Apostolate of the Green Scapular – Jesus Christ to Anna Marie – “Pray daughter, pray for these servants of the damned while there is still time for them to repent” (Note – Pentecost Sunday is the upcoming date for the blessing of bread and water for the future famine)

Apostolate of the Green Scapular

APRIL 13, 2021, TUESDAY @ 8:55 A.M.

(Source: https://greenscapular.org/web_folder/Adobe/Messages/2021%20Individual/Apr_13_Jesus.pdf)

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My Lord are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: My dear little one, it is I, your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Hello my beloved love and joy of my life. I love you Jesus. My Lord, may I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore God your Eternal and Merciful Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible?

Jesus: Yes my dear one, I your Divine Savior Jesus will now and will always bow down and adore my Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible and invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak my holy Lord, for your sinful servant is now listening.

Jesus: My beloved one, I know you have much to do, others do not understand the tremendous work load you have, but I am helping you daily.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus.

Jesus: My daughter, I have come to speak with you regarding the terror event that is planned for your nation. Much of it has been mitigated, but not all. I ask that all my Apostles continue to pray now that through their prayers, sacrifices and sufferings; they may mitigate it further.

Anna Marie: Yes Jesus. None of us want anything to happen to our beloved nation, this I know.

Jesus: There is such great evil that has taken seats in your government. They do not serve the people, only their own greedy desires. For each politician or government official who has worked against the Oath they took when sworn into office before my Heavenly Father, will suffer unspeakable tortures in the pit of hell. Not one will escape their fate, because they served themselves and the designs of satan. They can never escape unless they reveal the truth now. Those who were a party to stealing the election from my chosen servant, Donald Trump, will also pay an unspeakable price in the pit of hell, where their tortures will never end. Pray daughter, pray for these servants of the damned while there is still time for them to repent.

Anna Marie: My Lord, what about the crooked Supreme Court Justices? Why did they hide away from their responsibilities and not find evidence against the wicked plot against Trump?

Jesus: Fear. Yet fear will not be able to save them from their just punishments for their dereliction of duty. My dear one, please make certain this message is posted quickly.

Anna Marie: Yes, my Savior. May I ask, will you come and bless everyone’s bread and water on Pentecost Sunday?

Jesus: Yes, please tell all my Apostles I will come and bless their bread, water, Rosaries, Bibles and candles.

Anna Marie: Thank you dear Jesus. We love you Jesus.

Jesus: I love all my children too. Your Merciful Savior, Jesus of Divine Mercy.

End of Message

Also see related:

Molded Bread from your Home Altar

May 17, 2020 – Important Message and Prayer from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – The Mission of the Apostles of the End Times – MaryRefugeOfSouls

Blessings beloved ones,

The following important message and prayer from Our Lord, Jesus Christ, is a continuation (Part Two) of the heavenly message received for preparing by novena for Pentecost 2020 for our special mission from the Most Holy Trinity.  This is the same chosen messenger from Latin America who received the message from Our Blessed Mother Mary about consecrating ourselves on May 13th. See:

Important Novena Prayer to The Holy Spirit for Pentecost 2020 – Blessed Virgin Mary – “You will say this prayer every day, entrusting your Souls, Spirits, Minds and Bodies, to the protection of the Living God”

God bless,
I love you,
–a soul

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (3 pages) of this important message and prayer:

Jesus Christ – The Mission of the Apostles of the End Times – May 17 2020 – MaryRefugeOfSouls (PDF)

Jesus Christ – The Mission of the Apostles of the End Times – May 17 2020 – MaryRefugeOfSouls (ODT)

Jesus Christ – The Mission of the Apostles of the End Times – May 17 2020 – MaryRefugeOfSouls (WordDoc)

(Translated from Spanish)



Today as your King and Lord, I have the name within My Heart of each one of the Apostles of the Last Times. Your names, I carry them Engraved in the Palm of My Hand, and Embedded in My Heart.

You are My Warriors, the ones who shine brightly in the thick darkness.

Listen Apostles of the Last Times, listen the Apocalyptic Trumpets announcing the War on My Holy Mount between Good and Evil.

Listen, Apostles of the Last Times My Voice Cries out in the Desert. The last chimes have just sounded. It is time of war. Your preparation is nearing completion.

It is time for Spiritual Combat against the enemy, which has been Defeated on the Cross.

But he comes; ready to bring the greatest number of Souls to Hell, to feel powerful and successful. But he will NOT be able to do this, because I overcame on the Cross, and I came to Save Souls with My Sacrifice of Love. That is why the Mission of the Last Times is very important and necessary.

In order to carry out your Mission you need to have My Graces and My Gifts. Many of them will be received on this Pentecost and for this day I ask for a lot of PRAYER, FASTING and PENANCE.

Your Main Mission is to Save Souls for My Kingdom through your Prayers and Testimony.

Then it is preaching the Good News of My Gospel to all People, Race and Nation.

And also the Fight against Evil that besieges and persecutes you.

But you must NOT fear.

I know that My Father Fills you and the Holy Spirit Strengthens you. Protect yourselves with the Power of My Blood and Shelter in My Wounds.

These Three Missions have been entrusted to each one of you as Apostles of the End Times, chosen by the Father by Divine Decree from before you were born.

This is why TODAY, I call you to be prepared for the Final Battle against My adversary.

You have My Power and the Power of the Holy Trinity within you.

You will fight with ALL your strength against evil, because you will have the FORCES that come from Me. I have Appointed you Apostles of the Last Times and Embedded your names in My Heart, and I have Chosen you as Light of the Nations.

You will preach My Word to all People, Race and Nation, giving Testimony of Me, wherever you go.

I carry you in My Thought and in My Heart, and I Guide and Protect you from all evil.

You, My Apostles of the End Times, are Testimony of Life before your brothers; you will bring many Souls to Me.

The WARNING to ALL Humanity, My Father’s Last Work of Mercy, will be very soon. You need to PREPARE VERY HARD for the Battle. I will give you Divine Infused Knowledge so that you can Evangelize, And I will endow you with Great Gifts and Charisms, but before, you must take the FINAL STEP in your PREPARATION, and for the last time your FIAT to the Holy Trinity to Seal the Covenant between you and the Holy Trinity and to be Full of the Holy Spirit, so that the Holy Spirit TRANSFORMS you and FILLS you with HIS FORCE AND HIS POWER.

Be ready for the Great Battle.

For this you Must go to the Blessed Sacrament and give your FIAT to the Holy Trinity with a Burning Candle, a Bible and an image of the Blessed Mother, of Saint Michael the Archangel, the Holy Trinity, and you will say this Prayer:

I, as an Apostle of the Last Times and as a Warrior Belonging to the Army of Our Lord Jesus Christ, I give myself to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, so that they take Me and Fill me with Their Strength and Their Power, to be able to carry out my Mission in this End of Times. And as an unworthy son of God the Father, I give my FIAT, with all my strength, to the Holy Trinity, Sealing a Covenant of Love between the Holy Trinity and me, where I COMMIT myself TO FULFILL MY MISSION and EVERYTHING that Heaven asks of me in This Great Battle between GOOD and EVIL.

I become nothing before the Presence of the Holy Trinity, so that being nothing, I can be filled by the Force of the HOLY SPIRIT like an Empty wineskin, and with His EFFUSION in my Soul, Body, Spirit and Mind, I can be READY to carry out my Mission. Amen.

This Act of Adoration before the Holy Trinity, is a watershed (*) to your Last Preparations, to give way to the Battle you must give this FIAT from today and every day until you are given indications that the Battle began openly in their Last Stages. Pray every day in preparation for your Final Battle against the forces of evil.

This Prayer will strengthen you and Seal a Covenant with the Holy Trinity every day, Reaffirming and Confirming your Mission as Apostles of the End Times.

I, as your King and Savior, will take Care, Guide and Protect you.

I leave you with My Peace, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


(*) Watershed: It is a term used to indicate a point or event from which a situation changes.

Important Novena Prayer to The Holy Spirit for Pentecost 2020 – Blessed Virgin Mary – “You will say this prayer every day, entrusting your Souls, Spirits, Minds and Bodies, to the protection of the Living God”

Update (5-23-20):
Also see:

May 17, 2020 – Important Message and Prayer from Our Lord, Jesus Christ – The Mission of the Apostles of the End Times – MaryRefugeOfSouls

NOTE (By a soul):
This heavenly message was given to the same chosen messenger in Latin America that was given the request by Our Blessed Mother that all Her children make or renew their consecration to Her Immaculate Heart on May 13, 2020. (See: https://maryrefugeofsouls.com/2020/05/08/jericho-prayer-march-update-invitation-to-re-consecrate-ourselves-on-may-13-2020-to-the-blessed-virgin-mary/).

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (2 pages) of this message and prayer:

Important Novena Prayer To The Holy Spirit For Pentecost 2020 – MaryRefugeOfSouls (PDF)

Important Novena Prayer To The Holy Spirit For Pentecost 2020 – MaryRefugeOfSouls (ODT)

Important Novena Prayer To The Holy Spirit For Pentecost 2020 – MaryRefugeOfSouls (WordDoc)


(Translated from Spanish)


MAY 10, 2020

Dear children, heaven today weeps with sadness, and the Mighty Hand of God descends on the whole World, and I as your Beloved Mother, come to save you from Divine Justice through My intercession.

Come all to my lap, that I, as your Mother, will protect you and free you from all evil.

The Plagues will soon gain more strength and New Diseases will appear.

The War is ready and Natural Disasters continue to occur around the entire Earth.

The Angels of Justice will draw their Sword with Power

Many Nations will perish under the Justice of God!

I cry tears of blood that flow from My eyes for all my children; Prepare for the worst and do not stray from my tender protection of Mother. I will make Myself visible to certain chosen souls so that they can testify of My presence within my holy people.

Remain faithful, Pray and Praise the Almighty when you feel the rigor of His Justice, sing a Song of Praise to the Most Holy, and He will stop and protect you from the imminent events that are to come to this humanity.

You must act in complete trust in heaven and openness to the Force and Power of the Holy Spirit.

A Great Pentecost will blossom this May in my faithful remnant, bringing Gifts and Charisms for the bloody fight that you will live, as soldiers of my Marian Army.

Get ready for this New Pentecost!

Consecrate yourselves to the Holy Spirit to fill you with His Power and prepare you for battle through this prayer that today, my little children, I come to give you.

You will pray from today until the day of Pentecost so that you could receive the Graces of the Holy Spirit and can carry out your missions at this end of time.


As Warrior of the Marian Army of my Mother, I ask for the anointing of the Holy Spirit in my soul, from today until the day of Pentecost, so that it takes me and fills me with His Power, and His Gifts and Charisms in me, be of useful for my Mission as a son of the Most High at this End of Time, and in this battle that I will wage, with the Help of God, against the forces of evil. I ask the Power of the Holy Spirit to my being to carry out my Great Mission that God has entrusted to me. I also ask, in the Name of Jesus Christ, that my Great Mission be revealed to me on Pentecost, and I give myself today in the Arms of the Eternal Father to Seal my FIAT with the Holy Trinity. Amen.

You will say this prayer every day, entrusting your Souls, Spirits, Minds and Bodies, to the protection of the Living God, so that He may Seal you as an Eternal Father of Goodness and Mercy, and Protect you from all calamity and evil in this End of Time.

I, your tender Mother, give you today My Mantle of Stars, so that with it, you cover yourselves and protect yourselves from all bad weather and against adversity; and you can protect yourselves and take refuge in it.

I call you to be Apostles of the End of Times with my Mother’s Blessing!

Loved by your beloved Mother of all Heaven and Earth!

The Virgin Mary of Guadalupe

God the Father – “Today, you have a strong leader as President (Donald Trump) of your country (USA) – However, even the obvious good he is trying to achieve is under attack by Satan’s agents in the world”

Holy Love Ministry

June 9, 2019
Solemnity of Pentecost

Once again, I (Maureen) see a Great Flame that I have come to know as the Heart of God the Father. He says:

“My children, I do not speak here* to assure you that there will be no trials in your life. I come to help you to unite under the power of My Commandments. It is in this way, I will protect you and help you to recognize all evil. You cannot know how to battle an unrecognizable enemy. In this evil age, Satan hides himself in every form of entertainment, in the mass media and most often in opinions which lead souls away from My Commandments.”

“Politics are no longer just politics. They are a vehicle of promoting Satan’s agenda. Today, you have a strong leader as President** of your country.*** However, even the obvious good he is trying to achieve is under attack by Satan’s agents in the world. The people Satan has influenced in the world do not recognize who is influencing their distortion of the Truth. I call this convoluted politics.”

“Remember that Satan is the Prince of all lies. He is able to twist even the most noble plans to his evil. I come to speak to you to help you to find the Truth and to expose Satan’s lies. I am calling you to recognize good and to oppose evil. Do not trust just title and position. Look beneath the surface for the Truth according to My Commandments. Worthy authority respects My Commandments.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** President Donald J. Trump
*** U.S.A.

Read 2 Timothy 4:1-5+

I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom: preach the word, be urgent in season and out of season, convince, rebuke, and exhort, be unfailing in patience and in teaching. For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.

+ Scripture verses asked to be read by God the Father. (Please note: all Scripture given by Heaven refers to the Bible used by the visionary. Ignatius Press – Holy Bible – Revised Standard Version – Second Catholic Edition.)

Novena to the Holy Spirit – Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria – “To My People, I will give the Grace of Firmness in the Faith…”

Click below to download the following PDF copy (3 pages) of the Novena to the Holy Spirit:


Revelaciones Marianas

In compliance with the request made by Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de Maria on April 22, 2017:

“TO MY PEOPLE I WILL GIVE THE GRACE OF FIRMNESS IN THE FAITH if nine days before Pentecost you pray and entrust yourselves to Me every day of this Novena, with body, soul and spirit unified in love, with dedication, surrender, with awareness and having turned away from what is worldly. Not only is the requirement to remain in that state of peace, grace and inner love those nine days, but the rest of your lives.”

The People of God are invited to offer to the Holy Spirit the Novena of their preference. It begins on the 31st of May, and ends on the 8th of June, since Pentecost Sunday falls on the 9th of June, 2019.

We suggest the following Novena to the Holy Spirit given by Our Lord Jesus Christ to Luz de María on the 17th of January, 2011.


Holy Spirit, Love of the Father and of the Son, come, fill up this child of Yours with Your gifts. Divine Splendor, Sacred Fire, Crystal Spring of clean fraternity. Life of Christians, staff of the helpless, light in the darkness, warmth in the cold, raise my dormant being, raise my soul towards You.

Come Holy Spirit, give me Your Wisdom to act correctly.
Give me holy intelligence, to attract my brothers and sisters, that I may not feel superior to my peers, but the smallest one so that You surge with power.

Come, take my mind and renew it; that I may be an echo of Your voice and that I may advise in the Divine Will, not in mine. Give me the strength to not stumble and be able to resist, seeing you, be able to resist; spellbound by Your strength, may I be a faithful apostle. Of Your science oh Divine Spirit, may I be a reflection, may I seek Your glory, drive the worldly away from me. Penetrate the depths of my heart and graft in it Your very mercy that I may love with Your very love. Carry out in me the miracle of the fear of God; give me a thirst for souls, so that without seeing who, I labor for the Kingdom.

Oh Holy Spirit, infuse in me the gift of true love. Thank you Holy Divine Spirit, live in me fully, that aware of my need, with complete freedom I call you to take possession of my life. Thank you oh Divine Goodness, Merciful Ruler, Sacred Fire.


† With Imprimatur, Monsignor José Oscar Barahona Castillo, Bishop Emeritus of San Vicente, El Salvador, C.A.

We ask every day for all the Gifts of the Holy Spirit:

1st Gift: Gift of Wisdom
Come, Holy Spirit, by your Gift of Wisdom, grant us the grace to esteem and value the Goods of Heaven and show us the means to achieve them. Glory Be…

2nd Gift: Gift of Understanding
Come, Holy Spirit, by your Gift of Understanding, enlighten our minds about the Mysteries of Salvation, so that we can understand them perfectly and embrace them with fervor. Glory Be…

3rd Gift: Gift of Counsel
Come, Holy Spirit, by your Gift of Counsel, incline our hearts to act with rectitude and justice, for our benefit and that of our neighbors. Glory Be…

4th Gift: Gift of Fortitude
Come, Holy Spirit, by your Gift of Fortitude, strengthen us with Your Grace against the enemies of our soul, so that we can obtain the Crown of victory. Glory Be…

5th Gift: Gift of Knowledge
Come, Holy Spirit, by your Gift of Knowledge, teach us how to live among earthly things so that we do not lose the Eternal ones. Glory Be…

6th Gift: Gift of Piety
Come, Holy Spirit, by your Gift of Piety, inspire us to live this life moderately, justly and piously, so that we can reach Heaven in the next life. Glory Be…

7th Gift: Gift of Fear of the Lord
Come, Holy Spirit, by your Gift of Fear of the Lord, wound our bodies with Your Fear, so that we may thus work toward the salvation of our souls. Glory Be…

Final Prayer
Together with the Blessed Virgin Mary beseeching the Gift of the Holy Spirit:

“…Come Divine Spirit, come with Your Power, renew my entire being and as a person renewed in You, renew my mind and my thoughts and make my heart beat constantly to keep me being one with You, Oh Most Holy Trinity.”

Prayer given by the Blessed Virgin Mary to Luz de María on the 8th of August, 2012.

* We strengthen this Novena with fasting.

Prophet John Leary – Messages from Our Lord Jesus Christ – May 1, 2019 Update

Prophet John Leary

Wednesday, May 1, 2019
(St. Joseph the Worker)

Jesus said: “My people, when I was brought up by St. Joseph, he taught Me the carpenter’s trade. It is good that different people have various skills because you need various trades to build and fix things. It is good to have a good work ethic so people are on time to work, and they do an honest day’s work. In your working days you saw some people who were lazy, and some who were over achievers. You also saw some injustice in favoritism and even dishonest treatment of workers in firings, or not paying a just wage. It is not easy when some people have to take less paying jobs when better paying jobs are not available. It even means working two jobs, or both parents need to work to pay the bills and support their children. Work is needed to finance your homes and vehicles for transportation, and to pay your taxes. Be patient in this world because there are many unjust situations in the workplace. Be thankful if you have a job, or a good retirement income. Some people even need to pray for a job when they are unemployed.”

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Jesus said: “My people, you just celebrated Divine Mercy Sunday and you prayed the Novena prayers of St. Faustina. You also need to come to Confession within a week of this feast. By following these requirements, you can have the reparation for your sins taken away for less time in purgatory. Just like your yard needs to get cleansed from the leaves in your flower beds, so you need to cleanse your souls of your sins in Confession. If you did not go to Confession last Saturday, this weekend is still not too late for your gift of your plenary indulgence. Give praise and thanks to Me for My Divine Mercy on your souls.”

Monday, April 29, 2019

Jesus said: “My people, in the Gospel I spoke to Nicodemus about being born again from above. This does not mean physical rebirth, but it means being baptized in the Holy Spirit. When you received Confirmation, you were baptized in the Holy Spirit, and you received all of His gifts. Call on the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and He will give you the words to proclaim My Good News. You, My son, are feeling the power of the Holy Spirit, as you write down these words. Give praise and thanks to the Holy Spirit in all He does to help your mission. At the end of your fifty days after Easter, you will be celebrating Pentecost Sunday when the apostles had the tongues of fire over them, and they could speak other languages. The Holy Spirit plays a big part in your spiritual life, so call on His help in your mission out speaking, and your mission to have a refuge.”

Jesus said: “My people, this scene of a church tabernacle being flooded is a sign of how some churches will be destroyed by terrorists and natural disasters. Many people do not appreciate the treasures they have in My churches and synagogues, because there are a lot of people who do not attend every weekend. Some people do not come because they do not believe in Me, or they are too lazy to wake up on Sunday to come. You have some attacks coming from atheists, anti-Semites, and Islamic terrorists. Still some churches are closing from a lack of people and priests. Other churches will be destroyed by natural disasters. When there are few or no churches to attend, you will be meeting at prayer groups or My refuges. Save your Bibles, rosaries, statues, and Mass books for when it will be hard to find a Mass. The Christian persecution will get worse leading up to the tribulation. I will warn My people to come to My refuges when their lives are being threatened. Pray for My protection and My angels to defend you.”

Sunday, April 28, 2019
(Divine Mercy Sunday)

Jesus said: “My people, you have heard of St. Thomas being called a doubter because he did not believe in My Resurrection at first. But the other apostles did not believe either, even when Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus gave witness to seeing My resurrected body. The apostles believed when they saw Me, but blessed are those people who believe in My Resurrection, and they did not see Me. Once St. Thomas put his hand into My wounds in My hands and in My side, then he believed and said: ‘My Lord and My God.’ My apostles were then given the Holy Spirit as I breathed on them. This gave them the strength to go out and preach the Good News of My Resurrection. In the Acts of the Apostles you read how many sick people were healed, and demons were cast out of people. Rejoice as My Easter people, and go out to all the nations to evangelize the people.”

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Jesus said: “My people, you are always celebrating My Resurrection when you are in My Presence, either in Holy Communion or at Adoration. I want you to be quiet and reverent in My Presence. Do not be concerned about racing around to your next event, but lead your life at a moderate pace, so you can take in My Presence and appreciate My gifts of life. I love all of you so much, but you need to be calm to fully appreciate all that I do for you in your life. Just as when you write My messages in quiet, so you also need quiet time to capture the moment of My visitation in My Presence. I made sure My apostles appreciated this mystery of My Resurrection, because they now had to preach it to all the nations.”

(Memorial Mass for Laura Rimore)
Laura said: “I want to thank everyone for coming to share my memorial Mass. I am happy to see my family and some old friends. I am watching over Tony and I thank him for all he did for me in life. My son, John, gave me a nice tribute in how I supported my family members. I thank Carol, John, and Judy for remembering me in this service. God bless all of you, and the best request I could ask of you, is to keep your faith in my Lord, Jesus. I love all of you and keep my picture with you.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the second attack on a Jewish synagogue in six months. Not only are Christian churches being attacked, but Jewish synagogues are being attacked as well. This appears to be a hate crime with one dead and three others wounded. These attacks on the places of worship will be increasing. This was another shooting with an assault rifle, but the man was apprehended. People need to take care in places of worship where violence is possible, because the churches are vulnerable. It is difficult to anticipate such people who are the shooters, but people are becoming more aware of such hate on your social media. Pray for the victims and families, and pray that your security people can stop these crimes.”

Friday, April 26, 2019

Jesus said: “My people, you have two great moments in both readings. In the first reading (Acts 4:8-12) St. Peter and St. John were explaining to the elders how it was in My name that the crippled beggar was healed. Then St. Peter said: ‘For there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.’ You can only be saved by believing in Me. The Gospel reading was My third appearance to My apostles. They had not caught any fish during the night, so I told them to cast their net, and they caught 153 large fish. They were astounded by such a catch of fish, but this was a sign how they will go out to all the nations to evangelize souls for Me. They were happy to see Me again in their midst. This is also a sign for all of My faithful, that you are also called to go out to all the nations and preach My Good News of My Resurrection from the dead.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have seen how fasting and not eating sweets during Lent has helped you to lose weight, and you feel better as well. It is good to read about the right kind of foods that are good for your body. If you eat the right kind of diet for life, you could cut down your weight, and have less chances of having diabetes or kidney problems. By learning how your body functions, you can see which foods to avoid, and which foods are better for you. Continue looking into nutrition of the better foods to help yourself to good health. Taking care of your body will help you to avoid over eating, or gluttony. Do not let your food cravings control your life, since excesses could cause you health problems. Blending your eating habits with daily exercise can also take good care of your body. A daily prayer life can help keep your spiritual life close to Me as well. You need to feed your body well, and your soul needs proper feeding with My sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession. It is your soul that will live on forever, so taking care of your soul should be your most important concern in this life.”

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Jesus said: “My people, I came into the midst of My apostles, and I said: ‘Peace be with you.’ My apostles had heard of My appearance to Mary Magdalene and the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, but they still did not believe in My Resurrection. My apostles were overjoyed to see Me in the flesh, but I had to prove to them that I was not a ghost. I showed them My wounds and I ate some baked fish before them. Then I related the Scriptures to them about how I had to fulfill the promise of a Messiah, who would suffer to bring salvation to all sinners. It is not easy to preach the Good News of My Resurrection, because people have a hard time explaining how I rose from the dead. When even the apostles doubted My Resurrection, it is not easy to understand My rising from the dead as My victory over sin and death. It is My witness of My live body that helped My apostles believe in My Resurrection, but they would now have to proclaim My Resurrection to all the nations, and seek to help save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing a continuing persecution of Christians, when Moslems are killing My people and destroying the churches. These Islamic terrorists are evil, and they are carrying out Satan’s plan to eliminate My faithful people. Churches are being burned in France, and suicide bombers are killing Christians in the churches of Sri Lanka. Take heed, My people, because you will be seeing the same persecution here in America. The evil ones will have their hour, but in the end, I will cast all the evil ones into hell.”

Jesus said: “My people, I told you that I allowed your President to win so you could have a reprieve from the death culture of abortion and euthanasia. Now, you are seeing the socialist communists taking over your opposition party. Now that this party has taken over the House of Representatives, you are seeing a continuing harassment of your President by constant investigations. Your previous President used Executive Privilege to protect his Attorney General’s misdeeds. Your current President will now use his Executive Privilege to protect his own people. Pray for peace in your government, instead of constant criticism.”

Jesus said: “My people, you all have important missions to prepare for the coming tribulation. My refuge builders are getting their places ready so My faithful will have safe havens for their protection. Fr. Michel Rodrigue is preparing his monasteries for the priests who will be needed in the Era of Peace. Some of your trips will help him to secure some needed finances to complete his second monastery. Pray for safe travel in your trips, and continue to reach out to save souls.”

Jesus said: “My people, you have just celebrated Easter in your churches, and you are seeing signs of new life in our beautiful spring flowers. As you celebrate My Resurrection and My new life, you are seeing new life come forth in your flowering trees and flowers coming up through the ground. This is a joyous time to take your pictures of all the many colored flowers. You could see your Easter Vigil candidates receive Baptism and Confirmation, as they were welcomed into your faith community. Rejoice in bringing new members into My Church.”

Jesus said: “My people, because of your many sins, you are continuing to see damaging weather as your punishment. You already are seeing more tornadoes this year than normal. Rain and floods are still making it difficult for your farmers to plant their crops. Even now, you are seeing some late snow storms in your Northern states. Pray for the victims who are suffering from the loss of their homes, or flooding problems.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see the coming takeover of your country once your current President is removed. After this short reprieve, I will allow the one world people to use the socialist communists to take over your country. This is part of your punishment for your abortions and killing of the elderly. Be patient when you will come to My refuges for your safety. The Antichrist will control things for a short time, but I will bring My victory over him, and you will be brought into My Era of Peace.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are celebrating My Easter Season now, but I do not want you to forget all of your prayer devotions that you practiced during Lent. You can use these same devotions throughout the year to help strengthen your spiritual lives. Your old Adoration place at St. Theodore’s had to close the dedicated hours, but you can still come there to adore Me on your usual Wednesday night. It is getting difficult to keep Adoration sites operating because there are fewer people coming to adore Me at dedicated hours. Pray to keep your Adoration places open. I thank your prayer group for adoring Me each week of your prayer meetings. Keep supporting My Adoration sites so people can have a place to come and adore Me.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Jesus said: “My people, My disciples recognized Me in the breaking of the bread, and then I disappeared from them. This was My second appearance after My Resurrection, as I explained My references in the Scriptures to My two disciples on the road to Emmaus. They said later how their hearts were burning within them while I explained the Scriptures to them. This was then reported to the apostles as they were joyful at My appearances. This confirmed My Resurrection that I was alive, and it gave My apostles strength to know I was still with them. This was the greatest of My miracles to rise from the dead, and it showed My power over death and sin. My Easter people are now even prepared to endure the coming tribulation.”

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing the world’s morals going downhill with many people disregarding My Commandments. The bigger problem is that your people are not coming to Sunday Mass as much as they used to, and they are not praying as they used to. Some of your children come to Sunday Mass, but fewer of your grandchildren come to Sunday Mass. You can see this decay in your own family. This is why I depend more on My prayer warriors, but My stronger faithful are dying off, and there are very few children to take their place. This lack of praying people is more of a sign to you that I will soon bring these evil people and lukewarm people to an end. When people do not even acknowledge Me in prayer, and they ignore their Creator, this is why I have to come with My Warning to wake the people up with one last chance to change their lives to love Me. You can see that My faithful are in the minority, but I still intend to protect My faithful at My refuges. My faithful need to be patient and keep praying to help save their family members. You will have one last chance to help save them during the six weeks after My Warning. Be prepared to help save the people I send to your refuge.”

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Jesus said: “My people, before I died on the cross, I told My apostles several times that I would rise from the dead after three days. You have been celebrating My Resurrection from the grave with My empty tomb. St. Peter and St. John saw the empty tomb, and they believed in My Resurrection. (St. John 20:14-18) Mary Magdalene was at the empty tomb, and she was the first one to see Me in My glorified Body. I told her to tell My apostles that I have ascended to My Father in heaven. She told the apostles of My appearance to her, but they did not want to believe her. The apostles did not yet understand what rising from the dead meant, because no one had ever done such a thing. Just as you see new life in nature as the spring flowers come forth, so you can imagine My new life rising from the tomb by the power of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Give praise and glory to Me because My Resurrection is cause for great rejoicing both among the living and the dead.”

Jesus said: “My people, you can see how it will be when the people will be coming to your refuge. At first it will seem to be overwhelming to handle so many people all at once in a confined space. Do not worry about how many people will come, because My angels will expand your buildings and multiply the food, water, and fuels. You have prepared well, and you will use all of your preparations to feed everyone. You will be calming down the people from their life threatening experiences. It will be your faith and constant prayers that will get you through the challenges of being able to multiply your food, water, and fuels. Even during the winter you will be cutting down trees for the wood needed to heat your house. You will be good examples to others in how to distribute food, and the people will marvel at the multiplication of food, as it will be your faith that will allow Me to provide what you need. Just as I performed miracles to help My apostles have faith, so the miracles at My refuges will help the faith of the people, who I will send to you. Be happy that I will shorten the time of this tribulation of the Antichrist, because I will not test you beyond your endurance. You will be suffering your purgatory on earth during the tribulation. Once this trial passes, I will bring My Comet of Chastisement to bring My victory over the evil ones, who will be cast into hell. Then I will recreate the earth into a new garden of Eden, and I will bring My people into their reward in My Era of Peace. Once there is no evil, you will be prepared to be saints, so when you die, you can come directly into heaven. Rejoice when you will share in My love and happiness forever in heaven.”

Monday, April 22, 2019

Jesus said: “My people, you are seeing many Christians dying in Sri Lanka at the hands of the Muslims on Easter morning. This is another sign along with the burning of Notre Dame that Satan is striking out at My churches to destroy them. Satan has only a short time left, and he is inspiring all of those people who hate Me, to strike out at the destruction of anything faithful to Me. I showed you in a previous message (4-1-19) how the Antichrist will hypnotize all of those people who take the mark of the beast to go out and kill all of those people who believe in Me. You will soon see the destruction of the churches also in America. Your lives will be threatened, and I will call My faithful to come to the safety of My refuges that have been prepared for this evil time. Thank Me for preparing My refuges.”

Jesus said: “My people, I am showing you burning churches from Islamic terrorists in America. Only the churches that have persistent Adoration will be protected from fires, because they will be refuges for My people to come. Some places that were designated refuges, may lose their calling if it is sold, or people are no longer praying there. Every refuge needs faithful people praying. It is just like your gifts. If people stop praying at a refuge, that place will lose its calling and its protection. Call on My angels to protect your refuge, and it is important to pray your daily rosaries in your house to be faithful to your calling. I am calling on My refuge builders to honor Me in their chapel or prayer room every day. This is also confirmed that during the tribulation, you need someone praying before My Blessed Sacrament every hour of the day as a perpetual Adoration. It is your constant prayer and devotion to Me that My angels are calling on for your protection. Give praise and thanks to Me for all I am doing to protect My faithful, even during the tribulation.”

Sunday, April 21, 2019
(Easter Sunday)

Jesus said: “My son, you receive a taste of heaven when you receive Me in Holy Communion. Today, you felt My Presence stronger than other times, to let you know what you will be experiencing all of the time in heaven. Right now you cannot handle My very Presence fully because it would overwhelm your mortal body. After you receive your glorified body on the day of judgment, then you will be able to experience Me in My beatific vision. Rejoice on this feast day of My Resurrection from the dead. This is a sign to you that all of My faithful will be resurrected on the last day. All of your struggles and troubles you suffer now, will be rewarded in heaven. Be patient and humble in your faith, and you will see My day in Paradise.”

Saturday, April 20, 2019
(7:30 Easter Vigil)

Jesus said: “My people, the moment of My Resurrection was actually captured in the Shroud of Turin. There was such a radiant flash of light, that it partially singed the cloth with a negative image. As the Shroud was examined, the image was not painted, but partially burned into the cloth. No other person raised himself from the grave because death had no hold on Me. I went to sheol or the place of the dead to release those souls worthy of heaven. These souls are eternally grateful for My death on the cross that paid the price for their sins. I also have given salvation to all souls who love Me and repent of their sins. It is not easy to believe in My Resurrection because it takes faith and belief in the eyewitness testimonies of My apostles who saw My resurrected Body. St. Thomas could feel My wounds, and I ate the baked fish to show them I had true flesh and bones. I love all of My people so much that I sacrificed My life, so all of you could be saved if you so desired. Come to Me out of love, and you can be assured of a place in one of My many mansions in heaven.”

Friday, April 19, 2019
(Good Friday)

Jesus said: “My people, you have read another Gospel of My Passion, and you see the difference between Judas and St. Peter. Judas betrayed Me and he was sorry for his betrayal, but because Satan entered his heart, Satan urged him to commit suicide, which he did. St. Peter denied Me three times, but after he was sorry for his denials. After My Resurrection, I asked St. Peter if he loved Me three times, and I told him to feed My sheep. Today, you read the account of how I was scourged, and I had to carry My cross to Calvary. This is a sign for all of My faithful, that you all are called to pick up your cross and carry it to your own Calvary. Even as you are struggling through life, you can join your suffering with Me on My cross. You all have to endure your own Good Friday, before you can enjoy your Easter reward. Just as Simon helped Me to carry My cross, so you can call on Me to help you carry your cross also. Your life on this earth is short, so make the most of your time to follow Me, and help others to believe in My Good News. Every soul you can bring to Me, will be one less soul lost to hell. Give thanks and praise to Me for saving your soul from hell.”

Thursday, April 18, 2019
(Holy Thursday)

Jesus said: “My people, your group shared the Seder Supper of the Passover meal with the wine, the matza, the bitter herbs, and the lamb. This is why you celebrate My Eucharist with unleavened bread as the Jews did at the Passover. I said the prayers over the bread and wine, as you hear the words of the Consecration of the Mass. The difference from the Passover is that the priest is able to consecrate the bread and wine into My Body and Blood. This is called the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into My very Body and Blood. Even though you do not see a physical change in appearance of the bread and wine, you still believe this is My Real Presence with you that you receive in Holy Communion. This is My greatest gift of My very Self to you in My Eucharist. You cannot have the Mass without Holy Thursday, and without My death on the cross. The gift of My life for your sins is the very essence of the Sacrifice of the Mass. The Mass brings My faithful together every Sunday to show your love for Me, and your belief in My Eucharistic Presence.”

Special Commentary – The Language of Love Inscribed Within Every Soul’s Heart – By a soul

Click below for a free downloadable PDF, ODT, and WordDoc copy (8 pages) of this commentary:

Special Commentary – The Language of Love Inscribed Within Every Soul’s Heart – By a soul (PDF)

Special Commentary – The Language of Love Inscribed Within Every Soul’s Heart – By a soul (ODT)

Special Commentary – The Language of Love Inscribed Within Every Soul’s Heart – By a soul (WordDoc)

The Language of Love Inscribed Within Every Soul’s Heart

By a soul
(November 20, 2018, Feast of Our Lady of La Guarde, Bologna, Italy)

I am writing this special commentary on something important that needs to be shared with others. However, as I complete this writing, I have to reveal some intimacies of my prayer life, because it is the only way that people will fully understand how the Holy Spirit works. I want to speak about the charism of praying in tongues, which is witnessed within the Charismatic Renewal movement.

Now, I do not pray in tongues and this charism of the Holy Spirit has always confused me. I could see the Holy Spirit working through the Charismatic movement within the Catholic Church, but I have always been “stuck” on doing anything related to the Charismatic Renewal, because of the charism of praying in tongues. I did not understand this gift and I wondered to myself if it was some trick of the devil on people.

Well, God has a way of always answering the questions of my heart. Often, though, the answer is years in the making, but I always receive an answer if I patiently wait. And so, I finally received my answer on what praying in tongues is to God. I do not read literature on anything related to the Charismatic movement, so perhaps, others have already discovered this truth and written about what it is. But, for me, I have been clueless until very recently. But, now I have to share what I have discovered so others can discern for themselves this truth.

Now, some stories about me!

Well, as everyone who follows this blog, MaryRefugeOfHolyLove, knows, I love to praise God by singing songs to Him. My favorite past-time is to simply sing a few songs to God over and over again, becoming moved by the music in my heart to deeper and deeper intense levels of love for My Love, Jesus. I do not know why music has that effect on me, but after many hours of loving God through song, I noticed that I would be singing more within my heart—with all my being—while my lips would be silently moving in praise to God. I heard no words, but I just knew that love would be permeating throughout every cell of my body in those times, as I praised My Love with all that I am with my heart.

And then, sometimes, I would have these intense encounters with my heart during Holy Mass before Jesus. I always sing at Holy Mass, because I firmly believe that God gave us a mouth and lips, hands and arms—to be used to praise Him. So, even though I am tone-deaf and have a lousy voice, I would still sing to My Love. And then, sometimes, the intensity of my prayers would have me again, singing in silent words with my eyes closed in a semi-ecstatic state in the pews during Holy Mass.

Meanwhile, over time, my union with Jesus in my soul would deepen. I would notice His Presence within me more and more as I remembered to include Him as my Best Friend in my daily activities. One joy that always gives me much delight is making Jesus laugh. There is nothing that is comparable to having My Love laugh within my soul. It is Heaven on earth.

And well, I reveal these things, because sometimes, I will tease My Love by calling Him My Dictionary, as He Is the Incarnate Word and knows all the words in all human languages and then some, etc. I reveal this, because sometimes I will make a grammar mistake or misspell a word while typing my blog commentaries, and I will tease My Love, by asking Him why He could not simply tell me the definition or the proper word choice, etc., and Jesus will just smile within my soul as I write my thoughts down.

I mean, seriously, I am just making mistake after mistake, and He is just simply delighting in me being open to sharing my time with Him. Good grief! What a Bridegroom! I mean, seriously, I could look like a fool before many people due to this writing, and well, Jesus just wants to love me. God has a one-track mind—LOVE.

Anyways, one of the things that I would do infrequently while writing my commentaries, would be to petition My Love for new words in English. For example, I would ask My Love for words like “best-est” (instead of best) and “evangelization” (instead of evangelism), etc. So, I would negotiate for new words with My Love, My Dictionary.

Well, recently, I was having an intense prayer session with My Love and I was so moved by the Holy Spirit, I began petitioning for all sorts of words—such as a new translated word for love found in each language in the world and new sacred words for the different wounds that My Love suffered, etc. And well, my worship for My Love became so intense with creating all these praise words, I finally did it. I petitioned My Love for an entirely new heavenly language! The thing is, I am terrible at speaking in different languages, so I also asked My Love if He could keep the words private to Himself until I make it to Heaven.

And when I did this prayer petition for a new heavenly language, I asked My Love if it could be private, just between Him and me, as a romance language more beautiful than French that so sacred that only God and I would know it. And by doing this, I realized why the Holy Name of Papa God in the Holy Bible, is so sacred and holy that it is not supposed to be uttered out-loud (Elohim). Because words ARE important and so sacred that they should not be misused and should remain pure. And I also came to realize the deep intimacy that My Love, the Bridegroom, has with His Bride, the Church. That He desires a sacred and holy language that is only between Him and His Bride.

And then, I asked My Love if He had a last name? And well, my beloved brothers and sisters, when I realized how long the last name of God Is (all names for God in all languages, etc.), I told My Love, alright, calling You—Jesus—is fine for me. And of course, My Love, took delight in this whole conversation that we had together.

Now, the reason that I revealed all this private stuff about my prayer life is solely for this—the charism of praying in tongues is the private language of love between God the Creator and every soul inscribed within his own heart. Every soul has their own language of love with God and no two languages are alike.

The reason that this is important to know, is because I realize that the Blessed Mother wants to bring together all Her scattered children now. All prayer groups—whether they are Marian or Charismatic, etc., need to find their unity in the workings of the Holy Spirit. That way, there can be a new Pentecost in the world.

Finally, I want to share some heavenly messages from the Blessed Mother found in Locutions To The World. The Locutions have always spoken favorably about the Charismatic movement, but honestly, it was not until my spiritual blindness about praying in tongues was removed recently—that I understood this charism as a gift of the Holy Spirit and not inspired by evil.

And so, I hope that writing can serve as a bridge between the various Marian and Charismatic groups in understanding praying in tongues. Now, people do not need to start praying in tongues in order for their prayers to be honored before God. Remember, I told My Love that I have no desire to pray in tongues until I go to Heaven. But, I want people to not be afraid of seeing other people who are clearly devoted to Our Lord and Our Lady praying in tongues (like I used to be). Praying in tongues is a legitimate charism of the Holy Spirit.

I love you all. Thank you for considering this writing.

God bless!
—a soul



May 6, 2011

Preparing for the Chastisement”


New Lights for People of Faith

I say all this to prepare you for these events. Prepare, you must. Whoever is not prepared will perish from hopelessness and despair, devoid of all light and understanding. Satan will put out all the lights of the world, all that men hoped would save them.

However, I will shine my light, new lights, extraordinary lights, seen only by people of faith, words heard only by those whom I have trained to listen. Let me explain.

The heavenly Father wants to communicate with his children by the powers of the Holy Spirit.

This Age of the Spirit has already begun but too few are aware, even in the Church. I have appeared to some and have made certain places sources of divine messages. These are a sign to all, but my plan goes much further. The Father will pour out the Spirit on all mankind and I am his messenger.

True Light – Extraordinary Yet Essential

Two things must happen. All must be open to this new inner light and all must be aware of false lights. There will be extraordinary true lights and extraordinary false lights.

I will raise up leaders in my Church who will know the true light by their own deep personal experiences and by their solid theology. They will point out the true light and will reject the false light. Follow them. Plunge into this true light for it will be the only light that you have in the darkness. Get used to the light and learn how it guides you.

All of this is extraordinary but the darkness will be extraordinary. The deep personal light of the Holy Spirit guiding individuals and families will become essential.

Gathering in the Light

You cannot be like the foolish virgins who believed that they could get oil for their lamps at the last minute. You cannot gain this new light when the darkness comes upon you. You must become a child of the light now. I say “now” because the Spirit’s light is available and he will train you in the light. You will learn to act in his light. You will also gather others, because many must walk in this light.

You must gather. Gather in praise, exalting my Son, Jesus. This is the Spirit’s method to give light. Gather daily. Lift your hands in praise and the Spirit will descend upon you. Otherwise you will never learn his gifts or receive the light that I intend.

Do not ask me to tell you when these trials will begin or to give you signs. Doing that is useless. Even with the clearest signs, people will not listen. My words are enough and they are clear. Why talk about some future sign when I have already told you to begin now. If you do not believe and if you do not start now, will you start in the future? Will some sign jolt you into belief? You will be jolted but not by my signs.

My words are signs and I tell you clearly that this is the Age of the Holy Spirit. If you invoke him, he will give you personal signs, especially a unity with others.

The Scattered Children Must Gather

I sorrow over my children because they are scattered. Their little light cannot overcome the darkness and they cannot survive even now, before the great darkness comes. What will they be like when Satan puts out all the lights?

When people invoke the Holy Spirit, he joins them together. They find a common voice of praise. They lift their hands to the Father. While they pour out their praise, the Spirit joins their hearts. They are no longer alone. They have others at their side.

I will be with all of these little groups. They will be called Marian Gatherings of the Holy Spirit. Even if just three or four gather, this will be enough. I will teach them and they will learn together. This advice is very easy but this is how you will prepare for the darkness. Gather with others in a Marian Gathering of the Holy Spirit. Do not put this off. If you go and search, I promise that you will find others. Then you will discover my plan for you. You will rejoice and say, “Mary has provided me with others. Together we will prepare for the darkness. May I find you together when I come”.

A Clear Plan of Action

What will you do when you gather? You will read my words. They will teach you. More important, you will give me your hearts as slaves of the Immaculate Heart as taught by St. Louis de Montfort.

This is only the beginning. Let each one use their gift of the Spirit. Let each heart, touched by the Spirit, bring forth a word, a hymn, a revelation. Serve one another with the spiritual gifts. Do not wander into other concerns. The Spirit must do his work in you and you must learn his ways. Enough for now. I have given you a clear plan. Begin to act.

For Study:

Treatise on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin” by St. Louis de Montfort http://www.ewtn.com/library/montfort/truedevo.htm

January 3, 2012

The Inner Stream of Fervor”


Begin now to prepare. A building is not constructed in one day nor is a city built in a week. All takes time but I will help everyone who listens to my word. The ways of the Holy Spirit are quite different from the ways of man, so I must teach you quickly.

First, I must draw you away from the world with its ceaseless entertainments that only waste this precious time. Yes, this time is so precious and every moment must be used well.

Second, I must draw you into a great solitude within your heart. There I will visit you. Without this inner solitude, you will be lost and have no guidance in the darkness. You must cultivate this solitude now. Do not wait. Find a chapel. Find a place where you can be alone. If you do, I will come. Even if your efforts seem so weak, I will help you.

Then I will open up the gigantic door, the great stream of interior graces that will carry you along. I will place the gift of fervor in your heart, so that place of solitude will mean so much to you. You will be drawn to that place and look forward to the moments when we meet there. You will have found the true spring of living water and you will thank me for this teaching.

Before this experience, all my words were outside of you, given to you from others who preached to you or from books that you read. Now the words are inside you. You hear them from my lips. You taste them in your heart. This stream was always there but you did not know to search and to find. Now it is released in you, a very personal inner stream. You realize now what others have explained but which you never experienced. Let this stream of inner experiences flow freely. It has a name. It is called fervor. It will bring forth great fruit.

Find others who seem to enjoy the same inner stream. Confide in one another and support each other. Seek out someone to guide you, if he is available. Do not neglect this inner stream of my presence. It is a great gift.

January 4, 2012

Mary’s Thousands of Arks”


I go on and on, describing the present situation only because I believe and trust that men’s hearts can be changed and much can be averted. There will be disasters and catastrophes but there need not be a total collapse. There is always a remnant that can be saved. How large is that remnant is depends upon the personal response to my messages. How I save each one varies according to their spiritual and physical needs. So let me say this.

There will be a special saving action of the Holy Spirit. This saving action has already begun in the many stirrings of the Spirit in the Church, like the Charismatic Renewal. The stirrings have continued in my many appearances and in the growth of Marian devotions. This is due to the many people who have spread my word and the many who have received my word. My word is life and draws to life, calling people away from all that is destructive. Some of these movements are large. Others are small. However, as you look at all of these stirrings and all that has happened in these quiet, often overlooked, movements you can see much life. They contain great life and they are centered on the Eucharist. These I will use to form my remnant. These are the groups that I have prepared. They stand waiting to serve. They want others to join them. So, I use these words to encourage them. This is a message of great encouragement to those who have heard my call and have been so faithful. To these I speak. Let them listen to my clear words.

I have placed in your midst a gift of my presence and a gift of service to the Church and to the world. You are very, very important to me and your little group is a precious jewel in my sight. Do not worry about numbers or about how many gather with you. Be concerned only with the gift I have placed in your midst. How have I called you together? What is your identity? How are you faithful to my action in your midst? These must be your concerns – fidelity to whatever I have done. How did you begin? What is your history? Whom have I raised up to help in this task?

See what I have done through the many stirrings in your hearts. See the years of fidelity to your movement and all whom you have tried to help. Now, just persevere. You are a life-giving remnant and when others begin to search, they will find you and rejoice to join you. You will welcome them. You are part of the Ark of my Immaculate Heart. This is the reason I brought your little group into existence and why I have blessed you all these years. I need thousands of little arks because my people are scattered everywhere. They are drowning in this sea and will be glad to find a place of rescue. Thank you for your fidelity to the call. Expand your ark for many others will soon join you.

Pentecost Message – Jesus Christ – “I have obtained from My Father the promise of a renewed effort to maintain this country (USA) as a ‘safe haven’ for Christians”

Holy Love Ministry

June 4, 2017
Solemnity of Pentecost

“I am your Jesus, born Incarnate.”

“I greet you on this the Feast Day of the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Truth. Today, of necessity, there is growing concern for the welfare of Christians around the world. This of course, is due to the errant beliefs of radicals. But I have obtained from My Father the promise of a renewed effort to maintain this country as a ‘safe haven’ for Christians. Great steps have been taken by this current President already in this direction. This property* will most especially be a site of respite and peace apart from the persecution of innocent Christians. It will be, as it has been, a place of peace – a sanctuary of safety. This will be as Heaven commands with very little effort on the part of man.”

“The focus here will be the salvation and welfare of souls. My Mother has placed Her Mantle of Protection over this Mission** and this property. She opens Her Heart to all here. Many who come will be welcomed by Her Peace.”

“All of this persecution has to happen before My Return. It is so, as mankind is being brought into the reality of the Truth of his dependency upon God. Believe in what I am saying as you experience the peace on this property. It is real, just as My Words to you are real.”

“I am using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit*** to strengthen the Remnant Faithful. Follow the inspirations the Spirit places in your heart.”

* The apparition site of Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
** The ecumenical Mission of Holy and Divine Love at Maranatha Spring and Shrine.
*** 1 Corinthians 12

Read Hebrews 2:4+

…while God also bore witness by signs and wonders and various miracles and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to His own Will.

Synopsis: Confirmation to believers of God’s intervention by signs, wonders, manifold powers and imparting’s of the Holy Spirit.

+-Scripture verses asked to be read by Jesus.
-Scripture taken from the Ignatius Bible.
-Synopsis of Scripture provided by Spiritual Advisor.

For further consideration:
Blessed Virgin Mary – “Dear children, the course of human history can be changed if mankind will heed My Call to establish this nation (USA) as a Christian sanctuary”

Blessed Virgin Mary – “Jesus and I will once again be with you in the Field of the United Hearts on Our Feast Day celebrating Our United Hearts (June 25, 2017)”

Jesus Christ – Prepare for a Blessing on Holy Pentecost of bread and water for the coming famine

Apostolate of the Green Scapular

APRIL 4, 2016 AT 12:35 PM

Anna Marie: My Lord, I hear you calling me. My Lord, are you Father, Son or Holy Spirit?

Jesus: Beloved one, it is I your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.

Anna Marie: Yes my Lord. May I ask you please? Will you bow down and adore God your Father who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life, of all that is visible or invisible?

Jesus: Yes my beloved. I your Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, will now and will always bow down and adore My Holy Eternal Merciful Father, who is the Alpha and Omega, the Creator of all life of all that is visible or invisible.

Anna Marie: Please speak my Savior, for your sinful servant is now listening.

(Private message given.) My Lord, is there a public message?

Jesus: Yes, I will again come to visit my Children’s homes on Pentecost. They should again try to place a piece of bread on their Home Altar and I will come and bless the bread and bottle of water. Now be in peace my children. Prepare your homes for My coming this holy Pentecost. I love you all and my Mother is praying for each of My Apostles daily because she knows how difficult life has become for her precious children all over the world and how sinful the world has become. This includes the persecution of her loving children, especially the Victim Souls of Charity who have made the holy sacrifice of their lives to serve the Most Holy Trinity. I love you children, you are My beloved light upon the earth, drawing others into the fold of My Divine and Sacred Heart. You will be rewarded in My holy Kingdom.

Anna Marie: Thank you Jesus. We all love you Jesus.

Jesus: I love each of you. Your Divine Savior, Jesus of Nazareth.


See previous related messages for reference:
“Jesus Christ – Easter Blessing of Prosperity for the Coming Famine” (2/18/16)
“Jesus Christ – I will bless you with food and water during the coming famine” (9/15/15)

COMMENT (by a soul):

I think it is very significant that this is the third-time blessing of bread and water by Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in the past several months to prepare for the coming famine. I hope many people take advantage of this blessing!

For those who have tried to prepare and are encountering the problem of moldy bread, please directly visit the homepage of the Apostolate of the Green Scapular, http://www.greenscapular.org, for advice on how to prepare the bread. You can email them if you have problems. Here is also some additional info on the situation of molded bread: http://www.greenscapular.org/Adobe/Healing/Molded%20Bread.pdf

For me, I used a small packet of tortillas that I bought from the grocery store. (Tortillas are flat unleavened bread used a lot in Latin American cooking). The packet was sealed by the manufacturer and I never opened it. It was blessed by Jesus on my bedroom altar during Christmastime and it has not molded at all. I suggest that you get bread that is already in a sealed packet from the manufacturer. Be mindful as to how it is sealed and that there are no potential holes. If you are unable to get bread in a sealed packet, it is best that you dry out the bread before you place it on your altar. That has worked out for several people.

God bless!