Holy Saturday Messages from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Love Ministry

April 15, 2017
Holy Saturday

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Easter is a season of forgiveness. I forgave My enemies even as they tortured Me. I held in My Heart only Love – no grudges. Each soul must do the same. Most importantly forgive yourself of all past errors and sins freeing yourself of guilt. This proves to Me your faith in My Mercy.”

Mary, Refuge of Holy Love says:

“Praise be to Jesus.”

“This is a beautiful and profound Message Jesus gave you. People must imitate Jesus’ Mercy or they will not receive His Mercy.”

April 15, 2017
Holy Saturday

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“As this season of forgiveness descends upon earth, I invite you to see that all unforgiveness is based upon pride. The soul cannot accept that such and such happened to him or was said to him. This is a pride that eats away at the very heart of holiness which is Holy Love. It separates the soul from Me.”

“As I accepted every blasphemy and indignity, I invite the soul filled with unforgiveness to pray for the grace of forgiveness and to open his heart to it. I pray that souls will recognize their unforgiveness and desire to overcome it.”

Locutions To The World – The Resurrection As Told By Our Lord, Jesus Christ

Locutions To The World


August 30, 2012

“Death on the Cross”

Finally, death came upon me just as it comes upon everyone.  My body could no longer support life and my soul no longer had a dwelling place.  It was free to enter into eternal light.  Suddenly, the heavenly realms were changed.  The doors of heaven were opened and I led a multitude of souls, including my foster father Joseph, into heavenly glory.

What I always believed, I saw, experienced and tasted.  The will of the Father had been accomplished and now a light went from earth to heaven.  What had been separated was now joined again.  A new road was constructed by my human nature taken from my virginal mother.

All could walk this road.  I needed only to prove to the apostles that I was the way to the Father.  This still lay ahead in the Father’s plan.

August 31, 2012

“King of the Angels”

I entered into my glory, welcomed by all the angels and saints and united forever with my heavenly Father, an experience which every justified soul enjoys when they come to heaven.  I am the first-born among the dead and those who were deceased first experienced my power to free them from captivity and to bring them into heavenly glory.  These souls had awaited my coming and now they could rejoice in the fullness of God that had been denied them until I redeemed them by my Blood.

But that is not all.  Finally, the angels had their king.  They had seen the mystery of my birth and had announced this to the shepherds.  They had witnessed my agony in the Garden, and saw my death on the cross.  Now they went before me as my soul entered into its glory.

September 1, 2012

“The Resurrection”

This mystery of becoming flesh was far from complete.  My body, which had suffered so much, still lay in the tomb.  On the third day, my glorified soul entered once again into my body, changing it into a glorified body, which could no longer be limited by the boundaries of human flesh.

The time of my appearances began.  My disciples would know exactly what had taken place.  These visions were numerous, sometimes to individuals and, at other times, to groups.  All had the same purpose – to bring the disciples to faith that I was their Lord and God and to show them that I had entered into my heavenly glory.  They would follow if they held on to my word.  They were to tell the whole world, so everyone could have the same faith and be saved.

September 2, 2012

“Manifestation to Mary”

There was a unique moment of my glory when I manifested my glorified presence to my mother.  This is not recorded in Scripture because it was so internal to her spirit.  Because the disciples needed bodily visions, I appeared to them to convince them of my rising from the dead.  My mother did not need this.  She was ready for the highest manifestation of my glory in the deepest part of her soul.  This slightest touch of God effects greater glory than many lower gifts, like bodily visions.

Such it was with my mother and this experience cannot be described in words.  Also, it is continuous and constantly growing.  She went from glory to glory, a glory unknown to men and angels.  She was totally hidden in me, arriving at the center of my heart.  From the time of my resurrection to the time of her Assumption there was a continuous growing union of our spirits.  This happened only after my human nature entered into its glory.  These secrets will be on display for all to see in heaven, where every human being enters into the union between myself and my mother.  How else can anyone be born to eternal life?  She is the mother of all the living.

September 3, 2012

“Final Moments”

A moment came when all the preliminary work of teaching and forming my disciples had been completed.  I gathered them together on the Mount of Olivet.  I allowed all to see me for this final time.  I was lifted up to heaven, body and soul, before their very eyes.  This final vision sealed their faith.  They knew what to do.  They had to return to Jerusalem and await the coming of the Holy Spirit.  All was ready for the Final Age, for the coming of the Spirit who will prepare the world for my Second Coming in glory.

You must listen to the Spirit!  You must invoke that Spirit.  You must be baptized in that Spirit.  You must allow that Spirit to lead you to me.  No one enters into the kingdom of God without that Spirit.  He is my first gift to all who believe.  He places a prayer, deep in your hearts, “Come, Lord Jesus”.  Amen.

FOR EASTER: Experiencing The Glory Of The Resurrection – The Risen Christ – Messages