Very Important Message – Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Jesus Christ – “I will to speak with you about the coming “Days of Darkness” and what my beloved Apostles should do in preparation for this event.” – May 9, 2024


(Source: )


Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My dear Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: My dear one, it is I, your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Sweet merciful Jesus, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal holy Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my little one, I your Divine Savior, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak my holy Savior, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My dear one, I know you are very busy today and must finish this work. Be in peace, I AM watching over my Mother’s holy Apostolate and you will complete it.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus.

Jesus: I will to speak with you about the coming “Days of Darkness” and what my beloved Apostles should do in preparation for this event. The beeswax candles are a must have, and they must be blessed by a Catholic or Orthodox Priest. I ask that these blessed beeswax candles to be placed on the Home Altars of my obedient children. In this way, when I come to bless their bread and water, I will also bless these beeswax candles too. [Note: Blessing of Jesus to take place on Pentecost Sunday]

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord.

Jesus: I am aware that my beloved children are worried about some of their family members NOT being in their homes at the time of the “Three-Days of Darkness” so I offer a means by which they must discern who comes to their door. If anyone knocks or rings their doorbell seeking to come into their home, before opening the door, they must request the person outside to recite word-for-word this prayer:

“In the Name of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, I am His servant. I adore only God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. I denounce satan and his emissaries in any form or aspect that they approach me. I rebuke all evil spirits in the Name of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, and I surrender to Jesus my life now and forever. Amen”

Jesus: If the devil comes disguised as your family member, he (or the demonic spirits) will not repeat these words exactly as I have given it to the world. Then DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR! The enemy of God will never recite these words. If your family member does recite this prayer, then you can allow him or her into your home for refuge. If you have more than one person at your door, then EACH PERSON must recite this prayer exactly as it is written before you open your door.

Jesus: Make certain that you have a blessed Crucifix on your front door, placed on the outside of your door if possible. Place it above the door itself. Do not place it on your door but above your door, in this way the demonic spirits cannot enter a fortified home where the “Blood of the Unspotted Lamb” has been placed. (Note: Jesus is the Unspotted Lamb, refer to Exodus 12:7). Make certain all your Crucifixes are blessed and ensure you place a blessed Crucifix over your back door, sliding doors and garage door too. Please children you must do every thing possible before the devil comes to attack you and your family.

Jesus: The days of famine, war, turmoil and plague (an Angel appeared) are upon you very soon. One disaster after another will bring great sorrows and sufferings if you have not already prepared yourselves for what will take place! Prepare now, prepare today!

Jesus: My dear one.

Anna Marie: Yes sweet Jesus.

Jesus: Please make sure this message is posted as soon as possible before the end of this day.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, I will do as you command. I love you Jesus and all Apostles around the world love you too Jesus.

Jesus: Tell all my holy servants, I have already prepared a place for them in my Father’s Eternal Kingdom, but not until I come to take them home.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. Thank you my Lord. That is comforting for us to know. Jesus does that include all those people whose name we have already placed on Mother Mary’s blessed Green Scapular?

Jesus: Yes, even those who have their names on my Mother’s blessed Green Scapulars, but have not fully converted back to me. Just keep praying for their conversions and in due time, when the moment is at the right time and place in his or her life; I will pour out upon them the graces from all your prayers, you my children have been offering for their conversions and THEY WILL BE CONVERTED back into my holy and loving arms. This my Father has granted for my Mother’s holy Apostolate of Prayer (Apostolate of the Green Scapular).

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus. We love you with an unspeakable love.

Jesus: My dear one, go now and complete your work and do not forget to say all of your prayers and the two Novenas you have on the website for my Holy Mother and for the Holy Spirit who will come on Pentecost.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus, I am saying them both every day.

Jesus: Very good. Go in peace now.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus for coming.


For up-to-date conservative news reporting about the escalating tensions between Israel and Iran – Hal Turner Radio Show and News Website


For those looking for credible conservative news about the escalating tensions between Israel and Iran, I suggest the following website:

I am also a subscriber and I do believe that it is worth the $1 weekly to gain the additional critical news reporting. Especially as it seems we are on the cusp of WWIII.

Note: I do not agree with some of the editorials and opinions expressed by Hal Turner. However, he does have access to excellent sources for his news reporting.

God bless,
A Soul

HANDBOOK OF GOD THE FATHER – Volume One (English) – Free PDF Download (Official Individual File) – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Holy Saturday, March 30, 2024
For the Greater Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

All that I am and all that I become, including the feeble works of my hands, I consecrate to the Most Holy Trinity for Your Almighty Honor, Glory, and Majesty forever and ever.

HOLY BIBLE: 1st Corinthians, Chapter 15, Verse 58
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

HOLY BIBLE: Gospel of Saint Matthew, Chapter 6, Verse 33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things shall be yours as well.

In this blog post, I am excited to present to you, my dear followers of MaryRefugeOfSouls, the free PDF download for VOLUME ONE of the HANDBOOK OF GOD THE FATHER(!).

DOWNLOAD: VOLUME ONE, Handbook of God the Father
(Choose your printer paper size):

(US Letter Paper Size, 244 Pages, PDF):

(A4 Paper Size, 238 Pages, PDF):

This has been a colossal project for me these past eleven months working on this monumental work on behalf of Papa God and Heaven. As many of you know, last year (early April 2023), Our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to me over the course of several days (Holy Week and Divine Mercy Week) about several important prophecies that would greatly impact mankind living on earth. This led into a huge writing project for me under the guidance of the Holy Spirit for several months with the end result being Three Volumes (about 800 pages) known as the HANDBOOK OF GOD THE FATHER (“ENCHIRIDION DEI PATRIS”): Your Instruction Manual for the Harbinger Week (7 Days and 7 Nights of the Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness).

Under the direction of Papa God, I released first SIX ESSENTIAL DOCUMENTS (about 90 pages) in early January 2024 for those who are unable to read the entire Handbook and just needed the critical instructions from Volume One concerning the Harbinger Week, Great Earthquake, Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), and the Refuges taking place in the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse.

For those who would like to download the free PDFs of the Six Essential Documents in English, please see this blog post on the sister website, , which the Holy Spirit is having me build to be dedicated for the spreading of Papa God’s Handbook and related writings / works:

Bookmark Me: Free PDF: Handbook of God the Father: Original English Version – The Six Essential Documents –

In early February 2024, I also published Volumes 2 and 3 ahead of Volume 1 (which required more editing until now). I will be publishing soon a Zip file for sharing the Three Volumes of Papa God’s Handbook with others. Meanwhile, here are the links to the permanent webpages for all Three Volumes on the sister site, . On these three webpages, you can actually read online the PDFs with your computer, read online the Table of Contents, and downloads the free PDFs anytime. So these are good links to give to people if they might want to read the PDFs but they are not sure if they want to download them to their devices, etc.

Permanent Webpage: Handbook of God the Father: Volume 1

Permanent Webpage: Handbook of God the Father: Volume 2

Permanent Webpage: Handbook of God the Father: Volume 3

Finally, for those who are interested, here is the complete Table of Contents for the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father found on the sister site:

Thank you very much for your huge interest in the Handbook of God the Father and spreading this vital information and instructions from Heaven to others. God bless.

All Praise to Papa God! Jesus, I trust in You! Amen.

I love you,
A Soul

Faith-Based Healing Remedy – Instructions for Good Friday Oil – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessed Holy Week!

Please see the blog link below to download the instructions for preparing Good Friday Oil (faith-based remedy for healing). God bless!

(Catholic) Good Friday, March 29, 2024

(Orthodox) Good Friday, May 3, 2024

1st Blog Post – End Times Sacramentals (Faith-Based Remedies For Healing Plagues) – Compiled By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

For Your Review – Handbook of God the Father – Volume 1 – Table of Contents – MaryRefugeOfSouls

March 22, 2024
For the Greater Glory of Almighty God

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

The Handbook of God the Father (Three Volumes) are mainly based upon prophecies given to me, “A Soul”, by Our Lord Jesus Christ last year (2023) during Holy Week and Divine Mercy Week. They are to help people prepare for the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) and other great events of the Great Tribulation (Apocalypse). God the Father also gave me additional prophecies in January 2024 that are particular to Volume 1. They are found mostly in Chapters 4 and 17.

As promised, here is the Table of Contents for Volume 1 of the Handbook of God the Father. As you can see, some of the topics are controversial and may be difficult for people to accept for themselves and their loved ones (especially Chapters 4, 5 and 17). I will be publishing Volume 1 within a few days. Volume 1 will be a free PDF download and it is over 235 pages total.

Volumes 2 and 3 were published earlier and are also free PDF downloads. They are available here:

There are also Six Essential Documents that were published earlier and are also free PDF downloads. They are 90 pages total and are based on Volume 1. They are for those who are unable to read the entire Handbook of God the Father. They are available here:

Please see this link for the Table of Contents for Volumes 2 and 3:

God bless you as you review this post. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
In Christ’s Love,
A Soul


Your Instruction Manual: Harbinger Week (Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness)
By A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls



I. Dedication
II. Preface: Personal Words By A Soul
III. Introduction: The Seven Blessings of Heaven

Part 1: Set of Instructions: Foretold Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)

Chapter 1: How To Prepare: Harbinger Week – 7 Days and 7 Nights of the Illuminated Cross in the Sky
Subchapter I. Chaos: You Have No Idea
Subchapter II. DANGER: Do NOT Go to Church During Harbinger Week
Subchapter III. How To Be Forgiven For Sins During Harbinger Week
Subchapter IV. Gather Together Your Loved Ones
Subchapter V. Coming Days of Absolute Darkness
Section 1: Basic Instructions
Section 2: Perimeter of Protection / Demonic Noise / Cursed Objects
Section 3: Supplies and Sanitation
Section 4: Miraculous Light
Section 5: Pets / Animals During Harbinger Week
Section 6: Protection from Divine Punishments
Section 7: Other Important Instructions
Subchapter VI. The Rapture – “Papa God wants them all”
Subchapter VII. Relevant Prophecies: The Cross in the Sky, “Second Sun” of the Warning, and Precursor Sign (Omen) Before the Harbinger Week

Chapter 2: How To Prepare: Great Earthquake
Subchapter I. You Must Sit Or Lay Down Directly On The Floor (Indoors)
Subchapter II. You Need An Eye Mask or Blindfold
Subchapter III. Other Important Instructions
Subchapter IV. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Subchapter V. Relevant Heavenly Messages

Chapter 3: How To Prepare: Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Subchapter I. What is the Great Warning?
Subchapter II. Moments Before the Great Warning
Subchapter III. Your Wedding Day
Subchapter IV. Pray To Be Completely Healed By Jesus
Subchapter V. Pray To Be Completely Delivered By Jesus
Subchapter VI. Concerning “Those Who Are In Our Resemblance” (“Beings Without Souls”)
Subchapter VII. Warnings and Divine Instructions
Subchapter VIII. Stay Indoors (3 Days) After the Great Warning
Subchapter IX. Relevant Heavenly Messages

Chapter 4: Identifying Mortal Sins And How To Be Saved If You Are Shown Hell During the Great Warning
Subchapter I. Mark of the Beast (You WILL BE Damned! No Hope!)
Subchapter II. Healing from mRNA Vaccines By God
Subchapter III. Tattoo Removal By God
Subchapter IV. Sex Reassignment (Gender Mutilation)
Subchapter V. For Those Who Made a Contract with the Devil
Subchapter VI. JESUS CHRIST: Warning To Those Involved with Satanic Cults
Subchapter VII. Children Under Age of Reason: Broken Innocence
Subchapter VIII. Third Commandment: Observing the Sabbath (Sunday)
Subchapter IX. Sixth and Ninth Commandments: Sins of the Flesh – Holy Bible Verses
Subchapter X. JESUS CHRIST: Mortal Sins That Send People To Hell
Subchapter XI. Calling Upon JESUS To Be Saved During the Great Warning

Chapter 5: Aftermath: How To Help People Who Experience Hell and Deep Purgatory During the Great Warning
Subchapter I. General Instructions
Subchapter II. How To Be Reconciled with God
Subchapter III. Prayer For Immediate Clemency
Subchapter IV. Warning About An Evil Deed From Hell
Subchapter V. Divine Forgiveness for All Acts of Human Killing, including Murder, Abortion, Chemical (Hormonal) Birth Control, Euthanasia, Etc.
Subchapter VI. JESUS CHRIST: Messages of Hope

Chapter 6: Further Instructions Regarding the Great Warning and Eternal Salvation
Subchapter I. Brief Timeline: CONVERSION Period (Six and a Half Weeks)
Subchapter II. Beforehand: Prepare Your Love Grams (Love Notes)
Subchapter III. Aftermath: Ways To Be Forgiven For Sins By God
Subchapter IV. Second Pentecost: Manifestation of Divine Glory
Subchapter V. For Air Travelers and Seafarers
Subchapter VI. Miscellaneous Guidance
Subchapter VII. The Marian Promise
Subchapter VIII. Eternal Salvation Is Available To All Righteous People

Part 2: Set of Instructions: Divine Protection During the Great Tribulation (The Seal of The Living God, Consecrations, Refuges and Sanctuaries)

Chapter 7: General Information: The Seal of The Living God

Chapter 8: Divine Protection: The Seal of The Living God, Part One (Two Methods)

Chapter 9: Divine Protection: The Seal of The Living God, Part Two (Mary, Our Lady of Emmitsburg)

Chapter 10: Divine Protection: Consecrations of Individuals, Marriages, Children, Families and Homes
Subchapter I. Holy Love Consecrations
Subchapter II. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Chapter 11: General Information: Refuges and Sanctuaries During the Great Tribulation

Chapter 12: Three Methods: How To Establish a Home Refuge

Chapter 13: Instructions: How To Flee to the Refuges (Great Exodus)
Subchapter I. Important Information (Miscellaneous)
Subchapter II. Evacuation Plan: Twenty (20) Minutes To Flee!
Section 1: General Instructions: For Those Fleeing to a Refuge
Section 2: Special Instructions: Urban, Coastal, and Smaller Refuges
Subchapter III. Evacuation Plan: Pets and Domesticated Animals
Subchapter IV. Evacuation Plan: For Refuge Owners
Section 1: What Qualifies To Be a Refuge?
Section 2: Pre-Arrival Check With Your Holy Refuge Angel
Subchapter V. Life at the Refuges

Part 3: Additional Instructions: Special Groups

Chapter 14: For First Responders, Medical Personnel, Caregivers, and Essential Utility Support Crews

Chapter 15: For Persons with Disabilities, Blindness, Deafness, Infirmities, and Sickness
Subchapter I. Important Facts: Harbinger Week
Subchapter II. Important Facts: Great Earthquake
Subchapter III. Important Facts: Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience)
Subchapter IV. Asking for Divine Healing During the Great Warning
Subchapter V. Important Facts: Refuges

Chapter 16: For Military Personnel and Those Living in Military Accommodations, Inmates in Jails and Prisons
(work-in-progress; will be released prior to Harbinger Week)

Chapter 17: Eternal Salvation: Human Hybrids, Transhumans and Those Who Are In Our Resemblance (Beings Without Souls)

February 2024 – Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) Interview – Catholic author, Ted Flynn, and his new book about the Marian apparitions at Garabandal, Spain (2nd of 2-Part Series) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Here is the 2nd part interview with Catholic author, Ten Flynn, about his new book on the Marian apparitions at Garabandal, Spain. This interview is an excellent discussion about what is publicly known about the Miracle of Garabandal.

What I find fascinating is that Ted shares two important things that will result as part of the Great Miracle: (1) Russia will be converted and (2) there will be a reunification of the Churches. Both these Garabandal facts are complimentary to what I have written in Volume 2 of the Handbook of God the Father. Mainly, that there will be a Great Conclave and Great Ecumenical Council held in the aftermath of the Miracle of Garabandal in which the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary will finally take place AND the Great Schism between all the Churches will finally be healed.

I hope you enjoy watching this follow-up interview. God bless.

About Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN)
My dear little children praised be Jesus! Totus Tuus Evangelization Network (TTEN) is a platform dedicated to the collaboration of Catholic Mystics, Prophets and Evangelists. As the End Times unfold, humanity must be prepared for the return of Our Lord and the coming kingdom of the Divine Will. Therefore, our endeavor is to edify and prepare the saints lest you be deceived in this antichrist system. “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (Matthew 10:22).

Here are links to the latest TTEN interview of Ted Flynn on various media platforms:

TTEN website:

TTEN website:

BitChute Interview:

Podcast Interview:

YouTube Video: TTEN Interview: Garabandal Divine Reset Ted Flynn Series 2 (51:16 minutes)

January 29, 2024 – From the Handbook of God the Father (Volumes 2-3) – Special Commentary – Papal Prophecies – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


January 29, 2024
For the Greater Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

This is my follow-up commentary about the recent publication of the very detailed Table of Contents of Volumes 2 and 3 for the prophetic body of writings called, the Handbook of God the Father. In sum, there are Three Volumes (about 800 pages). Volumes 2 and 3 will be released as free PDF downloads on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and the sister site, , at the end of this month of January 2024 (latest, first days of February). Whereas, the release of Volume 1 will be delayed until the end of the month of February 2024.

There are two significant reasons why the Three Volumes are being published out of sequence. The first reason is related to proofreading by a translator as part of the final editing check for Volume 1; and the second reason is Volumes 2 and 3 are most needed now for the Remnant Church. Currently, Holy Mother Church is in major crisis and is splintering. Many of the Faithful Remnant are unsure as to what they are witnessing happen inside the Roman Catholic Church; and are experiencing confusion and a personal ‘crisis of faith’ that is causing them to lose hope and consider becoming apostate.

Beloved ones, God does not want people to lose hope in Him and He does not want His beloved children to fall away from the True Faith. That is why I am writing this important commentary which will prepare people to be able to read Volumes 2 and 3 with an open heart. In particular, I want to discuss Chapter 26 (Volume 2) and Exhibits 19-21 of the Appendix (Volume 3). Specifically, I want to talk about Pope Francis (Bergoglio), as well as the Posthumous Testimony of Pope Benedict XVI — private revelation about his holy death — that is included in the Appendix.

Here is the blog post for those who still need to review the very detailed Table of Contents for Volumes 2 and 3 of the Handbook of God the Father:

Children of Mary, please understand that Almighty God is fully, completely, and totally aware of what is happening today — the current state of affairs of the Roman Catholic Church. God is intimately involved in the affairs of His Holy Bride, the Church, and has not been caught ‘unaware’ by the current crisis of faith. He has been preparing the Faithful Remnant by the gift of prophecy given to certain prophetic voices throughout the years.

Children of Mary, please know that you are not going to understand the current faith crisis unless you accept generally modern-day Catholic prophecies; and you are not going to know how to approach the current faith crisis unless you accept what specifically Heaven has revealed to us. Because, guess what, satan is going to twist your mind in total confusion if you do not follow Heaven’s compass revealed to authentic chosen messengers.

I am going to say some things that are very shocking truths, but you must accept them in order for you to have clarity and peace of mind, as well as continuing confidence and hope in God’s Will and His Divine Plan. Note: This commentary compliments what is shared in Volumes 2 and 3, and actually expands upon what I did not have space in the books to reveal.

Pope Francis (Bergoglio) is an antipope. Pope Benedict XVI was the last, legitimate pope in apostolic succession to Saint Peter the Apostle, the first pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis is not a legitimate successor, because Pope Benedict XVI was coerced under duress to step down from the papacy in 2013. This coercion invalidated the legitimacy of the Conclave held in 2013, because the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI was not freely made in the Holy Eyes of God. Pope Benedict XVI died a martyr and the Petrine See is currently vacant with Heaven in charge. Pope Francis does not possess the heightened divine protection of legitimate popes when teaching Catholic doctrine and dogma or exercising any papal authority. Also, Pope Francis cannot be “retroactively” installed as Supreme Pontiff. That is not how a fair and just system of laws operates under God’s sovereignty. There needs to be a conclave held to elect a legitimate Vicar of Christ.

Beloved ones, Heaven has prepared people to believe in these divine truths through private revelation given to different chosen messengers. A major prophetic work called the Book of Truth given to Maria Divine Mercy by Heaven during the years, 2010 to 2015, revealed that a false shepherd would be illegitimately elected pope. That there would be an ‘impostor’ acting as pope once Pope Benedict XVI was forced to leave the papacy. The Book of Truth also revealed that Pope Benedict XVI would die as a martyr of the Catholic faith before the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) occurs.

Now, critics may state that the papal prophecies concerning Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis did not happen in exactly the prophesied manner found in the Book of Truth. However, these critics do not understand how clever and highly intelligent the devil is to any human mind. Once Heaven revealed the papal prophecies, satan immediately went to work to discredit the Book of Truth and to change his devious methods of hell’s attack concerning the papacy. In fact, I was able to privately confirm these facts with Our Lord Jesus Christ in 2019.

Heaven confirmed publicly that the papal prophecies in the Book of Truth had been indeed altered by hell in a message given to Brazilian seer, Pedro Regis, from the Blessed Virgin Mary on June 29, 2018. In the message, Our Lady of Anguera said: “The evil deed of evil men will bring great spiritual harm to My poor children. The realization of the Second Plan will be more painful.” Note, the words, “Second Plan,” which indicates that a “First Plan” to harm the Roman Catholic Church was being set aside. It was the intentions of these specific words, “Second Plan”, used by Our Holy Mother, that Our Lord Jesus Christ confirmed with me in 2019 involved hell and the papacy. That satan altered his evil plans in respects to both Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis, after satan took notice of what Heaven stated in the Book of Truth. Jesus also privately reaffirmed with me in the same conversation in 2019 that Pope Francis is an impostor and that Pope Benedict XVI would die someday as a martyr of the Catholic faith.

So, that is the reality of the current crisis of faith being witnessed in Holy Mother Church. We have an impostor pretending to be a legitimate successor to the Chair of Saint Peter. The man known as Pope Francis (Bergoglio) needs to immediately repent of all his heresies and call for a conclave to be convened by the College of Cardinals so a legitimate Vicar of Christ can be elected. Only the Cardinals of appropriate voting age that were installed prior to the 2013 Conclave should have the right to participate in voting for a new Vicar of Christ.

Meanwhile, what are the faithful laity called to do? We must support our priestly leaders that recognize the divine truths that I have revealed in this commentary, so they may continue to uphold the Catholic faith and will put ‘pressure’ on those in charge within the Vatican to do the right thing by convening a conclave as soon as possible so the Holy Spirit may restore Holy Mother Church in all her glory.

The faithful laity must also pray for Pope Francis and all those that follow him as a false shepherd so they may all repent and be saved by God.

Beloved ones, I do not know what will happen to the immortal soul of Pope Francis. All I know is that he is on the broad path to hell and he needs to repent immediately otherwise he is at risk of damnation, either at his natural death or during his divine encounter with Jesus at the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Everyone needs to intercede for Divine Mercy for him and all those in allegiance with him.

Children of Mary, do not lose hope in God. God is forever in charge and He has a definite and awesome Divine Plan for His beloved people.

Children of Mary, if those leading the Roman Catholic Church fail to act in correcting their evil behaviors, have confidence and hope in Almighty God, because Papa God will move swiftly to fix this grievous state of affairs of heresy, apostasy, and schism.

As I revealed in Chapter 27 of Volume 2, Heaven intends to convene a Special Conclave and Great Ecumenical Council on earth in the aftermath of the Great Warning [1]. It will be held in the latter days of the six and a half weeks of reprieve when satan and the evil spirits will all be temporarily locked up in hell. So hell will be totally unable to harm or tamper with this monumental salvific event in the history of Holy Mother Church.

During the Special Conclave and Great Ecumenical Council, God will supernaturally reveal His choice for Vicar of Christ. He will be a Marian pope who has been prophesied in older private revelations as a holy priest son called, Peter the Roman. It is Peter the Roman who will finally fulfill the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary according to the directives of Our Lady of Fatima. At this Great Ecumenical Council, the Great Schism between the Roman Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, the Protestant Churches, and Judaism, will also be universally healed as all Christian and Jewish believers will recognize Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of all mankind, and the true Jewish Messiah. Everyone will recognize the fullness of the teachings of Christianity held as the Deposit of the Faith in the Roman Catholic Church. There will be no separatists due to doctrine or dogma. All believers of Christ will be known as Catholic and will accept the leadership of the Supreme Pontiff, Peter the Roman.

Beloved ones, I reveal these important prophecies to you so you do not lose the faith nor lose hope in God. Simply put, God is fully aware of the current mess within Holy Mother Church and He intends to clean the mess up. So continue to hold steadfast to the Truth of the Gospel as supported by the True Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Continue to receive the holy sacraments, especially Confession and the Most Holy Eucharist, in its unaltered forms according to the teachings of the True Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church. Remain faithful Catholics and “fight” for the Truth of God within Holy Mother Church and in the world.

Love Jesus and everything that He stands for. Remain vigilant as His devoted disciples. God bless.

I love you,
A Soul

FOOTNOTE [1]: I know that some theologians, scholars and religious leaders may question how quickly a Great Ecumenical Council could be held on earth. This is because the Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) took about 4 years and also the writing of the Official Catechism of the Catholic Church under Pope Saint John Paul II took more than 5 years to complete. However, please understand that I know more than I can publicly reveal about how Heaven intends to organize these proceedings. All I can say is that with Almighty God, “all things are possible”, and that everything that I have written about the Great Ecumenical Council will be accomplished under Heaven’s direction in a way that also respects the free will of the attendees and it will be very orderly and efficient. Please understand that God already knows that human beings have limitations but in God, He is not limited by anything incapable by human nature. The Great Ecumenical Council will happen and it will be an amazing feat and joint effort accomplished by Heaven and those who love God on earth. Amen.

January 24, 2024 – Latest Progress for the Release of the Handbook of God the Father, including the Translation Project and forthcoming Table of Contents – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

January 24, 2024
For the Greater Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

In this blog post, I want to give the latest update on the progress of the Six Essential Documents and the Handbook of God the Father, which are based upon private revelations given to me by Our Lord Jesus Christ concerning the Harbinger Week (7 Days of the Cross in the Sky), the Great Earthquake, the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), Refuges, and other important topics about the End Times.

Firstly, I want to say thank you to everyone who has downloaded the Six Essential Documents derived from the Handbook of God the Father. I know that many of you have been spreading the links, especially to the Zip file, as well as introducing the new site: to others and I am extremely grateful to all of you for doing this.

Truly, if there is ever anything that needs to go viral around the world, it is the Six Essential Documents. Here is the link again for those who need the free PDF downloads:

Bookmark Me: Free PDF: Handbook of God the Father: Original English Version – The Six Essential Documents –

Secondly, I am still looking for translation volunteers for the Six Essential Documents (about 90 pages). Very few people have volunteered which makes me a bit sad. I want you to know that even if you have never formally translated a document before, as long as your heart is right with God, the Holy Spirit can do amazing things through the time and effort you put into volunteering. Potentially thousands, perhaps, millions of people will be blessed by your translation work. I am interested in having the Six Essential Documents translated into as many languages as possible. I need especially 1 or 2 volunteers for Portuguese for both the documents and the larger Handbook of God the Father (about 800 pages).

I give you the example of myself. I started this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, in April 2015, because Jesus was asking for volunteers through Maria Divine Mercy that the Book of Truth be placed on blogs. I prayed about it for a month and answered the call to volunteer. I knew nothing about blogs, website design, or programming. I simply began through the simple grace of the Holy Spirit to teach myself how to do everything. However, I also decided that if I was going to make the time and effort to do a blog, I wanted to include other prophetic voices that I believed in. And from that one personal decision to volunteer made 9 years ago, I have had almost 5 million views to this website, MaryRefugeOfSouls, which has affected countless people worldwide. And my website has been successful totally by word of mouth as I have never paid for any advertising. I truly believe that the Blessed Mother Mary personally chooses every person who visits my blog and signs up as a follower.

So, if you have the skill set to translate, please pray about volunteering and reach out to me. By the grace of God, you will impact and bless many people, including the greatest of sinners and those who are furthest from God. Here is the contact me form: (Note: I already have volunteers for Arabic, Dutch, Filipino (Tagalog), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish).

Thirdly, the Holy Spirit has given me some guidance about how to release the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father. So let me explain how it is going to work.

Volume 2 is completely finished and ready for release. It has been reviewed by two proofreaders and one translator.

Volume 3 is almost done. The text has been reviewed by two proofreaders, however, it is still going through translation to catch any last minute issues with the English edition. I am also working on some formatting and pagination matters. It will be finished very soon.

Volume 1 is still being ‘polished’ (Papa God’s word choice). For the most part, the text has been reviewed by two proofreaders, but it has not been touched yet by the translator. The third step is critical to catch any final editing problems.

The Holy Spirit has indicated that I should release Volumes 2 and 3 on my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and the new website, , at the end of January 2024 (latest, first days of February). However, God wants me to delay the release of Volume 1 until the end of February 2024, so it can be properly reviewed by the translator. Note: The Six Essential Documents are based on the text of Volume 1 and the Appendix of Volume 3.

Beloved ones, there is a very special reason why God wants me to release first Volumes 2 and 3 ahead of Volume 1. It is because Holy Mother Church is reeling in major crisis and splintering right now, and there is critical information found in both Volumes 2 and 3 that will help the Faithful Remnant understand the current Church situation and save people’s souls.

So, the Holy Spirit has instructed me to do the following:

(1) A few days from now, I am going to publish in a blog post the very detailed Table of Contents for Volumes 2 and 3. That way, everyone can read it thoroughly, because there is some shocking material that the Handbook will discuss. You will be able to get an idea of it by the titles and subtitles within the Table of Contents.

(2) After people have had a chance to review the Table of Contents, I am going to post a special commentary about a couple of chapters found in Volume 2 and some related materials in the Appendix of Volume 3. The commentary will be very important because it will help people figure out why Holy Mother Church is falling apart but it will also give hope for the future. However, once the prophecies are revealed, it will be very divisive. It will force people to have to choose which side that they want to be on — God’s or the world’s.

(3) Then I will release Volumes 2 and 3 at the end of the month of January 2024 (latest, first days of February), so people can read for themselves the prophecies and discern the truth.

(4) Finally, Volume 1 and the complete Zip file for the Handbook of God the Father will be released later at the end of February 2024.

So, those are my tentative plans for publishing the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father on both my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and the sister site, . Hopefully, I will be able to keep this tight schedule as I have a lot of projects and writings that I am working on now until mid-February.

Note: The Six Essential Documents and the Three Volumes of the Handbook of God the Father will be made available entirely free as PDF downloads in the original English and translated into as many languages as possible (which is entirely dependent on volunteers). All writings will be made available to freely read on webpages of the sister site, , so people can use Google Translate to read everything in more than 130 languages.

Please, beloved ones, if you could continue to kindly pray for the success of the Six Essential Documents and the Handbook of God the Father, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you to everyone and their interest in these important writings.

God bless,
A Soul

P.S. So far, I have only published the text by email and on webpages for Essential Documents 1 and 2. I will continue to endeavor towards having the text of the four remaining essential documents published by email on MaryRefugeOfSouls and on webpages on the sister site, , within the next 2-3 weeks. It simply takes me time to do this type of work. In the meantime, all Six Essential Documents are freely available now to download and read as PDFs on the sister site,

ESSENTIAL DOCUMENT TWO (Handbook of God the Father): Summary Two: How To Establish A Refuge And How To Flee To A Refuge – Great Exodus (End Times Evacuation) – MaryRefugeOfSouls


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PERMANENT WEBPAGE TO READ FOR FREE ONLINE (Use Google Translate for your language):



(Volume 1, Chapters 10-13, 15 – Abbreviated)

Given by Almighty God to ‘A Soul’, April 2023

Original Source:
Your Instruction Manual: Harbinger Week (Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness)
By A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls

Introductory Note:
In extreme emergency conditions, within each of the households one refuge leader should be chosen and unreservedly followed. This leader will provide clear, precise, easy to understand directions on what next to do. The leader should endeavor to memorize the sequence and instructions below, as well as to be generally familiar with the contents of the original Handbook and Appendix, including prayers.

It is emphasized that the following is a very basic outline and that Volume 1 has very extensive details and instructions about refuges that should be carefully reviewed by the household leader and others, including caregivers and refuge owners, ahead of evacuation time.


1.1 Refuges include many monasteries, convents, and churches. Refuges also include sites where the Blessed Virgin Mary has appeared throughout the centuries. Refuges could include caves.

1.2 Many homes where people have discerned this mission to refuge have already been prepared by the faithful. Although refuges will be located in many places in the world, some people will be living in protected communities and enclaves defended by the holy angels. There will also be refuges with specialized missions for orphanages and seminaries, etc.

1.3 All the places of refuge will have a miraculous spring of water for healing and there will be a luminous cross over them. Those who look upon the luminous cross and drink the blessed waters will be healed of all handicaps, diseases and infirmities.

1.4 At the refuges, all the food that you have will be multiplied. Many refuge builders have stored extra food. The holy angels will provide the manna (bread) and deer will be miraculously provided for food.

1.5 All Marian refuges will be invisible to evil. Evil will not be able to detect the refuges or the faithful living there by sight, sound, scent, or any other means of detection.

1.6 The refuges will be self-sustaining, connected within a refuge network – both for sharing of resources, and so that information and heavenly messages can be shared throughout the world. Within the refuge network, there may be limited travel by priests, chosen messengers, etc.

1.7 For a very limited number, Our Lord is going to make it possible for certain families who are scattered over the world to be reunited at one refuge during the Great Tribulation (Apocalypse). The holy angels and the FirstFruits soldiers of the Marian Army will relocate them to reunite with their families.

1.8 Some people will be called to the refuges earlier than anticipated, during the six and a half weeks reprieve that will immediately take place in the aftermath of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Therefore, some people may already be living at a refuge BEFORE the gates of hell are unlocked again by God and the emergence of the antichrist.

1.9 All people, including those living at refuges – will need to remove all technology once the six and a half weeks reprieve has finally ended – but not beforehand.


2.1 Consecrate your homes to God the Father with exorcised salt and exorcised water. Walk around the perimeter of your house, and then circle your land. PRAY: “Eternal Father, I consecrate my home and land to you. By the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I give you my home as a refuge for the days to come. It will be your Will for your people if You want Your people to come here. I consecrate this home. Spray the holy water in the Sign of the Cross and end with: In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, AMEN.”

2.2 Obtain some preferred sacramentals to further sanctify your home: Many blessed rosaries, Bibles, Miraculous medals and St. Benedict medals to place at windows and Crucifixes for above your doors, plus images of the Holy Family should be displayed. Finally, people should pray daily the Most Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet. (See the Appendix in Volume 3 to learn how to pray the Most Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet.)

2.3 God is capable of the impossible, so after your consecration, a great shield of protection will arise over your land. These shields will not allow any means to detect you and will also protect you from all pandemic viruses, harm of guns, or nuclear bombs at refuge time. God’s protections are miraculous, as He will show in healings, and the multiplication of food, water, fuels and dormitories.

2.4 God will accept last-minute refuges including those established during the six and a half weeks reprieve in the aftermath of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). The holy angels will also help with last-minute preparations, including fixing broken objects, etc., when it is time for people to arrive at the refuges. Be sure to offer in prayer to God all things that need to be repaired by the holy angels.


3.1 The Great Exodus to the refuges will take place in gradual, successive stages after the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience).

3.2 Pack a (hiking or rolling) bug-out bag with: Holy Bibles, medals, rosaries, scapulars, St. Benedictine crucifixes, holy water, blessed candles, travel food, warm clothes, deer knife, blanket, small tent, fold up shovel, bike and helmet, fold-up maps, poncho, windup flashlight, water (to multiply), sleeping bag, soap, toothbrush / toothpaste, deodorant, wipes, first aid kit, water filtration bottle, matches, paper / pencil, scissors, whistle, boots, rope, plastic zipper bags (for books), toilet paper, detergent. Pack extra sets of underwear, gloves and socks (because they are the hardest to sew).

3.3 How will we know when to go to the refuges? Everything should be prepared and packed ahead of time, including your tools of trade. The Lord will give us only about 20 minutes to leave our homes for the refuges when we receive our notice through a warning dream or an interior voice (locution) from God. When you exit, a blue-colored flame carried by a holy angel will appear to lead you to a refuge, and you must follow it. The holy angel will render all of you invisible on your journey. You will not return to your houses.

3.4 During the evacuation, you must strictly follow the supernatural flame to wherever it guides you. The holy flame may lead you to unexpected places such as restaurant buildings, Christian bookstores, motels, horse stables, or even large fields of open land. Do not be concerned, because some of these places are temporary since God will be relocating them to larger refuge campuses. Or in the case of open land, consecrated buildings and properties will be arriving from other places (being carried in miraculous flight by holy angels).

3.5 Please note that there may be impassable roads due to the Great Earthquake, which will require travel by bicycle and / or foot. If you end up in a situation where you have reached a road block or impassable road and are unable to physically travel further, you need to call upon your guardian angel to help you. The supernatural flame that you were following will then reveal the holy angel who has been guiding you and he will help you to further get to the refuge. If you end up in a situation where you have no gasoline for your car, you need to pray to God and He will answer your prayers by providing a workable car without the need for gasoline. You need to have faith.

3.6 Pets (in carriers with some food) like: domesticated animals like dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, etc., will be able to come to refuges, but not exotic animals or pets that are harmful to people like wild animals, snakes, etc. BUT remember, humans always come first before any pets. Please take time to review all the refuge instructions concerning pets and animals found in Volume 1 of the Handbook.

3.7 Certain people may receive additional time to depart, such as elderly or disabled persons, etc. Please carefully review the instructions for caregivers in Volume 1 (Chapters 13 and 15) of the Handbook.

3.8 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION: During evacuation time, some disabled persons may need to be left behind if they are bedridden or somehow unable to be physically moved. In this situation, one person should be designated as the caregiver to stay behind with the disabled person. The rest of the household must flee when it is evacuation time. The caregiver and if possible, the disabled person, should pray Psalm 91 and the Saint Joseph Invisibility Prayer asking for their guardian angels to take them to the refuge. Then a special flame will appear above the head of both individuals which will only be visible to them. The holy angels will then arrive to transport them to the refuge.

3.9 IMPORTANT INSTRUCTION: In the event that you miss the window of time (20 minutes) to flee to a refuge and your family is in danger of being captured and martyred, the adults MUST SEPARATE themselves from the younger children (seven years old and younger) because God will make the younger children invisible to enemy forces. You MUST hide the younger children separate from the adults. Older children should also hide separately from the adults and the younger children, so that God might have Mercy on them and keep them from being martyred.

3.10 IMPORTANT NOTICE: After the six and a half weeks following the Great Warning, ALL TECHNOLOGY must be removed: cell phones, computers, tablets, internet devices, televisions, etc. This technology will enable evil to corrupt humanity, by hypnotizing people to worship satan and the antichrist.

3.11 IMPORTANT NOTICE: There will be the forcible imposition of the mark of the beast (embedded physical microchip). This MUST NEVER be received. The mark is irreversible and irrevocable, resulting in a person’s eternal damnation in hell. The mark fully takes over and completely dominates your physical and mental control — removing free will.


4.1 Only believers in God with a cross on their forehead (Seal of the Living God) will be allowed to enter the refuges. All faithful will miraculously see these signs: Sacred Seals on the Faithful or the mark of the beast on evil ones, so they will know whom to trust. (See the List of Essential Prayers or Volume 1 of the Handbook for the prayer to receive the Seal of the Living God.)

4.2 Refuge owners will be informed during the Great Warning if their refuge – with or without land – is to be relocated by God. During the Great Earthquake, some permanent refuges will have their land expanded. Any refuge owners who would like their land to be expanded may also pray for this special intention prior to the Great Earthquake taking place.

4.3 Some consecrated properties, city homes, churches, coastal refuges, and smaller refuges will be miraculously moved to larger plots of refuge lands, wherein both people and homes will be transported. When the maximum number of the faithful is reached inside, the holy angels will notify leaders, and then miraculously carry the churches or buildings to the designated refuge land. Pets and belongings (luggage) should remain inside vehicles as they will be separately moved by the holy angels to the larger plots of refuge land. Do not bring pets or belongings (luggage) inside churches.

4.4 If you are to be relocated, you will know in advance to prepare. Other faithful people may arrive at the small refuge before it is relocated. Before transport, people should stay in the center (middle) inside such properties, away from doors and windows. Windows do not need to be covered; however, doors should be secured and / or locked before departure. Just before transport, there will be a gently felt earthquake as it begins happening.

4.5 Pets will all be healed and healthy. All animals (not humans) will become vegetarian. God will subject the animals to His Divine Will. The holy angels will provide any necessary feed to be multiplied by prayer for the pets, like dogs, cats, etc. God will give His chosen ones help to raise the various species brought to the refuge land.

4.6 Because the water will be especially blessed on the refuges, not only will the water be purified to be able to drink, but it will have healing properties that will heal all living creatures — humans and animals — and it will also heal all diseases and any blights affecting trees and plants including fruit trees and vegetables, etc.

4.7 In addition, animals such as goats will become immune to poisonous plants, etc. All pests will be non-existent on refuges, so that includes “bad” insects like fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, cockroaches, worms, etc., as well as vermin rats, etc. Animals will be “clean”, in multiple senses of that word.

4.8 Guns will not be needed, and wild deer will be provided for meat, as well as any farm animals there for human consumption.

4.9 Any refuge ponds will become fully stocked with fish at refuge time and the waters will not recede or become polluted.


5.1 Your refuge angel will escort you around the property with a miraculous flame and will point out anything that needs to be removed, including cursed objects and demonically possessed objects. You then give him permission to miraculously destroy the objects. Then, the refuge angel will take you to any water sources on the property (wells, ponds) to pray, so he can purify and bless the water by God’s power. Finally, when the refuge is ready to accept people, the invisible dome of protection will be sealed around your land with the luminous cross made visible above it in the sky. If additional accommodations are needed, the holy angels will start building them hours before the people arrive, so they have a dwelling place to be assigned to upon check in.

5.2 When the holy angels appear, their appearance will depend upon their task or function. The protecting angels will be warrior angels with very commanding armor. In contrast, the holy angels helping to assign / build dwellings may appear like humans in ordinary clothing, so as not to frighten or overwhelm people who will already be arriving in a panicked state.

5.3 Each refuge will have a visible small team of holy angels assigned to it throughout the Great Tribulation (Apocalypse). These holy angels will remain the same throughout the Great Tribulation. Ultimately, the refuge owners with their appointed human leaders are in charge of their refuge. If the land is expanded, you will know in advance to prepare, because there will be a gently felt earthquake as it is happening.

5.4 God may be willing to grant advanced technologies for the energy needs of the refuges, if enough people petition His Most Sacred Heart. Please see the Special Refuge Owner Prayer under Summary Two: List of Essential Prayers.


6.1 God desires that life be made more simple at the Marian refuges, so as to prepare each of His Faithful Remnant for a new life with Him in the New Era of Peace.

6.2 Jesus Christ: “People will be brought to refuges by others as well as by angels. They will not only be in need of shelter from the storm, but they will be in need of love. Teach others who come to you about the Church. Teach them to pray. They will adopt your prayer routine: Perpetual (24 hour) Adoration, daily Mass, or the Eucharist bought by my angels, the prayer of the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet each morning and every evening.”

6.3 Jesus Christ: “You will have a small independent community where everyone will have their own skills to be used in jobs to provide for the community. No matter what age you are, you all will be expected to make some kind of contribution in your work effort.”



(Volume 1, Chapters 10-13, 15 – Abbreviated)

Given by Almighty God to ‘A Soul’, April 2023

Original Source:
Your Instruction Manual: Harbinger Week (Illuminated Cross in the Sky) ~ Great Earthquake ~ Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) ~ Seal of The Living God ~ Refuges ~ Other End Times Prophecies, Including Great
Chastisement (Three Days of Darkness)
By A Soul of Mary Refuge Of Souls



GOD THE FATHER: “Rise now and accept My Seal, The Seal of The Living God. Recite this Crusade Prayer (33) to acknowledge My Seal and accept it with love, joy and gratitude.”

“O My God, My Loving Father, I accept with love and gratitude Your Divine Seal of Protection. Your Divinity encompasses my body and soul for eternity. I bow in humble thanksgiving and offer my deep love and loyalty to You, My Beloved Father. I beg You to protect me and my loved ones with this special Seal and I pledge my life to Your service forever and ever. I love You, Dear Father. I console You in these times, Dear Father. I offer You the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, in atonement for the sins of the world and for the salvation of all Your children. AMEN.”

Recommended Daily Sealing Prayer: SHEMA ISRAEL (May 16, 2017, mystic, Lorena Portillo) GOD THE FATHER: “This Sealing Prayer will protect your entire being, even your families and relatives away from Me; Blood and Generational Inheritances are very strong, both for curses and for blessings, that is why this Prayer of Sealing and Protection is very important, Shema Israel, before my Just Wrath falls with all rigor on Earth, I want to protect My Beloved People with this Prayer”:

I, unworthy child of the Father at this End of Time, claim to belong to the Lineage of David, and for being heir to the Kingdom of Heaven, and belonging to the Holy People of Israel, I cry from within my heart the Protection of the Living God and Seal my Mind, Body and Soul, family and relatives and all my belongings at the feet of the Holy Cross of Jesus. With the Power of His Blood I cover myself from any threat to my physical and spiritual integrity. I claim to be the Father’s child and therefore worthy of all His Protection; I hide myself in the Wounds of the Son, I anoint myself with the Power of the Holy Spirit, and shelter myself in the safest and warmest place in the world, the Womb of my beloved Queen Mother of all Heaven. With the Power that all of Them confer upon me, I am Sealed and Protected at this End of Time, both I and my descendants and by the bonds of blood all of my family are with this prayer we are all sealed and protected. The Angel of Justice will preserve our homes because as People of God we will be recognized before the DIVINE JUSTICE. We take Refuge in the Righteous Hands of the Father, giving our FIAT to the Holy Trinity, and we will wait Sealed and Protected that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah will come to Judge the Nations. Amen.

“With this Prayer you will be recognized as My children and My Beloved People; Pray it every day, the forces of evil are very strong and only by being protected will you be able to face them. I want this Sealing Prayer to reach all My children scattered throughout the World, before My Wrath is totally unleashed on Earth.”

Introductory Note:
God has asked that during the Great Exodus that people pray Psalm 91 from Sacred Scriptures as they are departing their homes for the refuges.

Assurance of God’s Protection

1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High,
who abides in the shadow of the Almighty,
2 will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress;
my God, in whom I trust.”
3 For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler
and from the deadly pestilence;
4 he will cover you with his pinions,
and under his wings you will find refuge;
his faithfulness is a shield and buckler.
5 You will not fear the terror of the night,
nor the arrow that flies by day,
6 nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness,
nor the destruction that wastes at noonday.

7 A thousand may fall at your side,
ten thousand at your right hand;
but it will not come near you.
8 You will only look with your eyes
and see the recompense of the wicked.

9 Because you have made the Lord your refuge,
the Most High your habitation,
10 no evil shall befall you,
no scourge come near your tent.

11 For he will give his angels charge of you
to guard you in all your ways.
12 On their hands they will bear you up,
lest you dash your foot against a stone.
13 You will tread on the lion and the adder,
the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot.

14 Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him;
I will protect him, because he knows my name.
15 When he calls to me, I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble,
I will rescue him and honor him.
16 With long life I will satisfy him,
and show him my salvation.

The following Saint Joseph Invisibility Prayer (modified) should be said during the time that the holy angels are defending smaller refuges and clearing them of any nonbelievers. It should be recited in front of a blessed representation of the Holy Family while in a state of grace (no unconfessed mortal sin):

“I ……… (full name aloud), as a child of God the Father and Loved so much by Him and as part of His Faithful People, I cry out for the help of all of Heaven and of the Poor Souls, asking for the Spiritual Intercession of Saint Joseph, the Blessed Virgin Mary, my Lord Jesus Christ, God the Father and The Holy Spirit, in the face of this situation that threatens my Physical and Spiritual integrity, such as the implantation of the Vaccine against Covid in my body AND OTHER THREATS LIKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST, through the Protection and Intercession of the Mighty Saint Michael, I ask all His Retinue of Angels to come to my aid and make me and my family invisible in the face of this threat, so that Protected and Guided by my Protector Saint Joseph, we can be Guarded by Myriads of Angels and Poor Souls who defend against this imposition worldwide. Amen.”

NOTE: A Home Protection Kit is one method to establish a refuge. A Kit can be made by placing four blessed religious medals (any kind) in a canister and putting one canister in each of the four corners of your property. While burying each canister, you should pray the following prayer: “Visit, we beseech Thee, O Lord, this dwelling, and drive far from it all snares of the enemy; let Thy holy Angels dwell herein, to preserve us in peace; and let thy blessings be always upon us through Christ our Lord. Amen.” You should put a small crucifix above each of your exterior doors: front / back / garage, etc.


“Dearest Mother Mary, we ask for the intervention of your Spouse, the Holy Spirit within our Refuge, so that through His Inspirations and counsels, He guides us and all the members of this home to make and take the correct decisions and actions. We ask that He guide and oversee all our daily activities, and give us Christ’s Peace. Through the gentle hands of Our Lady, we give to you all our faults, sins and shortcomings. We ask Heaven that only the people chosen by the holy angels arrive at our Home and that we are Protected from ALL evil from today on. Amen.”

“We plead that our Home and all God’s refuges be given the cold fusion technology that will run these sanctuary houses and all our life sustaining appliances and farm equipment. We also ask that special graces be given to the Caritas Community for enhancements of its technology to link and communicate with all refuges during the Great Tribulation. After the Great Warning, we ask Our Lord for a full healing – that all emotional, spiritual, physical and mental disorders and wounds be healed for those who come to our Refuge.”

“We ask that God the Father please sustain all our electronic and plumbing appliances with cold fusion technology, and maintain our communication systems during the Harbinger Week of the Great Warning, as well as during the six and a half weeks aftermath, so this Refuge may continue to function while we gather our families and evangelize loved ones, children, brothers and sisters in Christ, etc.”

“LORD, in great hope, faith, and trust in You, we humbly beg for the miracle of forewarning one hour in advance of the Great Earthquake. We ask this special grace for ourselves, our families, and our loved ones gathered here. Please bless us and protect us in Your Most Precious Blood. AMEN.”

January 10, 2024 – Latest Update about Handbook of God the Father and Six Essential Documents (translation project) – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

January 10, 2024
Dedicated to the Glory of Almighty God

Blessings beloved ones,

In this blog post, I want to give you all the latest update on the special project of Papa God: The Handbook of God the Father, including the Six Essential Documents, etc.

First of all, thank you very much to everyone who is downloading and sharing with others the Six Essential Documents in English. I appreciate everyone’s interest in reading and acting upon the important instructions from Heaven regarding the Harbinger Week, the Great Earthquake, the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), and the Refuges.

For those who still want to download the Six Essential Documents in English, please see this blog post on the new website, , for both the Zip file and the individual document links:

Bookmark Me: Free PDF: Handbook of God the Father: Original English Version – The Six Essential Documents –

I also want people to know that I will be publishing the text of each of the Six Essential Documents in separate email posts on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, as well as on separate webpages on the new site, . I am doing this for two reasons. One, people might like to share the contents of the Six Essential Documents in an email format; and two, this will enable people to instantaneously translate online the Six Essential Documents using Google Translate with their internet browser. To accomplish both these tasks, it will take me up to three weeks to build the new webpages and to send out the blog posts. So, please bear with me as I work on this for all of you.

Meanwhile, let me also update you all on the translation project for the Six Essential Documents. Currently, the following languages are in the works for official downloadable PDF translations:

Arabic, Dutch, Filipino (Tagalog), French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish and Spanish

However, I am very much interested in having the Six Essential Documents (about 90 pages) translated into more languages. So, if you know a written language besides English and are interested in helping others, please reach out to me about volunteering. Please fill out this form:

Of note, I am particularly interested in having both the Six Essential Documents (about 90 pages) and the larger tome, the Handbook of God the Father, Volumes 1-3 (over 800 pages) translated into Portuguese. So please contact me if you might be able to translate the writings into Portuguese. I would love to hear from you!

In this post, I am also including a YouTube tutorial video link on how to translate the PDF documents from English to other languages using Google Translate. If you have a computer, you can translate English documents into over 130+ languages using the free online application, Google Translate. So please watch this video for these important instructions (you can find other helpful tutorials on YouTube, too):

How to Translate a PDF Document Using Google Translate

Also, beloved ones, I will be sending out information about a cheap online copy shop for followers who have a USA address. Please be on the lookout for the post if you are interested in printing out the Six Essential Documents, or the Handbook of God the Father which will be released in the future.

In particular, my goal is to release as free PDF downloads the complete Handbook of God the Father at the end of the month of January 2024 — if God-willing, I experience no delays. The Handbook consists of Three Volumes, totaling over 800 pages. Currently, Volume 2 is entirely finished, with Volumes 1 and 3 still undergoing a little bit of editing and proofreading. Towards the end of the month, I intend to publish the Table of Contents, so people can have an idea as to what the complete Handbook discusses. I think some people will be surprised by its contents just based on the chapter and subchapter titles. In sum, there are 30 Chapters, as well as Two Special Commentaries and a very extensive Appendix with 37 Exhibits, etc.

Thank you, everyone, for your kind support and your needed prayers for this special project of Papa God. God bless.

In Christ’s Love,
A Soul