God the Father – “These days, the soul of the world struggles to find My Will in the present moment – I must step back from souls who do not seek My Aid”

Holy Love Ministry

May 24, 2019

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Allow Me to satisfy the inner depths of your soul. Accept My Peace, My Love and My Joy which will only be as deep as your trust in My Provision. Each heart that surrenders to Me strengthens the heart of the world.”

“These days, the soul of the world struggles to find My Will in the present moment. This is due to the affections of most human hearts which remain grounded in the allurements of the world. I must step back from souls who do not seek My Aid. I stand ready to assist in settling the quarrels of nation against nation. You, My children, must place Me at the center of any peace negotiations. Human efforts alone cannot bring nations together.”

“Domestic disputes are designed by Satan to frustrate the noble efforts of good. Doubts as to the just causes of good weaken and forestall many victories. Be strong and united in one effort towards the welfare of all. Beware of Satan’s controversies. Controversies always divide.”

Read Philippians 2:1-4+

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any incentive of love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfishness or conceit, but in humility count others better than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Some Information about the Refuges and the Comet of the Warning

I wanted to do this blog post, because I was asked some questions and my answers will be helpful to all followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove.

Firstly, I want people to know that refuges are world-wide. I know that my blog caters a lot to Americans as the heavenly messages that I post are mostly from chosen messengers from the U.S. But, please know that God loves all His children on earth and is preparing refuges world-wide, in every country, for those who love Him. The refuges will be at places of Our Lady’s apparitions, shrines, monasteries, convents, or churches where the Blessed Sacrament has been honored and adored for many years called holy ground places. Some people after much prayer have been led to prepare their homes for a refuge and, in the mountainous regions, refuges will also be caves.

Also, please know that when it is time for you to leave for the refuges, you will be informed either by locution (a strong inner voice by your guardian angel or Holy Spirit) or by a dream if you are asleep. Then, once you have made sufficient distance from your homes not to be captured, your guardian angel will lead you with a small flame, like ancient Israel was led by a pillar of fire in the Exodus, to the nearest refuge. You will be protected by an invisible shield. Also,  as you travel, your spiritual sight will begin to open more. For example, you will see a cross on the foreheads of those who are saved and are children of the Light so you will know to avoid those who are in darkness or have taken the mark of the beast, etc. Here is more information on refuges:

Information On Refuges During The Great Tribulation

And secondly, I was asked about timing for the Warning. I do not know when it will happen although I do get the sense that events are moving quickly now and Our Lord has even said in a recent message that He is “speeding things up” now to bring about the Warning. That was a message in reaction to the recent infanticide bill that was passed in New York state in the U.S. So, what we are currently doing and/or not doing (lack of prayer, etc.) is having an effect on Heaven’s timetable.

But, I will say this. We will not have a lot of time to prepare ourselves once the the Comet of the Warning appears on the horizon. The Comet will be approaching from behind the Sun and so, when we are able to finally see it (becomes visible), the Comet will take about 3 to 7 days for it to finally reach Earth (based on heavenly messages and what I know about how long a solar storm and other objects take to reach Earth from the distance of the Sun).

However, it is important to understand that the effects of this Comet of the Warning will be felt on Earth for some time before it becomes visible to us. It is my understanding that the composition of the Comet is a bit unusual as it is “all metal” with a gaseous surface (more like an asteroid or small planet). And so, as it approaches on the other side of the Sun, its metal core will be interacting with our Sun, which of course, will affect the magnetic pull between the Earth and the Sun, causing earthquakes and an awakening of volcanoes. Also, once the Comet of the Warning appears visible to us, the earthquakes on Earth will become more violent, because the core of the Earth is liquid metal and so the magnetic pull will be very intense with the Comet.

However, the gravitational pull of our Moon will be strong enough so the Comet does not hit the Earth on this first passing. But, the Moon will change the path of the Comet just enough that, without enough prayer and the whole of mankind’s conversion back to God, the Comet will return three and a half years later for the Great Chastisement. So, only God can intervene to change its trajectory. Meanwhile, the Comet will be hanging about in our solar system interacting with the other planets and other objects like asteroids causing trouble which will affect us back on Earth.

Now, I am not a scientist, so likely, someone with a science background can explain better how an all-metal Comet will interact with the Sun, the Earth, our Moon, and the solar system. This is just my layman’s understanding of how this will happen. Also, I do not claim perfect discernment or knowledge on this, so I could be entirely wrong. But, I share it with you for your fruitful consideration.

Two Suns Prophecy – Comet of The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – Comet of Chastisement

God bless.
I love you.
–a soul