May 31, 2024 – Two Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary (mystic Jennifer)


May 31st, 2024 – 11:30 AM (JESUS)

My Child,

Victory does not come through lies. True victory comes from the truth. My children, I am giving mankind this time to shower humanity with the grace of heaven to turn away from sin and come live in my light. The world has been inundated with evil that has infiltrated so many hearts, so many families.

My children, you must pray in order to recognize the change that needs to begin with you. You cannot truly love if you are at war with your neighbor. You cannot have peace in your home if I am not welcome to enter. You must look beyond the promises of this life and strive for eternal life. I weep, my children, because life is no longer recognized in its value. My little ones are being executed by those who seek to be the Herods’ of this time. Innocence is no longer protected. Prayer and repentance are what is needed to bring peace.

Come, my children, and enter into the depths of My Most Sacred Heart. Do not fear what is going on in this world, trust in me, for I am Jesus. Victory is in the truth. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived. You must discern what is presented before you and that comes through the Holy Spirit. Now go forth, for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.

May 31st, 2024 – 4:00 PM (Message from the Blessed Mother)

My daughter,

I come with the peace of heaven. I have been permitted this time to unite the world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I brought my Son to the world and now I am here to bring the world to my Son.

My children, who do you follow? Is your soul being guided by those who live in the truth of my Son, Jesus? Or by those who the devil uses to destroy by living the ways of the world? Seek humility, my children, and that is by surrendering to the Divine plan, by giving all trust to your Heavenly Father and the mission He has given you to fulfill on this earth. Your time on this earth is precious and not to be wasted. Follow my Son. Embrace your calvary through acts of penance. Through prayer and fasting, you will begin to desire less of the world and more of the will of the Father. Each bead of the rosary, you are uniting yourself the Trinity. Each bead of the rosary, each Hail Mary is enfolding you under my mantle of protection. I, as a tender mother, am extending my hand to guide you home to heaven. May the peace of my son Jesus remain in your heart.

Words from Jesus – “The world is soon to be brought to Calvary when the hour of warning comes. Take heed, my children, for you are being given this time of grace to repent and live your life in conformity to the will of your Heavenly Father.” – April 5, 2024


April 5th, 2024 – 7:50 PM

My child,

I tell my children that I am not the conductor of fear rather I am the vessel of hope and love, the artery of mercy for the whole world. My children, I have warned mankind in great repetition that the time has come to turn away from sin and seek out my mercy. Do not delay out of fear or slumber from removing the filth that has consumed your soul. My children, you cannot grow in holiness if you are not tending to the soil in which seeds are to be planted.

My children, there is a great pursuit for your soul and you must recognize that Satan’s lies and deception are unrelenting. I warn my people that the veil of protection upon America is soon to be lifted if it does not repent. My Mother has kept this nation under her mantle but if her children fail to atone then the veil will be removed for a time. The injustice brought upon my little ones has provoked the just anger of My Father. The world is soon to be brought to Calvary when the hour of warning comes. Take heed, my children, for you are being given this time of grace to repent and live your life in conformity to the will of your Heavenly Father. Now go forth for I am Jesus, and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.

For Your Review – Handbook of God the Father – Volume 1 – Table of Contents – MaryRefugeOfSouls

March 22, 2024
For the Greater Glory of Almighty God

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

The Handbook of God the Father (Three Volumes) are mainly based upon prophecies given to me, “A Soul”, by Our Lord Jesus Christ last year (2023) during Holy Week and Divine Mercy Week. They are to help people prepare for the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) and other great events of the Great Tribulation (Apocalypse). God the Father also gave me additional prophecies in January 2024 that are particular to Volume 1. They are found mostly in Chapters 4 and 17.

As promised, here is the Table of Contents for Volume 1 of the Handbook of God the Father. As you can see, some of the topics are controversial and may be difficult for people to accept for themselves and their loved ones (especially Chapters 4, 5 and 17). I will be publishing Volume 1 within a few days. Volume 1 will be a free PDF download and it is over 235 pages total.

Volumes 2 and 3 were published earlier and are also free PDF downloads. They are available here:

There are also Six Essential Documents that were published earlier and are also free PDF downloads. They are 90 pages total and are based on Volume 1. They are for those who are unable to read the entire Handbook of God the Father. They are available here:

Please see this link for the Table of Contents for Volumes 2 and 3:

God bless you as you review this post. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
In Christ’s Love,
A Soul


Your Instruction Manual: Harbinger Week (Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness)
By A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls



I. Dedication
II. Preface: Personal Words By A Soul
III. Introduction: The Seven Blessings of Heaven

Part 1: Set of Instructions: Foretold Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)

Chapter 1: How To Prepare: Harbinger Week – 7 Days and 7 Nights of the Illuminated Cross in the Sky
Subchapter I. Chaos: You Have No Idea
Subchapter II. DANGER: Do NOT Go to Church During Harbinger Week
Subchapter III. How To Be Forgiven For Sins During Harbinger Week
Subchapter IV. Gather Together Your Loved Ones
Subchapter V. Coming Days of Absolute Darkness
Section 1: Basic Instructions
Section 2: Perimeter of Protection / Demonic Noise / Cursed Objects
Section 3: Supplies and Sanitation
Section 4: Miraculous Light
Section 5: Pets / Animals During Harbinger Week
Section 6: Protection from Divine Punishments
Section 7: Other Important Instructions
Subchapter VI. The Rapture – “Papa God wants them all”
Subchapter VII. Relevant Prophecies: The Cross in the Sky, “Second Sun” of the Warning, and Precursor Sign (Omen) Before the Harbinger Week

Chapter 2: How To Prepare: Great Earthquake
Subchapter I. You Must Sit Or Lay Down Directly On The Floor (Indoors)
Subchapter II. You Need An Eye Mask or Blindfold
Subchapter III. Other Important Instructions
Subchapter IV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Subchapter V. Relevant Heavenly Messages

Chapter 3: How To Prepare: Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Subchapter I. What is the Great Warning?
Subchapter II. Moments Before the Great Warning
Subchapter III. Your Wedding Day
Subchapter IV. Pray To Be Completely Healed By Jesus
Subchapter V. Pray To Be Completely Delivered By Jesus
Subchapter VI. Concerning “Those Who Are In Our Resemblance” (“Beings Without Souls”)
Subchapter VII. Warnings and Divine Instructions
Subchapter VIII. Stay Indoors (3 Days) After the Great Warning
Subchapter IX. Relevant Heavenly Messages

Chapter 4: Identifying Mortal Sins And How To Be Saved If You Are Shown Hell During the Great Warning
Subchapter I. Mark of the Beast (You WILL BE Damned! No Hope!)
Subchapter II. Healing from mRNA Vaccines By God
Subchapter III. Tattoo Removal By God
Subchapter IV. Sex Reassignment (Gender Mutilation)
Subchapter V. For Those Who Made a Contract with the Devil
Subchapter VI. JESUS CHRIST: Warning To Those Involved with Satanic Cults
Subchapter VII. Children Under Age of Reason: Broken Innocence
Subchapter VIII. Third Commandment: Observing the Sabbath (Sunday)
Subchapter IX. Sixth and Ninth Commandments: Sins of the Flesh – Holy Bible Verses
Subchapter X. JESUS CHRIST: Mortal Sins That Send People To Hell
Subchapter XI. Calling Upon JESUS To Be Saved During the Great Warning

Chapter 5: Aftermath: How To Help People Who Experience Hell and Deep Purgatory During the Great Warning
Subchapter I. General Instructions
Subchapter II. How To Be Reconciled with God
Subchapter III. Prayer For Immediate Clemency
Subchapter IV. Warning About An Evil Deed From Hell
Subchapter V. Divine Forgiveness for All Acts of Human Killing, including Murder, Abortion, Chemical (Hormonal) Birth Control, Euthanasia, Etc.
Subchapter VI. JESUS CHRIST: Messages of Hope

Chapter 6: Further Instructions Regarding the Great Warning and Eternal Salvation
Subchapter I. Brief Timeline: CONVERSION Period (Six and a Half Weeks)
Subchapter II. Beforehand: Prepare Your Love Grams (Love Notes)
Subchapter III. Aftermath: Ways To Be Forgiven For Sins By God
Subchapter IV. Second Pentecost: Manifestation of Divine Glory
Subchapter V. For Air Travelers and Seafarers
Subchapter VI. Miscellaneous Guidance
Subchapter VII. The Marian Promise
Subchapter VIII. Eternal Salvation Is Available To All Righteous People

Part 2: Set of Instructions: Divine Protection During the Great Tribulation (The Seal of The Living God, Consecrations, Refuges and Sanctuaries)

Chapter 7: General Information: The Seal of The Living God

Chapter 8: Divine Protection: The Seal of The Living God, Part One (Two Methods)

Chapter 9: Divine Protection: The Seal of The Living God, Part Two (Mary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg)

Chapter 10: Divine Protection: Consecrations of Individuals, Marriages, Children, Families and Homes
Subchapter I. Holy Love Consecrations
Subchapter II. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Chapter 11: General Information: Refuges and Sanctuaries During the Great Tribulation

Chapter 12: Three Methods: How To Establish a Home Refuge

Chapter 13: Instructions: How To Flee to the Refuges (Great Exodus)
Subchapter I. Important Information (Miscellaneous)
Subchapter II. Evacuation Plan: Twenty (20) Minutes To Flee!
Section 1: General Instructions: For Those Fleeing to a Refuge
Section 2: Special Instructions: Urban, Coastal, and Smaller Refuges
Subchapter III. Evacuation Plan: Pets and Domesticated Animals
Subchapter IV. Evacuation Plan: For Refuge Owners
Section 1: What Qualifies To Be a Refuge?
Section 2: Pre-Arrival Check With Your Holy Refuge Angel
Subchapter V. Life at the Refuges

Part 3: Additional Instructions: Special Groups

Chapter 14: For First Responders, Medical Personnel, Caregivers, and Essential Utility Support Crews

Chapter 15: For Persons with Disabilities, Blindness, Deafness, Infirmities, and Sickness
Subchapter I. Important Facts: Harbinger Week
Subchapter II. Important Facts: Great Earthquake
Subchapter III. Important Facts: Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Subchapter IV. Asking for Divine Healing During the Great Warning
Subchapter V. Important Facts: Refuges

Chapter 16: For Military Personnel and Those Living in Military Accommodations, Inmates in Jails and Prisons
(work-in-progress; will be released prior to Harbinger Week)

Chapter 17: Eternal Salvation: Human Hybrids, Transhumans and Those Who Are In Our Resemblance (Beings Without Souls)

February 13, 2024 – Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “Humanity’s interest lies in sinful things that continually present you with experiences that are unknown and totally outside of what a true child of God would do.”


FEBRUARY 13, 2024

Beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, receive My Maternal Blessing.


You know that conversion is urgent and yet My children do not want to convert. Humanity’s interest lies in sinful things that continually present you with experiences that are unknown and totally outside of what a true child of God would do.

Children of My Divine Son,

You are about to begin Lent; consider whether you will have another time like the present for the doors of Divine Love to open as they do now; afterwards it will be difficult.

Children, the time of Lent is the moment to repent for all works and deeds that have not been done in accordance with the Commandments of God’s Law, the Sacraments, Works of Mercy and other pious ends to which My Divine Son has called you.


You must be new people, creatures of good; become aware of your bad habits and your failings towards your brothers and sisters. Free yourselves from the snares of the Devil (cf. Eph. 6:11-18) and you will see yourselves as you are.

This Lent in particular, you must be clear that the Love of God and neighbor are not two different things, but one law (Mt. 22:37-40), and whoever fails to comply with this law is in serious sin.

Pray, children, pray for those who live with resentment in their hearts, for those who take the lives of their brothers, for those who defame their brothers, for those who kill the innocent. These children of Mine are in danger of being trapped by the demons lying in wait for humanity.

Pray, children, pray for the youth so that young people would regain their sanity and so that hearts of stone would become flesh again. The evil one wants to exterminate youth.

Pray, children, pray for the leaders of the nations; the arrogance of those who possess nuclear weapons will make them use them, destroying part of humanity.

Pray, children, pray as the Mystical Body of the Church and thereby continue the teachings of My Divine Son, remaining faithful to the Teachings of the true Magisterium.

Pray and repent, children of My Divine Son, pray for those who will suffer due to serious natural events.

Pray for those who will cause attacks.

Pray for those who do not respect the Birth, Passion, Death and Resurrection of My Divine Son Jesus Christ.

Beloved children, this Lent, those who can fast from food should do so; otherwise offer another fast. Be charitable to those who need it. “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Gal. 5:14)

Beloved children, live spiritually prepared as if each day were your last. Prepare yourselves and nourish your faith!


The earth will continue shaking and nature will wreak havoc. The human race will cause great pain.

Be people who pray and make reparation for those who do not love and who cause My Divine Son pain.


Mother Mary


January 2024 – Words From Jesus – “I have warned my people that the innocence of my little ones is being stripped away and the sacrifice of these innocent souls is why My Father can no longer restrain his just anger.”

Heaven’s Messages to Jennifer

January 30th, 2024 – 4:30 PM

My child,

I warn my children not to become complacent. Do not remain idle. Pray, pray with love, pray with trust, pray with confidence that you are on this earth for a mission that brings glory and honor to your Heavenly Father. Pray the Rosary and heed the calling of your heavenly mother. She is summoning her children to come back to her son, for I am Jesus. The more you pray, the greater the fruits of my love will manifest in your life.

Come to me in humility with gratitude for all that you have been given, even your suffering. When you offer your suffering in humility and without complaint, you are united to my passion, death, and resurrection. Do not weep for the loss of treasures in this life, for your greatest treasure is in eternity. Come live in the light of my love. Come and prostrate yourself before Me in Adoration. Come to the feet of the cross and immerse yourself in the rays of my Divine Mercy, for I am the king of mercy. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.

January 28th, 2024 – 6:15 PM

My child, give these words to the world:

My children, stay close to me for I am Jesus. It is only through prayer that you will render the graces necessary for the upheaval that is soon to spread from one nation to the next. Nations that are will no longer be, for parts of Europe will come to pass. Pray, my children, pray for peace, pray for hearts to soften, for there are many men who hunger for war because they have starved themselves from living in truth. There is no confusion in the truth, for what you deny as truth in this life cannot be denied in the next.

Pray as you have not prayed before, for the hour is at hand. Call upon the legion of Angels to guide and protect you. Ask the Holy Spirit to aid you in discerning My Will in order for you to live out your mission in this life. Recite the Rosary daily, for it is through My Mother that she will bring you closer to her son, for I am Jesus. This world is going to begin to rock and tremble for a wave of mourning will come and catch many off guard. I have warned my people that the innocence of my little ones is being stripped away and the sacrifice of these innocent souls is why My Father can no longer restrain his just anger. The precipice in which mankind has brought himself to will bring forth the time of warning. It is time to gather your blessed candles and pray, for there is nothing too great for My Mercy. Now go forth for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – December 27, 2023 – January 2, 2024 Update


Tuesday, January 2, 2024: (St. Basil & St. Gregory)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you saw people sent by the Pharisees trying to get information about St. John the Baptist and who he was. St. John described himself as a voice crying out in the desert about the coming Messiah as mentioned by Isaiah. They did not understand about him baptizing people, but this is all about getting the people to repent of their sins in preparation for My coming. St. John said he was not worthy to unfasten My sandals, but he baptized Me. This was a scene of the Blessed Trinity when God the Father spoke: (Matt. 3:17) ‘This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ The Spirit of the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descended upon Me. This is important because the two saints of today in St. Basil and St. Gregory were proclaiming a strong belief in the Blessed Trinity against the ‘Arian’ heresy. This heresy said that I was not Divine and not part of the Blessed Trinity. But I always existed, as the Father and I are One in the same God with the Holy Spirit. It is hard for man to understand My Incarnation as a God-man. The Church teaches about Me as the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.”

Monday, January 1, 2024: (The Solemnity of Mary)

Jesus said: “My people, after My birth the Shepherds came to visit Me as they were told by the angels. Then the Magi or Three Kings visited Me from the East. Then St. Joseph was told in a dream to leave for Egypt so Herod could not kill Me. Because we traveled by foot with a donkey, it took some time to get to the cave of hiding in Egypt. After awhile, the angel told us that Herod had died. Then we went back to Nazareth. At some time I was brought to the Temple for the ritual circumcision when I met Simeon and Anna. Do not be concerned about the exact time I was brought to the Temple, but everything happened according to the plan of My Father in heaven. All the prophecies had to be fulfilled about Me in the Scriptures, and they were carried out. Now you can continue on in your New Year following My Word.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have provided you a miracle planet with enough water and food for many people to survive. Your population is decreasing because your birth rates are less than your replacement. Your food sources are also below providing for all of your people. Certain countries like China are buying up much of your wheat crops. Your farmland is being controlled by the rich people. You can see these same rich people are building huge bunkers with large food supplies. It is as if they know wars are going to endanger your lives. This is also why I am directing My refuge builders to also stock up on food, water, and fuels for your survival. It is My angels who will be protecting My faithful from the evil ones during the tribulation time. Your refuges will be shielded and I will multiply what you need to survive. Be prepared to leave your homes for My refuges when your lives are in danger. Trust in Me to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Sunday, December 31, 2023: (Holy Family Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, the Holy Family is a model for all families. Only a third of your families by your census have a mother and a father living together. You have a lot of single parents bringing up their children which is why you have a lot of problem children. You also have a lot of abortion and couples living together without marriage. The family should be the basic structure of your society, but you have many problems because your families are in disarray. It is the children who are suffering because a woman or a man is not there to support them. Single parents need to work and the children are left alone or are in daycare. Even parents have one or more jobs to pay for a house, a car, and the children’s needs. Trust in Me for your people to live in families to help your children. Have a Happy New Year.”

Saturday, December 30, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, St. John is talking to the fathers, the young men, and the children about avoiding worldly temptations. The worldly people focus on the worldly appetites and sensations, and they are far away from loving Me. If these people do not repent and accept Me as their Savior, then they could be lost in hell. But I shine down My Light against the dark evil that inhabits the earth. Those people, who listen to My Word and act on it, will be the souls who will be with Me in heaven forever. Everything in this world is passing away, so do not love the world, but seek to bring souls to Me, and focus on heavenly things.

There are some people who are looking for signs and prophecies for the coming year, but the only sign I gave was the sign of Jonah, when the people of Nineveh changed their evil ways, and they fasted and sat in ashes. As you enter the end times you will see famine, earthquakes, and pestilence. You are also seeing wars and rumors of wars. Be prepared to come to My refuges when you see the digital dollar imposed, the mandated mark of the beast, pandemic viruses, and your power outages. When your lives are in danger, I will call you to My refuges with an inner locution. This will come after My Warning and the six weeks of Conversion.”

Jesus said: “My people, America is vulnerable to an EMP missile attack that could destroy most of your National electric grid. Several nations have the potential to make such an attack. By the track of the missile, it appeared to come from the Atlantic Ocean. Without electricity America’s economy could be ruined, and it would take a long time to replace all of the damaged transformers. It could even cause a famine if people do not have enough food. It will be difficult to determine which country would send such a missile. This could set off a war with whatever country did such an attack. Pray that such an attack could be stopped to prevent any war.”

Friday, December 29, 2023: (St. Thomas Becket)

Jesus said: “My people, the reading today is from Luke 2:21-40 when the Blessed Mother and St. Joseph brought Me to the Temple for My Presentation and Circumcision according to the Mosaic law. Simeon blessed Me and said: ‘Behold, this child is destined for the fall and for the rise of many in Israel, and for a sign that shall be contradicted. And thy own soul a sword shall pierce that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed.’ I was given the name ‘Jesus’ according to what was said by the Angel Gabriel. The people rejoiced because of this prophecy, but later I would be crucified to bring salvation to all souls who accept Me. This is when the sword would bring sorrow to My Blessed Mother, but she knew the purpose of My mission.” (Luke 1:30-31) The Angel Gabriel said: ‘Behold thou shall conceive in thy womb, and shall bring forth a son, and thou shall call His Name Jesus.’

Jesus said: “My people, the evil ones, who want to reduce the population, will use either a worse pandemic virus or they will destroy your electric grid. These evil ones will try and force the mark of the beast on everyone. Refuse to take the mark of the beast for any reason. You will see My Warning and then the six weeks of Conversion to try and evangelize people to believe in Me. After the six weeks, your lives will be threatened, and I will call My faithful to My refuges for protection and your survival needs. Before the Antichrist comes into power, the UN troops will try to force the mark of the beast on everyone. Those Christians, who are captured, could be martyred for not taking the mark of the beast. During the tribulation My angels will put invisible shields over My refuges. You will have Perpetual Adoration at My refuges, and by your faith I will multiply all of your needs. At the end of the tribulation I will bring My victory over the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. All the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Do not be concerned when all of these things will start, but know that I will protect you and feed you at My refuges.”

Thursday, December 28, 2023: (Holy Innocents)

Jesus said: “My people, Herod wanted to kill Me so he sent soldiers to Bethlehem to kill all the babies, but the Holy Family had left for Egypt before the soldiers came. This feast is a reminder of all the babies you are killing in the womb with your abortions. You have a continuing holocaust every day as you are still killing My little ones. You are reducing your population even further with abortion as your fertility rate is below replacement. Continue praying to stop abortion, especially outside your Planned Parenthood buildings.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that some women do not understand how precious life is when they use abortion to kill their babies. Some couples cannot have children, so these mothers, considering abortion, could give up their baby for adoption. Some women do not want to bring up another child, but they should not kill the gift of life I have provided. Some young girls cannot afford to bring up a child, but adoption is better than abortion. Even those women, who have had an abortion, can be consoled and forgiven in Confession. Killing a baby is a mortal sin, but I am a loving God and I will forgive any sinner who repents and seeks forgiveness in Confession. Continue to pray to stop abortion, and you can pray at the abortion clinics for women to have their baby, instead of killing human life. I love everyone and you are all sinners that can return to My graces in Confession.”

Wednesday, December 27, 2023: (St. John the Evangelist)

Jesus said: “My son, St. John the Evangelist is My beloved apostle, and he is with Me in heaven. I gave him to My Blessed Mother at the foot of My cross and he took care of her. He was also present in the Upper Room when My apostles were blessed by tongues of fire from the Holy Spirit. He also wrote one of the four Gospels, his letters, and the Book of Revelation. Give thanks for his life and his part in spreading My Word. This church, you are in, is honored to be named after My beloved apostle. My son, you are honored also to have his bone relic to remember him. All of My apostles were special to carry on My work. Now, I trust in all of My faithful that they can evangelize souls to believe in Me and spread My Word of the Gospels.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. John was My beloved disciple who was close to Me during My three years of ministry. He was one of My three apostles who I took up to Mt. Tabor where I was transfigured before them. Again at My Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, I chose the same three of St. Peter, St. John and St. James to go up and pray with Me. St. John was the only disciple that was brave to be at the foot of My cross. I gave My Blessed Mother over to his care. St. John also raced to the tomb to see that I resurrected on Easter morning. St. John was special because he was the only disciple who was not martyred as the others were. He wrote the fourth Gospel with love and repeated how My mission as the Messiah was a very spiritual mission in his Gospel. He expressed how important it is to see My Real Presence in My Eucharist. St. John also was prophetic when he wrote the Book of Revelation. Honor My beloved St. John for all he did for spreading My Word of love and he took care of My Blessed Mother. My son, St. John is a model for you to follow in your own mission.”

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – December 20-26, 2023 Update


Tuesday, December 26, 2023: (St. Stephen)

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad that these people killed St. Stephen who was one of the first deacons to be martyred for having faith in Me. There are many saints over the years who were martyred rather than deny their faith in Me. You may not die a martyr’s death, but you can be a dry martyr as you have to suffer through the taunts and verbal abuse for believing in Me. Stand firm in your faith and proclaim the Kingdom of God is at hand. Pray for endurance in this world of evil people, and trust that the Holy Spirit will give you the words to defend yourself from the evil ones.”

Monday, December 25, 2023: (Christmas Day)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Joseph and My Blessed Mother could not find a private room at an inn, so they accepted to stay in a stable with the animals. The choirs of angels sang the Gloria to the shepherds, and they were told of My birth in the stable. The Magi followed My star to Bethlehem and they presented Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. After St. Joseph’s warning in a dream by an angel, he led the Holy Family to the safety of Egypt, away from Herod who wanted to kill Me. Rejoice as you share My peace on earth, even amidst your wars.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen Israel continuing to bomb Gaza, and it is destroying the buildings and some tunnels. Israel is losing some soldiers, but by their bombing, they are killing more Hamas people in this war. There are many tunnels, so it is hard to see what progress Israel is making. Many Palestinians are dying from the bombing. Hamas does not want to give up the hostages unless Israel stops the war. As long as Israel is making progress against Hamas, they will continue to carry on the war. Pray that peace will come to Gaza and the Ukraine.”

Sunday, December 24, 2023: (Fourth Sunday of Advent)

Jesus said: “My people, peace be with you as you are about to celebrate My birth on Christmas. All the angels were singing the Gloria for the shepherds in the field. My star was leading the Magi to My birth in Bethlehem, as they brought Me gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for a king. Rejoice with My angels and heaven, as I was incarnated as a God-man. Bring your gift of love and your soul before Me like the Magi did. You share gifts with each other and you share yourself with Me as you give Me thanks and praise for all that I do for you. I bless all of you, and I give you good health, and healing for the sick when you call on Me in prayer.”

(10:00 p.m. Mass of the Nativity) Jesus said: “My son, you have been to the very spot marked by a star in the cave at Bethlehem where I was born. Even after I was born, St. Joseph was warned in a dream by an angel that he had to quickly take the Blessed Mother and Me to Egypt to avoid Herod from killing Me. I was protected from the evil ones so I could have My three years of ministry with My apostles. I was crucified by the Jews, but I confounded their leaders when I resurrected from the dead. Rejoice on this Christmas celebration which was the start of My bringing salvation to all souls who accept Me in faith.”

Saturday, December 23, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are in the last few days before Christmas in celebrating My birth in Bethlehem. St. John the Baptist truly is My messenger who proclaimed My Word and he prepared the way for Me. He encouraged the people to repent and be baptized. Baptism is the beginning of your life of faith in Me. Many of you are rushing about to buy gifts for your family and friends. You could also give some donations to the poor. You, My son, are also a messenger to prepare My people for My Second Coming. You also are preparing your refuge to receive the faithful I will send to you. My angels will protect you from the evil ones and you will have your needs multiplied throughout the tribulation. Be prepared in your soul to greet Me at Christmas by coming to Confession to repent of your sins.”

Friday, December 22, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, when you think of Christmas, you think of giving gifts to your family and friends. It should also be a time to give thanks to Me for all the gifts I have given you during your life. In addition to My physical gifts, I give you many spiritual gifts of grace every time you receive My sacraments. You also need to thank Me for your good health and providing the means to pay for what you need for your survival. When the evil ones will be allowed a short takeover during the tribulation, I will give My followers more gifts of My angel protection at My refuges. You will need gifts of My multiplication of your needs. So be at peace this Christmas and thank Me for all I do for you. By your prayers and good works and following My Commandments, you will have the best gift of all in being welcomed into heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have mentioned before how your electric grid is vulnerable to various attacks. Even the Chinese hackers have been attacking your infrastructure in water, sewage, and electrical lines. If your transformers were damaged in a widespread area, it would take a long time to replace them. It is the long term power outages that could threaten your people with a possible famine. You remember well when you had an ice storm in 1991 and this shutdown your electricity for eleven days. Be prepared to have alternative heating means in place of your natural gas heaters. Having lights would be needed at night. If you do have such a catastrophic loss of electricity, pray that I will help you through it.”

Thursday, December 21, 2023: (Intention for Robert Bello, deceased)

Jesus said: “My people, this magnifying glass has two meanings, one for Robert Bello, and the other for My Blessed Mother. For Robert it means looking deeply into his life on earth in what he did during that time. Pray for his soul. The second meaning is for My Blessed Mother when she said: ‘My soul doth magnify the Lord.’ (Luke 1:46-55) This was given when My Blessed Mother went to help Elizabeth with her pregnancy in Ein Karem. This was the beginning of My Blessed Mother’s Magnificat. She does not have many words in the Bible, but these words showed how our two hearts are joined together as one. This scene is called the ‘Visitation’ as in the Second Mystery of the Joyful Mysteries. You pray this every day.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you may have seen a manual loom that is used to make rugs. I am showing you this beautiful loom as an example of how I weave your lives to use your skills to carry out your individual missions. You all have various skills that are used to provide for the needs of your society. You all are called to love Me and your neighbor. You can show your love for Me by helping your neighbor in their needs, such as helping by working at a food shelf. You share food with the poor and you work at soup kitchens to distribute the food to them.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen accidental fires where candles or heaters can cause fires. You saw some houses that were burned out while you were on your walk. It is sad to see someone lose their home to a fire. It is not easy to start all over seeking another home or rebuilding on the same lot. Pray for people who have lost their homes to fire or weather damage. You could even shelter some people temporarily until they could find a home.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have a sharing of gifts on Christmas eve and also a family dinner. It takes some work to cook things and prepare the meal. Give appreciation to all those people who are preparing the many dishes for your dinner. Thank people also for their kind gifts that you share. You can also give bouquets of prayers for all of your relatives. You can offer your prayers for people when you come before My crib at your Nativity scene. I love all of you and this is why I came on the earth as an infant so I could later offer My life in sacrifice to bring salvation to all souls who accept Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing to celebrate My feast of Christmas and that of the Solemnity of My Blessed Mother on New Year’s Day. I want My people to be prepared for any possible terrorist attack, and to pray if possible, that your prayers could stop it. Pray for those people who are sick with Covid or any flu symptoms. Pray for peace in Israel and the Ukraine.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see the evil intent of the Hamas and Iran backers who have the desire to kill the Jews. It is the killing of 1400 innocent Jews by Hamas terrorists that has triggered this war. It is Iran who is training and funding this uprising against Israel. In the Ukraine you are seeing a Russian invasion and an ongoing war as Russia is trying to restore its former empire. Russia has even more intentions of taking back parts of Europe. Your country is providing arms for both of these wars, but keep praying for peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, the left Democrats are using all of their tricks and lies to try and prevent Trump from being elected President. They have harassed Trump with made up cases in the courts and now the Democrat controlled Colorado Supreme Court is trying to remove Trump from the primary ballot. This is a true threat to your democracy of the people who deserve the right to elect your leaders. With prayers you could see a correction for this injustice to your candidates.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a dangerous military build up in China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia that is threatening your country and the world’s freedoms. Your current government is not ready for fighting multiple wars. You need a build up of your defenses that are not getting ready for the next Pearl Harbor. You see China threatening to take Taiwan by force as they send planes and ships to harass Taiwan. Be prepared for more coming wars and a possible nuclear attack on your electric grid. Pray for My angels to help protect My faithful during the coming tribulation at My refuges.”

Wednesday, December 20, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating the Annunciation of the Angel Gabriel to My Blessed Mother. She gave her fiat ‘yes’ to the Angel, and later the Holy Spirit overshadowed her as I was conceived in her womb. This feast is celebrated on March 25th, nine months before Christmas. You, My son, were fortunate to visit the grotto in the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth where Gabriel gave the words of the Hail Mary prayer. You also visited a cave in Bethlehem where a star on the ground indicates where I was born on the first Christmas. Rejoice as you are seeing the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ahaz who said a sign is given that a virgin will have a son, and He will be called Emmanuel.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Democrats are so afraid of Trump winning the election for President that they are making up charges in four cases to try and put him in jail. But none of these cases hold much truth. The Fourteenth Amendment does not apply unless Trump is convicted of being an insurrectionist. As such the ruling of the Colorado Court is not proper in a Primary election. It is the people’s right to vote for a candidate, and it should not be up to the court to remove candidates from the ballot. This would set a disastrous precedent to allow courts to ban candidates from an election. This may be a case to be settled by your National Supreme Court. Pray that justice should be upheld in your elections.”

November 19, 2023 – Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Jesus Christ – “Pray dear ones, pray for your Jewish brothers and sisters, pray also for the slaughter of Holy Innocence. Pray for my Holy Church in Jerusalem as she is tortured and crucified just as I was.”


(Source: )

NOVEMBER 19, 2023, SUNDAY @ 7:52 A.M.

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My dearest Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: It is I, my dear one, your Savior Jesus of Nazareth who is speaking.

Anna Marie: My dearest beloved Jesus, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my little one, I your Divine Savior will now and willalways bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak my sweet and merciful Jesus, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: Little one, I want you to be pleased in knowing much of the grave events I have spoken to you have been mitigated because of my beloved Apostles prayers. I wish to now “thank” my loving Apostles for their steadfast prayers, fastings, abstinence and sacrifices in order to prevent these tragedies. Their reward awaits them in Heaven.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus.

Jesus: I ask now that my beloved and dear ones, not to let up in their prayers. The day is fast approaching when the war in many countries will begin and behold, it has begun in the Holy Land. Pray dear ones, pray for your Jewish brothers and sisters, pray also for the slaughter of Holy Innocence.

Jesus: Pray for my Holy Church in Jerusalem as she is tortured and crucified just as I was. Even if my Holy Church looks dead as she is crucified, just as I had risen from the dead, so shall she. She, my beloved holy Church, will arise from the ashes and she will be adorned by my Eternal Merciful Father, as a Bride on her Wedding Day.

Jesus: Be in peace my beloved ones, all must take place that has been prophesized about in order for me, your Divine Savior to return. I love you all and ask for your continued daily prayers. Your Merciful and Loving Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus for coming and speaking. We all love you, all Apostles love you Jesus.

Jesus: I love each one with my endearing Sacred and Merciful Heart.


(Updated October 2023) Advanced Spiritual Warfare – Protocols for Holding Prayer Group Meetings for Protection and Defense of the Holy Innocents (on Halloween, October 31st) and for Universal Peace on Earth – MaryRefugeOfSouls

October 16, 2023
Month of Mary, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

I have updated my downloadable PDF document for Prayer Groups that would like to pray for the Protection and Defense of the Holy Innocents — the children who are abused and sacrificed by satanic and occult sects. The protocols are based on a template of an actual prayer meeting that was held on the 2021 vigil of Halloween to pray for the Holy Innocents. I have modified the document to include a few prayers for universal peace on earth, etc. The prayer group meeting format includes reading a sacred scripture passage, two on-topic heavenly messages, and the following prayers:

  • Auxilium Christianorum
  • Communal Prayer of Spiritual Warfare
  • LONG FORM Saint Michael Archangel Prayer
  • Breaking the Strongholds of Witchcraft
  • Protection Prayer for Our Nation
  • Book of Truth: Crusade Prayers: 18, 14, 54
  • Sorrowful Rosary (with meditations)

Although the various prayers can be recited by a single person, it is recommended that these prayers only be recited together in a prayer group setting. This is because the prayers are very powerful as a form of advanced spiritual warfare. I also recommend that whenever people engage in spiritual warfare, that they anoint themselves with holy oil, because it serves as a spiritual block from demonic attacks.

Since the material is 27 pages, I am only putting the contents on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, as a downloadable PDF document. However, it is possible to translate PDF documents for free using online translation websites: Google Translate, DeepL, etc. God bless you for caring.

United in Christ,
A Soul



(July 6, 2002, Holy Love Ministries) Jesus Christ: “My brothers and sisters, some hearts question the message that was given yesterday on the 5th of the month. They question why I would place the destruction of innocence and chastity in young ones ahead of abortion. Babies who are aborted receive a baptism of blood and they always choose the light when they see it and are saved. But the innocent children whose chastity and purity is destroyed by others often receive spiritual harm and some, because of the crimes perpetrated against them, choose damnation when they do come to Me later in life; and this is why it is a greater abomination to Me than even abortion itself. Here you see, My brothers and sisters, the soul is of the utmost importance; and so, that is why I urge you to pray against pornography and any kind of molestation of the young.”

(September 1, 2023, Prophet John Leary) Jesus Christ: “My people, I am not happy with how your people mistreat My little ones. You already are aborting almost a million unborn babies with your abortion doctors. Even in your homes, you have heard how young children are beaten and even some are killed by such beating. There are evil people in covens who offer babies up by killing them at black masses. You have heard stories of using adrenochrome by scaring young children and using their blood to drink. Others have used young children for body parts. Still others are trying to change young children’s gender with operations and hormones. Your country (USA) will pay dearly for these abuses, and these people will have to account for their crimes at their judgment. Pray for your people to stop these abuses, and stop your abortions.”

(October 24, 2019, The Little Prophet of Love) Jesus Christ: “My love, my love, you are my delight. You are my little spark. You are the light that draws people to my sacred heart. Your prayers are with weight. They are bringing souls back to me. I my child have become so alone. I want each person on this planet to come forward and call out to me their Father. I AM not regarded. This time of the year my children are taken and used as sacrifice. My little innocent children. This is evil at its best! My loves, you do not see, you do not see what I see. Do not participate in any celebrations of any kind on this date (Oct 31st). I, I see children who claim to love me encourage their children to party at this time. I say ‘enough’! I AM going to stop this and I AM going to punish all those who lead my innocent ones astray… I AM Jesus. I love all of you. Come to me even if you are unsure. I will be there to help you. I AM Jesus, I AM God. I rose from the dead. I want you all with me in my heavenly home. Please listen to me. I bless you all. In the name of the Father the Son and Holy Spirit.”

(October 31, 2021, Holy Love Ministries) God the Father: “Children, today is the day when Satan takes over hearts more than any other day on the calendar. It is the Sabbath, but how many will revere it and keep it holy? Moreover, it is a day given over to Satan’s activity which takes center-stage to prayer and love of My Divine Will. The Holy Mother lived Her whole life united to My Divine Will. Evidence of this is Her ‘Fiat’ which She was ever ready to proclaim: “Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord”. Celebrate My Divine Will today – not Halloween which catches the soul off-guard. Do not take lightly Satan’s activity in your midst by ‘celebrating’ Halloween. This evil is fast becoming competition for Christmas in some nations and certainly in many hearts. Celebrate the Sabbath and keep it holy. Celebrate My Will every day of the year. Do not allow Satan his grasp on your soul even for one day. Halloween is at the core – the celebration of lawlessness.” Read 1 John 3:4: Every one who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.

(October 26, 2021, mystic, Gisella Cardia) Blessed Virgin Mary: “Dear daughter, thank you for having responded to my call in your heart. My children, I ask you to listen to the true prophets of these end times, for they are my messengers and as such they will be your guide. I want to save all my children and that is why I am still touching the earth; there is none more blind than he who does not want to see, and despite the signs of the times foretold, even those who have faith refuse to look at what is happening. My children, the times are hard: the whole earth continues to be covered by darkness. I ask you to pray much, and conversion is urgent. I also ask you to stay at home in prayer on the feast of Satan (Halloween) and to light a blessed candle; unfortunately the satanic sects will perform monstrous rites, but do not be afraid. My angels are with you and will be more numerous as time goes by: everything is set for the final battle. Now I bless you in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”


October 9, 2023 – Saint Michael Archangel to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – “As Prince of the Heavenly Militia and Leader of my Militant Army, I come to WARN GOD’S PEOPLE OF EVENTS TO HAPPEN IN OCTOBER, especially on October 31st Halloween Day…”

October 12, 2023 – Apostolate of the Green Scapular – JESUS CHRIST – “My dear one, I have come to ask for your immediate prayers of mitigation to stop a terrorist attack in your country (USA). It is planned within the next month, to frighten and terrorize the citizens of your nation. You must not be afraid, but to fight evil with prayers.”

Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Blessed Virgin Mary – “I have come to again ask for more prayers, fastings and sacrifices from you and my beloved Apostles around the world… My children, my beloved Jewish children are being tortured and killed, even the most innocent ones are being killed” – October 15, 2023