June 27, 2024 – Public Message of Mary, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, and Livestream Video Recording of mystic-priest Father Michel Rodrigue – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Here is the Livestream video recording of Father Michel Rodrigue and the public message of the Blessed Virgin Mary. There were 28 YouTube Channel participants including Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN), etc. I am providing the recording used by LifeSiteNews. God bless.

Feast Day of Mary, Our Lady of Perpetual Help



12:15 Starts Live Program

32:00 After Introductions

52:00 Reading of Blessed Virgin Mary’s public message

1:53:00 Start of Questions and Answers

YouTube Video – LifeSiteNews – Livestream Recording – Alleged Apparitions say World War is Imminent! Prophecy Admonition on Preparations – 9AM (3 hours, 17 minutes)





Message from Our Lady of Perpetual Help in English to be made known to the world by June 27, 2024

Message received on Saturday June 22nd, 2024

My children,

Thank you for answering my call. This global novena for world peace saves and will save many of my children who have gone astray because they have strayed from the faith of their Baptism. This novena brings graces of conversion for my children who have not yet received Holy Baptism in the Church of my Son. This novena brings to the world a breath of hope for all the children of my Immaculate Heart and all those of good will. Do not refuse the Love of My Son; He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. My Heart is with you!

France, Eldest Daughter of the Church…how many times have I visited you and you have not listened to me! By my prayer and my tears, I obtained for you, the Lilies of Holiness! I call in you, the apostles of the last times! The cohort of my children who, in these last days, prayed the Rosary, obtained a special grace for you! This is the case for all the countries that participated in this prayer. FROM Europe and Asia, from Latin America to Africa, from all Nordic and Slavic countries including my children from Russia, Canada and America, from the Pacific and Atlantic islands, your prayer has been heard! The army of Satan’s minions has been weakened. It is true that the Church of my Son will suffer persecution. Nations will rise up against each other to such an extent that an illumination of consciences will be necessary to save the greatest number. These will be days like there have never been before on earth!

A special grace has been granted to you! My angels will protect the houses, the cottages, the families and their children, their homes, their lands, their farms, all those who have consecrated themselves to the Sacred Heart of my Son Jesus and to my Immaculate Heart for the Advent of peace Marian for the world. My angels will guide you and remove you from all places that need to be cleansed from the plagues that Satan’s servants have brought about. Do not fear the Antichrist…you will be under the protection of your Holy Angels. Michael, my Holy Archangel holds the sword of fire that will strike the blow against Hell and its prince. Gabriel, my Archangel of the Priesthood will protect all the priests of the Church of which I am the mother. Raphael, my Archangel of healing will cleanse the world of its corruption, its plagues and its diabolical diseases. Little children of my Heart, do not be afraid! Your eyes will see the Power of God at work. The rumors of war are nothing before his Arm that subdues all!

My children, keep the state of grace in the Holy Spirit. If you fall into sin, go to the sacrament of Forgiveness, this river of mercy for the Salvation of the world. Be diligent and vigilant in prayer and adoration of my Son in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. All the sacramentals of the Church ward off the Evil in all its forms.

On the feast of Saint John the Baptist, a voice cries out in the desert of this world: “Straighten the paths of the Lord, for the Lord of lords comes!” My children, the times are fulfilled and you will be witnesses to the wonders of your heavenly Father and my Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

With Jesus and Joseph, we are your protection with your holy guardian angels and patron saints. Dear children of my Immaculate Heart, I bless you…

The Virgin of Perpetual Help!

June 24, 2024 – Prepare for the Coming Battle (By John Martinez) – Two Heavenly Messages with Commentary and Teaching


(Source: https://afterthewarning.com/messages-from-heaven/john-martinez/2024/june/24/prepare-for-the-coming-battle/ )

Note: These heavenly messages and accompanying articles have been very slightly edited for clarity (spell check) and to correct bible verses by A Soul. Please see the original source if you would like to read the unedited version. God bless.

Prepare for the Coming Battle

By John Martinez
June 24, 2024

God the Father: My son, I am very proud of your commitment to Me at the beginning of your journey as my messenger and the duties that I gave the same to my servant Ezekiel, Samuel and other Prophets. The world and the sin of my children is not decreasing but is expanding beyond all the sin since the beginning of my Creation. It is the greed, power, and the destruction of my Church that Satan has infiltrated and oversee all the preposterous changes coming down from the Vatican. No one is exempt in Rome. It starts at the top. The darkness will get worst. The sin of mankind is greater than at the time of my servant Noah. Satan has entangled the mind and heart of my people as never before in the history of My Creation. Man has set his own destruction and the completion of what has been written by my Prophets and Saints are now being fulfilled. The apostolate (apostasy?) started since the Vatican II Council. The WOKE [aka: Communist] movement has taken over the minds and souls of many of clergy who have lost the Grace they received at their ordination. Beware and discern all things coming out of Rome. It is not I, but Satan and the Antichrist who have entanglement of My Church.

I am sending a Warning of Mercy and Justice to all.

Sin is beyond redemption. I am allowing Nature to bring destruction and changes to all the lands of my Creation. Nature is bringing chaos and destruction to all the world. You will see the eruption of Volcanoes under the sea many existing in areas throughout the planet, tsunamis where they are least expected, and in I have allowed hurricanes, and famine to destroy many areas of this earth. Fire and lightning from the sky will cause millions of forests to be set on fire and strong unnatural winds will spread this atrocity throughout the earth. Floods and droughts will rise in areas where they have not taken place.

A food shortage has already begun and will continue to deteriorate. A CABAL, the one world government, and the Antichrist are behind everything that is taking place but mostly the sin of mankind is the cause. The Biden Administration, in league with the United Nations (CABAL), are behind all the chaos that you are witnessing. These so-called rich billionaires are playing a great part in what is occurring, using the gifts I have given them. This is the Elites’ Strategy in their War on Food. But in the end, all their money will turn to dust and they will also be in lines with the poor seeking food.

[Personal message given here.]

All major cities in the United States have groups of terrorists that will bring destruction to your Nation. Biden, who pretends to be a good Catholic, will suffer for the chaos and infliction that is coming upon mankind. He and the evil demonic followers that are behind the scenes will cause this chastisement throughout the world. He is a false leader in power and is not in control of his position. Biden and his demonic minions are in control of your government. He is a puppet committed to destroying this Nation and make the path for wars, famine, and the short reign of the Antichrist.

Food shortage have already started. Many of your food suppliers are being destroyed so that all will be subject to the CABAL, “The New World Order”. Lucifer, the Antichrist, and the Beast are in control of the CABAL.

Poultry farms, meat plants and other food suppliers are being destroyed by the planned evil strategy of the “CABAL- New World Order”. They have taking control of water rights from private citizens and confiscated lands from their owners. They will lead this nation as never before in the history of this Nation.

World War III has already begun. This is not controlled by one man yet, but by the evil servants of Lucifer. Biden has stopped helping my Israel from defending themselves and has given more attention to the war in Ukraine. The CABAL has secretly planned what will take place world-wide. Europe and all free nations will suffer the same as the United States Congress and the United Nations push to support Ukraine and lure and orchestrate and create war with Russia and China. Their sinister plan is to create war with Russia, and the United States will suffer severely and catastrophically. Their plan is to create war in all of America by inviting foreign military soldiers to attack this nation. The reason for this plan is when this takes place, and it will happen, Biden will declare Marshal Law and try to stop the coming Presidential election.

My devoted saintly children have already started my Remnant Church. I am bringing my chosen leaders and anointed warriors to stand tall and be like St. Michael the Archangel. The Laity will play a crucial and necessary task I have for them. I am always with you. My Angels will be at your side, but Satan will try to keep this from taking place. He will fail.

My people suffer because of their lack of knowledge and the hidden spiritual world of evil plan of lucifer and his demonic servants and slaves.

Our Lady of Guadalupe:

Juanito. I am so proud of you as you called upon me to keep from going blind with acid in your eyes. I have always been with you and am very happy with your love and commitment to My Son Jesus.

The future of this world is in the hands and prayers of my little children. As I have spoken in several of my apparitions, my children will not listen and are stubborn. Thousands have visited Me in Medjugorje and other apparition sites and are being called to support and lay the foundation for my Remnant Church.

Many that visit my Son at Adoration will start receiving messages. God the Father has anointed them with all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is for the preparation for the war that is to come to all humanity. Satan knows that his time on earth is coming to an end. His mission, from the beginning, is to be like God. He is a deceiver, a counterfeit, and a liar. He wants all my children to spend eternity with him in hell.

My warriors will have a KNOWING and instructions as to what God is seeking and anointing them with all Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit as was given to the Apostles and Disciples at Pentecost.

You will receive many visitors and communication throughout the world. I will help establish the means to reach everyone that is seeking answers and direction from God the Father. Many will be taught as to how to prepare for this coming Spiritual Warfare. My Army of God will be well prepared.

I seek and desire all of you to join me in praying the Chaplet of Devine Mercy and my Holy Rosary every day at 3:00 pm regardless of your place on earth. I love you and I want to lessen the suffering of my children. We must all come together and join each other in prayer, love and trust in God. I need you to visit the Blessed Sacrament and spend time with my Son. He will listen to you and answer your prayers. I am asking for your help as your loving Mother.

I always say to my beautiful children to pray, do not stop praying. The message from God the Father will come to pass. The only way to make it lesser is through the Holy Spirit and I your beloved Mother. It will not be easy. Not everyone on earth will be spared.

My saintly children will be guided to the Refuges that we have already prepared. Don’t lose Hope. Put your complete Faith, Love and Trust in Almighty God. As God the Father shared to all who follow my Son Jesus Christ will be protected.

“Jesus, I trust in You”.

The Spiritual War

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. With all of these take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

“Always pray in the Spirit in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints. Pray also for me, so that when I speak, a message may be given to me to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it boldly, as I must speak.”

Personal Comment and Teaching
– By John Martinez Jr.

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon… Revelation 12:7

When St. Michael witnessed this rebellion against God, he was filled with righteous outrage on behalf of His Creator and is believed to have cried out: “Who is like God?” Hence his Hebrew name, Mikhaʾel, which means Who is like God? It’s a rhetorical cry—one that means, “No one is like God!”

Saying Serviam! is a fast and effective way to remember the One we serve. It also reorientates us to follow God’s will, especially in moments of temptation, just as St. Michael the Archangel did. (Serviam is a Latin word that translates to “I will serve.)

Trying to understand spiritual warfare from a theological viewpoint demands a recognition of the ongoing struggle between good and evil that we encounter daily. We are aware through Sacred Scripture that our lives are situated within a much larger cosmic battle, one that is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. It is important that we approach this matter with both seriousness and balance to avoid the extremes of overemphasis, which may contribute too much to the influence of demons, or underemphasis, which might neglect the spiritual forces at work.

The prayer to St Michael was the ending prayer that was part of our Holy Mass. It was beautiful and powerful. It was taken out as part of the Mass after the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. I personally believe that this was one of the greatest mistakes made at this Council. Why remove the Prayer of the Protector of our Holy Catholic Apostolic Mass? This is “Spiritual Warfare”.

Saint Michael the Archangel is the defender of the Church and chief opponent of Satan and assists people at the hour of death. St. Michael has several duties: to continue to wage battle against Satan and the other fallen angels, to save the souls of the faithful from the power of Satan especially at the hour of death, to protect the People of God, and to lead the souls of the departed from this life and present them to our Lord for the judgment, and at the end of time, for the final judgment.

When I was first introduced to St. Michael the Archangel, he was standing next to Jesus, and they were discussing something about me. I could not understand what they were saying to each other. Jesus gave a small bowl of oil and told St Michael to anoint me. As I was kneeling, I felt his thumb on my forehead and my head went backwards as he touches me. His thumb was large almost 12 inches and I felt the pressure of his Thumb. Since then, he has always been at my side with several warrior angels. I was introduced to another angel whose name is Ariel the Archangel whom I did not know of his existence. God the Father appointed him to always be with me.

Ariel the Archangel is called Angel of wisdom. He is commonly portrayed carrying a book or a scroll which symbolize wisdom. The name “Ariel” is derived from the Hebrew אוּרִיאֵל and means “God is my light.” Also known as an Archangel Uriel. He is among those at the head of the company of angels. He is a personification of the Divine Fire that hails from heaven. Fire also serves as a reminder for the descent of the Holy Spirit during the time of Pentecost. As the angel of wisdom the name Ariel is derived from Hebrew origins, meaning “lion of God,” and appears in several Bible passages. It should be noted that some texts and scholars use Ariel as a version of Uriel, which has a different meaning, the light of God. He reports directly to God the Father.

During a locution with Our Blessed Mother during the time She was teaching me of God’s spiritual realm and to understand the reason I had been chosen by God the Father. We were walking through a valley that seemed abandoned and the color of this valley was subdue and everything was the color Gray. As I was looking around, I saw thousands of gray statues just sitting and doing nothing. Maybe millions?

I asked Our Lady why all these statues.

Our Blessed Mother replied: My son, these are all Angels of God waiting for God’s children to ask God for help. They are waiting to deliver The Lords gift, but His children are too busy to seek God and ask for His blessings and reply to their petitions. God loves His children so much that He gave my Son to deliver them from the entanglement that Lucifer is causing to all His beloved children. They are waiting to deliver the messages from God. People do not pray enough or seek the help of their Father.

In the book of Job, God gives Satan permission to send trials and afflictions upon Job, because God knew that Job would prove himself to be a faithful servant. Even during the immense suffering of losing his children, his wealth, and his health, Job was still confident in God’s promise to save him, and he prayed with a faith that testifies to a deep trust in the Lord.

How do we prepare ourselves for the Spiritual Battle with Evil

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16 “Be holy, because I am holy”. It is a command from God to his people to sanctify themselves and reflect his holiness in all they do. The holiness of God is also praised by the angels in Isaiah 6:35.

Additional comment:

I believe that almost 80% of the world population do not believe that as we breathe every second that we live in Two Worlds. The natural and the supernatural. Evil is around every person on earth, but at the same time Good is also around you. Many of us think with our Brain and others think with their heart.

The Supernatural: Satan has assigned a demon or various demons on every living person on this earth, but God Our Father has given everyone a “Good Guardian Angel” to keep us from harm and evil. Each of us either walks with goodness in our heart or evil in our minds. This supernatural battle between Good and evil started at the Garden of Eden. Today we can see on the News, Television, Newspaper and many other evil events takin place all over the world and especially in the United States. We can see the state of evil taking place world-wide and especially in our Country. Wars, rumors of wars, murders, suicides, abortion and the murder of our innocent babies and much more: Anger, hate, abduction and trafficking, the Cartel, drug trafficking FAKE NEWS supported by evil individuals controlled by demonic entities, witchcraft, satanic worship by many of our leaders and those placed in power by the Antichrist, especially politicians and liberal individuals who are committed to serving Lucifer and the rich try to suppress the less fortunate, trafficking of young children and women, politicians seducing the people all over especially in the United States. The list of evil can go on forever. This is no joke it is happening now and we are into World War III. What are we doing to stop this chaos when people call evil good and good evil. NOW ANSWER THIS: Who is causing this to take place….. Lucifer, satan, the anti-Christ, people, men and women consecrated to Lucifer and are possessed with power and the New World Order that was started over 500 Years ago with the evil Masonic Masons and other Entities of the same nature. Why are so many turning to Satan as their god.

Many of the followers of evil have built underground Bunkers to save themselves and their families. They will all be destroyed like a box of matches. It is God that they have turned their backs too. Remember the Titanic.

WOKE Movement:

God’s creation of man was Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve. Evil has spearheaded this anti-American doctrine and has reverse the natural way of life to all people in the United States and the world. Biden and his minions behind the scenes have remove our beautiful American Flag and have replace it with the rainbow Flag of Woke. Doctors in Texas and other States that support this movement have been caught doing sex changes on children without their knowledge or consent. The more the word “woke” is invoked, the more elusive it seems to become. Since the right began to use it as a war cry, many progressives have argued that the word is empty, merely a way to attack people of color, feminists, and members of LGBTQ communities without being directly offensive. All these members or deviants should be transported to Muslim counties as Biden and his minions have transported illegal aliens across our American Southern Borders and they will receive a great welcoming as they support Hamas that has taken place. This only part of the Satan and his demonic followers are doing to this country and the world. There is much more that is taken place and the reason that God in His Mercy and Justice will bring Justice to all that are part of sin and evil that they have embraced. This is a small example as to why it has been said that we are worst than the inhabitants of the earth during the time of Noah. God told Noah the earth will never be destroyed by water but by Fire. Now we have an idea what will happen very soon to all evil inhabitants of the earth today.

I needed to share the above to let you know that we are all living in End Times and World War III has started. No one will escape what is coming to this world, but only those that have cried out to God for His Mercy and forgiveness. The world can be saved if we humble ourselves and have a sincere repentance to God. He will welcome all into his Kingdom and eternal happiness in Heaven. This no joke and is not a Disney or Sci-Fi movie. It is happening and has already started. No human being can stop it.

Faithful sons and daughters of God.

It is not easy to write what I am being shown but the TRUTH must be known

  1. We all must all have Faith, Trust and Love Almighty God. He must come first in all the things we do. Secular and spiritual.
  2. We are called to sincerely repent all our sin and ask for God’s Mercy and His forgiveness. We cannot play with God.
  3. We must trust God unconditionally and listen to the spiritual direction He is leading us.
  4. We need to ask forgiveness from anyone we have hurt starting with our family.
  5. We must visit the Blessed Sacrament and go to Confession at least once a (month?).
  6. We need to pray the Rosary and the Devine Mercy Chaplet at least once a day preferably at 3:00 pm. Some are called to Fast others to different spiritual things. Novenas to the Sacred Heart of Jeus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are very important.
  7. If you have a family eat and pray together. Have fun, smile enjoy your family.
  8. Build a small little Chapel at home with a small table, Crucifix, one white candle. Spend at least one hour in prayer or reading scripture before your little altar. Place a small statue of our Blessed Mother and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
  9. Try and find a holy priest who believes in the holy spirituality of God.
  10. Find friends that are like minded and pray together. Form a small Prayer Group at your home or Parish.

I will give further information on my next Article.

· “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1

· “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

· “I [Jesus] came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:1

What does scripture tell us as to how to fight Satan/Lucifer and his evil demons?

  1. James 4:7” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
  2. Romans 16:20 “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”
  3. Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”
  4. 1 Peter 5:8 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
  5. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”
  6. Colossians 2:15 “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.”
  7. 2 Timothy 2:3 “Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”
  8. 1 John 4:4 “You are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
  9. Jude 1:9 “But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”
  10. Matthew 16:23 “But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”
  11. Revelation 2:10 “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
  12. Matthew 6:13 “And let us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”

The Rosary as our defense

The primary message of Our Lady, given to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa (Akita, Japan), was similar in content to the apparitions at Fatima. The messages focused on praying the Rosary and doing penance for the sins of humanity to secure peace for the world.

She also revealed a troubling message similar to Our Lady of Fatima, explaining a period of trial that the Church would endure.

“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres … churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord … Pray the prayers of the Rosary very much. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved.”

Blessing and place your Faith, Love and Trust in Almighty God.

John Martinez

What is CABAL
One World Order
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many believe the world is secretly ruled by Freemasons, witches or Satanists; It is known underneath the myriad events we see on the surface of the world lurks a single sinister group. It is known that secret cabal of powerful individuals, spanning various industries and ideologies, works behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage, and control information flow. It is composed of almost all leaders of governments and the United Nations. Many believe cabal underneath the myriad events we see on the surface of the world lurks a single sinister group. The identity of this group may change: Some believe the world is secretly ruled by Freemasons, witches or Satanists; especially the work of Lucifer and all his demonic human followers. They are the creators of the “The One World Government.” The destruction of the Country of Israel and the Holy Roman Apostolic Catholic Church is their main objective.

Interview Video – Uniquely Mary – Hollywood is Going to Make a Medjugorje Movie… Here’s What You Need to Know! – MaryRefugeOfSouls

A very informative interview with two of the producers involved with making a feature film about the Marian apparitions at Medjugorje. I also suggest that you check out their YouTube channel and official website for even more information and on how you can invest / donate / give to the project. God bless.

YouTube channel: https://m.youtube.com/@MedjugorjeMovieProject

Official website: https://medjugorjemovieproject.com

YouTube Video – Hollywood is Going to Make a Medjugorje Movie… Here’s What You Need to Know! (one hour, six minutes)

Prophet John Leary – Jesus Christ – The Great Warning – “You will travel fast to My Light when you will have your life review of your past life. You will be outside of time so it will seem like a short time that you will see all of your good and bad actions.” – June 12-18, 2024 Update


Tuesday, June 18, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, King Ahab and Jezebel were faced with judgment for killing Naboth and taking possession of the land. Jezebel died from falling from a window and the dogs were eating her. King Ahab finally repented for all of his evil deeds, so I punished his family later. The Israelites went through bad times when they worshiped other gods, and they had good times when they obeyed My laws. My people also need to learn this lesson that they will have a better life if they follow My laws. You may have some persecution from the evil ones, but you will be safe at My refuges.”

Monday, June 17, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you have an obvious contrast between the evil actions of Jezebel and the beautiful example I gave to the people in Matthew’s Gospel (Matt. 5:38-42). Jezebel was an evil woman who persecuted the prophets and brought the worship of Baal into Israel. She also had Naboth killed so King Ahab could take Naboth’s land. She had a dramatic death as she fell from a window and was eaten by dogs as foretold by Elijah. The Gospel showed My love and not the eye for an eye retribution of the Jews. I encouraged My people to not fight against evil. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn your other cheek. If someone forces you to carry something one mile, then carry it for two miles. It is better to follow My ways of love than the evil ways of Jezebel. By trusting in Me, you will have a prophet’s reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are non-believers in Me, will be the ones who will take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. The Antichrist will control the non-believers, and they will gather at football stadiums to get their orders from him. The devil hates Me and he will try to kill any believers he can. He will have the evil ones come after any faithful who did not come to My refuges. This is why I warned My believers to come to My refuges when I call you, or you could face martyrdom. My angels will put shields up at My refuges that will protect My faithful from bombs, viruses, or thieves. Have no fear because the Antichrist will only have a short reign over the earth before I will come with My victory over all of the evil ones.”

Sunday, June 16, 2024: (Father’s Day)

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to show you the beauty of all of My creation of earth, your solar system, and all of the other infinite parts of the universe which is hard for you to understand. Today I am blessing all of your fathers and their children and wives that make up your families. It is important to have a father present to provide for their family and to help guide or mentor their children. It is the love of the parents that brings forth the children, and it is best to be in a marriage environment. I love all of mankind so much that I sent My only Beloved Son to die on the cross for your salvation from your sins. I share My creation when fathers help bring forth your sons and daughters. You are blessed to have children and grandchildren. I love all of you and stay close to Us in Our graces.”

Saturday, June 15, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you can see Elisha went forward immediately to follow Elijiah after he was called. Elisha said good-bye to his family and he killed the oxen and used the yoke to make a fire to boil their flesh. When I call people to do a mission, I desire that they follow Me, even as I called My apostles. If you are called to be a prophet or fulfill a mission, you are blessed to be in My service. My son, I have called you since 1993 to proclaim My messages as you have done well. You accepted My mission immediately like Elisha. You also have a second mission to prepare a refuge which you have also done well. You were given an inheritance to provide for your expenses. When one of My servants accepts My call, I provide them for their needs to carry out their mission. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I have done for you, and I thank you for answering My call.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this picture of Adolf Hitler as a dramatic sign that World War III is about to happen. Russia has sent six warships to Cuba to emphasize their dislike for Biden’s comments and actions. I am reminding you of the atomic bombs you saw going off over a few cities in America. Fr. Michel told you how he saw seven cites in America being bombed. Before your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning and Conversion time to protect you and My faithful when I will call you to My refuges. My angels will put shields over your refuges that will protect you from bombs, viruses, and thieves. This World War will allow the Antichrist to be a man of peace to try and show his supposed powers. The Antichrist will use this war for a world takeover for less than 3½ years. My faithful will need to be at My refuges, or they could be captured and martyred. His reign will be brief before I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. I will then renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Trust in My Word that you will be protected by My angels.”

Friday, June 14, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, many prophets in Israel were tortured or killed because the people did not want to hear them calling out the sins of the people. Even Elijah had to seek out a cave at Mt. Horeb for his own safety. My son, you visited this cave that is called Mt. Carmel that was later dedicated to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and the Carmelite Order. In the Gospel I was explaining a deeper meaning of the Sixth Commandment of not committing adultery. People who lust for women in their heart are already committing this sin, even if it is not physical. I gave an even harder instruction that whoever marries a divorced woman, also commits adultery. In your society you are seeing couples live together in fornication without marriage. There are many people committing sexual sins with birth control and homosexual relations. Pray that these people can understand how they are offending Me in their sins, and they should confess them in Confession to a priest. All of these sins are mortal sins because they violate My plan for new life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing young people dabbling with occult things as Ouija boards, yoga, reiki, and covens of witches. The youth are also attracted to crystal worship and drugs as marijuana and cocaine. All of these evil distractions have demons attached to them and addictions are how the demons control people. It is important for parents to warn their children not to get involved with demonic and esoteric distractions that lead to demonic possessions and drug addictions. Do not search for New Age related subjects where the devil can mislead people away from Me to follow earthly gods. Search to follow My ways of love and not the devil’s ways of hate and anger. I love all of My people and I am directing My children toward heavenly things so you are put on the right path to heaven, which should be your goal in life to be with Me. Stay with the One who loves you, and not with the devil who hates you.”

Thursday, June 13, 2024: (St. Anthony of Padua)

Jesus said: “My people, do not be a hypocrite when you criticize others for the same evil things that you are doing. Do not judge others either because I am the Judge of everyone. (Matt. 7:1-5) ‘Do not judge that you may not be judged; and with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you. But why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, and yet you do not consider the beam in your own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the speck from your brother’s eye.’”

Jesus said: “My people, your Supreme Court finally took down the Rowe vs Wade decision which left the abortion choice up to the states to enact their own laws on abortion. Many blue states immediately passed laws to allow abortion up to birth. You now saw the Supreme Court allow the use of pills to cause an abortion. You also will again be fighting an attempt to pass the (ERA) Equal Rights Amendment which has worse demands than your abortion laws. Keep fighting to save the babies from being killed by abortion and pray every day to stop abortion of My babies.”

Wednesday, June 12, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, some people need to see signs and miracles to believe in My powers, but My faithful believe in Me without them. I am giving you a glimpse of heaven, My son, as a reward for your strong faith in My power. In the first reading (3 Kings 18:19-40) Elijah showed the people My power by calling down My fire on the sacrifice, even though it was drowned with water three times. Elijah had faith in My miracles, and the people saw that Baal could not bring fire down on his sacrifice. The people believed in My power because they witnessed My miracle. Blessed are My faithful, who do not always see miracles, yet still they believe in My power. Trust in My coming miracles of protection at My refuges when My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones, and I will multiply what you need.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you what it will be like to be outside of your body as you look down on your body asleep at the Warning. Then you will travel fast to My Light when you will have your life review of your past life. You will be outside of time so it will seem like a short time that you will see all of your good and bad actions. I will show you your mini-judgment when some people will see some time in purgatory to cleanse your soul. Then you will return to your body during the six weeks of Conversion. You will be busy praying over your family and encouraging them to seek their conversion to accept Me into their lives. If they do not change any evil ways, they could be choosing hell for all eternity. Those people, who are in mortal sin, will see a hell experience for their judgment. There will be no evil influence at the Conversion time. Pray that your family members will choose to be converted to loving Me. The second vision was when I will cleanse all of the evil ones from the earth into hell. I will then raise My faithful above the earth, but in some kind of protected enclosure so you could keep breathing. You could see yourself high above the earth while I will be renewing the earth into a Garden of Eden all over the earth. Then I will lead all of My faithful down into My Era of Peace and you will be young again and live a long time before you will die. You will be ready as a saint and you will be brought into heaven after you die. Rejoice that you have seen these two events just as it will happen for you and all of My faithful.”

Two Videos – Urgent Message and Visions Given to mystic-priest Father Michel Rodrigue about Coming World War and 9-Day Rosary Novena at Medjugorje

NOTE (By A Soul):
On Saturday, June 15, 2024, Medjugorje visionary, Marija, received instructions from the Blessed Virgin Mary for a 9-Day Rosary Novena starting the next day for world peace.

On the same day mystic priest, Father Michel Rodrigue received a visitation from the Blessed Virgin Mary making a similar request.

Below are two important interviews with Catholic prophecy author, Xavier Reyes Ayral, and Catholic YouTuber (Mother and Refuge of the End Times), Monique Turnbull, who explain further the message and visions that were given to dear Father Michel.

If you have limited time, I suggest that you watch the 2nd video. Please visit https://Medjugorje.com for more information about the Rosary Novena. God bless.

1st Video Official Description:

In this Exclusive message to the world on behalf of Father Michel Rodrigue, Xavier Reyes Ayral tells us of a message and vision given to the Franch Canadian mystic. Father Michel Rodrigue was overcome with emotion; he struggled to find the words due to what he saw and was told.

From a future refuge in Montana, Xavier Reyes Ayral and Monique Turnbull tell us of what was seen and heard from the Blessed Virgin Mary to Father Michel Rodrigue. It apparently related to the requested novena this week in Medjugorje but Father Michel Rodrigue states that this prayer for peace is to lessen the severity of the upcoming war that will be declared between France and Russia. He urges us to pray sincerely.

Is this timely request fulfilling the prophecy of Marie Julie Jahenny where she prophesied that France would be the spark for the next great war?

YouTube Video: Mark McLean Interview – Xavier Reyes Ayral sends URGENT message from Father Michel Rodrigue | EXCLUSIVE (30:10 minutes)

2nd Video Official Description:

There are reports of a stunning message from the Blessed Virgin Mary being given to Fr. Michele Rodrigue and others, including in Medjugorje. It calls for an immediate ROSARY NOVENA to be prayed throughout the world to mitigate the escalation and destruction of a global war. This comes at a time when we are seeing more talk of escalation of war in the news as well as geopolitical changes that are very concerning. We would be foolish to ignore what we are seeing and what heaven may in fact be telling us!

YouTube Video: Doug Barry Interview – Is Heaven Telling Us That We’re Out of Time? – Message to Fr. Rodrigue – Xavier Reyes Ayral Explains (23:30 minutes)

YouTube Video – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) Interview – Catholic prophecy expert, Xavier Reyes-Ayral – Prophecies involving Russia, France, and mystic Marie Julie Jahenny – MaryRefugeOfSouls

TTEN host, Dr Gianna Talone-Sullivan, interviews Catholic prophecy expert, Xavier Reyes-Ayral, about Russia Prophecy and Marie Julie Jahenny. God bless.


BLESSED VIRGIN MARY: My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved (Matthew 10:22).

YouTube Video: TTEN – Russia Prophecy and Marie Julie Jahenny – Xavier Ayral (46 minutes)

Video Interview – Mission of Divine Mercy – Mystic and Prophet Sister Amapola – Recorded February 2024

A very inspiring and illuminating interview with Sr Amapola of the Mission of Divine Mercy in Texas (USA). God bless.

Official Description:
The Lord has not given a public Message for this week, so we have decided to use this opportunity to publish a video interview with Sr. Amapola that was taped just before the release of the first public Message. We hope this interview will answer many of the questions people have been asking about her experience of receiving these locutions.

Mission of Divine Mercy: https://missionofdivinemercy.org


April 2024 – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) – Interview with Father John Mary Foster of the Mission of Divine Mercy – MaryRefugeOfSouls

YouTube Video: MDM – Interview with Sr Amapola (47 minutes)

For those who believe in the mystical gifts and holy teachings of Father Michel Rodrigue of Canada – MaryRefugeOfSouls

January 28, 2024
Month of the Holy Name of Jesus

Blessings beloved ones,

For those who are interested in the heavenly messages and priestly teachings of dear Father Michel Rodrigue of Canada, here is a website where you can download PDF transcripts of his virtual retreat in 2019:


And for those who simply want to watch the videos from the virtual retreat in 2019, here is a YouTube video playlist:


God bless,
A Soul

Exciting News and Important Announcement – I have been working on a Special Project for Papa God for the past eight months – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

January 3, 2024
Dedicated to the Glory of Almighty God

My dearly beloved children of God,

I love you and God loves you. Today, I am excited to announce that I have been working on a special project behind-the-scenes for Papa God for the past eight months. This special project is near completion, and so I want to share with you all what I have been doing on behalf of Papa.

During early April 2023 (Holy Week and Divine Mercy Week), I experienced a heightened mystical encounter with God. Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke extensively to me about End Times prophecies. In particular, I was given important instructions for the Harbinger Week, the Great Earthquake, and the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Note: Harbinger Week happens just before the Great Warning. It consists of 7 Days and 7 Nights when the Illuminated Cross of Jesus will be visible in the sky. During Harbinger Week, there will be a blood red Moon and the Sun will be dimming its light until there is absolute darkness on earth. On the 7th Day/Night, there will be a massive Great Earthquake just prior to the Great Warning taking place.

In addition, Jesus also gave me important instructions for the Great Exodus (End Times Evacuation) to the refuges. I also received other information and instructions pertaining to the Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness) at the end of the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse.

So I took all of this information and instructions and, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I compiled Three Volumes of writings and related prophecies given to various chosen messengers over the years. These Three Volumes are titled, the Handbook of God the Father, and they will be released as free downloadable PDFs at the end of this month of January 2024.

However, because the Handbook of God the Father is over 800 pages, the Holy Spirit instructed me to create Six Essential Documents based primarily on Volume One for those who cannot read or print out the entire Handbook. These Six Essential Documents are about 90 pages total and consist of the critical information that people need to prepare for the events surrounding the Great Warning and the Refuges. The Holy Spirit also instructed me to build another website specifically for the Handbook of God the Father and the Six Essential Documents, which is a labor of love that I hope to have fully completed by Easter 2024.

Meanwhile, Papa God indicated to me that I should release the Six Essential Documents first on my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. So I intend to release these documents at the end of this week as free downloadable PDFs in English. I am also excited to announce that the Six Essential Documents are currently being translated into Dutch, Filipino (Tagalog), French, German, Polish, and Spanish. I am also looking into having the Six Essential Documents translated into other languages and I welcome interested volunteers to email me at: translationvolunteer@pm.me

Here are the titles of the Six Essential Documents:
(1) Summary One: How To Prepare For Harbinger Week, The Great Earthquake, And The Great Warning (Illumination Of Conscience) (about 30 pages)
(2) Summary Two: Refuges Of God (How To Establish A Refuge And How To Flee To A Refuge During The Great Exodus (End Times Evacuation) (about 15 pages)
(3) Instructions: How To Prepare For Your Life Review During The Great Warning (about 15 pages)
(4) Instructions: How To Become A Christian (about 15 pages)
(5) Spiritual Warfare Prayers For Breaking Curses (about 10 pages)
(6) Understanding That Eternal Salvation Is Available To All Righteous People (about 15 pages)

Beloved ones, I am really excited to finally be able to share with you all, my dear blog followers of MaryRefugeOfSouls, about this special project of Papa God. I am also very grateful to the several people who have helped me to bring this special project to fruition. Truly, I am indebted to many wonderful people who used their spiritual and physical gifts to help me and support me during the process of writing and compiling the Handbook of God the Father. I pray especially for all these special people to be blessed abundant-fold by Our Dear Sweet Papa God for their love, support, and guidance during these past several months which has been very critical for me.

Finally, beloved ones, I ask for your most powerful prayers for the overall success of the Handbook of God the Father, the Six Essential Documents, and the new website for the Handbook which I will be debuting soon. If there is ever something that I hope will be read and embraced by many people around the world, it would be this special project of Papa God. So please keep this special intention in your daily prayers.

God bless you all in the Most Precious Blood and Ever Holy Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

In Christ’s Love,
A Soul

November 12, 2023 – Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – The Flower of My Divine Will



NOVEMBER 12, 2023

The Flower of My Divine Will

My dear daughter of My Divine Love,

Today on this day near the culmination of My Father’s Hour of Redemption, because very soon I will return as a Lion of the Tribe of Judah, I want to give you a Flower, THE FLOWER OF MY DIVINE WILL.


You must always learn to forget yourself and all that disturbs your mind and heart, abandoning your whole being in the infinity of Mine, so that with that Purity of Heart you may begin to live in My Divine Will.

THEREFORE THE FIRST PETAL of this beautiful Sunflower is FORGETTING YOURSELF, concentrating all your Powers of your Soul, Mind and Spirit in My Being.

THE SECOND PETAL is to learn to melt your own being into Mine, through EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, which is He who will guide you to achieve a Fusion of the Spirit to such magnitude that your Soul is founded to Mine, thus achieving the FIRST FIAT that will be the commitment of the Soul with the Creator to carry out a life that goes in the direction of the Sanctification of this through ALL the circumstances that God allows to live the Soul in his Pilgrimage for this life.

THE THIRD PETAL is the Fusion of the Soul with its Creator through a LIFE OF PRAYER AND CONTEMPLATION that leads the Soul to Fuse with its Creator and to understand exactly the DIVINE WILL when reaching this point, the Soul is Sanctified and reaches the…

FOURTH PETAL of our Sunflower where one already lives in the Divine Fiat and the SECOND FIAT is given which commits the Soul to its Creator to live in the Divine Will, but the Fifth and Sixth Petal are missing. IN THE FOURTH PETAL, The Soul lives in the FIAT and the RING OF COMMITMENT has been given to the Soul to be betrothed to the Most Holy Trinity in the Sixth Petal.

THE FIFTH PETAL of our Sunflower is to live entering into the Divine Will at every moment of your life without separating yourself from it because you have reached Sanctity, THE SOUL, BY LEARNING TO LIVE EVERY INSTANT OF ITS LIFE IN THE DIVINE WILL, ACQUIRES THE DIVINITY REQUESTED BY HEAVEN, to become the little daughter of the Divine Will and it is when in the…

SIXTH PETAL The Soul is espoused to the Most Holy Trinity, fusing into a WHOLE and FULFILLS WITH THE FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA OF THE SOUL AND IT IS ONE, FOUNDED IN THE DIVINE WILL AND IT BECOMES PART OF THE DIVINE KINGDOM OF THE DIVINE WILL AND IT IS NO LONGER THE ONE WHO LIVES, she has died, she has buried her Essence in the sepulcher of the human will, acquiring when she dies her Essence, the Essence of the one who created her and therefore, when she merges, she dies to her, It is when it Fuses all its being, in the transforming and Glorious being of the Victory of Life over Death, this no longer has power over that Soul because it has been Transformed, Liberated and Glorified to fly to Heaven and form together with the Holy Trinity, what the Soul should have always been, it is Clothed with the Power and Magnificence of God being then the very Fusion of the Soul to the Holy Trinity.

Resulting in the Transformation and Fusion of the Soul with its Creator and therefore as part of a WHOLE, of the ALL that lives in the FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA, the WHOLE of all creation is fused with the Creator to form the greatest Work of Creation the FIAT VOLUNTAS TUA IN ALL CREATION and then the Triumph of Good over evil and of the Eucharistic Hearts of Jesus and Mary, fusing all hearts into one to the Most Holy Trinity to Shine in Glory and Splendor for all the Centuries in the Love of the Creator, who with astonishment contemplates His Work of Redemption that finally reaches its culmination, therefore, My Soul, work in your Soul, so that you may reach this Fusion of your Soul to the Most Holy Trinity and may participate in the Work of Redemption in the ERA OF THE THIRD FIAT, strive to achieve it, put your grain of sand that I will put the rest.

The New Heavens and New Earth, the New Jerusalem, the Work of Redemption of My Father that culminates after centuries of pilgrimage through the desert.

My Soul, fight and be brave so that you can achieve your transformation and transfiguration, your Spiritual Metamorphosis from caterpillar to butterfly.

We await you at the Wedding of the Lamb.


October 14, 2023 – Sid Roth It’s Supernatural Network (ISN) Video: Chris Reed – Prophecy: I Saw a Terrorist Attack on America [Like the One in Israel] – MaryRefugeOfSouls

October 14, 2023
Month of Mary, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary

Blessings beloved ones,

Honestly, I, “a soul”, have been waiting to see if Chris Reed of MorningStar Ministries would receive a prophetic word from Our Lord about the current world situation and I have not been disappointed. Although I typically focus my discernment on Catholic prophets and chosen messengers, there are a handful of Protestant Christian ministries that I occasionally follow and Chris Reed is one of them.

Simply put, Chris Reed has one of the most amazing giftings of the Holy Spirit that I have ever encountered. His anointings in prophecy and in words of knowledge is so detailed and so accurate, it is incredible how the Holy Spirit works through him. I have featured him in another Sid Roth video on this blog in 2021 and through the years I have only grown in admiration of his God-given talents.

In this interview, Chris Reed speaks about an urgent warning dream that he had about a future terrorist attack on America. Both Catholic and Christian chosen messengers have been receiving similar prophecies lately. However, here, Chris goes more into details about what potentially might actually unfold in the USA.

So, I urge that my fellow Americans especially watch this interview, because prayer and knowledge are key in mitigating or even averting this foretold tragedy. Stay SAFE!

God bless,
A Soul

YouTube Video: Sid Roth ISN: Chris Reed – I Saw an Attack on America [Like the One in Israel] (32 minutes)


(2021) Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural – An Amazing Miracle Video (with Proof!) that shows the Goodness, Love, and Mercy of Papa God and Jesus towards His beloved children – MaryRefugeOfSouls


Apostolate of the Green Scapular – From Our Lord, Jesus Christ – Prayer For Protection of Nation (From Acts of Terrorism)

October 12, 2023 – Apostolate of the Green Scapular – JESUS CHRIST – “My dear one, I have come to ask for your immediate prayers of mitigation to stop a terrorist attack in your country (USA). It is planned within the next month, to frighten and terrorize the citizens of your nation. You must not be afraid, but to fight evil with prayers.”

June 2023 – Latin-American mystic, Lorena – Facebook and YouTube channel – Updated Message Book Available and Other Information – MaryRefugeOfSouls

June 21, 2023
Month Dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

Blessings beloved ones,

I, “a soul” of MaryRefugeOfSouls, am very pleased to inform you that Latin-American mystic, Lorena, has released an updated edition of her message book, The Way To Follow, in English(!). This latest edition has over 50 more pages of newer messages, as well as a better translation of some of the previous messages, and better organization of the material. The English version has 589 pages total and Lorena is asking for donations for those who would like the PDF document.

Here is Lorena’s Facebook page, so people may inquire with her about obtaining the message book in English: https://m.facebook.com/people/Blogdelibroslorena/100093594310008/

Also, for those who are interested in the Spanish version, it is actually broken down into 10 separate PDF and physical books, which can be obtained by donation from Lorena. Please see her Facebook page for more information: https://m.facebook.com/people/Blogdelibroslorena/100093594310008/

In addition, through her Facebook page, Lorena is collecting names of people who would like to participate in a translated Zoom course on Holiness according to Heaven’s messages through her. So, if you are interested in participating in either Spanish or English, please sign-up: https://m.facebook.com/people/Blogdelibroslorena/100093594310008/

Also, through her Facebook page, Lorena has created a Manual about Becoming a FirstFruit based on her heavenly messages, which is available by donation: https://m.facebook.com/people/Blogdelibroslorena/100093594310008/

Finally, here is Lorena’s YouTube channel if you are interested in watching her heavenly messages recorded in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/@mensajesdelcieloalorena3546

God bless,
A Soul

YouTube Interview Video: Breakfast with Dr Christine Bacon – Father Michel Rodrigue on the Antichrist, Refuges, Finding Priests in an Underground Church and More

June 4, 2023, Feast Day of the Holy Trinity

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

Although this interview is well over an hour and a half, it is certainly worth watching, as Father Michel Rodrigue is a delightful, kind hearted priest who is also a very holy mystic. I enjoyed hearing his personal stories about his relationship with God and I believe you will, too.

God bless,
A Soul

Video Official Description:
Prophet, priest and Apostle of the End Times, Fr. Michel Rodrigue discusses with Dr. Christine Bacon and viewers growing up with 22 siblings, being fatherless at ten, and a perceived miracle in his holy and faithful mother’s food cabinets before then leading into his private revelations regarding the Antichrist, the Refuges (how to prepare physically and spiritually) and finding priests to say Holy Mass when the Church is underground and so much more.

To donate to Fr. Michel and his ministry, send checks to:
Fraternite Apostolique Saint Benoit-Joseph Labre
163 Route 109
Quebec, Canada

YouTube Video: Breakfast with Dr Christine Bacon
Interview: Fr. Michel Rodrigue on the Antichrist, Refuges, Finding Priests in an Underground Church and More (one hour, 37 minutes)


May 8, 2023 – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) – Interview with YouTube Video Producer, Jerome Chong – Journeying With The Saints – Review by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, would like to let you, my dearest followers of MaryRefugeOfSouls, know about a recently released interview on the platform, Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN). I know that many of you enjoy watching the TTEN interviews hosted by Gianna Talone-Sullivan, and you will all continue to enjoy this latest interview, too.

This time, it is a very interesting interview with YouTube video producer, Jerome Chong. His video channel is called, Journeying With The Saints. He does short videos on various Catholic content, mainly, focusing on the lives of the mystics and saints. His specialty involves videos on the saints known as the “incorruptibles”. “Incorruptibility” is an unique supernatural phenomenon — miracle — that only happens in the Catholic Church. It is where by divine intervention, the human bodies of saints either completely or partially avoid the normal process of decomposition after death. So, their human bodies do not decay at all and it is seen as a sign of their profound holiness. The incorruptible bodies of different saints are many centuries old. The most famous case is the incorruptible body of Saint Bernadette, the visionary of the Marian apparitions at Lourdes, France, from the 1800s A.D. However, there are many other cases – I believe there are over 200 miraculous cases so far, and I believe Saint Cecilia was the first instance of incorruptibility being witnessed in about 130 A.D. (Note, that is why I chose Saint Cecilia as my patron Saint for Confirmation, as I was so impressed by her martyrdom).

In this interview, Jerome gives a very nice discussion about his life’s work and I really enjoyed hearing about his conversion story and how the saints helped him to discover his ministry for Our Lord. Of course, afterwards, I visited his YouTube channel which features over 150 videos and has more than 93,000 subscribers so far. I have watched his videos and I think that he is both gifted in his video making craft and directly inspired by the Holy Spirit with his talent. I want to encourage you to not only watch this interview, but to also subscribe to his YouTube channel, which is what I did. I am also including here one of the videos that he did that you may find interesting to watch as well.

God bless,
a soul

YouTube channel – Journeying With The Saints: Jerome Chong

About Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN)
My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).


Here are links to the May 8, 2023 TTEN interview of Jerome Chong on various media platforms:

TTEN website:

BitChute Video:

Spotify Podcast:

YouTube Video:
TTEN Interview with Jerome Chong – Journeying With The Saints (32:12 minutes)


YouTube Video by Jerome Chong:
5 Miracles Which Prove The Catholic Church Is The One True Church!! (9:44 minutes)

Official Description:
When considering unexplained Catholic miracles, most people think of the Shroud of Turin. Then there are the few interred Catholic saints whose bodies have not decayed. Let’s not forget the Eucharistic Miracles. Jesus making himself known that his body really and truly is present in that sacred host by having it turn to flesh and blood. All 5 miracles featured in this video have all undergone scientific testing and all have come back without a proper conclusion.

Three YouTube Videos – Visions and Prophecies of Father Oliveira (Southern Brazil) – The Three Days of Darkness and Importance of the Year 2029 – Accompanying Note By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

NOTE (By a soul):
Although some significance is placed in Father Oliveira’s mystical visions on the Year 2029, personally, I do not believe that the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will take place in 2029. I do NOT know the date for the Great Warning; however, I just personally believe that it will happen a lot sooner than 2029. As perhaps 2029 is the end of the Great Tribulation and not the start of the Apocalypse. However, I am continuing to research and discern prophecies surrounding the Year 2029 and if I come across anything noteworthy, I will let you know. Also, I want to share Father Oliveira’s recurring mystical dream involving the Three Days of Darkness, as I believe his instructions are important. I will be speaking more about the Three Days of Darkness in a future commentary. Amen. God bless, A Soul.

Here are some previous heavenly messages given to Ned Dougherty (End Times Daily) that are helpful in discerning when the Great Warning and start of the biblical countdown for the Great Tribulation might take place:

October 3, 2019 – Saint Michael Archangel to Ned Dougherty – “The chosen year of satan – 2030 – Mark this year clearly, for it is the year of years in the final battle and last stand of the demon and his followers”

End Times Daily – Our Lady of America – February 5, 2021 – End Times Timeline – Note by Ned Dougherty – with Commentary By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Our Lady of America – Message to the People of the United States of America – September 11, 2022: “Defend yourselves from those who continue to attack the nationality and sovereignty of the United States of America”

End Times Daily (Ned Dougherty) – Saint Michael Archangel – A Warning to the People of the USA and to the whole world – “You have only 5… 4… now 3 years left to save your nation!” – Jan 1, 2023

Official YouTube Video Descriptions:
I present to you, for your discernment, the visions and prophecies of Fr. Oliveira, a Brazilian priest who lives in Rio Grande do Sul, Southern Brazil. This material comes from True Faith, a Catholic site in that country. To the best of my belief, these visions and prophecies have not been translated into English. For years, Fr. Oliveira has received mystical visions and prophetic revelations from God.

YouTube Video:
Father Oliveira: The Three Days of Darkness and 27 Prophetic Stanzas (13:09 minutes)


YouTube Video:
Father Oliveira: Two Visions: Gates of hell; Importance of Year 2029 (8:08 minutes)


YouTube Video:
Father Oliveira: Two Visions: The Vision of the Two Popes; Warning from Holy Angel; Importance of Year 2029 (11:17 minutes)


MAY 1, 2023 – PUBLIC STATEMENT – Believing in Heaven’s messages given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy (Book of Truth), and the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI about his papal resignation, his holy pontificate, and his holy death by martyrdom, given to a very pious cloistered nun in Colombia – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

NOTE (By A Soul):
This Public Statement is NOT the Very Important Special Commentary that I have been working on since Holy Week (April 2023). This is just a Public Statement that I decided to write, as I needed to take a break from the Very Important Special Commentary, and focus on addressing these two important private revelations that I feature on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. I continue to ask sincerely for prayers for all the writings that I will be releasing on my blog. God bless. In Christ’s Love, A Soul

Please know that this Public Statement is very lengthy with a lot of detailed content that people may be unfamiliar with. So, you may have to reread it a few times as it is a tough read. I do not present myself as an expert on these subjects, however, I do offer this writing as my complete response on these matters. Please know that I provide my thoughts and personal conclusions on these topics, so you can make your OWN DISCERNMENT. I am NOT trying to convince others to believe like me; I am just stating my beliefs and understanding of the facts, as I get asked this discernment question from time to time. But, I do hope that this writing will be a very helpful explanation concerning these two private mystical revelations and related controversies. Note, I may write in the future a related commentary on obedience to God and abuse of authority. May God bless you in your discernment. In Christ’s Love, A Soul

(Includes Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI):




May 1, 2023
Month dedicated to Mary, Our Holy Mother
Memorial of Saint Joseph the Worker

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

A very gentle soul, a convert to Catholicism and new follower of this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, has reached out to me, “a soul“, about her concerns on what she has been reading online about 7th messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, whose prophetic messages are gathered in the volumes called, the Book of Truth. She has expressed concerns about reading the heavenly messages, as the visionary and the volumes may be condemned by the Roman Catholic Church. So, I want to address her concerns, in this public statement, as perhaps, there many be others who are trying to discern the authenticity of the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth.

Also, as part of this public statement, I would like to include my thoughts about discerning the authenticity of the posthumous testimony of our dear holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, which was given to a very pious cloistered nun living in Colombia (Latin-America). I have been recently sharing this mystical account on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, which are the final words of our dearest holy father about his holy life, his holy pontificate (including relevant facts about his resignation), and his holy death.

So, here are my several thoughts about these two private revelations: (1) 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, and the Book of Truth; and (2) the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI given to a very pious cloistered nun.

Firstly, I want people to know that I have never read, or even looked at, the many negative websites that exist on the internet about Maria Divine Mercy. Sadly, she is perhaps the most vilified chosen messenger within Catholic prophetic circles. This is because her prophetic messages unmask and expose the freemasonry infiltration, within the priesthood and the highest echelons of the hierarchy inside the Catholic Church. And opponents are always quick to point out that the heavenly messages are “unapproved” by the hierarchy, which God did warn, ahead of time, may happen involving the body of messages given to Maria Divine Mercy. Note, I will fully explain why any possible “unapproval” is faulty, unreliable, and untrustworthy.

Honestly, I have never looked at any of the negative websites on the internet as I do NOT consider them helpful at all in trying to discern the Book of Truth. However, despite not directly reading them, I am very much aware that the many negative websites are very calumnious, making many false, inaccurate, and defamatory statements. I know that some of the websites are almost tabloid-like, in their slanderous gossip, as they ruin the good reputation of the poor woman, whom they claim to be Maria Divine Mercy.

Dearest ones, I want you to know that the actual identity of Maria Divine Mercy has always been unknown since her heavenly messages started in Fall 2010. From the very beginning, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, instructed her to remain “anonymous”, due to the very grave nature of the prophecies that God and His Holy Mother, Mary, would be imparting to her for the Catholic Church and the whole world. However, she never knew in advance what those prophecies would be about, but she listened to Our Lord and has been OBEDIENT ALWAYS to His instructions to remain anonymous AND to NOT PUBLICLY DEFEND herself against any calumnies, any slanderous gossip, and any public personal attacks made against herself. Which, honestly, I have always felt to be admirable of her. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gave her the alias of “Maria Divine Mercy”, which is in honor of the Holy Name of His Blessed Mother, Mary, and for the recognition of the universal need for God’s Divine Mercy in these End Times.

Beloved ones, I want to urge you NOT to read or look at the negative websites about Maria Divine Mercy or the Book of Truth. In this public statement, I will address the various concerns that you might have in reading her prophetic messages. I will share my personal thoughts in discerning and my involvement in promoting the Book of Truth. So, you will be equipped to make a better, more informed, more balanced decision in your own assessment in whether to believe in or not the heavenly messages given to Maria Divine Mercy.

Now, I must tell you all that the many negative websites are very disingenuous about Maria Divine Mercy. Because such websites are purported to be written and supported by “concerned” Christians, aiming to “do the right thing”, by exposing Maria Divine Mercy as a fraudster and charlatan. Such websites claim that the identity of Maria Divine Mercy is a certain woman in Ireland. The rationale for the claim is based on a single radio broadcast that the visionary did in the early days of her prophetic ministry, which was then “voice-identified”, likely by some type of spy ware technology, as belonging to the certain woman in Ireland.

Is the claim accurate that outs the identity of Maria Divine Mercy? I do not know and I do not care, as the public identity of Maria Divine Mercy is not, and has never been, necessary for me to know in order to properly discern her prophetic messages. It is simply not important to me at all.

In truth, everyone deserves the right to a good name and a good reputation, to be given the benefit of the doubt in any accused misbehavior, to be treated respectfully, and to not be destroyed publicly, by having themselves, their families, and their associates, dragged publicly in the mud, etc. On these negative websites, these “concerned” Christian brandy about disdainful and hurtful accusations, spewing much contempt and even hatred towards the certain woman claimed to be Maria Divine Mercy.

Beloved ones, ask yourselves, is such behavior shown by these “concerned” Christians by writing such negative articles, considered really virtuous and exemplary? Are these “concerned” Christians really showing Christ-like compassion for others? Are such “concerned” Christians really believable, worthy of any credibility?

Now, I began following the heavenly messages given to Maria Divine Mercy, very early on in her public ministry, in the early months in 2011. And I continued to follow the heavenly messages, belonging to a special fellowship group on Facebook, which was associated with her public website, until Our Lord, Jesus Christ, concluded, somewhat abruptly, her public ministry in March 2015.

Do you know why Our Lord, Jesus Christ, told Maria Divine Mercy to conclude her public ministry in 2015? Dearest ones, it was because there were several occultists — satanists — who had hacked into her public website, and started hijacking the heavenly messages, by changing the contents, including the language, tone, and words used, etc. So, Our Lord had Maria Divine Mercy conclude her public ministry, by closing down her public website. Our Lord re-oriented her online mission to be the public promotion of gathering the Remnant Faithful into global and regional prayer groups, calling them, Jesus to Mankind. Such prayer groups utilize the Heaven-inspired prayers, litanies, and devotions, given to Maria Divine Mercy, known as the Crusade of Prayers, and include the divinely given prayer, the Seal of the Living God, as biblically prophesied for the End Times (Book of Revelation, Chapter 7, verses 2-3).

Furthermore, in March 2015, before Maria Divine Mercy disbanded her different special fellowship groups on Facebook, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gave her a very important appeal for the Remnant Faithful. Our Lord instructed her to please ask those who were following the prophecies to create blogs on the internet to further promote the messages to the world. Our Lord made this special appeal, so the internal structural integrity of the many heavenly messages given in the Book of Truth could be maintained intact. This is because if there existed several copies in the different languages of the Book of Truth available on the internet, then it would become a lot more difficult to falsify the original messages by altering them, which would help to prevent the misrepresentation of God and His Holy Word.

Dearest ones, I share that historical fact with you for two reasons. One, I want you to know that it would not surprise me at all, if many of the negative websites about Maria Divine Mercy, are not authored by “concerned” Christians. Beloved ones, spiritual warfare is very real. So, yes, it would not surprise me at all if some of the negative websites are actually disguised, cursed sites maintained by occultists and satanists with a very wicked agenda and malicious vendetta against God and His precious people. So, again, I urge you to NOT visit such negative websites or actively share such negative content or links with others, for this important reason.

Second, I want you all to know that this website, my prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, is a direct fruit of the prophetic ministry of Maria Divine Mercy. In March 2015, after Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gave the important instruction to Maria Divine Mercy, to ask the Remnant Faithful to continue to share the Book of Truth through blogs on the internet, I took personally that divine solicitation to heart. So, after month-long intensive prayer, I discerned my mission to start this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly called, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove) in April 2015. Beloved ones, I downloaded all the original heavenly messages in the electronic format of the Book of Truth, including the prayer booklets and other related materials created by loyal volunteers of the divine mission, that were made available to members of the special fellowship group on Facebook. Then, I spent many hours during many months in the early days of my prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, uploading and posting every individual message separately to the website. So, all the prophetic messages of Maria Divine Mercy can be searched individually and read directly on this blog. Which, Praise God, I had very few blog followers in the early days, as I was trying to figure out how to do my website, literally, sending out tons of daily emails, as I was posting the several hundreds of messages found in the Book of Truth.

Beloved ones, so, let me explain what is the Book of Truth and why its messages are so controversial within Catholic prophetic circles. First, I want people to know that there are very important prophecies given by God found in Sacred Scriptures (Holy Bible) related to the divine mission of Maria Divine Mercy. In the Book of Truth, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, reveals that Maria Divine Mercy is the “7th Messenger”, prophesied within the sacred pages of the Apocalypse by Saint John the Apostle (Book of Revelation, Chapter 11, verse 15) (Note: Typical Holy Bible translations use instead the term, “angel”, which also means “messenger”). The Book of Truth was prophesied by the Prophet Daniel, and foreshadowed by the Prophet Isaiah, as it is intrinsically connected to the Book of Revelation. Specifically, in the Old Testament, the Prophet Daniel received visions about the Book of Truth, but he was not permitted to record those prophecies, as the “words are rolled up and sealed until the End Times” (See the Book of the Prophet Daniel, Chapter 10, verse 21, and Chapter 12, verse 9). The Prophet Daniel lived in the 6th Century, B.C., so the biblical prophecy about the future Book of Truth being unveiled by God in the End Times, is over 2,600 years old. This realization has much significance, because if one believes in the authenticity of the various messages from Heaven given to many different chosen messengers today, calling this particular period, the End Times; then clearly, this particular period is when God will finally unveil His prophetic Word in the Book of Truth that has been sealed for over 2,600 years.

Book of Truth: August 15, 2012
“My Father promised the world they would be given the Book of Truth at this time”.

Dearest ones, there are three main arguments that make Heaven’s messages found in the Book of Truth, and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, so controversial in Catholic prophetic circles. Those three arguments are: one, the messages expose the deep and widespread infiltration of freemasonry within the ranks of the clergy; two, the messages reveal that a man will not be canonically elected to the Chair of Saint Peter, who will be an “impostor” leading the Catholic Church, and in fact, this man will be known as the “false prophet” in the sacred pages of the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation, Chapter 13); and three, that there will be coming a day when the Remnant Faithful will be openly maligned and severely persecuted, practicing the True Christian Faith in the Underground Church. As the words of holy consecration prayed by the priests for the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Mass will be tampered by the false prophet, so transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Real Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will cease to be, resulting in the “abomination of desolation” in the visible Catholic Church. This will happen in order to make way for the antichrist to be installed as the head of Holy Mother Church and the world. (Note: The Most Holy Eucharist WILL continue to be made available by holy priests who retain the proper words of holy consecration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Underground Church).

(Note: The terminology, “abomination of desolation” is mentioned in various verses of Sacred Scriptures. However, not every Holy Bible translation correctly translates the original words as “abomination of desolation”, including some modern Catholic translations(!). Also, beware, as some online translated versions of the Holy Bible have been actually changed in the text from the printed versions(!). For example, the Doauy-Rheims Catholic Bible has changed text on many Holy Bible translation websites. I discovered this shocking horror when studying online different scripture verses related to teachings and definitions about sin, spiritual warfare, and the demonic in the Douay-Rheims Bible. So, it is best to use an older printed version of any Catholic Bible, as newer printed versions may also be subtly changed from the official translation without any notice. Footnote: The Book of Truth actually prophesies that official translations of the Holy Bible would be changed in the text unbeknownst to readers.)

Alright, so, let me give my personal input concerning these three main arguments against reading and believing the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, and why I reject all three arguments. First, I believe that the prophesies revealing the freemasonry infiltration within the established ranks of the clergy of the Catholic Church are clearly self-evident now. When the prophesies were originally given to Maria Divine Mercy, the messages were very shocking to read, as they are very descriptive of freemason, occult, satanic, and pagan worship inside the walls of consecrated churches, taking place on sacred altars used for the Blessed Sacrament. However, in the decade since they were first prophesied, such an actual freemasonry invasion within the Catholic Church is now openly acknowledged and publicly discussed. Several well-respected websites such as Church Militant, LifeSiteNews, and a host of other staunchly conservative, very traditional Catholic organizations and media outlets, have addressed this on-going concern. Especially, since unsightly, un-Godly, sacrilegious, paganistic practices and rituals are being witnessed more publicly within Catholic parishes and dioceses, even taking place at the highest levels of the Roman Curia of the Vatican, i.e., unforgettable, sacrilegious, “pachamama”-worship, etc.

Unfortunately, the Book of Truth includes other related, distressing prophecies. Which, honestly, rereading them, on hindsight, I can see how Heaven “softened” their delivery, as shocking as they were to read initially a decade ago. The messages are very descriptive about immorality — the grave moral degradation that would be witnessed in societies and within religious circles, as well as the amoral teachings and general perverse thinking among peoples. And, regarding the prophetic warnings yet to be fulfilled, the messages are very descriptive about the coming of the antichrist, his witty and clever intellect, his charming and charismatic personality, which will mask his purely evil, sadistic nature, his ruthless and brutal regime, and his wicked agenda straight from the very pit of hell. Finally, obviously, God warns about NEVER taking the coming mark of the beast, which is irreversible and irrevocable, resulting in eternal suffering and torment in hell (Book of Revelation, Chapter 13). Footnote: The Book of Truth even warned, in advance, about widespread vaccination programs against the populace to exert totalitarian control.

Now, I know that the main reason why the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, is rejected by many people is due to its controversial messages about the “false prophet”. Heaven revealed that our holy father, dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, was the last, true, legitimate pope of the Roman Catholic Church. The messages accurately prophesied, exactly one year in advance, the day of the forced resignation of dearest Pope Benedict XVI from the papal chair, and that the man coming after him, would be an “impostor”, not properly chosen by canon law to be the Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ. The heavenly messages reveal that dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, would be banished, ruling in exile, endeavoring to lead the Remnant Faithful to the best of his abilities. The heavenly messages even give small hints that dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, would become a holy martyr, dying before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happened to mankind.

Dearest ones, as many of you know, I posted recently the English translation of the posthumous testimony of dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, given as private revelation to a very pious cloistered nun in Colombia. And truthfully, when I first read the mystical account of our dearly beloved, holy father, about the facts surrounding his forced resignation, his life suffering in exile, and eventually, his death by holy martyrdom, his final words did not surprise me. Although I was deeply saddened a great deal by the confirmations of several rumors swirling for years over his papacy, his reign and his life in exile. The heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth prepared me to be open and receptive to hearing and accepting the posthumous testimony of our sweet, beloved, Pope Benedict XVI. Yes, the prophecies concerning Pope Benedict XVI were changed a bit in their actual fulfillment, but that is only because satan listens to authentic prophets and chosen messengers, too, and so, accordingly, hell will adapt its maneuvers, tactics, and strategies, etc. As, why would hell desire to give any glory to God, by fulfilling prophecy exactly as given by Heaven, even if it is regarding its already planned evil? Yes, hell desires to relish in its slavish mastery over mankind. But, hell also knows to stay hidden, secret and subtle in its evil exploits, lest the many unwitting, mindless slaves discover their real living condition in bondage, crying out for total and complete liberation from God.

Beloved ones, I must make this side-note, to say to you, that everything that dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, testifies in his posthumous revelation is bona fide, factual, and truthful. Yes, there were a few details that I was not aware of, but most of the written account… Honestly, the mystical revelation settled many private speculations that I had made and drawn conclusions over the years.

YES, I had heard the rumors about the political intervention by the USA to force the papal resignation of dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, in 2013. YES, I had heard about the frozen bank accounts of the Vatican Bank in the days of the papal resignation, as it was reported in the Italian news outlets that all the bank branches and ATMs were shut down at the Vatican and surrounding Rome. Note, this damaging secret about the Vatican Bank and the aggressive manipulation by foreign interests over its internal affairs, especially, over the papal resignation, and other unethical banking matters, needed to be publicly exposed. This is the reason why dearly beloved, Cardinal George Pell, was wrongly charged and convicted of fake clerical child sexual abuse in Australia, because the “overseers” could not blackmail him from trying to expose the banking cover-up. His wrongly-judged conviction was eventually overturned by the Australian court system. At the time, four different chosen messengers, whose heavenly messages that I promote on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, were revealing how he was wrongly accused and that he would be acquitted from all charges someday. Unfortunately, Cardinal Pell is deceased now, having strangely died of a heart attack, 10 days after Pope Benedict XVI’s untimely demise by holy martyrdom, which was revealed as involuntary euthanasia by lethal injection in the mystical account to the very pious Colombian nun. Tragically, Cardinal Pell suddenly died at a hospital in Rome, shortly after hip replacement surgery, where he was reported as awake, alert, lucid, and talking to hospital staff in recovery. (Note: The day after Cardinal Pell’s untimely death, a posthumous article attributed to him was published where he openly denounced the Vatican’s plans for its forthcoming ‘Synod on Synodality’ as a ‘toxic nightmare’ that is ‘couched in neo-Marxist jargon’. It has also been revealed posthumously that Cardinal Pell was the author of a similarly critical memorandum of the pontificate of Pope Francis and the future papal election due his stacking of voting-eligible liberal members in the College of Cardinals. The critical memorandum had circulated anonymously among the Cardinals last Lent Season 2022.)

(ADDITIONAL NOTE: In the posthumous testimony of Pope Benedict XVI, our holy father reveals that he wrote several important documents addressed to the Catholic Church and to the world. Copies of these confidential documents were secretly entrusted to his good friend, Catholic theologian, professor, and deacon, Giulio Colombi, with the understanding that he was to publish these documents after his imminent death and to give a copy to each member of the College of Cardinals, so that they in turn could make the right decisions and convene a lawful Conclave after his death. The original documents were supposed to be published three days after his death, however, they were burned by our holy father’s private secretary, Georg Gänswein, under orders by Pope Francis. Furthermore, our holy father’s good friend, Giulio Colombi, was unable to fulfill the request to publish the confidential documents, as he died on January 1, 2023, the day after Pope Benedict XVI’s death, the timing of which seems strangely coincidental to me.)

Furthermore, YES, I had known about all the Italian media coverage reporting about the personal butler, Paolo Gabriele, of dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, who had betrayed him by stealing his private papers, personal photographs, etc., in 2012, and about his general lack of trustworthiness, etc. I had surmised that this man might be capable of poisoning him and how speculation of this definite possibility might have caused Pope Benedict XVI, to be under severe duress, thinking he might be potentially murdered by his enemies at anytime. I have also speculated privately, that our dear holy father might have been coerced to resign, because he was threatened by blackmail with potentially “doctored” photographs with the homosexual lobby, perhaps, using the same private photographs that were stolen by his personal butler. I say this, because there is an active gay lobby and known homosexual circle within the clergy ranks in Rome and at the Vatican.

Also, I will share with you all, something very significant that happened to Father Nicholas Gruner. Father Gruner was known as a very prominent promoter of the Marian apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, and was spoken very highly by Our Blessed Mother, once, on the day he died, in the messages known as Locutions To The World that I feature on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Well, beloved ones, Father Gruner was very heavily marginalized and actively threatened by the thuggish, secret mafia, existing behind closed doors at the Vatican. I have seen videos exposing the murder attempts on his life. I have also seen videos showing official photographs by the Vatican that are verifiable as being altered and doctored related to Father Gruner by using modern imaging technology. For example, there exist private photographs taken of Father Gruner carrying images of Our Lady of Fatima, as the papal entourage was passing by on Vatican grounds. But, the official photographs showing such papal events were altered and doctored, so the presence of Father Gruner carrying images of Our Lady of Fatima was ERASED from the background crowd. This was shown extensively in a documentary, certified by imaging technology experts. So, YES, dearest ones, sorrowfully, it is very likely and highly probable that dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, was threatened with blackmail, using “compromising” photographs that were doctored of him with the gay lobby or even some type of scandalous clerical child sexual abuse, like Cardinal Pell. And so, in order to avoid a very great schism within the Roman Catholic Church, our dear holy father “resigned” under severe duress, resolving to serve Our Lord the best way he could, while in captive exile on Vatican grounds.

So, indeed, I was not surprised by the posthumous testimony by our dearly beloved, holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, where he confirms all my private speculations and suspicions about a potential blackmail and other mortal, bodily threats, so as to coerce, under duress, a papal resignation by him. Also, other more astute commentators, more knowledgeable about canon law and the Latin language than me, have extensively studied the text written and read out loud by our dear holy father, stating his papal resignation to the world. Now, please note, that our dear holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, was intellectually brilliant. Our holy father had a clear mastery, a near-perfect native linguistic fluency in the sacred language, Latin, of Holy Mother Church; and that our holy father, was the authoritative expert of all canon law and sacred doctrine and dogma in Holy Mother Church, having served, par excellence, in the highest ecclesiastical, commanding roles within the Roman Curia, the papal court that governs the Catholic Church, until he was finally chosen by Divine Will as the Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ.

Beloved ones, these more astute commentators have concluded that the papal resignation by our dear holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, was written in very sloppy Latin, with much ambiguity in both the words and sentence structure in the text. In the posthumous testimony, dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, confirms that he attempted to write the text, in such a way, to indicate that he was never resigning from the papal Chair of Saint Peter. He also confirms that is why he kept the important term of “Pope” as part of the honorary title accorded to him as “emeritus”. He also confirms that is why he continued to wear his white papal vestments, as part of his captive exile on the grounds of the Vatican. And he also confirms that he tried to give clues about the fact that he never truly resigned as our dearest holy father, within the pages of the few texts that he was permitted to write and to publish to the rest of the world. As our dear holy father silently cried, hoping in deep, heartfelt prayer, that his beloved children, those loyal to him, as the Vicar of Christ on earth, would know that he still deeply cared in pastoral love about them, as a tender and kind-hearted father always does.

Oh, dearest ones, in all these passing years, I can confirm to you all, that YES, the silent tears and dear heartfelt, poignant cries of our beloved, sweet, holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, were heard by the Remnant Faithful, who honored, cherished, and loved him. As, YES, I have read, in all these passing years, the many speculations by other more astute commentators, who remained loyal to our dearest holy father, about the deciphering of his clues hidden in plain sight. As they pondered and prayed about his health, his mental vitality, his well-being and his welfare, uplifting him in daily prayer for his continued strength and holy perseverance in our dear Catholic faith. That is also why, in the posthumous testimony, when our dearest holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, mentions how distraught he was, over the time that he was publicly snubbed by all the German Catholic cardinals and bishops that he was greeting on a visit to Berlin, Germany; it truly made my cry. As, honestly, I have seen the video where he was publicly snubbed. There was a long line of German cardinals and bishops, and as he walked slowly down the line, he would attempt to greet each of them, by extending his hand out in friendship. Beloved ones, no one, not a single German cardinal nor bishop, would grab his hand back for a handshake. It was so tragic, so distressing, so heartbreaking, to watch that video. In truth, I actually had to watch the video a few times, as I could not believe, at first, what my physical eyes were seeing. I was in so much incredulous disbelief, so much shock, witnessing our dearest holy father being so uncaringly, so coldly, publicly snubbed, by all these rude men who had vowed loyalty and fidelity to him, as pope. I really could not grasp how much he was despised and rejected by these rude men. At the time, I had debated by myself whether or not, I should share the video publicly on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, but I decided against it, because it was so heart wrenching to watch it.

Truly, it is also heart wrenching for me, to know that the man, known as “Pope Francis” (Bergoglio), is not only an “impostor” to the Holy Chair of Saint Peter, but, in fact, he has been identified by prophecy to be the “false prophet” mentioned in Sacred Scriptures (See Book of Revelation, Chapter 13, reinforced by the Book of Truth). It is biblically prophesied that the false prophet, will be a type of wolf in sheep’s clothing, meaning, a false shepherd (from the ranks of the Catholic priesthood) who will attempt to lead all the lambs (faithful believers) away from God, by preparing the way for the antichrist to take full leadership of God’s Church, which is the Roman Catholic Church, established by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, almost 2,000 years ago. In the Book of Truth, Our Lord has stated that the “antichrist is the greatest enemy of God to have ever walked upon the face of the earth”.

Dearest ones, YES, I had heard the rumors circulating about the very prideful and arrogant demeanor of Francis (Bergoglio), as he dominated over many people, behind closed doors at the Vatican, ruling with much disdainful contempt, in an almost tyrannical way. And YES, I do believe the private revelations supporting this rumor found in both the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) and, now, the recent posthumous testimony of dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, delivered by mystical revelation, about his final days in captive exile on the grounds of the Vatican. However, I have always prayed for Francis (Bergoglio) to turn away from his wickedness and all unrighteousness. And, in many past writings, I have strived always to give Francis (Bergoglio) the benefit of the doubt, so he could retain a respectful, public reputation. In my writings, I am not about tearing people down, but I focus all my efforts on lifting people up, so they can change, sincerely convert, and become the good person that God intended always for them to be. As NO human soul is ever conceived and born into this world, with a divinely intended destiny of hell. Truly, God creates every human soul with a GOOD purpose, a GOOD plan for their life, with the Ultimate Goal for eternal happiness and the deepest of friendships with God in Heaven. So, I have always encouraged people to be very generous with prayers of conversion for Francis (Bergoglio), hoping for the Goodness that God intended for him as a servant of God, to take place finally in his life. So, yes, it is distressing to know and tragic to witness the opposite manifesting in him and everything that he touches become rotten.

Regarding Francis (Bergoglio), I also want to state that although Our Lord, Jesus Christ, speaks many negative things about the false prophet to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy; at the same time, in the Book of Truth, Our Lord NEVER identifies who the false prophet is, by his personal name. I have read three times the multiple volumes of the several hundreds of pages found in the Book of Truth, so I can publicly testify that fact on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Never once does Our Lord reveal by his personal name, that Francis (Bergoglio) is, indeed, the false prophet. Rather, He provides many descriptions and prophecies in the Book of Truth to suggest this possibility. And, honestly, I have always thought that fact is very telling about the Goodness of God, His Divine Character, His Divine Love, His Divine Mercy, etc., regarding His Holy Intentions concerning Francis (Bergoglio). And it is very telling about how much God respects the gift of free will, along with the gift of discernment of spirits, that He provides to His precious children on earth. God does not force us, but He invites us to believe in His Holy Word. That is how one truly knows that the God that we serve is truly a Good God, a Good Father. Because, even though He delivers very harsh, very sobering realities in prophecies, as He must inform us, to put us on notice, to stay true to His Divine Character as a Perfectly Just Judge; He also balances the bad prophecies with His Perfect Love and His Perfect Mercy, so we may repent with the sincerest of hearts, as one witnesses the much respect God affords Francis (Bergoglio) by not naming him outright, in the holiest of intentions for his sincerest repentance, resulting in the fullness of his conversion.

Now, beloved ones, I will address the third argument that many people prop up for disbelieving the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, which is very much related to the second reason why people reject the heavenly messages due to the prophecies indicating Francis (Bergoglio) is the false prophet. Let me first remind you all with my words written earlier, describing the third argument why people reject the prophetic volumes: “[T]hree, that there will be coming a day when the Remnant Faithful will be openly maligned and severely persecuted, practicing the True Christian Faith in the Underground Church. As the words of holy consecration prayed by the priests for the Blessed Sacrament in the Holy Mass will be tampered by the false prophet, so transubstantiation of the bread and wine into the Real Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will cease to be, resulting in the “abomination of desolation” in the visible Catholic Church. This will happen in order to make way for the antichrist to be installed as the head of Holy Mother Church and the world.”

Now, many people reject the Book of Truth, because, recorded in Sacred Scriptures, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has promised, “the gates of hell shall never prevail against the church” (Gospel of Saint Matthew, Chapter 16, verse 18). However, let us unwrap and consider what truly Our Lord is revealing here about the divine promise for always protecting His Beloved Church, the Roman Catholic Church, on earth. What is really the Church here? Is it a physical place or a spiritual condition or a state of being? Dearest ones, foremost, the Church — the authentic faith — is the true mystical body of Christian believers who follow Jesus Christ and the Ten Commandments of His Eternal Father, Papa God, striving to live fully the Supreme Divine Will in their earthly lives. Here, the Church is really about the people — its faithful believers — and not about any physical structure or physical location on earth. In fact, Saint Anne-Catherine Emmerich, who has been called the greatest visionary by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, because she had the most comprehensive gift for mystical visions ever bestowed by God, once declared in her mystical writings, that the “Church” is, indeed, the reality of the mystical body of believers on earth. She wrote: “The Church is the only one, the Roman Catholic! And if there were left upon earth but one Catholic, he would be the one, universal Church, the Catholic Church, the Church of Jesus Christ against which the gates of hell shall never prevail.”

Now, the divine promise that “the gates of hell shall never prevail over the church”, was spoken over Saint Peter the Apostle, when Our Lord, Jesus Christ, was indicating that he would be the first Pope of the Catholic Church, the Vicar of Christ in Holy Mother Church. So, many people, both great and small throughout Church history, have conjectured that the holy father, the pope, can never fall in his visible, acting role of leading the Catholic Church. But, recall, Saint Anne-Catherine Emmerich, with her extensive mystical visions, who could see the entirety of salvation history, both in the past — starting with the Divine Fiat for All of Creation — and well into the future, including our present-day of the End Times and the Apocalypse — NEVER indicated that the leadership of the Catholic Church could never fall. In fact, she prophesied that there would come a time when there would be “two popes” — one legitimate and one illegitimate — and that the “Church” would always be divinely protected even if there was ONLY one Catholic person left, NOT that the one Catholic person left, who would be divinely protected, would be always the pope.

Dearest ones, if you read Sacred Scriptures thoughtfully and carefully, it is actually self-evident that there will come a future day when there will be a “false shepherd” who will attempt to lead Holy Mother Church. As the Book of Revelation (Chapter 13) states clearly that there will be a “false prophet” who will take visible reign in a fallen Christian Church. Also, there are many scripture verses that speak of the “abomination of desolation” happening in the End Times. Truly, if one believes that the prophesied, abomination of desolation, means the removal of the Real Presence of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Eucharist; then, how can this prophesied tragedy come about without some type of false shepherd leading Holy Mother Church? Obviously, the holy words of Consecration for the Blessed Sacrament, the Most Holy Eucharist, cannot be changed and accepted by the rest of Holy Mother Church, unless such an act of sacrilegious desecration, is both approved, supported, and actively spread and encouraged, from the very top, the very head, the visible leader of the Catholic Church.

Moreover, many esteemed theologians and eminent scholars will claim that the papacy can never fall, because the pope is the “Restrainer” who holds back the “lawless one” (the antichrist) from taking full possession in Holy Mother Church, as mentioned in Sacred Scriptures (2nd Letter to the Thessalonians, Chapter 2). However, it has also been proposed that the “Restrainer” might be, instead, the Holy Spirit, or even Saint Michael Archangel, as the text is unclear and ambiguous about this mystery man. Oh, beloved ones, Heaven has finally revealed who this mysterious Restrainer is, according to private revelation given to a very holy, mystic priest. The Restrainer who has prevented the antichrist from gaining a foothold within Holy Mother Church, is Saint Joseph, the earthly father of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Saint Joseph, who is known as the “Terror of Demons”, and has been revealed by Heaven, to be the greatest Saint, above all other Saints and holy Angels, second only to the Heavenly Queen and Holy Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Therefore, this means that the Restrainer who has protected Holy Mother Church for the past 2,000 years, is NOT the holy father, the many Catholic leaders, acting in their papal role throughout the several centuries. The Restrainer is not the pope whom many people claim to believe, who holds back the antichrist.

Consequently, this means that Sacred Scriptures does not “guaranteed” that the pope can never fall in his acting leadership role of Holy Mother Church (according to 2nd Letter to the Thessalonians, Chapter 2). Indeed, any pope is merely a servant of God and an ambassador of Christ, chosen to live for a “short while” within a certain context of salvation history, who defends the Holy Christian Faith on earth to the best of his abilities. However, the Roman Catholic Church is ever-protected by supernatural means by Almighty God, Who determines solely its outcomes according to His Supreme Divine Will; and not by any fallen man, even a holy man chosen by the Divine Will to be the Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ. Thus, the solely needed divine protection of the Catholic Church has been universally entrusted to Saint Joseph, as its ever-constant defender, throughout the centuries, during the various periods of time that different men, both good and bad, have come and gone as holy father, the pope. And, indeed, Sacred Scriptures does reveal that one of those men, in the End Times, will choose to serve as a wilful servant of hell and an ambassador of satan, bringing about the prophesied “abomination of desolation”, with the final aim of fully destroying the Holy Christian Faith, and everyone and everything held dear in the Roman Catholic Church. Therefore, the pope is capable of falling and does fall finally in the last days of Holy Mother Church on earth.

Dearest ones, as you discern the authenticity of the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth, given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, I want you to consider this question. If this is the period of days known as the End Times, that is very close to the fulfillment of the Apocalypse that has been prophesied in Sacred Scriptures, then, beloved ones, does it not make sense that Almighty God would try to save and warn and prepare His elect, His chosen ones, for the severe difficulties and dire challenges that they will be facing? As, truly, Sacred Scriptures counsels, Surely the Lord God does nothing, without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets” (Book of Prophet Amos, Chapter 3, verse 7).

Now, I am going to explain my rationale why any so-called “unapproval” by any member of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church about the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, is faulty, unreliable, and untrustworthy. And why faithful believers may be permitted to read, discern, accept, and follow the body of heavenly messages for themselves.

First, the very gentle soul who wrote me about the Book of Truth, was very concerned that people who believe its contents may be excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church. So, let me explain something important here. Recall, in Church history, there used to be a formal religious court, called the Inquisition, that used to put people on trial for various sacrilegious acts, including many acts of heresy, schism, and disobedience for undermining the Holy Catholic Church. However, not every person who has been accused, convicted, and even executed by the Inquisition, has truly been found “guilty” in the Holy Eyes of Almighty God. For example, there is the famous interrogation, trial, and execution, burned by the stake, of Saint Joan of Arc, who later has been recognized as a great heroine and Patroness Saint of both France and Europe. Also, the greatest Spanish mystic, Saint Teresa of Avila, at the end of her life, was accused and under investigation by the Inquisition, but she died, as God took her home to Heaven, before she could properly defend herself before a formal trial on earth.

The reason I speak about the Inquisition, is because it still exists, in some form, as that particular religious court function is performed by the oldest part of the Roman Curia at the Vatican, known today as, the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which is the body responsible for promulgating and defending Catholic doctrine. The Sacred Congregation is also the body responsible for investigating the private mystical revelations throughout the world, that are brought to its attention by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. The Sacred Congregation is also responsible for handling any processes and proceedings for formal excommunications, which are then approved by the holy father, the pope. And, as a side-note, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was the Prefect, head of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, for more than two decades until he was chosen to become the holy father in 2005, selecting the papal name of Pope Benedict XVI for his holy pontificate.

Now, I want people to know that Canon Law is very complex, especially, regarding the matter of formal excommunication in the Roman Catholic Church. There are actually two penalty types of formal excommunication possible according to the religious law that governs members of the Catholic Church. According to Canon Law 1314, they are: (1) the penalty of ferendae sententiae, which binds and is imposed after a party is found guilty from a religious proceeding or trial. A famous, historical example of this type of excommunication is shown by Saint Joan of Arc, who was later acquitted of her guilty conviction by the Catholic Church. And (2) the penalty of latae sententiae, which is incurred ipso facto (automatically), once the delict (violation of law) is committed. A common, modern-day example of this type of excommunication involves abortion. Once a Catholic woman commits an act of voluntary, wilful abortion, she is automatically excommunicated, in a state of mortal disgrace, and unable to receive the Holy Sacraments in the Catholic Church. However, in the special case of abortion, the excommunication may be lifted by either a local bishop, or if he has delegated authority in his diocese, by a parish priest in Sacramental Confession. But, otherwise, the penalty of excommunication must be typically removed by the hierarchy, the holy father, the Pope of the Catholic Church.

Now, there are many fine rules, processes, and proceedings, that must be carried out exactly, in order for the formal excommunication of any person to be considered valid and lawful in the Catholic Church. Especially, regarding the excommunication penalty by ferendae sententiae, as it involves a formal court proceeding or trial, where the defendant party is presumed innocent until proven guilty. Canon Law must be carefully followed, so as to avoid any miscarriage of justice and to avoid the appearance of having a kangaroo court that does not abide by any just standard of the rule for law. Simply put, a declaration of formal excommunication is very grave, so the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith does not simply cast such harsh judgments upon people, until all facts and all defenses for innocence under Canon Law, are considered by the religious court.

Alright, I want to especially address here the penalty of latae sententiae, which is automatic excommunication, that is imposed in certain situations upon members of the Roman Catholic Church. This type of excommunication does not involve a religious proceeding or trial, as it is a penalty immediately incurred upon committing certain types of grave immoral misbehavior. Here, I want to fully answer the question if people who believe in the visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, and the heavenly messages in the Book of Truth, are automatically excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church. Especially, as the heavenly messages infer and imply that Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is the false prophet of the Apocalypse (Book of Revelation, Chapter 13).

Alright, let’s examine the two relevant sections of Canon Law that opponents are indicating govern automatic excommunication of those individuals who believe in the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy:

Canon Law 1364 § 1 An apostate from the faith, a heretic or a schismatic incurs a latae sententiae excommunication.

Canon Law 751 Heresy is the obstinate denial or obstinate doubt after the reception of baptism of some truth which is to be believed by divine and Catholic faith; apostasy is the total repudiation of the Christian faith; schism is the refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him.

Here, opponents are proposing that believers of the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, are “schismatic”, incurring automatic excommunication, because they are creating a schism by refusing to acknowledge and submit to the authority of Pope Francis (Begoglio) as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church.

Beloved ones, the man known as Pope Francis (Bergoglio), who is acting as head of the Roman Catholic Church, is an IMPOSTOR, as he is NOT the legitimate Pope, the Vicar of Christ. As the posthumous testimony of Pope Benedict XVI has revealed, our dear holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, was the last, true, legitimate Pope, in apostolic succession from Saint Peter the Apostle, the first Pope, of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XVI NEVER abdicated his authority and power as Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ, as his “resignation” in 2013 was COERCED UNDER DURESS and the THREAT OF MURDER by corrupted infiltrators within the Holy See, the Vatican.

Dearest ones, such a coerced, forced “resignation” by Pope Benedict XVI, has NEVER been accepted as lawful in the Holy Eyes of Almighty God, Who Is Perfectly Just as Our Creator, the Divine Lawmaker. The coerced, forced “resignation” by Pope Benedict XVI was a “coup d’état” of the Holy See, by an well-organized freemasonry crime syndicate, called the St Gallen mafia, deeply embedded within the governance structure of the Roman Curia, the Vatican. The coup d’état then brought about an unlawfully convened Conclave by the College of Cardinals, that resulted in the illegal election of an illegitimate papal candidate, Pope Francis (Bergoglio), who had been groomed and preened for several years by the St Gallen mafia.

What is a “coup d’état” (or, “coup”)? A coup is a quick decisive action, often violent, that involves the illegal seizure of government, typically by assassination or forcible removal from office its top leaders. A coup involves the sudden overthrow or alteration of an existing government by a small group of people, usually, a small group of politicians or military generals, etc. Coup d’état is French for “stroke of the state” or “blow to the government.” In contrast, a “revolution” is an overthrow or repudiation and thorough replacement of an established government or political system by the people governed. A revolution involves a massive uprising of people, which may be violent or nonviolent in nature. A coup d’état is not a revolution, although they have the same political effect or outcome, the illegal replacement of those in governance and/or the governance system.

Now, I need to make a side-note to explain something significant and relevant here. Before Pope Benedict XVI was chosen to be the holy father in 2005, there were many prophecies swirling beforehand to different chosen messengers that the next pope after the holy death of saintly, Pope John Paul II, would be the “false prophet” of the Apocalypse. Obviously, that specific prophecy was postponed. As it was revealed to the visionary at Holy Love Ministries, that Papa God had great Mercy on the world and due to the ardent, heartfelt prayers of His faithful children, Papa God delayed its fulfillment by graciously enabling Pope Benedict XVI to be elected by the College of Cardinals. I share that fact, because in the aftermath of the 2005 Conclave, it has been revealed by anonymous testimony of different voting cardinals, that Francis (Bergoglio) was second runner-up, almost being installed as Vicar of Christ. This is significant to know, because Pope Benedict XVI knew the man who would likely be chosen as the next Vicar of Christ after his pontificate.

Also, I remind you all that Pope Benedict XVI, known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger before becoming the Vicar of Christ, was the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for more than two decades, which is the religious body responsible for investigating various private mystical revelation with the Roman Catholic Church. Moreover, I remind you as Cardinal Ratzinger, he was a very close advisor and very trusted friend to saintly, Pope John Paul II, as he helped him to put into place certain election rules for the next Papal Conclave that would take place after Pope John Paul II’s death. Certain election rules that would hopefully make it harder so there would NOT be any usurping of illegal power within the College of Cardinals. And finally, I remind you all that as Prefect of the Sacred Congregation and dearest confidant to saintly, Pope John Paul II, that Pope Benedict XVI (Cardinal Ratzinger) was one of a handful of people who knew the COMPLETE Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima (1917), both the revealed, publicized part and the hidden, unknown parts of the Third Secret.

Now, the reason these facts are significant and relevant, is because the imitate knowledge about the Third Secret of Fatima helped our dearly beloved holy father, Pope Benedict XVI, know what he needed to do regarding the murder and blackmail threats made against him in February 2013. As the Book of Truth to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, reveals partially to world the hidden part of the Third Secret of Fatima that only Pope Benedict XVI and a handful of people actually knew. The Book of Truth reveals that the Third Secret is about the secret freemasonry mafia gaining control of the Holy See in the End Times. Moreover, the Third Secret speaks about a scenario where there would be two popes — one legitimate and one illegitimate — in the End Times.

Now, I share these facts with you, dearest ones, because knowledge of the Third Secret of Fatima helped to guide both saintly, Pope John Paul II, and dearest Pope Benedict XVI, in their governance of the Holy See, the Vatican. So, they both knew that they needed to put into place certain checks and balances in the voting rules for the next Papal Conclave. They also knew that they needed to have rules in place, where there might be a future scenario of two acting popes, possibly caused through some type of “forced retirement”, etc. And finally, when dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, was confronted, facing murder and blackmail threats, he knew what needed to be done to keep the ongoing continuity of the Holy Christian Faith in Holy Mother Church. Pope Benedict XVI knew that it was acceptable to Heaven and the Divine Plan, that he “resign” publicly in 2013, entering into seclusion exiled on Vatican grounds, for the remainder of his holy pontificate on earth. That he would be the silent, suffering servant of God, in mystical union with Our Lord and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, Who truly suffered for all mankind on The Cross. The Third Secret of Fatima was the divine signpost pointing the way out for dearly beloved, Pope Benedict XVI, to avoid potentially the Greatest Schism of the Roman Catholic Church in 2013; as well as an assassination attempt on his mortal life.

Beloved ones, not only was the 2013 Conclave unlawfully convened, it has been rumored that there was a prohibited canvassing of votes among the electing cardinals, as well as other improprieties and irregularities according to Canon Law. And so, the election and papal installment of Francis (Bergoglio) happened after only two days of voting by the cardinals. Now, please understand, everything, every papal decision, every hierarchical appointment, made by Francis (Bergoglio), acting as Vicar of Christ, is ILLEGITIMATE and UNLAWFUL in the Holy Eyes of Almighty God. Everything that Francis (Bergoglio) has decided and enacted, as the “great pretender”, since his installment as head of the Catholic Church in 2013, has NO LEGAL STANDING before Almighty God. Furthermore, the Catholic Church cannot “go back in time” by accepting an unlawfully convened past Conclave that elected an illegitimate pope, by retroactively declaring the papal choice as lawful and all his papal decisions lawful, simply because the legitimate pope of the Catholic Church has since died. That is NOT how any JUST, FAIR, and EQUITABLE legal system works in the world. Especially when the illegitimate successor may be the SOURCE of the governmental overthrow by coup d’état, and may be the CAUSE of the previous legitimate leader’s untimely demise. (As the posthumous testimony of Pope Benedict XVI indicates that Francis (Bergoglio) may be the one who ordered the “hit” ending his earthly life).

Therefore, since the holy passage of Pope Benedict XVI, on December 31, 2022, which has been revealed by private mystical revelation to be, in fact, a case of holy death by martyrdom, the holy Chair of Saint Peter of the Roman Catholic Church, has been EMPTY and VACANT. There is NO legitimate Supreme Pontiff, NO Vicar of Christ, that is currently seated in the holy Chair of Saint Peter. The Roman Catholic Church has NO POPE at this present time. Heaven IS currently directly guiding the Roman Catholic Church on earth, under the Almighty Leadership and Divine Kingship of Our Lord, JESUS CHRIST, Himself. That is why the confidential documents written by Pope Benedict XVI, that were supposed to be published after his death but were burned by his enemies, called for a Conclave to be convened by the College of Cardinals. This is because the papal chair is empty and vacant, so a legitimate Supreme Pontiff, Vicar of Christ, must be chosen now, in order for the unceasing and uninterrupted continuity in the world of the Holy Christian Faith, established by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Holy Mother Church almost 2,000 years ago. NOTE: I will address this topic further in a future prophetic writing.

Hence, it is an ungrounded, unfounded, and baseless argument that believers of the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, are “schismatic”, incurring automatic excommunication, by the refusal to acknowledge and submit to the authority of Francis (Bergoglio) as Supreme Pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church. Francis (Bergoglio) has NO lawful authority for faithful Catholics to submit to, as he is not canonically elected as the Vicar of Christ. He is an IMPOSTOR, improperly dressed in white papal vestments, posing for the role that he has NOT under Heaven and on earth.

Now, I will state that within the pages of the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, that God does foretell that there will be many formal excommunications happening in the future of the Catholic Church. Now, I may not recall this exactly, but I remember reading in a heavenly message that one day, the Book of Truth, will be placed on the Sacred Altar of the Church, and that 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, will be formally excommunicated in that manner by the Roman Catholic Church. And I do recall reading that there will come a future day, where almost half of all Catholic clergy in the world — about 200,000 holy men — will be formally excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church on the day that the “abomination of desolation” is formally instituted in Holy Mother Church. As almost half of the holy priesthood will choose to continue to serve Papa God and remain loyal to His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, in the Most Holy Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament of the Sacred Altar. So, about 200,000 holy priests will need to be protected by the Underground Church, when this prophecy is fulfilled. Obviously, though, none of these divine prophecies about formal excommunications have happened yet.

Likewise, the so-called “concerned” Christians, and other like-minded people, like to point out that the Archbishop of the Catholic Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland, issued a Public Statement supposedly “condemning” the visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, and the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth. Here is the words from the Archdiocesan Statement released on April 16, 2014 (https://dublindiocese.ie/statement-on-maria-divine-mercy):


“Requests for clarification have been coming to the Archdiocese of Dublin concerning the authenticity of alleged visions and messages received by a person who calls herself “Maria Divine Mercy” and who may live in the Archdiocese of Dublin. Archbishop Diarmuid Martin wishes to state that these messages and alleged visions have no ecclesiastical approval and many of the texts are in contradiction with Catholic theology. These messages should not be promoted or made use of within Catholic Church associations.”

Dearest ones, I present the words of the Archdiocesan Statement to you all, so you may discern carefully for yourselves whether you would like to believe in or not the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth. However, for myself, this Archdiocesan Statement remains unconvincing and untrustworthy for two main reasons. First reason, unfortunately, today, there are many unholy priests, including many unholy Bishops and unholy Cardinals, that are unfaithful, unprincipled, and undependable in executing their vocational role and episcopate office within Holy Mother Church.

Sadly, many of these priestly men hold corrupted beliefs, showing an immoral character, witnessed by both their bad deeds and bad words, as well as their lack of courage and integrity to stand up of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, against the wicked counterculture that they are living in. And when I see such unholy men working actively against the beautiful traditions of our Catholic faith, by promoting a more secularist agenda within religious circles, it is heartbreaking. Just as Our Holy Mother, Mary, warned would take place in the future Church at Akita, Japan (1973). Our Lady stated: “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord. The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God.”

Dearest ones, this Archdiocesan Statement insists that “many of the texts [found in the Book of Truth] are in contradiction with Catholic theology”. Yet, for instance, if a person actually reads the Book of Truth, he or she will notice that there are moral condemnations on the mortal sins of homosexuality, gay “marriage”, and abortion. In contrast, it is these exact, same hot topics of homosexuality, gay “marriage”, and abortion that the Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, has shown very disgraceful diocesan mismanagement, lack of leadership, and lack of moral character during his tenure in the episcopate (2004-2021). Early on, after he was installed as the Archbishop, Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, said that being gay should not prevent a man from becoming a Catholic priest. Quote: “You don’t write off a candidate for the priesthood simply because he is a gay man” (2005). And sadly, it just gets worse over the years, as his tenure as Archbishop of Dublin is replete with many failures in leadership. So many failures to lead against the wicked counterculture, both in gay unions and in abortion, which both became lawful in Ireland under his tenure, and were warned about in the Book of Truth to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy.

Sadly, Archbishop of Dublin, the Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin, has a compromised Christian faith (we must pray for him). A compromised Christian faith, essentially being “lukewarm”, which Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has stated in Sacred Scriptures, that He will “vomit” such “lukewarm” unbelievers from His holy Mouth (Book of Revelation, Chapter 3, verse 16). And knowing that there are so many like-minded Catholic cardinals and bishops, who compromise their Christian faith, yet, people look up to them for guidance regarding Heaven’s messages given to different chosen messengers today… Honestly, I, “a soul”, question myself, wondering why should I put any faith and trust in these insincere shepherds, who are not acting in the best fatherly interests for tendering the flock entrusted to their care? Why should I put any faith and trust in these insincere shepherds for their supposedly “superior” discernment of Heaven’s messages today? When such insincere shepherds demonstrate no strong foundation in our Catholic faith, lacking any personal, basic understanding of authentic Catholic theology? Such insincere shepherds may be in a “teaching” role, as part of the episcopate, but they clearly are not “real” teachers according to the authentic doctrines and dogmas of our Holy Catholic Faith, taught by Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The second reason, that I reject the Archdiocesan Statement supposedly “condemning” the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy, is because there was NO formal diocesan investigation into the authenticity of the heavenly messages. Again, there are formal steps, rules, processes, and proceedings, involved in doing a proper investigation of a chosen messenger and his or her body of heavenly messages within the Catholic Church. Simply put, a bishop cannot arbitrarily issue a public statement such as this, without a thorough official investigation, which typically warrants years of ongoing theological and background studies concerning the alleged messages, and includes many psychological, medical, and scientific tests on the supposed visionary. None of this was done, regarding the Book of Truth and its visionary, Maria Divine Mercy. Truly, we do not even know if the real identity of Maria Divine Mercy is the certain woman claimed to be living in the Archdiocese of Dublin, Ireland. Thus, the Archbishop of Dublin may not even have the canonical authority to make such a far-reaching public statement stating its disapproval of the heavenly messages, that carries overarching jurisdictional authority among faithful believers in other Catholic dioceses. The Archdiocesan Statement is faulty, unreliable, unconvincing, and untrustworthy.

Beloved ones, I have presented here several of my personal reasons for believing in 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, and the heavenly messages found in the Book of Truth. I have presented only a handful, the major reasons, that I find the visionary to be credible and worthy of belief and the heavenly messages itself to be worthy of your consideration and discernment. Including the many Heaven-inspired prayers, litanies, and devotions given to Maria Divine Mercy, that are very timely and urgently needed to fight against the many social evils targeted against Christians and God. Both today in these End Times, but also during the heightened wickedness that will be manifesting during the harsh days of the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse, under the coming brutal reign of the antichrist.

However, I want you all to know that although I am in favor of believing in 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, and the Book of Truth, at the same time, I recognize that the heavenly messages are not perfect in their delivery. Meaning, the heavenly messages are private mystical revelation. They are NOT to be held at the same level of credibility and worthiness as public revelation, as Sacred Scriptures, including the Gospel, as being “breathed” forth by Almighty God, where every word is both inspired and chosen by God, being perfectly recorded in the texts of the Holy Bible.

Dearest ones, I say this to you all, because I know that there are a few errors — NOT having to do Catholic theology — but having to do with certain prophetic statements allegedly attributed to Our Lord, Jesus Christ. For instance, in the Book of Truth, Our Lord supposedly states that the mission of having refuges is not of divine-origin or part of the Divine Plan in the End Times. However, I know that such a blanket statement cannot be coming from Our Lord, because refuges during the Great Tribulation IS a HUGE part of the Divine Plan. As the safe havens and refuges are part of the Great Exodus, in order to safely protect God’s precious children, the Remnant Faithful, from martyrdom under the antichrist and for them to be able to physically survive to the very end of the Apocalypse, so they may live in the Glorious Era of Peace (Book of Revelation, Chapter 20). I am also well-aware that satan and the devils of hell have the corrupted angelic powers to manipulate what people hear from others, including heavenly visitors. This is because human speech and human thought can be very slow, so words can be both changed, switched out, and spoken over, etc., by use of angelic powers. Personally, I have witnessed this spiritual gift of angelic power used both by the holy angels of Heaven and by the devils of hell, in my physical presence, in different battles of spiritual warfare, as well as the spiritual gift of mind confusion by both the holy angels and the devils. There are, in fact, many ways that human hearing, human thoughts, and human words, can be interfered with by angelic powers, both good and bad.

This is why, dearest ones, the gift of discernment of spirits is so critical to be developed by everyone, especially, when considering any body of heavenly messages. Because, even if you believe in the veracity and authenticity of a particular chosen messenger, it is still vitally necessary to discern each given heavenly message on its own merits, and to even further discern by each sentence and even by individual words in such messages. No person has perfect discernment of spirits, where he or she writes down perfectly given messages — verbatim — from Heaven, or receives perfectly divinely inspired thoughts to write down. Mistakes can and do crop up from time to time, as God is helping each chosen messenger to grow in their faith and trust and to develop their mystical gifts. Furthermore, God does NOT want people to believe that any body of heavenly messages or mystical writings, is ON PAR, with the Holy Bible or the Gospels, which are clearly, in their own OWN UNIQUE CLASS of divinely inspired writings for God’s precious children on earth.

Finally, it is important to recognize, as a person is discerning the heavenly messages in the Book of Truth, that prophecies CAN and DO CHANGE over time. Especially, in the past decade that the Book of Truth has been available for people to read and consider. As I have stated before, in other writings, prophecies can change for three reasons: one, the free will of mankind reacting to the given prophecies; two, the power of prayer, that allows God to use grace to change bad prophecies towards a better outcome; and three, the invisible machinations of hell among fallen mankind, who exert invisible control over willing minions, in order to manipulate behaviors towards their evil end goals. As hell certainly listens to Heaven-sent prophecies, and accordingly adjusts their evil agenda to achieve maximum damage under the cloak of hiddenness and darkness. So, yes, divinely given prophecies can and do change over time, therefore, people need to keep that principle in mind, especially, when discerning the veracity of any body of alleged heavenly messages. Understanding that principle also helps to keep people from becoming disappointed and falling away in disbelief, especially, when divinely given prophecies go unfulfilled or happen differently from expectations. As Papa God Is always making adjustments to His Divine Plan, so His overall objectives for salvation history are ultimately achieved.

Dearly beloved ones, I sincerely hope that this public statement about the two private revelations that I feature on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, will be helpful to you all. That this public statement will help you all to discern positively both the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy; as well as the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI given to a very pious cloistered nun living in Colombia. I also want you all to know that despite the lack of hierarchical approval regarding the Book of Truth, there are in fact many good, holy priests who believe in the body of heavenly messages. Some of them actively participate in the current ministry of Maria Divine Mercy, which involves supporting the online global and regional prayer groups, known as Jesus to Mankind, and the Crusade of Prayers. Moreover, I have a special webpage on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, that is dedicated to priests seeking more information about the Book of Truth, which has gotten several hundreds of document downloads, during this past decade, of the particular heavenly messages and divinely inspired prayers meant for the use by the clergy. So, yes, there are many good men within the ranks of the holy priesthood, who are becoming more and more aware of Heaven’s messages today, including the Book of Truth, which I consider to be a unique treasure for the Remnant Faithful. As its holy words show how much Papa God tenderly cherishes His precious children, letting us know how much He deeply cares about our spiritual, moral, and physical welfare on earth. May you be fully blessed in your discernment of spirits.

God bless you, my dearest brothers and sisters in Christ.

I love you,
A Soul

Of the prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls

Statement – The antichrist has no soul and Warning about the Book of Enoch – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

April 26, 2023
Dedicated to Our Holy Mother, Mary

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, want to clarify a few matters for my dearly beloved followers of this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls.

Recently, I was asked a few questions by a dear blog follower about the antichrist. So, I want to answer his questions publicly, because I want to help people struggling in understanding certain aspects of our Christian faith.

First, I want people to know that the antichrist has no soul, as he is the spawn of satan, a demon incarnate, and is not a human person who has been redeemed by The Cross of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Second, I want people to know that there are Two Forbidden Intentions that people must never pray to God. The first forbidden intention is that people must never pray for the salvation of the antichrist, because he is not human and does not possess a soul. And the second forbidden intention is that people must never pray for God’s Divine Justice to be accomplished in the world. Instead, people must always pray for the fulfillment of God’s Divine Mercy.

Beloved ones, I wrote an important commentary in 2019, where I addressed the Two Forbidden Intentions that people should never pray to God. It is not a perfect writing, as I speak about my understanding about the origin of the antichrist and demon incarnates in the world. As this is knowledge that has not been directly revealed to me by Almighty God, my human understanding may be flawed a little bit. However, it contains enough truths that I am still re-sharing the writing with you all, as I know it will still be helpful for people to read and meditate upon. Just understand that I never claim perfect discernment of spirits for any of my writings.

Third, I want to issue a WARNING about the apocryphal text, the Book of Enoch. As I know that even some well-known and well-respected Catholic theologians are suggesting that this text may be divinely inspired or divinely influenced.

Beloved ones, Do NOT read the Book of Enoch. It is a cursed text that is full of lies and heretical teachings. There are several reasons why this pagan text was never adopted by the Catholic Church as part of the complete canon of Sacred Scriptures (Holy Bible). However, here are two major reasons out of the several reasons why the Book of Enoch was banned by the early Christian church.

Beloved ones, the Book of Enoch frames salvation history, and in particular, the Fall of the Angels, according to demonic thinking. The book is full of satanic reasoning and teachings that hell has resurfaced by having this occult text “rediscovered” in this modern-day. hell is attempting to confuse the Christian faithful by promoting pagan beliefs and practices through the ready acceptance of the Book of Enoch, as a prophetic and historical text somehow inspired by Heaven.

It is wrong to think that the Book of Enoch is an authentic text of salvation history. It is satanic in origin, chock full of lies.

Beloved ones, the Book of Enoch promotes the idea that there were “two Falls” of the Angels. However, this idea is false and heretical.

Beloved ones, please understand that there was only ONE Fall of the Angels, which happened at the origin of Creation, before mankind was created by Almighty God. And after the Fall of the Angels, where 1/3 of the angels were disobedient to God by following lucifer (satan) and were consequently kicked out of Heaven, the rest of the angels — the 2/3 of the angels that stayed faithful and obedient to God — were CONFIRMED IN GRACE with the BEATIFIC VISION OF GOD.

Beloved ones, the Beatific Vision is the blissful achievement of being able to fully Gaze upon the unveiled Holy Face of Almighty God, and be in direct full communication and best Friendship with God. Once a being has achieved the Beatific Vision, he or she is INCAPABLE of sinning against God, as they have achieved PERFECTION in All Grace, and this is the blissful immaculate state of grace that all creatures dwell and possess in All Glory forever in Heaven.

Beloved ones, the Holy Angels, who are Saints in Heaven, can NEVER fall out of grace in God. There was ONLY One Fall of the Angels, and NOT Two Falls of the Angels, which satan suggests in the Book of Enoch.

Beloved ones, if you desire to read the real truth about the origin of the Nephilim, that are spoken about in Sacred Scriptures (Book of Genesis, Chapter 6, Verse 4), then you should read the private revelations given by Almighty God to Saint Anne-Catherine Emmerich and recorded in her mystical writings. The Book of Enoch suggests that there was a second Fall of the Angels that resulted in the origin of the Nephilim, demon incarnates, giants, in the world. That is a false teaching from hell. As the mystical writings of Saint Anne-Catherine Emmerich reveal that the angels that commingled with human females were ALREADY CORRUPTED as fallen angels from the ORIGINAL FALL of the Angels at the origin of Creation. There was NO second Fall of the Angels. Rather, those particular fallen angels that ended up commingling with human females, were originally kept confined in a specific abode on the surface of the earth, as they did not fall into the full depths of the eternal abyss of hell inside the center of the earth when they were kicked out of Heaven during the Great Epic Battle between the Holy Angels and the fallen angels (also known as devils) at the origin of Creation. The reason that these specific devils were permitted to remain on the surface of the earth, is because when they fell out of grace, these specific angels had a tinge of regret (remorse) for their great, unforgiveable sin, as they “looked back” at God before they were kicked out of Heaven. So, Almighty God had Mercy on these specific fallen angels by permitting them to be imprisoned on the surface of the earth and not immediately imprisoned in the fiery abyss of hell inside the earth. However, such angels were already fallen, corrupted by evil, and were subject to the final judgment of the eternal state of hell at the End of Times. However, as mankind was spreading across the face of the earth, eventually, fallen mankind came into contact with these specific fallen angels (devils), which then further corrupted mankind by the commingling of such devils with human females, resulting in demon incarnates and giants, etc.

Beloved ones, among many valid reasons, the second major reason that people should NOT read the Book of Enoch, is because every word of that text is cursed, especially, with all the cursed names of various fallen angels (devils) given throughout the text. Those cursed names have been provided by satan so occultists can invoke them as part of their occult practices and rituals today.

Beloved ones, for the few persons that know me “a soul” personally, such close and dear friends are well-aware that I cannot even stand to say any demonic name, as just uttering such cursed names acknowledges the devils in some way and can thereby invoke their devilish presence. Yes, I will say the name of satan, as he is the infernal enemy of God and mankind, but I really abhor and detest saying any other demonic names, as they are all curse words. And honestly, I do not even like to look at religious artwork that portrays the demonic in any way. As truthfully, one time, it took me several years to find an appropriate religious statue of Saint Michael Archangel that I would be comfortable having in my home, that did not include satan as part of the statue. As honestly, I do not even want to look at any type of image that has satan, even a glorious statue that has Saint Michael Archangel casting down satan by thrusting him with his holy sword, etc.

In conclusion, I have one other off-topic item to share with you all, my beloved followers, of this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. As of Holy Week, I have been experiencing great difficulties with my email address associated with this blog. Consequently, I have removed all the contact me links on my websites, so people will no longer be able to reach me with their questions and their concerns. I am sorry that I had to do this, but really, I had no choice due to spiritual warfare. And so, I am letting everyone know that I am unable to respond or reply further to any emails sent to my blog email address. It is an unfortunate tragedy, but again, I have no choice in this particular matter.

Beloved ones, I love you very much. May Our Papa God always hold you close to His Paternal Heart.

God bless,
a soul


Holy Bible: Old Testament
Book of Genesis, Chapter 6, Verse 4

“Now giants were upon the earth in those days. For after the sons of God went in to the daughters of men, and they brought forth children, these are the mighty men of old, men of renown.”

Holy Bible: New Testament
Letter of Saint Jude, Chapter 1, Verse 6

“And the angels who kept not their principality, but forsook their own habitation, he hath reserved under darkness in everlasting chains, unto the judgment of the great day.”

Holy Bible: New Testament
2nd Letter of Saint Peter, Chapter 2, Verse 2

“For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but delivered them, drawn down by infernal ropes to the lower hell, unto torments, to be reserved unto judgment.”


IMPORTANT COMMENTARY: The Two Forbidden Intentions that Christians should NEVER pray to God

April 12, 2023 – Saint Michael Archangel to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – Important Sealing Prayer – “These scorpions will have the purpose of tormenting them for their wickedness, this will happen to perverse men who do NOT carry the Seal of the Living God on their foreheads”




Final Instructions for this Pentecost Sunday, May 28, 2023 – Message Given to mystic, Lorena, by Our Lord, JESUS CHRIST – “It is Important, that you prepare for this Pentecost, because you will receive great graces and gifts for your Final Missions.” – April 8, 2023



APRIL 12, 2023

The Apocalyptic Trumpets are about to sound, and the Justice Angels Commanded by me Saint Michael the Archangel will draw their Swords against the wicked men bringing to their Consciences and Bodies a pain like a scorpion sting that will hammer them day and night with the purpose of tormenting them for 5 months, these evil men will want to die, but will NOT be able to, they will beat their heads against the walls of despair.

These scorpions will have the purpose of tormenting them for their wickedness, this will happen to perverse men who do NOT carry the Seal of the Living God on their foreheads, for this reason you need to ask to be Sealed by my Angels, so that you can be immune to the intense pain that these scorpions will you.


I, Saint Michael the Archangel, will ask my Justice Angels NOT TO DRAW their Sword against you and to be protected by Myriads of Angels that I Command.

The Entire Heaven will protect you from ALL danger and your Seal on your foreheads will be the Symbol that you belong to God the Father and that evil will NOT be able to touch your Souls, the Sealed will be immune to the Second Death, she will NOT interfere in you.

For this reason, ask from TODAY onwards, to be Sealed in the following way:



At the end of saying this Prayer, you will pray an Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and a Glory Be and you will ask on behalf of your lives and surrender to Heaven to be Sealed, so you will be protected from ALL evil and will have a secure Eternal Life.

God the Father will send you to be Seal by means of an Angel and thus Sealed and Protected, you will be able to face the harsh test of the Tribulation.

We will be waiting for you at the Wedding of the Lamb.

I say goodbye with the War Cry,


Saint Michael Archangel

FOOTNOTE (By a soul):
Papa God asked me to add this footnote to this heavenly message. There have been other chosen messengers of God that have been provided similar instructions and prayers for the Seal of the Living God for the End Times. Most notably, 7th messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, in the Book of Truth, among other prophets, etc. Please understand that if you have been obedient in following previously given prayers from Heaven about how to receive the Seal of the Living God, that all those prior private revelations and God-given prayers are STILL VALID and so, you do not need to repeat its reception by praying this specific prayer given to mystic, Lorena. So, while reciting this specific prayer remains meritorious and is certainly grace-filled, it is OPTIONAL for those who have already received the Seal of the Living God through other prophetic means. JESUS, I trust in You, oh, Immaculate Mother, Mary, pray for us! God bless.

Hosted by Humble HouseWives – INVITATION – Sign-Up for DIVINE WILL BOOTCAMP, Starting Wednesday, April 26, 2023 – 365 Days of Living in the Divine Will – Based on the Holy Writings of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta – Accompanying Note by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Monday, April 24, 2023

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

I, “a soul” of MaryRefugeOfSouls, would like to alert you all of a wonderful opportunity that a dear friend of this prophecy blog is presenting for interested learners in the Divine Will.

My friend, Mary Fernandez, Author of the Catholic blog, HumbleHouseWives, will be hosting a Divine Will Bootcamp, based on the writings of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta. The Divine Will Bootcamp will start on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, and will last for 365 days. Personally, I, “a soul”, am signing up for this unique opportunity, a 365-Day Email Course, which I know will be excellent as dear Mary is a fantastic teacher and presenter.

Below are copies of the two recent emails that dear Mary sent out, which I hope will pique your interest in taking advantage of this wonderful opportunity, as well as, hopefully, answer any potential questions you may have about the Divine Will Bootcamp. God bless you, dearest ones.

In Christ’s Love,
a soul

Writings of Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta


Sunday, April 23, 2023

Dear Potential Learner,

I hope this message finds you well. Today marks the 158th anniversary of the birthday of Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta! In honor of this occasion, I am thrilled to invite you to join me for a new bootcamp that I have put together for you.

Starting this Wednesday, April 26th, we will begin a year-long journey together with a 365-day email course on living in the Divine Will. This course is designed to guide you through the lessons of Jesus and Mary to Luisa, helping you dive deeper into the gift of the Divine Will.

Living in the Divine Will promises to be an experience like none other, as God has promised that to those who live in it, Jesus will live perpetually in them, just as He is present in the Most Holy Eucharist. This gift has the power to transform the world, bringing order to the universe and fulfilling the Our Father prayer: “Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

Luisa’s revelations have been approved by the Catholic Church as authentic, and Saint Hannibal di Francia (Luisa’s confessor) made it his sole focus to promote her writings, believing them to be of paramount importance to the Church in our times.

Here is a quote from Luisa’s writings, which give a hint of how great a value these revelations are for all of us:

“Then, afterwards, my sweet Jesus went on taking all the books written on his Divine Will; He united them together, then He pressed them to his heart, and with unspeakable tenderness, He added: ‘I bless these writings from the heart. I bless each word; I bless the effects and the value they contain. These writings are part of Myself.’ Then He called the angels, who prostrated themselves, their faces to the ground, to pray. And since two fathers, who were supposed to see the writings, were there present, Jesus told the angels to touch their foreheads in order to impress in them the Holy Spirit, so as to infuse in them the light in order to make them comprehend the truths and the good that are in these writings. The angels did that, and Jesus, blessing us all, disappeared.” (Book of Heaven, Volume 17, 9.17.24)

When you register for the 365-day bootcamp, you will receive an email each day containing lessons and prayers from Luisa’s writings, making living in the Divine Will easy to incorporate into your daily life.

I invite you to click here to reserve your spot and join me in this transformative journey:

Click here to save your spot:

With the intercession of Luisa and Saint Hannibal di Francia, I pray that this course will be a useful tool for restoring all souls to the original order that God intended for his Creation!

FIAT voluntas tua, sicut in caelo et in terra! (Thy Will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!)


Mary Fernandez
Author of HumbleHouseWives

Monday, April 24, 2023

Dear Potential Learner,

I hope you’re having a great day so far! Yesterday, I announced a new email course on living in the Divine Will, which starts this Wednesday, April 26th. Over the course of 365 days, you will receive daily lessons, prayers, and meditations from the approved revelations of Jesus and Mary to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.

I’m thrilled to see that many of you have already signed up! This course is not only for you, but it’s also for me as well. I’m excited to have so many fellow students join me on this journey!

Register for the Divine Will Bootcamp here:

I’ve received a few questions, so I’d like to address them below:

How much does the course cost?

The course is “pay what you want.” You can choose your own price, and it’s a one-time donation. I really appreciate anything you can give! If you’re unable to make a donation at this time, simply enter $0, and you won’t be asked for payment information. Money should never be an impediment for anyone.

What sources will you be using for the course material?

For the first 5 days, I’ll introduce the gift of the Divine Will, drawing from the writings of Fr. Iannuzi and Tony Hickey. After that, Our Lady will take over the instruction. During the month of May, you’ll receive a daily lesson from the Queen of Heaven, as written in “The Virgin Mary in the Kingdom of the Divine Will” by Luisa Piccarreta. Then, we’ll dive into the volumes themselves, which contain the lessons of Jesus to Luisa. I also plan to include the Hours of the Passion.

I already have Luisa’s volumes and read/listen to books, podcasts, etc. about the Divine Will every day. Is there anything I can get out of this course?

Absolutely! This course isn’t another book or podcast, but rather a tool to help you incorporate living in the Divine Will into your daily life. If you’ve had trouble implementing this practice, these daily emails could provide the motivation you need. In addition to the daily lesson from Luisa’s writings, you’ll receive daily prayers and meditations. Some prayers (such as the morning offering) will be the same each day, while others (such as the “rounds”) will rotate. By rotating through the rounds, we can cover them all without feeling overwhelmed.

Lastly, if you think it would be helpful, I could create a private community area exclusively for Divine Will Bootcamp students. This could provide some spiritual camaraderie and help us all stay motivated. Perhaps we could even schedule some live cenacles to virtually meet each other and pray together. Let me know if you’re interested, and I’ll consider including that as part of the membership.

Thank you for considering this course. I’m excited to embark on this journey with you!


Mary Fernandez
Author of HumbleHouseWives

Join us in a year-long adventure of living in the Divine Will, according to the approved revelations of Jesus and Mary to Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta!

Starting this April 26th, I’ll send you a daily email with lessons, prayers and meditations to make living in the Divine Will simple to incorporate into your daily life.

Want to join us?


April 22, 2023 – Short Statement To Support Catholic Seer, Gisella Cardia, of Mary, Our Lady of Trevignano, Amidst Recent Media Accusations and Medically-Verified Stigmata Controversy – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

April 22, 2023

Dearest beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, of this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, am writing this short supportive statement for Catholic seer, Gisella Cardia, who has been viciously assailed in the European, particularly, Italian news media, lately. She is an authentic visionary of Mary, Our Lady of Trevignano, in Italy. I want you all to know that I do believe in her heavenly messages and that Gisella is credible and worthy of belief.

I have provided a few informative links and a short video that accurately addresses the media controversy surrounding Gisella Cardia. I suggest that you review them if you are having any doubts or confusion in discerning this matter. I am also providing a PDF document, in Italian, that is from the law firm representing the husband of Gisella Cardia, stating that any legal complaints filed against him have been dismissed. Here is the download:

Beloved ones, I also want you to know that on this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, that I do not carry the heavenly messages of every Christian mystic and prophet that personally, I believe in. Because, for a variety of reasons, I do not feel compelled to post every heavenly message given to every chosen messenger that I believe is worthy of following today. Since posting any heavenly messages publicly on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, does carry a certain heavy weight of responsibility before God and I do not want to have that heightened degree of spiritual responsibility for my discernment for so many different chosen messengers. Realistically, it is actually beyond my capability to have such a duty before God.

So, while I have very infrequently carried the heavenly messages given to Gisella Cardia from Mary, Our Lady of Trevignano, that does not mean that she is not authentic, or her messages are any less important in discerning or following in faith. I am simply one person who can only do so much regarding maintaining this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, to fulfill this ministry that Papa God and Our Lord, Jesus Christ, have entrusted to me.

Hence, I hope that my positive statement regarding Catholic seer, Gisella Cardia, proves helpful to you all concerning your discernment of the credibility of her fidelity to God and Mary, the worthiness of her heavenly messages, and provides a more balanced and fair representation of the media controversy involving Gisella and her family. God bless.

In Christ’s Love,
a soul

Official Video Description:
Amidst medically verified stigmata, Gisella Cardia responds to uncanny, devilish media attack upon her person. Here we present a video of Gisella Cardia’s stigmata along with her recent response to the attacks made upon her. The video also shows the diocesan bishops response to the heated media accusations. An official church examination will take place.

PLEASE READ: Bishop’s official response:

Italy24 news article/interview: https://news.italy24.press/local/463061.html

YouTube Video: Amid Medically Verified Stigmata, Catholic Seer, Gisella Cardia, Responds to Savage Media Attacks: My Soul is Broken! (5:40 minutes)