URGENT – IMPORTANT – September 28, 2021 – Prophetic Warning from God the Father and Jesus Christ – Prepare for the Mega-Tsunami Caused By the Erupting Volcano on La Palma (Canary Islands) – Commentary By a soul with Message from God – MaryRefugeOfSouls

NOTE (By a soul):
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28 de septiembre de 2021 – ADVERTENCIA PROFÉTICA – PREPÁRESE PARA MEGA-TSUNAMI – Volcán La Palma (Islas Canarias) – Por un alma – MariaRefugioDeAlmas (PDF)

NOTE (By a soul):
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(written on September 27-28, 2021)

AMOS, Chapter 3, Verse 7
“Indeed, the Lord God does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.”


Blessings beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, want to begin this very serious commentary with a sincere THANK YOU to everyone who has been faithfully following this blog through the years. I started this prophecy blog in April 2015 upon the request of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, that the faithful start blogs to preserve the online integrity of the Book of Truth after her public mission ended. I discerned for a month this request, and decided to accept the challenge.

However, I wanted to also promote other chosen messengers that I personally believed in, such as the messages given at Holy Love Ministries, to Prophet John Leary, and Locutions To The World, etc. I never planned how my blog would end up looking. I simply worked each day on whatever task the Holy Spirit had me to do, as He checked off items on His Personal To-Do List. While working, I prayed that my blog would be helpful to others – especially, those whom I love – my family and my dear friends – at the unknown future date for the Warning of Garabandal, otherwise known as the Illumination of Conscience, for all mankind.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, this commentary will be a very serious writing that I hope that each of you will pray over and discern, and hopefully, share with everyone that you know, love and cherish. Because God the Father (“Papa God”) and His Divine Son, Jesus Christ, both spoke to me for about an hour during Spiritual Communion after I participated in EWTN Mass online the morning of September 27, 2021. They both spoke to me about a very grave matter that is happening and will happen that will affect the lives of countless people living near coastlines bordering the Atlantic Ocean. God spoke to me about the volcanic eruption on La Palma island and the potential for a MEGA-tsunami as the result of a landslide due to the many related earthquakes.

But, before I speak about the words of the heavenly message, I want to advise people that it would be very helpful to review first my two previous commentaries about the possible MEGA-tsunami. Here are the two links:

September 16, 2021 – Hal Turner Article Link – U.S. East Coast Could be SUBMERGED by Tsunami at Canary Islands Volcano Eruption with Landslide! – with Brief Commentary By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

September 20, 2021 – Dedicated to Our Lady of La Salette – Commentary about the La Palma Volcano Eruption – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


Since the earthquake swarms began on 9-11 on La Palma island, the Holy Spirit had me concerned about a possible volcanic eruption/MEGA-tsunami scenario. So, as soon as I found out about the situation, I have been calling for urgent prayers to alleviate any chance of a natural catastrophe.

On September 15th (Feast Day of Our Lady of Sorrows), I was able to have a conversation with Our Lord, Jesus Christ, while receiving Holy Communion during Holy Mass. And, The Lord indicated to me that the natural catastrophe that is developing in the Canary Islands is the direct result of the world’s sins due to the taking of innocent life, especially, in abortion and infanticide. It is especially due to the sin of Christian nations that should know better the Divine Law of God.

In response to my question as to how a potential disaster could be stopped, Jesus indicated to me that it is all dependent on MAN. That it all depends on LOVE from mankind. Jesus did not define what He meant by LOVE, but I did understand GOD needs to see widespread LOVE from His people — genuine, long-lasting LOVE in people’s hearts. This is a broad wake-up call that people need to make definite changes to prioritize GOD in their lives. It cannot be like a 2-week falling away from Church after 9-11 happened in 2001. GOD needs to witness more than the small minority of prayer warriors that are praying from the heart everyday to keep the world together.

Then, at about 4:00 AM Sunday [September 19th], I was finally tired as I had been up for 48 hours (typical for me) and I went to my bedroom. Then, Jesus asked me in my soul to pray for the La Palma volcano situation. and I expressed to Him that I was concerned about the volcano erupting causing a MEGA-tsunami. But, instead of directly answering me, HEAVEN responded to my concern. I heard several Saints tell me in my soul that THEY were very concerned, too, about the developing situation in the Canary Islands. Finally, I went to sleep after spending some time doing spontaneous prayers to mitigate what might potentially happen, as I felt an eruption might be imminent. Then, later, when I woke up, I found out that La Palma volcano had finally erupted on this special day that we remember Our Lady appearing at La Salette, France, in 1846, where She gave a very grave message to two shepherd children about the End Times in the Catholic Church and in the world.

Now, the fact that La Palma volcano erupted on the Feast Day of Our Lady of La Salette IS significant ALSO BECAUSE last year (Fall 2020), on this SAME DAY, Jesus told me privately that the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) was going to initially take place on December 8, 2020, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. Now, ultimately, as blog followers know, the date for the Warning on December 8, 2020 got changed by the intervention of the Blessed Mother Mary with the prayers of the almost 2 billion unborn babies in Limbo. These children finally entered Heaven the prior week through the mighty intercession of a team of prayer warriors and a holy priest (who had permission from their bishop), to confer the Sacrament of Baptism and Confirmation on all those 2 billion children. These were acts all done at the request of Papa God who wanted all of this to take place before the Warning of December 8th. So the unborn children late last year (2020) gave another chance for the Warning to be delayed further into the future, so the people of earth could be given more time to change and convert back to God.


After the initial volcanic eruption, I felt inspired to write a commentary during the very early hours of the morning on September 20, 2021. This commentary explained the significance of dates for natural disasters on earth, which are often used by Heaven to express its alarm over mankind’s deteriorating relationship with God. Significant dates of Heaven’s choosing can be considered a type of sign of the times.

After I finished my commentary for the blog, I watched EWTN Mass online. After Spiritual Communion, Jesus did something that He had never done with me before. Jesus told me that Papa God and He had “made a decision” and that God would give me a message this upcoming Saturday, September 25th. This is the first time that God has ever communicated with me, expressing that He would give me an important message several days in advance of a date. Jesus did not tell me if this message would be about the Warning (Illumination of Conscience), or if it would be about the possibility of a tsunami. I also did not know if it would be a public or a private (me only) message.

However, I did something stupid. Instead of keeping the details private to myself, I told a few people that I would be receiving an important message from God in five days’ time. The reason that I should not have shared this, is because this tipped off satan (who always lurks around me) that Heaven was going to do a special intervention regarding me. People may not realize this fact, but satan cannot read minds. Since Jesus had communicated this fact directly to me in my soul, it would have been better if I had kept the details to myself, not revealing it in any way to the world.

At the stroke of midnight on Saturday morning, September 25, 2021, Papa God approached me to give me the special message that had been promised the prior Monday. However, as He started to speak to me, the spiritual warfare was so intense, I could only get fragments and an individual word here and there about what Papa God was trying to tell me. From what I could figure out, it seemed that the tsunami was going to happen and it would catch many people unaware.

Well, unfortunately, having fragments of a message that I could not properly discern – because I botched the set-up by allowing satan to find out for an attack, was insufficient for any blog posting. So, I resolved that I would need to get a second and possibly a third confirmation from Heaven, because the possibility of a MEGA-tsunami was definitely a major matter that I would need to confirm several times with Heaven – to ensure that I made no mistakes in understanding what I was being told by God. However, I also knew that I had to keep all of this private to myself until I had received a proper confirmation from Heaven – to protect myself from further spiritual warfare attacks by satan and hell.

Sunday evening, Papa God approached me again and I was able to ask Him if there would be a MEGA-tsunami. Papa God confirmed for me that a tsunami would be coming and He also let me know that His Son, Jesus, would give me a more detailed message tomorrow (Monday, September 27, 2021).

The remainder of this third commentary is dedicated to the hour-long conversation that I had with Papa God and Jesus earlier this morning – after I had participated in EWTN Mass online and received Spiritual Communion.

(Monday, September 27, 2021)

NOTE: All the words in RED font are exact words used by Papa God and/or Jesus.

So, after receiving Spiritual Communion, Papa God and Jesus began to speak to me, bringing me into a deepening state of mental prayer. I started by asking Them questions.

I asked Jesus if the MEGA-tsunami would happen? Jesus said YES. Then, I asked Jesus twice if the MEGA-tsunami would happen BEFORE the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) takes place? And Jesus said YES both times.

So, then I asked Jesus, why will the MEGA-tsunami happen BEFORE the Warning?

Jesus said, The sin (debt) level is so high, it has to come.

Hurricanes and other natural disasters aren’t waking up people.

Lots of prayer is needed to reconcile the world back to God.

Humanity must try its best to please the Father in order to stop the tsunami.

Then Jesus repeated these words, to make sure that I heard them properly in my soul:

Don’t tempt God, Don’t mock Your Creator.

NOTE: I had the impression that Jesus was specifically referring to the evil that we are witnessing among humanity due to the Covid-19 virus and abortion-tainted, DNA-altering vaccines (both bio-weapons).

I asked Jesus, will it be a fast-moving tsunami?

Jesus responded, Heaven will plead before the Father that the tsunami will be slowed enough to give people a chance to come to their senses and to decide for God before their eternal fate is sealed.

Then, Jesus shared with me FOUR (4) ITEMS that Papa God wants ALL His children to focus on if the MEGA-tsunami is announced as coming and they are caught unaware – unable to evacuate to higher ground and so, they must face their own mortality. Those FOUR (4) ITEMS are:

  1. Reconcile with God (accept that you are a sinner in need of God’s Mercy and ask for God’s forgiveness for all sins committed in life)
  2. Be at peace (accept your moment of death by surrendering yourself to the fact that this is the Father’s Will for you to transition over now to the afterlife)
  3. Love one another (forgive all others who have hurt you and, if possible, seek forgiveness from all those whom you have hurt)
  4. Be grateful for what you have been given (recognize the blessings that God has given you during your life on earth)

Then, Jesus said, I’ve begged and I’ve pleaded and I am continually crucified by your sins, humanity’s sins.

There is hope in loving God and one another.

I asked Jesus if there is any type of prayer that He desires. And Jesus indicated to me that He desires continuous Divine Mercy Chaplets. Specifically for two prayer intentions:

Divine Mercy Chaplets to both stop the tsunami and for the lives that will be lost to the tsunami [if it happens].

Then, God was able to lead my soul into deeper mental prayer, so both Papa God and Jesus were able now to speak to me in more lengthy sentences without interference.

Jesus said, Mankind must learn that it cannot dictate or control how the Father wants mankind to live on planet earth.

Jesus said, God wants you all to know this – that it is the same Father who gave the Ten Commandments that He asks mankind to obey – that it NOT the same Father that wills another Krakatoa size event to happen on earth BUT He knows that many [people] cannot see what is before their eyes – the scales of sins are too dark for the Light to penetrate [so] that His Arm of Justice must fall to His side before the entire human race is lost to hell.

Papa God and Jesus say, I cannot control your desire to chase after sin, however, I can create events that will bring you to a place of massive reconciliation with God before it’s too late.

(GOD crying here, words said slow and painful)

Papa God said, This tsunami is the last chance for mankind to recognize and restore all the Goodness that I created each soul for in this world. By allowing it to happen, I am choosing to set humanity back onto the path that My children need to seek in My Son, JESUS CHRIST, Your Messiah, Your Savior.

I ask, is this the end of the message, Papa?

Yes, for you my daughter writing this, it is the end.

ADDITION: Papa God blesses each of His children in the Name of Himself, His Son, and His Holy Spirit. Amen.


After the hour-long conversation with Papa God and Jesus ended, I, “a soul”, immediately called a dear friend, as I had a private message to give to her from Papa God. And when I spoke to this dear friend, she shared with me a heavenly message received by an Italian seer from Jesus on the same day – Saturday, September 25, 2021 – that Papa God had first attempted to impart a heavenly message to me about the impending MEGA-tsunami. My dear friend brought it to my attention, as the message confirmed some of the things that Jesus had just told me that Monday morning, September 27, 2021. I share it below so you can discern some of the similarities between what I was told by Jesus and what Jesus told this Italian chosen messenger.

JESUS CHRIST to Italian chosen messenger, Gisella Cardia
Saturday, September 25th, 2021

My brothers and sisters, I am here with you: even if you do not see Me, you will feel My Spirit. My dearest brothers and sisters, you are few in number and with a pure heart, but do you think of the graces that are given to you every day? My Father fills you with the Holy Spirit, but sometimes you are blind and deaf. Help all people and this beloved daughter of Mine who is in My heart.

Help Me, My daughter! — I cannot, I can no longer uphold My Father’s arm: everything is upon you and there will be a continuum of persecutions, diseases and hypocrisy. My children, how much damage you have done, how much evil has been provoked because of sin. Behold America: part of America will disappear and then from the ashes it will be reborn to new life.* Pray, pray to God and His mercy. You who have the grace to listen to my Mother; do not pretend that nothing is happening; everything is underway, the earth is about to change and everything will come about when you least expect it. Be prepared, pray with your heart. O My children, this place is My sanctuary offered for you in the glory of My Father. Never be afraid — have I ever made you promises that I have not kept? I told you that nothing would be lacking — behold, nothing has been lacking until today, so why do you not believe? You believe only what is convenient for your human lives, but you do not always believe the words of My Mother. Do not reason, [1] children; do not reason about when and how everything will happen. Many will die and many will be taken to My House; do not be afraid of suffering, for you must purify yourselves on earth in order to reach Heaven in Your Father’s house, and how do you expect to get there? With filthy hands and dirty clothes? No children, no, you will be glorious one day: only in this way will you be able to reach My Father’s glory.

You are all doing good work [2] — continue, do not stop at any cost, I am here for you and I will never leave you on your own. Now I give you My Holy Blessing, in the name of the Father, in My Name and the Holy Spirit, Amen. I love you, children, I love you; pray for Rome, the city that is so dear to me and that has betrayed me — pray, because soon blood will flow in the squares. Pray, pray greatly. Your Jesus…


  1. Reason in the sense of human speculation. Translator’s note.
  2. Seemingly a personal message to those gathered in Trevignano Romano

(Message Source: https://www.countdowntothekingdom.com/gisella-i-cannot-uphold-my-fathers-arm/)


Holy Love Ministries

December 31, 2017

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“I am the Eternal Now – Lord of all Creation. I have come to help you in many ways. As time unfolds and reveals what has been predicted in Scripture, you must realize that the book of Revelation is not a prescribed timeline of events. Rather, it reveals what will and must take place before My Son’s return. The content of this book is to be digested spiritually, not as the sequence of events. For example, one or more of the seven plagues could occur before the war of Armageddon. This is not a certainty, but an example.”

“The important thing is to always have your heart ready. Prepare spiritually and you will not be surprised or frightened by worldly events. Do not waste time on dates or times or any interpretation thereof. Remain united in the Truth of My Dominion over you. This Truth is the groundwork of faith, hope and love.”

Book of Revelation, Chapter 8, Verse 8: And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood.


Monday, September 20, 2021

Jesus said: “My people, I gave you a message back on 10-11-11 about a possible tsunami coming from an earthquake in the Canary Islands. Now this possibility is getting closer to happening with some strong volcanic eruptions in the Canary Islands. With another severe earthquake there, you could indeed see a fast tsunami travel across the Atlantic Ocean into your East Coast. Your people need to pray and repent of your sins that this does not happen. I will still be protecting My refuges, even against such a tsunami.”

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Jesus said: “My people, there is good reason to watch the latest developments in the Canary Islands. There is a major volcano that is linked with the formation of these islands. The longer the earthquake activity continues, and the more bulging that occurs, the chance of a major explosion increases. If any release is slow, then there will be a minimal effect on the area. If activity increases at a rapid rate with larger earthquakes, you could see a major eruption that could send tsunamis to the East coast of America. Pray that this volcano does not explode violently which could put a lot of ash into the atmosphere. Do some research to examine the size of the caldera of this volcano, and some history of its past eruptions.” Note: El Hierro volcano in the Canary Islands is a shield volcano and it has been releasing gases from the ocean floor. It is in red alert with earthquakes ongoing even at a lower than 2.0 level. There was a 4.3 earthquake, and this is the first activity since 1971.

Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de Maria (August 29, 2021): As Mother I invite each of you to stay where you are settled; only those who live near the coasts should move away from the coasts. The seas will enter the land and some of them have underwater mountains which at some point will come to the surface.

Words from Jesus
Special Release – 2021 Messages to Jennifer

August 23, 2021

My child, the world is soon to be inundated with water. It will not come from the rains but will be from the tears of My people when they see what has been done to My little ones; when the world begins to recognize that the blood of the innocent will not go unpunished. My child, the sins of man are many but when pride remains, they will devour themselves into the pit of misery. I am coming to remove the blindness that has covered this world. I am coming to extinguish the confusion, and in the blink of an eye, the world will come before the judgement seat while on this earth. The days of evil harboring in the hearts and minds of My people will no longer be. I speak in warning that those who fail to recognize the time of My visit and continue in their wickedness will drown themselves in the eternal pit of darkness. The time is approaching when all light will be extinguished except that of which I come with because I am Jesus, the light of the world. I am coming to shine the light into each and every soul on this earth—not one will be spared. This is a time of truth, and when the world begins to weep is when healing begins. This will be the greatest act of mercy bestowed upon humanity since My passion, death, and resurrection. I tell My children to repent today for the hour is upon you, for I am Jesus and my mercy and justice will prevail.

Revelaciones Marianas

St. Michael the Archangel to Luz de Maria de Bonilla
September 26th, 2021

Beloved People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ:

United as children of the same King, I summon you to join with my Heavenly Legions, so that together with them, you would fight against sin and the iniquity of the Devil.

Humanity’s path is marked by signs in the Heavens and on Earth, without the People of God raising their gaze to Heaven. It is because of the indifference of humanity and its great unbelief that you will continue to suffer. You do not fear God, you live in immorality, in disobedience, in the mire of sin. Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, Infinite Mercy, is requesting that His Mother no longer hold back God’s Arm, before more children are lost. As the times quicken, so suffering doubles and sin grows. Disobedience, impiety and unbelief among the majority of humanity are leading to the scourging of the People of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ. We are advancing to defend the children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, awaiting the signal given by Our King in order to come to the aid of souls who continue to be faithful.

Have you forgotten that this generation will be severely scourged by fire? How you continue to sin! You will see the earth itself burning when it cracks… Increased volcanic activity will let out fire, smoke and gases that will hamper the survival of much of humanity. At the shuddering of the earth I see so many falling prostrate in fear, who then continue sinning. The sun will be darkened and you will not see the moon shining due to smoke from the volcanoes.

It must be you yourselves, who have offended Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, who make reparation, pray and love in return for all that the Divine Will has given you and that you have despised. You will persist in human folly until the great Chastisement comes to this perverse generation.

Prepare provisions, according to each person’s possibilities.

Pray, children of God, pray for Argentina: the people will rebel.
Pray children of God, pray for Brazil: it will suffer in being purified.
Pray children of God, pray for the Balkans: war strategies are being prepared.
Pray children of God, pray for Bali: the Agung volcano will cause great fear.

As Prince of the Celestial Legions I call you to prepare yourselves, to convert and to be disposed for inner change, otherwise it will be difficult for you to attain to conversion. Pride will cause humanity to fall… Be careful! Children of God, do not fear: walk gently without hurting your fellow men. Children of God, be humble servants of Our Queen and Mother so that under Her Protection you would continue to be in Her likeness: creatures of Faith. You have not been abandoned by the Hand of God. Have faith and exchange fear for firm purpose of amendment.

I bless you, People of God.

Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin
Hail Mary most pure, conceived without sin

Commentary of Luz de Maria

Brothers and sisters: We are continually being warned about coming events…. We need to react! While St. Michael the Archangel was speaking to me, he allowed me to see the following:

Many people, protected by the Heavenly Legions, were being taken out of places where they were in great danger as a result of the action of nature. I could see the Heavenly Legions taking people by the hand and taking them to places where they would be safe.

Looking at these scenes, I said to St. Michael the Archangel: Only the Merciful God saves His children, even if we do not deserve it. And St. Michael answered me:

Beloved of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ: Humanity cannot imagine how far Divine Mercy reaches. His faithful will be brought to safety so that nothing would touch them.


Message of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe to Lorena – August 30, 2021 – with Important Prayers for the End Times – “I beg you to take into account this Last Message given, before the Just Wrath of God falls” – MaryRefugeOfSouls


Holy Love Ministries

March 30, 2019

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“Children, I call you My children as long as the day is long. You must feel My frustration as I see so many subtle attacks eating away at the Faith. I come, once again, to encourage My Remnant Faithful* to cling to the Tradition of Faith. Do not be swayed by liberal thinking. Some try to create new doctrines which are more pleasing to man. Support the Truths which have been handed down to you from the times of the Apostles. Do not allow moral relativism, which lends support to the doctrines of demons, to infiltrate your hearts.”

“You must realize that hearts are under attack as never before. Satan knows full well that this is his hour to pull souls away from the Remnant Faithful and into error. Those who support error are becoming more and more visible. This generation must not use Sodom and Gomorrah as role models. All the confusion which attacks the Truths of the Faith is a sign of My approaching Wrath. You, My children, must live as the souls in Nineveh did.”

* See Messages to the Remnant Faithful dated, 2/13/2015 and 3/06/2015, from Blessed Mother and Jesus, respectively.

Read Jonah 3:1-10+

Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim to it the message that I tell you.” So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, three days’ journey in breadth. Jonah began to go into the city, going a day’s journey. And he cried, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” And the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them. Then tidings reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, and covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. And he made proclamation and published through Nineveh, “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything; let them not feed, or drink water, but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and let them cry mightily to God; yea, let every one turn from his evil way and from the violence which is in his hands. Who knows, God may yet repent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we perish not?” When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God repented of the evil which he had said he would do to them; and he did not do it.

February 13, 2015

Seven Moral Standards of Truth

Blessed Mother says:

“Praise be to Jesus.”

“Dear children, I have come, once again, to support the Remnant Faithful – that is those of you who still believe according to Tradition. There are some basic Truths you must never forget and always defend.”

  1. “There is a final judgment for each soul.”
  2. “Heaven and hell are real.”
  3. “Satan does exist and wants to destroy all Truth.”
  4. “You must stand firm in the Truth between good and evil.”
  5. “Holy Love defines good and leads to your salvation.”
  6. “All sin – all compromise of Truth and abuse of authority – are inspired by self-interest.”
  7. “Never respect man and his opinions above God.
    – Remember, God looks at what you obey, not who you obey.”

“Each one of those points is the rock solid foundation of the Remnant Faithful. Live them.”

March 6, 2015


“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Today, I have come to tell you that the Remnant Faithful is the hope and the foundation of the New Jerusalem; for when I return, all people and all nations will be living according to the Father’s Ten Commandments and the Moral Standards of Truth in Holy Love. Christian morals will be upheld and the Truth will be made clear.”

“Live according to these precepts [Ten Commandments and Moral Standards of Truth] now, as it pleases Me. It is a sign of predestination. Once again, please know there are no geographical boundaries distinguishing the Holy Remnant [Faithful]. Rather, it is in hearts. The hallmark, the unity within the Remnant Faithful is that they do not oppose one another. Good does not oppose good. Only evil opposes good.”

“Guard against self-righteousness as this is a trap Satan sets before you.”


I, “a soul”, solicited questions from two devoted followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. My hope is that by answering these various questions, they will, in turn, provide answers to questions that you may have regarding this particular commentary and heavenly message from Papa God and Jesus. God bless!


  1. Why don’t we see or hear directly from God? Doesn’t he care enough about us to talk to us directly?

Actually, God would love to talk directly to all souls living on earth, however, because over 85% of the world rejects being obedient to the Ten Commandments, that is the first required step to being open to hearing God’s Voice. When you are disobedient to God’s Divine Law – that means that you are in a state of rebellion against God. It is very difficult for God to speak to and bless His children if they behave as if God has no place of respect or honor in their lives.

  1. Why should people have any confidence in the messages on this blog?

So, it is best to discern heavenly messages gradually over time, because the best discernment comes from interacting with the Holy Spirit over time as He guides and teaches a person how to recognize to His Voice through different chosen messengers and their different bodies of heavenly messages. Now, the reason that you are likely reading this commentary is because it has been shared with you by a concerned Christian who does believe in the heavenly messages on the blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, and who has developed his gift of discernment in learning how to hear God through His Word and modern-day prophets. So, I would trust in the discernment of your loved ones who care enough about the eternal fate of your soul to share this commentary with you. Because your loved ones are the best evidence for the fruit and resulting inner peace from following the heavenly messages on this blog.

  1. Several items you said would happen haven’t happened, so why should we believe this will happen?

Actually one of the major successes of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, is the many times that blog followers – who are typically, the main prayer warriors of their families – have been able to pray away natural disasters, terrorist acts, nuclear wars, economic collapses, and other bad prophecies that I have called for urgent prayers to avert during the years according to Heaven’s needs.

Sadly, though, this forthcoming MEGA-tsunami is different. Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has explicitly expressed that He can no longer keep His Father’s Arm of Justice from falling on mankind. The debt level caused by outstanding world sins has risen to such a high level now, that the usual team of faithful prayer warriors can no longer be the only ones who are carrying the burden of pleading for Divine Mercy upon the world.

In order to pay off the outstanding debt level of sin in the world – which is growing exponentially – either more people need to start pleading for Divine Mercy, which means more prayer, more fasting, more sacrifices and Holy Communions offered in union with Jesus’ Redemptive Suffering on the Cross; OR, to make up the increasing deficient, God the Father needs to begin applying more stricter chastisements to satisfy God’s Divine Justice.

God Is Perfect Love, Perfect Mercy, and Perfect Justice.

Yes, Jesus died on the Cross to open up the Gates of Heaven to mankind, but what people do not understand is that due to free-will, God requires that we be co-participants in our redemption in Christ. This means that we either offer up Jesus’ Sacrifice to pay off our debts for our personal sins or the debts of others in sin (either living or in Purgatory); OR God exacts payment from mankind through chastisements to pay off the debts of individual and world sins.

Unfortunately, we have reached the “tipping point” where the world can no longer enjoy a “free lunch” at the expense of a small group of dedicated Christians praying daily for the rest of humanity while we have a “balloon payment” coming due – a huge debt of sin that has been built up from all the times that God turned a “blind eye” due to Him listening to the earnest supplications of Our Holy Mother and Her beloved little ones asking for “more time”.

Time is up.

  1. Since my family won’t believe in these messages, what am I supposed to do about this?

So, there will come a time that your family will need to know these heavenly messages. While God does give people the responsibility of introducing others to the messages, God does not fault people if their loved ones lack faith and do not believe. So, while God does expect His children to plant seeds of faith, it is up to the individual to grow them once planted.

  1. Why would God try to get our attention by using natural disasters? No one believes the natural disasters are caused by God; they think they are caused by man.

So, natural disasters are not caused by God; they caused by the sins of mankind. God simply permits them to happen according to His Permissive Will. God’s Permissive Will is what God allows according to mankind’s free will choices for evil. In every present moment, God looks at the number of graces He has from prayer and sacrifice, and then He plans accordingly for the benefit of the maximum number of souls that can be saved at that time. God uses natural disasters and illness, because they are the most merciful of tools He can use to bring about conversion and ultimately salvation among mankind.

The one truth that people need to understand is that God has chosen to use this natural catastrophe of the tsunami in advance of the Warning, because in God’s calculation, He has realized that more souls will choose salvation through this natural disaster than at the Warning encounter. So this tsunami will be an act of great mercy upon the world, because God is going to end up with more souls choosing Him, thus, He can place them into Purgatory, rather than potentially loosing them to hell when they undergo their life review and experience a taste of that final destination at the Warning.

  1. When will the tsunami occur?

I do not know. I asked God the question twice, but He declined to give me a specific date or month.

  1. How will people be notified when the tsunami starts?

As very few mass media outlets are covering the volcanic events in La Palma, people will need to monitor social media if they want to be the first ones to know.

  1. Will they have time to get out of the way of the tsunami?

This really depends on where the person will be located when they first hear about the tsunami and how far they are from higher ground. Heaven has indicated that they will slow down the tsunami enough so that people will have enough time to make their eternal choice to decide for God or not. So, I have the impression that most people will be unable to evacuate quickly from the areas of potential danger.

  1. What part of the country will be affected?

It is my understanding that it will be the Eastern Seaboard of the USA and all of Florida.

  1. If it hits the coast, how far inland will it go?

I do not know. It depends on the height of the tidal wave.

  1. Why target the East Coast? Isn’t the entire country bad?

So, the reason that there will be a MEGA-tsunami is because this is a chastisement for all Christian nations for not following God’s Divine Law. So, not only will the Eastern Coast of the USA be hit, the tidal wave will hit Latin America, Europe, and Western Africa. However, I speculate the East Coast has been singled out, because it has both the national government seat (Washington, DC) and the economic hub for the USA (New York City).

  1. Why punish all people? Why not just punish the sinners individually?

So, firstly, people need to know that all people are sinners. However, I believe that your actual question is more along the lines of why punish the good people along with the evil people? The answer is very simple. The evil people are punished for doing evil acts in the world and the good people are punished because they permitted the evil people to become so wicked in their behavior. No person is an island unto themselves.

  1. Is there a chance of anyone surviving within the affected area?

Yes, any person that consecrates his dwelling to be used as a refuge, their land and property is being supernaturally protected by God through His holy angels and so, any person on those refuges will also be protected supernaturally.

  1. Why is God doing this? What does He want?

Ultimately, God wants us to individually repent of our sins and convert to Him by obeying and following the Teachings of His Son, Jesus, who showed humanity the Way to enter Heaven in the afterlife. Collectively, God wants people to build up pro-life societies and cultures that govern themselves by Biblical standards.

  1. What can we do to stop the Tsunami?

Jesus has requested that we do continuous Divine Mercy Chaplets in order to stop the MEGA-tsunami from happening. The more people that do this laudable practice, the better chance that God will avert this natural catastrophe.

  1. How about people who have never heard about the Catholic faith? They can’t receive the sacraments and don’t know the 10 Commandments.

So, I am not sure what the question is here. But if you are asking if people outside the Catholic faith have the chance for salvation in God, the answer is YES, they do have a chance to enter Heaven. Salvation is not dependent on whether a person knows the Ten Commandments or receives the Sacraments of Holy Mother Church. The universal standard for all of mankind is whether a person loved God above all else and neighbor as self. Did the person choose the most loving response in every present moment of their lives on earth? The Two Great Commandments of Holy Love are written on the hearts of every person and so, God holds people accountable for listening to them and obeying their moral conscience.


Q1- Why should I believe God is talking to you?

So, as a chosen messenger, my job is not to convince you to believe in me. My job is to present the heavenly message to the world and for individuals to discern whether the message is worthy of belief or not. While knowing the personal holiness and an individual’s character can be helpful, ultimately, divine truth has been revealed to mankind through bad actors in the Holy Bible, by possessed people, and even a donkey. So, the most important fact is whether the heavenly message is consistent with Church teachings and only secondary and even to a lesser degree of importance is who actually received the message. Because even the rocks cry out the Glory of the Lord.

Q2 – The Canary Islands Volcanic Institute says that the probability of a tsunami is very low, seems like God is just trying to scare us?

So, God is never in fear-mongering or sensationalism. God is all about saving the maximum number of souls in any given present moment. Fear and pride come from satan. The only reason that this natural catastrophe would be permitted before the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) actually happens, is because according to God’s current calculation, more souls would choose to be saved through such an act of mercy in extreme suffering than through the upcoming Warning encounter, which might result in more souls going to hell after their mini-judgment.

Q3- How much time do we have before the tsunami actually happens?

I do not know; I asked Papa God twice on two separate occasions but He declined to give me a date or month.

Q4- The Canary Islands Volcanic institute says the eruption could go on for months, so how will we know when the tsunami danger has passed?

So, since God is indicating to us that currently there is a MEGA-tsunami danger, if enough people pray and repent, it is likely God would share with us if the threat level has decreased due to massive conversion that He has found pleasing.

Q5 – Why isn’t the US Government warning us if there really is danger?

I believe that there are a lot of parts of our US government that have been compromised ethically, and are currently working against the interests of the American people. Unfortunately, there really are darker elements of our government that are working towards a depopulation agenda and a MEGA-tsunami would serve that type of agenda objective.

Q6 – How many hours warning would we get if the tsunami happens?

Unfortunately, the current administration has decided to rely solely on the malfunctioning buoy system to alert the American people if a MEGA-tsunami is happening. So, the advance warning may only be two hours if anything at all. People really need to be vigilant in monitoring social media, if they would like upwards of 5-6 hours of advance notice.

Q7 – How far inland would a tsunami travel?

I do not know; but scientists have suggested that people move 50 miles inland away from any coastline if a tsunami is on its way.

Q8- You tied the dates on this volcano to certain Catholic feast days, why? What is the significance?

Special dates like known feast days are significant to Heaven, as they are used as a means to alert mankind of Heaven’s concern regarding mankind’s relationship with God. Using known feast days is one indicator of the signs of the times mentioned in the Holy Bible.

Q9 – What is the Divine Mercy Chaplet?

The Divine Mercy Chaplet is a special prayer that is prayed on rosary beads that was given by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to Sister Faustina in 1930s Poland. It has special promises attached to its recitation, including salvation for those who are dying. It is a prayer meant for the whole world for mitigation of the outstanding sins of the world. More information can be found here: https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/chaplet

Q10 – What is a Krakatoa event?

God the Father is suggesting that what happened to the Krakatoa volcano could similarly happen in the developing situation at the La Palma volcano (Cumbre Vieja).

The explosion of the volcano known as Krakatoa happened in 1883. Krakatoa was only about 1/4 the size of La Palma but the explosion of Krakatoa was the loudest sound in recorded history. The explosion was heard over 3000 miles away and the sound wave of the explosion circled the earth 7 times. The explosion blew 5 cubic miles of earth 50 miles into the air and generated a tsunami 120 feet high. The steam explosion was caused by seawater getting into the volcano. The island of Krakatoa was destroyed by the explosion.

Q-11 – What sins is God upset by?

The sins that most upset God are those against innocent life (sanctity of life) and those that destroy family life and the covenant of marriage. These sins include abortion, infanticide, child abuse, (unjustified) divorce, sodomy, and same-sex marriage. These sins also include those involved with receiving the Covid-19 vaccination, which is a bio-weapon and is causing a holocaust of the human race.

Q12 – How do I reconcile with God?

Firstly, you need to accept that you are a sinner in need of God’s Mercy. This means that you have broken God’s Divine Law by not being fully loving and charitable towards God and neighbor in every present moment of your life. Secondly, you need to ask for God’s forgiveness for all sins committed in life. See the Ten Commandments as a reference to guide you in understanding the ways that you may have offended God and hurt your neighbor by sin. You would ask for forgiveness by either seeking the Sacrament of Confession with a priest in Holy Mother Church or by confessing directly to God your sins and asking for His pardon for what you have done and failed to do in life.

Q13 – I am a Protestant who has been saved, what if anything do I need to do?

Even though you may have been baptized or undergone a “born again” experience in which prior sins have been forgiven, you are still held accountable to God for sins that you have committed since that particular moment in your faith journey. So, similar to the answer provided in the prior question (Q12), you need to examine your conscience before God by reviewing the Ten Commandments and asking pardon from God for all those subsequent sins that you committed in life.


Special Commentary – Unity in God and Division on Earth – How God Judges Souls At The Moment Of Death – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

God bless,
I love you all,
—a soul