Prophet John Leary – Jesus Christ – The Great Warning – “You will travel fast to My Light when you will have your life review of your past life. You will be outside of time so it will seem like a short time that you will see all of your good and bad actions.” – June 12-18, 2024 Update


Tuesday, June 18, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, King Ahab and Jezebel were faced with judgment for killing Naboth and taking possession of the land. Jezebel died from falling from a window and the dogs were eating her. King Ahab finally repented for all of his evil deeds, so I punished his family later. The Israelites went through bad times when they worshiped other gods, and they had good times when they obeyed My laws. My people also need to learn this lesson that they will have a better life if they follow My laws. You may have some persecution from the evil ones, but you will be safe at My refuges.”

Monday, June 17, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, in today’s readings you have an obvious contrast between the evil actions of Jezebel and the beautiful example I gave to the people in Matthew’s Gospel (Matt. 5:38-42). Jezebel was an evil woman who persecuted the prophets and brought the worship of Baal into Israel. She also had Naboth killed so King Ahab could take Naboth’s land. She had a dramatic death as she fell from a window and was eaten by dogs as foretold by Elijah. The Gospel showed My love and not the eye for an eye retribution of the Jews. I encouraged My people to not fight against evil. If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn your other cheek. If someone forces you to carry something one mile, then carry it for two miles. It is better to follow My ways of love than the evil ways of Jezebel. By trusting in Me, you will have a prophet’s reward.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are non-believers in Me, will be the ones who will take the mark of the beast or a computer chip in the body. The Antichrist will control the non-believers, and they will gather at football stadiums to get their orders from him. The devil hates Me and he will try to kill any believers he can. He will have the evil ones come after any faithful who did not come to My refuges. This is why I warned My believers to come to My refuges when I call you, or you could face martyrdom. My angels will put shields up at My refuges that will protect My faithful from bombs, viruses, or thieves. Have no fear because the Antichrist will only have a short reign over the earth before I will come with My victory over all of the evil ones.”

Sunday, June 16, 2024: (Father’s Day)

God the Father said: “I AM WHO AM is here to show you the beauty of all of My creation of earth, your solar system, and all of the other infinite parts of the universe which is hard for you to understand. Today I am blessing all of your fathers and their children and wives that make up your families. It is important to have a father present to provide for their family and to help guide or mentor their children. It is the love of the parents that brings forth the children, and it is best to be in a marriage environment. I love all of mankind so much that I sent My only Beloved Son to die on the cross for your salvation from your sins. I share My creation when fathers help bring forth your sons and daughters. You are blessed to have children and grandchildren. I love all of you and stay close to Us in Our graces.”

Saturday, June 15, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, you can see Elisha went forward immediately to follow Elijiah after he was called. Elisha said good-bye to his family and he killed the oxen and used the yoke to make a fire to boil their flesh. When I call people to do a mission, I desire that they follow Me, even as I called My apostles. If you are called to be a prophet or fulfill a mission, you are blessed to be in My service. My son, I have called you since 1993 to proclaim My messages as you have done well. You accepted My mission immediately like Elisha. You also have a second mission to prepare a refuge which you have also done well. You were given an inheritance to provide for your expenses. When one of My servants accepts My call, I provide them for their needs to carry out their mission. Give thanks and praise to Me for all that I have done for you, and I thank you for answering My call.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you this picture of Adolf Hitler as a dramatic sign that World War III is about to happen. Russia has sent six warships to Cuba to emphasize their dislike for Biden’s comments and actions. I am reminding you of the atomic bombs you saw going off over a few cities in America. Fr. Michel told you how he saw seven cites in America being bombed. Before your lives are in danger, I will bring My Warning and Conversion time to protect you and My faithful when I will call you to My refuges. My angels will put shields over your refuges that will protect you from bombs, viruses, and thieves. This World War will allow the Antichrist to be a man of peace to try and show his supposed powers. The Antichrist will use this war for a world takeover for less than 3½ years. My faithful will need to be at My refuges, or they could be captured and martyred. His reign will be brief before I will cleanse the earth of all of the evil ones with My Comet of Chastisement. I will then renew the earth and I will bring My faithful into My Era of Peace. Trust in My Word that you will be protected by My angels.”

Friday, June 14, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, many prophets in Israel were tortured or killed because the people did not want to hear them calling out the sins of the people. Even Elijah had to seek out a cave at Mt. Horeb for his own safety. My son, you visited this cave that is called Mt. Carmel that was later dedicated to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel and the Carmelite Order. In the Gospel I was explaining a deeper meaning of the Sixth Commandment of not committing adultery. People who lust for women in their heart are already committing this sin, even if it is not physical. I gave an even harder instruction that whoever marries a divorced woman, also commits adultery. In your society you are seeing couples live together in fornication without marriage. There are many people committing sexual sins with birth control and homosexual relations. Pray that these people can understand how they are offending Me in their sins, and they should confess them in Confession to a priest. All of these sins are mortal sins because they violate My plan for new life.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing young people dabbling with occult things as Ouija boards, yoga, reiki, and covens of witches. The youth are also attracted to crystal worship and drugs as marijuana and cocaine. All of these evil distractions have demons attached to them and addictions are how the demons control people. It is important for parents to warn their children not to get involved with demonic and esoteric distractions that lead to demonic possessions and drug addictions. Do not search for New Age related subjects where the devil can mislead people away from Me to follow earthly gods. Search to follow My ways of love and not the devil’s ways of hate and anger. I love all of My people and I am directing My children toward heavenly things so you are put on the right path to heaven, which should be your goal in life to be with Me. Stay with the One who loves you, and not with the devil who hates you.”

Thursday, June 13, 2024: (St. Anthony of Padua)

Jesus said: “My people, do not be a hypocrite when you criticize others for the same evil things that you are doing. Do not judge others either because I am the Judge of everyone. (Matt. 7:1-5) ‘Do not judge that you may not be judged; and with what measure you measure, it shall be measured to you. But why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye, and yet you do not consider the beam in your own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to cast out the speck from your brother’s eye.’”

Jesus said: “My people, your Supreme Court finally took down the Rowe vs Wade decision which left the abortion choice up to the states to enact their own laws on abortion. Many blue states immediately passed laws to allow abortion up to birth. You now saw the Supreme Court allow the use of pills to cause an abortion. You also will again be fighting an attempt to pass the (ERA) Equal Rights Amendment which has worse demands than your abortion laws. Keep fighting to save the babies from being killed by abortion and pray every day to stop abortion of My babies.”

Wednesday, June 12, 2024:

Jesus said: “My people, some people need to see signs and miracles to believe in My powers, but My faithful believe in Me without them. I am giving you a glimpse of heaven, My son, as a reward for your strong faith in My power. In the first reading (3 Kings 18:19-40) Elijah showed the people My power by calling down My fire on the sacrifice, even though it was drowned with water three times. Elijah had faith in My miracles, and the people saw that Baal could not bring fire down on his sacrifice. The people believed in My power because they witnessed My miracle. Blessed are My faithful, who do not always see miracles, yet still they believe in My power. Trust in My coming miracles of protection at My refuges when My angels will make you invisible to the evil ones, and I will multiply what you need.”

Jesus said: “My son, I am showing you what it will be like to be outside of your body as you look down on your body asleep at the Warning. Then you will travel fast to My Light when you will have your life review of your past life. You will be outside of time so it will seem like a short time that you will see all of your good and bad actions. I will show you your mini-judgment when some people will see some time in purgatory to cleanse your soul. Then you will return to your body during the six weeks of Conversion. You will be busy praying over your family and encouraging them to seek their conversion to accept Me into their lives. If they do not change any evil ways, they could be choosing hell for all eternity. Those people, who are in mortal sin, will see a hell experience for their judgment. There will be no evil influence at the Conversion time. Pray that your family members will choose to be converted to loving Me. The second vision was when I will cleanse all of the evil ones from the earth into hell. I will then raise My faithful above the earth, but in some kind of protected enclosure so you could keep breathing. You could see yourself high above the earth while I will be renewing the earth into a Garden of Eden all over the earth. Then I will lead all of My faithful down into My Era of Peace and you will be young again and live a long time before you will die. You will be ready as a saint and you will be brought into heaven after you die. Rejoice that you have seen these two events just as it will happen for you and all of My faithful.”

Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) – An Important Prophecy – Involving Israel and the antichrist, European Union, Catholic Church, and Rise of Paganism – MaryRefugeOfSouls

The enemies of the Jews in all nations will gather together in unity to crush Israel
Friday, November 30th, 2012 @ 22:20

My dearly beloved daughter, the time for the prophecies foretold in the Old Testament regarding the fate of the Jews is to become evident shortly.

My chosen race will suffer

The Jews who rejected the Covenant of God, laid down by Moses, will suffer as they have done for centuries. Their power over the land of their forefathers will be taken and the only solution will be to sign a treaty where they will become slaves to the antichrist. My chosen race will suffer, just as I did, and little mercy will be shown to them.

The treatment of the Jews will be worse than that shown to them during the genocide, which took place in the Second World War.

It will be in Israel that the Tribulation will be seen, as foretold, clearly.

It will be because of Israel, that wars will escalate, when it will become difficult to determine who the real enemy will be.

The peace treaty will be signed soon afterwards and the man of peace will enter the world stage.

European Union will crush all traces of God

The beast with the ten horns, that is the European Union, will crush all traces of God.

Now is the time to prepare for their cruelty, which will be unprecedented, when it will come to the abolition of Christianity.

How proud they will be when the little one, hidden amongst them, will rise and boast of his power. They will applaud the appointed leader of a new church and his power will spread over the world.

This will develop quickly and to those sacred servants of Mine, who do not accept the Truth of this prophecy, you must know this.

Should you conform to the new laws of Rome, a city, which will be seized by the liar and servant of the antichrist, you will become a prisoner of this new regime. When you see the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist being amended and changed beyond recognition, know that this will be your chance to turn your back on this wicked regime.

My Church is infallible. It will remain infallible. If others, however, within My Church, rebel against My Teachings and change the Holy Sacraments they will be cast away from My Church. The new regime, not of God, will be fallible for it will not represent the Truth. Only My Teachings can be adhered to by Christians.

If you follow a man-made religion you cannot call yourself a Christian. Anyone who says that My Church is infallible is correct. Anyone who claims to belong to a new church, where My Teachings have been tampered with and where My Sacraments have been abolished, will be living a lie.

This will be a very difficult time for My sacred servants, for they must follow the Laws laid down by My Church. I say to you now that you must still do this. But, as soon as My Sacraments have been desecrated, only follow My True Church. By then only those servants who follow the Truth can claim to lead My people according to the instructions laid down by Me during My time on earth.

Rise of Paganism

The rise of paganism will sweep over the earth and in its wake a false sense of peace will be created. Then you will see the rise in the adulation of celebrities and a fanatical devotion to new age spiritualism and satanic worship, disguised as modern psychological therapy. This is where worship of oneself will be the most important trait to strive for.

Sexual immorality will increase as the Battle of Armageddon intensifies

Abortion and murder will be so common that many will become immune to any feeling of compassion for those who are vulnerable.

It will be during this time that My army will continue, undaunted, in their mission to save souls. Nothing will stop them and for every hour of their prayers I will mitigate much of this suffering in the world.

To the Jews I say this. You have suffered because of your failure to listen to the Word of God through the prophets. You, however, will finally accept the True Messiah soon. Then you, too, will join My Army as it marches towards victory against the antichrist.

You will suffer just as I did for this has been foretold. The House of David will have its day of victory on the day I will raise up the New Jerusalem out of the ashes. As My New Kingdom emerges the king of the pagan world and his servants will be turned into ashes.

My Promise to come to bring you to My Father’s Kingdom is close. To you I pledge My Love and My Loyalty, as your promised Messiah, promised to you so long ago. This is your inheritance. You did not reject Me, your Jesus when I was crucified. You rejected God.

I Am God. I Am the way for you to enter the New Paradise. Accept My Hand for I love you, I forgive you. You are My People and I Am coming for you.

Your Jesus


World War Prophecies – Jerusalem is satan’s target and Iran is his instrument of destruction – Compiled by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) – Relevant Heaven’s Messages Concerning The Holy Land and World War 3 (WWIII) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

For disabled, blind, and deaf persons – Important Information about Refuges and the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

For disabled, blind, and deaf persons – Important Information about Refuges and the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) – By A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

June 11, 2023
Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Our Lord, Jesus Christ (Corpus Christi)

Blessings dearest ones,

I, “a soul”, was recently asked a very good question about the refuges. Specifically, I was asked by a deaf follower of this prophecy blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, what an inner locution is like for the deaf when it is finally time for people to be called to the refuges during the Great Tribulation? So, since I know that I have both deaf and blind followers, as well as other persons with different disabilities following this blog, I was able to ask our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ, some questions about how these prophecies will be fulfilled for persons with disabilities.

Here are the answers that Jesus provided me (notes from our conversation):

Firstly, God has many spiritual tools available to Him to communicate to those who are deaf, blind, and disabled in other ways. So, here is a list of things that God can possibly do, as He will pick the best method – a combination of different tools – to help those evacuating to the refuges (“Grand Exodus”). That way, those who are deaf, blind, or disabled in other ways, will receive the same type of notice as those who are familiar with audible sounds will receive their inner locution.

Tools that God may use in any given situation:

  • a vision of a flame in front of the person
  • for those familiar with written words, they may see words flash across their mind
  • a vision of their guardian angel using sign language
  • a deep sense of urgency will accompany the visions and mental images / words
  • infused knowledge about needing to depart
  • mental vision of flashing lights in colors that a blind person has never seen
  • may be presented as a series of mental pictures along with infused knowledge

Also, I was able to find out something very important about the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience). Those who are deaf, blind, and disabled in other ways, will experience their life review with all mental and physical faculties intact. Meaning, everyone will have their five senses — sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch — and will NOT be disabled when they are witnessing the state of their soul before Jesus.

Then, people who are judged to purgatory and Heaven will experience those places with their full faculties and senses intact. So, they will not be disabled.

However, people who are judged to hell, will suffer the torment and torture of hell in their disabled bodies. So, if you were born blind living on earth, you will suffer hell as a blind person, etc. The disabilities will be based on if you were born with those disabilities. So, for example, if you were born without disabilities, but later became deaf, you would experience hell as an ordinary person with your hearing intact. But, if you have been deaf your whole life since birth, you actually suffer hell as a deaf person, etc.

This aspect of suffering disabilities in hell is due to God’s Holy Wrath being perfect, as His Divine Judgments are based upon how you spent your earthly life, using your God-given talents, skills set, personal history, heritage and family life, socio-economic and cultural background, as well as disabilities endured, etc. This list also includes how you used or abused the holy Sacraments, your prayer life, and your degree of faith, etc. Finally, the list also includes how other people affected and influenced you – positively and negatively – during moments of your earthly life, etc.

Consequently, God will mitigate punishments, even horrific sentences to hell, so that they are not in excess of the circumstances that people lived their sinful earthly lives. For example, a person who is a murderer will have a suffering in hell different from a person who is a prostitute or practiced sodomy, or who is an occultist, but all punishments will be perfectly just in keeping with their crimes against God. Likewise, a person born with disabilities will have their punishments in hell reflect the circumstances that they committed their offenses, so God will penalize them differently from a ordinary person who did not have those certain handicaps. Their punishments will be mitigated according to God’s Perfect Justice as God considers the state and conditions that a person found themselves in when committing their crimes against the Divine Law (Ten Commandments).

In contrast, people who are sent to purgatory suffer their purification with all faculties and senses intact, as their sentences from God are temporary and less severe than eternal damnation in hell. Since the poor souls in purgatory are being cleansed and prepared for their heavenly reward, which will include a full and complete healing of any physical illnesses, mental conditions, ailments and disabilities, etc., that they may have endured in their earthly lives. Note, persons with any disabilities can spend part of their purgatory adjusting to having an ordinary body without any handicaps before they enter Heaven. For example, a quadriplegic might spend part of his time relearning how to use his physical body, as well as learning how to use his new spiritual gifts like traveling by thought and flying, etc., in the higher levels of purgatory. Note, I use the word physical here, but in reality, it is actually the spiritual body that the person is relearning how to reuse his limbs, hands, and feet, etc., as mankind will not be reunited with his flesh until the resurrection by God.

Now, disabled persons who are born lacking the mental capacity (have diminished cognitive ability) to differentiate between good and evil and the meaning of sin, will NOT experience a life review during the Great Warning. This is because they are considered innocence in God’s Eyes and their placement is assured in the Heavenly Kingdom.

I am not sure if many people are aware of this fact, but in the womb, Papa God Is very actively involved in the development of unborn infants. Persons who are born disabled have actually been asked by Papa God during gestation if they would suffer with that particular disability in their earthly life, and because the unborn infants are so inebriated in God’s Joyous Love and embraced by His Pure Light of Divine Truth, they always say ‘yes’ to endure such suffering. Such suffering is redemptive for the conversions of their family members, as well as used by God as a means for others affected by the disabled person to learn virtues and righteous living, etc. Meanwhile, at the moment of birth, all knowledge given to all babies in the womb is stripped from their conscious minds by God and is replaced with the sacrosanct gift of volition (note, those who are born severely cognitively impaired still have free will but they have already definitively decided for God in the womb. They remain in their spiritual understanding like younger children who have not attained the age of reason). Meanwhile, sometimes, the devil is able to tap into the subconscious mind, and that is why some people falsely believe in reincarnation and life before conception, etc. This is due to the devil tapping into generational memories AND gestational memories stored within our subconscious minds and in our DNA, etc., which the devil then manipulates within our active minds as false beliefs and false images / impressions, etc.

Likewise, ordinary people who have attained the age of reason, aged eight years old and older, and who became disabled later after birth will undergo a life review from God during the Great Warning. So, for example, comatose patients will undergo a life review, as well as people suffering severe mental illness like schizophrenia, etc., and old age dementia like Alzheimer’s disease, etc., will undergo a life review during the Great Warning. I highly recommend that these people be prayed for and, if possible, receive the Sacramental Anointing of the Sick by a priest, etc., so they are in a state of grace, being adequately prepared for their moment of death and the foretold Great Warning, etc. Note, Sacramental Anointing of the Sick is also known as, Last Rites. It may be received by those who are gravely or severely ill and those who are in danger of dying, such as those preparing to undergo surgery, etc.

Now, during the Great Warning, people who are given a second chance to amend their lives on earth, will be returned to life in their disabled bodies in order to convert. However, God may grant full or partial healing to some people who are disabled if they have prayed to Him in advance for healing and by the strength of their faith in Him.

Finally, every refuge will have a miraculous cross above it so people may be healed by venerating it. In addition, some refuges may have miraculous springs, so people will be healed by drinking from the waters. Also, people who are not ambulatory, meaning, they are too disabled to travel on their own to the refuges, will be carried by their guardian angels to the refuges where their families and loved ones are located. At the moment of the Grand Exodus (evacuation), either the disabled person himself or his loved ones should pray so his guardian angel has permission to intercede by bringing the disabled person to the refuge chosen by God.

One final note, I also know that certain places, such as nursing homes, convalescent hospitals, and assisted living facilities, etc., may also be converted into last minute refuges. This is not automatically done by God, as it depends on a number of variables, such as the number of Christians and converted souls dwelling at those places after the Great Warning has happened. God will make the final determination based upon people’s free will choices. But, please be encouraged if the people dwelling at these places want God to make them into refuges, that God will accept sincere, heartfelt prayer by the inhabitants and their loved ones for that type of mission. God would also appreciate that the inhabitants have blessed brown scapulars (Mary, Our Lady of Mount Carmel), and blessed representations of the Holy Family and Saint Michael Archangel in their living spaces and / or attached to their wheelchairs.

I hope that this knowledge helps a lot of different people.

Holy Immaculate Mother, Mary, and Saint Joseph, pray for us!

God bless,
a soul


Healing by faith at the Warning (Illumination of Conscience) and how the disabled will get to the Refuges

March 8, 2023 – JESUS CHRIST to mystic, Lorena – “A UFOs invasion will come, Manned by Perverse Entities that will try to take the Population with them, the one who is with me and in Prayer will NOT be vulnerable to their abductions, however, they will take the people who are spiritually bad” – with Commentary by A Soul – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings dearly beloved ones,

I, “a soul”, want to include this short comment along with the latest heavenly message given to mystic, Lorena, on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls. This is because I know that some followers will have a hard time understanding the words of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as He speaks about the difficult topic of UFOs and aliens. So, I am including this special note to shed further light on this important subject.

Firstly, I want people to know that back in January 2017, when I had a visitation with Saint Gabriel Archangel, he shared with me many startling things. St Gabriel revealed to me the exact nature of the Miracle and Sign of Garabandal. St Gabriel also shared with me the sequence of events of how the Secrets of Garabandal and Medjugorje are to unfold on earth, as well as how the Consecration of Russia according to Our Lady of Fatima is the key to mitigating and/or possibly cancelling the Great Chastisement, etc.

Then, after all these revelations were privately given to me, St Gabriel concluded by revealing something truly shocking to me. He told me that the Battle of Armageddon involves demonic aliens.

So, I have known for several years now, that a massive deception planned by satan and hell in this End Times is the use of UFOs and demons posing as “benevolent” aliens to mankind on earth. And I also know that in one of the heavenly messages given to a chosen messenger that I feature on this blog, MaryRefugeOfSouls, that God the Father said that towards the end, mankind will become so arrogant that they will think that the planet earth is “insufficient” to provide for all of mankind’s needs. And so, I have speculated privately that there will come a time when all the natural catastrophes caused by our sins will become so severe, that the prideful scientists and vast majority of ignorant mankind will believe that the earth is dying due to “global warming”. And so, mankind will attempt to leave the confines of the planet earth by partnering with demons posing as aliens who will claim to be the “saviors” of mankind in some type of New Age agenda, etc. Which I know can be a very hard concept to accept.

Well, I also want people to understand that while many of God’s Faithful Remnant will be protected by living at refuges on earth, life in such sheltered communities will not be easy and people will face many challenges. And one of those challenges will be to ardently pray for the success of God’s Plan. In particular, those living at the refuges will be responsible for praying for the Holy Ones of God to have the graces needed to face the antichrist and his armies in the battlefield of the world. The Holy Ones of God include the holy angels, the Firstfruits, etc., who will be battling not only over the salvation of souls caught in the crosshairs of the world, but there will also be major battles over the opening of “stargates” throughout the earth. Such stargates connect the earth to outer reaches of the universe and other dark dimensions — all of them closed at the time of the Flood of Noah. However, throughout the centuries, a few of these stargates have been opened due to occult means. This agenda of hell will then accelerate under the reign of the antichrist, as he will attempt to open all the stargates up on the earth. The antichrist will try to achieve this, by amassing demonic power through the black mass, which will be accepted and celebrated by those living outside the refuge network. Then, finally, the opening of many stargates on earth will culminate in the great Battle of Armageddon, taking place on the plains of Israel between all the forces of Good and evil.

So, this is my understanding of how things will play out between Good and evil in this End Times. I share my understanding with you all, because as you read the latest heavenly message given to mystic, Lorena, I do not want you to readily dismiss the truthful words of Our Lord, simply because Jesus discusses UFOs and aliens. Sadly, satan’s agenda from hell involves the use of such dark, perverse entities as part of the reign of the antichrist. So, I hope my short comment on this subject will help many of you who are unfamiliar about this darkest aspect of satan’s agenda to subjugate all of mankind.

God bless,
a soul

NEW VIDEO – IS THERE LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS? Our Lord, JESUS CHRIST, Speaks About UFOs And Aliens – MaryRefugeOfSouls

10 Yr. Old Jeremy Taken to Heaven, Told of Future Events (Shocking!)


Dear My Flock, I am the Good Shepherd and I take care of My sheep, they hear My Voice in the midst of darkness and follow Me even in the storm and I Feed them and in green pastures I make them Rest, they know how to hear Me, they are Mine and I Shepherd them with Love and take them Home, they follow My Voice.

My disciples pave the way, for I, Your Lord Jesus Christ, will soon return, the World is sinking into the Abyss of Anti-Values and Sin, people are on the wrong path, the path of perdition, the World is groaning with Death and Nature with it, it is the Time of Hades.

Pay attention to My Words, St. Michael the Archangel has prepared My Army by means of Messages and I will prepare them by means of suffering, because only in this way will they be able to reach their Final Homeland.

I exhort you to reach Holiness through Prayer and Meditation, there is NO Time to lose, the day of the Lord is coming and you will see your Conscience before My Father.

It will be a very strong experience, please be prepared. The Third World War is in the hands of the World’s Great Elites, who seek to wipe out the Population.

A UFOs invasion will come, Manned by Perverse Entities that will try to take the Population with them, the one who is with me and in Prayer will NOT be vulnerable to their abductions, however, they will take the people who are spiritually bad.

Therefore, PRAY, FAST, IMPLORE so that you are NOT easy prey for these Perverse Entities, this INVASION will be in great magnitude and they will try to take a large part of the Population.


The UFOs and Extraterrestrial Beings that are Demons, will come in Peace, but it will NOT BE SO, they will deceive a great part of the Humanity, declaring Peace and Brotherhood and will take away MANY who LIVE CONFUSED, in the New Age and Erroneous Ideologies.









Special Intercessory Prayer Request – For liberation of a young man from demonic possession – 11th Exorcism Session, Thursday, June 17, 2021, 3pm to 6pm (EST – New York time-zone) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings beloved ones,

Firstly, I want to thank everyone who has written me about dear “John” and his suffering from demonic possession. The family is so grateful to everyone who is praying for him and have expressed their compassion for his welfare and spiritual well-being. Truly, thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your caring and your love.

And so, when is John’s next exorcism session? It will be next Thursday, June 17th, from 3pm to 6pm (New York time-zone). So, dear brothers and sisters in Christ, if you could kindly pray in the lead-up to and especially, during his exorcism session, all prayers would be appreciated by all those involved. Thank you so much.

In closing, here is a recent message from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, about dear John and his predicament. God bless!

much love,
a soul

Prophet John Leary

June 3, 3021

Jesus said: “My son, you just went on your fifth trip and the tenth exorcism session by a priest over a young man at Buffalo, N.Y. You heard some loud sounds from the demon at this exorcism. The young man was in California and he was involved with New Age, and that opened the door for the demons to enter. There are more possessed people than you think because they can hide in their silence. Keep praying for this man’s deliverance.”


Update on the 10th official exorcism session of the young man suffering demonic possession – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Special Intercessory Prayer Request – For liberation of a young man from demonic possession – 10th Exorcism Session, Thursday, June 3, 2021, 2pm to 5pm (EST – New York time-zone) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Update on the 9th official exorcism session of the young man suffering demonic possession – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Special Intercessory Prayer Request – For liberation of a young man from demonic possession – 9th Exorcism Session, May 20, 2021, Thursday (TODAY!), 2pm to 5pm (EST – New York time-zone) – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Jesus Christ to The Little Prophet of Love – “Remove objects from your home that are blocking my presence and when I say this I AM referring to new age Buddhism”

Messages from The Lord Jesus Christ to His Little Prophet of Love

Prayer Requests For The Little Prophet of Love

Public Message
October 26, 2019
After Divine Mercy Chaplet

I AM Jesus born incarnate.

My love thank you. I want to be so much alive in you. I know you are a person who trusts in me. Please pray that my children will trust me. I don’t want trust to be abused. I pledge My promise that all those who seek me will find me. I cannot ignore my children when they call and when I AM called I AM there. I AM a loving God. Take away what is not of me. Remove objects from your home that are blocking my presence and when I say this I AM referring to new age Buddhism. How can I be present when I AM not the only object, entity, figure there. You are all puzzled, puzzled children. You do not know which way to turn. I do not want these so called ‘gods’ to be in a person who believes in me. Children you cannot serve two masters! I want every child. I do not want your children to go hungry. Educate, educate my little ones. Tell your children that I AM a God of Love. It is so worrisome when young people walk away from the truth. I want all my children to know me.

I AM Jesus and I love all of you.

In the name of the Father the Son and Holy Spirit.

For Your Consideration (from the Apostolate of the Green Scapular):

“Occult Healing” Worksheet

Healing from Ancestral Sins and Curses

House Healing and Exorcism

Also see:
Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Healing Conference – March 13, 14 & 15, 2020 at the Ontario Airport Hotel & Conference Center in beautiful Ontario, California

Jesus Christ to The Little Prophet – “I cannot participate in witnessing the sins much longer – This is a depraved world”

Public Message
October 1, 2019
After the Divine Mercy Chaplet


I AM Jesus born incarnate.

I AM very happy that I am here to speak to you. My children are in need of my words. They are living in darkness.

I AM the living God. If people want the truth, come follow me. I AM waiting. I seek the souls who are open to My will. I cannot participate in witnessing the sins much longer. This is a depraved world. Sins that offend me are these and they shall be dealt with by my Father. I did not say that they were acceptable: murder, vice, abortion, suicide, fornication, the list goes on but it is accepted in this world that belongs to my adversary. Come away from new age practices. I do not want these in my churches. They are becoming common in many of my parishes. Please shun these atrocities.

I AM in the Tabernacle and you must respect my presence.

I Jesus have spoken.

I bless you my child.

In the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit.

Also see related:
Jesus Christ Speaks To His People – The Mortal Sins That Send Souls To Hell (Book Of Truth – Maria Divine Mercy)

Children of the Renewal – Jesus Christ – “Your souls, even of those who think they have a contract with the evil one, cannot be sold like a piece of property – While you are on this earth, your soul belongs to you and it isn’t lost unless you choose to go to hell”

Children of the Renewal Messages

September 1, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello my dearest Jesus, present in the Most Blessed Sacrament! I praise, adore and worship You, my God and my King. Thank You for Confession.

Jesus, please heal all those who are ill and in need of prayers. Console and comfort their caretakers and send graces for peace and unconditional love. Help those who are weary from carrying heavy crosses to receive great graces for resilience and strength. Please heal (name withheld) Jesus as well as (names withheld) and all who are ill in our parish. Heal (name withheld) and grant wisdom to her physicians to determine exactly what is needed to treat her. Jesus, heal the broken marriages, especially in the Church, but everywhere. Protect the children who are in broken families. They are so vulnerable, Lord. Help them to come to know and love You. You are the answer to all life’s problems.

(Personal conversation omitted.)

Lord, You mentioned a couple of weeks ago there would be obstacles. I didn’t realize how these particular ones would come about but please protect us and give us wisdom to discern what is needed to overcome them. I just read about the Pharisees and Sadducees in Scripture and how they challenged You. Give us Your grace, Lord to respond with love but also with firmness as You did, Lord. You are our strength, Lord. Jesus, I trust in You. Blessed Mother, please protect all who have open hearts, and want to follow Your Son. Keep us under Your mantle of protection, Mother of God and our Mother. Give us graces of generosity, hospitality and openness to Your Spouse, the Holy Spirit. May Jesus be with us, walk with us, and give us all that we need to do His Will. Bless all who open their hearts and their homes.

Thank You, Lord that we have You all to ourselves in this chapel. What a great gift!

“Yes, My child, as is your visit to Me. I love you. Rest assured that I am with you, guiding you and teaching you to be more and more united in My love. You are learning and walking the path, My child. At times one encounters rocks, brambles, twists and turns on the way, but still continue walking forward toward the destination, and one day I will welcome you into My Kingdom. I am teaching you to live in My Kingdom within your heart first so that the transition to your heavenly home will be seamless, My little lamb. You asked Me to do this for you, did you not?”

Yes, Lord. I recall now that I did. It seems like a long time ago to me. Thank You for reminding me of this.

“My child, there is much for you to do, still. There is much work. There are many lost souls who have no belief in Me. I need My Children of Light to become ever more active and present to others to bring the news of My coming into the world; My salvific plan, My Passion, Death and Resurrection for the salvation of souls is the Good News. Souls are hurting and in pain without the love of God. The adversary is strong in the world of the flesh. I became flesh to redeem My people. All people ever created and those who are yet to be created are My people. God is love and all are precious to Me. Even the worst sinner is loved by God and can be redeemed, but for their openness to the grace of forgiveness. Souls in the most destitute of places (spiritually) only need to seek Me and My mercy will be theirs. Repent and come to Me, My children in darkness. I am standing with My arms open to you. Come to Me and I will forgive you and grant you peace that you have never experienced. Do not listen to the lies of the enemy who wants to destroy your life and see you in the pit of hell. I call you to new life. I will forgive if you but ask it of Me. The father of lies convinces many that they cannot be forgiven. This is a lie, My poor lost children. Your souls, even of those who think they have a contract with the evil one, cannot be sold like a piece of property. While you are on this earth, your soul belongs to you and it isn’t lost unless you choose to go to hell. Do not believe the evil one that it is too late for you for as long as you are still alive, there is always forgiveness and mercy from God. I want your peace, your love, your joy. I want you to have life, life everlasting. The evil one wants death for your soul. He wants you in bondage to sin, to be conquered by the chains of sin and to feel hopeless. He wants you to be resigned to a life in hell where there is pain, hatred and complete and total separation from all love. Do not continue to choose hell, My lost children. Choose life that you may know the love and mercy of the One who created you for love. Yes, My little lost children whom I love, I created you for love.

I know that you have not always known love from your family. I know this. There are people in your life who did not fulfill the role they were supposed to fulfill out of love. Instead, they took from you. They inflicted pain and in some cases hatred upon you. Some were ill from the consequences of sin in their lives and could not properly love you as a mother or father should. This was not My plan for you, but the consequence of sin, pride, selfishness and lack of love they chose. They impacted many souls due to their poor and sinful choices. My little angry souls must realize that this was not your fault. It is not what I want for you. You can choose a different path. Continuing to be angry is choosing the same path they chose. Do you not see that you are hurting yourself and others just as they did? Do not seek revenge by continuing to harm yourselves and others. This is like drinking poison to hurt someone else. This makes no sense, My children. Open your eyes and see there is a better way. You deserve this better way, because I died for you to have this way. This way is Me, Jesus. I came that you would have life. I came because My Father and I love you. My Holy Spirit is the lover of your soul and if you cry out to God, you will be lifted up above all the evil you have experienced and in some cases, that you have inflicted on others. I want to save you, My children but your will is free and I will not infringe upon it. The choice is yours. I am here for you. Do not wait too long, though, My lost little ones for it may be too late. You do not know the hour that your life will end. Come to Me now and live in My love while you still have time during your earthly pilgrimage.”

Thank You for Your merciful love, Lord. Praise You Jesus, the Christ, now and forever. Give graces to poor souls who doubt You because of the lies of Your adversary. Give them every grace needed, Lord to open their hearts to the love that is You. Put people in their pathway to disrupt their errors and to give them the light of truth, the Light of the World. Help us, those who follow You and love You to be bearers of the Light, to bring Your mercy and love to all in need.

“Thank you, My child. I will work through My Children of Light. Be open to all who cross your path. Look for ways to be holy witnesses of love. Judge no one but be love and mercy. Be joy. Be open to others and ready to minister and serve as you would for Me. Many souls are numb from pain, but even the warmth of a genuine smile can begin to melt a hardened heart. Not all will accept you, My children, but carry on anyway doing the work of My Father and yours. I will assist you, My Mother will guide you. The saints are waiting to assist you, as well. Do not hesitate to ask for their intercession. All will be well, but you must be busy about bringing the Kingdom of God by praying, frequenting the Sacraments, reading My Word and living the Gospel. Be joy, be mercy, be love to others. Pray for souls. Pray for your shepherds. That is all, My little lamb. I bless you in My Father’s name, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace. I am with you. All will be well.”

Amen! Alleluia!

September 8, 2019
Adoration Chapel

The Feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God

Hello dearest Jesus, ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I praise You, adore You, worship You and love You, my God and my King. (Personal dialogue omitted.)

Jesus, I am very grateful to be here with You again. My soul needed and longed to be here with You. I wish (name withheld) could be here also, but everything is off schedule this weekend, or perhaps just a different schedule. Lord, I want to be open to Your Will. I want to be so closely united to Your Will that my heart doesn’t hesitate for one moment, and yet, I am not in this place. There is still a feeling that wells up within me when I find I am in a difficult or challenging place. I cannot articulate my thoughts well right now but I see before me a very steep hill that I must climb. I realize I don’t have to climb it, but not to do so is not an option in my will. In my will I see that You are standing at the top and You beckon me. However, I look at the steep incline, the thorny path, the briars all around me, my weak body, the hot sun, and the fact that I did not bring any food or water with me and I realize this will be a most difficult, if not an impossible task. I want to change my mind and remain standing here, or perhaps to return to a more comfortable, cool place that has flat ground, shade trees, streams and friends to comfort and console me. However, You are not on that easy path beckoning me to come. You are on top of the very steep hill. I can only go where my Lord and Savior invites me to go and so I must. Jesus, I do not see the way to do this. I know I have no strength on my own. I have no sustenance, and at this point, no companions on this particular journey and yet I must go. I will trust You to provide for me in this desert time. I will trust You to renew my strength when my energy fails. I will trust You to provide a Simon to help carry my cross. I will trust You to be the refreshing, life giving water and the bread of life to nourish me. Lord, it will still not be easy. I will probably scrape my knees and cut myself on the thorny bushes, but for me there is no other way. I long to see You when I reach the top of this hill, to embrace You and sense Your heavenly peace. You are my God, my Lord, my Adorable Jesus. And so, there is no other way. I will follow You. I will climb, trusting that if I but take the first step, You will enable each future step. You are my strength. You are my refuge, my hope. I praise You and I thank You, Lord. Help me. Remain with me and the journey will be one of great joy. Thank You, my sweet, merciful Savior. Praise You, my Lord and my God.

“Thank You my child for giving Me your ‘yes’. Do not be concerned that you will not be able to climb. I do not set My children up for failure. If I invite you to climb a new hill, no matter how steep, I will provide the necessary means to climb. Saying ‘yes’ to Me, to the difficult thing I ask of you is the first step. I will provide all that is needed. I Will to give you the grace needed to climb and in fact your ‘yes’ was all that was needed for you to open yourself to the grace. My child, My child, My little one, do not be afraid for I am with you. I will never leave you. I never abandon My children and I will not abandon you. My little lamb too often My children refuse to do that which is difficult. They would much prefer the simple, easy road; one with many comforts and pleasures. This easy road does nothing to improve one’s soul. It does not lead to union with God but to complacency, laziness and sloth. Often it leads to more sinful behaviors. Rejoice that you choose the difficult path, which is the narrow road. You must walk this road now that you have begun. I have stationed people along the way who will encourage you and give you rest. You do not know where these beautiful souls are waiting for you along the way, but just when you find the way most difficult and seemingly impossible, you will be surprised to meet these souls. You will be refreshed, encouraged and will have a renewed sense of energy. Do not be concerned My child for I am a loving, merciful God. I am the perfect Father and I care for My children. I love you. Be of good cheer. Let us begin so that I can shower My goodness upon you. I will refresh your soul, My child. Do you not have more hope now than previously?”

Yes, Lord. I do have more hope. I have the security knowing that You are with me. That is all that I need because in You is a faithful friend, a merciful Savior, a completely perfect, all powerful, all knowing and all present God, the One True God, Creator of all. I am small and weak, Lord and of course You will carry me. Thank You, Lord. Help me to continue to trust in You even when (especially when) I am tired and the way appears to be too difficult.

“My child, My child. Trust Me in all things. Believe in Me, hope in Me and all will be well for I am your Lord and your God and I will never leave you to face your trials alone. My daughter, I know each and every intention held closely in your heart and I assure you these intentions are precious to Me for they are holy intentions. Trust in Me and by your faith and trust in God, you will be overjoyed at My work. You will rejoice in My goodness and mercy. We are friends, you and I and we walk together, My little lamb.”

Jesus, please give me joy and love. Open my heart to love You, Jesus. Open my heart so You can fill these small chambers with the fiery light of Your holy and pure love. Give me a heart of service as a result of Your inferno of love. Lift me, Jesus to fly as high as an eagle as (name withheld) told me. St. John, please pray for me. I do not know what it means, Lord. Show me the way, Lord. Give me Your hand and the pure hand of Your Holy Mother Mary and lead me on the way. Your way, Jesus. The only way for me. Lord, please rescue those in my family, my friends and the whole world who need You. Bring them to Yourself, Lord God. Open their hearts to the love. Heal them. Make their spirits and their hearts new again for You make all things new. Praise You and thank You Lord. Comfort those who are grieving and those who are concerned. Help them, Lord. If there is anything You want me to do, Jesus, lead me, show me, use me. I love You, Lord. Help me to love You more and more. Thank You, my Adorable Jesus. I love You!

“And I love you. I bless you in the name of My Father, in my name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in My peace. Go in My love. Go in My mercy and be mercy to others. All will be well. Let us begin.”

Amen. Alleluia, Lord!

Also see:

Jesus Christ – You Are Forgiven, I Give You My Mercy

Jesus Christ – You Are Loved By Me And My Father

Jesus Christ – I Will Forgive Atheists, I Give You My Mercy

Jesus Christ – I Will Forgive Satanists, I Give You My Mercy

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – October 9, 2018 Update

Prophet John Leary

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, you read the Gospel about Mary and Martha, and it takes some understanding to see the two missions that people have. When you have guests, you are always willing to offer meals and a place to sleep. You clean the house and make it ready for your guests. When you invite Me into your house, this is a different mission of cleaning your spiritual home in your soul with Confession and Mass. Martha was busy with offering Me meals and a clean house, but Mary was giving Me her undivided attention of loving her Lord. I would not take that opportunity away from Mary, as Martha complained. These missions are both needed when you are hospitable to guests, and your prayer life with Me out of love. This is also a lesson for all of you not to be complainers, but you need to reach out to everyone in love, and especially to your Lord. I love all of you so much, and I am pleased to see you return your love for Me. Trust in My help, and you will always have My peace.”

Monday, October 8, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, you heard a good explanation of the Gospel of the ‘Good Samaritan’ by the priest. You were told the first and second Commandments of loving Me and your neighbor as yourself. Then you were given an explanation of who your neighbor is. You are to love everyone, even those people you call your enemies. I love all of you, even those people who do not love Me. I am showing you more destruction that will be brought upon you by your enemies. You are seeing the smoke and destruction of your Freedom Tower. The devil and the one world people are so angry at your President for undoing all of their plans, especially putting in two justices on the Supreme Court. This is why the evil ones will be striking back with a major evil event to try and stop what your President is doing. You are seeing the frustration of the one world people, and they will be planning more violence for your mid-term elections. Pray for your country because you will be going through some dark times. When the evil gets so bad, I will warn you when it is time to come to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have told you that every refuge should be consecrated to Me, and you need a source of fresh, drinkable water that will not be shut down. You have water piped into your house from the city or town water. At My refuges you will need to be independent from the outside world. This means you cannot depend on your water lines that could be turned off. Many refuges have streams of water or lakes. Other refuges, as your own refuge, have had to drill wells to get water. In your practice runs, you saw how much water 25 people use in one day. This is why it was important to have your water well put in because you cannot survive without fresh water. I will multiply your water at your refuge so it will not run dry. All of My refuges need to take a lesson from your experience, and spend the money it takes to have a well dug, if you do not have any other source of water. This is one of your main projects of this year, and I provided the workers and the materials you needed.”

Sunday, October 7, 2018
(Our Lady of the Rosary)

Jesus said: “My people, those couples who wish to be married should get married in My Church with the sacrament of Matrimony. Those couples who get married by other means, can still be married in My Church. Those couples, who live together in fornication or homosexual marriage, are living sinful lifestyles. The couples of man and woman should get married in My Church also to avoid living in sin. Homosexual couples are living in sin, and they cannot be married in My Church. They need to change their lifestyle to man and woman couples to get married in the Church. Couples who were married in the Church, need to have annulments in order to get married again. Annulments can only be obtained if there were impediments in the first marriage. Parents need to encourage their children to marry in the Church, and not to live in fornication or adultery. It is important to live your faith in proper marriage, and avoid sex outside of marriage. By following My laws, you can avoid sexual sins that could lead people to hell, if they do not seek My forgiveness.”

Friday, October 5, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating First Friday in front of My Blessed Sacrament. I have left you My Real Presence in every consecrated Host. On Friday I died for everyone’s sins, and I did this out of My love for you. This is why I am showing you My Heart because I want to save all of My faithful. It is your free will decision to show your love for Me in return. I call everyone to love Me, and I bless those people with a gift of faith for those who love Me. This world has many evil distractions, and those people who are faithful to Me will receive My heavenly reward. I call My people to show Me their love by their daily prayers, daily Mass, Adoration, and monthly Confession. By staying close to Me with a clean soul, you will be protected from the devil’s temptations. Trust in Me and My angels to watch over you and protect you.”

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you black clouds coming over America, more from a political conflict than from a physical volcano. I told you more demons are coming up out of these volcanoes, adding to the evil you already have. The opposition party will do almost anything to take back power in the Senate and the House. They will flood your media with lies and disinformation to confuse your voters. They may even cause more riots at your election rallies. The goal of the one world people is a takeover of your government, and they will stop at nothing to achieve their goal of a communist takeover. These black clouds indicate an increase in violence like you have never seen before. This attack on your President’s Supreme Court nominee, is just the beginning of the opposition’s desperate tactics. They could even resort to shooting your leaders, or some other means to eliminate their competition. Pray for the safety of your government leaders who will be coming under physical attack, and mob violence.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how the opposition party has done everything to block your current nominee to the Supreme Court. There have been many delaying tactics to block this confirmation. Just as you had to pray hard to My Blessed Mother to get President Bush and your current President elected, so you will need to send a novena of prayers again to get your Supreme Court nominee confirmed. There are many protests, but now is the time to take a vote.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have had some success in your tax cuts and trade talks from your current Administration. The upcoming elections could determine whether or not your President can continue his success in running your government. There is a thin majority in the Senate, and it could determine if your President could put more people on the Supreme Court. Pray for your country and its leaders to do the right thing for your people.”

Jesus said: “My people, you may or may not know about the hundreds of detention centers all across your country. They have many foreign troops there, with the intention to imprison all those people who refuse to take a mandatory chip in the hand. Those people, who are captured, could be gassed and cremated in these facilities. Before you could be threatened by these UN troops, I will warn My faithful to pack up and leave your homes for My refuges. Call on your angel to lead you to the nearest refuge at the proper time.”

Jesus said: “My people, those people, who are advocating for socialism, are really pushing for a communist takeover of your government. Listen to their deceptive campaign for complete government control. They will even try to take away the rights of your states for government control. If you allow the activists to get voted into office, you could lose your rights and freedoms. Be careful to discern what candidates you are voting for, so you know their intentions.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked you to pray for your country, and there are many intentions you could pray for at these rosary celebrations. My Blessed Mother’s rosary is a powerful weapon against all the evil going on in your country. Evil will appear to be winning for a while, but in the end our two hearts will be victorious over the devil, the Antichrist, and all the demons. Trust in My power which is greater, and continue to pray your daily three rosaries.”

Jesus said: “My son, you are getting closer to the coming Warning and tribulation. When the evil ones will gain control over the world, I will warn My faithful that it is time to come to My refuges for your safety. My refuge builders have been preparing for My people to come to My refuges. By practicing your overnight stay, you can be better prepared for the real event of the tribulation. Learn from your experiences so you will be ready to endure this evil time. Trust in Me and I will provide for all of your needs.”

Jesus said: “My faithful people, you are the ones who have crosses on your foreheads, and who will be able to enter My refuges of protection. You will see My angels provide miraculous protection from all the plans of the evil ones. When you look on the luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your ailments. I will multiply your water, food, and fuels so you can survive the tribulation at My refuges. Have no fear of this time and trust in My protection. No one will be able to challenge the power of My angels.”

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, you have been reading the account of Job in the Bible, and you see how I allowed a test of Job’s faith in Me. He lost his family and his wealth. Some people are aware of the saying about the ‘patience of Job’. In all of his trials, he was always faithful to Me, and later he was rewarded when I restored his wealth. Some of My people get upset when just a small discomfort, or a small loss occurs. You need to take a lesson from Job, and keep faith in Me no matter what happens to you. I can give you gifts, and I can take them away. You need to learn about not worshiping possessions, and depend on Me for everything, and not on your wealth. I know what you need to survive, so trust in Me, and call on My help when you have difficulties. I am always at your side ready to help you, because I love all of you so much.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have been traveling a lot this year, and you are seeing a cross in your travels. When you have talks close together, it is difficult to keep up with all of your responsibilities. Go where you are invited, and I will protect you from any criticism. You have scheduled a lot of visits because it will become more difficult as time approaches the tribulation. Then there will be more problems when the evil ones will taunt you more. Keep praying your long form of the St. Michael prayer for protection, because the devil’s attacks will keep getting stronger against you as time goes on.”

Tuesday, October 2, 2018
(Guardian Angel day)

St. Mark said: “I am Mark and I stand before God. I thank you for praying to me every day, and I watch out for your spiritual welfare constantly. When you are traveling, you keep me busy all of the time. There are so many evil distractions around you all the time in this world. Your dedication to the Blessed Mother’s rosary has kept you protected through these many years of your mission. You give praise and thanks to God in your Adoration hours every day. Just as you adore God, we angels adore God every minute of every day. You have a strong faith to spread God’s Word, and you work on trying to save souls as well. Continue to stay close to Jesus, and you will keep your gifts. I watch over you, and you can call on my help at any time you need me.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a dark evil come over your country as the opposition party will do about anything to take back control of your Congress. You will see the social media controlled by activists that will try to win the Congress any way they can. You will see more manipulation of the polls and the voting machines as before. You could even see violence and an attempted coup to try and take over your country. The socialists, who are trying to take over, will be using communist tactics, and the people will see how truly evil they are for power and greed. The television programs will continue their false accusations of whatever your President does, even though he is working hard to make your country better. The lies and disinformation will get worse, and your country could be on the brink of an instigated civil war with the one world people behind it. Pray for peace in your country, because there are evil people who are behind causing division among your people.”

Monday, October 1, 2018
(St. Therese of Lisieux)

St. Therese said: “My dear son, it has been awhile since I gave you a message. I am thankful that you prayed your novena of the 24 Glory Bes to my intercession. I want to bless all of you, and I pray that you can follow my ‘Little Way’ in your lives. Give up all of your actions to Jesus, and He will bless you for all of your good works. You see me in my statues that I am carrying my cross and my red roses to honor Jesus. Jesus calls us to pick up our cross of life, and carry it through life so we remember how He died for all of us in His crucifixion for our sins. I love my Jesus so much, and I want to be an example for all of you to follow. You remember several times in life when I sent my rose to help you. Many times people pray to me for intentions, and I send my roses to comfort them in their troubles. Remember how I lived a simple life to gain my salvation, and all of you can live this way of loving Jesus, and He will reward you in heaven.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen all the damage caused by Hurricane Florence as more people are being added to the death toll. These people have not seen so much water damage than with any other storm. The floods are still subsiding, and the length of time their homes were under water, insures many homes will be a total loss. You need to pray for these people who will have to start all over to make a new home. There are still needs for food and water to help these people to survive. You may be able to send donations to get them through a tough time when they need your help.”

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard Me talk of My prophets in the readings. Each prophet has been given a separate mission, but they are all directed to share My Words of love, and to reach out to save souls from hell. I do caution My faithful to discern the meaning of their words. Just as I send out My prophets, the evil one sends out false prophets as well to mislead even My elect. Trust in My Good News of My Resurrection, but do not listen to the false news of the evil ones. You have a strong message to follow My ways, so you will not be misled to a path to hell. I call you to worship only Me, and do not worship gold, silver, or your possessions as idols. When you focus on following My Will, and repent of your sins, you will be on the right path to heaven. If you follow your own desires for comforts, or listen to false prophets, you could be misled down the path to hell. Avoid all temptations to sin, and come to monthly Confession to keep your souls clean. Pray to Me daily in your rosaries, and you can join your heart with My Sacred Heart and My Blessed Mother’s Immaculate Heart. We love all of you, and we direct you on the right path to heaven. Give praise and glory to Me, God the Father, and God the Holy Spirit.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of you have been waiting for things to begin the end times with My Warning. Some people have even complained that this should have happened sooner. You do not know how evil it will get before I bring My Warning. Once you see the two suns in the sky, you will see My Warning, when everyone will have their life review at the same time all over the world. After reviewing your life’s actions, you will face a mini-judgment to heaven, purgatory, or hell. You will have six weeks to convert your family and friends. You are anxious for My return, but you must first be tested by the tribulation of the Antichrist. I will send My faithful to My refuges at that time for their safety by My angels. Be prepared at My refuges. This is why I want you all to have one more practice run overnight with your prayer groups to test the readiness of My refuge builders. I am asking you to do this because this time is coming soon. This place where you are, is a refuge as it has been prepared for many years. Have no fear because I will be helping you to get through this trial. At the end of this trial, you will see My return in Spirit to renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Saturday, September 29, 2018
(St. Michael, St. Gabriel, St. Raphael)

St. Michael said: “I am Michael and I stand before God, as I am a leader of God’s angels. In the first reading you read how there was a great battle in heaven between those angels who wanted to serve God, and those angels like Satan, who refused to serve God. Lucifer was the brightest angel, but pride overtook him, and he would not serve God. I then cast Satan and all the evil angels down into hell on the earth. Hell is forever, and the bad angels suffer in the flames of hell, and they are now ugly looking beings. They are allowed to tempt humans into sin, if the humans so choose. I and the good angels of God are preparing for another battle with the demons and the evil people at Armageddon. The Lord and all of heaven will be victorious again against Satan, the Antichrist, and the false prophet. God’s power is much greater than all of the evil ones, so have no fear of them. Call on us angels to defend you when you are attacked by any evil angels. Today is the feast of the Archangels of myself, St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael. Give praise and glory to God for all of His creation. You pray my long form prayer to protect you in your travels, and to help those souls who are away from God. Keep praying this prayer of protection and deliverance because I and your guardian angel are always at your side to protect you from harm and the evil ones.”

Friday, September 28, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, today you have daily Mass at your churches, but a time is coming soon when you will see a division in My Church. There will be a split between a schismatic church and My faithful remnant. The schismatic church will teach New Age heresies, and that the sexual sins are no longer mortal sins. When you see New Age teachings come into a church, then leave that church for one that does not teach heresies. I tell you that you will not travel to all the towns of Israel until a time of tribulation will come upon the earth. Once this evil time comes, I will direct My faithful to My nearest refuge where My angels will protect you. Today’s martyrs died for their faith, and soon you will see more severe persecutions in My Church of today. Trust in My protection no matter how far you will have to travel to My refuges. When you come there, My angels will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival.”

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you a time when you will no longer have Mass available in your churches. This will be caused by the division in My Church, or by your government which will close or burn the churches. I told you before that My angels will remove My consecrated Hosts from the closed or burned churches. You are seeing evil things closing in all around you, as you will be seeing a communist and Muslim takeover by the one world people. The evil ones want total control over the people, including mandatory chips in the body, or the mark of the beast. Before this happens, I will warn My faithful when it is time to leave for the safety of My refuges with angel protection. My refuge builders need to quickly finish their projects, so they can welcome My people at the proper time. Trust in My protection from the evil ones who want to kill you and steal your souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, abortion is being allowed by your Supreme Court decision, and it is the most grievous sin America has had in allowing the killing of My babies. This decision is totally against My laws of the Fifth Commandment, and you are killing a million babies each year. Your best chance of changing this decision is to put a judge on the court who supports life at all ages. Keep praying for such a judge to be put on the Supreme Court.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen some serious natural disasters that have emphasized the need to be prepared for any emergency. I have asked My faithful to store six months to one year of food for every member of your household. You saw how quickly food and water were cleared out of your stores with the latest hurricane. Most stores have only three days supply of food in their warehouses. By being prepared with food, water, and batteries, you will be ready for the next disaster, even when you are called to My refuges. I will multiply your food, water, and fuels for your survival.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are some people who trust more in their stocks and money than they do in Me. Your stocks can crash, and your money can become worthless, so it is much safer to put your trust in Me for everything. I love all of you, and I want you to love Me in return, because I can provide for all of your needs. Your country needs to repent of its abortions and sins. Then you will continue to prosper.”

Jesus said: “My people, many of the rivers in North and South Carolina are cresting and are still at record flood stage. Keep praying for these flood victims, and work to donate what money and time you can give to help them. It will take some time for the floods to subside, so people can return to their homes. They will need Federal and state aid to restore their homes to shelters they could live in. Pray that they could be spared any more rain so the waters could subside.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have been enjoying a good economy for a number of years, but these times can change with your increasing interest rates and foreign tariffs. October has been a trying month for drops in your stock market. Pray for your people to repent of their sins and improve their lifestyles. I have warned you to make such changes in your lives, or you could see some financial troubles. Pray for your morals to be improved, or you will see more punishments for your sins.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a battle of fund raising, as some people think they can buy elections with enough campaign ads and literature. You have further concerns over the manipulation of your voting machines. This has become a problem when machines are hacked or manipulated for changing votes to a certain candidate. Pray for a fair election, but be aware of possible cheating.”

Jesus said: “My people, My angels are watching over you all of the time. You can pray for help from your guardian angels, and you can pray your St. Michael prayers for deliverance of sinners and addicts. Remember to call on Me to send you My angels whenever you are under attack from the demons. My power is always greater than the evil ones all around you. So pray to Me and trust in My help every day.”

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Jesus said: “My son, you can identify with My apostles when you and your wife travel out to share My messages with the people. You have also learned to travel light because it is cheaper to only use carry-on luggage on the airplanes. You may not have the miraculous gifts of My apostles, but with vans and airplanes, you can travel further and faster than My apostles did. I thank you for the many years of your missionary work.”

(Anniversary of Camille Remacle’s death, Carol’s father) Camille said: “Hello John and Carol, I want to thank you for taking care of Vic at the hospital for his dog bite. Thank you for providing what he needs in his house and for his food. I now understand why you do not charge more for your books, because you are doing God’s work for free. I am proud of you for your missionary work, and I see how gracious you are to help souls for Jesus.”

Jesus said: “My people, your U.S. ships have many armaments for both defense and offense at sea. One of these new weapons is called a rail gun that could be mounted on ships, and it fires a projectile at thousands of mph. Such a weapon could possibly destroy incoming missiles, attack other ships, or target land targets. This could be useful in any sea battles. Do some research to see how accurate such a device could be. China is developing multiple missiles to attack your ships all at once, along with EMP devices. There are many sophisticated weapons being used, but it is hard to know how they would perform in a battle. Trust in Me that My power is greater than all the newest weapons being developed. My angels will protect My faithful at all of My refuges.”

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, every work day people have to struggle in the morning to get to work on the road. People, who have jobs, are fortunate to be able to earn a living to support their families. Your unemployment rate is quite low, which is because of your good economy for now. When people have money to pay their bills, there is calm among these efforts. You need to thank Me for helping you in life to have your necessities provided for. For those people, who are suffering through floods, you need to pray that they can have food and water to survive. Some people have lost homes, or their homes were damaged by water or fires. You can help them physically and with your donations. You all know how hard it is to recover from a flood. So do not complain that your life is a struggle, when you see others have to deal with no power and damaged homes. Be thankful for what you have, and reach out to help those who need food and shelter.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have warned My people not to take the flu shots because they can do more harm than good. The Pharmaceutical companies make millions of dollars on the flu shots every year in the fall. It is the government who subsidizes the cost of these shots, so they can be given out for free. These companies make a calculated guess as to what virus strains that will be prevalent during the year. This is because it takes six months or so to make the flu shot batches. This is why with mutations of the flu, that these shots may only be 30% effective. The side effects of these shots make some people sick, and they can have a bad effect on your immune system that could be harmful to some people. It is better to take your Hawthorn pills, herbs, and vitamins to build up your immune system. Many flu causing symptoms are caused by the chemtrails in the sky. When virulent viruses are used to reduce the population, I will warn My faithful to come to My refuges. When you look upon the luminous cross, you will be healed of all of your sicknesses. Trust in Me to protect you from physical and spiritual harm at My refuges.”

David Schaefer: Jesus said: “My people, David was a very helpful leader for Queenship Publishing Co, and he will be missed by many, and especially by his mother. He loves all of his family, and he needs some prayers and Masses in upper purgatory.”

Monday, September 24, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to strive for a good education in college if you can finance it. Having a college degree can help you get a better paying job, but it does not mean you know everything. It usually means you know a little about your field of study, but you need experience on the job to put your knowledge into something useful. Because you are knowledgeable in one field, it does not mean you are capable in other fields. There is another graduation that requires a learning in faith, and that is when you die and come to your judgment. Some people may not even be prepared for their judgment, and their souls may be at risk of being lost in hell. In order to pass life’s graduation, you must be educated in My laws and My love. First you must recognize My existence, and know that I died for your sins on the cross. I am your Creator and your Savior. My Commandments are all about love of God and love of neighbor as yourself. Once you are aware of My love, you also need to know about My mercy and forgiveness in Confession. When you disobey My laws, I call you to repent of your sins, and seek My forgiveness. If you keep your soul clean, and show your love for Me on Sunday and your daily prayers, then you will know Me. Those souls, who do not repent, and do not love Me, will fail at graduation on a path to hell. Those souls, who repent and love Me, will pass their graduation into heaven. Passing your life’s graduation will be the best degree you could obtain.”

Jesus said: “My people, My faithful are already being martyred in foreign lands, and you need to pray for all Christians who are being tortured or killed for their faith. You are seeing already how evil it will be during the tribulation. I will warn My faithful when the evil ones will begin their purging for the Antichrist. You know at that time, it will be necessary to come to My refuges. My refuge builders have been preparing for this time of tribulation for a long time, and now it is at the door. Trust in My angels of protection, and My multiplication of your necessities. I will send faithful to you, who have crosses on their foreheads. You will be praying more than now at your refuges.”

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Jesus said: “My son, just as your priest said, listening is as important a gift as speaking. It is important to listen to Me in My Word of the Gospel, and if you are fortunate, to hear Me in locution messages. I want you to take My words to heart, and listen out of love for Me. Take them into your lives so you can share My love with others. Another case of listening is to listen to those people around you in love, so they know that you love them as you love Me. Some people are hoping to tell people their troubles, and you could comfort them. By showing your love and respect for others, you can add love to a world full of evil and hate. Love one another as I have loved you.”

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Jesus said: “My people, it is good to think about your mortality, so you can plan your eternal destination. I am giving you two of your favorite quotes on this subject. Unless you are ready to die, you are not ready to live. As a seed of life, you must die to self in order to bear good fruit, and follow My Will. Many people are afraid to die because they fear the unknown after death. But My faithful people believe in My Resurrection, and they will have their soul and a glorified body reunited on the last day. If you are repenting of your sin in frequent Confession, and you love Me and your neighbor, you do not have to fear judgment to hell. My faithful may have to be cleansed in purgatory, but you are assured of your eternal life with Me in heaven. Trust in My Word of the Gospel and My love for you, and you will have nothing to fear.”

Jesus said: “My people, some people have gotten themselves into so much trouble, it may look totally impossible to solve their problems. My faithful servants can help turn troubled people into good stories with some physical and financial aid. If the troubled people are willing to cooperate with Me and My servants, miracles can happen. You can pray to help such souls, but your best help is to get them on to a good education and a good job. Once you inspire hope in a person’s life, they will not only thank you, but they will understand your love for them goes beyond what they can understand. My servants will have the joy of helping someone get restarted in life. I can perform the impossible, if people would just walk with Me in the hands of My helping servants. When you reach out to help people out of love, you will be rewarded for your efforts.”

Special Commentary – Secret of La Salette – Aliens and Near Death Experiences (NDEs)

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (12 pages) of this special commentary:

Secret Of La Salette – Aliens and Near Death Experiences (PDF) – By a soul

Secret Of La Salette – Aliens and Near Death Experiences (ODT) – By a soul

Secret Of La Salette – Aliens and Near Death Experiences (WordDoc) – By a soul


By a soul
(Feast of Our Lady of the Conception, April 6, 2018)


For the past month or so, I have been studying the Secrets of Fatima and Secret of La Salette. And in particular to La Salette, I wrote a short commentary interpreting specific challenging statements, which God gave me immediate insight to their meanings. (See Special Commentary – Secret of La Salette – “It will rain with a fearful hail of animals”

Well, this special commentary about the Secret of La Salette will be a little different. Unlike my previous commentary in which God gave me immediate clarity to specific phrases, this writing comes from me discerning and reflecting upon other challenging statements for the past month or so. And because I do not claim perfect discernment, my interpretations are subject to human flaws. Nonetheless, I am going to attempt to interpret these specific words of Our Lady in hopes that people will gain fruit from my discernment—trusting that everything will be reconciled by Our Lord in the end.

And so, I hope that people will be blessed by this writing. First, I will share the excerpts of the Secret of La Salette that I will be discerning. Then, my interpretations will follow on the particular phrases for your consideration. God bless!

EXCERPT: Part III, Secret Of La Salette

…Evil books will be abundant on earth and the spirits of darkness will spread everywhere a universal slackening of all that concerns the service of God. They will have great power over Nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests, for they will not have been guided by the good spirit of the Gospel which is a spirit of humility, charity and zeal for the glory of God. On occasions, the dead and the righteous will be brought back to life. (That is to say that these dead will take on the form of righteous souls which had lived on earth, in order to lead men further astray; these so-called resurrected dead, who will be nothing but the devil in this form, will preach another Gospel contrary to that of the true Christ Jesus, denying the existence of Heaven; that is also to say, the souls of the damned. All these souls will appear as if fixed to their bodies).2…”

FOOTNOTE #2: The Secret Of La Salette (Melanie)

2. In a letter to Father Combe, dated October 7th, 1899, Melanie corrects these words in parenthesis which are her own, she says, and which she judges to be unclear and inaccurate. “That is to say”, she writes, “that in those days, which only seem like twenty years ago, some perverted people (Italian: malvages) had given themselves over to devotion to the demon of magic. These people would cause to appear in the eyes of the curious, acquainted and theirs who had not led a Christian way of life.”

These supposedly resurrected individuals appeared in heavenly glory. People known to have lived in the fear of God appeared to be in horrible suffering, and urged their friends and acquaintances not to follow in their footsteps, and they preached a Gospel opposed to that of Our Lord Jesus Christ. It seems that these bizarre occurrences may be put down to the fashion for spiritualistic evocations and for certain spiritualistic and demoniac practices which no doubt will one day be brought to light through a thorough examination of the Luciferian archives of Free Masonry.”

In the same letter, Melanie takes care to explain that where it is said that people will be transported from one place to another, it must be understood as to be in rare cases only.


They will have great power over Nature: there will be churches built to serve these spirits. People will be transported from one place to another by these evil spirits, even priests”

I believe that these two statements by Our Lady of La Salette have two interpretative meanings. The first meaning is in regards to what we are currently witnessing in our societies and communities; and the second meaning is in regards to what will happen during the Great Apostasy of the Catholic Church.

First, the meaning for today. I, a soul, am an American, so I will speak about what I am witnessing in my country. However, I know that similar things are taking place elsewhere in the world such as Europe, Africa, Latin America, etc., so people from other countries can relate.

Currently, we can see this prophecy happening, particularly, in the growing public acceptance of witchcraft and even, satanism, in America. This also extends to practitioners of the occult and the New Age—all of which encourage worship of nature and the natural world. And as churches close due to lack of attendance and funds, these buildings are being sold off to practitioners of these pseudo-religions, which is an utter tragedy for these places once consecrated to worship of the True God, Our Heavenly Father and His Divine Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Now, I am not an expect in the tactics of the occult. However, Our Lord has given much help through heavenly messages about the growing fact of trafficking witches in America, Africa, and elsewhere (See heavenly messages given through the Apostolate of the Green Scapular, And I know that this phenomenon is not limited to witchcraft, but is wide-spread in all pseudo-religions like satanism and New Age. Called “astral projection,” this phenomenon is even promoted in yoga—a form of Hinduism, when people delve into the belief systems behind such practices.

Trust me, I know, because before my conversion to Catholicism, I studied books on advanced yoga, trying to figure out what was the true faith on earth. So, I am going to tell everyone that reads this special commentary, if you practice yoga, please stop. Not only are you glorifying demons through animal poses, you are physically practicing a belief system that is contrary to Christianity. Yoga is not simply a benign exercise, etc.—it is contrary to Christian faith. So, please think about what you are doing.

Now, the second meaning for these two statements by Our Lady of La Salette, holds also true for what will happen under the Great Apostasy of the Catholic Church. Under the leadership of the antichrist and the false prophet, satan seeks to change the Catholic Mass making it satanic worship. Thus, Catholic churches will become dens for the satanic mass.

Now, why does satan want to do this? I wrote extensively about this in my special commentary about Armageddon, but I want to provide further clarity on this issue—why satan wants to collapse the Catholic Church by worldwide worship in the satanic mass. (See “Armageddon Is Not What People Think” – By A Soul

In the Book of Truth given to 7th Messenger, Maria Divine Mercy, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, has revealed that through a wide-spread nuclear war, the antichrist will rise to worldwide prominence and power, by being the peace-maker among all warring nations. And so, through these acts, the antichrist will endear himself among all peoples, which will give him entry to seize leadership of the Catholic Church, through the invitation of the false prophet.

And when this fact was revealed by Jesus, I will be honest and say, I wondered to myself, why does satan want to stop the nuclear war? It did not make sense to me, because I thought to myself, surely, satan can inflict much lasting devastating damage on the human race with millions dying around the world due to the wide-spread use of nuclear weapons(?).

Truly, why does satan want to stop the nuclear world war?

I was puzzled until I finally saw the video that I wrote much about in my Armageddon commentary. Then, I realized the reason why, which is hinted about in the Book of Truth given to Maria Divine Mercy. The fact is, satan’s Armageddon—his demonic alien war—is much more cataclysmal and ruinous to the human race. That is why satan will have the antichrist stop the nuclear war. Because he has something much more devastating planned with his demonic alien war. Hence, Our Lady said in one message in Locutions To The World, that if satan were allowed by Our Heavenly Father to do everything that he has planned, there would be nothing left.

However, satan cannot stage his demonic alien war (Armageddon) yet, because he does not have enough demonic power. Thus, he needs to remove the protecting power of the Most Holy Eucharist (Abomination of Desolation) in the Catholic Church, and have worldwide worship through the satanic mass. Only in that way, satan can kill off the entire human race, thus, ruining the Divine Plan of Our Heavenly Father. Nothing else will satisfy him.

Now, Our Lady desires that I make a connection between the Secrets of La Salette and Fatima, which I did not make in my earlier writing (See Special Commentary – “Secret of La Salette – “It will rain with a fearful hail of animals” In my prior writing, I revealed that the statement by Our Lady of La Salette, “it will rain with a fearful hail of animals,” refers to demons disguised as aliens. Now, some may contend that it does not refer to alien demons, but to actual animals, such as falling flocks of birds, which some people have witnessed in places, etc.

Well, in the First Secret of Fatima—the vision of hell by the three shepherd children—the children referred to the demons that they saw looked like frightful animals. Here is the vision of hell at Fatima:

Our Lady showed us a great sea of fire which seemed to be under the earth. Plunged in this fire were demons and souls in human form, like transparent burning embers, all blackened or burnished bronze, floating about in the conflagration, now raised into the air by the flames that issued from within themselves together with great clouds of smoke, now falling back on every side like sparks in a huge fire, without weight or equilibrium, and amid shrieks and groans of pain and despair, which horrified us and made us tremble with fear. The demons could be distinguished by their terrifying and repulsive likeness to frightful and unknown animals, all black and transparent. This vision lasted but an instant. How can we ever be grateful enough to our kind heavenly Mother, who had already prepared us by promising, in the first Apparition, to take us to heaven. Otherwise, I think we would have died of fear and terror.”

Now, Heaven desires that I make the connection between the First and Second Woes of Revelation (Fifth and Sixth Trumpets), Chapter 9, with the demonic alien war planned by satan. (Please see the References at the end of this special commentary for the text of Chapter 9 of the Book of Revelation). This First Woe comes after the First Four Trumpets which describe the potential nuclear war. The First Woe describes the demonic locusts that attack the evil people who do not have the Seal of the Living God on them. (See The Seal Of The Living God, The locusts are allowed to harm people for five months but not kill them. They are described as coming from hell and look like horses for battle with human faces and lion’s teeth.

Also, part of the Second Woe (Sixth Trumpet) includes a horrific description of 4 devils, along with a cavalry of 200 million soulless demonic beasts, being released to kill 1/3 of the human race on earth. These demonic beasts are described with having great power in their mouths and in their serpent tails. I believe that these demonic beasts will be the ones who will be able to kill by the method I mentioned in my Armageddon writing and as mentioned on the video.

Also, Heaven desires that I discern the first verse of Chapter 9, Book of Revelation, for this commentary, which I just learned now:

Verse 1: “Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. It was given the key for the passage to the abyss…”

The “star that had fallen from the sky to the earth” refers to a fallen priest in the Catholic Church. In particular, it is a reference to the anti-pope, the false prophet, who enables satan’s demonic alien war to happen by granting demonic power to satan through the Abomination of Desolation and worldwide worship in the satanic mass. This becomes possible when the antichrist is invited by the false prophet to take up reign in the fallen visible Catholic Church.

Finally, in respects to the Secret of La Salette, I believe that the mention of people being transported by evil spirits, including priests, also refers to alien (UFO) abductions, which will become more frequent as satan gains more demonic power through worldwide worship in the satanic mass. Already, we see more mainstream mention of people spotting and video-recording alien/UFO sightings around the world. This is directly related to satan gaining more demonic power through the mainstreaming of pseudo-religions as mentioned before. And once the Catholic churches adopt the satanic mass, such manifestations will become even more common, even among the fallen clergy—all in keeping with satan’s diabolical plan for the End Times.


On occasions, the dead and the righteous will be brought back to life”

Meanwhile, much has happened in the 180 years or so since the Secret of La Salette was given by Our Lady to seer, Melanie. And when Melanie wrote it fully down shortly before her death at the turn of the century, she included her explanations of what she thought Our Lady was referring to (as indicated in the parentheses and in the footnote). Thus, we must be aware that Melanie’s interpretations might be humanly flawed, especially colored with a 19th century frame of reference.

Now, as I said before, I do not claim perfect discernment. However, I want to attempt to interpret this challenging statement by Our Lady of La Salette, hoping that my readers will give me the benefit of the doubt. And, of course, I will be discerning with a 21st century frame of reference, the current world situation as we are on the cusp of the Great Tribulation of the Apocalypse.

Well, I believe that these words of Our Lady of La Salette are referring to the phenomenon of near-death experiences, which sometimes occurs when people have been saved by medical technology after a brief time of clinical death. In particular, these people will sometimes mention either a heaven or hell experience, which often radically, changes their lives and perceptions of the afterlife.

Now, I am going to make a claim that people are free to disagree with, but personally, I believe that any near-death experience that does not bring a person closer to Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Christianity, is false and from lucifer. Also, I am going to claim that many experiences that people have of Heaven are also false, if it does not bring a person closer to Traditional Christianity.

Now, why do I make these claims? It is because of my own personal experience that I had while I was undergoing surgery in 2001 for my broken leg. The full story is told in the writing of My Conversion Story, but basically, at the time, I was scared to death as I never had any major trauma like a broken leg before. And so, I asked for a Catholic priest before surgery, although I had never professed to be a Catholic believer in my adult life at that point. But, the priest was very good to me and he anointed me, giving me the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick (which is the same Sacrament of Last Rites), even though I did not confess any sins to him (I did not know that I was supposed to do so). And, well, due to the sacrament that I received, I had an out-of-body experience during surgery and found myself in Purgatory, etc. I also saw lucifer trying to stop me from reconciling myself back with God, etc. (See Memoir Of a soul In Holy Love – Writings Inspired By The Heavenly Messages Of The Blessed Virgin Mary,

And so, based on my personal experience, I am skeptical of many near-death accounts. Even ones that speak of Heaven, because I know from studying heavenly messages through the years, that it is actually difficult to enter Heaven right away upon death. Even if a person is following the Ten Commandments as they should be, one venial (lesser) sin will send a person to Purgatory. Truly, at death, a person has to have such a deep trust in God saving him that his love for God has to be so strong that it overcomes any semblance of self-love. That is actually really hard to do without have a strong Christian faith already. It is not impossible, but I recognize that it is difficult for most.

Also, Heaven has recently revealed to me that at the time of the Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience) happens, 90% of the world population is going to see hell as their eternal judgment, if they continue the same path that they are walking on. Then, the rest will see deep Purgatory and a very small percentage will see Heaven. And so, knowing the percentages currently involved, it is hard for me to understand why there are so many near-death Heaven accounts today, and hardly, any mention of Purgatory, etc.

I am not casting judgment on any particular person’s account, as I know that many people are being sincere about their experiences in the afterlife. However, I think that a lot of people do not realize how involved lucifer is, especially, at the moment of death, which is the greatest battle for every soul’s salvation. The moment of death should never be taken for granted and always be well-prepared for. Otherwise, there is the extreme jeopardy of losing one’s soul, or being saved but spending much time in deep Purgatory.

I mean, even Sister Faustina of Divine Mercy, had an experience recorded in her diary, I believe, where she realized that she would spend 2 days in Purgatory for a few venial sins… And she was a living Saint! So, I do not pass judgment on anyone’s sincerity about their near-death experiences. I just believe that many of the situations are being manipulated by satan, especially, if there is no mention of Purgatory, or they do not lead to a deeper faith in Traditional Christianity or the Catholic faith, etc.

Also, I need to make a comment about something that I found on YouTube about two months ago. I realized that there are many accounts of people having visions of Heaven and hell on YouTube. In fact, it is on YouTube that I found 10-year old Jeremy’s near-death experience, retold by his mother, which I used as my basis for my Armageddon commentary. So, I do believe that there are genuine accounts of the afterlife available, but most of the visions that people are having about celebrities and relatives in either Heaven or hell, I find to be false—although I know people are being sincere about seeing something supernatural. I just believe that most visions are being manipulated by satan, especially, if they lead away from Traditional Christianity or the Catholic faith.

Now, I will tell you why.

In my life, I have had two experiences where lucifer approached me disguised once as a soul from Purgatory and once as a soul in Heaven. Both times, lucifer disguised himself as people that I knew during my lifetime (in particular, my grandfather and a close friend). But, thanks be to God, I discerned both times that it was satan and was saved from certain death (I love my guardian angel, St. Michael the Archangel, and St. Joseph).

And so, I share these things, because I want people to understand that it is Very Easy for lucifer or any devil to appear as a deceased person that one knew in life during a vision or supernatural visitation. It is Really Easy to do, especially, if it is the same devil who was assigned by lucifer to tempt that person throughout their life on earth. That devil intimately knows everything about the deceased person, and it is Very Easy to manipulate the “energy pattern” of that person for a vision or supernatural visitation. So, such occurrences always need to be properly tested and discerned before someone readily accepts that the person is truly whom they say that they are. And unfortunately, I did not see that happening or ever being mentioned in the few YouTube videos that I watched. Perhaps, that is because the vast majority of them were created by Protestant Christians that do not have the traditional counsel of a spiritual director/priest, such as in the Catholic Church, to help in discernment and testing of spirits.

So, do not be deceived by the many YouTube videos that speak about near-death experiences and visions of Heaven and hell, particularly, if they give names of people, including relatives and celebrities and their eternal judgment in the afterlife. The fact is, in most legitimate accounts and visions, God usually forbids people from revealing who they see in hell, out of respect for the families who are still living on earth. Also, the same “forbidden rule” applies to lucifer and his devils most of the time.

Personally, that was one of the reasons that I was able to discern that my close friend, whom I knew was in Heaven, was in fact, lucifer in disguise. As I shared in my Memoir, my “friend” was trying to talk to me about her previous sins, but it did not make sense to me, because I knew that she was finally out of Purgatory and in Heaven, and that God had forgiven and forgotten all her sins. Yet, my “friend” kept trying to suggest what her sins were even though she could not come out and say exactly what they were. It was a very odd and troubling conversation, but thanks be to God, I figured out it was lucifer and did not get physically harmed.

So, I am being very honest and saying that satan is very active in the world today. Not just in everyday secular affairs on the news, but in the very heart of Christian churches and Christian lives. Everything has to be tested and discerned, especially, in matters of the afterlife. Everything that draws a person away from Traditional Christianity and the Catholic Church needs to be rejected. And when I refer to Traditional Christianity, I mean keeping obedience to the Gospel, the Ten Commandments, Holy Love, etc. People really need to protect themselves with sacramentals, devotions, a strong prayer-life, etc., because there is so much darkness right now, and most people do not understand the spiritual warfare that is taking place every moment in their lives.

Myself, I am not perfect, but I do see the war that is being waged in my life every present moment. All because I listen to the words of Our Lord and Our Lady at Holy Love Ministries (, answering the call to my own personal holiness. It takes much effort and dedicated work to constantly bring yourself into the present moment battle, but once you recognize your enemy, you can defeat him by grace. All Glory to God. But, all Christians need to fight for their faith. It all begins with making good Confessions and adhering to the Ten Commandments. If you cannot do that, the battle is already lost.

Finally, I am going to make a very controversial claim, which is in keeping with the Secret of La Salette and a recent heavenly message. God the Father revealed that “there are people walking the face of the earth without souls and these are satan’s soldiers and army.” However, Our Heavenly Father did not indicate how exactly these people were being brought into existence on earth. But, I want to make claim, even though I do not have any evidence of it, nor am I passing judgment on any person. But, I want to say that it would not surprise me if some of the people who are being brought back into life after being declared clinically dead are no longer human. I have no evidence, because this is not something that I study, but it would not surprise me if devils were taking advantage of modern medical technology and assuming physical control of deceased bodies after their souls have left at the moment of death. (See heavenly message, God the Father – “There are people walking the face of the earth without souls and these are satan’s soldiers and army”

Again, I know that is a shocking claim to make and I have no hard evidence. I also do not want to scare people, especially, if they have relatives or friends who were saved from death due to medical advances, etc. But, I say it, because I have battled satan much, experiencing his heightened supernatural powers many times. And so, it would not surprise me the least bit, if lucifer and his devils could actually do such a feat, especially, due to modern medical technology. Especially, since I have written, based on personal experience, that demonic possession takes place within the physical body and not the spiritual soul. So, I could see it happening, especially, as it is suggested by Melanie in her explanations of the words of Our Lady in the Secret of La Salette.

Anyways, I do not want to conclude this special commentary with such a sensational claim. Rather, I want to end this writing with a great deal of hope. Half the battle is just simply being knowledgeable about such things—potential or otherwise, in the supernatural world. The fact is, the more spiritual education one has, the better equipped a person can be as a Soldier of Christ. I do not claim to be an expert in all supernatural matters, but what little I know, I pass along to you all, as my beloved readers, whom I love and care about very much. Our Lord and Our Lady have blessed me so much, and I am so grateful and desire very much to share these blessings with everyone, so that together, we can be united as one loving Body in Christ.

So, I offer this special commentary to you all for your own fruitful discernment. Please, take from it, whatever can be useful to you, and know, I am not perfect in my own discernment, but all that really matters in the end, is charity and love. I offer you everything with charity in my heart and hope that you receive what you can in love.

May God bless each of you ever-abundantly. I love you all.

a soul


Our Lady Of La Salette – The Official Story And The Secret Of Melanie And Maximin,

The Complete Secret Of Fatima (First, Second And Third Parts – Revealed And Hidden),

Exposing Satan’s Evil Agenda – Part One – The Antichrist – By A Soul

Part Twelve: Genesis: Chapter Six – The Nephilim
Part Thirteen: The Origin of the Antichrist
Part Fourteen: Revelation: Chapter 13 – The Two Beasts
Part Fifteen: Revelation: Chapter 17 – The Beast and the Harlot
Part Sixteen: The Antichrist and the False Prophet
Part Seventeen: The Battle of Armageddon

Armageddon Is Not What People Think – By A Soul

Comparative Study On The Book Of Revelation (Apocalypse) (Chapters 11, 13, And 17),

New Prayer from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, for Protection Against Trafficking Witches,

Book Review: “How To Rid Your Life of Wicked Spirits and Persons” by Anna Marie of the Apostolate of the Green Scapular

God the Father – “There are people walking the face of the earth without souls and these are satan’s soldiers and army”


Book of Revelation, Chapter 9

The Fifth Trumpet. 1 Then the fifth angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star that had fallen from the sky to the earth. It was given the key for the passage to the abyss. 2 It opened the passage to the abyss, and smoke came up out of the passage like smoke from a huge furnace. The sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the passage. 3 Locusts came out of the smoke onto the land, and they were given the same power as scorpions of the earth. 4 They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or any tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. 5 They were not allowed to kill them but only to torment them for five months; the torment they inflicted was like that of a scorpion when it stings a person. 6 During that time these people will seek death but will not find it, and they will long to die but death will escape them.

7 The appearance of the locusts was like that of horses ready for battle. On their heads they wore what looked like crowns of gold; their faces were like human faces, 8 and they had hair like women’s hair. Their teeth were like lions’ teeth, 9 and they had chests like iron breastplates. The sound of their wings was like the sound of many horse-drawn chariots racing into battle. 10 They had tails like scorpions, with stingers; with their tails they had power to harm people for five months. 11 They had as their king the angel of the abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek Apollyon.

12 The first woe has passed, but there are two more to come.

The Sixth Trumpet. 13 Then the sixth angel blew his trumpet, and I heard a voice coming from the [four] horns of the gold altar before God, 14 telling the sixth angel who held the trumpet, “Release the four angels who are bound at the banks of the great river Euphrates.” 15 So the four angels were released, who were prepared for this hour, day, month, and year to kill a third of the human race. 16 The number of cavalry troops was two hundred million; I heard their number. 17 Now in my vision this is how I saw the horses and their riders. They wore red, blue, and yellow breastplates, and the horses’ heads were like heads of lions, and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and sulfur. 18 By these three plagues of fire, smoke, and sulfur that came out of their mouths a third of the human race was killed. 19 For the power of the horses is in their mouths and in their tails; for their tails are like snakes, with heads that inflict harm.

20 The rest of the human race, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, to give up the worship of demons and idols made from gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk. 21 Nor did they repent of their murders, their magic potions, their unchastity, or their robberies.

Most Holy Trinity – “We want to tell all of our children on earth that their prayers for the (USA) President and Vice President have made a big difference”

Holy Family Refuge Messages

December 14, 2017 @ Adoration

Come Holy Trinity and Holy Family

My children, you have to all come through the Mother and Her Son to get to the Father, spiritually and physically. You have to become God the Father’s bride, through the Mother of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church because the Church is the bride and you are Mary’s children from My cross of Calvary when I was about to die and said, “Woman, behold your son” and to John, “Behold your mother.” I was giving My Mother many sons and daughters to replace Me, Jesus Her Son on earth physically. I was replacing Her dying Son with many children in the future.

All souls are conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit through any mother and father that God chooses to do His work whenever their time comes to be put on the earth in the mother’s womb that He chooses in order to do the job He has planned for that soul. We all have to be conceived by the Holy Spirit through the mother or father who choose to perform the marital act in God’s Will, or in their will, or by force because the Holy Spirit through God has to put a soul in every child of God. The Holy Spirit is three-in-one and We all act in unity with each other as one person just like when a man and woman get married, they are one person in God if it is a true marriage with God’s blessing; and with each child of God, through the Holy Spirit, they receive the graces necessary to raise and take care of that child or receive help from others.

Satan is always trying to stop God’s children from being born and doing the work that God has for each and every one of His children. It takes 3 to make a child of God—a mother, a father, and the Holy Spirit, the 3rd person of the Most Holy Trinity. Do not let satan make you think he can make children. God is the only one who can put a soul into a child and make them children of God through the Holy Spirit. Satan tries everything he can to mess up God’s creation through many different ways and make them unhuman or animal-like. Remember, all of God’s children have a soul and have to be conceived through the Power of the Holy Spirit, just like My Mother conceived Me, Jesus, through the Power of the Holy Spirit. Anyone created by satan has no soul since they were not conceived through the Power of the Holy Spirit.

We want to tell all of our children on earth that their prayers for the President and Vice President have made a big difference in getting America back on track and taking a lot of satan’s people down—many more will follow. Please keep praying for them because you are at the place for a big breakthrough with enough prayers.

Also, pray for all the souls that are still fighting God and helping satan. Heaven does not want to lose a single child of God and satan is using New Age practices to confuse God’s children and to turn the truth of God into the lies of satan. This puts much confusion in the minds of God’s children. The fallen angels and satan were taught the truth when they were in Heaven but when they disobeyed God’s laws and commandments set up for them they were cast out of Heaven to earth. This is when satan started fighting against the truth of God with lies that he makes up. Be careful, do not believe anything from satan, especially any of the New Age teachings. Thanks, My son for writing.

God the Father – “Do not seek other paths to please Me, which are trendy or even of a ‘New Age’ barometer”

Holy Love Ministry

August 31, 2017

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“I am Creator and Lord of every present moment. I seek dominion in hearts in each moment. Until My rightful place is restored in hearts and in the heart of the world, you will have wars and insurrections, which will be more threatening to mankind’s safety than ever before.”

“I am the author of all technology. Man claims every inspiration as his own without recognition of My participation. He takes what I give and very often uses it towards illicit goals. Thus you have convoluted morals. People accept behaviors sinful in My sight for the sake of pleasing others. Pleasing Me is not a consideration.”

“I petition the heart of the world to return to love of Me, first and foremost. Regard obedience to My Commandments as a way of proving this love. Do not seek other paths to please Me, which are trendy or even of a ‘New Age’ barometer. Cling to the Truth I am giving you today. Place Me once again as Lord of your hearts.”

Read Sirach 2:15-18+

Those who fear the Lord will not disobey his words,
and those who love him will keep his ways.

Those who fear the Lord will seek his approval,
and those who love him will be filled with the law.

Those who fear the Lord will prepare their hearts,
and will humble themselves before him.

Let us fall into the hands of the Lord,
but not into the hands of men;
for as his majesty is,
so also is his mercy.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Reject the work of New Age Spiritualism

Reject the work of New Age Spiritualism
Sunday, May 15th, 2011 @ 17:00

My dearly beloved daughter, I Am calling on all My followers to denounce the work of the New Age Movement, which has gripped the world.

Christianity has always been a prime target of Satan. Because he is so cunning he will constantly try to seduce those with empty and spiritually lost souls. He will always try to present his lies couched in what appears to be love. Then he will try to control My children’s minds using ancient pagan tactics designed to free their minds from the so-called stresses of modern living. Beware those of you who succumb to practices, which claim to bring your mental state into a stage of oblivion, in the name of meditation. Once you allow your mind to be controlled in this way Satan and his demons can move in so silently that you won’t realise it, so smooth will be the transition.

Avoid ancient spiritual practices including use of tarot cards

Many, many souls in the world are starving for spiritual guidance. In their quest to bring meaning into their lives, they are unwittingly allowing themselves to be sucked into practices which amount to paganism. Any false dogma, which entices you to believe that peace in your heart and soul can be achieved through ancient spiritual practices must be avoided at all times. Learn to recognise them for what they really are. The use of crystals, meditation, reiki, yoga, tarot cards, belief in spirit guides, metaphysics and so-called faith healers are there to entice you to believe in an alternative superiour existence outside of that created by God the Eternal Father.

Warning about ascended masters

Many of you today, who are constantly searching out spiritual comfort in the practice of following your angels must also be alert to the fact that once the term ascended masters is mentioned you can be sure that these angels do not come from Heaven.
Ascended masters, My children, are fallen angels and come from the dark. Yet you will be told and then be convinced that they come from the light. All of this pagan spiritualism, if you let it take over your lives, will eventually pull you downwards into the pits of darkness when you least expect it. Satan will be so careful as to how he presents these dark lies, because at all times you will be told, and you will believe, that these things are all good.

Most of these practices are presented as being good for your self-esteem, confidence, control over your life, all of which is a lie. Not only do these practices drive you away from the Truth, but they bring untold misery once the evil spirits enter your soul as a direct result of these practices.

Bible warns of dangers of magic

The Truth can never be tampered with. Teachings handed down to man in the Holy Bible warn mankind of the dangers of magic, fortune telling and the adulation of false gods. In today’s world, these practices are presented as harmless, but necessary, for your spiritual wellbeing. Because of the nature of gentle souls, many of them will be naturally drawn to new age practices because of the false façade of the love they exude. Nothing could be further from the Truth.

Warning about fanatical devotion to angels

Remember it is Satan and his fallen angels who have carefully and cunningly drawn you into these unsuspecting lies. For those of you who promote an almost fanatical devotion to angels, I have this to say. Why do you not proclaim the Word of God, My Eternal Father first? Isn’t this obsession with angels just another form of idolatry? Yes, by all means, pray for the help of the holy angels, however, always ask this question. Is your devotion to the angels at the expense of your love for Jesus Christ, the Son of God or God the Eternal Father? If so then you offend Me, your Divine Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Wake up now to the lies of so-called spiritualism. The angels you attract by participating in such practices will not come from Heaven or from the Light. They will seem to come from the Light but that is the deceit that Satan and his demons use to cleverly camouflage their actions.

Remember one final lesson. Dress up your pagan practices as much as you like to appear as if you are paying homage to the Divine Light of Heaven, but it will be a lie. The lie, and those you convince to follow this bizarre journey towards a so-called spiritual realm, outside that of My Father’s, will bring you so close to Satan that beyond a certain point there will be no return.

The only Divine Realm of Love that exists outside of this Earth is Heaven. Anything else you have been told is untrue. Satan, however, wants you to believe that there is. The reality is that he is pulling all those unsuspecting and superstitious souls into the darkness of Hell with him and all the fallen angels, all in the name of false love.

Please remember that Love, True Love, can only come from God the Eternal Father.

Your loving Saviour

Jesus Christ