Feast Day – August 28 – Special Novena – Blessed Virgin Mary – Queen and Mother of the End Times – As Given to Luz de Maria

For those who are not aware, the Bishop of the Diocese of Esteli has declared a New Invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary under the title of “Queen and Mother of the End Times” as given by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, to His Servant, Luz de Maria.  The Feast Day will be celebrated on August 28th with a Special Novena from August 20-28th — prayers given by Our Blessed Mother to Luz de Maria.

The original imprimatur by the Bishop can be viewed at this website: https://revelacionesmarianas.com/en/reina_y_madre_de_los_ultimos_tiempos.html

However, I noticed that some of the links to download the image description and new novena are broken, so I created this download of novena prayers for those who would like to pray it.  It is 12-pages, includes the image and description, and is available in PDF, ODT, and WordDoc format:

Invocation and Novena – Queen and Mother of the End Times – Luz de Maria (PDF)

Invocation and Novena – Queen and Mother of the End Times – Luz de Maria (ODT)

Invocation and Novena – Queen and Mother of the End Times – Luz de Maria (WordDoc)

God bless!