June 24, 2024 – Prepare for the Coming Battle (By John Martinez) – Two Heavenly Messages with Commentary and Teaching


(Source: https://afterthewarning.com/messages-from-heaven/john-martinez/2024/june/24/prepare-for-the-coming-battle/ )

Note: These heavenly messages and accompanying articles have been very slightly edited for clarity (spell check) and to correct bible verses by A Soul. Please see the original source if you would like to read the unedited version. God bless.

Prepare for the Coming Battle

By John Martinez
June 24, 2024

God the Father: My son, I am very proud of your commitment to Me at the beginning of your journey as my messenger and the duties that I gave the same to my servant Ezekiel, Samuel and other Prophets. The world and the sin of my children is not decreasing but is expanding beyond all the sin since the beginning of my Creation. It is the greed, power, and the destruction of my Church that Satan has infiltrated and oversee all the preposterous changes coming down from the Vatican. No one is exempt in Rome. It starts at the top. The darkness will get worst. The sin of mankind is greater than at the time of my servant Noah. Satan has entangled the mind and heart of my people as never before in the history of My Creation. Man has set his own destruction and the completion of what has been written by my Prophets and Saints are now being fulfilled. The apostolate (apostasy?) started since the Vatican II Council. The WOKE [aka: Communist] movement has taken over the minds and souls of many of clergy who have lost the Grace they received at their ordination. Beware and discern all things coming out of Rome. It is not I, but Satan and the Antichrist who have entanglement of My Church.

I am sending a Warning of Mercy and Justice to all.

Sin is beyond redemption. I am allowing Nature to bring destruction and changes to all the lands of my Creation. Nature is bringing chaos and destruction to all the world. You will see the eruption of Volcanoes under the sea many existing in areas throughout the planet, tsunamis where they are least expected, and in I have allowed hurricanes, and famine to destroy many areas of this earth. Fire and lightning from the sky will cause millions of forests to be set on fire and strong unnatural winds will spread this atrocity throughout the earth. Floods and droughts will rise in areas where they have not taken place.

A food shortage has already begun and will continue to deteriorate. A CABAL, the one world government, and the Antichrist are behind everything that is taking place but mostly the sin of mankind is the cause. The Biden Administration, in league with the United Nations (CABAL), are behind all the chaos that you are witnessing. These so-called rich billionaires are playing a great part in what is occurring, using the gifts I have given them. This is the Elites’ Strategy in their War on Food. But in the end, all their money will turn to dust and they will also be in lines with the poor seeking food.

[Personal message given here.]

All major cities in the United States have groups of terrorists that will bring destruction to your Nation. Biden, who pretends to be a good Catholic, will suffer for the chaos and infliction that is coming upon mankind. He and the evil demonic followers that are behind the scenes will cause this chastisement throughout the world. He is a false leader in power and is not in control of his position. Biden and his demonic minions are in control of your government. He is a puppet committed to destroying this Nation and make the path for wars, famine, and the short reign of the Antichrist.

Food shortage have already started. Many of your food suppliers are being destroyed so that all will be subject to the CABAL, “The New World Order”. Lucifer, the Antichrist, and the Beast are in control of the CABAL.

Poultry farms, meat plants and other food suppliers are being destroyed by the planned evil strategy of the “CABAL- New World Order”. They have taking control of water rights from private citizens and confiscated lands from their owners. They will lead this nation as never before in the history of this Nation.

World War III has already begun. This is not controlled by one man yet, but by the evil servants of Lucifer. Biden has stopped helping my Israel from defending themselves and has given more attention to the war in Ukraine. The CABAL has secretly planned what will take place world-wide. Europe and all free nations will suffer the same as the United States Congress and the United Nations push to support Ukraine and lure and orchestrate and create war with Russia and China. Their sinister plan is to create war with Russia, and the United States will suffer severely and catastrophically. Their plan is to create war in all of America by inviting foreign military soldiers to attack this nation. The reason for this plan is when this takes place, and it will happen, Biden will declare Marshal Law and try to stop the coming Presidential election.

My devoted saintly children have already started my Remnant Church. I am bringing my chosen leaders and anointed warriors to stand tall and be like St. Michael the Archangel. The Laity will play a crucial and necessary task I have for them. I am always with you. My Angels will be at your side, but Satan will try to keep this from taking place. He will fail.

My people suffer because of their lack of knowledge and the hidden spiritual world of evil plan of lucifer and his demonic servants and slaves.

Our Lady of Guadalupe:

Juanito. I am so proud of you as you called upon me to keep from going blind with acid in your eyes. I have always been with you and am very happy with your love and commitment to My Son Jesus.

The future of this world is in the hands and prayers of my little children. As I have spoken in several of my apparitions, my children will not listen and are stubborn. Thousands have visited Me in Medjugorje and other apparition sites and are being called to support and lay the foundation for my Remnant Church.

Many that visit my Son at Adoration will start receiving messages. God the Father has anointed them with all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is for the preparation for the war that is to come to all humanity. Satan knows that his time on earth is coming to an end. His mission, from the beginning, is to be like God. He is a deceiver, a counterfeit, and a liar. He wants all my children to spend eternity with him in hell.

My warriors will have a KNOWING and instructions as to what God is seeking and anointing them with all Spiritual Gifts of the Holy Spirit as was given to the Apostles and Disciples at Pentecost.

You will receive many visitors and communication throughout the world. I will help establish the means to reach everyone that is seeking answers and direction from God the Father. Many will be taught as to how to prepare for this coming Spiritual Warfare. My Army of God will be well prepared.

I seek and desire all of you to join me in praying the Chaplet of Devine Mercy and my Holy Rosary every day at 3:00 pm regardless of your place on earth. I love you and I want to lessen the suffering of my children. We must all come together and join each other in prayer, love and trust in God. I need you to visit the Blessed Sacrament and spend time with my Son. He will listen to you and answer your prayers. I am asking for your help as your loving Mother.

I always say to my beautiful children to pray, do not stop praying. The message from God the Father will come to pass. The only way to make it lesser is through the Holy Spirit and I your beloved Mother. It will not be easy. Not everyone on earth will be spared.

My saintly children will be guided to the Refuges that we have already prepared. Don’t lose Hope. Put your complete Faith, Love and Trust in Almighty God. As God the Father shared to all who follow my Son Jesus Christ will be protected.

“Jesus, I trust in You”.

The Spiritual War

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his power. Put on the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers of this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore, take up the whole armor of God, so that you may be able to withstand on that evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. Stand therefore, and fasten the belt of truth around your waist, and put on the breastplate of righteousness. As shoes for your feet put on whatever will make you ready to proclaim the gospel of peace. With all of these take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

“Always pray in the Spirit in every prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert and always persevere in supplication for all the saints. Pray also for me, so that when I speak, a message may be given to me to make known with boldness the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it boldly, as I must speak.”

Personal Comment and Teaching
– By John Martinez Jr.

Now war arose in heaven, Michael and his angels fighting against the dragon… Revelation 12:7

When St. Michael witnessed this rebellion against God, he was filled with righteous outrage on behalf of His Creator and is believed to have cried out: “Who is like God?” Hence his Hebrew name, Mikhaʾel, which means Who is like God? It’s a rhetorical cry—one that means, “No one is like God!”

Saying Serviam! is a fast and effective way to remember the One we serve. It also reorientates us to follow God’s will, especially in moments of temptation, just as St. Michael the Archangel did. (Serviam is a Latin word that translates to “I will serve.)

Trying to understand spiritual warfare from a theological viewpoint demands a recognition of the ongoing struggle between good and evil that we encounter daily. We are aware through Sacred Scripture that our lives are situated within a much larger cosmic battle, one that is not against flesh and blood but against spiritual forces. It is important that we approach this matter with both seriousness and balance to avoid the extremes of overemphasis, which may contribute too much to the influence of demons, or underemphasis, which might neglect the spiritual forces at work.

The prayer to St Michael was the ending prayer that was part of our Holy Mass. It was beautiful and powerful. It was taken out as part of the Mass after the reforms of the Second Vatican Council. I personally believe that this was one of the greatest mistakes made at this Council. Why remove the Prayer of the Protector of our Holy Catholic Apostolic Mass? This is “Spiritual Warfare”.

Saint Michael the Archangel is the defender of the Church and chief opponent of Satan and assists people at the hour of death. St. Michael has several duties: to continue to wage battle against Satan and the other fallen angels, to save the souls of the faithful from the power of Satan especially at the hour of death, to protect the People of God, and to lead the souls of the departed from this life and present them to our Lord for the judgment, and at the end of time, for the final judgment.

When I was first introduced to St. Michael the Archangel, he was standing next to Jesus, and they were discussing something about me. I could not understand what they were saying to each other. Jesus gave a small bowl of oil and told St Michael to anoint me. As I was kneeling, I felt his thumb on my forehead and my head went backwards as he touches me. His thumb was large almost 12 inches and I felt the pressure of his Thumb. Since then, he has always been at my side with several warrior angels. I was introduced to another angel whose name is Ariel the Archangel whom I did not know of his existence. God the Father appointed him to always be with me.

Ariel the Archangel is called Angel of wisdom. He is commonly portrayed carrying a book or a scroll which symbolize wisdom. The name “Ariel” is derived from the Hebrew אוּרִיאֵל and means “God is my light.” Also known as an Archangel Uriel. He is among those at the head of the company of angels. He is a personification of the Divine Fire that hails from heaven. Fire also serves as a reminder for the descent of the Holy Spirit during the time of Pentecost. As the angel of wisdom the name Ariel is derived from Hebrew origins, meaning “lion of God,” and appears in several Bible passages. It should be noted that some texts and scholars use Ariel as a version of Uriel, which has a different meaning, the light of God. He reports directly to God the Father.

During a locution with Our Blessed Mother during the time She was teaching me of God’s spiritual realm and to understand the reason I had been chosen by God the Father. We were walking through a valley that seemed abandoned and the color of this valley was subdue and everything was the color Gray. As I was looking around, I saw thousands of gray statues just sitting and doing nothing. Maybe millions?

I asked Our Lady why all these statues.

Our Blessed Mother replied: My son, these are all Angels of God waiting for God’s children to ask God for help. They are waiting to deliver The Lords gift, but His children are too busy to seek God and ask for His blessings and reply to their petitions. God loves His children so much that He gave my Son to deliver them from the entanglement that Lucifer is causing to all His beloved children. They are waiting to deliver the messages from God. People do not pray enough or seek the help of their Father.

In the book of Job, God gives Satan permission to send trials and afflictions upon Job, because God knew that Job would prove himself to be a faithful servant. Even during the immense suffering of losing his children, his wealth, and his health, Job was still confident in God’s promise to save him, and he prayed with a faith that testifies to a deep trust in the Lord.

How do we prepare ourselves for the Spiritual Battle with Evil

Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. As obedient children do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:16 “Be holy, because I am holy”. It is a command from God to his people to sanctify themselves and reflect his holiness in all they do. The holiness of God is also praised by the angels in Isaiah 6:35.

Additional comment:

I believe that almost 80% of the world population do not believe that as we breathe every second that we live in Two Worlds. The natural and the supernatural. Evil is around every person on earth, but at the same time Good is also around you. Many of us think with our Brain and others think with their heart.

The Supernatural: Satan has assigned a demon or various demons on every living person on this earth, but God Our Father has given everyone a “Good Guardian Angel” to keep us from harm and evil. Each of us either walks with goodness in our heart or evil in our minds. This supernatural battle between Good and evil started at the Garden of Eden. Today we can see on the News, Television, Newspaper and many other evil events takin place all over the world and especially in the United States. We can see the state of evil taking place world-wide and especially in our Country. Wars, rumors of wars, murders, suicides, abortion and the murder of our innocent babies and much more: Anger, hate, abduction and trafficking, the Cartel, drug trafficking FAKE NEWS supported by evil individuals controlled by demonic entities, witchcraft, satanic worship by many of our leaders and those placed in power by the Antichrist, especially politicians and liberal individuals who are committed to serving Lucifer and the rich try to suppress the less fortunate, trafficking of young children and women, politicians seducing the people all over especially in the United States. The list of evil can go on forever. This is no joke it is happening now and we are into World War III. What are we doing to stop this chaos when people call evil good and good evil. NOW ANSWER THIS: Who is causing this to take place….. Lucifer, satan, the anti-Christ, people, men and women consecrated to Lucifer and are possessed with power and the New World Order that was started over 500 Years ago with the evil Masonic Masons and other Entities of the same nature. Why are so many turning to Satan as their god.

Many of the followers of evil have built underground Bunkers to save themselves and their families. They will all be destroyed like a box of matches. It is God that they have turned their backs too. Remember the Titanic.

WOKE Movement:

God’s creation of man was Adam and Eve. Not Adam and Steve. Evil has spearheaded this anti-American doctrine and has reverse the natural way of life to all people in the United States and the world. Biden and his minions behind the scenes have remove our beautiful American Flag and have replace it with the rainbow Flag of Woke. Doctors in Texas and other States that support this movement have been caught doing sex changes on children without their knowledge or consent. The more the word “woke” is invoked, the more elusive it seems to become. Since the right began to use it as a war cry, many progressives have argued that the word is empty, merely a way to attack people of color, feminists, and members of LGBTQ communities without being directly offensive. All these members or deviants should be transported to Muslim counties as Biden and his minions have transported illegal aliens across our American Southern Borders and they will receive a great welcoming as they support Hamas that has taken place. This only part of the Satan and his demonic followers are doing to this country and the world. There is much more that is taken place and the reason that God in His Mercy and Justice will bring Justice to all that are part of sin and evil that they have embraced. This is a small example as to why it has been said that we are worst than the inhabitants of the earth during the time of Noah. God told Noah the earth will never be destroyed by water but by Fire. Now we have an idea what will happen very soon to all evil inhabitants of the earth today.

I needed to share the above to let you know that we are all living in End Times and World War III has started. No one will escape what is coming to this world, but only those that have cried out to God for His Mercy and forgiveness. The world can be saved if we humble ourselves and have a sincere repentance to God. He will welcome all into his Kingdom and eternal happiness in Heaven. This no joke and is not a Disney or Sci-Fi movie. It is happening and has already started. No human being can stop it.

Faithful sons and daughters of God.

It is not easy to write what I am being shown but the TRUTH must be known

  1. We all must all have Faith, Trust and Love Almighty God. He must come first in all the things we do. Secular and spiritual.
  2. We are called to sincerely repent all our sin and ask for God’s Mercy and His forgiveness. We cannot play with God.
  3. We must trust God unconditionally and listen to the spiritual direction He is leading us.
  4. We need to ask forgiveness from anyone we have hurt starting with our family.
  5. We must visit the Blessed Sacrament and go to Confession at least once a (month?).
  6. We need to pray the Rosary and the Devine Mercy Chaplet at least once a day preferably at 3:00 pm. Some are called to Fast others to different spiritual things. Novenas to the Sacred Heart of Jeus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary are very important.
  7. If you have a family eat and pray together. Have fun, smile enjoy your family.
  8. Build a small little Chapel at home with a small table, Crucifix, one white candle. Spend at least one hour in prayer or reading scripture before your little altar. Place a small statue of our Blessed Mother and the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
  9. Try and find a holy priest who believes in the holy spirituality of God.
  10. Find friends that are like minded and pray together. Form a small Prayer Group at your home or Parish.

I will give further information on my next Article.

· “We have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Romans 5:1

· “For God so loved the world, that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

· “I [Jesus] came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” John 10:1

What does scripture tell us as to how to fight Satan/Lucifer and his evil demons?

  1. James 4:7” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”
  2. Romans 16:20 “The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”
  3. Ephesians 6:11 “Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.”
  4. 1 Peter 5:8 “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
  5. 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 “For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds.”
  6. Colossians 2:15 “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him.”
  7. 2 Timothy 2:3 “Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus.”
  8. 1 John 4:4 “You are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world.”
  9. Jude 1:9 “But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.”
  10. Matthew 16:23 “But he turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.”
  11. Revelation 2:10 “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
  12. Matthew 6:13 “And let us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.”

The Rosary as our defense

The primary message of Our Lady, given to Sr. Agnes Sasagawa (Akita, Japan), was similar in content to the apparitions at Fatima. The messages focused on praying the Rosary and doing penance for the sins of humanity to secure peace for the world.

She also revealed a troubling message similar to Our Lady of Fatima, explaining a period of trial that the Church would endure.

“The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres … churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises, and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord … Pray the prayers of the Rosary very much. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved.”

Blessing and place your Faith, Love and Trust in Almighty God.

John Martinez

What is CABAL
One World Order
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Many believe the world is secretly ruled by Freemasons, witches or Satanists; It is known underneath the myriad events we see on the surface of the world lurks a single sinister group. It is known that secret cabal of powerful individuals, spanning various industries and ideologies, works behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage, and control information flow. It is composed of almost all leaders of governments and the United Nations. Many believe cabal underneath the myriad events we see on the surface of the world lurks a single sinister group. The identity of this group may change: Some believe the world is secretly ruled by Freemasons, witches or Satanists; especially the work of Lucifer and all his demonic human followers. They are the creators of the “The One World Government.” The destruction of the Country of Israel and the Holy Roman Apostolic Catholic Church is their main objective.

God the Father – “Children, do not carry worry in your hearts over what may take place in the future – I tell you, solemnly, you will be given the grace you need even to endure the great chastisement – Let your focus be on a deeper personal holiness”

Holy Love Ministries

December 30, 2021
6th Day within the Octave of Christmas*

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, do not carry worry in your hearts over what may take place in the future. I tell you, solemnly, you will be given the grace you need even to endure the great chastisement. Let your focus be on a deeper personal holiness. This is My Call to you. If you stay close to Me, you will not fear the future.”

“When you work on a deeper holiness, you will be ready for any test or event that may transpire. Your personal holiness is your ‘ark’ of these times. Others may scoff at you, as they do not regard holiness as an attitude to be sought after. Remember, they scoffed at Noah, as well. Just be certain as to what you are about. When you come closer to Me, all things come into focus. If you remain close to Me, fear will not enter your heart despite the woes of the world.”

Read Psalm 3:3-4+

But thou, O Lord, art a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cry aloud to the Lord, and he answers me from his holy mountain.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father.. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

* See ‘The Octave of Christmas’ by clicking here: https://www.catholicculture.org/commentary/octave-christmas/

God the Father – “Children, learn to appreciate the grace of the present moment – Throughout history, great accomplishments have been achieved through souls who acted according to My Will in the present moment”

Holy Love Ministries

December 6, 2021
Feast of St. Nicholas

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, learn to appreciate the grace of the present moment. Throughout history, great accomplishments have been achieved through souls who acted according to My Will in the present moment. There is the example of Noah, who built his ark without question. In the New Testament, we see Mary and Joseph believing in the Birth of Jesus* and traveling to Bethlehem. They did not question, even when they were denied room in any inn.”

“In the present moment today, we have the horrendous law of Roe vs. Wade being challenged in the Supreme Court. Pray for a present-moment victory over this terrible sin of legalized infanticide. My prayer is for the awakening of the conscience of the world as to how My Commandments** are being transgressed.”

“In the present moment, receive the grace to love Me, to please Me and to obey My Commandments because you love Me. Present-moment grace opens the door to this and points the way. Those who do this, will be revered in future generations, as people will look back and see the obstacles that were overcome in order to recognize the grace of the present moment.”

Read 1 Luke 2:6-7+

And while they were there, the time came for her to be delivered. And she gave birth to her first-born* son and wrapped him in swaddling cloths, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn.

*2:7 first-born: A legal term linked with a son’s social standing and rights of inheritance (Deut 21:15-17). It does not imply that Mary had other children after Jesus, only that she had none before him (CCC 500). As the only begotten One, Jesus is also the first-born Son of the Father (Jn 1:18; Col 1:15). See note on Mt 12:46.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

* Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ – God the Father’s Only-Begotten Son, born of the Virgin, Mary.

** To LISTEN or READ the nuances & depth of the Ten Commandments given by God the Father from June 24 – July 3, 2021, please click here: https://www.holylove.org/ten

God the Father – “Children, some pretentious messages from other sources not of Heaven proclaim certain dates and times of specific events – Do not regard them as genuine – No one knows the day or hour of the future chastisement which will come in phases, except Me – your Heavenly Father”

Holy Love Ministries

October 21, 2021

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, some pretentious messages from other sources not of Heaven proclaim certain dates and times of specific events. Do not regard them as genuine. Noah did not know the day and hour of the flood. He just prepared, as he was told to do. So too, I am telling you to prepare your hearts for the coming chastisement, not out of fear but out of love for Me and My Commandments.”*

“Be concerned for your eternal well-being, not for an extended well-being here on earth. If your hearts are thus prepared, you will not be living in fear of dates and times, but in readiness to stand before the judgment seat of My Son** with hearts full of Holy Love.*** No one knows the day or hour of the future chastisement which will come in phases, except Me – your Heavenly Father. Therefore, let all your so-called ‘preparation’ be one of building up your spiritual strength and pleasing Me. This is the way to fortify the ‘ark’ of your hearts. You will not drown in unforgiveness.”

Read 1 John 4:1-6+

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are of God; for many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit which confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit which does not confess Jesus is not of God. This is the spirit of antichrist, of which you heard that it was coming, and now it is in the world already. Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them; for he who is in you is greater than he who is in the world. They are of the world, therefore what they say is of the world, and the world listens to them. We are of God. Whoever knows God listens to us, and he who is not of God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

* To LISTEN or READ the nuances & depth of the Ten Commandments given by God the Father from June 24 – July 3, 2021, please click here: https://www.holylove.org/ten/

** Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

*** See information sheet entitled ‘What is Holy Love’, by clicking here: https://www.holylove.org/What_is_Holy_Love

Blessed Virgin Mary – “The longer you slaughter your unborn, the farther your nation (USA) and the world drift away from Papa God – The abyss between Heaven and earth is already wider than even in the days of Noah or Sodom and Gomorrah”

Holy Love Ministries

October 8, 2021

The Blessed Virgin Mary says:

“Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, once again, I ask you to be faithful to the recitation of the rosary.* Pray the Rosary of the Unborn** with faith that this most heinous of sins – abortion – will be recognized for what it is. The longer you slaughter your unborn, the farther your nation*** and the world drift away from Papa God. The abyss between Heaven and earth is already wider than even in the days of Noah or Sodom and Gomorrah.”

“The Rosary of the Unborn has the potential to stop this crime and to mitigate the damage that has been done between Heaven and earth. Your prayers on this rosary are healing.”

Read Jonah 3:1-10+

Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim to it the message that I tell you.” So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, three days’ journey in breadth. Jonah began to go into the city, going a day’s journey. And he cried, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” And the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them. Then tidings reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, and covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. And he made proclamation and published through Nineveh, “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything; let them not feed, or drink water, but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and let them cry mightily to God; yea, let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence which is in his hands. Who knows, God may yet repent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we perish not?” When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God repented of the evil which he had said he would do to them; and he did not do it.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

* The purpose of the Rosary is to bring souls closer to Jesus Christ by deepening one’s knowledge and love of Him. A helpful site to consider using to pray the Mysteries of the Rosary using Scripture: https://www.scripturalrosary.org/BeginningPrayers.html

** Please see – PRAY THE ROSARY OF THE UNBORN™: https://www.holylove.org/How-Do-I-Pray-the-Rosary-of-the-Unborn.pdf

Children of the Renewal – Jesus Christ – “You are concerned for family members, friends and all who have taken the vaccine – It is against My Will for man to embed a genetic manipulation into My creatures that will negatively impact one’s health”

Children of Renewal Messages

April 11, 2021
Divine Mercy Sunday

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament and present in all tabernacles. I love and praise You my Lord, God and King. Thank You for Holy Mass today, Lord and for Reconciliation yesterday. Praise You for Your Holy Catholic Apostolic Church and for the gift of the Sacraments. Thank You for this beautiful church, Jesus! Thank You for protecting us during our travels last week and for keeping (name withheld) safe. Praise You, Lord. Jesus, praise You for Your infinite mercy and for the forgiveness You so lovingly extend to us. You are beautiful, Lord! Jesus, I pray for all who are ill, especially for (names withheld). I pray also for those who are dying and for those who have recently died (names withheld). May they rest in peace, Lord. Please, Jesus forgive me my sins. Thank You for Your mercy, Lord. I can never thank You enough. Please bring (names withheld) back to the Faith and have mercy on their souls. May all of our grandchildren be baptized, Lord Jesus. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Lord, have You anything to say to me today?

“Yes, My child. Please write My words. The world is in a depraved state, My little one. The darkness of sin is oppressive to My children. Pray, My children. You do not pray enough for souls. Pray the most Holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet at least once in the morning and once each evening. Pray as a family. Pray as spouses together. Pray the Chaplet of St. Michael also in the morning. Read Sacred Scripture. Do as I have asked, My children. The world and souls are in desperate need of your prayers. This is a very important request, My little children. There are not enough souls praying. Everything hangs in the balance. My children, I ask you to pray and to cooperate with Me in the salvation work for souls. Unite your prayers to Mine from the cross. Forgive those who trespass against you. There is much corruption in this world and many people have been injured/harmed as a result. This is why I ask that you forgive those who have sinned against you. Truly forgive as I forgive. Meditate on the words I spoke from the cross. Do as I do, My children; forgive, forgive, forgive. Be kind and merciful, My children, share with others. Forgive, forgive, forgive. Be peace and give My peace to others. Put aside petty differences. You must be an example of My love, dear children. When events around you occur, many will be frightened. Be at peace and reassure your neighbors that I am still in charge. Remember, the Immaculate Heart of My Mother will triumph in the end. Do not despair but trust and hope in God. All will be well. I am with you. I will not abandon you, My children.”

“Go in peace, My little lamb. I know you are ill. Bear your suffering and offer it for souls.”

Yes, Lord. Thank You, Jesus.

“I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Be love, be joy, be mercy.”

Thank You, Lord. I love You!

“And I love you, My child.”

April 18, 2021
Adoration Chapel

Hello my adorable Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You! Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion. Thank You for all that You endured during Your life on earth, Your passion and death on the cross for my sins and to save all mankind. Praise You and all glory to You, Jesus Christ the King. Jesus, You know all that is on my heart, each burden for those I love, for friends and family, for those who are dying or who are very ill, for those separated from Your Holy Catholic Apostolic Church, and for my friends who are suffering from being unemployed. Oh, Jesus I know You are already taking care of each person and seeing to their needs. Thank You, Lord. Send each one the graces they need. (Only You know what each one needs.) Give them the consoling gift of peace and reassurance, precious Savior. Lord, may each one come to understand the true value of suffering. I ask this while at the same time asking You to lift the weight for them. Jesus, if I can do something to be like a Simon to them, show me. Until then, may whatever I do be a help to them, my Jesus. Guide and direct my steps, Lord so that I learn to imitate You and Your most holy Mother Mary the Immaculate One. Oh, Lord it seems preposterous for me to think I could be like You, the perfect, most holy Son of God, and yet You invite each of Your children to pick up our crosses and follow You. Redeemer Savior, teach me to forgive as You forgive, to be silent in the face of criticism, to love as You love and to serve others as You served others. Give me a heart for the less fortunate, as well as a heart for those who do not know You, do not love You so that I may learn to love as You love. Lord, I am a sinner as You well know, and still I ask this of You precisely for that reason. I could never be like You without Your graces and Your intervention in my life; it is impossible otherwise. But, I also know Jesus that You make all things new. Lord, renew my heart, my soul, my mind and give me the heart and mind of Christ. One day, Lord I want others to be able to look at me and see only You. Make me an instrument of Your love, Your mercy, Your joy, Your peace, Your compassion. Please, Lord may it be so.

“My child, My little one, I hear your prayers and the cry of your heart. I listen to each request and press them close to My Sacred Heart so wounded for lack of love of mankind. Your love consoles Me. Thank you for your tender love, My child. You are My child, My little lamb. Oh, how I love you. You are thinking about your faults. My child yes, I know your faults but you have already confessed your sins and they are forgiven. Of course you have faults, for you were not created before the Fall of Adam, now were you?” (smiling)

No, of course not, Lord. You are right as always. It’s still sometimes difficult not to think about how flawed I am when You, the God of the Universe, Creator of the World, Redeemer and Savior say that You love me. Of course, I believe You love me and that You love each and every child of Yours. You died for us, Lord. It’s just that Your tenderness and genuine love held up to my flaws makes them look even bigger, or I should say that I see them for the awful ways they truly are. It’s like the bright sun shining into a room that hasn’t been dusted for a while. The dust is much more apparent with the bright sun than it is when the room is dark. The Blessed Mother magnifies You, Lord Jesus and the brightness of the Holy Spirit shines a light on my dirt and dust. It’s reality, Jesus but I don’t feel condemned by You, rather I feel wholly and completely loved in spite of myself. Thank You for Your merciful love, Lord.

“My child, this is a good analogy and I understand what you are saying. This is the mercy and love I want you to emulate. When you see someone standing on a corner with a sign, begging for money, you make eye contact with them and smile. They are children of God, too and one never knows what I will do in their lives, how I am using them to bring out the kindness and mercy in My children who are not begging but have means to help them. I do not mean you must always give each person who is standing on a street corner money. Sometimes that is a good thing to do. At other times, you may give them something to eat, other times you may simply give them your smile. What I want is to have My Children of Light treat each and every person with dignity and respect. Always be merciful for you do not know what they have suffered in their lives. Your love will open the window of their hearts to the love of God. Then, I can work, because I need an open willing heart and your loving kindness softens hearts, My child. You were made for service and to encourage others. Your parents taught you this as they volunteered and served others. Your Mother had gifts for hospitality and these traits are in each one of your siblings.”

Thank You, Lord for sharing this with me. You are so generous, Jesus and so very kind.

“Thank you, My little one. Your family is special to Me. I have visited each one of you with suffering. I see and I know how you all try to walk in My footsteps. I assure you that I am with your family; each one. Continue to follow Me, in spite of the pain and suffering, in spite of the times you all have fallen. I forgive and I invite each one to participate in My Ministry of Love to souls in need of a refuge in the storms of life. My child, you are concerned for family members, friends and all who have taken the vaccine that was made with greedy, evil intentions. I remind My children, the father of lies, My adversary and yours is a great deceiver. He knows you would not accept poison, so he positions the poison as something good. My children, this is not good. It is unlike anything else mass marketed to My children all over the world. It is against My Will for man to embed a genetic manipulation into My creatures that will negatively impact one’s health. It is not good, in fact it is an evil plot to wound and in many cases to kill My children. I created people and My adversary wants to do harm to the human race. He works through other children of Mine who reject Me and follow the father of death and destruction. You are living in evil times, My children. Never before has there been such evil. I mean these words, My little one. It is much worse than in the Days of Noah. Some might disagree with this statement, so I tell you again, never before has such evil permeated the earth. Therefore, be alert. Investigate claims about this vaccine, and anything that is offered to the entire world especially when it comes from the place of fear. Who creates fear, My children? I do not create fear. I say, ‘Be not afraid.’ Why do I tell you this? I say this, for I did not come to bring a spirit of fear, but to show you the way to the Father, the Creator, God. My children, you are to have a spirit of trust, of peace, of mercy. Trust in Me. In these days, the governments of man create and spread a spirit of fear. They then come to the ‘rescue’ and want mankind to trust in them-in government. So corrupt are the governments of man. Be wise, My children. These are not the days of innocence, but the days of disobedience, of rebellion against God, of impurity. Therefore, clothe yourselves in righteousness and avail yourselves of Holy Mass and the Sacraments. Read the Word of God. Discern, pray and listen to others who love and follow Me. The worst thing that can happen to you is not death My children. The worst thing is to lose one’s soul. Do not fear what may happen to the body. For if one fears physical disease or problems, you will do many things suggested to you out of this fear. If you have a deep trust in Me, you will stand courageously against those who want to do you harm. Do not be afraid. Trust in Me. You must be willing to trust Me out of love for Me. I do not intend to say that you cannot or should not follow the advice of your doctors, but remember they are not God and they do not know everything. In fact, many physicians are in the dark about even the basic issues occurring in the world of medicine today. My children, listen to Me. There is an element of corruption in every institution on earth. Every institution and every industry. I am speaking truth. I am truth, My children. That does not mean that every single person is corrupt that belongs to an institution for work or is contributing to an industry in some way. What I mean, though is that overall there is corruption in every institution. You must carefully consider each industry, like the pharmaceutical industry and scrutinize what they are encouraging you to take. Read the history of these organizations. Read and understand. These people do not hide their motives. Pray, My children, pray.

Discern the signs of the times. You know what is coming, My Children of Light. I shared this knowledge with My Apostle John and he recorded this in Revelation. Do not fear, but trust in Me. I am walking with you. I am purifying My Church. You will see this purification continue. My adversary and yours is pulling out every stop because he knows his time is very limited now. Be prepared, for you will see evil continue to escalate. This is not My Will, but I give mankind free will and many, many misuse their free will and choose evil for earthly promises of power and prestige. There is so much deception, My children. Remember in the last days good will be made to look like evil and evil will be made to look good. You must be My wise and discerning children. Do not be prideful and reject the advice from people of God due to what the world is telling you. This vaccine is not the only thing they will convince you to do. It is one of many things to come. You must stand up against the evil one’s plans. Pray, pray, pray and allow Me to direct you. Choose wisely, My children. Allow Me to order your steps. Listen to Godly people who will also bring My clarity to you. Use this input, the scriptures and your own gifts of intelligence and reason to make holy decisions. Do not be motivated by fear. Almost every decision made in fear is not a good use of judgement. Think, My children. Pray. Be in union with My Holy Spirit and the teachings of the Church. By this, I mean the truths of the Faith, which you will find in the Catechism of the Church and in Holy Scripture. The Magisterium will guide you, My children. The Magisterium, in union. There must be unity, My holy children. I gave you the Church to guide you. This does not mean each Bishop or each Cardinal, or even the Pope acting alone or giving his own opinion. I am referring to the Chair of Peter, in union with the Bishops and the Bishops in unity with the Pope. It will be unity that shows you the way. My children, when you do not see unity, it is a sign post to you. Hold fast to the teachings of My Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church which stands on a firm foundation that I gave to you and which is guided by My Holy Spirit. When you see mistakes or errors of opinions, do not think ‘the Church can no longer be trusted’ for that is to fall into a trap set by the evil one. Recall that I promised, ‘the gates of hell will not prevail against My Church.’ Children, I said this so that you would know. I gave these words for times such as this to encourage My people during times of suffering, persecution and yes, even times of corruption. Now, I must purify My Church so that you, My loyal friends, the believers will be able to stand strong when the Time of Great Trials is upon you. This time of trial that you experience now, due to the deep mire of corruption that exists in every institution, every country and city in the world is the beginning of the purification. First, the Church must be purified and then the world will follow. Remain with My Church, children. It is the Gethsemane hour. Remain with Me in prayer. Do not fall asleep. Be alert and keep watch. Be My children, My friends. Do all that I have asked of you.

Consecrate your homes and your land to Me, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary most holy. Consecrate your lives to Me, your work, your heart, your joys and your sorrows. Be united to Me, My faithful beautiful children of God. Do not fear. Read the Scriptures, especially the Gospels, Acts, Revelation. Read Psalm 91. Rest assured, I am walking beside you and there is nothing to fear. Pray the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Pray the Chaplet of St. Michael. Frequent the Sacraments. Be love to your families, to your friends and to all who cross your paths in life. All will be well. Be merciful as I am merciful. Rejoice that God loves you and that I have invited you to participate in this saving work. Pray for your brothers and sisters, especially for those who do know the love of God. Love one another, as I have loved you. This is what you must do now, My little children. I have given you all that is needed and I do each day. You ask Me to give you your daily bread, My children. You also must receive this gift that I extend to you, with open, willing and grateful hearts. There are many, many graces available to you now especially due to these times and the difficulties you will surely encounter and already are. Know that I am with you.”

Thank You, my Lord and my God, my Savior, my Redeemer, my Friend. I love You, Jesus!

“And I love you. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My child with My blessing.”

Thank You, Jesus. Amen! Alleluia!

God the Father – “I treasure these moments when I can communicate with you and guide you – Hopefully, you do too – I communicated with Noah in such a way – He listened and obeyed, even though the people around him did not believe in his efforts”

Holy Love Ministry

April 28, 2021

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, pray much for strong faith in My Will for you. Then I can send the people into your life that you need in every situation. You will, through faith, recognize the way I am leading you. My Call to you does not include fear or discouragement. These are from the enemy of your soul. Do not place your faith in anyone who is full of pride – self-importance. Have faith in those who know they are instruments of Me – your God.”

“I treasure these moments when I can communicate with you and guide you. Hopefully, you do too. I communicated with Noah in such a way. He listened and obeyed, even though the people around him did not believe in his efforts and challenged his response to My Call. I am upholding this Mission* in a similar way. These Messages** draw many into the ark of these times – the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary.”

Read Romans 2:6-8+

For he will render to every man according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, He will give eternal life; but for those who are factious and do not obey the truth, but obey wickedness, there will be wrath and fury.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

* The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine. See: https://www.holylove.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/HLM-is-an-Ecumenical-Ministry.pdf

** The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine given by Heaven to the American Visionary, Maureen Sweeney-Kyle.

Children of the Renewal Messages – Jesus Christ – “At times, I intervene directly even with those who do not seem to want this (lost souls) but I know their hearts – There is often a small opening caused by the grace from the prayers of the faithful”

Children of the Renewal Messages

November 1, 2020, All Saints Day
Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus present in the most holy Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in Your true presence, body, blood, soul and divinity, my Lord and my God. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning. Thank You for the opportunity to be with members of my family yesterday. Lord, please bless (name withheld) who is so far from us. Take care of her, guard and protect her, Lord. Protect all of our loved ones, please Lord. Jesus, I pray for all souls who are far from You and who will die today especially for those who are unprepared for their deaths. I pray also for souls who have left the Church, that they will return in full communion. Help our ailing Church as she goes through her passion. I believe and trust Your words, Lord that, ‘the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church.’ Thank You for this assurance as sometimes it sure seems to be prevailing but I know the Church, Your body, will triumph over evil. You seem to be in the process of purifying the Church. I pray this process will go smoothly and swiftly, Lord. It is such a painful process and I’m sure we aren’t even to the worst part, yet. Lord, watch over You holy priest sons and the consecrated religious who sacrifice their lives for You. Protect them and help them to fulfill the vows made to You. Help us to be faithful to our vocations, too Lord and all married couples. Thank You for Your great love and mercy, Jesus.

Lord, have You anything to say to me today?

“Yes, my little one. Your nation is in turmoil, due to the present separation and disunity caused by those who want to rule your country and many other countries in the world. Evil is undermining human rights, freedoms and its goal is oppression, power and dominion. My child be prepared for more and more dissension and insurrection. Pray for conversion of hearts, for peace and for healing of wounds. My little lamb, I love each one of My children but many have chosen a different path than the one I laid out for mankind. Many have decided to side with My adversary and consequently they attack all that is sacred, life, faith, hope and love. This is why they attack My Church where faith, hope and love is to be found in the Sacraments, the teachings, the most holy Mass, and the handing down of the faith to generation after generation. Pray for your shepherds who do battle daily with the evil, fallen angels. Pray for them and encourage them. Let them know you support them. If there are shepherds who are not living up to their promises, their vows and you know them, speak with them (privately). Correct them in brotherly love. Do not merely look the other way, My Children of Light when you are aware of sinful behavior or errors in the teachings handed down through My Apostles. Speak to them in love for the sake of their souls. If they listen to you, that is a great grace. If they do not listen to you, continue to pray for them but know that you have done your part. Remember My children, admonishing the sinner takes courage which is a cardinal virtue. My Children of Light hold fast to the truths of the Faith. You will be asked to teach others in due time. Be prepared to evangelize the multitudes. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will give you the words to say. Have catechetical information they can read and ponder. Share it with them. There will be many, many souls who will be in unity with the Church after the Illumination of Conscience and I want you to be prepared to help them.”

Lord, I’m sorry I haven’t ordered what is needed for the packets. Help me to accomplish this in the upcoming days.

“I will assist you, My child.”

My daughter, you are trying to do My Will and this pleases Me. Do not compare yourself to others. Each child of Mine is unique and faces different circumstances. You and My son, (name withheld) cannot do everything alone. I recognize this occurs often but pray before each task or project. Ask for assistance from others and do not be hesitant to reach out to those you know. It will be a blessing for them when they assist you and more will be accomplished for My Kingdom. It is an exercise in humility when My children ask others for help. I am giving you a community of believers.”

Lord, so many people are carrying heavy loads. People are working hard to accomplish the tasks set before them especially now. People feel time is running out due to the coming ‘reset’ that it appears is soon.

“Yes, My child and this is precisely why you must all work together. More will be accomplished, and relationships will be strengthened. You are part of the Body of Christ, not a collection of pieces but part of a whole. When My children work together and unite with My Holy Spirit amazing things can be done for the Kingdom. Pray, My children for answers to life’s problems. Pray for each and every need you have. I can work through My people when I am asked and when you seek My intervention. Great things will occur, My children when you depend upon Me and your brothers and sisters. I am building a community of love, of mercy and of peace. You are stronger when united to your brothers and sisters. This is how you will survive the coming days. I will bring people together in the refuges I have planned and you will be communities of believers, helping one another, working together, praying together, sharing meals and sharing life’s burdens. In this way, through My Children of Light, My Mother’s Immaculate Heart will triumph. The renewal will come and My children will bring the love of God to more and more unbelievers. You will teach them the truths of the Faith in the refuge times. Be prepared for this spiritually, My children. Avail yourselves of the Sacraments now while there is still time. Do not be afraid. I am with you. I will take care of many, many things and you will come to know that I love You, I can be trusted, and that I provide for My children who love Me. I love each person in the world, My little one, but because of free will, I intervene with those who want My assistance. At times, I intervene directly even with those who do not seem to want this but I know their hearts. There is often a small opening caused by the grace from the prayers of the faithful. This is why you must continue to pray for lost souls. Do not lose hope, My children. All will be well. Focus on this and trust in Me. I watch over you, I walk with you; I love you.”

Thank You, my Lord and my God. Praise You for Your love and mercy. Praise You for Your justice. Pour Your mercy out each day on us, Your little children who are so much in need of Your love and assistance. Thank You for Your passion, death and resurrection, Jesus. I love You!

“And I love you. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My little lamb. All will be well.”

Amen! Alleluia!

November 8, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Hello my dear Jesus. It is wonderful to be in Your holy presence! I love and adore You my Lord. Thank You for the opportunity to be here, Jesus. I am grateful and do not take this time for granted knowing that any day could bring a decision for another ‘lock down’ due to the COVID scare. Lord, I ask that You heal all who suffer from this virus and from all illnesses. Please comfort the family members who have lost loved ones because of this illness and all other illnesses, accidents, etc. I know it is very serious for many people. It’s just that it doesn’t warrant closing our churches or closing the Adoration chapels. In urgent and critical times, we need greater access to our Adoration chapels and to Holy Mass, not less access. Lord, Jesus heal our land and the hearts of our citizens. There is so much corruption and propaganda. There is much evil. There are also many people who love and follow You and who want to do what is good, just and righteous. Help us, Jesus against the evil enemy who prowls throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. Vanquish the tempter, Lord. May Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart triumph soon, Jesus. Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.

Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion and for Confession, Lord. What a blessing it is to have access to the Sacraments. I pray the Bishops in the U.S. will stand up for their people (Your people) and keep Your Church open so we can continue to receive You in Holy Communion and worship You. Lord, we need You. We need to go to Mass and to Confession. Jesus, I am depending on You to help us. Jesus, I trust in You! Jesus, I trust in You! Jesus, I trust in You!

“My child, My child, it is good that you are here in this place. I appreciate My children visiting Me in Adoration. To adore God is a holy act. I shower graces upon those who seek Me in Adoration and who receive Me in Communion with clean hearts. I long to be united with My Children of Light. My little one, I do not Will My churches be closed. It is My Will that all will come to know and love Me and that many, many will come to believe in My saving power through My Mercy, My love. I do not wish to lose a single soul to the enemy of love. My child, we have had many discussions about free will. Free will is a great gift from God the Father. It is man’s free will that is causing (the exercise of free will for evil purposes) most of the problems in your society. It is the thirst for power, the hunger to oppress others to leverage even more power and remove opposition, the prideful nature in man that is causing and is at the root of evil. It is the love of money and the corruption that results from idolatry that feeds the appetite for evil. My child, My child, I do not interfere with free will even when used for evil purposes. If I did so, it would contradict what I created and the gift I have given to each person. My child, do not feel that this situation is therefore hopeless. I also do not interfere with the free will of those who choose good and who choose to stand against this evil. To do so is in fact Christ-like. I too stood against the evil of My day when I walked the Earth. I spoke out against sin and corruption to the point of giving up My life to save mankind from the death caused by sin. Be like Me and speak out with truth and with the power of love, of My love that compels the righteous souls to speak the truth in love. I am with you, My children. Unite with My most holy and blessed Mother. Unite yourselves to My Holy Will. Then, all that you do and say will be in accordance with My Will and with all in Heaven. My children, remember the saints who intercede for you. Remember the angels. Ask for their prayers and for their intercession. They await your request for assistance.”

“My little lamb, you will see changes in the world. You are seeing them now but more will occur. Do you recall when I told you the world was plunged into darkness, so much that it was worse than in the days of Noah? At first, though you believed Me, it was difficult for you to imagine. Though you knew My words were true, the full scope of evil was unknown to you.”

Yes, I remember, Lord. It was easy to believe You (even if I didn’t know fully) just because of the numbers of tiny babies killed through abortions. I really didn’t know as much as I do now and even this is probably a very minimal view at that!

“Yes, this is so, My child. What you have come to know reveals the surface of what is occurring in the darkness. I am bringing much to light, My child. There are souls who cooperate with Me and who are exposing sinister plans made in darkness. This evil runs deep, My little one, and it is even worse than it seems.”

Lord, even if it was no worse, it is still horrible. The evil ones cooperating in sin and death are unashamed and are even proud of their ‘accomplishments.’ They have no shame, Lord.

“Yes, My child. This is true. This is why you must continue to pray for their conversion. Ask others to pray for this intention as well.”

Lord, I will tell others to storm Heaven for conversion of lost souls and those who do not know the love of God.

“My little lamb, I urge you and all My children to continue to frequent the Sacraments. Unite yourselves to Me in Holy Communion and through Confession where I heal souls. Fortify yourselves with prayer and reading of Scripture. Sow seeds of light and life and water these seeds with kindness and mercy. I work through you, My children. I love you and I bless you and My son (name withheld) in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My child and forgive your enemies and those who persecute you. Love them and pray for them, My child. All will be well. I am with you.”

Amen, Lord.

Important Commentary – (Covid) Vaccinations and the Mark of the Beast – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

UPDATE (7/27/21):

March 17, 2021 – Important Information – For those people who received the Covid-19 vaccines – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Healing for Vaccinated People – Exorcism Water with Miraculous Medal – Compiled By a soul

UPDATE (2/6/21):
Good News (Healing at Refuges) – Book of Isaiah (Chapter 38) – Covid-19 and the mRNA vaccines – MaryRefugeOfSouls

(Update 12/23/20): Helpful ZeroHedge Article Link about the Negative Health Impacts of the Covid-19 Vaccinations along with Brief Commentary By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

(Update 1-4-21): Covid-19 Vaccine Watch – January 4, 2021 Update – Helpful Expert Article and Video Links To Share With Others – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc (11 pages) of this important commentary:

Important Commentary – Vaccinations and the Mark of the Beast – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls (PDF)

Important Commentary – Vaccinations and the Mark of the Beast – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls (ODT)

Important Commentary – Vaccinations and the Mark of the Beast – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls (WordDoc)


By a soul
(December 14-16, 2020)

From the homepage of John Leary

December 9, 2020

In view of the increase of China corona virus cases, there is concern over taking a vaccine for this disease. Here are some comments from some internet stories you can see online:

“For the first time in the history of vaccination, the so-called messenger RNA vaccines of the latest generation intervene directly in the genetic material of the patient and therefore alter his or her individual genetic material, which represents genetic manipulation, which was already prohibited and hitherto considered criminal. Even though the media and politicians are currently trivializing the problem and even foolishly calling for a new type of vaccine to return to normality, this vaccination is problematic in terms of health, morality and ethics, but also in terms of genetic damage which, unlike the damage caused by previous vaccines, will be IRREVERSIBLE and IRREPARABLE. If a vaccination symptom develops after an RNA vaccination, no therapist will be able to help you, as the damage caused by this vaccination will be genetically irreversible. This mRNA vaccine for the vast majority of people should be banned because it is genetic engineering.”

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you many messages NOT TO TAKE THIS VACCINE, which uses genetic materials that will PERMANENTLY change your DNA. I am making a point of this now because your medical people will soon be giving out this vaccine to supposedly heal you from the corona virus. This vaccine is worse than the virus, and you could die more from the vaccine than the virus itself. This plan of a virus and vaccine is part of a one world plan to reduce the population. If the authorities try to mandate this vaccine, I will call you to the safety of My refuges where you will be healed.”

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, for months I have been warning My faithful not to take any virus vaccine shots and not to take any flu shots either. I have warned you that these vaccines will ruin your immune system, and genetically modify your body. Any vaccine reactions will have little chance of being counteracted in your body. This Chinese virus and the vaccines are a Bill Gates plan to vaccinate the whole world. This is also their plan to reduce the population of the world, meaning people could die or be sterilized from these shots. Some law makers are already planning legislation to make these shots mandatory. Refuse to take any vaccine, even if they threaten to kill you in detention centers. I will call My faithful to My refuges if they threaten your lives. Trust in Me to protect and heal you from any virus at My refuges.”

* * *


This past weekend, I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, was able to have a conversation with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, about the Covid-19 vaccinations. Below is some of the information that Jesus provided to me. Note, I do not normally experience locutions (verbatim dictations) from Heaven. Instead, I am able to sometimes converse with Jesus as part of my prayer time with Him. So, I asked Him several questions as part of a free-flowing conversation. The following is a general paraphrasing of some questions that I asked and a summary of His answers to me.

* Please note that although the following commentary addresses health and moral matters, I, “a soul”, am not a medical or health expert, or a religious authority or priest, or legal professional. Ultimately, it is up to each person who reads this commentary, to make their own personal choice for themselves and their families on the merits of the Covid-19 vaccination, as well as to research and make an informed decision for their own health and personal safety.

1. Are the Covid-19 vaccinations considered the “mark of the beast” in the Book of Revelation?

No, the current way (first wave) that the Covid-19 vaccinations are structured, they do not contain the mark of the beast. However, they are a “precursor” to the mark of the beast and will make abnormal genetic changes to the human body making it more receptive for the later vaccinations which will contain the microchip (mark of the beast).

The biblical mark of the beast primarily deals with buying and selling; it is in the form of a microchip that will be received like a vaccination; and is associated with a deadly disease.

Before the biblical mark of the beast is introduced and implemented on mankind as a mandatory vaccination, the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will happen universally on mankind. During the Warning, God will tell every person what the mark of the beast is and He will warn every person that if they take the mark of the beast, they will automatically lose their salvation in God resulting in damnation in hell upon death. So every person will be informed about the mark of the beast and it will be their free will choice to jeopardize their salvation by taking it.

2. Will taking the Covid-19 vaccination result in an automatic loss of eternal salvation?

JESUS says “No”.

In their current form, the Covid-19 vaccinations do not contain the mark of the beast; thus, there is no loss of eternal salvation at this present time by taking it.

However, because Covid-19 vaccinations cause genetic manipulation / engineering of our DNA/RNA in every cell of our human body, it is a grave (mortal) sin to take it. As with every mortal sin, there is the risk that if a person dies unrepentant, they will be damned in hell upon death.

The Blessed Mother Mary says, “God cares about people remaining genetically pure in His Holy Sight”.

The major sin that was committed in the days of Noah (before the Great Flood) was genetic manipulation / engineering – humans (with souls) were mating with non-humans (satan’s animal-like persons without souls) – until only Noah’s family were the only genetically-pure humans on earth and were the only genetic bloodline from which the future Messiah (Jesus Christ) could be born from. So, because the world was so corrupted in evil physically and spiritually, this resulted in the Great Flood and the human family had to start again from only Noah’s family. Every living human today has descended from Noah’s family.

3. Will people be healed from physical damage from the Covid-19 vaccinations at the refuges?

The answer is, it depends. This is a personal judgment call between God and the person.

Sacred Scripture: Leviticus 5:17: “If a person sins and does what is forbidden in any of the Lord’s commands, even though he does not know it, he is guilty and will be held responsible.”

A person who takes the Covid-19 vaccination will be guilty of committing a mortal sin due to it involving genetic manipulation / engineering. However, if the person repents of this mortal sin, they will be permitted entry into the refuges during the Great Tribulation.

At every refuge, there will be either holy water with healing properties or a luminous cross that will heal people physically and mentally of any ailments, diseases, abnormalities, deficiencies, and handicaps, that the person may have.

However, whether a person who takes the Covid-19 vaccinations will be healed of the physical damage that they may take on due to changes in their DNA/RNA depends on their knowledge – their personal culpability before God. People will be held responsible for the level of personal knowledge that they have about the resulting genetic mal-effects of taking the Covid-19 vaccinations.

For example, let’s say that a person receives some sort of physical damage due to the genetic manipulation / engineering of the Covid-19 vaccination, such as random seizures, physical paralysis, muscular atrophy, a blood disease, an auto-immune disease, sterilization (men and women), etc. * Note, this list is not exhaustive of possible physical repercussions due to any type of genetic tampering with a person’s DNA/RNA. Please see the end of this question for additional important information about the vaccine.

If the person TRULY had NO knowledge of the genetic engineering aspect of the vaccination, PRIOR to taking the shot, and the person repents afterwards upon finding out that s/he engaged in a mortal sin, then God will heal them of the physical damage at the refuges.

However, if the person KNOWINGLY took the Covid-19 vaccination despite being informed of the changes to their DNA/RNA in their physical body and they experience any physical damage – no matter how major or how slight – God will hold them accountable for the risk that they took by taking the shot. God will always heal the person spiritually – meaning, if the person repents, He will forgive them for their mortal sin and they will not be damned in hell for this sin if they die. However, God will NOT heal them of the physical damage that they incurred due to the vaccination at the refuges. Instead, the physical damage will be used as part of their purgatory that they will suffer on earth during the Great Tribulation. Then, if they live to the time of the Second Coming of Our Lord, they will be physically healed at the moment when they received their transfigured body as part of the First Resurrection (see the Book of Revelation).

Again, this is a judgment call between God and the person. As a person may have partial versus full knowledge and other mitigating factors that may result in a lessening (partial healing) of the penalty of a full physical suffering of their purgatory on earth. An appeal to the Blessed Mother Mary may also help in mitigating a full penalty.

** IMPORTANT INFORMATION: During clinical trials, any type of physical damage that occurred in less than 2% of the sample group is not required to be publicly reported. For example, if out of a sample group of 100 people, all 100 people incurred physical damage, but each person had a different disease or physical symptom (1% each person), then the vaccine could be declared 100% safe for public use although all 100 people were harmed in some way. *** Also, during some clinical trials, there was not 100% follow-up on every person who was vaccinated. For example, 10,000 people may have been vaccinated but only 3,000 people were sent follow-up questionnaires. **** Also, the federal government is permitting vaccines to be approved for use ahead of full analysis of the collected scientific and health data. The pharmaceutical companies are being given up to 2 additional years to complete analysis of the clinical trials. ***** Please note that according to federal law, you cannot sue a pharmaceutical company for compensation due to being physically harmed by a vaccine. ****** Covid-19 vaccines are causing people to test positive for HIV.

4. If people are held to a higher accountability for their knowledge of the genetic engineering aspect of the Covid-19 vaccinations, perhaps, it is better that I do not tell them of this?

No, it is NOT better to stay silent about the genetic manipulation / engineering of the Covid-19 vaccinations. Evil flourishes when good men stay silent about sin; this is why the world is in such a state of evil today. Christians always have a serious responsibility for sharing the Gospel with others, including helping to rid the world of mortal sin within their sphere of influence.

If you know that someone is going to take the Covid-19 vaccination and you do not tell them about the shot altering their DNA/RNA, then you will become an accessory to someone else’s mortal sin and you will have committed a “mortal sin of omission” before God that will need to be forgiven in the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession).

Now, for example, let’s say, your neighbor will be taking a Covid-19 vaccination next week due to workplace requirements, but you do not know her too well and would feel embarrassed to bring up the topic. So, you tell yourself, I will stay silent and just go to Confession the next time that it is offered for the mortal sin of omission. Please understand that is like committing two mortal sins instead of one. That is because you are breaking the Two Greatest Commandments of Holy Love – to love God above all else (you are disrespecting Him and His commands) and to love neighbor as self (you are disrespecting the human dignity and physical integrity of another person). So, even though God will forgive you the sins in Confession, your penalty (suffering in purgatory) will be more than double what it would have been for just one mortal sin. By Catholic Tradition (private revelation), it is said that one mortal sin equals seven years in purgatory (Note, Jesus has told me that God will hold a person accountable to a measure of time of suffering in purgatory as He sees fit as not all mortal sins are of equal measure). Meanwhile, your neighbor will have committed a mortal sin regardless and if she suffers physical damage due to your silence, this will add to your own penalty (suffering in purgatory), although her lack of knowledge may enable her to be healed at a refuge.

There are many types of hypothetical scenarios that can be considered regarding the accountability (culpability) for mortal sin before God. A person needs to consider their questions in prayer with the Lord. An appropriate person to ask for further guidance with mortal sin would be a priest or a servant of God. However, I want to address one final scenario, because I know this will surface and people do need some advice on this.

Now, for example, let’s say, that you are a parent of a child who attends public schools and they have implemented mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations without any religious exemption, so you permit your child to be vaccinated despite knowing about the genetic manipulation / engineering. Please know that since you are a parent who has been given custody by God of raising up a child, you are held at a level higher than others in responsibility (culpability) before God for all your actions involving that child. Until the child reaches the age of maturity – which is the age that they assume adulthood – your child is dependent on you as his/her parent for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being, needs, and integrity. So, at a bare minimum, you would be breaking the Two Greatest Commandments of Holy Love – to love God above all else (you are disrespecting Him and His commands) and to love neighbor as self (you are disrespecting the human dignity and physical integrity of another person). The child would have the chance to be healed of his/her physical damage at the refuges; however, your resulting penalty (suffering in purgatory) would be equivalent to more than three, four or even five mortal sins or more, because of your uniquely special relationship to care for and protect your child before God. All children belong to God and are not the sole property of their parents.

5. Are the children of a man and a woman with genetic manipulation / engineering considered human?

If the parents both have a soul but have been exposed to genetic manipulation / engineering due to the Covid-19 vaccinations, their child will still be considered human and God will give the child a soul. In this instance, the child will still have the chance to be saved by God and to be granted eternal life in Heaven.

It is only when a non-human (animal-like person with no soul) mates with a human parent (person with a soul), that their offspring will be considered non-human by God and will have no soul. Then their offspring will not be redeemed by the Eternal Sacrifice of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, at the Cross and they will have NO chance for salvation in Heaven.


* * *
NOTE (By a soul):
The following is a heavenly message and a daily prayer from Saint Joseph and Heaven concerning the Covid-19 vaccination given to a chosen messenger in Latin America. Although in their present form (first wave) they do not have the mark of the beast, there is a very strong likelihood that future waves of the vaccine will be made mandatory with the microchip (mark of the beast), as well as nanotechnology (causing us genetically to be part-robot, subject to demonic possession). Nonetheless, the first wave of the vaccine should not be taken because it genetically alters our fundamental human genetic make-up which is a mortal sin to God Who created us in His Image and Likeness. Our physical bodies are sacred to God and deserving of human dignity and respect just as much as our spiritual souls.


(A Latin American visionary; translated from original Spanish)

Dear People of My Son, I as the Adoptive Father of Jesus Christ, and as Protector of the Sacred United and Pierced Hearts, I come to give you this Precious Message that will help you in the Tribulation and Protection against the Demonic Forces of Satan.

You, as the Beloved People of My Son, are exposed to the malevolent Plans of the New World Order that intends to decimate the Population and more than anything to persecute and intimidate the People of God as their main enemies to defeat. That is why today, as Defender of the People of God, I come to give you directions. Through My Holy Intercession you will obtain many Graces and Protection against all the injustices and perverse Plans of the Enemy.

I want to tell you, that you have all the Protection of the Triumphant and also of the Purgative Army. Turn to the Souls in Purgatory and they will help you, that is why it is important to pray for them in your Prayers every day, they will be of Great Help, but for this, you have to know how to ask for their intercession with a Pure and Humble heart and in State of Grace. This is why Confession is so important.

Today I want to talk to you about the Vaccine that they want to make worldwide against Covid, this will be Mandatory because it brings a cutting-edge Chip and Nanotechnology and will control your minds and change your DNA, erasing the Essence of God in you, killing your Souls and Spirits, this Vaccine is a trap of Satan to impose it on the whole world, that is why Heaven, concerned about its Little Faithful Remnant, has decided to intervene to protect them and keep them safe.

First of all, you are already on notice that you should NOT take it.

Secondly, you have My Protection and that of all Heaven and the Poor Souls for this task, from now on, you will pray 1 Rosary for them daily, so they will intercede for you and give you the Strength and Courage to face any situation.

How will Heaven intercede for you in this situation?

From now on I ask you to be in a State of Grace and pray before an image of the Holy Family the following Protection Prayer, so that when they want to implement the Vaccine, My Protective Mantle will make you invisible through the intercession of all Heaven and all the Poor Souls.


I ……… (full name aloud), as a child of God the Father and Loved so much by Him and as part of His Faithful People, I cry out for the help of all of Heaven and of the Poor Souls, asking for the Spiritual Intercession of Saint Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father and The Holy Spirit, in the face of this situation that threatens my Physical and Spiritual integrity, such as the implantation of the Vaccine against Covid in my body, through the Protection and Intercession of the Mighty Saint Michael, I ask all His Retinue of Angels to come to my aid and make me and my family invisible in the face of this threat, so that Protected and Guided by my Protector Saint Joseph, we can be Guarded by Myriads of Angels and Poor Souls who defend against this imposition worldwide. Amen.

You will pray it from now on every day and Heaven will precede in an extraordinary way before such circumstances and all who pray it will be Protected from this threat to their Physical and Spiritual integrity, this Warning regarding the Vaccine and Prayer God the Father has asked me to make it reach His Faithful Remnant, who is at the mercy of the New World Order, many injustices come from this Regimen, but they will also see the Mighty Hand of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, the Mother of Heaven, Mine, that of the Holy Archangels and Angels, Souls of Purgatory and Saint Michael the Archangel who will not leave them alone, will also see many Miracles and Prowess on the part of God as Protector of His Beloved Israel.

Therefore, Holy People of My Son, Cry out and say with a Powerful Voice the Cry of Saint Michael the Archangel, WHO LIKE GOD, NOBODY LIKE GOD!!! Invoke me and I will come to your aid in the face of every threat, I will take care and protect and guide you in your fight against evil, you are not alone, have faith in Providence and Divine Protection, everything will turn out well, I leave you with the Protection of My Sacred Mantle and My Father Blessing of Jesus Christ.

Maranatha, Maranatha.
(The Lord is coming, The Lord is coming).

* * *
NOTE (By a soul):
Both Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Mother Mary have indicated to me, that They would like Their children to do both the daily prayer given by Saint Joseph to chosen messenger, Lorena, for the Covid vaccinations, and the daily prayer for the Seal of the Living God given by God the Father to 7th messenger, Maria Divine Mercy (Book of Truth), as both prayers are protections against the mark of the beast (microchip) and render the person and whomever it is prayed for invisible. Note, the graces of both prayers can be extended to family members if they are prayed for as part of the intentions.

The Seal of The Living God:
See this blog page to download the Seal for free in English, Latin, and other languages: https://maryrefugeofsouls.com/the-seal-of-the-living-god/

Daily Prayer (English) – The Seal of The Living God:

O My God, My Loving Father
I accept with love and gratitude
Your Divine Seal of Protection

Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity
I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty
To You, My Beloved Father

I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal
And I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever
I love You, Dear Father
I console You in these times, Dear Father

I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son
In atonement for the sins of the world
And for the salvation of all Your children


Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy):
A free downloadable PDF copy of the Book of Truth can be found on this blog page:

Book of Truth: See Important Message:
Rise now and accept The Seal of The Living God: Monday, February 20th, 2012

Book of Truth: Recommended messages about the Mark of the Beast (microchip):

New World Order Plan to control your money and food: Sunday, April 17th, 2011

Eternal Father will prevent New World Order from final persecution of His Children: Friday, July 8th, 2011

Second Seal: World War 3: Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

666 will be embedded, its number hidden, into a chip which you will be forced to accept just as you would any vaccination: Friday, June 1st, 2012

Their wicked plans also include a new global vaccination which will create disease all over the world: Sunday, June 17th, 2012

The world will soon be presented with the most deceitful lie which is impossible for mankind to grasp at this stage: Friday, July 20th, 2012

God the Father: The hierarchy of all the angels in Heaven gather at the four corners of the earth at this time: Tuesday, November 6th, 2012

Only those with the Seal of the Living God will escape this form of genocide of the soul: Thursday, April 4th, 2013

The mark of the beast will bring with it death – death of the soul and death by a terrible disease: Monday, July 29th, 2013

* * *
NOTE (By a soul):
As sometimes it is hard to convince loved ones about the importance of heavenly messages and the guidance for us that comes from Heaven, a friend of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, has provided me with some helpful links (mostly, Catholic, some secular) for those who might be persuaded by news sources about the clinical trials, the physical damage caused by the genetic engineering, etc.

(SEARCH ARTICLES): https://www.lifesitenews.com/tags/tag/coronavirus+vaccine

(SEARCH ARTICLES): https://www.naturalnews.com/search.asp?query=coronavirus+vaccine

Crosspost: Y’all really need to understand how mRNA “vaccines” are designed and executed: You’re not going to like it


The priest who volunteered for Moderna COVID-19 vaccine trial dies






God the Father – “The reason there is so much turmoil in the world today is My children do not obey My Commandments – I cannot work miracles in the face of so much disobedience – Therefore, it is necessary that the good suffers along with the bad”

Holy Love Ministry

December 14, 2020

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“The reason there is so much turmoil in the world today is My children do not obey My Commandments. Abortion is a flagrant example. I cannot work miracles in the face of so much disobedience. Therefore, it is necessary that the good suffers along with the bad. In the future, I will send My harvesting angels to separate the wheat from the chaff. Until such time, the Remnant who still love Me must continue in belief in My Provision. Pray for hope with faith. Continue to be examples of Holy Love and belief in My love for you. Do not let Satan tempt you into discouragement.”

“I count on My Remnant Faithful, just as I believed in Noah and saved him and his family from the flood. I see which ones I can count on to pass on the Faith to future generations. You will be protected from the apostasy of these times. Continue to hope and pray to perpetuate obedience to My Commandments.”

Read 1 John 3:18-24+

Little children, let us not love in word or speech but in deed and in truth. By this we shall know that we are of the truth, and reassure our hearts before him whenever our hearts condemn us; for God is greater than our hearts, and he knows everything. Beloved, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God; and we receive from him whatever we ask, because we keep his commandments and do what pleases him. And this is his commandment, that we should believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he has commanded us. All who keep his commandments abide in him, and he in them. And by this we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit which he has given us.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

VISIT: ‘My Sacred Shelter’ to place free prayer requests, as well as for more intensive prayer and fasting for your special intentions; sign-up for blog posts. https://intercessionprayers.com/

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – November 17, 2020 Update

Prophet John Leary

Tuesday, November 17, 2020
(St. Elizabeth of Hungary)

Jesus said: “My people, many of My faithful have taken advantage of stocking up on your canned foods for the next possible shutdown from a recurring virus and flu. You have also made donations to your local food shelf to help those people who are unemployed. As you approach Thanksgiving Day, you need to think about helping those people who cannot buy food. You also may have to help those people in your family who are not well off. In the second vision you are seeing more attacks from Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs as they are striving to take over your government to make you into a communist state. America has treasured its freedoms so long that there will be a clash between the patriots and the communists. If the fighting is severe, you could see many deaths from a shooting revolution. The evil ones will use increased virus cases to control you with more shutdowns. This control that is forced on you, is a precursor for setting up a communist state. During this chaos, I will bring My Warning and conversion time. After that, you will soon be called to My refuges, as the evil ones will try to kill My believers. My angels will protect My faithful at My refuges. Trust in Me to protect you during the coming tribulation.”

Monday, November 16, 2020
(St. Margaret, Scotland, St. Gertrude)

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s Gospel you are reading how I healed the blind man as he received his sight. So also you are seeing how these manipulated votes occurred in the dark of night, but soon these evil deeds will be revealed in the light for all to see how the Democrats cheated to try and steal this election from your President. Many of the battleground states were using Dominion machines and software, and you have learned they came from Canada, and the server for counting your votes was located in Germany. You will see this amounts to foreign interference that will come into the light. Be patient, My faithful, that events could change the circumstances of your election outcome. Keep praying for your President to win, but also pray for the protection of his life from the deep state. You will still see some violence that could kill some people, and I will eventually call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked My faithful to pray and fast that your President could win his case before the courts. He will need the court to give him a chance to present his case and show the fraud committed by the Democrats. There were software programs on the Dominion machines that deleted Trump votes and switched them to Biden votes. Then the new vote totals were saved to a new file over the old data. There was another program, ‘Hammer-Scorecard’, that changed hundreds of thousands of Trump votes to Biden votes. There also were truckloads of false ballots that were all for Biden without any choice marked for Senate or House votes. Many of these false ballots were delivered without signatures or proper postmarks. With all of this cheating exposed in a court, you could have votes given back to Trump to win enough states to win. If the courts do not rule in Trump’s favor, there could be consequences. Pray that Trump will be vindicated so he could win this election. You will see much violence after the election is certified. Be ready to come to My refuges for your protection with My angels.”

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, I give everyone certain talents for providing a person’s income and for helping people. In the Gospel parable there is a day of reckoning or a judgment. It is what you do with your talents that you will be judged on. I will judge people in how they loved Me and their neighbors. The one person, who buried the master’s money, was held accountable for doing nothing, and the money was taken away. That person suffered for wasting the God-given talents. I give My faithful both physical and spiritual gifts. You can earn your living by working, and you can share your money with those who are in need in your family, or helping your neighbor. You can share your gift of faith by teaching the children in CCD classes, or you can help people at the food shelves. You will be judged by your actions throughout your life, so be busy using your talents all of the time.”

Saturday, November 14, 2020

(Requiem Mass for Don Hill)
Jesus said: “My people, Don was a good man in all that he did for Me, and he is in upper purgatory. I know you are praying hard for your President to overturn the CIA’s programming (Hammer-Scorecard) that hacked the voting numbers by 3% in the battleground states by changing Trump votes into Biden votes. The other absentee problems and dead people voting are a distraction from the big story, because they were only a small amount of votes. The CIA program was used to hack the vote numbers on the internet overnight on election day so the vote tallies put Biden a winner in the battleground states in the morning. Unless this crime is thoroughly investigated, the deep state will keep using this program to bring their candidate victory every time. Pray for your President to win over this treasonous, fraudulent election.”

Jesus said: “My people, once the communists take over your country, you will see an ethnic cleansing of religious people and those people who followed your President Trump. The evil ones will try to remove any pictures of Me or My cross, as well as permanently closing down all of your churches. The communists are atheists, and they will cleanse all religious people, and burn the churches and religious books. When the communists take over, you will be worse than Venezuela. The only safe place for My believers, will be at My refuges where My angels will protect you from the evil ones. Have patience through the shortened tribulation of the Antichrist. After this tribulation, I will destroy all of the evil ones and cast them into hell. Then I will bring My believers into My Era of Peace.

Friday, November 13, 2020
(St. Frances Xavier Cabrini)

Jesus said: “My people, I have given you this account several times, how I separate the good people from the evil people. Then I brought destruction down upon the evil people, so I did not kill My faithful. In the case of Noah, I had him build a huge ark for his family and all of the pairs of animals, male and female. Once they were in the ark, I brought the flood that killed all of the evil people. At Sodom I directed My angels to lead Lot and his family out of the city. Then I brought down fire and brimstone on the evil people that killed them all. Now in these end times, I have called people to set up refuges for My faithful. At the proper time I will give My faithful an inner locution to come to My refuges of safety. Your guardian angels will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. My angels will put a shield of invisibility over My refuges, and even a shield to protect you from bombs, an EMP attack, and even My Comet of Chastisement. Once My people are separated, I will bring destruction down upon the evil ones who will be killed and cast into hell. My faithful will have their reward in My Era of Peace, and later in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be praying in earnest that Trump can win his case over the software Hammer-Scorecard that changed the votes, or you will never have another fair election. The more prayers you pray for this case, the more miracles I can work to defeat the deep state. The judgement seat in the vision is a sign that this case will be settled in the courts, and possibly in the Supreme Court. My justice will fall on the evil people who are committing treason by changing the votes of your people. Keep praying until the final decision is made.”

Thursday, November 12, 2020
(St. Josaphat)

Jesus said: “My son, you have done well in preparing your refuge as I instructed you in every phase of your work. You have prepared beds, a chapel, cookware, heaters, food, and a well for water. You have solar panels for some electricity, and lights for the night. I told you that you will be using all of your preparations for the people who I will send to your refuge. My angels will make you invisible to your enemies, and they will shield you from bombs, an EMP attack, and a comet. The evil ones will cause a revolution because they want to destroy your government with a communist takeover. Evil will have a brief hour, and then I will bring My Comet of Chastisement that will send all the evil ones into hell. Be patient through the tribulation because My power will reign all over the earth. My justice will reign supreme over all of the evil people and the demons. Trust in My protection of My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, with your prayers I was able to help your President win by having My angels change back the votes that the Democrats tried to rig the first time in 2016. Now in this present 2020 election you have been hearing all manner of cheating that the Democrats are using. The voting machine software changed many Trump votes to Biden votes. My people need to double your prayers so these illegal actions can come into the light to show how evil and desperate the Democrats are to fix an election. They want power, and they will cheat with crime to grab power. Pray that this election can be overturned. Be prepared for a coming civil war between the communists and the patriots. You will need to come to My refuges when your lives are in danger.”
N.B. There is a CIA software called Hammer-Scorecard which was used to change hundreds of thousands of votes from Trump to Biden where the votes are sent for collection. If the real votes are compared to the changed numbers, you would see the fraud. If this program is not stopped, you will never have a fair election again.

Jesus said: “My people, the radical Democrats are so angry at your President that they want to make lists of his supporters so they can hurt them financially. They are planning to tear down your border wall and welcome Muslims and drug lords to enter your country. They will work with China for a communist takeover. Pray hard to help your President win, or you will soon be a communist state. If you are taken over, I will call you to the safety of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need to pray hard again that the Republicans can win one of these seats in Georgia, or you will face a possible dictatorship. Pray also that the votes are not rigged again as in the general election. There will be challenges on these votes. Without prayer and fasting you could see more illegal votes. Trust in Me to guide your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have many people being brainwashed with socialism or communism in the college schooling of your students along with the controlled media. You have seen many abortions that have taken the lives of millions of My babies in the womb. This coming revolution, an EMP attack, and more virus and flu cases are all punishments on your nation for all of your abortions. I will protect My faithful in My refuges, but your country will suffer through the tribulation. Have trust in My justice because I will bring My victory over the evil ones who will be cast into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I will separate My faithful into My refuges from the evil ones where My angels will not allow the evil ones to enter. Once I have divided My faithful from the evil ones, I will then bring down My Comet of Chastisement that will kill all of the evil ones and send them into hell. I will then renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Have patience while you are protected at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, some of your governors will be dictating more serious restrictions on your people, when your churches will be closed and your prayer groups could be harassed for having too many people in your houses. You could even have difficulty in coming to your grocery stores. You need to have extra food for this time of dictatorial control. If your lives are threatened, you will be called to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen a record number of hurricanes this year as part of your punishment for your abortions. These severe storms will continue into your winter weather. The violence and hatred among your people is being reflected into your weather. I am in control of everything, and man is but a reed blowing in the wind compared to the power of nature. You will be praying for this destruction to stop, but you will continue to suffer for your sins. Trust in Me to protect My faithful, but you must endure the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Wednesday, November 11, 2020
(St. Martin de Tours, Veterans Day)

Jesus said: “My son, this image of Noah’s Ark is symbolic of how My refuges will be your arks of safety during the tribulation of the Antichrist. With this election fraud you could be facing an attempted revolution to take over your government. You could see a clash of Antifa and Black Lives Matter mobs with your National Guard and armed patriots. You could see people dying from the fighting, and possibly others dying from the virus and the flu. This will endanger your lives, and I will call My faithful to My refuge arks with My inner locution. Be prepared also for My Warning and time of conversion during this chaos. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who want to kill you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some proof of how dead people were voting. The Democrats wanted mail-in ballots delivered to every registered voter, but they did not cleanse the registry of dead people, and those people who did not vote in the last Presidential election. The Dominion voting machines were used to change Trump votes into Biden votes. This was not a glitch, but a planned vote manipulation. It was so bad that the election people stopped using the machine, and had to hand count ballots. The last minute ballots were not checked for signatures, and some districts had more votes than were registered. Your President’s people will have a chance to audit the count of legal ballots. No matter the outcome, your country will truly see how ruthless the Democrats are at producing criminal illegal ballots to try and steal this election. Pray for peace because this recount could cause a revolution. Trust in Me to call you to My refuges when chaos begins, and your lives are in danger.”

God the Father – “Children, realize that the entire human race descended from Noah and his family – This is an ongoing miracle”

Holy Love Ministry

May 29, 2020

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, realize that the entire human race descended from Noah and his family. This is an ongoing miracle. Every race exists today because of this miracle of life. Every law – every decision by leaders no matter their title or role – is the fruit of this ongoing miracle. I know well in advance the decisions man is prone to choose. I can most easily rescue man from his disastrous decisions or I may choose to step back and allow evil to take its toll. The difference in My Decisions is the faith man places in Me and in My Intervention. Does he trust that I am in seemingly unfair consequences and turning them to My good?”

“The entire human race exists and perpetuates only according to My Will. My Will is always obedience to My Commandments. If your moment-to-moment decisions mirror My Will, you are My Strength upon earth. My Power is in you, around you and reflected in your decisions. Let this be your courage in all situations. I use you as My Power to perpetuate the human race.”

Read Ephesians 2:8-10+

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not your own doing, it is the gift of God – not because of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

God the Father – “Children, these are unusual times – times not unlike the days of Noah – The threat today is real just as the flood was real”

Holy Love Ministry

March 28, 2020

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, these are unusual times – times not unlike the days of Noah. Noah was threatened by a flood. These days, your welfare is threatened by a virus. Noah and his family waited long days for the rains to stop. You, My children, must wait and wait with patience for this virus to subside. Noah was threatened by a visible enemy – the rain. Today, you are threatened by an invisible force – a virus.”

“The threat today is real just as the flood was real. The difference is today you are privy to My Call to prayer. You recognize this threat and you know the precautions you must take to avoid this danger. The danger today does not take you by surprise due to the efforts of modern communication. However, this danger does catch you off guard and unprepared. Prayer, however, can protect you and change things. Therefore, place your hearts in a united prayer effort for yourselves, family and friends, and for your nation,* and the world, as you struggle for recovery.”

* U.S.A.

Read Genesis 8:10-12+

He waited another seven days, and again he sent forth the dove out of the ark; and the dove came back to him in the evening, and behold, in her mouth a freshly plucked olive leaf; so Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth. Then he waited another seven days, and sent forth the dove; and she did not return to him any more.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Children of the Renewal Messages – Jesus Christ – “One day soon, they will all see Me coming/appearing in the sky and like a flash they will know me interiorly – Blessed are those who do not see, but believe”

Children of the Renewal Messages

January 5, 2020
Adoration Chapel
Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

Hello dearest Jesus ever present in the Most Holy Eucharist of the Altar. I believe in You, adore You and praise You, my Lord God and my King. It is so very good to be here with You, my Jesus. Thank You for this great opportunity to adore You in the Eucharist. Lord, thank You for Confession and Holy Mass. Thank You for Holy Communion. Thank You for Your love and mercy and for redeeming us, Jesus. Lord, thank You for our pastor and shepherd. He had such a beautiful homily at Mass today.

I was thinking about the Magi and what a long and difficult journey they had as they sought You. They must have suffered during this long trip and they sacrificed much of their daily comforts. It was more important to them to find You and to worship You in person, to pay You homage and honor You with praise, adorations and their gifts than to remain in the comfort of their homelands where they surely had servants and every comfort of that time. They preferred to go without their temporary comforts, the comforts of the world, than to go without their spiritual need to be with and adore the Infant King. Jesus, may I have these graces, and like the Magi who truly were wise, be willing to sacrifice everything to be able to worship You. Jesus, they could have lost their lives making such a perilous journey and King Herod could easily have killed them had they not listened and gone home by a different route. Help me to always be attentive to Your direction, Lord and when I am unsure, enlighten my heart and mind and give me the wisdom from the Holy Spirit to do Your Holy Will. Lord. What must it have been like to find You in Bethlehem, lying in the manger, the food trough for animals, but in fact the bread of life for the World? What was it like to behold the purest and most holy face of God in Your baby face, so innocent, so lovely, so adorable? What was it like to be in Your presence those 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem and to greet the Most Holy Mother of God and the beloved, chaste and righteous St. Joseph? Oh, to experience this, Lord! How spectacular and how solemn this most holy experience. This is what the Magi experienced and they were deserving of this privilege, Jesus or they would not have been given this honor by God to be the first to come from foreign lands to worship You. They wanted to give You honor, glory, homage and worship and by doing so, they were honored and privileged. Jesus, this is true of those who worship and adore You in the most blessed Sacrament where You come to the world, not as a precious baby, but as bread for us, for the life of the world We come to adore You, to worship You and yet we are the ones who are honored to be in Your presence. Thank You for this great gift of adoration. Thank You, Jesus that we can come to adore You as the Magi did so long ago. I do not have gifts like they did, Jesus. I have only myself, weakened and stained by my sins, with my frustrations, my burdens, my concerns, but still, Lord I give You myself. I give You my life and my heart. I give You my love. Thank You for allowing me to be here with You, Jesus. I know I will not always have this opportunity and I am very grateful.

“Thank you, My child for coming to be with Me in this small chapel. I accept your praise and I acknowledge your meditation about the event so precious to Me and to My Most Holy Mother Mary and St. Joseph. The three wise men did sacrifice much to see Me and they were rewarded for their faith. They spent many hours in prayer and also had many sleepless nights praying and keeping watch. The shepherds also came to adore Me and it is fitting that the lowly ones, the shepherds were the first to adore Me. These simple-hearted people had great faith and pure hearts. They also brought gifts and theirs were the first gifts given to Me, to Mary and Joseph. This is to demonstrate that I came for all, no matter your state in life. I have come to save all people and I do not show deference to those of high social status for I am the Lord God. I love all of My children. What matters to Me is your hearts, My children, not the size of your bank accounts. I am concerned only for the state of your souls. Come to Me, all you who are weary, who have grown tired of seeking worldly pleasures, power, money, position. These things are temporary and will be gone tomorrow. Concern yourselves with the treasures that will last forever. Love one another as I love you. Help one another. Sacrifice for one another out of love. Share what you have with those who are less materially rich. I will reward you, so do not count what you share as a loss, for giving out of love is gain. When one focuses on what one has shared rather than on the one with whom you have shared, you focus on the material.”

“My children, My children, the temporal is fleeting. It is unimportant for your future, your salvation, your eternal life. Focus instead on your brother and sister whom you love and whom your Jesus loves. Then, you will see that what you have given is not lost. It remains within the family of God. Even greater, the deed that you did, to give unselfishly will remain with you in Heaven for all eternity. Therefore, do not regret for one moment, the good that you do, the sacrifices made for others. Only be sure that you do so out of love, not for recognition, not for false motives or from pride. Do everything in love. This is what I ask of you, My Children of Light. Never make others feel less than you when doing so. Remember to see Me, your Jesus in the face of the poor and the weak or the infirmed. Remember Me in My passion and care for those in need as you would for Me. This is love, My children. My little lamb, I heard your prayers for your little one. Trust in Me, My (name withheld). I will take care of (name withheld). She is growing every closer to Me through all of her trials. She is being purified and becoming more beautiful each day. I know of your deep love for her, for I put this love in your heart for her and for all your children and grandchildren. She is a special gift to you from Me, My child and you have a very close and spiritual relationship. This pleases Me. Trust in Me, My little one for I knit her together in your womb and I blessed you with her and her with you. I blessed her with (name withheld) and also with My son, (name withheld) for I wanted My special daughter to have a Godly father in (name withheld). I know your lives have been difficult and this has served to prepare you for what is to come. Through your suffering, each of you in different ways, you will know how to help those I send to you. (Not only in the future, but those I send you now.) This is part of My plan. Offer each trial, each suffering, each difficulty to Me, My beloved ones. Nothing you face on earth is ever wasted. I will guide My (name withheld) to find the help she needs. Trust in Me. All will be well. I love you. I walk with you.”

Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Lord! Thank You, Lord for the special grace you gave me today to see Your beautiful, holy face in the Eucharist. What a surprise and a great joy for Me, Jesus. If only everyone could see You in this way.

“My child, you are thinking if others could see this, they would flock to see Me. I want people to come to Me out of faith, My child. One day soon, they will all see Me coming/appearing in the sky and like a flash they will know me interiorly. Blessed are those who do not see, but believe. I gave you this time as a gift, My special, loyal friend, but blessed are those also who faithfully adore Me even though they do not see Me hidden in the Eucharist. They do not see, but still they believe enough to come and spend time with Me. My child, I want others to know through you that I bless them and all who spend time in My Eucharistic presence. Much mercy is granted to the world and to each place on Earth where I am adored in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar. Do not feel your time is wasted, My little ones, for this is the most important and best use of your time on Earth. I give you many graces to go out into the world from these intimate adoration chapels. Events in the world are literally changed from prayers offered to me during Adoration. Hearts and lives are changed. One day each person who has spent time with Me in Adoration will know how efficacious this time with Me was. Take heart and know that this is precious time with God, the Creator and lover of mankind. I love you, My children and I willingly came as an infant to dwell among you, to establish peace between God and man, to show you the example of holiness, a holy family to establish My Church, to give you the Sacraments, to suffer and die for you. This is why I came from Heaven to dwell among you, so that I could restore what was lost and so that all could accept Me as the Messiah, repent and be saved. I came to give you life. I came to restore to the Father, His children and to reunite the Family of God. You must all do your part and this is to do the Will of the Father. Obey His Commandments and do so out of love for God and for one another. If all of My children will strive to do this, the peace of God will reign in your hearts and nothing will destroy it.”

“A heart filled with love for God is impenetrable and cannot be broken permanently. Do not be afraid to love and to risk loving your brothers and sisters. Do not fear love. Love cannot hurt you. Yes, sometimes love is not returned. I experienced this many times, My children. I know what it means to love and to be rejected. Still, this love that you have for others cannot hurt you, cannot harm you. It may appear to be so emotionally, but instead, to the contrary, your soul is being strengthened. Your love, though not always returned to you by the one who does not know how to love, is not wasted. Instead, it comes to Heaven and is given to God. Never resist loving your brothers and sisters, even your enemies. Give freely of your holy love and regardless of what happens on Earth, know that your love and good deeds done out of love will be there for you in Heaven. Continue to love, no matter the cost, My children. Always love the way I love. Pray for your Guardian Angel to help you, so that your love does not become disordered. Read the Gospels and you will understand. Spend time in prayer and I will guide you. All will be well. Put love into action, My children. Do not wait. The world is desperately in need of love; My love. Give My love to others.”

“My child, this is all for now. Continue to be faithful to all I have asked of you. The race is past the half way point and it is now one of endurance. Persevere, My children in your prayers, in frequenting the Sacraments, fasting and almsgiving. Do acts of charity with great love. Pray the most holy Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Observe creation and see God in all that He does through nature. Be alert. Go in peace, My child. I bless you in the name of the Father, in My name, in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace and in joy.”

Amen, Lord. Alleluia. I love You!

January 12, 2020
Adoration Chapel
Feast of the Baptism of the Lord

Hello, my dearest Jesus. It is so good to be here with You in this most blessed chapel containing the Blessed Sacrament where You are present Body, Blood, Soul and in Your Divinity. Thank You for Holy Mass and Holy Communion, Jesus. Happy feast day of Your Baptism, Lord. Thank You for adopting us and for making us sons and daughters of the Living God. What a blessing and an honor. Lord, please heal all who are ill and console their caregivers as well. Be with those who will die this day, especially those who are unprepared for their death. Lord, I pray especially for (name omitted) and his Dad who died. Comfort and console him, Lord. Eternal rest grant unto him oh Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him and may his soul rest in peace. Lord, thank You for bringing holy friends into my life. Thank You for my family. Lord, lead all souls to You through Your Holy Mother Mary. Bring those who are away from the Church, home. Lord, have You anything to say to me?

“Yes, My little one. Pay for those who do not know My love and who reject My love. Pray that their minds and hearts be open to the Good News. Pray that they will be detached from worldly desires so they will have room in their hearts for Me.”

“My little lamb, do not feel that you are alone, for I am with you. Sometimes you think you are isolated and this is not true. This is a temptation. Listen to Me. I am with you. Reflect on this especially when you have periods of temptation to doubt and when you are rejected by others. I do not reject you, My child. I Myself was rejected. I know what this is, for I experienced it. The world does not understand you. It is this way for all My children walking the road to holiness. The world did not understand Me nor My disciples. Count yourself in good company, My daughter. You are not isolated, but instead in a family who knows and loves you. My little lamb the time grows shorter. I say this because it is true. It is shorter from a spiritual perspective and also in the metaphysical. The physical world aligns with the spiritual. When the fall of man occurred, the world physically changed. When the flood waters came to drown sin, the physical world changed. When they receded, the world changed. This is why the atmosphere was different for Noah after the flood. The world continues to change as it moans and groans for My Second Coming. After the Purification, it will change dramatically. During the Era of Peace, the world will be renewed and it will be beautiful. This is God’s Will. My child, I remain in control just as I was from all time, for I am the Eternal One. I am all powerful. My plans are proceeding, so do not be concerned. Encourage others to be prepared, but not fearful. All will be well.”

“You may go, My child. We will talk soon. Be at peace. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go forth in peace. Be mercy, be love, be joy. Give My love to others. Radiate My love and My peace.”

Thank You, Lord. Amen!

God the Father – “In the world, mankind is quickly racing towards the same destination – self-destruction”

Holy Love Ministry

January 30, 2020

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“In your country,* the Democratic Party is spiraling into self-destruction. This is due to selfish ambition. In the world, mankind is quickly racing towards the same destination – self-destruction. Little heed is given towards the effects of many destruction attitudes, as evident in the nuclear arms race. Safety, unfortunately, has become synonymous with who has the most destructive weapons.”

“False religions that support violence are growing in size – while My Remnant Faithful is dwindling. Once again, I call all My children into unity in obedience to My Commandments. Be united in good – not in evil. As you see the Democratic Party shrinking in popularity, take a lesson in the fact that dishonesty eventually takes its toll. Stand together as an army of Truth. Do not be persuaded differently. My Blessing rests upon the righteous, just as it did in Noah’s day.”

* U.S.A.

Read Titus 2:11-14+

For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men, training us to renounce irreligion and worldly passions, and to live sober, upright, and godly lives in this world, awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, who gave himself for us to redeem us from all iniquity and to purify for himself a people of his own who are zealous for good deeds.

Read Hebrews 3:12-13+

Take care, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil, unbelieving heart, leading you to fall away from the living God. But exhort one another every day, as long as it is called “today,” that none of you may be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

God the Father – “Do not listen to any so-called ‘messenger’ who claims to know when the dates are for certain parts of the coming chastisement”

Holy Love Ministry

January 11, 2019

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, My speaking to you daily is certainly a sign of My fast-approaching chastisement. I do not, however, give you times and dates of specific happenings. The reason is clear. I desire that you always be prepared to meet My Son in your final judgment. Your preparation must be obedience to My Commandments, for that is the criteria by which you will be judged.”

“Do not listen to any so-called ‘messenger’ who claims to know when the dates are for certain parts of the coming chastisement. Noah did not know the date of the flood. He did know it was coming however, and prepared. Now, I am asking each of you to prepare, as My Heart is filled to the brim with sorrow for man’s neglect of the future of his soul. People seek only to please themselves and not Me.”

“The Ark you must seek today is the Heart of the Holy Mother.* Her Heart is Holy Love.”

* Blessed Virgin Mary.

Read Acts 1:7+

He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority.”

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

God the Father – “You may not understand My Divine Will which fills every present moment, but trust in Me helps you to persevere, as events play out”

Holy Love Ministry

November 9, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, you can trust in My Divine Will, only if you first love Me. Every virtue is built upon the foundation of love. Trust is the support of every virtue – patience, perseverance, humility to name a few.”

“Holy Love protects you when Satan attacks the very core of your personal holiness, which is the perfection of your virtuous life. Trust is the barometer of your love of Me and My Divine Will. You may not understand My Divine Will which fills every present moment, but trust in Me helps you to persevere, as events play out. Every challenge in life is made easier if you first love Me and then trust Me.”

“I am asking you to make of your hearts a spiritual ‘ark’ prepared to weather any storm of life and every test of your love for Me. Trust Me as Noah trusted Me when I asked him to build the ark. The spiritual ark of your hearts will be buffeted by the winds of controversy and rained upon by guile and deceit. But, if your trust in Me is well-grounded in Holy Love, your hearts will withstand any storm. I am protecting a well-built ark in the depths of your hearts.”

Read Psalm 1:1-6+

The Two Ways

Blessed is the man
who walks not in the counsel of the wicked,
nor stands in the way of sinners,
nor sits in the seat of scoffers;

but his delight is in the law of the Lord,
and on his law he meditates day and night.

He is like a tree
planted by streams of water,
that yields its fruit in its season,
and its leaf does not wither.
In all that he does, he prospers.

The wicked are not so,
but are like chaff which the wind drives away.

Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment,
nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous;

for the LORD knows the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked will perish.

+Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Holy Family Refuge – Jesus Christ – “Some of the people you encounter are satan’s children or in satan’s army, created by satan just like in the time of Noah before the flood”

Holy Family Refuge Messages

August 15, 2018, Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family with St. Michael’s protection

Mary, did you want to speak? Yes, My son. This is Mary the Mother of God and the Mother of all My children. Satan is getting very vicious and attacking most of My children. Many of My children are getting very confused now and being attacked by satan. Be very loving and peaceful with people now. They are very upset and disturbed with all that is happening in the world. My Son wishes to speak.

This is Jesus, Son of Mary. This is a special day for My Mother as She was taken to Heaven. Pray much to Her and St. Anne, Her Mother. Mary has been given much power from the Holy Trinity to crush satan’s head. My children, all of Heaven needs the prayers of the people on Earth to help My Mother to crush satan’s head. The devil is very vicious now because his hundred years to take down the Church is over. The devil is now losing his power and using all the power he has to attack the children of Mary and Her army. Be faithful to My Mother and pray much on this special day. Love, Jesus and Mary.

August 19, 2018, Fourth Apparition of Our Lady of Fatima

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family with St. Michael’s protection

My most beloved son, this is Jesus of love and mercy. I came to ask you to intercede for all My Father’s children. Many are dying now and many more will die soon from more and worse natural disasters. My children are not ready to die, many are in mortal sin. A lot of the leaders of God’s church are living in mortal sin and are not even aware of it. They are teaching false religion and not telling people all the truth, just the truth they want to believe. Many Catholics are living in mortal sin. They do not believe in mortal or deadly sin. It is a mortal or deadly sin to miss Mass on Sunday or Holy Days of Obligation. If you are in mortal sin and go to Mass, you cannot receive Holy Communion or you commit another mortal sin. If you do not get to Confession at least once a year, you have committed another mortal sin, unless you are not aware of it.

All of Heaven is sick in seeing so many Catholics that call themselves Catholic and are just ‘Sunday Catholics’ and work for or with satan the rest of the week. The only reason for missing Mass on Sunday is for sickness, doing a job you cannot get out of, not having a priest or Mass in your area. There are more, but this gives you an idea of what I am saying. Also, the Ten Commandments are for ALL people of ALL religions. Start reading them and following them. My children, you are all so sick but a lot of it is caused by the leadership in all the churches. I am a merciful God but I am also a just God. If I give you mercy, I give full justice but soon, very soon you will be living in God’s justice and it will be very hard to change.

I am giving you another warning, but I told you My son I would not give any more warnings but love and mercy keeps warning you because I do not want ANY of My children to live in hell for all eternity. Please listen My children, you have free will and I will not force you but I will let satan cause many catastrophes in hopes that you will wake up before you have to live in hell for all eternity. Love, Jesus.

August 21, 2018

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family with St. Michael’s protection

My most beloved son and daughter, Happy Anniversary from God the Father on your 53rd anniversary. We wish to give you and your wife and family a special blessing from Heaven to all your family, to your children and grandchildren. Thanks for all your family does for Heaven and for all of your friends. Please offer this special blessing to all My children of the world to save their souls. This is the Most Holy Trinity and all of Heaven giving this blessing to your family and all of My children in the world. Bless your close friends personally and all of Heaven and I, God the Father, will bless the rest through you on earth. Your God blesses all people on earth through other souls who give Us permission. Because of their free will we have to come through people who give their free will to God and are trying to live in God’s Will for Us to use them. Love from God the Father to all. I AM who AM.

September 1, 2018 First Saturday

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family with St. Michael’s protection

This is God the Father of Heaven and Earth. We have been warning all of Our children about the ‘Warning before the Warning’ for all of Our children. Mary, your Mother, has been appearing to people for years and I, the Father, and the Holy Spirit have been speaking to our messengers for years to get all of our children ready for the main Warning when every soul on the face of the earth will be taken out of their bodies at the same time and see their God face-to-face with a mini judgement where you will see where you would go if you died at that minute. You will be taken to that place; it would be Heaven, Purgatory, or Hell. You will feel the joy or pain in whatever place you are taken in hopes that you will repent if you are still living in mortal or deadly sin.

Your time of warning and grace is about to end before the blessing that I, your God, is about to give all Our children. Then there will be 40 days for all My children to get out of mortal sin and start living for God and stop living in the sins of satan. This is when the ones who have been marked on their forehead with a cross will be lead to the protected refuges and the rest will be left in the world full of hell and torture. My Mother wants to speak.

My most beloved children, God has been letting your Mother come to you for years to try to wake up Her children but most still are not listening. This will be your last major chance to repent. Please listen to My Son as He talks to you face-to-face and reveals the whole truth to you and all the love He has for all of His children (in the Warning). Love the Sorrowful Mother of God with all Our graces from Heaven. Love, love, and more love.

September 6, 2018, Our Lady of the Fountain [Valenciennes, France]

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family with St. Michael’s protection

My most beloved son, this is Jesus of love and mercy and justice. My time is close for all My children to see their soul as their God sees it. Many of My children are not ready for the Warning. Tell My beloved children I am a God of love and mercy but I am a God of justice. My children must repent and go to Confession, if Catholic, or come straight to Me, their God, if not Catholic. Most of My children do not even see their sins now but when I, God, show everyone their sins, they will either deny Me or ask forgiveness during the next 40 days of mercy before My justice will begin.

Please pray for all My children on the face of the earth. Some of the people you encounter are satan’s children or in satan’s army, created by satan just like in the time of Noah before the flood. We are now again in this era of time in the history of the world. As I have told you before, satan uses the sperm banks of My children and the sperm banks of the animals to create all of his animal-like people to destroy My Kingdom. His tactics are way above what most all of My children are able to understand. Satan uses whoever are possessed by the fallen angels that look like humans but are without a soul and are not God’s children. This is how they can kill and torture My little beautiful children and not even think anything of it. This is the Holy Trinity telling you this which has to be said so people can understand how these animal-like people of satan can do the things they see happening in the world and cannot believe that people can be that evil. Please pray, pray, and pray for all of My children that have been possessed and used for the evil of satan.

The Warning is close and the disasters will keep getting worse until My real children drop to their knees, ask forgiveness and go to Confession. Love, love, and more love. An angry God to His sinful children. Catholics get to Confession now while it is still easy.

September 8, 2018, The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family with St. Michael’s protection

My love and My most beautiful one and all My most beautiful children. My son the intimacy I showed you last night was very profound. I want to show all My children this intimacy, but they will not listen to their Mother or their God. Next Saturday is the Feast of the Sorrowful Mother, but My son, this is also your Sorrowful Mother talking to you because so many of My beloved children do not know Me, do not love Me, and will not let Me take them and be their Spiritual Mother. All of My children need to let their real Spiritual Mother take them into Her so that they can be reborn into the spiritual world with Heaven and all the angels and saints. Then I can protect them against satan and all the evil demons that have taken over most of the Earth.

Jesus and I are your real Mother and Father from Heaven. Your earthly mother and father conceived you and brought you onto the Earth through the Power of the Holy Spirit. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit made you on the sixth day of Creation and kept you within themselves till it was your time to be put on Earth and do the work for Heaven that you were created to do to fulfill God’s mission that He wanted you to do on Earth. My children, I am so sad on this day, on My birthday, because My children have left My Son and Me and given away the graces We have given them in order to buy the evil from satan and the world. A lot of our children have left their God and Mother from Heaven and joined the evil forces of satan and his demons. My God and your God’s hand is falling hard upon the world for the sins of the flesh of Our children and disaster after disaster after disaster will continue to strike the world to try and wake up Our beautiful children before it is too late to save their souls. A Sorrowful Mother on Her beautiful birthday. My children do something good for My Son and Me this day and turn My tears of sorrow to tears of joy by praying your Rosary. Love, love, and more love.

God the Father – “I choose these times to render the grace of My Communication with humanity – I am aware most will not listen”

Holy Love Ministry

June 15, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“I am Lord of the Universe. My Creation is eternal. I choose these times to render the grace of My Communication with humanity. I did not do so with Sodom and Gomorrah. I did not speak to all people in Noah’s time. I do so here* for the sake of the Remnant Faithful, which I desire increase and strengthen. I am aware most will not listen.”

“Dear children of the Remnant, increase in faith and in numbers. Speak of and stand for the Truth of My Commandments. Do not be intimidated by unbelievers. Structure your lives around the Truth. Do not allow self-righteousness or false discernment to take over your hearts. When souls get close to Me, these two flaws are Satan’s entry. Call upon My Omnipotent Power when in need or in danger. It is you, dear children of the Remnant, I am counting upon.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read Psalm 4:1-3+

Answer me when I call, O God of my right!
You have given me room when I was in distress.
Be gracious to me, and hear my prayer.

O sons of men, how long will you be dull of heart?
How long will you love vain words, and seek after lies? Selah

But know that the Lord has set apart the godly for himself;
the Lord hears when I call to him.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

God the Father – “The Trinity is alive and well here – Our efforts must not fall upon deaf ears”

Holy Love Ministry

May 27, 2018

Once again, I (Maureen) see the Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“This Mission* is a sign in the world of trustful surrender to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It has been a venue for Me, My Son and the Holy Mother** to speak to the heart of the world. We speak to direct and to protect mankind. The Trinity*** is alive and well here.**** Our efforts must not fall upon deaf ears. Pay attention to the urgency that inspires the Messages.***** Imitate Noah – who upon being warned of impending catastrophe prepared a safe dwelling place for himself and his family. The safe dwelling you must seek today is the Holy Mother’s Heart, which is the Refuge of Holy Love. If you are living in Holy Love, you are in the Light of Salvation. Otherwise, you are in darkness.”

“I am not asking you to gather animals, two by two, to enter this ark of Holy Love. I am asking you to make this ‘ark’ known so that more will be saved. Have recourse to the Holy Trinity. We will help you.”

* The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** Blessed Virgin Mary.
*** The one God – the almighty Father, his only Son and the Holy Spirit: the Most Holy Trinity.
**** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
***** The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read Genesis 7:1+

Then the Lord said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and all your household, for I have seen that you are righteous before me in this generation.”

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)