PART TWO – Understanding the Syrian Conflict and the March Towards World War III – Our Lady of Soufanieh – Call for Christian Unity – Holy Love – America As Sanctuary Nation

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, WordDoc, and WordDocX copy (37 pages) of this commentary (along with Part One):

Understanding the Syrian Conflict and the March Towards WWIII (April 2017) (PDF)

Understanding the Syrian Conflict and the March Towards WWIII (April 2017) (ODT)

Understanding the Syrian Conflict and the March Towards WWIII (April 2017) (WordDoc)

Understanding the Syrian Conflict and the March Towards WWIII (April 2017) (WordDocX)


PART TWO: Understanding the Syrian Conflict – Our Lady of Soufanieh – Call for Christian Unity – Icon Weeping Again in Syria – Holy Love – America As Sanctuary Nation

Understanding the Syrian Conflict
And the March Towards World War III

A commentary

By a soul

(4/23/17 Divine Mercy Sunday)


Recently, I posted some heavenly messages that would be helpful to read, as they will provide greater light on the volatile conflict situation in Syria.  They can be found here:

PART ONE – Understanding the Syrian Conflict – Prophet John Leary – Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy) – Locutions To The World

In this commentary, I want to explain my understanding of the Syrian conflict.  To be honest, I do not read or watch much news, as I avoid television and I am pretty much a hermit these days.  So, my understanding only comes from reading and pondering heavenly messages.  But, hopefully, this commentary will be helpful to others.  God bless!


Now, many people look at the Middle East and see how it is falling apart with Iran building nuclear weapons, Russia involved in Syria, the explosive growth of ISIS and terrorism, etc.  People wonder what exactly is going on…?

In the heavenly messages of Locutions To The World, Our Lady has said that the Middle East is satan’s playground.  he loves to inflict suffering, pain and death; and that the Middle East is a microcosm—a snapshot—of what satan plans to bring to the rest of the world through widespread war and poverty.  satan wants to make the whole world his playground and simply, the Middle East, is the starting point for his evil plans for the entire world.

In the heavenly messages of Locutions To The World, Our Lady has also said although one sees initially the growing conflict in Syria, Iran, etc., these countries are not the main target of satan’s agenda in the Middle East.  The main target is Israel, specifically, Jerusalem—the holy city of Jesus’ Life, Death and Resurrection.  If satan were to gain control of Israel and destroy Jerusalem, it would set back the Divine Plans of God by hundreds of years.  Many future generations of the human family would become lost, because the Light of Jerusalem would be extinguished in the world.

In truth, Our Lady has hinted that if Jerusalem were lost, it may, in fact, be an unrecoverable and irreversible situation for God…  The Divine Plan would be destroyed and nothing further could be done to bring the Light of Christianity back to mankind.  That is how grave the situation is today.

And so, what one currently sees in Syria, is not the full picture of the reality of the situation.  satan is only using conflicts in Syria and the surrounding countries of the Middle East, so he can whittle down the defenses of Israel and gain control of Jerusalem.

Israel is the goal and the target of satan’s war against mankind.  Jerusalem is his prize and if he wins the holy city, he wins the war.  It is finished.

Now, on Easter, I wrote a very special commentary called, “After The Great Warning – Understanding Fatima, Garabandal and Medjugorje” (, that would be very helpful for people to read.  I also wrote a special commentary last year called, “The Divine Plan and New Jerusalem” (, which would also be very helpful to read.

Both special commentaries that I wrote, will help to shed light on the words that I am going to write next.  So, I want to encourage others to read them to understand my train of thought.

In the Easter commentary, I wrote about the importance of the Consecration of Russia by the Catholic Church to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  I also tried to stress how important this Consecration of Russia is by Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI.  It must be done—there is no other option provided by Heaven.

Now, why is the Consecration of Russia so important, one may ask…?

The reason is this: the Consecration of Russia will stop the nuclear war—annihilation of nations of people—from happening.  It is through the nuclear war that the antichrist will gain prominence in the world, because he is the “peace-maker” who will negotiate all the peace treaties between the warring nations and because of his resulting worldwide influence, he will then gain access to the Catholic Church.  This is revealed in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy).

The nuclear war must never happen.  This is what Heaven is trying to prevent.

Russia is key, because it is trying to gain worldwide prominence in world affairs.  It wants to be the dominant world leader.  However, this country is controlled by satan and it is going about its affairs all wrongly.  Russia is trying to exert its influence through its allies in the Middle East.  However, the nation of Russia does not realize that it is only being used by its Muslim allies.

As Our Lady has spoken in Locutions To The World, ISIS, Iran, and the like, do not want equality, they want to achieve worldwide superiority and dominance.  The Muslim allies of Russia are only using the nation of Russia to maintain and spread their vice-like control over people.  They do not want to be friends with Russia—that is not the reality of the situation.

There is no human solution to the conflict in the Middle East.  Our Lady has stressed in the Locutions, that hell lit its fires starting with the “Arab Spring” in Egypt and the situation in the Middle East has passed the “point of no return.”  The fires of hell on earth can ONLY be quelled by releasing the fires of Heaven on earth.  This can ONLY come about through the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by the Catholic Church.

Why naming Russia specifically in the Consecration?  Why not just naming the whole world in general for world peace?

Our Lady has also said in Locutions To The World that Russia needs to know the source of its blessings.  The nation of Russia needs to know that Heaven is blessing it, particularly, by the actions of the Catholic Church.  This can only come about through widespread knowledge that the Catholic Church is consecrating Russia in particular to Mary.  It must be public and common knowledge.  The Consecration of Russia cannot be hidden under a bushel basket.

Heaven wants Unity among all Christians and all peoples.  The conversion of Russia is key for the unification of the Orthodox Church with the Catholic Church.  Our Lady has said in the Locutions that Putin will be the first person offered conversion after the Consecration of Russia takes place.  Russia has Christian roots, not Muslim roots.  Russia does not understand who truly wants to be friends with her.  The Consecration of Russia will result in Unity between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches.  Then, Unity will spread among all Christianity and eventually, Israel.

Meanwhile, something very significant started happening almost one week ago.  Last week, on Holy Saturday, the icon of the Blessed Mother as Our Lady of Kazan began weeping holy oil again in Damascus, Syria.  The last time the icon exuded holy oil was sixteen years ago during Holy Week in 2001.  The icon, Our Lady of Kazan, is actually a Russian icon, but has become also known as “Our Lady of Soufanieh.”  It is associated with approved mystic, Myrna Nazzour, who comes from a mixed Christian heritage of Orthodox and Catholic.  Myrna has experienced the stigmata and apparitions from Jesus and Mary.  The main theme of the messages is the call for Christian Unity between the Orthodox Church and Catholic Church and the call for the same Easter day between the churches.  I find it highly significant that the icon is Russian in origin, considering Heaven’s Plans for the Consecration of Russia to take place to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to avoid nuclear war; and that World War III actually begins in Syria, as revealed in the Book of Truth (Maria Divine Mercy).

Here are links to a well-written article about the icon weeping again, as well as to the official website for Our Lady of Soufanieh, which I have believed in for a longtime.  The official link can also be found on the homepage of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, under Heavenly Resources (Links):

Spirit Daily Article: “Icon Weeping Again In Syria”

Our Lady of Soufanieh (Syria)
Official Website:

Also, since early February 2017, Jesus and Mary have been revealing Heaven’s intentions that the country of the United States of America, under the leadership of President Donald Trump, become a “sanctuary nation” for all Christian believers and asylum seekers.  I have included a link at the end of this commentary to several heavenly messages about this special intention, as revealed at Holy Love Ministries (  I have also included a link to a special message from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, at Holy Love about the actions that He desires the United Nations take in response to the humanitarian crisis in Syria.  Specifically, that the United Nations set-up a special “safe zone” for all Christians in Syria, so the people do not have to suffer.

I believe that these two requests from Heaven are highly significant, because the Great War (World War III), will start in Syria and it is only a matter of time for it to begin, as it is inevitable (all of hell’s efforts are focused on this).  The Great War can only be stopped by the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  All human solutions at this point are useless.  Only Heaven’s intervention can stop hell’s march towards World War III on the face of the earth.

This is why it must be made known to Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI about the urgent need for the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, particularly, in the aftermath of The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience), during which the antichrist will be trying to exert his power in the chaos and confusion that will surface on earth at that time.  Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI need to know full-well Heaven’s Plans for the welfare of mankind.  The Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary must take place to stop the nuclear war (annihilation of nations) and the rise of the antichrist in global affairs.

However, if the Consecration of Russia by the pope does not take place, is there any hope left for mankind?  Are all things hopeless for mankind?

No, there is always hope from Heaven for mankind.  God and Our Lady would not leave us without hope during the Great Tribulation.

As I have stated in my Easter commentary, Our Lady has many Divine Plans—contingencies—due to mankind’s free-will choices in the aftermath of The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience).  So, if Pope Francis rejects his appointed role in the Divine Plan, there is a contingency for this—the coming of the Two Witnesses of Revelation.  (See my writing, “The Two Witnesses,”

In particular, one of the Two Witnesses is a man—a Catholic priest who will become known as the “Pope of Fatima.”  He will be raised up to lead the Remnant Church by extraordinary supernatural intervention, which will indicate that he is clearly favored by Heaven and leave no doubts among people that he is the chosen Pope of Fatima.  His short reign will consist of consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and eventually dying a martyr’s death in Jerusalem (according to the vision of the Third Secret of Our Lady of Fatima).  After 3 and ½ days, life will return to his body and he will be raised up before an astonished world.  Then, the Pope of Fatima will ascend to Heaven as witnessed by all, which eventually leads to unification between Christianity and Judaism and a return of the papacy from Rome to Jerusalem, as it always was meant to be.

Also, I want to mention a further footnote about the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  If Pope Francis rejects doing the Consecration of Russia, it will be impossible for all faithful Catholic Bishops to do the consecration at the same moment in time.  However, Heaven has planned for this possible eventuality, too.  On September 18, 2007, God the Father provided a prayer for the Consecration of the World to the United Hearts of the Most Holy Trinity in Union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary.  It was given in a series of heavenly messages at Holy Love Ministries and I have included a link to more information about it at the end of this commentary.  The particular uniqueness of this Consecration of the World to the United Hearts is the fact that it does not have to be coordinated at a particular day and time.  It can be accomplished immediately once a church leader is aware of it.

Thus, if the Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary fails to take place, God the Father will accept in lieu the Consecration of the World to the United Hearts.


It is my hope that this commentary helps many people.  That is the sole reason that I have written it.

I want to thank everyone who has been praying for me and the success of this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove.  Ever since I asked for intercessory help in my Easter commentary, the effects of grace have been immediate and clear.  I have been able to return to singing my love-songs (I like to praise My Love in music), and I have real joy and true peace in my heart.

I have been able to write this commentary today in peace with very little set-backs.  I am so grateful for all the help everyone has given to me; and I continue to ask for intercessory prayers, because I believe God and Our Lady desire that I continue writing more commentaries.

In particular, my next commentary will be about the antichrist and will reveal many of hell’s secrets.  It is an important commentary that needs to be written, because it will break satan’s stranglehold over mankind, especially, if the writing becomes common knowledge in the aftermath of The Great Warning (Illumination of Conscience).

There are other commentaries that I believe that Our Lord and Our Lady desire me to write as well, such as on the Law of Divine Justice, Three Days of Darkness and the Divine Will, etc.  However, whether I am able to write all these commentaries in a timely manner and in peace and with clarity of thought, is directly tied to intercessory prayer.  So, I continue to ask for help and I thank any person who can respond to my prayer need.  God bless!

In Christ’s Love,
a soul


Blessed Virgin Mary – “Dear children, the course of human history can be changed if mankind will heed My Call to establish this nation (USA) as a Christian sanctuary”

Our Lord Jesus Christ speaks about the Aleppo Crisis (Middle East)

For The Church, All Nations, All Families, All Individuals – Consecration Of The Heart Of The World To The United Hearts Of The Most Holy Trinity In Union With The Immaculate Heart Of Mary

Divine Mercy Sunday – Special Holy Love Message from Our Savior and Our Lord, Jesus Christ

Holy Love Ministry

April 23, 2017
Divine Mercy Sunday – 3:00 P.M. Service

(This Message was given in multiple parts over several days.)

Jesus is here* as He is in the Divine Mercy Image. He says:

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“Thank you for celebrating with Me the Feast of My Divine Mercy. It is right and just to honor My Mercy which snatches you out of the grip of Satan. It is My Father’s Will that My Mercy be acknowledged and esteemed in a world so bent on separation from its Creator.”

My Father’s Will is all around you and part of every present moment. Nothing can exist or occur outside of My Father’s Divine Will. His Will is All-Grace, All-Mercy, All-Love. During these times of confusion that weigh upon the heart of the world, I wish to establish devotion to My Father’s Will. Just as you have a Feast Day honoring My Divine Mercy, establish a Feast of My Father’s Divine Will. Celebrate it on the first Sunday in August every year, a day of celebration of God the Father.** I do not expect the established Church to acknowledge this any more than they did the Feast of the Protectress of the Faith (January 21st) or the Feast of Refuge of Holy Love (May 5th). However, I request those who will listen to honor it.”

“This Mission*** has as its foundation My Father’s Will. The Journey through the Chambers of Our United Hearts is a journey which leads ultimately to immersion in the Divine Will. Holy Love is the Divine Will. So you see, My request is pertinent to this Mission.”

“My Father’s Will is omnipotent and perfect. Therefore, He watches closely man’s free-will choices, but He will never take away mankind’s free will. It is free will that chooses evil over good and does not see these poor choices as the cause of evil in the world. Satan has successfully obscured the difference between good and evil, the result being the confusion in the world today. When free will is used to serve self and not others, the door to every sort of debauchery is opened. Because My Father permits evil choices through free will, does not mean He approves of them. My Father’s Will permits man his choices but also brings down His Justice. If you respect My Father’s Divine Will, then you must also respect His Divine Justice. Do not live as though you are not answerable for your choices.”

“The hope of the world is in every prayer offered for the conversion of the heart of the world.”

“Holy Love has always been a part of My Father’s Divine Will. Now it is a part of My Divine Mercy in these latter days, drawing people into deeper personal holiness and union with My Father’s Will. The one who turns to My Mercy also turns to My Father’s Will and, so too, Holy Love. It is My Divine Mercy that acts like a fisherman’s net drawing all people together in Holy Love and My Father’s Will. Without My Mercy you would not be attracted to Holy Love.”

“I come today and during these times to bring people into the Will of My Father through Holy Love. This is a work of My Mercy. This is My Call to you. In your acceptance of this Call is your surrender. Everything in the present moment is My Father’s Will for you. When you accept what the present moment offers, you accept His Divine Will – you surrender to His Divine Will.”

“Today, as you look around you and see all the changes this spring season has made, note too that My Divine Mercy has transformed souls. Through My Mercy souls are made pure and attractive in My Father’s sight. Never be discouraged in guilt but encouraged in My Mercy.”

“My brothers and sisters, today I invite each one of you into My Merciful Heart. Count on My Graces, be strengthened in My Mercy. I am calling you to understand that these are special times and special graces are being given.”

“I’m taking all of your petitions into My Merciful Heart today and I’m imparting to you My Blessing of Divine Love.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** In 2017 – Sunday, August 6th.
*** The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.