Jesus Christ – Please Pray Hard Until October 1st – Prophecy About Freedom Tower Collapse – June 2018

COMMENT (By a soul):
Please Pray Hard until October 1st. As of July 28, 2018, there is not enough prayer to prevent a collapse of the Freedom Tower in New York City (USA). Everyone needs to pray a daily Most Holy Rosary or Divine Mercy Chaplet along with the novena prayer to God the Father to prevent this prophecy from happening. Below are the recent prophecies about the Freedom Tower collapse from two Catholic mystics. I am also including significant videos about the collapse of the Twin Towers on 9-11. If the collapse of the Freedom Tower happens, it will be a tremendous feat by the new world order and the radical terrorists, clearly signaling the presence of a ‘shadow government’ within the U.S. Federal Government. The collapse of the Freedom Tower might set in motion another world war and anarchy in our country. We must pray hard to defeat this act planned by satan. Thank you.


InfoWars Video – Donald Trump on 9-11 – It would take bombs to take down the WTC

Video – BBC News Reports on 9-11, WTC 7 Collapse BEFORE It Happens

Video – BUSH SLIPS UP – Bush Admits Explosives Used at World Trade Center 9-11


Apostolate of the Green Scapular


SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 2018 AT 1:37 PM

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My Lord are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

JESUS: My dear one, it is I your Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. May I ask please, will you bow down and adore your Heavenly Eternal Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

JESUS: Yes my dear one, I your Loving Savior Jesus of Nazareth, will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Speak Jesus my Lord, for your sinful servant is now listening.

JESUS: My beloved one, I know you are suffering today. My dear one, I will help you today to endure your sufferings which are needed today. Be in peace.

JESUS: My dearest one, there is a plot being developed now to attack your nation. There are many who want to harm your nation. I am asking that you and my beloved Apostles, pray very hard for this attack to be stopped. With prayer, your Country can be protected from those who serve evil.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. May I ask WHEN my Lord, and WHAT is the nature of it please? (I heard the Holy Spirit say, “High-rise” and “Explosion”).

JESUS: My little one. You have many in your nation who are evil and are scheming to do evil, to harm innocent lives. I will say this attack is scheduled over this Summer so please make certain it is posted as soon as possible so my beloved Apostles can pray to prevent its occurrence. A novena would be sufficient.

Anna Marie: My Jesus, what Novena?

JESUS: A Novena in honor of my Glorious Father in Heaven.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. Shall we say this Novena daily?

JESUS: Yes, throughout the Summer months.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. My Lord will we know when the danger has passed?

JESUS: Yes, in October if there has not been an attack on your nation, then you will know my Father interceded because of my Apostles great prayers of mercy.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. Thank you Jesus.

JESUS: Now be in peace today. Your sufferings will soon pass and healing shall overcome.

Anna Marie: Thank you Divine Lord. Praise you my Lord. We all love you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.

End of Message

Dear Apostles,

As I was looking for an appropriate novena prayer in honor of our Heavenly Father, I opened my Raccolta and found a bookmark that had a Heavenly Message from Jesus on it, dated May 11, 2016. The prayer was entitled: Prayer For Protection Of Our Nation. We are reprinting it here for your praying, please do as Jesus has asked, we should recite this prayer before our Holy Rosary and/or Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily throughout the summer months until October 1st.

Heavenly Message given on May 11, 2016:

Prayer For Protection Of Our Nation

JESUS said, pray like this: “Through the intercession of our Heavenly Mother, Mother of God; and through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of souls; we ask you Heavenly Father to stop any terror plot being planned and executed by possessed sinners who hate the children of God. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.”

JESUS said: “This is what they should pray. Ask my beloved children Apostles to print and recite this prayer before they begin their Holy Rosary. If not a Rosary, then the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.”


Prophet John Leary

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, you remember the story of the Tower of Babel where man was prideful in trying to build a huge tower into the sky. This was an affront to Me because people worshiped this tower over Me. As a result I caused the people to speak in many languages so they could not understand each other. The Holy Spirit enabled My apostles to speak in different languages so they could evangelize all nations. America’s Twin Towers were destroyed on 9-11-01 as a sign against America’s idol worship of things. But America rebuilt your Freedom Tower in defiance of My judgment and without remorse for your sins. There will be another destruction of this Tower, and it will be another sign of My judgment against America for your abortions and your sexual sins. Pray to save the souls of America, especially those souls who will die suddenly in natural or man-made disasters.”

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Jesus said:“My son, you had a message about the destruction of your Freedom Tower because of how you built this building in defiance of My judgment on your nation. Another person had a similar message about a high building attack. Such a destruction could be by a terrorist attack, or sabotage like the Twin Towers. You could also see a possible false flag destruction carried out by the one world people. Pray that this can be prevented by your novena prayers to God the Father.”

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s first reading (Amos 7:10-17) you see the priest of Bethel criticizing Amos, the prophet, for prophesying against Israel. I choose prophets from the people to warn them of the sins they are committing against Me. This is the first stage of My attempt to reach out and save the people. Once the people refused to repent and change their sinful lives, then I sent My prophet Amos to tell the Israelites that many of them will be killed by the sword, and they would be exiled in a distant land. Today, I am choosing many prophets to warn America to repent and change its sinful lifestyles of fornication, adultery, and homosexual acts. You are killing My babies in abortion, and you are calling down My wrath on America. Your last warning will be My Warning experience of your life review and judgment. If America does not change its ways, you will receive the same punishment that Israel received. Many of you will be killed and the one world people will take you over. Some people could even be exiled to the European Union when the Antichrist reigns. I have told you before how your Freedom Tower will be attacked because you rebuilt this building in defiance of My judgment. Be prepared to come to My refuges where only My faithful with crosses on their foreheads will be allowed to enter at the proper time. All of My prophets of the end times are calling out to Americans, to repent and change their lives, or you will suffer an agonizing defeat. My punishment is coming against America, and it will be so devastating, that you will not recognize your destroyed country. Repent and pray to save souls while you still can.”

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you in the vision another example of man’s pride. Some people boasted about the Titanic: ‘Not even God Himself could sink this ship’. Little did the builders know that the Titanic would sink on its maiden voyage. When man openly defies Me that I could not sink this ship, he is calling down My justice upon this ship. You know the history of the sinking of the Titanic by an iceberg. There is another challenge by the people of America when I allowed the destruction of your Twin Towers in New York City. This was a terrorist attack, but it was planned in advance when your buildings were taken down for a financial profit from the insurance. Your leaders spoke out to rebuild these buildings, but it was in defiance of My judgment that this was done. Even the words are put on the Freedom Tower by your previous President: ‘We remember. We rebuild. We come back stronger.’ Because you built this Freedom Tower in defiance of My judgment, you will see its collapse, as it will be destroyed again. When you openly defy Me as with the Tower of Babel, the Titanic, and the Freedom Tower, you are calling down My judgment upon you. Be prepared for such a destruction of your man-made tower that you have made into an idol. I love your people, but you will be chastised for your abortions and your sexual sins.”

Jesus Christ to Valentina Pagagna – “When the changes in the world start unfolding, there will be much confusion among people”

COMMENT (By a soul):
In the following heavenly messages, Jesus answers the question on whether animals have souls. I actually addressed this question a bit in my special commentary about the antichrist. If you are interested, please see Part Ten: Do Animals Have Souls?

Also, Jesus addresses why people do not often receive healing from Him. For those interested, I wrote extensively on this issue in a recent commentary:
The Reason Why Many People Have Difficulty With Their Prayers Being Answered By God – By a soul

God bless!

Heavenly Messages
As Given to Seer, Valentina Pagagna

July 12, 2018

Return to God

During the morning while I was praying, Blessed Mother appeared and she looked very sad.

She said, “Try to encourage people to turn to God. There are many disasters that will befall mankind. You see the disasters that happened in Japan very suddenly. These disasters are on an enormous scale, they are not normal. Many people are dying in each disaster. They die without God, without repentance. That makes me very sad my children.”

“These disasters will persist in the world, but people don’t take much notice of things that are happening. Unless they are in a State of Grace, they will not comprehend what is coming to the world.”

“They must come to know God and repent to Him. Only He can give you strength and protection for what is to come. Encourage people to return to God. It is plain and simple,” she said.

Our Blessed Mother tries to lead us to her Son but not many respond. They make themselves blind and deaf to the messages.

July 15, 2018
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta

Many receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist Unworthily

During the distribution of Holy Communion, after I came back to my pew, I went down on my knees to pray and to thank the Lord.

Suddenly, a most brilliant golden glowing light appeared before me. It was so bright, more brilliant than the sun. As this was happening I was in the second row from the front, so that I had a clear vision of the people coming to receive Holy Communion.

Then our Lord spoke to me. He said, “Now you will see and experience how I see all these people, when they come to receive Me in Holy Communion. You will experience what I see.”

I was kneeling down and as the people were passing by in front of me, I could see the golden light around some of the people rising from their feet upward along their sides. As others passed by, the light around them was very dim and even non-existent and then completely disappeared. Then others would pass by and the light would re-appear. The degree of strength and brilliance of the golden light was related to the state of the person’s soul.

When the children would walk by, I could see a very strong glow of light around them. This represented their innocence and our Lord was pleased with them. For some people I could see the light rise from their feet and come around them on both their left and right sides.

Today Father John Rizzo celebrated Holy Mass. During the homily I could see a beautiful golden glowing light in the space between his mouth and the microphone. Two angels were present on either side of him. The light means that the priest was speaking the True Word of God.

Our Lord then said, “See, how much I Am offended by people receiving Me in the Holy Eucharist unworthily. They think that if they receive Me in Holy Communion they will receive healing. I cannot do that, unless they repent of their sins and go to confession.”

Very few priests teach about the importance of confession. Today Father Rizzo was talking about confession. Our Lord would like for the priests to speak more about the importance of repentance and confession during each Mass.

Those for whom the light disappeared they were not worthy to receive our Lord in the Holy Eucharist.

Most of the people that received Holy Communion did not have a light because they were not worthy. Please do not be offended if you read this message because our Lord gives an opportunity for everyone to repent. He would like that everyone would come and receive Him pure and holy.

July 22, 2018

The Truth must be Told

During my morning prayer offerings our Lord Jesus appeared. He was very cheerful. Smiling, He said to me, “Valentina, I come to remind you that you must tell people the Truth. Times are fast approaching for changes to come into the world, and people are not ready for them. You have to speak the Truth to them, that they must repent and come to know Me before it is too late.”

“When the changes in the world start unfolding, there will be much confusion among people. They will not know what to do, but if they prepare now, repent, and come to know Me it will be much easier for them. Tell them not to be afraid to come to Me, I Am a loving God. I love all My children, and I want to help them. So far, the world is very reluctant to receive My messages, because the devil confuses and misleads many people.”

Jesus was looking at me. Smiling, He said, “Valentina, can you tell Me why do they refuse Me, why do they not want to believe Me? I am not such a bad God, am I?”

I said, “No, Lord Jesus, You are so good and kind and a gentle God, and I love You so much.”

Jesus said, “Now, I want you to tell people about Me, maybe they will listen to you. Tell them that I Am preparing a New Era of Peace to come to the world, because My people suffer too much. By doing that, the more you open the road and prophesise for Me to come, the sooner I will come.”

Jesus then said, “I Am very sorry My child for the things that people ask you to tell them. They even ask you that I and My Mother come to them personally to talk to them. They are not convinced of what you tell them. Even disasters that are prophesised from Heaven to happen, they can be averted for the time being, through prayer that My children offer to Me, because My Hand is very reluctant to punish My children.”

Jesus continued, “People that ask that My Mother and I come to talk to them personally, they have a very superficial faith. That is why we send prophets so that people can read our Holy Word through the Prophets.”

Our Lord Jesus also told me about animals and where they go when they die, because many people asked me about them. Jesus said that animals have no soul, they are here on earth only for us.

Later that morning I attended the eleven o’clock Mass at Parramatta Cathedral. Our Lord explained to me that this is a High Mass and He wanted me to be present at this Mass. During the Mass our Lord asked me to offer Him everyone I could think of. I offered Him the sick, the Holy Souls, relatives, friends and all people in general who have no-one to pray for them. Our Lord then showed me in a vision people suffering persecution, He showed me the hungry people suffering in the world, especially little children dying of hunger.

Jesus lamented to me, “Valentina, there are so many rich people in the world, they could help these people but they are very reluctant to help the needy. They have no idea how many graces and blessings they would receive from Me only if they would share their wealth with the poor.”

Lord, open the hearts of all people to love one another and to share with one another.

August 5, 2018 Special Feast Message – God the Father – “I love each soul more than human understanding – Thank you for honoring Me today”

Holy Love Ministry

August 5, 2018
Feast of God the Father and His Divine Will and Blessed Mother’s Birthday*

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Once again, I see a Great Flame that I (Maureen) have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“I am the Father of ages past, present and to come. I am the Creator of time and space. I traverse all to be with you. Nothing constrains Me. These days, mankind listens to the voice of the world and allows that voice to block the voice of the Holy Spirit. This is the fundamental cause of war. You will never have peace in the world unless you first have peace in your own hearts.”

“What destroys peace in your heart is not of Me, but always from Satan. He cannot take over the world until he is victorious in every heart. The challenge, then, is to recognize the ways in which Satan is making inroads into your own heart. Whenever self-love takes precedence over Holy Love, Satan presides over the present moment. Whole nations need to take note.”

“I tell you, solemnly, it is when free will challenges or overrules My Will that sin wins out. Then, evil takes over the heart of man and redirects thought, word and deed. This is why governments become dictatorships and violence becomes more and more less shocking – even commonplace.”

“Dishonesty has become the rule and not the exception. Human life is no longer valuable, which was the first human value to go and which changed the biology of moral values.”

“These subtle, yet profound, moral changes have determined the course of human history. The future seems defined by the acceptance of sin and lack of love and respect for Me. The time approaches when I will, of necessity, need to step in and make My feelings known. I do not cherish lowering My Hand of correction, but it will come out of Paternal Love.”

“Every loving father will, of necessity, correct his children if they make errant choices. It is no different in this Paternal relationship with all of mankind. So, as events unfold – in politics, in business and in every life – realize it is My Loving Hand of Paternal correction that visits earth. Do not hold My corrections in contempt for they come clothed in love.”

“Love shows itself in many ways – concern for another’s well-being, trust, obedience. I love each soul more than human understanding. I charge each soul to accept My Love and to reciprocate.”

“I AM WHO AM. I am part of every breath you breathe. I am the Beginning and the End. I have safeguarded you even when you didn’t recognize danger. Thank you for honoring Me today on the Holy Mother’s** Birthday. I had no birthday. I was, and am, and always will be. I continue to watch over every aspect of this Mission*** from the property,**** to the Messages,***** and all things in-between. If you want to find Me, I am in the soft breeze, the early morning sunrise, the rustle of the leaves, the warm sun on your face. I am in good inspirations and part of your every prayer. It is I who reveal dangers and evil. It is I Who grant you perseverance in time of need.”

“My Provision is complete and shines forth in the testimony of this Mission. I protect you from scandalous claims and raise you up in the attacks Satan has prepared for you. No evil shall prevail against this Mission. It is My Testimony of the fortunes of My Will.”

“I am spreading the majesty of My Favors amongst you. I called each one of you here today and I will not forget your faithfulness to your response to My Call. My children, now, in this present moment, I’m imparting to you My Patriarchal Blessing.”

* Our Lady stated at Medjugorje that Her birthday was August 5. This has been confirmed here by Jesus and Our Lady, and most recently, by God the Father.
** Blessed Virgin Mary.
*** The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
**** The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
***** The Messages of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Read Ephesians 5:15-17+

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Will of the Lord is.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)