Prophet John Leary – Jesus Christ – “Some people are following some suggested prayer services in preparation for the coming Warning… God the Father will decide when to bring the Warning experience, but it could be coming soon because of all of the wars and weather damage.” – March 6-12, 2024 Update


Tuesday, March 12, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s reading of the Gospel you read how I took pity on the man by the Pool of Bethesda who could not walk for thirty-eight years. I asked him if he wanted to be healed, but he explained how he could not get up to go into the stirred water. So I healed him at once, and I told him to take up his mat and go home. The Pharisees criticized Me for healing this man on the Sabbath. They were very upset that I was gaining authority over them by My healing people and My parables. They were even plotting to kill Me, which is what they would eventually do. You are getting close to Holy Week before I was crucified. Keep focused on Me in your fasting and prayers this Lent, because My death on the cross is My sacrifice that has brought salvation from your sins. Rejoice because this was My victory over sin and death.”

Monday, March 11, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, today you are reading the description of the Era of Peace in Isaiah 65:1-25: ‘Lo, I am about to create a new heavens and a new earth; the things of the past, shall not be remembered or come to mind.’ And again: ‘A man dies a mere youth who reaches but a hundred years old, and he who fails of a hundred, shall be thought accursed.’ I told you that you will live a long time before you die because you will be eating from the Tree of Life. Another passage reads: ‘The wolf and the lamb shall graze alike, and the lion shall eat hay like the ox. None shall hurt or destroy on all My holy mountain, says the Lord.’ So there will no longer be the survival of the fittest, and animals will not eat each other. So you will all be vegetarians without eating meat. Rejoice because this will come with My victory over evil after the tribulation of the Antichrist.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you this empty chair of St. Peter because of what is coming out from the Vatican. I have told you that homosexual sins and fornication are both mortal sins. So just as you cannot bless fornicators, you also cannot bless homosexual sins as well. You cannot bless sinful behavior. These are sins against the Sixth Commandment. Sins against the Sixth Commandment are adultery, fornication, prostitution, homosexual acts, and birth control that includes condoms, vasectomies, and tubal ligation. These sins deal with the creation of life, and life is sacred. These mortal sins need to be confessed in Confession before you can receive Me in Holy Communion. So come to frequent Confession to keep your soul clean and ready for your judgment before Me.”

Sunday, March 10, 2024: (4th Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you are aware of the parallel of the destruction of Israel and its exile compared to the coming destruction of America for your many sins. The evil ones in your country are planning your demise. You will be fortunate to have another election because the communists are ready for their takeover. Have no fear because I will give My people a chance to repent and be saved in My Warning experience and My six weeks of Conversion. After these events, you will be called to My refuges for your safety during the tribulation of the Antichrist. Rejoice because after less than 3½ years, I will bring My victory over the evil ones.”

Saturday, March 9, 2024: (Carol Sotile Funeral Mass)

Carol said: “I want to thank all of you for coming to My funeral, especially my dear family with Melissa, Brian, and their families. I love you all so much and my heart goes out to all of you. I could see Bucky, Millie, and Ray. It is sad that I had to leave you all, and I will miss being with everyone. I want to thank all of the people who helped me in my later years. I will be in purgatory for a short time, so remember me in your prayers and Masses. Good-bye for now and I love all of you so much. I will be watching out for you in my prayers.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a greed for power carried out by Biden and the Democrats. They are opening the border to millions of illegal immigrants so the Democrats can allow them to vote and keep the Democrats in power. It is even worse when your news is reporting that Biden is flying in illegal immigrants from other countries directly in addition to the ones crossing the border illegally, again to gain more votes. The Republicans are being blocked from closing the borders because of Biden and the Democrat controlled Senate. If your people are not allowed to vote these evil people out of office, then you could see a civil war or a martial law. It is possible that the Democrats will try and stop your elections from happening in order to maintain their power over America. Be ready to come to the safety of My refuges before the evil ones will try and mandate the mark of the beast on everyone. Have no fear because I will bring My victory over all of the evil ones and they will be cast into hell.”

Friday, March 8, 2024: (St. John of God)

Jesus said: “My people, when you see this vision of a trash can, you know it is for cleaning up your waste paper, garbage, and dust from your cleaner, as you keep your area clean of things. There is a spiritual meaning also, as you can think of your sins as spiritual trash. At Confession this is your spiritual place where you can dispose of your sins with the priest’s absolution. This helps you to keep your soul clean in your spiritual life. Just as you like a clean environment in your physical life, so you should have the same desire to keep your soul clean in your spiritual life. Give thanks and praise to Me for forgiving your sins in My sacrament of Penance.”

Jesus said: “My people, these chemtrails are not harmless because the aluminum oxide and viruses contained in them are causing sickness among your people, and it is making your soil less acidic. These chemtrails are spread by both military and commercial planes, and your government is not telling you the purpose of these chemtrails. You are also noting how your weather people are telling you that January and February of 2024 have been the warmest January and February since records have been kept. You are having an El Nino winter with very little snow as you approach spring. This has been an unusual winter by all means of measuring the overall temperatures. Some people are wondering if the HAARP machine is causing your warmer weather, and it is contributing to it.”

Thursday, March 7, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people of America, your country is like today’s readings when many people are committing serious sins, and they are not listening to My prophets of today. I call people to obey My laws, and when your sins are many, you are seeing punishment from the weather. There are evil ones controlling your storms with the HAARP machine, and arson is setting unusually large fires. This is why you are seeing multiple storms in California and fires in Texas. I call out to your people to repent of their sins, and change your hearts away from the evil in your hands, like the people of Nineveh. If you take heed of My warnings, then you would see less punishment for your sins. Call on Me to forgive you and restore My grace in your souls. You can be forgiven when you come to Me in Confession, and when you repent of your sins.”

Prayer Group:

Jesus said: “My son, before you accepted a mission to run your own refuge, I asked you to buy two mountain bikes, an air pump, and two helmets. These bikes could be used by people to get to a refuge, if your car was not working, there was an EMP attack, or you were out of gas. Most people will drive to My refuges at the appointed time, or you could have bicycles for a backup.”

Jesus said: “My people, the Houthis are still attacking ships in the Red Sea. Some missiles have recently killed some people on one ship. Because of these attacks, many ships are traveling around Africa instead of going through the Suez Canal. Some ally attacks have struck targets in Yemen, but these terrorists are still attacking ships in the Red Sea. Other damaged ships are causing environmental problems with oil slicks and spilled fertilizer. The Houthis are funded by Iran as one of Iran’s proxies. Pray for a stop to this war with Hamas and Israel.”

Jesus said: “My people, there is a corrupt leadership in the Ukraine and America has sent many billions of dollars of shells and armaments to the Ukraine with no accounting of where the money and the weapons are going. The latest aid to the Ukraine has been held up in the Congress because the House wants to fix your border before more money is sent to the Ukraine. Your border is a disaster, but Biden does not want to close the borders on the South and the North. States like Texas are fighting this open border.”

Jesus said: “My people, in this vision you are seeing the place on the Jordan River where St. John the Baptist baptized the people in the water by immersion. Even I was baptized there as well. You have visited this very spot yourself. I instituted this sacrament of Baptism with My death on the cross. Many people have been baptized with water to become new members of My Church, and this cleanses original sin from your souls. You can continue this cleansing of sins by coming to the priest for Confession. Having your souls cleansed from sin in Confession is definitely a good devotion to keep souls clean in Lent or other times throughout the year.”

Jesus said: “My people, Lent is a time for prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Some people are following some suggested prayer services in preparation for the coming Warning. Your country and your people do need some extra prayer services to make up for all of the sins in your country. God the Father will decide when to bring the Warning experience, but it could be coming soon because of all of the wars and weather damage. Trust in Me to bring My faithful to My refuges before your lives are in danger.”

Jesus said: “My son, you remember when I asked you to buy some bunk beds and mattresses for your refuge. I also had you buy enough cots with cushions for forty people at your refuge. Along with the beds, I had you buy sheets, pillows, and blankets for the forty beds. You also installed solar panels and solar batteries for backups to store your electricity. I also had you dig a well for water, and you have stored water in your blue 55 gallon barrels. You built an altar in your chapel for Mass and for your Perpetual Adoration. I thank you for all of your refuge preparations that you will use during the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My son, you were given a gift inheritance from your neighbor that enabled you to afford an addition on your existing house. You also had new appliances and an altar placed in the new refuge part. You went through a trial of thousands of flies in this new addition which related to Beelzebub or the ‘Lord of the flies’ as in yesterday’s reading. You were away in Ohio giving a talk when this took place. You had your contractor put holy water and fly spray on the flies to kill them along with your St. Michael prayer. You had your priest friend exorcize your Chapel and your grounds to keep the evil ones from any more attacks. You have your prayer group angel, St. Meridia, and the angel is also your refuge angel. St. Meridia is shielding your refuge from any harm.”

Wednesday, March 6, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you heard in the readings how I have come to fulfill the law and not to change it. My laws are to give you direction through life so you can show your love for Me and your neighbor. These laws also draw you to confess your sins so you can keep a clean soul in front of Me. I look upon many souls that are black and covered in mortal sin, and others with heavy amounts of venial sins. It is a joy to look on My faithful with clean souls who shine brightly among the black souls. I allow the good to grow up with the bad so you can help evangelize souls to love Me. I also hear your prayers for the people who you are praying for healing and for justice.”

Jesus said: “My people, this vision is again emphasizing the importance of the waters of Baptism for saving souls. Evangelizing people is part of My call to My faithful to help save souls. This not only frees your soul from original sin, but it brings you into My Catholic Church as a new member. As a member you are called to obey My Commandments to keep your soul clean of sin, especially mortal sin. Even if you should fall into sin, I can forgive you and cleanse your soul in Confession with the priest’s absolution. With Confession readily available, there is no excuse to have sin on your soul. So if you truly love Me, then you will keep your soul white and clean with frequent Confession.”

February 2024 – Words From Jesus – “There is a bounty for your soul but I have paid your ransom through my passion, death, and resurrection. My children, you have nothing to fear if you are walking in my light and praying for those who are not.”

To Chosen Messenger Jennifer

February 26th, 2024 – 5:30 PM

My child,

It is through my mother that she will embrace each one of her children and light the way for mankind to return to her son. She carried the Divine light within her womb and shared in the sorrows of my passion. Go to your heavenly mother, my children, for she is the vessel that will prepare you for your journey home to heaven, for I am Jesus and my mercy and justice will prevail.

February 23rd, 2024 – 9:55 AM

My Child,

I tell my children you are witnessing a time where the dividing line is being drawn. You are either seeking to live in my light or live in the ways of the world. You are living in a time where history is seeking to be repeated. There are those who desire to erase history and those who have learned what history has taught them. I tell my children, do not fear, for the graces flowing from heaven down upon my faithful are multiplying more each hour than any other time since the beginning of creation. Yet I warn my children that you must also be vigilant, for the devil and his companions seek your soul. Be on guard and pray for discernment. This is the hour where many live in what they have disguised as truth and a remnant who live in the realm of truth. Pray, my children, pray and remain close to me, for I am Jesus, and my mercy and justice will prevail.

February 22nd, 2024
(Vision given to Jennifer from Jesus)

I see a haze covering the ground almost like fog but I could feel the heat. Jesus then tells me, “That a great heat will come and many will be searching for water. The heat will come before summer is due.”

Jesus speaks to me again and says, “Many lakes will dry up because the earth will respond according to the depth of man’s sin. When my children seek to rebel against my church, my commandments, my creation, my plan, and refuse to accept my mercy, there is no longer harmony between heaven and earth. It is time for my children to open their eyes because the temptation is great. There is a bounty for your soul but I have paid your ransom through my passion, death, and resurrection. My children, you have nothing to fear if you are walking in my light and praying for those who are not. Now go forth, for I am Jesus and be at peace, for my mercy and justice will prevail.”

Video – “The Two Suns” Message given to visionary, Gianna Talone-Sullivan, by Our Lady of Emmitsburg on June 1, 2008 – MaryRefugeOfSouls


Two Suns Prophecy – Comet of The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – Comet of Chastisement

Video Description: “The Two Suns” Message given to Gianna Talone-Sullivan by Our Lady Of Emmitsburg on June 1st, 2008.


June 1, 2008

My dear little children, praised be Jesus!

Little ones, thank you for coming to pray. Know how much God loves you. He has given you tremendous gifts.

Children, for the last 20 years I have oftentimes spoken of “change.” I have told you that there is no time for fear; there is only time for change. You must know by now that I have recently spoken of an arising of “two suns.” When you see the two suns on the horizon, you must know that this is a time of change, a time of this new beginning about which I have spoken to you before. After you see the two suns, there is only a short time before you will see a tremendous change in weather. After this, as you know, there are more changes to come.

Children, God did not create only the Earth. God is the Creator of the cosmos, with its many galaxies, many orbits, different stars and different planets. God is the Creator! There are other planets like earth, far beyond your understanding.

I can tell you this: Even your governments and the Church authorities already have knowledge of the stars aligning and its implications upon you. You must not fear but must be prepared, primarily spiritually.

After awhile, you will see a time when there is another body in orbit around your solar system, coming between Earth and the Sun and leading to tremendous devastation. Approximately 60-70% of the world’s population, as you know it, will cease. Of those who survive, 60% of them could die of disease and starvation.

Prayer is the answer! Prayer can mitigate much of anything to come. Love and unity must be at the forefront, not survival of the fittest. But I can assure you that secretly those in governmental positions around the world and Church authorities all know. As your Mother and with you as children of God, it is my duty to forewarn you and to draw you to my Son for protection.

Look not too far before you will see two suns. Make my words known to all people: Life is important because God loves you. Those who are in control of the financial world think differently. But I your Mother know what true Life is!

So prepare, spiritually prepare. You will always be with my Son if you trust. God has a special plan, a new beginning! Look to Him; and do not fear, but love with all your heart.

I look to you, and I answer your prayers. Even if you are a sinner, and even if you were wrong, I come for your intercession. Now you must remove your “self” from your desires and look to help all people.

Peace to you (fading whisper).

YouTube Video: The Two Suns | Our Lady Of Emmitsburg (6:31 minutes)

Thank you for your compassion and prayers – Follow-up on Hurricane Hilary – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Tuesday, August 22, 2023
Feast of the Queenship of Holy Mary

Blessings dearest ones,

I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, would like to thank everyone who prayed for the well-being and safety of myself, my family, and for those who follow this blog and were in the direct path of Hurricane (Tropical Storm) Hilary, as she made landfall in the Northern Baja California / Southern California region. We never experience such extreme storms and your heartfelt prayers were certainly the decisive factor for us experiencing a miracle. Although certain areas did flood, the situation could have been much worse, as I really feel that all of us dodged a major catastrophe. There was also a 5.1 earthquake in the middle of the storm and there was no structural damage at the epicenter. This was shocking (in a good way). I am still waiting to hear back from some refuge owners, but so far, the Lord has been Merciful towards His people. Myself, I know that the holy angels sheltered us, as it felt like our home was in a protected corridor that had very light rain and gentle winds. It was amazing.

Beloved ones, thank you for your compassion and your prayers. We are all grateful for your love and spiritual support.

God bless,
A Soul

Urgent Prayer Petition for Southern California – Hurricane Hilary – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Saturday, August 19, 2023
Month dedicated to Papa God

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

My heart goes out to everyone living in Southern California, as Hurricane Hilary approaches. It is expected to become a Tropical Storm before it hits landfall, but this is a region that never experiences hurricanes or tropical storms, nor the massive flash floods which seems to be on the forecast.

Dearest ones, I live in this region that is populated with over 23 million people. I sincerely ask for your prayers of protection for Southern California, as well as the neighboring states.

I know that we are deserving of punishment. I know that in the eyes of God that this region is likely very sinful, harboring Hollywood and all its liberalism and perversity, etc. But despite this, there are also many good people who live here, whom I believe protect this region — by their love of God — from ultimately falling into the ocean. There are many people who love their families, friends, and neighbors, deciding to establish refuges for the greater whole. Although a minority, conservative and traditional people do exist here. I know, because I have been blessed to know them and to pray with them.

Brothers and sisters, it would mean so much to me and those who live in Southern California and also are followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, if you could kindly pray for us all in this uncertainty. The Lord Is so Merciful and So Good. I am hoping for a miracle.

I thank you in advance for your heartfelt prayers for all of us.

Finally, for those who live in this region, I remind you to turn on your emergency alert system on your cell phones. Below is a video with the latest storm advisory as well as an explanation of the different types of emergency notifications possible. Please be familiar with them.

I love you all.
God bless,
a soul



Jesus Christ a King of Glory has come in Peace.+ God became man,+ and the Word was made flesh.+

Christ was born of a Virgin.+ Christ suffered.+ Christ was crucified.+ Christ died.+ Christ rose from the dead.+

Christ ascended into Heaven.+ Christ conquers.+ Christ reigns.+ Christ orders.+ May Christ protect us from all storms and lightning.+

Christ went through their midst in Peace,+ and the word was made flesh.+ Christ is with us with Mary.+

Flee you enemy spirits because the Lion of the Generation of Juda, the Root David, has won.+

Holy God!+ Holy Powerful God!+ Holy Immortal God!+ Have mercy on us. Amen!

YouTube Video: LiveNOW from FOX: Hurricane Hilary: FLASH Flood alerts activated for California, dangerous conditions warning (7:25 minutes)

Jesus Christ to Anna Marie – “I know how many children, adult children, have left their Catholic faith – But they will return to their roots, to their Catholic faith after my Warning or Illumination of Conscience”

Apostolate of the Green Scapular


JUNE 21, 2021, MONDAY @ 4:39 P.M.

Anna Marie: My dear Lord, are you calling me now?

Jesus: Yes little one.

Anna Marie: My Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: It is I, your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus, thank you for coming today and speaking with me. My Lord, may I ask please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes dear one, I your Savior Jesus, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak dearest Jesus, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My dear one, I know you have much in your life and concerns of what will take place soon in your country is certainly the biggest worry and concern you and all Apostles have on their minds. Yet I ask that you and all my Apostles surrender all this into my loving Sacred Heart. I know how many children, adult children, have left their Catholic faith. But they will return to their roots, to their Catholic faith after my Warning or Illumination of Conscience. Even the hardened of hearts will fall to their knees when he or she is shown his or her sins and with whom they have offended or abused. They will plea for my mercy and I will grant them mercy because of your loving and continuous prayers for your adult children.

Jesus: Do not think that your prayers go unanswered, that is not so. Each prayer offered for another is stored in Heaven for the ones you are praying for. It is only when a contrite and repented soul comes to me and seeks forgiveness, will I pour those many and holy graces upon him or her. My love for your adult children is even greater than yours. I will save each one, if they seek my love and forgiveness. So my beloved Apostles, continue with your steadfast prayers and do not give into doubt. I AM your Savior and I will save all those whom you love. Then the glory of my Father in Heaven will be made manifest because of your trust in me, your Lord. Have no concerns, trust in me.

Jesus: I am your Loving and Divine Savior and you are my beloved servants. Trust in me and I will guide you in your daily lives. Trust in me and I will guide you into a Refuge of Mercy. Trust in me and do not doubt. Love everyone, love your friends, family, neighbors and learn to love your enemies. This is the only way into my Father’s Eternal Kingdom. In love, do all things.

Jesus: Now dear one, I do ask you to place this message on the website so my beloved Apostles can read it.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, I will ensure it is done.

Jesus: Behold, a storm is coming from the East. Pray, dear children, pray for your Country. A Tempest will come to destroy, but your interceding prayers will mitigate this trial.

Anna Marie: Yes dear Jesus. Thank you for this warning. We will all pray that it is mitigated.

Jesus: Please do, everyday until it has passed.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. Thank you Jesus. All Apostles love you Jesus.

Jesus: I love them too my dear one. Be in peace now and share my love with others.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord, my holy Majesty. Thank you.

Jesus: Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Peace and Mercy.

Anna Marie: My Lord, may I ask you for a Scripture passage?

Jesus: John 15:9 “As the Father hath loved me, I also have loved you. Abide in my love.”

Blessed Virgin Mary to Valentina Papagna – “My Son, Jesus, wants this nation of Australia to come to Him and repent”

Heavenly Messages
As Given to Seer, Valentina Papagna

December 21, 2019

Jesus wants this nation of Australia to come to Him and repent

During my morning prayers, I offered the whole of Australia to our Lord, especially because of the ongoing drought, the devastating bushfires, and thick smoke blanketing many cities and towns.

I lamented to our Lord, “Lord, it looks like You have deserted us! This weather that we are experiencing is unbearable. People are dying and losing their homes, and it’s not their fault. Lord, when are You going to do something about it?”

Both our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother appeared, and they said to me, “My daughter, we heard your plea and prayers. We don’t abandon people, even when they go through the hardest period of suffering.”

Blessed Mother said, “See, what sin causes. The sin of mankind leaves behind consequences. It affects the whole country, all of the people. This drought represents sin. Nature is so dry and thirsty, just like the souls of mankind are dry and thirsty because there is no God in their lives.”

“My Son is waiting for people to turn to Him and to ask for His mercy. He is willing to forgive, but hardly any people plea to Him for His mercy. He is willing to change things for the better, but people will then never learn from their mistakes, they need to acknowledge that they sin against God.”

Our Blessed Mother is very concerned for her children. She said, “Soon, you will hardly have any water left, and people should be worried. Instead, they do not care and just continue with their shopping and seeking material things. My Son is waiting for people to repent of their grave sins. He is waiting for people to say:

Lord, we have greatly sinned against You,
Please have mercy on us and
Forgive us our wrongdoing and
Forgive us for being so disobedient.”

“He will then open Heaven and pour abundant water upon this dry country. My Son, Jesus, wants this nation of Australia to come to Him and repent. Only God can give life to the full.”

Jesus said, “Do not be discouraged, do not despair, do not give up. There is hope that I will change things for the better.”

Blessed Mother said, “Because migrants have brought so many different religions to this country, people have abandoned Christianity. My children do not abandon prayer, especially the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Through prayer, my Son can touch the souls of non-believers.”

Lord, be merciful to this country Australia.

Saint Michael Archangel to Luz de Maria – “I must declare this to you so that you would not forget it”

Revelaciones Marianas

AUGUST 18, 2019

People of God:


People of God, demons are moving so quickly that they manage to rob souls of their peace and confuse them in a matter of seconds, through the human being’s self-love, in order to lead them away from our King and Lord Jesus Christ and from their brothers and sisters.

I invite you to be strong, to strive internally so that you are not easy prey for evil. As creatures of God you know the daily spiritual battles; at the same time, you are witnesses to the Divine Love that does not forsake you, but constantly helps you to perceive the Divine Company.


You remain on a part of the Way where you are being tested, shaken, passed through the crucible, with the goal of polishing you (cf. Sirach 2:1-5), in order to remove those selfish and self-centered particles that make the Spirit sick, contaminate the Soul and finish by making the physical body collapse with feelings and emotions that make the human being sick, preventing it from reasoning and thinking in the likeness of our King and Lord Jesus Christ.


People of God, the times of famine are approaching. It is important that you supply yourselves with non-perishable food, given the inclement advance of the climate that will attack crops.

Do not forget the medicines that Heaven has mentioned for the diseases of those times.

You need to have clothing for extreme heat and cold: the weather will vary from one extreme to another, to unthinkable levels.

Plagues will spread throughout the Earth, insects will invade everything in their path. Houses will need to be protected in their doors and windows, and you must not go out from where you are until the said plague ends – otherwise you will suffer serious lesions.

Man is no longer safe given the reaction of the elements: these change in a matter of moments.


When you hear of a strongly contagious respiratory illness, do not expose yourselves in crowds, or in places where you have to share several hours with your brothers and sisters, for example in airplanes and collective means of transport. Wait patiently for the said disease to abate.

People of God, be obedient and be patient, so that with due discernment and given My calls, you are cautious in undertaking trips that are not a priority.

The Earth is at boiling-point and in some places this will cause the closure of airports and roads for several weeks because of volcanic eruptions, earthquakes or fierce storms.

The human being has been modified in its actions and works, and being part of that daily process, has experienced it as something normal, being conformed to modifications in behavior, in morals and in social rules. HUMANITY HAS BEEN PROGRESSIVELY CONDITIONED TO ACCEPT AND SUPPORT BEHAVIOUR CONTRARY TO THE NATURAL LAW OF MAN. You can clearly see how humanity has taken its vertiginous course towards meeting a series of events that will purify it.

Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for Mexico. This nation of our Queen and Mother will be fiercely purified. Faced with the sin that abounds in this nation, the volcano Popocatepetl will begin this purification without stopping the movement of the ground in various places in this nation.

Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for Colombia, which, very rigorously tried due to its disobedience towards the Divine appeals and those of our Queen and Mother, will see the Galeras volcano burn, just as its ground will be shaken.

Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for Ecuador and for El Salvador: they will be affected by nature.

Children of our King and Lord Jesus Christ, pray for the United States, it will shake forcefully. Man continues making his unforeseen attacks against his brothers.

Italy – what suffering, what sin, what lamentation!

Beloved People of God, be constant, pray and receive our King and Lord Jesus Christ properly prepared, not forgetting that the Divine Spirit resides in each person.

Pray for the coming of the Angel of Peace (1). Pray for due repentance and amendment of sins committed and be benevolent towards your brothers and sisters.

With firm faith, by and for God.


St Michael the Archangel


(1) Revelations about the Angel of Peace: read…

See related:
Heaven’s Medicinal Plants

Jesus Christ to Anna Marie – “Pray my good and loving children that this catastrophic event will not take place during this year, 2019”

Apostolate of Green Scapular


JANUARY 31, 2019 @ 10:22 A.M.

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My dear Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

JESUS: My little one, it is I your Lord God and Savior, Jesus of the Holy Eucharist.

Anna Marie: Yes my dearest merciful Savior, may I ask please? Will you bow down and adore your Holy Eternal Merciful Father, Who is the Alpha and the Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

JESUS: Yes my little one, I your Divine Savior will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, Who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Yes my Merciful, Loving Lord, please speak for your sinful servant is now listening.

JESUS: My little one, I know you are not feeling well today and have much to do. Be in peace, you will feel better soon.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus.

JESUS: My dear one, I have come to speak about the weather patterns that have changed and will continue to change during this year. Sin has brought the wicked weather upon your nation. A sinful people who have turned away from their merciful God and Father, will not go unpunished. It is for this reason that My Father in Heaven has allowed the weather patterns in your nation to change. My Father will do whatever it takes to call His sinful children back on their knees, repenting for their great and many sins.

JESUS: It is not enough that many who know that I AM their Divine Savior, when they refuse to attend weekly church services. Why have you all forsaken your Lord God and Savior? Why do you pretend the “Lord of All” does not require your love and attention? Have you not read, “I AM a jealous God?” My Father demands all sinners to repent, that means every citizen of your country. And if only half of all citizens would repent, My Father would still have mercy. Yet, over half of your citizens are now pagans, worship satan and doing evil against one another, even against small children.

JESUS: Those who are involved in the occult and curse others and cause their death, you will be held 100% responsible of all pain and deaths which you caused. Then you will be cast into the pit of hell for all eternity because of your hatred towards others and your God. No one, no person, will escape the tortures of hell if they die unrepentant. The pains will never end, their sufferings will never end, their horrors will never end. Those sent to hell, demanded during life, to go there. They have chosen hell because of their own free will.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. I understand my Lord. What about Catholics or other Christians who go to church on Sunday’s and do good deeds, but curse others? Will they be saved?

JESUS: Unless they repent NOW and STOP practicing in the occult, cursing others and worshiping satan through Voodoo, Witchcraft, Satanism, Santa Muerte, and others; there will not be any hope of their salvation. Have you not read, “You can not serve two Masters”?

JESUS: A grave catastrophe is on the horizon. Pray my good and loving children that this catastrophic event will not take place during this year, 2019.

JESUS: For anyone who is able to share this message with someone practicing in the occult, and that person repents; My Father in Heaven will bless you with great Heavenly gifts because you evangelized the Truth. For I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life.

JESUS: Now little one, be in peace. I am with you always and I ask all Apostles around the world to pray for the conversion of all sinners. Pray very hard this year for this crucial prayer intention. Be in peace my beloved children, I AM always with you and hear every prayer in your heart. My love and my blessings are upon you all, always. Your merciful Savior, Jesus of the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Anna Marie: Thank you sweet merciful Jesus. You are everything and we all love you so much! Praise you Jesus!


Also see:

Jesus Christ – I Will Forgive Satanists, I Give You My Mercy

How To Leave Satanism, Witchcraft And The Occult

Jesus Christ to Valentina Papagna – “When will they wake up and learn that I Am in control of everything – I permit things to happen, it is not climate change”

Heavenly Messages
As Given to Seer, Valentina Papagna

December 15, 2018

Furious Storm Clouds

Before the storm hit Sydney, I was given a vision by the angel. I was shown menacing, dark storm clouds raging across the sky. The clouds were rolling and exploding at fast speed. I was shocked at the fury of the clouds. It felt like the end of the world.

The angel said, “The clouds you see are the fury of Heaven. Heaven is so offended by the sins of the world, that everything is disturbed, including Heaven.”

“Heaven is not in peace now because so much sin is committed in the world, so Heaven is sad for the Lord seeing Him suffer.”

Lord, be merciful to the world.

December 21, 2018

Lord Jesus Permits this Severe Weather

During the last week, Sydney experienced very severe weather causing a lot of damage.

Our Lord said, “People think that this severe weather is due to climate change. Tell people, that it is I who permit this weather to happen and it has nothing to do with climate change, but it is due to sin. Tell people to repent. When will they wake up and learn that I Am in control of everything! I permit things to happen, it is not climate change!”

He said, “If people would turn away from sin and start to pray, everything would be beautiful again, instead of blaming each other and blaming climate change. Through prayer and repentance, you receive everything, My children.”

Our Lord Jesus Christ to Valentina Papagna – “Tell people to change before the Mercy of God ends – Now there is still a little time to repent and return to God”

Heavenly Messages
As Given to Seer, Valentina Papagna

Hot Weather in Autumn

While I was praying my morning prayers, our Lord Jesus appeared and said, “Valentina, did you notice that people are wondering why there is such hot weather in autumn. What all this points to is, that the world is in terrible sin. It has never been so sinful and so corrupt like it is now. Nature, the weather and everything is out of season. Nature is fighting against you all. People are blind. They do not see the reality. God permits all of this to happen so that people will turn away from evil, instead of denying the True God.”

Jesus said, “Tell people to change before the Mercy of God ends. You will call but He will not hear you. Now there is still a little time to repent and return to God. Tell people that I the Lord love them and that I desire that everyone comes to God.”

While Jesus our Lord was dictating this message to me, I was suffering such intense pain that I could not lay still. In that moment of suffering I asked our Lord if my suffering could heal a very sick friend of mine.

Our Lord answered me in a very firm and very serious tone, “No! The world is so sinful, more than ever before. People have to have sicknesses and crosses in order to console Me. I will only give sick people the strength to better endure the pain.”

Jesus said, “Everything points to the same thing. Sin is the cause of all pain.”