Prophet John Leary – Jesus Christ – The Great Warning – “You will travel fast to My Light when you will have your life review of your past life. You will be outside of time so it will seem like a short time that you will see all of your good and bad actions.” – June 12-18, 2024 Update


Tuesday, June 18, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, King Ahab and Jezebel were faced with judgment for killing Naboth and taking possession of the land. Jezebel died from falling from a window and the dogs were eating her. King Ahab finally repented for all of his evil deeds, so I punished his family later. The Israelites went through bad times when they worshiped other gods, and they had good times when they obeyed My laws. My people also need to learn this lesson that they will have a better life if they follow My laws. You may have some persecution from the evil ones, but you will be safe at My refuges.”

Monday, June 17, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you have an obvious contrast between the evil actions of Jezebel and the beautiful example I gave to the people in Matthew’s Gospel (Matt. 5:38-42). Jezebel was an evil woman who persecuted the prophets and brought the worship of Baal into Israel. She also had Naboth killed so King Ahab could take Naboth’s land. She had a dramatic death as she fell from a window and was eaten by dogs as foretold by Elijah. The Gospel showed My love and not the eye for an eye retribution of the Jews. I encouraged My people to not fight against evil. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn your other cheek. If someone forces you to carry something one mile, then carry it for two miles. It is better to follow My ways of love than the evil ways of Jezebel. By trusting in Me, you will have a prophet’s reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are non-believers in Me, will be the ones who will take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. The Antichrist will control the non-believers, and they will gather at football stadiums to get their orders from him. The devil hates Me and he will try to kill any believers he can. He will have the evil ones come after any faithful who did not come to My refuges. This is why I warned My believers to come to My refuges when I call you, or you could face martyrdom. My angels will put shields up at My refuges that will protect My faithful from bombs, viruses, or thieves. Have no fear because the Antichrist will only have a short reign over the earth before I will come with My victory over all of the evil ones.”

Sunday, June 16, 2024: (Father’s Day)

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to show you the beauty of all of My creation of earth, your solar system, and all of the other infinite parts of the universe which is hard for you to understand. Today I am blessing all of your fathers and their children and wives that make up your families. It is important to have a father present to provide for their family and to help guide or mentor their children. It is the love of the parents that brings forth the children, and it is best to be in a marriage environment. I love all of mankind so much that I sent My only Beloved Son to die on the cross for your salvation from your sins. I share My creation when fathers help bring forth your sons and daughters. You are blessed to have children and grandchildren. I love all of you and stay close to Us in Our graces.”

Saturday, June 15, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you can see Elisha went forward immediately to follow Elijiah after he was called. Elisha said good-bye to his family and he killed the oxen and used the yoke to make a fire to boil their flesh. When I call people to do a mission, I desire that they follow Me, even as I called My apostles. If you are called to be a prophet or fulfill a mission, you are blessed to be in My service. My son, I have called you since 1993 to proclaim My messages as you have done well. You accepted My mission immediately like Elisha. You also have a second mission to prepare a refuge which you have also done well. You were given an inheritance to provide for your expenses. When one of My servants accepts My call, I provide them for their needs to carry out their mission. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I have done for you, and I thank you for answering My call.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this picture of Adolf Hitler as a dramatic sign that World War III is about to happen. Russia has sent six warships to Cuba to emphasize their dislike for Biden’s comments and actions. I am reminding you of the atomic bombs you saw going off over a few cities in America. Fr. Michel told you how he saw seven cites in America being bombed. Before your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning and Conversion time to protect you and My faithful when I will call you to My refuges. My angels will put shields over your refuges that will protect you from bombs, viruses, and thieves. This World War will allow the Antichrist to be a man of peace to try and show his supposed powers. The Antichrist will use this war for a world takeover for less than 3½ years. My faithful will need to be at My refuges, or they could be captured and martyred. His reign will be brief before I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. I will then renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Trust in My Word that you will be protected by My angels.”

Friday, June 14, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, many prophets in Israel were tortured or killed because the people did not want to hear them calling out the sins of the people. Even Elijah had to seek out a cave at Mt. Horeb for his own safety. My son, you visited this cave that is called Mt. Carmel that was later dedicated to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and the Carmelite Order. In the Gospel I was explaining a deeper meaning of the Sixth Commandment of not committing adultery. People who lust for women in their heart are already committing this sin, even if it is not physical. I gave an even harder instruction that whoever marries a divorced woman, also commits adultery. In your society you are seeing couples live together in fornication without marriage. There are many people committing sexual sins with birth control and homosexual relations. Pray that these people can understand how they are offending Me in their sins, and they should confess them in Confession to a priest. All of these sins are mortal sins because they violate My plan for new life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing young people dabbling with occult things as Ouija boards, yoga, reiki, and covens of witches. The youth are also attracted to crystal worship and drugs as marijuana and cocaine. All of these evil distractions have demons attached to them and addictions are how the demons control people. It is important for parents to warn their children not to get involved with demonic and esoteric distractions that lead to demonic possessions and drug addictions. Do not search for New Age related subjects where the devil can mislead people away from Me to follow earthly gods. Search to follow My ways of love and not the devil’s ways of hate and anger. I love all of My people and I am directing My children toward heavenly things so you are put on the right path to heaven, which should be your goal in life to be with Me. Stay with the One who loves you, and not with the devil who hates you.”

Thursday, June 13, 2024: (St. Anthony of Padua)

Jesus said: “My people, do not be a hypocrite when you criticize others for the same evil things that you are doing. Do not judge others either because I am the Judge of everyone. (Matt. 7:1-5) ‘Do not judge that you may not be judged; and with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you. But why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, and yet you do not consider the beam in your own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the speck from your brother’s eye.’”

Jesus said: “My people, your Supreme Court finally took down the Rowe vs Wade decision which left the abortion choice up to the states to enact their own laws on abortion. Many blue states immediately passed laws to allow abortion up to birth. You now saw the Supreme Court allow the use of pills to cause an abortion. You also will again be fighting an attempt to pass the (ERA) Equal Rights Amendment which has worse demands than your abortion laws. Keep fighting to save the babies from being killed by abortion and pray every day to stop abortion of My babies.”

Wednesday, June 12, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, some people need to see signs and miracles to believe in My powers, but My faithful believe in Me without them. I am giving you a glimpse of heaven, My son, as a reward for your strong faith in My power. In the first reading (3 Kings 18:19-40) Elijah showed the people My power by calling down My fire on the sacrifice, even though it was drowned with water three times. Elijah had faith in My miracles, and the people saw that Baal could not bring fire down on his sacrifice. The people believed in My power because they witnessed My miracle. Blessed are My faithful, who do not always see miracles, yet still they believe in My power. Trust in My coming miracles of protection at My refuges when My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones, and I will multiply what you need.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you what it will be like to be outside of your body as you look down on your body asleep at the Warning. Then you will travel fast to My Light when you will have your life review of your past life. You will be outside of time so it will seem like a short time that you will see all of your good and bad actions. I will show you your mini-judgment when some people will see some time in purgatory to cleanse your soul. Then you will return to your body during the six weeks of Conversion. You will be busy praying over your family and encouraging them to seek their conversion to accept Me into their lives. If they do not change any evil ways, they could be choosing hell for all eternity. Those people, who are in mortal sin, will see a hell experience for their judgment. There will be no evil influence at the Conversion time. Pray that your family members will choose to be converted to loving Me. The second vision was when I will cleanse all of the evil ones from the earth into hell. I will then raise My faithful above the earth, but in some kind of protected enclosure so you could keep breathing. You could see yourself high above the earth while I will be renewing the earth into a Garden of Eden all over the earth. Then I will lead all of My faithful down into My Era of Peace and you will be young again and live a long time before you will die. You will be ready as a saint and you will be brought into heaven after you die. Rejoice that you have seen these two events just as it will happen for you and all of My faithful.”

February 29, 2024 – Revelation of the First Secret (mystic, Luz de Maria) – Saint Michael Archangel – “I come to reveal the First Secret given by Our Queen and Mother to Her Daughter Luz de Maria…”


FEBRUARY 29, 2024


Beloved children of the Most Holy Trinity,


Children of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ, the progress of war has at the same time opened the hearts of some human beings who, fearing war, are looking to pray to the Most Holy Trinity and to Our Queen and Mother, requesting their consolation. War is not only between Powers, but – worse, between insensitive people.

I encourage you to be creatures of peace (cf. Mt. 5:9) so that you would always succeed in working and acting in the way that Our King and Lord Jesus Christ taught you: the peaceful person is humble and vice versa. I call you to be people who are constantly looking to love their neighbor (cf. I Jn. 4:7), hungry to receive the Holy Eucharist and to keep the Commandments of God’s Law.



This generation has joined the Devil’s strategy in greatly offending the Most Holy Trinity and Our Queen and Mother in inconceivable fashion. Despite this, Infinite and Divine Mercy protects you at all times in order to free you from the clutches of Satan.




On account of this great Divine Plan, the Angel of Peace is an angel because he has the mission of being a Messenger of Our King and Lord Jesus Christ in order to unite you in fulfilling the Divine Will at the worst moment through which humanity will be living.

The Angel of Peace, Messenger of the Divine Word –
will open hearts…
will fertilize the soil of each heart with Divine Love…
will sow the seed so that the beloved Prophet Elijah would reap what is sown by a few faithful souls, restoring love in families before Our King and Lord Jesus Christ arrives in His Second Coming.

Children of the Most Holy Trinity, here is why the arrival of the Angel of Peace is important:

He will fight spiritually, intellectually and physically against the attacks of the Antichrist and his demonic legions…
It is he who will be alongside the faithful People and who will have the Divine Word in his mouth…
It is he who will convert a small number of human beings for the good of their souls and their salvation…
He will continue his Mission beside the Prophet Elijah, but in another part of the Earth…

Children of Our Queen and Mother, it will be the force of nature that will confront you with great famines and above all with great diseases – eradicated and unknown. You will experience darkness and the desolation of not being able to communicate as you have until now with your loved ones on other continents, in other countries and places; silence on Earth will do good in the face of the current hubbub. Then some will believe in the revelations and regret not having believed.

Children of Our Queen and Mother, the pain caused and that will yet be caused to Our King and Lord Jesus Christ will lead all areas of the life of humanity to regress; the sun will be obscured and cold will come over you. It is only those who continue faithfully waiting for the fulfillment of God’s Will and those who maintain their faith who will see the light that they carry in their souls and will not live in darkness.


Hold onto your faith as the great treasure that it is; only those who love and respect Our King and Lord Jesus Christ will stand firm until the end, being accompanied by My Celestial Legions.

Our Queen and Mother will never abandon you; She will remain faithful to her children, rescuing those who wish to be saved.

I protect and assist you.

Saint Michael the Archangel


(*) Revelations and prophecies concerning God’s Messenger:


Brothers and sisters,

By Divine Order, our beloved protector Saint Michael the Archangel has opened the First Secret of the five that have been given to me. Grateful to the Most Holy Trinity, to Our Queen and Mother and to Saint Michael the Archangel, today we progress in the knowledge of how events will unfold.

In the morning of January 5, 2013, by Divine Will, the Most Holy Virgin Mary made known to me five revelations concerning events that will happen in the near future. I must remain silent until I am told, because Heaven itself will make them known.

Saint Michael the Archangel reveals to us on this day the first of the secrets that were given to me: “the arrival of our beloved Angel of Peace as Precursor of the Prophet Elijah”, thereby clarifying the panorama of events.

The Angel of Peace is the precursor of the Prophet Elijah, and this is not surprising, because we had already been informed that the Angel of Peace was taken to Heaven and received the gifts and virtues from the Holy Spirit for cleansing the path of impiety, of the lack of knowledge, of human folly and disbelief. For this reason, Saint Michael tells me that the task entrusted to the Angel of Peace is a very serious one, because humanity finds itself at a point when what has already been announced by Divine Will will occur.

I want to share with you, brothers and sisters, that people will be genuinely waiting for the Angel of Peace, and when the time comes, the human race will wish that it had believed before.

I share with you some of the Messages I have received:


Enoch and Elijah will come to proclaim the Kingdom of God in the midst of the persecution of My children, in the midst of great signs in Heaven and great commotion throughout the Earth. Do not wait: events will happen one after the other.


The human race wants to erase all traces of Me. It will not succeed in doing so: that would be as if it could live without air. It will be a moment of pain and hope, as I will send My beloved Saint Michael the Archangel, guarding My beloved Angel of Peace so that he might sustain you with My Word, call you to continue resisting until the imminent arrival of My Mother, who will combat evil.

My people, keep in mind My faithful Elijah. (1 Kings 19:10)


My Angel of Peace is neither Elijah nor Enoch; he is not an archangel, he is My Mirror of Love for filling every human being that needs it with My Love.


December 8, 2021 – A Very Important Commentary – Significant Revelations About The End Times – Concerning the Warning (Illumination of Conscience), the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, Refuges and Marian Shelters, and Spiritual Warfare during the Apocalypse – By a soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls


Concerning the Warning (Illumination of Conscience),
the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, Refuges and Marian Shelters,
and Spiritual Warfare during the Apocalypse

By a soul

(December 8, 2021, Dedicated for the Greater Glory of God and
to the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary)

Blessings beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, want to take this moment to explain further how divine knowledge will be shared once the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) has happened to mankind and as we enter into the critical period of the refuges and Great Tribulation. Because I know that people can be feeling overwhelmed by the wealth of knowledge that Heaven has imparted to us in these End Times. So, I want to explain a little bit of how God’s Plan is going to work, so people do not feel overwhelmed and stressed out by trying to learn (cram) everything that Heaven has shared with us. Because a little bit of advanced knowledge can do a lot to help people better prepare for coming events and in managing their time better. So, let me begin…

Firstly, once the Warning has happened to all of mankind, the Lord is only giving us 6 weeks in the aftermath to gain all the helpful Godly knowledge that we can through internet-based sources. Then, once those 6 weeks have passed on earth, we must remove all internet-based technology and devices, such as cell phones, televisions, computers, etc., from our homes and from our access.

All internet-based technology and devices must be removed, because it is only during those 6 weeks immediately after the Warning has happened, that satan and all the demons of hell will be locked up in hell and they will NOT be able to interfere with mankind’s free will choices in any way. However, once those 6 weeks have passed, then satan and the demons of hell will be released and they will be given additional permission to use their enhanced demonic powers against mankind. Moreover, once those 6 weeks have passed, the antichrist — who is a demon incarnate — will be finally given permission to make his presence visibly known on earth, and he will be allowed to use powers given to him by satan against mankind. Some of those powers include seduction and hypnotism.

Honestly, I, “a soul”, can personally tell you all, that it is very difficult to fight satan’s seductive and hypnotic powers — even at a very low level intensity. I tell you all that at low levels such powers can make a person go instantly mad (crazy) and suicidal. So, I cannot even imagine how difficult that it would be to fight against such satanic powers at its greatest intensity through the antichrist. Moreover, I know that despite all my personal battles against satan during the past 18 years, the Lord has shared with me that they are incomparable to satan’s mind control powers through the mark of the beast (embedded physical microchip). So, I emphatically tell you all to NEVER take the mark of the beast. Because, truly, there is NO cure and NO healing for the mark of the beast — you will instantly become a lost (damned) soul. You will become instantly mentally lost — with your mind and your psyche becoming irrecoverable by God. Do NOT even consider it.

Now, people may ask me why God is permitting satan, all the demons of hell, and the antichrist, to use heightened demonic powers against mankind? My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, God is giving all of mankind the (second) greatest act of His Divine Mercy besides the Crucifixion of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for all of mankind’s sins. This greatest act of His Divine Mercy is the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) encounter in which all of mankind will experience a “mini-judgment” of where their soul stands spiritually at that exact moment before God. Normally, such a divine judgment only happens once a person has died and they do not get any chance to amend their sinful ways in their earthly life. Yet, during the Warning, much of mankind is going to get a second chance to return to life on earth and to change their errant behaviors so they are “right” with God and can merit Heaven.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you have been following the heavenly messages on my blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, then shockingly but true, you will know that about 90% of mankind is spiritually in mortal sin and would go to hell if all of mankind died at this moment and were judged by Jesus. Yet, we also know from heavenly messages such as the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), that over 5 billion people living on earth will be saved through the act of the Warning. My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, in order for mankind to merit such a great grace from God, we have to show collectively that we are worthy of such a profound grace of Divine Mercy. Once the Warning happens, the entire world will be forever changed. There will be no going back to yesterday and mankind’s blindness to his collective sins like abortion, sacrilege, etc. Truly, the more divine knowledge that you are given by God, the more that a person is held responsible to God for having that knowledge and behaving accordingly to it. Hence, once the Warning happens, all of mankind will be entering into the darkest period of the antichrist known as the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse. There will be no turning back of this chastisement on the entire world.

My dear brothers and sister in Christ, I want you to understand that when I first decided to create this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls (formerly, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove), back in April 2015, I had no idea that it would grow to be what this website is today. I simply listened to the promptings of the Holy Spirit as I took each present moment as it came. Now, it is almost 7 years later, and even I can be overwhelmed by all the content that exists on this website (if I really consider what I have created). Yes, there is much information and heavenly messages to absorb and consider. And certainly, you could easily sit behind a computer and not read and discern everything that is on this website during 6 weeks, especially, if you are just coming to know about this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, in the aftermath of the Warning. Simply put, it is a lot.

However, I want people to generally know that God does NOT expect people to read and discern everything on this blog (blessed are those who have been with me since the beginning though — as we have grown and learned together!). But, what God is going to do for all the newcomers to this blog, especially, in the aftermath of the Warning, is IF people pray, the Holy Spirit will guide each person to the information and heavenly messages that they will need for their PARTICULAR circumstances and their PARTICULAR conversion and salvation. Thus, countless people will be touched and blessed however God uniquely wants them to be by the content on this blog. So, I do not want people to ever feel overwhelmed or stressed out that they must learn everything presented on this website. You have the ultimate partner in your conversion and He Is known as the Holy Spirit. Not only is the Holy Spirit your Advocate, He is also your Teacher and your Best Friend. The Holy Spirit will help you and you will not be ever alone in your learning of God and His Way and His Truth.

Now, I have mentioned this before, but I want to share this knowledge again, especially, for the newcomers, because these are things that I personally know from the Lord and is exclusive to those following this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. Firstly, in January 2017, God shared with me what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal are. This means that only Garabandal visionary, Conchita, and myself, “a soul”, know exactly what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will be directly from Heaven. Moreover, for those who are curious, Heaven has confirmed that the knowledge given to me by Saint Gabriel Archangel back in January 2017 about the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal is CORRECT. This knowledge has been confirmed multiple times over a 3-year period by both Papa God and Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to FOUR different and independent chosen messengers of God who are known to me, “a soul”, and they do not know each other.

So, YES, I, “a soul”, of MaryRefugeOfSouls, truly do know what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will be. Moreover, in March 2018, Jesus and His Blessed Mother commissioned me to write down what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal are and its divine significance. That way, there would be a written record in advance of the divine events happening for two reasons. One, so all of mankind could be informed of what they are although they may not be in physical attendance of witnessing the supernatural Miracle or viewing the divine Sign in person in the aftermath. Two, so none of mankind can claim that the Miracle or the Sign of Garabandal are something else or they have a different discernment, interpretation, meaning, or significance. I, alone, have been given permission by Heaven to record in writing what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal will be and how knowledge of it is to be used to help mankind face its challenges once it has happened on earth.

And so, since being commissioned in March 2018, it took me almost three years to record the supernatural intervention due to much demonic interference and spiritual warfare. But, finally, in late Fall 2020, I finished the first TWO volumes titled, The Great Miracle of Garabandal. Both volumes are in English and have been translated into Spanish. However, only a small portion of the volumes addresses the significance of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. It is actually over 1,200 pages in length (both books), containing also some of my more important commentaries and important heavenly messages from different sources found on my blog. The books also include some writings by contributors for whom I am thankful as the Holy Spirit especially wanted them to include their personal insights to enhance the special significance of the volumes. As these two volumes are very special to God, the Blessed Mother, and Heaven.

Furthermore, I am finishing up a third volume which focuses on more advanced spirituality, building upon what has been shared in the first two volumes. I kindly ask for prayers so that I can finish this special project on-time ahead of the Warning, along with this third book being fully translated into Spanish. Thank you very kindly, dear friends.

Now, the reason that I am sharing about the existence of these three volumes, is because as much as I would love to have all the content on my blog packaged in a nice gift to give to everyone, that is not feasible. Moreover, I do not expect people to print out everything on my website as that is not realistic either. However, these three volumes will be essentially the “textbooks” to get everyone up to speed at the refuges on what God desires people to study about modern-day heavenly messages as they learn and grow in the Catholic faith. So, for everyone who comes “late” to learning about my blog, God has a definite plan to help people know of the importance of private revelation, especially, the messages at Holy Love Ministries, etc., in this End Times.

So, how will the Divine Plan unfold?

Well, first most, I want people to know that WHENEVER the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens on earth, the divine intervention of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal WILL HAPPEN within the 6 weeks aftermath of the Warning. This is because Papa God WILLS for all of mankind to come to full knowledge of what the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal ARE and its greater significance for all of His beloved children. This means that the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal MUST HAPPEN during the 6 weeks when satan and all the demons of hell are locked up and they cannot interfere with mankind’s free will choices or the internet. Moreover, Papa God WILLS everyone to be able to read the PDFs of the three volumes immediately after the Miracle of Garabandal has happened on earth, so that mankind fully knows what it needs to do to regain God’s favor, such as the Fatima Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, etc. Additionally, Papa God WILLS all of mankind to see color photographs (images) of the remaining Sign of Garabandal, which I fully expect will be plastered all over the internet.

So, the date of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal WILL HAPPEN within the 6 weeks aftermath of the Warning encounter. And since Papa God Is the Only Person Who knows when the actual date of the Warning will take place, if free will human events make it necessary, the Blessed Mother will inform Garabandal visionary, Conchita, of any Miracle date changes during the Warning encounter. Because that is the ONLY TIME when Heaven can, and if necessary, will change the date of the Miracle of Garabandal, so Conchita can be fully confident and trust that the date change is of Heavenly-origin, and to make sure that the date happens WITHIN the 6 weeks aftermath of the Warning (when hell can NOT interfere at all).

Now, that being said, please do not feel that you have to print out the PDFS of the three volumes (over 1,800 pages), which will be made FREELY available to everyone to download after the Miracle of Garabandal has taken place. Again, Papa God has a very Comprehensive Divine Plan accounting for every fact and every detail. Physical copies of all three volumes will be made available to everyone in the world who wants a physical copy at the refuges. There exist a few physical copies of the volumes and God is going to multiply by prayer the physical copies so that eventually everyone living in the refuge network can have their own copies of the books. This is because God will permit limited travel between the different refuges for certain individuals, like good priests, chosen messengers, etc. Also, God will be instructing His chosen messengers of today to bring their own physical copies of the heavenly messages given to them to the refuges. So, there will be NO loss of divine knowledge at the refuges for those who are late-comers to private revelation. God will be providing for all those living at the refuges, so literally, everyone will be on the same page when it comes to the divine knowledge that God desires everyone to possess. This knowledge will also be in addition to all the other helpful Christian books and written works that God will be multiplying by prayer that have sustained Christianity for the past two thousand years. So, voracious readers be well-prepared for the days ahead.

Finally, I want to speak about the collection of heavenly messages given to Latin-American mystic, Lorena, which I recently released on the blog (in its original Spanish and translated English forms). I know that the PDFs are a lot of pages (over 500 pages) and have a lot of information about End Times events. However, I do not want people to become overwhelmed either by the reading of all these pages. Essentially, this is what I want people to gain in spiritual insights from this body of heavenly messages.

Firstly, if you are following the Holy Love messages, then you have the spiritual foundation that the Blessed Mother and the Holy Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael are talking about people striving to become “Living Tabernacles” in the 6th Chamber of the United Hearts. So, while you might be learning a different approach as to how to reach the 6th Chamber, ultimately, this spiritual journey will not be wholly unfamiliar or totally unknown to you, because it is based upon the same teachings that Heaven has been providing us at Holy Love Ministries. So, yes, there might be different prayers used, etc., but the overall preparation is just a slightly different path on the same spiritual mountain that we are climbing to the Highest Heaven.

It is just like there are different religious Orders within Our Catholic faith — the Franciscans, Carmelities, Dominicans, etc. — that possess distinct teachings (unique charisms) that will attract people in different ways to adopt as part of their personal spirituality. Though distinct in the emphasis of their teachings, at the end of the day, we are all climbing the same Calvary to Jesus. Similarly, the Catholic faith can be compared to a Beautiful Prism with each angle, ray of light, representing together all the unique personal possibilities to journey home to Jesus.

So, please do not be overwhelmed with trying to discern and absorb all the information in the heavenly messages given to mystic, Lorena, from 2015-2021. The most important thing to understand is that God’s Divine Plan is so comprehensive that even if the substantial majority of people will be saved because they made it to the safety of the refuges and Marian shelters, Heaven is NOT going to abandon the rest of mankind to the antichrist and hell without a bitter fight over every soul left in the world. So, Heaven is going to fight its hardest to claim every soul who has not taken the mark of the beast.

So, what does this mean?

This means, whatever happens, if God calls you by inner locution to the safety of a refuge, as an adult, you are responsible only for yourself and any children dependent on you. Do not waste any of your allotted 20 minutes engaging in confusion, indecision, or arguments with any person. You just do what you have to do to take care of your children dependent upon you and you leave immediately for the refuge — even if you have to begin the journey by walking. Trust that the Lord will help you by sending a holy angel to bring you the rest of the way to the refuge. But, you must take the first steps to depart for the refuge even if it means by first walking.

Second, you must pray for any people left behind. (Please note, if you must leave behind a disabled or bed-ridden person, the holy angels will bring them to the same refuge that you are sent to — so do not worry about your loved ones if that is the situation when you are called to the refuges).

Now, why must you pray for any people left behind?

Well, sadly but honestly, the truth is that the eternal fate of some people will literally not be decided until they come face-to-face with a gun pointed at their heads and they have to make a last minute decision for God. So, you must pray because some of those people left behind might be your loved ones who will be faced with the decision of martyrdom or going to a detention camp because they stood firm by not receiving the mark of the beast. Never assume that any of your loved ones left behind will become lost (damned) souls. Denial, confusion, and delusion can be very strong when used by the enemy (the devil) to spiritually blind and manipulate control over people. Thus, for some people, they will only have their final wake-up call to God at the moment that their lives are in severe distress and in immediate physical (mortal) danger.

So, pray for any of your loved ones left behind that they are granted the grace of heightened clarity and final perseverance by the Holy Spirit. Do not abandon your loved ones left behind in the most important decision-making moments of their lives when they will truly need your loving prayers. Maintain your hope in God by continuing to love them with the sacrificial love that you have for them — offering up all the pains of your wounded and grief-struck heart knowing that you left them behind. God CAN AND WILL GIVE your loved ones the greatest and most profound “choice” graces in their final moments, because you continued to love them united with the SAME LOVE that Jesus carried their souls as He died on the Cross — the endless depth of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that always hurts due to its profound purity of the heart.

And secondly, we know from the heavenly messages given to mystic, Lorena, that God Is going to raise up a very specialized Marian “Army” that will be going directly into the battlefield of the world, in order for God to lay claim on every possible soul left behind in the world who does not succumb to the antichrist and the mark of the beast.

Who is this specialized Marian Army?

Firstly, please understand that everyone who is with God will be engaged in some type of spiritual warfare throughout the Great Tribulation. Forming the basic foundation, everyone who is safe at the refuges and the Marian shelters will be enlisted in this Marian Army as “praying” soldiers. Such praying soldiers will be under the direct leadership of Saint Gabriel Archangel and they will be devoted to praying for those soldiers — the “practitioners” and the “Firstfruits” who will be the two groups of specialized soldiers going directly into combat outside the safety of the refuge network, to evangelize those left behind in the world.

The “practitioners” of the Marian Army will possess special charisms and spiritual gifts like divine healing, etc. The practitioners will be back-up supports for the “Firstfruits” as they will be assisting them with preaching to the masses and helping those who are sick and dying. One of the strong traits of those who will be chosen as practitioners by God is that they love to help others, especially, those who are very ill and may be in their final moments of life. Practitioners will be under the leadership of Saint Raphael Archangel, who will teach and guide them in how to make and use different remedies to cure those with plagues, and will instruct them in the different methods of healing mankind — such as mentally, psychologically, etc. Practitioners will also be especially entrusted with helping those who are dying to make their final peace with God. They may also help bring scared people caught in the crossfires to the safety of the refuges throughout the Great Tribulation.

Meanwhile, the “Firstfruits” are the highest level of soldiers in the Marian Army. The Firstfruits will be under the direct leadership of the Two Witnesses of Revelation with the Blessed Mother Mary being the Captain of the entire Marian Army, in addition to Saint Michael Archangel and Saint Joseph being directly under Her leadership, who will also help the Two Witnesses and the Firstfruits. The Two Witnesses are two unknown people in the world who are descendants in the lineage of King David and are under the missionary inspiration of Old Testament Saints, Elijah the Prophet and Enoch. While the Firstfruits are the 144,000 sealed chosen ones by God, as indicated in the Book of Revelation, coming from all 4 cardinal corners of the world — all nationalities, races, and cultures — while they are also descendants of the original Twelve Tribes of Ancient Israel. Both the Two Witnesses and the Firstfruits will be the ones chosen to directly engage against the antichrist and his evil forces; and they will possess the special charism of being able to convert large crowds and masses of people by the preaching of the Gospel and the Word of God.

Now, the uniqueness about the Firstfruits (and the Two Witnesses) is that during the mystical experience of the Warning (Illumination of Conscience), all of them will be brought to Heaven and they will be given the spiritual insights that they need for their earthly missions to be successful — being directly told such information and plans by Papa God. They will be also totally healed in body, spirit, and soul, and will be given glorified “immaculate” bodies such as Adam and Eve possessed before their Fall at the dawn of creation of mankind. Likewise, they will be given all the spiritual gifts and charisms that Adam and Eve possessed before the Fall. This includes the gifts of being able to travel at the speed of thought and being able to communicate telepathically with one another and with all holy beings of God. This also means that they will possess all the infused knowledge that God wills for them, including knowing multiple languages and knowing all the inscribed words of the Holy Bible by heart, etc.

And, most importantly, the Firstfruits will all dwell spiritually in the 6th Chamber of the United Hearts, being known as “Living Tabernacles”, in which the Spirit of God will constantly dwell in them and He will never depart. This is why the 144,000 chosen ones will be known as the “Firstfruits”, because they will be the first of the human family to be specially selected by God, enjoying in advance the fruits of the First Resurrection, which will take place eventually for the rest of the Faithful Remnant and the saints of Heaven at the Second Coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ (once the Great Tribulation, Three Days of Darkness, and the Glorious Renewal of the Earth has happened, etc., sometime in the near distant future known only to Papa God).

Now, please understand, my dear brothers and sisters of Christ, that the mystical encounter of the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) will be the leveling of the playing field among all people (to use an English colloquialism). So, not only will all of mankind experience individually a “mini-judgment” so that each person knows exactly where he or she stands spiritually before God; every person is going to know what God expects of them, including the specific mission that God wills for them if they choose to follow the Lord. So, everyone will know which type of soldier that they are as part of the overall Marian Army.

Moreover, it is not necessary that a person needs to be familiar with private revelation in the Catholic faith, or even that they must be familiar with the heavenly messages given to Lorena, etc., to be enlisted as a specialized soldier of the Marian Army. So long as they are a “good-willed” person in the Holy Sight of God, Papa God may select them as part of the 144,000 chosen ones known as the “Firstfruits” as their sacred mission in the Divine Plan; same as for being chosen as a “practitioner” who will accompany the Firstfruits in the battlefield of the world.

Also, being chosen as a Firstfruit does not necessarily mean that you must already spiritually be in the 6th Chamber of the United Hearts before the Warning takes place. Rather, if God has chosen you to be a Firstfruit, He will bridge any gap between your current spiritual state, raising you up to the 6th Chamber, during the Warning encounter. So, in these days leading up to the Warning, what is most important — especially, if you would like to be recognized by God as a specialized soldier of the Marian Army — is that you strive to be right with God. This means always being obedient to His Ten Commandments and working daily on your personal holiness — your present moment conversion and salvation in God.

Now, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I believe that this has been mentioned in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), but this fact has also been shared with me privately by Our Lord, Jesus Christ. This is the revelation: Papa God will NOT permit the antichrist to directly control the entire world. This is because if the antichrist were to completely rule and control the entire world (as satan desires), it would be SO HORRIFIC that none of mankind would be able to survive. However, it is my (personal) understanding that the antichrist will MOSTLY DOMINATE and the mark of the beast will be MOSTLY PREVALENT in countries that have Christian heritage and Christian roots, with the communistic, Islamic, and pagan nations being connected to the antichrist’s overarching control by political / economic / spiritual unions governed by very evil men (most likely, by demon incarnates like the antichrist himself).

I share this revelation with you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to emphasize why the Fatima Consecration of Russia is so important to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Because, although the antichrist and his evil henchmen will be allowed to make their physical presence fully known after the 6 weeks have passed once the Warning has taken place, the free will decisions of mankind do have a definite part in directing the coming depth and severity of the chastisements during the Great Tribulation. So, the Consecration of Russia will not be an useless or mere token consecration by the Catholic bishops, but will definitely impact and lead to positive changes towards world peace and ultimately result in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the End Times.

I also provide this revelation to you all to help explain how and why there will be specialized soldiers of the Marian Army — the practitioners and the Firstfruits — outside the refuge network, directly combating the antichrist and his evil henchmen on the battlefield of the world. Because Heaven and hell are going to wage the fiercest battles over the eternal fate of every soul that will take place spanning over neighborhoods, city blocks, county territories, entire provinces — every inch of this entire physical world. This will be known as the “War of Armageddon”, which will culminate in the latter stages on the likewise called Armageddon plains of Israel (see the Holy Bible).

It is also imperative for people to know this revelation, because I want to emphasize how vitally important it is to always pray for the survival of the country of the United States of America according to the Divine Will of Papa God. This is because the USA does play a critical prophetic role in bringing about world peace and spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the rest of the world according to the Divine Plan.

Yes, it is a certainty that refuges will be necessary for the survival of God’s people in my beloved country (USA). However, I want all peoples and, especially my beloved countrymen, to know that just as there will be always a righteous part from the entire body of Christianity — the Faithful Remnant — that God will recognize and call as His beloved children, protecting them always as His own (while the rest remain wicked); likewise, that is the same reality for the state of affairs for my beloved country, the USA. This means that free will choices of my fellow countrymen will determine the future political path of my country, internally and externally. Moreover, if it is still possible to have a politically “Righteous Remnant” of the USA survive intact during the Great Tribulation, then Papa God WILL, in fact, impart special graces to help that small political body of the USA to survive and thrive.

So, what does this mean for all of us?

This means that due to the free will of mankind, there may be significant parts of the USA, such as possible regions of conservative “red” states where people may be able to live more freely “unrestricted” without being confined by the physical boundaries of a refuge protected by holy angels. This reality has been suggested in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy), hinted by in the heavenly messages given to Luz de Maria; and most particularly, spoken directly about in the heavenly messages given to Lorena. Labeled as “Marian shelters”, such places will be established by faithful households and communities during the Great Tribulation — under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit — which will be centered around a spiritual focal point, a designated Church or holy ground, where the Most Holy Eucharist can be protected and adored constantly, day and night.

This future reality where the USA may be divided politically into separate regions of control between good and evil forces — which might mirror conservatively known “red” areas and liberal “blue” areas of my beloved country — has been also suggested in heavenly messages given to Prophet John Leary. In particular, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has indicated that He will “slow down” the “flow” — the numbers of people coming in groups to each physical refuge so that they are manageable — basically, so the refuge owners will not be overwhelmed (shocked) all at once by large crowds of faithful.

Furthermore, this political reality in which physical regions will be divided up and controlled by good and evil forces during the Great Tribulation will exist potentially in other countries besides the USA. So, once the Warning has happened, I want to encourage all peoples living in different countries and nations besides the USA to work together with your fellow countrymen to bring Christianity to your lands. Never give up to the antichrist and his evil forces your spiritual inheritance revealed to you as a beloved child of Papa God, which includes your future eternal destiny as a citizen of Heaven. Remain always faithful to God and He will remain always faithful to you.

In conclusion to this lengthy commentary, Papa God Is permitting me, “a soul”, to share with all of you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ and my beloved followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, THREE very profound revelations about the End Times. These three very important revelations are concerning the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal, and also the Third Secret of Fatima. So, let me kindly address them…

As I shared earlier, there exists two volumes written by me called, The Great Miracle of Garabandal, which contains a part that explains in advance what the Miracle of Garabandal will be and its significance. I state also in one sentence that there is a “surprise” that is not mentioned within the pages of the first two books.

I am not permitted to speak publicly about what the exact surprise is, but Papa God is allowing me to share certain aspects about the surprise now, which honestly, involves “several” related surprises — not simply “one” that was not revealed in the first two volumes. So, the first aspect is this. If you have the opportunity to witness first-hand the Miracle of Garabandal — which will take place by divine intervention at a few different locations in the world — at certain major Marian shrines, not only in Garabandal, Spain — then, I want you all to know that YES, it will be indeed worthwhile to be physically present to personally witness the Miracle of Garabandal as it is taking place on earth.

Papa God desires as many people to witness in person the Miracle of Garabandal because there is such a marvelous aspect to it. Truly, the Miracle will be the greatest moment of your earthly life and you will never regret all the effort and personal challenges that you overcome to be physically present to witness it. The Sign of Garabandal will have an eternal “imprint” of the marvelous aspect. However, despite the everlasting grace of the “imprint”, the marvelous aspect is such an once-in-a-lifetime memory that people will wish that they were part of seeing it first-hand.

Truly, the Miracle of Garabandal will be a rare moment in which God will unveil the Most Hidden Secret of Heaven — unlocking the Greatest Mystery of why the Most Holy Trinity decreed all of Creation and the existence of mankind. All of those physically present will be profoundly touched and will fully understand their unique purpose, their unique role, and their unique place in the Divine Plan and Divine Heart of God. Most importantly, tears of joy and tears of gratitude will result as those physically present will come to know the profound depths of Divine Love that kept Our Lord and Our Savior, Jesus Christ, nailed to The Cross. As everyone will intimately understand in their hearts that the entire history of salvation is a profoundly great love affair between God and His beloved children.

In addition, Papa God Is permitting me to share another “surprise aspect” about the Sign of Garabandal that is not revealed in the first two volumes, but which I do share a bit about in the third volume that I am writing now. The veiled surprise is this. There is a special “key” that is part of the Sign of Garabandal that Heaven will use to “unlock” the identities of the Two Witnesses of Revelation to the world. So, in the third volume, I reveal the supernatural key within the Sign, its significance, and the divine intervention that the Blessed Mother has chosen as the lock.

Now, do I know all the details about the Two Witnesses of Revelation, like their hidden identities, when they will be revealed to the world, and about their sacred mission entrusted to them by Papa God?

NO, I do not. However, this is the final and third revelation that Papa God is permitting me to share with you all, my dear brothers and sisters of Christ. This is also a revelation exclusively given to me, “a soul”, by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, that I am sharing with you now, as my beloved followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. It is about the part of the Third Secret of Fatima, which was revealed by the Vatican in the year of 2000.

Here is the exclusive revelation. So many people have interpreted that “a bishop dressed in white” whom the three child visionaries “had the impression that it was the Holy Father” in the 1917 vision of the Third Secret of Fatima is either Pope Benedict XVI or Pope Francis, etc. Sorry, those discernments are wrong. Rather, the bishop clothed in white is one of the Lord’s Two Witnesses of the Apocalypse. He is a Catholic priest totally unknown to the world who has been predestined before the foundation of Creation to serve as leader — ‘Holy Father’ — of the Faithful Remnant in this End Times. Moreover, the reason that the three child visionaries saw “something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it” is because there are two of them — Two Witnesses of Revelation, although only one of them will be recognized in the acting role as the ‘Holy Father’.

Finally, the vision of the Third Secret of Fatima revealed in the year of 2000 is a prophetic representation of how the Two Witnesses of Revelation will be martyred in Jerusalem. As recorded in the Holy Bible, they will be killed by the antichrist towards the end of the Great Tribulation, then resurrected three and a half days later and assumed into Heaven before the astonished world of onlookers. Furthermore, the martyrdom and resurrection of the Two Witnesses will signal the imminent ending for the hellish reign of terror unleashed by the antichrist and satan on earth. As Jerusalem will be set free at last to embrace its eternal mission and sacred destiny as the divine origin for everlasting world peace. The New Jerusalem will result and by which God will rule from the New Heavens all the nations on the New Earth by the truths of the Gospel — the Good News of Jesus Christ — in the New Millennium of the Era of Peace. As the long awaited for answer of the complete fulfillment of the Lord’s Prayer — the full actualization of the Divine Will and Divine Kingdom will be made fully manifest in the New Heavens and New Earth in the times soon to come. Alleluia and Amen!

May all of you, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ, be ever-abundantly blessed by all of these words. God bless you all.

I love you,
–a soul


MaryRefugeOfSouls – PDF Download: English Collection (Lorena’s Messages, 2015-2021) – The Way To Follow – Army of Saint Michael Archangel // Descargar PDF: Colección en español (Mensajes de Lorena, 2015-2021) – El camino a seguir – Ejército de San Miguel Arcángel

Special Commentary – Guilt Trips about Our Duties To God and Following His Divine Will – By a soul

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (19 pages) of this commentary:

Special Commentary – Guilt Trips about Our Duties To God and Following His Divine Will – By a soul (PDF)

Special Commentary – Guilt Trips about Our Duties To God and Following His Divine Will – By a soul (ODT)

Special Commentary – Guilt Trips about Our Duties To God and Following His Divine Will – By a soul (WordDoc)

Guilt Trips about Our Duties To God and Following His Divine Will

By a soul

(Began on November 8, 2018, Feast of Our Lady of Belle Fontaine)
(Finished on November 18, 2018, The Rosary Virgin of Chiquinquira, Columbia)

This commentary is a partial response for a blog follower of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, who asked for my advice, as well as some additional reflections by me (a soul). My hope is that it will help many people, especially, in clearing up satan’s confusion about many matters and, hopefully, bring peace to people seeking to understand and follow God’s Will.

Recently, on November 5, 2018, at Holy Love Ministries (, Papa God said these words:

Whatever the heart believes in, is spilled out into the world around him. The soul who accepts My Will is protecting his heart from extremism. He will not become radical in thought, word or deed. My Will desires to protect the boundaries of your heart. If you allow it to be so, you will not be misled by liberalism – your life will be a reflection of My Will. Do not seek to impress others, seek to please Me. Stand as an example of obedience to My Divine Will – My Commandments. This is your defense in any attack or challenge – then the borders of your heart will be protected from any onslaught from the enemy.”


I offer the recent heavenly message above because this commentary will speak about many things related to it. I suggest that people read the message both before and after reading the content of this commentary for further illumination.

I will tell you all, but in 2003, when I learned about the Marian apparitions at Garabandal, Spain, and returned to the Catholic faith, my heart was on fire with the love of God and reaching out to everyone that I could to evangelize the Gospel to them. I would speak about my love of God and so many things about the Catholic faith. Then, I would tell them about the Comet of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), and well, I have very good family and friends, so they would graciously humor me, but honestly, I learned over time that there is a right way and a wrong way to evangelize Jesus to others. And I learned that my first method of “bopping” people over the head with Jesus was not it.

Yes, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Mother desire us to share Their heavenly messages with others and about the Comet of The Warning, but often evangelizing turns into arguments on faith that are futile. In the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, Jesus tells that He desires His people to share His messages, which can be explained with passion to others if you like, but that we must respect free-will of people and not argue with them. There is an expression in English that describes this: “you can lead a thirsty horse to water, but you cannot force him to drink.”

In essence then, Our Lord desires that we plant seeds among His people, but we must allow grace to take hold for our seeds to grow. Yes, we need to introduce the heavenly messages to people, but then we need to simply step back and allow grace to act. At the Warning, people will remember your act of grace for them, which then grow like a beautiful flower of faith for them afterwards. Trust in in God for this future grace of conversion for your loved ones, but please recognize that people must be told ahead of time to prepare them for that future grace to become fruitful in their lives.

And so, what is the best method to evangelize? I have found that the best method is through creating and offering them business cards. One day, I created some business cards with an image of the rosary and the words “Jesus, I trust in You.” Also, on the front of the card was a few Catholic websites that I felt would help people at The Warning (I did not have my blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, at that time, otherwise, my blog would have been prominently displayed on the card). Finally, on the backside of the card, was a simple prayer to God to bless those who had the business card at The Warning.

Now, because I was riding the bus everyday to work, I knew that it was a matter of trust for me, as I felt the call to evangelize to strangers that I was seeing everywhere during my daily commute. So, I did this. While I was waiting at the bus stop or sitting on the bus, I would pray to the Holy Spirit for guidance, then I would approach people that I felt needed the card. I would extend my business card to them and I would say to them, “this is a gift for you, God bless you.” And when I gave them the card, 99% of the people would accept the card. First, they would look at the business card, then they would smile, and most would slip it into their wallets and purses right away. Most of the time, the business card would open a very nice, friendly conversation between them and me about Jesus and Christianity. Only once, did I have a really negative reaction, which really was not that bad. It opened up a nice conversation between myself and an atheist. We talked about science and faith and I treated him very kindly. We did not argue and I walked away from the experience still having peace in my heart, simply knowing that he would remember our conversation at The Warning and it would be a grace of conversion for him. I did this type of evangelization for over a year while riding the bus. And I firmly believe that business cards is the best method for evangelizing heavenly messages today.

Now, the thought has been impressed upon my heart that many people are overwhelmed with refuge building and preparing for the future unveiling of prophesied events. Especially, as things seem to becoming worse and worse—the overt attacks by satan and the forces of evil in the world. God desires that His children continue to have peace in their hearts. God knows that we are not “superhuman” but Is very practical in knowing the needs of His children. Do what you can and He will supply the rest by grace.

For instance, many followers of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, know that there are many different heavenly methods on how to create a holy refuge in our homes and places of worship. For example, there is the Seal of the Living God (Book of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy), consecration prayer given to Prophet John Leary, home protection kit from the Apostolate of the Green Scapular, the Representation of the Holy Family given by God the Father, the Divine Mercy Image of Jesus, etc. (See: I know that this fact may confuse people, but the reason that there are so many ways to protect oneself and property is because God Is trying to save everyone in the world and if there was only one method by a single chosen messenger, not everyone may hear of this opportunity of grace for themselves and their loved ones.

No method of creating our homes or land for a refuge is solely the best or perfect—all the means provided by different chosen messengers are all equally as good and if you can do more than one method, all the better, but if you only choose one, be pleased with having the means to do it. God will honor what you can do for His Glory and the salvation of your loved ones. And please remember this simple truth which should bring peace to everyone—if you cannot do or finish everything, the holy angels will do the rest when the time comes. Give honor to God by trying your best, but remaining in peace, trusting that He will fulfill all our needs when the time comes.

Now, I need to speak about primary and secondary and special missions. Everyone has a primary mission and for each of us this primary mission is the same. The primary mission of every person living on earth is to love God. Then, when we are baptized, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, will assign a secondary mission to every Christian so as to build up His Body in the Christian Church on earth. Then, as we go through life as Christians, it is up to us to build up our faith as we discover what our secondary mission in life is from God. A secondary mission which will lead us to discover our ultimate happiness and purpose in God’s Divine Plan. And then, special missions will be given to people to fulfill related to their secondary and primary missions from God. So, for example, for people, their secondary mission is to become either a parent raising a family or a religious vocation as a priest, nun, consecrated laity, etc. Then, people will be given special missions such as to be a theologian, prophet, build a refuge, etc. There are lots of different special missions related to building up the Body of Christ.

Now, this is an important lesson to learn. If you have a special mission from God, it is not of equal importance as your primary and secondary missions from God. And so, let’s take me for example. My primary mission is to love God and my secondary mission is be a consecrated holy person (which means “set aside”) for God’s purposes as a single lay woman, which I learned after many years of discernment. Then, God has given me a special mission, which I have discovered that having this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, is part of.

Well, after I attended the July 2018 healing conference hosted by the Apostolate of the Green Scapular (—which was a totally wonderful blessing for me, I began to become overwhelmed by many things. I do not usually read or watch much media, but when the sodomy scandals were starting to break in the Catholic Church, I watched and read much Catholic online media and it literally “shell-shocked” me so much, being exposed by all this negative press. I mean, my internal joy was being sapped. Then, I lost a very close friendship that meant a lot to me. I opened up about some very private things and I was not believed. And so, I was literally crying everyday for over a month over the loss of this dear friend from my childhood. Then, this Fall, I have been traveling a lot on family trips, and well, all of these circumstances really affected me and my relationship with God. I was having a difficult time maintaining the blog on a daily basis, because my faith was so disrupted. I was feeling like a failure before God.

So, what happened? God pulled the plug on my special mission and I did not have access to my computer for a week. I also do not use a cell phone and I do not have a television, so no internet or outside media exposure—it was like being off-grid sort-of but I still had the refrigerator, etc. So, what did I do? I focused on my relationship with God and spent the entire week doing extra chores around the house. I was sweeping and cleaning out all sorts of stuff in the house. And I was praying and singing to God all the time while I had all of this offline time. At first, I thought to myself, oh, no, what will happen to the blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, if I do not post anything? People are depending on me for the daily messages, etc. But, then I realized that was my pride speaking, because, guess what, the whole world does not revolve around me, no matter, how important my special mission is to God (yes, beat the pride out of me satan).

Then, after a week, I was able to access my computer again, and the first heavenly message that I read at Holy Love Ministries was the message of September 29, 2018, and well, I learned an important lesson. I learned that my primary mission to love God is always more important than any other special mission that has been given to me—no matter what the special mission may be. The peace of my soul was restored; and I came back rejuvenated and energized for working on this blog and I have been able to write commentaries again.

September 29, 2018

Feast of the Archangels – St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“I am cleaning up and sweeping out the household of the heart of the world. In so doing, mankind will readily discern what is good and what is evil. He will see My Will and accept it readily. This chore will not be complete until I return to earth in the Heart of My Son. It is then that My Kingdom on earth will be established. I will share My Son’s Victory, as too, will His Holy Mother.* We are united in purpose and in My Will.”

“Do not get caught up in the debris I am sweeping away. Separating good from evil is often painful. People you entrusted to stand up for good, such as elected officials, become part of the useless debris I must sweep away by exposing their errors. Trust that I will see you through every challenge. All of this is necessary to the building up of My Kingdom on earth. Sweet and complete will be My Victory. Entrust your hearts to Me.”

* Blessed Virgin Mary.

Read Luke 12:29-31: And do not seek what you are to eat and what you are to drink, nor be of anxious mind. For all the nations of the world seek these things; and your Father knows that you need them. Instead, seek his kingdom, and these things shall be yours as well.


Your ultimate duty to God is to become best friends with Papa God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Blessed Mother. Why do I say this? Because that is the true definition of holiness and your ultimate heavenly joy that God invites you to experience living on earth. And the more holy you become—the closer in friendship to God—the more powerful your prayers become. This is ultimately what sainthood is—intimate friendship with God. And when your prayers become more powerful with God, you can literally move mountains.

Yes, you should prepare physically when times will get difficult as God urges, but it is more important to prepare your hearts to be right with God. Why? Because all things are possible to God. If you have very little food during the time of famine, but have a deep faith then you will not worry, because through prayer, God will multiply what you have and provide what you lack. Remember, the story in Sacred Scripture of Prophet Elijah and the poor widow. Elijah prayed to God everyday for one year during a famine and food was multiplied to provide for himself, the poor widow and her son. So, the lesson is to develop a deep faith so God can perform the impossible through you when the time comes.

Next point on holiness and guilt trips on prayer. Unless you are under obedience of a religious vow, thus obligating yourself by free-will choice to God to praying some form of the Divine Office each day—please know that all forms of prayer are pleasing to God, but He needs for you to pray to Him everyday. If you do not pray to God daily then your relationship with Him will whittle away and eventually die.

But, what is prayer? At its heart, prayer means conversation with God. Prayer means talking to God. And we all know that communication is basic to maintaining any relationship. Thus, you need to talk to God everyday or your relationship with Him will falter. Prayer is important.

Now, I need to speak about invitations to prayer. There are all types of beautiful heavenly prayers that have been given to us to pray. These prayers include the Most Holy Rosary, the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Crusade of Prayers given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, the many beautiful prayers at Holy Love Ministries, and the Most Precious Blood Devotions given to Barnabas Nwoye (, etc. Now, I have shared this before, but I have great difficulty with praying the Most Holy Rosary, but I can sing for hours on end, because I enjoy simply spending time in this way with My Love, Jesus. In truth, I have been writing this commentary over several hours simply playing and singing over and over again one single Christian song (“Need You Now” by Plumb). In fact, I used to annoy my family, because I sing over and over one song to God for several hours so much, but I won that battle over many years (I know that My Love is laughing at this).

I share this, because someday, many Protestant Christians are going to be freaking out after the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens, because they do not know how to pray the Hail Mary to the Blessed Mother and because they have no devotion to Our Queen, etc. I want you all to know that the Blessed Mother once made this statement at Holy Love Ministries: “Today, I tell you, many Protestants have stronger faith and love of God than many cradle Catholics” (Our Lady of Guadalupe, December 12, 2016). My dearly beloved brothers and sisters, you are all OK in your prayer life and loved by Our Blessed Mother. Simply love Her back by remembering to include Her and your heavenly family (Communion of Saints) in your prayers, etc. Myself? I simply offer all my prayers for the intentions of Our Blessed Queen, then I sing my heart out, etc. An occasional, “I love you, Blessed Mother,” is good, too.

All prayer is pleasing to God. If you cannot “converse” to God through the Most Holy Rosary, then sing to God, or talk simply to Him, God would rather have you talk to Him heart-to-heart as your Best Friend then hear a sterile Rosary said as quickly as possible to “fulfill” our daily “obligation” of prayer to Him as Catholics. People tend to forget why the Rosary was given in the first place—the purpose of the Rosary is to help oneself become closer into intimate friendship with God. Myself? Yes, I am terrible at praying a 5-decade Rosary by myself (love group rosaries though), which most people pray in fifteen minutes (which I think is too fast). However, I can sing ten Hail Marys with my children’s worship songs in thirty minutes, which I do, because I enjoy praising God in song so much. The Blessed Mother needs people to pray from the heart and not counting beads. Praying from the heart every prayer said to God is what matters and counts. Remember, God and the Blessed Mother are your closest friends. Talk to Them with feeling in your heart in whatever prayer method that you use—Most Holy Rosary or not. Make every word count by praying every word with deep love and affection for Them for Who They Are to you—Your Family.

(And if you do not know how to pray with love in your heart to God using the Rosary, I have a simple prayer for you to do. Just say, “I love You, Jesus,” over and over again, using your Rosary beads, dedicating all your prayers to the Blessed Mother’s intentions. Trust me, the “I love You, Jesus,” prayer works. I suggest this prayer method for everyone who does not know how to pray or is starting to learn, especially after the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens, etc. God Is very simple in His needs from us. He craves our love).

Now, sometimes, people will tell me that they are receiving locutions or know someone receiving heavenly messages. I do not pass judgment on such people, because, truly, for me to know, I would have to pray and discern much over each such message and that is time-consuming. Sometimes, it has taken me years to discern and test the spirits to determine whether a chosen messenger is credible or not. I simply cannot do this for every situation brought to my attention. However, I want to share some personal things to help people out in their discernment of spirits.

As I have shared publicly on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, and as I have written in my Memoir ebook, I suffer from a severe mental illness. When I returned to the Catholic faith in my final year of graduate school, satan was brutal with me and my mind. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and have been hospitalized a few times with insanity over the years. However, I consider my schizophrenia to be my true blessing from God.

Why? Because, you must understand, without my intimate experiences with schizophrenia, I would not be so knowledgeable about satan and his enhanced heightened powers over the human mind. Truly, I have battled satan in ways that most of mankind cannot even begin to fathom or relate to and I simply cannot explain or describe in words. But, in the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, Jesus speaks about how given the opportunity, two devils can easily make any normally sane person become completely mad within a short amount of time. Truly, I say this with all profound seriousness—hell is not just physical tortures, but the lost souls in hell experience complete mental insanity all the time made even more tortuous by devils and their powers unknown by mankind.

I have learned these things (and am continually learning this) by being put through the fire many times of false discernment due to my own human stupidity, gullibility, and weakness. (Trust me, I have been made a fool many times by satan). That is why I indicate in my writings that I do not claim perfect discernment and I recognize that I could never be a locutionist. I know how easily satan can manipulate the mind and would question too much the source of the heavenly messages. So, God and Heaven do not speak with me in verbatim messages to write down, but through other types of graces.

And truly, I have gone through many years of simply hearing demonic voices all the time, while I developed my faith and privately discerning heavenly messages from different chosen messengers to believe in. In truth, it is only a recent phenomenon for me, that I am able to experience more special graces of Heaven on a constant basis, but I had to be tested and worn through many years of experiencing the demonic first. Of course, I still experience spiritual warfare, but as I have advanced in my faith, so, too, has satan in his ways of tempting me. he is very clever and highly intelligent—far superior in intellect than any human soul.

satan is always present when there is a true heavenly intervention, such as an apparition or locution, etc., taking place, and when given the opportunity, he will try his hardest to interfere with it. But, prayer provides a protective-shield. Just as everyone always has his guardian angel present to him, satan has assigned a dark angel to every person living on earth and they constantly battle each other over your soul and eternal salvation every moment. However, the closer you are to God and following His Divine Will, the more protective graces are available to you through your guardian angel.

Now, I do not want to scare people, but I must witness this truth with all profound seriousness—satan can literally plant words in your head, which you may think are your own thoughts or a communication from God, but they are not. I know this, because one of the distressing things early on about my mental illness was a situation which happened to me over the course of several months. Wherever I went—at home, work, etc., demons kept saying things in hatred to me in my head, then a few moments later, the words of the demons would be said exactly word-for-word out-loud by people in my presence. Then, the demons would laugh with much spiteful hatred in my head as they demonstrated their manipulative and persuasive power over others—especially, those who subjected them to control of demons by grave or serious sin on their souls.

It was actually a very distressing and disturbing experience for me to be subject to over and over, as I witnessed my own family, my loved ones, my co-workers, strangers, being thought manipulated by satan. But, this honestly happened to me and it would make me tearful as the demons laughed. Truly, people, even Christians, do not fully realize the constant battle that is being waged every present moment on earth for every soul. Simply put, the more unconfessed sins on a person’s soul, the more a person can be subject to thought manipulation by devils.

That is why following the Ten Commandments of God and His Holy Word are so vitally important and Papa God stresses it so much at Holy Love Ministries. The more you shed worldly thoughts, ideas, concepts, theories, and beliefs, by strictly following the Ten Commandments and Biblical principles, the purer your thoughts will become and you will become a holy receptacle that is able to receive graces of true communication from God. Worldly ideas and behaviors are blocks to God’s channel of His graces, because any sin—anything that is contrary to God’s Will—on your soul dampens hearing His Voice.

Think of your soul as being covered by a protective shield of glass. The dirtier the glass with various sins, the harder it is for God’s Light—His Grace—to shine through to your soul. This is why everyone must pray for the gift of discernment and holy wisdom in discerning the difference between good and evil, as well as often go to Confession. It is especially necessary today, because the world is filled with so many demons released from hell (due to abortion, etc.), and the constant struggle over souls who are hearing and acting on dark thoughts. God is trying to speak to everyone, but there is an intense fog on most people’s souls—all these sins are causing spiritual blindness to varying degrees in every person. The Blessed Mother once said that even the most holiest person on earth is affected and touched by evil in some way. satan, his devils, and grave sins are rampant and everywhere.

People must understand this fact. So many people are cheating themselves out of special graces and intimate friendship with God. How? They question God’s Will in their thoughts, words, deeds, and behavior. What is God’s Will? It is following the Ten Commandments and Biblical principles. I am not joking when I say this, but the more that you become “fundamental” and “simple” in your beliefs and behavior, even matters such as your clothing attire and daily speech, the closer you will become in your relationship with God and knowing His Divine Will for you. God does not want to hide from any person, but simply put, sins are a block to Him demonstrating His deep love for most people in their daily walk in life. Why? Because your unconfessed sins are saying to God, essentially, that you prefer to follow your self-will and not the Lord in your life. So, God respects your free-will choices. (Please also see my Commentary – The Reason Why Many People Have Difficulty With Their Prayers Being Answered By God I share this heavenly message from Locutions To The World:

October 29, 2011


In the world there is always movement. Things are always changing. One thing fades and another comes into prominence, like a show on a stage which moves from one act to the next. Yet, man does not perceive. Each scene leaves behind its effects. This is what I want to describe.”

People forget the way the world used to be, how people obeyed God and lived in his light. This was the Age of Faith, when God’s law formed the culture. Then, one thing after another came onto the stage. Need I list them? Divorce, contraception, abortion, homosexuality, in vitro fertilization, Playboy Magazine, Viagra. The list goes on and on. Fashions change and modesty is thrown away like an unwanted coin. These did not come overnight. Each one appeared slowly on the scene, one after another. What will come next? You can see what I mean. What people would never accept if introduced quickly, they gradually accept as it is presented to them little by little. Life is forever changed because they forget the way life should be. Now, all these forces are released in society and children who are born come into quite a different world, a darker world, a world filled with darkness that did not exist before.”

How can this society be purified? Anyone who preaches is called radical, a fundamentalist. Let it be known, I am the deepest of fundamentalists. I see clearly the will of the Father. I see how he views all these changes that have moved mankind away from his law. I see the total disregard for the Lord’s Day. I see the scourge that has happened to your children by the introduction of drugs and pornography. I see and I speak so you might see. Open your eyes to what has happened to America! Look at your children. Are they the same as you or has society stole them from you and erased their religious values? Do they see life as you see it? Is their faith as deep as your faith?”

What can be done? See the situation for what it is. Awake from your blindness. Cleanse your home. Purify your family. Say to yourself, “My family and I will walk a different road. I will find other families who will walk with me. We will come together to foster the ancient truths and the former values.” I will be with you on this long and arduous quest.”


Many persons and institutions are hollow, having no inner core of truth. A time of judgment, different for each one, will come. Those persons and institutions built upon a lie will be removed from office or they will collapse. They will be replaced by people of truth and by institutions built on truth. In this way, when decisions are made, the darkness will be put aside. These people and institutions of darkness, allow the powers of darkness to spread and grab hold. They see absolutely nothing wrong with the darkness. They even agree with the darkness. Because darkness is part of their agenda, they foster the darkness instead of removing it.”


The next point that I need to make is this—it is fruitless for people to compare their spiritual journey and depth of holiness with others. Why? Because only God can rightly judge men’s hearts. How does He judge them? By the amount of love for God and neighbor that each soul has throughout his life and, especially, at the moment of death. This is known as Holy Love and its true depth is only truly visible and known to God because Holy Love resides in the human heart.

Next related point is this—there will always be someone holier and more devoted in his faith than you. As I have deepened in my faith and have become more aware of my special mission given to me by the Lord, satan would often tempt me with comparing my spirituality with others. And I would become stressed out and anxious thinking to myself, My God, I am not a holy person and I do not know anything. I am not trained formally in the Catholic faith. I have no degree in theology and barely read Sacred Scripture. I do not pray the Most Holy Rosary or wear a brown scapular. I do not have regular set times for prayer. I do everything completely opposite to what a faithful Catholic is supposed to do. I would set the worst example for how to become a saint. And so forth.

But, I learned a profound lesson from those temptations. I learned that God does not necessarily choose the best qualified and most talented person for any special mission. Rather, God chooses the person who is most likely to be faithful in carrying out His Divine Will in order to accomplish the mission given to him. For example, God foresaw that He would need a website one day when the internet became developed by mankind in order to more effectively share His heavenly messages with His beloved children around the world. Now, obviously, the best choice would be a website developed by His Beloved Catholic Church. But, foreseeing that might not happen by His Church, God gave the special mission of sharing His heavenly messages to some of His children on earth in the hopes that they would be faithful to Him in carrying out His desires.

Now, there exist a few websites that share heavenly messages as a compilation on the internet. My blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, is one of them. Now, I am not saying that this blog is solely my special mission from God. I actually believe that my special mission is bigger than simply preparing this blog for the Glory of God. However, people need to understand that I am not the best qualified person to have a blog such as this one. I have no degree in computer science. I am actually not very tech-savvy, etc. But, God knew that I would have a heart for Him and that I would try my best to please Him by following His Divine Will. God knew that I would not be perfect in doing everything but He knew I would try. God does not expect perfection to be accomplished by His people—we are all inherently imperfect. But, God does need people who willingly try their best to please Him. Then, in return for faithfulness, God supplies the rest to those who trust in Him, because He Is the Perfect One—He makes the imperfect works by us perfect by grace in His Holy Eyes. And so, given missions are not dependent on being the best qualified or most talented person blessed by nature. Rather, Heaven makes its choices on who is likely to be most faithful in executing God’s Will to accomplish that particular mission given by God.

I say these things, because people need to stop judging a book by its color. Yes, visible signs of perceived holiness in a chosen messenger’s spirituality are helpful in discerning a body of heavenly messages. However, if God needs a message to be received by His people, well, He can make a donkey talk to give the message. (See: Holy Bible, Numbers 22:28). Think of chosen messengers of God as donkeys. Honestly, it is not necessary to know anything about a chosen messenger, because it is the information found in the heavenly message that is most important and not the spirituality or integrity of the messenger. I do not need to know anything about the holiness of a chosen messenger in order for me to properly discern whether a heavenly message is of God or satan. For example, in Sacred Scripture, God even used demoniacs (people possessed by satan) to deliver messages to the people. This is also witnessed in exorcisms where demons are forced to speak truths through their victims under the command of God. Are these messages made less valid because they were uttered by likely unholy people? No. And remember, Our Lord, Jesus, even said that if there was no man left to declare the Glory of God, well, the rocks would be made to cry out for God. (See: Holy Bible, Gospel of Luke 19:40). Simply put, it is the messages that matter, not the messenger.

Now, remember, as I wrote in an earlier commentary, there exists such demons as “religion devils,” which try to foster extremism in religious behavior. (See: Write-Up – Healing Conference hosted by Apostolate of the Green Scapular These religion devils are the primary instigators of religious cults, radical Islam, pagan religions, the occult, and all the divisions in Judaism and Christianity, etc. So, if a person feels like they are being chosen as an instrument by God to deliver messages for others, please recognize that religion devils do exist and will try to interfere as much as possible with such a mission.

For example, if you are being asked to pray at all different times of the day and night, all sorts of various prayers, and to do all types of penances, well, I would question that spirit. Yes, we are called to “pray unceasingly” as St. Paul counsels us in Sacred Scripture, but let us examine this Biblical principle further. God invites us, but He does not force us to follow His Divine Will. But, hell never respects free-will. God knows that we need to sleep—He created us that way. But, God is not going to require us to do what is beyond humanly impossible and impractical for most of us.

Now, I might shock people when I say this, but I typically can go over 72 or more hours without any sleep. What do I do with all this time, especially, at night? I pray to God by singing songs to Him (and writing commentaries such as this one), etc. But, I did not start off my prayer life in this way—staying awake for 72 hours in prayer. But, again, what is the essence of prayer? Prayer is loving communication with God. Honestly, I first started with simply saying “I love You, Jesus” and praying for the different virtues of hope, faith, and love, as much as I could each day, while giving my day to the Blessed Mother’s intentions. But, over time, as I fell deeper in love with God, as a natural result, I gave Him more of my free-time—because I simply wanted to spend time with Him praising Him in song. But, baby steps build up over time until you are not simply crawling or walking, but running in fullness of life towards God.

I share this, because this is one of the primary reasons, God is setting aside refuges in the world for the salvation of His people. His beloved children are asleep and need to be awakened. The children of God need to learn how to truly love Him. The children of God need to learn how to be holy—how to become His intimate friend which He desires to be with every person on living on earth. The refuges are the chosen means to help us to become living saints for God and set aside for His intentions. To divest us of so much of the garbage of worldliness that we all have on our souls.

And so, if you, or someone you know, seems to be receiving heavenly messages, the first thing to recognize is that religion devils exist and will try to foster extremes in behavior and excessive demands asked of you and others. As I shared in a story in the previous commentary, a religion devil said to me to bow to Papa God during a certain point of the healing conference that I was attending. Well, that is a good thing to do, of course, to bow to Papa God. But, the religion devil kept repeating the command over and over expecting me to bow lower and lower to God in a way almost impossible for me. And that was when I realized in a profound way that religion devils exist and there was an especially annoying one leeched onto me. God Is the God of moderation and balance. He will never give you the impossible to do without the means to achieve it. Remember, temperance is a virtue. Religion devils act contrary to this virtue.

Also, regardless of whatever may be asked of you to do in any heavenly messages, if it starts affecting you in an unhealthy way—such as feeling excessive guilt because you are not following God’s Will by completing tasks, you need to understand something important. There is a distinction between feeling sorrow over sin and feeling guilty over sin. If you have committed a sin and feel sorrow, then that is a holy feeling from your conscience indicating that you need to become right again with God. But, if you feel guilt over committing a sin, that is from the great accuser, satan, who rejoices over you being caught in sin and delights to make you feel miserable about it. Oftentimes, the distinction can be subtle and confusing between them, but if your feelings are overwhelming and agitating you so much by robbing you of your constant internal peace, then likely, it is the great accuser, satan.

Remember, your primary mission in life is to love God. And if you have been given a special mission, it is always of lesser, secondary importance to your primary mission to love God. The important thing is to learn to offer every task in life with deep love for God. For example, satan used to give me guilt trips about my writings. he would tempt me into thinking that my writings had to be perfect in all heavenly understanding, because I was responsible for the salvation of so many souls who were reading my commentaries. And I would think to myself, My God, what if I write something wrong? What if I end up being mistaken? What if I lead souls astray by my writings? Maybe I should not write anything…

But, do you know what I learned eventually? Again, I learned that I have a lot of pride. I learned that I am not perfect. I learned that I can make mistakes and, guess what, it is okay to make mistakes in understanding the ways of God and His Will. I am learning and growing all the time in my faith. I learned to disarm satan by doing this. Every time that satan would try to give me a guilt trip, I would pray to God and say, Lord, I am not perfect. I do not know everything, but I am doing this writing out of love for You. And if I have made a mistake in any way, well, Your Divine Plan Is So Great and So Awesome, You know everything, even all my mistakes, past, present, and future, in life. So, I give You this writing with love, trusting that You will account for any of my mistakes and will make things correct in the end. I love You and I thank You for Your merciful compassion towards me. Amen.

And well, satan does not give me guilt trips anymore over my writings. Simply put, do everything out of love for God and you cannot go wrong. Never worry or feel anxious. Do not allow satan to rob your grace of joy and hope in God. Do not allow satan to rob the gift of peace meant for you from God in each present moment. Sometimes, the devils would scramble my thoughts so much, flooding my mind with so many simultaneous thoughts at once, I was going insane trying to figure out the truth. So, what did I learn to do? I learned how to praise God by focusing on each breath that I took. Instead of trying to regain control of my mind which was being manipulated by satan, I would simply lie on my bed for hours praising God for being alive and breathing. I was tortured by satan for almost a year in this manner.

St. Therese of Lisieux once said that everything is a grace. This is true. Grace is always with you. If, in satan’s confusion you absolutely do not know what to do next and what God’s Will is for you, well, in that present moment, you are alive and that is God’s Will for you. Love God for that. In the end, it does not matter what you do for God, but how you do it that matters with God. Offer everything that you do—even, the little, seemingly inconsequential things of the day to God with love in your heart. This is how to fulfill St. Therese of Lisieux’s devotional teachings on her “Little Way” to God.

When St. Thomas Aquinas appears to the visionary, Maureen, at Holy Love Ministries, he wears his priestly cassock which has many old-fashioned buttons on it. Twice, in heavenly messages, St. Thomas Aquinas commented about how he would fasten each button (which was difficult for him due to his portly built), with much love to Jesus in his heart. Now, St. Thomas Aquinas is the greatest theologian of the Catholic Church who is blessed with a brilliant mind and yet, he came down twice from Heaven to speak about fastening buttons. But, truly, this is a profound teaching. Those buttons were a grace. Like a Rosary, he prayed as he fastened each one. Those buttons were how he included his Beloved Jesus—his Best Friend—into his daily life.

There is so much that I could say on how to pray through the little happenings in life, but alas, it is not for this commentary. But, the most important concept to understand is that God Is always present to you. He does not go away from listening to you and attending to your needs simply because you are no longer praying the Holy Rosary, etc. He may not respond vocally to you, but He Is always available to you every moment.

Talk to Him like He Is Your Best Friend, because He really Is. Include Him actively throughout your day. Share your activities with Him. Jesus craves this love and attention from you. Yes, at first, it will feel “unnatural” to be talking to Jesus all the time and you will fear doing it because you will think that you look crazy. But, all negative thought and doubts come from satan. And, I must ask you—what looks more crazy—talking to an inanimate cell phone all the time or openly sharing your thoughts with Jesus as you move throughout the day? At least with Jesus, you can be discrete and speak to Him softly. With a cell phone, most people are very obnoxious in their behavior. They are very loud and boastful. It seems like the whole world revolves around them and their very public conversation.

And if you say that, well, speaking to Jesus all the time, really is crazier than using a cell phone, well, here is my response. I have been already certified crazy by the world’s standards. And I will tell you that being known as crazy is really not that bad. I would rather be known as crazy, but be in love with Jesus and know Him as My Best Friend, then live without Him and the love and joy that He places in my heart. Being made a public fool and humiliated for Jesus is actually very liberating. I do not worry about my reputation before others. And I can honestly say that I love Jesus with all my heart, all my mind, and all my soul. Giving the sufferings of your mind to God is a very difficult challenge for most people, because they are too attached to their intellects and reputations. I would never wish any person to have a mental illness, but for me, it has been a total blessing and a grace. I am blessed to be able to serve God in this way—to be able to testify about the workings of satan and his devils to others. I am grateful to God for all that I am.

Anyways, I want to conclude by making a brief comment again about God’s Will. Many, many—numerous—times at Holy Love Ministries, Papa God, Jesus, and the Blessed Mother have spoken about God’s Will. What have They said to us? God’s Will is also Holy Love. They have told us that if you desire to follow God’s Will, then one must follow Holy Love. But, it is not simply about supporting the Mission of Holy Love or reading the daily messages. To truly follow God’s Will, which is Holy Love, then you must strive to become a living example of Holy Love in the world. What does this mean? This means actively striving to follow the path laid bare to us by Heaven at Holy Love Ministries—the Chambers of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary. Everyone needs to diligently study the messages and enthusiastically apply the lessons to their lives so we can all become living saints—intimate friends of God. Holy Love is the best gift that you can give yourself and those whom you love. In true charity, introduce them to the heavenly messages and witness to them by your living example.

I love you all. Thank you for considering this writing.

God bless!
—a soul


Holy Love Ministry

March 25, 2007

Ecumenical Prayer for Unity Amongst All People

Jesus is here, all in white. He says:

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Today, My brothers and sisters, you must realize that Satan is trying every inroad into your hearts to destroy your peace. He is the Father of Lies–the master deceiver and unrelenting accuser.”

“The devil tries to rob you of the present moment through guilt, anxiety and worry. These three–guilt, anxiety and worry–are always the enemy’s attack on your trustful surrender to the Divine Will of My Father. My Father’s Will is Pure Mercy–Pure Love.”

“When Satan is able to weaken your trust in the Divine Will, he strengthens his grip on your heart and weakens your journey into Holy and Divine Love.”

“Today, My brothers and sisters, realize that there are many obstacles that can come between your heart and Mine. Your heart can be divided by love of the world, love of reputation, love of your appearance; but these, for certain, are the greatest weapons Satan uses–guilt, anxiety and worry. With these he destroys your trust and your love of Me and of the Divine Will. Therefore, stand guard over your heart and recognize his attacks.”

“I’m blessing you with My Blessing of Divine Love.”

December 12, 2016

Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe – 3:00 P.M. Service

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Blessed Mother is here* as Our Lady of Guadalupe. She says:

Praise be to Jesus.”

This country is so fortunate that it is returning to its traditional values which it was founded on. In the Church, however, Traditions are slipping away and not stressed. This is being accomplished in an insidious way under the guise of bringing souls back to the Faith. But what faith are they returning to? The Real Presence, sin and personal holiness are not stressed. The Commandments are not valued. Few there are who keep holy the Sabbath. Mass media supports every type of sinful behavior and is not challenged from the pulpit.”

When I appeared to Juan Diego centuries ago, the Protestant Reformation was underway. Today, I tell you, many Protestants have stronger faith and love of God than many cradle Catholics. My Image on the Tilma, which has not deteriorated, does not reflect the faith in hearts which has ebbed away.”

These things are generally not spoken of so as to save feelings and not make anyone uncomfortable. I come as your loving Mother during this age of confusion, to help you to recognize the Truth. There are two Churches in what is known as the Catholic Faith. One supports Tradition. The other confuses its followers by fringing on new rules and definitions, but not quite endorsing them. The time fast approaches when these two will be even more visible.”

Dear children, you have heard Me say often that what is in hearts then spills out into the world. Every evil is formed first in the heart. This is also true of good, as was proven in the most current presidential election. The people were tired of corruption, dishonesty and disordered control, and they chose otherwise. The good fruits of this will be apparent soon.”

I desire you understand the term ‘globalization’. It means to unite and spread something worldwide. This is good if it is Holy Love, which I desire people be united in worldwide. However, there is an evil globalization being promoted by those of great influence these days. It would unite all governments and open the door to an Antichrist as the leader. I urge you to pray for discernment so that you are not tricked by false signs and promises.”

When you come here to this site you will receive the properties of discernment, which if put to good use, will help you to decide good over evil.”

Dear children, I come to you today as the Virgin of Guadalupe. I invite you to realize that every problem, every confusion and each situation is matched with God’s Grace. It is up to the soul to cooperate with the graces given. The greatest of all graces is God’s Mercy, which is offered at the last moment of every soul’s life. The repentant heart should always have hope then.”

Dear children, once again, this evening I urge you to pray often for the welfare of your new administration. Those who oppose the changes that are in the works are not above criminal acts. I count on your prayers to bring My Protection upon the administration.”

I’m taking your petitions with Me to Heaven this evening and will place them on the Altar of My Son’s Most Sacred Heart.”

To all here present, I’m extending My Blessing of Holy Love.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

Special Commentary – The Gift of the Imagination is the Key to Unlocking Faith – By a soul

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (12 pages) of this special commentary:

The Gift of the Imagination is the Key to Unlocking Faith – By a soul (PDF)

The Gift of the Imagination is the Key to Unlocking Faith – By a soul (ODT)

The Gift of the Imagination is the Key to Unlocking Faith – By a soul (WordDoc)

The Gift of the Imagination is the Key to Unlocking Faith

By a soul
(July 18, 2018, Feast of Our Lady of Victory)

I am doing this special commentary for two reasons: one, I desire to help those blog followers of MaryRefugeOfHolyLove deepen their faith so as to properly use the mystical gifts that were given them this past weekend at the healing conference; and two, I desire to help all blog followers, in general, in how to deepen their faith and love of God, by learning how to pray lovingly from the heart. (See: WRITE-UP – Healing Conference hosted by Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Held July 13-15, 2018 at Austin, Texas

I do not profess to be an expert. I am still learning all the time in my walk with Jesus and Mary. But, what little that I have learned, I want to pass along to blog readers, because I really desire to help people have a closer walk with Our Lord and Our Lady. I can only speak using examples from my own prayer life, and since everyone prays differently, you will have to adapt what I say to your own needs, but I offer what I can as the fruit of my own life. And I hope that this fruit will bear abundantly in the lives of others that it touches. So, let’s begin.

A couple of blog followers who went to the healing conference have approached me, saying, well, I kind of believe that I received mystical gifts at the conference, but I am not sure. They want to believe, but they are being assailed by doubts (which are to be expected due to satan’s influence). Also, one lady at the conference asked the visionary, Anna Marie, if she really did receive a Spiritual Sword, because she did not feel it being placed in her right hand. Yet, when she remarked on this, her table-mate actually confirmed later that she saw her friend’s Spiritual Sword in a dream, so this lady did truly receive the mystical gift. And Anna Marie remarked that the lady needed to work on her faith, as she also saw the lady being bestowed mystical gifts by the Holy Spirit. In fact, Anna Marie saw everyone at the healing conference being touched by the Holy Spirit in some way with mystical gifts.

So, for those blog followers who went to the healing conference, but are now, being assailed by doubts, please know that you truly did receive the mystical gifts of the Spiritual Sword and the Most Precious Blood of Jesus on your hands. I have no doubt in my mind that these two mystical gifts were given in common to everybody at the healing conference, because they are so necessary to the training that we all received in advanced spiritual warfare. So, have no doubt that Our Lord bestowed on you the Spiritual Sword and the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. However, we have to bring your level of faith up to the level where you truly believe that you have these two mystical gifts from the Holy Spirit. So, this special commentary is all about that—bringing your level of faith to a higher degree of certainty in the Lord’s Promises and Gifts.

Also, in general, in many, many, many heavenly messages from various sources, Our Lady has lamented at the lack of loving prayer from the heart from many of Her children. Our Lady has indicated that many of Her children pray with their lips, but not from their hearts, for example, when doing their Most Holy Rosaries. This is a serious problem, because this essentially means, that most people do not know how to pray properly. And yet, while there is no one “correct” way on how to pray to God, the fact is, people are forgetting what the essence of prayer really is, which means “conversation with God.”

To be honest, I am actually horrible when it comes to formalized prayers in the Catholic Church. Growing up, I had the Holy Mass—which is public prayer—but I never really had any type of family prayer or any knowledge of personal prayer to God. So, when I was returning to the Catholic faith in 2003, I had to start from scratch and teach myself on how to pray privately. I have a special writing on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, that I want to invite blog followers to read, as it will compliment when I am saying in this special commentary now. But, people have to remember that when they are praying, that they are engaging in conversation with God, or Our Lady, or the Saints in Heaven. So, no word should be recited without feeling and taken for granted. Because, truly, would it not seem hurtful to you, if someone is talking to your face, but not looking at you and seems distracted in every word that they are saying to you? Truly, that is what is happening when Our Lady is hearing a Most Holy Rosary that is not said lovingly from the heart. But, hopefully, through this special commentary, we can correct some of these problems.

How To Pray To God

So, what is loving prayer from the heart? Our Lady has spoken about it many times at Medjugorje, at Holy Love Ministries (, and many other places. But, I will tell you, that it is only in a heavenly message through Locutions To The World that Our Lady finally explained HOW to pray with love from the heart. Here is the heavenly message:

January 17, 2012
“How to Pray From the Heart”


I put before you choices of life and death. I am not speaking of earthly life and death, but of eternal life or eternal death. These are the choices made each day. Does a person wish to live with God forever or are they willing to lose eternal life because of some earthly satisfactions that are illicit? These are the daily decisions, life with God or life without God.”

How horrible is life without God. (That darkness begins on earth.) How blessed is life with God. (That happiness begins on earth.) This is why I speak. I want to lead many into eternal life.”

God is not far away. You need not travel a thousand miles to find him. He is already in your heart. Wherever you go, even when you flee from him, he is there, waiting for you to turn to him. That is the secret. That is all you need to do to find God. Really God finds you. Just turn your thoughts to him. I will show you how. Picture for a moment, a story from the gospel. You know some stories. If not, then read the gospels of Jesus.”

Praying with the Imagination

Picture Jesus as a baby in my arms, or as a young boy in the temple, or being baptized in the Jordan, or preaching to the crowds, or praying in the Garden or dying on the cross. Any of these scenes will do, whatever you are attracted to. Use your imagination for a few moments and speak to Jesus from your heart. It might only be a short prayer but it will be from the heart. Congratulations. You have begun to walk the road of divine light. Be led to do this often. Just a short prayer where you picture Jesus and speak to him from your heart. That is truly a turning to God. Do not forget, I will always be there with you.”

* * *

Faith is belief in the unseen supernatural world. Faith is a gift from God in which Jesus once said, “Blessed are those who have not seen and have believed.” (Gospel of John, Chapter 20, Verse 29). Faith is a gift that must be asked for from God—repeatedly, so as to increase in grace. Faith is a gift that must be guarded and nurtured, because it is only through faith that we become closer in knowing and loving the unseen God—Our Heavenly Father, His Divine Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit.

But how does one initially gain faith, increase in faith, and become closer to God? Our Lady revealed the secret in the heavenly message:

The gift of the imagination is the key to unlocking the gift of faith in God.

The fact is, everyone has the gift of the imagination. But, most people do not know why God even gave everyone the gift of the imagination to mankind in the first place. Yet, we witness abuses of the imagination in many sexual perversions and evil inclinations, which satan enjoys to tempt mankind all the time with today. So, the gift of imagination is often used by evil for evil. But the gift of the imagination was not given by God to mankind for evil purposes.

The truth is, the gift of the imagination is meant to be used for a very holy and righteous purpose. The imagination is supposed to be used to help people develop and grow in their faith and love of God—the unseen God who can come closer to us through proper use of the imagination. So, the key to deepening one’s faith and praying from the heart is learning how to use your imagination properly before God. You have to train your mind on how to use your imagination so as to increase your faith in God.

So, the imagination is the key. So, let me explain some steps on how I do this with examples from my own prayer life.

I am going to say something really shocking. I do not pray the Most Holy Rosary that much. I actually feel horrible about this, because the Blessed Mother has said that Her Victory will come through the Most Holy Rosary and the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. But, I do not pray the Most Holy Rosary much, because I like to sing it as I am terrible at simply reciting it on my own. And so, literally, using my children’s music CD to sing the four decades (not even a full five decades) takes me two hours. So, usually, daily, I will sing other worship songs and pray short ardent prayers throughout the day, as it is easier for me in my faith walk. But, I am getting better at remembering to sing at least one decade a day (about thirty minutes) for the Blessed Mother.

It is something that I am working on—my own personal prayer challenge—but we all have areas that each of us need to work on in our spiritual life. So, for me, praying the Most Holy Rosary on my own is my special project.

But, having said that, often when I do take the time to sing the Most Holy Rosary on my own, my heart is very moved by the words that I am singing. Very often, I am crying and yes, my nose starts to run, because I am like that, because I get so affected by what I am singing. That is because I make every word that I sing count. I really truly think about each word that I am singing to God and Our Lady and I imagine Our Lady being with me, singing alongside with me to God.

Yes, whatever song that I am singing to God, I imagine that I am singing a duet with the Blessed Mother. Other times, I will ask other Saints in Heaven to sing with me a duet while I sing a worship song to God. I do not have to hear the voice of a Saint to know in my heart that he or she is singing with me. I believe in faith, but this is how I have built up my relationship with the Communion of Saints in Heaven. I know that singing is not for everyone. To be honest, I have a very lousy voice, so I only sing really in private, but there is something about singing and using your active imagination at the same time, that has brought me closer to God.

Many times, I will take a favorite worship song and I will place the song on repeat and I will sing it over and over again, allowing the words of the song to bring my heart closer and closer to God—penetrating deeply into His Most Sacred Heart. As I sing, I will picture myself like a small little candle with a tiny flame on top of a rock in the middle of the desert illuminating the darkness of the face of the earth. And when I sing a worship song, I will imagine myself not only singing for myself and my intentions, but for the needs and intentions of the entire world.

For example, I love the Christian band, Casting Crowns, so I will use an example of two of their songs. So, if I am singing the song, “Jesus, Friend of Sinners,” on repeat, I imagine myself as the lit candle, interceding for the entire world as I sing. Or, if I am singing the song, “Who Am I,” on repeat, I imagine myself as an intercessor asking God to forgive all of mankind for our sins, as I sing the words.

Again, I know that singing is not for everyone. But for me, it has brought me closer to God, as singing coupled with the imagination is very powerful.

But, for those who like to recite prayers, let me return to the Most Holy Rosary, as so many people pray it daily and I want to help bring people closer to God through proper recitation of the words. The fact is, when I do pray the Most Holy Rosary, I love to pray it with others, as my heart feels something very special when I am praying publicly with others to God. I believe in Jesus’s Promise that He will always Be Present when two or three are gathered in His Most Holy Name. So, although I do not normally pray with others, it is always very special to me when I do have the opportunity to pray in a group such as this past weekend at the healing conference. It literally makes me smile, because I know that Jesus Is with us—in the gathering.

Now, I do not know what others are thinking or meditating as they are praying the Most Holy Rosary, but I want to tell you all a story that really made me ponder about things. But, many years ago, I was at my first gathering outside an abortion clinic to pray the Most Holy Rosary for pro-life intentions. And I was really excited, as I do not pray the Most Holy Rosary much (that has not changed!), but again, I love to pray it when gathered in a group.

Well, I want to say that I noticed something. I noticed that as we were reciting the pro-life rosary, everyone was looking down, very seriously counting their rosary beads one by one. And honestly, I thought to myself, why is everyone looking down at their rosary beads? The Blessed Mother is right in front of us, listening to our every word, as we talk to Her? I did not understand the serious counting of the rosary beads. Whenever I pray the “Hail Mary,” I use my imagination to see the Blessed Mother either beside me or in front of me as I say the words. It is actually very important to me that I fully acknowledge the Presence of Our Lady with me as I say the “Hail Mary,” as I do not want any of my words to be empty and hallow promises said directly to the Queen of Heaven and Earth.

To be honest, when I do pray the Most Holy Rosary privately to myself, for example, when riding the bus, I prefer to use my fingers to count and not the actual rosary beads as I find them distracting. I will sit on my little corner of the bus bench, resting my head against the window, with my eyes closed, and my hands tucked under my chin. To everyone, it will look like I am taking a nap and asleep. But, actually, I am praying the Hail Mary prayer with my fingers, imagining the Blessed Mother in front of me, with my eyes closed. To be honest, I have learned so many techniques of silent prayer from simply riding the bus. It is actually amazing how much prayer can be accomplished on the daily commute to work and about town.

Now, having rosary beads is important, as yes, it is important that no one loses track of counting the mysteries. But if there is one or two leaders counting the mysteries, or one is listening to a rosary CD, it is not really necessary for everyone else to methodically be counting the rosary beads. Instead, I want to suggest that everyone look up and smile at Our Lady while reciting with much care the words of the Hail Mary. That is the one thing that I have noticed sometimes when gathered when praying the Most Holy Rosary with others. Everyone looks so deeply serious. Even if I cannot see Our Lady, I am always smiling at Her when I pray to Her. For example, the prayer that I say the most during the day to Our Lady is the simple, “I love you, Blessed Mother,” and I always say that to Her with a smile on my face as I imagine Her standing to my right hand side, holding my right hand. It is actually funny, but my computer desk is right next to the closet, and so often, I am looking directly at the closet door, saying to the Blessed Mother, “I love you” with a smile. Sometimes, I will laugh, and apologize to the Blessed Mother saying, “I am so sorry that you are stuck in the closet” and I know that She is smiling back at me, by the little joy that She places in my heart at that moment.

In truth, my best prayer that I am always saying is “I love you” to God and Our Lady. Truly, if one wants to develop deeper faith, just saying constantly “I love You, Papa,” “I love You Jesus,” “I love You Holy Ghost” throughout the day is great for one’s closer walk to God. I wish that I could write such lovely prayers to God like many great Saints like St. Therese of Lisieux (The Little Flower), but again, I am really pathetic when it comes to formalized prayers. I am really very basic and very simple. I just go about my day constantly saying “I love you” to God and Our Lady and asking for the graces of “hope, faith, love, and trust” for myself and mankind. I am constantly consecrating every man, woman, child, baby, and unborn baby to the Immaculate Heart and Sacred Heart throughout my day, and I am constantly offering up my past crosses for the intentions of the Blessed Mother, asking all my prayers to be multiplied.

Everyone is different in their prayer life, but these are the things that have brought me closer to God and the Blessed Mother. So, I continue to share them, like the singing that I have mentioned before, because there really is truth in the saying that “singing is like praying twice” to God. But, everyone needs to train their minds and really develop their imagination to help them deepen their faith of God.

Truly, if the abuse of the imagination by mankind can cause so much trouble and evil in the world as we see today, how much greater good can be witnessed in the world if mankind were to properly train his mind to harness the gift of the imagination for the glory of God? Proper use of the gift of imagination can bring mankind to the very depths of love in the Most Sacred Heart of God. The imagination is the key to deeper faith.

Now, that being said, I want to speak more to those who attended the healing conference this past weekend. In general, I have spoken to everyone about using the gift of imagination to deepen one’s faith and love of God, but now, I want to address those who received the mystical gifts from Our Lord this past weekend. How can we increase your faith in having these mystical gifts so you can ultimately help yourself and others?

Now, I am not a theologian and I have no religious education beyond simple preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation that I had many years ago. So perhaps, this has been presented in a much better way in the Catholic Church or by the many wonderful Saints of Heaven (who are a lot smarter than me). But, in writing this special commentary, it has been placed in my heart that there are three degrees of faith:

First, there is the very basic level of faith where people are trying to discern whether there is a God or not and whether Holy Mother Church is the true faith or not. So, that is very foundational, and everyone experiences that level of discernment at some point in their lives if they are genuine seekers for Truth and faith in God.

Then, there is the second degree of faith, which calls for a finer tuning of discernment of spirits. And most people, once they find the true faith in the Catholic Church, are at this level of discernment of spirits in their faith journey. This is where satan can really assail them with doubts and confusion, worries and fears, especially, where it comes to accepting mystical stuff and supernatural occurrences.

Now, everyone, including myself, are at different stages in their gift of discernment of spirits. And to be truthful, depending on the circumstance, people will have a better discernment regarding one matter versus another. Really, it is very particular to the situation, on how good one’s gift of discernment of spirits is. For example, a person might have an excellent sense of discernment of spirits on approved Marian apparitions because he follows only Church-approved messengers, but his discernment might be really lousy when it comes to unapproved sources, because he has closed his spirit off from properly testing the spirits, so he is spiritually handicapped in a way, but blind to the fact.

That example describes many devout Catholics—not necessarily those who follow this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove—but I use that example as it can be related to so many people and understood by those who follow this blog. And also, there is the example of many people—such as many priests—who have “intellectualized” their faith too much. Their discernment of spirits is based too much on what they have read from scholars of the Church and honestly, not on actual practical application of their discernment in their daily spiritual walk. Sadly, I have to say that this “intellectualization” of the faith even exists among exorcists and that was shocking to me when I realized that fact, because these are men of the cloth who battle satan everyday. But, I realized that even exorcists can be in the dark about spiritual matters, because sometimes, I have read articles written by exorcists that I know are wrong based on my own personal experiences in heightened spiritual warfare and what I have learned in studying heavenly messages.

But, no one has or can claim perfect discernment of spirits. No one. Not me, not anyone. But, having “been around the block” a few times, I want to help, in particular, those who went to the healing conference and received mystical gifts from the Holy Spirit to properly develop them. That means, that I have to help each of you raise your discernment of spirits to the same level of faith that I have. So, that way, you will no longer be plagued by doubts and uncertainties about whether you even received the mystical gifts, because you were called to attend the healing conference, and the Lord desires to use you to help yourself and others in a mighty way, especially, in this End Times.

So, what do I mean by raising your gift of discernment of spirits to the same level of faith that I have? The fact is, each of the people who attended the healing conference have been given two very precious and very powerful gifts from God—the Spiritual Sword and the Most Precious Blood of Jesus. But, satan very actively wants people to deny these very powerful gifts, because to acknowledge and use them is a danger and threat to his plans.

Now, I mentioned the first two degrees of faith on discernment of spirits. If you are experiencing any doubts and uncertainties about this past weekend, we need to bring your level of faith to the highest degree of faith where you are very actively engaging and moving in the spirit world. As I mentioned previously, the veil between the natural and supernatural world is being lifted by God now, and so, everyone—not just those who attended the healing conference—need to be brought up to the highest degree of faith possible in God.

Now, I am going to say something that everyone who follows this blog likely knows, but it is something that is intellectualized by many people and not internalized in the spirit yet. But, this is the main difference between the level of faith where one is still experiencing doubts about the mystical and the supernatural, and the level of faith that one is called to have in God at the highest degree. I cannot say that I have this level of faith perfectly—I am not a saint and still living on earth working on my spiritual life—but as one comes closer to God, there comes a point when the reality of the demonic world becomes very real and you no longer doubt things like if satan or demons exist or not.

I know that most of the people who follow this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, are very devout and truly believe in the reality of satan and his demons. But, I truly tell you, my beloved blog followers, that something profoundly happens to your level of faith when you experience satan un-cuffed in your life. The fact is, I have mentioned often on this blog, that I have engaged in much spiritual warfare. If you have read my various writings and free ebooks, you will know that much of this has been through demonic nightmares and demonic voices, however, I have had overt attacks, such as my car accident in January 2008, etc., so I have experienced a gamut of attacks of varying degrees.

But, as I have revealed previously, before I published my Easter 2017 commentary about Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje, one night satan physically attacked me. I never saw him, but the fact is, when you have a demon chewing on your head spiritually, something really happens to your faith at that point. Up until that time, I had had brief glimpses of demons before (ugly blackness!), been attacked by demonically-possessed animals, and other things, which made the demonic world very real to me. But, truly, when you are being eaten alive demonically by satan, it is impossible to ever deny the reality of the devil ever again.

Now, I pray that no one undergoes the experience of being demonically eaten alive, but my dearly beloved blog followers, I think that each of you know and believe in your hearts that this is the End Times. The fact is, the antichrist does exist and is alive in the world today. During this past weekend at the healing conference, as I revealed in the previous commentary, while I was in my hotel room at night, I was engaged in much spiritual warfare. So, I got to use right away the spiritual gifts that the Lord was giving to us during the day.

Well, I am not sure if you have noticed, but in my last few special commentaries on the blog, I have been pretty bold about revealing certain facts of my life. The fact is, I rarely speak about my special protector, St. Elijah the Prophet, who was appointed to me by Our Lord on July 13, 2008 and that I was specifically told by him that I have a “special mission” to complete on earth for God. Those facts and others are buried on different blog pages in various earlier writings, which I know that I have to publicly reveal about myself (truly, the fact that Elijah is with me, I cannot hide this fact), but to be honest, I am not the type of person who desires to be known for such things. It is not in my nature as I am very private, but I write this stuff down anyways, because I have to chronicle my life otherwise people would not know that Our Lord is keeping true to His Holy Word to send St. Elijah the Prophet back to the world.

So, as much as I would like to hide this stuff about me, the Lord keeps prompting me to come out of my shell and speak (write). For example, the Lord did this last year when St. Gabriel revealed to me the Secrets of Fatima, Garabandal, and Medjugorje, etc. When a person is given revelations of such importance like that by God, really, I have no choice but to reveal them publicly if I desire to follow the Divine Will. Just like, I have no choice but to publicly reveal the presence of St. Elijah the Prophet in my life, even though, I would love to keep my life private and unknown to everyone.

Well, the reason I bring up St. Elijah the Prophet again in this writing, is because this past weekend, July 13, 2018, was the ten-year anniversary of when Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Mother visited me, and gave me the Ring of Redemption and appointed Elijah as my special protector. So, while the many attendees were wondering why the Lord had chosen this particular weekend for the healing conference, during this Month dedicated to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus, none of the spiritual significance of this weekend went unnoticed by me. The fact is, there is a lot of stuff that happened to me this past weekend that I cannot publicly share at this time. Someday, people will know everything, but what little that I can say is that the Blessed Mother told me that I am a target of the antichrist. So, Heaven validated at least personally to me, that yes, indeed, the antichrist is very much alive and active in the world today, but I was also comforted knowing that Heaven is also very much protecting me and my special mission for God.

Anyways, I reveal this limited stuff, because everyone who went to the healing conference and received the Spiritual Sword and the Most Precious Blood of Jesus from the Holy Spirit, have been totally blessed by God. Please do not let satan cast doubts and confusion in your minds about these precious gifts, because you and your loved ones will need these precious gifts in the days ahead. The fact is, I know in my heart that Jesus wants to give everyone a Spiritual Sword and the only reason for that, is because we will truly need to have and use them. I do not want to frighten people, especially, about the antichrist stuff, but everyone’s got to build up their level of faith so we can truly be the the Church Militant.

And so, for those who did receive the mystical gifts, you need to start using them everyday and praising God for giving them to you. You need to practice saying the prayers until they roll off your tongue with great ease and getting used to swinging your Spiritual Sword. The key is to use your imagination actively envisioning the Spiritual Sword in your hand and handling the Spiritual Sword with care just as you would with a real sword. The more you practice, the stronger your faith will become and as you become accustomed to this gift, the other gifts that you also have been given will present themselves to you as well. For example, I believe that a lot of people were given the gift of spiritual sight. But I do not believe that this gift will become active until after people become accustomed with using their Spiritual Sword on a daily basis.

Honestly, I believe that the Lord has blessed each attendee with many spiritual gifts, but He is not going to overwhelm us with revealing them all to us all at once. The spiritual gifts build upon and compliment each other. As we learn how to use one gift properly, then the next one will be revealed, and so forth. For example, I shared that the Lord gave me the stigmata cross on my left hand palm when I received the Most Precious Blood of Jesus on my hands. Every time I have felt the slight stigmata pain on my left hand palm, I have been kissing the palm of my hand, and I know that the pain will increase over time. I also suspect that I might have other stigmata wounds as well, but the Lord is calling me to faith as it is all invisible. So, first, I have to build up my faith about the cross on my left-hand palm, then other gifts will be revealed in time.

In conclusion, I want to say something very important and meaningful to me. Ten years ago, on July 13, 2008, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, gave me an invisible Ring that He slipped onto my left hand finger. That Ring, which I call the Ring of Redemption, is very special to me. The Ring consists of one Droplet of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord that He shed for me at the Crucifixion. The Ring has meant so much to me and has helped me so much in my private spiritual life. It is because of the Ring that for over ten years I have felt the Presence of Jesus and the Blessed Mother holding my hands. The Ring has helped me in recognizing sins in my life, as well as my discernment of spirits.

This Ring of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus has been an incredible gift for me. I often kiss the invisible Ring on my left hand finger and sometimes, I will bring the Ring next to my cheek, close my eyes, and simply adore the Lord on my left hand.

For ten years, I have been in awe that on my left hand finger, I am wearing the same Most Precious Blood of Jesus that the priest consecrates the holy wine to become at Holy Mass in the Holy Chalice. Truly, I have been awestruck, often telling Jesus, Lord, I am not worthy to be wearing Your Most Precious Blood on my hand. Lord, why have You given me this Precious Gift? I am not a priest. I am not worthy in any way. And sometimes, I have cried, knowing how special this gift of the Ring of His Most Sacred Blood is for me.

This past weekend, I was given a greater gift. The ability to plead the Most Precious Blood of Jesus on my hands. As indicated, when the gift was given to me, I felt the stigmata wound on my palm as the Most Precious Blood was pouring down my left hand and arm. I literally felt the drops of Most Precious Blood gushing from my palm to my wrist, etc.

I know that the Most Precious Blood of Jesus on their hands was given to everyone in that conference room. Please have no doubt about this very special, very sacred gift. I am not a priest and I am in awe that I have been given this precious gift. Each attendee needs to be in awe of receiving this mystical gift and praising God tremendously for this grace from His Most Sacred Heart. Make an act of faith and kiss your palms every time you invoke this very special gift. Your hands are shedding the Most Precious Blood of Our Savior! This is something that you need to praise God for every moment that you can and have no doubts anymore about.

You have been given a very powerful gift to battle demons with and to treasure Our Lord with in your heart. Be grateful. Be in awe. And be at peace knowing how much the Lord loves you that He has entrusted to you His very own Most Precious Blood from His Most Sacred Heart. How great is Our God! Praise Be to Jesus!

I love you all. God bless.
—a soul

Papal Prophecies – Call To Deep Prayer From The Heart – Offer Everything Up To Our Lady – By a soul

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (17 Pages) of this special commentary:

Papal Prophecies – Call to Deep Prayer From The Heart – Offer Everything Up to Our Lady – By a soul (PDF)

Papal Prophecies – Call to Deep Prayer From The Heart – Offer Everything Up to Our Lady – By a soul (ODT)

Papal Prophecies – Call to Deep Prayer From The Heart – Offer Everything Up to Our Lady – By a soul (WordDoc)

Call To Deep Prayer From The Heart – Offer Everything Up To Our Lady
I do not know how much of these Papal Prophecies can be mitigated and changed

By a soul
(July 10, 2018, Feast of Our Lady of Boulogne, France)

Oh, beloved blog followers! This is a follow-up writing to a commentary that I wrote less than a month ago on June 12, 2018. I highly suggest that everyone read first the previous writing, as the commentary explains so much of the background as to what I am about to write now.

Special Commentary – Some Thoughts on Pope Francis and How satan Is So Truly Evil – By a soul

And so, I will not repeat much here of many things that I wrote in the first commentary, but previously, I did indicate that I had received potentially “explosive” prophecies from Heaven in March 2018 about the potential fate of the Catholic Church and the world. And well, when I received these prophecies, I have been keeping them private to myself and a few trusted friends to pray about, because I have been very concerned that if I publicly reveal them, they would alter too much the free-will decisions of the named parties involved.

Because, truly, I thought to myself, I do not want these parties to return to God—to convert back to Him out of fear and not out of love. And, I also thought to myself, if I reveal these prophecies, I do not want the named parties to reject the prophecies out of denial of the potential consequences. I truly want the best and not worse outcome in all that I know, for my beloved Church and the world.

Well, beloved blog followers, tonight, I was studying some recent prophecies that I was not aware of from other Catholic sources, and well, when I read them, at first, I wanted to vomit, because of the private knowledge that was given to me by Heaven in March. Then, I realized that although Heaven never told me whether to reveal the prophecies publicly or not—it was left up to me to decide—because of what I read tonight, I have concluded that it is best that I reveal publicly at least partially some of the prophecies.

Why? Because once I reveal them, people can begin to deeply pray about them, so they can be changed and mitigated for the better. I am trusting that by revealing these insights, that future events can be altered for the best outcome according to Our Lady’s Plan for salvation.

Alright, so let me first, briefly, mention the prophecies that I read tonight that prompted this writing. The entire messages can be read under Reference at the end of this writing. Then, after I have spoken about the ones that are already publicly known, I will then reveal what was privately told to me with some concluding remarks.

Now, firstly, earlier tonight, I felt moved to read a prophecy to a Catholic seer that I have never followed before. It was given by Our Lady of Zaro to Italian seer, Angela, on July 2, 2018, and since it is supported by the local Catholic Church, messages of Our Lady of Zaro are featured on the website (which only offers approved heavenly messages).

Well, usually, I do not read heavenly messages from new sources (who has the time to discern every Catholic source?), but sometimes, I will feel moved by the Holy Spirit to check on certain prophecy websites for other messages. So, that is what happened to me tonight. And well, I was prompted to read the latest message from Our Lady of Zaro.

And I have to say that while I was reading the holy words, the Blessed Mother was holding my hand at the time, letting me know that I could trust this heavenly account of Hers as Our Lady of Zaro. I do not usually mention this fact, but on July 13, 2008, I was given a very special Ring by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, that allows me to feel the presence of Jesus and the Blessed Mother holding my hands. I have experienced this mystical phenomenon for ten years and it has helped me a great deal with my discernment of spirits and other matters in my private life. If you would like to know more about the Ring, you can read about it in this special commentary that I wrote back in 2015:

Our Lady Of Medjugorje – March 18th – A Mystery Revealed – By a soul

Anyways, so the Blessed Mother let me know that the vision which Italian seer, Angela, saw was trustworthy. Here is what Angela wrote that the Blessed Mother desired me to consider very much in light of the private prophecies that were given me in March:

July 2, 2018

…At this point I had a vision. I saw the crown of Our Lady rolling down the steps and with it Pope Francis was also falling, as if pushed from behind. The steps were filled with blood and everything became dark. Outside on the dome there were large black birds beating against the windows of St. Peter’s.

Then Mother started speaking again.

Dearly beloved children, his [satan’s] plan is about to be realized, but do not fear…”

Then, after reading that prophecy from Our Lady of Zaro, I was reading some prophecies that were given to Catholic prophetress, Luz de Maria (Light of Mary), Revelaciones Marianas, during the past year 2017. Because, although I do believe that she is an authentic prophet, I have only recently started to feature her prophecies on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, as I was not in the frequent habit of checking on her heavenly messages. And so, it is only tonight, that I discovered a message given to Luz de Maria on September 28, 2017 that almost made me vomit.

In the September 28, 2017 message, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, told Luz de Maria that:

My Beloved People, My Throne on Earth will be taken out of Rome in order to safeguard it…”

And Our Lord gave Luz de Maria a vision of a scene taking place at the Vatican after the Warning happens. In particular, Luz de Maria describes the vision in this way:

After the Warning, many brothers who are angry and not dismayed, but, I repeat, angry against God for the suffering they have gone through, attack those brothers and sisters who are repentant and begging God for forgiveness. I saw a great persecution unleashed.

During the Message, our Beloved Jesus clearly showed me the Vatican. I saw the blood of priests, lay and religious, since he allowed me to see their clothes clearly. At the same time I saw a person dressed in white whom they were killing and another dressed in white fleeing between people who were putting a cloth over his clothes so that he would not be recognized by those who were seeking him. I saw that they wounded him, but not mortally, and he managed to leave Italy. I saw the map clearly.

Now, hopefully, everyone has read my first commentary that I wrote on June 12, 2018, because the background facts are so important to understand. I explained how truly evil satan is because he is altering his plan on the papacy on how to bring about the collapse of the Catholic Church and how God and Our Lady have a beautiful Plan set in motion to save the soul of Pope Francis, which I have been working on (both publicly and privately) for after the Warning happens.

Well, as I wrote in my Appeal to Pope Francis (, in keeping with the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, Pope Francis will be brought to near death, but after the experience, he will begin to exhibit supernatural gifts and miracles under the influence and power of satan. As I wrote in my Appeal, Pope Francis will have a near death experience in which satan will appear as an angel of light to tell Pope Francis that he has a mission to announce to the world the coming of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the Second Coming—like an antithesis of John the Baptist—and that is how he will become the false prophet announcing the coming of the antichrist in the End Times. Because he is tricked by satan.

Well, just by writing those facts in my Appeal to Pope Francis, has been foiling satan’s plans to attack the papacy. The fact is, satan knows that I have been actively working behind the scenes to get my Appeal before Pope Francis after the Warning takes place. So, as I wrote in my June commentary, he has been altering his plans to bring about the collapse of the Catholic Church. The truth is, satan knows that because many prayers are being said for Pope Francis and his salvation by faithful Catholics around the world, there is a strong likelihood that he can no longer use Pope Francis as his evil instrument now after the Warning. So, as I shared in my June commentary, he is now potentially planning to elevate a ‘spiritually dark’ Cardinal to the papacy to bring about the reign of the antichrist.

There is a very important commentary that I wrote last summer 2017 that would be a very helpful read for many people. It is about free will and prophecy and how Heaven is preparing for the best case and the worse case scenarios for after the Warning happens.

Prophecy, Free-Will, Pope Francis, and America – By a soul

The truth is, when the Most Holy Trinity concluded the mission of the Book of Truth to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, in March 2015, that book of prophecy was a huge offensive against the aggressive attacks that satan and hell were planning to bring for the fall of the papacy and the Catholic Church. It was a very strategic move by Heaven and has resulted in a lot of good fruit through the prayer efforts for the eternal soul of Pope Francis and the Catholic Church.

But, many people falsely think that every prophecy in the Book of Truth is sacrosanct and inevitable. But, that is not how prophecy and free will works. I have often-repeated this heavenly message of God the Father at Holy Family Refuge (, in which God the Father says that His prophets are not supposed to be right. That one of the purposes why prophecy is given, is precisely, so the prophecy CAN BE CHANGED, like the episode of Nineveh and the Prophet Jonah in Holy Scripture.

An Important Teaching About Prophecy – God the Father – “My prophets are not supposed to be right in the outcome of what they say”

So, any private revelation from Heaven, including the Book of Truth, can be changed. Jesus even says in the Book of Truth that the power of prayer can change events and the Great Tribulation can be mitigated. Truly, as always held by the Catholic faith, the only prophecy that cannot be changed is public revelation—that found in Holy Scripture. But, even in regards to the Book of Revelation, its interpretation is left open to God and not mankind to fully understand. In fact, God the Father gave an important message at Holy Love Ministries (, where He explained that the Book of Revelation (Apocalypse) has to be read in a “spiritual way”—open to interpretation—and not as a strict timeline of events.

God the Father – “The book of Revelation is not a prescribed timeline of events – Rather, it reveals what will and must take place before My Son’s return”

I reiterate these things, because many people assume that Pope Francis is a damned soul already as the false prophet. But then, what is the point of prayers for his salvation asked for by Our Lord in the Book of Truth? Truly, it is cruel thinking to believe that Pope Francis has no chance for Divine Mercy through the Act of the Great Warning. My beloved blog followers, think of what a tragedy it would be to find out at the Great Warning that you are the false prophet and that you are the one soul living on earth who is beyond the Divine Mercy of God!

I could never accept that fact for Pope Francis, because I would never want that for myself. It is that reasoning that finally compelled me to write my Appeal to Pope Francis in August 2017. Because my Christian charity for this man was too much to give up that easily on his eternal salvation. I believe in the power of prayer too much to give up my Christian hope.

Jesus Christ – “Who is driving God’s children from our Church? Ask yourself that question and do not point to the man I have chosen to lead My Church”

And so, now, I will reveal some of the prophecies that were shared with me by Heaven in March 2018.

It was revealed to me by Heaven that if my Papal Appeal is successful that both Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI will know that they both need to be physically present at the Miracle of Garabandal in the Springtime after the Warning. Then, through the witnessing of the Great Miracle, both Popes will know that my Papal Appeal was inspired by Heaven and that they need to complete the “List of Necessary Steps for the Catholic Church to Usher in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, the Great Era of Peace, and to Avert the Great Chastisement,” as outlined in the Appeal.

One of the Necessary Steps is for both Popes to dually Consecrate the nation of Russia in union with all Catholic Bishops to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. So, both Popes will prepare the entire Catholic Church after a five month period of devotion—as requested by Our Lady of Fatima.

However, this is the problem. It will be too late. satan will use that intermediary time to rouse up Islamic terrorists and other extreme forces to prevent the Consecration of Russia. The Islamic terrorists and other extremists will invade the Vatican and both Popes will need to flee for their lives and they will go into hiding. However, when they attempt to enter the border of France, someone helping them will recognize them and betray them.

So, both Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI will end up being martyrs of the Catholic faith. However, Pope Francis will have the everlasting joy of knowing that his soul was saved from eternal damnation as the false prophet and Pope Benedict XVI will have the eternal joy of the crown of Christian martyrdom. They will both know that they kept the unity of the Catholic Church together in preparation for the next Catholic pope who will ultimately complete the Consecration of Russia. Our Lady will be with them both when they are martyred.

Then, if conditions are favorable, the papacy will have a temporary home in the United States of America, to counter the Babylon of the European Union under the reign of the antichrist in Rome. Through an extraordinary heavenly intervention, a new pope will be elected in America to reestablish the orthodoxy of the universal Catholic faith. He, in union with faithful Catholic bishops, will complete the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Then, at the appropriate time, the Pope of Fatima will lay down his life for Our Blessed Queen in Jerusalem at the moment when all hope seems lost for Israel due to a Middle East war brought about by the antichrist and the Islamic forces.

However, the martyrdom of the Pope of Fatima as one of the Lord’s Witnesses will have a profound effect on the world. After three and a half days, the souls of the Two Witnesses of Revelation will enter into their transfigured bodies by God. Then, the Two Witnesses will rise up to Heaven and the satanic grip over the rest of the pagan world, including those of Islam, will be broken. The papacy will be eternally reestablished in Jerusalem, in keeping with Holy Scripture, and everlasting peace will spread outward from Jerusalem to the rest of the known world.

There were other prophecies that were shared with me, but I am still discerning them and I will reveal them if I am called to do so, like I shared with these papal prophecies just now. But, some of what I shared is also what is already known and what I have written previously about on the Pope of Fatima as revealed in the heavenly messages of Locutions To The World. I just did not know how the Pope of Fatima would come to reign until Heaven told me in March.

And then, of course, if you look at the private prophecies that I just revealed and how it lines up with the public prophecies that I just read for the first time tonight, well, I am glad that I did not become sick at the heavenly confirmations.

Oh, my beloved blog followers, so much prayer is needed now! As recently revealed to Ned Dougherty (End Times Daily, it is the Divine Will that Russia and the United States work together to counter the rising Babylon that satan and the antichrist will attempt to establish in the European Union.

Our Lady of All Nations – “Your leaders now have the opportunity to defeat the plans of the global elitists and their new world order through the peaceful leadership of these two great countries, the United States and Russia”

This is clearly why the Consecration of Russia is so needed by the Catholic Church! As revealed in Locutions To The World, and as I have shared in my recent commentaries on the “Hidden Plan” of God, Heaven’s Plan is to first unite all the factions of Christianity (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant) together, then to unite Christianity with Israel, so that the True Faith of Our Lord—as He earnestly prayed for this Unity at the Last Supper—that the New Jerusalem—can be spread and convert the rest of the pagan world. The Divine Will is that Russia align with the United States and not the Eastern pagan countries, so as to be the catalyst for this greater unity of the entire world in one Universal Faith under God.

Understanding the Hidden Plan of God and the Purpose of Heavenly Messages – By a soul

Understanding the Hidden Plan of God for Avoiding the Great Chastisement – By a soul

Now, I want to say some concluding thoughts as I contemplate them. My country, the United States of America, has really got to get its act together under President Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence, who have been specifically chosen to lead this great Christian nation at this perilous time. America has a great destiny to fulfill in the Divine Plan to lead the entire world back to Christianity and ultimately, avert the Great Chastisement of God. God the Father has promised to help us, but we need to do our part by obeying the Ten Commandments and living authentic Christianity as one nation under God.

An Appeal To My Fellow Americans – 40 Days

God the Father – America – “Trump and Pence are My leaders chosen by Me to save your Constitution and keep you from being taken over into slavery”

God the Father – “I will not let your nation (USA) be taken over because it is a special country for My Daughter, Jesus’ Mother, and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit”

Also, people may wonder about why I am certain that my country, America, has this great destiny to fulfill in the Divine Plan. Well, it can be shown in Holy Scripture. In the Book of Revelation, Chapter 12, we have the great story of the battle of the dragon (satan) and the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Woman Clothed With The Sun. And in the several passages, according to Our Lady’s words in Locutions To The World, verses 6 and 14 of Chapter 12 refer to the refuges that so many Christians are preparing to use in the End Times.

Book of Revelation, Chapter 12, Verses 6 and 14 – Refuges (Locutions To The World)

The fact is, there are two types of refuges alluded to in Chapter 12 of the Book of Revelation. Verse 6 refers to the many refuges around the world prepared by Heaven as safe havens for Christians during the persecution under the antichrist. But, verse 14 refers to the greater refuge of the United States of America as a sanctuary nation for Christianity in the End Times. On August 23, 2017, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave a message to Catholic prophetress, Luz de Maria, where She called the United States the country of the eagle. And if one reads my Appeal to My Fellow Americans, I provide many excerpts from various heavenly messages at Holy Love Ministries, in which Heaven indicates that God desires the entire country serve as a refuge for Christians under the title, “Mary, Refuge Of Holy Love.” And in truth, that is why, America has been blessed with so many heavenly interventions, such as Holy Love Ministries, Our Lady of Emmitsburg, and others, etc. For the purpose one day of raising up this great nation to be the destined Guardian of the Christian Faith to the rest of the world.

Finally, I have two requests to my beloved readers of this writing. If you think that any of my commentaries and the heavenly messages that I place on this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, have any merit at all, I ask that you let others know. I have never asked this request before, but I feel with this particular writing and for other reasons, that mankind is running out of time in terms of the nearness of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). My audience is tiny, which I know is inherent to the nature of this blog, but I have high hopes on changing the future direction of the entire world. I pray and I trust much in God for this happening, but ultimately, it will rely on people hearing about this blog through others. And truly, I would like others to know much sooner than scrambling at the moment a huge comet is barreling out of nowhere and the world is panicking due to the “end of the world.”

Truly, I think that if people really read and consider this particular writing; and then, really read and consider every linked commentary and heavenly message that I provide, that it will enlighten their minds in such a way that a lot of good will take place in their lives. I would like people to be able to thoughtfully consider such life matters when they can think straight and are not crying and upset after the Great Warning trying to figure out what is going on for the first time, especially, as they experience the pains of Purgatory for their sins. I really care that as many people will be saved as possible for God and Our Lady.

The Warning And Its Aftermath – The Suffering of Purgatory as Penance for Sin – By a soul

And my last request is for prayer. It is always for prayer for both myself and the success of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove. As I revealed in my last commentary, I am pretty much alone in my battles with mister awful (satan). The few times that I have reached out for priestly help and spiritual direction years ago, once I start telling my life story and mention the name of Elijah the Prophet, well, I never have a positive response. Honestly, I wish that I had a priest who would pray Holy Mass for me, but I do not have any one. So, I am grateful for all prayers. And truly, it is probably best, in the end, that I do not have a spiritual director, because to be honest, this blog would not exist if I had to limit my spirituality to only approved Catholic sources. My own spiritual life would also be handicapped if I could not follow the messages at Holy Love Ministries—the source of my greatest joy in life outside the Most Holy Eucharist.

Oh, and here is a link to my last commentary that I just mentioned, as well as my free ebooks if you would to read more about Elijah the Prophet, etc.

Thank you everyone. God bless! I love you all!

a soul

The First Secret of Medjugorje is Not the Illumination of Conscience (The Warning of Garabandal) – By a soul

Free eBook – The Divine Plan – The New Jerusalem And The Two Witnesses

Free eBook – Memoir Of A Soul In Holy Love – Writings Inspired By The Messages Of The Blessed Virgin Mary

The Mentioned Prophecies that prompted this writing:

Message to seer, Angela

July 2, 2018



This afternoon Mother appeared as queen and mother of the universe.

Mother was all dressed in white; the mantle that enveloped her was also white and studded with glitter. Mother had a queen’s crown and under her bare feet a carpet of flowers on which she was resting her feet. In her right hand Mother had a long Holy Rosary of light, which almost reached down to her feet, and in her left hand she had the world. Mother’s head was covered by the same mantle that was fluttering in the wind and enveloping many of her children.

May Jesus Christ be praised.

“Dear children, thank you that today you are again here in numbers to welcome me and to respond to this call of mine.

My children, I am here again today to ask for prayer for my beloved Church. Pray, little children, do not grow tired of praying, may your day be prayer.

Beloved children, the Church runs grave dangers; the prince of this world is about to carry out the last of his most ignoble gestures – he wants to distance God’s people from truth and faith and wants to meddle with minds in order to usurp them and take them away.”

At this point I had a vision. I saw the crown of Our Lady rolling down the steps and with it Pope Francis was also falling, as if pushed from behind. The steps were filled with blood and everything became dark. Outside on the dome there were large black birds beating against the windows of St. Peter’s.

Then Mother started speaking again.

“Dearly beloved children, his plan is about to be realized, but do not fear. Pray with the rosary in your hands and kneel before the tabernacle, there Jesus my son is alive and true, it is there that Jesus gives the graces for which you have sighed, it is there that Jesus awaits you.

My children, the Church needs worshipers who know how to be silent before the face of God.

My children, hard times await you, but I have taught you prayer, fasting and renunciation. Learn to be humble and little before God. Learn from me, humble servant of the Lord.

Say your ‘yes’, but say it with your heart: the true Christian must speak with gestures and deeds, words are not needed.

My children, today I give you many graces and I especially bless my favored sons [i.e. priests] gathered here to welcome and honor me.”

Finally Mother blessed everyone. In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Revelaciones Marianas


AUGUST 23, 2017

Pray, My children for the United States. The country of the eagle will suffer. The liberty that appears with its torch in hand will be torn down by those who will enter its territory. Its ground will shake as most of the Earth will shake, for few will be the days when some country will not feel the force of the earth’s shaking.



SEPTEMBER 28, 2017

My Beloved People:

My Blessing is upon you at all instants; it is like the sun – even if you do not want to receive it, My Love reaches all. It gives fruits to those who welcome it and remains motionless in those who do not allow My Love to fertilize them, fill them and fulfill them so that they do not seek other paths.

They refuse to receive My Love because it is unknown to those who are lukewarm and who want to settle for a reflection or an idea of ​​what My Love is.

Some of My children ask for miracles and when they do not see them realized in the area where their human will wants them, they become displeased and put Me out of their lives. Some of My children do not understand that My Love goes beyond what man desires, since everything I allow in life is for the good of his soul.


I promise to help you, but to help My children is not to grant them everything they wish, but what is good for the salvation of the soul. Some people exclaim, “Lord, look at me, grant me what I ask of you” and ask Me for things of a material, economic nature, or that I remove diseases, without thinking that perhaps a disease may be the means through which the human creature returns to Me.

I promise to protect you and some of My children, making a great mistake, expect to deserve to be treated differently from their brothers and sisters. It is precisely My children who are mature and therefore ought to know that for Me the most important thing is that they should save their souls so that they are not lost, and that they might possess FAITH.

Thus I have explained to you that Humanity revolves about itself and gives Me the last place. You do not fulfill the Commandments, giving them free interpretations with which you cause great pain to Our Holy Trinity. You are creatures who focus on yourselves, without suffering for your brothers and sisters, being neither charitable nor merciful. Humanity is inside its “ego” and outside of it finds nothing else. You are a Humanity that does not want to abide by Divine Laws; you are sinking into lovelessness, firstly towards yourselves – and if you do not love yourselves, what love are you going to offer?

This generation will come to witness the schism of My Church, everyone generating this schism by not heeding the explanation of My Word and contributing by supporting innovations outside of Our Will.



The smoke of Satan has infiltrated My Church, not now, but previously. Man has been eliminating everything that was keeping Satan away, entering into agreements with the evil one and all his allies.

MY CHURCH HAS BEEN CONTAMINATED AND MY CHILDREN WHO HAVE NOT MADE AN EFFORT TO KNOW ME TRULY ARE EASY PREY FOR WHATEVER IDEOLOGY OR FALSE DOCTRINE ARISES. Hell is full of creatures who have omitted the truth and have embraced false ideologies, surrendering to Satan and all that evil represents for them. The youth, principally, have become fanatical about evil and its different diabolical forms of modernism, accepting the base instincts with which evil scourges man, awakening base instincts in order to rebel against Me.





You do not believe that you are standing in front of evil and its legions, you do not believe in Me because of the weakness and complacency with which those in charge with giving true testimony treat My affairs.

Therefore you, insolent generation, will try to use the earth to sow and the earth will no longer be available to you. It will be impossible for it to serve the man who has contaminated it with nuclear energy.

Know, My People, that a comet is so, so close to the Earth that it will change its magnetism and man will feel himself dying of terror because of the ignorance of what Our Mercy has been warning you beforehand.



Pray, My children, focus on spiritual growth.

Pray My children, Japan will suffer to the uttermost.

Pray My children, the United States continues to be purified, San Francisco will be scourged.

Pray My children, the volcanoes are purification for the nations.

Pray My children, Peru will shake and suffer, the sleeping bridegroom (*) will awaken other volcanoes.

Beloved People of mine, be promoters of peace and wisdom for your brothers and sisters.

My Love is constantly poured out, without stopping. My Love desires souls. My Love wants to be your King.

Come to the company and guidance of your brothers of journey: your Guardian Angels.



Your Jesus


(*) Reference to the volcano Misti

(1) Revelations concerning the Angel of Peace, read


Brothers and Sisters:

Our Lord Jesus Christ clearly defines what His Word is in order to leave no room for doubts or interpretation of events according to man’s free will.

After the Warning, many brothers who are angry and not dismayed, but, I repeat, angry against God for the suffering they have gone through, attack those brothers and sisters who are repentant and begging God for forgiveness. I saw a great persecution unleashed.

During the Message, our Beloved Jesus clearly showed me the Vatican. I saw the blood of priests, lay and religious, since he allowed me to see their clothes clearly. At the same time I saw a person dressed in white whom they were killing and another dressed in white fleeing between people who were putting a cloth over his clothes so that he would not be recognized by those who were seeking him. I saw that they wounded him, but not mortally, and he managed to leave Italy. I saw the map clearly.

We cannot continue thinking that God’s Mercy is permissive regarding sin.

It is painful to know what man is going to suffer. It is not an easy thing to see so much pain. CONSOLATION IS TO BE FOUND PRECISELY IN CHRIST AND IN OUR MOTHER, WHO INTERCEDE FOR US.


For the good of the children of God, and confident that evil will not prevail over the faithful People, and praying that we might continue striving to convert, our faith must grow and not diminish.

