HANDBOOK OF GOD THE FATHER – Volumes Two and Three (English) – Free PDF Downloads (Official Individual Files) – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

February 2, 2024
For the Greater Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

All that I am and all that I become, including the feeble works of my hands, I consecrate to the Most Holy Trinity for Thine Almighty Honor, Glory, and Majesty forever and ever. HOLY BIBLE: Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 17, Verses 26-28: And he made from one every nation of men to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their habitation, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel after him and find him. Yet he is not far from each one of us, for ‘In him we live and move and have our being’;

In this blog post, I am excited to present to you, my dear followers of MaryRefugeOfSouls, the free PDF downloads for VOLUME TWO and VOLUME THREE of the HANDBOOK OF GOD THE FATHER(!).

DOWNLOAD: VOLUME TWO, Handbook of God the Father
(Choose your printer paper size):

(US Letter Paper Size, 236 Pages, PDF):

(A4 Paper Size, 228 Pages, PDF):

DOWNLOAD: VOLUME THREE, Handbook of God the Father
(Choose your printer paper size):

(US Letter Paper Size, 285 Pages, PDF):

(A4 Paper Size, 272 Pages, PDF):

This has been a colossal project for me these past nine months working on this monumental work on behalf of Papa God and Heaven. As many of you know, last year (early April 2023), Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me over the course of several days (Holy Week and Divine Mercy Week) about several important prophecies that would greatly impact mankind living on earth. This led into a huge writing project for me under the guidance of the Holy Spirit for several months with the end result being Three Volumes (about 800 pages) known as the HANDBOOK OF GOD THE FATHER (“ENCHIRIDION DEI PATRIS”): Your Instruction Manual for the Harbinger Week (7 Days and 7 Nights of the Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness).

Under the direction of Papa God, I released first SIX ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS (about 90 pages) in early January 2024 for those who are unable to read the entire Handbook and just needed the critical instructions from Volume One concerning the Harbinger Week, Great Earthquake, Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), and the Refuges taking place in the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse.

Although originally released in English, the Six Essential Documents are also being translated into multiple languages with the help of several hardworking volunteers. Currently, the languages in progress are: Afrikaans, Arabic, Croatian, Dutch, Filipino (Tagalog), French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Spanish. I am also in the process of obtaining several more volunteers for additional official translations, as well as looking into utilizing computer-generated translations for the rest of the languages.

For those who would like to download the free PDFs in English, please see this blog post on the sister website, Handbook.faith , which the Holy Spirit is having me build to be dedicated for the spreading of Papa God’s Handbook and related writings / works:

Bookmark Me: Free PDF: Handbook of God the Father: Original English Version – The Six Essential Documents – Handbook.faith

In the meantime, what about VOLUME ONE? Well, Papa God is having me publish the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father out of sequence for three reasons: (1) For proofreading issues; (2) The information contained within Volumes 2 and 3 are needed now due to the massive confusion within Holy Mother Church that is leading to heresy, apostasy, and schism; and (3) Heaven is having me add some important content (in Papa God’s words, “polishing” what I have already written). Volume One should be finished very soon with an expected release of late February / early March 2024 on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and the new sister site, Handbook.faith .

Meanwhile, to accompany this public release of Volumes Two and Three, here are some links that might interest you all. The first two links are to the permanent webpages for both volumes on the sister site, Handbook.faith . On these two webpages, you can actually read online the PDFs with your computer, read online the Table of Contents, and downloads the free PDFs anytime. So these are two good links to give to people if they might want to read the PDFs but they are not sure if they want to download them to their devices, etc.

Permanent Webpage: Handbook of God the Father: Volume 2

Permanent Webpage: Handbook of God the Father: Volume 3

Finally, for those who missed these two previous blog posts on MaryRefugeOfSouls, here is the Table of Contents again for Volumes Two and Three, as well as the Special Commentary that I recently wrote on Papal Prophecies. The writing is about the current antipope and God’s call for a Special Conclave / Great Ecumenical Council(!).

Blog Post: Volumes 2 and 3 – Table of Contents

Related Special Commentary: Papal Prophecies – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Thank you very much for your huge interest in the Handbook of God the Father and spreading this vital information and instructions from Heaven to others. God bless.

All Praise to Papa God! Jesus, I trust in You! Amen.

I love you,
A Soul

January 29, 2024 – From the Handbook of God the Father (Volumes 2-3) – Special Commentary – Papal Prophecies – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


January 29, 2024
For the Greater Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

This is my follow-up commentary about the recent publication of the very detailed Table of Contents of Volumes 2 and 3 for the prophetic body of writings called, the Handbook of God the Father. In sum, there are Three Volumes (about 800 pages). Volumes 2 and 3 will be released as free PDF downloads on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and the sister site, Handbook.faith , at the end of this month of January 2024 (latest, first days of February). Whereas, the release of Volume 1 will be delayed until the end of the month of February 2024.

There are two significant reasons why the Three Volumes are being published out of sequence. The first reason is related to proofreading by a translator as part of the final editing check for Volume 1; and the second reason is Volumes 2 and 3 are most needed now for the Remnant Church. Currently, Holy Mother Church is in major crisis and is splintering. Many of the Faithful Remnant are unsure as to what they are witnessing happen inside the Roman Catholic Church; and are experiencing confusion and a personal ‘crisis of faith’ that is causing them to lose hope and consider becoming apostate.

Beloved ones, God does not want people to lose hope in Him and He does not want His beloved children to fall away from the True Faith. That is why I am writing this important commentary which will prepare people to be able to read Volumes 2 and 3 with an open heart. In particular, I want to discuss Chapter 26 (Volume 2) and Exhibits 19-21 of the Appendix (Volume 3). Specifically, I want to talk about Pope Francis (Bergoglio), as well as the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI — private revelation about his holy death — that is included in the Appendix.

Here is the blog post for those who still need to review the very detailed Table of Contents for Volumes 2 and 3 of the Handbook of God the Father:

Children of Mary, please understand that Almighty God is fully, completely, and totally aware of what is happening today — the current state of affairs of the Roman Catholic Church. God is intimately involved in the affairs of His Holy Bride, the Church, and has not been caught ‘unaware’ by the current crisis of faith. He has been preparing the Faithful Remnant by the gift of prophecy given to certain prophetic voices throughout the years.

Children of Mary, please know that you are not going to understand the current faith crisis unless you accept generally modern-day Catholic prophecies; and you are not going to know how to approach the current faith crisis unless you accept what specifically Heaven has revealed to us. Because, guess what, satan is going to twist your mind in total confusion if you do not follow Heaven’s compass revealed to authentic chosen messengers.

I am going to say some things that are very shocking truths, but you must accept them in order for you to have clarity and peace of mind, as well as continuing confidence and hope in God’s Will and His Divine Plan. Note: This commentary compliments what is shared in Volumes 2 and 3, and actually expands upon what I did not have space in the books to reveal.

Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is an antipope. Pope Benedict XVI was the last, legitimate pope in apostolic succession to Saint Peter the Apostle, the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis is not a legitimate successor, because Pope Benedict XVI was coerced under duress to step down from the papacy in 2013. This coercion invalidated the legitimacy of the Conclave held in 2013, because the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI was not freely made in the Holy Eyes of God. Pope Benedict XVI died a martyr and the Petrine See is currently vacant with Heaven in charge. Pope Francis does not possess the heightened divine protection of legitimate popes when teaching Catholic doctrine and dogma or exercising any papal authority. Also, Pope Francis cannot be “retroactively” installed as Supreme Pontiff. That is not how a fair and just system of laws operates under God’s sovereignty. There needs to be a conclave held to elect a legitimate Vicar of Christ.

Beloved ones, Heaven has prepared people to believe in these divine truths through private revelation given to different chosen messengers. A major prophetic work called the Book of Truth given to Maria Divine Mercy by Heaven during the years, 2010 to 2015, revealed that a false shepherd would be illegitimately elected pope. That there would be an ‘impostor’ acting as pope once Pope Benedict XVI was forced to leave the papacy. The Book of Truth also revealed that Pope Benedict XVI would die as a martyr of the Catholic faith before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) occurs.

Now, critics may state that the papal prophecies concerning Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis did not happen in exactly the prophesied manner found in the Book of Truth. However, these critics do not understand how clever and highly intelligent the devil is to any human mind. Once Heaven revealed the papal prophecies, satan immediately went to work to discredit the Book of Truth and to change his devious methods of hell’s attack concerning the papacy. In fact, I was able to privately confirm these facts with Our Lord Jesus Christ in 2019.

Heaven confirmed publicly that the papal prophecies in the Book of Truth had been indeed altered by hell in a message given to Brazilian seer, Pedro Regis, from the Blessed Virgin Mary on June 29, 2018. In the message, Our Lady of Anguera said: “The evil deed of evil men will bring great spiritual harm to My poor children. The realization of the Second Plan will be more painful.” Note, the words, “Second Plan,” which indicates that a “First Plan” to harm the Roman Catholic Church was being set aside. It was the intentions of these specific words, “Second Plan”, used by Our Holy Mother, that Our Lord Jesus Christ confirmed with me in 2019 involved hell and the papacy. That satan altered his evil plans in respects to both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, after satan took notice of what Heaven stated in the Book of Truth. Jesus also privately reaffirmed with me in the same conversation in 2019 that Pope Francis is an impostor and that Pope Benedict XVI would die someday as a martyr of the Catholic faith.

So, that is the reality of the current crisis of faith being witnessed in Holy Mother Church. We have an impostor pretending to be a legitimate successor to the Chair of Saint Peter. The man known as Pope Francis (Bergoglio) needs to immediately repent of all his heresies and call for a conclave to be convened by the College of Cardinals so a legitimate Vicar of Christ can be elected. Only the Cardinals of appropriate voting age that were installed prior to the 2013 Conclave should have the right to participate in voting for a new Vicar of Christ.

Meanwhile, what are the faithful laity called to do? We must support our priestly leaders that recognize the divine truths that I have revealed in this commentary, so they may continue to uphold the Catholic faith and will put ‘pressure’ on those in charge within the Vatican to do the right thing by convening a conclave as soon as possible so the Holy Spirit may restore Holy Mother Church in all her glory.

The faithful laity must also pray for Pope Francis and all those that follow him as a false shepherd so they may all repent and be saved by God.

Beloved ones, I do not know what will happen to the immortal soul of Pope Francis. All I know is that he is on the broad path to hell and he needs to repent immediately otherwise he is at risk of damnation, either at his natural death or during his divine encounter with Jesus at the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Everyone needs to intercede for Divine Mercy for him and all those in allegiance with him.

Children of Mary, do not lose hope in God. God is forever in charge and He has a definite and awesome Divine Plan for His beloved people.

Children of Mary, if those leading the Roman Catholic Church fail to act in correcting their evil behaviors, have confidence and hope in Almighty God, because Papa God will move swiftly to fix this grievous state of affairs of heresy, apostasy, and schism.

As I revealed in Chapter 27 of Volume 2, Heaven intends to convene a Special Conclave and Great Ecumenical Council on earth in the aftermath of the Great Warning [1]. It will be held in the latter days of the six and a half weeks of reprieve when satan and the evil spirits will all be temporarily locked up in hell. So hell will be totally unable to harm or tamper with this monumental salvific event in the history of Holy Mother Church.

During the Special Conclave and Great Ecumenical Council, God will supernaturally reveal His choice for Vicar of Christ. He will be a Marian pope who has been prophesied in older private revelations as a holy priest son called, Peter the Roman. It is Peter the Roman who will finally fulfill the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary according to the directives of Our Lady of Fatima. At this Great Ecumenical Council, the Great Schism between the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, the Protestant Churches, and Judaism, will also be universally healed as all Christian and Jewish believers will recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of all mankind, and the true Jewish Messiah. Everyone will recognize the fullness of the teachings of Christianity held as the Deposit of the Faith in the Roman Catholic Church. There will be no separatists due to doctrine or dogma. All believers of Christ will be known as Catholic and will accept the leadership of the Supreme Pontiff, Peter the Roman.

Beloved ones, I reveal these important prophecies to you so you do not lose the faith nor lose hope in God. Simply put, God is fully aware of the current mess within Holy Mother Church and He intends to clean the mess up. So continue to hold steadfast to the Truth of the Gospel as supported by the True Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Continue to receive the holy sacraments, especially Confession and the Most Holy Eucharist, in its unaltered forms according to the teachings of the True Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Remain faithful Catholics and “fight” for the Truth of God within Holy Mother Church and in the world.

Love Jesus and everything that He stands for. Remain vigilant as His devoted disciples. God bless.

I love you,
A Soul

FOOTNOTE [1]: I know that some theologians, scholars and religious leaders may question how quickly a Great Ecumenical Council could be held on earth. This is because the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) took about 4 years and also the writing of the Official Catechism of the Catholic Church under Pope Saint John Paul II took more than 5 years to complete. However, please understand that I know more than I can publicly reveal about how Heaven intends to organize these proceedings. All I can say is that with Almighty God, “all things are possible”, and that everything that I have written about the Great Ecumenical Council will be accomplished under Heaven’s direction in a way that also respects the free will of the attendees and it will be very orderly and efficient. Please understand that God already knows that human beings have limitations but in God, He is not limited by anything incapable by human nature. The Great Ecumenical Council will happen and it will be an amazing feat and joint effort accomplished by Heaven and those who love God on earth. Amen.