Prophet John Leary – Jesus Christ – “You will see the evil ones in power who will give your nation (USA) over to the Antichrist and his followers… This will start with dramatic events after the Warning and the Conversion time. It is beginning with the Great Reset when you will see the digital dollar implemented… Those believers, who do not come to My refuges, could be martyred.” – February 7-13, 2024 Update


Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Jesus said: “My people, I was warning My disciples to avoid the desire of earthly things that can lead to sin. Instead, keep your eyes on Me in My consecrated Bread of life. I multiplied the bread and fish for the 5,000 and the 4,000 people. So it is better to trust in Me for all of your needs than to be misled by worldly desires. Some people focus their lives around money and their own accomplishments. It is better to trust in Me to work out your problems and satisfy your needs. This life is passing away along with everything in it. Look to your future destination in heaven by obeying My laws and helping people with your good deeds. I love all of you, and I am directing you on the right path to heaven where love of Me and neighbor is more important than worldly desires.”

Monday, February 12, 2024

Jesus said: “My people, just like in this storm when I was in the boat with My apostles, I told them to have faith in Me when I am always with them. You need perseverance with My help through all of your daily trials. I showed My apostles My power when I told the storm ‘Peace be still’ and a great calm came over the water. If you have faith in My miracles, I can also show you My power in how I will solve your problems by giving you the solutions to your troubles. All I ask is that you love Me, and trust that I will take care of you both physically and spiritually.”

Jesus said: “My people, the apostles gave up their professions to follow Me. It was not easy to drop everything to become My students for three years of My ministry. It was even more dangerous to go out in the world to spread My message of love and convert people to believe in Me. Only St. John the apostle was the one who was not martyred, but he was exiled to Patmos island. That means the rest of the apostles were martyred for their faith. Today, I am calling My faithful to be My servants by your prayers and belief in Me. It is not easy to convert souls in this evil world. You are seeing more of My followers being persecuted for their faith in Me. As you draw closer to the tribulation time, you will need to leave for My refuges, so My angels can protect you and provide for your needs.”

Mass intention for Chris Theut and his brothers. Jesus said: “Tell Chris and his brothers that I appreciate all of his efforts to help get people out of purgatory, or to move them up with Masses that he had offered for their souls.”

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Jesus said: “My people, a leper came to Me and said: ‘If you wish, you can make me clean.’ I so wished him to be healed, so I blessed him and he was instantly cleansed. He spread his healing so much that I could not enter a town openly, when people came to Me for a healing. You all know of My power to heal people, so many pray to Me for a healing of a disease, or for help with your problems. I am also willing to cleanse your sins from your soul when you come to Me in the priest at Confession. You are about to start your Lenten fasting starting with this Ash Wednesday. As you receive your ashes, you are reminded that you were made from dust and unto dust you shall return. Be prepared to make some offering of restraint, pray your prayers, and look to make a donation to the poor. You will also be fasting between meals all for My greater glory.”

Saturday, February 10, 2024 (St. Scholastica)

Jesus said: “My son, every day you wake up and pray your Morning Offering, and you consecrate all of your actions to Me. You proceed to your daily morning Mass and you write down My message that you received at Holy Communion. You spend some time typing My messages and indexing them for your books. During the day you pray your four rosaries sometimes when you are walking outside. Near 3:00 p.m. you pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet, and at early evening you pray another holy hour. On Fridays you also pray the Stations of the Cross. Then when you retire in bed, you pray your night prayers. You center your life around Me as I call everyone to do so. Keep close to Me in all that you do for your good works. By following Me, you are producing good fruit in your actions. Today, you pray at the Planned Parenthood building to stop abortions, and later you need Confession. Be prepared for Lent.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were concerned that it would be hard to fix the wires on the roof that were chewed up by the squirrels. Your solar worker had to get rid of a big nest under your solar panels. He fixed the fault in your solar inverter#2 by splicing in a new wire. He fixed your two optimizers that were chewed by squirrels with two new ones on inverter#1. You may have to install a critter guard to keep the squirrels from chewing more wires. You are satisfied that your solar system has been restored to its normal working order. I told you I would help you recover your system, and if anything happens again, My angels will fix it. The angels will even protect all of your equipment from any EMP attack as well. So trust in Me to provide for your needs and protect you from harm during the tribulation.”

Friday, February 9, 2024

Jesus said: “My people, because King Solomon worshiped other gods than Me, I punished him by taking away much of his kingdom. In America you also worship the things of the world, and your sins of abortion are causing a divided nation. Your country will be taken over because of your evil leaders. The Democrats cheat in elections and they have corrupt judges who have taken away your rights from your Constitution. Pray for your country to heal the wounds of division. You will see the evil ones in power who will give your nation over to the Antichrist and his followers. You will need to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Jesus said: “My people, sometimes people have bad habits of over drinking, drugs, smoking, overeating, and even masturbation. These habits all have an underlying pleasure or high that causes you to do these things. Some habits can lead to cancer or a bad liver. You need to stop and think if you are damaging your body with your bad habit. Then you need to have a desire to stop your bad habit. You may need some help from a doctor to deal with your habit. If you are successful, then you are stopping a sin and you are not letting your habit control you as in an addiction. Come to Confession so I can heal you of your sins. Pray to Me to help you stop any bad habit, and you will thank Me for healing you.”

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Jesus said: “My people, when you come to Me in your Warning experience, you will be outside of your body, and you will be traveling fast in a tunnel to My Light. You will have a life review, a mini-judgment, and a visit to your destination. Some will see the horrors of hell, some in purgatory, and very few in heaven. Then you will be back in your body, and you will be in the six weeks of Conversion when you will try to make believers in Me of your relatives and friends. After, you will be called to My refuges soon for your protection with My angels. Have no fear.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a spinning consecrated Host that represents the coming Warning. This experience will lead you through a tunnel to My Light. It will occur outside of time, and you will leave your body. You will come face to face with all the events in your life. Non-believers will see a hell experience, My believers will see purgatory, and a few will see heaven. You will return to your body and want to seek a priest for Confession.”

Jesus said: “My people, those souls who are believers with pure souls, may only face a short time in upper purgatory both in the Warning, and when they die. During the six weeks of Conversion, after the Warning, there will be no evil influence and you will have time to convert your family and friends to be believers. Only believers will be allowed by My angels to enter My refuge. So be ready for these events.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing unusual weather events that are changing your temperatures and causing huge rain events in various parts of your country. You have evil people using HAARP machines to change the upper winds to go deep toward earth causing high winds and rains that are causing floods. These HAARP machines can cause major earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes. Some countries are using these machines as weapons against their enemies. So be prepared for damaging storms that could devastate cities and countries. Be also prepared for a coming polar shift that could cause problems when the solar wind will be striking lower levels from the poles.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have been preparing you for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. This means your country will fall and be taken over by the one world people. This will start with dramatic events after the Warning and the Conversion time. It is beginning with the Great Reset when you will see the digital dollar implemented. The evil ones will form continental unions and this power will be given over to the Antichrist. I will call you to My refuges with My inner locution. Those believers, who do not come to My refuges, could be martyred. Trust in My angel protection at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have experienced a recent problem with a water leak in your iron filter from your well water that was repaired. You also had to replace a leaking garbage disposal with a new machine and piping. Today, you had a technician repair some lines to your solar panels that were chewed by squirrels. He had to remove a large squirrel nest, replace a chewed wire, and replace two chewed optimizers. Now your inverters are working as normal. It is not easy to find people for these repairs, but now your refuge is in working order thanks to My help. It is important that you are ready to receive My faithful just as the tribulation will be beginning. I have told you that you are already in the pre-tribulation. Trust in Me and My angels to protect you and provide for your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, in your Warning experience you will be told not to take the mark of the beast, and not to worship the Antichrist. You also will be warned that it will be necessary to come to My refuges, or you could be martyred. My refuge builders are finishing their preparations, and My angels will finish any repairs that are needed. My angels will defend all of My refuges from bombs, gases, viruses, and even comets. I will have a priest or My angels bring daily Holy Communion to every believer at My refuges. You will place a consecrated Host in a monstrance for a Perpetual Adoration. You will assign hours of Adoration for each believer. By My Real Presence and your belief in My miracles, I will multiply your houses, beds, food, water, and fuels so you can survive the entire tribulation. Because I have requested this, it will happen.”

Jesus said: “My people, at the end of the tribulation I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. The evil people and the demons will all be cast into hell. I will then raise My faithful up into the air, and I will renew the earth as a new Garden of Eden. I will then bring you down into My Era of Peace, and you will live a long life as a vegetarian. You will eat from My Trees of Life and this will allow you to live a long life. There will be no evil influence, and you will be perfected as saints, so when you die, you will come straight to heaven. You will be assigned to your level of heaven that has been prepared for each of My faithful.”

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Jesus said: “My people, I love you all so much, especially those faithful who receive Me at daily Mass. Every time you receive Me, it is like a new experience of My love. To be with Me in your heart and soul, it is a joy and I give you My grace to carry out your missions. I explained today’s Gospel to My apostles that all food is clean, but it is what comes out of your lips and heart that can defile you. Be careful in your speech not to swear, or gossip about others. Put any evil thoughts out of your mind, and focus on good things and performing good deeds for your neighbor. Love Me and love everyone as I do.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many different religions, but it comes down to those who believe in Me and those who do not. You have noticed more recent messages are concerned with the persecution of Christians or believers in God. I have told you that the one world people worship Satan, and that is why they hate My believers. These evil ones center their lives around worshiping Satan, but My believers center their lives around Me, and you worship only Me. You will be seeing a gradual increase in the persecution of My believers. This will get so bad, that your lives will be in danger. When My faithful refuse the Covid shots and the mark of the beast, it will be difficult to live in an open society without money, because they will cancel your accounts in the digital dollar. Before the Antichrist declares himself as ruler of the world, I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges where you will be protected by My angels and given your needs.”

2 of 3 Blog Posts – Handbook of God the Father – Six Essential Documents (English) – Free PDF Downloads (Official Individual Files) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Please note that this blog post is the second of three emails regarding the Six Essential Documents in the original English language.

January 7, 2024
Dedicated to the Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

As I, “A Soul” of MaryRefugeOfSouls, mentioned earlier this week, I have been working on a special project for Papa God for the past eight months. It is a major prophetic work called, the Handbook of God the Father, consisting of Three Volumes (over 800 pages) and will be made available for free download at the end of the month of January 2024. The Handbook is Your Instruction Manual for the Harbinger Week (7 Days and 7 Nights of the Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness).

However, Papa God instructed me to make available first Six Essential Documents for free PDF download for people who are especially unable to read or print out the entire Handbook for their personal use. The Six Essential Documents are over 90 pages total and are derived from critical information from Volume One and the Appendix.

In this SECOND blog post, I am making the Six Essential Documents available to everyone as free separate and individual PDF item downloads. That way, people can pick and choose which files that they want to download. Note: If you want to download all files together, I suggest that you see the first blog post in this 3-part series which has the download link as a single Zip file. You may also obtain the Zip file by visiting my official website for the Handbook of God the Father at

Note: Each Essential Document has two PDF document link options. One option is in Letter Paper Size (8.5 x 11 inches) and the other option is A4 Paper Size (210 x 297 millimeters). Please use the correct paper size for your printer. Letter size is predominantly used in the USA and Canada, whereas A4 size is used in most other countries in the world.

Here are the titles of the Six Essential Documents:
(1) Summary One: How To Prepare For Harbinger Week, The Great Earthquake, And The Great Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) (about 30 pages)
(2) Summary Two: Refuges Of God (How To Establish A Refuge And How To Flee To A Refuge During The Great Exodus (End Times Evacuation) (about 15 pages)
(3) Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning (about 15 pages)
(4) Instructions: How To Become A Christian (about 15 pages)
(5) Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Breaking Curses (about 10 pages)
(6) Understanding That Eternal Salvation Is Available To All Righteous People (about 15 pages)

I will also be doing a THIRD blog post for those living in the USA who are looking for a cheap online copy shop to print out either the Six Essential Documents and / or the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father that will be made available later this month of January 2024. So be on the lookout for that email if printing out items interests you (printing shop information meant only for USA followers).

Finally, I want to promise you that if you download any document or Zip file from either my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, or the new website, , that such items are totally safe and clean. My website host is which handles over 1/3 of all internet sites and they have an entire department of many dedicated fulltime staff involved in security that use highly sophisticated software and anti-hacking systems that prevent uploading of viruses / malware to their hosted sites. Furthermore, my websites are consecrated to Almighty God and Our Holy Mother Mary, and are under Heaven’s protection. So I highly recommend that you send people to my new website: so they can download for themselves the Zip files and individual documents. That is best for everyone’s safety, because there is no guarantee that if you receive the Zip file through alternative methods that someone has not tried to contaminate it. So please share the new website, , with others as the best method to get the Zip file and PDF documents for themselves. Thank you for considering this important step for sharing with others.

Note: You may also share this blog post as an email and on social media channels so people can have the correct and official download links from the website.

I pray for many blessings for you and your loved ones as you read, contemplate, and act upon this vital information and these critical instructions. God bless.

In Christ’s Love,
A Soul

Here are the individual download files for the Six Essential Documents in the original English. Remember to double check if you need either Letter paper size or A4 paper size for your printing needs (choose only one file per Essential Document):

Summary One: How To Prepare For Harbinger Week, The Great Earthquake, And The Great Warning (Illumination Of Conscience)

Letter Paper Size:

A4 Paper Size:

Summary Two: Refuges Of God (How To Establish A Refuge And How To Flee To A Refuge During The Great Exodus (End Times Evacuation)

Letter Paper Size:

A4 Paper Size:

Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning

Letter Paper Size:

A4 Paper Size:

Instructions: How To Become A Christian

Letter Paper Size:

A4 Paper Size:

Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Breaking Curses

Letter Paper Size:

A4 Paper Size:

Understanding That Eternal Salvation Is Available To All Righteous People

Letter Paper Size:

A4 Paper Size:

1 of 3 Blog Posts – Handbook of God the Father – Six Essential Documents (English) – Free PDF Downloads (Official Zip File) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Please note that this blog post is the first of three emails regarding the Six Essential Documents in the original English language.

January 7, 2024
Dedicated to the Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

As I, “A Soul” of MaryRefugeOfSouls, mentioned earlier this week, I have been working on a special project for Papa God for the past eight months. It is a major prophetic work called, the Handbook of God the Father, consisting of Three Volumes (over 800 pages) and will be made available for free download at the end of the month of January 2024. The Handbook is Your Instruction Manual for the Harbinger Week (7 Days and 7 Nights of the Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness).

However, Papa God instructed me to make available first Six Essential Documents for free PDF download for people who are especially unable to read or print out the entire Handbook for their personal use. The Six Essential Documents are over 90 pages total and are derived from critical information from Volume One and the Appendix.

In this FIRST blog post, I am making the Six Essential Documents available to everyone as a free Zip file download. What is a Zip file? According to Forbes, “Zip files are incredibly useful for sharing data over email, cloud storage and on a USB stick. They let you group files together, be they documents, images or audio files. And as Zip files typically use compression, the final file will take up less room on a drive than its contents would usually inhabit.”

Basically, by sharing the PDFs organized in a Zip file, it will save time for you as the user because you will only need to download one item instead of the individual documents which are seven or more item downloads from this site. By downloading the Zip file one time only, you will get everything that you need at once and there will be less confusion over any missing PDFs because you forgot to download something.

So I am sharing first the Six Essential Documents in a Zip file for people who want the convenience of having one download for everything. Here is the Zip file download link:

DOWNLOAD ME (Zip file):

However, for those who are uncomfortable with Zip files or those who are less tech savvy and do not know how to use them, I will be doing a SECOND blog post which will list all the individual PDF documents separately, so you can choose what you want to download as you typically get to do in my usual blog posts and emails. So please be on the lookout for this second email if you prefer that method of getting the documents or if you encounter any issues with opening up the original Zip file.

Finally, I will be doing a THIRD blog post for those living in the USA who are looking for a cheap online copy shop to print out either the Six Essential Documents and / or the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father that will be made available later this month. So be on the lookout for that email if printing out items interests you (printing shop information meant only for USA followers).

Here are the titles of the Six Essential Documents:
(1) Summary One: How To Prepare For Harbinger Week, The Great Earthquake, And The Great Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) (about 30 pages)
(2) Summary Two: Refuges Of God (How To Establish A Refuge And How To Flee To A Refuge During The Great Exodus (End Times Evacuation) (about 15 pages)
(3) Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning (about 15 pages)
(4) Instructions: How To Become A Christian (about 15 pages)
(5) Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Breaking Curses (about 10 pages)
(6) Understanding That Eternal Salvation Is Available To All Righteous People (about 15 pages)

Note: Each Essential Document has two PDF documents. One is in Letter Paper Size (8.5 x 11 inches) and the other is A4 Paper Size (210 x 297 millimeters). Please use the correct paper size for your printer. Letter size is predominantly used in the USA and Canada, whereas A4 size is used in most other countries in the world. God bless.

If you want to double check that the Zip file is safe to download and / or open, please use the following Google website (“VirusTotal”) to either scan the Zip file or to check the URL link for the Zip file. I want to promise you that if you download any document or Zip file from either my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, or the new website, , that such items are totally safe and clean. My website host is which handles over 1/3 of all internet sites and they have an entire department of many dedicated fulltime staff involved in security that use highly sophisticated software and anti-hacking systems that prevent uploading of viruses / malware to their hosted sites. Furthermore, my websites are consecrated to Almighty God and Our Holy Mother Mary, and are under Heaven’s protection. So I highly recommend that you send people to my new website: so they can download for themselves the Zip files and individual documents. That is best for everyone’s safety, because there is no guarantee that if you receive the Zip file through alternative methods that someone has not tried to contaminate it. So please share the new website, , with others as the best method to get the Zip file and PDF documents for themselves. Thank you for considering this important step for sharing with others.

Note: You may also share this blog post as an email and on social media channels so people can have the correct and official download links from the website.

I pray for many blessings for you and your loved ones as you read, contemplate, and act upon this vital information and these critical instructions. God bless.

In Christ’s Love,
A Soul

Website maintained by Google to double check for viruses / malware or hacked website links:

YouTube Video Tutorial: How to Make Sure a File Is Safe Before Downloading It (3:36 minutes)

Known Trouble-Shooting Zip File Issues:
— For some people, the file names were too long to open. So I renamed all files with shorter names. However, you may still need to rename the file with a shorter name in order to open it.
— For some people, using subfolders was causing errors. In this Zip file, no subfolders are used so it should be easier to open it.
— If you are having difficulty opening the Zip file on your device, you may need to use a different internet device to open it. There should be 13 files total within the Zip file.

TUTORIALS: HOW TO OPEN ZIP FILES (Also known as extraction or decompression):

(Any Android Phone) YouTube Video Tutorial: How To Unzip Files On An Android Phone (3:40 minutes)

(Windows OS Guide) Written Instructions on How To Unzip Files on Windows PC Operating System,folder%20to%20a%20new%20location.

(PC Computer) YouTube Video Tutorial: How To Extract A Zip File On Windows 10 PC Easily | Open Zip File Without Software | Simple Way (1:43 minutes)

(PC Computer) YouTube Video Tutorial: How to Extract Zip File on Windows 11 without using any Software | Open Zip File Easily (1:13 minutes)

(Chromebook) YouTube Video Tutorial: How To Open A Zip File On A Chromebook (5:52 minutes)

(Mac OS Guide): Written Instructions on How To Unzip Files on Mac Operating System,zip%20file.

(iPhone) YouTube Video Tutorial: How To Unzip Files On iPhone (1:51 minutes)

(iPad) YouTube Video Tutorial: How to Unzip or Zip a File on an iPad using the Files App (IOS 13 and above) (3:43 minutes)

(Mac Computer) YouTube Video Tutorial: How to Extract (Unzip) Files on a Mac (1:34 minutes)

Very Special Commentary – How To Save A Dying Atheist (Or A Non-Believer Or Lukewarm Christian) – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


Very Special Commentary – How To Save A Dying Atheist (Or A Non-Believer Or Lukewarm Christian) – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

September 17, 2023
Month of Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows

Blessings beloved ones,

God desires me, “A Soul”, to share a story with you all about a recent death of an avowed atheist who was saved from hell. This is because God wants to extend these similar blessings and graces to other dying souls, especially those who are atheists or nonbelievers, or even lukewarm Christians, etc. So, with permission from his family, I am going to tell you about the deathbed conversion of Michael and how God worked a miracle to save him; and how you can say these similar prayers to help save those whom you love from going to hell.

Michael had grown-up in a very devout Catholic family, attending traditional Catholic schools. However, later in adulthood, he became an atheist. So, it had been many decades since he had stepped inside any church since abandoning any belief in God. Now, he was in his 80s and dying in a secular hospice, having signed the papers for no bedside chaplain. He was in a semi-coma like dying state, having taken a turn for the worse on a Friday afternoon. So, the extended family was called, so they could pay their last respects before he passed.

Michael’s niece, “T.D.”, is one of my dearest friends and one of my prayer partners. As I had advised her, T.D. did a “love gram” ahead of time for her sick uncle.

What is a love gram? A love gram is a one time prayer only, said out loud to God, for the salvation of our loved ones, intended for the moment of their death. It is like reading a heartfelt letter to your loved one and asking God to deliver it supernaturally at the appropriate time. It should not be repeated, otherwise, you are giving God multiple love grams to deliver and that does not work. Love grams are a type of prayer for salvation, but they are unique in that you only do it once and you ask God to be the mailman to deliver it spiritually to the other person.

Basically, to do a love gram, you should start with a heartfelt prayer for the person’s welfare. Then speak out loud about all the things that you want him to know — as if the person were really in front of you — looking at and listening to you at that moment of time to help in his conversion. You should conclude the love gram with a short prayer of thanksgiving to God, asking Him to deliver your love gram at an appropriate time, whenever the person is dying, at his moment of death.

So, T.D. had prepared a love gram knowing that her uncle would be passing soon, as he was severely ill and in decline health wise. When T.D. and her parents arrived at the hospice, they were very distraught. Her mother was distraught knowing that her brother was dying lacking any faith in God; whereas, my dear friend, T.D., was distraught because she knew that her uncle was going to face the finale battle with satan in his dying state, which she knew would be very fierce over his soul.

Both T.D. and her mother prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet over Michael. Her father spent a lot of time talking to him, as both her parents reminisced a lot to him. Her mother kept telling Michael about God loving him, and that their parents were waiting in Heaven for him. And they all knew that Michael was aware of them and could hear them, because he would occasionally squeeze his hand, being responsive to some of their loving words.

Meanwhile, hundreds of miles away, once I, “A Soul”, heard about Michael’s predicament, I set to work with a mutual dear friend and prayer partner, “K.E.” On the phone, we prayed for Michael. We prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet and in the middle of the prayer, the Holy Spirit indicated to me that we needed to pray to Saint Joseph and the Chaplet of Saint Michael Archangel. So, K.E. and I prayed both the 1,900 Year Old Prayer to Saint Joseph and Chaplet of Saint Michael on behalf of dying Michael (T.D.’s uncle).

However, as we were praying the Chaplet of Saint Michael, the Holy Spirit inspired me to add a particularly special intention on behalf of T.D.’s uncle. Here are the words I said:

“Jesus, on behalf of T.D.’s uncle, I ask that a holy angel from each of the Nine Angelic Choirs be sent to reinforce his guardian angel who is battle-weary from combating satan. May Your Most Precious Blood cover and protect T.D.’s uncle. Jesus, I also ask that Saint Joseph be sent to be with T.D.’s uncle, so that he is not afraid of dying. I ask that Saint Joseph hold the hand of T.D.’s uncle so that he knows that he has a friend from Heaven who will help him transition over into the afterlife. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.”

Finally, my dear friend, K.E., and I prayed another Divine Mercy Chaplet and K.E. added the intention, asking that Saint Maria Faustina Kowalski be present to help any dying souls that day and night, including T.D.’s uncle, Michael.

Then, I, “A Soul”, hung up the phone, satisfied that we had done all the prayers that we could do on behalf of dying Michael.

Beloved ones, what happened next was astonishing…

Immediately, I heard the holy angels say, “we got this one”, and I could tell that the holy angels were giving “high five” congratulation signs to each other, like they had caught a “big fish”.

Immediately, within my soul, I could sense Jesus absolutely smiling, grinning ear to ear, over what was taking place. In my soul, I perceived Jesus was so happy, as I felt Him overjoyed over this soul being saved.

I was told that Saint Joseph had been sent and he was holding the hand of T.D.’s uncle. I was also told that Saint Faustina was also present, but off to the side inside Michael’s hospice room.

Finally, Heaven told me that they were “celebrating” over what was taking place.

I was stunned.

Because it was late Friday night, I kept what Heaven had told me private to myself. Meanwhile, another remarkable thing happened.

The next day, Saturday morning, when her parents left the hospice room to get coffee, T.D. seized the opportunity of having a few private minutes with her dying uncle. T.D. grabbed his hand and started talking to Michael about Jesus, and everything He had done for her and her son after her husband died. T.D. also began to tell her uncle about all the things that she had shared in the love gram that she had prayed earlier for him to be delivered by God.

Beloved ones, despite his almost coma like dying state, T.D.’s uncle immediately began to respond. He kept trying to open his mouth and was firmly squeezing her hand, as well as doing other physical movements that suggested like he was trying to communicate with her. Witnessing this reaction from her dying uncle, T.D. knew these were positive signs that her uncle was going to be alright. T.D. also shared this with her mother, who had great solace regarding her brother.

Later, my dear friend, K.E., was able to talk with T.D. to tell her about our Friday night prayers. And in particular, T.D.’s mother took special comfort in realizing that Saint Joseph was holding the hand of her dying brother, Michael. It especially consoled her knowing this, because they were not permitted by the hospice to call a chaplain due to the papers signed by Michael.

In the ensuing days, another remarkable thing happened. As I was praying for Michael’s soul, I was permitted to hear from him about his particular judgment with Jesus and the events surrounding his death. He confirmed his bedside conversion from staunch atheism.

Here are the notes from my conversation with T.D.’s uncle, Michael, that his family is graciously allowing me to share you all on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls:

I hear that Michael is in Purgatory.

He thanked me and everyone for their prayers, as they snatched him out of going to hell.

He especially thanks me for asking for St Joseph to comfort him at his bedside.

He felt someone grab his hand. It felt very soft and gentle and he knew it was a being of Heaven. He felt love. He felt the warmth of God.

The being said,

“I am St Joseph. I am of Heaven and I am the foster father (dad) of Jesus. I have come to escort you home.”

(Note, the more affectionate term “dad” was actually used, but Michael intuitively and instantly understood and recognized that it was St Joseph the foster father of Jesus and not Papa God or any other being of Heaven).

Michael then continued to speak to me. At that moment, he saw great light radiate outwards from the vicinity of the being. He did not see St Joseph — his holy appearance was too intense for the darkness of his soul — but St Joseph was comforting him by his presence and his radiance was scattering the darkness and demons away.

He could relax, because fear had been gripping him with knowledge of his impending death. But having St Joseph hold his hand to help him transition over to the afterlife “healed” him from any doubts, fears, and worries he was experiencing. Because he understood no matter what satan did in his final battle of temptation, St Joseph would never let go of his hand. He understood it and had great peace not being alone in his transition over to the afterlife.

“God Is allowing me to speak from Purgatory, because He wants this precious gift to be given to others who are deeply afraid at their darkest moment — their dying breath.”

“By petitioning St Joseph or Blessed Mother Mary to come ahead of time and hold the hand of the dying soul is a very powerful grace. When St Joseph grabbed my hand, I had vivid confirmation before dying that Heaven is real and that I had to make an eternal choice for God or not. I chose God.”

“Peace be with you, “A Soul”. I love and miss my family all very much. (starting to cry). But I am grateful that I will spend eternity with God.”

“Please remember and pray for me. I love you all… (voice fading while in tears).”

Michael leaves.

* * *

Beloved ones, in the subsequent days, I have learned that on the Friday night, after Saint Joseph took Michael’s hand and scattered away all the darkness with his radiance, that God shared supernaturally the love gram of T.D. with her dying uncle. So, at that moment, he could have the reassurance of God’s Love for him and that he was welcome to be a part of God’s Kingdom despite all the years that he had been away from belief in God. It was the turning point of his bedside conversion; and it was the reason why he was so eager to try to communicate with T.D., despite the challenges of his semi-coma like dying state.

Beloved ones, I must tell you all that I have continued to pray the Chaplet of Saint Michael with the added special intention, asking that additional holy angels be sent to help the guardian angel of any dying souls against satan’s last temptations AND asking that Saint Joseph hold the hand of any dying souls to help them transition over into the afterlife.

I am so pleased to reveal to you all that Heaven has been answering this special prayer. In fact, one time, I did these special prayers with my prayer partners and after I hung up the phone, the Lord gave me an “auditory” vision. For five minutes, I kept hearing constantly all the holy angels being sent forth to the bedside of dying souls and all the dying souls that were accepting the hand of Saint Joseph.

It was incredible. There were countless dying souls welcoming Saint Joseph’s holy presence. It was beautiful to witness and would make you cry hearing them.

Truly, Saint Joseph is the “Terror of demons” and the Patron of all dying souls.

Beloved ones, the two greatest vice like grips that satan has over dying souls are ignorance and fear. However, when you intercede, asking for a being of Heaven to hold the hand of a dying soul so he does not have to be afraid and he can have a supernatural friend help him to transition over to the afterlife, it is an INSTANT WIN for Heaven. Because the dying soul is getting vivid confirmation and immediate clarity BEFORE DEATH that HEAVEN IS REAL and the soul has SUPERNATURAL HELP against all the last temptations of satan. The dying soul knows that NO MATTER WHAT happens that the being of Heaven holding his hand will NOT LET GO.

Asking for this special grace at the moment of death is a HUGE LOSS for hell.

Truly, I hope that you all are encouraged to do love grams for all your loved ones, which will be supernaturally delivered by God whenever they are dying — whether it be by sickness, accident, or any other type of demise.

And truly, I hope that you all are encouraged to do the 1,900 Year Old Prayer to Saint Joseph and the Chaplet of Saint Michael Archangel with the additional special intentions of asking for holy angelic reinforcements for the dying souls, as well as for a being of Heaven to be sent to hold the hands of all the dying souls.

You may pray for these special graces for specific individuals, as well as generally, for all the dying souls of that day and night. You may petition for a specific being of Heaven, like Saint Joseph, Blessed Mother Mary, a Patron Saint, etc., or even a relative or loved one who is with God, to hold their hand. Or, Jesus has told me, if the dying person is not Catholic or does not know anything about Christianity, the dying soul will at least have the hand of his guardian angel to hold so the person knows of God and His Love and will choose Heaven.

Beloved ones, these special graces that I have just shared are HUGE. Of the same magnitude as the Divine Mercy Chaplet for saving souls on their deathbed.

Please share knowledge of these special blessings of God with as many people as possible and please take advantage of them for your loved ones and anyone who may be dying.

Finally, I humbly ask for a single Hail Mary prayer for dear Michael, a poor soul in Purgatory. May dear Michael, whose middle name is Joseph, rest in peace. God bless his family and God bless you, my beloved followers of MaryRefugeOfSouls.

I love you,
A Soul

Footnote: Whenever possible, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick (otherwise known as, Last Rites), said by a priest, should be sought for those who are dying, because the Sacrament imparts the best graces for those fighting against satan in their dying moments. However, here the soul refused the Last Rites before he slipped into his dying state and the family member in charge felt that she could not override his written objections. So, in this instance, these specific prayers for the dying became a very useful tool and very powerful means to bring about a bedside conversion. Papa God and Jesus have told me, “A Soul”, that They are very happy to hear the faithful pray these specific prayers and special intentions for their dying loved ones, as well as generally, for those dying in solitude and in seemingly hopeless situations over their salvation. Amen.



What is a love gram? A love gram is a one time prayer only, said out loud to God, for the salvation of our loved ones, intended for the moment of their death. It is like reading a heartfelt letter to your loved one and asking God to deliver it supernaturally at the appropriate time. It should not be repeated, otherwise, you are giving God multiple love grams to deliver and that does not work. Love grams are a type of prayer for salvation, but they are unique in that you only do it once and you ask God to be the mailman to deliver it spiritually to the other person.

Basically, to do a love gram, you should start with a heartfelt prayer for the person’s welfare. Then speak out loud about all the things that you want him to know — as if the person were really in front of you — looking at and listening to you at that moment of time to help in his conversion. You should conclude the love gram with a short prayer of thanksgiving to God, asking Him to deliver your love gram at an appropriate time, whenever the person is dying, at his moment of death.

Note: If needed, you can periodically update a past prepared love gram for a loved one by asking God for the change. You can also do a love gram for groups of people, such as classmates, co-workers, neighbors, etc. You can also do love grams to be delivered at a person’s life review at the moment of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Amen.



JESUS, on behalf of the dying souls this day and night, I ask that a holy angel from each of the Nine Angelic Choirs be sent to reinforce their guardian angels who are battle-weary from combating satan. JESUS, I also ask that Saint Joseph, the Blessed Mother Mary, or a holy being of Heaven be sent to be with the dying souls, so that they are no longer afraid of dying or ignorant of their eternal salvation. I ask that the chosen being of Heaven hold the hands of the dying souls so that they know that they have a friend from Heaven who will help them transition over into the afterlife. Thank you, JESUS, for covering and protecting them in Your Most Precious Blood. I love You and I trust in You. Amen.


O St Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the Throne of God, I place in you all my interests and desires. O St Joseph, do assist me by your powerful intercession and obtain for me from your Divine Son all spiritual blessings through Jesus Christ, Our Lord; so that having engaged here below your Heavenly power I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of Fathers. O St Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in your arms. I dare not approach while He reposes near your heart. Press him in my name and kiss His fine Head for me, and ask Him to return the Kiss when I draw my dying breath. St Joseph, Patron of departing souls, pray for us. Amen.


The history of this Chaplet goes back to a devout Servant of God, Antonia d’Astonac, who had a vision of St Michael. He told Antonia to honor him by nine salutations to the nine Choirs of Angels. St Michael promised that whoever would practice this devotion in his honor would have, when approaching Holy Communion, an escort of nine angels chosen from each of the nine Choirs. In addition, for those who would recite the Chaplet daily, he promised his continual assistance and that of all the holy angels during life, and after death deliverance from purgatory for themselves and their relations.

Make a sincere Act of Contrition:

O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended You. I detest all my sins because I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of Hell, but most of all because they offend You, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life. Amen.

Main Prayers:

O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, etc.

[Say one Our Father and three Hail Marys after each of the following nine salutations in honor of the nine Choirs of Angels]

(1) By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Seraphim may the Lord make us worthy to burn with the fire of perfect charity. Amen.

(2) By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Cherubim may the Lord grant us the grace to leave the ways of sin and run in the paths of Christian perfection. Amen.

(3) By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Thrones may the Lord infuse into our hearts a true and sincere spirit of humility. Amen.

(4) By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Dominations may the Lord give us grace to govern our senses and overcome any unruly passions. Amen.

(5) By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Virtues may the Lord preserve us from evil and falling into temptation. Amen.

(6) By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Powers may the Lord protect our souls against the snares and temptations of the devil. Amen.

(7) By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Principalities may God fill our souls with a true spirit of obedience. Amen.

(8) By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Archangels may the Lord give us perseverance in faith and in all good works in order that we may attain the glory of Heaven. Amen.

(9) By the intercession of St Michael and the celestial Choir of Angels may the Lord grant us to be protected by them in this mortal life and conducted in the life to come to Heaven. Amen.

Say one Our Father in honor of each of the following leading Angels: St Michael, St Gabriel, St Raphael and our Guardian Angel.

Concluding Prayers:

O glorious prince St Michael, chief and commander of the heavenly hosts, guardian of souls, vanquisher of rebel spirits, servant in the house of the Divine King and our admirable conductor, you who shine with excellence and superhuman virtue deliver us from all evil, who turn to you with confidence and enable us by your gracious protection to serve God more and more faithfully every day.

Pray for us, O glorious St Michael, Prince of the Church of Jesus Christ, that we may be made worthy of His promises.

Almighty and Everlasting God, Who, by a prodigy of goodness and a merciful desire for the salvation of all men, has appointed the most glorious Archangel St Michael Prince of Your Church, make us worthy, we ask You, to be delivered from all our enemies, that none of them may harass us at the hour of death, but that we may be conducted by him into Your Presence. This we ask through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

(Using ordinary Rosary beads)

Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has said to Saint Maria Faustina Kowalski in her holy Diary:

‘Say unceasingly this Chaplet that I have taught you. Anyone who says it will receive great Mercy at the hour of death. Priests will recommend it to sinners as the last hope. Even the most hardened sinner, if he recites this Chaplet even once, will receive grace from My Infinite Mercy. I want the whole world to know My Infinite Mercy. I want to give unimaginable graces to those who trust in My Mercy… . ‘

‘… . When they say this Chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person not as the just judge but as the Merciful Savior’.

(1) Sign of the Cross

(2) One “Our Father”

(3) One “Hail Mary”

(4) One Apostles’ Creed

(5) On the “Our Father” beads, the following prayer is recited:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Thy Most Beloved Son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and the sins of the whole world.

(6) On the “Hail Mary” beads, the following prayer is recited:

For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world.

(7) In between each decade, the following prayer is recited:

O Blood and Water which spurt out from the Sacred Heart of Jesus as a never ending source of mercy for us, we pray to you.

(8) After the fifth decade is achieved, the following prayer is prayed three times:

“O Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world.”

(9) The Chaplet is concluded with the Sign of the Cross.