust in Me because My angels will provide for your needs for your survival throughout the coming tribulation. This coming eclipse and the aurora borealis will be major signs that the end time events will be starting soon.”

Sunday, July 9, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel (Matt. 11:25-36) I told the people how My yoke is easy and My burden is light. I call you to Myself to give you rest from the trials of life. You may know that a yoke is used to join two oxen together for plowing a field. This yoke is a means also of joining your spirit with Mine. By allowing Me to be the center of your lives, I can lead you through life with less effort of what to do. When you come to Me, you need to humble yourself to let Me do the leading. I love all of you so much, and I do not want you to wander off with worldly distractions. So keep your focus on Me, and I will put you on the right path to heaven.”

Saturday, July 8, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, I want My people to be close to Me so you can see Me and get to know Me. By following Me in My footsteps, you can fulfill the spiritual mission I have for each person. I need to recognize you as a Christian, so you need to live a good Christian life so I and others know you are with Me. Just as Isaac blessed Jacob, so I want to give My people a blessing so you can spread My Word of love to everyone. In the Gospel I wanted My apostles to fast after I left them on earth. Fasting is a necessary help for your faith to be tested. By fasting you are controlling your body’s wants and you are more open to follow Me. So make it a desire for you to fast at least one day a week, just as you do during Lent.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been preparing for years for the end times to come. I have called many of My faithful to set up refuges where My people can come, and I will have My angels finish up any last minute refuge needs. I will call you at the proper time to come to My refuges. For those people, who do not have a refuge, they will call on Me, when I notify them, and I will have My angels put an invisible shield over them on their way to My refuges. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. You are already in the pre-tribulation, so be watchful for My Warning experience and the six weeks of Conversion time.”

Friday, July 7, 2023: (First Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, the Pharisees questioned Me about why I ate with sinners and tax collectors. In reply I told them that the sick need a physician. Then I said how I have come to save sinners because the self-righteous do not need My help. For those people, who are listening for My call, like St. Matthew, I ask them to follow Me. St. Matthew immediately left his tax post to follow Me, and he held a dinner for Me and his friends. Those people, who follow the world or Satan, will not listen for My call, but those people, who are open to My Word, will listen and follow Me. These faithful listeners will heed My call and they will go forth to invite more people to be converted to the faith in Me. For many people are called to follow Me, but only a few listen for My call and act on it.”

Jesus said: “My son, when you compare the morals of today in the world with the morals of your youth, you can see how the devil has been able to change things because people have become spiritually lazy. In your grammar school you had to memorize parts of the Baltimore Catechism to help study your faith. You were taught by the nuns who always dressed in their habits. When you were taught morals, it had to come from My authority. This is when you learned that it is necessary to give your will and obedience over to Me, so you could follow My example. If you look at people today, many people do not see the necessity of coming to Mass every Sunday, even though this is My Third Commandment to give Me worship on Sunday. Many people remember the blue laws when it was expected not to work on Sunday. Your family life is now torn apart by divorce and gender talk. Even your Census shows less than 30% of your households have a wife and a husband. You also see couples living together without marriage, as they are living in the sin of fornication. You have seen prayer taken out of your schools and also the daily pledge of allegiance to your flag has been removed. Your schools are teaching a false history without God, and your students are being taught communist teachings. Your movies and television programs have become perverted with sex, bad language, and much violence. When you take Me out of your lives, you are seeing first hand how life in America has changed for the worse. Keep your lives focused on Me and imitate My life as you give your will over to Me, and let Me lead you on a holy life that will prepare you for heaven. Stay close to Me in your daily prayers and your daily Mass, no matter how people may criticize you for living a holy life.”

Thursday, July 6, 2023: (St. Maria Goretti)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading from Genesis (22:1-19) Abraham was tested to see if he was willing to follow My command to offer up his son, Isaac. Abraham was obedient to My word, and I had him hold back the knife from killing Isaac. Abraham then offered a sheep instead of his son. For this obedience to My word, Abraham would be the father of many nations and descendants. This took place on Mount Moriah where the Dome of the Rock stands today in Israel. The lesson is for all of you to obey My Word, and you will have your reward. Be faithful to all of My requests, for I know what is best for your soul. I put you on the right path to heaven as I show you the way.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many kidnappings of little children, as they are trafficking these little ones for sex and even for body parts. This abuse in some ways is even worse than abortion, since these children could be abused for many years by their handlers. Pray that your people can protect your children from being kidnapped or being tricked into being taken. These evil ones will have to answer to Me at their judgment.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many thieves on the internet who hack into schools and other vulnerable people with their ransomware and they steal money when people want their files back. Whenever people are on the internet often, it is important that you backup your valuable data on several hard drives or thumb drives. Then if you are attacked with ransomware, you can replace your files without paying money to the hackers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some banks close because they were stuck with long time low interest Treasury bills or annuities with low interest rates that could not easily be sold. Some other people have been fortunate to get higher rate CDs that are at 5% or higher. The high rates of interest on loans is also causing problems for your government when they have to sell bonds at higher interest rates that causes more expense to finance your National Debt. There are even rumors that your Federal Reserve wants to still raise interest rates to try and stop inflation. Pray that your financial problems can be resolved.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are quite naive that China hires spies to steal your technical secrets so they can enhance their industries without having to spend money for research. They also are spying on your military installations as you saw with their spy balloons over your country. You are at war financially with China, as well as you are in danger from their military takeovers, and threats to Taiwan. This means you should have less trade with your major enemy. Pray that your people will wake up to the threat they are to all parts of your life. You are dependent on China who makes your medicines, your food, and many other necessities.”

Jesus said: “My people, your schools are a disgrace in how they are dumbing down your students. The teachers’ unions and the left have infiltrated their communist teachings into all of your schools. They have also put down many teachings about Me, and they replace My teaching with evil gender teachings and false history events. Many schools are breeding grounds for turning your children into communist thinkers. Pray and teach your children the true faith about Me and your true history of your country. You are in a battle for the minds and souls of your children.”

Jesus said: “My people, in many areas you are seeing fewer vocations to the priesthood. Your priests are much older and they are not being replaced when priests are dying. You need to have a better spiritual environment for young men to be drawn to the priesthood. The home schooled children have a better place to teach the faith. Keep praying for vocations to the priesthood and teach your children the true Catholic faith that many of you were taught in your youth.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been warning My people about the coming digital dollar being proposed by Biden’s Executive Order 14067. The one world people want to bring it in during July of this year. This is against all of your Constitution’s laws and it could be a great threat to your financial freedom. These evil ones want to control how you spend your money. If you do not go along with their agenda, they could even zero your bank accounts. If you have difficulty buying what you need at your stores, you will eventually have to come to My refuges for your survival. This is another reason to have at least three months of food on hand so you will have food if you cannot buy it at your stores. Trust in Me to provide for your food, water, and fuels when I will multiply what you need at My refuges. Fear not the evil ones because My angels will protect you from them.”

Wednesday, July 5, 2023: (St. Elizabeth of Portugal)

Jesus said: “My people, you are all equal human creations of Mine, and you are all made in My Image. So do not look down on any soul as less than you are. It is true that some people are rich and others are poor, but your money does not make one person greater than another. In heaven at your judgment, you are judged by the intentions of your actions, and not by how much wealth you have accumulated. So treat everyone equally as I treat each of you. Those people, who belittle others or enslave others, will have to pay for any injustice at their judgment. I take care of the rich as much as I take care of the poor. So My people should follow My example.”

(Marco intention for Mass) Jesus said: “My people, you have witnessed stories and movies about the abuse of young children by pedophiles. You have heard My words in the Scriptures that those people who harm My little ones should have a millstone put around their necks and be thrown into the sea. These kidnappers then make the little ones into prostitutes for sex, and they make a lot of money on them. This is truly evil to traumatize and abuse the young children, but these evil ones will pay for their crimes.”
Marco moved up in purgatory with this Mass.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023: (Independence Day)

Jesus said: “My people, I have blessed America because you have honored Me in your documents. But today, you have evil ones running your government, and they only strive for power over your people. You definitely have communists and the one world people trying to take over every facet of your life. These evil leaders are following Satan, and they want to take away your freedoms. These communists are attacking your faith in My churches, your families, your schools, and they violate your original Constitution, especially with their open borders. Keep struggling to maintain your freedom with fair elections, and pray for My help to lead your people back to loving Me more.”

Jesus said: “My people, all the communists care about is getting the most votes for their people in any way they can, even if they have to cheat to win. The drop boxes were illegal and they encouraged stuffing the boxes with illegal votes at 2:00 a.m. in the morning. The left does not want signatures verified, again so they can have illegal immigrants, the dead, and prisoners vote illegally. There also was hacking into the Dominion voting machines over the internet to change the votes. The judges did not want to hear any cases of cheating out of fear for their lives, or they were paid to stay silent. If the communists are allowed to cheat at the ballot box and in other places, then they will take you over. The Dominion voting machines are being used in other countries to cheat at elections to keep the communists in power. Fear not My people, for I will protect you at My refuges from the evil ones. The evil ones will be killed and cast into hell at the end time. I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. So trust in Me to treat everyone equally.”

Prophet John Leary – JESUS CHRIST – “I have told you before how I prefer the Latin Mass over the Novus Ordo Mass because the Latin Mass is more reverent. Stay with the old traditions of My Roman Catholic Church, and you will be on the right path to heaven.” – June 1-6, 2023 Update

NOTE (By a soul):
The celebration of the Novus Ordo Mass is still a valid Holy Mass with the proper words of consecration said by the priest for the Blessed Sacrament. Jesus Is simply saying that the Traditional Latin (Tridentine) Mass is more reverent, likely, because the Novus Ordo Mass is oftentimes striped down in its prayers and devotions due to imposed time constraints. In some of the Eastern Catholic Rites, the Holy Mass is celebrated in the vernacular language exactly like the Latin Mass and those Eastern Masses are very reverent to God. Unfortunately, the Novus Ordo Mass in the (Roman) Latin Rite is not celebrated in a similar way, in the “fullness” of prayers and devotions found in the Latin Mass, which is sad as most Catholics attend the Novus Ordo Mass. Myself, I attend the Novus Ordo Mass, because I enjoy Holy Mass in English, but I do wish it is more like the Eastern Rites with the completeness of the Traditional Latin Mass but in my native tongue. God bless.


Tuesday, June 6, 2023: (St. Norbert)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Book of Tobit you can learn from Tobit’s mistake. He was accusing his wife of stealing a goat. Even after she explained it was a bonus for her work, the blind Tobit told her to return the goat. This is a lesson for you not to be judging people in the first place. It is better to investigate the reasons why something happened before moving to judge an event or a person, as Tobit did. In the Gospel the Pharisees tried to test Me if they should pay taxes to the Romans or not. I confounded their hypocrisy when I told them ‘Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s.’ It is understood that you need to pay your taxes, or you risk a penalty or possible time in jail for not paying. The Pharisees knew this, and that is why this was a poor, obvious test by them. Even when I was tested by the devil in the desert, I told the devil not to test the Lord according to the Scriptures. So be humble without judging people, and give praise and glory to Me without testing Me by your sins.”

Monday, June 5, 2023: (St. Boniface)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel I gave a parable about a man who built a vineyard and he leased it out to some tenants. When the harvest came, he sent servants to get his portion of the grapes. The tenants beat and even killed the man’s servants. Then he sent his son, but they also killed the heir thinking they could steal the inheritance. Then I asked the Pharisees what should the owner do? The Pharisees realized that I was talking about them because they had a history of killing My prophets. So they left Me, but this relates to all the leaders of the world who are trying to silence those people who speak the truth. The evil ones are led by Satan, and they lie, steal, cheat, and even kill people so they can gain power over the people in any way they can. This has happened all throughout history, so do not be surprised that the evil ones are controlling you now. It may appear now that evil is winning, but trust in Me. This is only temporary before I will bring My victory over these evil ones, when I will cast them into hell, and I will bring about My Era of Peace for My faithful servants.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Mason symbols on your current paper money. This Federal Reserve was set up in 1913 by the one world people. Now these same people want to change your money to a digital dollar that would be controlled by how you spend your money. This would be against your Constitutional authority. This control of your money in the hands of Biden would be another threat to conservatives who could have their accounts zeroed. If your people allow this control of your money, then the communists will have taken over your country. Fight this digital dollar, or you could lose all of your investments. Pray that you can keep your country free.”

Sunday, June 4, 2023: (Most Holy Trinity Sunday)

The Blessed Trinity said: “We are Three Persons in One God and We come to you every time you worthily receive Us in Holy Communion. It is hard for you to understand Us because this is a Mystery of your faith. But believe that everything you see and experience comes through Us. It is easier for you to understand the individual Persons of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. So pray to Us as One or individually because We hear your prayers whenever you pray to Us. We bless you in all of your deeds and actions.”

Saturday, June 3, 2023: (Intention for the Immaculate Heart of Mary)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I am happy to always lead you to my Son, Jesus. I love all of my children and I thank you for celebrating our Two Hearts at both of these Masses. Keep your focus on Jesus always and you will be saved.”

(St. Charles Lwanga and companions) Jesus said: “My people, you remember how I used a whip to drive the money changers out of the Temple. I told them that the Temple was a house of prayer, but they had turned it into a den of thieves. Then when they asked Me by what authority I did this, I did not answer them. They needed to answer if St. John the Baptist came by heavenly or human origin. They did not want to answer, so I did not answer their question either. My apostles knew it was by God the Father and God the Son that I did everything, and that is My authority.”

Friday, June 2, 2023: (St. Marcellinus and St. Peter)

Jesus said: “My people, imagine if you were in the crowds who listened to My words, you would be blessed to hear Me speak. I love all the people, and I am always happy to teach the people what My Father in heaven wants them to know. I kept telling the people that the Kingdom of heaven is where I am speaking. When you are with Me, especially when you receive Me in Holy Communion, you have a small taste of heaven. Every time you hear My Word in the Gospels, there is always a feeling of My love, and sometimes it is about My justice. In all of the Gospels there is My desire to reach out and save souls, even if it comes by My healing someone. So share My love with all the people you meet, so they can see how My love has changed your life.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been to this service of the Two Hearts for many years. It is good that you have started up this practice again that you went to at Holy Rosary Church with the Blue Army of Fatima. You are offering up your prayers for the saving of the souls of your family, and for your priests, along with vocations to the priesthood. You desire to be close to Me, and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament and Holy Communion at Mass are the closest you can get to see Me in heaven. I love all of you so much, and I thank all of you for coming to this special service.”

(Intention for the Sacred Heart of Jesus) Jesus said: “My son, you remember this Mass since you were a teenager even until now. I have told you before how I prefer the Latin Mass over the Novus Ordo Mass because the Latin Mass is more reverent. Stay with the old traditions of My Roman Catholic Church, and you will be on the right path to heaven. Keep coming to monthly Confession so you are prepared for My coming Warning Experience.”

Thursday, June 1, 2023: (St. Justin)

Jesus said: “My son, sometimes I give you a small insight into the glory of My Creation, and I pray that you do not allow the evil ones to destroy My creations, especially to stop killing My beautiful babies. You are beautifully and wonderfully made when you even try to understand how your own body works, and how I put you together with your body, soul, and spirit. My son, you saw how when one part of your body did not work, you had a chronic pain that did not go away for months. I allowed you to experience your sciatica pain to see what you would do. This affected your walking until you finally asked for My healing in faith, like the blind man who received his sight. About several weeks later, I gave you an overnight healing that you did not expect. Now you are so thankful for My healing in faith, and you truly appreciate your good health so you could be active again for your missions. Give thanks and praise to Me for every day of life that I give you and everyone else. Pray for those people in pain that they are given a grace to endure it.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, you were experiencing a flight in space as you traveled through a tunnel to My Light for your Warning experience. You will not be alone, as many people will be coming to Me for their Warning experience at the same time. I will show you your whole life with a focus on your unforgiven sins. After this experience, I will show each person your mini-judgment of where you will visit based on your life’s actions. You could see hell, purgatory, or heaven, and you will experience what it would feel like in your destination. You will want to come to Confession because you will understand how much your sins offend Me. Pray that you can come to monthly Confession so you will be better prepared for your Warning experience.”

The Holy Spirit said: “I AM the Spirit of God, and I am giving you the same experience of My coming down on the apostles. You felt totally blessed to receive My gifts that you use on all of your trips to give your talks. I am with you speaking through you to touch the hearts of the people you see at each talk. This is your reward for desiring to share your messages with the people you meet. Trust in Me even as I am helping you to write down the messages you are receiving.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for the homeless people on the street and even for the many immigrants who are entering your country. These people are living a harsh life to live on handouts at the shelters. Every human being deserves your prayers, no matter how they may appear to you. They are My children also, and they need your prayers and any help you wish to give them. They are all part of My human family, so do not look down on them as inferior to you. Thank you for looking at these people with your sympathy and care.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen division among the Republicans over passing your Debt Limit bill. It was the Democrats who helped the Republicans to pass this bill. It will soon be voted on in the Senate. Your country’s faith in paying for your bills is at stake. There was some compromising, but each side had to bargain to pass this bill. Pray that your government could move on to your other business at hand.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been using fossil fuels and large nuclear reactor power plants to produce your energy needs. Your government has tried to use the Green New Deal to reduce your pollution. Many of these green plans have not produced enough energy to make up for your needs. Some new smaller nuclear plants are being designed for quicker installation and a ten year plan to provide energy for smaller cities. This new design is safer and could be installed in months, instead of years. Even your military is using this newer technology. Pray that all new sources of energy could be considered for your practical use.”

Jesus said: “My people, some nations are not replacing the people who are dying in their country because of a low fertility rate in having children. Japan and Russia are making plans and they will be giving financial assistance to increase their new births so their population does not decrease. With less young people having children, this becomes a problem for their economies with not enough workers. China also has changed their one child policy because it was causing problems as well. People in all of your countries need to evaluate this problem and stop killing your children in abortion.”

Jesus said: “My people, this war in the Ukraine is becoming a drain on your Defense spending without knowing any accounting of how your weapons are being used. There are even some of your troops helping the Ukrainians to use your weapons. This war could easily spread or involve your country into another war. Pray that you could see a cease fire or peace before nuclear weapons could be used by Russia.”

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – May 17-23, 2023 Update


Tuesday, May 23, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, I told you a few days ago that your wife would be better after she had a shot in her knee. Now that she is walking without her crutches, you need to have a prayer of thanksgiving that both of you have been healed of your leg problems. You both are now ready to go out and give your talks again. Be careful not to cause any more injuries to your legs. You have been blessed that your mobility has been restored for your mission. Rejoice in My love and My healing, just as I performed many miracles of healing on people when I was on the earth.”

Monday, May 22, 2023: (St. Rita of Cascia)

Jesus said: “My people, you have built many churches all over the world, but it is the people who make up the Church. The pastors need to take care of their flocks with daily Mass and the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion, Penance, Confirmation, and even the Sacrament of the Sick, or in funerals. On some occasions you also have the Sacrament of Matrimony in marriage. These sacraments are given at various times during your life. But some people are spiritually lazy and they rarely come to Confession, and some are lax when they do not even have funeral Masses for the deceased. Others even avoid Matrimony, and couples just live together in sin. You can see how your society has skipped many of your spiritual traditions, because some people do not make Me the center of their lives. Remember that without Me, you can do nothing. So keep your focus on Me because I created all of you to know and love Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, My Blessed Mother told you at Fatima how Russia would spread its errors all over the world. You are seeing how the communists are taking over the Democrat Party, and they in turn are taking over your country, and they do not recognize your laws or your Constitution. Biden is writing fiat Executive Orders with no oversight from your Congress. He uses his various departments to make more rules and regulations in the Federal Register. When your Congress cannot stop Biden from taking down your country as with open borders, then you are allowing the communists to control your elections with their lies and cheating. Pray for your country to get rid of your Democrat dictator, or they will enable the Antichrist to rule over you. Be ready to leave for My refuges when your lives are in danger.”

Sunday, May 21, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, before I ascended into heaven, I told My apostles to wait in Jerusalem so they could receive the Holy Spirit. (Luke 24:49) ‘But wait in the city, until you are clothed with power from on high.’ So the apostles stayed in the Upper Room with some women, as they were ready to receive the Holy Spirit’s power. You are waiting also for the feast of Pentecost, as you are praying your Pentecost Novena every day. After the Holy Spirit came over the apostles in flames over head, they received power and courage to go out and preach My Good News. Now you are waiting again much longer for My return on the clouds to bring justice on the evil ones, as I will renew the earth.”

Saturday, May 20, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, you are thankful for your parents who brought you to church, and you were educated at a Catholic school. It is one thing for your parents to give you life, but it is even more important that your parents brought you to My sacraments and the faith. You also passed on the faith to your three daughters, and you gave them a good example to follow in the faith. You need to share your faith with others, but you are most needed in bringing up your children in the faith. Your children are responsible for their own souls, but the parents need to help guard their souls, and pray for your children even as they grow older. Trust in Me to help your children that you pray for every day.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are planning several trips to get back out to your traveling mission in sharing My messages. You may not meet as many people on your trips as you do on your Zoom program. But you are meeting new people, and the people who come to your meetings could share your words with other people in their family and friends. I thank you and your wife for making the effort to reach out to new people. Even when you meet friends from previous meetings, they will receive updates on what is going on, and the new messages that I am sharing with you. This is why I healed you in your sciatica pain, and your wife will be feeling better. When your mobility is healed, you are a witness in faith of your miracles for the talks you will be giving.”

Friday, May 19, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, today you start your Pentecost Novena. St. Paul traveled to Corinth in Greece while he was evangelizing the people. He met resistance several times in his travels, but he persisted in spreading My Word. In St. Paul’s Epistles along with the Acts of the Apostles (Acts 19:12-17) you are seeing how the Early Church was started. You, My son, have also traveled many places to spread My Word. You have seen difficulties with the planes, and a few times you faced rejection by the people. But this did not stop you from moving on to other areas to speak My Word in your messages. Keep up your evangelization trips, and you will have your reward in seeing people come to Me. Trust in My protection in your travels.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are living on the edge of destruction when Biden is taking your country down with your open border, and allowing the Chinese to set up barracks and Chinese police stations in your country. Millions of people are crossing your border illegally and they could even be an army to try and take over your country. These illegal immigrants are not being vetted and the drug cartel is bringing large amounts of fentanyl into your country. Biden’s government is spending more money than you can finance in your National Debt. If you cannot stop the cheating in your elections, you are allowing communists to take over your country. Pray for a normal government for your people without the Green New Deal. Be prepared at your refuges because the evil ones will soon take over your finances with their digital dollar and then the mark of the beast.”

Thursday, May 18, 2023: (The Ascension of the Lord)

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the end of My mission on earth as I ascended into heaven to be with My Father. I gave My apostles My farewell, and I sent them out to evangelize souls all over the earth. Even today I am sending out My faithful to spread My Good News as well. You were reminded last night to get a copy of the Pentecost Novena that you pray nine days before Pentecost Sunday. You are preparing for the coming of the Holy Spirit over all of your work. You were confirmed with Confirmation and you received the graces of the Holy Spirit, and soon you will be celebrating His feast day. Remember how the angels said that I will return on the clouds, just as I rose up on the clouds.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, I love you and your prayer group very much. This is why I showed you a heart shape and you were drawn into My Heart. You are well aware that I healed your sciatica pain overnight so there was no question that this healing came from Me. I told you I am preparing you to go out again on your mission of spreading My messages. Keep praying for your wife so she can be free of her pain as well.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you like to watch sports games, and it is good exercise. You need to keep everything in proper perspective, so you keep your focus on Me every day without letting things distract you from Me. I love all of My people, and you need to share My words of love with all of the people you meet in your travels. I am helping you and your wife with your health, so you are able to carry on with your faith mission. You reach many people on your Zoom program, but it is special to be with the people in person.

Jesus said: “My people, when you get up and see the sun dawning on a new day, you are inspired by Me to do all that you can to help save as many souls as possible. You see the splendor of My Creation, and you see how I give you free will to follow Me when I direct you in your missionary efforts. I want all of My faithful to take advantage of all the graces I give you to do what you can to lead souls to heaven. I directed My apostles to go out and spread My Good News of My Resurrection. I am happy when My faithful take up My call to evangelize souls. I thank all of My workers who are out in the field for the harvest of souls for Me.

Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated My Ascension into heaven today. Your next major feast of Pentecost is coming in ten days. It is appropriate to find a proper novena to pray every day leading up to Pentecost. This is a great feast of the Holy Spirit when tongues of fire were brought down over My apostles, the Blessed Mother, and other disciples. You were given the gifts of the Holy Spirit at your Baptism and your Confirmation sacraments. Use your gifts to put your missionary efforts into action, so you can be fruitful in bringing souls to Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen many prayers answered when you are persistent in your prayers. When you pray for a healing, call on Me and the Holy Spirit to help you. Sometimes you do not realize how I hear all of your prayers, and I answer them in My time and in My way. I have even more interest to help heal My evangelists because you are carrying out the mission I have given you. Remember when you go to a town that you stay with a friend who will provide for your travel, your food, and a place to stay. The laborer is worth his keep to spread My Word of love. Give thanks and praise to Me for leading you on your mission.”

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Paraclete of God. My son, you know how I give you My gifts so you can write the Lord’s messages and share them in your talks and on your Zoom meetings. I give you the right words to speak and I direct you in which messages are most important to share. I have helped you in all of your missions of speaking and also helping you with your refuge mission as well. I desire all of My faithful to call on My help to carry out their spiritual missions.”

Jesus said: “My people, call on the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit to strengthen you all in your missionary work. Wisdom, fortitude, piety, understanding, knowledge, counsel, and fear of the Lord are the gifts of the Spirit and imagine the flames of the Holy Spirit as they rest over each member of your prayer group tonight. You all have been confirmed by the Holy Spirit, and you have the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in each of you. It is His Fire of love that strengthens you and He will give you what to say when you share God’s Word. Even if you are persecuted, or even face the possibility of martyrdom, the Holy Spirit will give you the proper words to defend your faith under any circumstances.”

Wednesday, May 17, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul used the Unknown god altar as a way to preach about Me as the Creator of all things. But when he spoke about Me when I rose from the dead, the people wanted him to speak about this on another day, because this was hard for them to believe. Remember when the apostles themselves did not believe I resurrected from the dead at first either. It was only when the apostles saw Me appear to them in the Upper Room, that they then believed. All of My faithful believe in faith that I rose from the dead because of the writings of My apostles in the Bible. I died to bring salvation to all souls who believe in Me, and who repent of their sins. My believers will also be resurrected on the last day when your body will be reunited with your soul. This is truly the Good News that I want My faithful to spread all over the world.”

Jesus said: “My people, every year your farmers grow their crops, and they pray for enough rain for a good season. I showed you some kind of bug that could be another problem for the farmers. The farmers spray for insect problems, but this bug will not be killed so easily by the sprays they normally use. If the farmers’ crops are damaged, it would be hard to get a good price for their harvest. Pray for your farmers that they can provide enough food for your people. I love all of you and you will have enough food for your survival.”

April 26, 2023 – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) – A Very Powerful Interview with Catholic speaker and best-selling author, Ted Flynn, of the prophecy website, Sign.org – Topic: Garabandal, the Divine Reset – Review by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

May 1, 2023

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

Wow! I have watched a very powerful interview through Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN). It is a very informative interview with a very well-respected, inspirational speaker and best-selling author, Ted Flynn, whose Catholic prophecy website, https://sign.org, is known and loved by many followers around the world. In this excellent interview, Ted shares his thoughts about the Marian apparitions at Garabandal, Spain (1960s), as he calls, Garabandal, the Divine Reset.

Beloved ones, I was fascinated as I was studying this TTEN interview, as Ted Flynn is very knowledgeable about many complex issues. Honestly, I took extensive notes, as I knew that I would be writing this introductory post for my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. However, I have realized that I cannot use all the notes that I jotted down about the interview, because if I do so, people might not watch the interview, thinking my notes are enough to read(!). But, truly, this TTEN interview is definitely worth watching, because it is great to hear from Ted Flynn, who is a real expert in Catholic prophecy, Church affairs, and current events, including geopolitics, communism, modernism, etc., which he presents to us through a thoroughly Catholic and authentic Christian worldview. So, yes, I do highly recommend this specific interview as being worthy of your time (as yes, the interview itself is almost an one hour, 27 minutes, in length).

Beloved ones, in this TTEN interview, Ted Flynn explains the interconnection between Marian apparitions. As Our Blessed Mother, Mary, is the Voice of the Most Holy Trinity, with the Fatima apparitions forming the central message, and the Medjugorje and Garabandal apparitions serving as an amplification of the central message of Fatima. From time to time, he also shows the interconnection with the messages of Our Lady of Akita in Japan, and even the messages of dear Father Gobbi of the Marian Movement of Priests, etc.

In this particular interview, however, Ted discusses mostly about the Garabandal apparitions of Our Holy Mother, Mary. He tells us that the two primary focal points of the heavenly messages at Garabandal are the Blessed Sacrament and the priesthood. He addresses all the major prophecies associated with Garabandal, including all the various speculations through the years, and the different papal prophecies, concerning Russia and governance within the Catholic Church. He also shares personal stories about the many Catholic Saints and holy persons who have been staunch defenders and close friends of the Garabandal visionaries.

Just a few more highlights, beloved ones. Ted Flynn gives a very good discussion about the governmental state of communism and totalitarianism in the world. He also talks about the open de facto ideological schism, being witnessed within the Catholic Church. In particular, he recommends that people read a specific commentary that beloved Father Ratzinger (future Pope Benedict XVI) wrote about the future of the Catholic Church, back in the 1960s. The writing “prophesies” the marginalization of Christian beliefs and way of life, that we are certainly witnessing today. It can be found on the internet by Google search.

Finally, Ted Flynn reminds us about several things that the visionaries have publicly stated about the Miracle of Garabandal. In particular, that the Great Miracle will be, “the greatest Miracle ever performed in the world by Our Lord, Jesus Christ”. He reflects about how the site of Garabandal in Spain, is a village located in the mountains, and how the terrain can serve as a natural amphitheater for watching the Great Miracle. However, Ted does reveal a private revelation that was once told to him from the brother (now deceased) of the principal visionary, Conchita Gonzalez, of Garabandal. He said to Ted that, “it would be very difficult to get to Garabandal at the time of the showing of the Great Miracle”.

God bless,
a soul

About Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN)
My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).


Here are links to the April 26, 2023 TTEN interview of Ted Flynn and the Divine Reset on various media platforms:

TTEN website: Interview: Ted Flynn on the Divine Reset

TTEN website: All Interviews by Ted Flynn

Spotify: TTEN Podcast Interview: Ted Flynn on the Divine Reset

Spotify: All TTEN Podcast Interviews

YouTube Video:
TTEN Interview: Ted Flynn on the Divine Reset (one hour, 27 minutes)


March 26, 2023 – End Times Daily – Mary, Our Lady of Light – “I come to you today with tears of sorrow / tears of joy for the future of mankind.”



Source: https://endtimesdaily.com/march-26-2023-message-from-our-lady-of-light/


St Rosalie’s Parish Campus, Hampton Bays, New York @ 9:45 am

I come to you today with tears of sorrow/tears of joy for the future of mankind. Alas, your Heavenly Mother is conflicted because of the future prophesied for all of you, the sons and daughters of the Father in Heaven.

I am with you now with tears of sorrow, for shortly in a matter of days, we will once again relive the Passion, the Crucifixion, and the Death of My Son and Your Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, as we have done – together – for 2,000 years.

I am with you now with tears of joy, for we will soon celebrate the Resurrection from the Dead and the Ascension into Heaven of My Son and Your Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Then we will fully understand the Heavenly Father’s covenant with all of you, His children, for the fulfillment of the Scriptures by My Son’s Life, Sacrifice, and Death transforming into the Resurrection and Ascension into Heaven gives all of humanity the hope that all of you will also arise from the dead at your appointed time and celebrate the Heavenly Realms eternally with the Father in Heaven, His Son, Your Heavenly Mother, and all the angels and saints, just as you have been promised.

I am with you now with tears of sorrow for shortly in a matter of years, we will all endure the End Times events that have been prophesied to you by the ancient as well as the modern prophets including within these Messages From Heaven. As you have been advised in the past, many of the End Times events can be ameliorated, postponed, or canceled in the event of a return of mankind to the Divine Plan of the Father in Heaven. (Message from Heaven – July 2, 1984)

I am with you now with tears of sorrow because, under the darkness of the End Times, the evil one has strengthened his grip on his earthly minions to the point where the balance of power has shifted away from the democracies of the west to the Marxist, communist, and socialist powers of the east.

I am with you now with tears of sorrow, for as I had warned you in the past, the greatest threat to global peace and preservation will come from China, which is preparing itself for global war and domination by building the largest army in the world. (Message from Heaven – July 2, 1984)

I am with you now with tears of sorrow because the greatest allies of satan, China (the Dragon) and Russia (the Bear) have become strategic partners with other Marxist and anti-Christian nations, and the balance of power has been heavily tilted in favor of the Heavenly Father’s worst enemy, who has effectively seized control of your world, leading all of you to the brink of Armageddon.

I am with you now with tears of sorrow because – while the greed-filled Globalist Elites of the western world became drunk with their perceived power to create a new world order with Russia and China as their subservient partners – the western elites have been deceived by the Demon Master of the Universe himself, satan. For satan has his own plan for world domination led by his partner of choice – the godless Marxist, communist China which is preparing to achieve world domination along with its major partner, Russia, both satanically-controlled entities that are promulgating wars and rumours of nuclear wars – Armageddon.

How is it that this sad state of affairs has come to fruition? It has been aided by a corrupted United States of America, and a compromised and illegitimately installed president who has knowingly, covertly, and secretly permitted this domination of the United States of America by satan’s minions. At the same time, the leader of My Son’s Church in Rome has become a willing accomplice to the Globalist Elites and their demonic plans.

Now, you may understand why I have been warning all of humanity in these Messages from Heaven to turn directly to My Son, Jesus Christ, as your Redeemer, for it seems there no longer are any world leaders or prelates of My Son’s Church who can lead all of you through these End Times.

As I said before, I come to you today with tears of sorrow/tears of joy, for I am conflicted because of the future prophesied for all of you. So it is most important that you have acceptance of your role in eternal salvation, for the future of mankind here on earth causes Your Heavenly Mother to cry many tears of sorrow.

However, I am with you now with great tears of joy, for in the end, you are all destined to a Heavenly future in the Eternal Realms, as long as you firmly and resolutely believe in My Son, Jesus Christ, as the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through My Son, for only through your belief in His Passion, Crucifixion, and Death, and His Resurrection and Ascendency into Heaven are you assured your Eternal Fulfillment.

Having said this, what else can your Heavenly Mother do to convince you that you are not of this earth alone and that your Eternal Home is with Us in Heaven?

Message ended 10:25 am

March 2023 – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) – 2nd Interview with Father Lawrence Carney on the Devotion of the Holy Face of JESUS – The Archconfraternity of the Holy Face – MaryRefugeOfSouls

March 19, 2023
Feast Day of Saint Joseph

Blessings dearest ones,

Today, I have another very informative TTEN interview for everyone! This is a 2nd interview with Fr Lawrence Carney regarding the Secret of the Holy Face of JESUS and the Archconfraternity of the Chaplet of the Holy Face. As you may all recall, this devotion is about the Holy Face imprint found on Veronica’s Veil during Our Lord’s Passion; and it is very powerful in fighting communism, freemasonry and demons (some of the prayers serve as a minor exorcism). The goal of the Archconfraternity/League of St Martin is to raise up one million feverent people devoted to the Holy Face of Jesus so they may act as a catalyst for God to defeat communism worldwide in this End Times.

My hope is for you all to continue to be touched by this very holy priest, as Fr Carney speaks passionately about this wonderful and very sorely needed devotion for today. This devotion has been officially approved, including having papal encouragement in different ages of our Catholic Church. And in this particular segment, Fr Carney shares stories about various Saints and holy people on honoring Our Lord’s Holy Face, as well as provides more details on how the faithful can become involved with this beautiful devotion. God bless!

Two Books mentioned from Tan Books Publishing (affiliate link):

  1. The Golden Arrow: The Revelations of Sr. Mary of St. Peter
  2. Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society by Fr. Lawrence Daniel Carney III
    In this powerful book, Father Carney reveals the essence and history of the Holy Face Devotion, its apostles, and how to save society and the Church from her foes.

League of St Martin (founded by Fr Lawrence Carney for further Devotion to the Holy Face): https://www.martinians.org

Archconfraternity of the Chaplet of the Holy Face
Enrollment Form: https://www.martinians.org/archconfraternity-1

About Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN)
My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).


Here is the inspirational interview of Fr Lawrence Carney found on different media platforms:

On the TTEN website:

Podcast on Spotify:

Video Interview on Bitchute:

Video Interview on YouTube: (One hour, six minutes)

Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “The great global blackout is coming and yet you, My children, continue not to believe” – Mar 6, 2023


MARCH 6, 2023

Beloved children of My Heart:


Little children, evil has focused on the children of My Divine Son and as Mother I call you to adore My Son and to be fraternal, so that in unity and love, evil may find an impenetrable barrier.

Without becoming discouraged, continue walking towards My Divine Son. At all times, go forward with strength and firmness in the Faith. Only in Faith will you overcome all that is happening and will happen.

Children, it is necessary for you to become aware that you must remain united to the Holy Spirit, asking Him for His Gifts, Graces and Virtues.


I invite you to invoke the Holy Spirit in the face of trials, regarding the needs of each person, faced with the lack of health of body and soul, lukewarm faith or the total lack of faith, arrogance and the lack of humility, faced with the lack of charity towards neighbor, envy and the lack of fraternity: pray to the Holy Spirit.

Come Holy Spirit, You who are the Giver of gifts, fill me firstly with Your Love, then give me what I require to be a better child of God and then, if I am worthy of a Grace from Your Divinity, fill me with Yourself. Amen.

Beloved children:


Beloved children, all humanity will face the onslaughts of nature in one way or another. Offenses against My Divine Son are so serious that the human race will face the collapse of its Tower of Babel, which at this moment is technology.

THE GREAT GLOBAL BLACKOUT IS COMING AND YET YOU, MY CHILDREN, CONTINUE NOT TO BELIEVE. You have been instructed to put down on paper what you have received and you have not yet done so.

The Father’s House has forewarned you of a new disease that will spread, and yet you do not believe it. To face this new disease you have calendula, fumitory and the Oil of the Good Samaritan.

Beloved children of My Divine Son, war will pounce upon humanity in the blink of an eye and you will not know how to act.

Communism has gathered together in order to be present all over the Earth and to succeed in attacking various targets one after the other.

I grieve over so much pain suffered by humanity, which is being deformed by so many people, even by those who should train you and lead you to work and act correctly within God’s Law!

Pray, children, pray: sudden strong storms will be increasingly surprising for My children.

Pray, children, pray: the human race is living out its own religion as it pleases, and My Divine Son is pained by this.

Pray, children, pray: food will become scarce and then My children will suffer.

Pray, children, pray for Chile and Indonesia.

Darkness looms; nonetheless, faith illuminates the path and the hearts of the children of My Divine Son, leading you to experience Miracles in which you will feel Divine Love, Divine Mercy, the protection of St. Michael the Archangel with His Legions and My Motherly Protection for each one of you.


I love you and hold you within My Heart.

Convert, children, convert!

Mother Mary


Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria – “Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, the weapons possessed by the Bear are unknown to all countries and will take humanity by surprise…” – Mar 3, 2023


MARCH 3, 2023

Beloved children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:


My Heavenly Legions stand ready to defend the children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

At this time the call to conversion is direct and necessary for all human beings, who are increasingly disobedient, selfish and depersonalized.


The universe is moving, great changes are taking place and the human race looks up without crying out for Divine Help… All is frivolity and sin!


How they will suffer for such affronts!
How weak the human race is and how they are exchanging bread for stones!

Humanity will receive instructions that it will sometimes find disconcerting. These are to be implemented in the various aspects of daily life. Everything is going to change, nothing will be the same; therefore, Our Queen and Mother instructs you to be more spiritual and less worldly, so that discernment would keep you away from the Evil One.

People of God, the spiritual battle is fierce – it is fierce and you cannot and must not yield in any aspect of life. Stand firm in the Faith, without wavering, being of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and of Our Queen and Mother.

People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:

BE VIGILANT, BE ALERT! Tectonic faults have been activated due to the Earth’s core, which has changed, and the truth has not been told to humanity, exposed to a disastrous earthquake and tsunami.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, the changes within the Church continue: changes that confuse the People of God, leading some to desert the Church due to the loss of faith; sectarians belonging to the Devil are taking advantage of this, leading them to other waters that confuse them and which are not those of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:

Visit the Blessed Sacrament, adore and make reparation for all humanity.

Pray the Holy Rosary with your heart.

Call upon your Guardian Angels, request My Assistance and that of My Heavenly Legions.

The human race continues its life of pleasure, sin and dishonesty; events will therefore take you by surprise and you will be unable to prepare yourselves in advance due to such an abundance of sin.

Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, the weapons possessed by the Bear are unknown to all countries and will take humanity by surprise…

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for Italy: it will suffer, communism will scourge it.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray, signs of the great famine are appearing in various countries.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray: the Ring of Fire is shaking, several countries will enter into great Tribulation.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray, prepare for the great Warning.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray, live this Lent in spirit and in truth.

Beloved of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:



Whatever happens, Our King and Lord Jesus Christ is with His children…
Whatever happens, Our Queen and Mother is with Her children…
Whatever happens, My Legions protect you…
Whatever happens, the Saints and Blessed ones assist you…

Be not afraid, for Our Queen and Mother is with the children of Her Divine Son. Be not afraid if your faith is as great as a mustard seed. (cf. Mt. 17:14-20)



I light your way and defend you with My Sword.

St. Michael the Archangel


March 1, 2023 – Mary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg – “There are so many who have scattered because of the confusion over current events… [I]t is a sin to oust someone if she or he says something that prophetically does not happen exactly as proclaimed”


(Source: https://ourladyofemmitsburg.com)

MARCH 1, 2023

My dear little children, praised be Jesus!

I desire that not one of my children be in harm’s way with the imminent tribulation to unfold. I desire all to be safe. There are so many who have scattered because of the confusion over current events.

My children are in three categories:

  1. Those who believe they know the truth of prophecy which has made them righteous. If a prophecy does not unfold, the messenger is deemed unworthy of listening to any other message.
  2. Those who are indifferent. These are my children who are afraid to defend and stand for the Truth. This involves the sin of omission because they have come to terms that whatever they attempt to support will fall on deaf ears and so they do not do anything. They believe that God will “take care of all things”. Faith requires works.
  3. Those who have been wounded through persecution. These are my children who try to remain hidden because of the treatment they have received verbally, physically, mentally and/or through indifference, from people who chose not to honor my words.

The most dangerous category is those that fall into the category of righteousness. These are my children who believe they know who is authentic and who is not. They are certain as to when and how the events will unfold. No one knows the day or time. The season, yes. If you see storm clouds, you know when a storm is coming. Therefore yes, prepare. However, it is a sin to oust someone if she or he says something that prophetically does not happen exactly as proclaimed. This type of reaction causes division.

Those who chose to do nothing to change the evil works leading towards revolutionary and communistic ways are just like those who did nothing to help save my Son from His horrific death due to their sins. They were afraid to defend His cause and stand for the Truth. Please do not be sedentary. There will be a revolutionary war if action is not taken.

Those who have been persecuted have had their hearts thrusted with the sword and are hesitant to speak, because no one desires to listen to them. They have been defaced by the righteous authorities and others who feel they know what is true or not. So, these little children of mine keep within themselves and pray to the Face of God for His Divine Light to prevail.

This Lenten season is one for forgiveness, love and prayer. Do not hate but strive to forgive and love. It will serve all of my children well if they strive to watch their tongue against defaming and slanderous words. It is time to pray, love and prepare. It is also the time for vigilance; be vigilant against communism and the works of the one world economic forum. If given the opportunity, fight in the necessary means and ways against them taking your liberty from you. Your religious freedom is at stake. Please continue as well to pray, pray and pray.

I continue to remain with you. I bless you in His Holy Name. Honor Him. Bless Him every day. Say to Jesus “I bless You”. He will bless you as well. Delight in my Son. He will bring you happiness. Yearn for Him to become your dwelling place. Stand for peace and do not allow a revolution to unfold. He is your help, your treasure and your rock of strength. Allow Him to remain in your mind and heart.

Thank you for responding to my call.

Ad Deum

Mary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg, to Gianna Talone-Sullivan – “This is not what God desires, my dear ones. You are not living in an authentic and free environment… Pray, little ones, for what is happening in the Church. Pray for your world. World War III is close.” – February 2, 2023

Public Message from Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To Gianna Talone-Sullivan
February 2, 2023
The Presentation of the Lord

(Source: https://ourladyofemmitsburg.com)

My dear little children, praised be Jesus. Even with your free will, my duty as the Mother of God is to protect, and transform all my children to live the Truth and to be Holy children of God. My responsibility is for your sanctification, and it is your duty to trust in my intercession. God does exist. I continue to plead with you to return to God. The TRUE God, not the Gods of evil, paganism and idols which are being built into your society representing your ideals for abortion, financial paganism, and the Gods of impurity of Baalism.

Pay close attention to what is unfolding in this current state of the world. It started with modernism which began removing ethical and moral values. It changed the reasoning process of many of the people in the world which set up a superficial stage where people began to trust in their emotions and feelings, devoid of prayer and living in the ways of God’s Truth. What once was proclaimed throughout history as truth began to be moved aside and buried for emotional reasons. Many people in this country began to desire and receive only what they wanted without upholding the very laws your forefathers developed which made your country safe, great, and free. Powers to be began creating policies with little thought involved and mainly for population control and economical power for a few elites and large organizations. You are now witnessing deceit at various levels.

You are now beginning to see communism develop where the one world economic forum is creating laws to enslave you and to demand that you believe what they want you to believe. Your currency and freedom are being threatened and their motive is to instill fear. Look what the pandemic did to the world. Fear seized every element and many of my children were spiritually and physically paralyzed with depression and despair.

This is not what God desires, my dear ones. You are not living in an authentic and free environment. Time is coming, and has already started, that you will not be able to even discuss or stand up for the Truth, or any issue, that questions what authorities will mandate that you believe. Evil has already infiltrated the Church, and if you even draw attention to this, you will be ousted. There is already a schism at the level of the Holy See. If one of my Holy priests or bishops or cardinals preach the doctrine of Truth, they are removed.

Pray, little ones, for what is happening in the Church. Pray for your world. World War III is close. You are inviting communism unless you boldly take a stance. This is the time to stand up for your God given rights. Even your civil leaders are starting to prevent you from speaking the Truth. Before long, religion will no longer be able to be practiced because they will want you to believe God does not exist. Already changes are being orchestrated to public worship of the Mass. Do not allow fear to seize you. Be strong. Unite for Truth. St. Michael the Archangel and his militant army will protect you. I am inviting you to total freedom in and around you and the right to enter my heart to share in my interior life. Always remember I am present to you so that you can have union with my heart.

Pray little ones. Pray! Pray! Pray for peace and Truth to prevail.

All Glory and Praise to Jesus Christ, Your Savior.

Thank you for your response to my call.

Ad Deum

January 2023 – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) – Amazing Interview with Father Lawrence Carney on the Devotion of the Holy Face of JESUS – The Archconfraternity of the Holy Face – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings dearest ones!

Here is another inspirational TTEN interview! This time, the interview is with Fr Lawrence Carney regarding the Secret of the Holy Face of JESUS and the Archconfraternity of the Chaplet of the Holy Face. It deals with the Holy Face imprint found on Veronica’s Veil during Our Lord’s Passion. This devotion is very powerful in fighting communism and demons. In Sacred Scripture, we read that the demons feared “Arise, O Lord, and let Thy enemies be scattered, and let all that hate Thee flee from before Thy Face” Psalm 67. (Lord show us Your Face and we shall be saved). The goal of the Archconfraternity/League of St Martin is to raise up a million feverent people devoted to the Holy Face of Jesus so they may act as a catalyst for God to defeat communism worldwide in this End Times. Devotion is built upon one short aspirational prayer everyday.

I hope that you all are touched by Fr Carney’s words and heartfelt devotion as I am. God bless!

Two Books mentioned from Tan Books Publishing (affiliate link):

  1. The Golden Arrow: The Revelations of Sr. Mary of St. Peter
  2. Secret of the Holy Face: The Devotion Destined to Save Society by Fr. Lawrence Daniel Carney III
    In this powerful book, Father Carney reveals the essence and history of the Holy Face Devotion, its apostles, and how to save society and the Church from her foes.

League of St Martin (founded by Fr Lawrence Carney for further Devotion to the Holy Face)

Archconfraternity of the Chaplet of the Holy Face
Enrollment Form: https://www.martinians.org/archconfraternity-1

About Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN)
My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).


Here is the inspirational interview of Fr Lawrence Carney found on different media platforms:

Interview on the TTEN website:

Interview on Bitchute:

Podcast on Spotify:

Interview on YouTube (55:43 minutes)

Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria – “Woe to those who, because of the coming famine, because of sickness, in order to maintain the appearance of security, will reject the Divine Seal and replace it with the seal and distinctive mark of the Antichrist!”

Revelaciones Marianas

JANUARY 1, 2022

People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:


I convey to you the Divine Will for this people who continue to rebel, not believing in what is approaching for everyone and refusing to work and act according to the Divine Requests.

You are continuously quarrelling, living without peace, each person being their brother’s torment. Humanity is in permanent chaos.

Attention, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ! The churches will increasingly be plundered due to man’s rebellion against what reminds him of law, obedience, love, peace, Faith and morality.


You are acting like senseless, unreasoning creatures, who later will need one another.

Woe to those who, because of the coming famine, because of sickness, in order to maintain the appearance of security, will reject the Divine Seal and replace it with the seal and distinctive mark of the Antichrist! (2)

Pray, People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: the Church will suffer due to changes that will suddenly arise.

Pray, People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: pray for the institution of the Church, plunged into confusion – the scepter will pass from one side to the other.

Pray, People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: a new disease will be announced. Do not panic, Divine Protection remains over its People.

Pray, People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: Central America will suffer, Costa Rica will be shaken.

As Prince of the Heavenly Legions, I am the bearer of the Divine Will: you must change into creatures of good, of prudence, of firm and strong Faith, convinced of the protection of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ.

How many, being aware of the approaching darkness, increase their errors, evoking the rebels and persecutors!


Receive Our King and Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, nourish yourselves with the Eucharistic Meal (Mt. 26:26c). Be love, give love, live in Divine Love, transmit Divine Love so that the peace coming from love might bear witness on the part of each one of you.

This is the moment for you to reflect:


Be wise, lest your tongue be a fire that sets everything aflame, lest it be a poison that kills your brother. Keep in mind that it is with the same tongue that kills your brother or sister, that you pray to, bless and venerate the Triune God or Our Queen and Mother of the End Times.

I bless you, we protect you: you have been entrusted to Our Custody.

Remain unafraid: My Legions are watching over each of you with constant attention.

I bless you. Without fear, walk in Faith.

St. Michael the Archangel


  1. Read about communism…
  2. Read about the microchip…
  3. Read about the Queen and Mother of the End Times…

Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria – “You have not yet understood that it is necessary for you to maintain a permanent state of peace – Why are you frightened if you live doing good? How is it that the children of God, who work and act for good, are alarmed at revealed Truth?”

Revelaciones Marianas

DECEMBER 6, 2021

Beloved People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:


Children of Our King, I see that some of you are very confused: others are very sure of themselves, while others are mocking the warnings of the Father’s House.

You have not yet understood that it is necessary for you to maintain a permanent state of peace. The Devil is upon you like a roaring lion, (I Pet. 5:8) People of God.


Our beloved land of Our Lady of Guadalupe will be strongly shaken. If this people pray with strength, love and faith, they will be heard and the damage will be minimized. Prayers must be governed by Faith and the proper state of Grace of all who pray.


Central America is being scourged, its soil shaken. These Christian lands have been taken over by communism (1); they have been served on a platter by their rulers, by those who, as stewards of evil, are preparing to offer souls as spoils to the Antichrist.

Be firm, People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, with no lukewarmness at this time. Examine yourselves conscientiously: this is how you must prepare yourselves, leaving behind the rags that you are carrying and which prevent you from ascending spiritually.

Evil keeps you attracted to worldliness and it is vital that you do not allow yourselves to be seduced by diabolical trickery.

Set out now on the path to which each one of you has been called within what has been entrusted to you, without wasting time, which is running out.


Pay attention, darkness will come to Earth without your expecting it. Spiritual preparation is necessary: look within yourselves –

How are you acting?
How is your character?
Is your thinking correct or are you dominated by evil desires towards your fellow men which lead you to envy and a lack of charity?

You must learn to forgive yourselves and to forgive your neighbor. Do not judge: leave judgment to God.

Change your lives; do not indulge in improper desires that lead you away from Our King and Lord Jesus Christ and Our Queen and Mother of the End Times.

AS PRINCE OF THE HEAVENLY LEGIONS I COME WITH TRUTH IN MY MOUTH. I do not come to alarm you, nor to make you worried or anxious. I do not wish to frighten you, but on the contrary, I ask you:

Why are you frightened if you live doing good?
How is it that the children of God, who work and act for good, are alarmed at revealed Truth?


Who does not wish to know the Truth of what coming in order to prepare?

Fear is normal for man, although it is the children of God’s task to diminish fear towards the things of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ described in the book of Revelation. Humanity is called to trust more in the Most Holy Trinity and Our Queen and Mother and less in itself.

“Remember then what you received and heard; obey it, and repent. If you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you.” (Rev. 3:3)

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for Indonesia: it will suffer and suffer severely.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for the Balkans: world powers have come to this region.

Pray children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for Mexico: it will be severely shaken.

Pray, children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for the United States.

You are being taken from one place to another, from one setback to the next as regards health, and there is panic:

Where is Faith, where is “I believe in You Lord”?
Where is Faith in the protection of Our Queen and Mother and the protection of the Angelic Choirs?

Onward, People of God, onward!


St Michael the Archangel


(1) Communism …