AfterTheWarning – May 26, 2024 – Message of God the Father and Article by John Martinez – The Imminent Union of the Remnant Church and Preparation for the Warning


(Source: )

The Imminent Union of the Remnant Church and Preparation for the Warning
By John Martinez
May 26, 2024

“Please Pray and discern all that I am sharing. This Article and Messages are being used as a teaching and mostly for those that are new to the different events that will take place in our Lifetime.” -John

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:1-8

God the Father: My son, my people perish because of their lack of knowledge. Many have turned their backs from Me and embrace their new god, Lucifer. I want my people to be aware of the Wrath that is before all mankind. I desire that you write the events of the Warning and the Tribulation that are coming to all living creatures. Many of my anointed Apostles are reaching out to all of creation but their voices are silenced by the stubbornness of My people. They refuse to hear and do not listen to their words. I am a loving and merciful God and do not want my children to suffer eternal damnation. I am a God of Love, Mercy and Justice.

As you hear my words, I cannot turn My Face from the suffering that My Son Jesus suffered at His Crucifixion and Passion. My Son is still on the Cross—suffering and pleading to forgive all who have caused this disorder and chaos on the earth.

I can no longer hold back my Justice. My Angels of Justice are waiting for My Word to go forward and destroy my creation. Sin must be eradicated before the Second Coming of Jesus. My Remnant Church is coming together with the guidance of the Blessed Mother and the Holy Spirit. My Church is crumbling and sacrilegious; disrespect is taking place all over the world. Satan knows that he is fighting a losing battle. Restoration of holiness and reverence will be returning to my Church. The laity and many holy Bishops, Priests and Religious Sisters will be alongside my brave warriors. My Remnant Church will restore and bring back my Church as my Son established it at the beginning of His ministry. All the foolishness and desecration that is taking place will be stopped.

On Pentecost the Holy Spirit anointed millions of my servants who have committed themselves to Me and were in a state of grace. They have been given many spiritual holy gifts to serve my children. The words of my Son on His Ascension have come to pass and has been accomplished.

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:1-8”

My servants and Apostles have been anointed and they have received spiritual power over evil, sickness, and death.

Changes have taken place in my holy Church that I am not HAPPY with: the fabrication of lies from the highest level, the participation in the high-ranking Mason Society, the men and women who have weakened my Church and have given more attention to the world and to evil. They are trying to change the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and remove the Holy Eucharist. They will have a special place in hell.

I want you to prepare my servants for the coming battles for the salvation of my children. Do not be afraid because I am with you. Biden and his minions around him and the supporters of abortion have brought darkness and evil upon this country and the world. These servants of evil have taken me out of the heart of America. Canada is already under the control of Lucifer. These servants of Satan have replaced good with evil. All will suffer for their own sins and be chastised. They will suffer horrible deaths and afflictions.

A great mistake that Biden and his servants of Satan have made is to fool the American people by supporting China and Russia. They think they can destroy my land of Israel that I promised to Abraham. Their minds are consumed with evil, greed, power and control of all people. I will destroy all of those supporting this darkness and this evil. Even some Jews in the United Sates and other parts of the world have turned their back on ISRAEL and Me. Woe to those traitors. Their money and riches will turn to dust.

War is coming to the world and especially to the United States. Some of the millions of illegal immigrants that have crossed the border have plans to attack within the United States. Cells of terrorists are already in place and wait for their orders to kill and murder American citizens. Biden has allowed terrorist and murderers of women and children to cross your border and destroy this country. He has made an easy, straight path to destroy America. They forget in their political evil agenda that they are fighting Me.

Israel is My land, and no false leader or government will ever destroy or conquer Israel. They are fighting me. Enough is Enough. They are fighting me. I am God and Who is greater than me? No one!

Mexico is going through a purification and has embraced communism as have many political members of the United States. The media is distorting the truth and expressing nothing but fabricated false lies. They also will be turned into dust. Mexico will become like Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela and become a communist country. Civil War is coming to Mexico. The same will happen to the United States if they do not change and seek my blessings and help. The woman that is running for president of Mexico wants to be called “MORENITA”, referring to brown skin on Our Lady of Guadalupe. She will bring destruction to Mexico! She mocks Our Lady by wearing a dress representing herself in agreement with Our Lady of Guadalupe. She is a communist and pretends to be a Christian. She is not.

Stand strong my son, if you stand alone and the whole world is against you, I stand by your side: you are in the majority.

I love you, my son.

* * * * *

Satan is the father of fear; The Holy Trinity is Truth and our Salvation.

What will take place during the Warning

On my last article and messages, I expressed only partially what I was shown and therefore need to share in full. I now want to add and share the rest of what I was shown and have learned in my studies.

Our Lady at Garabandal talks about The Great Warning and Illumination of Conscience at the end of this era. According to the four seers at Garabandal (Maria “Conchita” Concepción González, Mari Loli Mazón, Jacinta González, Mari Cruz González), they were told by the Blessed mother of the Great Warning, that is, that the illumination of conscience, will come shortly before the end of this era. Our Lady indicated that everyone will personally experience an awareness of their own sinfulness. Each person will be alone before God and there will be a kind of “wake-up call” to each human being. While this may sound frightening, we should all be living our lives with a knowledge of our sinfulness and a constant effort to remedy our faults.

As a refresher, the Garabandal apparitions took place from 1961 to 1965 to four young schoolgirls and occurred in the rural village of San Sebastián de Garabandal in the Peña Sagra Mountain range in the community of Cantabria in Northern Spain.

1st Message

As my Message of the 18th of October has not been complied with, and as it has not been made known to the world, I am telling you that this is the last one. Previously, the Cup was filling; now, it is brimming over. Many Cardinals, Bishops and priests are following the road to perdition, and with them they are taking many more souls. Ever less importance is being given to the Holy Eucharist. We should turn the wrath of God away from us by our own efforts. If you ask His forgiveness with a sincere heart. He will pardon you. I, your Mother, through the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel, wish to tell you that you should make amends. You are now being given the last warnings. I love you very much, and I do not want your condemnation. Ask Us sincerely and We shall grant your plea…Reflect on the Passion of Jesus.

2nd Message:

The second message caused controversy when it was revealed that Conchita had actually written “many cardinals, many bishops and many priests are following the road to perdition.” She was asked many times to verify this information. The young woman stated many times that Mary stressed the importance of the priesthood, and focused attention on priests above others.

According to the Garabandal apparitions, John Paul II would have been the last reigning Pope and then it would be the end of times.

The Illumination of Conscience, also known as “the Warning,” is a prophetic event

Everyone (except small children) will experience the way we have conducted our lives before God. This examination will allow people to see the condition of their soul and their eternal destination if they were to die that day.

The Warning will wake up humanity to the reality of God, sin, and the need for repentance. It will allow us to make a choice before God. By the choice we decide to make we can be given the grace to inform people to turn away from sin and return to God. The Illumination of Conscience will impact every person on Earth. It exceeds religious boundaries and is not limited to any specific faith tradition.

Many believe that this occurrence will prepare humanity for the final days of this era, leading to a greater conversion of hearts and a turning toward God. There will be many conversions to Christianity especially Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Atheists and many pagan religions.

Preparation for the Illumination of conscience – The Warning

What can we do to prepare ourselves and our friends and family to prepare for this heavenly event?

  1. We are all called to turn away from sin and repent. It is very important that we have a sincere repentance before God.
  2. Many believe that they can be like a used car salesman and talk our way out of it. They will be shocked and silent. God knows each one of us better than we know ourselves.
  3. We are being called to examine our conscience, confess our sins, and seek forgiveness.
  4. We must all turn away from our sinful behavior and try to live a righteous life.
  5. We must all turn back to God and ask for His Mercy and forgiveness.
  6. We are all being called to Prayer and seek God’s guidance, mercy, and protection.
  7. We need to develop a routine of daily prayer, including the Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, and other devotions.
  8. We must make reparation to God for our own sins and make amends to those we have hurt.
  9. We must seek place our hearts to God’s love and mercy.
  10. All are being called to regularly receive the Sacraments, especially Confession (Reconciliation) and the Eucharist (Holy Communion). These sacraments strengthen our relationship with God and cleanse your soul.
  11. All of us need to reflect on our lives and actions. We need to consider how we can grow spiritually and align our life with God’s will.
  12. Read Holy Scripture and contemplate sacred Scripture. The Bible contains God’s word and provides guidance for living a righteous life.
  13. We are all called to ne be Christ-like and practice acts of charity and love toward others. Help those in need, forgive others, and nurture your compassion to everyone we meet.
  14. One way to a deeper relationship with God is fasting and self-denial help detach us from worldly desires and draw us closer to God.
  15. Be real and truthful of Heart.
  16. Seek out a genuine conversion of heart. Surrender your will to God and allow Him to transform you.
  17. Seek regularly to meet with a spiritual director or friends that are like-minded. Make friends that feel the same as you and can help you in your spiritual journey. Reach out and share your love of Jesus and His Blessed Mother.
  18. Do not be afraid of the Illumination of Conscience. Have hope and trust, not fear.
  19. Let Jesus Christ reign in our hearts and lives.
  20. Always be happy, joyful and smile at everyone you meet.

Remember that God’s purpose in sending the Warning is to draw us closer to Him and increase our faith. It is an act of justice and love, meant for our eternal happiness and salvation. It is not a punishment from God but an act of Mercy and Love.

What did some of the Saints Say About the End Times?

Jesus to St. Faustina “Write: before I come as a just Judge, I first open wide the door of My mercy. He who refuses to pass through the door of My mercy must pass through the door of My justice…”

St. Bridget of Sweden “Before Antichrist comes the portals of the faith will be opened to great numbers of pagans.”

Know that Heaven is always looking after you even if you are not in right order with God. Preparation for The Warning has been given to us by various apparitions of the Blessed Mother and her messages from them for over the past two hundred years. In addition, God has also spoken to other saints and mystics about what we should do and not do so that we will be prepared.

The Great Tribulation – after the Warning

The books of Daniel and Revelation are studied together. Their prophecies concerning the end times unite with each and both books mention a certain number of days during the tribulation: Daniel mentions 1,290 days and 1,335 days; Revelation mentions

Daniel 12:11–12 says, “From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the atrocity that causes despair is set up, there will be 1,290 days.

Revelation 11:3 says, “And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”

The Tribulation is the cleansing of all evil and sin on earth. When the Lord will accomplish these two aspects of His plan and restore creation as God the Father intended for all mankind.

  1. He will complete His correction of the land of Israel (Daniel 9:24).
  2. He will judge the unbelieving, godless inhabitants of the earth (Revelation 6 – 18). The length of the Tribulation is seven years.

The first 3.5 years are known as the “beginning sorrows.”

The second 3.5 years intensify dramatically and are often referred to as the

“Great Tribulation.”

Many Saints and mystic ie., St. Bridget of Sweden, Doctor, Hildegard of Bingen, St. Louis de Montfort and many holy Mystics and apparitions of our Blessed Mother have indicated and confirm these happenings of Our Lady at different approved sites. It encompasses the future seven-year period when God will complete his discipline of Israel and final judgment upon the unbelieving citizens of the world.

The “Tribulation,” according to the Bible, refers to a future period marked by significant suffering and divine judgment. It is primarily discussed in the New Testament, particularly in the Book of Revelation, but also in the Gospels and the Epistles.

In Luke 21, Jesus preaches a sermon about the End of the World. The end of the world is easier to comprehend when we can compare it to the world around us. That is what Jesus does. He pointed to things they knew and said amplify that, multiply that exponentially, and then you will understand what is coming. Basically, Jesus describes a Global Final Holocaust-not merely of Jews and Christians but of all humans!

Within that message is what amounts to a survival guide for believers who have to exist during the Final Holocaust.

The Tribulation refers to a prophesied period of severe hardship and divine judgment described in the Bible, particularly in the New Testament’s Book of Revelation. This period is characterized by a sequence of catastrophic events such as widespread wars, devastating natural disasters, famines, and plagues. It is believed to last for seven years, divided into two parts, with the latter half known as the “Great Tribulation” due to its increased intensity. Central to this period is the rise of the Antichrist, a deceptive global leader who opposes God and persecutes believers.

The Tribulation serves multiple divine purposes: a time of judgment for the unrepentant, a means of purifying and preparing the faithful, and a crucial phase in unfolding God’s salvific plan. It culminates with the Second Coming of Christ, who will defeat the Antichrist and establish His millennial reign on Earth. Interpretations of the Tribulation vary among Christian denominations, with some viewing these events as literal and imminent, while others see them as symbolic or historical.

Who Is the Antichrist?

The name “antichrist” is mentioned a few times in the Bible. Many verses shows that many antichrists (false teachers) will appear between the time of Christ’s first and Second Coming, but there will be one great antichrist who will rise to power during the end times. He will deny that Jesus is the Christ. He will deny both God the Father and God the Son. He will be a liar and a deceiver.

The unholy trinity of the End Times

A common tactic of Satan is to imitate or counterfeit the things of God in order to make himself appear to be like God. What is commonly referred to as the “unholy trinity,” described vividly in Revelation 12 and 13. The Holy Trinity consists of God the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Their counterparts in the unholy trinity are Satan, the Antichrist, and the False Prophet. While the Holy Trinity is characterized by infinite truth, love, and goodness, the unholy trinity portrays the diametrically opposite traits of deception, hatred, and unadulterated evil.

Satan Is Chained for One Thousand Years

Revelation 20: 20-15 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven. He had in his hand a key to the hole without a bottom. He also had a strong chain. 2 He took hold of the dragon, that old snake, who is the Devil, or Satan, and chained him for 1,000 years.

Satan Is Destroyed Forever

When the 1,000 years are finished, Satan will be free to leave his prison. He will go out and fool the nations who are over all the world. They are Gog and Magog. He will gather them all together for war. Fire will come down from God out of heaven and destroy them. Then the devil who fooled them will be thrown into the lake of fire burning with sulfur. The wild animal and the false preacher are already there. They will all be punished day and night forever.

The Anti-Christ and the Apostasy of the Church

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

Now, friends, read these next words carefully. Slow down and don’t go jumping to conclusions regarding the day when our Master, Jesus Christ, will come back and we assemble to welcome him. Don’t let anyone shake you up or get you excited over some breathless report or rumored letter from me that the day of the Master’s arrival has come and gone. Don’t fall for any line like that. Before that day comes, a couple of things have to happen. First, the Apostasy. Second, the debut of the Anarchist, a companion in corruption with Satan. He’ll defy and then take over every so-called god or altar. Having cleared away the opposition, he’ll then set himself up in God’s Temple as “God Almighty.” Don’t you remember me going over all this in detail when I was with you? Are your memories that short? You’ll also remember that I told you the Anarchist is being held back until just the right time. That doesn’t mean that the spirit of anarchy is not now at work. It is, secretly and underground. But the time will come when the Anarchist will no longer be held back but will be let loose. But don’t worry. The Master Jesus will be right on his heels and blow him away. The Master appears and—puff!—the Anarchist is out of there. The Anarchist’s coming is all Satan’s work. All his power and signs and miracles are fake, evil sleight of hand that plays to the gallery of those who hate the truth that could save them. And since they’re so obsessed with evil, God rubs their noses in it—gives them what they want. Since they refuse to trust truth, they’re banished to their chosen world of lies and illusions.

2 Thessalonians 2:3-12

Peace be with you.

Now Thomas (also known as Didymus[a]), one of the Twelve, was not with the disciples when Jesus came. So, the other disciples told him, “We have seen the Lord!”

But he said to them, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.”

Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”

Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not recorded in this book. 31 But these are written that you may believe[b] that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John: 19-31

The Refuges
Taken from my Article and Messages written several year ago June 22, 2014.


In 1979, at around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning, my wife woke me up screaming that there was a man dressed like a monk kneeling on the side of the bed; he was praying for me. She pointed to him, but I could not see him. She could not understand why I could not see him, so she turned on the lights and continued to point to this man praying by me. I thought either my wife was going nuts, or some unnatural man (ghost) was next to me. A few months later, I saw my wife coming towards me looking very shaken, as if she had seen a ghost. She told me that she had seen a holy card of the monk that had been praying for me at the side of the bed. She showed me the holy card, and it was Padre Pio.

My Pastor Father Thomas Flanagan told me to visit and attend a seminar “Life in the Spirit”, the following morning an event took place within me that took another turn in my spiritual life. It happened in the fall of 1982, between Comfort, Texas and the Texas Hill Country. I am a construction contractor, and the morning after the Life in the Spirit seminar, I had an appointment at the VA Hospital in Kerrville, Texas. As I was driving and praising the Lord, suddenly, I began to pray and sing in a strange language. I felt a tremendous peace and love all around me. It seemed like someone else was driving my truck and I was just alone for the ride.

I heard a Strong Loving Voice and Powerful. I was taken aback and felt the holy presence of God. He was surprising me and was permitting this to happen. It was God the Father. The Lord spoke and pointed towards the beautiful Hill Countryside. He showed me a vision of the future, a revelation of coming events. Most of what was shown to me on that day I did not fully understand. The Lord told me that the Hill Country in Texas was going to be a “Refuge” for the future, and that I was going to play an important part in His Plan. He indicated that it was Our Blessed Mother and the Holy Spirit who would be preparing these refuges for the time of horror and death that was coming. He said that many people would come from the East, the West, the North and the South. It would be a place where no sin would exist, and that his Holy Presence would be our protection. The area was very large, and thousands of people would be guided by Our Lady and the Holy Spirit to gather in this area for sanctuary and for protection. He indicated that there would be many refuges throughout the earth to save God’s people from harm and to prepare for the coming of His Son. He detailed that there would be seven persons that he had selected for the preparation of this place of refuge, and those individuals would be selected and anointed by God himself. He told me that if I looked for these persons that I would not find them. At the unfolding of His Plan, I would know them by their Spirit. The Lord also told me that I would be moving to the Texas Hill Country in the future, and that my Spiritual Directors, Fr. Enda, would also be sent there. Through a series of God-incidents, we have indeed moved to the Texas Hill Country as has Father Enda.

There is much more to share, but I was told not to disclose certain revelations until I am told to do so. The Lord said that I would walk alone for many years, and that I must be like an ordinary but good brother to my brothers and sisters in Christ. He indicated that the time coming would be like the time of Joseph, but much worse.

As I was praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament: Our Blessed Mother appeared to me in a locution. In prayer, I was lifted into the sky. It seemed like I was in space or near the moon; I could see the earth completely black. I asked Our Lady why the earth was completely black. She responded that the BLACKNESS was the SIN of man covering the earth. As we were dropping down towards the earth I saw small white lights in various parts of the earth. The largest was in the Texas Hill Country. She told me that these white lights were Refuges that She was preparing to protect God’s children from all the evil that would surround us. She told me that the black areas would be destroyed, and that the world had to be cleaned before the coming of her Son. The refuges were for God’s people that were to enter the New Era of Peace. She showed me and continued to explain what was needed to prepare for the Refuges!

Inside The Refuges

The Refuge will be a place of holiness and the love of God will be present. There will be many repentant sinners, but no sin will be able to exist in God’s presence. I saw hundreds of people working in harmony and fellowship. There were ladies that worked with the children while most men did the ” hard labor”. The food was plentiful. I saw angels throughout the refuge helping and working with people. Prayer was continuous. I saw holy priests giving the community the Sacraments. I saw everyone, including non-Roman Catholics, praying the Rosary with Our Lady.

I was shown angels carrying Holy Shrines and Basilicas and were being transported inside the Refuge. Many small homes that were Refuges were also brought inside this Large Refuge. Many people that were sick or incapacitated were brought in and they were healed instantly of all their affliction in an instant. Those that were walking God’s Grace were the first to enter this Refuge. The Refuge is the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Heaven was the Refuge. The beautiful colors throughout were beyond our imagination and all creation was singing in harmony to God. The grass and the trees worshipped their Creator. The grass was waving back and forth like velvet singing in harmony with the trees and the wind.

I saw people of all cultures and denominations working as one community of God. There was no anger, no hatred, no strife, just complete peace and harmony. The Lord has chosen seven anointed persons that are to be in charge, and a leader that I assumed was a prophet. I saw young men that would go out of the Refuge to rescue those that needed help to come in. I saw angels bringing people from all parts of the area into the Refuge. There was complete order and harmony, and no fear or anxiety from anyone. I saw myself going out of the Refuges and helping and directing the young men. People were being let by angels and they were coming from all directions. We all knew that there was horrific fighting and chaos outside the Refuges.

There are many other revelations that I have been shown but was told to keep to myself until I am told to disclose them. What I am sharing with you is currently taking place or developing rapidly. My family and are now living in the Texas Hill Country. My Spiritual Director, after 20 years of not seeing each other, has been sent to our parish. The words and messages that I was shown/told are coming to pass without any personal effort or steering on my part. We have encountered other people, and even some pastors, that have received the same or similar messages, and have moved to this area. I have been asked to speak in various locations about Jesus and have travelled all over the country when invited.

Amen and God bless all of us.

Mission of Divine Mercy (Sister Amapola) – May 21, 2024 – Reconquest – Strength From a New Pentecost – Blessed Virgin Mary – “I gather My Army and I unite it to My retinue of Angels and Archangels and all Heavenly Choirs… The [Eternal] Battle is won, children, but it must be fought, and lived, and offered [in time]. Children, do not try to understand with your reasonings, for these are Divine Mysteries that are impossible to understand on this earth…”


(Source: )

2024-05-21 Reconquest – Strength From a New Pentecost

May 21st, 2024

This Message was dictated to Sister in Spanish, and this is her translation into English.

The footnotes are not dictated by God. They are added by Sister. Sometimes the footnote is to help clarify for the reader Sister’s sense of the meaning of a certain word or idea, and at other times to better convey the sense of God’s or Our Lady’s tone when They spoke.

Our Blessed Mother:

My beloved little children,

I speak to you from My new Tepeyac,[1] where I will gather all the Words that I have spoken to you throughout the centuries; where I will renew all the various Graces that your Heavenly Father has granted in My holy places as a seal of His Love and Blessing, and as an answer to the prayer of My Motherly Heart for all My children.[2]

How much I love you, children, with the Love of the Father, and of My Son, and of the Most Holy Spirit of God, that descends into My Heart as a flame and from there, as from a spring of water, I give It to you to drink – to console your hearts, to heal the wounds in your spirits, to heal your bodies if it is necessary for your salvation.

And to give you the encouragement that you are not alone.

My children, little ones of My Heart, I see all your wounds, none of them pass unnoticed. Just as I washed and kissed each of My Jesus’ Wounds, so I do with you – kissing to console and to extract the venom that Satan in his envy has injected into you with all his machinations and deceits.

I cleanse your wounds with My tears, I cover them with My Love, I take possession of them and I offer them to the Father, together with the Sacred Wounds of My Jesus.

All the wounds caused by pain and disobedience, and the envy of Satan – together with the Most Pure and Holy Wounds of My Jesus, of the Immaculate, Innocent Lamb, Immolated out of Love. The Ones to be reparation for the others.

Look at the Wounds of My Jesus, the ones He carries in His Most Holy Body and the ones that have lacerated His Heart; and that live reflected in My Heart.

Do not forget them, children.

Let them give you HOPE AND FORTITUDE.

The certain HOPE of the incommensurable Love of God for His creatures – for each of them.

The Love that seeks the ETERNAL good. ETERNAL, children. Do not be confused nor forget that all that you see and live will pass. And that you are to live for this eternity – for the Divine embrace that will surround you and fill you and heal you and in which you will find everything that your heart desires.

Not here, children – on this earth that is now full of sin and death for the spirit.

The earth itself groans, children, at seeing such great offenses against the Heart of God. And the earth itself will be renewed, made beautiful, purified, to be a worthy home and vessel for the Renewed Church, for the new heavens and the new earth.

Children, now more than ever, renew your HOPE by means of your FAITH in what We say to you and in what We do on your behalf.


Lay aside the human longings and elevate them, through your FAITH and pure and Holy HOPE, into longings for God, longings of eternity.

The rest passes away, and how quickly it passes!

Fulfill the obligations of your state of life, but begin to live the HOPE OF HEAVEN and of HE WHO DWELLS IN IT AND WHO AWAITS YOU.

The fruit of FAITH is HOPE, and the fruit of HOPE is FORTITUDE. And all these lead to ABANDONEMNT TO GOD.

This is why I ask for your FAITH, why I speak to you of Hope, and of the Fortitude that leads you to scorn the perishable treasures of earth in order to appreciate the Treasure of the Love of God in its fullness that will be your reward in Heaven.

Look at the Holy Wounds of My Jesus. Gaze at them in My Heart. Hide your wounds in Ours, allowing Us to wash them in the Blood and Water which flowed from Them, so that – purified of the venom of Satan and of your own actions and offenses – they may be acceptable to Our Abba as an Offering of Love, imitating the Most Holy Offering that obtains everything.

Children, breathe this TRUTH, let it enter as PURE AIR into the deepest corners of your being and free you from any stench of Satan and of human criteria that are so harmful to you.

My children, you feel weak, incapable of doing what We ask of you, incapable of resisting; defeated, anguished, on the brink of despair.

MY LITTLE CHILDREN, I KNOW. And that what hurts you the most is Our apparent indifference to your suffering; that nothing changes, nothing happens, that your prayers seem to crash into a closed Heaven.[3] AND HOW MUCH THIS MAKES YOU SUFFER. I KNOW. AND YOUR MOTHER TAKES COMPASSION ON YOU AND THEREFORE SPEAKS TO YOU – to tell you that each drop of your suffering is accounted for and will receive its consolation.

To tell you that in order to form My Army a very hard formation is necessary, time is short and you must be formed in the crucible of suffering, of dryness, and of the apparent abandonment by Us, so that the seed of FAITH germinates – in the darkness – and takes root – in the darkness – and grows strong and vigorous, capable of withstanding what is upon you.

Children, your Mother knows what you will be facing and prepares you.

This preparation requires that you see the Face of My Jesus – His true Face, not the distorted one that many of you have learned and that now causes you so much confusion and anguish, because, not being the Truth, it wounds your soul.[4]

We will show you Our Faces and you will carry Them in your souls as Jewels and as Shields. But before you receive Them, children, you must be purified in FAITH.

All the trials that you live, all the anguish and darkness – when you give them to Us, We take them and make them useful – the old ones, the present ones and the future ones. WE MAKE EVERYTHING USEFUL and We fill everything with life, when you give it to Us.

You do not see the germination of a seed – how, from being hard and dry and surrounded by total darkness, it begins to swell and transform.

It is the same with you, little children, when you accept in FAITH what the Father, full of Love for His children, permits.[5]

This is why I say to you, look with eyes of eternity and long with a heart of eternity – by means of FAITH and HOPE – and in this way you will have the STRENGTH to take one more step, and another after that, during this time of the immediate preparation for the battle.

I remind you once again of what happened to My beloved Apostle-sons at Pentecost: They were transformed and strengthened in order to fulfill the mission entrusted to them, at all cost, and sparing no sacrifice.

The Most Holy Spirit of God descended into their hearts and completed and sealed their preparation.

It will be the same with you, little children. Do not be afraid.

What you live now – each of you, and each in such varied circumstances – is part of this preparation prior to His Coming. It is the purification, the removing of the old and dirty garments, in order to be clothed with the garments and armament of My soldiers.



And you will receive Strength to live this waiting.

Yes, children, what has been promised will be fulfilled, and what has been announced will take place.

The Rivers of Grace will flow from My little Hill and will gather all the pure Waters that the Father has brought forth in each continent, people, and region.

In the same way that I gather My Army and I unite it to My retinue of Angels and Archangels and all Heavenly Choirs, so do all the Graces given throughout the centuries gather to be renewed, purified, and poured out once more in unimaginable abundance.

The New Pentecost that will seal the preparation of My Army and will ready it for the battle, in which all the forces of evil will be gathered as well.[6]

The Battle is won, children, but it must be fought, and lived, and offered.

Children, do not try to understand with your reasonings, for these are Divine Mysteries that are impossible to understand on this earth, given the tremendous limitations of time and distance and of your very limited capacity to comprehend.[7]

But one day, children, you will see these Mysteries open before your hearts and your minds as the opening of a flower, as the rising of the sun at dawn, and you will contemplate them in all Their beauty, TRUTH, harmony, and you will understand the ineffable Love that is at the center of each Mystery.

Children, for now you cannot yet receive them and that is why FAITH and HOPE are needed, so that in the midst of the darkness that Satan has managed to spread over every human sphere, you can see IN FAITH, and ACCEPT IN FAITH, and receive IN FAITH, and love IN FAITH these Divine Mysteries – the “whys” that cause you such anguish – until the moment in which you can receive them in fullness.

My children, all of you – each of you who walks on this earth, who was born of the Will of the Father, and who has been ransomed by My Son on the Cross, and who is being prepared to receive the Divine Light of the Most Holy Spirit of God – remember Heaven and the Love that awaits you.

Remember that your Mother loves you and is beside you.

Remember that all that has been announced will be fulfilled.

Remember that what you live now is nothing compared to what the Father has prepared for you – the eternal joy.

Remember, children, that everything is formation, that in everything there is Grace to help you, and that you have a Mother Who intercedes for Her children night and day before the Throne and the Heart of God.

I Am your Mother. I love you. I guide you, do not hesitate to take My hand. I will lead you to the fulfillment of the Divine Law; I will lead you to the acceptance of your particular missions; I will lead you along the path of healing of so many wounds you carry. I will lead you step by step, second by second, to the Heart of the Father.

You are My Army, children, and I need strong and brave soldiers; full of FAITH and Hope, to give Light to your brothers.

Look at Me, children, when you feel you are about to collapse. Look at Me and do not be afraid.

Come to My Heart, children. Do not be afraid.

From My little Chapel, My little Hill, I bless you and I clasp you to My Heart.

Amen, children. SAY IT WITH ME:

Your Mother Who loves you and blesses you,
Mary Most Holy, the Morning Star
that announces the coming of the SUN of JUSTICE and TRUTH.
Your Queen and your Peace.

Excerpts from the Words of Our Lady of Guadalupe to St. Juan Diego in 1531 in Mexico, as recorded in the Nican Mopohua.

“Know for certain, My son, the smallest one, that I am the perfect and Ever Virgin Holy Mary, Mother of the true God, through Whom one lives, the Creator of mankind, the one Who owns what is near and beyond, the Owner of heaven and earth. I ardently desire that here they build Me my sacred little house, a ‘Teocalli’ (House of God), where I will show Him, I will exalt Him and make Him manifest; where I will offer Him to all the people with all My love, My compassionate gaze and My help, My salvation.

Because I am truly your merciful Mother, yours and Mother of all who live united in this land; and of all mankind, of all those who love Me, of those who cry to Me, of those who search for Me, of those who have confidence in Me. There I will listen to their cry, to their sadness, so as to curb all their different pains, their miseries and sorrow, to remedy and alleviate their sufferings.

So to realize what my compassionate, merciful gaze intends, go to the palace of the bishop of Mexico and tell him that I sent you to make known to him what I deeply desire, that he provide me with a house, that he build my temple in the plain…Now my son, my smallest one, you have heard my voice; go and do everything the best you can.”

“I beg you earnestly, youngest son of Mine, and solemnly do command you that once again tomorrow you go to see the bishop. From My part, let him know, let him hear My wish, My will, so that he will make, he will build the temple that I ask. So, once again, tell him that it is I personally, the Ever Virgin, Holy Mary, the Mother of God who is sending you.”

“Listen and keep in your heart, My youngest son, that there is nothing for you to fear, nothing to afflict you. Let neither your face nor your heart be worried. Do not fear this nor any other illness, nor anything pounding nor afflicting. Am I not here, I Who am your Mother? Are you not in My shadow, under My protection? Am I not the fountain of your joy? Are you not in the fold of My mantle, in My crossed arms? Is there anything else you need? Don’t let anything afflict you, perturb you…”


[1] When She began to speak I perceived strongly Her Presence as Our Lady of Guadalupe and the particular Grace of Her Apparitions in Mexico – bringing Her maternal Presence and the Truth of God to a very complicated historical situation; the encounter between two such different cultures – the struggle between the paganism that was so entrenched and Christianity. And how our current situation is similar (though now affecting not just a small region but the whole world): the division between the world that has rejected God and is sinking once again into paganism (and worse), and the Christian world – so fragmented, attacked, and weakened – that realizes more and more that the only solution will have to come from Heaven. And that just as in 1531 God intervened directly, so now also there will come a direct Divine intervention – a much greater one because it must reach every soul and place.

When She says “My new Tepeyac” it is not as a way of diminishing or taking the place of the original Tepeyac – very much to the contrary – it is rather to remind us of what happened in 1531, as a reason to hope, as a reminder of the essential Truths, and as consolation and encouragement knowing that She is truly our Mother Who cares for us, and that God is about to intervene once more on our behalf. [At the end of this Message I include several extracts from Her Words to Juan Diego because when She said, “I speak to you from My new Tepeyac,” I felt those words to be very present and alive.]

[2] When She says that here all the Words and Graces that have been granted through Her Apparitions, Messages, and various Manifestations throughout the centuries will be gathered and renewed, I perceive that She is alluding to the Manifestations that God has announced to us and that will happen soon on this little hill. That these coming Manifestations will gather all of the others and will show their Divine origin and will make present once again the Graces of each of them – as if pouring them out again – this is why She says that from here will flow the River of Grace that will unite all the other Waters. Difficult to explain what I perceive, but it is definitely not a lessening of other Apparitions, but rather showing that they are all a part of God’s Plan, and that they have all helped and prepared for this Hour.

[3] “My God, My God, why have You abandoned Me?” Jesus gives us the example of how, even after having suffered the terrible agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, the betrayal of Judas, being abandoned by His Apostles and Disciples, being judged, scourged, humiliated, and nailed to the Cross, He still had to suffer the last great wound, the death wound. The apparent abandonment of the Father. The Church, being His Mystical Body, is suffering now her Passion. And it seems to me that we are in those last minutes in which the Father asks for the last sacrifice: the feeling and seeing oneself, in appearance, completely abandoned by God. He does not hear us, He does not come – despite Him telling us that He is coming “soon.” Seeing and feeling our apparent destruction in so many ways. And the superhuman effort to continue believing, hoping, trusting. It is so very hard and exhausting.

[4] I sense that “seeing the Face of My Jesus” is referring to knowing Him in Truth, and not as He has so often been presented to us – the taking away of His Royalty, His Suffering, His Divinity, and turning Him into a simple idealistic social worker. Our souls desire the true Image of the Face of God – and this is why these distortions wound the deepest longing of our soul – to see and know God. It is also a reference to the Grace They have promised to grant when Their Manifestations come to the little hill – that when we see the Apparitions Their Faces would become engraved on our souls, as a consolation, but especially as a protection. I perceive that it is a necessary Grace in order to be able to resist the seductions of the Antichrist, who will try to pass himself as “the Christ,” and that this is why it is of great importance to be able to recognize the true Face of Jesus and His Name in any situation, and why They will engrave them on our souls.

[5] Brief words to express that act of our soul that is so great and of such importance that it transforms the spiritual life, and draws down so many Graces upon the soul and upon the whole world.

[6] I think that with this “all” She is indicating that a sign of these times is the fact that all the different evil powers that in appearance are independent – but that in fact proceed from the same plan of the enemy – are now publicly uniting and aligning themselves with each other. For instance, we now see the same spirit of the denial of God dominating the areas of education, government, science, entertainment, and even religion.

[7] If it is difficult to understand the reasons for illnesses and calamities that God allows in those who love Him, it seems impossible to contemplate the atrocious sufferings of children and other souls, in particular those whose innocence is destroyed through abuse and rites of unimaginable cruelty and darkness inflicted upon them. How to reconcile this horror with a God Who is good? How many have lost their faith when contemplating this question: Why, Lord? And I think this is why Our Blessed Mother tells us not to try to understand it or to find a human explanation. But rather invites us to trust, and to accept that God reserves to Himself the knowledge of these “whys?” until the appointed Hour. This is not to set these “whys?” aside as unimportant, but rather to place them firmly in the Faith and Hope that tell us that “God knows why” and that one day we will understand and see that His Love is acting in everything, even in the most terrible darkness.

[8] Luke 21: 28.

[9] Revelation 5: 12-14.

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – May 15-21, 2024 Update


Tuesday, May 21, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people this vision of a shark attack is a sign that some serious events could be coming against you. The evil one world people are planning either a cyber attack on your infrastructure, or an EMP attack using bombs in your atmosphere. Either one of these events could cause a martial law that would cancel the upcoming election. Such a cancellation might even trigger a civil war against your government because people do not want Biden as a dictator, even more than he is now. This is why I have warned My people to be ready to get called to My refuges with My inner locution. I will protect you at My refuge with My angels.”

Monday, May 20, 2024: (Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, in the Book of Genesis you see the first Eve and how she was seduced by Satan to eat the fruit from the forbidden tree. She even gave the fruit to Adam and they both sinned against God. I am the new Eve, but I am without sin so the Lord had a pure place to be born. In the Gospel at the foot of the cross where my Son, Jesus was being crucified, Jesus gave St. John to me, and me to St. John and the whole Church. That is why this feast is directed to me as the Mother of the Church that my Son started. As a true Mother I am watching over my children, and I give all of your rosary intentions over to my Son, Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, I AM the Light of the world, but I am speaking about a spiritual Light in addition to lighting up the world. With My sacramental graces I enlighten your souls so they are white and not covered with the darkness of sin. Myself and your guardian angels are lighting the spiritual ways for your souls. At your refuges you have bought some solar generators with lithium batteries and some lamps with LED bulbs. They also came with solar panels so you could recharge your batteries in the good weather. You needed some lamps to plug into your battery outlets because most of your lights are ceiling lights on the first floor. When there is little power generated in the winter, your batteries will work for a short time. You will be grateful to have light at your refuges during the tribulation. During the Era of Peace you will see My Light all of the time.”

Sunday, May 19, 2024: (Pentecost Sunday)

The Holy Spirit said: “I AM the Spirit of love, and I am bringing My gifts upon you. I love all of you just as the Father, and the Son love you as well. Each human person has been given a special number of skills that are unique to that person. These skills were given at birth. Now I am bringing you My seven gifts to enhance your skills and help you spread the Good News of Jesus. These are the seven gifts that I bring down on everyone: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. You are aware of how I help each of you to be joined as one in God’s people. Just as I sent My Spirit and flame of love down upon you, so you are being sent out to evangelize people in the faith.”

Saturday, May 18, 2024:

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this sacristy where the priests keep their vestments and where they put them on. I have asked you to set up a refuge for the people to come, but you also have prepared an altar with candles, vestments, unconsecrated hosts, wine, an Easter Candle, and other things for Mass. You also need to be ready to take in some priests to feed them and have lodging for them during the tribulation. St. Joseph will be building a high rise building, and a large church for 5,000 people. With so many people, you will need several priests for Mass and Confession. Do not be alarmed to handle so many people during the tribulation, because I know how to feed 5,000 people like you saw in the Gospels. This will be a large undertaking, but I advised you to have core groups of about twenty people per thousand people. I will be expanding your grounds to handle so many people. Have no worry because I can do the impossible.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision of a triangle does represent Three Persons in One God of the Blessed Trinity. The Father, Myself, and the Holy Spirit are always present together, but it is a Mystery to try to understand the meaning of the Blessed Trinity. This is something you need to take on faith. So when you are looking at My Real Presence in the consecrated Host in the monstrance, you are looking at Three Persons in One God. Tomorrow is Pentecost Sunday, and you will hear the list of seven gifts and twelve fruits listed by the Holy Spirit who shares these gifts with all true believers. Back in elementary Catholic School, you had to memorize these gifts of the Holy Spirit from your Baltimore Catechism. I will list them for you now. The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit are: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord. The twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit are: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity, goodness, long-suffering, mildness, faith, modesty, continency, and chastity. These gifts help you in keeping your faith, and they help in sharing your faith.”

Friday, May 17, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for all of the people who need wheelchairs or canes to walk. Pray for people who are suffering pain constantly, like when you were coughing, or when you had sore legs with sciatica problems. People in pain can get down with depression or frustration, so pray to give them hope and even a possible healing. If you cannot walk, you are dependent on people to help you and drive you places. You even remember how you had to drive your father to dialysis for four years. Human life can be difficult, and you need to thank Me if you are healthy. Even if you have problems in life, you can always call on My help, as you center your lives around Me in love.”

Jesus said: “My people, if the evil ones persecuted Me, they will persecute you also for preaching My words and My Commandments. You have seen how pro-life people were being put in jail for up to ten years which seems an unusual amount of time for blocking a Planned Parenthood driveway. In some countries the evil ones are beating and verbally abusing Christians just because of their faith in My Word. Be prepared for this harassment against My believers. The persecution will get worse with time, so be ready to come to My refuges for your protection.”

Thursday, May 16, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, I have been giving you several messages on the need for being baptized both in Me and in the Holy Spirit. When you are baptized, you are calling on the Blessed Trinity in the sign of the cross. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are One, and you are joined with Us in your faith. Baptism cleanses the soul of all sin, both venial and mortal sin. In order to keep your soul washed clean, you need to come to frequent Confession to the priest. There, he absolves you of your sins, and you are cleansed by the sacrament of Penance. See this vision of a waterfalls as a sign of constantly being cleansed in your soul, even as you bathe your body. Reach out to evangelize souls so they also can cleanse their souls of sin with My sacraments.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to be attentive to the words that come out of the Vatican. The Holy Spirit is with Pope Francis and the Holy Spirit is controlling what he speaks. You have heard some things, but they are not always written in his documents. Pray for Pope Francis that he will speak the true understanding of the faith.”

Jesus said: “My people, I thank My faithful for praying the Novena to the Holy Spirit. These readings speak of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as you are preparing for the great feast of Pentecost this Sunday. It is a blessing to receive the Living Water in the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. Be ready to receive the Holy Spirit, even as I talked about being born again in the Spirit. You remember when I talked with Nicodemus in the ‘Chosen’ series. There were some strong statements when I even asked Nicodemus to join Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles experienced a strong wind that blew in the direction of the Upper Room. They then received tongues of fire over each of the disciples. This represented how at Pentecost My disciples received the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gave them courage and grace to be able to witness My Good News to all the corners of the earth. You all are blessed with these same gifts when you received the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation. Follow the example of My apostles as you also can evangelize people to receive faith in Me. I love all of you, and I am blessing you in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, when I was baptized by St. John the Baptist, you saw a Dove of the Holy Spirit come down on Me. You also heard My Father say: ‘This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.’ (Matt. 3:17) This is the best vision of experiencing the Blessed Trinity that you have read about. When you witness infants being baptized, you see the priest or deacon bless the child with water while praying the Sign of the Cross. You are being blessed by the Blessed Trinity at your Baptism.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are blessed with a special oil when you are receiving your gift of Confirmation. It is the Holy Spirit who brings His flame of love down upon you to make you one of My soldiers to spread My Good News. Call on the Holy Spirit to help you in spreading My Word so others can be strengthened in their faith in Me. Wherever I am, I am joined with My Father and the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit’s love joins the Blessed Trinity together. Do not forget to pray to the Holy Spirit even after Pentecost Sunday.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are blessed to receive My messages, and you are even more blessed when the Holy Spirit helps you to write down My words after Holy Communion and at Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. When you share your talks and when you speak on your Zoom programs, the Holy Spirit is giving you what to say and help people to understand My words in the Scriptures.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were given many gifts to heal people, and even some were able to raise some people from the dead. When you invoke the Holy Spirit with oil on people and do prayers of deliverance, you can heal people in My Name when you have faith that I can heal someone. You have seen people healed by a faithful person. You, My son, have prayed over people in your traveling and at your prayer group. You have seen some beautiful healings as you give glory and thanks to Me for My miracles.”

Wednesday, May 15, 2024: (St. Isidore, the farmer)

Jesus said: “My people, today you see St. Paul leaving his people and he told them they would not see his face again, which made this a permanent farewell. When My evangelists are traveling to share My Good News, they do not know if they will be able to return again as well. Now that you are staying close to your refuge, you may not see your old friends again unless you visit them while you will bilocate later during the tribulation. Today you are celebrating the feast day of St. Isidore, and it reminds you how you are to be thankful for the farmers who are growing your food. It is good to have fresh vegetables and fruit, so you like to buy from your local farmers. Remember when I told you how My angels will bring you fresh fruits and vegetables, even during winter at your refuge during the tribulation. For nothing is impossible for Me.”

Jesus said: “My people, gambling at the casinos can be a source of entertainment, but you need to put limits on how much you can afford to lose. It is better not to gamble because it can lead to an addiction which could be an occasion of sin for your soul. In life your soul is not anything to gamble with because there are only two choices-heaven or hell. Those people, who desire to come to heaven, need to be in the camp of love with Me as believers, and not in the camp of hate with the devil. My believers need to love Me and love your neighbors as yourself. You show Me your love in your daily prayers, your daily Mass, and your daily Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. I call you to share My love and My Good News with the people as you work to evangelize people to the faith. You also are open to doing good deeds to help your neighbor. Do everything out of love for Me and consecrate all of your good actions to Me.”

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – May 8-14, 2024 Update


Tuesday, May 14, 2024: (St. Matthias)

Jesus said: “My people, St. Peter was chosen to be the leader of My apostles, so it was his duty to find a replacement for Judas, who betrayed Me. There was a choice between Justus and Matthias because they traveled with the apostles. By lot St. Matthias was chosen to take Judas’ place to complete the twelve apostles. This was a special number as it represented the twelve tribes of Israel. St. Matthias was martyred for his faith as were the other apostles except St. John. You are still praying your Novena to the Holy Spirit in anticipation of this Sunday’s feast of Pentecost. Call on Me and the Holy Spirit when you are in need of something, and we will be there for you.”

Monday, May 13, 2024: (Our Lady of Fatima at the Cova da Iria)

Our Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, you remember well when I appeared to the three children at Fatima on the 13th of six months from May to October in 1917. I showed the children a picture of hell and I taught them my rosary and the Fatima prayers. There was a great miracle of the sun that was prophesied and happened which later was accepted by the Church. There was also a prophecy of another war and how Russia would spread her errors. My son, you went to Fatima, Portugal when they celebrated my 70th anniversary in 1987 and the whole plaza was full of people. You also are a member of my Blue Army and you started your prayer group as a Fatima cell, as you just celebrated your 52nd anniversary for your prayer group. You have remembered your roots with My Fatima Shrine, and now you are praying your four rosaries every day to include all of the Mysteries of the Rosary. I love all of you so much and you also remember My promise of how in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph and an Era of Peace will be given to the world. Stay close to me and my Son, Jesus in your prayers and your daily Masses.”

Jesus said: “My people, you need water for your body to stay well hydrated. So just as your plants need water, you cannot survive without water. Your soul also needs the water of Baptism and even the Living Water of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. It is the graces of My sacraments that are most needed by your soul for your spiritual survival. I am always available to cleanse your soul of sin in Confession. You come to Me for forgiveness as you are sorry for having offended Me with your sins. Be sorry for your sins and repent of your offenses. I love all of you so much, and I want to see your soul as white as possible with frequent Confession of at least monthly. Show your love for Me in your daily prayers and even daily Mass and Adoration of My Blessed Sacrament. Thank you for praying your Novena to the Holy Spirit.”

Sunday, May 12, 2024: (Mother’s Day)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, how I love all of you so much as My Son, Jesus loves you as well. I am the Mother of His Church because He gave me over to St. John who represented all of humanity. Mothers have a special place in the hearts of their families. It is sad that mothers who stay at home to take care of their children, are considered second class citizens. In today’s society it is hard for a family to survive on just the husband’s salary which is why many mothers are working to help pay the bills. Yet leaving the children in day care is hard on the children who need love and a mother’s help. I give credit to mothers who take their job as a loving parent more seriously. You create more loving bonds with your children when you are home for them. Even the cost of day care takes away from the value of a working mother. It is better to have a poorer loving family than to have a little more money from two incomes. I wish a happy mother’s day to all of the mothers. Pray for those mothers, who are aborting their children, because they should have their babies.”

Saturday, May 11, 2024:

Jesus said: “My son, this vision of a large circling land [time?] piece is another sign of the Warning and it was traveling in a clockwise direction. It was also a sign again that time was running out before the major events would start happening. Once you will see the Warning and the six weeks of Conversion, you will know that I will soon call you to My refuges with My inner locution, so you will be in the safe protection of My angels. I have been telling you for many years that I have been preparing you for the coming Antichrist who will soon declare himself, and he will take over the earth for less than 3½ years. Once I call you, you will need to leave your homes within twenty minutes when My angel will lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge or a refuge that you know is waiting for you. People will come to My refuges slowly so My refuge builders will have time to make room for the faithful remnant. Trust in Me to provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want all of My refuge builders to have your refuges ready and prepared to receive My faithful who will be coming to your door. My son, I know you had to make some repairs to your solar panel wires and you had a repair to your water system and your garbage disposal. You even had to replace one of your cherry trees that was broken by the wind. I have given you all of the plans for establishing your refuge including your food, water, fuels, and solar panels. You even have some solar generators of lithium batteries with solar panels. You also have vestments and books ready for Mass along with your altar and candles. Trust in Me that I will provide for your needs.”

Friday, May 10, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, as you are starting your Novena to the Holy Spirit, it is appropriate that you are seeing this wind to remind you of the wind that went to the Upper Room. All of My disciples received the tongues of fire over their heads. This gave them the gifts of the Holy Spirit to speak out boldly about My Good News. St. Paul had these gifts to preach, and he had Gallio protect him from being jailed. Get your sheets on the Holy Spirit Novena so you can read these prayers every day. Be thankful for all of these gifts so you all can go forth to share My Good News and make converts.”

(Intention for Carol, my wife) Jesus said: “My people, many of you are linked closely to your cell phones and your current media. Some people are even addicted to their cell phones in constant search of information on the internet that is not always true. This is how some people are too worldly in their thoughts and desires. I am showing you these spindles of cable wire because this is how you are being controlled. I want My people to be more concerned with My spiritual connection with each of you. When you pray and when you come to Mass, you are in a different world of peace and quiet with no fear and no stress. This is because at those times you are linked with My truth, and you can see how the devil is misleading people to follow him through earthly things as drugs and virtual reality devices. Stay close to Me in prayer, Mass, and frequent Confession, and you will always be in My peace without fear, because I will protect you when you call on Me. Do not lose My link of communication through My love for you. By trusting in Me and making Me a part of your life, you will be on a safe path to heaven. The coming tribulation will be your purgatory on earth.”

Thursday, May 9, 2024: (Ascension Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles were happy to be with Me during the forty days after My Resurrection. I appeared to them about four times. I told My apostles to stay in Jerusalem because I would send the Holy Spirit upon them, as you celebrate Pentecost. I sent My apostles out: (Mk 16:15,16) ‘Go out into the whole world and preach the Gospel to every person. He who believes and is baptized shall be saved, but he who does not believe shall be condemned.’ I rose into heaven before them without any more appearances.’”

Prayer Group:

(52nd anniversary of prayer group) Jesus said: “My people, today is a holy day of obligation as you are celebrating My Ascension into heaven. This was My last appearance in the flesh with My apostles. Now they were waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit when they had tongues of fire over each person in the Upper Room. This gave My disciples the gifts they needed to go out and spread My Good News to everyone. Rejoice that My faithful have also received the gifts of the Holy Spirit at your Confirmation.”

Jesus said: “My people, each year at this time I encourage you to print out the Novena prayers to honor the Holy Spirit. Each day you can recite these prayers. You have many Sundays after Pentecost so Pentecost is a large feast. Your Easter Season also ends with Pentecost. You gain extra graces for praying this Novena to the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, St. Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles with many inputs from all of the disciples. This fifty days of the Easter Season is a glorious time even as you see nature come forth with spring flowers and flowering trees. You all are happy to get out and fix up your gardens with flowers and mulch. See this season as an inspiration to evangelize souls so they can be baptized. You especially want to bring your children to My sacraments: Baptism, Confession, Holy Communion, and Confirmation. The children are under your care to be taught the faith as you are responsible for their souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is not easy to come to Confession because it means you need to repent of your sins and reveal them to the priest in the confessional. You need to meditate what sins you have committed since your last Confession. You need to be sorry and repent for having sinned against My Ten Commandments. The priest will absolve your sins and give you a penance. Then you pray your act of Contrition. Coming to Confession is a humbling experience, but you need to come to Confession at least once a month. There are a fair number of people who do not come to Confession, but it is needed to forgive your venial and mortal sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you crown My Blessed Mother’s statues every year. You also need to honor her and Me with your rosaries for your special intentions. Remember to pray for your own mothers whether they are alive or deceased. You are fortunate to see two of your grandchildren who are pregnant and expecting new life to join their families. Many of you give gifts to your mothers and even take them out to dinner. Give praise and thanks to Me that you can be a part of My creation in having children. Give thanks to your mother for your life and bringing you up.”

Jesus said: “My people, I know you include praying to stop abortion in your daily rosaries. It is so sad that some mothers want to abort their very own children. Not all women are able to have children, so it is such a denial of life when women abort their children. I thank all of My faithful who take time to pray your rosary and Chaplet of Divine Mercy by the Planned Parenthood building on Saturday morning. Your presence there can help save some babies who would have been aborted. Keep praying for your states to limit the number of abortions.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen a place in Washington, D.C. where they stored all the shoes of the people who were killed in the gas chambers by Hitler. There was great evil that Hitler did to try and remove the millions of Jews from German society. People said this should not happen again, but now millions of the unborn babies are being killed every day. This movement for abortion has its roots in eugenics in Germany with Hitler’s plan. Work and pray to stop abortion which is destroying My precious and innocent children.”

Wednesday, May 8, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul used the shrine to the ‘Unknown god’ as a means to evangelize the people of Athens. You remember this place well because you were there in Athens in front of a large amphitheater. He taught them how I created everything, but when he told them how I rose from the dead, they had a hard time understanding what this meant. My apostles were witnesses of My empty tomb, and how I appeared to them with My wounds in My hands and feet. The Athenians had a difficult time trying to understand how I died on earth to forgive their sins, and how I brought salvation for their souls. Even now people have problems believing in My Real Presence in My consecrated Hosts. You are preparing for My feast of My Ascension on Ascension Thursday tomorrow. I told My apostles how I would bring the Holy Spirit down on them once I left them. My Ascension into heaven is one last miracle the apostles witnessed.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have given you descriptions of the Warning day as starting with darkness and then you saw two suns. This would be the Comet of the Warning that will later return as the Comet of Chastisement. People will come to Me outside of their body and they will have their illumination of conscience known as a life review. You will visit your place of your mini-judgment, and people will need to decide if they want to be with Me or with the devil. During the Warning you will be warned to come to My refuges for your protection, and not to take the mark of the beast, and not to worship the Antichrist. You will have six weeks of a Conversion time when there will be no evil influence and a time to try and convert souls to faith in Me. After the six weeks I will soon call My faithful to My refuges for protection. You also saw more volcanic activity once you are at My refuges. You will see more demons coming out of the volcanoes as the Antichrist will be allowed to control the earth for less than 3½ years. Trust in Me to protect you and feed you at My refuges. My angels will shield you from any harm, and you will have food to survive the tribulation.”

Prophet John Leary – JESUS CHRIST – “After the Conversion time… I will send My good angels to remove all of the consecrated Hosts from all of the tabernacles and I will bring them to My refuges so they cannot be abused at black masses.” – April 24-May 7, 2024 Update


Tuesday, May 7, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you read in the first reading how St. Paul and Silas were beaten with rods and placed in jail. (Acts 16:19-34) A severe earthquake opened the doors to their cells and the chains fell from their hands. They calmed the jailer who took the apostles to his home where he cared for their wounds. The jailer wanted to be saved so St. Paul baptized the jailer’s family into the faith to free them from their sins and saved them for following Me. I bring this same freedom to every soul who wants to be saved in My graces, especially in Confession. In the Gospel I told My apostles that I had to leave them so I could send down the Holy Spirit on them with all of His gifts. Rejoice because My faithful have received the Holy Spirit in Confirmation, and you have the gifts to share My Good News with all of those people whom you will meet.”

Monday, May 6, 2024:

At St. Charles Borromeo after Holy Communion, I had an unusual vision of coming into a funeral home with very little furniture, and there was someone deceased and laid out but not in a casket. This vision was very vivid and real, as if it was someone important or someone we knew. Jesus said: “My son, this vision is not anyone you could recognize that died, but it is a general vision of the end of someone’s life. It could represent someone you know, or an important person. Each person who dies must come to Me in their first judgment. So pray for those people who die, so their soul may be saved from hell. Pray your Divine Mercy Chaplet for everyone’s funeral you visit, even if they are cremated.”

Jesus said: “My people, your military has been focused on the wars in Israel and the Ukraine, but you also have task forces in the Pacific Ocean as well. China has been building more ships, planes, missiles, and drones. China keeps threatening Taiwan with constant harassment with large numbers of planes and ships. You have seen your military building up treaties with other countries in the same area of Taiwan. Such a battle over Taiwan with China would be significant, because your country buys a lot of computer chips that are made in Taiwan. Pray for peace, but World War III could come at any time.”

Sunday, May 5, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the saints and angels in heaven are sharing their love for all the people on earth. Just as you see the Holy Spirit being poured over the people, so you are seeing water poured all over you as a Baptism of the Holy Spirit. You are receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit, even as you will share on Pentecost in two weeks. You are feeling the joy of My love upon you, as I want your joy to be complete. I love My people so much that I died to forgive you your sins, and bring you salvation for your souls. You need to share your love with Me and all of your neighbors, even your enemies. I love everyone, but there are some people who refuse to love Me. Still show your love for everyone, even if others do not love you, because they do not love Me either. Live in My love every day because that is what it is like in heaven where love abounds for all people and the angels.”

Saturday, May 4, 2024: (First Saturday of Our Lady)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I want you to pray my rosary for peace and the stoppage of abortion. Your prayers at the Planned Parenthood building are powerful and needed to help save the babies from abortion. This is one of the worst sins to take a life in abortion. You remember what I told you that you need to do something against abortion, even if it is just your rosary prayers. You also are seeing wars in Israel and the Ukraine where people are being killed and their homes destroyed. Pray also for those people who are dying from tornadoes, fires, and floods. I love all of you and I thank you for all of your prayer efforts and your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, Bidens’ EO 14067 is a theft of the control of your own money. You will be forced to turn in your old money in exchange for the digital dollar. The government will control how you spend your money. If you to not follow their plan, they could keep taking your money until your account is zero. This will be the end of your democracy because your hard earned money would be stolen. Some people think they can buy gold, but it will be hard to spend. As the Antichrist will come to power, he will try to kill all Christians. This is why coming to My refuges will be your only safe haven. At My refuges My angels will shield My believers, and I will provide for your needs. Trust in Me when I call you to My refuges because your money will be worthless if you do not have the mark of the beast. Refuse to take this mark and refuse to worship the Antichrist.”

Friday, May 3, 2024: (St. Philip and St. James)

Jesus said: “My people, you remember when I went to Mary and Martha and they acknowledged that I am the Resurrection and the Life. St. Philip asked Me how they were to know where I was going. I told him I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father, except through Me. St. Philip asked Me to show him the Father, but I told him that the Father is in Me and I am in the Father. We are the Blessed Trinity. Where you see One of Us, We are always together. It is a mystery to understand the Blessed Trinity for man, but believe We are Three persons in One God, even as St. Patrick showed you the three leaf shamrock. Follow My Commandments of love of God and neighbor, and that will be enough for you on your way to heaven. We love all of you as our creations, and We will never forget you. Love Us as We love you.”

Jesus said: “My people, an EMP attack on your country is the easiest way to take over America without much radiation to deal with. My angels will protect your refuges from any EMP attack. You are seeing why I want you to stay close to your refuge because this attack could come at any time. I will give My inner locution notice to all of My people, but only the believers will be allowed to enter My refuges. You will have My angel protection, and they will provide for your spiritual and physical needs. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones who will be trying to kill all Christians. You will suffer a purgatory on earth during the tribulation, but I will bring you into My Era of Peace once I cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones.”

Thursday, May 2, 2024: (St. Athanasius)

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading in the Acts of the Apostles, the men of My Church decided not to force circumcision on the Gentiles and just the main tenets of the 613 Mosaic laws. The Jewish way of life is demanding, but My ways are better to follow than man’s ways. I give you My Commandments to love Me and your neighbor by the Ten Commandments that I gave Moses. I give you My rest, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. If you follow My way of love, you will be on the right path to heaven. Love Me as I love all of you.”

Prayer Group:

The Blessed Mother said: “My son, I want you to have my statue before you to honor my month of May. So take one of my statues and place it on your altar next to my Son. You saw how one of your churches also had one of my statues on the altar to respect my month of May. I love all of my children and it is good to have one of my images to remember me. I am your Mother, as Jesus gave me to you in the person of St. John the apostle at the foot of the cross.”

Jesus said: “My people, I was born and brought up in Israel, as the Jews are My chosen people. You have seen anti-Israel protestors at many of your colleges who support Hamas. Your country has supported Israel for a long time, but Biden is wavering because part of his party supports Hamas. Continue to protect My people in Israel, despite Iran and its proxies who want to get rid of Israel.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have read in the news how half of these protestors are not even students at these colleges. You also read how these protests are being led by professional agitators sometimes with communist backgrounds. When these protestors damage property and threaten Jewish students, they need to be punished for their violent actions. You are seeing the police rightly arrest and remove these protestors from these colleges. You have free speech, but not freedom to damage property and threaten people. Pray that this violence can be subdued.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have basic laws against anti-Semitism, but these laws have not been enforced. The local city police are now trying to put down any destruction and mob damage. It may take some time to restore order at these colleges. There are a few radical professors who are brain washing their students with this hate for Jews and Israel. Some of these faculty should also be arrested if they are involved in inspiring damage and violence. Pray that these acts of terrorism are contained, and pray for peace among nations.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some clergy propose blessing homosexual unions. Homosexual acts are mortal sins and they need confessing in Confession. So it is not proper to bless sinful actions. Even adultery and fornication are also sinful actions, and require Confession as well. Be watchful of what comes out of this Synod and do not accept anything against My laws. I told you to be watching if any Mass does not have the proper words of Consecration. You should avoid Masses without the proper words. You may eventually have to come to My refuges for a proper Mass.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is a problem that Biden has opened your borders to gain Democrat votes. Biden also wants these people to be citizens and able to vote, which violates your voting laws and your Constitution. You could be allowing foreign armies to enter America as Chinese young men who are crossing your border. You also are seeing drug cartels controlling the border and importing dangerous drugs as fentanyl that is killing your young people. Pray that your people can stop this destruction of your country.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how demons are attached to addictions as drugs, excessive drinking, and sexual lifestyles that are sinful. It is difficult to break these addictions in people without some deliverance prayers or exorcisms. Even when treatment helps to break these addictions, some people return to their former addiction when they invite the demons back in. It takes a complete conversion and daily prayers to cleanse the demons in the people with addictions.”

Wednesday, May 1, 2024: (St. Joseph the worker)

St. Joseph said: “My son, you do not see my words in the Scriptures, but I worked as a carpenter to provide for the Holy Family. I was also a protector of Jesus in our trip to Egypt and back. Now I will be helping you and the many people who will come to your refuge. I will truly help build a high rise and a church for the believers. You are seeing how Jesus has informed you about the coming tribulation, and only the believers will be allowed to enter this refuge. The angels will protect you all from the evil ones, and Jesus will multiply the food, water, and fuels for all of you to survive this purgatory on earth. Jesus will then cleanse and renew the earth. Then He will take you into His Era of Peace.”

(Conrad T. intention) Jesus said: “My people, it is hard to pray for a healing when modern medicine cannot find an answer. You need prayer and fasting for a cure on the spiritual side. There was some talk that a virus was causing this sickness. You have seen some cures of viruses with your MMS drops.”
N.B. I purchased this at

Tuesday, April 30, 2024: (St. Pius V)

Jesus said: “My people, you saw how badly people treated St. Paul when he was spreading My Good News among the Gentiles. For the first three hundred years after My death Christians were killed for their belief in Me. Just as it was hard for Christians to be safe back then, so it will again be dangerous as you approach the time of the Antichrist’s tribulation. This will become a test of your faith in Me when this persecution will start in America. Already in communist countries, Christians are being killed. Even now you are seeing Jews being persecuted. When your lives are threatened, I will send out My inner locution that it is time to come to My refuges for protection. Before the Antichrist comes to power, I will send My Warning so people will be given a choice to be with Me or not. After the Warning I will give you six weeks for the Conversion of souls to the faith. After the Conversion time, My faithful will need to come to My refuges, or they will risk martyrdom.”

(Ellen Lill Funeral Mass) Jesus said: “My people, I love all of My people and I am happy to welcome Ellen into heaven because she suffered her purgatory here on earth. She gave her pleasant service to My Church and her family. You could see several Holy Name of Jesus people at Mass and at the wake, as you are all workers in My vineyard. Give thanks and praise to Me for Ellen’s beautiful gift of life among you.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you why it is so important to come to My refuges of protection once I send you My inner locution to come. After the Conversion time, I will call you to My refuges before the Antichrist declares himself. I will send My good angels to remove all of the consecrated Hosts from all of the tabernacles and I will bring them to My refuges so they cannot be abused at black masses. All of the non-believers will take the mark of the beast, and they will follow the orders of the Antichrist. The demons and the evil people will seek out any Christians to kill them. They will destroy anything that is holy, but My angels will prevent the evil ones from harming My refuges nor the faithful there. In less than 3½ years of the tribulation I will bring My Comet of Chastisement, and all of the demons and evil people will be cleansed from the earth into hell. Then I will renew the earth, and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Monday, April 29, 2024: (St. Catherine of Sienna)

Jesus said; “My son, you had a Mass intention for yourselves by a friend, and you will need such graces for the coming persecution of Christians. You have read in the Acts of the Apostles how My disciples were also persecuted for sharing My Good News. St. Paul and Barnabas had to move on to other towns, or they were about to be stoned to death. You, My son, have your own refuge for your protection. I am already warning you to stop traveling to your talks because some people could harm you, and even the demons could attack you on the road, or in your airplanes. When your lives are threatened, I will call My faithful to My refuges for My angel protection. I love all of My evangelists, but you will see more threats as time moves closer to the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have seen movies and visions of an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack when all of your electricity stops and all of your vehicles would not work, except those vehicles before 1984. At My refuges My angels would shield your solar panels and inverters from any EMP attack. Before any enemy country could bring an EMP attack on you, I will warn everyone with My inner locution to come to My refuges. My faithful will understand this time, but unbelievers will not come, and they could not enter My refuges. It would be better if your country protected itself from an EMP attack with your Faraday cages. Once you are safely at My refuges, I will allow any EMP attack, but My refuges would be protected from any EMP effects. My angels will defend all of My refuges from any EMP attacks, and you will be protected from thieves who may try to steal your food, water, and fuels. I told you to have bikes for traveling to My refuges if your vehicles did not work. Have no fear because I will multiply your food, water, and fuels so you could survive the whole tribulation of less than 3½ years. Trust in Me to protect all of My refuges from the evil ones. I will send My Comet of Chastisement on the earth to end the tribulation, and all of the evil ones will be cast into hell. I will then renew the earth, and will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Sunday, April 28, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, I am the Vine and you are My branches. Without Me you are nothing. Those branches that wither and die, are cut off from Me and are burned in a fire. I prune your branches to bear more fruit. I encourage My faithful to bear fruit so you can evangelize people to the faith. I fertilize you with My graces of the Holy Spirit so you can go forth to help people in both their physical and spiritual needs. The more good deeds you perform out of love for Me and neighbor, the more reward you will have in the higher levels of heaven. Rejoice and stay close to Me throughout your whole life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will be told in your Warning experience that you will be protected from harm at My refuges. This means you must leave your house within twenty minutes when you are called by My inner locution. Call on Me and I will have your guardian angel lead you with a flame to the nearest refuge. Those faithful, who do not come to My refuges, or come too late, are risking capture by the evil ones and martyrdom in the death camps. Those faithful, who are killed during the tribulation, will be raised up from the dead and they will join Me in the Era of Peace. Such martyrs could be beheaded for their faith. Trust in My word that those people, who come to My refuges, will be unharmed, and I will bring them into My Era of Peace. I will make you invisible on the way to a refuge and at My refuges.”

Saturday, April 27, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, not everyone is going to receive My Good News with joy. Even My apostles were expelled from various cities because of My Word not being well received. So My disciples shook the dust from their feet in testimony against them. You, My son, had a few experiences when people did not accept your vision and My Word also. Pray for those people who do not believe in Me. Not many people will accept your word on the coming tribulation. So just give them My Word and pray the faithful will understand at My Warning. In the Gospel St. Philip asked Me to show him the Father, but I told him that the Father and I are One in the Blessed Trinity. I told them to believe in My miracles as a sign that I am doing the Father’s works. I even told the apostles that whatever they ask Me in My Name, I will do it in My way and in My time.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have two basic problems that need to be corrected if you are to have a prosperous country. The worst problem is allowing Biden to have an open border. This problem, if it is not corrected, could destroy your country as you know it. But in the North American Union of America, Canada and Mexico there will be no borders. Some of the illegal immigrants have diseases and there are some who are criminals let out of other country’s jails. Some are causing repeat crimes and they are neither jailed nor deported to their country. This is why a wall needs to be put up, and only limited legal asylums should be granted. The second major problem is your cheating elections which your media and officials do not want to admit. You need to stop the drop boxes that are abused by mules putting fake ballots in at night. Absentee ballots need to be signed by the person named and not by others such as harvesting votes. There is also no need for any more voting after election day. The communist nations control their elections with cheating elections and that is how they win every time. With truly fair elections, Biden would never have won. This is why I do not address Biden as your President because of the cheating in the 2020 election.”

Friday, April 26, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, I told My apostles how I was going to prepare a place for all of My worthy souls. I told them that they know the way, but St. Thomas asked Me how to find a way where I was going. Then I told them how I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. People can only be saved by coming through Me. You are fortunate that I chose to come on the earth as a God-man so I could offer My perfect sacrifice for all of your sins. The Father said this day My Son I have begotten You. The Father sent Me and I followed everything He wanted Me to do, even to die on the cross for your salvation. I love all of you, and I will be with you to the last day.”

Thursday, April 25, 2024: (St. Mark the Evangelist)

Jesus said: “My people, I had the Holy Spirit inspire My evangelists to write down My words and My healing of people. You, My son, also have the Holy Spirit help you write down My words. In order to spread My Good News of My Resurrection you need to read My words written down in the Gospels. These men had a very important job to share what I did when I was on the earth as a God-man. Even St. John wrote in his last Gospel how there would not be enough books to write down everything I said to the people. But what you can read, you can follow in My footsteps, and be saved by My death and Resurrection. My son, you have been given your guardian angel, St. Mark to guide you in all of your work in your missions of preparing the people for the coming tribulation and your work in preparing your refuge. I know you love Me and you love St. Mark, your guardian angel. He loves you too as I do.”

Prayer Group:

My guardian angel, Mark said: “I stand before God and I am guarding you, my son, through your life on earth. Today is the feast day of St. Mark, the evangelist, so this is my name also and I am watching out for you. I love you so much, and you love me as well. As you see the tribulation coming, you will need more angelic protection from the evil ones. You also have your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, guarding your refuge. Be thankful that the Lord gives each of you your guardian angel for your protection. Thank you for praying to me every morning.”

Jesus said: “My son, I have told you before that the more signs of My Warning that you receive, this means that the Warning is close. This Warning will be an illumination of your conscience, and you will have a life review and a mini-judgment on how you stand before Me. Some may see hell, some purgatory, and a few will see heaven as their judgment. You will experience a short time in your place of judgment. Everyone will be given a choice to follow Me or face the flames of hell. Help souls to be saved during the six weeks of Conversion time.”

Jesus said: “My son, have no fear of the evil ones because I am more powerful than all of the evil ones and their weapons. You have a powerful weapon in your rosary that you are praying tonight. You need to have faith in My protection at My refuges. You will have angel shields, but you must come to My refuges for protection and for where I will multiply your food, water, and fuels. I love all of you so much, and I am warning My faithful that you are risking martyrdom if you refuse to come to My refuges when I give you My inner locution. You trust in Me for everything and I am the center of your lives that you can praise and thank Me every day for providing for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have called you to seek your rest with Me, for My yoke is easy and My burden is light. You will have comfort at My refuges, and you need to trust in My Word in the Scriptures. Try to read a few pages of the Bible every day. Take My Word into your soul and rejoice in My victory over the evil ones. I am living among you when you receive Me in your daily Holy Communion. Call on Me in My graces to strengthen you against all the temptations of the evil one. I am always right by your side, and I am ready to help you through all of your trials.”

Jesus said: “My people, I understand that you want to preserve your environment from the pollution of burning fossil fuels. Currently, you are trying to use more solar and wind for renewable sources of power, but it is not providing for all of your electrical needs. Biden is trying to force more restrictions and regulations on burning fuels, but there are limits to how much you can control the carbon dioxide levels. You may do better in the years to come, but for now you need fossil fuels to heat your houses and run your vehicles.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just saw your Congress give in to sending billions of dollars in arms and money to the Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. This aid was being held up by a desire for some Congress people to find a way to close the border and build a wall to stop the current invasion. Many illegal immigrants are committing crimes and they are stressing your infrastructure. Biden is showing his purpose in keeping the border open because he wants to give all illegal immigrants the right to vote and be citizens even before legal immigrants. Pray to stop this invasion and the threats to your security.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing Biden wants to increase taxes on capital gains from 21% to 44%. This would hinder your corporations in making a profit and it would put your industries at a disadvantage by taxing your gains twice as much as other countries. It is this capital that provides your jobs. If you allow the Democrats to keep controlling your people with fewer rights, they will lead you to a communist government. Be prepared to come to My refuges for your protection from the evil ones who want to persecute you and kill you.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, in the Acts of the Apostles, you read about all of the cities that the disciples traveled to in spreading My Good News of My Resurrection. In the vision you could see on the globe of the earth all of the cities that were mentioned. They revisited some cities to reinforce the initial message. In the Gospel, St. John shows you My spiritual message of love from the Spirit of God within Me. I am God and man at the same time, so I know all of your trials in your human life. Be willing, as My apostles did, to reach out and evangelize souls so they can learn to love Me as I love all of you.”

Jesus said: “My son, there were some outages in your phone company. Once you set up an appointment, the linesman fixed your phone line that has been out for a week. The man did not say other lines were out, but now you have your land line working again. This was a copper wire and not a band of fiber optic lines. The fiber optic lines rely on light to pass a signal. That is why a power outage would shut down all the fiber optic lines. Your copper lines would still keep working during a power outage. Be happy that you have your phone service back and working.”

Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Blessed Virgin Mary – “My Son (JESUS) has agreed and He will come again on Pentecost (to bless bread and water) – April 22, 2024


(Source: )

APRIL 22, 2024, MONDAY @ 3:45 P.M.

Anna Marie: Holy Mother, I hear you calling me. My dearest Mother, may I ask please? Will you bow down and adore Jesus Christ, your beloved Son who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth and when He grew up, He was taken, tortured then crucified for all mankind’s sins. He died, descended to the dead, arose from the dead and ascended into Heaven?

Mother Mary: Yes my little one, I your Heavenly Mother, Mary, will now and will always bow down and adore my Beloved Divine Son, Jesus Christ, who is the Son of the Living God. Who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. As a man, He was taken, tortured and crucified for all mankind’s sins. He died, descended to the dead, arose and ascended into Heaven where my Son now sits at His Heavenly Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead.

Anna Marie: Please speak my holy Mother, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Mother Mary: My dear one, I can see that you are very busy today and I will bless you to complete all your work. (A private message was given.)

Anna Marie: Mother Dearest, are we still to expect an evil attack on our nation? Will we be attacked by another nation?

Mother Mary: Yes, you must still expect this attack and you need to prepare for it too. Many, many citizens of your nation are not prepared and will starve unless they seek aid from your federal government who will demand they receive the chip or mark of the xxxxx. (Private message given.) My Son will multiply all food and water supplies for anyone who has blessed bread and water which He blessed during the many visits He has made at Apostles homes who had laid out their bread and water in the past.

Anna Marie: My dear Mother, can Jesus come again on Pentecost for those who were unaware of this, so they too can have Jesus bless their piece of bread and water, even their other sacramentals?

Mother Mary: Yes, I will ask my Beloved and Divine Son if He can do so again on Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit poured out His holy graces and baptized His children.

Anna Marie: Thank you sweet holy Mother. My Dearest Mother, should I post some of this message for others to read?

Mother Mary: Yes my dear one, please do so. Also tell all Apostles my Son has agreed and He will come again on Pentecost. They should prepare now by placing a piece of bread and bottle of water on their Home Altar.

Anna Marie: Yes, holy Mother, I will let them know. Thank you holy Mother for coming and speaking with me today. I love you and all Apostles love you.

Mother Mary: Please tell all my beloved children, I love them too. Your loving Mother, Mary of Divine Mercy.


Our Lord Jesus Christ – Two Messages to Latin-American mystic Lorena – March 29, 2024 (Crown of Glory) and March 31, 2024 (Abolition of the Holy Eucharist) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

NOTE (By A Soul):
These two messages are being released late because Lorena’s spiritual director was traveling where he had no access to internet. God bless.






Message from Jesus Christ to Lorena – March 29th, 2024

Today, as we are on Good Friday and soon I will rise together in my Church, I want to give you the GUIDELINES for this Time of Preparation for Pentecost. I want my people to prepare for this Pentecost which will be VERY SPECIAL.

First of all, there must be a SPIRIT OF HUMILITY on your part that will lead you to live in Chastity and therefore, by means of this Chastity, to renounce the World, the Flesh and Sin.

For by being Chaste, you will have found one of the most beautiful Diamonds in My Crown, which you will wear together with other Diamonds in your Crown of Glory.

After you have won your place in the New Heavens and Earth, you will be given your Crown of Glory adorned with Diamonds of Virtues that you will gain little by little as you GROW IN SPIRITUALITY.

That is why, I want to give this Crown to all of you, My friends of the End Times.

This Crown does not yet have the Diamonds that will make it beautiful and shining and that you will acquire little by little as you walk through the desert to the New Jerusalem.

It is an arduous and difficult journey, but when you reach the New Jerusalem, your Crown will be adorned with the Diamonds that I will give you, and that you will earn with your life of SACRIFICE AND RENUNCIATION of yourselves, of the Flesh, of the World and of Sin.

Therefore, My Army, prepare yourselves for this Pentecost so that on that day ALL OF YOU will receive from My Hands your Golden Crown and the Gifts, Graces and Charisms of the Holy Spirit which will be your Garments and also your Armor.

Therefore, on the day of Pentecost, receive your White Robes along with your Armor, because you will be clothed with Gifts, Graces and Charisms.


I will instruct you together with our Archangels, St. Michael, St. Raphael and St. Gabriel, so that on this Pentecost you will be clothed with your White Robes, your Armor and your Crown.

And above all, your Golden Crown, which you will adorn with Seven Virtues that I will give you, and which will Adorn this Crown, so that with them your White Garments and your Armor will be ready for the Final Battle between good and evil.

•   The Armor will protect you from the attacks of the enemy. 

•   Your White Garments will clothe you with the Power of the Holy Spirit, His Graces, Gifts and Charisms.

•   And your Crown will be adorned with the Seven Virtues that you will complete when you reach the New Jerusalem.





Therefore, I will prepare you these 50 days before Pentecost to receive your GIFTS FROM HEAVEN.

That is why we will begin with:


The Rest of the instructions will be given to you, on the other Days of Preparation.


(**)DIVINE INHABITATION: Dwelling of the Three Divine Persons, by the Action of the Holy Spirit, in the Soul of the Just.

Message from Jesus Christ to Lorena – March 30th, 2024

My Church is buried and with her I am buried, for we are ONE BODY. I Am the Head and she is My Body.

And as they betrayed My Name and My Being, the Church is being betrayed by the high spheres of the Clergy. Ecclesiastical Freemasonry has touched the most intimate fibers of My Church. And the Devastating Abomination has already begun to fall upon My Church. For the words of Consecration have already been changed in some Churches, and My Church has been defiled by the profanation of the Eucharist.

So a thick darkness will cover the World, when the Consecration will be completely changed all over the World and the man of perdition will gain the necessary strength to make this new play staged by the New World Order behind the scenes, so that through the Agenda 2030, Humanity will fall completely into the hands of the Antichrist.

Pray, My People, that the Abomination of Desolation and Profanation in the Eucharist will not be fully given in My Church so quickly, and that you will have A TIME OF PREPARATION OF YOUR SOULS.

FOR WHEN THE PERPETUAL SACRIFICE IS COMPLETELY ABOLISHED, the Antichrist will come to reign with all his power and might.


That is why I need you to prepare yourselves for this Pentecost to be transformed into Living Tabernacles, you, My People, for I will no longer be in the Eucharist and darkness will cover the Earth completely.

Therefore, My People, I invite you to make your SPIRITUAL PREPARATIONS WITH ALL YOUR STRENGTH.

For the Eucharist is already beginning to be ABOLISHED in some parts of the World and I need you to begin to BECOME LIVING TABERNACLES.

Therefore you need Healing, Spiritual Growth and a Life of Devotion and Prayer so that the Holy Spirit can turn your hearts into Living Tabernacles.


As I have already said, the main thing is a CONFESSION OF LIFE WITH A CONTRITE AND HUMBLED HEART.

THE SECOND STEP IS HEALING AND SPIRITUAL GROWTH so that as new wineskins you can receive the wine of the Holy Spirit inside your hearts and these will be transformed into Living Tabernacles.


Darkness is beginning to hover over the entire earth and little by little the sky will darken and the stars will fall, causing the densest darkness in the entire Globe.

This is why I need of you, My Faithful Remnant, to dwell forever in your hearts and thus IN ONE HEART UNITED TO THE HOLY TRINITY, GIVE TRIUMPH TO THE UNITED AND PIERCED HEARTS OF MINE AND MY MOTHER.

Soon you will illuminate the dense darkness, the Light will come from different Nations, but mainly from Mexico, Colombia, Argentina and France.

But I ask of you for much PRAYER, PENANCE AND FASTING to prepare yourselves because soon the Holy Spirit will take your hearts and will make them Living Tabernacles and there He will dwell in each one of you forever.

I, your Teacher and Shepherd Jesus Christ, keep your heads up, I am coming soon.


(Maranatha = Our Lord is coming.)

Prophet John Leary – JESUS CHRIST – “St. John even mentions that there would not be enough books to write down every event that happened during My three years of My public ministry. There were so many miracles of healing that I performed, that it was obvious to My disciples that I had to be the Messiah that the prophets spoke about.” – May 24-30, 2023 Update


Tuesday, May 30, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles gave up everything in order to follow Me. I taught them in My parables, but I explained the meaning to them privately. The human side of following Me is when people are looking for something for themselves like St. Peter asked. I told My apostles that they would receive plenty of rewards for their service, and persecution besides. Most of all, My faithful will be blessed to live in My Era of Peace and then in heaven to come. You may be making sacrifices to go out and share My Good News, but you will have joy to see people who come to Me in faith as believers. Bringing souls to Me will be a reward for you, and happiness for these souls who are converted.”

Monday, May 29, 2023: (Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of Church)

The Blessed Mother said: “My dear children, I love all of you as a mother takes care of her children, and I bring you to my Son, Jesus. Thank you for praying your rosary in church today. You also are praying four rosaries per day, with the fourth rosary specifically for all of your family members that they could become believers in my Son after the Warning. You started this fourth rosary on 12-3-22 when my Son asked you to pray this as a Christmas gift. Now you have also adopted this for your prayer group as well. (12-8-22) You have my Statue of Fatima visiting in your chapel, so remember me every time you pray your rosary in your chapel. My son, you and your wife have been healed of your leg problems so you can travel better for your talks. Rejoice with me on my feast day.”

Sunday, May 28, 2023: (Pentecost Sunday)

The Holy Spirit said: “I AM the Spirit of God and I bring life into every living thing. You are made up of body, soul, and spirit, and it is this living spirit that I put into each person. When you receive Confirmation, you receive My gifts and My fruits of grace. The apostles were given a gift to speak in different languages so they could bring the Word of God to all peoples. They were also given a gift of healing and even a few raised people from the dead. I give My messengers a gift to write down their messages and give talks to spread My love with the people. All of the confirmed faithful need to call on Me to empower them on their spiritual missions. I love all of you, and I give you courage to evangelize souls.”

The Holy Ghost gave the message: “I AM the Spirit of God and you realize that I AM Present in every consecrated Host. I thank all of the people who dressed in red colored clothes in My honor. You may not have seen a flame over your head as the apostles received, but I am with you all of the time as you are a Temple of the Holy Spirit. Call on Me to help you in your daily struggles.”

Saturday, May 27, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, you are preparing for the great feast of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Sunday. In the first reading St. Paul is giving his last messages from Rome in prison with chains. Then in the Gospel you are reading the last verses of St. John’s Gospel. St. Peter was curious about what would happen to St. John, but it was not for him to know. I was telling St. Peter that he would be martyred, but that St. John would not be martyred as the rest of the disciples would also be martyred. St. John even mentions that there would not be enough books to write down every event that happened during My three years of My public ministry. There were so many miracles of healing that I performed, that it was obvious to My disciples that I had to be the Messiah that the prophets spoke about. Trust in My Word that I will perform many more miracles to help people believe in Me and be saved.”

Jesus said: “My people, a time is coming when your water, gas, and electricity will stop. This stoppage of your electricity will come from any number of causes. If your electricity stopped for a long time, many of your services would stop as well. This interruption could be a cause to come to My refuges where I could multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival. My son, you have been preparing for independent living at your refuge for some years according to My directions. Those people, who are prepared, could survive any electric crisis. You will need My help though to survive the years of the Antichrist’s reign. So trust in Me and My angels that I will protect My faithful from all of the threats of the evil ones.”

Friday, May 26, 2023: (St. Philip Neri)

(John 21:15-19) Jesus said: “My people, this dialog with St. Peter was when I asked him three times if he loved Me, and it was a test of his faith. In the Greek translation, I used the word of ‘agape’ love the first two times, and then ‘phileo’ love the third time. St. Peter answered with ‘phileo’ love all three times. I was trying to get St. Peter to answer with an unconditional love using ‘agape’ love. This is also connected with St. Peter’s three denials of Me. I wanted St. Peter to lead My sheep in all of My faithful. This is another sign how I intended St. Peter to lead My Church as the first Pope. (Matt. 16:18) ‘And I say to thee (St. Peter) thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build My Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to imitate My life because I am without sin. You have read in the Scriptures how I sometimes retreat into quiet places so I could pray to My Father in heaven. It is good to have some quiet moments of prayer to gain your strength so you are ready to fight your next battle against the evil of the world. Praying your rosary settles you down to understand the power of the rosary against the evil of your world. When you call on Me to strengthen you in fighting the evil ones, I will send you My angels to battle the demons working against you. The rosary is your special weapon to fight off the temptations of the evil ones, and My grace will strengthen you and help heal you from your sins. Your sins and battles with the evil ones can weaken your intention to fight off any addictions that can be used against you. Trust in Me to lead you on the right path, but it is good to come to an occasional retreat or spend some quiet time with Me to give you rest in your soul.”

Thursday, May 25, 2023:

Jesus said: “My people, the religious leaders and the Romans persecuted Me for speaking out about loving God and loving neighbor. Even St. Paul was persecuted for sharing My Good News. If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also. The evil ones recognize your good deeds and your belief in Me, and this greatly offends them in their worldly ways. The more you proclaim My ways publicly, the more the evil ones will react to you. So be ready for their ill treatment of you because they will try to silence you on whatever platform you speak from. You see even the conservative voices being cancelled, but you can use other platforms if needed. Expect rejection from the evil ones because they shy away from My Light coming from you. Keep proclaiming My love and My Word that could convert people to the faith in Me. I will protect you at My refuges.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My people, you are familiar with the experience I had with a woman at the well. I told her about her husbands, and I told her how I could give her My ‘Living Water’ from the Holy Spirit. If you have this Living Water, you would not have to keep coming to this well. I know you need plain water for your body’s survival, but the Living Water is for your soul’s survival. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, I thank you for lighting this Paschal Candle for all of your prayer group meetings during the Easter Season. This Paschal Candle represents Me as the Light of the world, and I am happy that you are honoring Me during this Easter Season. You will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday this weekend that will end the Easter Season, and it starts a long series of Sundays after Pentecost. Rejoice at the coming of the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, you remember this scene when I was sleeping in a boat amidst a storm with My apostles fearing for their lives. My apostles had little faith that I would protect them from the storm. They awakened Me and I could see they were distressed. So I raised My arms and I said: ‘Peace, be still.’ At that there was a great calm on the water, and My apostles were amazed that I had control of the weather. When they later realized that I was God’s Son, then they understood My powers as the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. My faithful can call on My help whenever you meet any storms or troubles in your life. Trust in Me to answer your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, My apostles witnessed My most powerful miracle when I resurrected from the tomb after three days. I appeared to them with My wounds, and I had St. Thomas put his finger into My hand, and his hand into My side so he could truly believe in My Resurrection, and to cast any doubt aside. I want everyone to believe in My Good News of My Resurrection. When you obey My Commandments and repent of your sins in Confession, then you will be on the right road to heaven, and I will raise you up on the last day.”

Jesus said: “My people, this is another sign how My Light dispels the darkness of sin all over the world. My Light shines brightly as this lighthouse to guide you on the right path to heaven. The evil ones shy away from My Light because they do not want their evil deeds known. The evil ones appear to have power now in the world, but their power will be brief when I will bring My justice down upon them when I return. No matter how many evil things will test your faith, trust in My coming victory over all the evil ones who will be cast into hell. I give everyone an opportunity to love Me or not. Souls go to hell by their own free will choice.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the events when the Antichrist will be given a brief reign over the earth. I have led some faithful people to set up refuges, so they can house the faithful who will be led by My angels to come to a haven of protection. My son, you are familiar with the preparation of your own refuge. You followed all of My instructions faithfully, and you believe in how I will protect My people, and you will see the separation of My faithful from the evil ones. By your strong faith, you have seen how I am having My angels protect you, and you will see Me multiplying all that you need to survive with My Perpetual Adoration at every refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all have received the seven gifts and the twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit in your Confirmation. It is fitting that you have been given another weapon from the Holy Spirit to fight curses and demons. This Spiritual Sword is given, but you need to have faith in My Name, Jesus Christ, that you can use this against the demons. The demons know if you truly believe. So trust in Me and the Holy Spirit that you have been empowered as St. Michael the Archangel, so you are a warrior for Me to fight the evil ones.”

Wednesday, May 24, 2023:

Jesus said: “My son, this is an important message of warning. You are ready to go out traveling to share My messages with your healing, but I warned you before that the one world people are going to try to create a crisis with your Debt Limit. This is an opportunity for the Democrats and the evil ones to take over your country, and they will try to force the digital dollar on you. Before another Presidential election comes, this will violate your rules of government to change your money system. The Republicans, or the courts have not challenged Biden’s open borders, and they probably will not challenge the digital dollar either. This is the beginning of a takeover of your country. The planned Covid virus and the Covid shots showed the one world people how they could force a takeover on your people. After the digital dollar is forced on you, this will be followed by the mark of the beast being forced on you, just as they forced the Covid shots on you. Refuse to take the mark of the beast, and this will be a sign to come to My refuges. Those people, who refuse to take the mark of the beast and worship the Antichrist, will be killed at the detention death camps, if you are captured. I will warn you when to come to My refuges. These same evil ones will try and close your churches again so you could only have Mass by a faithful priest at My refuges. So be ready to come to My refuges soon because the time of the evil ones is running out.”

St. Joseph said: “My son, you are seeing events in your country that are threatening your freedoms. You do not have much longer when Jesus will be calling his people to His refuges. Once you come to your refuge, I will be using My tools to build a high rise and a large church to house 5,000 people. I told you it would be built in one day with the angels helping Me. You will be helping the people to manage their rooms along with their food and water that Jesus will multiply. Trust in heaven’s help to provide for your needs.”

May 27, 2023 – JESUS CHRIST to Luz de Maria – “I invite you to true repentance and to confess your sins so that you would receive the grace of having a greater love on this very special day: the Feast of My Holy Spirit (Pentecost)”


MAY 27, 2023

Beloved children, I bless you. Live in fraternity according to My Will.

You must continue on your way in peace with your brothers and sisters, taking My Love wherever you go.


In order for you to overcome all that you are living through and all that is to come, you need the fruit of love – that love which goes beyond what is human, that love which My Holy Spirit pours out upon My children in the face of calamities and so that they would not despair. The Love of My Holy Spirit will keep you from despair, being steadfast and holding to faith in Me.

Constantly ask for the Gifts of My Holy Spirit within you; it is necessary for you to possess them and to be worthy of such great treasures:

The Gift of Wisdom
Gift of Understanding
Gift of Counsel
Gift of Fortitude
Gift of Science
Gift of Piety
Gift of the Fear of God

You must work and act in My Will, being observers of My Law, leading a worthy life and living with dignity.

From the Gifts of My Holy Spirit come the fruits necessary for a righteous life, being fully aware that without Me, you are nothing.

These are:

LOVE, which leads you to charity, to live fully in fraternity and to the fulfillment of the First Commandment.

JOY, as the soul’s rejoicing above all confirms to you that with Me there are no fears.

PEACE is the result for those who surrender to My Will and live securely in My protection, in spite of earthly life.

PATIENCE belongs to those who are not disturbed either by the adversities of life or by temptations, but who live in total harmony with their neighbor.

LONG-SUFFERING. Knowing how to wait for My Providence, even when everything seems impossible, provides you with generosity.

AMIABILITY: the kind and gentle person has it, maintaining gentleness in their dealings with others.

KINDNESS always benefits one’s neighbor. Devotion to one’s brother is constantly present in the person who has it, in My likeness.

MEEKNESS keeps you even-tempered; it is a true brake on anger and wrath; it does not tolerate injustice, it does not allow vengeance or rancor.

FAITHFULNESS bears witness to My presence in the person who is faithful to Me to the end, living by My love, in truth.

MODESTY: as Temples of My Holy Spirit, live with dignity and decorum, giving that temple the necessary dignity so as not to grieve My Holy Spirit.

MODERATION: having My Holy Spirit, a person has a high degree of awareness; the person thereby maintains order in their works and actions, not desiring what they do not possess, being a witness to inner order and controlling their appetites.

CHASTITY: as Temples of My Holy Spirit you are in true fusion with Me; for this you must entrust yourselves to Me, thereby weakening not only the disorders of the flesh, but also the inner disorder that leads you to disorder in your works and actions.


Pray, beloved children, pray, volcanoes (2) will roar and cause My children to suffer, changing the climate throughout the earth.

Beloved children, pray that the presence of My Holy Spirit in fullness in My children, would cause evil not to penetrate within humanity.

Pray, My children, great pain will come upon My Church…

Pray My children, pray for humanity to trust in Me.


Remain on spiritual alert.

I bless you with My Love.

Your Jesus.


(1) Recognizing ourselves as Temples of the Holy Spirit:

(2) On volcanoes:


Brothers and sisters,

In the light of such great gifts and fruits that Our Lord Jesus Christ emphasizes for us, we must strive to attain them worthily, not being content to look at them from afar, or seeing them as something unattainable: our attitude is extremely important.

Let us maintain our awareness of the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit in the unity of the Most Holy Trinity.


Come, Holy Spirit, come!
And from your celestial home
Shed a ray of light divine!

Come, Father of the poor!
Come, source of all our store!
Come, within our bosoms shine.

You, of comforters the best;
You, the soul’s most welcome guest;
Sweet refreshment here below;

In our labor, rest most sweet;
Grateful coolness in the heat;
Solace in the midst of woe.

O most blessed Light divine,
Shine within these hearts of yours,
And our inmost being fill!

Where you are not, we have naught,
Nothing good in deed or thought,
Nothing free from taint of ill.

Heal our wounds, our strength renew;
On our dryness pour your dew;
Wash the stains of guilt away:

Bend the stubborn heart and will;
Melt the frozen, warm the chill;
Guide the steps that go astray.

On the faithful, who adore
And confess you, evermore
In your sevenfold gift descend;

Give them virtue’s sure reward;
Give them your salvation, Lord;
Give them joys that never end. Amen.

Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Blessed Virgin Mary – “On my Son’s great Feast Day of His Ascension into Heaven (May 18th) and the Holy Divine Feast Day of Pentecost (May 28th), my dearest Beloved Son (JESUS) will come to bless the bread and water, Bibles, Rosaries and all your Sacramentals” – May 8, 2023

NOTE (By a soul):
Ascension Thursday is May 18, 2023 and Pentecost Sunday is May 28, 2023.



MAY 8, 2023, MONDAY @ 1:39 P.M.

Anna Marie: My Lady, I hear you calling me again today. My dearest Mother, May I ask you please, will you bow down and adore Jesus Christ, Savior of the world. Who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth, grew up to be a man. Was taken and tortured then was crucified on a Cross. Who died, descended to the dead. Arose after three days, He ascended into Heaven where He sits at the right hand of His Holy Merciful Father to judge the living and the dead?

Mother Mary: Yes my dear one, I your Heavenly Mother Mary, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Beloved Divine Son, Jesus of Nazareth. Who was born in Bethlehem, raised in Nazareth. He grew up and was tortured, crucified for all mankind’s sins. He descended to the dead, arose and ascended into Heaven where my Divine Son Jesus now sits at His Merciful Father’s right hand side to judge the living and the dead.

Anna Marie: Please speak Dearest Mother, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Mother Mary: My dear one, I know you are very busy today and all of this week, but be in peace. I will help you complete your tasks.

Anna Marie: Thank you Mother Dearest.

Mother Mary: I want you to share with all my Apostles the blessings my Divine Son wills to give His children. My Son will come again to bless all bread and water left on your Home Altars for His great gifts of food and water to be replenished during the great famine, which has already started.

Mother Mary: Please let all Apostles know that on my Son’s great Feast Day of His Ascension into Heaven and the Holy Divine Feast Day of Pentecost, my dearest Beloved Son will come to bless the bread and water, Bibles, Rosaries and all your Sacramentals too. Be in great peace, this will be a time of preparation before great tragedies begin on Earth. Please my dear one, prepare all my children for my Son’s coming to bless these items and my children’s homes who are preparing, and their beloved family members too!

Anna Marie: Yes sweet mother. I will let everyone know this amazing and miraculous news. Thank you Dearest Mother. We all love you sweet Holy Mother Mary.

Mother Mary: Yes, and I love all my beloved children too. Go now, continue your work but please see that you make known this message today.

Anna Marie: Yes Dearest Mother, I will do as you have asked of me, your unworthy servant. I love you Mother Dearest.

Mother Mary: And I love you too little one.


NOTE: Jesus will come and bless your home and all those in your home: your spouse and children, when He comes to bless your bread and water, Bibles, Sacramentals, etc.


Bread and Water:

Placing your Bread and Water on your home altar:

What to do if your Bread molds:

Miraculous Bread Testimony:

Pope Leo XIII Exorcism Prayer:

Holy Week, April 2023 – Special Commentary – The Miracle of Garabandal and Other Personal Insights – My Visitation with Saint Gabriel Archangel in January 2017 – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Free Download PDF document (English, 24 Pages):
Special Commentary – The Miracle of Garabandal and Other Personal Insights – My Visitation with Saint Gabriel Archangel in January 2017 – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Holy Week, April 2023

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, am writing this special commentary, because I want to give you, my beloved followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, more important insights to the unfolding Divine Plan in this End Times. In particular, I want to speak about how the Marian apparitions at Fatima (1917), Garabandal (1960s), and Medjugorje (1981-current), come together during the Great Tribulation, etc. And I want to address especially what Saint Gabriel Archangel revealed to me about the Divine Plan in January 2017, with the sole purpose of helping people prepare for the unfolding of the mystical events ordained by God to happen to us very soon on earth. I am choosing to speak just a little bit more in depth about what was shared with me, because people need a reminder of what I have shared already through different writings in the past, as many followers are new to this blog and may have been surprised by my recent admission about Saint Gabriel visiting me in 2017. Also, people need an update on certain matters, so they can clearly understand why God has planned these mystical events — “secrets” — provided through Our Holy Mother, Mary, to occur on earth at specific, definite dates in the future.

Beloved ones, firstly, I want to emphasize with you all that when Saint Gabriel Archangel visited me in January 2017, it came as a complete surprise to me and was not anticipated by me at all. I also want you to know that Saint Gabriel visited me over the course of several nights, because he could not reveal everything that he needed to tell me in one single night. I also want you to know that I did not see Saint Gabriel or any heavenly visitor, but that he spoke to me interiorly in my soul — by locution and other heightened forms of mental prayer that are hard to explain. Finally, I want you to know that during the several nights that Saint Gabriel was visiting, my entire bedroom became a massive battlefield. Although I was not receiving visions, I could sense mystically many things happening in the supernatural world. Mystically, I was feeling spiritual earthquakes — reverberations — as I heard and felt the holy angels and devils clashing around me in their heavy armor, weapons, and swords. So, that is also another reason why this special visitation by Saint Gabriel lasted several nights, because of the intense spiritual warfare taking place that was adding difficulty in conveying the private revelations that he was meant to directly share with me.

Secondly, one of the first things that Saint Gabriel revealed to me was the exact nature of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, which are both secrets for the world given by Our Holy Mother, Mary, to the young visionaries at Garabandal, Spain, in the 1960s. One of the visionaries, Conchita Gonzalez, has been entrusted to reveal the future date to the world eight days in advance, so people may gather at Garabandal, Spain, to witness this great mystical event. The Great Miracle will happen sometime after the Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience) has already occurred to mankind and it will result also in many direct healings in body and soul for those who experience in person this great gift by God.

So, now, I want to take this moment to shed more light on the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, on what I can share publicly with you all.

Firstly, I want people to know that both the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal are totally beyond what the human mind can even conceive or fathom. I was totally shocked when I learned what they actually are, and honestly, when Saint Gabriel revealed it to me, I immediately broke down crying. He explained what the Great Sign is in five, succinct words, and as he said the words, God opened up my mind and I was given total understanding about what the Great Miracle is.

Beloved ones, please understand this. Everyone is expecting the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal to be similar to the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal, which demonstrated God’s Almighty powers over natural elements in Creation, etc. I have also heard some people say that the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal might involve somehow the Cross and/or Our Holy Mother, Mary.

Beloved ones, you must believe me when I tell you that no human person is capable of figuring out what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal really are. But, when everyone witnesses it, I am telling you that you will understand how Almighty God truly Is and you will receive immediate clarity into the purposes of the Divine Plan and for all of Creation. You will also know that the Catholic Church is the authentic faith passed down to us by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and you will also know that mankind is living in the End Times, and the Second Coming of Jesus is imminent in the world.

Beloved ones, I can also share with you all that the Miracle of Garabandal involves the sanctity of life, as people will realize how God profoundly abhors abortion and other egregious sins against human life. The Sign of Garabandal is also highly Eucharistic.

Finally, I can also tell you that the Miracle of Garabandal involves a story and the Sign of Garabandal is a “snapshot” or “impression” or “image” of one moment of the story.

Beloved ones, I have provided you great hints about the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. But, honestly, I tell you all that you will not be able to figure it out in advance, and these great hints will only make sense after the fact, once the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal are unveiled by God to the world.

Beloved ones, I want you to know that the great stigmatist priest, Saint Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, did indeed witness privately the Miracle of Garabandal before he died, just as was prophesied by the visionaries at Garabandal, Spain. And truthfully, I tell you that St Pio actually reveals what the Sign of Garabandal is in the words recorded and attributed to him. However, people will not realize his great hint hiding in plain sight until after the Sign of Garabandal is displayed to the world.

I also want you all to know that there is a certain part of the Great Miracle, which is when the snapshot of the Sign of Garabandal is happening, that will bring much happiness and delight to a lot of people. It is the part that caused the holy priest, Father Luis Andreu, at Garabandal, to die of complete joy, after thanking Our Holy Mother, Mary, for giving him a private vision of the Great Miracle. And although I was not given a complete vision of all the elements of the Great Miracle, I was given an “auditory” vision once of it. An “auditory” vision basically involved me hearing all the sounds of the crowds witnessing on earth the Miracle of Garabandal. And honestly, beloved ones, I was totally astonished by all the joyful sounds I heard at the point that people were viewing the moment of the Great Sign. I knew that people would be very happy, but truly, the crowds were so exuberant — I heard intense clapping and even whistling — that made me genuinely surprised by the crowd’s response.

Beloved ones, I was told by Saint Gabriel Archangel the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, because God needed a human instrument to record the details in a writing. This is so mankind would have a lasting, permanent, written account of the Great Miracle once it has passed on earth, to accompany the Sign of Garabandal that will be unveiled afterwards. However, please know that while the written account contains substantial details about the Great Miracle, it does not record all elements of the “story”. And, in particular, the written account does NOT record a very important and very significant aspect of the Sign of Garabandal that people will witness afterwards. This is because human words are inadequate for me to express the certain aspect that will make so many people overjoyed and excited, and that caused Fr Andreu to die of ecstatic joy. It is something that only God can reveal publicly to the world. Meanwhile, there are a handful of people who have been entrusted with the written account — the parts that I can reveal — of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, which will be released in the aftermath of its occurrence on earth.

Now, there are some other things that I want to say about the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. Firstly, I want people to know that both mystical events will be visible not only at Garabandal, Spain, but also at other major Marian apparition sites in the world. I do not know of all the selected locations. However, it is my understanding that both visionary, Conchita Gonzalez of Garabandal, as well as Latin-American visionary, Luz de Maria de Bonilla, will be informed by God and His Holy Mother, Mary, of all the selected places in the world during the time of the mystical event, known as the Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience). It is also my understanding that while Conchita is the principal visionary with the God-given responsibility to announce the future date of the Miracle of Garabandal, I believe that Luz de Maria will also be provided with the future date, as her chosen back-up by Heaven on earth.

Beloved ones, recently, I was having a conversation with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, about the Miracle of Garabandal, and honestly, as we were talking, in the background, the Holy Spirit repeated a dozen times this phrase: “satan is terrified of the Sign”. I share this fact with you all, because you must understand something very important about the future prophesied date for the Miracle of Garabandal. While everyone is aware that Conchita Gonzalez was given the future date for the Great Miracle during the Garabandal apparitions in the 1960s, that date that she was originally given is irrelevant.

Beloved ones, please understand that God Almighty Is totally, solely, and wholly in control of all divine aspects and divine interventions as part of His Divine Plan for mankind. And while many “smart” people will attempt to figure out when the future date of the Great Miracle will take place — based on clues from decades ago — all of these human deductions will fail, because people are failing to take into account three realities regarding their “educated” guesses. Those three realities are: (1) the free will of mankind; (2) the power of prayer to change prophecy; and (3) the invisible manipulation that hell exerts on mankind.

Beloved ones, I do not know the future date for the Miracle of Garabandal. However, I can share these facts with you all that have been given to us by different mystics. One, after the Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience) has passed, in the immediate aftermath, there will be six and a half weeks when satan, the devils, and all the evil spirits will be locked up in hell and unable to tempt or interact with mankind living on the surface of the earth. Two, after those six and a half weeks have passed, satan, the antichrist, and all of hell will be released to wreck havoc on mankind again; and they will come back with full fury, complete rage and in vengeance. And three, once satan, the antichrist, and all the evil spirits come back, God has commanded us to get rid of all technology, including all internet devices, computers, cell phones, and televisions, etc., because all of the technology will be used to manipulate the minds of mankind so that they reject the greatest blessing of God given through the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) for all His precious children on earth. Furthermore, all technology will be used to instead make people susceptible and vulnerable to the evil machinations of hell to worship satan and the antichrist, etc.

Beloved ones, given what Heaven has revealed to me about the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, I am telling you that the prophesied date given by Our Holy Mother, Mary, to Conchita Gonzalez at Garabandal, Spain, in the 1960s does not really matter. I say this, because during the Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience), God the Father Is going to give Conchita a date for the Great Miracle so it will happen sometime during the immediate six and a half week aftermath, when satan and all the evil spirits are all totally locked up in hell. And the reason I say this, is because I know exactly what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal really are. And I am saying to you that the Holy Spirit telling me recently a dozen times that “satan is terrified of the Sign” is no joke.

Beloved ones, please understand that it is a critical aspect to the Divine Plan that the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal must happen during the timeframe when satan and all the evil spirits are locked up in hell. Otherwise, the universal spiritual healing that God wants to provide to all of mankind from their divine encounter during the Great Warning — and which many people will experience as a very hellish reality due to their sins — would be totally thwarted by satan, the antichrist, and all of hell. Beloved ones, please understand that everyone associated with any knowledge of the Miracle of Garabandal will be in imminent danger, including those entrusted with announcing its future date. Moreover, all technology is going to be employed and manipulated by hell to distort all aspects of the Sign of Garabandal, and to try to hide its existence so mankind will cease all belief in God, His Goodness and His Divine Plan.

So, beloved ones, it is really irrelevant the original date for the Great Miracle given by Heaven to visionary, Conchita Gonzalez, because God the Father will give her an appropriate date for it to happen during the six and a half week aftermath of the Great Warning. And Conchita will accept and announce this appropriate date for the Great Miracle, because she will have no doubt that the request is truly coming from God Himself, as it will be given to her during the Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience). And, in truth, that is because the Great Warning is the ONLY time when God can actually change the prophesied date for the Great Miracle, so there will be no doubts that it is God acting and not a deception of satan.

Finally, I want to let people know this fact about the Miracle of Garabandal that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, informed me about. Jesus confirmed to me that God the Father is going to make it mystically possible so that all people in the world will be able to witness the Miracle of Garabandal — televised — as it is really happening — live — at the same time at the major Marian apparition sites in the world. And, truthfully, I do not know how God is going to mystically achieve this, since I am only human and it escapes me how people will be able to witness this great event of salvation history through television monitors, computer screens, etc. But, Jesus has assured me that Papa God Is going to bless the entire world with being able to witness mystically the Great Miracle through television and on the internet. So, I share this vital fact with you all, as I know many people would love to witness the Great Miracle somehow in-person, but will be unable to make pilgrimages to the selected Marian apparition sites.

Note, however, although I have not been told this by Our Lord, personally, I do not believe that the Miracle of Garabandal will be recordable so it can be viewed later or rewatched later by people. I say this, because God Is going to already give the greatest of blessings so all of mankind can witness it on the television and computer screens as it is happening live on earth. Moreover, with any repeatable recording, it would be difficult to achieve the same mystical experience when it is viewed later; and any such recording would be highly tampered with by hell when satan and all the evil spirits are released back to the surface of the earth.

But, nonetheless, I do believe that the Great Sign that will be left in the aftermath at the Pines in Garabandal, Spain, and other major Marian apparition sites, WILL BE able to be photographed and recorded, so the images can be shared among all media platforms and across the internet. In fact, I know that it is the total expectation by God Himself that everyone in the world sees the Great Sign, which will be Papa God’s Great Gift to all of His precious children on earth, to herald the coming Divine Kingdom of His Divine Will at His Son’s Second Coming, which will take place at the start of the Era of Peace on earth. Moreover, the photos and images of the Great Sign are intended by Papa God to strengthen spiritually and morally all of His precious children for the coming brutal reign of the antichrist. As such photos and images of the Great Sign are meant to encourage and give continual hope for all of God’s precious children to persevere throughout all the challenges and difficulties of the entire period of the Great Tribulation. So, everyone can make it for the dawning of the New Earth, the New Jerusalem and the New Day in His Only-Begotten Son, Jesus, which happens only after the final Great Chastisement has concluded the End Times on this old earth that is passing away.

So, those are the things that I can publicly say about the forthcoming Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. Both of which are great secrets given by Our Holy Mother, Mary, in order to be major “helps” for this urgent conversion time of the greatest spiritual needs of God’s precious children living on earth.

So, on the first night that Saint Gabriel Archangel spoke to me in January 2017, he only revealed the exact nature of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. And honestly, beloved ones, that singular private revelation was so massive, so huge for me to grasp and comprehend, that simply knowing those two secrets was enough for me as I was immediately affected on a very deep emotional level. Contemplating the sheer magnitude and depth of Divine Love and Divine Goodness of Papa God to arrange and provide such a profound gracious Gift for His precious children, mankind, really pierced straight to my heart. And with mystically experiencing all the spiritual warfare taking place around me between the multitudes of holy angels of Heaven and the devils of hell, seriously, being entrusted with the direct knowledge of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal was all I could handle that first night. It was enough.

However, Saint Gabriel Archangel continued to visit with me for several more nights in January 2017 with more private revelation. In subsequent nights, Saint Gabriel revealed to me important knowledge that no other person living on earth has been given directly by Heaven about how the Divine Plan is to unfold on earth. And it is because of this unknown critical knowledge about the Divine Plan that helped me to clearly discern and actually convicted me in the fact that I was truly dealing with the holy Archangel Gabriel of Heaven and not satan in disguise trying to convince me into a fiendish deception according to some type of hellish agenda.

And so what other things did Saint Gabriel reveal to me alone about the Divine Plan?

Well, beforehand, we already know publicly that there are Ten Secrets for the world that are being provided by Our Holy Mother, Mary, at Medjugorje, located in the Eastern European country of Bosnia and Herzegovina. And we also already know publicly that the first three Secrets of Medjugorje are “warnings” for the world and the Third Secret involves some type of permanent, indestructible, supernatural Sign by God. While the last seven Secrets of Medjugorje involve greater degrees of various “chastisements” for the world, with both the Ninth and Tenth Secrets being the worst. And, in particular, the Tenth Secret is the very gravest for the collective sins due to all of mankind. Furthermore, we already know publicly that (1) three of the visionaries of Medjugorje have received all Ten Secrets from Our Holy Mother and have ceased receiving daily apparitions; (2) the three remaining visionaries of Medjugorje have received only nine Secrets so far and continue to receive daily apparitions of Our Holy Mother; and (3) we do know that the various Secrets given to the six visionaries are not all the same in common, as some have been given private Secrets involving only themselves, etc. Although it does appear that for those who have been entrusted with the Tenth Secret, which is the gravest of chastisements for all of mankind, that the contents of that particular Secret are the same for everyone so far, etc. Finally, we know publicly that the visionary, Mirjana Dragicevic Soldo, and her chosen priest, have been entrusted by Heaven with the very serious responsibility and important task of revealing the contents to mankind for each of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje three days in advance of the dates determined by God that each Secret is to be witnessed on earth. In addition, Mirjana has been given a very special, very unique, indestructible parchment crafted by Heaven that lists all the dates for each of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. This parchment can only be read by supernatural grace by Mirjana and no one else on earth until the appointed times.

So, those are the basic, publicly known facts involving the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje.

Now, there are a lot of people who believe that the various “secrets” associated with the Marian apparition sites at Garabandal and Medjugorje are somehow related. That there is some overlap between the secrets and that some secrets are shared in common. However, this answer is only partially true and how they are related is not what people commonly think. For example, a lot of people believe that the First Secret of Medjugorje is the same mystical event, known as the Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience). Also, a lot of people believe that the Third Secret of Medjugorje, which involves a supernatural Sign, is the same secret of the Great Sign of Garabandal. However, both of these human assumptions are FALSE.

According to the private revelations from Saint Gabriel Archangel in January 2017, I learned the exact sequence of how the Great Secrets of Garabandal and the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje will unfold on earth. The Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience) will happen first to mankind as the foremost great mystical event that will usher us fully into the End Times and into the Great Tribulation. Then, the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will take place shortly afterwards on earth.

Then, the Catholic Church, on behalf of mankind, will have a very brief time span in order to fulfill the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, according to the instructions of Our Holy Mother, Mary, at Fatima, Portugal. (Note, the Consecration of Russia made by Pope Francis on the 2022 Solemnity of the Annunciation did NOT fulfill the specified conditions given at Fatima.) Otherwise, the greatest world war will be forthcoming, which will involve nuclear weapons. The Ten Secrets of Medjugorje will also begin at some point after the Sign of Garabandal has already been fulfilled on earth. Thus, the prophesied Signs at Garabandal and Medjugorje are NOT the same mystical event. Moreover, I do know from other sources of heavenly messages that some of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje involve the usage of nuclear weapons. I also know that some of the contents of the various Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, have been ameliorated and mitigated by prayer, acts of penance, redemptive suffering, and fasting, etc. So, people should anticipate changes and modifications — hopefully for the better– on the outcome of various Ten Secrets of Medjugorje, once each Secret is announced publicly on its date ordained by God.

Now, the most startling detail that convicted me in my discernment that I was truly dealing with Saint Gabriel Archangel and not satan in disguise or some other evil entity from hell was the unknown, but very critical knowledge that I gained about the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje. Firstly, Saint Gabriel confirmed that the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje is the same mystical event as the Great Chastisement of Garabandal, which is the same mystical event called, the Three Days of Darkness, by different mystics in various private revelation during the past two centuries. But, Saint Gabriel continued to reveal a very astonishing aspect of the Divine Plan that no human person has been able to decipher or figure out. And it is due to this very startling detail that I instantly knew that I was dealing with a spiritual being of superior intellect to any human mind, and that this spiritual being was God-sent, because the private revelation was so holy. The private revelation unveiled a very positive and very major step, advancing the Divine Plan for the salvation of all of mankind living on earth.

Recall, there are six visionaries of Medjugorje with three of them having all Ten Secrets so far and so, they are no longer receiving daily apparitions of Our Holy Mother, Mary. Whereas, the three remaining visionaries continue to have daily apparitions, while they patiently await learning the Tenth Secret — each of the remaining only know the first nine Secrets of Medjugorje. Recall, also, that not all the given Secrets to the six visionaries are the same, but so far, the contents of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje seem to be in common.

Well, Saint Gabriel revealed to me that during the Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience), that the three remaining visionaries of Medjugorje will receive knowledge of the Tenth Secret. So, this means that there will be no gradual unveiling by Our Holy Mother, Mary, of the Tenth Secret, similar to how there were progressive gaps of time between how the first three visionaries received the Tenth Secret. Instead, the three remaining visionaries will gain this critical knowledge of the Tenth Secret all at the same time.

Furthermore, Saint Gabriel revealed to me that during the Warning of Garabandal, that, in fact, all six visionaries of Medjugorje and visionary, Conchita Gonzalez of Garabandal, would experience the same mystical event of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje / Great Chastisement of Garabandal / Three Days of Darkness, as part of their personal life review with Our Lord. Then, in the aftermath of the Great Warning, all seven visionaries are expected to testify to all of mankind about their mystical experience of the Tenth Secret of Medjugorje / Great Chastisement of Garabandal / Three Days of Darkness. It is in this way and in this manner, that God will connect together the authentic Marian apparitions at Garabandal and Medjugorje as part of the overall Divine Plan. Moreover, Saint Gabriel revealed to me that the critical, initial, and necessary step to make it EVEN POSSIBLE for mankind to try to avoid or even cancel the Three Days of Darkness — which was revealed as a “conditional” Great Chastisement by Heaven at Garabandal in the 1960s — is truly the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, according to the specific instructions given at Fatima. Likewise, in this way and in this manner, the authentic Marian apparitions at Fatima will also be connected to those at Garabandal and Medjugorje.

Beloved ones, mentally, I was blown away by this specific private revelation to me from Saint Gabriel. Up until January 2017, no one knew why Our Holy Mother, Mary, had chosen six visionaries at Medjugorje, when only one of them has been selected publicly to announce to the world the ordained dates and graphic contents of the Ten Secrets of Medjugorje. Furthermore, all of the private revelations given by Saint Gabriel intrigued me, because they provided deep insights into invisible spiritual warfare by demonstrating tactics and techniques that Heaven employed to keep our mutual enemy, satan and all the evil ones of hell, from figuring out the next vital steps of the Divine Plan, etc.

Finally, before departing from his holy visitation over several nights in January 2017, Saint Gabriel announced to me very mysterious words. He revealed to me that, “the Battle of Armageddon involves demonic aliens”.

Beloved ones, I know that this particular writing is very lengthy with a lot of content to reflect upon, so I will not add much commentary to the private revelations that I just shared. As mainly, my intent for this writing was to speak in greater details about the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, and less so about the other “stuff” concerning Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje, etc., that Saint Gabriel thoughtfully provided to me.

However, before I give my concluding thoughts in this special commentary, I want to add a few supportive words about the heavenly messages given to Latin-American mystic, Lorena Portillo, whom I feature on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Because I know people may need help in their discernment of her heavenly messages. I want to share that I learned of the heavenly messages given to Lorena back in Fall 2018. But, honestly, I did not feel called to share her heavenly messages until I had a very powerful private mystical encounter with the Most Holy Trinity on Pentecost 2020. Honestly, what happened privately to me on Pentecost 2020 is one of the greatest moments of my entire life, and the encounter came about as the direct result of following instructions regarding special consecration prayers and Sacramental Confession requested by Our Holy Mother Mary, through Lorena at that time, so people could find out their earthly mission from God.

Beloved ones, what happened between me and the Most Holy Trinity is very private, so I will not share details about my mystical encounter on Pentecost 2020. However, due to my very powerful encounter, I had no doubts about the authenticity of the heavenly messages given to Lorena. So, I immediately began to share her heavenly messages on my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, introducing her to many believers in the English-speaking world. And while I cannot share details about everything that transpired on Pentecost 2020, I will tell you all that a certain aspect of the mystical encounter was directly related to some of the private revelations that Saint Gabriel Archangel revealed to me back in January 2017. Note, in this special commentary, I have not shared all the prophecies and details of the Divine Plan that Saint Gabriel told me in January 2017. I have only shared the parts that I can make public and are relevant to other people, and not in particular to me.

Beloved ones, now, I would like to make my concluding thoughts for this special commentary. Firstly, I want to share that I am so excited that the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will be happening soon, as this great event of salvation history will take place immediately before the glorious Era of Peace begins. Jesus will not reign in a physical way during the 1,000 years, as He will return to Heaven after spending a very short duration of time setting up the structure of His Church and Mystical Body, the New Jerusalem, on earth. However, all the holy ones will participate in the First Resurrection, receiving glorified bodies and there will be many joyful festivities and celebrations at that time, as it will be the coming of the Kingdom of the Divine Will finally on earth (the answer to the ‘Our Father’, the Lord’s Prayer).

Beloved ones, I want you all to know how much I hope that all of you will choose to be with Our Lord and Our Holy Mother, Mary, which I hope the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will be a totally blessing for you all, as it confirms you and inspires you all in grace. Truly, it is an honor for me that Papa God even chose me as His instrument to provide a written account of the Great Miracle, so afterwards, everyone may continue to be edified and blessed by reading about it. I am truly humbled by this task.

Beloved ones, personally, I want to greet and meet all of you, as together, we participate in welcoming Our Lord at the Second Coming and in all the joys involving this great historical event for mankind. I will be so honored to know each of you one day in Heaven, as it is my personal wish to say thank you individually to every person who decided for Our Jesus, completing His happiness in His Incarnation as the God-Man. I say this, honestly, because the person that I am today and will become due to my faith, has only been made possible by the prayers and sacrifices of God’s precious people throughout my life and the previous generations, etc. Furthermore, the person that I am today and will become in God, has only been made possible by all the people whom I have been blessed to know and encounter in some manner throughout my life. So, I hope to spend a better part of my eternity simply thanking everyone for helping me in some way, so I could be with God forever in Heaven.

I also have a few more concluding thoughts on a very personal level. As I want to give you all a more intimate look at Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as I share a few things… These days I am blessed in that I can say that Jesus Is truly my Best Friend, as we often share conversations with each other. And so, I know that people might wonder what are the types of things that Jesus and I discuss together(?).

Now, people might think that I often speak about prophecy or heavenly messages considering that I have this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. However, despite speaking about very important topics related to the Divine Plan in this commentary, honestly, beloved ones, I do not usually talk about prophecy or such important matters with Our Jesus. Instead, most of the time, I simply spend time talking with Jesus about various delightful things, as honestly, my greatest joy is making Our Jesus smile and especially, making Him laugh. Truly, Jesus has quite a wonderful sense of humor. And I am sharing this fact with you all, because so many people — even chosen messengers — believe that God does not laugh or does not have a sense of humor at all.

On the contrary, beloved ones, Jesus does, in fact, love to laugh. And I want to share this fact with you all, because one of your greatest joys in Heaven, will be discovering that Jesus has a great sense of humor and making Him smile — which is a delightful sensation that you will feel in your spiritual heart, and making jokes to get Him to laugh. Sadly, most people never get the opportunity to experience the laughter of the Lord in their souls, because God has to hide that part of His Personality from His children on earth. This is because much of our sense of humor and our jokes that we tell each other on earth are so different from Heaven’s sense of humor. This is because much of our sense of humor on earth focuses on jokes at the expense of hurting and ridiculing others, etc.

So, I want to reveal to you that Jesus does indeed laugh and He loves a good joke. This is a special gift that I want you to know about how much Jesus delights in each of us as God’s creations. So, you can ponder this fact about Heaven. Furthermore, I want you all to know that all Three Divine Persons of the Most Holy Trinity have a very witty and great sense of humor. As Yes, both Papa God and the Holy Spirit laugh and tell really funny, good jokes from time to time.

Beloved ones, oftentimes, people believe that God is out of touch with matters involving mankind on earth. In particular, that God Is distant regarding modern human affairs. However, this notion is so far from reality — so far from the actual truth as to how God perceives things and interacts with us on earth.

I say this to you all so I can share another gift with you. As I want you all to know that Papa God and Jesus deeply care and are very much aware of all the intricacies of our modern lives on earth. And that They do deeply care and are very much aware of our modern entertainment, and in particular, our songs — the musical beats and rhythms, as well as the lyrics, etc. As, oftentimes, in my conversations with Our Jesus, He may play in my mind small parts from various songs, as He tries to emphasize some concept that He is sharing with me as we discuss various things.

Beloved ones, there is a song that I want to invite you to listen to, as I have provided the lyrics below. I want you to consider this song and to listen to it three times. I want you to listen to the song once BEFORE the Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience) and once AFTER the Warning has happened. Then, I want you to listen to the song again AFTER everyone has witnessed the Miracle of Garabandal on earth.

Beloved ones, the song is called, “This Is It”, and was sung by American musician, Kenny Loggins, who wrote the song when his father was gravely ill and in so much pain that he was considering stopping all medical treatments. So, Kenny Loggins wrote the song to encourage his father to continue to fight for his life, which resulted in his father continuing the medical treatments that enabled him to live a few more years.

It is a very inspiring song that does indeed encourage people to fight through life’s difficulties and challenges. So, I want you to listen to the song three times, but each time, I want you to really listen to the lyrics and to think about Jesus actually singing this specific song to you. As I promise you, if you listen to this song three times according to my instructions, you will receive deeper and more profound meaning about what God desires for you to do in this End Times.

Finally, beloved ones, I want to end on this note. When we are in Heaven, I will always enjoy speaking personally with you. However, if you look for me and are unable to find me, please know that I will be dancing a beautiful waltz at that moment with my Sweet Jesus. (Note, I am a female). As Jesus Is very much a Gentleman, with a very Tender Heart, who loves to ballroom dance. And Yes, Jesus wants to invite every person to waltz with Him in a beautiful lifetime dance for all eternity in Heaven.

Thank you for especially sharing this special commentary with others, both before and after the Warning of Garabandal (Illumination of Conscience).

I love you all, my dearly beloved ones…
Papa God and Jesus loves you, too.

God bless,
a soul


There’ve been times in my life
I’ve been wondering why
Still somehow I believed we’d always survive
Now I’m not so sure your waiting here
One good reason to try
What more can I say
What’s left to provide

You think that maybe it’s over
Only if you want it to be

Are you gonna wait for a sign? Your miracle
Stand up and fight
(This is it)
Make no mistake where you are
(This is it)
Your back’s to the corner
(This is it)
Don’t be a fool anymore
(This is it)
The waiting is over

No room to run, no way to hide
No time for wondering why
It’s here, the moment is now ’bout to decide
Let him believe
Leave him behind
Keep me near in your heart
Know whatever you do, I’m here by your side

You said that maybe it’s over
Not if you don’t want it to be

For once in your life, here’s your miracle
Stand up and fight
(This is it)
Make no mistake where you are
(This is it)
You’re going no further
(This is it)
Until it’s over and done

No one can tell you what you know
Who makes the choice of how it goes
It’s not up to me this time (you know)
Comes a day in every life

(This is it)
Make no mistake where you are
(This is it)
You’re going no further
(This is it)
Until it’s over and done
(This is it)
One way or another
(This is it)

No one can tell what the future holds (this is it)
Your back’s to the corner (this is it)
You make the choice of how it goes (this is it)
The waiting is over (this is it)
No one can tell what the future holds (this is it)
You’re going no further (this is it)
You make the choice of how…

YouTube Video:
Song: “This Is It” by Kenny Loggins (3:56 minutes)

Urgent Update for Today, Orthodox Easter Sunday, April 16, 2023 – Blessing of Bread and Water By JESUS for Future Famine – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

April 16, 2023
Orthodox Easter Sunday

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

I know that this day of Divine Mercy Sunday is almost over for most people in the world. However, it just dawned on me that today is also Orthodox Easter Sunday, and so, for those who still have time on their side, I want to encourage you to put a slice of bread and a sealed bottle of water on your home altar ASAP. That way, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, can come and bless the objects so you will have the miracle of multiplication of food during the future famine. As YES, Jesus does honor the Orthodox Easter Sunday as part of His Universal Church.

Beloved ones, I have written recently about how many people have been consuming their blessed items and that they should not do this, because the blessed items need to stay on your home altars for use during the future famine. I also asked that everyone should pray so that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will give a message that He will be returning for Pentecost 2023 in order to further bless people’s bread and water.

Please, beloved ones, continue to pray for this special intention for people who missed out on this opportunity during Easter or who may have not followed the prior instructions properly. As I believe that a blessing from Jesus on Pentecost will be very important for many people in the future.

In the meantime, as we do have a few hours left on this Orthodox Easter Sunday for some people, I am sending out this urgent blog post for those who can still take advantage of this opportunity to be blessed today for the future famine.

I love you all. Have a glorious Divine Mercy Sunday / Orthodox Easter Sunday.

God bless,
a soul


Instruction for the Future Famine – Blessing from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, regarding Bread and Water – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Jesus Christ – “There is a foreign enemy on your land (USA) planning for great destruction of many major cities…” – March 22, 2023

Final Instructions for this Pentecost Sunday, May 28, 2023 – Message Given to mystic, Lorena, by Our Lord, JESUS CHRIST – “It is Important, that you prepare for this Pentecost, because you will receive great graces and gifts for your Final Missions.” – April 8, 2023



APRIL 8TH 2023

Dear Faithful Remnant today that we are in Holy Week, I want as your Lord Jesus Christ to remind you that you must live it with a Spirit of Prayer and Sacrifice, far from the World and in Spiritual Recollection so that I fill you with My Graces and My Gifts, for this reason prepare yourselves for this Holy Week as much as you can spiritually.


For this reason, prepare hard for this event, because I will come to call My People near me, so that you can have the necessary Forces that I will give you in this Pentecost, to face EVERYTHING that comes, I will greatly anoint all of you with My Holy Spirit this Pentecost.

Many will receive Great Gifts and Charisms, for this reason it is Important that you prepare your Hearts and your Souls keeping in mind that it will be a decisive Pentecost in your Spiritual Lives.

Make a Confession of Life and remain in Prayer and Recollection, these days that precede Pentecost, Fasting and Sacrifice are also recommended, as well as Mortification of the Senses, Charitable Works cover a multitude of faults.


The days preceding the Feast of Pentecost, you will prepare to receive your Gifts and Charisms in the following way:

In front of the Most Holy Tabernacle, in Recollection and in Prayer, you will say this Prayer with a Contrite and Humble Spirit, repenting of ALL your faults and sins.

1) 1st PRAYER: (This Prayer should be said daily from today until Pentecost)


*You will say this Prayer from now on until Pentecost every day to prepare your Spirit, in addition to the Confession of Life, Prayer, Fasting and Penance.

Remember that Chaos will come and you will have to be ready to face the Great Tribulation and so that when My Father’s Warning comes, you are totally ready to live it in a State of Grace and in the best possible way. On the day of Pentecost, after having given your FIATS, you will say this Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament:

2) 2nd PRAYER: (You must say this Prayer, after repeating FIAT 1 and FIAT 2 before the Blessed Sacrament on Pentecost)


*Remember to RENEW your Consecrations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as a Special Protection you will ask for the Protection of the 3 Archangels Saint Michael, Saint Raphael and Saint Gabriel, asking them to protect you and guide you on your journey to Heaven and New Earth, counting on the Protection of ALL the Angelic Court will do so through this Prayer:

3) 3RD PRAYER: (Prayer to be said every day until Pentecost.)


And with this Prayer of Protection from the 3 Archangels and your Prayers of Pentecost, you will be equipped for Battle.


ON MAY 17, 2020

You will say it in front of the Blessed Sacrament and if not, you will do it in your homes, you will lit a candle, have a Bible and an image of the Blessed Mother, an image of Saint Michael the Archangel, the Holy Trinity and you will say this Prayer:



ON MAY 5TH, 2021.

*You will place an Image of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, one of the Holy Trinity and another of Saint Michael the Archangel on your Altars and say the following Prayer:


*The Third Fiat will be given on the day of the Illumination of Consciences, it was given by Saint Michael the Archangel on April 1ST, 2022. IT IS IMPORTANT TO LEARN THIS FIAT BY MEMORY.


***It is IMPORTANT that you learn it by heart and prepare for this Pentecost, where you will be given a part of the Gifts for the Battle with Prayer, Penance and Fasting.

Your Lord Jesus Christ, Who Cares, Guides and Protects you.


Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – May 25, 2021 Update

Prophet John Leary

Tuesday, May 25, 2021
(St. Bede, Venerable)

Jesus said: “My people, whenever you give a donation to a worthy cause, be blessed that you had the money to share, and do not be critical if someone does not give you a proper thank you of your generosity. Some people and organizations are desperate for help to keep going, so you can help them in their need. Others are poor spiritually, and they are in need of your prayers. Even the souls in purgatory are begging for your prayers, so they can be released to go to heaven. Some people take advantage of the donations of others for their own selfish purposes. Those people, who give for the right reasons, will be rewarded for their efforts and sacrifices. Those people, who are not thankful, or abuse what was given, will be reprimanded or punished at their judgment. In the end I will reveal all that was hidden, and all of you will receive a reward for your good deeds, but a punishment for your abuses or evil deeds.”

Monday, May 24, 2021
(Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church)

Jesus said: “My people, when I was on the cross (Jn 19:26,27) I said to My Blessed Mother: ‘Woman, behold thy son.’ and to St. John: ‘Behold thy mother’. St. John is taking the place of all of My faithful, and My Blessed Mother becomes the mother of My Church. She is present also in the Upper Room on Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came down in tongues of fire over all of My disciples. She gave support to My disciples, and St. John looked after My Blessed Mother at Ephesus in Turkey. You had the opportunity to visit her simple house there. Now, the Church Year changes back to Ordinary Time, and you will honor many Sundays after Pentecost. Now is the time to use your gifts of the Holy Spirit to speak out, and witness your faith by evangelizing souls for My Church. Trust in My help and protection in all of the trials you will face.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you previously that the one world people will tell you their plans before they carry them out. There are three means that they could use to take over your country. They could crash your stock market or your dollar to prepare you for a new currency. They could use nuclear bombs to create an EMP attack that would stop your electricity, and this could kill millions of people by starvation because they do not have enough stored food to last for a year. They could also send the next deadly virus that could kill millions of vaccinated people. Crashing your markets would cause chaos, but it would not be as threatening to your lives. This may be their first move to control your finances. For an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack or a new virus, I would need to bring My Warning first. My people need to have at least three months of food stored, because you may not be able to access your grocery stores. Be prepared to come to My refuges if the one world people move quickly with their plans. Trust in Me to protect you from harm at My refuges.”

Sunday, May 23, 2021
(Pentecost Sunday)

The Holy Spirit said: “I am the Holy Spirit of God and I come to bring you My gifts to help all of you to be evangelists of the Word of God. My gifts are: wisdom, knowledge, understanding, piety, fortitude, counsel, and fear of the Lord. You learned and memorized My gifts from your old Baltimore catechism. These gifts are needed to bring the new faithful into the Church. I also bring you My twelve fruits from the seven gifts: charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity (kindness), goodness, longanimity (long suffering), mildness (gentleness), faith, modesty, continency (self-control), and chastity. Just as the apostles received a gift of speaking other languages as the gift of tongues, so I give this gift to those who desire it. I also give the gift of interpreting the gift of tongues. This gave courage to the apostles to go out and spread the Good News of Jesus. You receive My gifts and fruits at your Baptism and your Confirmation. Remember that I am the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity with God the Father and God the Son. You receive all Three Persons in One God, every time you receive Us in Holy Communion. So follow what Jesus told His apostles, to go out and preach the Good News of Salvation to everyone.”

Saturday, May 22, 2021
(St. Rita of Cascia)

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel you are at the end of St. John’s Gospel. I chastised St. Peter for being concerned about what would happen to St. John. I told St. Peter what concern is it to you, if I want St. John to remain because he has a separate mission. St. John was exiled to Patmos, but he wrote other letters, and the Book of Revelation, which was a very prophetic Book. St. John was not martyred as the rest of the apostles were. He also commented that if all of My words were written down, he doubted if there would be enough books to record them. You are now preparing for the great feast of Pentecost, as you are finishing up your Holy Spirit Novena today. Come Holy Spirit and enlighten My faithful with your many gifts.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know you had every intention to come to Confession today, but events prevented you from doing so. You need to make better plans that would set aside your time for Confession without other events stopping you. If necessary, you could come alone, or plan another day than Saturday. You do try to come every month to Confession, so make it a point to not let anything interfere with your plans. I thank you for making this effort because frequent Confession helps cleanse your soul even of your venial sins.”

Friday, May 21, 2021

Jesus said: “My people, I had directed St. Peter to lead My Church, so I wanted him to have no doubts of his mission. Before I died on the cross, St. Peter denied Me three times. I even foretold his coming denial at the Last Supper. At the Sea of Galilee I asked St. Peter three times if he loved Me, and St. Peter said yes, he loved Me. It is the Greek translation of love that makes this more important. The first two times I used ‘agape’ love which means an unconditional love. Then the third time I used ‘phileo’ love, meaning only a brotherly love. Each time St. Peter answered with a ‘phileo’ love. Because St. Peter would be leading My Church, I wanted him to answer with an ‘agape’ love or an unconditional love. St. Peter could not answer with an ‘agape’ love at that time, but he would in the future. Then I told him to feed My sheep, or all of My followers. It is this unconditional love that I want My faithful to love Me all of the time, because I am more than your brother, I am your Lord, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity.”

Jesus said: “My people, unless a seed dies, you cannot have the fruit of life. (Jn 12:24-25) ‘Amen, amen, I say to you, unless the grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. But if it dies, it brings forth much fruit. He who loves his life, loses it; and he who hates his life in the world, keeps it unto life everlasting.’ This means you have to die to self, and give your life over to Me, so I can use you to evangelize souls. When you let Me run your life with your complete ‘yes’ to Me, then you can fulfill the mission I have chosen for you. You remember reading in St. John’s Gospel that I have chosen you, you did not chose Me. I have chosen you to be My disciple, and remember how I told My apostles: ‘Follow Me’. This is truly your mission on earth to know, love, and serve Me in this life. Those people, who do follow Me and accomplish My mission, will receive their reward with Me in heaven.”

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul knew the Pharisees believed in the resurrection of the dead, but the Sadducees did not. So he talked about My Resurrection from the dead, and this started a vigorous confrontation between the Pharisees and the Sadducees. This was when St. Paul was held in prison in Jerusalem, and he would face the same persecution in Rome. You are seeing how the Early Christians had to suffer persecution and even martyrdom for their faith. Today, My faithful suffer some persecution for believing in Me, but you will see even worse threats to come on your lives, when you will need to come to My refuges for My angel protection.”

Jesus said: “My son, I showed you this evil yellow liquid before, to tell you that the evil ones already have made the next virus. The second vision of blood in the sink, is a sign that many people will die from this new virus that will kill many vaccinated people. The Covid vaccine is a bioweapon that was designed to kill the vaccinated people, and have them spread the virus to the unvaccinated people. When the new wild virus is released, this will kill the vaccinated people. You can use your Good Friday oil to help heal the vaccinated people, or they could be healed at My refuges. I will bring My Warning before this new virus is released, so I will give sinners a chance to repent before they could possibly be killed by the virus.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this Warning experience to emphasize what I said before the evil ones will release the next deadly virus. I will bring My Warning before the next virus comes, so I can give every sinner a chance to be converted before many vaccinated people could die. I will give people an opportunity to be saved by coming to My refuge to be healed of any virus. Only My believers, who believe that I can heal them, will be allowed into My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you just experienced a gasoline shortage for your cars when the Colonial Pipeline was shutdown by hackers. A while back I had you buy two bicycles in case you could not drive your cars. This was before you had your own refuge. You may still want to have some bikes, in case you have an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) when your cars would not work. Bikes are still an alternate transportation to get to your refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a news report that Israel is seeking a cease-fire in this recent fighting. There have been some deaths and many buildings have been destroyed. Even if a cease-fire happens, there will be a great need to clean up the damage. Pray that peace could come, so a wider war will not result.”

Jesus said: “My son, I know this is your third trip to witness the ninth exorcism session on this young man. There were some loud sounds by the demon who said: ‘I am not leaving, God.’ It is unclear how many more sessions will be needed to rid this demon, but keep coming when you can to give support to this family. There are more possessed people than you know, and there are only a few exorcist priests. Pray for the healing of this young man.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the Biden Administration starting to try and take away your guns, which is against your Second Amendment. You are seeing a communist government trying to take away your freedoms. At some point your people will decide to fight this takeover attempt, and you could see a civil war. I keep telling My faithful that if your lives are threatened, I will call you to the safety of My refuges. There will be a battle of the good people against the evil people, but you will still be protected at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, the four overnight practice runs, that you had, gave you a small flavor for what independent refuge life would be like. I wanted you to do this so you could see how you could survive this kind of living. An important part of this refuge living, involves round the clock assigned hours of prayer in the chapel before My Blessed sacrament. During the tribulation time, you will have a priest for Mass, or My angels will bring you daily Holy Communion. You will take a consecrated Host and put it in your monstrance for Adoration. You used your stored food and your well water to reconstitute your dried food. You also made bread in your CampChef oven, and you used your kerosene burner and fireplace for heat in the winter. My angels will protect you from the evil ones during the tribulation. Trust in Me to multiply your food and fuels, and provide for all of your needs.”

Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Jesus said: “My people, I protected My apostles from harm, except for Judas, who committed suicide. As I was about to leave My apostles, I prayed that they would be protected from the ‘Evil One’. They would be protected from eating poison and other dangers until they could accomplish their missions in spreading My Good News of salvation. After a while all of My apostles, except St. John, would be martyred for My Name’s sake. In the first reading you are seeing St. Paul leave his friends on his way to Jerusalem. He prayed with them because he would never see them again. Many of My evangelists and saints were persecuted and some were martyred. My faithful of today will also face persecution for speaking out about My Words of the Gospel. Have no fear because I will protect you at My refuges. St. Paul said you are more blessed to give than receive, and he helped many people come to the faith. My faithful also need to share what you have in faith and your donations to worthy causes. By helping others, you are helping Me in them.”

(Funeral Mass for Mary Adamo)
Jesus said:
“My people, Mary had a good heart to try and help people, and she prayed a lot. You had the good fortune of having her come to your prayer group several times. She died rather quickly in her sleep. This is the quote that I gave the people when I was speaking about the wheat and the weeds. (Matt. 13:28-30) ‘Sir did thou not sow good seed in thy field? How then does it have weeds?’ He said to them: ‘An enemy has done this.’ And the servants said to him: ‘Will thou have us go and gather up the weeds?’ ‘No’, he said, ‘Lest in gathering up the weeds, you will root up the wheat as well. Let both grow together until the harvest: and at harvest time I will say to the reapers: Gather up the weeds first and bind them in bundles to burn; but gather the wheat into My barn.’ Mary is one of My faithful and she is the wheat of My faithful that I will welcome soon into My barn of heaven. After seeing this vision, it represented how Mary is being brought into heaven.”

God the Father – “Today, I long to impart the Spirit of Truth upon every heart – Then and only then, would the errors in hearts be corrected – The problem is, most do not recognize the errors within their own hearts – They lack the motivation to change”

Holy Love Ministry

May 23, 2021
Solemnity of Pentecost

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Today, I long to impart the Spirit of Truth upon every heart. Then and only then, would the errors in hearts be corrected. Hearts would be alive with the gifts of the Spirit and correct their evil ways forever. The problem is, most do not recognize the errors within their own hearts. Therefore, they lack the motivation to change.”

“If Truth took over every heart, the state of the world would be unrecognizable. All borders would be secure. There would be no wars, no false religions, no hidden agendas to form a compromised One World Order. All governments would function for the welfare of the people. Freedom to know and to love Me would be worldwide. There would be no false religions inspired by man.”

“Until such a time comes, true believers must be united and ask the Holy Spirit for the strength to persevere. Ask the Spirit to expose evil in hearts and to protect the Truth. The Holy Spirit is the warrior of Truth.”

Read Acts 2:17-21+

‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams; yes, and on my menservants and my maidservants in those days I will pour out my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. And I will show wonders in the heaven above and signs on the earth beneath, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke; the sun shall be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before the day of the Lord comes, the great and manifest day. And it shall be that whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.’

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Pentecost Sunday, May 23, 2021 – Recommended FIAT Consecration Prayers Before The Blessed Sacrament and The Most Holy Trinity – Compiled By a soul of MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings beloved ones,

As this Pentecost Sunday, May 23, 2021, is very special for me — as it is the One-Year Renewal of My Fiat to the Most Holy Trinity, which I did last year as part of my Consecrations to the Holy Spirit and Blessed Mother Mary — I want to share with you all, my brothers and sisters in Christ, the prayers that I will be doing before the Blessed Sacrament. I think that they would be most efficacious and grace-filled for dear followers who did the May 2020 Novenas (as a Renewal), as well as those who are doing the Novenas for the first time this May 2021.

Last year, if dear followers of MaryRefugeOfSouls will recall, the Novenas involved prayers given to both Luz de Maria and Lorena; and this year, the Novenas involve prayers given to both Barnabas Nwoye and Lorena. So, I have compiled into an 8-page document (PDF) the prayers that I will be using from both years for myself this Pentecost Sunday; and I invite you all to use them as well.

Finally, I have listed below the various heavenly messages that were given both last year (2020) and this year (2021) as REFERENCE as to how special these past two Pentecost holy days have been for God’s beloved children and prayer warriors in this great spiritual battle between GOOD and evil before The Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens on earth. I suggest that everyone re-read all the blog posts so you can understand better the importance of these prayers and consecrations to the Holy Spirit. However, if you only have time to read just one heavenly message, the following from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is the most important one from last year:

May 17, 2020 – Important Message and Prayer from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – The Mission of the Apostles of the End Times – MaryRefugeOfSouls

As an end note, I did find out my personal mission for the End Times privately from the Most Holy Trinity and the Blessed Mother last Pentecost 2020 — that is one of the heavenly promises from doing the Novenas and that is why I want to encourage everyone to participate — even if you can only do one day — because these acts of devotion to God and His Holy Mother are so important for finding out and fulfilling your mission from God.

And it is pretty amazing, as that same day, the Blessed Mother confirmed the End Time missions that were revealed to different people through the Novenas last year through the Holy Love message for Pentecost 2020. Here is the link to the message from last year:

Solemnity of Pentecost 2020 – Blessed Virgin Mary – “I long to share with you the secrets of eternity and to show each of you your place in Paradise – Love God and place pleasing Him first in your hearts”

So, I hope that many people will hear from Jesus and His Holy Mother about their special missions this year as well. God bless, beloved Apostles of the End Times.

I love you,
–a soul


May 13, 2020 – Consecration Prayer To The Immaculate Heart Of The Blessed Virgin Mary – As Given To Luz de Maria

Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria – “Pray My children, pray with love and prepare for this May 13, without forgetting that you must consecrate yourselves to My Immaculate Heart as if it were your FINAL CONSECRATION”

Important Novena Prayer to The Holy Spirit for Pentecost 2020 – Blessed Virgin Mary – “You will say this prayer every day, entrusting your Souls, Spirits, Minds and Bodies, to the protection of the Living God”

May 17, 2020 – Important Message and Prayer from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – The Mission of the Apostles of the End Times – MaryRefugeOfSouls


May 2021 – Prayers of Preparation for Pentecost – Blessed Virgin Mary to Latin-American Mystic, Lorena – MaryRefugeOfSouls

May 2021 Pentecost – Novena to the Holy Spirit – Based on the Precious Blood Devotion Given to Barnabas Nwoye – MaryRefugeOfSouls

May 2021 – Urgent Prayer Added To Pentecost Novena From Blessed Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, to Latin-American Mystic, Lorena – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – May 18, 2021 Update – “Your refuge people will appreciate My angels even more when they will bring you fresh vegetables and fruit as well”

Prophet John Leary

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul was told by the Holy Spirit that he would have to suffer pain and hardships, as he would be in chains both in Jerusalem and Rome. He is saying farewell to his friends, as he will be in prison, and writing his Epistles to his friends in various cities. It is hard to say good-bye to someone you may never see again. It is an interesting comment that St. Paul is not worried about dying, but he is only concerned that he fulfilled his mission to spread the Good News about My Resurrection. In the Gospel of St. John I am also saying farewell to My apostles, as I was about to return to My Father in heaven. I was concerned about My apostles that My Father gave Me, and I wanted to send them the Holy Spirit to give them courage to go out and spread My Good News to everyone. My apostles needed strength and endurance to evangelize souls to faith in Me. All of My people have the same mission, that you are called to evangelize souls who will listen and be converted. Then when you meet Me at your judgment, you will have your good deeds to show Me how you labored in My vineyard to help save souls. Keep strong in the faith as you receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit.”

Monday, May 17, 2021

Jesus said: “My people, you are continuing your prayers for the Holy Spirit Novena in preparation for Pentecost. You all need to be witnesses of My Good News in your actions, and you can share your faith with others. You may even have opportunities to pray over people for their spiritual and physical health. You have your Good Friday oil that you have made, and you can share that blessing for the vaccinated people who could die with the next deadly virus. You are still in the pre-tribulation time with all of your Covid restrictions, but refuse to take the Covid vaccine that will destroy your immune system. You do not need a vaccine because 99.5% of the people do not die from the Covid virus. You had the virus yourself, and you had some days of weakness, but now you are better and you have anti-bodies to fight off any infections. The one world people are trying to control you, and even kill people with the vaccines that you do not need. If your lives are threatened for not taking the vaccine, I will protect My faithful at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a fence to mark the border of a refuge. My refuge angels have one of their duties that they will only allow believers with a cross on their forehead to enter a refuge. All the evil people and non-believers will be physically kept out of My refuges by My refuge angels. These angels will also put an invisible shield over My refuges so your enemies will not see you, or be able to harm you. The refuge angels will not let any bombs, EMP attacks, or viruses harm you either. Be thankful that you will be protected from the evil ones throughout the whole tribulation time of the Antichrist. Trust in My protection at your refuges.”

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Jesus said: “My people, you know how I want you to keep Sunday holy since it is a day of the Lord. Unless you are sick, or the government has closed your churches, you are obligated to attend Sunday Mass and give worship to your Lord according to the Third Commandment. You also should not do any servile work, or hard labor on Sunday to give respect to My day of rest. It is more important to follow My laws than to follow man’s laws or desires. I should be first in your life to follow, so do not think you can discard My laws and Commandments for your own convenience. You have six other days in the week to do your hard labor. Give praise and glory to Me, especially on Sunday. Those people, who follow My laws out of spiritual obedience, will be rewarded for their efforts. But those people, who refuse to obey My laws, will suffer the consequences.”

Saturday, May 15, 2021
(St. Isidore the farmer)

Jesus said: “My people, you need to be so thankful for your farmers who take so many risks every year to provide the crops to eat at your table. After knowing a few farmers, they are really intelligent people to be able to run a farm and all that is needed. They have to invest in a lot of land and machinery to plant and harvest their crops. They take risks with floods, droughts, and finding markets to sell their crops. You have planted some vegetables and you know the problems with bugs and animals that want to eat your crops. You also had to keep the weeds out. The farmer is close to the land and he is understanding nature and how to grow crops. Even though it is hard to make a living on farming, farming is a very necessary means to find your daily food. You need to pray for the success of your farmers in bringing their crops to market, so you can have fresh vegetables and fruit to eat. Your refuge people will appreciate My angels even more when they will bring you fresh vegetables and fruit as well. Your time to come to My refuges draws near. Trust in Me to protect and feed My faithful at all of My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are still killing almost a million babies every year with your abortions. This is just one part of the death culture that includes euthanasia and wars. Now, the one world people want to kill more people with viruses and vaccines. The vaccines are killing people and causing 20% of the vaccinated to have serious complications. When the evil ones release the next deadly virus, many vaccinated people will die because their immune systems have been destroyed. So do not take the vaccine under any circumstance. Millions if not billions of people could die from the next wild virus. Satan is leading the death culture, but My faithful are leading the pro-life culture which gives glory to Me. Come to My loving side away from the death culture people.”

Friday, May 14, 2021
(St. Matthias)

Jesus said: “My people, you read in the Scriptures how the apostles had to keep twelve members to be complete. So St. Matthias was chosen by lot to take the place of Judas. It was decided that the one chosen should also be a disciple of Mine since the time I gathered My apostles. The Acts of the Apostles were written by St. Luke, and they have given many details of how My Early Church got started. You can see how all of My followers have a mission to help each other, and to evangelize new people to grow My Church, and help save souls. Today, you will start your Holy Spirit Novena in preparation for Pentecost. Find a copy of this novena so you can pray this together for all nine days.”

Jesus said: “My people, every time you give honor and glory to Me in Benediction, you receive many heavenly blessings to strengthen you against your daily temptations. Your rosary is like a bouquet of prayers and flowers that are pleasing to My Blessed Mother, because she brings Me to you. Every time you take time to pray for your intentions, I hear your prayers and I will answer them in My time. Trust in Me and I will protect My faithful.”

Thursday, May 13, 2021
(Ascension Thursday, Our Lady of Fatima)

Jesus said: “My son, you are fortunate to have your 49th Anniversary of your prayer group on your prayer group night. You also started your prayer group as a Fatima cell, and today is a feast of My Blessed Mother at Fatima on May 13th. You again are blessed to share Lise’s Fatima statue of My Blessed Mother on this day. There truly will be many blessings and graces given out to all of your prayer group members. Today is the feast of My Ascension into heaven which is 40 days after Easter and My Resurrection. As I left My apostles, I directed them to wait in Jerusalem to receive the Holy Spirit. I also directed them to go out and share My Good News of salvation with everyone all over the world. All of My faithful are given this same call to go out and evangelize souls to the faith. You, My son, have been traveling many years to share My messages in person. Now, you are sharing My messages on your Zoom conferences. You also are sharing My messages in your books and on your website for as long as you can. I thank you for all that you have done, and for setting up your refuge with My help. All of My faithful, who follow My directions, will have their reward in My Era of Peace and later in heaven.”

Our Lady of Fatima said: “My dear children, you are celebrating your 49th anniversary of your prayer group that started in 1972 as a Blue Army Fatima cell. You are fortunate to have my pilgrim statue from your deceased friend, Lise. I want to bless all of you here tonight with the graces and mercies from my Son, Jesus, when you prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet in front of this picture. You have an unusual joining of my feast day at Fatima on May 13th and the feast day of my Son’s Ascension into heaven. You are all blessed to be here tonight. Continue to pray your rosaries for all of my intentions and your intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to pray for all of the souls who have died from the Covid virus and even for the vaccinated people who could die from the next deadly virus. Many souls are not prepared to meet Me at their judgment in front of Me. Before the deadly virus comes, I will bring My Warning to give every soul one last chance to accept Me as their Savior, and seek the forgiveness of their sins in Confession. If your judgment is at hand, you can pray your Act of Contrition, and I will forgive your sins. I can heal all of you with a blessing of the Good Friday oil, or My believers can be healed at My refuges when you look upon My luminous cross in the sky. Trust in My healing, and you will be healed of any virus.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have a Bible in your house, but how often do you take the time to read a few pages every day? You are starting your Novena to the Holy Spirit tomorrow in preparation for Pentecost Sunday. Along with your Novena prayers, take time to read a few pages in the Bible, especially you could read the Acts of the Apostles. My Word in the Scriptures is there to guide you to heaven, so make time every day to read My Word in the Holy Bible. You make time for all of your earthly chores and needs, but reading My Word is more important for your spiritual life.”

Jesus said: “My people, pray that this fighting with rockets and bombs between Israel and the Palestinians could stop with a peace arrangement before more people could die and lose their homes. The evil ones are causing this conflict because of your weak Biden. Prayer is powerful, so keep this intention in your prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing how the authorities are trying to encourage people to get the vaccine by limiting places where the unvaccinated people can go. Some colleges are only allowing vaccinated people to attend classes in person. Others who are unvaccinated have difficulties getting on airplanes or attending sports events. Soon you could see an attempt to make virus vaccines mandatory. If your lives are threatened by such a mandate for vaccines, I will call My faithful to My refuges for their protection. Trust in Me to protect you from the evil ones at My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want all of My faithful to follow My apostles’ example when I asked them to go out into the world to spread My Good News of My salvation. You all have been empowered by the Holy Spirit in your Baptism and your Confirmation with His gifts to go out and evangelize souls wherever you travel. Saving souls is your most important mission, so you need to share your faith and evangelize souls wherever people will listen to My Word through your sharing. You can start by encouraging all of the newborn babies to get baptized in the faith. Encourage your family to attend Sunday Mass as well. You have the power to share your faith, so move forward to help save as many souls as you can.”

Jesus said: “My people, I want you to find a printing of the Holy Spirit Novena prayers. You have printed this off the internet in previous years. Have two copies or more made so you can recite the Novena prayers together every day. This novena to the Holy Spirit is one of the oldest novenas to be prayed. These prayers will prepare you for Pentecost when you can receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit. You will be united with My apostles as you will read how the tongues of fire came down on My apostles. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring His tongues of fire down on you as well. You will receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit so you can have Him give you the words to speak so you can evangelize souls.”

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Jesus said: “My people, St. Paul took advantage of the ‘unknown god’ that the Greek people worshiped in order to teach them about having faith in Me. The people of that town had difficulty in believing in someone who was raised from the dead as in My Resurrection. Yet there were some converts that believed in Me by St. Paul. You have been celebrating My Resurrection from the dead throughout these forty days of Easter. Tomorrow you will be celebrating My feast of My Ascension into heaven. You have visited this very site of My Ascension on Bethany. You also will be starting a novena for Pentecost on Friday which is fifty days after My Resurrection. This is a glorious time in the Church year with all of these major feasts. Give praise and thanks to Me as I send the Holy Spirit down on all of My faithful believers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard about the Colonial Pipeline that was hacked by a dark cybergroup. Some places were out of gas, but this Colonial Pipeline just reopened today. It will take some time before gas is replenished in this line. The stock market has been down for two days because of inflation fears from the latest report of a 6% annual increase in inflation. As the Biden government pushes for another $4.1 trillion for infrastructure and the Green New Deal, this could bankrupt your country, and reduce the value of the dollar. The worst concern is that the Covid shots are bioweapons to ruin your immune system, and even shed the virus to the unvaccinated people. When the next deadly virus is released, all of the vaccinated people will die as you saw in a vision of many dead bodies on the ground. Vaccinated people need to be believers so they could be healed using the Good Friday oil, or they could be healed at My refuges when they look upon My luminous cross in the sky. Have no fear of any of these events because I will bring My Warning before the next deadly virus comes. Trust in Me that I will heal My faithful of any virus at My refuges.”

May 2021 – Urgent Prayer Added To Pentecost Novena From Blessed Mother Mary, Our Lady of Guadalupe, to Latin-American Mystic, Lorena – MaryRefugeOfSouls

NOTE (By a soul):
In mentioning the Sixth Chamber, the Blessed Mother is referring to the Final Sixth Chamber found in the Spiritual Journey of Holiness given through the heavenly messages at Holy Love Ministries (


My Little Faithful Remnant, be firm in the face of adversity, Ask the Holy Spirit for STRENGTH, TEMPERANCE and WISDOM, to be able to know what to do before any adverse circumstance that may arise.

The Church of My Son is shipwrecked in stormy waters, separating itself from the false church, to form with my Little Faithful Remnant, the New Church based on the True Doctrine of the Catholic Church, free from heresies and false ideologies.

Today more than ever I need you united. You will give life to the New Heavens and Earths, to the True Church that will marry My Son. The Schism has cracked the Foundations of the Church, disuniting what is not useful so that small and truth can form, as in this Little Faithful Remnant, Life in the New Heavens and Earths, which will give life to this New Generation of people converted into Living Tabernacles through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

That is why I need you to get to the Sixth Chamber in order to be Living Tabernacles.

For this, you must let the Infusion of the Holy Spirit Fill and Transform you.

But how is this accomplished?

With a Pure Heart of a Child, FREE of Resentments.

Cleanse your hearts of ALL RESENTMENT so that the Holy Spirit can fill you with the Gifts, Graces and Charisms at this Pentecost. Renew the Force of the Holy Spirit in you. May the Holy Spirit Take, Release, Cleanse and Anoint you from His Power.

Cleanse your hearts through Forgiveness. You must learn to forgive and forgive yourselves.

These days before Pentecost you will ask God this with all your heart.

The Transformation of your hearts is essential, in your transformation to become Living Tabernacles. That is why I am concerned, that there are still marks on some of you, that Will not allow you to become Living Tabernacles.

That is why you should pray this Prayer with ALL your heart, so that the Holy Spirit will Heal and Cleanse your heart.



Dear children, the preparation has been arduous. Be ready to go out to Battle, surrendering all of your being to the service of My Son, there are only a few days left for this Pentecost. Therefore, free yourselves from all Bondage that does not allow the Holy Spirit to flow into you and fill you with Him.

I need you prepared for this Pentecost so that the Holy Spirit can act in you and turn you into New Wineskins. You must have your heart clean and become as a child through this Prayer made with a Contrite and Humbled Heart. So it may be clean of all stains.

My Son’s house, which are your hearts, need to be clean for this Pentecost. You have been given several steps within your preparations. This is very important to be able to receive the Gifts, Graces and Charisms this Pentecost.

The Battle rages on, evil darkens the entire Globe, and you, as Little Lights of Blue, Yellow and Red colors, will set fire to the Land of Light and, exploding, you will be Renewed, transforming the Earth into the Reign of Peace of My Son. But for this to happen I need you and your hearts clean. So work on this in these last days.

The New Jerusalem will come down to Mount Zion dressed in fine linen, and all the inhabitants of the Earth will sing songs of triumph and victory when My Son possesses each one of you, but for this, you need to dress in fine linen with a Heart Clean and Pure. Work on this. Ask the Holy Trinity for it.

The Earth will be shockingly transformed like mankind to give rise to the New Heavens and Earths. The Work of Redemption of humanity will reach its culmination. Everything will come to an end. Everything will take its place. That is why I need you as My Army, so that as an Army of My children, you will go out to fight against the demonic forces.

Good will conquer evil, with the Virtues of Love and Truth. Therefore be genuine, be like children, annihilate yourselves before God, so that, emptied of yourselves, you can all be filled with the Holy Spirit. Remember that the first thing that must be transformed is your hearts. So, with a Clean and Pure Heart, you will be able to carry out your Missions. That is why I emphasize at this point: your Hearts be FREE from all Hate, Fear or Resentments, are the ones that will reach the Sixth Chamber.

Pray this Prayer every day several times, and ask for the Total and Full Transformation of your Hearts.

My Army, I as your Captain, I call you to take your Sword and Shield through the Rosary and the Eucharist, so that, Clothed with the Holy Spirit, you can fight against the forces of evil.

I call you to Fullness. So that living in it, you will be Living Tabernacles where My Son will dwell when the Eucharist finally ceases, He will continue living within you. But in order for Him to dwell in your hearts you must be cleansed and healed. Hence the urgency of this Message. I need you to reach your Spiritual Fullness, so you can be transformed from caterpillars to butterflies.

I need you ready for this Pentecost.

The Holy Spirit will Enlighten, Guide, Cleanse and Heal you. Just let yourself be molded.

Your Beloved Mother of Heaven loves you,

The Virgin Mary of Guadalupe


May 2021 – Prayers of Preparation for Pentecost – Blessed Virgin Mary to Latin-American Mystic, Lorena – MaryRefugeOfSouls

May 2021 Pentecost – Novena to the Holy Spirit – Based on the Precious Blood Devotion Given to Barnabas Nwoye – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings beloved ones,

Alright, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I know that some of you have been patiently waiting for the SECOND NOVENA for Pentecost that I mentioned yesterday on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls.

Firstly, I apologize for the delays — some of which have been related to my lower back pain (thank you for those praying for me and yes, I have been using the Good Friday Oil, which has helped me a lot!). I also thought that I only had the prayers and meditations in Spanish, but thankfully, dear Drina, did send me the original prayers in English (that’s the problem when you use two different email accounts for a blog — finding emails and attachments), so I am able to provide them now to you all as a free PDF download (15 pages). Here is the link below:

Now, let me provide you all a bit of background history on this SECOND NOVENA to the Holy Spirit. My dear friend, Drina, belongs to a small church prayer group in Bolivia that prays weekly before the Blessed Sacrament. Well, there is a chosen messenger who belongs to this small prayer group that is spiritually directed by two Catholic priests (one is an exorcist whom I am familiar with and the other is a priest with the mystical gift of reading of hearts, etc).

Well, the other week, the chosen messenger was praying with the group in front of Our Lord and received a special message in Spanish from Our Blessed Mother Mary. It seems that the Blessed Mother was able to ask Papa God for a very special BIG Grace for everyone due to the prayers of this small church group due to their humble and contrite hearts. Because this Pentecost 2021 will be the last Pentecost celebrated in the usual manner in Holy Mother Church, Blessed Mother has obtained the following Special Graces for all those who participate in this Novena to the Holy Spirit (using the prayers and meditations given to visionary, Barnabas Nwoye, of the Most Precious Blood Devotion) and says the prayers with a humble, contrite, and loving heart:

— the Grace of saving your family and relatives from damnation
— the Grace of the deceased souls of your family will be released from Purgatory

So, in order to gain all the Graces, these are the following conditions:

— We must prepare ourselves by going to Confession — hopefully, before the Novena
— During the 9-Day Novena, we should have the Most Holy Eucharist every day, or if possible, even twice a day, because we are facing a hard and difficult spiritual battle ahead
— Each day, offer up your reception of the Most Holy Eucharist for the salvation of your family and relatives
— 3-Days prior to the Feast of Pentecost, we should fast with bread and water
— On the Feast Day of Pentecost (Sunday, May 23rd), do the Consecration to the Holy Spirit (included in the PDF document)

Now, as the Novena to the Holy Spirit should have started on Friday, May 14th, I am going to inquire with Drina to see if participants can receive similar graces from Papa God even if they start the Novena late and if they get caught up by doubling up on the prayers each remaining day. (If I get any spiritual confirmation, I will update this blog post on MaryRefugeOfSouls).

At this moment, I do know that the Blessed Mother is eager to have people join in praying this Special Novena, as people who are currently participating have been experiencing special graces like smelling roses and feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit with them. Also, other chosen messengers in Latin America have been receiving similar messages that this will be the last Pentecost for public celebration within Holy Mother Church. So, we must especially prepare ourselves for our final missions in this End Times by honoring the Holy Spirit with much reverence this special holy day.

Plus, I must add, that the prayers and meditations given to Barnabas for this Novena to the Holy Spirit are very beautiful. So, in whatever way you can honor Our Lord by praying them, I know that Our Blessed Mother and Her Eternal Spouse will bless you ever-abundantly.

God bless,
a soul


May 2021 – Prayers of Preparation for Pentecost – Blessed Virgin Mary to Latin-American Mystic, Lorena – MaryRefugeOfSouls

May 2021 – Prayers of Preparation for Pentecost – Blessed Virgin Mary to Latin-American Mystic, Lorena – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings beloved ones,

My Public Apology: Please forgive me, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, for being tardy in posting these novena prayers for Pentecost. I have been having some medical issues (lower back) which have made it difficult for me to sit for periods of time at my desk chair. I have also been having problems focusing attention on this post, as my concentration has been distracted by other matters.

My hopeful prayer, though, is that people will still participate and that the Lord will still look favorably on those who do these prayers, especially, if they make up the prayers for the first few days and finish the novenas by Pentecost. As truly, this delay has been my fault and not the cause of any person who wants to receive these graces for themselves and their loved ones.

Meanwhile, this blog post is concerning two novenas that are very similar. It seems that several chosen messengers in Latin America have been receiving similar heavenly messages indicating that this Pentecost 2021 is the last Pentecost that will be celebrated publicly in the usual way as a holy day by Holy Mother Church. So, Heaven has indicated that it is especially important that everyone approach this Pentecost with much adoration, devotion and reverence, for the Coming of the Holy Spirit.

Now, the FIRST NOVENA consists of a daily rosary, three daily prayers and a consecration prayer, given to Mexican Catholic Mystic, Lorena, whose heavenly messages I have featured before on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. As bit of background history, I am aware of Lorena’s messages through my dear friend, Drina, who follows this blog and who also makes scapulars that I have advertised previously on this blog ( Lorena has been receiving heavenly messages for several years that are discerned by Catholic priests and shared through Spanish social media prayer groups. She does not maintain her own website although many of her heavenly messages have been compiled into booklets and shared through prayer groups. Drina is our mutual friend, as she translates messages given to Lorena into English for myself and others. I also have most of Lorena’s message booklets in the original Spanish, as I have Lorena’s permission to translate her heavenly messages into English to share with others.

Now, I want to say something special about the heavenly messages given to Lorena last year. In May 2020, I featured on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, two novenas given to Lorena by Heaven for the Blessed Mother (Fatima) and also for the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). Personally, I did both novenas and a consecration prayer to both the Blessed Mother and the Most Holy Trinity before the Blessed Sacrament on Pentecost along with a life confession with a priest on the same day. Doing these prayers were very special for me, as the churches were not publicly open last May due to the Covid-19 virus. So the priest who helped me had to ask the bishop for special permission for me to be before the Blessed Sacrament on that day.

Well, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, last Pentecost 2020, I had a very powerful encounter with the Blessed Mother and the Most Holy Trinity, which I will never forget as I found out my life mission from God that day and received many special graces for doing the consecration prayers. Pentecost 2020 was one of the most memorable and happiest days of my entire life. I have been eager to find out if Lorena would get a special heavenly message and novena for this year, Pentecost 2021; and I have been so happy that Heaven did provide a special novena — although I have been late in receiving it and posting it to the blog (I am sorry).

So, that is my personal endorsement regarding Lorena’s mystical gifts and for this year’s novena for Pentecost 2021. If you would like to participate in this year’s novena, below is the instructions and prayers in English (I will do a PDF downloadable document later today). Also, note, a Consecration prayer for the day of Pentecost has not been given by Heaven yet to Lorena. Last year, it was given in a later separate message, so I am hopeful that the same will happen this year. Otherwise, I will post an appropriate Consecration prayer closer to the day of Pentecost.

Meanwhile, I will also have to do a separate blog post later on today for the SECOND NOVENA, because my lower back is no longer comfortable sitting at my desk. Again, sorry for the delays.

God bless,
a soul

UPDATE (5-17-21): See below for free downloadable file for novena prayers:


RECEIVED BY LORENA, Mexican Catholic Mystic, in May 2021

To the Apostles of the End Times so that you may carry the Salvation message to the whole world and so you can understand and live in the Divine Will.

Preparation: I need you to prepare for this Pentecost with many prayers, fasts and penances; Dressed in fine linen with the power of the Holy Spirit to be able to go out to give the message of evangelism. For this it is necessary to give the second Fiat to be able to carry out your missions. In preparation to give their Fiat on this Pentecost you will say before the Most Holy Trinity every day this prayer:

1ST PRAYER.- “As an Apostle of the End Times and warrior of the army of the Mother of Heaven, I want from this present moment before the Blessed Sacrament, to give my second Fiat to the Most Holy Trinity, giving God my whole being so that I may undertake whatever God wills for me to do; so that the Most Holy Trinity may make me holy, being glorified through me, and prepare me for my final mission. Amen.”

Where? In front of the Blessed Sacrament, if you can have access to a chapel of adoration and if not in adoration on the internet, they will put an image of mine in the invocation of the Virgin of Guadalupe, one of the Most Holy Trinity and another of Saint Michael Archangel, on the altar. In front of the Blessed Sacrament, you will say the following…

2ND PRAYER.- “Today I … (give your full name) … unite my free will to the Divine Will of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, taking as a model my Mother in Heaven; following the footsteps from Hers to Theirs, and giving today my will to the Most Holy Trinity, now and forever. Amen.”

When you finish saying these two prayers, you will say a Rosary as an offering of thanks and goodbye for having sealed the pact between Heaven and you. All of this, they must do in a state of grace, preferably receiving Holy Communion on the same day and on the day of Pentecost, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will pour out on you abundant gifts, thanks, and charisms. So that, those anointed with the power of the Holy Spirit, will have prepared their souls, minds and spirits, for the Illumination of Consciences and will be ready and prepared for that day when you will be birthed and reborn in your final transformations as End Times Apostles — reaching spiritual maturity to be able to carry out your missions. In preparation for the Fiat on this Pentecost, you will also say to the Most Holy Trinity, every day this prayer from today until Pentecost day:

3RD PRAYER.- “As an Apostle of the End Times, I prepare to give my second Fiat to the Most Holy Trinity on this day, surrendering my free will and my whole being, so that through this surrender, during these last days, I will be in holy gestation inside the womb of my Mother, the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe; thus, to be reborn on the day of the Illumination of Consciences. Amen.”

After saying this prayer, you will have prayed to the Father asking Him to pour out everything necessary on your minds, souls and spirits to be able to carry out your missions.