May 31, 2024 – Two Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ and Blessed Virgin Mary (mystic Jennifer)


May 31st, 2024 – 11:30 AM (JESUS)

My Child,

Victory does not come through lies. True victory comes from the truth. My children, I am giving mankind this time to shower humanity with the grace of heaven to turn away from sin and come live in my light. The world has been inundated with evil that has infiltrated so many hearts, so many families.

My children, you must pray in order to recognize the change that needs to begin with you. You cannot truly love if you are at war with your neighbor. You cannot have peace in your home if I am not welcome to enter. You must look beyond the promises of this life and strive for eternal life. I weep, my children, because life is no longer recognized in its value. My little ones are being executed by those who seek to be the Herods’ of this time. Innocence is no longer protected. Prayer and repentance are what is needed to bring peace.

Come, my children, and enter into the depths of My Most Sacred Heart. Do not fear what is going on in this world, trust in me, for I am Jesus. Victory is in the truth. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived. You must discern what is presented before you and that comes through the Holy Spirit. Now go forth, for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.

May 31st, 2024 – 4:00 PM (Message from the Blessed Mother)

My daughter,

I come with the peace of heaven. I have been permitted this time to unite the world. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I brought my Son to the world and now I am here to bring the world to my Son.

My children, who do you follow? Is your soul being guided by those who live in the truth of my Son, Jesus? Or by those who the devil uses to destroy by living the ways of the world? Seek humility, my children, and that is by surrendering to the Divine plan, by giving all trust to your Heavenly Father and the mission He has given you to fulfill on this earth. Your time on this earth is precious and not to be wasted. Follow my Son. Embrace your calvary through acts of penance. Through prayer and fasting, you will begin to desire less of the world and more of the will of the Father. Each bead of the rosary, you are uniting yourself the Trinity. Each bead of the rosary, each Hail Mary is enfolding you under my mantle of protection. I, as a tender mother, am extending my hand to guide you home to heaven. May the peace of my son Jesus remain in your heart.

October 9, 2023 – Saint Michael Archangel to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – “As Prince of the Heavenly Militia and Leader of my Militant Army, I come to WARN GOD’S PEOPLE OF EVENTS TO HAPPEN IN OCTOBER, especially on October 31st Halloween Day…”



Recommended Prayer – Chaplet of Saint Michael Archangel:

DOWNLOAD: Recommended Prayers – Most Precious Blood Devotion eBook (mystic, Barnabas Nwoye)(PDF):

Article: What are the Capital Sins (7 Deadly Vices)?

OCTOBER 9, 2023

As Prince of the Heavenly Militia and Leader of my Militant Army, I come to WARN GOD’S PEOPLE OF EVENTS TO HAPPEN IN OCTOBER, especially on October 31st Halloween Day which is celebrated by the Satanic Lodges all over the World, but this 31st of October will be different from all others, because of the beginning of the Strong Pains within the Creation and the whole Universe. These Lodges prepare the appearance of the Antichrist on a Global Level through Satanic Rites but this Halloween will be more special for the witches and satanists because they will open three-dimensional gates to let the Demons of high hierarchies to enter into the Earth.

These High-Ranking Demons, Will Come to Cause Chaos in Humanity, but More Than Anything to Destabilize My Army, Because They Will Attack You Very Strongly So That You Are Weakened and Fall Into Grave Sins, Therefore You Must Protect Yourselves With the Chaplet of St Michael the Archangel – Angelic Crown Especially for This Day of Halloween.

In order for Me to protect you from these perverse Entities that will come with everything to fight to destabilize you and lead you to the CAPITAL SINS, this day the Forces of evil will be counteracted with PRAYER, PENANCE AND FASTING, THEREFORE YOU MUST CONFESS BEFORE OCTOBER 31st, so that you will be in a State of Grace to face the hosts of evil, who will come with their entourage of demons to attack you strongly in your Minds and Spirits.

It is of Utmost Importance to Cover Yourself With the Blood of Jesus Christ and Take Refuge in His Holy Wounds by Means of Invocations to the Blood of Jesus Christ, You Will Be Protected This October 31st and All the Other Months to Come, Since These Demons Will Be Active From October 31st Onwards Trying to Pervert Humanity and Sow Chaos.

Civil Wars Will Come in Several Countries, Especially in Europe, Because of the Lack of Faith and the Forgetfulness of God, Since They Have Turned Churches and Holy Places Into Sewers of Filth, Like Dens and Museums.

The Catholic Faith is Almost Dead in European Countries and the People Live in Debauchery and Sin, That is Why It is Important That in Latin American Countries That Usually Give Light to the World, They Should Stick More to the Catholic Doctrine and Not Discontinue It.

For That Reason It is of Utmost Importance to Fight With the Rosary in Hand for a World That Learns to Live in the Divine Will So That the New Heavens and New Earth Can Be Given.

Please DO NOT be fooled by governments or by the World Health Organization in activities that go against the integrity of the human being such as vaccines.

Do not believe everything that is sold to you by the media and delve deeper into the Holy Scriptures, there you will find the whole truth and ALL that is said will be fulfilled to the letter.

Therefore I Ask You to Be Attentive to the Signs of the Times, the Rain Has Already Begun to Fall Heavily, Becoming a Storm.

It is time to take Refuge in the Arms of the Father, the Wounds of the Son and the Blood of the Son and to be Guided by the Inspirations of the Holy Spirit.

Faithful Remnant, We Await You at the Wedding of the Lamb Your Names Are Inscribed and We Hope That All of You Will Arrive at the Wedding of the Lamb, to Enjoy Eternal Life and to Be Pioneers of the New Humanity, We Are Waiting for You!!!




IMPORTANT – TWO MESSAGES (Part One and Part Two) – September 3rd / 5th, 2023 – God the Father Speaks to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – “Demonic Alien Invasion” – with Commentary by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

January 25, 2023 – Mary, Our Lady of Medjugorje – “The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition. You, little children, are my hope.”


JANUARY 25, 2023

“Dear children! Pray with me for peace, because satan wants war and hatred in hearts and peoples. Therefore, pray and sacrifice your days by fasting and penance, that God may give you peace. The future is at a crossroads, because modern man does not want God. That is why mankind is heading to perdition. You, little children, are my hope. Pray with me, that what I began in Fatima and here may be realized. Be prayer and witness peace in your surroundings, and be people of peace. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe to Latin-American mystic, Lorena – End Times Preparation Instructions Before The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – January 6, 2023

Download this Message in English:

Download this Message in Spanish:

**Please note this message has been translated by a volunteer and when in doubt, please refer to the original Spanish message for proper meaning.

JANUARY 6, 2023

Dear Faithful Remnant, the enemy has gained strength and it is VERY IMPORTANT that we remain UNITED IN PRAYER AGAINST THE FORCES OF EVIL.



The Darkness is dense and covers the WHOLE GLOBE, the door has been left wide open to the enemy and now Heaven and I will directly protect the Faithful Remnant.

Guide yourselves through the Word of My Son, it will give you the necessary Tools to know what to do and how to act in all circumstances.
That is why from today, I will guide you openly by means of My Instructions.

✏️ THE FIRST INSTRUCTION: It is to Remain UNITED in One Heart and One Spirit directed by Me, remain UNITED and thus evil will not win.

But you have done THE OPPOSITE, you have allowed yourselves to be carried away by Gossip and Disputes and have come out Hurt and Divided and the enemy takes the opportunity to weaken you, UNITE IN ONE WITH PRAYER, PENANCE and FASTING.

Close the Doors of your Souls to the enemy and put your accounts in order with Heaven, a Sincere and FREQUENT Confession is very IMPORTANT, so that you are protected with a Breastplate that will make you Strong against the Temptations of the enemy.

The Breastplate that I will give you, consists of Uniting ALL as a Faithful Remnant WITHOUT SEPARATING, NO QUARRELS, or Rivalries, the enemy will NOT be able to fight against you, if you UNITE in Prayer, Penance and Fasting.





🙏🏻 PRAYER: I …… as a Warrior of Jesus Christ, I ask the Mother of Heaven and Saint Michael the Archangel to make me Bearer of the Seal of God on my forehead +, I propose to take care of it and NOT lose it again so that it can be my PROTECTION, in this End of Times.

You will say this Prayer with a Pure and Clean Heart and willing to NOT sin again, and the Seal will be embedded in your Foreheads and Hearts and from there, that Cross will light up, with Rays of Colors; Blue, Red and Yellow to your brothers who do NOT have the Seal, for having rejected the Love and Mercy of God.


Be aware that Persecution will rage strongly against My Children, for this reason you must GREATLY PROTECT YOURSELVES, with these CONSECRATIONS and MUCH PRAYER, FASTING AND PENANCE.


Like My Army, you must arrive with a Pure and Clean Heart to the Warning, so that God can FILL YOU with HIS LOVE and MERCY, with HIS STRENGTH and POWER and thus, you can have the Courage to face EVERYTHING that will come.


✏️ ANOTHER VERY IMPORTANT POINT: That you will have to carry out is the Consecration to My Chaste and Loving Husband Saint Joseph, since the Heart of Saint Joseph awaits you to PROTECT YOU FROM ALL EVIL.

Since he is, the Patron of Families and the Terror of Demons, and all of Hell, FLEE BEFORE HIS PRESENCE AND HE IS THE SAINT PER EXCELLENCE.

Therefore, go to Him, Consecrate yourselves to Him and ask for His Paternal Protection, He will protect you and Deliver you from ALL EVIL in your Lives and in your Souls.

He will guide you on the Good Path and will take you like little children to the Arms of His Son Jesus Christ, so DO NOT FORGET the Devotion to Saint Joseph.

Since He has a VERY IMPORTANT ROLE in this relentless Fight against Good and Evil at this End of Times.


Keep in mind, that this Fight is VERY STRONG and you need the necessary STRENGTH for the Battle, and the adequate Preparation for it, I call you to PRAYER, PENANCE AND FASTING, but more than anything to LIVE THE DIVINE WILL OF GOD IN YOUR LIVES.

✏️ANOTHER IMPORTANT POINT: It is to ask every day for the INFUSION OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, IN YOUR SOULS, HEARTS AND MINDS, before beginning your day, so that you can follow His Motions and guide your steps on the right path, be open to His Inspirations so you know what decisions to make in your lives.

Therefore, for the Holy Spirit to flow within you, a Clean and Pure Heart is necessary, therefore DO NOT KEEP HATRED OR RESENTMENTS IN YOUR HEARTS, A HEART OF A CHILD IS WHAT I ASK OF YOU.

Because My Army has been Made of Children, who go to War Hand in Hand with their Mother and their Father, Guided by Them and by ALL OF HEAVEN, They DO NOT GO ALONE TO THE FINAL BATTLE.

My Battalion is made up of 3 Armies, Militant, Purgative and Triumphant, for this reason YOU ARE NOT ALONE, the Entire Heaven Guides and Protects you, for this reason THIS SPIRITUAL UNION AND UNITY WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT IS SO IMPORTANT.


Prepare your hearts to receive My Son Jesus Christ in them.
Cheer up My People!!!

Build a Manger for My Son in your hearts, so that you can receive Him within it, and be Living Tabernacles of My Son Jesus Christ.

For this reason, I call you to prepare your Hearts, so that the King of Kings may dwell in them.

I leave you with My Protection,

The Virgin Mary of Guadalupe.

God the Father – “The spiritual relationship man has with his God is the most important relationship of his earthly existence – Each one should spend much effort in deepening this relationship through prayer and sacrifice”

Holy Love Ministry

April 18, 2021

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“The freedom that no infidel can take from you is the prayer of your heart. This is what mankind must count upon and strengthen as time goes by. The spiritual relationship man has with his God is the most important relationship of his earthly existence. Each one should spend much effort in deepening this relationship through prayer and sacrifice.”

“Make atonement to My Paternal Heart and the Heart of My Son* through penance. This is a strength no illicit law can grasp from you. As you grow stronger spiritually, you will see with the eyes of your heart what nefarious dangers lie around you. You will have the strength to oppose them and avoid them.”

“Penance is the key to change in hearts for it strengthens good and weakens evil. The penitent heart is strong in selflessness – eager to help and to please others. Pray that more hearts make atonement for the errors of the day which embrace evil.”

Read 1 Timothy 4:7-8+

Have nothing to do with godless and silly myths. Train yourself in godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

* Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

God the Father – “Poor sinners do not realize the trouble they are in or the ways they are weakening the spiritual heart of the world – In every heart there is a battle being waged between good and evil”

Holy Love Ministry

March 25, 2021
Solemnity of the Annunciation

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“The victory which counts is the spiritual victory in each heart. The weapons, therefore, that must be used in order to win this victory are spiritual weapons – prayer and sacrifice. By employing these weapons, the enemy will be exposed and conquered. This is why in each place the Holy Mother* appears, She asks for penance. Poor sinners do not realize the trouble they are in or the ways they are weakening the spiritual heart of the world. In every heart there is a battle being waged between good and evil. Satan can only win this war by convincing people there is no war. The enemy has won over the heart of mass media. This victory of evil over good is a strong weapon that the enemy uses to convince people that there is no contest between good and evil in hearts. Focus some of your daily prayers on the spiritual victory which must gain momentum in order to win. Your daily prayers are My strongest weapon.”

Read 2 Peter 2:4-10+

For if God did not spare the angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of nether gloom to be kept until the judgment; if he did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a herald of righteousness, with seven other persons, when he brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly; if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction and made them an example to those who were to be ungodly; and if he rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the licentiousness of the wicked (for by what that righteous man saw and heard as he lived among them, he was vexed in his righteous soul day after day with their lawless deeds), then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trial, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and despise authority. Bold and wilful, they are not afraid to revile the glorious ones.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

* Blessed Virgin Mary.

Jesus Christ to Anna Marie – “A terror plot is being planned for the Spring (2021) and if all my beloved Apostles will pray for it to be mitigated, then it can be”

Apostolate of the Green Scapular


THURSDAY, DECEMBER 31, 2020 @ 3:57 P.M.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, are you calling me?

Jesus: Yes my little one.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, may I ask please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Great I AM, the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak dear Jesus, for your sinful servant is now listening. (A private message was given.) Yes Jesus, is there anything else?

Jesus: Yes dear one, please try had to get the prayers posted for January and the new year. Much will be taking place in your country this year that will require great prayers from all my Apostles.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus.

Jesus: A terror plot is being planned for the Spring and if all my beloved Apostles will pray for it to be mitigated, then it can be. Pray, pray and pray more to stop this terror attack.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus, we will. My Lord, will it happen in America?

Jesus: Yes, it is planned for your country. More will be said about it as the time approached nearer.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. May I place it on a blessed Green Scapular so Mother Mary can help intervene and help mitigate it? (I wrote on a blessed Green Scapular: Terror plot planned for Spring in 2021.)

Jesus: Yes my dear one, please do. Your country now requires great miracles and these miracles will only be possible through the prayers of my beloved children and blessed Apostles. Ask them all to pray vigorously and do not relinquish their prayers throughout the new year. Time is short before the enemy of my Father and your enemy will become visible to all (anti-Christ). Through continuous, dedicated prayers and living a pure and holy life will my children be able to avoid the temptations of evil now covering your homeland. Evil is everywhere, in your states, in your cities, on your streets and in your homes.

Jesus: Even in my Churches you can now visible see the darkness of evil taking over and leading souls into damnation. Be prepared to speak up to your Pastors and Bishops. Be prepared to also defend them from other wicked persons attacking them. Pray for all your Pastors, your Priests and Deacons. Pray and place each one on my Mother’s blessed Green Scapular so she can bring them all back into the fold and be converted with the only truth there is, my Word written in the Holy Scriptures. Live for God’s love, forgive and pray. Much must take place before my return, which will include the Chastisement, so prepare yourselves.

Jesus: My children, darkness is upon your great country and its survival will depend on your commitment to praying for your nation. Please begin this year, if you have not made your decision to start. Make this your “New Year’s Resolution”, that you will surrender more of your time to pray yourself, and to pray with your family members. You can pray all together or even over the phone, but begin now, begin today and surrender your crosses, your trials, your sorrows and hardships to me or to my Heavenly Mother. My beloved Mother will take them all and apply them where they are most needed.

Jesus: My beloved Apostles, you must know I love you, I cherish you and I long for your blessings, however, sin is so great that even the largest of sin is no longer considered a sin. Pray and ask me to reveal to you what sins you still have not confessed and I will open up your memory and show you them. Please do your best to remain in the holy State of Grace by confessing your sins in Sacramental Confession, completing your Penance and then receiving a Plenary Indulgence. Daughter, please give an explanation of this extraordinary Indulgence.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord.

Jesus: If you remain in the State of Grace, then you will experience the glories of the Heavenly Kingdom when the Illumination of Souls takes place, the Warning. That is all little one.

Anna Marie: Yes my Jesus. I will do my best to get this posted quickly.

Jesus: Yes dear one, by the end of the night please.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. I will. I love you Jesus, I love your Mother too. All your Apostles around the world love you Jesus and your Holy Mother too. Thank you Jesus.

Jesus: Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Mercy.



A Plenary Indulgence is the removal of all your Temporal Punishment or your Purgatory sentence. Temporal Punishment is assigned to each sin you have ever committed, either Mortal Sin or Venial Sin. Mortal Sin is a very serious sin that can send your soul to hell. Venial Sins are less serious. Since Temporal Punishment is assigned to every single sin you committed during life, but then you went to Sacramental Confession and confessed the sin, the sin is forgiven but the Temporal Punishment is NOT. That is why we pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, because they confessed their sins in Sacramental Confession, but they did not obtain a Plenary Indulgence to remove the Temporal Punishment in order to avoid Purgatory. You can obtain a Plenary Indulgence for yourself (your soul) or for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, but not for anyone else!

The formula to obtain a Plenary Indulgence (the removal of Temporal Punishment) is as follows:

• Recite one of the 4 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary, or Eucharistic Adoration for 30 minutes, or reading the Holy Bible for 30 minutes or walking/saying the Stations of the Cross in a Church.

• Sacramental Confession seven day before or after receiving a Plenary Indulgence.

• Receiving Holy Communion, being aware you are wanting to receive a Plenary Indulgence from Jesus.

• Praying for the Supreme Pontiff’s holy intentions (Pope Benedict is still a Pope).

Children of the Renewal Messages – Jesus Christ – “I do not need to tell you how fragile they will feel after their consciences are awakened to the truth knowing what I will reveal to them (and to all)”

Children of the Renewal Message

August 16, 2020
Adoration Chapel

Hello, my sweet adorable Jesus ever present in the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Altar. I love You, my Lord and my God! Thank You for the many blessings given to us. Thank You for my family and friends. Bless each one, Lord. Jesus, I pray for all who do not know or have not yet experienced the love of God. Help hard hearts to become pliable, Holy Spirit. Rain down the fire of Your love. Help all souls to be open to all You will reveal when the great day of mercy, the Illumination of Consciences comes.

Praise Your Holy Name, Jesus. Thank You for redeeming me. Help me to follow You more faithfully and to be united to Your Divine Will. Forgive me, Lord for the times I have sinned and have been uncharitable to others. Lord, there are many times I make a comment or say something I’m thinking without giving enough information and it sounds critical or sounds as if I am dismissing a compliment because I am still so unrefined. Refine me, Lord in the fire of Your love. Renew my Spirit and open my heart to Your love more and more each day. Give me so much love that I never even utter a word that is absent or lacking in love. Lord, this is impossible for me, but it is very possible for You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. Jesus, I trust in You. All glory, honor and praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God.

“My child, My little one, I am always with You and I draw you even closer to My Sacred Heart when you feel alone and isolated. I know these times are difficult for you and for many, many children of Mine. I am giving you a supply from the heavenly treasure in proportion to exactly what you need each day. Ask Me for these graces. Do not feel that it is self-centered to ask Me for graces. You need them, My child and I shower you with them. You have only to ask. There are many graces available to souls that go unused. Be open to them. Be well disposed to them. I give whatever is needed, My children. You have only to ask. My daughter, I know you are tired. Get more rest in the evening, and also know that you will be acquainted with this fatigue now due to all that is being asked of you. Bring each burden to Me, My little lamb and I will help you carry this load. Offer your weariness for the good of souls. My Children of Light feel weakness in their spirits. Those who are praying faithfully carry the load for those who do not pray. Thank You to all of My children who are praying and offering their prayers for unbelievers for conversion. Continue to pray and also offer sacrifices and acts of penance for those in error. Much prayer and many acts of penance are needed for souls. For what is coming will snatch many souls away from Me. Evil abounds, My little children. My pure ones feel this, deep in their hearts and they are troubled by this. My small, innocent ones, many of My young children do not understand the battle raging (unseen to the worldly) in the air and all around them but they sense it. I tell them now to be courageous to stand firm on Jesus, the Rock. I will prevail and am even prevailing now. My angels and saints pray for all who are in the Church Militant, that is the souls alive at this time who are doing battle for God through their prayers, Sacraments and holy lives. Do not be afraid. Fortify yourselves with the Word of God, that is Holy Scripture. Seek the Sacraments and receive them as often as possible so that your souls and your minds will be united to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I come to dwell in each one when you receive Me in Holy Communion. I am with you.”

“Pray for your shepherds. Encourage them. They are also living through an unprecedented time in history and they are trying to be good, obedient holy priest sons. Many of them are unsure what to do because they are being told to do something contrary to what they believe they should. Be respectful of your pastors when they demonstrate holy obedience, even when it goes against what could be done, My children. Be merciful to them. To My holy priest sons I say, you do not have to go against your conscience and to what has been taught traditionally for centuries when it conflicts with your conscience, even when your superior tells you. I give you free will and I expect you to defend the faith and your flock. Even My Bishops are not infallible, My sons so be aware of this. They are when united to the Pope and when teaching regarding faith and morals (as the magisterium) but the decisions they make outside of this are often based on their logic or on information given to them by those who cannot be trusted. My children many times they act out of innocence due to concern for their flocks and to do what is best. I know their hearts. Many of them have pure motives. Not all, but many. Pay for them to be enlightened by My Holy Spirit. Pray for them to withstand the trials. Persecution will refine My Church and My holy priest sons. Prepare your souls, My sons so that you can focus on helping others. Remain at peace and focus on Me, your Savior. Always keep your eyes on Me and not on the storm around you.”

“My little lamb, you are experiencing the calm before the next storm. Enjoy this small reprieve and rest as much as possible, for soon you will have little time for rest. Finalize your preparations, My child and you will be more at ease. Remember that I am with you. There is nothing to fear. I am bringing My children together under cover of My Most Holy Mother Mary’s mantle. Seek refuge in Her Immaculate Heart and that of My Sacred Heart. We will protect you from evil. Use the exorcised blessed salt blessed by the hands of My holy priest sons. Do the same with water they have blessed. Have this in your homes, as well as blessed candles. All these things I have told you before and you know from many of My holy prophets of old and of these times. If you have not prepared your homes with these sacramentals, do so now, My children. I have given you all the information you need and you already know to immerse yourselves in prayer and Sacred Scripture. If you are doing these things, be confident and trust in what I have told you.”

“Protect your family by praying the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. If your family members will not pray with you, pray anyway. Your payers and your holiness will be a great example to them and when I open their hearts and minds to all they need to know, they will turn to you. You will be able to instruct them and prepare them to receive the Sacraments and to be united to My Holy Catholic Apostolic Church. Be loving and merciful when they approach you. I do not need to tell you how fragile they will feel after their consciences are awakened to the truth knowing what I will reveal to them (and to all). Be kind and merciful, My children and always accept souls who come to you in need. I turn no one away and you are to imitate Me, your Jesus who came into the world to die for your sins and to bridge the great chasm between God and mankind as a result of the fall from grace and the multitude of sins heaped upon the first sin. I am the Pure One. I am the Holy One. I am the Lord, and I turn no one away who approaches Me for forgiveness and love. You must also accept one another and do not judge. When one repents and seeks forgiveness, embrace them, guide them and assist them in getting to a priest who will grant them absolution and if they have not already been baptized, My priest sons will do this as well. Be love. Be mercy. Be My faithful Children of Light who re illuminating this present darkness. The Light of My Holy Spirit will continue to shine in and through you, My children. Give My light to others. All will be well, My children. In the midst of suffering and difficulty remember this; All will be well.”

“My daughter, continue the plans you have made for your home, but do not waste any time in doing so. Ask My help and it will be given. I am with you. I bless you and My son in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace, in My love and in the strength of the firm foundation I have laid for you. Be unshakable in your resolve, My children. I will not abandon you. Be a source of strength and encouragement to others. I am with you, even until the end of the age.”

Thank You, my Lord and my God. Praise Your Holy Name. Amen and Alleluia. I love You my Adorable Jesus. I love You in the Most Holy Trinity and in the Most Hoy Eucharist. Thank You for this blessed time in Your Eucharistic Presence!

Part One and Part Two – How To Make A More Perfect Confession – By a soul

Blessings dear beloved ones,

Well, dear friends, this is a special post for this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, as it contains two related commentaries. As the Lord has indicated through a few different chosen messengers that the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) experience will likely take place this upcoming Fall (Autumn) 2020, He and the Blessed Mother Mary have also stressed Their Holy Desires for each of Their beloved children to make complete “life confessions” if possible with a priest. That way, more people will be spiritually prepared for the Warning, which will be an all-encompassing encounter with Our Lord–similar to what people experience after dying and being judged to their eternal state before God. So, it is really important that each of us strive to have as pure souls as possible before Our Lord, which comes about through a good Confession with our priests, Christian pastors, or directly with God (if we somehow do not have access to a Catholic or Orthodox priest for Confession).

And so, in this blog post, I have included two related commentaries on how to make a more perfect confession. I, “a soul”, am not perfect myself, but both commentaries contain helpful advice and tips on how to make better Confessions, which the Holy Spirit has guided me in doing for several years. And so, because I have followed this advice myself, it has brought me to closer spiritual union with Our Lord. So, my hope is that others will benefit from this advice, too, because we all should be striving to be closer with God–Our Heavenly Father, His Divine Son, Jesus, and His Holy Spirit.

Finally, please note that only the second commentary is totally brand-new for this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. The first commentary was released over a year ago as part of my Love-Letter One series, and can be also found on that blog page–so, blog followers may have read the first commentary already. I am actually working on Love-Letters Two and Three, which I hope to finally release in July, so that is something else to look forward to reading. Meanwhile, I hope that these two commentaries on Confession will greatly help many people as we prepare for the Great Warning.

God bless,
I love you all,
–a soul


LOVE-LETTER ONE – Healing Holy Mother Church and the World Through Holy Communion and Confession

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By a soul

(January 15, 2019, Feast of Our Lady of Prompt Succor)

Dear My Beloved Friends,

I am excited to be able to share with you all the best practices that the Holy Spirit has guided me on concerning the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) during the past several years. My hope is that by providing you all with this information that the Body of Christ will experience healing and so the apostasy currently taking place in Holy Mother Church will be halted as knowledge of how to make a perfect confession becomes known. I hope that you will take all that I say to heart so that reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, can take place, as well as purification of your own souls so as to prepare yourself for final divine union with Our Lord one day in Heaven.

The grace that I am able to tell you all these things is firstly, attributed to Our Lady and Blessed Imelda Lambertini, Patron Saint of First Communicants, as well as generally, to the Communion of Saints. It is the hope of Our Lord that the healing of the Catholic Church will be the Miracle needed to elevate Blessed Imelda to Sainthood in Holy Mother Church.

And so, let me say firstly, that everything that I recommend is in addition to all the general practices taught about making a good confession by Holy Mother Church. I am not adding any instructions for priests to follow as this Sacrament was instituted in a proper way by Our Lord and developed properly by Our Beloved Catholic Church. However, what I am revealing is all the sins that remain unaccounted for by most people when they take part in Confession. Because these sins remain unconfessed, reparation is not fully made to Our Lord’s Most Sacred Heart and the need for Divine Justice grows as all these sins increase unabated and unchecked. This is why Our Blessed Mother weeps so much for Her dear Son whose Ultimate Sacrifice at Calvary is set aside due to ignorance and other causes for poor confessions. So, I am lifting the veil sorta speak to help people to understand how to make a good confession—may I even say a perfect confession, which will place them in a purer state of grace before God so as to grow in personal holiness and love of Our Lord.

So, let me begin.

On August 6, 1982 (Feast of the Transfiguration), Our Lady of Medjugorje said:

One must invite people to go to Confession each month, especially the first Saturday. Here, I have not spoken about it yet. I have invited people to frequent Confession. I will give you yet some concrete messages for our time. Be patient because the time has not yet come. Do what I have told you. They are numerous who do not observe it. Monthly Confession will be a remedy for the Church in the West. One must convey this message to the West.”

Now, Our Lady said that monthly Confession will be a remedy for the Catholic Church in the West. However, I want to invite all people to more frequent Confession—I attend 2-3 times a month to maintain a purer soul and for those who are under demonic oppression should attend weekly so as to break the demonic chains that bind them to satan. However, at a minimum, everyone must attend Confession monthly so as to receive the necessary graces that Our Lord desires to give them through this Sacrament. It is important.

Right now, there is a current crisis of the faith in the Church in the West. Much of it has to do with sodomy in addition to other mortal sins. This is now the time that Our Lady of Medjugorje spoke of monthly Confession being the remedy—the healing balm for the Church. The proper utilization of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is critical for the restoration of the Catholic faith.

Now, the first sins that I confess is that I break the Two Great Commandments. What are the Two Great Commandments?

(Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 22, Verses 34-40)

When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they assembled in a body; and one of them, a lawyer, in an attempt to trip Him up, asked Him, “Teacher, which commandment of the law is the greatest?”

Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with your whole heart, with your whole soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments the whole law is based, and the prophets as well.”

Now, at first, it was hard, because I do Confession face-to-face and having a priest look at me while I confess breaking the First Great Commandment was a bit embarrassing. But, I felt compelled to do this, because honestly, I strive to have the perfect love that casts out fear and to be perfect as Our Heavenly Father. (See 1 John 4:18 and Matthew 5:48). Doing this is not about having scruples (feeling excessive guilt for sins), but about striving to love God as best I can while knowing that I fall short most of the time, because I am a sinner. This is about humbling ourselves to know that we are not perfect individuals before God. And so, these are the words I say that I open up my Confession with:

Forgive me, father, it has been _(time-frame)_ since my last confession. Here is a list of my sins:

1) not loving God with all my heart, mind, strength, and soul”

Now, I need to point out here, I always prepare for the Sacrament of Reconciliation ahead of time by creating a typed list of my sins. I review the Ten Commandments as my guide. Creating a list ahead of time actually makes my Confession pass by really quick and makes sure that I do not forget anything. And so, I suggest this for everyone, so lines for Confessionals can go by quicker for priests’ valuable time.

Then, the next sin that I confess is the second part of the Two Great Commandments—lack of charity towards my fellow brothers and sisters.

A major sin of omission that most people are not confessing is their participation in societal sins. Yes, in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, every person is supposed to confess only their individual sins. But, every person is also responsible in charity for their fellow brothers and sisters in error. If Christians do not pray or do other acts everyday to prevent societal sins, then they are contributing to the moral degeneration of their communities, societies, and nations. This is why societies are collapsing so much in different countries throughout the world. Christians are failing to acknowledge their part—their communal sins—before God for reconciliation. And so, to restore society, we must repent before God and ask for His forgiveness. Otherwise, the need for Divine Justice through chastisements grows and grows.

I always confess my part in societal sins at every Confession that I attend. This also, at first, was hard for me to do as I felt embarrassed before the priest. But, I started first by confessing my contribution to the sin of abortion. Then, over time, the Holy Spirit taught me to confess other collective sins like sodomy and failure to pray for the clergy, etc.

Here is how I confess my participation in societal sins:

2) lacking charity in my heart; not doing everything I could, especially in prayer, for the plight of the unborn babies, the less fortunate, to prevent sodomy, to support the clergy and for restoration of Holy Mother Church, to relieve the poor souls in Purgatory, for righteous government leaders, for the sick and the dying, for strengthening of family life, and for those wishing me and others harm.”

Now, as I review the Ten Commandments, here are other sins that I sometimes confess:

  • not praying everyday as I should be; indulging in distractions while in prayer

  • not adequately preparing spiritually in advance for Holy Mass

  • being late to Holy Mass

  • not keeping the Sabbath holy by eating out, shopping, and doing other activities that detract from honoring God on Sunday

NOTE: Whenever I miss Sunday Mass or a Holy Day of Obligation, I literally run to the next available day and time for the Sacrament of Reconciliation—even if I have to attend a different Catholic parish for the first available Confession day. I never approach Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Holy Communion with any slightest stain of sin for breaking the Third Commandment by missing Holy Mass—even if I was sick or there was some type of emergency. I am really strict on myself on keeping the Third Commandment, because it is the easiest way—at least for me—to fall into mortal sin. And because I love Jesus so much, I never approach Him in Holy Communion taking Him for granted that I might be “alright” because I was sick, etc. I just do not take a chance on my soul.

  • indulging in bad, negative, and lustful thoughts

NOTE: I always confess my bad thoughts. The thing is, everyone has bad thoughts—it is impossible to escape thinking throughout our day and satan is always tempting us in our mind with bad, negative, and even lustful thoughts. And well, rather than speculate to myself, did I indulge in this bad thought or that lustful thought, etc., because there is such a fine line when it comes to indulging in a thought or not in regards to temptation, so to make sure that my confession is good before God, I confess generally all my bad, negative, and lustful thoughts.

However, confessing generally my bad, negative, and lustful thoughts does not replace the need to confess specifically, mortal sins like pornography, etc., and thoughts against God, like atheism, belief in abortion, etc., or addictions, etc. People need to use their better judgment before God to know what mortal sins are that need to be specifically confessed. But, in general, almost everyone goes throughout their day with bad thoughts in their head given to them by satan and other demons. And since sin can be committed by thought alone, I generally confess all my bad, negative, and lustful thoughts, so I can obtain the necessary graces from God to fight the good fight by training my mind. By doing this practice regularly, I have gained great peace of mind over time and it has helped me with my discernment between knowing the difference between good and evil. Because the origin of all sin first begins in the mind.

Here are some other sins that are noteworthy to confess if they apply to you:

  • adopting an argumentative spirit with others

  • not taking better care of my tongue; adopting a bad tone of voice with others

  • lacking patience with others and their weaknesses

NOTE: These are only a few of some of the sins that I have recently confessed and I am working on. Although these days, I do not have more graver sins, I am trying to conquer different evil spirits that are trying to attach themselves to my own spirit as I strive for greater personal holiness.

Now, I know that a question will come up from readers, but since these sins all seem like venial sins (not mortal sins), why do we need to confess them at all? If we are in a state of grace and receive worthily Holy Communion, do not all these venial sins get washed away by God? What is the point of this?

Well, that is the difference between spending time in Purgatory after we die and going straight to Heaven as a saint. When we go to Confession, we receive special graces to help us conquer our bad habits and venial sins, that does not necessarily happen through reception of the Most Holy Eucharist. Yes, the guilt of our venial sins is taken away in Holy Communion, but not the penance due. We are pardoned, but we still need to do penance for all the bad repercussions of committing these sins before God and neighbor. Also, if you have any desire to attain the highest level of Heaven for all eternity—the highest state of beatific joy and divine union with God, you must gain mastery over yourself and conquer everything that is preventing full loving union with God.

One time, St. Faustina of Divine Mercy, was told by God that if she died at the moment, she would have to suffer two days in Purgatory for one venial sin. Oh, My Sweet Jesus, my dear friends, I have mystically suffered the pains of Purgatory twice in my life. These are personal accounts that I shared publicly on my blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, and in other writings. The worse pain was feeling the deprivation (loss) of God in my soul that the poor souls feel all the time. It was the worse pain that I have ever suffered in my life—and I have broken bones before and almost died once. But, the spiritual pain I felt in my soul knowing that God truly existed but that I could not be with him—that I was separated from Him due to my faults—my sins—was devastating for me. I was going out of my mind. I went through the motions of my day that I normally would, but all I wanted to do was sit on a stool before the Blessed Sacrament and cry for the rest of my life. It was so spiritually painful.

My dear friends, yes, it is good that you are saved and have Purgatory as an option, but my beloved readers, you do not want this. Trust me, you want to go straight to Heaven. Strive for this. It is the best option for you.

Finally, we as Christians need to make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for all the sins of the world. The best way to make reparation starts first with us as Christians seeking Our Lord’s forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. What better way to appease the grieving and anguished Most Sacred Heart of Jesus for sin but through Confession? This is the surest, direct, and most concise path that Our Lord desires for us to take to lessen and mitigate the coming chastisements that are due to our sins according to Divine Justice.

We must adopt a better practice to the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We must strive to make more perfect Confessions.

Now, there are two other items that I must discuss before I close this love-letter on Confession. These two items are important discoveries that I found out about the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

The first discovery that I found out about Confession is its true value as a healing sacrament in Holy Mother Church. All my life, I have suffered from horrible nightmares and when I returned to Holy Mother Church at the age of 24 years old due to the intercession of the Blessed Mother (Holy Virgin Mary), all the nightmares became demonic. These nightmares would involve murder, rape, etc., and other sinful situations. Well, one day, I spoke to a kindly priest who was at the time at my parish and asked him if I could offer up my nightmares regularly in Confession for healing and he agreed to my request. Because, simply put, having nightmares almost every night of a good portion of my life was so disturbing to me, because the nature of what I would dream about would be so opposite to the person that I desired to be—a good and righteous person before God.

And so, I began to offer up my nightmares regularly in Confession while I continued to work on myself trying to overcome my sins. And my beloved friends, do you know what I discovered? My nightmares began to lessen and lessen over time as I used the Confessional for healing. Then, it got to a point where it was like clockwork—about 3-4 weeks would pass with no nightmares and then, at a month’s passage, the nightmares would return. Then, I would go to Confession and they would disappear. Over a couple of years, this experience happened to me. Month after month, when the nightmares returned, I knew it was time for my monthly Confession.

I realized that the amount of sins on my soul were acting as a portal for demons to attack me in nightmares. Even if all my sins were lesser venial sins, just the sheer mass of them collecting on my soul was acting as an open invitation for demons to attack me in my sleep. These days, I do not experience the disturbing nightmares that plagued me my whole life. These days, I attend Confession 2-3 times a month, but even when I attend Confession once a month, I do not experience the nightmares like those that happened to me years ago. However, the nature of demonic attacks have become more sophisticated for me as I work on my personal holiness. Yes, I will get attacked by demons in my sleep but in a different way from passive disturbing nightmares. But, that is a level of advanced spiritual warfare than is beyond the scope of this love-letter. Just simply know, that if any of you are suffering from nightmares of any kind, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is the healing balm that you need to become whole in your mind, body, and spirit.

The second discovery that I found involving Confession is the way not to feel excessive guilt for sin (scruples). Let me explain. One of the traps of satan is to make people think that God has not truly forgiven them for their sins. Now, in this love-letter, I have spoken about asking for forgiveness of repeat sins—for example, communal sins and sinful habits. These things are good to confess over and over, because you are striving to overcome your bad tendencies and weaknesses. So, you need the helping graces from the Sacrament to master yourself and also, to reduce the penance due to the repercussions of committing sin that harms yourself, harms others, and offends God. So, it is a healthy thing to confess these venial sins—these sinful habits—as a continuing act of humility as you strive for greater holiness before God. It is only in this way, that you can achieve a deeper union with Him in your heart.

However, what is not healthy is confessing over and over again sins that have already been confessed in the past. You should only be confessing sins that occurred since your last confession before a priest. You need to be forgiving of yourself and accept God’s Mercy towards your actions. Now, when I returned to Holy Mother Church in 2003, one of my mental struggles was that I had never had First Confession with a priest before, as the only Sacrament that I had was Baptism. So, I had a lot of sins on my soul to account for. Well, after I confessed to a priest the major sins that I could recall at the time, it always haunted me the idea that I had forgotten some major sin from my past. I would regularly confess to a priest, but I could not accept completely God’s Mercy for my former sinful life.

Finally, in May 2008, I approached a priest at my parish and asked if I could confess my whole life before him. So over three separate one hour sessions, I confessed my whole life with him. I would confess my life as a story to him and he would ask me questions. Then, at the end, he prayed deliverance prayers over me to break various sinful ties that I had to satan. And when I confessed my whole life, it was like a huge heavy weight was lifted from me. I felt tremendous peace in my soul having felt that I had said everything that I needed to in order to say sorry to God for sins in my life.

It was liberating.

Now, I recommend making general life confessions to everyone. However, I also know that the time of priests is valuable and perhaps, not everyone needs a general life confession. But, the reason I share that story is because afterwards, satan tried to make me start feeling guilty about not being forgiven for all my past sins by God. And so, that scrupulous mentality started to come back. But then, I had an epiphany. I discovered how to disarm satan so effectively that I no longer feel any guilt for my past forgiven sins.

I learned that I must confess generally all my forgotten sins and sins of omission in every Confession that I make. It is only in this way that satan no longer has any hold over me in guilt for the past. It is only in this way that I learned how to be truly accepting of God’s Mercy for myself.

Here is what I say at the end of every Confession that I make:

Finally, father, forgive me for any forgotten sins and sins of omission. Amen.

The words that I just wrote is what I consider the most important words of my confession. Because, truly, I am only a sinner and my memory is imperfect. But, I want to be righteous before God. I want to truly know in my heart that I have been forgiven by God for all my sins at Confession. Truly, it is only by saying those words at the end of every Confession that I have continuing peace of mind and peace of my soul. That I know that I have accounted for everything that I needed to say sorry to God for in that confession. Blessed Be God for this precious Sacrament.

Peace be with you, dear children of God.

I love you all.
—a soul

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (12 pages) of this important commentary:





By a soul

(Began June 25, 2019, Feast of the 38th Anniversary of Our Lady of Medjugorje)
(Finished May 28, 2020, Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

* * *

Dear My Beloved Friends,

I, “a soul”, am so excited to be able to share with you a few more best practices and tips on how to make an even more perfect Confession.

I know that for most people, the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) is their least-liked Rites in Catholicism. This is because for most people, it can be embarrassing to confess to another human being (the priest) our deepest faults and transgressions, because we feel like that other person will think poorly of us and judge us. But, truly, because priests listen to so many Confessions during their ministry work, really, they have basically heard it all, and honestly, most of them forget afterwards what people tell them during the Sacrament. So, challenge yourself and overcome your embarrassment. Because, as I shared in my previous love-letter on Confession, once you receive the necessary absolution from a priest for your major sins, it is a very liberating experience. Truly, it feels like a huge weight is lifted off your spirit. And because I do more frequent Confessions these days, it has brought me to to a higher state of personal holiness, because it takes away the barriers in my soul from deeper spiritual union with God. In fact, a few times, I have walked away from Confession and it feels like my face is glowing. Confession can give a wonderful, purifying feeling in your soul as you break the many chains of bondage due to the collection of daily sins.

Honestly, I would love for everyone to experience the joy of a well-made Confession. It is a great blessing.


In the well-known Pieta Prayer Booklet, there is a prayer given that deserves mention in this love-letter for its many benefits and graces. The prayer is for daily neglects and is not to meant to be a substitute for Confession. However, reciting this prayer does help to encourage us to also include mentioning our daily neglects during the Sacrament of Confession—so as to further purify our souls. The story regarding the prayer is this: A Poor Clare nun, who had just died, appeared to her abbess, who was praying for her, and said to her, “I went straight to heaven, for, by means of this prayer, recited every evening, I paid my debts.” And so, I am including this wonderfully helpful prayer below to make it more known and recited by more people:

Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Sacred Heart of Jesus, with all its Love, all its sufferings and all its merits.
First – To expiate all the sins I have committed this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!
Second – To purify the good I have done badly this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father and to the Son…!
Third – To supply for the good I ought to have done and that I have neglected this day and during all my life. Glory be to the Father…! AMEN.


As I mentioned in my previous love-letter about Confession, a very important best practice for me is to always end with asking for forgiveness of any forgotten sins and sins of omission that I may have committed since my last Confession. Doing this keeps me from becoming scrupulous (developing an excessive feeling of guilt for sin). Since I learned to do this, it has helped me greatly in accepting properly the Divine Mercy of God due to me for making a good Confession. It keeps the devil in abeyance from attacking me mentally—by him trying to nitpick my faults and keep me in constant fear of unforgiveness from God.

Well, related to forgotten sins, is the concept of “hidden sins.” I am not referring to sins that we deliberately hide from the priest in Confession—which no honest Catholic should do as that makes the Confession invalid before God. But, rather, I am referring to sins that the devil deliberately hides from us so that we constantly forget to confess them before God.

How does that happen? Well, although our souls belong to God if we are devoutly practicing the faith, it is important to remember that the mind and the physical body are under the domain of the devil due to our fallen nature and must be brought by us into discipline. And the devil loves to manipulate our memories in two major ways—one, hiding memories of major sins that we may have committed during a time when we were less devout in the faith; and two, reminding us of hurtful memories of the past, which we need to rebuke the evil spirit whenever that happens so we can be set-free.

Let me share a personal story about hidden sins, because this is very instructive. Once, I was attending an inner healing conference hosted by a Catholic visionary and during the individual consultations, Jesus indicated through this visionary that I had taken an oath to the devil in the past and I needed to find it so I could be set-free.

I was totally shocked when I learned this, because I had no recollection of an occult vow, but I trusted in this visionary because I knew her charisms and spiritual gifts were genuine. And so that became my goal for the weekend—to figure out what I did in the past—this “hidden sin”—so, I could be forgiven by God.

Well, the Lord did take pity on me. While I was interceding in prayer for several people who could not come to the conference, the Lord unlocked my memory due to my act of charity for others. And so, I remembered that when I was about 8-9 years old, I had done a childhood occult game and that was when I took the oath to satan. And I was both shocked and amazed at this self-discovery, because truly, if Our Lord, Jesus, had never revealed this memory to me, I would have continued to this very day, to be in this state of serious sin—totally oblivious to any need for reconciliation with God and penance due for my transgressions.

Now, I do understand that most people do not have access to a Catholic mystic to ask such questions of the Lord about any hidden sins that they may have. However, I will share with you the next best thing to do, so you can find out from the Lord if you have any blocked memories of serious sins that need to be absolved by the priest in Confession. You just need to ask Him during your next Confession. Here is a simple way to do this. Simply say these words at the conclusion of your Confession before you receive absolution by the priest:

“Finally, Father, I ask for forgiveness of any forgotten sins and any sins of omission that I may have. I also want to ask the Lord for Him to reveal to me if I have any sins that the devil may be blocking in my memory so I may confess them during my next Confession. Thank you, Father.”

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is very much a healing sacrament in which Our Lord truly desires to free us from all our sins. So, do not be afraid to ask Him to help you to remember hidden sins and blocked memories during proper use of Confession. You will be truly happy that you did.


I believe that most people are aware that satan and his devils cannot read our minds, like our private thoughts—only God has this ability. However, what most people do not know is that every time we are thinking, speaking, doing something in the physical world, our spirit is manifesting something related in the supernatural world. So, for example, let’s say you are thinking about baking something in the kitchen. Well, in your spiritually body, you may be manifesting a spiritual image of chocolate chip cookies or a chocolate fudge recipe, etc., and so, satan and his devils can “read your spirit” and because of their sophisticated mental and supernatural abilities, they can “guess” or anticipate your next step in the natural world.

Let me illustrate with a brief story. As I have shared sometimes on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, I get spiritually attacked by demonic nightmares. Well, a few weeks ago, I experienced a demonic nightmare in which satan and a few devils were attacking me in my sleep. satan and his devils were circling around me while I was praying in the spirit. They were trying to find an “opening” in my prayers, so they could get closer to me to spiritually attack me, because my prayers were keeping them at bay from me.

Well, this encounter happened for quite awhile and I learned something very profound. I found out that they were “reading my spirit” trying to anticipate my next prayer or my next thought of God. And satan and his devils were correct at figuring out what I was about to say or do next about 70-80% of the time. I knew this, because satan and his devils would respond verbally to me—before I even finished the thought or before I even said the prayer that I was thinking. Then, because satan and his devils were already responding to my spirit, I would immediately change my tactics against them, so they could not find any spiritual opening to my next prayers and thoughts. It was a very sophisticated way of spiritual warfare, which I did win, because they eventually gave up on trying to attack me that way in my dream and so, they moved on to other ways to manifest their frustrations towards me.

And so, I share this fact with you, because yes, satan and his devils cannot truly read our private thoughts like God, but they are so highly-skilled at reading our spirit that it does almost seem like they can read our minds. They know how the human mind works. However, I will also reveal something else about satan and his devils. They are not perfect. I have engaged in spiritual battles where satan and his devils have tried to impersonate saints and God with me. But, because they are not perfect, even with their heightened abilities, they can make mistakes. This is because if you are engaged in a very sophisticated battle with a devil, because they have to respond so quickly to your prayers, your thoughts, and your words, to try to gain the upper-hand over you, in the process, they can say or do something that is not quite right with what you know about the saints and God or your memories, etc. These type of mistakes can often happen with lesser devils, but if you are battling satan or a stronger devil, it will be less so—especially, satan, because he is so clever, even if he makes a mistake somehow, he is very adept at covering them up, so you often do not realize it until after it has happened in the battle.

Anyways, I share these things with you, in this love-letter about best practices with the Sacrament of Reconciliation, because one of the greatest spiritual battles that people often in engage in and are not aware of is the abuse of their imagination. Not only will people purposely abuse their gift of imagination from God, by indulging in bad, sinful, and even impure thoughts and mental images, they often have devils attacking them to encourage them on in the abuse of their imagination. The devils are often reading their spirits, so they can try to manipulate people’s thoughts to make their sinful indulgences even worse. Thus, it is a good practice to confess generally any abuses of imagination that we suspect ourselves of having so we can gain a mastery over ourselves and greater resulting peace in our souls from God. Also, we need to learn how to rebuke evil spirits that may be encouraging us to abuse our imaginations, especially, if the sinful thoughts, images, and memories, happen all of a sudden—a tell-tale sign that a devil is within your presence that you need to battle. As Sacred Scripture says, satan is a roaring lion who never sleeps.


I heard once a priest make this profound statement: “We are only as sick as our secrets.” Although all sin is spiritual, if left unconfessed, it does cause a toll on us physically. The effects of any unconfessed sin can become internalized and will manifest years later in our body, mind, and soul, as various possible illnesses – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This is why we need the Physician of Souls—Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to heal us from our sins. Because there is always a physical dimension to every sin besides the spiritual dimension.

I am not an expert in this field, but I want to speak about soul ties. Soul ties are defined as emotional bonds that form an attachment. They may be godly or ungodly, pure or demonic. Ungodly attachments can be formed with any person, place, or thing.

Firstly, I want to discuss soul ties that develop due to broken covenant relationships, such as between a parent to child, sibling to sibling, etc., and in particular, regarding intimate relationships with others than our Godly-recognized spouses. When we commit fornication (intimate relationships before sacramental marriage) and adultery, we form unhealthy and sinful soul ties with others than our Godly-recognized spouses, which need to be broken in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. It is not simply a matter of confessing the sin of fornication and adultery in Confession. We actually need to name each individual partner that we have been intimate with and ask Our Lord to break the spiritual connection that we have made with that person, to be fully healed, body, mind, and soul. This will repair any spiritual damage that we have made in breaking the covenant relationship we have made with our current or future spouse (if we are unmarried at the time) or with God if we have broken our religious vow. This will also break the cycle of recurring memories of that intimate relationship in our spirit and psyche, which the devils will especially love to bring up time and again when we least expect it.

Likewise, if we have broken covenant relationships with family members, we need to ask God to repair our souls however they need to be repaired spiritually. We need to do this even if those persons are no longer in our lives or have passed away. This is because when we break a covenant relationship—whether it be spousal or familial—these are recognized as special relationships under God and accordingly need to be healed by Him in a heightened and special way than other types of broken human relationships, such as friendships, neighbor relationships and employer-employee, coworker relationships, etc. God has placed these persons especially in our lives—family and spouse—and so, they are very dear to God and should be dear to you as well. Thus, we need to take extra care in Confession to heal these types of relationships in our lives and with God.

Now, there are other types of soul ties that we can make that are unhealthy and sinful. Remember, we can form other ungodly attachments to any person, place, or thing. Other types of unhealthy attachments can be formed with counselors, physicians, teachers, and even celebrities whom we have never met, etc. Any type of addictive behaviors are worldly attachments that need to be especially broken in Confession, because all addictive behaviors have demons associated with them. Also, if we are subject to any generational curses, such punishments can follow to the fourth generation with the passing of related demons down the ancestral line from generation to generation.

Most people do not realize this, but there has been much research on this subject. It is a fact that in the physical body, everything that we have ever done, said, thought, etc., is stored in our DNA—in our very chemical make-up of our cellular tissues. Also, tears are as unique as snowflakes. Each tear is a complete reservoir of our past memories of tears and emotions, etc.

The reason that I bring up this very real fact about our physical bodies, is to illustrate that likewise, our spiritually bodies carry memories of all our encounters and actions, emotions, thoughts, words, etc. Perhaps it is even-more meaningful in our spirits, the spirit connections and attachments that we make than even our memories in the physical bodies, because our spirits are more powerful than our bodies—as we are commanded by Our Lord to master ourselves in the spiritual.

And so, with a physical muscle or even vital organs like our brains, regular use of such muscles or vital organs will result in “muscular” or “cellular” memories, so such use becomes routine and natural. Likewise, we build related “spiritual memories” through regular use—habits and attachments—in the natural world. That is why if we form any ungodly soul ties, such as sinful physical or mental addictions, we need to take extra care in Confession to break them such unhealthy habits and the related memories. So, for example, if we have an addiction to pornography, it is not about simply saying, forgive me Father for I have viewed pornographic images xyz number of times. A more thorough confession should be said like, forgive me Father, I have viewed pornographic images xyz number of times. I ask the Lord to break me of this sinful habit along with its associated demons. I also ask the Lord to take away all sinful images from my mental and spiritual memories.

Or, another example of a more thorough confession is this, forgive me Father for I have engaged in sodomy/fornication xyz number of times with name xyz. I ask the Lord to break the sinful spiritual connection—soul tie—that I have made with this person along with the generational curse of demons that follows on my ancestral line to the fourth generation. I also ask the Lord to take away all sinful mental and spiritual memories that I may have from engaging in this mortal sin.


Sometimes we can accept forgiveness from God in Confession, but we cannot actually forgive ourselves. I want people to know that unforgiveness of self is a sin. It is actually a form of anger and manifestation of self-hatred. The key to treating unforgiveness of self is first recognizing it as a sin so it can be resolved. It is all about learning to trust in God by surrendering ourselves to the Divine Mercy of Jesus. We need to give completely our burdens to Jesus and not take them back. To be honest, when we do not surrender our burdens to Jesus, it actually breaks His Most Sacred Heart, because the whole mission of His earthly life is to make us a new creation in Him. But, He cannot do this in us if we hold ourselves back in any way of accepting His Divine Love and Divine Mercy for us. When we do not forgive ourselves for sin, because we are a Mystical Body in Christ, it is like we are hurting a limb or vital organ of Jesus. Jesus desires us to love ourselves as He loves us. Not in a selfish way, but in a way that honors His Ultimate Sacrifice for us. Jesus died to save us and make us anew in Him. We need to be open to His complete healing of our souls by not holding back.

Gospel of Matthew
Chapter 11, Verse 29-30

“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”


In conclusion, I want to say that it is also important to pray for the priest who will hear your confession. For God to give them a good word of wisdom, especially, if you need guidance or advice on a confessed sin. St. Faustina of Divine Mercy prayed for her confessors and spiritual director and wrote in her spiritual diary that she often received better advice afterwards. So, let us imitate a great Saint in Heaven on this piece of advice. It will certainly help us in our spiritual life.

God bless,
I love you,
—a soul


Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World through Gianna Sullivan
January 29, 1998

My dear little children, praised be Jesus!

Have control over your imagination and thoughts so that you may have peace of mind.

Purity of mind and purity of heart allows you to pray in union with the Holy Spirit.

The avoidance of sin gives you the opportunity to receive fully and cooperate with God’s graces.

Purity of mind, heart and conscience allows you to live in unity with the Holy Spirit.

Little children, do not be afraid of what the future holds for you.

Do not exert energy of fear or anxiety or worries.

Look to Jesus as your source of Peace.

It seems you are tired, children. I am with you.

Jesus is not in a distant place. He is merciful and compassionate.

Put an end to your restless thoughts and allow Jesus to sustain you with the gift of His Peace of Heart.

Too much emphasis is placed on what the future holds for humanity, which is creating lack of peace, anxiety, worry and even fear.

Tomorrow will take care of itself. Today is the gift God has granted you.

Use every opportunity to love to its fullest.

You need to be instruments of love, not vessels of fear.

Is it not enough that Jesus is made present to you in the Holy Eucharist?

Is it not enough that the Holy Spirit is in you, there to guide and help you?

Is it not enough that I have said My Immaculate Heart shall triumph? What then are you so afraid of in anticipation of God’s coming?

Why are you so filled with anxiety and fear instead of Peace and Joy?

Do you not desire evil to cease and Peace to reign?

Your focus has been diverted, little children, and needs to be redirected on Jesus, You are children who seem to be running and being scattered because of fear. Slow down, little ones.

Cease the entertainment of futuristic events and simply do God’s works of Love and Mercy each day.

Work for God today and let tomorrow take care of itself.

He will give you the grace and strength to endure what is necessary tomorrow.

Cooperate with His grace today and live in His Love today.

Peace to you, little children.

I thank Jesus for permitting me to be here with you in this special way.

Thank you for responding to my call.


Our Lady of Emmitsburg
To the World through Gianna Sullivan
August 6, 2006

The Feast of the Transfiguration
The Feast of the Father of All Mankind

Little children, praised be Jesus!

Thank you, little ones, for your prayerful intentions and the reverence that you give to my Son. I take all of your intentions to my most Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart, which praises God on your behalf. I love you, little ones, and I thank you for coming to pray with me. You are special indeed! You are always welcome, and all are invited to return to God.

In this time of urgency, as I have mentioned before, I can no longer hold back the Angel’s sword. I am in great need of your prayer and your commitment to be true ambassadors of Light. There cannot be a casualness about this. If you are a true ambassador on my behalf, then you must indeed speak the Truth at all times and join me in inviting all people to listen to my words and to return to God. You cannot listen only when you desire. You must place God always first, above all things.

I can tell you, little ones, be cautious of those who claim that they know whom God should choose and use as a vessel for His Words. There is no theologian, no priest, no authority in Mother Church who in certainty can say who is or is not receiving words from Heaven. God chooses whom God desires, of all genders, of all races and of all ages. I do not come only to peasants. I come to whomever God allows me to come.

Yes indeed, you must use prudence and holy Wisdom to discern what is true and what is not. That comes through prayer and through a closer Union with God in the Eucharist. But you must have an open heart. For if you do not, then you will be held accountable for the sin of omission.

These times are urgent times, but times when there is tremendous Hope; and all the peoples of the world must know there is Hope; and Hope comes through Faith and through your Love. You must be who you say your are; and if you are a true child of God, you must live it, breathe it and be it. You cannot say you are and then not follow through. You cannot say it and live it if you do not pray with your family and live the words proclaimed in the Gospel.

You are all welcome, but do not come only to only hear my words and then leave and return back to your old ways. You must live it now, and continue to. This is what’s needed now of my true ambassadors of Light—to be holy as God is Holy!

I bless all of you, children, in the Name of the Triune God Who is glorified through your suffering which no eyes can see except the Eyes of God. May you always praise Him so that you may live with Him.

Peace to you! Thank you for responding to my call.

Our Lady of Emmitsburg
LESSONS from Our Lord for the World
Volume I Lesson #22
December 26, 1988


People in your age do not have respect for one another; and so, they cannot have respect for Me!

This is a continuation of your Lesson on selfishness. It is selfishness when My people do not listen; when My people choose to absorb only what they wish; and when My people do not respect one another and do not respect Me. How can My people absorb what is to come if they will not allow Me to teach them? They are the people, who do not give respect to their God, but want their God to respect them by acknowledging their wishes. What would you have Me do? Should I fulfill their hearts by granting their wishes to receive their love for the moment?

No, I tell you! I, out of thanksgiving and Love for My Father, and compassion for My people, will answer their requests, but at the time that is pleasing and respectful to My Father.

When My people come to Me to pray, I ask that they first pray in thanksgiving to My Father for the many graces He has bestowed upon them, even though they may not have recognized them. In a respectful manner, they may then ask Me what it is they wish. I will fill them with what they need. When My people come to receive My Body at Eucharist, I ask that they fold their hands in prayer, and receive in thanksgiving to My Father His gift of Me to them. So many people today come and receive Me in a manner that does not give respect to My Father. This is a selfish habit, and it needs to be stopped!

I wish for My people to understand the many facets of My Kingdom, but they need to understand the basic rules first. It is selfishness which is preventing them from understanding thoroughly. With selfishness there is lack of respect.

If you have respect for Me, you would be willing to practice and eat the fruits on the pathway to My Kingdom.

Priests in Purgatory due to Coronavirus – Angel of the Lord to Valentina Papagna – “Even though they sacrificed their lives for these people to help them, they still need to be detained in Purgatory for the time being”

Heavenly Messages
As Given to Seer, Valentina Papagna

April 23, 2020
Holy Souls detained in Purgatory

I was saying my evening prayers for the Holy Souls, especially for those who had died throughout the world, from the coronavirus.

Suddenly, the angel of the Lord appeared to me and said, “Come with me and see for yourself!”

He took me to a place in Purgatory where souls are detained to do penance for the sins they committed during their life on earth, especially at this time when they are dying without repentance, as the disease comes so quickly and they have no time to repent.

The angel and I found ourselves in a large open space like somewhere in the countryside, a barren landscape with no trees and no vegetation, where the sky was cloudy and overcast. It was a very depressing place.

At the sight of so many souls detained here, I exclaimed to the angel, “Oh, how many people! I have never seen so many people.”

The angel responded, “You see, you have had a lot of suffering lately, but all this suffering produces good fruit and goodness. These people are waiting for you to offer them to God, to the Light. You should be very grateful that part of your suffering helped them because by dying suddenly, they did not repent of their sins, and it is God’s goodness that has saved them.”

The angel continued, “There are many priests who have died from this by trying to help people. Even though they sacrificed their lives for these people to help them, they still need to be detained in Purgatory for the time being.”

The angel showed me many priests. Some of them came up to me and started speaking to me in Italian. They were all dressed in brown. They contracted the sickness from the virus by helping people.

They said, “We didn’t want to die yet, but through this sickness, we sacrificed our lives for people. Valentina, please ask our Lord to help us and to be merciful to us.”

They were all together in one group at least fifty of them. I saw mainly young faces with some older in their fifties. They all looked very sad. They sacrificed their lives, saving others, and they couldn’t understand why they had to be detained in Purgatory.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on these souls who sacrificed their lives for others.

April 25, 2020
Soon everything will turn to Joy

During the night, I was in a lot of agony and suffering caused by the pain in my leg. At times it became so unbearable, lasting the whole night.

About seven o’clock in the morning, while I was praying the Angelus, the angel of the Lord appeared to me.

He came smiling and said, “Our Lord has asked me to come to you to take you with me so that you can see why you had to suffer.”

Suddenly we found ourselves standing in the most beautiful garden. Immediately I knew I was in Heaven. In front of me, I could see a mountain, and at the base of this mountain, I could see a beautiful Church, all in white.

The white church in this vision is the pure bride of God all in white.

The angel then directed me to look towards the mountain and said, “Just have a look!”

As I turned my gaze towards the mountain, I watched as it was expanding and stretching out before my very eyes, so that I could see it even more clearly. It was stretching and expanding as though it was being created at that very moment.

In amazement, I thought, “Wow!”

I understood the expanding, and the stretching of the mountain represents Grace and Holiness extending throughout the world.

The angel said, “Wait! There are more things to come.”

My gaze then turned to the beautiful white church at the edge of the mountain. Suddenly, I could hear coming from the inside of the church, the most beautiful singing from a choir of only men. They were singing ‘Jingle Bells.’

I turned to the angel a little confused and asked, “What is this? Shouldn’t it be more of a heavenly song they should be singing?”

The angel answered, “This is a national song. Do you like it?”

I answered, “Yes. They are an American group?” I could hear the American accent coming through their singing.

The angel smiled, “These are the people for whom you suffered so much, and now they are in Heaven. They want to sing to you to thank you. They appreciate what you have done for them so that they can come to Heaven. That is why they sing to you!”

I exclaimed, “No! No, they should sing to our Lord Jesus because they have come to Heaven to our Lord.”

Suddenly our Lord appeared and approached us. He was very cheerful and smiling. It has been a long time since I last saw our Lord looking so happy.

He greeted us, and then He asked me, “Why are you so sad and depressed? This is why I have brought you here, to this place, so that they can cheer you up with their singing. When people first arrive in Heaven, they are so grateful to the ones who suffered for them and helped them. In gratitude, they want to thank you by singing to you so you will feel better.”

Jesus continued, “Don’t be upset about all that is going on in the world at the moment. These things were bound to happen. They are part of Prophecy. They must come true, to fulfilment. As you are linked with all the prophecies, and you are united with Me, we are together in all of this.”

“Be courageous and be happy, as very soon things will change for the better. Soon I will lift all the darkness which is now upon the world. Things will slowly come back to normal. Churches will re-open and will be restored. There will be nothing but Joy! Joy! Joy!”

“People will appreciate each other much more. They will appreciate everything they were doing, and they will value their life much better.”

“Be courageous!” He said.

“Soon, everything will turn to Joy! Joy! Joy!” our Lord repeated.

Our Lord then departed.

The angel then brought me back. I felt so uplifted by this experience.

People continue to pray so that our Lord will re-open everything again, and lift this darkness and let the bells ring with joy everywhere.

47 Years Since Roe v. Wade – Day of Penance for Violations Against Human Life – January 22, 2020

COMMENT (By a soul):
I was sent this notice by a pro-life organization, which I am sharing with you all. I did not know that the faithful in the U.S. are called to fast on this day, January 22nd. I will have to be more vigilant about keeping this in upcoming years. God bless!

Day of Penance for Violations Against Human Life

47 Years Since Roe v. Wade

As a reminder, January 22nd (when not a Sunday) is a Day of Penance in the United States for violations against human life due to the disastrous Roe vs. Wade Court Decision. We must do penance and continue to work for the protection of the sanctity of all human life from conception to natural death. We pray for the day this decision is overturned and all human life is protected from murder.

Don’t forget that January 22nd is an official day of Penance in the United States: “Day of Prayer and Penance for Life.” Cardinal William Keeler responded when asked if abstaining from meat today is required by saying: “It is not asked, but obliged by all the faithful under Church law. This time it cannot be substituted with acts of charity or service… I hope the pastors informed their parishioners of this from the pulpit last Sunday!…”

God the Father – “The best penance is to fast from your own will – This requires the effort in your heart to please Me above all else – to love Me above all else”

Holy Love Ministry

March 9, 2019

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“My children, you are now in a penitential season* in preparation for the celebration of Easter.** Therefore, let us discuss penance. The best penance is to fast from your own will. This requires the effort in your heart to please Me above all else – to love Me above all else. This is, after all, the first of My Commandments. To accomplish this, you must make the effort not to see how everything affects you yourself. Place the world and all its allurements last in the priorities of your heart. Surrender the ill effects of any illness that may befall you.”

“This is also a recipe for peace of heart. Such a resolve in your heart brings you deeper into trust in My Divine Will. So much time and energy is wasted when souls rely only on themselves and human effort. I remind you, I am more powerful than anyone or anything. It is I who manage the circumstances of your earthly existence. Your best decision, then, is to abandon yourselves to Me. Do not look to the future with dread, but with loving trust. I await your surrender of your will every morning.”

* Lent – a penitential season of forty days, not counting Sundays. This year Lent began on March 6th – Ash Wednesday, and will end on April 20th – Holy Saturday.
** April 21st.

Read Colossians 3:5-10+

Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. On account of these the wrath of God is coming. In these you once walked, when you lived in them. But now put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and foul talk from your mouth. Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old man with his practices and have put on the new man, who is being renewed in knowledge after the image of his creator.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

October 13, 2018 – Blessed Virgin Mary – “Dear children, over a hundred years ago, I appeared for the last time publicly at Fatima”

Holy Love Ministry

October 13, 2018
101st Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal

The Blessed Virgin Mary says:

“Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, over a hundred years ago, I appeared for the last time publicly at Fatima.* All of that which I predicted has been born out in Truth. As My requests for prayer and penance were not responded to, the world was plunged into a greater war** than it had been experiencing. Millions suffered the effects of this war and thousands lost their lives. Today, I offer the world yet another chance to listen and to respond to Me. You cannot imagine the consequences if you allow disbelief to hold your conversion of heart aloof. You must place love of God first in your hearts. If you still do not listen, I do not recount to you what is certain to come.” ***

“It is only by your efforts I am able to hold back the Arm of God’s Justice which aches to fall. God does not relish your demise. He loves each one of you, as I do, with a burning love and longs to share paradise with you – all of you. So, today, I come again, seeking your cooperation in conversion of the heart of the world. Pray fervently every day for the conversion of unbelievers. There are so many – many who think they have all the answers. Around the world you have natural and man-made disasters. These are all calls to return to God. Take heed and urge others to do so, as well.”

“It is a great grace that Papa God and My Son allowed Me to return here**** today. Please listen and respond.”

* October 13, 1917 in Fatima, Portugal.
** World War II.
*** Reference Message given May 13, 2018 – Feast of Our Lady of Fatima.
**** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read Titus 2:11-13+

For the grace of God has appeared for the salvation of all men, training us to renounce irreligion and worldly passions, and to live sober, upright, and godly lives in this world, awaiting our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Our Lady of Medjugorje – Monthly Message To The World – March 25, 2017

Our Lady of Medjugorje
Monthly Message To The World
March 25, 2017

“Dear children! In this time of grace, I am calling all of you to open your hearts to God’s mercy, to begin a new life through prayer, penance and a decision for holiness. This time of spring moves you to a new life, to a renewal, in your thoughts and hearts. Therefore, little children, I am with you to help you to say ‘yes’ to God and to God’s Commandments with resoluteness. You are not alone; I am with you through the grace which the Most High gives me for you and your descendants. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

Jesus – My brothers and sisters, do not be discouraged during this season of prayer and sacrifice and penance

Holy Love Ministry

February 29, 2016

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I tell you solemnly, free will orders the signs of these times. It is free will choices which place the design of My Mercy and My Justice upon the world. I do not interfere with free will. As man becomes more and more reliant upon his own efforts, I withdraw and allow the fruits – good or bad – of his efforts to take hold.”

“So you see, it is not I who choose the events of the day, but mankind himself. Those who cling to Holy Love and are engulfed in the Flame of My Mother’s Heart, allow Me to take dominion over their hearts and their lives. It is through these humble souls My Purpose is achieved for they are not focused upon self-interest.”

“Many souls set themselves up in opposition to My Grace for they do not recognize it and cannot free themselves of self-interests. It is such as these that call upon My Justice. Through this Mission* I am bringing Light into the world – Light to combat darkness. Yet many refuse this gift for they prefer jealousy to fill their hearts instead. Jealousy spawns rash judgment and error.”

“Therefore, focus on the loving gift that is offered through this Mission and not on self and an ungodly agenda.”

* The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

February 29, 2016

Jesus is here with His Heart exposed. He says:

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“My brothers and sisters, do not be discouraged during this season of prayer and sacrifice and penance. I appreciate anything and everything that you give Me. When you are discouraged, the Holy Love in your heart flickers rather than burns.”

“Tonight I am blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”