August 2023 Messages – Sons and Daughters of the LAMB – JESUS – “You will become a new creation, redeemed and sanctified in the Divine Will of God. I will bring forth My Kingdom of this Divine Will in you, through you and into all of humanity by your YES to Me. Be brave, submit to the Will of God. Be not afraid to accept the responsibility of being a living tabernacle of the Trinity where all is contained in one single act of love, where Heaven and Earth are one. Place yourself in My heart and believe that all I have is yours to have.”

Sons and Daughters of the LAMB
of the Immaculate Conception,
Apostolate of Mercy



Friday, August 4, 2023

Today children the Father speaks to your hearts.

My children I am God your Father, I have prepared you in your mother’s womb to be created in My image, the Living God. I have given you life, believe and know you are a creature of God made in My image. No human person without Me can be nurtured and given life without My hand of grace. I AM the Creator, the Redeemer and Sanctifier of the human race. I AM the Trinitarian God who brought forth all of humanity, We are One. The gift of life given to you is meant to glorify God in all your acts, for these acts are in My Will. Pray for the Divine Will to reign upon the earth so My kingdom will come, the Father has spoken so to bring life to all. There is not one child created in My image that does not have My life within them, therefore I breathe forth My Will into your being to bring forth the Kingdom of My Will into your acts. Take My Will that I give you, freely accept it and be alive in My Will with all your acts. This was little Luisa’s life a continuous act in My Will through My Son who gave her this gift to bring forth the coming of the kingdom, the reign of God – the Trinity on earth, for this will be the final act. THE LOVE OF THE TRINITY AND THE TRIUMPH OF THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, FOR WITHIN HER HEART WILL THE REIGN OF ALL MANKIND BE ESTABLISHED TO GLORIFY GOD AS IT WAS MEANT TO BE. You may not visually see this now, but it will be manifested to each one of you. I will purify the earth in this continuous act of My Will, for man cannot continue a sinful lifestyle and all must be purified. I will bring My reign on earth to establish My Kingdom for all My Children who have given Me their Wills. I assure you this will come My Children, it will come and manifest My Kingdom, just continue your acts and I will bring forth My Reign – the Trinitarian Reign of Love through the Heart of the Immaculate One, Mary. I am with you always in your acts of the Divine Will.

Your Father the Creator of all mankind +

Friday, August 11, 2023

Psalm 32:8 I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should walk, and give you counsel with My eye upon you.

Today children the wisdom of God comes to the soul who wishes to learn the acts of God. This wisdom is a gift, follow Me and I will grant you wisdom. Many scholars over the centuries have sought wisdom, but the true scholar is one who wishes to walk in My Will. I have given you this great wisdom in the writings of Luisa, My little daughter of My Will. Study her writings and I will grant this great gift of wisdom. Meditate on the writings of My Passion as well and you will achieve the greatest wisdom of all, for this will appease the Father and will mitigate the sufferings of the world, for this will change humanity into a place of peace, unity and love; it will become heaven on earth. Wise is the one who follows My ways to abandon oneself to My Passion, for they are able to truly walk in My Will.

These words I give you are to further your growth in My Divine Will. Pray that you are able to acquire this wisdom that comes from these Divine Will writings. If the saints were able to follow My way in My Passion, so are you. Believe that all things are possible with Christ. No man is left without knowledge when obtaining the gift of wisdom. There is great grace in the knowledge of wisdom, no man can comprehend the teachings of Luisa without gaining wisdom. This is what I ask of you to seek and pray for wisdom. Read My words given to Luisa in her writings and there you will find My Will. This is a great gift to humanity and will aid you in the Great Awakening. Please be wise and read My words. The Bible also speaks of wisdom, read and meditate My words from the Book of Wisdom and apply it to you daily lives.

​I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

Quote by St. Pius X, “The greatest malady of our day is ignorance of the things divine, and culpable ignorance where we have not dedicated ourselves to study.”

Friday, August 18, 2023

1 Thessalonians 1:6-7 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, receiving the word in great affliction, with joy from the holy Spirit, so that you became a model for all the believers.

I say to you children be vigilant, this morning I come to each one of you in hope and love for the gift of My Will. This pleases Me that you are reading My words. There are many who wish to seek My Will, but so few do for they end their acts by their own wills. Praise God for the gift of His Will, this can only be the glory and predilection of faith. My Mother is within My Will filled with pure love, She loves God and all was given to Her out of Love. She wants you to know this pure love and act according to My Will. There will be a great awakening for humanity, and this will be a culmination of all that has been hidden from mankind. These truths will be revealed and the truth will set you free for all that is revealed will be for the Glory of God and for the Kingdom to come.

I have been preparing you for this time with Luisa’s yes, and her writings are the answer to humanity’s problems. These writings will manifest My Will giving you the authority to become Christ-centered in all you do. You will become a new creation, redeemed and sanctified in the Divine Will of God. I will bring forth My Kingdom of this Divine Will in you, through you and into all of humanity by your YES to Me. Be brave, submit to the Will of God. Be not afraid to accept the responsibility of being a living tabernacle of the Trinity where all is contained in one single act of love, where Heaven and Earth are one. Place yourself in My heart and believe that all I have is yours to have. We are one in the Father and the Spirit, United as One in the same. My love is endless, and My Will is infinite in all creation. Be the children I have formed you to be, Children of the Divine Will, Children of the Light – True Children of God.

​I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

Friday, August 25, 2023

Isaiah 41:10 Do not fear I am with you, do not be anxious: I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.

Today believe My words, all things My children are in My hands. The more you believe in Me the more you will understand your walk with God. Believe Me when I tell you that all things are in My hands. Your President Donald Trump is in My hands, he is My servant, and I will use him how I see fit to save America and bring forth My Kingdom to Reign, a new Kingdom formed in My love for America. Was I not arrested and tried as a criminal? Did they not persecute Me? You see children, they come after those who speak the truth, those who wish to lay down their life for another. This is a true American, this is a patriot of love for your country. This My children is what I AM asking of each one of you to stand for TRUTH. Be brave and believe that I Jesus stand with you. No other time in American history is it as important as now than to stand for your country USA – United we Stand for America.

Obedience is the core to all things in discipline with God and has been poured forth on this country since the time of its conception by your founding fathers. Your ways as a nation have strayed, but you are now turning back to your faith and beliefs in the founding fathers and their constitutional truths. I am listening to all who wish to speak from the heart to change the course of history, for I will be open to helping all My children. (*)Believe that you are now entering into this New Revolution where the hearts of mankind will be within the heart of My Mother and She will triumph on the battlefield of faith. To the republic for which we stand, one nation under God.

​I AM with you always… JESUS Your Crucified King +

(*)Jesus is referring to a previous message from November 17, 2016, you can read the full message here: November 17, 2016 Message to USA (2 page PDF):