“Convoluted thinking has taken the form of religion (radical Islam) and threatens the security of the world”

Holy Love Ministry

June 30, 2016

Our Lady comes as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says:

“Praise be to Jesus.”

“At this time, I am pulling together a group of lay women – single, widowed, divorced and married, to propagate Holy Love – in particular the Chaplet of the Unborn and the Rosary of the Unborn. They will be called the Sisterhood of Divine Love. As their logo, they can wear a pin made up of one bead of the Rosary of the Unborn. I will bless their efforts.”

June 30, 2016

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“The only way a wound can be healed is if a remedy is applied. In the case of the heart of the world, which is very wounded, a remedy – Holy Love – cannot be applied unless the need is recognized. Therefore, you must see that Satan’s greatest weapon is complacent rationalization – the attitude that everything is all right. Such an attitude counters My call to recognize evil for what it is and to combat it with good. You cannot oppose an enemy unless you first recognize him.”

“Any disease must be diagnosed in order for a cure to be applied. This is why I come* over and over, and send My Mother as well, to point out the need for a cure of this beleaguered heart of the world. Convoluted thinking has taken the form of religion and threatens the security of the world. Yet, Holy Love is under siege, instead of being grasped upon as the countersign to terrorism. People are not looking for a cure. It is as though they are attacking the symptoms of the disease – separate acts of terrorism – and not the disease itself – radical Islam.”

“Once again, I ask all good to unite. Oppose the evil in the world together. Evil has united to oppose you. Do not wait for approvals. Be united in Holy Love. Set aside ambition and pride. Work together so that the heart of the world can recover from this life-threatening disease of complacent rationalization.”

* The apparition site at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.

See below for a previous Holy Love message about radical Islam:

November 16, 2015

Our Lady comes as Refuge of Holy Love with a globe in front of Her. She says,

“Praise be to Jesus.”

“The world will not be safe or at peace so long as radical Islam is in hearts. This ideology promotes terror and the annihilation of all who do not share their beliefs. This is the personification of evil and the enemy all must recognize and combat.”

“There can be no compromise or negotiation with such evil. It is critical that all understand this. Pray that those who follow such error be converted. The terrorists are My children too. They are misled in their beliefs and certainly do not distinguish good from evil.”

“This is why during these times the Consecration of the heart of the world to Our United Hearts is so vital to peace and security. It is why your rosaries for discernment are necessary against the propagation of false teachings. Each one of you has a role in the future of the world through your prayers and sacrifices.”

The globe becomes illuminated and She leaves.