Important – Prophet John Leary – Messages from Jesus Christ – April 28, 2020 Update

Prophet John Leary

Tuesday, April 28, 2020
(St. Louis de Montfort)

Jesus said: “My people, you know how much I love My Blessed Mother, as our two hearts are joined together. You have today the feast day of St. Louis de Montfort, and he is noted for his 33 day preparation for the Consecration to My Blessed Mother before her various feast days. Many of My faithful have a special devotion to My Blessed Mother as you pray her three rosaries every day. I have given My Blessed Mother to all of you as your Mother when at the foot of the cross I told St. John: ‘This is your mother’. You can call on her help in your prayers, and she will bring your petitions to Me. Remember the calling ‘To Me through Mary’. In this time of stress with the corona virus, you can bring your prayers to My Blessed Mother. It is a joy that this flu season is almost over, as your states are carefully reopening. Be prepared for a coming worse virus in the fall. I will protect My people at My refuges, when your lives are in danger.”

Monday, April 27, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, truly this corona virus epidemic is a punishment for your abortions. You are even seeing abortion as an essential service still being performed, while many other jobs are shut down. When I told you that you are in a pre-tribulation, this means there will not be a return to the normal life you knew. There will be a lull during the summer, and then a deadlier virus will return in the fall. Your economy will not have time to fully recover. Instead, you will see more deaths, and a need for martial law in the chaos of another shut down. This is why I am telling you NOW to stock up on your every day food, because you may not be able to come to the grocery store. This will lead into the tribulation as the deep state will take over with the Antichrist. I will call you to My refuges when your lives are in danger. Trust in Me to multiply what you need, and I will have My angels protect you from the evil ones.”

Jesus said: “My son, you have done well on getting a start on stocking up for the fall virus. You also need to get your wood cut up into pieces that will fit into your fireplace. You could even get a gasoline run saw for this project. You will need time in the good weather to stack up your wood. Remember that if your natural gas is cut off, you will need a wood source which I could multiply when it is needed. You could fill up some of your kerosene containers as well. While you have time, you could continue stocking up on your canned foods to fill your new shelves. Your people still do not realize the gravity of your corona virus returning in the fall. I have warned your people to stock up on food, fuels, and have a water supply on hand. My angels will protect you at My refuges from those people who are searching for food when it is too late. Only My faithful, who are believers, will be allowed into My refuges. Those people, who do not heed My words to prepare for a worse virus in the fall, may starve through the coming famine. The wise virgins will survive, but the foolish virgins, who do not stock up on food, may die of starvation. The doors of My refuges will be closed to doubters and the lukewarm who no longer believe in Me.”

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, you have many beautiful readings about My Resurrection as you celebrate this restrained Easter Season. The one vision, I am showing you, is about how the two disciples on the road to Emmaus recognized Me at the breaking of the bread. This is why it is so important for My people to share Holy Communion on Sunday Mass. Your faith is built around My Real Presence in My Blessed Sacrament. I have told you how I will be Present among you until the end of time. Now that you are restrained in your homes because of the corona virus, many of My faithful have to participate in the Mass on your TV stations. Only a few people are fortunate to have Holy Communion from the priest’s private Mass. Rejoice if you have My consecrated Host, otherwise you can receive Me in a spiritual Communion. This Sunday is still My day of rest and prayer, so continue to keep Sunday holy.”

Saturday, April 25, 2020
(St. Mark, the evangelist)

St. Mark (my guardian angel) said: “My dear son, I am giving you a message today on the feast of St. Mark, the evangelist. This is also my dedicated name, and I am with you every day to protect you from any evil, and to encourage you in your spiritual life. You have not been able to go out to your talks, but you can share the Lord’s messages on the internet, and in your books. I assist you with the Holy Spirit in your quiet time to write your messages. All of us angels are preparing for the coming battle you will have with the evil ones, both during this pre-tribulation and the tribulation. You are one of the Lord’s warriors in leading the people to be prepared for the Warning and the calling of God’s people to the refuges. You have prepared your refuge well for what the Lord requested. It is not long before you will be receiving people when the Lord will give the Word to come. I am always at your side to lift you up in the strength of your faith. Be not afraid because the Lord is with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many meat producers shutting down because many employees were getting sick from the corona virus. Because of these closures of meat packers, there will be a meat shortage. You need to stock up NOW on any meat that you can find in the grocery stores. You have been warned of a deadlier virus in the fall that could restrict you to your homes, and you may not be able to get out to your grocery stores. The stores then may not have much food anyway. You have stocked up on your dehydrated eggs and meats, but NOW you need to stock up on the items you normally buy that you can store on a shelf or in a freezer. Your pasta and tomato sauce could be stored easily. Even soups, flour, yeast, peanut butter, and jelly would be needed for making bread and sandwiches. Canned tuna, canned meats, and baked beans would also be good. Think of what you would need if you could not get out to the store, and that is what you need to stock up on. This would be food you may need to have before the tribulation starts, and before I will call you to My refuges. You may need to start storing food NOW, because food will be harder to find as time approaches the fall when you may face martial law. Trust in Me to multiply your food if you are shut down, even before I call My faithful to My refuges. You may want to buy a few more steel shelves with the wood shelving to store your canned foods.”

Friday, April 24, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, in the first reading you read how the apostles were being chastised for preaching in My Name.(Acts 5:27-42) St. Peter told the Sanhedrin: ‘We must obey God rather than men.’ This infuriated these leaders so much that they wanted to kill the apostles of St. Peter and St. John. A Pharisee named Gamaliel, who was well respected, came forth and persuaded the Sanhedrin with his principle of truth. If the apostles were not led by God, then their followers would fall away. But if the apostles were led by God, then the Jewish leaders could be fighting against God. So this convinced the Sanhedrin to let the apostles go, and they kept teaching about My Resurrection as do My followers even up to today. I love My Holy Shroud in Turin, Italy that still exists today, and it is a witness of My Resurrection for those who believe in Me. I call on all of My followers to go forth and continue to witness to My Good News of My Resurrection.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of the corona virus epidemic, many people are out of work in their homes to avoid the virus spreading. This is happening in many countries, so there is less need for oil and gasoline. This in combination with a dispute between Russia and OPEC, has caused a dramatic drop in oil prices. America has been making more oil than other countries, but now prices are too low to justify extracting more oil. Your government is buying cheap oil from your producers and they are storing it in your country’s strategic oil reserve so the producers are not shut down completely. Many parts of your economy are suffering from your corona virus lock down. You are now seeing a dramatic shift to opening your businesses because you cannot print a lot of borrowed money to pay everyone to sit at home. Your businesses and your workers are losing a lot of money, and you could see several businesses fail for lack of income or government aid. There is also not enough Federal borrowing that could support all of your state governments. This is all the more reason that states need to reopen. You are at the point that you need to risk going back to work, than waiting to find a cure for this virus. By your government not funding your states, this will force these governors to reopen their businesses to get the needed revenue to run their state. Pray for all of your people to have enough food to eat, or you could see a martial law. When a worse virus comes in the fall, you will definitely need martial law to control the chaos. This is when I will call My faithful to the safety of My refuges.”

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, you have been in lock down for almost two months, and for the most part you are over the peak of your virus cases. Now, some of your states are trying to cautiously open up their jobs so your economy can start coming back. Even your right to worship Me could be brought back in small numbers. Where there are fewer virus cases, your restrictions are denying your people’s freedoms. This is why I showed you your Statue of Liberty because your restrictions are overdone, even as many deaths are being added to virus deaths that are from different causes. If your people are careful, you could start returning to some jobs, or else your economy will continue to get worse. You have to eat and have your needs filled, or you will die of a famine. Put your things in perspective and pray, because you will see that you cannot stay out of work much longer.”

Jesus said: “My people, there are many rich and famous people who worship Satan, and they are carrying out Satan’s plans. Satan hates man and he is encouraging his subjects to do everything to reduce the population of the world. One of these means is by spreading deadly viruses to upset the economies of many nations. This novel corona virus was made in China, but they were given how to make it from labs in America. They are able to spread this virus using chemtrails, lab tests tainted with the active virus, and vaccines which are also infected with this virus. This is part of the explanation of why America has more cases and more deaths than any other nation. The next plan is to spread a much deadlier virus in the fall. At that point I will call My faithful to My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many investigations of the origin of this corona virus. Many countries, including America, have been working on creating biological weapon viruses. You have seen China spend a lot of money also on their bioweapons. The one world people want total control over the world, and they will use these deadly viruses to purposely reduce the earth’s population. This evil is even worse than abortions and wars because millions of people could be killed by viruses. Have no fear because I will call My faithful to the protection of My refuges. I will defeat these evil ones in My time.”

Jesus said: “My people, it is sad to see how this corona virus shut down is taking a drastic toll on your country’s businesses and workers. This is why your government is trying to have your states start up your economy. It would take many years to bring back your economy, but you will see a worse virus in the fall that will cause a martial law to control the chaos. This will be an opportunity for the deep state people to eliminate your government and bring in the new world order using chips in the body and the Antichrist to control the world. Have no fear because My faithful will be protected at My refuges. I will bring down My Comet of Chastisement on these evil ones at the end of the tribulation, and they will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth, and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, before long I will bring about My Warning to give every sinner an opportunity to be either with Me or with the devil. You will all have a life review and a mini-judgment to see where you stand, either on a road to heaven, or on a road to hell. You will be placed back in your body, and you will have six weeks to convert your lives. You will make this decision without any evil influence. After this six weeks there will be only two kinds of people–those who are with Me, and those who are against Me. The good people will pass into My Era of Peace, but the bad people will pass into hell. It will be your free will choice that will determine your destination.”

Jesus said: “My people, I have asked many souls to decide to set up a refuge. Some souls have accepted, and they have followed My directions in setting up both small and large refuges. Others have refused My request. At one point My refuge builders were given a goal of how many people they were to prepare for. Since there are many faithful compared to the number of refuges, I will need to have My angels expand ALL of My refuges to accommodate all of those faithful who will be seeking My refuges. My son, you are not the only refuge that will be greatly expanded. See this as My means to provide a place to live, and have enough food, water, and fuels to cook and keep warm in the winter. My angels will provide your extra buildings, and they will multiply your food, water, and fuels for all that everyone will need. My refuge angels will put shields over you to protect you from the evil ones, and even from My coming Comet of Chastisement. Trust in Me and have faith in My miracles of multiplication.”

Jesus said: “My people, it may be some time before you may be able to meet again in your churches. It is unfortunate, but many smaller churches may not be able to open again, and they will close permanently. You will have some large churches and some underground churches and prayer groups that will survive before the fall virus. You will be fortunate to find a priest and a place for Mass. In the fall you may have to come to My refuges for any Masses. Some refuges may not have a priest, but My angels will bring them daily Holy Communion. You will need to trust in Me with your strong faith, and I will have My angels protect you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you will see a battle of heaven against the evil ones, and I will be triumphant. Do not be concerned beyond what you can physically accomplish. I know what evil you are up against, but I will send legions of My angels to support you against the evil ones. You are not alone in this battle, so trust that I will send you all the help that you will need. Trust in Me always, and worship My Host in Adoration every day at your refuges, and you will have nothing to fear.”

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Jesus said: “My people, today in the Gospel of a special Mass for the Jesuits, you read the words of My first miracle in Cana when I changed the water into wine. You are seeing a small moat of holy water around My tabernacle. This water was consecrated by a priest to make it holy with blessed salt. This represents a protection I desire for all of My Eucharistic Hosts in My tabernacles. Protect My tabernacles from people who would try and use My consecrated Hosts in a black mass. My angels are always present to protect My tabernacles. When the tribulation comes to attack My churches, My angels will remove My Hosts to prevent any desecration. It is these Hosts that will be given as daily Holy Communion to refuge people who do not have a priest for Mass. Rejoice My people, because I will protect My refuges, and I will be with you in perpetual Adoration throughout the tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, your latest innovation in cell towers is called 5G, and it sends out much stronger radiation than your previous 4G cell towers. This stronger radiation will have a much more harmful effect on your bodies that will weaken your immune systems. In light of your recent corona virus epidemic, this 5G radiation would make you more susceptible to contract this virus with people’s weakened immune systems. It would be better not to own a 5G cell phone, especially when you hold it to your ear. It is very likely that you will see a corona virus in the fall that will be a hundred times more deadly. The plan of the deep state, that Satan has given them, is to spread such a virus all over the world in order to reduce the population. You can imagine if you have another lock down for several months, that your economy would fail. By giving out vaccines, the deep state could lower people’s immune systems even further. So refuse to take any vaccines. If a lot of people start dying from the virus, you will be called by Me to My refuges to be healed and protected by My angels. The evil ones will hide in their tunnels while a martial law will occur to control the chaos. The evil ones will have a cure for their evil virus, and after a while, they will move to take over the world, and give control over to the Antichrist. I will bring an end to the tribulation with My destruction and victory over the evil ones, and they will be cast into hell. I will renew the earth and bring My faithful into My Era of Peace which will be your reward for remaining faithful to Me. Have no fear because I will provide for all of your needs.”